




































①杨志卖刀②智取生辰纲______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________⑵《简·爱》中,海伦与简·爱的友谊深厚,却性格迥异,请从下面两个故事中任选一个,结合具体内容谈谈海伦和简·爱的性格特点。



中国文学史模拟试卷2答案中国文学史模拟试卷答案《中国文学史(下)》模拟试卷二一.选择题(共20分,每小题1分)1.北宋初期善于写“影”的词人是(A )。

B.王安石C.欧阳修D.晏几道2.慢词本始于民间,唐代文人偶尔为之,至(B )始大盛。

A.苏轼C.晏殊D.秦观3.(B )词的最大特点,可以用“以诗为词”来概括。

A.黄庭坚B.苏轼C.姜夔D.吴文英4.宋代第一个以“四声”入词的大家是(D )。

A.范仲淹B.晏几道C.李清照D.周邦彦5.词作被后人誉为“易安体”的词人是(C )。

A.张孝祥B.陆游C.李清照D.辛弃疾6.南宋“中兴四大诗人”除了陆游、杨万里、尤袤外,另一位作家是( CA.文天祥B.徐照C.范成大D.朱熹7.元杂剧中女主角称为(C )。

A.贴旦B.卜儿C.正旦D.孤8.元杂剧把有关人物动作、表情、效果等舞台提示叫做(A )。

A.科泛B.宾白C.曲辞D.楔子9.元杂剧《两世姻缘》的作者是(A )。

A.乔吉B.郑光祖C.秦简夫D.康进之10.套数又称“散套”,是由同宫调的(B )支以上曲子组成。

A.三B.二C.四D.五11.散曲到了(c )手里,才真正成为能与诗词分庭抗礼的新体诗。

A.卢挚B.姚燧C.马致远D.关汉卿12.明代“吴中四杰”中最具有代表性的诗人是(B )。

A.杨基B.高启C.张羽D徐贲13.归有光一般被认为是(C )作家。

A.前七子B.后七子C.唐宋派D.竟陵派14.“市井之常谈,闺房之碎语”是用来评价(D )的语言特点的。

A.《三国演义》B.《西游记》C.《水浒传》D.《金瓶梅》15.明代杂剧《中山狼》是(C )的作品。

A.王九思B.徐渭C.康海D.冯梦龙16.属于清代“江左三大家”的诗人是(B )。

A.黄宗羲B.钱谦益C.王夫之D.朱彝尊17.论诗标榜以神韵为宗的诗人是(B )。

)中国文学史模拟试卷答案A.吴伟业B.王士祯C.袁枚D.翁方纲18.桐城派散文的奠基者是(B )。











用手掌托着手机,打开加速度传感器,手掌从静止开始迅速上下运动,得到如图所示的竖直方向上加速度随时间变化的图像,该图像以竖直向上为正方向,重力加速度的大小,由此可判断出A.手机可能离开过手掌B. 手机在时刻运动到最高点C.手机在时刻改变运动方向D.手机在~时间内,受到的支持力先减小再增大4.如图,光滑绝缘水平面上,由1、2、3三个带电量均为+q、质量均为m的相同金属小球,均用长为L的三根绝缘细绳连接,A、B、C分别为三根绝缘细绳的中点,O为三角形中心,现选取无穷远处为电势零点(已知单个点电荷q周围空间的电势,r为到点电荷的距离),则下列说法正确的是A.O点的电场强度不为零,且方向向上B.若长度L可调节,则A、O两点的电势可能相等C.系统的总电势能为D.系统的总电势能为5.如图所示,一理想自耦变压器线圈AB绕在一个圆环形闭合铁芯上,左端输入正弦交流电压,L1为相同的灯泡,其电阻均为且恒定不变,定值电阻的阻值为灯泡阻值的。




Nervously,but for courage,I held the rope of my guide dog Coco a bit tighter when we passed by my neighbour's yard.Walking by Mr.Smith's (1)______ was the best part of our morning walk.And also the (2)______ .The sweet smell of the beautiful roses in Mr.Smith's yard was absolutely the best.The worst,came from Mr.Smith,an ice-cold man."Hello,Mr.Smith."I greeted him as usual,and hedidn't (3)______, as usual.But I knew (4)______ was there,at the door.I could hear him take a few steps back.Without eyesight(视力),my (5)______ were like my"eyes" and even better than them sometimes.I heard him (6)______ the door quickly and everything went silent.I wondered (7)______ Mr.Smith always ignored(忽视) me."Why (8)______ two people who both like roses be friends?" The question circled in my mind for long.Maybe because I'm blind(盲的)?Disabled people sometimes do make people (9)______ .They are different from common people and some even look strange.But I heard him playing chess with Jimmy who's in a wheelchair. Maybe local people dislike foreigners But he and my brother Joe get on well.Maybe because I'm a girl?( 10)______ when my friend Helen greets him,he says hello to her warmly.So Mr.Smith likes Jimmy,Joe and Helen,but not me and Coco!Wait!I (11)______ seemed to understand the reason he didn't talk to me.I just needed to prove(证实) it.I tied Coco to a tree,felt my way and moved slowly.Without Coco leading the way,I was not sure about each step.I heard his gate open."Jenny!Be (12)______ !"Mr.Smith shouted worriedly and the next second,he took me by the arm."Mr.Smith,I didn't think you liked me.Now I guess I've (13)______ the secret—you are afraid of Coco?"I asked him in a low voice."Yeah,Jenny.You know,your Coco is such a...big dog." Mr.Smith laughed,feeling embarrassed(尴尬的)( 14)______ a child being caught."Your fear of Coco may be big,but our (15)______ is BIGGER!I'll help e..."1.A. yard B. study C. kitchen D. bedroom2.A. best B. worst C. easiest D. hardest3.A. move B. notice C. reply D. escape4.A. I B. it C. he D. she5.A. eyes B. ears C. hands D. feet6.A. open B. shut C. repair D. answer7.A. how B. why C. when D. where8.A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. won't9.A. excited B. lucky C. angry D. afraid10.A. So B. And C. But D. Because11.A. certainly B. suddenly C. recently D. naturally12.A. honest B. polite C. confident D. careful13.A. paid for B. found out C. made up D. suffered from14.A. like B. for C. except D. with15.A. dream B. happiness C. friendship D. surprise二、补全对话-填空:本大题共1小题,共10分。



2023年河北省衡水市中考物理仿真模拟试卷(二)一、单选题(本大题共11小题,共22.0分)1. 用分子的观点解释下列现象,正确的是( )A. 水结成冰——温度降低,分子停止运动B. 汽油挥发——分子体积变大C. 热胀冷缩——分子的大小随温度的改变而改变D. 轮胎充气——分子间有间隔2. 人们在生活和生产中为了防止发生事故,常需要采取一些安全措施。

下列对安全措施的解释错误的是( )A. 乘客乘车时需要系好安全带,是为了减小汽车行驶中人的惯性B. 油罐车的下面拖着一条铁链,可以避免静电放电带来的危害C. 冬天用煤炉生火取暖需要通风,是为了防止煤气中毒D. 加油站、面粉厂等地严禁烟火,是为了防止发生爆炸3. 分类是认识和研究问题的重要方法。

下列分类正确的是( )A. 导体:铅笔芯、铜、橡胶B. 非晶体:食盐、松香、沥青C. 单质:金刚石、石墨、煤D. 混合物:医用酒精、空气、碘酒4. 下列探究实例中,运用了控制变量法的是( )A. 探究杠杆平衡的原理B. 研究电流大小时,根据电流产生的热效应大小来判断电流的大小C. 探究铁生锈的条件D. 探究酸碱是否发生反应5. 逻辑推理是学习的常用思维方法,下列推理正确的是( )A. 平衡力大小相等、方向相反,则大小相等、方向相反的两个力一定是平衡力B. 酸溶液pH<7,但pH<7的溶液不一定是酸溶液C. 有机物中都含有碳元素,则含有碳元素的化合物一定是有机物D. 钢铁制成的轮船可以漂浮在海面上,则钢铁的密度一定小于海水的密度6. 下列对如图所示内容的解释错误的是( )A. 甲:微小压强计是连通器B. 乙:紫色小花喷水的部分变红,未喷水的部分不变色,说明CO2能与水反应C. 丙:为了验证“导体电阻跟长度是否有关”,应选用的导体是b、cD. 丁:通入氧气后水中的白磷燃烧,说明燃烧需要氧气7. 下列数据中,符合实际的是( )A. 一支全新2B铅笔的长度约为18dmB. 一个篮球的质量约为500gC. 我国高速公路的最高限速为120m/sD. 按照国家规定,夏天公共建筑内的空调温度应控制在10℃左右8. 下列关于声和电磁波的说法正确的是( )A. 物体振动越快,发出声音的响度越大B. 地震、火山喷发等自然灾害会伴有超声波的产生C. 在主干道旁设置噪声监测设备或隔音板,都是为了减弱噪音D. 倒车雷达与军事雷达传播的媒介是不同的9. 下列有关物态变化的说法正确的是( )A. 昆虫身上露珠的形成是液化现象,会吸热B. 夏天从冰箱中取出的冰块“冒白气”,是汽化现象,会放热C. 冬天窗户玻璃上出现的冰花是凝华现象,会放热D. 植物上雾凇的形成是凝固现象,会吸热10. “注意安全,珍爱生命”是同学们必备的意识,下列有关家庭用电的说法正确的是( )A. 电灯的开关应接在零线与电灯之间B. 在停电期间检修电器,不需要断开总开关C. 只有大功率的用电器才需要使用三孔插座D. 使用试电笔时,手要接触笔尾金属体11. 在“探究凸透镜成像规律”的实验中,光具座上各元件位置如图所示,此时在光屏上恰好成一个清晰的像,下列说法正确的是( )A. 幻灯机应用了这一成像规律B. 若只升高凸透镜,光屏上的像会向上移动C. 若凸透镜不动,光屏与蜡烛对调,光屏上不能承接到清晰的像D. 贴近凸透镜左侧放一老花镜,要想再次得到烛焰清晰的像,需向右移动光屏二、多选题(本大题共3小题,共9.0分)12. 下列说法正确的是( )A. 物体受到力的作用时,运动状态不一定发生变化B. 高速行驶的汽车不容易停下来,说明速度越大惯性越大C. 人用力推放在水平地面上的木箱,没推动,说明推力小于箱子受到的阻力D. 人造卫星绕地球沿椭圆轨道从远地点向近地点运动的过程中,势能转化为动能13. 下列有关电与磁的说法不正确的是( )A. 导体在磁场中做切割磁感线运动,不一定产生感应电流B. 电磁铁的磁性强弱只与电流大小有关C. 小磁针静止时N极所指的方向与该点的磁场方向相同D. 动圈式话筒的工作原理是磁场对电流有力的作用,工作时将电能转化成机械能14.如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,a是电流表或电压表,R1和R2为定值电阻,R3为滑动变阻器,R1的阻值大于滑动变阻器的最大阻值。

















如图所示,下列装置图能反映电磁弹射原理的是()A.B.C.D.【答案】C【详解】由题意可知,电磁弹射器的弹射车与飞机前轮连接,并处于强磁场中,当弹射车内的导体通以强电流时,即可受到强大的推力,由此可知其原理是通电导体在磁场中受力而运动;A.图中是奥斯特实验,说明了电流周围存在磁场,与电磁弹射器工作原理不一致,故A 不符合题意;B.图中实验探究的是电磁铁的磁性与线圈匝数的关系,匝数越多,磁性越强,与电磁弹射器工作原理不一致,故B不符合题意;C.图中有电源,通电导体棒在磁场中受力而运动,即与电磁弹射器工作原理相同,故C 符合题意;D.图中没有电源,是闭合电路的部分导体在磁场中做切割磁感线运动,产生感应电流,是电磁感应现象,与电磁弹射器工作原理不一致,故D不符合题意。


























第I卷(共90分)I. Listening Comprehension (25 分)Section A (每题1分,共10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (每题1 分,共20 分)Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, used one word that best fits each blank.An implant that can cool nerves to block pain signals has been unveiled by researchers who say the device could offer an alternative to drugssuch as opioids (类鸦片活性肽).The team behind the device say it could bring benefits for management of acute pain such as (21)_______ experienced after amputations (截肢)or nerve grafts."We are optimistic that this represents a very promising starting point for an engineering approach (22)_______ treating pain,” said Prof John Rogers of Northwestern University in the US, a co-author of the research. But he cautioned that it might be some time (23) _______ they were available to patients. "As with any implantable device, the regulatory process can be slow, typically (24) _______ (involve) much more extensive animal model studies over a period of years," he said.Writing in the journal Science, the team report that the device to block pain signals, which (25) _______(test) only on rats so far, involves a pump, external control system and an implant made from a soft, rubbery substance. The latter forms a sealed collection of tiny channels which form a twisting path in the part of the implant that sits around the target nerve like a cuff.When liquid coolant and dry nitrogen flow through the implant, the liquid causes a drop in temperature. An electronic sensor in the device allows the temperature at the nerve (26) _______(keep) constant."All body processes are based on metabolic chemical reactions, motions of ions and flows of fluids--all (27) _______slow down as a result ofcooling,” said Rogers. “ The net effect when cooling is applied to a nerve is in blocking of electrical signals."Among their experiments, the team tracked two rats with an injury, recording over a three- week period the minimum force that (28)_______be applied to the hind paw to cause the animal to retract (缩回)it. This data was then compared against three rats who were similarly injured but also had the implant. The results suggest bouts of cooling of the injured nerve from 37℃ to 10℃led to (29) _______(severe) pain, with a sevenfold increase in the force that could be applied to the paw. The team say the implant’s benefits include (30)_______, in contrast to opioids, it is not addictive. As the implant is made with water-soluble and biocompatible materials, it can break down in the body after use. The implant could be inserted as an extension of the patient’s initial surgery.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the -words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one more word than you need.A. attachedB. bottle-fedC. confusionD. invisibleE. originallyF. orphanedG. partneringH. procedureI. reproducedJ. subjectsK. unintentionallySaving Baby BearsReacting to the auditory assault of barking dogs, shouts and rifle blasts, a 168-pound American black bear shot out and hightailed (迅速逃走)it into the woods off a logging road.His sister, weighing in at 135 pounds, took a little more time to overcome her fear and (31) _______ before she, too, ran for the trees and away from the humans who had driven more than 100 miles to witness the bears’ return to the wild.The cubs were the 106th and 107th (32) _______ or injured bears to be raised or treated at the Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Wildlife Center in Washington state, then released months later in the same general area where they were (33) _______found. Fitted with GPS collars and tattooed with identification numbers on their gums, the bears are also among the latest (34) _______of a long-term research study being conducted by Rich Beausoleil and Lindsay Welfelt, both biologists and bear and cougar specialists.The siblings were only two weeks old when a forest worker and his dog (35) _______ disturbed their den in February 2020, scaring away their mother. She never returned.The worker contacted the WDFW, an agency (36) _______with PAWS to rehabilitate sick, injured wild animals before releasing them back into their natural habitats."Their eyes and ears weren't open, and their teeth hadn't evenerupted,Jennifer Convy, PAWS senior director of wildlife, said of the cubs, which each weighed less than 2 pounds when they arrived and were the youngest ever to be raised at the center.Though (37) _______at first, the cubs weren't cuddled. Instead, their caregivers wore bear- scented bear suits during feedings once the cubs' eyes had opened. At PAWS, the staff and volunteers take pains to be (38)_______to all the animals in their care."They don't see us, ever. We don't talk to them. We don't name the animals because we don't want our staff or volunteers to get (39)_______,“ Convy said. After more than a year, the bear siblings were released.The wildlife biologists are studying how the bears raised at PAWS fare after their release, compared to their wild-reared brethren. One cub released in 2017 had her first litter of cubs in January."We've been to her den several times." Beausoleil said. "She (40)_______ and had cubs of her own ... This was kind of a turning point for us."After all, the whole point of PAWS' rehabilitation "is to protect and perpetuate (使持续) the species," he said.III. Reading Comprehension (45 分)Section A (每题1分,共15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four wordsor phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The Other da Vinci CodeFor centuries, two of the most intriguing questions about Leonardo da Vinci's "Mon a Lisa" were "Who " and "When ”A(n) (41) _______made at Heidelberg University in 2005 pretty much answered both. A note written in a manuscript in the library (42) _______the account of da Vinci's first biographer, Giorgio Vasari: that the sitter was a merchanfs wife, Lisa Gherardini. The note also helped date the masterpiece to between 1503 and 1506.A(n) (43)_______ mystery-"Where "- is still in dispute. But on June 3rd a French engineer, Pascal Cotte, declared that he and a collaborator had (44) _______the landscape in the background of the painting. Arguments had (45)_______ been made for stretches of countryside in the Marche region and between Milan and Genoa. During a presentation in Vinci, near Florence, Mr Cotte maintained that the artist was more plausibly depicting a part of his native Tuscany 一one that keenly interested him at the time. According to this theory, da Vinci represented the area not as it was, but as, in an unrealised scheme, he (46) _______ it to be.Mr Cotte, who was asked by the Louvre (where the "Mona Lisa" hangs) to create a digital image of the painting, is the inventor of themultispectral camera: a device that can detect not only the drawing below the (47) _______of an oil painting, but also, where they exist, intermediate layers of work. It was among these, under what appears to be a pointed rock, that he found a(n) (48) _______sketch showing that da Vinci meant it to represent a castellated tower.The landscape of the "Mona Lisa" also includes a huge overhanging cliff. That is (49)_______ to one that da Vinci included in a sketch of a fortress (堡垒)contested by Pisa and Florence in the war that flared between them in 1503 (around the time he was painting Gherardini). The (50)_______ with the nearby cliff ——and a tower, known as the Caprona tower 一all overlook the river Amo as it snakes from Florence to Pisa. All three also feature in drawings made by da Vinci to illustrate a plan about which, says Mr Cotte, he became “(51) _______”.This involved diverting the Amo to (52) _______Pisa's water supply and give Florence an outlet to the Mediterranean. In the early 1500s, with the two citystates at war, the idea was under active consideration. Mr Cotte argues that a(n) (53) _______ winding through desolate countryside at the right of the "Mona Lisa" is too wide to be a road, as some have speculated, and is(54) _______the driedup bed of the Amo as da Vinci envisaged (设想)it once his plan had been adopted.It never was. But if Mr Cotte's theory is right, it might just explain why Gherardini, a Florentine, exhibits such a contented, if mysterious, (55)_______。



2023年新疆中考数学模拟试卷(二)一、选择题1.2023的倒数是( )A .B .3202C .D . 2.在0,2,,这四个数中,最小的数是( )A .0B .2C .D .3.下列实数中,比3大的数是( )A .5B .1C .0D .-24.下列计算正确的是( )A .B .C .D .5.计算的结果是( ) A .B .C .D .3 6.如图,在△ABC 中,分别以点B 和点C 为圆心,大于BC 长为半径画弧,两弧相交于点M ,N .作直线MN ,交AC 于点D ,交BC 于点E ,连接BD .若AB =7,AC =12,BC =6,则△ABD 的周长为( )A .25B .22C .19D . 7. 如图,把一块长为40 cm ,宽为30 cm 的矩形硬纸板的四角剪去四个相同小正方形,然后把纸板的四边沿虚线折起,并用胶带粘好,即可做成一个无盖纸盒.若该无盖纸盒的底面积为600 cm 2,设剪去小正方形的边长为x cm ,则可列方程为( ) A.600)40)(230(=--x x B.600)40)(30(=--x xC.600)240)(30(=--x xD.600)240)(230(=--x x8.学校课外生物小组的试验园地的形状是长35米宽20米的矩形,为便于管理,要在中间开辟一横两纵共三条等 宽的小道,使种植面积为600平方米,则小道的宽为多少米?若设小道的宽为x 米,则根据题意,列方程为( )A.6002203520352=+--⨯x x xB.600202352035=⨯--⨯x xC.600)20)(235(=--x xD.600)220)(35(=--x x二、填空题7.历经天,年月日,太空“出差”三人组顺利凯旋,平安降落在内蒙古东风着陆场,这也意味着,我国将进入空间站工程的建进阶段,中国空间站离地球有米远,米用科学记数法表示为_______. 8.《苔》中的诗句:“白日不到处,青春恰自来,苔花如米小,也学牡丹开.”若苔花的花粉直径约为0.0000084米,则数据0.0000084用科学记数法表示为______.9.实数a,b在数轴上对应点的位置如图所示,则a___-b.(填“>”“=”或“<”)10.若m,n是方程,的两个实数根,则的值为___.11.因式分解:____________.三、解答题12.计算:13.先化简,再求值:,其中.14.如果,那么代数式的值.15.先化简,再求值:,其中从、和中选一个合适的值.。






1.—It's everyone's duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.—Sure.We should try to all the food that we've ordered.A.give upB.eat upC.turn upD.show up2.Yongzhou is becoming more and more developed—I agree.But sometimes people have great difficulty a place to park their cars.A.foundB.to findC.findingD.find3.Nowadays we can learn a great deal of about the world through the Internet.rmationB.booksC.peopleD.countries4.Hangzhou is to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.A.roomB.houseC.familyD.home5.—What do you think of your teachers?—Sometimes they are too strict us our study.A.at,withB.at,inC.with,atD.with,in6.—Let's go fishing if it this weekend.—But nobody knows if it.A.is fine;will rainB.will be fine;rainsC.is fine;rainsD.will be fine;will rain7.Mr.Smith a book about China last year but I don't know if he has finished it.A.has writtenB.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing8.Many children in Britain to have their own bank cards these days.A.allowB.allowedC.are allowedD.were allowed9.It's difficult for me the bed.It's too heavy.A.moveB.movedC.movingD.to move10.—Which is month of the year?—July,I thinkA.hotB.hotterC.hotterD.the hottest11.How dangerous!The car hit the bus just now.A.normallyB.seldomC.nearlyD.hardly12.He found impossible to finish so much homework in an hour.A.itB.thisC.thatD.it's13.Anna is middle school student in Chongqing.A.a11years oldB.a11-year-oldC.an11-years-oldD.an11-year-old14.—The red dress be Linda's,but I'm not sure.—No,it be.It is too small for her.A.may;mustn'tB.may;can'tC.can't;may notD.must;can't15.When he was university student,he dreamed of becoming NBA player.A.an;aB.a;anC.an;anD.the;an16.—Do you know when he tomorrow?—Don't worry.I think as soon as he he will give you a call.A.will come;will comeB.will come;comeses;will comees;comes17.The restaurant wants a waiter can speak French.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.who18.—What are you looking for?—I'm looking for the music CD you lent me yesterday.A.whoB.whomC.whenD.that19.It is in1960Chinese first put our flag on Mount Qomolangma.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.in which20.Michael Jordan has failed over and over again in his life.And that's he succeeds.A.whatB.whenC.whyD.whereII.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至30各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

河南省2023年九年级中考数学 模拟试卷(二)

河南省2023年九年级中考数学 模拟试卷(二)

NMEODCBA2022-2023学年第二学期九年级一模考试数学模拟试卷(二)注意事项:1.本试卷共8页,三大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟.请用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上.2.答题前将密封线内的项目填写清楚.题号一二三总分16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23分数一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.下列各数中最大的数是【】(A)π(B)17(C)4 (D)-82.我省2016年全年生产总值达到约19 367亿元,19367亿元用科学记数法表示为【】(A)1119.36710⨯元(B)121.936710⨯元(C)130.1936710⨯元(D)131.936710⨯元3.下列几何体是由4个相同的小正方体搭成的,其中主视图和左视图相同的是【】(A)(B)(C)(D)4.如图,直线a,b被直线c,d所截,若∠1=∠2,∠3=125°,则∠4的度数为【】(A)75 (B)70 (C)60 (D)555.下列计算正确的是【】(A)228=-(B)()632=-(C)22423aaa=-(D)()523aa=-6. 不等式组3252(2)1xx-<⎧⎨-≤⎩的解集是【】得分评卷人考号:班级:姓名:(A ) 无解 (B )1x <- (C )52x ≥(D )512x -<≤ 7.从九年级一班3名优秀班干部和九二班2名优秀班干部中随机抽取两名学生担任升旗手,则抽取的两名学生刚好一个班的概率为【 】(A )45 (B )35 (C )25(D )158.为了解长城小区“全民健身”活动的开展情况,随机对居住在该小区的部分居民一周的体育锻炼时间进行了抽样统计,结果如下表:锻炼时间(时) 3 4 5 6 7 人数(人)6141541则关于居民一周体育锻炼时间,下列说法错误的是【 】(A )众数是5小时(B )中位数是4小时(C )平均数是4.5小时(D )样本容量是40 9.如图,已知△ABC ,∠ACB =90°,BC=3,AC=4,小红按如下步骤作图:①分别以A ,C 为圆心,以大于12AC 的长为半径在AC 两边作弧,交于两点M ,N ;②连接MN ,分别交AB ,AC 于点D ,O ;③过C 作CE ∥AB 交MN 于点E ,连接AE ,CD .则四边形ADCE 的周长为【 】(A )10(B )20(C )12(D )24(第9题 ) (第10题)10.如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,半径均为1个单位长度的半圆O 1,O 2,O 3,…组成一条平滑的曲线.点P 从原点D 出发,沿这条曲线向右运动,速度为每秒2π个单位长度,则第2015秒时,点P 的坐标是【 】 (A )(2014,0)(B )(2015,-1) (C )(2015,1) (D )(2016,0)二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 11.计算:01(3)3--+= .12.若关于x 的一元二次方程032=-+k x x 有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是_ _.13.已知A(0,3),B(2,3)是抛物线cbxxy++-=2上两点,该抛物线的顶点坐标是 .14.如图,在扇形AOB中,∠AOB=90°,点C为OA的中点,CE⊥OA交弧AB 于点E,以点C 为圆心,OA的长为直径作半圆交OE于点D.若OA=4,则图中阴影部分的面积为 .(第14题)(第15题)15.如图,在矩形ABCD中,BC=3,CD=4,点P是AB上(不含端点A,B)任意一点,把△PBC 沿PC折叠,当点B的对应点B′落在矩形ABCD对角线上时,BP=.三、解答题(本题共8个小题,满分75分)16.(8分)先化简22121x xxx x x--⎛⎫÷-⎪+⎝⎭,然后从-1,0,1,2中选取一个合适的数作为x的值代入求值. 得分评卷人17.(9分)为了了解学生在一年中的课外阅读量,九(1)班对九年级800名学生采用随机抽样的方式进行了问卷调查,调查的结果分为四种情况:A.10本以下;B.10~15本;C.16~20本;D.20本以上.根据调查结果统计整理并制作了如图所示的两幅统计图表:(1)在这次调查中一共抽查了名学生;(2)表中x,y的值分别为:x= ,y= ;(3)在扇形统计图中,C部分所对应的扇形的圆心角是度;(4)根据抽样调查结果,请估计九年级学生一年阅读课外书20本以上的学生人数.18. (9分)如图,△ABC中,AB=AC,以AB为直径的半圆O交BC于点D,交AC于点E.(1)求证:△OBD≌△OED;(第18题)(2)填空:①当∠BAC= 度时,CA是⊙O的切线;②当∠BAC= 度时,四边形OBDE是菱形19. (9分)某中学九年级数学兴趣小组想测量建筑物AB的高度.他们在C处仰望建筑物顶端,得分各种情况人数统计频数分布表课外阅读情况 A B C D频数20 x y 40得分得分评卷人测得仰角为48°,再往建筑物的方向前进6米到达D 处,测得仰角为64°,求建筑物的高度.(测角器的高度忽略不计,结果精确到0.1米)(参考数据:sin48°≈710,tan48°≈1110,sin64°≈910,tan64°≈2.)(第19题)20.(9分)如图,矩形OABC 的顶点A ,C 分别在x 轴和y 上,点B 的坐标为(-2,3),双曲线(0)k y x x=< 的图象经过BC 的中点D ,且与AB 交于点E ,连接D ,E .(1)求k 的值及点E 的坐标.(2)若点F 是OC 边上一点,且∠BDE=∠CFB ,求点F 的坐标.(第20题)21. (10分)学校准备购进一批节能灯,已知1只A 型节能灯和3只B 型节能灯共需26元;3只A 型节能灯和2只B 型节能灯共需29元.(1)求一只A 型节能灯和一只B 型节能灯的售价各是多少元?得分 评卷人得分 评卷人(2)学校准备购进这两种型号的节能灯共50只,并且A型节能灯的数量不多于B型节能灯数量的3倍,请设计出最省钱的购买方案,并说明理由.如图1,△ABC和△ADE均为等边三角形,点D在BC的延长线上,连接CE,请填空:①∠ACE的度数为;②线段AC、CD、CE之间的数量关系为.(2)拓展探究如图2,△ABC和△ADE均为等腰直角三角形,∠BAC=∠DAE=90°,点D在边BC的延长线上,连接CE请判断∠ACE的度数及线段AC、CD、CE之间的数量关系,并说明理由.(3)问题解决如图3,在Rt△ABC中,AC=3,BC=5,∠ACB=90°,若点P满足PA=PB,∠APB=90°,请直接写出线段PC的长度.23.(11分)如图,抛物线y=-x 2+bx+c 与直线221+=x y 交于C 、D 两点,其中点C 在y 轴上,点D 的坐标为)273(,. 点P 是y 轴右侧的抛物线上一动点,过点P 作PE ⊥x 轴于点E ,交CD于点F.(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)若点P 的横坐标为m ,当m 为何值时,以O 、C 、P 、F 为顶点的四边形是平行四边形?请说明理由.....相应的点P 的坐标.(第23题)备用图。



考研数学二(线性方程组)模拟试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题选择题下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求。

1.设A=(α1,α2,α3,α4)是4阶矩阵,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若(1,0,1,0)T是方程组Ax=0的一个基础解系,则A*x=0的基础解系可为A.α1,α3.B.α1,α2.C.α1,α2,α3.D.α2,α3,α4.正确答案:D 涉及知识点:线性方程组2.设n阶矩阵A的伴随矩阵A*≠0,若ξ1,ξ2,ξ3,ξ4是非齐次线性方程组Ax=B的互不相等的解,则对应的齐次线性方程组Ax=0的基础解系A.不存在.B.仅含一个非零解向量.C.含有两个线性无关的解向量.D.含有三个线性无关的解向量.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:线性方程组3.设A是m×n矩阵,Ax=0是非齐次线性方程组Ax=b所对应的齐次线性方程组,则下列结论正确的是A.若Ax=0仅有零解,则Ax=b有唯一解.B.若Ax=0有非零解,则Ax=b有无穷多个解.C.若Ax=b有无穷多个解,则Ax=0仅有零解.D.若Ax=b有无穷多个解,则Ax=0有非零解.正确答案:B 涉及知识点:线性方程组4.非齐次线性方程组Ax=b中未知量个数为n,方程个数为m,系数矩阵A的秩为r,则A.r=m时,方程组Ax=西有解.B.r=n时,方程组Ax=b有唯一解.C.m=n时,方程组Ax=b有唯一解.D.r&lt;n时,方程组Ax=b有无穷多解.正确答案:A 涉及知识点:线性方程组5.设a1,a2,a3是4元非齐次线性方程组Ax=b的三个解向量,且秩(A)=3,a1=(1,2,3,4)T ,a2+a3=(0,1,2,3)T ,c表示任意常数,则线性方程组Ax=b的通解x=A.B.C.D.正确答案:C 涉及知识点:线性方程组填空题6.设3阶矩阵A的特征值为2,3,λ.若行列式|2A |=-48,则λ=________.正确答案:-1 涉及知识点:线性方程组7.设A,B为3阶矩阵,且|A |=3,|B |=2,|A-1+B|=2,则|A+B-1 |=_____________.正确答案:3 涉及知识点:线性方程组8.设A为3阶矩阵,|A|=3,A*为A的伴随矩阵.若交换A的第1行与第2行得矩阵B,则|BA*|=__________.正确答案:-27 涉及知识点:线性方程组9.若a1,a2,a3,β1,β2都是4维列向量,且4阶行列式|a1,a2,a3,β1|=m,|a1,a2,β2,a3|=n,则4阶行列式|a1,a2,a3,β1+β2|=正确答案:n-m 涉及知识点:线性方程组10.设A,B均为n阶矩阵,|A |=2,|B|=-3,则|2A*B-1|=_______.正确答案:-22n-1/3 涉及知识点:线性方程组11.若4阶矩阵A与B相似,矩阵A的特征值为1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,则行列式|B-1-E |=_________.正确答案:24 涉及知识点:线性方程组12.设方程有无穷多个解,则a=________.正确答案:-2 涉及知识点:线性方程组解答题解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。



高考英语模拟试卷(二)(时间:120分钟;满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。






1.What will the speakers do next?A.Visit a friend.B.Pick up Billy.C.Buy some beans 【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Billy needs some beans for his science project at school. Maybe we can stop by a store on our way home.W: Let’s go to Greens. It’s just around the corner.M: Okay.2.Who is Andy Clarks?A.A public librarian.B.A TV actorC.A famous lawyer 【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: Hi, Stephen, guess who I saw at the city library? Andy Clarkes — the leading actor in The Good Lawyer — the famous TV series.M: What was he doing there? His popularity has slipped since the final season of the show.3.What are the speakers talking about?A.Gifts for Jason.B.A baseball game.C.The woman's retirement.【答案】A【原文】W: It seems as if everybody is talking about Jason’s retirement.M: Yes, his office is filled with gifts. I gave him a T-shirt with a baseball pattern on it. W: That’s nice. I’ll get him something this afternoon. Hope it’s not late.4. What went on at Cooper's last night?A.A movie show.B.A birthday partyC.A sales promotion.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: Did you go to Cooper’s last night?M: No, was there anything special?W: Yes, the employees dressed up as movie characters, and every customer received a discount card.M: That was interesting.5.What problem do the speakers have?A.They are late for work.B.They get stuck in traffic.C.They have lost their way.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: Oh, the road is jammed with traffic again. We are going to be late for work.M: Let’s make a U-turn at the next crossroads and try another way.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。







3.每题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。



第一部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

AGeorge Daniels lives in London. He is a watchmaker. His work continues the tradition of the English watchmakers of the 18th and 19th centuries. Today this tradition is almost dead. Daniels is the only man in the world who designs his own watches makes all the pars himself and then puts them together.A Daniels watch is the product of his hands alone. One of his watches which is now in an American museum took 3500 hours to complete. He usually makes one watch a year. Each one is inscribed (刻) with “Daniels London” and costs about $10,000. Of course these are not ordinary watches —they are very beautiful and will last three centuries.George Daniels has always been attracted by clocks and watches. When he was five he used t o take his father’s clock apart and put it back together again. At school he used to repair his teachers watches.He is now internationally famous and many people would like him to make watches for them. But most of them will be disappointed. He chooses his customers very carefully indeed. It must be someone who understands the subject,” he says “not someone who will leave the watch in the drawer and only show it to dinner quests.” 1.Who is George Daniels?A .One of the few who repaired watches in the old days.B .The only man who collects old watches in the world.C .One of the few remaining watch designers in the world.班级_____________ 姓名_____________ 考生号_____________ 考场号_____________D.The only man who designs and makes watches by himself.2.How long can a Daniels watch keep working?A.10,000 hours. B.300 years.C.200 years. D.3,500 hours.3.Which of the following shows Daniels’ early interest in watches?A.He played with his father’s clock.B.He taught people how to repair watches.C.He made a watch for an American museum.D.He made beautiful and long-lasting watches.4.George Daniels makes watches for those who _________.A.can afford his watches B.may want to show them to others C.appreciate his watches D.enjoy his watch-making process5.What do we know about Daniels watches?A.Only a few people like them.B.They are kept in a museum.C.Only a few people can get them.D.They have a history of over 200 years.BHere are some eBooks for you to learn better English. Choose what you like.Book 1This eBook will make conversations in English so much easier. There are over 30 audio (音频的) files with typical (典型的) conversations, and exercises with answers at the back so you can practise what you have learnt.Book 2Learn over 1,000 English words and expressions so you can speak English fluently when you travel outside your country! Learn the language for over 30 typical situations and make travelling abroad easy with this eBook!Book 3Learn over 500 words and expressions to improve your business English! This eBook comes with audio files an videos so you can learn the language you need to do business in English!Book 4Learn over 250 phrasal verbs with audio files, example sentences and pictures. Native English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time, so you need to learn them too. Start improving this important area of English now with our fantastic eBook!6.What are the books mainly about?A.Travel safety. B.Business news.C.Video selling. D.English learning.7.Which book is your best choice when you plan to travel aboard?A.Book 1. B.Book 2. C.Book 3. D.Book 4.8.What will you learn from the book for business English?A.Conversations in 30 audio files.B.1,000 words and sentences.C.Over 500 words and expressions.D.Over 250 phrasal verbs and sentences.9.What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代) in Book 4?A.Phrasal verbs. B.Audio files.C.Example sentences. D.Native speakers.10.What is the text?A.A travel guide. B.A news report.C.A book advertisement. D.A history story.CAlpha, Beta, Delta... these Greek letters used to only appear in our math classes but are now in use in news headlines.Now, it’s Lambda. As the Delta variant (变体) spreads throughout communities in Asia, Europe and the United States, another variant, Lambda, is spreading rapidly throughout South America, Forbes reported on Aug 10.On May 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a naming system for variants of COVID-19 that uses letters of the Greek alphabet (字母表). Before that, the public had to call a variant its scientific name or refer to it based on where it was identified.For example, a variant of COVID-19 identified in South Africa in late 2020 was calledvariant 501Y.V2 or B.1.351. Media also called the same virus “the South African variant”. Now, everyon e calls it “Beta”.Compared to complicated scientific names, the Greek letters are much easier to remember. “It is a lot easier for a radio newsreader to say ‘Delta’ than bee-one-six-one-seven-two,” Jeffrey Barrett, a UK statistical geneticist told Nature.WHO hopes this change will help stop the stigma (污名) associated with geography-based names. “I can understand why people just call it ‘the South African variant’ —they don’t mean anything by it,” Salim Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist in South Africa, tol d Nature. “The problem is, if we allow it to continue, some ill-intentioned people may take advantage of it.” “No country should be stigmatized for detecting and reporting variants,” Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s COVID-19 technical lead, wrote on Twitter.As the virus is still evolving, 11 variants have been named so far. What if the 24 Greek letters are not enough? “We will possibly run out of the Greek alphabet, but we’re already looking at the next series of names,” Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph. “We’re ac tually considering star constellations(星座).”Currently, the Virus Evolution Working Group and WHO’s legal team are double checking proposals to “make sure we don’t upset anyone with these names”, Van Kerkhove told The Telegraph.11.What do Lambda and Delta have in common?A.They are both chosen by Greek scientists.B.They are both confusing to understand.C.They are both Greek names of varieties of COVID-19.D.They are both the places where COVID-19 was found.12.What does Salim Abdool Karim probably agree with?A.The virus should be named after the place where it is found and spread.B.No country should detect or study COVID-19 without WHO’s permission.C.People felt uncomfortable when they call COVID-19 “the South African variant”.D.Some people with bad intention may judge other countries reporting COVID-19.13.Why are scientists looking for the next series of names?A.Because the naming system in use is not convenient.B.Because the variants may outnumber the Greek letters.C.Because people are more curious about star constellations.D.Because it is illegal to rename the variants with letters.14.What’s the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce new ways of renaming COVID-19 varieties.B.To describe how scientists identified the varieties of COVID-19.C.To explain why some people prefer geography-based names.D.To arouse people’s awareness of more COVID-19 varieties.15.In which part of a magazine could you find this passage?A.Science. B.Travel.C.Sports. D.First Aid.DWelcome to your future life.You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people of your age could live to 150, so, at 40, you aren't old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老)treatment.Now,all three of you look the same age.You say to your shirt, “Turn red.” It changes from blue to red. In 2035,“smart clothes” contain particles(粒子)much smaller than the cells(细胞)in your body. They can be programmed to change your clothes' color or pattern.You walk into the kitchen. You pick up the milk from the fridge, but a voice says, “You shouldn't drink that!” Your fridge has read the smart chip(芯片)that contains information about the milk, and it knows the milk is old. In 2035,every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.It's time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your “smart car" where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeves. Such"smart technology" is all around you.So will all these things come true?"For new technology to come early,"says scientist Andrew Zolli,“much has to be done so that new things will replace what we have today."The Internet is an example-what will be the next?16.What is the theme of the text?A.The Internet. B.The future life.C.The anti-aging technology. D.The ways of transportation.17.What does the underlined word"They" in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Clothes. B.Cells. C.Colors. D.Particles. 18.Which of the following is TRUE about the "smart car"?A.It can change its color. B.It can tell you where to go.C.You can, just tell it where to go. D.You can call your friend to drive it for you. 19.What does the last paragraph tell us?A.Nothing is impossible.B.Every coin has two·sides.C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.Never count the chicken before they are hatched(孵化)。

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A、256<.T. AND 30=("12"+25)B、256<100 .AND. BETWEEN(5,2,8)C、"256"<.T. .AND. 30=(12+25)D、256<100 AND date()>AT(‘A’,’ABC’)5、结果为逻辑真的表达式是。


A、LISTB、RECALLC、SUMD、REPLACE ALL7、若要物理删除当前数据库中的某些记录,应先后使用的两条命令是。




A、copy to 库存_1 for 商品名="空调"B、copy file 库存表.DBF to 库存_1.DBFC、copy stru to 库存_1 fields 商品名,规格,库存量D、select * from 库存表where 商品名="空调" into table 库存_111、在VFP程序设计中,程序的三种基本结构是。

A、顺序、选择、逻辑B、顺序、选择、循环C、模块、转移、循环D、网状、选择、逻辑12、若使用REPLACE命令后,其范围子句为ALL OR REST,则执行完该命令后,记录指针指向_____。

A、首记录B、末记录C、BOF( )为真D、EOF( )为真13、在给自由表的字段命名时,一个字段名最多可使用个字符。



当执行APPEND BLANK 命令增加一条空记录后,该空记录的记录号是。




USE 销售REPLACE 单价WITH 40STORE 20 TO 单价? 单价, A->单价, M->单价A. 40 40 20 B、40 20 20 C、20 20 20 D、40 20 4019、在表单文件中Init是指的触发的基本事件。





USE 学生SKIP -1DISPDISP NEXT 2? RECNO()A、2B、3C、4D、524、在视图中不可以创建。




A、工资>=1200 AND工资<=1300B、工资>1200 AND工资<1300C、工资<1200 AND工资>1300D、工资<=1200 AND工资>=130028、Visual FoxPro的报表文件.FRX中保存的是。

A、打印报表的预览格式B、打印报表本身C、报表的格式和数据D、报表设计格式的定义29、在Visual FoxPro中,关于视图的正确叙述是。


A、CALL < 菜单文件名>B、LOAD < 菜单文件名>C、PROCEDURE<菜单文件名>D、DO < 菜单文件名>二、判断题(每小题1分,共15分,正确T,错误F)1、在项目连编时,标记为主文件的文件只能包含而不能排除。












13、若要在列表框、组合框或复选框的值改变时执行某过程代码,可将该过程代码编写在CLICK 事件中。

14、数据库表间的永久性关系,既可以在数据库设计器中建立,也可以用SET RELATION命令来建立。





SET TALK OFFCLEAR ALL(5)DO WHILE (6)IF (7)SKIPLOOPENDIFDISPLAY(8)ENDDOUSESET TALK ON(5)A、USE ZGK B、USEC、LOCATE FOR "教授"$职称 D.SET TALK OFF(6)A、FOUND() B、! FOUND()C、!BOF() 或NOT BOF()D、!EOF() 或NOT EOF()(7)A、职称<> "教授" B、职称= "教授"C、职称> < "教授"D、!EOF()(8)A、EXIT B、SKIPC、LOOPD、GO TOP四、程序阅读题(每小题5分,共15分)1、SET TALK OFFA=1DO WHILE A<5B=1DO WHILE B<5IF A*B<10B=B+1ELSEEXITENDIFENDDOA=A+1ENDDO?"A=",STR(A,3),"B=",STR(B,3)SET TALK ON2、SET TALK OFFCLEARSTORE 4 TO M, NP=ASC('A')FOR I=1 TO M?SPAC(M-I)Q=PFOR J=1 TO N??CHR(Q)Q=Q+1ENDFORP=P+1ENDFORSET TALK ON3、SET TALK OFFACCEPT "C=" TO C &&设C的输入值为1234567 L=LEN(C)P=SPACE(0)N=1DO WHILE N<LC1=SUBSTR(C,L-N,2)P=P+C1N=N+2ENDDO?C+"→"+P?"N=",NSET TALK ON模拟试卷二参考答案一、单选题(每小题1分,共30分)1、D2、D3、C4、B5、D6、B7、B8、C9、B 10、C 11、B 12、D 13、B 14、C 15、C 16、B 17、B 18、A 19、A 20、B21、C 22、C 23、A 24、D 25、C 26、C 27、A 28、D 29、D 30、D二、判断题(每小题1分,共15分,正确T,错误F)1、T2、F3、F4、F5、T6、F7、T8、T9、F 10、T11、T 12、T 13、F 14、F 15、T三、程序填空题(每空2分,共16分)(1)C (2)D (3)A (4)B (5)A (6)D (7)A(8)B四、程序阅读题(共15分,每题5分)1、运行结果为:A= 5 B= 32、运行结果为:ABCDBCDECDEFDEFG3、行结果为:1234567—>674523N= 7五一、1-5DDCBD6-10BBCBC11-15BDBCC16-20BBAAB21-25CCADC26-30CAD DD二1-5TFFFT6-10FTTFT11-15TTFFT三1-5CDABA6-8DAB四1、A= 5 B= 32、ABCDBCDECDEFDEFG3、1234567——>674523N= 7。
