VC++_ CFontCreateFont类
VC CFont::CreateFontC++ 2010-08-06 15:19:38 阅读212 评论0 字号:大中小订阅BOOL CreateFont(int nHeight, //字体的高度int nWidth, //字体的宽度int nEscapement, //字体显示的角度int nOrientation, //字体的角度int nWeight, //字体的磅数BYTE bItalic, //斜体字体BYTE bUnderline, //带下划线的字体BYTE cStrikeOut, //带删除线的字体BYTE nCharSet, //所需的字符集BYTE nOutPrecision, //输出的精度BYTE nClipPrecision, //裁减的精度BYTE nQuality, //逻辑字体与输出设备的实际//字体之间的精度BYTE nPitchAndFamily, //字体间距和字体集LPCTSTR lpszFacename //字体名称);例子:font.CreateFont(12, // nHeight0, // nWidth0, // nEscapement0, // nOrientationFW_NORMAL, // nWeightFALSE, // bItalicFALSE, // bUnderline0, // cStrikeOutANSI_CHARSET, // nCharSetOUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecisionCLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecisionDEFAULT_QUALITY, // nQualityDEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily"Arial"); // lpszFacename一般只修改几项:1.nHeight(字体高度,即字体大小)改为,数字。
1. font标签基本语法font标签是一个行内元素,用于改变文本的显示效果。
2. font标签常用属性2.1 color属性color属性用于设置文本的颜色。
示例:<font color="red">红色文本</font><font color="#00ff00">绿色文本</font><font color="rgb(0,0,255)">蓝色文本</font>2.2 size属性size属性用于设置文本的大小。
示例:<font size="4">较大字体</font><font size="6">很大字体</font><font size="18" face="Arial">特大字体</font>2.3 face属性face属性用于设置文本的字体。
示例:<font face="Arial">Arial字体</font><font face="宋体">宋体字体</font>2.4 bgcolor属性bgcolor属性用于设置文本的背景颜色。
VC CFont 用法vc学习2009-10-11 14:52:09 阅读1198 评论0 字号:大中小订阅LOGFONT结构的变量仔细查一下CFont my_CFont;if( !my_CFont.CreatePointFont( 300,_T("Helvetica"),NULL ) )return;( GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT1) )->SetFont( &my_CFont );二、常用法CRect rcRectangle(x,x,x,x);CFont font;CFont *pFont;font.CreateFont(14,0,0,0,FW_MEDIUM,FALSE,FALSE,0,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_DEFAULT_P RECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY,DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS,"Arial");pFont=pDC->SelectObject(&font);pDC->TextOut(70,70,"祝你圣诞快乐!!!");pDC->DrawText("祝你圣诞快乐!!",rcRectangle,DT_CENTER)font.DeleteObject();三、关于CFont和DrawText的用法中国人自古就有自右至左、从上到下书写汉字的习惯。
CFontThis class encapsulates a Windows CE graphics device interface (GDI) font and provides methods for manipulating the font. To use a CFont object, construct a CFont object and attach a Windows CE font to it with CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect, CreatePointFont, or CreatePointFontIndirect, and then use the methods in the object to manipulate the font.The CreatePointFont and CreatePointFontIndirect methods are often easier to use than CreateFont or CreateFontIndirect since they do the conversion for the height of the font from a point size to logical units automatically.RemarksWindows CE only supports raster fonts; it does not support TrueType fonts. There are seven rasterized system fonts, available in several sizes, built into the Windows CE operating system.Windows CE does not support all the values for the lfClipPrecision and lfQuality fields in the LOGFONT structure.RequirementsWindows CE versions: 1.0 and laterHeader file: Declared in Afxwin.hPlatform: H/PC Pro, Palm-size PC, Pocket PCSee AlsoLOGFONT, Graphical Drawing Object ClassesCFont::CreateFontBOOL CreateFont(int nHeight,int nWidth,int nEscapement,int nOrientation, int nWeight,BYTE bItalic,BYTE bUnderline,BYTE cStrikeOut,BYTE nCharSet, BYTE nOutPrecision,BYTE nClipPrecision,BYTE nQuality,BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename);Return ValueNonzero if successful; otherwise 0.ParametersnHeightSpecifies the desired height (in logical units) of the font. The font height can be specified in the following ways:∙Greater than 0, in which case the height is transformed into device units and matched against the cell height of the available fonts.∙Equal to 0, in which case a reasonable default size is used.∙Less than 0, in which case the height is transformed into device units and the absolute value is matched against the character height of the available fonts.The absolute value of nHeight must not exceed 16,384 device units after it is converted. For all height comparisons, the font mapper looks for the largest font that does not exceed the requested size or the smallest font if all thefonts exceed the requested size.nWidthSpecifies the average width (in logical units) of characters in the font. If nWidth is 0, the aspect ratio of the device will be matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to find the closest match, which is determined by the absolute value of the difference.nEscapementSpecifies the angle (in 0.1-degree units) between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the display surface. The escapement vector is the line through the origins of the first and last characters on a line. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis.nOrientationSpecifies the angle (in 0.1-degree units) between the baseline of a character and the x-axis. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis for coordinate systems in which the y-direction is down and clockwise from the x-axis for coordinate systems in which the y-direction is up.nWeightSpecifies the font weight (in inked pixels per 1000). Although nWeight can be any integer value from 0 to 1000, the common constants and values are as follows:These values are approximate; the actual appearance depends on the typeface. Some fonts have only FW_NORMAL, FW_REGULAR, and FW_BOLD weights. If FW_DONTCARE is specified, a default weight is used.bItalicSpecifies whether the font is italic.bUnderlineSpecifies whether the font is underlined.cStrikeOutSpecifies whether characters in the font are struck out. Specifies a strikeout font if set to a nonzero value.nCharSetSpecifies the font’s character set. The following constants and values are predefined:The OEM character set is system-dependent.Fonts with other character sets may exist in the system. An application that uses a font with an unknown character set must not attempt to translate or interpret strings that are to be rendered with that font. Instead, the strings should be passed directly to the output device driver.The font mapper does not use the DEFAULT_CHARSET value. An application can use this value to allow the name and size of a font to fully describe the logical font. If a font with the specified name does not exist, a font from any character set can be substituted for the specified font. To avoid unexpected results, applications should use the DEFAULT_CHARSET value sparingly.nOutPrecisionSpecifies the desired output precision. The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font’s height, width, character orientation, escapement, and pitch. It can be any one of the following values:Applications can use the OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS, OUT_RASTER_PRECIS, and OUT_TT_PRECIS values to control how the font mapper chooses a font when the system contains more than one font with a given name. For example, if a system contains a font named Symbol in raster and TrueType form, specifyingOUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font mapper to choose the TrueType version. (Specifying OUT_TT_PRECIS forces the font mapper to choose a TrueType font whenever the specified font name matches a device or raster font, even when there is no TrueType font of the same name.)nClipPrecisionSpecifies the desired clipping precision. The clipping precision defines how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region. It can be any one of the following values:To use an embedded read-only font, an application must specifyCLIP_ENCAPSULATE.To achieve consistent rotation of device, TrueType, and vector fonts, an application can use the OR operator to combine the CLIP_LH_ANGLES value with any of the other nClipPrecision values. If the CLIP_LH_ANGLES bit is set, the rotation for all fonts depends on whether the orientation of the coordinate system is left-handed or right-handed. (For more information about the orientation of coordinate systems,see the description of the nOrientation parameter.) If CLIP_LH_ANGLES is not set, device fonts always rotate counterclockwise, but the rotation of other fonts is dependent on the orientation of the coordinate system.nQualitySpecifies the font’s output quality, which defines how carefully the GDI must attempt to match the logical-font attributes to those of an actual physical font. It can be one of the following values:∙DEFAULT_QUALITY Appearance of the font does not matter.∙DRAFT_QUALITY Appearance of the font is less important than when PROOF_QUALITY is used. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is enabled. Bold,italic, underline, and strikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.∙PROOF_QUALITY Character quality of the font is more important than exact matching of the logical-font attributes. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is disabled and the font closest in size is chosen. Bold, italic, underline, andstrikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.nPitchAndFamilySpecifies the pitch and family of the font. The two low-order bits specify the pitch of the font and can be any one of the following values:Applications can add TMPF_TRUETYPE to the nPitchAndFamily parameter to choose a TrueType font. The four high-order bits of the parameter specify the font family and can be any one of the following values:∙FF_DECORATIVE Novelty fonts: Old English, for example.∙FF_DONTCARE D on’t care or don’t know.∙FF_MODERN Fonts with constant stroke width (fixed-pitch), with or without serifs. Fixed-pitch fonts are usually modern faces. Pica, Elite, andCourier New are examples.∙FF_ROMAN Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and with serifs. Times New Roman and Century Schoolbook are examples.∙FF_SCRIPT Fonts designed to look like handwriting. Script and Cursive are examples.FF_SWISS Fonts with variable stroke width (proportionally spaced) and without serifs. MS Sans Serif is an example.An application can specify a value for nPitchAndFamily by using the Boolean OR operator to join a pitch constant with a family constant.Font families describe the look of a font in a general way. They are intended for specifying fonts when the exact typeface desired is not available.lpszFacenameA CString or pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the font. The length of this string must not exceed 30 characters. The Windows EnumFontFamilies function can be used to enumerate all currently available fonts. If lpszFacename is NULL, the GDI uses a device-independent typeface.RemarksInitializes a CFont object with the specified characteristics. The font can subsequently be selected as the font for any device context.The CreateFont function does not create a new Windows GDI font. It merely selects the closest match from the fonts available in the GDI’s pool of physical fonts.Applications can use the default settings for most of these parameters when creating a logical font. The parameters that should always be given specific values are nHeight and lpszFacename. If nHeight and lpszFacename are not set by the application, the logical font that is created is device-dependent.When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreateFont function, first select the font out of the device context, then delete the CFont object.CFont::CreateFontIndirectThis method initializes a CFont object with the characteristics given in a LOGFONT structure pointed to by lpLogFont. The font can subsequently be selected as the current font for any device.BOOL CreateFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lpLogFont);ParameterslpLogFontPoints to a LOGFONT structure that defines the characteristics of the logical font.Return ValueNonzero if successful; otherwise, it is zero.RemarksThis font has the characteristics specified in the LOGFONT structure. When the font is selected by using the CDC::SelectObject method, the GDI font mapper attempts to match the logical font with an existing physical font. If it fails to find an exact match for the logical font, it provides an alternative whose characteristics match as many of the requested characteristics as possible.When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreateFontIndirect function, first select the font out of the device context, and then delete the CFont object.CFont::CreatePointFontIndirectThis method is the same as CreateFontIndirect except that the lfHeight member of the LOGFONT is interpreted in tenths of a point rather than device units. This method automatically converts the height in lfHeight to logical units using the CDC object pointed to by pDC before passing the LOGFONT structure on to Windows CE.When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreatePointFontIndirect function, first select the font out of the device context, and then delete the CFont object.BOOL CreatePointFontIndirect(const LOGFONT* lpLogFont,CDC* pDC = NULL);ParameterslpLogFontPoints to a LOGFONT structure that defines the characteristics of the logical font. The lfHeight member of the LOGFONT structure is measured in tenths of a point rather than logical units. For example, set lfHeight to 120 to request a 12-point font.pDCSpecifies the pointer to the CDC object to be used to convert the height in lfHeight to logical units. If NULL, a screen devicecontext is used for the conversion.Return ValueNonzero if successful, otherwise, it is zero.CFont::CreatePointFontBOOL CreatePointFont( int nPointSize, LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, CDC* pDC = NULL );Return ValueNonzero if successful, otherwise 0.ParametersnPointSizeRequested font height in tenths of a point. (For instance, pass 120 to request a12-point font.)lpszFaceNameA CString or pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the font. The length of this string must not exceed 30 characters. The Windows EnumFontFamilies function can be used to enumerate all currently available fonts. If lpszFaceName is NULL, the GDI uses a device-independent typeface.pDCPointer to the CDC object to be used to convert the height in nPointSize to logical units. If NULL, a screen device context is used for the conversion.RemarksThis function provides a simple way to create a font of a specified typeface and point size. It automatically converts the height in nPointSize to logical units using the CDC object pointed to by pDC.When you finish with the CFont object created by the CreatePointFont function, first select the font out of the device context, then delete the CFont object.。
font字体缩写字体缩写是针对字体样式的缩写形式,包含字体、字号等属性,使用方法如下:font:font-style font-variant font-weight font-size line-heightfont-family对于字体的样式缩写,只需要使用font作为属性名称,后接各个属性的值即可,使用空格分开,例如:p {font:italic normal bold 12pt/18pt 宋体;}此代码将使p对象出现斜体、大小写默认、加粗、12pt大小、18pt行高、宋体的字体样式。
使用css缩写时,不需要的参数可以使用normal 代替,也可以直接去掉这个参数,因为css中的各个属性的值写法并不是都相同,因此直接去掉某个参数不会影响顺序与值的关系。
但是也会有例外,如本例中的 12pt/18pt 指的是font-size字号与line-height行号使用反斜线分隔,因为font-size与line-height的值有可能使用同一计量单位,为了保证css对两个值所对应的属性一致,必须使用反斜线来分隔两个数值。
如果对于传统写法,我们必须使用以下的形式:p {font-style:italic;font-variant:normal;font-weight;bold;font-siize:12pt;font-height:18pt;font-family:宋体;}字体缩写只用一句话便完成了上述的6个属性的设置,节省了大量的css代码,对于其它属性的缩写也是如此。
在最开头声明一个全局的字体指针CFont *my_font=new CFont();//注意初始化,不能为空2。
在需要改变字体的地方调用函数:set_font(60,my_font,"隶书"); //字体大小、指针、名称GetDlgItem(IDC_anniu)->SetFont(my_font);//改变字体3。
注意在退出时要删除字体,否则多次调用出现问题BOOL CMyDlg::DestroyWindow(){if (my_font) my_font->DeleteObject();return CDialog::DestroyWindow();}5。
以下是函设置字体函数的详细内容:void set_font(int height,CFont *font,char *name){// font=new CFont();//不在此,要在外部初始化,否则找不到指针LOGFONT lf;lf.lfHeight=20; lf.lfWidth= 0;lf.lfEscapement=0; lf.lfOrientation= 0;lf.lfWeight= 760; lf.lfItalic= 0;lf.lfUnderline =0; lf.lfStrikeOut =0;lf.lfCharSet =134; lf.lfOutPrecision =3;lf.lfClipPrecision =2; lf.lfQuality= 1;lf.lfPitchAndFamily =2; lstrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "宋体");lf.lfOutPrecision =OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;//OUT_TT_PRECIS;lf.lfHeight= height; //字体大小lstrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, name);//名称if (font!=NULL){font->DeleteObject();font->CreateFontIndirect(&lf);}}#define say(ch) AfxMessageBox(ch)//自己使用的提示函数#define bt(ch) SetWindowText(ch)//自己使用的提示函数二。
VS2010MFC编程入门之四十七(字体和文本输出:CFont字体类)字体简介GDI(Graphics Device Interface),图形设备接口,是Windows 提供的一些函数和结构,用于在显示器和打印机上显示图形。
css之font font属性可⽤于font-style,font-family,font-weigth,font-variant,font-size,line-height这六个属性的简写,下⾯来分别说明。
1、font-style ⽂字倾斜 参数:oblique/normal/italic normal选择font-family的常规字体;oblique选择倾斜体;italic 选择斜体。
2、font-weight ⽂字加粗 参数:normal(400)/bold(700)/lighter(⽐从⽗元素继承来的值更细)/bolder(⽐从⽗元素继承来的值更粗)/number(⼀个介于 1 和 1000 (包含) 之间的<number> 类型值). 3、font-size ⽂字⼤⼩ 参数:20px(数字加单位)/关键字可以使⽤关键字,像素或em数字值来定义字体⼤⼩。
关键字:small/medium/large...... 可⽤于定义⽹络字体⼤⼩。
组合⽅式:关键字+像素 em:em的⼤⼩是动态的,当定义或继承font-size属性时,1em等于这个元素的字体⼤⼩。
如果在⽹页中没有设置⽂字⼤⼩那1em等于浏览器默认⽂字⼤⼩通常是16px.如果设置了body元素字体⼤⼩为20px,那1em=20px,2em=40px. 换算公式如下: em=希望得到的像素⼤⼩/⽗元素字体像素⼤⼩ 可以设置body元素的字体⼤⼩为62.5%(即默认⼤⼩16px的62.5%)等于10px。
所以20px=2em,16px=1.6em. rem:rem是相对于根元素<html>,这样就意味着,我们只需要在根元素确定⼀个参考值。
VC CFont 用法LOGFONT结构的变量仔细查一下CFont my_CFont;if( !my_CFont.CreatePointFont( 300,_T("Helvetica"),NULL ) )return;( GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT1) )->SetFont( &my_CFont );二、常用法CRect rcRectangle(x,x,x,x);CFont font;CFont *pFont;font.CreateFont(14,0,0,0,FW_MEDIUM,FALSE,FALSE,0,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY,DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS,"Arial");pFont=pDC->SelectObject(&font);pDC->TextOut(70,70,"祝你圣诞快乐!!!");pDC->DrawText("祝你圣诞快乐!!",rcRectangle,DT_CENTER)font.DeleteObject();三、关于CFont和DrawText的用法中国人自古就有自右至左、从上到下书写汉字的习惯。
scanf和printf的用法C语言printf和scanf函数详细用法printf()函数是格式化输出函数, 一般用于向标准输出设备按规定格式输出信息。
printf()函数的调用格式为:printf("<格式化字符串>", <参量表>);其中格式化字符串包括两部分内容: 一部分是正常字符, 这些字符将按原样输出; 另一部分是格式化规定字符, 以"%"开始, 后跟一个或几个规定字符, 用来确定输出内容格式。
参量表是需要输出的一系列参数, 其个数必须与格式化字符串所说明的输出参数个数一样多, 各参数之间用","分开, 且顺序一一对应, 否则将会出现意想不到的错误。
格式化字符串的格式是:%[标志][输出最小宽度][.精度][长度]格式字符1. 标志:标志字符为-、+、#、空格四种,其意义下表所示:标志意义- 结果左对齐,右边填空格+ 输出符号(正号或负号)空格输出值为正时冠以空格,为负时冠以负号# 对c,s,d,u类无影响;对o类,在输出时加前缀o;对x类,在输出时加前缀0x;对e,g,f 类当结果有小数时才给出小数点()例1:#i ncludemain(){int a=100;float b=123.255;printf("a=%d ",a);printf("a=%10d ",a);printf("a=%-10d ",a);printf("a=%+d ",a);printf("a=% d ",a);printf("a=%#o ",a);printf("a=%#x ",a);printf("b=%#f ",b);}运行结果a=100a= 100a=100a=+100a= 100a=0144a=0x64b=123.254997 ()2.输出最小宽度:用十进制整数来表示输出的最少位数。
int sscanf(const char* str, const char* format, ...);
char str[] = "2021-10-01";
char pattern[] = "%d-%d-%d";
int year, month, day;
sscanf(str, pattern, &year, &month, &day);
printf("解析结果:%d年%d月%d日", year, month, day);
Font类有两个构造函数:第⼀个是new Font(字体名称,字号),例如,label1.Font=new Font("⿊体",9),⽤法还可参考例e3_8。
第⼆个是new Font(字体名称,字号,字体风格),其中第三个参数是枚举类型,具体定义如下:
enum FontStyle{
Regular =0,//正常字体
Bold =1,//⿊体
Italic =2,//斜体
BoldItalic =3,//⿊斜体
Underline =4,//下划线,5=⿊体下划线,6=斜体下划线,7=⿊斜体下划线
Strikeout =8}//删除线,9=⿊体删除线,10=斜体删除线,依此类推。
label1.Font=new Font("⿊体",9,label1.Font.Style|FontStyle.Italic);
或者:label1.Font=new Font("⿊体",9,label1.Font.Style|(FontStyle)2);
label1.Font=new Font("⿊体",9,label1.Font.Style&~FontStyle.Italic);
或者:label1.Font=new Font("⿊体",9,label1.Font.Style&(FontStyle)(~2));。
C语言中sccanf用法、运用和意义vavsscanf用法以及正则表达式的运用表头文件#include(stdio.h)定义函数int sscanf(const char*str,const char*format,........);函数说明sscanf()会将参数str的字符串根据参数format字符串来转换并格式化数据。
周星星的代码:#include<stdio.h>int main(){const char*s="iios/12DDWDFF@122";char buf[20];sscanf(s,"%*[^/]/%[^@]",buf);printf("%s\n",buf);return0;}结果为:12DDWDFFsscanf与scanf类似,都是用于输入的,只是后者以屏幕(stdin)为输入源,前者以固定字符串为输入源。
函数原型:int scanf(const char*format[,argument]...);其中的format可以是一个或多个{%[*][width][{h|l|I64|L}]type|''|'\t'|'\n'|非%符号},注:{a|b|c}表示a,b,c中选一,[d],表示可以有d也可以没有d。
width:宽度,一般可以忽略,用法如:const char sourceStr[]="hello,world";char buf[10]={0};sscanf(sourceStr,"%5s",buf);//%5s,只取5个字符cout<<buf<<endl;结果为:hello{h|l|I64|L}:参数的size,通常h表示单字节size,I表示2字节size,L表示4字节size(double 例外),l64表示8字节size。
icon font的使用
icon font的使用标题:Icon Font的应用与优势引言:在现代网页设计中,图标的使用已经成为一种趋势。
而Icon Font 作为一种优秀的图标解决方案,具有独特的优势和应用场景。
本文将介绍Icon Font的基本概念、使用方法以及与传统图片图标的比较,以便读者更好地了解和应用Icon Font。
一、Icon Font简介1.1 什么是Icon FontIcon Font是一种基于字体的图标解决方案,通过将图标以字体的形式嵌入网页中,实现图标的展示和使用。
1.2 Icon Font的优势- 矢量化:Icon Font以矢量的形式存在,可以无损放大和缩小,保持图标的清晰度和细节。
- 可定制性:通过CSS样式和字体编辑工具,可以轻松调整Icon Font的颜色、大小、阴影等效果。
- 可搜索性:与传统图片图标相比,Icon Font可以通过文本搜索和编辑,提高网页的可访问性和维护性。
二、Icon Font的使用方法2.1 引入Icon Font- 将Icon Font的字体文件(通常为.ttf或.woff格式)下载到本地,并通过CSS样式表引入。
2.2 使用Icon Font- 在HTML中使用特定的CSS类名来调用Icon Font,如`<i class="icon-home"></i>`。
- 可以通过添加额外的CSS样式来修改Icon Font的大小、颜色和其他效果。
三、Icon Font与传统图片图标的比较3.1 性能优势- Icon Font的字体文件相对较小,加载速度更快,减少网页的加载时间和带宽消耗。
- Icon Font的缓存机制更好,可以有效减少重复加载。
3.2 可维护性和可访问性- Icon Font可以通过CSS样式表进行统一管理和调整,方便维护和更新。
- Icon Font可以通过文本搜索和编辑,提高网页的可访问性和搜索引擎优化。
VC中的字体设置VC++中static text字体改变窗口都有2个和字体有关的函数:CWnd::GetFont()和SetFont(CFont*, BOOL);1)CFont* pFont = m_static.GetFont();2)LOGFONT LogFont;pFont->GetLogFont(&LogFont);3)对LogFont直接操纵修改里面的字体选项//如LogFont.lfUnderline = 1;设置下划线LogFont.lfHeight=30; //字体大小设置strcpy(LogFont.lfFaceName, "楷体_GB2312"); //字体设置4)pFont->Detach();第四步的目的是将pFont里装有的HFONT解除关联,否则pFont 无法调用紧接的Create函数。
VC++中字体颜色的改变在OnCtlColor函数中如下代码:HBRUSH CDlg_SignIn::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor){HBRUSH hbr = CDialogEx::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);// TODO: Change any attributes of the DC hereif(nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_STATIC){if(pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID()== IDC_REGARD){pDC->SetT extColor(RGB(255,0,0));pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(251, 247, 200));//设置文本背景色pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);//设置背景透明}}// TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired return hbr;}其他控件的宏定义为:CTLCOLOR_BTN 按钮控件CTLCOLOR_DLG 对话框CTLCOLOR_EDIT 编辑框CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX 列表控件CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX 消息控件CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR 滚动条控件CTLCOLOR_STATIC 静态控件VC中动态改变控件和对话框字体.1 VC的对话框字体设置对所有控件都有效,你不能单独地改变某个静态文本的字体。
Font类是⽤于设置图形⽤户界⾯上的字体样式的,包括字体类型(例如宋体、仿宋、Times New Roman等)、字体风格(例如斜体字、加粗等)、以及字号⼤⼩。
Font类位于java.awt包中,使⽤时需要在代码顶端声明import java.awt.Font;或者import java.awt.*;
public Font(String familyName,int style,int size)
(1)familyName是字体类型,例如宋体、仿宋、Times New Roman等;
Font.BOLD+ Font.ITALIC(粗斜体)
例如:Font f = new Font("宋体",Font.BOLD,20);
1. front()函数只能用于非空容器,否则会产生未定义的行为。
2. 使用front()函数不会从容器中删除元素,如果需要删除第一个元素,可以使用erase()函数。
3. 对于queue容器,front()函数用于访问队列的第一个元素,而不是vector或deque的第一个元素。
1. vector容器中使用front()函数:
vector<int> myvec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << myvec.front(); //输出1
2. deque容器中使用front()函数:
deque<int> mydeque = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
cout << mydeque.front(); //输出1
3. queue容器中使用front()函数:
queue<int> myqueue;
cout << myqueue.front(); //输出1
ctex宏包说明∗版本号:v1.02c修改日期:2011/03/11摘要ctex宏包提供了一个统一的中文L A T E X文档框架,底层支持CCT、CJK和xeCJK 三种中文L A T E X系统。
ctex宏包提供了编写中文L A T E X文档常用的一些宏定义和命令。
目录1简介22使用帮助32.1使用CJK或xeCJK (3)2.2使用CCT (3)2.3选项 (4)2.3.1只能用于文档类的选项 (4)2.3.2只能用于文档类和ctexcap.sty的选项 (4)2.3.3中文编码选项 (4)2.3.4中文字库选项 (5)2.3.5CCT引擎选项 (5)2.3.6排版风格选项 (5)2.3.7宏包兼容选项 (6)2.3.8缺省选项 (6)2.4基本命令 (6)2.4.1字体设置 (6)2.4.2字号、字距、字宽和缩进 (7)∗11简介22.4.3中文数字转换 (7)2.5高级设置 (8)2.5.1章节标题设置 (9)2.5.2部分修改标题格式 (12)2.5.3附录标题设置 (12)2.5.4其他标题设置 (13)2.5.5其他设置 (13)2.6配置文件 (14)3版本更新15 4开发人员171简介这个宏包的部分原始代码来自于由王磊编写cjkbook.cls文档类,还有一小部分原始代码来自于吴凌云编写的GB.cap文件。
CStatic设置文字、字体、颜色和OnCtlColor的使用BOOL CreateFont( int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int nWeight, BYTE bItalic, BYTE bUnderline, BYTE cStrikeOut, BYTE nCharSet,BYTE nOutPrecision, BYTE nClipPrecision, BYTE nQuality, BYTE nPitchAndFamily, LPCTSTR lpszFacename );参数说明:nHeight :字体高度.>0:字体的高度值;=0:字体采用缺省直.<0:此值的绝对值为高度.nWidth :字体宽度.nEscapement :文本行的倾斜度.nOrientation :字符基线的倾斜度.nWeight:指定字体磅数(用每1000点中墨点像素数计)。
尽管nWeight 可为0到1000中的任意整数值,常用值和常数如下:以上各值是大约数,实际外观依赖字体大小,有的字体仅有FW_NORMAL,FW_REGULAR,FW_BOLD磅数。
bItalic :字体是否为斜体bUnderline :字体是否带下划线cStrikeOut :字体是否带删除线nCharSet :字体的字符集.ANSI_CHARSET.DEFAULT_CHARSET.SYMBOL_CHARSET.....nOutPrecision :字符的输出精度nClipPrecision :字符裁剪的精度nQuality :字符的输出质量nPitchAndFamily :字符间距和字体族(低位说明间距,高位说明字符族)lpszFacename :字体名称/v/mfcshouce/Class/CFont_CreateFont.htm设置字体BOOL CTMyDlg::OnInitDialog(){CDialog::OnInitDialog();//CFont m_Font;m_Font.CreateFont(-12,0,0,0,700,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,_T( "宋体 "));CEdit *m_Edit=(CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);m_Edit->SetFont(&m_Font,FALSE);return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control}小小说明:在OnInitDialog()中的//CFont m_Font;前的"//"号去掉,将类声明中的CFont m_Font;去掉会是什么结果?请自己试试.设置字体SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC1,"你好"); //设置文本设置颜色由于CStatic没有现成的接口,要么自己继承CStatic然后重写WM_CTLCOLOR的响应函数。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
CFont用法CFont 使用详解
CFont class encapsulates the functionalities needed to manipulate the Fonts in Windows programming. A font can be created in 4 ways with a CFont class using CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect, CreatePointFont, or CreatePointFontIndirect functions. This CFont Samples page tries to give a piece of sample code for all of the above functions.
1、CFont Sample for using CFont :: CreateFont:
The following CFont sample illustrates how to create a font using CreateFont function of the CFont class.
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont l_font;
l_font.CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL,
CFont* l_old_font = dc.SelectObject(&l_font); dc.TextOut(50, 50, "Hello World");
// Delete the font object.
In the above CFont Sample, the CreateFont function uses all default parameters (either 0 or Default constants), except for the height parameter. If CreateFont is called as above, the MFC framework will select the best fit parameters by itself and create a font accordingly.
2、CFont Sample for using CFont :: CreateFontIndirect:
This part of CFont sample illustrates the usage of CreateFontIndirect.
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont l_font;
lf.lfHeight = 12;
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Arial"); // Need a face name "Arial".
CFont* l_old_font = dc.SelectObject(&l_font);
dc.TextOut(50, 50, "Hello World");
// Delete the font object.
The LOGFONT is a structure with all members required for the Font object.
3、CFont Sample for using CFont :: CreatePointFont:
This part of the sample illustrates the use of CreatePointFont for creating a font.
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont l_font;
l_font.CreatePointFont(140,"Times New Roman");
CFont* l_old_font = dc.SelectObject(&l_font);
dc.TextOut(50, 50, "Hello World");
// Delete the font object.
The first parameter of the CreatePointFont function is the height of the Font in tenths of a point. The return value of this function is non-zero value if successful.
4、CFont Sample for using CFont :: CreatePointFontIndirect:
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont l_font;
lf.lfHeight = 120;
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Arial"); // Need a face name "Arial".
CFont* l_old_font = dc.SelectObject(&l_font);
dc.TextOut(50, 60, "Hello World");
// Delete the font object.
Usually it is better to use either CreatePointFont or CreatePointFontIndirect functions as they reduce the head-ache of thinking about the width, weight and such parameters.
Also, in the above CFont sample the l_font is deleted in the end. It is a good programming practice as advised by Windows Programming manuals to delete the Objects after removing them from the current device context.。