





















Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书

Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书
DATINFILE2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
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TrueConvert, DWG TrueView, DWGX, DXF, Ecotect, Ember, ESTmep, Evolver, FABmep, Face Robot, FBX, Fempro, Fire, Flame, Flare, Flint,
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Autodesk Nastran 2022
Reference Manual
Nastran Solver Reference Manual



5 内容方向
包括配音技巧教学、如何让声音变好 听、分分钟学配音

人 配 音
配 音 分

歌括 歌 曲原 曲
创创 歌作
曲 、 翻
6 运营节奏
内容发布节奏 视频内容每月2-4更 活动举办节奏 活动举办节奏不固定
2021.6.26 互动抽奖#bilibili幻星集#抽一对2233娘限定版纪念手办。 2021.6.1 互动抽奖 六一快!抽3副fender tour真无线耳机。
2 用户画像
关注影视剧、动画配音行业的配音爱好者;对声音工作感兴趣,希 望学习基础知识、发声技巧的小白;共情能力强,容易对角色产生 认同感的网友;喜欢动画、广播剧、有声小说的二次元爱好者;喜 欢膜拜大佬,发表个人观点的网络冲浪达人;想要在短期内提高配 音技巧,找到兼职的年轻人。
3 价值
账号日常动态 以分享感悟、转发作品、直播预告为主

用声音探索世界,对文字进行有声的塑造,让用户感受到声音的魅 力。分享优质配音作品,激发用户对配音的兴趣;用专业又有趣的 讲解,帮助用户学习并理解配音基础知识。为用户推荐优质的产品。
4 人格化
胖雪人本名徐学人,是一名声音工作者。他带着一个黑框眼镜,头发中长,自 带艺术气息。他是一名华东师范大学播音专业的硕士生,系统化学习和研究配 音相关知识,擅长用嗓音演绎各种角色,为《上美影动画车间》、《石库门锦 绣十二》、《我为歌狂》、《顶上王牌》等优秀作品配过音。他不仅能用铁门、 垫板、吸尘器等东西复刻各种音效,还熟练使用各种调音设备,曾经把大学寝 室改造成专业的录音棚,在配音的同时,自己做后期,粉丝说他“一个人就是 一个配音棚”。 他风趣幽默,金句频出,会用各种通俗的比喻讲授配音技巧,比如在学《哆啦 A梦》中小夫的声音时,要“想象吃到很苦的东西,自然缩小口腔腔体空间, 达成声音变扁的音色”。在配音时,他的声线时而是稳重大叔,时而是懵懂孩 童,时而又是青春洋溢的少年......他利用自己极强的感知能力,了解角色、深 入角色的内心,用声音给角色注入灵魂,把角色带到观众面前,让用户进一步 体会到角色的性格、思想、故事。

Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

使用手冊版本 1.3目錄開始 (6)包裝盒內物品 (6)為智慧手環充電 (6)設定 Inspire 3 (8)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (9)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (10)佩戴 Inspire 3 (11)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (11)慣用手 (12)將 Inspire 3 佩戴在夾扣上 (12)夾扣位置 (13)佩戴與保養技巧 (14)更換錶帶 (14)移除錶帶 (14)安裝錶帶 (15)基本資訊 (16)導覽 Inspire 3 (16)基本導覽 (16)快速設定 (17)調整設定 (19)顯示設定 (19)靜音模式 (20)其他設定 (20)查看電池電量 (21)調整「螢幕常亮」 (21)關閉螢幕 (22)錶面和應用程式 (23)變更錶面 (23)開啟應用程式 (23)尋找手機 (24)2手機通知 (25)設定通知 (25)查看傳入通知 (25)管理通知 (26)關閉通知 (26)接聽或拒接來電 (27)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (28)計時 (29)設定鬧鐘 (29)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (29)使用計時器和碼錶 (30)活動與健康 (31)查看統計資料 (31)追蹤每日活動目標 (31)選擇目標 (32)追蹤每小時的活動 (32)追蹤您的睡眠 (32)設定睡眠目標 (33)深入瞭解長期睡眠行為 (33)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (33)管理壓力 (33)練習引導式呼吸 (33)查看壓力管理分數 (34)進階的健康指標 (34)運動和心臟健康 (35)自動追蹤您的運動 (35)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (35)GPS 要求 (35)自訂運動設定 (37)查看您的運動摘要 (38)查看您的心率 (38)預設心率區間 (39)自訂心率區間 (40)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (40)3接收心率過高通知 (41)檢視您的日常準備分數 (42)檢視心肺健康分數 (42)分享您的活動 (42)更新、重新啟動和清除 (43)更新 Inspire 3 (43)重新啟動 Inspire 3 (43)清除 Inspire 3 (44)疑難排解 (45)找不到心率訊號 (45)沒有 GPS 訊號 (46)其他問題 (46)一般資訊和規格 (47)感應器與元件 (47)材質 (47)無線技術 (47)觸覺反饋 (47)電池 (47)記憶體 (47)顯示幕 (48)錶帶大小 (48)環境條件 (48)瞭解詳情 (48)退貨政策和保固 (48)Regulatory and Safety Notices (49)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (49)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) atement (50)European Union (EU) (51)Argentina (53)Australia and New Zealand (53)Ghana (53)Indonesia (53)Israel (53)Japan (54)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (54)4Malaysia (54)Mexico (54)Morocco (55)Nigeria (55)Oman (55)Paraguay (55)Philippines (56)Serbia (56)Singapore (56)South Korea (56)Taiwan (57)Thailand (60)United Arab Emirates (60)United Kingdom (61)About the Battery (61)IP Rating (62)Safety Statement (62)Regulatory Markings (62)56開始瞭解 Inspire 3—這款智慧手環能幫助您找到動力,做您喜歡的事,展現最好的自己。





九年级单词表Unit 1 How can we become good learnerstextboo./tekstbuk.n.....教科书;课.p.1 conversatio./kɔnvəseɪʃn/. n..交谈;谈.p..alou./əlaud.adv..... 大声地;出声.p.. pronunciatio./prənʌnsieIʃn.n. 发音;读音p.2 sentenc./sentəns.n........ 句..p.2patien./peiʃnt.adj... 有耐心. n.病人p.2expressio./ikspreʃn.n. 表达(方式);表. p.3 discove./dIskʌv.(r).v..... 发现;发.p..secre./si:krət.n....秘密;adj.秘密的.p..fall in love with 爱上;与⋯⋯相爱p.3 gramma./græm.(r).n........ 语.p.3repea./ripi:t.v.........重复;重.p.4not./nəut.n.笔记;记.v... 注意;指出p.4pa./pæl.n........... 朋友;伙伴p..patter./pætn/./pætən.n..... 模式;方式p.4physic./fiziks.n....... 物理;物理.p..chemistr./kemistri.n........ 化.p..partne./pa:(r)tn.(r).n.....搭档;同.p..pronounc./prənauns.v........发.p..increas./Inkri:s.v....... 增加;增.p.5spee./spi:d.n.......速. v.加.. p..abilit./əbiləti.n....... 能力;才. p..brai./brein.n............大.p..activ./æktiv.adj......活跃的;积极.p..attentio./ətenʃn.n...... 注意;关.p..pay attention to 注意;关注p.6 connec./kənekt.v.(使)连接;与⋯⋯有联系p.. connect … with把⋯⋯和⋯⋯连接或联系起来p.6 overnigh./əuv.(r)nait/adv.一夜之间;在夜.p.. revie./rivju:.v..n......回顾;复.p..knowledg./nɔlidʒ/......n. 知识;学问p.6wisel./waizli.adv.....明智地;聪明. p.6Annie /æni/ 安妮(女名)p.2 Alexander Graham Bell 格雷厄姆•贝尔p.6 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!lanter./lænt.(r)n.n.........灯.p..strange./streindʒ.(r).n......陌生人p.1.relativ./relətiv.n.........亲属;亲戚put on 增加(体重);发胖poun./paund.n......磅(重量单位);英镑fol./fəulk.adj........民间的;民俗.goddes./gɔ女.p.1.stea./sti:l.v.(stol./stəul/.stole./stəulən/.偷;窃取p.11 la./lei. v.(lai./leid/.laid)放置;产(卵)lay out 摆开;布置dessert /di’zə:(r)t/ n (饭后)甜点;甜食p.11 garde./ga:(r)dn.n.......花园;园.p.1.admir./ədmai.(r).v..... 欣赏;仰.p.1.ti./tai.n........... 领.v.捆;.haunte./hɔ:ntid.a....... 有鬼魂出没的ghos./gəust.n.......... 鬼;鬼魂tric./trik.n.......... 花招;把.trea./tri:t.n.........款待;招待;请客spide./spaidər).n....... 蜘. p.13Christma./krisməs/n........圣诞节foo./fu:l.n.. 蠢人;傻.v.愚弄adj. 愚蠢的li./laI.v.(la./leI/.lai./leIn/.... 平躺;处于nove./nɔvl/./na:vl.n...... (长篇)小说ev./i:v...(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜bookstor./bukstɔ:(r).n....... 书店p.17dea./ded.adj......死的;失去生命.p.1.busines./biznəs.n.......生意;商.p.1.punis./pʌnis.v...... 处罚;惩...p.1.war./wɔ:(r)n.v....... 警告;告. p.1.presen./preznt.n.现在;礼物adj.现在的p.14 nobod./nəubədi/./nəuba:di.pron.没有人 p.14 warmt./wɔ:(r)mθ.n.... 温暖;暖和p.14sprea./spred.v. 传播;展.n.蔓延;传播p.14 Macao /məkau/ 澳门 p.10Chiang Mai /tʃiæn maI/, /dʒa:nmaI/ 清迈(泰城市)Halloween /hæləu i:n/ 万圣节前夕p.13 St./seint.Valentine’./væləntainz.Da..情人节Clara /kla:rə/, /klerə/ 克拉拉(女名)p.10 Santa /sæntə/ Claus /klɔ:z/ 圣诞老人p.14 Charles /tʃa:(r)lz/ Dickens /dikənz/查尔斯•狄更斯(英)p.14 Scrooge /skru:dʒ/ 斯克鲁奇n.(非正式)吝啬鬼Jacob /dʒeikəb/ Marley /ma:(r)li/雅各布•马利Uni..Coul.yo.pleas.tel.m.wher.th.restroo m.are?restroo./restru:m.n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所p.17stam./stæmp.n...... 邮票;印章p.17postcar./pəustka:(r)d.n.... 明信片p.18pardon /pa:(r)dn/ interj .请再说一遍;p.18 washroo./wɔʃru:m/.n....洗手间;厕所p.18 bathroo./ba:θru:m.n.. 浴室;洗手间p.18quic./kwik/adj...... 快的;迅速. p.18rus./rʌʃ.v..n.......仓促;急. p.1.sugges./sədʒest.v......建议;提..p.1.staf./sta:f.n...... 管理人员;职工p.19grap./greip.n..........葡萄p.20centra./sentrəl.adj...中心的;中央的p.20mai./meil. v.. 邮寄;发电子邮件n.邮件p.20 eas./i:st.adj.. 东方的adv.向东.n.东.p.2. fascinating /fæsineitiŋ/ a.迷人的;有吸引力的p.21 convenien./kənvi:niənt.a. 便利的;方便.p.2.mal./mɔ:l.n.......商场;购物中.p.2.cler./kla:k/./kl3:rk.n....... 职. p.2.corne./kɔ:(r)nə(r).n..... 拐角;角.p.2.polit./pəlait.adj...有礼貌的;客气的p.22 politel./pəlaitli.adv.. 礼貌地;客气地p.22 speaker /spi:kə(r)/ n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者reques./rikwest.n.......要求;请.p.2.choic./tʃɔis.n........ 选择;挑.p.2.directio./direkʃn.dairekʃn. n.方向;方位p.22 correc./kərekt.adj... 正确的;恰当的p.22 direc./direkt.dairekt.adj..直接的;直率的p.22 who./hu:m.pron.......谁;什么人addres..ədres/..ædres.n...地址;通讯处p.22 faithfull./feiθfəli.adv...忠实地;忠诚地p.24 Italia./Itæl.ən.a. 意大利\人的;n.意大利人\语Kevin /kevin/ 凯文(男名)Tim /tim/ 蒂姆(男名)e.t.b.afrai.o.th.dark.humoro./hju:mərəs.a...有幽默感的;滑稽的silen./sailənt.adj...... 不说话的;沉默的helpfu./helpfl/adj...... 有用的;有帮助的from time to time 时常;有时scor./skɔ:.r).n..v....... 得分;打.backgroun./bækgraund.n......背.intervie./Int.(r)vju:.v...采访;面试n.访谈Asia./eiʃn..a......亚洲/人的.n.亚洲人deal with 对付; 应付dar./deə/./der.v....... 敢于;胆敢privat./praivət.adj..... 私人的;私密的guar./ga:(r)d.n....警卫;看守v.守卫;保卫requir./rikwaiə(r).v......需要;要..Britis./britiʃ.adj......英国的;英国人的speech/spi:tʃ.n........ 讲话;发....an..ænt.n.............蚂.........insec./insekt.n........... 昆....influenc./influəns.v..n....... 影.seldo./seldəm.adv........不常;很.prou./praud.adj........自豪的;骄傲.be proud of 为⋯⋯骄傲;感到自豪absen..æbsənt.adj........ 缺席;不..fai./feil.v......... 失败;未能(做到)examinatio./igzæmineiʃn.n....考试;审查boarding /bɔ:(r)diŋ/ school ` 寄宿学校in person 亲身;亲自exactl./igzæktli.adv......确切地;精确地prid./praid.n..........自豪;骄.....take pride in 为⋯⋯感到自豪grandso./grænsʌn.n.......孙子;外.genera./dʒenrəl.a..普遍的;常规的;总.n........将军p.32introductio./intrədʌkʃn.n.....介..p.32Paula /pɔ:lə/ 葆拉(女名)p.26 Alfred /ælfrid/ 艾尔弗雷德(男名)p.26 Billy /bili/ 比利(男名)p.26 Candy /kændi/ 坎迪(女名)p.27 Jerry /dʒeri/ 杰里(男名);杰丽(女名)p.28 Emily /emili/ 埃米莉(女名)p.28Unit 5 What are the shirts makde of? materia./mətiəriəl.n....材料;原.. p.33chopstick./tʃɔpstiks. n.......筷子p.33coin /kɔin/n.硬币p.33 for. /fɔ:k..n........餐叉, 叉子p.33blous./blauz. n....(女士)短上衣;衬衫p.33 slive./silvə.n...银,银器.adj.银色. p.33glass /glas/ n .玻璃p.33 cotto./kɔtn. n........ 棉;棉花p.33stee./sti:l..n......... 钢;钢铁p.33gras./gras..n........ 草;草. P.3.lea./li:f.n(pl.leave./li:vz/)n.... 叶, 叶子produc./prədju:s/,v... 生产;制造;出产p.34 widel./waidli.adv.... 广泛地;普遍地p.34 proces./prəuses/.v......加工;处理p.34France /fra:ns/, /fr{ns/ 法国p.35 no matter 不论;无论p.35 loca./ləukl.adj......当地的;本地.p.3.even though 虽然;即使p.35 bran./brænd.n........品牌;牌. p.3.avoi..əvɔid.v........ 避免;回.p.3.produc./prɔdʌkt. n......产品;制品p.35handba./hændbæg.n.......小手提包p.35mobile /məu bail/, /məu bl/ a .可移的;非固定的German./dʒə:(r)məni.n...... 德.p.3.surfac./sə:(r)fis.n...... 表面;表层p.36postma./pəustmən.n....... 邮递员p.36 cap /kæp/ n (尤指有帽舌的)帽p.36 glove /glʌv/ n(分手指的)手套p.36 internationa./intə(r)næʃnəl. adj....国际的competito./kəmpetitə(r).n...参赛者;竞争........ pain./peint.v.........用颜料画;刷..it./its.adj.............. 它.......for./fɔ:(r)m.n.......... 形式;类..cla./klei.n............ 黏土;陶...balloo./bəlu:n.n...........气..scissor./sizə(r)z.n.(pl......... 剪.livel./laivli.a....生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的fair./feəri/./feri.tal./teil...... .童话故.hea./hi:t.n............. 热;高........polis./pɔliʃ.v........磨光;修改;润...complet./kəmpli:t. v......... 完.....Korea /kəri:ə/ 朝鲜;韩国Switzerland /switsə(r)lənd/ 瑞士San Francisco /sæn frənsiskəu/圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山, 美国城市)Pam /pæm/ 帕姆(女名)Unit 6 When was it invented?hee./hi:l.n........... 鞋跟;足...electricit./ilektrisəti.n......电;电.scoo./sku:p. n..........勺.铲.....style/stail. n..........样式.款.....projec./prədʒekt. n...... 项目;工程pleasur./pleʒə(r).n....... 高兴;愉快zippe./zipə(r).n.(.zip...... 拉链;拉锁dail./deili.adj........ 每日的;日常.websit./websait. n......... 网.....pionee./paiəniə. n.......先锋;先驱lis./list.v.... 列表;列清单n.名单;清单mentio./men ʃn.v........提到;说..by accident 偶然;意外地nearl./niəli/. /nirli.adv....几乎;差不多boi./bɔil. v.......... 煮沸;烧.....smel./smel.n... 气味v.发出气味;闻到saint/seint.n........... 圣人;圣..take place 发生;出现doub./daut.n......疑惑;疑.v.怀.without doubt 毫无疑问;的确p.43 fridg./fridʒ.n........... 冰.p.4.translat./trænsleit.v........ 翻. p.4.loc./lɔk/./la:k.v........锁上;锁住p.4. earthquak..ə:(r)θkweik/n.....地. p.4.sudde./sʌdən.adj.......突然(的)p.4.all of a sudden 突然; 猛地p.44 biscui./biskit. n..........饼.p.44cookie/kuki.n......... 曲奇饼.p.44instrument /instrumənt/ n........... 器械.仪器;工具p.44crisp./krispi.adj...... 脆的;酥脆.p.4.sou./sauə(r).adj..... 酸的;有酸味.p.4.by mistake 错误地;无意中p.45 custome./kʌstəm.(r).n....顾客;客户p.45 Canadia./kəneidiən. a./. .加拿大/人. p.46divid./divaid.v........分开;分散p.46 divid....int.........把⋯⋯分.p.4.purpos./pə:(r)pəs.n.....目的;目.p.4.baske. /ba:skit. n........篮;筐 p.46the Olympics /əu limpiks/ 奥林匹克运动会p.46 look up to 钦佩;p.46 her./hiərəu. n......英雄;男主角p.46Berlin /bə:lin/ 柏林(德国城市) p.46 NBA (National Basketball Association)国家篮球协会(美国职业篮球联赛)p.46 CBA (China Basketball Association)中国篮球协会(中国职业篮球联赛)p.46 Chelsea/tʃelsi/ Lanmon /lænmən/切尔西•兰曼p.42Jayce /dʒeis/ Coziar /kəu zia:/杰斯•克里亚p.42 Jamie /dʒeimi/ Ellsworth /elzwə:(r)θ/杰米•埃尔斯沃恩p.42Julie /dʒu:li/ Thompson /tɔmpsən/朱莉•汤普森Whitcomb /witkəm/ Judson /dʒʌdsən/惠特科姆•贾德森p.42Thomas /tɔməs/ Watson /wɔtsən/托马斯•沃森George /dʒɔ:(r)dʒ/ Crum /krʌm/乔治•克拉姆James /dʒeimz/ Naismith /naismiθ/詹姆斯•奈史密斯Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.smok./sməuk. v.... 冒烟;吸. n.烟pierc./piəs/./pirs.v.... 扎;刺破;穿透licens./laIsns/n.(.licence.... 证;证件safet./seifti.n........安全;安全性earrin./iəriŋ. n........耳环;耳.cr./krai.v..n.........哭;叫喊.fiel./fi:ld.n..........田野;场......hu./hʌg. n..v........ 拥抱;搂....lif./lIft. v.......... 举起.抬.....talk back 回嘴;顶嘴awfu./ɔ:fl.adj...... 很坏的;讨厌的tee./ti:n.n.....十几岁(十三至十九岁之间.regre./rigret.v.......感到遗憾;懊..poe./pəuim.n........ 诗;韵.....bedroo./bedru:m.n......卧...communit./kəmju:nəti.n... 社区;社.keep away from 避免接近;远离chanc./tʃa:ns. n......机会;可能性make one’s own decision 自己做决定manag./mænidʒ.v..设法做到;应付(困难局面)societ./səsaiəti.n........社会uni. /ju:nit.n........ 单位;单...educat./edʒukeit.v...... 教育;教.get in the way of 挡……的路;妨碍professiona./prəfeʃənl.a....职业的;专业..ente./entə(r).v........ 进来;进.suppor./səpɔ:(r)t.v..n...... 支...Picasso /pikæsəu/ / 毕加索(西班牙画家)Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.truc./trʌk. n........ 卡车;货...rabbi./ræbIt.n......... 兔;野...whos./hu:z.adj..pron..谁的;(特)那个人............ atten./ətend.v....... 出席;参.p.5.valuabl./væljuəbl.a.....很有用的;宝贵的pin./pink.adj.....粉红色的n.粉红色.picni./piknik. n.野...... p.5..............somebod./sʌmbədi.pron.某人;重要人物p.58 anybod./enibədi.pron.任何. p.58nois./nɔiz.n.声音;噪. p.5.policema./pəli:smən.n.男警.p.5.wol./wulf.n........p.5.laborator./ləbɔrətri.n.实验. p.60coa./kəut.n.外套;外.... p.60sleep./sli:pi.adj.困倦的;瞌睡..p.60pocke./pɔkit.n.衣袋;口袋p.60alie./eiliən.n.外星......p.6.sui./sju:t/./su:t.n.西服;套..p.6.expres./ikspres.v.表示;表..p.6.not only …but also 不但……, 而且p.62 circl./sə:(r)kl.n.圆.v.圈. p.6.Britai./britn.n.(.Grea.Britain.大不列颠p.62 receiv./risi:v.v.接受;收... p.6.leade./li:d.(r).n.领导;领.p.6.midsummer /mIidsmə(r)/ n.仲夏;中夏p.62 medica./medikl.adj.医疗的;医学的p.62 preven./privent.v.阻止;阻.p.6.energ./enə(r)dʒi.n.精力;力.p.6.positio./pəziʃn.n.位置;地.p.6.buria./beriəl.n.埋葬;安... p.6.hono./ɔnə/v.(.honour.尊重;表示敬.n.荣. ancesto./ænsestə(r).n.祖宗;祖.p.6.victor./viktəri.n.胜利;成.p.6.enem./enəmi.n.敌人;仇..p.6.perio./piəriəd.n.一段时间;时.p.6.myster./mistri.n.奥秘;神秘事..p.64 Stonehenge /stəu nhendʒ/ 巨石阵p.62Carla /ka:(r)lə/ 卡拉(女名)p.57J.K.Rowlin./rəuliŋ.J.K.罗琳(英国作家....... Victor /viktə(r)/ 维克托(男名)p.59Jean /dZ=ʒi:n/ 琼(女名)p.60Paul Stoker /stəu kə(r)/ 保罗•斯托克p.62 Uni...lik.musi.tha..ca.danc.to.prefe./prif ə:(r).v.更喜.... p.65Lyric./liriks. n.(pl.......... 歌...Australia./ɔstreiliən.a..... 澳大利亚/人的n.... 澳大利亚人electroni./ilektrɔnik.a.... 电子(设备)..suppos./səpəuz.v.......推断;料.smoot./smu:ð..adj..... 平滑的;悦耳.spar./spe..adj...... 空闲的;不用的cas. /keIs. n.......情况;实.....in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话wa./wɔ:(r).n........ 战争;战争状.directo./direktə.n....导演;部门负责人dialogu./daiəlɔ..n.(=dialog...对话;对白documentar./dɔkjumentri/n.....纪录..dram./dra:mə.n.........戏;....plent./plenti. pron...... 大量;众.plenty of 大量;充足shu./ʃʌt.v.(shut.shut.....关闭;关.superher./su:pə(r)hiər əu.n... 超级英雄horro./hɔrə.n........ 震惊;恐惧thrille./θril@(r).n....惊险电影(小说、戏剧)intelligen./intelIdʒənt.a... 有才智的;聪明的sens./sens.v.感觉到;意识到n.感觉;意识pai./pein.n......... 痛苦;苦......reflec./riflekt.v........反映;映..perfor./p.(r)fɔ:(r)m.v.... 表演;执行amazin./əmeiziŋ.a..... 令人惊奇/喜.pit./piti.n..........遗憾;怜.......tota./təutl.n... 总数;合计a.总的;全体.in total 总共;合计maste./ma:st.. n....能手;主.v.掌.prais./preiz.v..n...... 表扬;赞.nationa./næʃnl.adj.... 国家的;民族的recal./rikɔ:l.v.......回忆起;回想...woun./wu:nd.n...... 伤;伤口;创...World War II 二战Titanic /taitænik/ 《泰坦尼克号》(电影名)Carmen /ka:(r)men/ 卡门(女名)Dan /dæn/ Dervish /də:(r)viʃ/ 丹•德维什Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. custo./kʌstəm.n...... 风俗;习.bo./ba. v...........鞠躬.......kis./kis. v..n........亲吻;接....gree./gri:t.v......和⋯⋯打招呼;迎..valu./vælju:.v.....重视;珍视n.价值.everyda./evridei.adj... 每天的;日常的drop by 顺便访问;随便进入capita./kæpitl. n.......首都;国..noo./nu:n. n........正午;中.....ma./mæd.adj....... 很生气;疯...get mad 大动肝火;气愤make an effort 作出努力traffi./træfik.n.. 交通;路上行驶的车辆somewher./sʌmwe..adv.. 在某处;到某处passpor./pa:spɔ:..n......护...chal./tʃɔ:k.n......... 粉..blackboar./blækbɔ:(r)d.n.....黑.norther./nɔ:(r).(r)n. adj. 北方的;北部的coas./kəust. n....... 海岸;海....seaso./si:zn.n........季;季....knoc./nɔk.v......... 敲;...easter./i:st.(r)n.adj... 东方的;东部的wort./wə:(r)θ.adj...值得;有价值(的)manne./mænə(r).n.....方式.礼..empt./empti.adj...... 空的;空洞.basi./beisik.adj...... 基本的;基础.exchang./ikstʃeindʒ.n..v..... 交..go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力mak....fee.a.hom.使(某人)感到宾至如归granddaughte./grændɔ:tə(r).n. (外)孙女behav./biheiv.v.........表现;举......excep./iksept.prep.除……之.conj.除了;只........ elbo./elbəu.n.........肘;胳.graduall./grædʒuəli. adv. 逐步地;渐进地suggestio./sədʒestʃən.n...... 建......Brazil /brəzil/ 巴西Mexico /meksikəu/ 墨西哥Cali /ka:li/ 卡利(哥伦比亚城市)Colombia /kəlʌmbiə/ 哥伦比亚(南美洲国家)Lausanne /ləu zæn/ 洛桑(瑞士城市)Norway /nɔ:(r)wei 挪威Maria /məri:ə/ 玛丽亚(女名)Katie /keiti/ 凯蒂(女名)Sato /sa:tɔ/ 佐藤(日本姓氏)Marie /məri:/ 玛丽(女名);马里(男名)Teresa /təri:zə/Lopez /ləu pez/ 特蕾莎•洛佩斯Marc /ma:(r)k/ LeBlanc /ləbla:ŋ/ 马克•勒布朗Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.the more … the more… 越……越……leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略friendshi./frendʃip.n.......友谊;友.kin./kiŋ.n............君主;国...prim./praim.adj........首要的;基本.ministe./ministə(r).n........大臣;部.prime minister 首相;大臣fam./feim.n........... 名声;声....pal./peil.adj......... 苍白的;灰白..quee./kwi:n.n.......... 王后;女..examine /igzæmin/ v (.仔细地)检查;检验no./nɔ:(r).conj..adv..........也.neithe....no..........既不⋯⋯也.....palac./pæləs.n......... 王宫;宫..powe./pauə(r).n........ 权利;力.wealt./welθ.n......... 财富;富..gre./grei.a...... 阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的lemo./lemən. n...........柠.cance./kænsl.v.......... 取消;终....weigh./weit.n..........重量;分..shoulde./ʃəuldə(r).n....... 肩;肩.goa./gəul.n........ 球门;射门;目.coac./kəut..n........ 教练;私人教.kic./kik.v............踢;........teammat./ti:meit.n.... 同队队员;队友courag./kʌrid..n...... 勇敢;勇.rathe./ra.ð.ə.adv.......宁愿;相当rather than 而不是pul./pul.v.............拉;...pull together 齐心协力;通力合作relie./rili:f.n..........轻松;解..no./nɔd.v.............点...agreemen..əgri:mənt.n.....一致;同...faul./fɔ:lt.n.......... 过失;缺.disappoin./disəpɔint.v....... 使失..Bert /bə:(r)t/ 伯特(男名)Holly /hɔli / 霍莉(女名)Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. backpac./bækpæk.n.....背包;旅行包oversleep v.(overslept , overslept) 睡过头giv.....lif........ 捎(某人)一程mis./mis.v........ 错过;未得到unexpected /ʌnikspektid/ a.出乎意料的;始料不及的bloc./blɔ..n.........街.worke./wə:(r)kə(r).n....工作者;工人star./steə. v....... 盯着看;凝.disbelie./disbili:f.n..... 不信;怀.abov..əbʌv.adv.....在上面;向上面prep............ 在上面bur./bə:(r)n.v.(burn./b ə:(r)nt/.burne./;burnt.burned.......... 着火;燃. aliv..əlaIv/adj....... 活着;有生气的take off (飞机等)起飞;匆忙离开til./til.conj..prep...... 到;直..wes./west.adv.向西;朝西adj.向西的;西部. n.西;西方crea./kri:m.n........ 奶油;乳脂boss/bɔs.n.......... 老板;领..pi./pai.n.........果馅饼;果馅.cours./kɔ:(r)s.n......... 课...bea./bi:n.n.......... 豆;豆..marke./ma:(r)kit.n...... 市场;集..costume /kɔstju:m/ n .服装;装束embarrassed /imbærəst/ adj .窘迫的;害羞的announc..ənauns.v......宣布;宣.hoa./həuks.n....... 骗局;恶作...discover./diskʌvəri.n.....发现;发觉lad./leidi.n......... 女士;女.office..ɔfisə. n....... 军官;官员believable /bili:vəbl/ adj.可相信的;可信任的embarrassin./imbærəsiŋ.a...使人害羞...New Zealand /nju:zi:lənd/ 新西兰Italy /Itəli/ 意大利Mars /ma:(r)z/ 火星Carl /ka:(r)l/ 卡尔(男名)Orson /ɔ:(r)sən/ Welles /welz/ 奥森•韦尔斯Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! litte./litə(r).v....乱.n.垃圾;废弃物botto./bɔtəm/n..... 底部;最下部....fisherma./fiʃə(r)mən.n..渔民;钓鱼的人coa./kəul.n........ 煤;煤块publi./.ʌblik.adj....公众的;公共. n..............民众;百姓ugl..ʌgli.adj...... 丑陋的;难看.advantag..ədva:ntidʒ.n. 优点;有利条件cos./kɔst/./kɔ:st.v...花费n.花费;价钱woode./wudn.adj.... 木制的;木头的plasti./plæstik.adj...塑料的n.塑料;塑胶make a difference 有关系, 作用, 影响shar..ʃa:(r)k.n........ 鲨鱼fin /fin/ n (.鱼)鳍cut off 割掉;砍掉metho./meθəd.n..... 方法;措.crue./kru:əl.adj..... 残酷的;残忍.harmfu./ha:(r)mfl.adj......有害..chai./tʃein.n......... 链子;链...ecosyste. /i:kəusistəm. n... 生态系统low /ləu/ a 减少的;低的;矮的industr./indəstri.n...... 工业;行业la./lɔ:.n.......... 法律;法规reusabl./ri:ju:zəbl.adj.....可重复使用的;可再次使用的affor./əfɔ:(r)d.v..承担得起(后果);买得起transportation /tænspɔ:(r)teiʃn/ n........... 运输业;交通运输recycl./ri:saikl.v.....回收利用;再利用napki./næpkin.n......餐巾;餐巾.upside down 颠倒;倒转gat./geIt.n...........大...bottl./bɔtl.n........ 瓶;瓶.presiden./prezidənt.n.....负责人;主席;总统inspiratio./inspəreiʃn.n..... 灵感.鼓舞人心的人(或事物)meta./metl.n.......... 金....creativit./kri:eitivəti.n.. 创造力;独创性WildAid /waildeid/ 野生救援协会(美国)WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature)世界自然基金会Mark /ma:(r)k/ 马克(男名)Jason /dʒeisən/ 贾森(男名)Ken /ken/ 肯(男名)Hayes /heiz/ 海斯(姓)Jessica /dʒesikə/ 杰茜卡(女名)Unit 14 I remember meeting all of youin Grade 7surve./sə:(r)vei. n.........调..standar./stændə(r)d.n.....标准;水.ro./rəu.n.......一排;一列;一...in a row 连续几次地keyboar./ki:bɔ:(r)d.n....琴键.键盘instructio./instrʌkʃn.n.... 指示;命令doubl./dʌbl.v.... 加倍;是⋯⋯的两. .......... adj.两倍的;加倍..shal..ʃæl. moda.v......将要;将.overcome /əu və(r)kʌm/ v.(overcame , overcome)克服;战胜make a mess 弄得一团糟, 一塌糊涂graduat./grædʒueit.v.... 毕业;获得学.keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静our./auə(r)z.pron........我们...senio./si:niə(r).a... 级别(或地位)高的senior high (school) 高中tex./tekst. n........ 课文;文...leve./levl. n.........标准;水...degree /digri:/ n (.大学)学位;度数;程度manage./mænidʒə(r).n.... 经理;经营者believe in 信任;信赖gentlema./dʒentlmən.n....... 先.graduatio./grædʒueiʃn.n.......毕.ceremon. /serəməni. n... 典礼;仪式congratulat./kəngrætʃuleit.v.... 祝贺thirst./θ3:(r)sti.a..... 口渴的.渴望的non./nʌn.pron....... 没有一个;毫.tas./ta:s..n..........任务;工.ahea..əhed.adv...... 向前面;在前. responsibl./rispɔnsəbl.adj....有责任的.be responsible for 对……负责任separat./sepəreit.adj... 单独的.分离. ............. v.分开;分离win./wiŋ.n............ 翅膀;....Brian /braiən/ 布赖恩(男名)Luke /lu:k/ 卢克(男名)Griffin /grifin/ 格里芬(姓)Trent /trent/ 特伦特(姓)。



生命值:全难度:360 攻击力: 爆炸火球:全难度:9 火焰喷吐:全难度:9 撕咬:简单:25 普通:50 困难:60 能力: 火焰喷吐:九头蛇会从嘴里吐出火焰,将喷吐到的生物燃烧 数秒 爆炸火球:当玩家距离较远时会从口出喷出三枚火球,随后 会爆炸 撕咬:一个头张开血盆大口后向玩家进行高伤害的撕咬 再生:当一个头爆炸后,过一段时间会再生成两个头(上限7 个) 死亡掉落:九头蛇战利品、九头蛇肉排25-35、炽热的血液610、红绳鄂
攻击力: 头部:简单:4,普通:6,困难:9 其他:简单:2,普通:3,困难:4 能力: 冲撞:停下并朝向玩家然后快速前进,可以破坏任何方块 凝视:当玩家在很高的地方时,娜迦会让玩家脚下的方块破坏

生命值:35(X6) 骑士剑:疼 骑士镐:不是很疼 骑士战斧:非常疼 幻影:能够穿过实体方块。 冲撞:手持骑士剑对玩家发动冲撞 骑士斧投掷:远距离向玩家方向投掷多枚骑士斧 骑士镐投掷:向多方向短距离投掷多枚骑士镐 死亡掉落:损坏了的骑士工具和幻影套装。 奖励箱:30级附魔的幻影套装任意三件、30级附魔的 骑士工具任意三件
末影飞弹:全难度:6 爆炸火球:简单:9~13,普通:15~20,困难:22~30 最后武器:简单:4,普通:6,困难:9 能力: 护身金盾:巫妖出现后,自身会环绕着五个盾牌,盾牌免疫大部分伤



Application Programming InterfaceReference GuideVersion 10.2December 2009Pasadena, California 91107Phone: (626) 795-9101Fax: (626) 795-0184E-mail: service@The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Optical Research Associates (ORA®). ORA assumes no liability for any errors that may Arrayappear in this document.The software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The CODE V output shown (plotted and printed) may vary in different versions.Copyright © 2009 by Optical Research Associates. All rights reserved.Proprietary Software NotificationCODE V® is the proprietary and confidential property of ORA and/or its suppliers. It is licensed for use on the designated equipment on which it was originally installed and cannot be modified, duplicated, or copied in any form without prior written consent of ORA. If supplied under a U.S. Government contract the following also applies:Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or insubparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FARS 52.227-19.ORA, CODE V, and LightTools are registered trademarks of Optical Research Associates. Other trademarksor marks are the property of their respective companies.CODE V API Reference Guide Contents • iiiContentsChapter 1OverviewWhat is the CODE V API? (1)Requirements (1)A Note about the DEFAULTS.SEQ File (2)Getting Started (2)DisplayAlerts Property (4)Speeding Up COM Client Execution...............................................................................................4Chapter 2CODE V Interface FunctionsGeneral Utility Functions (6)Start/StopCodeV (6)Get/SetCommandTimeout (7)Get/SetMaxTextBufferSize (8)Get/SetStartingDirectory (9)GetCodeVVersion (10)Asynchronous Usage Functions (11)AsyncCommand (11)IsExecutingCommand (12)Wait (13)GetCommandOutput (14)StopCommand (15)Synchronous Usage Functions (16)Command (16)EvaluateExpression (17)CODE V State Information (18)GetCurrentOption (18)GetCurrentSubOption (19)GetZoomCount (20)GetSurfaceCount (21)GetFieldCount (22)GetWavelengthCount (23)GetDimension (24)GetStopSurface (25)GetMaxAperture (26)Math and Optical MACRO Functions (27)BESTSPH (27)EVALZERN (28)FITERROR (29)GAUSSBEAM (30)GAUSSWTS (32)INDEX (33)MTF_1FLD (34)NORMRADIUS (35)POLGRID (36)RAYPOL (39)RAYRSI (42)RAYSIN..................................................................................................................................43iv • Contents CODE V API Reference GuideRAYTRA................................................................................................................................44RMSWE..................................................................................................................................45RMS_1FLD.............................................................................................................................48SAGF (50)SASF (51)SURFSAGD (52)SVD (53)TRA_1FLD (54)TRANSFORM (56)ZERNIKE (57)ZERNIKEGQ (59)Zernike Fitting Functions (61)ZFRCOEF (62)Buffer Functions (63)Sample Code: Outputting buffer data from CODE V (63)BufferToArray (64)ArrayToBuffer (65)Chapter 3CODE V API by ExampleWriting PSF Data to an Excel Spreadsheet (67)Results (69)Creating a Surface Listing (70)MATLAB Sample File...................................................................................................................72Appendix A CVCommand ErrorsE_INVALIDARG (73)DISP_E_BADINDEX (73)E_UNEXPECTED (73)FACILITY_ITF..............................................................................................................................73Chapter 1OverviewWhat is the CODE V API?The CODE V API is an application programming interface designed to allow access from otherprograms to CODE V commands. The CODE V API uses the Microsoft Windows standardComponent Object Model (COM) interface1. This enables you to execute CODE V commandsusing applications such as Microsoft Visual Basic (VB), Microsoft Office Applications, C++,MATLAB, or any other application that supports Windows COM architecture. The CODE V API is particularly useful for automating tasks or retrieving data used in calculations in other programs.Both Visual Basic and Excel provide an integrated development environment in which you candevelop CODE V command functions.2 This type of environment provides context-sensitiveediting and debugging, Windows standard forms, object oriented programming capabilities(Classes), standard functions in Visual Basic/Excel (or the client program), external object libraries known as dynamic link libraries (DLLs), as well as other conveniences that can enhance thefunction writing process.The CODE V API has no graphical user interface, and therefore no graphics support; any plotscreated with a CODE V API function must be output to a file or they are lost. Plot files can beviewed either in CODE V, or in the standalone CODE V Viewer program (CVPlotView). RequirementsIn order to use the CODE V API to write and run commands, you must have installed:•CODE V 9.30 or laterDuring installation, CODE V is configured to support API command execution. This processregisters CODE V as a COM server on your system (cvcommand).•Any Visual Basic compliant application (such as Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visual Basic, or MATLAB) or any other Windows program that supports Microsoft COMarchitecture1. The COM enables Windows Programs to communicate with each other using the Client/Serverconcept. For example, the program that initiates the communication process is referred to asthe client, and the program that responds to client’s requests is referred to as the server. Currently,CODE V can only act as a server, meaning that it can only respond to client programs.2. This document concentrates on Visual Basic as the client for writing functions. To use other pro-grams, please refer to their documentation (under “Automation” or “COM” support).CODE V API Reference Guide Overview • 12 • Overview CODE V API Reference GuideA Note about the DEFAULTS.SEQ FileWhen you use the CODE V API, note that your DEFAULTS.SEQ file is not automatically loaded when CODE V is run. You must include the following command in your function to load this file:mand("in defaults.seq")Getting StartedThis example describes how to write a very simple command function using the Visual Basic Editor provided with Microsoft Excel.1.Start Microsoft Excel.2.Select Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor .The Microsoft VisualBasic window is displayed.3.Add the CODE V Command Type Library as a reference by doing the following:a.Select Tools > References . . ..b.In the References - VBAProject window, select the Optical Research AssociatesCVCommand Type Library and click OK .If you are running Excel 97, the CVCommand Type Library may not be listed in theAvailable References. If it is not, select Browse and navigate to the CODE V installation directory. Click on cvcommand.tlb and click Open to add the CVCommand Type Library to the Available References.3.Back in the Microsoft Visual Basic window, select Tools > Macros .4.In the Macros window, key in a name and click Create .5.In the Book1 - Module1(Code) window, you can begin writing your macro.a.Declare the session variable:Dim Session As CVCommand b.Request an instance of the CVCommand interface using the Set statement:Set session = CreateObject("mand.930")This instance should be requested by object name, which in this case is version 9.30 ofCODE V . A specific version number should be requested because the interfaces maychange with later versions of CODE V.CODE V API Reference Guide Overview • 3c.Once an instance is created, the CODE V utility functions can be called on to set up theenvironment parameters, such as buffer size and starting directory. For example:session.SetStartingDirectory("c:\CVUSER")e the StartCodeV function to start up CODE V:session.StartCodeVplete the macro as desired and save your project.Following is a sample macro that starts CODE V , opens the sample lens file dbgauss.len, and optimizes the lens:Sub RunCodeV()Dim Session As CVCommand'Create an instance of CODE V and set the starting directory to c:\CVUSER Set session = CreateObject("mand.xxx")'where xxx is the CODE V version; for example, xxx=101 for version 10.1 session.SetStartingDirectory("c:\CVUSER")session.StartCodeVmand("in defaults.seq")'load a lens (dbgauss) and run AUTO to optimize itresult = mand("res cv_lens:dbgauss")result = mand("aut; go")MsgBox (result)'evaluate the Effective Focal Lengthresult = session.EvaluateExpression ("(efl)")'Shut down the instance of CODE Vsession.StopCodeVSet session = NothingEnd Sub6.From the Visual Basic window, click Run > Run Sub/User Form , or click the Run icon on thetoolbar.The macro will run CODE V and execute the specified CODE V command functions.For details about the available CODE V commands available for use with the CODE V API, go to Chapter 2, “CODE V Interface Functions” on page5.DisplayAlerts PropertyIf your macro starts a CODE V process that takes time, and waits for a response, then VB or VBA Array will try to issue a warning message indicating that the server is not responding and may not run the remaining portion of the macro. To suppress this message, you can use the following code:in VBA:Application.DisplayAlerts = Falsedisables the display of alert boxes; however, this setting should be used selectively and changedback to True when not needed.in VB, you can set:App.OleRequestPendingTimeout = NApp.OleRequestBusyTimeout = Nwhere N is the number of milliseconds. N should be greater than the time it takes to run the process. Speeding Up COM Client ExecutionThe REC command allows you to disable recording of data in the CODE V recovery file, whichcan help speed up execution of COM clients. See “Defining Configuration - I/O” on page24-19 ofthe CODE V Reference Manual for details about REC. Note that, by default, CODE V alwaysrecords data in the recovery file, which is recommended for general CODE V usage.4 • Overview CODE V API Reference GuideCODE V API Reference Guide CODE V Interface Functions • 5Chapter 2CODE V Interface FunctionsThis section contains details for each CODE V interface function. The CODE V interface functions are grouped in the following categories, based on what they do.•General Utility Functions.................................................................................... 6•Asynchronous Usage Functions......................................................................... 11•Synchronous Usage Functions........................................................................... 16•CODE V State Information ............................................................................... 18•Math and Optical MACRO Functions............................................................... 27•Buffer Functions................................................................................................63General Utility FunctionsStart/StopCodeVThese functions start or stop the CODE V session being run by CVCommand. Start must be called before any function other than Set/GetCommandTimeout, Set/GetMaxTextBufferSize,GetCodeVVersion, or Set/GetStartingDirectory is called. StopCodeV must be called when you are done running the session of CODE V.Visual Basic SyntaxStartCodeV()StopCodeV()6 • CODE V Interface Functions CODE V API Reference GuideGet/SetCommandTimeoutThese functions are used to get or set the timeout for synchronous commands. They have no effect on asynchronous commands.Visual Basic SyntaxSetCommandTimeout(nTimeout As Integer)GetCommandTimeout() As IntegerParameterReturn ValueFor GetCommandTimeout, the current timeout time in seconds.nTimeoutCurrent timeout time in secondsGet/SetMaxTextBufferSizeThese functions are used to get or set the maximum buffer size for text returned by the Command and GetCommandOutput functions.Visual Basic SyntaxSetMaxTextBufferSize(lSize As Long)GetMaxTextBufferSize() As LongParameterReturn ValueFor GetMaxTextBufferSize, a pointer to a long integer that contains the current maximum buffer size.lSize Long integer containing the desired maximum buffer size in characters.Default is 256000.Get/SetStartingDirectoryGet or set the working directory for CODE V . SetStartingDirectory must be called before StartCodeV to set the directory of execution.Visual Basic SyntaxGetStartingDirectory() As StringSetStartingDirectory(bstrStartingDirectory As String)ParameterReturn ValuePointer to a string defining the current starting directory.bstrStartingDirectoryString defining the desired starting directory.GetCodeVVersionVisual Basic SyntaxGetCodeVVersion() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueVersion of CODE V that is running.Asynchronous Usage FunctionsAsyncCommandStart an asynchronous command. Only one AsyncCommand call can be run at a time, but multiple AsyncCommand calls can be made during a CVCommand session. This function call fails if CODE V is already running a command. Calling this function clears the results of the previous asynchronous function call.Visual Basic SyntaxAsyncCommand(bstrCommandLine As String)ParameterbstrCommandLineCommand to be executed.IsExecutingCommandVisual Basic SyntaxIsExecutingCommand() As LongParameterNone.Return ValueBoolean that indicates whether or not an asynchronous command is currently executing.WaitWait for an asynchronous command to complete.Visual Basic SyntaxWait(nWaitTime As Integer) As CVWaitStatusParameterReturn ValueEnumeration for wait status, either Completed or TimeOut:Completed Command completed 1TimeOut Wait timed out with the command still runningnWaitTimeTime to wait in seconds.GetCommandOutputEvaluateExpression, or math and optical functions) between calls to AsyncCommand andGetCommandOutput. This will preserve the buffer between those two calls.Visual Basic SyntaxGetCommandOutput() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueString containing the output. Its maximum length is the maximum buffer size.StopCommandThis function aborts the currently running CODE V calculation.Visual Basic SyntaxStopCommand()Synchronous Usage FunctionsCommandThis function sends a command to the CODE V session being run by CVCommand and returns its output. Calling this function clears the results of the previous asynchronous function call.Visual Basic SyntaxCommand(bstrCommandLine As String) As StringParameterReturn ValueThe command output. Its size is limited by the maximum buffer size set withSetMaxTextBufferSize.bstrCommandLineCODE V command.EvaluateExpressionThis function evaluates an expression and returns its value. It is equivalent to the EV A command in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxEvaluateExpression(bstrExpression As String) As StringParameterReturn ValuePointer to a string into which CVCommand will put the results of the evaluation. Note that because this is a string, the value is only as precise as the output into the string; it is not a true floating point value.bstrExpressionString containing the expression to evaluate.CODE V State Informationasynchronous command.GetCurrentOptionReturns the name of the current option.Visual Basic SyntaxGetCurrentOption() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueThe option short name (e.g., AUT for Automatic Design). Returns "CHA" if CODE V is notcurrently in an option.GetCurrentSubOptionVisual Basic SyntaxGetCurrentSubOption() As StringParameterNone.Return ValueThe option name. Returns an empty string if CODE V is not currently in a sub-option.Visual Basic SyntaxGetZoomCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of zoom positions in the lens.Visual Basic SyntaxGetSurfaceCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of surfaces.GetFieldCountVisual Basic SyntaxGetFieldCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of fields.GetWavelengthCountVisual Basic SyntaxGetWavelengthCount() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe current number of wavelengths.GetDimensionReturns a value representing the type of dimensions in the system.Visual Basic SyntaxGetDimension() As IntegerParameterNone.Return ValuesThe value representing the type of dimensions in the system:0Inches1Centimeters2MillimetersVisual Basic SyntaxGetStopSurface() As Integer ParameterNone.Return ValueThe surface number of the current stop surface.Returns the maximum aperture size for the specified surface and zoom.Visual Basic SyntaxGetMaxAperture(nSurface As Integer, nZoom As Integer) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueMaximum aperture size. This uses the “MAP” database item.nSurfaceNumber of the surface for which the maximum aperture will be oomZoom position at which the maximum aperture will be determined.Math and Optical MACRO FunctionsThe following functions are equivalent to calling various CODE V macro functions. For more details about the CODE V macro functions referenced, see “Language Reference” on page 25A-1 of the CODE V Reference Manual .BESTSPHThis is equivalent to calling the BESTSPH macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxBESTSPH(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer,dblMinHeight As Double, dblMaxHeight As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the BESTSPH macro function. It is the curvature of the best fitting sphere.nSurface Desired surface.nZoomPos Desired zoom position.dblMinHeight Minimum Y coordinate.dblMaxHeightMaximum Y coordinate.EVALZERNThis is equivalent to calling the EV ALZERN macro function in CODE V . The EV ALZERN macron function evaluates a Zernike polynomial generated with the ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, orZFRCOEF macro function and computes the value of the polynomial at a point X,Y , where X and Y are normalized to the unit circle.Visual Basic SyntaxEVALZERN(nWavelengthNum As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, dblX As Double, dblY As Double, nPolType As Integer, eOutputType As CVZernOutputTypeEnum, eZernType As CVZernTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe value of the Zernike polynomial at the specified coordinate. If the polynomial has not been defined with the ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF function, EV ALZERN returns a value of -1e10.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.nFieldNum Number of the field point defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.nZoomPos Zoom position defined in ZERNIKE, ZERNIKEGQ, or ZFRCOEF.dblX X coordinate to be evaluated.dblY Y coordinate to be evaluated.nPolTypeNumber specifying whether polarization ray tracing is enabled for this computation; matches the number defined in ZERNIKE or ZERNIKEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, this must be 0.eOutputTypeEnumeration of the output type ('intensity' or 'phase'), specifying intensity or phase. Matches the type used in ZERNIKE or ZERNI-KEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, the output must be 'phase.'eZernTypeType of the Zernike polynomial. Matches the expression defined inZERNIKE or ZERNIKEGQ. If you used ZFRCOEF, it must be 'zfr.'FITERRORThis is equivalent to calling the FITERROR macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxFITERROR(nWavelengthNum As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, nPolType As Integer, eOutputType As CVZernOutputTypeEnum, eZernType As CVZernTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe RMS fit error of the Zernike polynomial. If the polynomial has not been defined with the ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF function, FITERROR returns a value of -1. If used with the ZERNIKEGQ macro function, returns a value of 0.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength defined in ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF.nFieldNum Number of the field point defined in ZERNIKE or oomPos Zoom position defined in ZERNIKE or ZFRCOEF.nPolTypeNumber specifying whether polarization ray tracing is enabled for this computation; matches the number defined in ZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, this must be 0.eOutputTypeEnumeration of the output type ('intensity' or 'phase'), specifying intensity or phase. Matches the type used in ZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, the output must be 'phase.'eZernTypeType of the Zernike polynomial. Matches the expression defined inZERNIKE. If you used ZFRCOEF, it must be 'zfr.'GAUSSBEAMThis is equivalent to calling the GAUSSBEAM macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxGAUSSBEAM(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, nWavelengthNum As Integer, psaInput() As Double, eOutputType As CVGaussbeamOutputTypeEnum) As DoubleParametersnSurfaceThe surface number to use. For non-sequential systems, if you enter a negative value, that value refers to the hit number rather than the sur-face number. This gives you direct access to the information by hit number.nZoomPos Zoom position to use.nFieldNumNumber of field positions to use.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength to use (not the value of the wavelength).psaInputA five-element input array containing the following parameters (in this order): initial beam-width radius (at the object plane) at the 1/ e 2 inten-sity point in the X meridian (WRX), initial beam-width radius (at the object plane) at the 1/ e 2 intensity point in the Y meridian (WRY), radius of curvature of input wavefront (at object plane) in X meridian (RCX), radius of curvature of input wavefront (at object plane) in Y meridian (RCY), orientation (in degrees) of input beam definition about the optical (z) axis (AZI).eOutputTypeEnumeration specifying the output value of the function:0PROP Propagation distance to the next surface 1BSDX X semi-diameter of the beam 2BSDY Y semi-diameter of the beam 3BANG Beam angle (in degrees)4WCUX X Curvature of the Wavefront 5WCUY Y Curvature of the Wavefront 6WSDX X semi-diameter of the waist 7WSDY Y semi-diameter of the waist 8WDSX X waist distance from the surface 9WDSY Y waist distance from the surface 10SURX X Coordinate of the beam on the surface 11SURY Y Coordinate of the beam on the surface 12SURZZ Coordinate of the beam on the surfaceReturn ValueFor non-sequential systems, the macro function returns results for the last time the specified surface was hit. If that surface was not hit, the function returns 0.13RDCL L Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface14RDCM M Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface15RDCN N Direction cosine (geo) of center of beam prior to surface16AINC Angle of incidence (in degrees) of center of beam at surface17SURNFor NS systems. Return the surface number for the hit number specified with the surface numparameterGAUSSWTSThis function is equivalent to calling the GAUSSWTS macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxGAUSSWTS(nNumInputPts As Integer, psaInputCoords() As Double, psalInputWeights() As Double, nNumQuadPts As Integer, psaCoords() As Double, psaWeights() As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the GAUSSWTS macro function. It is 0 if there are no errors in the computation, and -1 if any errors are encountered.nNumInputPts Number of input points at which weights are supplied.psaInputCoordsInput array of coordinates at which weights are supplied. It must be nNumInputPts long. The input coordinates do not need to be equally spaced.psalInputWeights An input array, dimensioned at nNumInputPts, of the weighting function at the points specified in psaInputCoords.nNumQuadPts Number of Gaussian quadrature points and weights desired.psaCoords An output array, dimensioned at nNumQuadPts, of the coordinates to be used for the numerical integration.psaWeightsAn output array, dimensioned at nNumQuadPts. It will receive theweights to be used for the numerical integration.INDEXThis is equivalent to calling the INDEX macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SyntaxINDEX(nSurface As Integer, nZoomPos As Integer,nWavelengthNum As Integer, nGlassNum As Integer, dblX As Double, dblY As Double, dblZ As Double) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe refractive index at the specified point. Note that it can be positive or negative, depending on the direction the light is traveling. If the first four parameters are outside their allowed range or if the index cannot be computed for any reason, the return value is set to 0.0.nSurface Surface number of the GRIN oomPosZoom position.nWavelengthNum Number of the wavelength to be used (not the wavelength value).nGlassNum Glass number (for NSS surfaces). Value must be either 1 or 2. For sequential surfaces, use 1.dblX, dblY , dblZCoordinates relative to the surface origin where the index is to becomputed.MTF_1FLDMTF_1FLD computes the MTF of the lens system including or excluding diffraction effects,assuming either a sine wave or a square wave object, similar to the MTF option. It is equivalent to calling the MTF_1FLD macro function in CODE V .Visual Basic SytaxMTF_1FLD(nZoomPos As Integer, nFieldNum As Integer, Frequency As Double, Azimuth As Double, NRD As Integer, MTFValues() As Double, MTFtype As CVMTFTypeEnum, MTFWave As CVMTFWaveEnum) As DoubleParametersReturn ValueThe return value of the function is the modulation. If there is an error in the computation or inputs, the return value is -1. Since a negative modulation is not valid, any negative return value indicates that the calculation failed.nZoomPos Zoom position to use. Range: 1 to (NUM Z).nFieldNum Number of field point to use. Range: 1 to (NUM F).FrequencySpatial frequency at the image surface. Units are cycles/mm for focal systems, and cycles per angular measure for afocal (AFC) systems, where the angular measure is defined by the angular units specification (ADM).Azimuth Orientation of the spatial frequency at the image, in degrees.NRD Number of grid rays across the diameter of the pupil. If nrd is set to zero, the calculation is performed using a default value of 60.MTFValuesThe output array name must be declared before the macro is called, and is a one-dimensional output array that will contain the following six elements:1.Modulation2.Phase (degrees)3.Analytic diffraction limit value4.Actual diffraction limit value5.Illumination for unit brightness6.Number of rays traced (in convolved pupil for diffraction MTF)These data values correspond to the equivalent values output by the MTF option.MTFtype String expression specifying diffraction MTF ('DIF') or geometrical MTF ('GEO').MTFWaveString expression specifying sine wave response ('SIW') or square waveresponse ('SQW').。

3 值班主管工作规范

3 值班主管工作规范

◢ 协助客服部经理依门店公关处理程序进 行处理,并将处理结果告知店总。
◢ 依门店公关SOP处理,必要时代理店总
◢ 代理范围:一般权限内之代理,介涉及财务费用的及 涉外事项要先请示同意 ◢ 文件签署:文件要签“代”字样,并注明日期,所有 财 务性及重要文件要事后补呈店总批阅
◢ 主收银线等待不超过3人,退换货不超过3人,单机结帐 台不超过5人,其他赠品、办卡、生鲜磅称均不可超过5人
再以全店人力支援,依序:后勤→杂百→生鲜→课组长 →经副理
4.1 储备副理以上 4.2 资深课长(1年以上,限营业、 客服、保安人员) 4.3 人数8-10人
5.1 值班时间:分早班、晚班2种 A*店早值:至少开店前2小时 P*店晚值:下午2点到设防后
1.值班交接领取值班日志 2.值班巡视
◢ 报表、价格卡、美工告示作业正常
◢ 叉车正常可用 ◢ 商品堆放合理,无跌落压损 ◢ 高单商品门禁管制落实 ◢ 通道顺畅,无异常空盒,破包



Table of Contents
Chapter 1: General System Description and Installation
Cage Description.................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Features .............................................................................................................................................1-2 Cage Components..............................................................................................................................1-3 Specifications .....................................................................................................................................1-9 Dimensions and Weights....................................................................................................................1-10 Space and Positioning Requirements ................................................................................................1-11




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而Leenock则是当今对感染虫运用最为全面的选手,在比赛中,我们常常能够看到Leenock 在逆境中依靠感染虫顽强翻盘,对于感染虫的运用当今无人能出其右。



在这场比赛中,小李前期的RUSH和中后期对于感染虫的运用都堪称经典,值得广大虫族玩家学习,在讲解战报的同时我将详细为大家介绍Leenock 的这经典套战术。








女拳王莱拉阿里阿里之女女拳王莱拉阿里中文名:莱拉·阿里本名:Laila Amaria Ali性别:女身高:179 cm体重:72 kg 出生日期:1977-12-30 (38岁)出生地:佛罗里达州迈阿密海岸婚姻状况:已婚,一儿一女冠军次数:WBC女子中量级冠军WIBA女子中量级冠军详细:战绩:24胜(21次KO对手)0负0平。













Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书

Bose 产品使用指南.pdf_1705905620.9668128说明书

Italiano - 3S ommarioCompilare e conservare le seguenti informazioni:I numeri di serie e di modello si trovano sulla confezione originale e sulla scheda della garanzia.Numero di serie ______________________________________________________________________Numero di modello ___________________________________________________________________Data d’acquisto ______________________________________________________________________È consigliabile conservare la ricevuta insieme a questo manuale di istruzioni.Informazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra (4)Caratteristiche .............................................................................................................. 4Disimballaggio ...................................................................................................................... 5Collegamento del dispositivo ............................................................................................ 6Uso delle cuffie con il dispositivo . (6)Controlli delle cuffie .................................................................................................... 6Funzioni di base ............................................................................................................ 7Funzioni di riproduzione multimediale .................................................................... 7Importanza del comfort (8)Inserimento delle cuffie nelle orecchie .................................................................... 8Sostituzione dei puntali .............................................................................................. 9Rimozione delle cuffie ................................................................................................. 9Ulteriori regolazioni per garantire comfort e stabilità .. (10)Uso della clip per abiti ................................................................................................. 10Uso di un auricolare singolo ....................................................................................... 10Risoluzione dei problemi .. (11)iPad, iPhone e iPod sono marchi commerciali di Apple Inc., registrati negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi. Il marchio “iPhone” è utilizzato su licenza di Aiphone K.K.“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” e “Made for iPad” significa che un accessorio elettronico è stato progettato per essere collegato specificamente a un iPod, iPhone o iPad rispettivamente ed è coperto dalla certificazione dello sviluppatore che assicura la conformità agli standard prestazionali di Apple. Apple non è responsabile del funzionamento di questo dispositivo o della conformità dello stesso agli standard di sicurezza e normativi. L’uso di questo accessorio con un iPod, iPhone o iPad può influire sulle prestazioni wireless.Utilizzo delle cuffie4 - ItalianoInformazioni sulle cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® UltraLe cuffie in-ear Bose ® SoundTrue ® Ultra uniscono prestazioni audio realistiche a un design confortevole, caratteristiche difficili da trovare nella maggior parte delle cuffie tradizionali.Caratteristiche• Goditi la musica e lasciati assorbire completamente da un suono ricco e pulito.• Esclusiva tecnologia TriPort ® per bassi dal timbro naturale, anche a volumi elevati.• Il microfono e telecomando in linea consentono di passare con facilità dalle chiamate alla musica e viceversa su specifici modelli di iPod, iPhone e iPad.• I puntali StayHear ® mantengono in posizione le cuffie in modo confortevole.• Progettate e testate per la massima qualità e durevolezza.• La custodia consente di conservare e proteggere le cuffie.• Disponibili in un’ampia gamma di colori tra cui scegliere quello più adatto al proprio stile.Utilizzo delle cuffieItaliano - 7Funzioni di baseAumentare il volume Premere e rilasciare il pulsante +.Ridurre il volumePremere e rilasciare il pulsante –.Rispondere a una chiamataQuando si riceve una chiamata, premere e rilasciare il tasto Rispondi/Fine per rispondere.Chiudere una chiamata Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Rifiutare una chiamata in arrivoPremere e tenere premuto il pulsanteRispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi rilasciarlo.Passare a una chiamata in attesa mettendo in attesa quella correnteDurante una conversazione, premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine una volta. Premerlo e rilasciarlo di nuovo per tornare alla prima chiamata.Passare a una chiamata in arrivo o in attesa chiudendo quella corrente Durante una conversazione, premere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine per circa due secondi, quindi o del controllo vocalePremere e tenere premuto il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Per ulteriori informazioni sul controllo vocale, consultare il manuale di istruzioni del dispositivo.Funzioni di riproduzione multimedialeRiprodurre o mettere in pausa un brano musicale o un video Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine.Salto in avanti Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione.Avanti rapidoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine due volte in rapida successione, tenendo premuto dopo la seconda pressione.Salto all’indietro Premere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione.RiavvolgimentoPremere e rilasciare il pulsante Rispondi/Fine tre volte in rapida successione,tenendo premuto dopo la terza pressione.。


















《GTA5》(全名:Grand Theft Auto V)是由Rockstar North 开发,Rockstar Games 发行的一款开放世界动作冒险游戏,于2013 年9 月17 日发行。

游戏以洛圣都(Los Santos)为背景,讲述了三名不同身份、性格的罪犯之间的故事。


- 迈克尔:前黑帮成员,因抢劫银行而入狱,出狱后与富兰克林相识。

- 特雷弗:疯子般的飞行员和炸弹制造者,与迈克尔有深厚交情。

- 富兰克林:生活在洛圣都底层的年轻人,渴望改变自己的生活。










《PES 2021》是由Konami开发的足球模拟游戏,该游戏在英语版本中有专门的英语解说。



在《PES 2021》的英语解说中,玩家可以听到解说员对比赛中的精彩瞬间进行生动的描述,例如进球时的兴奋呼喊,犯规时的指责,以及对球员技术动作的赞美。



总的来说,《PES 2021》的英语解说为游戏增添了更加真实和丰富的游戏体验,让玩家仿佛置身于真实的足球比赛现场。


pes2021英语解说 -回复

pes2021英语解说 -回复







第二步:游戏特色1. 更新球队和选手数据:PES2021更新了球队和选手的数据,确保游戏中的球员表现更加真实和准确。


2. 球场和氛围:PES2021的球场细节非常出色,如草地纹理、球场标志和看台人群,都使球场看起来更加真实。


3. 游戏模式:PES2021提供多种游戏模式,满足不同玩家的需求。





以下是一些基本操作:1. 移动和传球:使用方向键或摇杆来控制球员移动,使用传球键传球给队友。


2. 射门和射门方向:使用射门键来进行射门,按住射门键的时间长短可以调整射门的力度。


3. 防守和抢断:使用抢断键来进行防守和抢断,趁对手传球或控球时,抢断键可以帮助玩家夺取球权。

4. 选择球员和战术:玩家可以使用选择键来切换控制的球员,使用战术键来调整球队的战术策略。


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· 谁负责(R = Responsible),即负责执行任务的角色,他/她具体负责操控项目、解决问题。

· 谁批准(A = Accountable),即对任务负全责的角色,只有经他/她同意或签署之后,项目才能得以进行。

· 咨询谁(C = Consulted),拥有完成项目所需的信息或能力的人员。

· 通知谁 (I =Informed),即拥有特权、应及时被通知结果的人员,却不必向他/她咨询、征求意见。




1. 辨识整个流程、找出各项活动,将它们记录在RACI表的左侧。

2. 辨识流程、活动中的所有角色,将它们记录在RACI表的上方。

3. 完成RACI表的方格单元:辨识每一个流程、活动的角色(R、A、C、I)。

4. 每一个流程最好只有一个“A”角色,这是RACI的一般原则。



5. 解决交叠问题。



6. 解决缺口问题。










