ADS 03_Lab_3 AC Simulations




容 和 电 阻 参 数 如 下 : C1=
Cto·t ττ12 ,
τ2 C2
其 中 , Ctot

" C1τ2 τ1

kvΙcp 2πωc2N
1+( ωcτ2) 2 1+( ωcτ1) 2
5 参数确定和仿真结果
我们的目标是设计一个三阶电荷泵锁相环, 输入参考频率
本栏目责任编辑: 谢媛媛
基于 ADS 三阶电荷泵锁相环的分析和仿真
张明, 吴秀龙, 张兴建, 王诗兵 ( 安徽大学电子科学与技术学院, 安徽 合肥 230039)
摘要: 在分析锁相环基本原理和线性化模型的基础上, 给出了基于锁相环系统环路带宽和相位裕度的环路滤波器参数的计算公式。 结合具体的参数计算,给出系统参数, 然后用 ADS 工具对系统进行仿真, 结果 表 明 利 用 给 出 的 方 法 来 设 定 锁 相 环 的 参 数 , 通 过 反 复 几 次 的调节能得到一组很好的系统参数, 仿真结果于预期的相吻合, 对三阶电荷泵锁相环的系统设计和仿真有一定的指导意义。
fref=2MHZ 、VCO 的 灵 敏 度 kv=3.3MHZ/V、 输 出 的 目 标 频 率 参 数 fvout=8MHZ、电 荷 泵 电 流 Icp=100uA、环 路 带 宽 fc=100KHZ , 相 位 裕 度 Φ=60°。通过自己编写的 MATLAB 程序计算出满足上述条件的
滤 波 器 的 参 数 , 结 果 见 表 1,锁 相 环 的 开 环 、闭 环 传 递 函 数 的 波 特
2 锁相环的基本原理和线性化模型
一 个 基 本 的 电 荷 泵 锁 相 环 由 鉴 频 鉴 相 器 ( PFD) 、 电 荷 泵 ( CP) 、低通滤波器( LPF) 和压控振荡器( VCO) 组成。系统示意图如 图 1, 其中 N 是分频器的分频比。


ADS 交流仿真及瞬态仿真
一 AC Simulations

线性AC分析仪一个小信号分析仪。对于 此分析仪首先应该找到DC工作点,然后 将非线性器件在工作点附近线性化。小 信号AC仿真应该放在谐波平衡(频谱) 仿真之前执行来产生最终仿真的初始猜 测。
Eqn dB_Gain=20*log(mag(AC.Vout)/mag(AC.Vin))
freq 1.000 kHz 10.00 MHz 20.00 MHz 30.00 MHz 40.00 MHz 50.00 MHz 60.00 MHz 70.00 MHz 80.00 MHz 90.00 MHz 100.0 MHz AC1.Gain_dB -10.214 -9.743 -9.734 -9.732 -9.731 -9.730 -9.729 -9.728 -9.727 -9.725 -9.724 dB_Gain -10.214 -9.743 -9.734 -9.732 -9.731 -9.730 -9.729 -9.728 -9.727 -9.725 -9.724
1)运行仿真器 2)显示各个节点的电压电流值

freq 1.000 kHz 10.00 MHz 20.00 MHz 30.00 MHz 40.00 MHz 50.00 MHz 60.00 MHz 70.00 MHz 80.00 MHz 90.00 MHz 100.0 MHz AC1.Gain_dB -10.214 -9.743 -9.734 -9.732 -9.731 -9.730 -9.729 -9.728 -9.727 -9.725 -9.724


Answer: YES, if x is a valid VAR: x=1pF ADS 2009 (version 1.0)
QUIZ: Is this valid?
C coupling_c C=x Next, preferences...
Schematic Preferences are available
Steps in the Design Process: labs 2-9
You are here:
Now its time to model the transistor as a sub-circuit and create a bias network that will be the core of the amplifier. • Design the RF sys behavioral model receiver • Test conversion gain, spectrum, etc. • Start amp_1900 design – subckt parasitics • Simulate amp DC conditions & bias network • Simulate amp AC response - verify gain • Test for noise contributions • Simulate amp S-parameter response • Create a matching topology • Optimize the amp in & out matching networks • Filter design – lumped 200MHz LPF • Filter design – microstrip 1900 MHz BPF • Transient and Momentum filter analysis • Amp spectrum, delivered power, Zin - HB • Test amp comp, distortion, two-tone, TOI • CE basics for spectrum and baseband • CE for amp_1900 with GSM source • Replace amp and filters in rf_sys receiver • Test conversion gain, NF, swept LO power • Final CDMA system test CE with fancy DDS • Co-simulation of behavioral system



ADS仿真分析范文ADS仿真分析(Analog Devices Simulations)是一种用于电路设计和电子系统仿真的工具软件。























4. 模拟基带部分参数设置
接下来的模拟基带部分分两条支路,每条都 由一个信道选择低通滤波器和基带放大器级联而 成。信道选择滤波器采用 5 阶切比雪夫低通滤波 器 , 通 带 波 纹 为 0.01dB , -3dB 频 率 转 折 点 为 1.92MHz , 止 带 截 点 频 率 为 5MHz , 期 望 得 到 36dB的邻道衰减。基带放大器的增益在0~66dB之 间可调,所以也设为变量G5,NF为15 dB。最后 在基带输出端加入端口Term2和Term3。
8. 接收机的下变频分析
通过这次仿真我们将看到接收机是如何将射频信 号的频谱搬移到零频的,也就是接收机的频域响 应特性。这里使用的是谐波平衡仿真(Harmonic Balance Simulation , HB Simulation ),我们在 接收机输入端插入一个载频为2140MHz,电平为40dBm 的交流信号作为信源,同样的,本地振荡 器也使用交流功率信号源。另外需要对输入、输 出 端 进 行 编 辑 , 分 别 命 名 为 Vin 、 Vout_i 和 Vout_q。
5. 接收机频带选ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้性仿真
我们使用 S 参数仿真进行接收机的系统选择 性分析。首先是接收机的频带选择性分析, S_parameter Simulation Controller 设 置 为 从 1GHz到3GHz以10MHz为步进进行仿真。
HB controller参数设定
然后插入 HB controller ,如图进行频率设定。注意 HB仿 真中为了能够正确进行非线性分析,HB controller中的频 率变量必须和原理图中的信源频率相一致,如果有多个频 率需要设定,Freq[1]必须是输出功率电平最高的信源。所 以这里必须是本振频率,Order指的是谐波个数。

ADS主要仿真器介绍(ADS2005A, ADS2004A, ADS2003C)

ADS主要仿真器介绍(ADS2005A, ADS2004A, ADS2003C)

ADS主要仿真器介绍(ADS2005A, ADS2004A, ADS2003C)ADS ( Advanced Design System ) 是美国Agilent公司推出的电路和系统分析软件,它集成多种仿真软件的优点,仿真手段丰富多样,可实现包括时域和频域,数字与模拟,线性与非线性,高频与低频,噪声等多种仿真分析手段,范围涵盖小至元器件,大到系统级的仿真分析设计;ADS能够同时仿真射频(RF),模拟(Analog),数字信号处理(DSP)电路,并可对数字电路和模拟电路的混合电路进行协同仿真。

由于其强大的功能,很快成为全球内业界流行的EDA 设计工具。

下面来详细介绍ADS 在射频、模拟电路设计中的常用的仿真器及其功能。

1. DC Simulation直流仿真是所有仿真的基础,它可执行电路的拓扑检查以及直流工作点扫描和分析。

2. AC Simulation交流仿真能获取小信号传输参数,如电压增益,电流增益,线性噪声电压,电流。

在设计无源电路和小信号有源电路如LNA 时,此仿真器十分有用。

3. S-parameter Simulation微波器件在小信号时,被认为工作在线性状态,是一个线性网络; 在大信号工作时,被认为工作在非线性状态,是一个非线性网络。

通常采用S 参数分析线性网络,谐波平衡法分析非线性网络。

S 参数是入射波和反射波建立的一组现性关系,在微波电路中通常用来分析和描述网络的输入特性。

S 参数中的S11,和S12 反映了输入输出端的驻波特性,S21 反映了电路的幅频和相频特性以及群时延特性,S12反映电路的隔离性能。

S-parameter Simulation 仿真时将电路视为一个四端口网络,在工作点上将电路线性化,执行线性小信号分析,通过其特定的算法,分析出各种参数值,因此,S-parameter Simulation可以分析线性S-parameter,线性噪声参数,传输阻抗(Zij)以及传输导纳(Yij)。





任务● 进行交流(AC)小信号和噪声仿真● 调整引脚/导线符号● 变量扫描和建立方程● 控制图表,曲线,数据组和交流(AC)源目录1. 从一个设计到另一个设计的复制&粘贴(Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+V)操作 (56)2. 对复制的电路和引脚符号进行改正 (56)3. 层次(push and pop)操作验证子电路 (58)4. 设置带噪声的AC仿真 (58)5. 对噪声数据仿真并列表 (60)6. 控制方程和节点电压的输出 (61)7. 无噪声仿真 (63)8. 用测量方程写出数据显示方程 (63)9. 使用测量和数据显示子方程 (63)10. 对AC分析数据绘出相位和群时延图 (65)11. 变量信息和what函数 (68)12. 选学——Vcc扫描(如同电源电压在减小) (68)步骤1.从一个设计到另一个设计的复制&粘贴(Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+V)操作a. 打开上一设计(dc_net),并通过在周围区域拖动鼠标复制变亮的电路,这被称为橡皮条(rubber banding)。



b. 用File>New Design命令创建一个新原理图,命名为:ac_sim。


c. 保存ac_sim设计。


d. 点击Window>design Open命令。


出现对话框后,选择dc_net并点击OK,然后用File>Close Design命令关闭dc_net设计(不需要保存改变的设置)。



ADS Co-simulation w/ Layout ComponentsBreaking Down Barriers Between Electrical & Physical domainsAgenda• Current design flow challenges • Improved circuit/EM co-simulation w/ Layout Components • Detailed Set up & Usage of Layout Components • Application Examples • SummaryTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 2Current Design Flow ChallengesI need to simulate my LNA design. But I am worried about the physical parasitics of the layout. I wish I can work these issues out now instead of having to tweak design later on.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent RestrictedI will set up the layout and perform a Momentum EM simulation and send it to you to use along side your circuit design.Page 3Issues and Challenges with Physical DesignNow, which pin connects to which pin??? Did he perform the EM simulation to my specs???I wish there was an easier way to co-simulate circuit and physical parasitics in the schematic environment!!!!Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 4Agenda• Current design flow challenges • Improved circuit/EM co-simulation w/ Layout Components • Detailed Set up & Usage of Layout Components • Application Examples • SummaryTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 5New in ADS 2002! Co-simulate w/ Layout ComponentsWow! This is like working in Layout, but it’s not; we are still in the SchematicLayout Component is a scaled version of the layout drawing. It is automatically generated and available in the ADS library as a component! It can also be simulated with a measured data file. This new feature allows a more transparent integration of physical design parasitics at the schematic design levelTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 6Co-simulate w/ Layout Components BenefitsSo, you are telling me that with new Layout Components I get: •EM-Circuit co-simulation from the schematic environment •Include physical layout parasitics at the schematic design level •Seamless integration of Momentum EM technology in the standard design flow •Momentum simulation options accessible from schematic environment •User defined Layout Components’ symbol size & min/max pin-pair spacing •Compiled Layout Components listed in project’s network directory •Model database for multiple models for each componentYes. Let me show you how it works...Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 7Agenda• Current design flow challenges • Improved circuit/EM co-simulation w/ Layout Components • Detailed Set up & Usage of Layout Components • Application Examples • SummaryTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 8Generating Layout Components Dialog BoxSymbol: A scaled copy of the layout shape is created. Set min or max pin-pin distance, or layout units.3Model: These parameters will be available in schematic. They are a subset of the Momentum simulation setup.Database: When the component is created, a citifile is created from the last dataset and stored in the model database.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 9Generating Layout Components Symbol SizeIn this case, Port 18 & 19 (two closest ports), will have 1 schematic unit (1 inch by default) of separation in the Layout Component.This option is desired when the Layout Component thought will encompass schematic symbols (ie discrete resistors, capacitors, etc…)Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 10Generating Layout Components Symbol SizeIn this case, the maximum pin-to-pin spacing of the Layout Component will measure 1 schematic unit (1 inch by default).This option is recommended if user plans on using many layout components along side schematic components.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 11Generating Layout Components Symbol SizeIn this case, layout unit dimensions are mapped to scaled schematic unit dimensionsThis option is recommended when combining different layout components on the same schematic page.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 12Generating Layout Component Model TypeMomentum modeling top options can be set at this time or later during use at the schematic levelMomentum modeling options include the following:Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 13Generating Layout Component Model Model DatabaseDifferent simulation results can be associated with a layout component, e.g., to keep track of simulations done with different Momentum parameters, or Momentum modes (MW or RF). Models already available for a component can be viewed in the layout component Model Database dialog. Selection and deselection of the models to be deleted can be done using the arrows or using the Select All or Unselect All buttons.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 14Using Layout Component in SchematicComponent is inserted from ADS library: Double click:Ref: The reference pin is created as a voltage reference for all the other pins of the component. Typically connected to ground, it can also be used to simulate floating grounds.Also, push / pop if schematic subcircuit exists!Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 15Component Parameters & File SettingsReuse Model: The Model Database is queried for the Model Parameter values. If available, it will reuse database citifile during the circuit simulation. If NOT available (for example: a broader frequency sweep), a new model will be generated by invoking the Momentum simulator automatically - then it will be added to the Model Database.Changing settings results in Momentum re- simulation!File Based model: You can also choose any Sparameter file (Dataset, CITIFILE, or Touchstone) or ADS Netlist file and the model database is ignored. For example, you can use measured data for one simulation and then use the Momentum MW or RF for a second simulation to compare results!Next, circuit simulation...Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001 Agilent Restricted Page 16Agenda• Current design flow challenges • Improved circuit/EM co-simulation w/ Layout Components • Detailed Set up & Usage of Layout Components • Application Examples • SummaryTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 17Layout Component Simulation SetupUse any other ADS simulator: AC, HB, Transient, etc.Title of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 18S-parameter Simulation - TuningTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 19Transient SimulationTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 20Agenda• Current design flow challenges • Improved circuit/EM co-simulation w/ Layout Components • Detailed Set up & Usage of Layout Components • Application Examples • SummaryTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 21Summary• Layout Components allow for seamless and intuitive EM/Circuit co-simulation in schematic • Transparent integration of electromagnetic simulators at the schematic design level schematicLayout setup • Momentum simulation options accessible from Layout Component Generation• Compiled Layout Components available in ADS library • Model database for multiple models for each Layout Component ADS circuit simulationTitle of Presentation 1 March, 2001Agilent RestrictedPage 22。



ADS 2011 实验练习本实验是针对已经熟悉ADS2009 及早先版本的用户所设计,主要目的是帮助客户熟悉ADS2011的新版本。

Copyright 2011 Agilent Technologies实验一: ADS 2011基础重要提示: 这个实验的实验环境是ADS2011,面向对ADS2009或者以前版本有一定经验的用户。

1. 工程文件从project 文件转换为Workspace 文件a. 启动ADS2011:可以通过桌面快捷方式或者开始菜单中的命令启动软件,关闭弹出的“开始使用”对话框。

(可以在以后的时间里学习里面内容)b. 在ADS 主窗口,单击菜单栏下:【File 】—>【Convert Project to Workspace 】c. 弹出提示框:选择需要转换文件的路径:/examples /Training /Conversion_Sample (软件安装目录下),选择待转换的工程文件WORKSHOP_prj 。

这个文件是ADS 自带的一个工程文件,它是用来演示怎么把Project 文件转换为Workspace 文件的。

d. 选中WORKSHOP_prj 后,出现转换向导界面,查看转换向导信息,然后点击下一步。

e. 为Workspace 文件取名,如:lab_1_wrk 。

不要使用已经存在的文件名,否则会提醒你重新给Workspace 文件命名。

定义Workspace 文件所在的路径。

注意:不要在examples 路径下建立_wrk文件,可以选在users/default 或者其他路径。

点击下一步……Lab : ADS 2011 WorkshopCopyright 2011 Agilent Technologiesf. Libraries (元件库): 去除DSP 元件库前的复选框,这里不需要其他的元件库。

当然,可以加入一些其他的元件库到这个Workspace 中。

在 “.prj”文件转换为 “.wrk ”过程中,会产生一个服务于“.wrk ”的元件库。


Top Half: Inductive Reactance (+jx) SHORT
25 50 100
Circles of constant Resistance
OPEN Bottom Half: Capacitive Reactance (-jx)
Lines of constant Reactance (+jx above and -jx below)
AC Simulation Controller
Set on-screen parameters in the Display tab. Turn Noise on/off: yes / no.
AC is a linear or small signal simulation and freq is usually set in the controller not the source.
S-parameters are Ratios
Usually given in dB as 20 log of the voltage ratios of the waves at the ports: incident, reflected, or transmitted.
S-parameter ratios: S out / S in
STEP 3: display the results
Netlist is automatically sent to the simulator. Simulation results (data) are written to a dataset.
Plot or list data & write equations.
• S11 - Forward Reflection (input match - impedance) • S22 - Reverse Reflection (output match - impedance) • S21 - Forward Transmission (gain or loss) These are easier to understand and • S12 - Reverse Transmission (isolation)



ADS晶体管直流仿真教程2.This chapter introduces the mixer circuit and shows all the basics of DC simulations, including a family of curves and device biasing calculations.Lab 2: DC SimulationsLab 2: DC Simulations2-2OBJECTIVESBuild a symbolized sub-circuit for use in the hierarchy Create a family of curves for the device used in the mixer Sweep variables, pass parameters, and the plot or list the data ? Use equations to calculate bias resistor values from simulation dataNOTE about this lab: This lab and the remaining labs will use the BJT mixer to demonstrate all types of simulations. Regardless of the type of circuit you design, the techniques and simulations presented in these labs will be applicable to many other circuit configurations.PROCEDUREThe following steps are for creating the mixer BJT sub-circuit with package parasitics and performing the dc simulations as part of the design process.1. Create a New Project and name it: mixer2. Open a New Schematic Window and save it as: bjt_pkg3. Setup the BJT device and model:a. Insert the BJT generic device and model: In the schematic window,select the palette: Devices–BJT . Select the BJT-NPN device and insert it onto the schematic. Next insert the BJT Model (model card withdefault Gummel Poon parameters).Lab 2: DC Simulations2-3b. Double click on the model. When the dialog appears, click Component Options and in the next dialog, click Clear All and OK . This will remove the parameter list from the schematic.c. Assign Forward Beta = beta. Double click on the model card you just inserted. Select the Bf parameter and type in the word beta as shown here. Also, click the small box : Display parameter on schematic for Bf only and then click Apply . The numerical value of beta will be assigned in the next steps.d. Type in the value of Vaf (Forward Early Voltage) as 50 and display it by clicking Apply and OK . This will make the dc curves more realistic.e. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box with these changes.f. For the BJT device or any component, you can also remove theunwanted display parameters (Area, Region, Temp and Mode) by editingit in the same way.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-44. Build the rest of the subcircuitThe picture here shows the completed subcircuit. Follow the steps to build it or simply build it as shown:NOTE: Connect the components together or wire them as needed.a. Insert the package parasitics L and C: Insert three lead inductors (320pH ) and two junction capacitors (120 fF ). Be sure touse the correct units (pico and femto) or your circuit will not have the correct response.Also, add some resistance R= 0.01 ohms to the base lead inductor and display the desired component values as shown.b. Insert port connectors: Click the port connector icon (shown here) and insert the connectors exactly in this order : 1) collector, 2)base, 3) emitter. You must do this so that the connectors have the exact same pin configuration as the ADS BJT symbol. Edit the port names – change P1 to C, change P2 to B, and change P3 to E.c. Clean up the schematic: Position the components so the schematiclooks organized – this is good practice. To move component text, press the F5-Key and then select the component . Use the cursor to position the text.Add Wire icon.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-55. Create a symbol for the sub-circuitThere are three ways to create a symbol for a circuit: 1) Use a default symbol, 2) Use a built-in symbol (a standard symbol), or 3) Create a new symbol by drawing one or modifying an existing one. For this lab you will use a built-in bjt symbol which looks better than the default three-port symbol. The following steps shows how to do this:a. To see the default symbol, click : View >Create/Edit Schematic Symbol . The symbol page will replace the schematic page and a dialog will appear. Click OK to use the defaults.b. Next, a rectangle or square with three ports is generated:NOTE : You will be replacing the default symbol with a built-in BJT symbol in the next steps. As you do, you must assign the pin (port) numbers exactly as shown to match the built-in symbol for the emitter, base, and collector.c. To change the symbol to a built-in symbol that looks like atransistor, delete the entire symbol you just created: Select > Select All . Then click the trash can icon to delete the symbol.d. Return to the schematic: View > Create/Edit Schematic .Now click File> Design Parameters . In the General tab,there is a Symbol Name parameter list. Click the arrow and select: SYM_BJT_NPN . Also, Change the component instance name to Q.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-6e. Set beta as a pass parameter: To do this, click the Parameters tab. In the Parameter Name area, type in beta and assign a default value of 100by clicking the Add button. Be sure to click the Display button as shown in the picture. Click the OK button at the bottom (not shown here) to save the new definitions and dismiss the dialog.f. In the schematic window, Save the design to make sure all your work is save and close the window . You now have a sub-circuit that will be available for use in other designs and other projects.6. Create another circuit for DC simulationsa. Open a new schematic from the Main window and save it as: dc_curves .This will be the upper level circuit.b. Click on the Library list icon and the library browser will appear.Select the mixe r project and you will see the bjt_pkg circuit listedas an available component.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-7c. Select the bjt_pkg component and the npn transistor symbol will be appear on your cursor. Click in the dc_curves schematic to insert the bjt_pkg . You can now close the library window and save the dc_curves design (good practice to save often).7. Set up a dc curve tracerFor this step you will use a template. ADS built-in templates make it easier to set up the simulation after the schematic is built. In this case, the dc curve tracer template is set up to sweep VCE within incremental values of base current IBB.a. On the schematic, click File > Insert Template and select the BJT_curve_tracer to insert it. Click OK and it will appear on yourcursor - to insert it, click near your bjt_pkg symbol.Click to insert the template.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-8b. With the curve tracer template inserted, wire the circuit together so it looks like the shown here. Note that you can move the component text using the F5 key so that the schematic looks good.NOTE: If you did not use this Template, you would have to insert every component (the V_DC source, the I_Probe, the I_DC source, etc.) one at a time. Also, you would have to assign and set up the variables (IBB, VCE) for the swept simulation.c. Set the Parameter Sweep IBB values: 1 uA to 11 uA in 2 uA steps .Parameter Sweep components are available in all simulation palettes. Set the DC simulation controller SweepVar VCE : 0 to 5 in 0.1 steps .Notice that the VAR1 variables VCE and IBB can be used as is becausethey only initialize the variables but it is best to use reasonable values.F5Wire IconKeyboard F5 is a Hot Key for movingcomponent textLab 2: DC Simulations2-98. Name the dataset and run the simulation a. Click Simulate > Simulation Setup . When the dialog appears,type in a name for the dataset dc_curves as shown.b. Click Apply and Simulate .c. After the simulation is finished, click the Cancel button and the setup dialog will disappear. If you get an error message, check the simulation set up and repeat if necessary.9. Display the results, change beta, and resimulate a. Click the New Data Display icon (shown here). Insert a rectangular plot and add the IC.i data . Note that voltage VCE is the default X-axis value. The results should look similar to the “beta=100”plot shown here.b. On the schematic, change the value of beta = 144. The value will automatically be passed down to the sub circuit that you set up in the previous steps. Simulate again and notice the change as shown here.NOTE: You will use beta =144 for the remainder of the labs.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-10c. Insert a marker on the dc_curves trace (as shown here), where the initialspecification of 1 mA at VCE corresponds to about 7 uA of base current.d. Insert a list (click the icon).e. Select collector current IC and add it . If the list is in table format as shown (box with Xacross it), edit or double click the list and check the box, Suppress Table Formatand OK. Then scroll through the data.List IconLab 2: DC Simulations2-11DC Bias DESIGN CONSIDERATION: When the final circuit is constructed, the LO drive will shift the current slightly higher and this means that the operating point can be a little lower if desired. In addition, a current limiting collector resistor RC will be required and that will lower the voltage across VCE. Knowing this, it is reasonable to assume that VCC of 2 volts will be divided with a voltage drop of about 0.5V for RC with the remaining 1.5V across the device VCE.10. Create a new design to calculate bias valuesThe next steps will sweep only base current for a fixed value of VCE at 1.5 volts. This will allow you to determine values of base-emitter voltage VBE that can be used to calculate the bias resistor values.a. Save the dc_curves schematic . Next, save it with a new name as follows: click File > Save As and when the dialog box appears, type in a new name: dc_bias . Now, you have three designs in the networks directory: bjt_pkg, dc_curves anddc_bias.b. If only one variable is swept, it is more effective to sweep it in theSimulation controller and not in a Parameter sweep. Therefore, delete the Parameter Sweep . Refer to the schematic here to: 1) edit the DC controller to sweep IBB: 1uA to 11 uA in 1 uA steps , 2) set Vdc =1.5V , and 3) remove VCE from the VarEqn by editing it (double click)and using the Cut button to remove VCE as a variable.c. Insert a node name to allow you to get simulation data from a node on the schematic. Click the icon or use the command: Component >Name Node . When the dialog appears, type in the name VBE and clickon the node at the base of the transistor.VCE is cut from theDC controller,Lab 2: DC Simulations2-12d. Save and Simulate : Save the new design by clicking the save icon –this is always good practice. Next, check the dataset name: Simulation > Setup ) as in the previous simulation. Be sure it appears as: dc_bias and then Simulate .11. Display the data (dc_bias) in a listIn this step, you will use the same data display window that contains the dc_curves data. In fact, you can plot numerous datasets in the display but you must explicitly define (dataset name..) the data to be displayed.a. In the current Data Display window, notice that the default dataset is dc_curves. This is OK. However, if you change the default todc_bias , you will see that the plot becomes invalid because the data is not the same array size as the two dimensional one. This is normal. Try this now as shown and then set it back to dc_curves .b. Now, in the current Data Display window, make room for the new data by using the zoom and view icons . Then insert a new list .c. When the list dialog box appears, select thedc_bias dataset and, add VBE and IC . You should get results similar to those here where IC is veryclose to 1 mA.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-13d. Draw a box around the values of interest as shown here. To do this,click the rectangle icon from the tool bar and draw it on the list. This is one way to highlight the data. Also, the data display window by using Save As and giving it a name like: dc_data.12. W rite an equation to calculate Rb a. On the data display,insert an equation by clicking on the equation icon and then clicking in the data display window:b. When the dialog appears, type in the equation as shown by typing and using the Insert button. First, select the dc_bias dataset in the upper right (circled). To write the equation type the first part only: Rb = (1.5 -and select VBE and click < help.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-14IMPORTANT NOTES on writing equationsEquations that operate on data can either be explicit or generic:The difference in these two equations is in the data being referenced, especially the default dataset in the case of the generic equation. Also, note that equations and data are CASE SENSITIVE.c. Verify how the generic equation described above will work. Be sure the data display shows dc_curves as the default dataset . Now, insert another equation and type it in as shown (generic version):Rb1 = (1.5 - VBE) / IBB . After you click OK and it will be red (invalid)d. Now, change the default dataset to dc_bias (at the top of the display) and verify that it is valid.Now, continue with the design by calculating the collector resistor.e. Write an equation for resistor Rc . You should be able to do this based on what you learned in the previous steps.Generic Equation: When no equation applies to the default dataset.Explicit Equation: Areferenced: name..Lab 2: DC Simulations2-15f. List the values Rb and Rc .Insert a List and when the first dialog appears, select Equations by clicking the arrow. Then Add Rb and Rc and click OK .g. When the list appears, you will then see a table of values for Rb and Rc that correspond to the value of IBB. As a rule, you always get the independent variable (here IBB) when you list or plot data.h. Increase the size of a display (if you see dots …after the entries), by dragging the corner of the list. If dots appear after a number or name, it indicates there is more data and you should increase the size of the list or plot.i. Draw a box (rectangle around the desired values to read it easier. Then edit the list (double click) and select Plot Options . Now, type in a title and change the format as shown by using the More button if desired.j. Be sure to save the display (.dds file). With these values of Rb and Rc,the next step is to bias the device and test the bias network.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-1613. Set up a new design to test the bias networkFor this step, you will create the schematic design without using a template. During this process you will learn some efficient ways to do this.a. Open a new schematic from the existing one, using the File > Newcommand or the icon and name it: dc_net . Notice that this dialog allows you to name the new design and gives you other options.b. In the new schematic (dc_net), insert your sub circuit bjt_pkg by typing in the name in the component history list:c. Set the value of beta to: 144d. Goto LumpedComponents palette and insert a resistor as the base resistor. Notice that “R” appears in the historylist when you do this.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-17e. Insert the collector resistor and rotate it: put the cursor in the history list “R” and press Enter. Immediately, when the resistor is attached to your cursor, click the –90 rotate icon shown here and the component will increment 90 degrees – then insert it.f. Insert a current probe (I_Probe) from the palette or type it in.Connect it to the top of the collector resistor.After you connect the component, you can drag it and it isautomatically wired.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-18g. Finish building the circuit as follows :Rename and assign resistors: Rb = 100 K ohms and Rc = 470 ohms . Rename the I_Probe: ICInsert V_DC supply set at 2 V from (Sources-Frequency Domain palette). Insert a node name at the collector as VC . Wire the circuit and organize it.NOTE on Name Node : To remove a named node , click Edit > Component >Remove Node Name or you can rename the node with a blank (click the icon and try it). This step is to show how to remove a node name – you may need it later on .h. Insert a DC simulation controller(Simulation-DC palette).Lab 2: DC Simulations2-1914. Simulate and verify the bias network conditionsFor this you do not need to display the data. Instead, you will simply annotate the schematic to verify that IC meets the 1 mA specification and that bias design consideration (described earlier) is accurate.a. Press the F7 keyboard key and the simulation will be launched with the dataset name that is the same as the schematic –this is the default. You can verify this by reading the status window:b. Annotate the current and voltage at the nodes. Click on the menu command: Simulate > Annotate DC Solution . Now you should see the voltage and currents at the nodes. Be sure that you have about 1 mAof collector current with VCE about 1.5 V. If not, check your work.VCE is 1.5 voltsIC is 1 mA。

ADS实验的建立原理图、仿真控件、 仿真2

ADS实验的建立原理图、仿真控件、 仿真2


检查原理图,确认控制器中的噪声计算(noise calculation)处于开(on)状态并仿真。
















b.如下图点击下拉菜单Tools>Data File Tool。

c.当对话框打开后,点击WRITE框,选择写至”file”,并选择Touchstone 格式。




AC Simulation and Noise Contributions

AC Simulation and Noise Contributions
ADS 2002 Fundamentals - April, 2002
Slide 4 -5
Setting AC source values
POWER: The dbmtow function converts power in dbm to watts for the simulator. PHASE: The polar function specifies phase. By default, all sources are cosine waves. Use -90 for a sinewave. NOISE and Vdc: By default, noise is turned on for the P_AC source. Use Display tab/settings to make visible. Vdc 10 mV is an offset (superposition). Equations can also be used: P=1W, P=1+j*1W, P=complex(1,0), etc.
TIP - Data Display: Copy/paste & Hot Keys
• Keyboard keys: Ctrl C copies / Ctrl V pastes
COPY A PLOT or EQUATION. It also works from one data display window to another!
Slide 4 -2
ADS 2002 Fundamentals - April, 2002
AC Simulation Controller
Set on-screen parameters in the Display tab.



2.This chapter introduces the mixer circuit and shows all the basics of DC simulations, including a family of curves and device biasing calculations.Lab 2: DC SimulationsLab 2: DC Simulations2-2OBJECTIVES• Build a symbolized sub-circuit for use in the hierarchy • Create a family of curves for the device used in the mixer • Sweep variables, pass parameters, and the plot or list the data • Use equations to calculate bias resistor values from simulation dataNOTE about this lab: This lab and the remaining labs will use the BJT mixer to demonstrate all types of simulations. Regardless of the type of circuit you design, the techniques and simulations presented in these labs will be applicable to many other circuit configurations.PROCEDUREThe following steps are for creating the mixer BJT sub-circuit with package parasitics and performing the dc simulations as part of the design process.1. Create a New Project and name it: mixer2. Open a New Schematic Window and save it as: bjt_pkg3. Setup the BJT device and model:a. Insert the BJT generic device and model: In the schematic window,select the palette: Devices–BJT . Select the BJT-NPN device and insert it onto the schematic. Next insert the BJT Model (model card withdefault Gummel Poon parameters).Lab 2: DC Simulations2-3b. Double click on the model. When the dialog appears, click Component Options and in the next dialog, click Clear All and OK . This will remove the parameter list from the schematic.c. Assign Forward Beta = beta. Double click on the model card you just inserted. Select the Bf parameter and type in the word beta as shown here. Also, click the small box : Display parameter on schematic for Bf only and then click Apply . The numerical value of beta will be assigned in the next steps.d. Type in the value of Vaf (Forward Early Voltage) as 50 and display it by clicking Apply and OK . This will make the dc curves more realistic.e. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box with these changes.f. For the BJT device or any component, you can also remove theunwanted display parameters (Area, Region, Temp and Mode) by editingit in the same way.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-44. Build the rest of the subcircuitThe picture here shows the completed subcircuit. Follow the steps to build it or simply build it as shown:NOTE: Connect the components together or wire them as needed.a. Insert the package parasitics L and C: Insert three lead inductors (320pH ) and two junction capacitors (120 fF ). Be sure to use the correct units (pico and femto) or your circuit will not have the correct response.Also, add some resistance R= 0.01 ohms to the base lead inductor and display the desired component values as shown.b. Insert port connectors: Click the port connector icon (shown here) and insert the connectors exactly in this order : 1) collector, 2)base, 3) emitter. You must do this so that the connectors have the exact same pin configuration as the ADS BJT symbol. Edit the port names – change P1 to C, change P2 to B, and change P3 to E.c. Clean up the schematic: Position the components so the schematiclooks organized – this is good practice. To move component text, press the F5-Key and then select the component . Use the cursor to position the text.Add Wire icon.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-55. Create a symbol for the sub-circuitThere are three ways to create a symbol for a circuit: 1) Use a default symbol, 2) Use a built-in symbol (a standard symbol), or 3) Create a new symbol by drawing one or modifying an existing one. For this lab you will use a built-in bjt symbol which looks better than the default three-port symbol. The following steps shows how to do this:a. To see the default symbol, click : View >Create/Edit Schematic Symbol . The symbol page will replace the schematic page and a dialog will appear. Click OK to use the defaults.b. Next, a rectangle or square with three ports is generated:NOTE : You will be replacing the default symbol with a built-in BJT symbol in the next steps. As you do, you must assign the pin (port) numbers exactly as shown to match the built-in symbol for the emitter, base, and collector.c. To change the symbol to a built-in symbol that looks like atransistor, delete the entire symbol you just created: Select > Select All . Then click the trash can icon to delete the symbol.d. Return to the schematic: View > Create/Edit Schematic .Now click File> Design Parameters . In the General tab,there is a Symbol Name parameter list. Click the arrow and select: SYM_BJT_NPN . Also, Change the component instance name to Q.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-6e. Set beta as a pass parameter: To do this, click the Parameters tab. In the Parameter Name area, type in beta and assign a default value of 100by clicking the Add button. Be sure to click the Display button as shown in the picture. Click the OK button at the bottom (not shown here) to save the new definitions and dismiss the dialog.f. In the schematic window, Save the design to make sure all your work is save and close the window . You now have a sub-circuit that will be available for use in other designs and other projects.6. Create another circuit for DC simulationsa. Open a new schematic from the Main window and save it as: dc_curves .This will be the upper level circuit.b. Click on the Library list icon and the library browser will appear.Select the mixe r project and you will see the bjt_pkg circuit listedas an available component.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-7c. Select the bjt_pkg component and the npn transistor symbol will be appear on your cursor. Click in the dc_curves schematic to insert the bjt_pkg . You can now close the library window and save the dc_curves design (good practice to save often).7. Set up a dc curve tracerFor this step you will use a template. ADS built-in templates make it easier to set up the simulation after the schematic is built. In this case, the dc curve tracer template is set up to sweep VCE within incremental values of base current IBB.a. On the schematic, click File > Insert Template and select the BJT_curve_tracer to insert it. Click OK and it will appear on yourcursor - to insert it, click near your bjt_pkg symbol.Click to insert the template.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-8b. With the curve tracer template inserted, wire the circuit together so it looks like the shown here. Note that you can move the component text using the F5 key so that the schematic looks good.NOTE: If you did not use this Template, you would have to insert every component (the V_DC source, the I_Probe, the I_DC source, etc.) one at a time. Also, you would have to assign and set up the variables (IBB, VCE) for the swept simulation.c. Set the Parameter Sweep IBB values: 1 uA to 11 uA in 2 uA steps .Parameter Sweep components are available in all simulation palettes. Set the DC simulation controller SweepVar VCE : 0 to 5 in 0.1 steps .Notice that the VAR1 variables VCE and IBB can be used as is becausethey only initialize the variables but it is best to use reasonable values.F5Wire IconKeyboard F5 is a Hot Key for movingcomponent textLab 2: DC Simulations2-98. Name the dataset and run the simulation a. Click Simulate > Simulation Setup . When the dialog appears,type in a name for the dataset dc_curves as shown.b. Click Apply and Simulate .c. After the simulation is finished, click the Cancel button and the setup dialog will disappear. If you get an error message, check the simulation set up and repeat if necessary.9. Display the results, change beta, and resimulate a. Click the New Data Display icon (shown here). Insert a rectangular plot and add the IC.i data . Note that voltage VCE is the default X-axis value. The results should look similar to the “beta=100” plot shown here.b. On the schematic, change the value of beta = 144. The value will automatically be passed down to the sub circuit that you set up in the previous steps. Simulate again and notice the change as shown here.NOTE: You will use beta =144 for the remainder of the labs.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-10c. Insert a marker on the dc_curves trace (as shown here), where the initialspecification of 1 mA at VCE corresponds to about 7 uA of base current.d. Insert a list (click the icon).e. Select collector current IC and add it . If the list is in table format as shown (box with Xacross it), edit or double click the list and check the box, Suppress Table Formatand OK. Then scroll through the data.List IconDC Bias DESIGN CONSIDERATION: When the final circuit is constructed, the LO drive will shift the current slightly higher and this means that the operating point can be a little lower if desired. In addition, a current limiting collector resistor RC will be required and that will lower the voltage across VCE. Knowing this, it is reasonable to assume that VCC of 2 volts will be divided with a voltage drop of about 0.5V for RC with the remaining 1.5V across the device VCE.10.Create a new design to calculate bias valuesThe next steps will sweep only base current for a fixed value of VCE at 1.5 volts. This will allow you to determine values of base-emitter voltage VBE that can be used to calculate the bias resistor values.a.Save the dc_curves schematic. Next, save it with a new name asfollows: click File > Save As and when the dialog box appears, type ina new name: dc_bias. Now, you have three designs in the networksdirectory: bjt_pkg, dc_curves and dc_bias.b.If only one variable is swept, it is more effective to sweep it in theSimulation controller and not in a Parameter sweep. Therefore, deletethe Parameter Sweep. Refer to the schematic here to: 1) edit the DCcontroller to sweep IBB: 1uA to 11 uA in 1 uA steps, 2) set Vdc =1.5V, and 3) remove VCE from the VarEqn by editing it (double click)and using the Cut button to remove VCE as a variable.c.Insert a node name to allow you to get simulation data from a node onthe schematic. Click the icon or use the command: Component >Name Node. When the dialog appears, type in the name VBE and clickon the node at the base of the transistor.VCE is cut from theDC controller,d. Save and Simulate : Save the new design by clicking the save icon –this is always good practice. Next, check the dataset name: Simulation > Setup ) as in the previous simulation. Be sure it appears as: dc_bias and then Simulate .11. Display the data (dc_bias) in a listIn this step, you will use the same data display window that contains the dc_curves data. In fact, you can plot numerous datasets in the display but you must explicitly define (dataset name..) the data to be displayed.a. In the current Data Display window, notice that the default dataset is dc_curves. This is OK. However, if you change the default todc_bias , you will see that the plot becomes invalid because the data is not the same array size as the two dimensional one. This is normal. Try this now as shown and then set it back to dc_curves .b. Now, in the current Data Display window, make room for the new data by using the zoom and view icons . Then insert a new list .c. When the list dialog box appears, select thedc_bias dataset and, add VBE and IC . You should get results similar to those here where IC is veryclose to 1 mA.d.Draw a box around the values of interest as shown here. To do this,click the rectangle icon from the tool bar and draw it on the list. This is one way to highlight the data. Also, the data display window by usingSave As and giving it a name like: dc_data.12.W rite an equation to calculate Rba.On the data display,insert an equation byclicking on the equationicon and then clickingin the data displaywindow:b.When the dialog appears, type in the equation as shown by typing andusing the Insert button. First, select the dc_bias dataset in the upperright (circled). To write the equation type the first part only: Rb = (1.5 -and select VBE and click <<Insert<<. Then type in the parenthesisand division sign: )/. Then insert IBB in the same way and click OK. If the equation is RED (invalid), repeat the step or ask the instructor forhelp.IMPORTANT NOTES on writing equationsEquations that operate on data can either be explicit or generic:The difference in these two equations is in the data being referenced, especially the default dataset in the case of the generic equation. Also, note that equations and data are CASE SENSITIVE.c. Verify how the generic equation described above will work. Be sure the data display shows dc_curves as the default dataset . Now, insert another equation and type it in as shown (generic version):Rb1 = (1.5 - VBE) / IBB . After you click OK and it will be red (invalid)d. Now, change the default dataset to dc_bias (at the top of the display) and verify that it is valid.Now, continue with the design by calculating the collector resistor.e. Write an equation for resistor Rc . You should be able to do this based on what you learned in the previous steps.Generic Equation: When no equation applies to the default dataset.Explicit Equation: Areferenced: name..f.List the values Rb and Rc.Insert a List and when thefirst dialog appears, selectEquations by clicking thearrow. Then Add Rb and Rcand click OK.g.When the list appears, you will then see a table of values for Rb and Rcthat correspond to the value of IBB. As a rule, you always get theindependent variable (here IBB) when you list or plot data.h.Increase the size of a display (if you see dots …after the entries), bydragging the corner of the list. If dots appear after a number or name, it indicates there is more data and you shouldincrease the size of the list or plot.i.Draw a box (rectangle around the desired values to read it easier. Thenedit the list (double click) and select Plot Options. Now, type in a title and change the format as shown by using the More button if desired.j.Be sure to save the display (.dds file). With these values of Rb and Rc, the next step is to bias the device and test the bias network.13. Set up a new design to test the bias networkFor this step, you will create the schematic design without using a template. During this process you will learn some efficient ways to do this.a. Open a new schematic from the existing one, using the File > Newcommand or the icon and name it: dc_net . Notice that this dialog allows you to name the new design and gives you other options.b. In the new schematic (dc_net), insert your sub circuit bjt_pkg by typing in the name in the component history list:c. Set the value of beta to: 144d. Goto LumpedComponents palette and insert a resistor as the base resistor. Notice that “R” appears in the historylist when you do this.e. Insert the collector resistor and rotate it: put the cursor in the history list “R” and press Enter. Immediately, when the resistor is attached to your cursor, click the –90 rotate icon shown here and the component will increment 90 degrees – then insert it.f. Insert a current probe (I_Probe) from the palette or type it in.Connect it to the top of the collector resistor.After you connect the component, you can drag it and it isautomatically wired.g. Finish building the circuit as follows :• Rename and assign resistors: Rb = 100 K ohms and Rc = 470 ohms .• Rename the I_Probe: IC• Insert V_DC supply set at 2 V from (Sources-Frequency Domain palette).• Insert a node name at the collector as VC .• Wire the circuit and organize it.NOTE on Name Node : To remove a named node , click Edit > Component >Remove Node Name or you can rename the node with a blank (click the icon and try it). This step is to show how to remove a node name – you may need it later on .h. Insert a DC simulation controller(Simulation-DC palette).14.Simulate and verify the bias network conditionsFor this you do not need to display the data. Instead, you will simply annotate the schematic to verify that IC meets the 1 mA specification and that bias designconsideration (described earlier) is accurate.a.Press the F7 keyboard key and the simulation will be launched with thedataset name that is the same as the schematic – this is the default. Youcan verify this by reading the status window:b.Annotate the current and voltage at the nodes. Click on the menucommand: Simulate > Annotate DC Solution. Now you should seethe voltage and currents at the nodes. Be sure that you have about 1 mAof collector current with VCE about 1.5 V. If not, check your work.VCE is 1.5 voltsIC is 1 mA15. Sweep Temperaturea.Edit the DC controller – select it and click the edit icon.b.In the Sweep tab, enter the ADS global variable temp (default isCelsius) as shown here and enter the sweep range: -55 to 125 @ 5step. Also, in the Display tab, click the boxes to display the annotation on the controller – click Apply to see it and OK to dismiss the dialog.c.Set the simulation dataset name todc_temp, click Apply to assign thatdataset name, and then Simulate.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-21d. Plot the results in a rectangular plot as VC vs temp - you should be able to do this as shown:The plot should look like the one shown here: collector voltage decreases as the temperature increases. You can use this temperature sweep method for anysimulation in the future.Lab 2: DC Simulations2-22EXTRA EXERCISES1. Plot current (probe) vs. temperature.2. Try these commands:a. Select the bjt and click the command: Edit > Component > Break Connections. Reinsert the bjt and see what happens.b. Spend a few moments experimenting with the other Simulation menu commands: Highlight Node and Detailed Device Operating Point. These are only available after a dc simulation.c. Go to the data display: Use the right mouse button and experiment with the selections.2. Replace the Gummel-Poon model card with another model (Mextram) and resimulate. Afterward, compare the results.。



Eqn dB_Gain=20*log(mag(AC.Vout)/mag(AC.Vin))
freq 1.000 kHz 10.00 MHz 20.00 MHz 30.00 MHz 40.00 MHz 50.00 MHz 60.00 MHz 70.00 MHz 80.00 MHz 90.00 MHz 100.0 MHz AC1.Gain_dB -10.214 -9.743 -9.734 -9.732 -9.731 -9.730 -9.729 -9.728 -9.727 -9.725 -9.724 dB_Gain -10.214 -9.743 -9.734 -9.732 -9.731 -9.730 -9.729 -9.728 -9.727 -9.725 -9.724
交流仿真包括的内容:管子、直流电源、交流 电源、直流仿真器、交流仿真器

交流电压源电压的振幅为1V,表明交流 电源为单频源,1Tone为单频,2Tone为 双频,以此类推。
1)运行仿真器 2)显示各个节点的电压电流值

f req, MHz
5 利用瞬态仿真判断下图的逻辑功能
Vbias=10.000 Vbias=9.000 Vbias=8.000 Vbias=7.000 Vbias=6.000 Vbias=5.000 Vbias=4.000 Vbias=3.000 Vbias=2.000 Vbias=1.000
0.5 0.0 -0.5
-1.0 -1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0



Frequency Domain Simulation of a Rat Race Couplerin ADSa Tutorial byMudar Al-JoumaylyandNader BehdadECE744, Spring 2009ADS or Advanced Design System is software by Agilent Corp. that is widely used for RF/Microwave circuit simulations. This is the main software of choice for simulating the circuits studied in this course. In this tutorial, we will briefly describe the main features of the software to help you get started; you can find more advanced features in the ADS manual.Follow the following steps:1.Start ADS in Windows (Start Menu → All Programs → Advanced Design System 2006A→ Advanced Design System)After starting, the main menu of the software appears as shown in Fig. 1. Choose File→New Project… to start a new project (shown in Fig. 2)Fig. 1.Fig. 2.Enter project name in the appropriate field and choose “ADS Standard: Length unit—millimeter” under the “Project Technology Files” field. Click Cancel on the “SchematicWizard:1”2.The Schematic window is used to draw the schematic of the circuits that will be simulatedand is the main interface that we will use. The view of the schematic window is shown in Fig.3. Let us start a simple simulation.Fig.3.3.In the following sections, we will design a Rat Race Coupler, as shown in Fig.4.Basically, it is a 4-port network with 180 degree phase shift between the two output ports. If a signal is applied to port 1, it will evenly be split in two in-phase components at Ports 2 and 3, and port 4 will be isolated. On the other hand, if a signal is applied to Port 4, it will evenly be split in two component with a phase difference of 180 degree at Ports 2 and 3. When operated as combiner, with input signals applied to Ports 2 and 3, the sum of the inputs will be formed at Port 1, while the difference will be formed at port 4.The circumference of the rat race coupler is 1.5wavelengths. For an equal-split rat-race coupler, theimpedance of the entire ring is fixed at 1.41×Z0, or70.7 Ω for a 50 Ω system. For an input signal V in, theoutputs at Ports 2 and 4 are equal in magnitude, but180° out of phase.4.In this tutorial, we would like to simulate a Rat-Racecoupler implemented in microstrip technology. In a 50Ω system, we need 50 Ω transmission lines at the Fig.4.inputs and outputs, and 70.7 Ω line for the ring. In order to determine the width and the length of the micro-strip lines, we can use the "LineCalc" program supplied with ADS, TXLine, or any other program or closed form formulae available. Here, since the simulations are carried out in ADS, we will use the LineCalc program, which is already part of ADS.In the following, we will implement this coupler to work at 4 GHz.5.To run the "LineCalc" calculator, in the schematic window go to Tools → LineCalc→ Start lineCalc. The line calculator window is shown in Fig. 5Fig.5.The LineCalc tool is used to calculate the physical/Electrical parameters of different types of transmission lines (micro-strip line in our case)6.In the LineCalc window, select the type to be MLIN (stands for micro-strip line).In the substrate parameter, enter the following:Er= 3.4 (Dielectric Constant of the substrate)Mur= 1 (permeability of the substrate)H=0.5mm (thickness of the dielectric substrate)T=0.017 mm (thickness of the metal layer)Leave other parameters with the default values.In the frequency parameters, enter 4 GHz in the Freq box.In the electrical, enter the following:Z0= 70.7 ohm (since we need 70.7 ohm line for the ring)E_Eff =90 deg (since we need line of length λ/4)Then click on Synthesize to calculate the physical parameters. In this case theprogram will return these values for the length and width of the microstrip line:W= 0.608 mm (the physical width of the micro-strip line)L= 11.745 mm (The physical length of the λ/4 micro-strip line)To calculate the physical width of the 50 ohm micros-strip line, follow the same steps but with Z0=50 ohm. (The physical width W=1.13 mm)7.Having calculated the required physical dimension, the next step is to implement thedevice shown in Fig. 4. Go back to the schematic window, and select “TLines-Microstrip” from component palette list. The component palette will show different variations of micro-strip lines.8.From the component palette, drag and drop “MSUB”. This is used to define theparameters of the substrate on which the microstrip lines are going to be printed. You may define more than one substrate and assign different substrates to different transmission lines placed on your schematicEnter the following parameters (dielectric substrate on which the micro-strip line will be implemented):Er= 3.4 (Dielectric Constant of the substrate)Mur= 1 (permeability of the substrate)H=0.5mm (thickness of the dielectric substrate)T=0.017 mm (thickness of the metal layer)Leave other parameters with the default values.If you have any questions about the meaning of different fields, you can click on the Help button and use Agilent's ADS help to get more information.9.From the component palette, drag and drop “MLIN” and “MTEE” in the schematicwindow. Draw the schematic shown in Fig.6.MTEE is a micro-strip T-Junction. In this case, we have transmission lines of different widths connecting together. In microstrip implementation, this means that the two transmission lines will have different widths. Therefore, the junction of these two transmission lines must be modeled to account for its frequency response. This has been done in ADS and MTEE represents this model. We will use this in our simulation to increase the accuracy of the simulation.10.Click on “Insert Wire” button () to connect the component with each other. Alsouse the ground () to ground the four terminals of the ports (reference points) after you place them in the schematic.11.Select “Simulation-S_Param ” from component palette list. Drag and drop “S P”.Set the frequency range as shown below.Then Drag and Drop “Term” as shown in Fig. 6. This component represents the terminal of the device. Here, we have a four port network; therefore, you will need four terminals (ports). ADS will automatically assign port numbers to the "Term"components that you will place on the Schematic. Make sure that the Terminal numbers assigned to your Term components are similar to the one we have in Fig. 612.Save the simulation file and assign an appropriate name to it.13.Click on simulate button to simulate the circuit. The simulation takes a fewseconds to complete and the “Data Display Window” pops up (shown in Fig. 7).Fig. 6.Fig. 7.14.Click on the “Rectangular Plot” button in the data display window. Move yourmouse to the empty area of the window and click. This causes the “Plot Traces & Attributes” window to pop up. This window is shown in Fig. 8.15.Select the reflection coefficient of port 1 (S11), and the transmission coefficient ofPort 1 to the other three ports (S21, S31, and S41). Add these coefficients to the traces list, as shown in Fig. 8. Choose to represent the magnitude (dB) and the phase of these coefficients.16.The results are shown in Figures 9 and 10. As can be seen, the input power at Port 1is split evenly between the two Ports 2 and 3 at 4 GHz (i.e., S21=S31=-3dB), while Port 4 is isolated. Also, as show in Fig. 10, the two components at Ports 2 and 3 are inphase.Fig. 8.Fig. 9.Fig. 10.Tuning the design:17.Modify the schematic as shown in Fig. 11. In this schematic, different variables areassigned to the width and the length of the micro-strip lines. This makes it easier to change the value of these variables and tune the frequency response of the circuit by changing these values.Fig. 11.In the above figure, the variables W s and L s represent the width and length of the 50 Ωmicrostrip line, while W r represents the width of the ring microstrip line. The variable lambda is set to tune the frequency of operation of the device.18.In schematic widow, go to Insert VAR. (as shown in Fig. 12).Fig. 12.19.Define the variables as shown in Figure 13.Fig. 13.20.To tune these variables, click on the “tune parameters” button. By clicking onthe tuning parameters, the “tune parameters” window will pop up.21.Click on the variable object (“VAR”) in the schematic. When the “Instance” windowpops up, check all the variables, as shown in Fig. 14.Fig. 14.22.Fig. 15 shows the “tune parameters” window after checking the tuning parameters.Using this window, you can tune any of these variables separately and see the changes in the response immediately.Fig. 15.23.Fig. 16 shows the response of the device after changing the value of variable“lambda”. As you can see, the center frequency of operation is shifted down to 3GHz, why?24.Change the value of L s and plot both magnitude in dB and the phase of the S-parameters. Do you notice any changes in magnitude and phase? Why?25.Redo step 24 by changing the variable W s and notice the changes.26.Plot the reflection coefficient of port one (S11) in smith Chart. To do that, go to the“Data Display Window” (shown in Fig. 7), and Click on the Smith Chart button. Then Add S11 to the figure.27.You can add marker to check the reflection or the impedance on the Smith Chart atdifferent frequency points. In the “Data Display Window”, go to Marker New, and click on the figure to add the a new marker.Fig. 16.。



Using ADS in 31415 Design ProjectsThe simulation tool ADS, Advanced Design System, is available on the computers in the E-databar, building 349. You may login on the computers using your CampusNet password.ADS is found and started using the Windows menu sequencePrograms > Advanced Design System 2003A > Advanced Design SystemBefore starting the first time you may consult a small part of the online system documentation, which you reach through Programs > Advanced Design System 2003A > ADS DocumentationStart opening the “Quick Start” manual and consider its four first sections:Projects in ADSDesigns in ADSSimulations in ADSResults in ADSIf you need more information, you may go to the “Manuals > Simulation” and limit yourself to look into the Circuit Simulation Manual, chapters 1 to 6 and chapter 17.When you start the ADS program the fist time, you will get c:\temp as your home directory (instead of the“c:\users_default” you may have seen in the manuals). Now you must create your own project using you study number as a part of the name using (in ADS)File > New Project ..When you have done that, the project will automatically be opened and a window where you may enter you circuit diagram is opened. For later use, the diagram is a part of a “design” , which you may access subsequently through the “network” folder in your project.With respect to our projects, those making small-signal amplifiers may get the relevant small-signal transistor models in their schematics clickingInsert > Component > Component LibrarySelect from the Siemens entries in the “S Parameter Library”.Students making oscillator design may get transistors models from the “SCHEMA” entry in the “Component Palette List” of the schematics window. Use the NPN121 transistor, where the area parameter scales the size of the transistor. Besides transistors you must include from the “SCHEMA” entry the “SET MODEL PATH” block to get simulations running. Inductors corresponding to the project description are found in the “SPIRAL” entry.。




Open recently used workspace则是打开你最近使用过的仿真例子,如10M_wrk或者Modle_wrk,如果有需要,你可以直接点击进入相应的仿真实例。

你也可以直接关掉这个画面,则直接进入了ADS主界面:在这你可以通过菜单栏的File--->new--->workspace 来新建一个仿真实例等效于工具栏中的也可以选择File--->open--->workspace 来打开一个存在的仿真实例等效于工具栏中的2.建立一个ADS仿真实例通过File--->new--->workspace来新建一个仿真实例并命名为Newworkspace_wrk如下图所示:然后完成出现如下界面:这时已经出现了Newworkspace_wrk文件夹。





在Sources-Freq Domain目录下则可以选中我们需要的直流电压源V_DC。

在Passive-RF Circuit目录下选择晶振XTAL2。

在元器件放置到原理图中通常位置都不是我们想要的,因此要对其做相应的调整,选中一个元器件并单击工具栏中的Rotate By Increment 按钮将它顺时针选中90°,也可以使用快捷方式Ctrl+R。



第一讲、ADS概述与基本操作1.运行ADS在开始菜单中选择“Advanced Design System2009 → Advanced Design System”(见图一)。

图一、开始菜单中ADS 2009的选项用鼠标点击后出现初始化界面。

图二、ADS 2009初始化界面随后,很快出现ADS主菜单。



图四、询问询问使用者希望做什么的对话框其中有创建新项目(Create a new project);打开一个已经存在的项目(Open a existing project);打开最近创建的项目(Open a recently used project)和打开例子项目(Open an example project)四个选项。



如果,你在下次打开主菜单之前不出现该对话框,你可以在“Don’t display this dialog box again”选项前面的方框内打勾。

2.建立新项目a.在主窗口,通过点击下拉菜单“File→New Project…”创建新项目。















通常在芯片的DATASHEET中,厂家会提供片子的S参数、噪声性能等参数文件,可以用记事本或者写字板把这些参数按照一定的格式写入,保存为S1P/S2P文件,然后用Data Items面板中的S1P/S2P模块引用这些文件,那么该模块就可以作为芯片的一个S模型进行电路仿真。

由于DA TASHEET中的S参数和噪声性能是厂家的测量数据,是考虑了器件的封装结构的影响以后得到的,所以用S1P/S2P模块电路仿真,设计外围电路(输入/输出匹配电路)应该是比较接近实际电路的情况的。


在Agilent 公司的网站上可以搜到该公司的很多芯片模型,后面将介绍自己的导入过程。






3 论坛币由于在设计ADS电路仿真软件的时候,不可能把目前市场上所有的器件模型都包含在自己的元件库中,因此很多设计人员在设计自己的电路的时候,常常在ADS的库中找不到自己所需的器件模型。


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3This chapter shows the basics of AC simulations, including small signal gain and noise. It also shows many detailed features of the system.Lab 3: AC SimulationsLab 3: AC Simulations3-2OBJECTIVES• Perform AC small-signal and noise simulations• Sweep variables, tune parameters, write equations• Control plots, traces, datasets, and AC sourcesAbout this lab: This lab continues the mixer project and uses the same sub-circuit as the previous lab.PROCEDURE1. Use copy/paste to create a designa. Open the last design from lab 2 (dc_net) and select (Shift click) the following items: Vdc , both bias resistors , the bjt_pkg , and the ground .Then click: Edit > Copy / Paste > Copy to buffer . Select the Default origin and then close the window.b. Use the File> New command to create a new schematic window and name it: ac_sim . Then click Edit > Copy/Paste > Paste from buffer and insert the ghost image on the schematic.c. Save the new file. You must save it or it will not be written to the diskdrive.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-3d. Continue building the circuit shown here using the following steps:e. Insert the remaining components : AC Simulation controller, dc blocking capacitors , and the V_AC voltage source , 50 ohm load ,etc. Use the palettes to find the desired items.f. Add Vcc as a Node Name instead of using a wire.g. Add Vin and Vout as Node Names also.h. Select the bjt_pkg and push into the sub-circuit (using the icon) to verify that it is your circuit, and then push out again.2. Set up the AC Simulationa. Insert an AC Simulation controller.NOTE: After inserting a node name, use the F5key to move componenttext as needed.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-4b. Edit the AC controller start, stop, and step as shown here.c. Turn on the Calculate noise button and add the Vout node. Also, set the Mode to Sort by Name . You could sort by value to see the greatest contibutors listed first and then list the name in order to locate them on the schematic (good for large circuits)d. Turn on the Display for each of the parameters.e. Simulate the circuit: press the F7 key (default dataset name is the same as the schematic: ac_sim). Look at the status window. It should give a warning message like the one here because the default simulation-temperature is room temperature (25o C) and not at the IEEE standard for noise measurements (290o Kelvin).3. Set the Options card and SimulateFrom the simulation palette, insert the Options card. This is a global used for temperature. Set Temp to 16.85. Simulate again and there should be no warning message . The Optionscard also sets the tolerance for DC solutions.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-54. Display the noise dataa. Open a new data display and save it as ac_data .b. Insert a list of name and vnc (voltage noise contributors) and click Plot Options and Suppress Table Format . As shown here, Q1.BJT1 is the total noise voltage for the device. It is composed of two pieces:Q1.BJT1.ibe and This means that the total BJT noise comes from both the base-emitter current (ibe) and collector-emitter current (ice).However, these are two uncorrelated noise voltages that have been added as noise powers: (V total )2 = (V ibe )2 + (V ice )2.Also, note that the total vnc is the same as Vout noise. If you have time,insert a separate list of Vout.noise and verify this.c. Save the data display.5. Write a Measurement Equation to calculate gaina. Insert a MeasEqn from the AC simulation palette. Or, you can type in MeasEqn in the component history list.b. Now, edit the equation so it looks like the one shown. It computes thegain in dB using voltages at name nodes Vin and Vout:Lab 3: AC Simulations3-66. Simulate without noise and display the resultsa. In the schematic, turn off the noise calculation by editing the simulation controller setting on-screen. Turning off the noise calculation will save simulation time and data,especially for large circuits. Of course, this will make the list you inserted (name and vnc)become invalid.b. Save the schematic. Simulate again. When the simulation is finished,insert the Gain_db equation in a list.c. Now, in the data display, insert an equation to calculate the same gain. However, this time give it a different name, such as dB_Gain :d. Edit the list and add the data display equation: dB_Gain . Now you have two results (they are the same) from two equations – one writtenbefore simulation and one after simulation.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-7e. Edit the list one more time and add Vout. With the Vout data selected, click the Trace Options button.f. In the Trace Expression field, change Vout to read: dB (Vout) as shown and click OK . You are using the built-in dB function on the Vout data. Because the AC signal at Vin is 1 volt, the dB value of Vout will have the same value as the dB gain equations you wrote.NOTE on equations : The point of these last steps was to show the similarity and difference between equations you write in schematic and those you write in the data display. In addition, you should remember that variable equations in schematic (VarEqn) are primarily used to initialize (declare) variables sweeping, scaling, etc.7. Use the what function on the Vout dataa. Insert a new list (dataset is still ac_sim ). Add the Vout data again,select it, and click on the Trace Options button.b. When the dialog box appears, insert the cursor in front of the trace expression and type the what function in front of the dB of Vout as shown here, using parentheses on each side. Click OK and you get the similar information as clicking Variable Info but you get it for the explicit expression: dB(Vout). Of course, the dependency is the same for dB(Vout) and Vout: freq. Try clicking Variable Info and see. Later on, you will use this function to determine how to index into dataset values, especially S-parameters and harmonic balance simulations wherethere is mixing.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-88. Copy the data display equation using Ctrl C Ctrl Va. Select the dB_Gain equation and then press: Ctrl C and Ctrl V . Move the cursor and click nearby. The highlighted copy of the equation will appear with “1’ appended to the equation name (dB_Gain1).b. Edit the copied equation to become a voltage gain equation:c. Return to the schematic, change the simulation stop frequency to 10GHz , and simulate.d. In the data display, insert a plot and add the v_Gain equation. Youshould see a plot similar to the one here showing the voltage gain.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-99. Tune the beta parameter:a. Position the schematic window and the data display so you can see them both. The select the bjt_pkg and start the tune mode (Simulate >Tuning). Put a marker on the trace – as you tune the parameter, the marker will move to the most recent trace.b. Try clicking Update to see the updated value of beta on the schematic.Note that the Reset button only resets the initial value on the Tune Control dialog. Be sure that beta is 144 when you Cancel the tuning orsimply edit beta on the schematic to be 144.Lab 3: AC Simulations3-1010. Use another source for the analysisThis step shows how sources are related to simulation controllers. By substituting a different source in the design, you will see the relationship.The V_AC, I_AC and P_AC sources are specifically designed for use with the AC Simulation controller. However, almost any frequency domain source can be used for an AC simulation if it has the Vac, Iac or Pac variable.a. In the circuit schematic, select the V_AC source and move it (Edit >Move > Move and Disconnect) to the side of the schematic and deactivate it.b. Insert a V_1Tone source (Frequency Domain sources). This source is designed to be used with the harmonic balance simulator but can be used here also. Note the difference in the default for freq (= freq or 1 Ghz).c. Simulate with the dataset name = V_1.d. In the data display, insert a plot of the magnitude of Vout .e. Go back and change the voltage from 1V to 100 volts: V=polar (100,0) V . Now,set the dataset name as: V_100.Simulate and add the trace to the plot.You will see the exact same value. Thenext step will explain this…Activate and Deactivate iconsf. The AC simulation controller only reads the Vac setting. Because the source can be used with different simulation controllers, the setting of V is necessary. Therefore, edit the source so that the Vac=5 volts and that the Vac setting is displayed .g. Simulate again with the same dataset name: V_5. When the simulation is finished, edit the plot and add the magnitude of V_5 to the plot and you should now see the two traces .h. Delta Marker Mode : Insert a marker on each trace at 1 GHz. Then select the two markers (shift click) and then click : Marker > Delta Mode On and choose M2 as the reference. The text will show the difference between the two markers on the Y axis. Move m1 to 2 GHzand see the change in the displayed marker text.V is not used by the AC simulator. ButVac is used.11. Sweep Vcc (as if the battery voltage dropped below 2 volts)This step will require you to use the skills you already learned in this lab and in lab 2. You will set up a parameter sweep for Vdc from 1.8 to 2 volts in 0.05 volt steps.a. Replace the V_1Tone source with a V_AC source and deactivate the V_1Tone – use the command Edit > Move > Move and Disconnect and Edit > Component > Deactivate.b. Insert a VAR (variable equation)initializing Vbias = 2 volts .c. Redefine Vcc: Vdc = Vbias .d. Insert a Parameter Sweep . Then set the SweepVar (sweep variable) to be Vbias , and be sure the Simulation Instance Name of the AC simulation controller is also set.e. Simulate as ac_bat_swp (dataset name) and then display the magnitude of the Vout data as shown.12. Save all your work andclose the windowsSimulated battery drain over broad frequency range. Also,Trace Options used to thicken the trace lines.EXTRA EXERCISES:1.Simulate with port noise and ports. To do this, use a P_AC source as the inputport (Num=1) and place a Term on the output as port 2 (Num=2). These twocomponents are shown here with the port numbers.2.Insert the I_AC constant current source and simulate. To do this, you need to puta large resistance in parallel with the source because the simulator needs to verifya dc path to ground and the current sources are open circuits.3.Insert the P_AC source and look at the power gain. Also, sweep anotherparameter and plot the results.4.Try using the node settings in the AC simulation palette. You can set initialvoltages at nodes using the Node Set or by referring to name nodes using the NodeSetByName component.THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK。
