



LoadRunner常见问题整理作者:广陵散仙(/junzhongxu/) | 出处:博客园 | 2011/11/21 1:08:30 | 阅读22次1.LoadRunner录制脚本时为什么不弹出IE浏览器?当一台主机上安装多个浏览器时, LoadRunner录制脚本经常遇到不能打开浏览器的情况,可以用下面的方法来解决。



2.录制Web脚本时,生成的脚本中存在乱码该如何解决?录制脚本前,打开录制选项配置对话框Record-Options,进入到Advanced标签,先勾选“Support charset”,然后选择中支持UTF-8。


3.HTML-based script与URL-based script的脚本有什么区别?使用“HTML-based script”的模式录制脚本,VuGen为用户的每个HTML操作生成单独的步骤,这种脚本看上去比较直观;使用“URL-based script”模式录制脚本时,VuGen可以捕获所有作为用户操作结果而发送到服务器的HTTP请求,然后为用户的每个请求分别生成对应方法。

通常,基于浏览器的Web应用会使用“HTML-based script”模式来录制脚本;而没有基于浏览器的Web应用、Web应用中包含了与服务器进行交互的Java Applet、基于浏览器的应用中包含了向服务器进行通信的JavaScript/VBScript代码、基于浏览器的应用中使用了HTTPS安全协议,这时使用“URL-based script”模式进行录制。




LoadRunner常见问题整理LR 脚本为空的解决方法:1.去掉ie设置中的第三方支持取消掉2.在系统属性-高级-性能-数据执行保护中,添加loadrunner安装目录中的vugen.exe文件遇到flight界面为空的解决的可能方法:1、如果安装了IE以外的浏览器,并且IE不是默认浏览器,则无法生成录制脚本2、如果录制脚本时IE不能打开,则需要将浏览器的IE工具高级选项中,将“启用第三方浏览器扩展”的勾选去掉3、lr自带的webtours系统,如果点击Flights选项,出现空白页面,请检查本机oracle的 PERL5LIB 环境变量,我的解决办法是使用webtours的时候删除掉该变量的内容,使用oracle的时候再填上该变量内容为什么该变量会影响webtours的使用,原因不明1、问题:load generator is currently running the maximum number of vuser of this type。


在测试的时候发现running vuser到达1000以后就不能再提高,后面的vuser就会出错。

错误是“The load generator is currently running the maximum number of vuser of this type”.已经可以排除是load generator机器本身资源的问题。


解决办法:在load generator中有一个Vuser limits tab,可以设置running user的最大数目。

即设置 load generator----Details------Vuser limits ----Other Vusers 的最大参数。




LoadRunner常见问题汇总一、录制的脚本中,中文出现乱码问题字符集采用的是默认的国际标准,导致出现中文乱码,解决方法是:录制脚本前,tools-- Recording Options--- Advanced选项里先将“Surport Charset”选中,然后选中支持“UTF-8”的选项。

二、LoadRunner HTTP(404/500)服务器状态代码问题现象1、HTTP404 Not Found服务器没有找到与请求URI相符的资源,但可以继续运行直到结束错误分析:此处与请求URI相符的资源在录制脚本时已经被提交过一次,回放时不可再重复提交同样的资源,而需要更改提交资源的内容,每次回放一次脚本都要改变提交的数据,保证模拟实际环境,造成一定的负载压力。


2、错误现象HTTP 500 Internal Server Error服务器内部错误,脚本运行停止。




1、问题现象Error -27728: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s)。


解决办法:首先在运行环境中对超时进行设置,修改run time setting中的请求超时时间,增加到600s,其中有三项的参数可以一次都修改了,HTTP-request connect timeout,HTTP-request receieve timeout,Step download timeout,分别建议修改为600、600、5000;run time setting设置完了后记住还需要在control组件的option的run time setting中设置相应的参数;,再设置多次迭代运行,如果还有超时现象,需要在“Runtime Setting”>“Internet Protocol:Preferences”>“Advanced”区域中设置一个“winlnet replay instead of sockets”选项,再回放是否成功。



loadrunner常见问题1..关于loadrunner11录制脚本时IE打不开问1、ie浏览器去掉启用第三方浏览器扩展2、loadrunner11 键盘F4,在browser Emulation点击change,在弹出的提示框中Browser version 选择8.0,platform. 选择windows73、loadrunner11 键盘ctrl+F7在弹出的提示框中选择最后一项Correlation,将Enable correlation during recording 下面的勾全去掉,有需要的再勾4、退出杀毒软件(金山啊360啊什么的都退了)5、退出迅雷软件6、计算机——属性——高级系统设置——性能里的设置——数据执行保护——选择“为除下列选定程序之外的所有程序和服务启用”——添加IE浏览器——应用——确定1.2.controlle打开失败:controller一添加完脚本就崩溃了,报错:试读执行系统不支持的操作;Runtime error!c:\Program Files\hp\LoadRunner\bin\Wlrun.exe abnormal program termination。

解决方案:1.E:\Program Files (x86)\HP\LoadRunner\bin文件下将wlrun.exe文件删除,2.进入“我的电脑”下---控制面板\卸载或更改程序中---右击HP Loadrunner修复。

1.3.设置并发数:User generator tools—create controller scenario—number of vusers1.4.Loadrunner11安装:1. 安装完成后,退出loadrunner2. 把下载的lm70.dll,mlr5lprg.dll 拷贝到../HP/Loadrunner/bin覆盖掉原来的3. 使用注册表删除工具,点击deletelicense.exe 删除注册表信息4. 再次打开loadrunner, configuration->loadrunner license->new license,在弹出的输入框中输入license序列号100 vuser: AEAMAUIK-YAFEKEKJJKEEA-BCJGI10000 vuser: AEABEXFR-YTIEKEKJJMFKEKEKWBRAUNQJU-KBYGB超级license,支持6.5w个并发: AEACFSJI-YJKJKJJKEJIJD-BCLBR破解方面的东西网上多如牛毛,就不再说了。



loadrunner常见问题汇总余勇俊目录一、loadrunner不能打开网页细分模块说明 (2)二、Action.c(8): Error: Cannot start transaction问题处理 (3)三、Error -27740: Overlapped transmission of request重叠传输请求失败问题处理 .. 4四、Action.c(11): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server问题处理 (5)五、loadrunner连接超时的设置 (7)六、loadrunner中对https证书的配置 (11)七、Two Way Communication Error问题处理 (13)八、Action.c(11): Error -26601:问题解决办法 (15)九、修改win 7 64位系统的TCP连接数限制设置 (16)十、Action.c(24): Error -27195:问题处理 (18)一、loadrunner不能打开网页细分模块说明loadrunner不能打开网页细分模块的原因是:loadrunner的汉化安装包问题导致。


测试场景中配置如下:二、Action.c(8): Error: Cannot start transaction问题处理出现这个错误的原因,是脚本的开始和结束语句的字符没统一造成的。

Action.c(8): Error: Cannot start transaction "点击1K静态页". This Vuser already started a transaction with the same name, and has not yet processed the corresponding lr_end_transaction statement.Action.c(8): Error: Cannot start transaction "点击1K静态页". This Vuser already started a transaction with the same name, and has not yet processed the correspondinglr_end_transaction statement.开始和结束事务的脚本语句中的括号内的字符要统一,大小写要一致,否则会报错。



l o r u n e r全问题解决方案 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020loadrunner的几种常见错误及解决办法1录制loadrunner脚本时,无法生成脚本,录制过程中事物都有显示,我把所有防火墙和网络保护都关了,但是脚本就是无法生成,协议之类的都是对的。

解决:、在录制选项option->network->ort Mapping 中的Capture levet选择Socket level and WinNet level data试试2在回放脚本时出现的错误Action.c(33): Error -35061: No match found for the requested parameter "CorrelationParameter_1". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, useweb_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size [MsgId: MERR-35061]解决方法:可以用web_set_max_html_param_len增加参数长度,我试过到99999999共8位;还有,你可以在web_reg_save_param_ex("ParamName=CorrelationParameter_3","LB=c","RB=>\n<table border",后面加上 "NotFound=warning", 保存编译下,就不回再提是错误了。



1、每次Controller场景运行完成后,Analysis生成分析报告,Summary Report中的Action Transcation的平均时间和Average Transcation Response Time页中的平均时间都不一致!这是什么原因?









45 个 LoadRunner 面试问题(附答案)

45 个 LoadRunner 面试问题(附答案)

45 个LoadRunner 面试问题(附答案)1.What is load testing? - Load testing is to test that if the application works fine withthe loads that result from large number of simultaneous users, transactions and todetermine weather it can handle peak usage periods.2.What is Performance testing? - Timing for both read and update transactionsshould be gathered to determine whether system functions are being performed in an acceptable timeframe. This should be done standalone and then in a multi userenvironment to determine the effect of multiple transactions on the timing of a single transaction.3.Did u use LoadRunner? What version? - Yes. Version 7.2.4.Explain the Load testing process? -Step 1: Planning the test. Here, we develop a clearly defined test plan to ensure the test scenarios we develop will accomplish load-testing objectives. Step 2: Creating Vusers. Here, we create Vuser scripts that contain tasks performed by each Vuser, tasks performed by Vusers as a whole, and tasks measured as transactions. Step 3: Creating the scenario. A scenario describes the events that occur during a testing session. It includes a list of machines, scripts, and Vusers that run during the scenario.We create scenarios using LoadRunner Controller. We can create manual scenarios as well as goal-oriented scenarios. In manual scenarios, we define the number of Vusers, the load generator machines, and percentage of Vusers to be assigned to each script.For web tests, we may create a goal-oriented scenario where we define the goal that our test has to achieve. LoadRunner automatically builds a scenario for us. Step 4: Running the scenario.We emulate load on the server by instructing multiple Vusers to perform taskssimultaneously. Before the testing, we set the scenario configuration and scheduling.We can run the entire scenario, Vuser groups, or individual Vusers. Step 5:Monitoring the scenario.We monitor scenario execution using the LoadRunner online runtime, transaction,system resource, Web resource, Web server resource, Web application server resource, database server resource, network delay, streaming media resource, firewall server resource, ERP server resource, and Java performance monitors. Step 6: Analyzing test results. During scenario execution, LoadRunner records the performance of the application under different loads. We use Loa dRunner‟s graphs and reports to analyze the application‟s performance.5.When do you do load and performance Testing? - We perform load testing oncewe are done with interface (GUI) testing. Modern system architectures are large and complex. Whereas single user testing primarily on functionality and user interface of a system component, application testing focuses on performance and reliability of an entire system. For example, a typical application-testing scenario might depict 1000 users logging in simultaneously to a system. This gives rise to issues such as what is the response time of the system, does it crash, will it go with different softwareapplications and platforms, can it hold so many hundreds and thousands of users, etc.This is when we set do load and performance testing.6.What are the components of LoadRunner? - The components of LoadRunner areThe Virtual User Generator, Controller, and the Agent process, LoadRunner Analysis and Monitoring, LoadRunner Books Online.7.What Component of LoadRunner would you use to record a Script? - The VirtualUser Generator (VuGen) component is used to record a script. It enables you todevelop Vuser scripts for a variety of application types and communication protocols.8.What Component of LoadRunner would you use to play Back the script inmulti user mode? - The Controller component is used to playback the script inmulti-user mode. This is done during a scenario run where a vuser script is executed bya number of vusers in a group.9.What is a rendezvous point? - You insert rendezvous pointsinto Vuser scripts toemulate heavy user load on the server. Rendezvous pointsinstruct Vusers to wait during test execution for multiple Vusers to arrive at a certain point, in order that they may simultaneously perform a task. For example, to emulate peak load on the bank server, you can insert a rendezvous point instructing 100 Vusers to deposit cash into their accounts at the same time.10.What is a scenario? - A scenario defines the events that occur during each testingsession. For example, a scenario defines and controls the number of users to emulate, the actions to be performed, and the machines on which the virtual users run their emulations.11.Explain the recording mode for web Vuser script? - We use VuGen to develop aVuser script by recording a user performing typical business processes on a client application. VuGen creates the script by recording the activity between the client and the server. For example, in web based applications, VuGen monitors the client end of the database and traces all the requests sent to, and received from, the database server. We use VuGen to: Monitor the communication between the application and the server; Generate the required function calls; and Insert the generated function calls into a Vuser script.12.Why do you create parameters? - Parameters are like script variables. They areused to vary input to the server and to emulate real users. Different sets of data are sent to the server each time the script is run. Better simulate the usage model for more accurate testing from the Controller; one script can emulate many different users on the system.13.What is correlation? Explain the difference between automatic correlationand manual correlation? - Correlation is used to obtain data which are unique for each run of the script and which are generated by nested queries. Correlation provides the value to avoid errors arising out of duplicate values and also optimizing the code (to avoid nested queries). Automatic correlation is where we set some rules for correlation.It can be application server specific. Here values are replaced by data which arecreated by these rules. In manual correlation, the value we want to correlate is scanned and create correlation is used to correlate.14.How do you find out where correlation is required? Give few examples fromyour projects? - Two ways:First we can scan for correlations, and see the list of values which can becorrelated. From this we can pick a value to be correlated. Secondly,we can record two scripts and compare them. We can look up the difference file to see for the values which needed to be correlated. In my project, there was a unique id developed for each customer, it was nothing but Insurance Number, it was generated automatically and it was sequential and this value was unique. I had to correlate this value, in order to avoid errors while running my script. I did using scan for correlation.15.Where do you set automatic correlation options? - Automatic correlation fromweb point of view can be set in recording options and correlation tab. Here we can enable correlation for the entire script and choose either issue online messages or offline actions, where we can define rules for that correlation. Automatic correlation for database can be done using show output window and scan for correlation and picking the correlate query tab and choose which query value we want to correlate. If we know the specific value to be correlated, we just do create correlation for the value and specify how the value to be created.16.What is a function to capture dynamic values in the web Vuser script? -Web_reg_save_param function saves dynamic data information to a parameter.17.When do you disable log in Virtual User Generator, When do you choosestandard and extended logs? - Once we debug our script and verify that it isfunctional, we can enable logging for errors only. When we add a script to a scenario, logging is automatically disabled.Standard Log Option:When you selectStandard log, it creates a standard log of functions and messages sent during script execution to use for debugging. Disable this option for large load testing scenarios.When you copy a script to a scenario, logging is automatically disabledExtended Log Option: Selectextended log to create an extended log, including warnings and other messages.Disable this option for large load testing scenarios. When you copy a script to a scenario, logging is automatically disabled. We can specify which additional information should be added to the extended log using the Extended log options.18.How do you debug a LoadRunner script? - VuGen contains two options to helpdebug Vuser scripts-the Run Step by Step command and breakpoints. The Debug settings in the Options dialog box allow us to determine the extent of the trace to be performed during scenario execution. The debug information is written to the Output window. We can manually set the message class within your script using thelr_set_debug_message function. This is useful if we want to receive debug information about a small section of the script only.19.How do you write user defined functions in LR? Give me few functions youwrote in your previous project? - Before we create the User Defined functions we need to create the externallibrary (DLL) with the function. We add this library to VuGen bin directory. Once the library is added then we assign user defined function as a parameter. The function should have the following format: __declspec (dllexport) char* <functionname>(char*, char*)Examples of user defined functions are as follows:GetVersion, GetCurrentTime, GetPltform are some of the user defined functions used in my earlier project.20.What are the changes you can make in run-time settings? - The Run TimeSettings that we make are: a) Pacing - It has iteration count. b) Log - Under this we have Disable Logging Standard Log and c) ExtendedThink Time - In think time we have two options like Ignore think time and Replay think time. d) General - Under general tab we can set the vusers as process or as multithreading and whether each step as a transaction.21.Where do you set Iteration for Vuser testing? - We set Iterations in the Run TimeSettings of the VuGen. The navigation for this is Run time settings, Pacing tab, set number of iterations.22.How do you perform functional testing under load? - Functionality under load canbe tested by running several Vusers concurrently. By increasing the amount of Vusers, we can determine how much load the server can sustain.23.What is Ramp up? How do you set this? - This option is used to gradually increasethe amount of Vusers/load on the server. An initial value is set and a value to wait between intervals can bespecified. To set Ramp Up, go to …Scenario Scheduling Options‟24.What is the advantage of running the Vuser as thread? - VuGen provides thefacility to use multithreading. This enables more Vusers to be run pergenerator. If the Vuser is run as a process, the same driver program is loaded into memory for each Vuser, thus taking up a large amount of memory. This limits the number of Vusers that can be run on a singlegenerator. If the Vuser is run as a thread, only one instance of the driver program is loaded into memory for the given number ofVusers (say 100). Each thread shares the memory of the parent driver program, thus enabling more Vusers to be run per generator.25.If you want to stop the execution of your script on error, how do you do that?- The lr_abort function aborts the execution of a Vuser script. It instructs the Vuser to stop executing the Actions section, execute the vuser_end section and end theexecution. This function is useful when you need to manually abort a script execution as a result of a specific error condition. When you end a script using this function, the Vuser is assigned the status "Stopped". For this to take effect, we have to first uncheck the “Continue on error” option in Run-Time Settings.26.What is the relation between Response Time and Throughput? - TheThroughput graph shows the amount of data in bytes that the Vusers received from the server in a second. When we compare this with the transaction response time, we will notice that as throughput decreased, the response time also decreased. Similarly, the peak throughput and highest response time would occur approximately at the same time.27.Explain the Configuration of your systems? - The configuration of our systemsrefers to that of the client machines on which we run the Vusers. The configuration of any client machine includes its hardware settings, memory, operating system,software applications, development tools, etc. This system component configuration should match with the overall system configuration that would include the networkinfrastructure, the web server, the database server, and any other components that go with this larger system so as to achieve the load testing objectives.28.How do you identify the performance bottlenecks? - Performance Bottleneckscan be detected by using monitors. These monitors might be application servermonitors, web server monitors, database server monitors and network monitors. They help in finding out the troubled area in our scenario which causes increased response time. The measurements made are usually performance response time, throughput, hits/sec, network delay graphs, etc.29.If web server, database and Network are all fine where could be the problem?- The problem could be in the system itself or in the application server or in the code written for the application.30.How did you find web server related issues? - Using Web resource monitors wecan find the performance of web servers. Using these monitors we can analyzethroughput on the web server, number of hits per second thatoccurred during scenario, the number of http responses per second, the number of downloaded pages per second.31.How did you find database related issues? - By running “Database” monitor andhelp of “Data Resource Graph” we can find database related issues. E.g. You can specify the resource you want to measure on before running the controller and than you can see database related issues32.Explain all the web recording options?33.What is the difference between Overlay graph and Correlate graph? - OverlayGraph: It overlay the content of two graphs that shares a common x-axis. Left Y-axis on the merged g raph show‟s the current graph‟s value & Right Y-axis show the value of Y-axis of the graph that was merged. Correlate Graph: Plot the Y-axis of two graphs against each other. The active graph‟s Y-axis becomes X-axis of merged graph. Y-axis of the graph tha t was merged becomes merged graph‟s Y-axis.34.How did you plan the Load? What are the Criteria? - Load test is planned to decidethe number of users, what kind of machines we are going to use and from where they are run. It is based on 2 important documents, Task Distribution Diagram andTransaction profile. Task Distribution Diagram gives us the information on number of users for a particular transaction and the time of the load. The peak usage andoff-usage are decided from this Diagram. Transaction profile gives us the information about the transactions name and their priority levels with regard to the scenario we are deciding.35.What does vuser_init action contain? - Vuser_init action contains procedures tologin to a server.36.What does vuser_end action contain? - Vuser_end section contains log offprocedures.37.What is think time? How do you change the threshold? - Think time is the timethat a real user waits between actions. Example: When a user receives data from a server, the user may wait several seconds to review the data before responding. This delay is known as thethink time. Changing the Threshold: Threshold level is the level below which the recorded think time will be ignored. The default value is five (5)seconds. We can change the think time threshold in the Recording options of the Vugen.38.What is the difference between standard log and extended log? - The standardlog sends a subset of functions and messages sent during script execution to a log. The subset depends on the Vuser type Extended log sends a detailed script execution messages to the output log. This is mainly used during debugging when we want information about: Parameter substitution. Data returned by the server. Advanced trace.39.Explain the following functions: - lr_debug_message - The lr_debug_messagefunction sends a debug message to the output log when the specified message class is set. lr_output_message - The lr_output_message function sends notifications to the Controller Output window and the Vuser log file. lr_error_message - Thelr_error_message function sends an error message to the LoadRunner Output window.lrd_stmt - The lrd_stmt function associates a character string (usually a SQLstatement) with a cursor. This function sets a SQL statement to be processed.lrd_fetch - The lrd_fetch function fetches the next row from the result set.40.Throughput- If the throughput scales upward as time progresses and thenumber of Vusers increase, this indicates that the bandwidth is sufficient. If the graphwere to remain relatively flat as the number of Vusers increased, it would be reasonable to conclude that the bandwidth is constraining the volume ofdata delivered.41.Types of Goals in Goal-Oriented Scenario - Load Runner provides you with fivedifferent types of goals in a goal oriented scenario:1.The number of concurrent Vusers2.The number of hits per second3.The number of transactions per second4.The number of pages per minute5.The transaction response time that you want your scenarioAnalysis Scenario (Bottlenecks): In Running Vuser graph correlated with the response time graph you can see that as the number of Vusers increases, the average response time of the check itinerary transaction very gradually increases. In other words, the average response time steadily increases as the loadincreases. At 56 Vusers, there is a sudden, sharp increase in the average response time. We say that the test broke the server. That is the mean time before failure (MTBF). The response time clearly began to degrade when there were more than 56 Vusers running simultaneously.What is correlation? Explain the difference between automatic correlation and manual correlation? - Correlation is used to obtain data which are unique for each run of the script and which are generated by nested queries. Correlation provides the value to avoid errors arising out of duplicate values and also optimizing the code (to avoid nested queries). Automatic correlation is where we set some rules for correlation.It can be application server specific.Here values are replaced by data which are created by these rules. In manual correlation, the value we want to correlate is scanned and create correlation is used to correlate.Where do you set automatic correlation options? - Automatic correlation from web point of view, can be set in recording options and correlation tab. Here we can enable correlation for the entire script and choose either issue online messages or offline actions, where we can define rules for that correlation. Automatic correlation for database, can be done using show output window and scan for correlation and picking the correlate query tab and choose which query value we want to correlate. If we know the specific value to be correlated, we just do create correlation for the value and specify how the value to be created.What is a function to capture dynamic values in the web vuser script? - Web_reg_save_param function saves dynamic data information to a parameter.。










3.简述性能测试的步骤Step 1. Identify the Test EnvironmentStep 2. Identify Performance Acceptance CriteriaStep 3. Plan and Design TestsStep 4. Configure the Test EnvironmentStep 5. Implement the Test DesignStep 6. Execute the TestStep 7. Analyze Results, Report, and Retest4.简述使用Loadrunner的步骤脚本录制设置—录制脚本—调试脚本—场景设置—结果分析5.什么时候可以开始执行性能测试?在产品相对比较文档,功能测试完成后。


6.LoadRunner由哪些部件组成?virtual user generatorcontorlleranalysis7.你使用LoadRunner的哪个部件来录制脚本?virtual user generator8.LoadRunner的哪个部件可以模拟多用户并发下回放脚本?contorller9.什么是集合点?设置集合点有什么意义?Loadrunner中设置集合点的函数是哪个?集合点:设置多个用户到达某个用户数量点集合,同时触发一个事务,以达到模拟真实环境下同时多个用户操作,同时模拟负载,实现性能测试的最终目的LR_rendezvous(“集合点名称”)10.什么是场景?场景的重要性有哪些?如何设置场景?场景:模拟真实环境中,用户运行状况。

loadrunner 面试题

loadrunner 面试题

loadrunner 面试题LoadRunner面试题一、LoadRunner简介LoadRunner是一款功能强大的性能测试工具,可用于模拟用户的行为,测试系统的并发用户数量、响应时间等关键指标。


二、常见的LoadRunner面试题及答案问题一:什么是LoadRunner,它的主要组件有哪些?答:LoadRunner是一款由Micro Focus公司开发的性能测试工具,其主要组件包括Virtual User Generator(VUGen)、Controller、Load Generator、Analysis等。





接下来,启动测试并监控测试过程,Load Generator会模拟用户行为并发送请求。









45 个LoadRunner英文面试笔试问题(附答案)(2)

45 个LoadRunner英文面试笔试问题(附答案)(2)

45 个LoadRunner英文面试笔试问题(附答案)(2)&nbsp;- We set Iterations in the Run Time Settings of the VuGen. The navigation for this is Run time settings, Pacing tab, set number of iterations.22、How do you perform functional testing under load?- Functionality under load can be tested by running several Vusers concurrently. By increasing the amount of Vusers, we can determine how much load the server cansustain.23、What is Ramp up? How do you set this?- This option is used to gradually increase the amount of Vusers/load on the server. An initial value is set an d a value to wait between intervals can bespecified. To set Ramp Up, go to Scenario Scheduling Options24、What is the advantage of running the Vuser as thread?- VuGen provides the facility to use multithreading. This enables more Vusers to be run per generator. If the Vuser is run as a process, the same driver program is loaded intomemory for each Vuser, thus taking up a large amount of memory. This limits the number of Vusers that can be run on a single generator. If the Vuser is run as a thread, only one instance of the driver program is loaded into memory for the given number of Vusers (say 100). Each thread shares the memory of the parent driver program, thus enabling more Vusers to be run per generator.25、If you want to stop the execution of your script on error, how do you do that?- The lr_abort function aborts the execution of a Vuser script. It instructs the Vuser to stop executing the Actions section, execute the vuser_end section an d end the execution. This function is useful when you need to manually abort a script execution as a result of a specific error condition. When you end a script using this function, the Vuser is assigned the status Stopped . For this to take effect, we have to first uncheck the Continue on error option in Run-Time Settings.26、What is the relation between Response Time an d Throughput?- The Throughput graph shows the amount of data in bytes that the Vusers received from the server in a second. When we compare this with the transaction response time, we will notice that as throughput decreased, the response time also decreased. Similarly, the peak throughput an d highest response time would occur approximately at the same time.27、Explain the Configuration of your systems?- The configuration of our systems refers to that of the client machines on which we run the Vusers. The configuration of any client machine includes its hardware settings, memory, operating system, software applications, development tools, etc. This system component configuration should match withthe overall system configuration that would include the network infrastructure, the web server, the database server, an d any other components that go with this larger system so as to achieve the load testing objectives.28、How do you identify the performance bottlenecks?- Performance Bottlenecks can be detected by using monitors. These monitors might be application server monitors, web server monitors, database server monitors an d network monitors. They help in finding out the troubled area in our scenario which causes increased response time. The measurements made are usually performance response time, throughput, hits/sec, network delay graphs, etc.29、If web server, database an d Network are all fine where could be the problem?- The problem could be in the system itself or in the application server or in the code written for the application.30、How did you find web server related issues?- Using Web resource monitors we can find the performance of web servers. Using these monitors we can analyze throughput on the web server, number of hits per second that occurred during scenario, the number of http responses per second, the number of downloaded pages per second.31、How did you find database related issues?- By running Database monitor an d help of Data Resource Graph we can find database related issues. E.g. You can specify the resource you want to measure on before running the controller an d than you can see database relatedissues32、Explain all the web recording options?33、What is the difference between Overlay graph an d Correlate graph?- Overlay Graph: It overlay the content of two graphs that shares a common x-axis. Left Y-axis on the merged graph show s the current graph s value Right Y-axis show the value of Y-axis of the graph that was merged. Correlate Graph: Plot the Y-axis of two graphs against each other. The active graph s Y-axis becomes X-axis of merged graph. Y-axis of the graph that was merged becomes merged graph s Y-axis.34、How did you plan the Load? What are the Criteria?- Load test is planned to decide the number of users, what kind of machines we are going to use an d from where they are run. It is based on 2 important documents, Task Distribution Diagram an d Transaction profile. Task Distribution Diagram gives us the information on number of users for a particular transaction an d the time of the load. The peak usage an d off-usage are decided from this Diagram. Transaction profile gives us the information about the transactions name an d their priority levels with regard to the scenario we are deciding.35、What does vuser_init action contain?- Vuser_init action contains procedures to login to a server.36、What does vuser_end action contain? - Vuser_end section contains log off procedures.37、What is think time? How do you change the threshold?- Think time is the time that a real user waits between actions. Example: When a user receives data from a server, the user may wait several seconds to review the data before responding. This delay is known as the think time. Changing the Threshold: Threshold level is the level below which the recorded think time will be ignored. The default value is five (5) seconds. We can change the think time threshold in the Recording options of the Vugen.38、What is the difference between stan dard log an d extended log?- The stan dard log sends a subset of functions an d messages sent during script execution to a log. The subset depends on the Vuser type Extended log sends a detailedscript execution messages to the output log. This is mainly used during debugging when we want information about: Parameter substitution. Data returned by the server. Advanced trace.39、Explain the following functions:- lr_debug_message - The lr_debug_message function sends a debug message to the output log when the specified message class is set. lr_output_message - The lr_output_message function sends notifications to the Controller Output window an d the Vuser log file. lr_error_message - The lr_error_message function sends an error message to the LoadRunner Output window. lrd_stmt - The lrd_stmt function associates a character string (usually a SQL statement) with a cursor. This function sets a SQL statement to be processed. lrd_fetch - The lrd_fetch function fetches the next row from the result set.40、Throughput- If the throughput scales upward as time progresses an d the number of Vusers increase, this indicates that the ban dwidth is sufficient. If the graph were to remain relatively flat as the number of Vusers increased, it would be reasonable to conclude that the ban dwidth is constraining the volume of data delivered.41、Types of Goals in Goal-Oriented Scenario - Load Runner provides you with five different types of goals in a goal oriented scenario:The number of concurrent VusersThe number of hits per secondThe number of transactions per secondThe number of pages per minuteThe transaction response time that you want your scenario42、Analysis Scenario (Bottlenecks):In Running Vuser graph correlated with the response time graph you can see that as the number of Vusers increases, the average response time of the check itinerary transaction very gradually increases. In other words, the average response time steadily increases as the load increases. At 56 Vusers, there is a sudden, sharp increase in the average responsetime. We say that the test broke the server. That is the mean time before failure (MTBF). The response time clearly began to degrade when there were more than 56 Vusers running simultaneously.43、What is correlation? Explain the difference between automatic correlation an d manual correlation?-Correlation is used to obtain data which are unique for each run of the script an d which are generated by nested queries. Correlation provides the value to avoid errors arising out of duplicate values an d also optimizing the code (to avoid nested queries). Automatic correlation is where we set some rules for correlation. It can be application server specific. Here values are replaced by data which are created by these rules. In manual correlation, the value we want to correlate is scanned an d create correlation is used to correlate.44、Where do you set automatic correlation options?- Automatic correlation from web point of view, can be set in recording options an d correlation tab. Here we can enable correlation for the entire script an d choose either issue online messages or offline actions, where we can define rules for that correlation. Automatic correlation for database, can be done using show output window an d scan for correlation an d picking the correlate query tab an d choose which query value we want to correlate. If we know the specific value to be correlated, we just do create correlation for the value an d specify how the value to be created.45、What is a function to capture dynamic values in the web vuser script?- Web_reg_save_param function saves dynamic data information to a parameter.。




提示登录时没有找到链接,使用recording option→recording→HTML Advanced→选择A script containing explicit)三.运行设置脚本开发常见错误的解决方案1,打开recording options,在internet protocol下的recording中选择recording level为HTML-based script,点击HTML Advanced,选择script type为A script containing explicit.即可。

2,选择使用URL_based script录制。

)1.脚本创建流程2.录制脚本的准备工作3.脚本的录制4.脚本解析5.脚本回放设置6.回放脚本(设置关联,日志分析)7.设置关联8.两种模式的使用(HTML与URL)9.添加事务(start Transaction)10.脚本参数化(选中参数右击,replace with a parameter,有很多用户时,能够更真实的设置更多的值)11.内容检查(content checks,在截图中选择要验证的文字,右击,选择add a text chack )12.日志解析13.负载(单用户使用Vuser,多用户使用controller)参数化设置1.能够在Vuesr中直接创建controller;2.打开LR controllerAPP创建controller,将之间的脚本进行导入14.手工场景设置15.目标场景(Goal-Oriented Scenario):设置一个运行目标,通过controller的自动加载功能进行自动化负载,假如测试的结果达到目标,说明系统的性能符合测试目标,否则就提示无法达到目标16.场景的数值设置17.负载生成器18.负载生成器的设置19.使用分布式来生成负载生成器负载生成器的工作多由其他装有LRAgent的PC机来担任)使用另外一台电脑装上LoadRunner后,在本机上开始→HP LR→Agent Configuration,勾选“Enable Terminal Services”20.负载运行时设置21.System:processor time ,process queue lengthProcess: proceed tiem , Privillsged time ,user time ,DPC timeMemory: page faults/sec ,page input/sec ,page reads/sec , pages/sec ,available Mbytes Physical : %Disk time ,Average Disk Queue LengthNeteork interface: byte total/sec22.集合点:(适用于定时秒杀等场景)23.自动关联自动关联loadrunner参数化自动关联包含两种机制:一种是loadrunner通过对比录制与回放时服务器响应的不一致,而提示用户是否进行关联,用户可自己创建关联规则,这个功能能够方便的使我们获得需要关联的部分,但同时也存在一定的问题,如:自动关联所检测到的关联点不一定确实需要进行关联,这要我们更具实际情况进行推断;有些需要关联的动态数据自动关联无法找到,这是就需要做手动关联另一种是loadrunner自带的自动关联规则,在录制脚本时,会根据这些规则自动创建关联自动关联的步骤如下:1.开启自动关联选项刚才提到的两种关联机制,假如用户想使用loadrunner自带的关联规则创建关联,那么需要在【Recording Options】>【Internet Protocol】>【Correlation】中启用关联规则,选中“Enable correlation during recording”,当录制这些应用系统的脚本时,VuGen会在脚本中自动建立关联。



LoadRunner出现error问题及解决方法总结 一、Step download timeout (120 seconds)这是一个经常会遇到的问题,解决得办法走以下步骤:1、修改run time setting中的请求超时时间,增加到600s,其中有三项的参数可以一次都修改了,HTTP‐request connect timeout,HTTP‐request receieve timeout,Step download timeout,分别建议修改为600、600、5000。

run time setting设置完了后记住还需要在control组件的option的run time setting中设置相应的参数。

2、办法一不能解决的情况下,解决办法如下:设置runt time setting中的internet protocol‐preferences中的advaced区域有一个winlnet replay instead of sockets选项,选项后再回放就成功了。


二、Connection reset by peer.这个问题不多遇见,一般是由于下载的速度慢,导致超时,所以,需要调整一下超时时间。

解决办法:Run‐time setting窗口中的‘Internet Protocol’-‘Preferences’设置set advanced options(设置高级选项),重新设置一下“HTTP‐request connect timeout(sec),可以稍微设大一些”。

三、connection refused这个的错误的原因比较复杂,也可能很简单也可能需要查看好几个地方,解决起来不同的操作系统方式也不同。

1、首先检查是不是连接weblogic服务过大部分被拒绝,需要监控weblogic的连接等待情况,此时需要增加acceptBacklog,每次增加25%来提高看是否解决,同时还需要增加连接池和调整执行线程数,(连接池数*Statement Cache Size)的值应该小于等于oracle数据库连接数最大值。



loadrunner试题带答案和翻译Q. 1: What is the LoadRunner term that describes the time a user pauses between steps?C什么是的术语来描述用户步骤之间暂停时间,LoadRunnerA. PacingB. User Delay用户延迟C. Think timeD. Navigation time航行时间<<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. 2: What is the first stage of load testing process? A什么是负载测试过程的第一阶段,A. Plan the load test 计划负载测试B. Create the scenario创建方案C. Execute the scenario执行情况D. Create VuGen scripts创建脚本VuGen<<<<<< =================== >>>>>> Q. 3: When analyzing a technical aspect of a system under test, which group is a helpful source of information? C当分析一个系统下的测试技术方面,哪一组是一个有用的信息来源, A. End users 最终用户B. Functional experts 职能专家C. Application experts 应用专家D. Corporate executives 企业高层<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>Q. 4: Which file type has an extension .lrr? B有一个扩展的文件类型。



LoadRunner性能测试问题集锦1】执行性能测试过程中,LR报错: Action.c(6):Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx":[10060] connetion time out服务端防火墙限制流量导致:iptables接受的流量为304bytes,多余的都抛弃;1.调整服务端防火墙限制;2.关闭服务端防火墙进行测试;2】LoadRunner不能使用IE浏览器进行web脚本录制a)LR 8.1不能使用IE进行web脚本录制原因:1.在IE7上,安装补丁:“K2618444Internet Explorer 累积安全更新”后,LR8.1就无法录制web脚本;2.IE8及以上版本的浏览器与LR 8.1的兼容性不好,不能录制脚本;解决方法:回退到IE6,或使用IE7时卸载对应的补丁。


3】执行性能测试过程中,LR报错: Action.c(3):Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx":[10048] Address already in use1. 可能与本地机器有关:Try changing the registry value:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services \tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelayto 30andHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Serv ices\tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPortto 65534and rebooting the machine;2.可能与服务器链接数有关:a)查看服务器最大连接数(linux):ulimit -n;如果连接数不够(默认为1024),修改:vim /etc/security/limits.conf增加以下配置:* soft noproc 65536* hard noproc 65536* soft nofile 65536* hardnofile 65536保存退出后,退出客户端使之生效。











问题3:在LoadRunner中有个Anget,这个Anget具体起什么作用啊?在讲Robot的架构的时候好像也提到过,但是没有讲Anget具体作用,是不是LR与Robot中Anget作用一样的呢?答:Agent 的作用是提供一个宿主环境提供虚拟用户运行,在LoadRunner中叫做Load Generator。











【关键词】LoadRunner、测试工具、教学、问题、解决方法、技术门槛、实战案例、教学内容、更新维护、学习资源、理论与实践、集中、结论、优化、平台1. 引言1.1 LoadRunner测试工具教学存在问题及解决方法LoadRunner测试工具是一款常用于性能测试的工具,然而在教学过程中存在一些问题,影响了学习效果和学习者的积极性。




















【关键词】LoadRunner测试工具,教学问题,解决方法,理论教学,案例实操,在线辅导,技术更新,教学改进效果1. 引言1.1 背景介绍LoadRunner是一款著名的性能测试工具,被广泛应用于软件开发领域。












(此处有3个策略,前2个用百分比,分别对应于全部用户和正运行用户;后一个是填写具体的用户数)2.LoadRunner的组件是什么?分别有什么作用?组件有4个:Vugen:录制、编写脚本Controller:导入待测试脚本,对脚本的压力等进行配置Aylsis:生成测试总结报告Load agent:压力生成器,为脚本生成虚拟用户产生压力3.如果你脚本运行过程中出现错误,你该怎么做?分析是脚本本身的错误还是controller的设置出错,如果是脚本本身错误,则需要到vugen 里面去重新调试脚本;如果是设置错误,则需要对不同的错误提示进行分别处理。

4.现有一个参数列数表,数据如下:A、B、C、D、E,现在这个脚本迭代3次(每次运行脚本都只会取一次值),有3用户在运行,他们的输出结果如下:Vuser1:ABCVuser2:DEDVuser3:无输出,脚本报错;如何实现?脚本迭代3次,5.HTML-Based scrīpt 和URL-Based scrīpt 录制的区别?HTML-Based scrīpt:是基于用户行为模拟的录制,录制是以HTML操作为录制级别,不是HTML操作部进行录制,录制出的内容会将用户的一次操作都包括在内。

HTML-Based scrīpt:是基于URL的录制模式,每个HTTP请求都会形成一个web_url函数。

6.某个脚本单次运行时间约为5分钟(包括think time),脚本设置循环10次,那么在场景中用该脚本创建一个场景,执行时间分别选择执行30分钟和选择run until complete,执行结果分别是怎么样的(分别说明两种情况脚本执行次数)执行30分钟:时间到30分钟后脚本就会停止,执行次数6次;执行选择run until complete:时间到30分钟后脚本就会停止,执行次数6次;7.场景有几种类型,一般在什么情况下用?2种场景:目标场景和一般手工场景目标场景:对系统的性能指标有具体的参数要求时,进行验证使用手工场景:进行一般脚本模拟分析使用,主要测试系统的性能并定位系统瓶颈时使用8.当你的电脑环境有多个IE版本时,如何实现使用你指定的IE版本?在此处指定要使用的IE版本9.Controller中的run time setting和Vugen中单个脚本的run time setting有什么区别Controller中的run time setting是默认使用vugen中的run time setting的设置的,但是在每次进行重新导入脚本后就需要进行重新设置Controller中的run time setting。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


错误现象1:Action.c(16): Error -27728: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s)。


解决办法:首先在运行环境中对超时进行设置,默认的超时时间可以设置长一些,再设置多次迭代运行,如果还有超时现象,需要在―Runtime Setting‖>―Internet Protocol:Preferences‖>―Advanced‖区域中设置一个―winlnet replay instead of sockets‖选项,再回放是否成功。



错误分析:脚本录制可能采用的是URL-based script方式,如果程序定义的字符集合采用的是国际标准,脚本就会出现乱码现象。

解决办法:重新录制脚本,在录制脚本前,打开录制选项配置对话框进行设置,在―Recording Options‖的―Advanced‖选项里先将―Surport Charset‖选中,然后选中支持―UTF-8‖的选项。

3.LoadRunner HTTP服务器状态代码:在录制Web协议脚本回放脚本的过程中,会出现HTTP 服务器状态代码,例如常见的页面-404错误提示、-500错误提示。

错误现象1:-404 Not Found服务器没有找到与请求URI相符的资源,但还可以继续运行直到结束。



错误现象2:-500 Internal Server Error服务器内部错误,脚本运行停止。




错误现象:Action.c(41): Error -27979: Requested form. not found [MsgId: MERR-27979] Action.c(41): web_submit_form. highest severity level was "ERROR",0 body bytes, 0 header bytes [MsgId: MMSG-27178]"这时在tree view中看不到此组件的相关URL。

错误分析:所选择的录制脚本模式不正确,通常情况下,基于浏览器的Web应用会使用―HTML-based script‖模式来录制脚本;而没有基于浏览器的Web应用、Web应用中包含了与服务器进行交互的代码、基于浏览器的应用中使用HTTPSJava Applet、基于浏览器的应用中包含了向服务器进行通信的JavaScript/VBScript安全协议,这时则使用―URL-based script‖模式进行录制。

解决办法:打开录制选项配置对话框进行设置,在―Recording Options‖的―Internet Protocol‖选项里的―Recording‖中选择―Recording Level‖为―HTML-based scri pt‖,单击―HTML Advanced‖,选择―Script. Type‖为―A script. containing explicit‖。

然后再选择使用―URL-based script‖模式来录制脚本。

5. Abnormal termination, caused by mdrv process termination解决:修改LR中的D:\Program Files\Mercury\LoadRunner\dat\protocols 中的http.lrp信息,在[Vugen]下面新加一条MaxThreadPerProcess=要设置的vuser数量。

6.LoadRunner录制脚本时为什么不弹出IE浏览器?答:启动浏览器,打开Internet选项对话框,切换到高级标签,去掉―启用第三方浏览器扩展(需要重启动)‖的勾选,然后再次运行VuGen即可解决问题;7.LoadRunner录制脚本时提示默认浏览器不支持解决方法?答:在Recording Options->Browser(浏览器)->修改浏览器设置->改为IE浏览器访问,重新启动LoadRunner录制脚本就ok;8.LR录制Web脚本时,生成的脚本中存在乱码该如何解决?答:录制脚本前,打开录制选项配置对话框Record-Options,进入到Advanced标签,先勾选―Support charset‖,选择支持UTF-8。


9.HTML-based script与URL-based script的脚本有什么区别?答:使用―HTML-based script‖的模式录制脚本,VuGen为用户的每个HTML操作生成单独的步骤,这种脚本看上去比较直观;使用―URL-based script‖模式录制脚本时,VuGen可以捕获所有作为用户操作结果而发送到服务器的HTTP请求,然后为用户的每个请求分别生成对应方法。

通常,基于浏览器的Web应用会使用―HTML-based script‖模式来录制脚本;而没有基于浏览器的Web应用、Web应用中包含了与服务器进行交互的Java Applet、基于浏览器的应用中包含了向服务器进行通信的JavaScript/VBScript代码、基于浏览器的应用中使用了HTTPS安全协议,这时使用―URL-based script‖模式进行录制。


进入―Run-time Setting‖对话框,依次进入―Internet Protocol→Preferences‖,勾选Checks下的―Enable Image and text check‖选项即可。






12.运行时设置Log标签中,如果没有勾选“Enable logging”,则手工消息可以发送吗?答:Enable logging选项仅影响自动日志记录和通过lr_log_message发送的消息。


13.LoadRunner如何在IE7+Win2003环境下录制脚本?答:方法一: 巧借IE6内核录制脚本在系统安装目录下C:\WINDOWS\ie7\iexplore.exe,然后在Recording Options->Browser,指定Ie6内核;设置完成确认后,即可以用LoadRunner录制脚本;方法二查看了下官方提供LoadRunner解决方法: 安装LoadRunner 8.1 Feature Pack 4->然后安装:Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) support for LoadRunner 8.1 Feature Pack 4;14 在Controller中运行Web相关测试场景时,经常会有很多超时错误提示,如何处理这类问题?答:这主要有脚本的默认超时设置引起。



进入―Run-time Setting‖对话框后,依次进入―Internet Protocol→Preference‖。



目前的VuGen 8.0版本中仅支持Internet Explorer的客户端证书。

录制脚本时可以先从Netscape中导出所需的证书,然后将其导入到Internet Explorer中,并确保以相同的顺序导出和导入这些证书。

而且,在每台将要录制或运行需要证书的Web Vuser脚本的计算机上都要重复执行前面的过程。

16. LoadRunner场景执行时第1次报错error:missing newline in d:\test\test1.dat,第2次场景执行时不报错?答:Loadruner参数设置test1.dat文本时,需要在最后一个参数后回车确认一下。

17.LoadRunner场景执行时出现错误:“load generator is currently running the maximum number of vuser of this type”答:Loadruuner默认场景并发最大用户数=1000,所以需要设置loadgenerator->Details->Vuser limits->Other Vusers更换参数值即可,如10000;当然需要你的序列号是支持,目前最大支持6.2w的序列号。


在开始录制基于浏览器的Web Vuser脚本时,VuGen首先会启动指定的浏览器。
