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例2:Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. 译文:无论年届花甲,抑或二八芳龄,心中 皆有生命之欢乐,好奇之冲动,孩童般天 真久盛不衰。
• 因此,在英汉散文翻译中须注意实现散文 的美感功能和表情功能。
1.在语言上的实现 • 词汇方面 • 句子层面 1.在意象方面的实现
1. 词汇方面 (1)语义清晰 意义的传达是翻译最基本的功能。译者 在进 行散文翻译时必须从整体上把握原 文,在充分掌握原语信息的基础上,再 用译语准确流畅的加以表达,将美感完 整的再现于译文中。
2.句子层面 (1)行云流畅 例1:I guess I remembered clearest of all the early mornings, when the lake was cool and motionless, remembered how the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen. 译文:我想我记得最清楚的是那些爽朗的清 晨,清凉的湖水,平静的湖面,卧室里弥 漫着木屋的清香,屋子外面,湿润的树林 散发的芳香穿透房间的墙板,依稀可嗅。
(4)四字结构 例:The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimason light. 译文1:条条纤云在绛色霞光中飘扬,如海中 游鱼般。 译文2:那里万道霞光,宛如无数锦鳞,正浮 沉翔游于金光熠耀的猩红海洋。
• 例2:The glimmering shadows that lay half asleep between the door of the house and the public highway were a kind of spiritual medium, seen through which edifice had not quite the spect of belonging to the materical world. 译文:宅门和公路之间,都是隐约朦胧的树 影,似乎人鬼异世,这座旧宅也不属于这 个世界的了。
例1:I made myself familiar with all this places famous in history or fable.I know every spot where a murder or rabbery had been committed or a ghost seen.I visited the neighouring villages and added greatly to my stock of knowledge by noting their habits and customs and conversing with their sages and great men. I even journeyed one long-summer's day to the summit of the most distant hill from whencce I stretched my eye over many a mile of terra incogntia and was astonished to findd how vast a globe I inhabited.
• 散文主要分为叙事性散文,抒情性散文,议论性 散文 记叙性散文
《落花生》 《从百草园到三味书屋》 《藤野先生》
朱自清的《荷塘月色》 刘白羽的《日出》 矛盾的《白杨礼赞》
• 形散而神不散
“形散”主要是说散文取材十分广泛自由,不受时间和空间的限制; 表现手法不拘一格
例2:They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants that need proying(pruning), by study; and studies themselves, do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. 译文:读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之 不足,盖天生才干犹如自然花草,读书然 后知如何修剪移接,而书中所示,如不以 经验范之,则又大而无当。
例 2 : Youth m e a n s a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. 译文:青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯懦,进取压 倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬 男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想 丢弃,方堕暮年。
Hale Waihona Puke 例2:Sleep is most graceful in an infant; soundest, in one who has been tired in the open air; completest, to the seaman after a hard voyage; most welcome, to the mind haunted with one idea; most touching to look at, in the parent that has wept; lightest, in the playful child; proudest, in the bride adored. 译文:婴儿的睡眠,最为优美;疲劳的人在户外睡眠, 最为酣畅;水手在艰苦航程之后的睡眠,最为圆 满;为某种意念所苦的人,对睡眠最为欢迎;哭 泣后的母亲的睡眠,最动人心弦;一个顽皮小孩 的睡眠,最为轻松;一个深受爱慕的新娘的睡眠, 最为骄傲。 ——刘炳善
(3)虚词的使用 例1:My native country was full of youthful promise. Europe was rich in the accumulated treasures of age. Every ruin told the history of times gone by and every moldering stone was a chronicle. 译文:我的本国充满着青年的远大前程;欧洲 却蕴蓄着世代聚集的珍奇宝藏。就连那里的 遗址废墟也尽是过去历史的记载,每块残砖 烂石都是一部史册。
• 意境深邃
• 语言优美凝练,富于文采
散文语言一般以口语为基础,而文语(包括 古语和欧化语)为点缀
• 好的散文文风清新自然,优美洗练,句式 长短相间,随物赋形,如多用修辞特别是 比喻,如讲音调、节奏、旋律的音乐美等。
[译文]一条大路,两旁白蜡树成林,路尽头可 以望见牧师旧宅的灰色门面。路口园门的 门拱不知在哪一年掉下来了,可是两座粗 石雕成的门柱还巍然矗立着。旧宅的故主 是位德高望重的牧师,现已不在人世,一 年前,他的灵柩从园门里迁出,移向村中 的公墓,也有不少人执绋随行。园门里的 林荫大路和宅门前的马车道,杂草蔓生, 偶尔有两三只乌鸦飞来,随意啄食,在路 旁密室的那头老白马,也可以在这里吃到 几口可口的美餐。 —夏济安
(2)适合汉语散文语体 例1:Between two tall gate-posts of rough-hewn stone we beheld the gray front of the parsonage terminating vista of an avenue of black ash-trees. 译文:一条大路,两旁白蜡树成林,路尽 头可以望见牧师旧宅的灰色门面。
例:Between two tall gate-posts(门柱) of rough-hewn (hew砍劈)stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gary front of the old parsonage(教区牧师的住所) terminating (terminate,停止结束)vista(景色,景观) of an avenue of black ash-trees. It was now a twelvemouth since the funeral procession of the venerable clergymen,its last inhabitant,had turned from that gateway towards the village burrying-ground. The wheel-track leading to the door, as well as the whole breadth of the avenue, was almost overgrown by grass, affording dainty(娇小的娇美的) mouthfuls to two or three vagrant crows(乌鸦) and old white horse who had his own living to pick up along the roadside.
(2)词汇丰富 例1:Books of voyages and travels became my passion, and in devouring their contents I neglected the regular exercises of the school. 译文1:我最爱读的书是游记旅游之类,废寝 忘食读这种闲书,把学校里的正课练习都 给耽误了。 译文2:描写海与陆的游记成了我的酷嗜,寝 馈其中,致废学业。
• 散文(prose;essay)是与诗歌、小说、戏 剧并称的一种文学体裁,指不讲究韵律的 散体文章,包括杂文、随笔、游记等。是 最自由的文体,不讲究音韵,不讲究排比, 没有任何的束缚及限制,也是中国最早出 现的行文体例。通常一篇散文具有一个或 多个中心思想。写真实的“我”是散文的 核心特征和生命所在。
译文:那里一切在历史上或传说中有名的地 方,我无不十分熟悉。我知道那里的每一 处杀人越货之所与鬼魂出显之地。我继而 访问了许多邻村,观察其地的风俗习惯, 并与当地的圣贤与伟人接谈,因而极大地 增加了我的原有见闻。一次,在一个漫长 的夏日天气,我竟漫游到了一座远山之巅, 登临纵目,望见了数不见的无名广土,因 而惊悟所居天地之宽。
• 译文的意象必须来源与原文。在散文翻译中,一 方面,译者必须将意象清晰、流畅、准确的表达 出来。同时译者在翻译译文时,还必须有意识的 的考虑如何使译文中的意象完整、鲜明、意象是 否完整及涉及重构的问题。也就是说不仅是语义 转换的问题,还需要在意象上下功夫。 • 在文学翻译中,译者要通过形象思维将物化在原 文语句中的艺术形象转化为自己心目中的意象, 并使自己的审美体验与原文作者的审美体验相互 统一,从而达到两者意象的相互融合。