

CANON 赏析《英文》

CANON 赏析《英文》

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好心分手(粤语)-方皓玟 乱感觉-网络歌手 Innocence-初音 朋友仔 – Twins 失恋疾走曲-波音 Thank you my gir -东方神起 Lookin'On the sunny side - m.o.v.e 好朋友-罗志祥 K歌之王-彭羚(前奏) 卡农乱乱唱-李建兴 GO WEST - Pet Shop Boys 你喔-苏打绿 你的扣肉-麦兜当当伴我心 玩玩卡农· 未命名 - qanpo(阿茄 ………

2010年6月13日上映的电影《活该你单身》中最后结婚的时候背景音乐就是卡农 Westlife的主唱Shane献给妻子的歌曲《Beautiful In White》中用了卡农做音乐背景 2010年12月新番《只有神知道的世界》第四集18分13秒的时候 桂马说要救空的时候 BGM是卡农变奏 2010年韩剧《恶作剧之吻》第四集34分30秒左右时 金贤重 饰演的白胜祖用吉他弹奏了一小段卡农 2011年1月广东卫视新番电视剧《爱情公寓2》第一集30分35秒的时候曾小贤想象中张伟的婚礼中的背景 音乐是卡农变奏曲 ○2011年2月新番《回家的诱惑》第三集10分46秒的时候背景音乐是卡农变奏曲 2011年2月22日上映的电影《芳香之城传奇》23分36秒弹奏的双人钢琴曲卡农 2011年5月14日在日本上映的讲述漫画家与猫的感人故事的漫画改编电影《キミとボク(你和我)》讲卡农作为 贯穿全剧的主题曲,感人至深 2011年《新还珠格格》多次用卡农作为背景音乐 广告阿芙精油的背景音乐用到卡农 微电影《仙鹤与孔雀》用到了卡农做背景音乐 《逆时恒美》微电影中有用卡农作背景音乐 2011年4月7日开播的《玛利亚狂热》第二季中作为插曲,最后一集“加奈子的生日”的末尾十分明显 2011年上映的电影《东成西就2011》中,有一段背景音乐用到了卡农 2012动漫《男子高中生的日常》第五集14分15秒和16分38秒的背景音乐是帕赫贝尔的口哨版 2012 电影《昂山素季》中杨紫琼扮演的昂山素季在听到自己获得诺贝尔和平奖后,在家中用钢琴与广播 中现场的交响乐队合奏了卡农




每年的春节之后是佳能最繁忙的时期。似乎传统佳节过后,佳能就要制造数 码影像行业的狂欢。3月3日,佳能春季新产品发布会在北京举行,会上推出 了包括数码单反相机、小型数码相机、数码摄像机、打印机等多条产品线的 24款新品。 近几年佳能一直在春季和秋季各举办类似规模的新品发布会,以激活和推动 数码市场的新陈代谢。从佳能一家厂商,我们也可以看出在现今的数码领域, 新旧产品的更新速度和竞争非常激烈。以什么样的理念来吸引用户的注意? 这不仅是佳能所要考虑的问题。 理念的改变也许可以从佳能的新品发布会的风格上窥见一二。用户的代表和 佳能的产品技术人员以发布会为契机进行直接的对话:一位年轻父亲,用佳 能DV记录他可爱女儿的成长岁月;一对短暂分离的情侣,用佳能SELPHY的 明信片打印模式实现他们朝朝暮暮的情感宣言;一位聋哑女孩,在 PowerShot的世界里听到了自然的呼吸和生命的韵律;一位职场精英,在佳 能激光打印机里面感受到新工作方式带来的成就感……他们将对生活的感谢和 对佳能的支持传达到佳能的普通员工手里,现场的种种表现委婉地传达了佳 能的心愿-“Delighting you always”。在这个不需要理性证言的时代,产 品需要用户来感受―用影像辅助生活,成就属于个人的影像文化。

1937年,凭借光学技术起家、并以制造世界一流相机做为目标 的佳能公司成立。此后,佳能不断研发新技术,并在19世纪70年初 研制出日本第一台普通纸复印机。80年代初,佳能首次开发成功气泡 喷墨打印技术,并将其产品推向全世界。对技术研发的重视和投入, 使佳能能够数十年不断发展壮大,并成为同行业的领导者。去年,佳 能在美国专利商标局公布的2002年在美专利注册数量排名中名列第 二,至此,佳能已第十年连续进入该排名前三名。 2003年,御手洗社长被聘为广东省经济顾问。同年,被大连、 苏州市评为荣誉市民。 目前,佳能已在中国大连、珠海、苏州等地拥有12家独资公司和 4家合资公司,其中包括2001年在苏州新区成立的耗资1亿美元的佳 能(苏州)有限公司。佳能在中国现拥有员工约13,000人。 1997年,佳能(中国)有限公司在北京成立,开始负责佳能公司 在中国的投资及其它所有业务。


uring this period the chief's son got a crush on Barbara Gabler, he know Barbara Gabler has been attached, called the people brought back a broken body from the front , said that is Pachelbel, but no one can check, Barbara Gabler believe Pachelbel really dead, lying crying for 3 days and 3 nights in the Pachelbel(卡农的作者), "Pachelbel" corpse, at that time, the chief'son bought a lot of gifts to Barbara 德国人。在他 10几岁的时 Gabler. Barbara Gabler pay no attention to.
Pachelbel is pleased to accept this apprentice. Barbara Gabler, but her purpose is not to play, there is little to spend on piano , in the face of Pachelbel's scolding. Barbara Gabler wronged, but still follow Pachelbel(卡农的作者), Pachelbel, hope Pachelbel can understand their mind.
德国人。在他10几岁的时 候,战乱使他沦为孤儿。 Pachelbel (卡农的作者),德国人。在他10几岁 流浪到英国的他被英国一 个小村庄的天天在教堂弹 的时候,战乱使他沦为孤儿。流浪到英国的他被 琴的琴师收养,之后他天 英国一个小村庄的天天在教堂弹琴的琴师收养, 天听那个他弹琴,耳濡目 之后他天天听那个他弹琴,耳濡目染也学会了钢 染也学会了钢琴。

英语演讲-相机介绍 PPT课件

英语演讲-相机介绍 PPT课件

Cameras Everywhere
Cameras are important tools for scientists.
Doctors use tiny cameras to look inside the human body. Cameras on satellites orbit Earth, taking pictures of weather patterns. Cameras bring us pictures from the deepest oceans, the insides of volcanoes, and even of distant galaxies in space!
Camera :A powerful machine
Can you imagine a world without cameras?
How Do Cameras Work?
A basic camera works a lot like your eyes.
Try this:
First, close your eyes. Now quickly open and shut them. What did you see? You saw an image, or “picture,” from your surroundings.
1952 Voigtlander Vito II
Some Significant Camera
Asahiflex IIa of 1955
Asahiflex IIa of 1955
Nikon F of 1959 — the first 35mm system camera
Voigtländer Vitoret of 1962


功能:新的十字型BASIS传感器 使得原本困难的水平方向调焦变得 更加快捷
Canon EOS-1
Canon EOS-1
功能:开创“眼控”对焦技术人机:由长方形为正方形 形态:造型更小 更方便操作和携带 工艺:更精致的工艺
1839年8月19日法国画家达盖尔公 布了他发明的“达盖尔银版摄影术”, 于是世界上诞生了第一台可携式木 箱照相机
佳能公司的创始人是位日本医学博士, 取此名的灵感出自他抬头眺望天空而来。 佳能公司原来的名字叫“精机光学研究 所”,是一个精密光学仪器研究所。其 初衷只是为了研究高品质相机的发展。 此公司成立于日本。
通过佳能相机的发展可以发现,未来相机发 展趋势非常明确:高像素、更便携、极速化 、视频化和更强的功能型。我们有机会看到 例如佳能超高像素单反为代表的高像素机型 诞生,也会有更多小型相机和运动相机出现 。未来有很多不确定性,但人们对易用性和 追求高质量的追求是不会变的。

• 佳能以“促进世界繁荣和实现人类幸福”为目标,正在不断努力。
⒈EOS(Electron Optics System)
01 系列:定位专业相
机。EOS系列都是 数码单反相机,可
以换镜头,采用 CMOS成像,成像 质量和扩展性都很

⒉Powershot系列: 02 定位半专业相机。
外形时尚带手动 功能。CCD成像。 适合摄 影爱好者 使用。成像较好, 有一定扩展性。
• 佳能的企业理念是“共生”,共生是指忽略文化、习惯、语言、 民族等差异,努力建设全人类永远“共同生存、共同劳动、幸福 生活”的社会。



"Canon" is now far the most popular classical music around the world works. According to statistics, so far there are versions of over 2000 species!
Canon, for everyone, can listen to many different feelings. Because Canon in carrying things too much. Sadness, joy, and on the life and death cycle of the elusive.
Canon can be used for a variety of feelings expressed on various occasions, to bring different audiences imagination and feelings. Listen carefully, the Canon can be about love, about growth, about life. No matter what your heart want to say at that time, Canon always make it possible to obtain peace.
The end
Thank you
Canon - a kind of polyphony, meaning "law." The tune of a voice sound throughout the Ministry of chasing another, until finally ... ... a summary of the final, the last chord, they will be together, never apart. Lingering extreme music, like life and death of two people to follow.


单镜头反光照相机的缺点是:增加反光镜室和五棱镜 以后,机身加高加厚,重量增加;反光镜弹起来的一瞬间还 会出现机械震动和噪音;从按下快门钮到启动快门的时间间 隔也比其它照相机略长;使用小口径镜头在光线较差的环境 中取景、调焦,会因取景屏较暗而产生困难,易造成聚焦失 误。
数码单反照相机 NIKON
偏振镜有圆形偏振和线性偏振两种类型之分。对于自 动调焦的照相机而言,照相机的部分功能会在线性偏振的滤 光镜面前。因此,如果照相机有自动聚焦功能就需要配置一 个圆形的偏振滤光镜。
• 有助于去除或者减弱由非金属物体表面产生的炫光。 • 可以有效地加深天空的蓝色 • 可以有效地改三彩色影像的色彩饱和度 • 偏振镜可以作为中兴密度镜使用。
摄影师创作作品时,也就是在取景构图、按下快门的 一瞬间,总是有一种想法,这种想法就是照片的主题。 摄影师创作作品时,也就是在取景构图、按下快门的一 瞬间,总是有一种想法,这种想法就是照片的主题。
第二部分: 认识照相器材
Knowledge of photographic equipment
摄影包的内层应有衬垫作为减震设施,在外出拍摄中,非常需要一个十分顺手、 可用的摄影包。
不要小看照相机的背带,给照相机装上背带,套在颈部,可以非常有效地防止 照相机滑落。
这种相机一直受到许多专业摄影人士的喜爱,一些著 名的照相机厂商如德国的徕卡也一直在生产这种相机推出 了如莱卡M6等高等专业机型。但是他的确定啊是存在“ 取景视差”,即在取景看到的景物与实际拍摄到的景物之 间存在差别。


easy to operate suitable for household accurate fixed focus
This Canon camera can quickly and clearly catch baseball guy, passionate bassist and running leopard .
bhoegmaenmtoadmeicmaimc heirgah.-AgrnaddtehGeeyrsmucacnecsasmfuellryadteo观vme音loakp菩eed萨the
Japan first 35mm focal plane shutter KWANON camera in a small factory in 1934. KWANON changed into CANON till 1935. Along with the change of the name, logo also has been changed three times. In 1955, Canon logo was finalized, which is what we can see today .
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Delighting You Always
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Canon digital cameras are mainly divided into three categories:


Finally one day Pachelbel right Barbara Gabler said: "You go, you really do not fit
the piano. And you did not like the piano."
In the three days of the night, at the time to teach Barbara Gabler piano Pachelbel church, Barbara Gabler had attempted suicide. The Pachelbel In Barbara Gabler six months to leave, he found no Barbara Gabler with me, with my many, many happy, in fact, have lost a lot of things is such know treasure. Pachelbel In Barbara Gabler left after that he has unwittingly discovered that the love of Barbara Gabler, just because she was of piano do not work hard so we buried her like it. At that time he was ready to write a song as a gift to Barbara Gabler marry him,
Chinese violinests

Introduction for Canon


1,装好电池耗尽才可充电,充电开始指示灯为橙色,充电完成指示灯为绿色,再23 摄 度大概需要2小时,在低于6摄氏度需要时间较长,最多4小时,以指示灯变绿为准,
电池的使用寿命, 3,如果电池充满电迅速耗尽,该电池已到使用寿命,需购买一个新电池
1. 定日期/时间
2 3
3,用右手食指轻轻按下快门按钮。 4,将双臂和双肘轻贴身体。 5
如果在液晶监视器上显示存储卡相关的错误信息 请取出并重新插入存储卡, 2,旋转时请不要过度用力而损害合页, 如果可以将存储卡上的所有图像传输至计算机 请传输所有图像 然后使用相机格式化存储卡 。 2,长时间半按下快门按钮,频繁地只启动自动对焦但不拍摄照片, 频繁地使用液晶监 7,要获得清晰的图像 握持相机静止不动以使相机抖动最小。 视器使用镜头图像稳定器。 1,当主体注视减轻红眼指示灯时 在比较明亮的室内 或当您距离主体较近时 减轻红眼功能最为有效 2,此外 在数据处理指示灯亮起或闪烁时 切勿执行以下任何操作。 在低光照条件下容易发生相机抖动 在取景器左下方的快门速度显示会闪烁。 如果曝光时人物移动 照片中的人物就会显得模糊 出4,售或丢弃存储卡时 请注意这一点。 在低光照条件下容易发生相机抖动 在取景器左下方的快门速度显示会闪烁。 1,装好电池耗尽才可充电,充电开始指示灯为橙色,充电完成指示灯为绿色,再23 摄

新人教版高中英语必修二Unit1Lights,Camera, Action单元复习课件

新人教版高中英语必修二Unit1Lights,Camera, Action单元复习课件
vt. 治好 37. ___f_a_n_c_y______ adj. 复杂的;花哨的;昂贵的
vt. 想要,想做;钦慕 38. ___n_a_r_r_o_w_____ adj. 狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的
vi.&vt. (使)窄小;缩小 39. ___d__es_p_i_t_e____ prep. 即使;尽管
adj. 文件的;记录的 4. ___f_a_n_ta_s_y____ n. 幻想作品;幻想,想象 5. __r_o_m__a_n_c_e___ n. 爱情故事;浪漫史;爱情 6. ___fi_c_ti_o_n_____ n. 小说;虚构故事
7. ____fa_m__il_i_a_r___ adj. 熟悉的;常见的 8. ____f_a_c_to_r_____ n. 因素;要素 9. ___d_i_n_o_s_a_u_r___ n. 恐龙 10. ____r_o_a_r_____ n. &vi. 咆哮,吼叫 11. ___s_h_e_e_t_____ n. 一张纸;床单,被单;薄片 12. ___en__v_el_o_p_e___ n. 信封 13. ___v_i_s_u_a_l____ adj. 视力的,视觉的 14. ___s_t_u_d_i_o____ n. 电影摄影棚;录音室 15. ___e_n_a_b_l_e____ vi. 使能够;使可行
Байду номын сангаасTask 2
some aspects of film-making 写影评
write a film review 一部经典影片的剧本
the script of a classic film 给一个电影场面配音
dub a film scene 不管你的答案是什么

unit14 shopping online PPT课件.ppt

unit14 shopping online PPT课件.ppt
Her dad helped her fill in the form and typed in his credit card number.
Miyoko filled in their telephone number, address and email address.
Then a screen came up that read, “Congratulations! You have successfully bought a Canon camera.”
cosjtacskoetmuch, cost so listhtliret, cheap, expensivseo,clkosng, small
1.The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it. 2.This pair of trousers are so long that I can't wear them.
【例句一】 Everybody likes Tom, as he is kind and honest. Yesterday, we stayed at home because it rained. Someone invited him to dinner. He replied, “As I am ill, I won't go out”. After he had hung up, he smiled, “I can't see anything for the fog in fact”. I said, “Since you insist, I have to cook for you ”.
Unit 14
复习购物用语 课文汉译 课文动画 听力练习一 听力练习二



Introduction of New Digital CameraⅠOverviewDigital cameras, digital cameras is short; also known as: Digital camera; English full name: Digital Still Camera (DSC), referred to as: Digital Camera (DC).Digital cameras, is an electronic sensor to convert optical images into electronic data camera. And ordinary cameras on film by chemical changes of silver bromide to record images of the principles of different digital camera sensor is a light-sensing charge-coupled - (zh-cn: device; zh-tw: Component) - ( CCD) or complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). In the image transmitted to a computer before will usually stored in a digital storage device (usually flash memory; floppy disk and CD Rewritable (CD-RW) has been rarely used in digital cameras, equipment).ⅡThe Working PrincipleDigital Camera is a optical, mechanical, electronic integrated products. It integrates image information conversion, storage and transmission components, with digital access mode, with computer processing and real-time interactive shooting and so on. Light through the lens or lens group into the camera, the imaging device into a digital signal, digital signal through the images stored in the memory chip computing device.Digital camera is the CCD imaging device or a CMOS, the imaging component is characterized by the light through, according to the different light into electronic signals. Digital cameras first appeared in the United States, more than 20 years ago, the United States had to use it to send photos via satellite to the ground, and later converted to civilian use of digital photography and constantly expanding range of applications.Advantages:1, can immediately see the picture after picture, which provides a right not satisfied with the work immediately to remake the possibility of reducing the incidence of regret.2, only for those who want to pay for washing photographs, and other unwanted pictures can be deleted.3, color reproduction and color range are no longer dependent on film quality.4, sensitivity is no longer a result of the film and fixed. Photoelectric conversion chips can provide a variety of sensitivity options.Disadvantages:1, due to the imaging devices and image processing chip conversion, optical cameras, image quality compared to the lack of layering.2, due to the various manufacturers of different image processing chip technology, imaging performance of the color photos and actual objects, a different difference.3, due to a lack of core technologies in China, the latter part of the use of the higher maintenance costs.ⅢThe Product ClassificationAccording to the most common use of a digital camera can simply be divided into: single-lens reflex camera, card camera, telephoto cameras, cameras and home.SLR Digital CamerasSLR means single lens reflex digital cameras, namely digital digital, single individual, lens lens, reflex reflectors abbreviation dslr. The representative of the market model is commonly found in Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Fuji and so on. Such cameras typically larger, heavier.The use of electronic viewfinder evf models, but also classified as single-lens reflex type, but generally add the word "similar" or an indication of evf viewfinder, such as the Olympus c-2100uz, Fuji finepix 6900 and so on. The work of the SLR digital camera system, the light through the lens reach the mirror, the refraction to the top of the focusing screen and the images formed through the eyepiece and the five prism, we can see outside the viewfinder scenery. In contrast, usually only through the lcd screen digital camera or an electronic viewfinder (evf) to see the captured images. Clearly see the image directly than by processing the image to see more conducive to filming.SLR digital cameras feature a large lens can be exchanged with different specifications, it is natural advantages of SLR cameras, an ordinary digital camera can not be compared.Card cameraCard camera in the industry there is no clear concept refers only to those compact shape, relatively light and slim stylish body design is a measure of the main criteria for such a digital camera. In which Sony T series, Olympus AZ1, and Casio Z series should be classified in this area.Main Features: Card is not a digital camera can be cumbersome to carry; and put them in formal occasions, suit pocket and will not fall too jacket deformation; the little hand bag ladies no longer difficult to find space for the next squeeze them; in the other occasions, the camera stuffed into jeans pockets or simply hang around the neck is also acceptable.Although they function is not powerful, but the most basic exposure compensation function is standard in ultra-thin digital cameras, combined with regional or spot metering mode, these small things are sometimes still able to complete some photography. At least you can have a basic picture of the exposure control, and then with the color, clarity, contrast and other options, a lot of beautiful pictures can also be from these are "masters" were failing to appreciate the little things.Cameras, camera cards and other differences: Advantages: stylish appearance, large-screen LCD screen, a compact, slim body, easy to handle. Disadvantages: manual function is relatively weak, large power consumption of a larger LCD screen, lens performance is poor.Telephoto cameraTelephoto camera focus is a digital camera refers to a larger optical zoom models, but the greater the optical zoom and can shoot the scene the more distant. Representative models are: Minolta Z series, the Panasonic FX series, the Fuji S series, the Kodak DX series. Some of the longer lens digital camera, internal lens and the light-sensitive mobile devices more space, so zoom is greater.Main features: telephoto digital camera and binoculars in fact the main features of the principle is similar to the movement through the lens within the lens to change focal length. When people are shooting distant landscape, or do not want to be disturbed by the photographer when the benefit of telephoto played out. In addition the longer the focal length while the more shallow depth of field, and the aperture the greater the more shallow depth of field effect is the same, shallow depth of field is to highlight the main benefits of the virtual background, I believe a lot of FANS at the camera when they pursue a shallow depth of field effect, so to make them more professional photo shoot.Some of the longer lens digital camera, internal lens and thelight-sensitive mobile devices more space, so zoom is greater. Today, optical zoom digital camera mostly in the three-fold between -12 times, you can bring an object closer than 10 meters to 5-3 meters near; there are also some digital camera has a 10 times optical zoom effect. Home video camera optical zoom of 10 times -22 times, can be more clearly photographed something 70 meters e multiplier lens can increase the optical zoom cameras. If the optical zoom is not enough, people can add amultiplier front of the camera lens, which is calculated in this way, an A 2x teleconverter, set of 4 in an original optical zoom digital camera, then it sets the digital the camera's optical zoom from the original one times, two times, three times, four times into two times, four times, six times and eight times, that is Teleconverter and optical zoom multiples of multiples derived from multiplying.Zoom range the bigger the better? For the overall quality of the lens, in fact the greater the zoom range, lens quality is also worse. 10 times as large zoom lens of the two most frequently encountered problem is the lens distortion and chromatic dispersion. Purple fringe conditions are more serious, super-zoom lens is easy to produce barrel distortion at the wide angle end, and in the telephoto side pincushion distortion produced, although the lens distortion is inevitable, but it will be a good lens distortion control in a within reasonable limits.The theory, the greater zoom lens is also more prone to deformation. Of course, many manufacturers also have done a lot of efforts. Example, manufacturers will often join in the lens of non-spherical lens to prevent the emergence of such deformation. Dispersion is commonly used for anti-dispersion lens manufacturers to avoid, such as Nikon's ED lenses. As optical technology advances, the current 10 × zoom lens actually optical performance should be taken to meet the everyday needs.ⅣCommon BrandSony (Sony) JapanCanon (Canon) JapanNikon (Nikon) JapanOlympus (Olympus) Japan,Samsung Electronics (Samsung) Korea,Kodak (Kodak) AmericaFuji film (Fuji Film) JapanKonica Minolta (Konica Minolta), JapanPentax (Pentax) JapanMatsushita Electric (Panasonic), JapanCasio (Casio) JapanRicoh (Ricoh) Japanese Leica (Leica) GermanPatriot ( aigo)Lenovo (lenovo) ChinaBenQ (BenQ) ChinaⅤThe Main Parts1, UV lens2, LCD protective film3, gas blowing4, lens cloth、5, Camera BagⅥTerminology ExplainedCCDEnglish translation: electronic coupling component (charged coupled device), it is like a traditional film camera, like a light sensing circuit device, you can think of many hearts it tiny sensor particles, covered with the rear in the optical lens , when the light and images from the lens, through, projected onto the CCD surface, CCD will produce current, sensed the content into digital data storage. The more the number of CCD pixels, a single larger pixel size, the collected images will be clearer. Thus, while the number of CCD image quality is determined not only focus on the camera can still regard it as an important sub-class quasi-one.Wide-angle lensWide-angle lens that is wide angle, also known as short-focus lens. A result of wide-angle lens focal length is very short, so in the end piece on the scene projected on the smaller shots to widen the angle, in addition to shooting more features, better environment in the narrow capture a wide angle image.IESP auto-focusIESP autofocus IESP in English intelligent electro selective pattern (intelligent electronic selection mode) acronym. IESP digital camera auto-focus is done in the focus of multiple blocks within the partition (with the information that way split fan-shaped partition), and then divided by the measured focus position block an integrated computing, according to the main body of the different states, to determine the best focal length bit. IESP Olympus digital camera auto-focus in the presentations often see.Optical ZoomOptical zoom relies on optical lens structure to achieve the zoom, zoom 35mm camera similar manner, that is, moving through the camera lens to enlarge and reduce the need to take the scene, the greater the optical zoom and can shoot the scene the more distant. Today's digital camera optical zoom mostly in the two-fold between -5 times, there are some yards have 10 times the camera optical zoom effect. Home video camera optical zoom of 10 times to 22 times, can be more clearly photographed something 70 meters away. Use multiplier lens can increase the optical zoom cameras.Programmed auto exposureProgrammed auto exposure Programmed auto exposure is a combination of electronic technology and artificial intelligence product of exposure in this way, the camera will not only be able to figure out the right lighting conditions according to exposure, but also automatically selects the appropriate exposure combinations.HyperfocalAfter the super-focal length lens, depth of field because of relatively large, people called for a clear image can be the focus of future ultra-focus distance. Hyperfocal distance within the scene is not really clear image, because the focus is not on the right is certainly ambiguous, but the extent of ambiguity can accept only ordinary people, this is a film camera can not be a fool to enlarge too big reason.EVFElectronic viewfinder Electronic viewfinder (EVF), the vision of the use of electronic shooting rate than the much larger optical viewfinder, such as the Sony DSC-f707 vision of the EVF rate reached 99%. The electronic viewfinder is also more practical, this filming will not only be cheaper, use very low power consumption, but also used under any ambient light. Although the viewfinder in the screen viewing angle and color effects and the final result incomplete the same, but the use of a period of time, or soon after the adaptation.ⅦUsing Techniques1. MaintenanceTo keep the camera cleanStain on the lens would seriously reduce the image quality, there spots or reduce image contrast. The fingers hit the lens, which is inevitable, dust and gravel will fall into the optical device.Cleaning tool is very simple: the lens paper with a cloth or a fine tool, lens brush and cleaning sets. Do not use cardboard, paper towel or napkin to clean the lens. These products contain a scraping of wood pulp, would seriously undermine the fragile coating on the camera lens.Cleaning of paper when not in use, the micro-fiber cleaning cloth placed in the original container to keep it clean. Micro-fiber cloth is washable, can be washed with regular clothes. Try not to use cotton T-shirt or other fibers, because the coarse gravel may be infiltrated to go. If the lens cleaning brush the dust and debris, do not brush on the hair with the hand or finger contact with the skin of oil will be transmitted to the hair, and then glued to the lens.Clear lens dust Another approach is frequently used lens. If your camera has a lens cover, you can use a tape, rubber band or "lens fixed" devices it fixed on the camera body.Hot and cold weather will also affect the camera. If the camera had the air-conditioned room and then immediately placed in a relatively hot, humid environment, the lens and viewfinder will have a cloud point appears. Then need to use a suitable tissue or cloth to clean. If you take the camera from the cold, dry outdoor into indoor, the best camera in a bag inside the preheating should first look, and then come up on the house. And to be careful lens to see if it was not " sweating", and sweat of the immediate action.Professional photographers, the recommendations: portable with a plastic zipper-lock bag. In very humid or dusty climate, you can dig a small hole in the side of the camera lens and then Fang Dexia just put the camera bag, to prevent fog, moisture and dust into the camera, extend their useful life.Finally, do not put the camera into a high relative humidity, after a car ride, automotive interior like a stove, as cause plastic deformation of wire damage.Many manufacturers are recommended: If you do not have the camera for two weeks or longer, preferably the battery out, because the battery will leak decay, and sometimes will affect the circuit connection, so that the camera not work properly.2. ShootingTtechniquesThe common digital camera's optical viewfinder is next to the shaft, from the optical viewfinder the scene to see the actual photos taken with the lens is not through the same optical axis, have been more proactive things worse the more obvious short-sightedness. Optical viewfinder often compensate for some close-up signs to tell the photographer or less errors. Using the LCD viewfinder can largely solve this problem.And use of traditional film cameras and shoot a good photograph is to predict with confidence an important prerequisite for the camera, focus. We found that some cameras, LCD brightness and color reproduction are some errors, from the LCD to see the filming and the final image on a computer monitor is not a small difference. Carefully compare after a few users will be able to adapt to this difference .一、概述数码相机,是数码照相机的简称;又名:数字式相机;英文全称:Digital Still Camera (DSC),简称:Digital Camera (DC)。

Unit1 Lights, camera, action! Extended reading 课件-

Unit1 Lights, camera, action! Extended reading 课件-

AppreciatiAonppreciate through lines
L53. Momma says stupid is as stupid does.
(Forrest may be stupid in others’ eyes, but his mom thinks he is no different and tries her best to protect and encourage him. She tells him that only those who do stupid things are stupid and he is not. This line shows his mom’s love and wisdom, which inspires and encourages Forrest a lot.)
Forrest Gump
loving, kind, encouraging, thoughtful
Mrs Gump
Supporting details
She encourages Forrest, “You do your very best now”. She waves to Forrest as the bus drives away.
Careful Reading Read the script again and fill in the chart.
Forrest Gump
Character Mrs Gump
Forrest Jenny
(1) (3) (5)
Supporting details
(2) (4) (6)
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