2015高考英语二轮专题复习课件:第3篇 第2章 第4节 专题2 议论文写作之正反论证
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运用了if引导的条件状语从句;句⑤运用了as far as I am
concerned作为过渡词和not only...but also结构表述。
(1)确定文体结构。正反论证的观点之间属于并列关系, 而双方观点的论点和分论点则为总分关系。而最后,考题要求 考生写出自己的观点,这个属于对全文的总结。因此,文章的 信息点划分非常明确,正反观点各占两个句子,考生的观点应 该为最后一个句子。考生可以采用两种方法使自己的观点明确。 陈述正方的理由,第一种:第一句的信息点可以包含总起和第 一个原因,而第二句则讲述第二个原因(递进);第二种:第一
passengers helps to reduce traffic accidents and increase traffic safety.②Not to ride in a car driven by a drunken driver is not_only a responsible behavior for passengers
had about whether passengers who ride in a car driven by
a drunken driver should be punished.①The minority of
the students hold_the_opinion_that punishing the
[写作要求] 1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 2.使用“Whether students should be divided to science students and art ones?”为标题。 [评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。
[参考范文 ] _____________________________________________
themselves but_also for the drivers and other people on the
road.③The majority of the students , however ,
disapprove of the idea , stating that it is difficult for common passengers to know whether the driver has been drinking or not.④What's more , even if the passenger
__________________________________________________ Whether students should be divided with
__________________________________________________ science students and art ones? __________________________________________________ Recently , whether students should be divided to science __________________________________________________ students and art ones is under heated discussion among the __________________________________________________ public.Some are in favor of the decision,for students will __________________________________________________ have more time to concentrate on their favorite subjects, __________________________________________________ which leads to high efficiency in study.In addition,the _________________________________________________
第二章 基础写作 第四节 专题二 议论文
正反论证的陈述属于议论文范畴,通常先提 出一个主题,接着陈述正方的观点及理由,然后
Dear Editor,
I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've
knows the driver has drunk alcohol and has attempted to
persuade the driver not to drive,it is unfair to punish the passenger when the driver does not follow the advice.⑤ As_far_as_I_am_concerned,punishing passengers as well
即学即练 [写作内容]
1.可以让大家有更多时间专注学习自 己喜欢的方向 赞同方的观点: 2.可以减少学生学习的压力 应该文理分科. 3.学生可以根据自己的兴趣和特点 做适当的选择 1.可以培养学生的通识能力,有利于 反对方的观点: 全面发展 不赞同文理分科 2.为以后大学的深造打好坚实的基 础 我的看法 „„
(2)基础写作是根据所给的内容组织成文,不是自由发 挥。部分考生喜欢在文章中使用 “Every coin has two sides” 过渡,但是这个句子并不包含任何信息点,不适合在基础写 作中使用。 (3) 正反论证的议论文要注意使用转折和对比的词,如 however,in contrast,compared with等。 (4) 如果文章最后要求考生发表自己的观点,考生不能 简单地说I agree with...或者I disagree with...,而是要言之有 物,有理有据。 2.写作要点:讨论主题 —正方观点及理由—反方观点 及理由—作者的观点及理由。
as the drivalso hard to
carry out.
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
【结构分析与解读】 本文的结构:先提出主题 (讨论的主题),然后罗列 两个赞成的理由,其次罗列两个反对的理由,最后提出 个人的观点和看法。句①运用了同位语从句;句②运用 了not only...but also结构;句③运用两个宾语从句;句④