8. provide abookletof detailed information about accommodation
9. recommend her to take outinsurancefrom agency
10. contact family members via anInternet cafe
Section Two
Home Swap
11.选:outdoor and indoor facilities
12.选:sports facilities
Section One
1. Date of birth:8th/30thMarch1988
2. Contact number:0903775115
3. Transport: bytrain
4. Destination:NorthernEurope
37. …
38. …
听力真题 V07145
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2013年7月13日雅思写作考试回忆及大作文范文环球雅思名师:慎博A类小作文:小作文:Table,the percentage of first year students ranking their courses: maths, computing, business. 小作文表格,一份大学生调查表结果,对教学质量等满意度A类大作文题目:The tendency to copy is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumers' goods. 衣服的流行以及其他消费品的普及体现的是复制的趋势。
To what extend do you agree or disagree.题目分析:关键词:1)the tendency to copy2)Popularity of fashion in clothesand other consumer’s goods思路一波三折写法理由一:the symbol of mixture of different culture , economic integration理由二:a form of self-expression , the presentation of personality ,mood and aesthetic appreciation让步段(理由):1)plenty of manufactures to make more profits2)certain groups without analyzing to purchase and imitate blindly.转折:1)limited temporary profits instead of the long-term and plentiful economic benefits .2)consumers to be more sensible levels to make the determined attempt to purchase结论:the irreversible tendency instead of imitating phenomenon第一段:In current society especially in recent years, purchasing and chasing fashionable clothes and other consumer’s products emerging dramatically turns out to be common phenomenon of society .some individuals deem it is the result of mutual imitating, however, as far as I am concerned that it is the inevitable tenor of globalization and economic integration and the Internet popularizing.第二段:不认同,理由一To begin with, purchasing the popularity of fashionable clothes and other consumer’s products is the symbol of mixture of different culture ,economic integration and advanced technology , to give rise to the lifestyle changing ,which can be well explained by the following example . Take the eminent Mobile Phone Apple for example . it is widely accepted and applied by increasing prevalent number of people around the world especially for Chinese, due to its extraordinary function and humanized style of designing .第三段:不认同理由二In addition, chasing the popularity of fashion clothing and other consumption goods is also a form of self-expression, the presentation of personality and aesthetic appreciation . Namely, a sizeable percentage of individuals tend to have more sense of identity toward the main fashionable tendency, which can be attributed to the powerful and potential influence of media and advertisement as well as the certain group who are living around .第四段让步段There is no denying that plenty of manufactures imitate other eminent band to make more profits, and the certain groups without analyzing and distinguishing purchase blindly. However, in terms of manufactures , imitating can merely obtain limited temporary profits instead of the long-term and plentiful economic benefits . In terms of consumers , they will return to be more sensible levels to make the determined attempt to purchase more suitable and fashionable clothes and reasonable consumption goods according their financial situation .结论On balance, taking into account the above perspectives, I am convinced that the popularity of fashion is the irreversible tendency brought about by advanced communication , soaring technology and the progress of economic and cultural integration instead of the so-called “tendency of copy”.。
雅思听力机经词汇表雅思听力机经词汇表abscess abstract academic accept acceptable accessaccommodation accord account accountant accuracy achieve aching acid acquire across act action active activities activityaddicted-free addiction addition additional addressadministration admission adopt adult advance advantage advertise advertisement advice advise advisor affect Africa agency agreeagriculture aidairport alarm Alexander Alexandria allergy allow alonealternative although altitude am amber America American among amount analysis analyze ancient angry animal Annaannouncement annual antibiotic antibiotics apartapartment ape appealappearance applicant application applyappointment approach approximate Aprilarcheological architecture area argue arise arrangearrangement arrival arrive art article artist artistic Asia Asian aspirin assessassessment assignassignment assistance assistantship asthma Athensatmospheric attachattachment attack attempt attend attendance attention attitude attract attractive audio August Australia Australian author availability available avenue average avoid aware back wall backgroundbadminton balance balloon bandage bank barbecue barrier base basicBathroom beach bear beat beautiful beauty become bedbedroom bedsit beebeginner behavior behind believe belong benefit Berlin besides best better between bibliography bicycle bill biology birdBirmingham birth birthday bit blackBlackstone Blake雅思听力机经词汇表blind block blood blueblue-book board boat Bob body bone book booklist bookshop boot borrow both bottle bottom bowl box boy branch branch brand Break breakfast breaks down breath-taking breed brick bridge brief Bring Britain British broadcast brochure brother Brunel budget budgeting build building buried business cable cafe cage cake callCambridge camel camera camp campaign campus Canada cancel capacity capital capsule card career carry carve case cash cashier cassette castle catalog catalogue catch catering cathedral cause cave CD centercentral century ceremony certificate chain chair challenge chapter character characteristic charcoal charge charity chart chat Cheap checked date cheese chemistry chequechequebook child mind childcare chilly chin China Chinese chocolates choice cholera choose church Churchill cinema circulation citizen Clark class classic classical classification classifying classmate classroom clean cleaner client climate clinic clockclub coast cocktail code coffee coldcolleague collect collection college color colorcombination comedy comercomfortable commercial commission common communicate communication community commuter company compare compete complaincompositions compulsory computer concentrate concern concert conclusion condition conference confidence confident confirm confuse conjunct connectconnecting-flight雅思听力机经词汇表construction consulates consult consultant consumed consuming contact containcontaminants content context control convenient conversation cook co-operate cop copy corner cosmetics cost cost costly cough 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drug dry due duration during dust duty DVD eager early earth easier east eat economics economy ecotourism editor education educational effecteffective effort Egyptian elder雅思听力机经词汇表elementary email embassies embassy emergency Emma emphasis employ employee employer employment empty encourage encyclopedia end energy engine engineer engineering England English engraving enhance enjoy enough enroll enterentertainment entrance envelop environment environmental equipment especially essay estimate Europe European evening event evidence exactly exaggerateexample exceed excellent except exception excess exchange excite exercise exhibit exhibition exhibitors exist existent expect expense expensive experience experiment experimental expert explain explosion export extension extensive extra extract extremely eyeeye drops eyesight facefacilities facility fact factor factors factory faculty fail failure fair familiar family famous fantastic fare farm farmer farming fashion faster fat fat-free father fax fear feature febrifuge feefeedback fees female ferry festival fever fiber fieldfield works figure fill filling film finalfinal-examination finance financial fine firm first fish fit fitness fixflexibilityflood floor flow flower flufluctuated fly focus fold food foot football force foreign forest forget form formal former forthfortunately fossil found France fraud free freedom frequency frequent Friday fridge friend front fruit fullfully-booked full-time fully fund furfurniture future gallery雅思听力机经词汇表garage garden gas gate gear gender general genetics geographical geology German gift girlgirlfriend glass global goal goat gold golf goose Gorgegovernment grade graduate graduation graingrandfather grandmother grant grasp grass Greece green Greenway group grove grow growth guest guidance guide guitarhabit hairhalf-placement hallhandbook handcrafts handle handout hard-working harmful hatheadache heading headmaster head-teacher health healthcare hear heart rate heat heater Heathrow heating Helen helpdesk helper hero higher highhighly-trained hiking hill hire historian historical history hobby hold holiday homehomework hope hormone hostel hosting hotel house hovercraftHowells human hundred hungry hunt hurt ice ID ideaidentification identify ignorance imageimmediately immune impact import important impossible inch include income increaseindependence index India individual Indonesian industrial industry infect infectious inflectional influence information injection injury innovationinspirit instead institute institution instruction instructor instrument insurance intelligence intensive interestInter library loan intermediate international internet interview interviewee introduce introduction investigate investigation Involve Ireland iron island issue item itself Jack jacket jam Jane Janet January Japanese jazz jeans job John join joint journal juggling雅思听力机经词汇表jump June junior Jupiter kangaroo kettle Kevin keykeywords kid killkilogram kindkindergarten king kitchen knowknowledge lablaboratory laboring lack ladies lake lamp land landlady landscape language largelarge-scale late laundry law lawyer layout lead leaf learn least leatherleave lectureLee leg legal leisure length leprosy lesson letter level library license life lifestyle lift light limit line link list listen literliterature live liver loan local locate location lock logistical London look lord lose loss luck lucky Ludlow luggage lunch machine magazine magic main hall major Malaysia male mallmammals managemanagement manager man-made manufacture map march margin mark market married marshes Mary master match matching material mathematic mathematics matter mature maximum mayor meal mean measuremeasurement meat medal media medical medication medicine medium meetMelbourne membershipmetal meter method Michelle microbiology mid-day middlemid-morning midnight mid-semester mid-term migration mile mill million Milton mind mineral minimum minutemiscellaneous miserable miss mission mistake mixture mobile model modern module moment Monday money monkey mood moon more motivation motorcycle mountain move moviemulti-choice雅思听力机经词汇表multimedia Murray muscle museum music musical mystery narrator nationality native natural nature nauseate neck negative neighboring nervous network networker New Zealand newnewspaper noise noisynon-drinker non-medicine non-observation non-smoker non-stop normal north northern nose notenotebook note-taking notice November nowadays number nurse nursery nut objectobservation obtain occasional occupation October oculist office officer oilointment old older once online open operation opinionopportunities opposite optic option optional oralorchestra order organicorganization organize orientation origin original outline outside over overhead overseas overview ownparticipants participate part-time party pass passage passenger passers-by passion passport password past patience patient Patricia pattern Paul paypayment peasant pedal penpenicillin pension perpercentage perform performance perfumes period Perks permit person personal personalitypersonnel pet peter petrol PhDphilosophy phone photo photocopy photograph physical physician pick picture pie piece pigeon pill pink pipeplacement plane planner plant plastic plate player plenty plus pmpneumonia pocket point polar police policy polish pollution pool poor pop popular population position雅思听力机经词汇表postcard postcode posterpostgraduate pottery power practical practice predict prefer preference pregnancy prepare prescription presentpresentation press pressure prevent preventive previous previously price primary print priorities priority private problem procedure process produce product production professional professor profit profitable program programer project promote propertyprovidepsycholinguistics psychological psychology publicpublishing pulse pump punctual purpose pursequalification quality quarter queenQueensland question quick quite radio railway rain raincoat rainforest rainwater raise random range rank rapid rare rarely rate reach reader re-adjust real reason rebuilt receive reception recommendrecommendation recreation recruit recycle red reduce re-enter referreferee reference refreshment refund regard region register regular regulationreimbursement reinforce relationship relatively relax reliable religion remember renew rent report reporter request requirerequirement research researcher reservation reserve residence resident resin resist resource respectrespondents responserestaurant result retails retire return review revolution reward richrich-colored ride riders ring rise risk river road rob rock role Roman roof route rubber rule run rural rush Russia safe safety sail saint sale sales Salinger same samplesandwiches Sanford satellite satisfaction Saturday雅思听力机经词汇表scale scarsceneries schedule scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist score Scotland sea seafood season seatsecessionist second secondary secondly secretary sector security seek select selectionself-employment sellsemester seminar send senior sense sentence September servant serve service session setsettlement several shamesheet shelf shell shift shipship-building shirt shoe shopshop-chain shopper short shortage short-answer show shrink shuttle sick side sight signsignature silver similar simple simulation since single sit site size skate skill skin skirt sleep sleepy slim slip small smell Smith smoke snack snake social society sock softsoftware soil solar solders solution solve song sore sort source south space Spanish spare speak speaker specialspecial chemicals specialist specialized specific specifically speech speed spend spider sportsportswear spot sprain square staff stage stair lift standard standards starstatestatement statewide station statistics stay steal steamsteamships steel step Stephen stethoscope stiff stock stomach stomachache stone stop storage storestore house straight forward strategy street stress stressful strike strong student stuff style subject submit subtopic suburb successful suggest suggestion suit suitable summarizing summary雅思听力机经词汇表sunlight supersupermarket supply support surgeon surname surprise survey sweat sweater swim Sydney symptom syringe syrup system table tablet tank tape target task taste tax taxi tea teach teacher team technical technique technology teenager telephone telescope television temperature temple tend tennis term testtheatre thefttheoretical theory therapist therapy thief thousand throat through throw Thursday ticket tie timber timetable tire title toaster today together tomorrow tone tool tooth toothache top topic total touch tour tourism tourist tower towntown center trace track tradetraditional traffic train transfer travel travelers traveling treattreatment tree trend tribe tribute tried trip tripe tropical trouble trousers Tuesday tuition tune tunnel tunnels turn tutor tutorial TV twice twist type tyre UKuncertainuncomfortable unconvincing undergoundergraduate underground understand unemployed unhealthy unhurt uniform unit unite universityunusual updated urban useless user vacancy vacation validation value variety various varyvegetable vegetarian version vet video view village visa visit visitorvisual vitamin vocabulary vocational voice volcano volunteer vote wait waiter walk wall warn warrants wash waste watch water waterfall water-proof water-skiing雅思听力机经词汇表wear weather weave website wedWednesday weed week weekday weekend weekly weight welcome welfare west western westerner wetland whale wheel whereas whether while white wife wildlife willow win wind window wing winter wish without woman wonder wood worker workforce workload workshop world wretchedwriter wrong year yellow yet York young youth Zealand zone zoo。
Test 2
难句难词:caccinate;a free fitness check-up
Hall of residence
Red meat(常识可以了解下)
Be noted for
Dye for clothe
Circular aelocate,
Access(get access to)
喜欢户外的集市吗(卖食品/衣服/旧东西)? 哪种集市最流行?
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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!雅思阅读机经真题解析--CosmeticsInAncientPast为了帮助大家在备考雅思的时候能够练习到更多的真题材料,下面本店铺给大家带来雅思阅读机经真题解析--Cosmetics In Ancient Past,望喜欢!雅思阅读机经真题解析--Cosmetics In Ancient PastASince cosmetics and perfumes are still in wide use today,it is interesting to compare the attitudes, customs and beliefs related to them in ancient times to those of our own day and age.Cosmetics and perfumes have been popular since the dawn of civilization; it is shown by the discovery of a great deal of pertinent archeological material,dating from the third millennium BC.Mosaics, glass perfume flasks, stone vessels,ovens, cooking-pots, clay jars, etc., some inscribed by the hand of the artisan.evidence also appears in the Bible and other classical writings,where it is written that spices and perfumes were prestigious products known throughout the ancient world and coveted by kings and princes.The written and pictorial descriptions, as well as archaeological findings,all show how important body care and aesthetic appearance were in the lives of the ancient people.The chain of evidence spansmany centuries, detailing the usage of cosmetics in various cultures from the earliest period of recorded history.BIn antiquity, however, at least in the onset, cosmetics served in religious ceremonies and for healing purposes.Cosmetics were also connected with cultic worship and witchcraft: to appease the various gods, fragrant ointments were applied to the statuary images and even to their attendants.From this, in the course of time, developed the custom of personal use, to enhance the beauty of the face and the body, and to conceal defects.CPerfumes and fragrant spices were precious commodities in antiquity, very much in demand, and at times even eXceeded silver and gold in value.Therefore they were luXury products,used mainly in the temples and in the homes of the noble and the wealthy.The Judean kings kept them in treasure houses (2 Kings 20:13).And the Queen of Sheba brought to Solomon "camels laden with spices, gold in great quantity and precious stones."(1 Kings 10:2,10).However, within time, the use of cosmetics became the custom of that period.The use of cosmetics became widespread among the lower classes as well as among the wealthy;in the same way they washed the body, so they used to care for the body with substances that softened the skin and anoint it with fragrant oils and ointments.DFacial treatment was highly developed and women devoted many hours to it.They used to spread various scented creams on the face and to apply makeup in vivid and contrasting colors.An Egyptian papyrus from the 16th century BC contains detailed recipes to remove blemishes, wrinkles, and other signs of age.Greek and Roman women would cover their faces in the evening with a "beauty mask" to remove blemishes, which consisted mainly of flour miXed with fragrant spices, leaving it on their face all night.The neXt morning they would wash it off with asses milk.The very common creams used by women in the ancient Far East,particularly important in the hot climate and prevalent in that area of the globe, were made up of oils and aromatic scents.Sometimes the oil in these creams was eXtracted from olives, almonds, gourds, sesame, or from trees and plants; but, for those of limited means, scented animal and fish fats were commonly used.EWomen in ancient past commonly put colors around theireyes.Besides beautification, its purpose was also medicinal as covering the sensitive skin of the lids with colored ointments that prevented dryness and eye diseases: the eye-paint repelled the little flies that transmitted eye inflammations.Egyptian women colored the upper eyelid black and the lower one green, and painted the space between the upper lid and the eyebrow gray or blue.The women of Mesopotamia favored yellows and reds.The use of kohl for painting the eyes is mentioned three times in the Bible, always with disapproval by the sages (2 Kings, 9:30; Jeremiah 4:30; Ezekiel 23:40).In contrast, Job names one of his daughters “Keren Happukh”—“horn of eye paint” (Job 42:14)FGreat importance was attached to the care for hair in ancient times.Long hair was always considered a symbol of beauty, and kings, nobles and dignitaries grew their hair long and kept it well-groomed and cared for.Women devoted much time to the style of the hair, while not culling, they would apply much care to it by arranging it skillfully in plaits and "building it up" sometimes with the help of wigs.Egyptian women generally wore their hair flowing down to their shoulders or even longer.In Mesopotamia, women cherished long hair as a partof their beauty, and hair flowing down their backs in a thick plait and tied with a ribbon is seen in art.Assyrian women wore their hair shorter, braiding and binding it in a bun at the back.In Ancient Israel, brides would wear their hair long on the wedding day as a sign of their virginity.Ordinary people and slaves, however, usually wore their hair short, mainly for hygienic reasons, since they could not afford to invest in the kind of treatment that long hair required.GFrom the Bible and Egyptian and Assyrian sources, as well as the words of classical authors, it appears that the centers of the trade in aromatic resins and incense were located in the kingdom of Arabia, and even as far as India, where some of these precious aromatic plants were grown."Dealers from Sheba and Rammah dealt with you, offering the choicest spices..." (Ezekiel 27:2(2).The Nabateans functioned as the important middlemen in this trade; Palestine also served as a very important component, as the trade routes crisscrossed the country.It is known that the Egyptian Queen Hatsheput (15th century BC)sent a royal eXpedition to the Land of Punt (Somalia)in order to bring back myrrh seedlings to plant in her temple.In Assyrian records of tribute and spoils of war,perfumes and resins are mentioned; the teXt from the time of Tukulti-Ninurta II (890-884 BC)refers to balls of myrrh as part of the tribute brought to the Assyrian king by the Aramaean kings.The trade in spices and perfumes is also mentioned in the Bible as written in Genesis (37:25-2(6), "Camels carrying gum tragacanth and balm and myrrh".Questions 15-21Reading Passage 2 has 7 paragraphs A-G.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write your answers in boXes 15-21 on your answer sheet.15 recipes to conceal facial defects caused by aging16 perfumes were presented to conquerors in war17 long hair of girls had special meanings in marriage18 evidence eXists in abundance showing cosmetics use in ancient times19 protecting eyes from fly-transmitted diseases20 from witchcraft to beautification21 more eXpensive than goldQuestions 22-27Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?In boXes 22-27 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage22 The written record for cosmetics and perfumes dates back to the third millennium BC.23 Since perfumes and spices were luXury products, their use was eXclusive to the noble and the wealthy.24 In ancient Far East, fish fats were used as cream by women from poor households.25 The teachings in the Bible were repeatedly against the use of kohl for painting the eyes.26 Long hair as a symbol of beauty was worn solely by women of ancient cultures.27 The Egyptian Queen Hatsheput sent a royal eXpedition to Punt to establish a trade route for myrrh.文章题目:古代化妆Cosmetics In Ancient Past篇章结构体裁论说文题目古代化妆结构A段:化妆品和香水在古代就已经非常流行B段:化妆品最早用于宗教和治疗目的C段:香水和香料在古代是奢侈品,但仍被广泛使用D段:古时面部护理十分发达,女性广泛使用面霜和面膜E段:古代女性也将色彩涂在眼睛周围F段:古代人们非常重视头发的保养G段:古代的香料运输及贸易Cosmetics In Ancient Past试题分析Question 1题目类型:题号定位词文中对应点题目解析15 recipe; age D段第四句D段主要在讲古代女性非常重视面部护理,第三句话提到一份埃及莎草纸上记载了去除面部瑕疵的方法,这句话中的recipes to remove blemishes...other signs of age 可以对应题干中的recipe和facial defects caused by aging,故此题选D。
⽆忧考为⼤家整理了2013年8⽉17⽇雅思⼝语机经,仅供参考!!2013年8⽉17⽇雅思⼝语回忆(友版) 回忆1: 杭州209:⽩⼈胖⽼头,⽼是对着我笑!p1work or study, leisure time,how to relax yourself p2language you want to learn p3各种about language,第⼀个出来好慌,是不是代表考官不想听我说下去了呀? 新东⽅李晓刚⽼师点评: 杭州209 这种原因很复杂的,各种原因都有可能,所以不要多想了,哈哈~ 回忆2: 澳洲黄⾦海岸⼝语part1 flat/ hometown/ relaxation.part2 plant.Part 3 whether farming is important in your country 回忆3: ⼴外room306 p1 writing music p2 seaside place.. p3 holiday at home or go outsight.. 回忆4: 长沙 13:40 room9 part2:【⼴告】你有没有看过⼀个⼴告让你想买他的东西,part3:商家宣传⾃⼰商品⼀般⽤什么媒体,你觉得哪种媒体宣传更有效,⼩孩⼦应该不应该看⼴告。
等等~~ 回忆5: 福建师⼤ 211 ⽩⼈中年考官,和蔼可亲!part 1,flat vs house.move to other places?name and mening plus sth related.part 2,seaside place.ship tirp differences between now and years ago.who will like seadide trip better(adults or children)and sth like that. 回忆6: 西安交⼤ r09 p1:学⽣or在职什么科⽬对你来说最难?以后最不想从事什么职业?p2:描述助⼈为乐的⼀件事。
9⽉17⽇雅思机经回忆(友版) 阅读版本1: 阅读两个旧题(动物语⾔能⼒试验和 Handness左右⼿) 阅读版本2: SECTION 1 第⼀篇是讲的⼀个科学家研究并且教⼀只脚ALEX的鹦鹉学会和⼈沟通;讲⼀个专家研究鹦鹉是否具有⼈类思维,回答⼈类问题并说出⾃⼰想法的能⼒ SECTION 2 第⼆篇是讲的左撇⼦和左右脑的研究 left hadness;having left-handed in a right-handed world SECTION 3 第三篇是讲的语⾔的起源于发展,不同科学家的不同论点。
听⼒版本1: 听⼒三旧(1新),分别是09138S1,09113S3 ;09109S4; SECTION 2 S2 估计是新题,关于艺术班的课程介绍,课程包括 Card making , Interior design intorudtion, calligraphy, watercolour pating, i solve problems of Interior design Practice desigen 1-2 是Matching, 问2个课程需要⾃带⽤品。
3-4 Matching, 问哪2个课程more than one ternm 5-10 是关于6个户外运动的课程介绍。
听⼒版本2: SECTION 1= 09138S1 SECTION 2= 11103S2 SECTION 3= 09113S3 SECTION 4= 09109S4 写作版本1: ⼩作⽂是地图,⽐较australia过去和现在的water supply system 。
⼤作⽂:somebody think that some subjects such as math and philosophy are difficult to some students, so people should take it as selective not compulsory. Do you agree or disagree? -澳洲版 写作版本2: some people believe that non-academic subjects at school (e.g., music, physical education and cookery) should be removed from primary school’s curriculum写作版本3:今天作⽂考的是流程图how the water is supplied in Australia now and in the future,图我能回忆起来,但是不知道在电脑上怎么操作。
环球雅思VIP学习中心专属教师.雅思阅读主讲.阅读9分高手.培养出多位阅读满分学员.阅读预测达人.预测命中率为平均每场至少命中1篇.本月预测重点:除最后 3 篇因版本不详故附带文章回忆,其余文章请自行回无忧雅思网阅读机经(最新版)查找回忆!文章只需熟悉内容即可,切忌背诵答案!因 5 月为变题月,故文章全部为11 号考试的重点文章,请考前全部熟悉!预测仅供参考,实力才是王道!说明:The Mystery of Eastern Island题型:List of Headings & TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN & Summary 文章主要内容及相关答案:文章主要讲复活岛之谜.第一段讲复活岛命名的传说.第二段讲早期的移民的产生及繁盛.第三段讲著名的复活岛石像 MOAI.第四段讲石像象征着多种用途符号.第五段讲古代地点证明了科学的应用.第六段讲复活岛文明的没落.第七段讲对于受到抵制的政治操作的误解的解释.List of Headings:见文章内容.TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN:1. 在复活岛的第一批居民是来自Marquesas 或Society Islands 的Polynesian. NOT GIVEN2. 在岛上建造一些 MOAI 石像的工程没有完工.TRUE3. MOAI 石像不光在复活岛,而且在 Polynesian 其他地点也可以被发现.FALSE4. 绝大多数的考古学家认为一个古代社会的宗教或天文功能.FALSE5. 复活岛石像是天外来客所建.NOT GIVEN6. 自然资源被耗尽而导致复活岛的没落的观点是一个扭曲的观点.TRUE Summary:1. growing population2. racist assumption3. archeological and historical4. inhuman behavior帝企鹅征程题型:Matching & TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN & Summary文章主要内容及相关答案:文章首先介绍了帝企鹅的生活习性:在地球最冷的地方生活,并且在冬天繁殖,能在零下50 度和暴风雪中生活,每年的 3 月或 4 月,也就是南极冬天刚刚开始的时候,企鹅们回到繁殖地进行繁殖。
雅思(International English Language Testing System)是世界上最受欢迎的英语语言考试之一,广泛用于申请移民、留学和就业等目的。
2013年1月12、13日托福机经套题一级重点第 4 套
套题一级重点第4 套阅读第一篇讲urban planning.大致是说1890 之前,是不存在urban planning 的(考点1),只有在1890 年后,XXX city之后,我们才define 了urban planning.(这里有一个句子rephrase 的地方)大致就是说urban planning 这个词的定义是在XXX city 之后我们有的(If I remember it right, it says " suggestion of the modern urban planning is X XXX and XXX, after the first settlement ofthe BX XX CXXX city’ some sort of things.)但是这里有exception,记得Washtion D.C 是特例,因为他们出现了局部的urban planning,原因是因为developer wants to make the market better.(思考)之后大致说urban planning 可以从 3 个地方定义,economic, democracy & wasting system?然后分段描述每个东西对urban planning 的影响,得出几个推论1、人越来越多导致城市扩大(原因是人多和城市问题XX OO)2、人们开始越住越远,因为rider ship increase and ticket price for the public transportation decrease(要考)3、OOOXXX不记得最后讲城市的废水问题,说传染疾病,然后污染水源(这里要你选一个不出现在文章中的解释,还有一个原因不记得,碰到了自己读吧)这里考了一个词是abrupt 的意思,直接选了sudden第二篇讲一个水流沉积的问题,记得不太清楚意思就是说一开始专家不知道为什么在很深的海沟里(well, the article said is in the depthof the sea)会有营养物质,本来大家认为ocean basin 才有的。
2013年9月雅思写作权威预测A类小作文Line = 剑5第1套剑7第2套剑9第4套Pie = 剑7第4套剑8第2套剑9第3套Table = 剑5第4套剑7第1套剑4第1套Map = 剑5第3套剑9第1套G类小作文邀请信| 建议信1. Some people believe that students should learn far more from modern technologies like the Internet and TV than teachers at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2. Some people believe college should learn some basic subjects like mathematics and physics. However, others believe that they should learn something helpful in their future career. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.3. People would buy some stuff only because they fulfill their requests, but not for the promotion of advertising, so the function of advertising is nothing but to entertain. To what extent do you agree or disagree?4. The digital books and newspapers help people get information efficiently, compared with paper-made books. Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?5. Many countries face the problem that proportion of aging population is increasing rapidly. What are the effects on both individuals as well as the society? What precautions should take before this problem?6. In the past, people would repair their old stuff if it is broken, but nowadays people get used to throw away the thing even they are still functional. What are the causes of this situation? What are the effects of this problem?7. Some people believe environmental protection is the obligation for the local government but not individuals, so citizens can do little on this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8. Some people believe that we should always put criminals in prison as long as possible. Other think the community service is a good way to deal with crime issue. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.9. As an international tourist, one should always adhere to the local customs and traditions while the traveling. Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?10. Some people think government should use more tax on the basic facilities like education and health care, but not the supporting on sports and other less important things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?11. The wealth is the most important factor of happiness, while there are also other factors for individual’s happiness. Why is th ere different definition of happiness? Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.12. Some people believe that in each company, it is important to employ equal number of male and female workers. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?13. The cheap air flight will give people more freedom of traveling, but bring more problems at the same time. What are those problems? Do you think this is a positive or a negative trend?14. Some people like to change their jobs as quickly as possible. However, others want to stay in one company for their whole life. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.15. Wealth is an important standard in modern society, for many people spend most of their time in earning money. What are other standards of success? Which one do you think is the most important?16. In some cultures, the old are more valued. However, in other cultures, the young are more valued. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.17. Some people believe that the invention of modern technology enables people to live in a simple rather than complex way. To what extent do you agree or disagree?18. The government should make all efforts to protect the lesser-known languages from dying out. However, others believe that it is a waste of financial support. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.19. Some people believe that a country should create all kinds of foods by themselves, for the imported foods have damages on the local development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?20. Everyone should have a healthy living habit, for it is individual obligation to keep health, instead of governmental responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree?9月上半月雅思口语权威预测Part1第一大类基本信息类1. Name 必考全名,中文名字含义,未来换否2. Study or work超高频上学上班如果上学:大学问专业,高中问最喜欢学科如果上班:工作内容,想换吗,参加过培训吗(DP),工作后喜欢做什么3. Hometown超高频哪里,喜欢吗,特别的地方(建筑或地方),过去几年的发展,未来想在什么地方生活(DP)4. Weather喜欢什么天气,家乡天气如何,近些年的变化9月重点提防1. Family介绍你的家庭,家庭关系如何,家庭出现矛盾怎么处理2. Friends朋友多吗,如何交朋友,去哪里找到外国朋友,如何维护友谊第二大类衣食住行1. Living超高频住flat还是house,最喜欢哪个房间,如果重新装修会怎样,理想的房子2. Building喜欢什么建筑,传统的还是现代的,最喜欢哪个建筑,未来建筑会什么样3. Countryside去过郊区吗,喜欢吗,未来郊区会变成什么样子,郊区和城市的对比(DP)4. Park超高频居住地公园多吗,喜欢去吗,做什么5. Housework平时做家务吗,做什么,小孩子应该做家务吗,为什么6. Cooking超高频会做饭吗,人们应该学习做饭吗,你们国家人喜欢家里吃还是饭店吃你认为什么是健康食物7. Clothing超高频喜欢什么衣服,颜色会影响买衣服吗,居住地的衣服贵吗,过去和现在衣服的对比(DP)8. Shopping and online shopping喜欢购物吗,跟谁,频率,什么地方;喜欢网络购物吗,买什么,未来发展9. Public transport超高频居住地的交通如何,公共交通如何,你喜欢什么交通方式,未来如何改善城市交通10. Sleeping超高频几点睡/几点起床,睡前干什么,如果睡不着怎么办11. Daily routine你的典型一天,最喜欢哪个时间段(早中晚),都干什么9月重点提防1. Driving and cars会开车吗,更喜欢开车还是坐在后面,有过长途驾驶经验吗喜欢什么车,想购买什么车,中国人喜欢什么车第三大类娱乐休闲类1. TV program 超高频喜欢看电视吗,什么节目,家里人看电视喜好一样吗,什么节目在中国流行2. Music喜欢什么类型音乐,什么时候,地方听;会乐器吗,人们应该学习乐器吗3. Painting/Drawing超高频学过画画吗,有什么绘画技巧,小孩子应该学习绘画吗,为什么4. Dancing会跳舞吗,喜欢什么舞蹈,在你们国家什么舞蹈流行5. Photography超高频喜欢摄影吗,喜欢照什么,喜欢给别人照还是别人给你照,喜欢收藏照片吗(DP)6. Museum喜欢去博物馆吗,什么类型的,博物馆应该收费吗,为什么7. Boating超高频喜欢划船吗,在哪儿,什么时候,划船的好处8. Postcard喜欢明信片吗,收到过吗,明信片与邮件的区别9月重点提防1. Bag喜欢吗,什么类型,丢过吗,过去和现在用的包包区别第四大类抽象类1. Concentration超高频注意力重要吗,你的注意力好吗,如何培养注意力2. Patience超高频耐心重要吗,你的耐心好吗,如何培养耐心3. Art超高频你喜欢艺术吗,最喜欢什么艺术,居住地的艺术馆多吗,因该更多吗4. Busy or not超高频喜欢忙还是闲,什么时候最忙,忙的时候有压力吗5. Writing喜欢写作吗,高中时候写什么,写作的好处9月重点提防1. Happiness什么是快乐,金钱和快乐的关系,如何让自己更快乐第五大类二变一类1. Toy超高频同年喜欢什么玩具,现在玩具和过去的区别,为什么一些成年人保留玩具2. Advertisement超高频家乡的广告多吗,你怎么看广告?你容易受到广告影响吗?3. Trees and forest超高频你居住地的树多吗,中国人喜欢什么树,有著名的森林吗,你去过吗4. Mobile phone用手机多吗,更喜欢打电话还是发短信,未来电话会被取代吗5. News通常如何获取新闻,会上网看新闻吗,网络新闻的特点6. Gift超高频中国人喜欢送礼吗,什么情况下送,选什么作为礼物,你喜欢收到的礼物吗7. Computer and internet超高频平时用电脑多吗,上网都干什么,网络给人们生活带来什么影响Part 21. People and animals2. Places and buildings3. Objects4. Events and experiences5. Media and entertainmentPeople and animals1. An old person you respect2. A good parent3. A polite person you know4. A good neighbor5. Someone having an important job6. A person who became your friend on the first day you met7. Someone who taught you a useful skill8. An interesting person you know9. Your favorite musician/singer/music band10. A teenager you know11. A famous/successful person in your country9月重点提防1. An interesting wild animal2. A couple having a happy marriage3. A leader you admire4. A person in news you want to meetPlaces and buildings1. An interesting foreign country2. A city (you want to go to/you’ve been to)3. A seaside place you’d like to visit4. A place you studies or worked in5. A café6. A library7. A place you go for music8. A shopping street9. A crowded place10. A room you spent most of your time in11. A river/lake/part of sea you like9月重点提防1. A natural beauty2. A ancient buildingObjects1. A book (someone recommended to you/you want to read again)2. An interesting family photo3. A toy that was important to you in childhood4. A piece of Clothing5. An electronic equipment you bought for you house6. An important plant in your country7. A gift (you gave to a friend/a friend game you)9月重点提防1. A vehicle you’d like to buy2. Something expensive you boughtEvents and experiences事件类1. An interesting historic event2. An outdoor activity3. Something keeping you healthy (sport)4. A performance you watched5. A talk or speech you listened to经历类1. A change you made recently2. A perfect holiday3. A trip by public transport4. A situation of being late5. A home visit at your home6. A special meal7. A picnic you took part in8. A party you’d like to throw9. A happy event taking place recently10. A situation you helped someone/someone who helped you11. A childhood game you often played12. A story someone told you when you were a child难度题1. A school rule2. A science class3. A math lesson/something important you learnt from a math lesson4. A job you’d like to try5. A foreign language you’d like to learn(not English)9月重点提防1. A wedding you took part in2. A sport event3. Bad weather you experiencedMedia and entertainment1. A TV program or film making you laugh2. An advertisement making you buy something3. A radio program4. An important message you received5. A useful website6. A song that is meaningful to you解析:part1的话题要按部就班一个一个的clear掉,不要找捷径嫁接,会违背part1的采分原则;而part2的话题要进行主线串联,比如该预测中,人物题的近20张卡片,最后只需说4条主线就足够了。
04月06日版本一:南通学校考试科目难度类别机经版本号新题背景雅思听力一般四旧(但问题和答案都有改变)V08114S1 V113S2V100805S3V003S4(预测补丁)无Section1背景:一男一女在聊Online shopping, 两人各自想买一些东西,女孩儿不知道如何付款。
然后两人还聊了有关job application的事项。
1-5题答案(填空题):1:女人想在online shop上买什么:Clothes2:男人想在online shop上买什么:sport equipments3:女人不知道如何:pay4:男人和女人约在哪一天?:Saturday5:那个女人可以帮男人有关:letter on job application6-10题答案(选择题):6:男人喜欢上网的原因:C. A lot of choice. A选项说花费少,B选项是节约时间。
7:女人觉得网上购物不好的地方:A. Poor quality B. Instructions are Confused. C. The payment system is unsafe.8:男人讲关于网上买CD的好处:B. (CDs) from other countries are available9:女人想要online shopping的时候提供:a phone number10:男人说在网上买一些东西必须注意:B. Fresh products(FOOD)Section2场景是house renting11-14单选11:Weekly rent选B250欧元12:What did city open to attract tourists?选:people are friendly13: Which school was recommended in teaching foreign language?选:C15-20 搭配15. Switch Street选:A. near workplace16. King Street选:B. good value17. …选B. three bedrooms18. Bridge Steet选:very quiet19 …选:with a garden20. Bus Station选:underground car parkingSection3场景内容是一个女生要求换课程,谈论学习中遇到的问题及解决方法21-24信息填空:21. Original course: Politics22. 开始时间:last September23. 想换课程:Journalism24. 想换课程:Business Studies25-28表格填空:Problem Solutions25. lectures are too difficult 女生采用录音的方式,已经起到一定的作用26. 老师建议她参加discussion group27. not enough tutorials——Bad assignments do more background reading28. seek for help from Student Service29-30单句填空:29. 预约下次见面的时间:Feb 730. 找Senior Adviser做反馈Section 4场景内容是About a report on a small town near Sydney.31. The town’s major business used to be carbon mining.32. training for fishing lesson33. for members of the club34. The most popular summer activity is horse riding.35. time manager36. location: south of the city37. use an annual festival to attract people38. radio39. update website for the town40. offer bus service and transports service考试科目难度类别机经版本号新题背景社会发展问题类雅思阅读一般两旧一新Passage 1 Radio Automation 收音机制作(可参考阅读真题V070602的P1)题型:Flow Charts Compeltion & Summary & Multiple Choices文章内容及相关答案:文章主要讲生产radio的automation,先是说某人为了省cost设计了一个自动的机器什么的,之后介绍生产过程,然后讲实际应用的问题.有一个流程图要填,是制作radio的过程图示第一给出的单词中有Bakelite(酚醛塑料),之后有两个(enter)的地方,是分别填两个stop后的内容,图示最后一空是_and_.Flow Charts Compeltion:制作radio的流程图,生词较多.(primitive) chip,girt,milling machine,robot hands, loudspeaker,valves,Melton Zinc Summary:radio为什么被发明的: 1.因为cost太贵 2.因为有很多的components所以很麻烦,后来重量lighter后,运费也变便宜了.Multiple Choices:1. 刚推出这个自动系统,大家的反应如何?答案不详2.文章主旨:选an application of the automation in the early stage第二篇厄尔尼诺与海鸟El Nino题型: Matching & T/F/NG & Multiple Choice文章内容:讲的是什么是厄尔诺现象,厄尔尼诺对海洋生物的影响。
1月5号雅思A类大作文reading for pleasure can be better developed in imagination and language skills than watching tv. to what extent you agree or disagree. 小作文是pie charts-离开和留在英国的不同原因。
雅思写作G类大作文Task 2 Some people Believe Children should do what their parents tell them to do. Others think children must learn thinking themselves. Discuss both and give your opinion!1月10日小作文:比较音乐,时尚,体育杂志六年间的销量,只有一张曲线图。
大作文:工作不满意人生就没意义,赞成不赞成1月12日A类task1——Bar——The bar charts show the different birth rate in five countries in 2 years. task2——教育——In some countries, the parents expect children tospend long time in studying both in and after school and have less freetime. Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children andthe society?G类task1——申请信task2——育儿——Some people believe children should do what theirparents tell them to do. Others think children must learn thinkingthemselves. Discuss both and give your opinion.1月19日A类小作文饼图大作文题目:childcare is an important task for nations. it is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare courses. to what extent do you agree or disagree2月2日A类task1——Bar charts——the percentage of boys and girls getting high grades in a country in 1960 and 2000.task2——育儿——Some people think it's all bad for children to watch TV, others believe watching TV can bring positive effects on children when they grow up, discuss both and give your own opinion.G类G类大作文为预测中的生活与社会类的结合。
V08120 S1=V06141 S1一个女的打电话问旅游公司不同旅游package 的information1---10)填空题1)几个住处,第一个叫Rose Garden第二个叫Blue Bay, Blue Bay 离海滨多远?300 meters away from the beach.2)第三个住处名字Sun Shade, 第四个是Grand3)Sun Shade这个套餐房间的价格是$3194)每个房间里都有Satellite TV, 还有overlooking great paintings in every room5)Sun Shade娱乐项目是has a view over forest6)如果cancellation, 要付多少钱,男士说至少$10,0007)为航班延时误点missed departure 投的保险8)还有一项保险是在某个情况下允许relative出游9)如出现丢失物品的情况,整件要赔$500, a single item 另行处理10)女的又询问了这个男的名字:Ben Ludlow机经细致解析:话题背景=旅游度假咨询必须认识的单词: package tour 全包游 Rose Garden 玫瑰园 Blue Bay 蓝色港湾cancellation 取消departure 离开 insurance 保险注意事项: Sunshade专有名词要首字母大写Ludlow 专有人名,首字母大写.另外请同学们注意红色的单词,一定要会拼写.V08120 S2比较每个农场的特点.11) A. individual12)B. gift13---16 填表题13) kids favorite; donkeys14) apples15) fig is $616) tomatoes17---20 填地图17)右上角B18)左下角河对岸G19)左下角有树林F20)右下角H机经细致解析: 话题背景=农场果园对比介绍必须认识的单词: barren 贫瘠的 fruit 水果 farmland 农场 orchard 果园 fig 无花果17---20题是选项填地图题. 注意填表题大部分单词都用的复数形式.V08120 S4蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类31---34)选择题31)选C small head32)辨认个体蜜蜂的方法,选B 在蜜蜂身上不同colour的标记33)选: 科学家在蜜蜂身上加了a sign applied to their bodies34) 选: distance35---40) 填空题35) lack of enough warning36) urban37) radar38) speed39) the earth40) water机经细致解析:话题背景=蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类请大家将选择题的答案进行记忆,有时间的话可以看下跟此有关的文章,一可以增加知识量,第二如果将来遇到这种考题可以更加容易理解.V08126 S3墨西哥沙漠实习考察21---25选择题21.参加该项目应该? 选CA. inform tutorB. register in administrationC. fill in an application form22. 学校支持该项目的费用选AA. 450B. 1000C. 2000 (这个题目选的不是中间那个,大家特殊记一下)23. 如何确定沙漠的标准? 选AA. evaporation is more than rainfallB. more than 40 cm rainfallC. rare rainfall24. 他们要去什么地方? 选BA. desert grasslandB. marine forestC. desert…25. 为什么他们选择区沙漠作为课题的研究? 选BA. plantsB. 因为那里有its birdsC. *******26---30 填空题26.this trip available for life science undergraduate students27. 要带上laptop, 每天要写报告journal28. ship作为一个base29. 最古老的植物12,000 years old30. 老师推荐给同学一本书,名字named “ Baked Earth.”(专有的书名,必须大写)机经细致解析: 话题背景=在墨西哥沙漠调研实习的介绍必须认识的单词:application form 申请表scholarship 奖学金loan 贷款evaporate 蒸发rainfall 降雨desert 沙漠grassland 草原marine 海的forest 森林undergraduate 尚未获得学士学位的大学生最容易错的单词, Life Sciences: 生命科学,专有学科名称需要大写,而且都是用的复数形式. laptop 笔记本电脑这个词上课的时候讲过而且考过拼写,希望各位同学引起高度重视.V08121 S2介绍一个老房子博物馆11---14 填空题11.这个人买这栋大房子前这里是: farm12. 关于Chinese wallpaper 的什么是哪个世纪的? 18th13. 某人去世时所在的房间名称: The Birds(专门表示房间的名字,要大写)14. dining room 中有许多什么古董? chairs15---17 选择题15. rare trees16. geese(goose的复数形式,注意积累)17. swan18---20 配对题18. history----gallery19. books---gift shop20. trails---woodland机经细致解析: 一个老房子博物馆必须认识的单词wallpaper 墙纸antique 古董swan 天鹅goose 鹅gallery 画廊woodland 林地trail 小径本题考到了一些动物的名称以及其实平时生活中可以积累的单词,希望同学们继续保持上课时要求的习惯,注意生活中的单词的积累以及场景单词的积累.V08124 S2关于所得税21. provide evidence of information22. penalty up to 3000 pounds23. bank statements24. April25. easy to do calculating26. don’t need any storage space27. the government will assume you make a mistake28. down the form from the website29. health department30. Sports Centre机经细致解析:关于所得税的经济类话题,上课在讲到商业场景的时候提到过这类题目,只要是经济有关的单词不需要记的非常专业,但是一些基本的单词必须要掌握住, 像bank statement 这个词相信大家已经不是第一次见到了吧! 本题在听的过程中还有一些词希望大家可以掌握住income 收入tax 税penalty 惩罚download 下载V08125 S4介绍一种新的水处理系统sea water purify(SW40)31---36 填空题31. 一些地下水可以使用, 而海水因为有太多的salts所以不能使用(salt 在这里表示化学盐,是可数名词, 如果表示食盐的时候就是不可数名词,对于这类单词大家一定要特别注意)32. SW40 可以使用在sea water净化上,甚至是hospitals(曾经一个很幽默的同学跟我讲口语的时候一激动就说成了house potato, 虽然是口误,但是说明了很多同学在背诵多音节单词的时候还是需要稍微注意下,呵呵)33. 虽然这个SW40比较好用,但是他purify water 的速度too slow(这里too必须要加上, 表示程度的)34. 这个设备的推广使用得到了哪个组织的协助: Health International35. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(liters 写成这个写法也可以了)36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family37—40 图解标签题37. 盖子is made of glass38. UV 射线can destroy germs39. SW 40 和水平面的夹角是12.5°40.water tank collect containing water.机经细致解析:太阳能水净化系统,必须认识的单词output 产出clip 夹子UV 紫外的radiation 放射线purify 净化plastic 塑料creature 生物container 容器V08129 S1讲一个人加入俱乐部1. radio program2. 邮箱地址: mj@(电子邮箱的注意点上课已经说过了,标点符号的英文读音,@的读音. 最近非常喜欢考网址和电子邮件的,这里要注意的地方是co 代表的是company不要写成com3. 选择type最小的那种,也就是2年的(数字题目还是写数字会保险很多,因为不占字数要求.)4. Union Bank(专有名词,一定要大写)5. £49(一定要加单位的符号)6. joint account(相信大家对这个词不陌生吧! 讲到银行场景的时候说过,表示联名账户的意思)7. 15th Oct8. reference number(reference 再怎么样都要会拼写.)9. JW142(字幕和数字的组合)10. video机经细致解析: 个人信息表格题---参加俱乐部必须认识的单词subscription 会员费membership 会员资格annual 每年的V08129 S4介绍company ethic31. four decades 40年32. philosophers 哲学家33. Private Property 私有制(书名,首字母大写)34. accountable 负有责任的35. health36. young37. corrupt 腐败的,不道德的38. morality39. global perspective40. issues机经细解:背景=商业道德发展史由于本机经回忆内容有限,题目并不是很清楚,大家要做到以上10道题中的单词拼写必会掌握。
2013年10月10日雅思听力机经解析南京环球雅思学校施嘉宁10月第一场加试目前暂定一旧为S4(棉花种植的负面影响)场景几乎都是老面孔填空选择平分天下一句话总结:内容经典依旧只是难度攀升配对题的难度和比例延续了9月最后一场的风格选择题紧凑密集希望12号的童鞋们好运!2013年10月10日雅思听力考情回顾BY南京环球雅思施嘉宁答案仅供参考Section One版本号场景题型NEW House-renting全填空内容回忆顾客打电话租房用来举行party答案回忆顺序先后待定1.on the5th floor2.good view3.Limerick Hotel4.a week5.a small garden6.minimum number of people:357.business centre8.Saturday9.65﹪10.Phone:044298611Section Two版本号场景题型待定Travelling全选择内容回忆radio programme介绍一个railway station的发展演变答案回忆11-16单选:11.选:small engine12.待定13.选:run by local business14.选:used by cyclists15&16.待定17-20配对:车站及各自特点欢迎补充Section Three版本号场景题型待定Assignment全选择Dsicussion内容回忆两个学生Landia和James跟教授讨论Behaviour Management Research on Young Children 答案回忆21-25单选:21.为什么研究幼儿早教这个话题?选:work with them即将去幼儿园实习22.待定23.问卷调查里opening question or closed question的原因?选:more interesting24.目前的任务是?25.教授的建议是?选:过些天跟另外一位老师谈26-30配对:(答案待定)不同研究方法的评价26.observation27.videoing28.questionnaire29.read articles and books30.web researchSection Four版本号场景题型Environment全填空旧题版本号待定V111203S4内容回忆棉花种植的负面影响答案回忆31.water waste in the sustainable(可持续的)planting process32.water for irrigation(灌溉)33.extra maintenance equipment and machines34.Soil becomes highly salty by contaminants(污染物).35.致病原因:without protective clothing36.innocence and freedom37.need more energy to maintain the color38.designers inspired by nature39.clothing for sports40.Water it by the rain.。
1.§一新:Section 3
2.§三旧:Section 1&2&4
1.§Section 1中考察数字陷阱;
Section 1
V003 S1
1.保险公司的policy number:WX7174*T
2.这个人的生日:30th, April
32.用农药的棉花种植面积的比例?(3个饼图)选:B. over a quarter
27. Summary:要最后写
28. Discussion:要写在其他地方(原文中说要写在report后面)
29. Conclusion: result in simple language
30. Layout:要改(原文中说要写成list之类的)
答案是F, E, D, A
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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2013年雅思机经2013年9月OMC – 教研产品2013-9-27目录8月3日 (3)8月17日 (13)8月24日 (22)8月29日 (32)9月7日版本一苏州学校雅思听力回顾及解析苏州学校李帆Section1是关于冰箱损坏维修协商问题。
学生可能会拼错的有silver, sandwich, alarmtop, silver, 1.12, freezer temperature, 10, station, Sandwich, 180, manager, door, alarm;Section2是关于红松鼠的介绍,动物类话题属于常考话题。
local museum, national newspaper, secondary object, detailed notes, local museum Section3是老师和学生讨论年龄与就业问题(高中后工作,生育后的女性等)。
题型有多选(3个2/5、1个3/7)和填空(题30 clothes)。
旧题详见机经110127s3=V30020s3 Section4是比较四个超市环保的调研报告,分析四个超市的优势劣势。
supermarket ,local, shoppers, surveys, detail, packaging, cleaning, training, organic 31. interview(shoppers)考察调查的方式,主要的集中学生一般都了解。
1.超市网站但是缺少detail(s) 基础词,无难度。
33. 顾客的(complaints)高中词汇,问题不大。
34. 超市A的优势:a wide range of (organic) food 有机的这个单词高频词汇上有出现。
35. 劣势:太多packaging 包装这个单词很多学生可能会拼不出。
36. 超市B的优势:提供(bags)for re-use37. 劣势:缺少(cleaning)products38. 超市C的优势:有用的advertising39. 劣势:staff (training)policy 培训这个单词大多学生都会,没什么问题。
40. 超市D的优势:提供(local)products雅思阅读回顾及解析苏州学校朱丁琦阅读内容本次文章是两旧一新第一篇:关于ocean,开头比较了月球的研究跟海洋研究,接着讲了研究海洋的方式,出现了很多人名和理论。
题型是四道判断题,四道heading 题和五道选择题。
题型是有选项summary,人名配观点和选择题雅思写作回顾及解析苏州学校朱丁琦Task 1:Map两幅图比较日本和美国典型办公室的布局写作分析:在雅思小作文的写作中,地图题属于规律比较明确的。
要写好地图题,要特别注意以下几点(1)仔细阅读题干要求,特别注意小标题(2)分析地图中重要标志代表的意义(3)在读懂题目后按照一定顺序写作, 总分总(4)适当运用表示时间,地点和方位的句型考情解析:9月第一场考试就是地图题,可以说还是比较符合今年的出题趋势的。
Task 2: ArgumentationNuclear energy is the best source of power in meeting ever-increasing energy needs, do you agree or disagree?真题解析:核能被认为是最有效的能源来满足日益增长的能源需求。
在雅思的写作中,一旦话题过于绝对,出现all,must,only best等单词的时候,往往不能赞同该观点,而应该从还有其他选择的角度来论证。
也就是说,核能可以被认为是最有效的一种能源,但是不能被认为是最好的,所以本文从disagree的角度来论述,也就是nuclear power is not the best energy choice in this society.第一部分(introduction)背景信息+话题导入+指出观点第二部分(主体段)可以分为三个自然段来论证观点A让步承认核能是有效的能源,从其干净和损耗少的角度来说;B 指出核能存在一些不足,如一旦发生灾害,灾害将不可挽回,因此核能不是最佳能源C指出还有其他能源可供选择,如水能,风能和太阳能等,并且解释其优点第三部分(总结段)总结上文中提到的每个方面并且得出结论核能在合理操作的情况下是好的,但是其他能源也需要得到充分使用。
参考例文:Nuclear technology has been widely applied in the modernized world for catering the surging need of energy. Yet, the debate on whether this application is the best solution for the modern society is a hot button issue since its inception. To my mind, despite the merits nuclear energy brings to us, it still holds some drawbacks and other energy sources should also be taken into granted.There is no question that nuclear power has been extensively used as a cheap and clean energy source. This can be proved by the case that France has widely use nuclear power as its main electricity resources, constituting of almost three quarters of its electricity relies and providing a cleaner and clearer environment for the Frenches. The significance of nuclear power is far-reaching since it can produce a majority of power with minimum expenditure of Uranium, giving a possibility of reproduction, especially when world energy resources are limited.However, those who argue that the nuclear technology, as an energy provider, is beneficial for society only see its benefits, forgetting the disasters it may cause. In fact, if there were a technical accident resulted by any misfunction or mis-control, such as the one in Chernobyl, which is more often than not the case, the outcome would be disastrous. So, it cannot be neglected about the potential damage nuclear power would bring us.So, other resources, such as solar energy, hydropower and wind force would be other choices for us to apply in the real life. Actually, some nations, such as Mexico, have already taken windmill to produce energy and Egypt built Aswan Dams to generate electricity for its citizens. Of course, these energy forms may be limited by its specific procedure, which lighten their popularity. Yet, this does not mean we can ignore them.To sum up, given proper management and supervision, nuclear power can provide numerous advantages to well beings. But, over-reliance on nuclear power may bring about severe side effects or even damage on the earth. So, to meet the growing demand of energy, other energy resources should be encouraged and emphasized.雅思口语回顾及解析苏州学校张娟花真题回顾:Part1常考话题NameHomeHometownStudy or work最新考题NewsHow can you get access to news?What news are you interested in?ToyInternetPlantWeatherBirthdaySubjectHistoryMannersWhen are Chinese people polite?How to be polite?A polite person when you are a kid?AdvertisementPaintingTv programPhotoCookingOutdoor gameCommunication wayPartyBicycleSunshineWhat do you think is the most difficult to do under sunshine?SingingWalkPart 2 常考题目An interesting personA stranger who helped youAn old man you respectA famous person in your countryA visitor to your houseA country you want to visitAn apartment or houseA seaside placeA shopping streetA tourism attractionSomething that helped you learn a second languageWeather you like bestA work of artPaintingTreeA subject you did not enjoy in high school or secondary schoolA letter you receivedA photoA team projectSomething you can live without (except cell phones and computers)Electronic equipment you bought for your familyA rule in your high schoolHow to learn scienceFamily businessA partyA thing making you happy recentlyA big decisionA job you want to do in the futureA future planA competitionA science lessonA special mealA way to keep healthyA historic eventA game you played in your childhoodYour favorite TV programA website真题解析:A family business分析:这个题目是9月份出现的一个新题。