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03. 这个国家失业现象很严重。 Unemployment is serious in this country.
04. 林边有一个洞,叫白龙洞。传说白娘子曾经在这里修炼。 Near the forest is the White Dragon Cave,where it is said that Lady white, a heroine in The Legend of the White Snake, one of the most famous Chinese tales praticed her kongfu here.
03. 一天, 王二老婆不小心把钥匙锁在家里, 很多热心人都前来帮 忙, 但都无济于事。最后冬宝费了好半天, 帮王二嫂打开了锁。 王二嫂感激万分, 特意买来一盒香烟, 非要塞给他。 在场的人 惊愕地看着他, 一个劲地夸他有本事。
One day,Wanger’s wife carelessly locked her keys inside the house and many warm-hearted people came to help but all in vain. Finally it was Dongbao who managed to open the door and got the keys for her. People on the spot all admired him saying he was incredible. Wanger’s wife was so thankful for his help that she bought a package of cigerrete and insisted him to acept it.
03. 她自己就蹲在我旁边,不住地打量我。我轻轻地问:“大夫来 过了吗?”她说:“来过 了, 给妈妈打了一针……她现在很 好。”我又问:“她吃过东西吗?这锅里是什么?”她笑着 说:“红薯稀饭———我们的年夜饭。” She squatted beside me,looking at me up and down. “Has the doctor come here?”, I asked gently. “Yes, he gave mom an injection and she has felt better now.”
09. 如果不按时将书归还图书或逾期不续借,将按规定罚款。 People will get fined if they don’t return books on time or renew books which are due.
10. 张先生腋下夹着一本字典,手里端着茶杯,踱着步,嘴里哼 着流行歌曲。 Mr. Zhang paced leisurely , a book under his arm, a cup in his hand, his mouth humming a popular song.
06. 她一心一意成为舞蹈家。 The desire to become a dancer has seized her.
07. 十年树木,百年树人。 It takes 10 year to grow up a tree but 100 year to mature a man. 08. 他的中国之行印象最深刻的是故宫的宏大和威严。 What impressed him most was the Summer Palace’s grandness and majesty during his trip in China.
Paragraph Translation 01.主语变换 02. 降调处理 03. 段落结构调整——话语单独成段
Sentence Translation 01. 我老爸辛苦了一辈子,现在也该风光风光了。 Having slaved most of his life, my father deserves a comfortable life now. 02. 昨天看电影,我买到了一张好票。 I bought a good seat for yesterday’s film.
04. 这所大学也实行定向招生. This university also admits students trained for predetermined employers.
05. 这件事的轻重你仔细掂量掂量。 You should carefully weigh over the importance of this matter.
Sentence Translation 01. 语境词翻译 02.Biblioteka Baidu模糊词义具体化 03. 省略翻译 04. 文化空缺词翻译 05. 汉语四字词组翻译 06. 名词主语 07. 增补逻辑关联词 08. 静态谓语 09. 无主句 10. 连动句
05. 她单身一人,无亲无故。 She was alone and all by herself. 06. 我们沿着那条小道走进了一座幽静美丽的宾馆。 The track led us into a quiet and beautiful hotel. 07. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 Man struggles upwards, while water flows downwards. 08. 早晨的公园里,遛鸟者时常可见。 It is a common scene to see people walk with cagedbirds in hand early in the park. 09. 在差生自愿的基础上,帮助他们学习,迎头赶上。 Poor students should be helped based on their willingness so that they can catch up with their classmates.
10. 房前有棵玫瑰花树,花儿开得正美,引来几只勤劳的蜜蜂, 围着花朵乱飞,不住地嗡嗡叫着。 There is a rose tree blooming vigorously in front of house . Several bees are attracted here ,flying around and humming endlessly. Text Translation 1. 下午,我到图书馆,借出一本阅读目录上的书。晚饭后,我 把书打开,我十分烦恼,原来这本书不是我要借的书。我就 是这号人:拿出一本书不看就走。我不能怪别人,只能怪自 己。 In the afternoon , I went to the liberary and borrowed a book on the reading list. Opening the book after supper I was greatly annoyed because it turned out to be the wrong one. Blame couldn’t be put on others, I know but on myself because borrowing books carelessly even without glancing at their content was just like me.
【例5】在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自开自谢,植被茸茸生烟。 [译文]Aged trees wave the seasons by,amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation.
“Did your mom eat something? What’s this in the pot?” , I asked. She smiled, and replied, “ It’s yam porridge , our New Year’s Eve dinner.”
Sentence Translation 1. 你好意思向你年迈的父母亲借钱吗? Don’t you feel ashamed to borrow money from your old parents? 02. 这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。 This key university has educated groups after groups of talents for society. 03. 接下来我们将要讨论污染问题。 Next we’ll talk about pollution.
02. 周恩来是一位伟大的、英明的、正直的政治家。心胸宽广, 具有远见卓识,精力充沛,富有魅力,举止高雅,待人真 诚,深受人民爱戴。当他去世时,举国上下沉浸在一片深深 悲痛之中。 Premier Zhou was a great and beloved statesman. When he was dead, the whole nation was in deep sorrow.
Text Translation
01. 那是一段特殊的回忆,那年我十六岁,他是我同桌。我与他 关系相当平常,在成为我的同桌前,我们说过的话不超过十句。 而在我们成为同桌后,我们说过的话不会超过五句。 That is a sweet and painful recall. When I was 16, he was my deskmate and the relationship between us was very common. Before he became my deskmate no more than ten words did we speak with each other, but after we shared one same desk the number of words between us reduced to less than five. 02. 这座大学拥有一座大型、现代化的图书馆。馆内有丰富的藏 书,学术百科,古今中外,应有尽有。此外,还有设备一流的图 书阅览室、音像室等。 This university contains a large library with abundant books,first-class reading-rooms and audio-rooms,etc..