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(B )1.Where i s the man going to move?
A.To New York.
B. To London.
C. To Par i s.
(C ) 2. How does the man usua I ly go to school?
A> On foot. Be By car.
C. By bi ke.
(B ) 3. What does the man want to do?
A. Se I I the shoes.
B. Change the shoes.
C・ Repa i r the shoes・
(A )4. What are the speakers ta Ik i ng about?
A・ Homework. B. Engl i sh・
C. An exam.
(B )5.What do you know about the woman?
A.She knew the young man.
B> She I ost her mob i Ie phone.
C・ She has cal led the poI ice station.





(C ) 6. What do you know about Sam?
A He i s I azy.
B He i s talented.
C He i s careless.
(B ) 7. Where may Sam f i nd hi s glasses?
A In the bathroom・
B In the Ii v i ng room・
C In the bedroom.
(A )8.What's the re I ationsh i p between the two speakers?
A Mother and son.
B Teacher and student.
C Wife and husband.

(A )9. How long does the woman have to wa it for her s i ster?
A For about 15 minutes.
B For about 20 minutes.
C For about 25 minutes.
(B )10.What i s the man study i ng?
A Drawing.
B Bus i ness・
C Art.
(C )11. What does the man want to do r i ght after graduation?
A Work for Google.
B Cont i nue h i s education.
C Trave I around for a while・

(B )12. What i s the speaker mainly talking about?
A A course i n Engl i sh.
B A free video I ibrary・
C Engli sh grammar.
(A )13.Who i s the introduction wr itten for?
Ae Engl i sh students.
B> Language teachers.
C. Grammar I earners・
(A )14・What can you do while Ii stening to the v i deo?
A.Notice the different grammar patterns.
B> Try Ii stening to the v i deo severaI times.
C. Wr i te down the words you don't understand・
(C )15・What is the f i rst step you need to do when starting watching the video?
A・ To get used to the d i fferent sounds.
B.To speak loudly when you choose・
C・ To click on the I ink of your choice.




1. W: H i , Bill. Where are you go i ng to move?
M: I p I an ned to go to New York or Par i s before. Bu t I want to move to Lon don now ・ I
Ii ke that city.
2.M: I usua I I y go to schoo I on my mountain bike, but to day my mum drove me there・ W: I walk to schooI every day.
3.W: Good morn i ng .Can I he Ip you?
M: Yes.Th i s pa i r of shoes i s too smaI I for my daughter. I wouId I i ke to change it for a b i gger pa i r.
4.M: Does your Engl i sh teacher usuaI Iy give you a lot of homework?
W: Not usually, but he does before an exam・
5.W: What a terr ible day!
M: What happened?
W: When I was wa I king in the street thi s morning, a young man hit me. Then I found my mobi Ie phone was missing・
M: You1d better caI I the pol ice station.

A 、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。




W: Sam, what are you doing? Come and have your breakfast. You don't want to be late for schoo I a second time t h i s week, do you? I f you are late aga i n, your teacher wi I I be angry with you. M: Of course I don't.But I can11 find my glasses.Have you seen them?
W: Oh, dear.You're a I ways forgetting th i ngs. What d i d you do just now? Maybe you left them in the bathroom.
M: No, 1 checked there, but 1 didn11 find them.
W: What e1se d i d you do?
M: Oh, 1 remember 1 read a magazine in the 1 iving room. You know 1 can't read
without my glasses.
W: Then you must have left them there.Go there quickIy. I 1m sure you1I I find them.

w :Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here?
M: Um. No ■■■ I1 1 1 just move my bag.
W: Thanks. How long have you been waiting?
M: Oh, about 20 minutes. My brother i s coming to meet me here. How about you?
W: Oh , 1've just got here .I'm picking up my younger s i ster.She v 11 be arr i v i ng at 4 : 15, so she shouId be here in 15 minutes from now.
M: Where1s she from?
W: New York.She's studying there.
M: Me too. I'm studying bus i ness at Co 1umb i a University.
W: Great. She1s study ing drawing at the Schoo 1 of Vi sua1 Arts.
M: Ah, that's a great uni vers ity.She must be rea11y ta 1ented.
W: Maybe.Al 1 1 know i s that she's a 1 ways asking our dad for money ! What do you
pI an to do after un i vers i ty?
M: We I I , my plan is to work for Google.But first , I 1d Iove to traveI for ha If a
year, maybe ter Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to say goodbye・My brother just
arr i ved.Well, it was nice ta Ik i ng with you.

We I come to our free v i deo I ibrary! I f th i s i s your f i rst time wat ch i ng and I i sten i ng to our v i deos do not lose hear t if you don't under s tand some thing on the
first try. Th i s i s act ually very common, and i t wi I I take some time to fully understand what each person i s say ing.Even students taking courses in Engli sh at school usuaI Iy need to listen to it severaI times in order to get used to the d i fferent sound of the Ianguage and the grammar. When I i sten i ng to the v i deo, try to wr i te down the words that you hear and the words that you understand.Try to notice the different grammar patterns in each conversation. Are you ready to take your first step toward fIuency i n EngIi sh ? Al I that you need to do in order to
st art watch ing your first video is t o click o n the link of your choice.
Job AppIi cat i on Form
(C ) 16. We can't f i nd Alice Mi I I er ' s i n the form.
B. address
D. exper i ence

根据表格中的“Address〞 "Education" "Exper ienc"知,只有C项没有提及,应选Co]
(D )17.Which of the fol lowing i s NOT Alice Mi I I er 1s strong point?
A.Microsoft Word.
B. ExceI.
C. PowerPo i nt・
D. Photoshop.

根据表格中的"Good at office software, such as Microsoft Word, ExceI and PowerPoint.可知,选D。

(D )18.Al ice Miller i s work ing at.
B. Month lane
C. Rampoo
D. Char Ies Worth

根据表格中" Time" 一栏第一个时间段“July 2021一
Present所对应的公司名称"Char Ies Worth可知,选D。

When you have good f r i ends, the bes t way to know t hem bet ter i s to have a s I eepover (垂衣派对)• A s I eepover usua I I y i nc I udes hav i ng a party and s I eep i ng next to your good fr i ends a I I n i ght.
In the UK , f r i ends have s I eepovers very often .Some have them once every weekend or just once every month・ When you want to have a sIeepover with your fr iends, your parents can caI I or text your fr iends' parents to ask about a suitabIe date. Then, you have to arrange 俟
排)whose house you' I I stay at— your own or your f r i e nds' house. The I as t step i s to
finish your homework before you get toget her with your fr iends so you can enjoy your time together.
But there i s one prob Iem: What if the parents don't want so many chi Idren to be i n the house a I I day? We I I , parents can find somewhere to t ake the ch i I dre n. It couId be a park, a swimming pool, a theater or just somewhere down the road・
There are many fun games you can pI ay with your fr i ends at a sIeepover.You
can have a water f i ght i n the garden.You can pI ay hi de— and-seek i n the house. While you p I ay, you can en joy popcorn and candy. If you don11 want to p I ay game, syou can just chat with your fr iends about whatever you want to share.

(B )19. What do we know about sIeepovers?
A・ They can improve students1 heaI th.
B.They usuaI Iy incIude a party.
C.On Iy girls Ii ke sIeepovers.
D.They I ast at Ieast two nights.

根据第一段最后一句"A sleepover usual ly includes having
a party可知,选B。

(A ) 20. Paragraph 2 tells us ______________ ・
A> how to organize a sIeepover
B> how to choose the best date
C. where to hold a sIeepover
D> when to finish your homework

第二段主要介绍了如何组织一个睡衣派对,应选Ao ]
(D ) 21. Wha t is the key to the prob I em descr i bed in Paragraph 3?
A.Don1t have the sIeepover.
B.Watch a mov i e i nstead・
C> Change the date.
D・ Fi nd a pI ace to go outside.

根据第三段最后两句"Well, parents
can find somewhere to
take the chi Idren. It could be a park可知,选D。

] ( D )22. What is NOT mentioned i n the I ast paragraph?
A> Having a water fight in the garden.
Be Playing hide-and-seek in the house.
C・ Chatt ing with your fr iends.
D> Having dinner together.

根据最后一段中的"You can have a water fight in the garde n. You can p I ay h i dea nd-seekr you can jus t chat with your f r i ends o"可矢口,D 项没有提到。

Do ]
Prepar ing to go to Chinese uni versity is t i r ing enough. But when study i ng abroad, you need to worry about things I i ke new tests essays recommendations 〔隹荐信〕, co I Iege choices and v i sa app I ication 哪证申请〕•
The f i rst thing you shouId do after picking the country you want to study in i s to make a I i s t of uni vers i ti es, in eluding a dream schoo I 〔a schoo I you may not get into, but is at the top of your I i s t〕 , a safe ty schoo I 〔a schoo I you can def i n i tely get into, 〕 and severa I schoo I s in bet wee n. Look at the webs i tes of t hose un iversi ties and you wi I I get a comp I e te I i s t of every thing you need for your appI i cat i ons.
The most important thing in any appI ication wi I I be your test scores , so pick a time as ear Iy as possibIe to take an exam preparation course.
If you are in a Iecture ha I I with a teacher te I I ing jokes, you are probab Iy jus t was ting your time. As a reference point 〔参照标准〕,US st uden ts who attend top universities spend between 500 to, 1000 hours studying for the SAT, so probabIy you shouId do more.
You are a I so going to need to think about how to teI I a story about yourseIf.Chinese students are we I I-known for being very hardworking , but a I so for sometimes short of creativity.
You need to show the university that you are excel lent because of your own persona I ity, not because your parents have forced you to be exceI Ient.
Are you i nterested in sports ? Make sure to pI ay on your school's team. Universities want to see that you have interests of your own and can show init iat i ve〔主动性〕.
Final ly, find a n age nt 〔代理人〕to he I p you finish the app I ica tion. You wi I I need th i s he Ip T but be as caut i ous as you can. Some agents wi I I try the i r best to he Ip students ach i eve the i r dreams but there are a I so ones who care more about the fees pa i d by students.

(B ) 23. The main purpose of the text i s to.
A.introduce some top foreign universities
B.give advice on how to appIy to a fore i gn uni vers i ty
C.let readers know about how to prepare for the SAT
D.teI I readers how to choose a good fore ign schooI


应选Bo ]
(A )24. When prepar i ng to go to a fore i gn schoo I you are adv i sed to.
A.make a I ist of the universities you1re interested in
B.take some exam preparation courses
C.spend about 500 hours prepar i ng for the SAT
D.wr i te a good story to show you are hardwork i ng

根据第二段第一句"The f i rst thing you should do - i s to
make a I i s t of uni vers i ti es, in eluding a dream schoo I 可知I,选A。

(C ) 25 ・ The un der I i ned word caut i ous11 in the I as t paragraph probab I y means
A. ear I y
B. brave
D. prepared




(B ) 26. What can we know from the arti c I e?
A. It is better to have your parents he Ip you with your appIi cat i ons.
B> Foreign universities pay more attention to thei r students1 creativity.
C. Sports fans have greater chances to go to foreign universities.
D・ Agenc i es don't he Ip your appIi cat i ons much.


8o ]
As the weather gets warmer, there are few thi ngs that are better to do than traveI.But trave Ii ng might not be that fun for everyone, espec i a I Iy for those who have motion sickness 库动症〕.
Motion sickness i s a I so cal led trave I sickness. It i s a common exper i ence for many peop I e. Depend i ng on how you t rave I 、 it can be cal led carsickness or seas ickness.PeopIewi th mot ion s ickness fee I very uncomfortabIe while they are i n motion .They fee I s i ck and d i zzy 〔眩晕的〕,I i ke the room around t hem won' t stop turn i ng.
It is genera I Iy be I ieved that motion s i ckness happens when your senses become confused with each othe, r Scientific Amer ican reported.
We use different parts of our body to sense movement. Our eyes teI I us if we are moving. The inner ears 的耳〕conta in a specia I I iquid 〔液体〕that helps us sense our d i rec tion and ba I a nee. Our muse I es | L 肉〕reac t to moveme rrt.
When you move around, these body parts work we I I together. But when you are i n a car or an airpl ane, t hey get conf used. Your inner ear gives off the i nforma tion that you're moving, but your eyes say you1re sitting still because you can't see that you're mov i ng. Th i s mi smatch 〔不适酉己〕gives us motion s i ckness.
" But some peop I e are I ess sens it i ve to motion s i ckness. Th i s may be because they have certa i n genes 〔基因〕that prevent mi smatching senses, " Bethann Hromatka, a genetics expert from the US, told theA11 antic.
“Although there are many ways to deaI with motion sicknes, s scientists
be I i eve
that the key i s to simply try to get used to it. For example , some ast ronau ts do spec i a I exerc i ses that give t hem mi Id (轻微的)m otion s i ckness. A fter a week or two , the ast ronau ts become used to it and don't feel uncomfor table anymo, "re Sam Puma, a NASA f I i gh t doc tor 、 told the BBC.
【主旨大意】 本文主要介绍了晕动症的定义、成因以及如何缓解晕动症。

(A )27. What do we know about mot i on s i ckness? A ・ It is cal led cars i ckness when you trave I by car. Be It happens to only a smaI I number of peopIe ・
C. It can make trave I ing more fun.
D> It causes the room to turn continuously.

根据第二段第三句"Depending on how you trave, I
it can be
A ・ Worr i ed and angry. B. C ・ Th i rsty.

They feel sick and dizzy 可知, do some peopIe have mot i on s i ckness?
they Iose the i r sense of d i rection.
there i s a mi smatch among the i r senses.

根据第三段中的"...motion sickness
happens when your senses become confused with each other" 和第五
段最后 句"This mi smatch 冲适配 Jgi ves us mot io n s i ckness:可知,选 Do ]
(C )30.The astronauts are ment ioned to show that __________________ . A ・ it is impossibIe for others to deaI with motion sickness Be astronauts can easi Iy get used to mot ion sickness
C. spec i a I exerc i ses can he Ip deaI with motion s i ckness
cal led carsickness or
seas i ckness ・ 口J 知, 选A 。

(B )28.How do peopIe fee I
i f they have mot i on s i ckness? Sick and dizzy. D ・ SI eepy.
(D )29. Why
A. Because
B. Because
C. Because
D. Because
选B 。

thei r eyes can't see proper Iy.
the i r senses stop work i ng.
D.motion sickness has something to do with genes

根据最后一段最后两句"For example, some astronauts do special exercises-
- become used to it and don' t fee I uncomfortab I e anymore o "可推断出,特殊的训练活动可以帮助缓解晕动症。


下面文章中有五处〔第31 —35题〕需要添加小标题。



We know our pI anet i s getting warmer. The earth needs he Ip・n What can I do? n you may ask and you may think you are jus t a kid. In fac t , everyone can do some thing to he I p. What can you do?
31. F Don't ask your pare nts to dr i ve you somewhere when you could eas i I y wa I k or r i de your b i ke.The car i s one of the b i ggest causesof the poI Iut i on. Getting more exerc i se i s good for your body too.
32.• _E― Recycl ing means reusing something old to make new things. Newspapers, old magazines, phone s and white paper can be recycIed.Recycling a ton of paper can save seventeen trees.Vi s it your town's recycIi ng center, I earn the ruIes and start to recycIe.
33.A Buying used things i s cheaper t han buying new things. Se I I or give away your used th i ngs and toys to those who need them・ They can use them aga i n i nstead of buy i ng the new ones. Reuse pI astic or glass bottIes instead of throwing them away in the trash.Reuse the pI astic bags when shopp i ng.
34._B_ Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Turn off I ights. radios, TVs,
computers, and other electri cal th i ngs when you I eave the room. When you don't use the compute rshut it down. It saves mu ch electr icity if you let it •11
s I ee
35._C_ Don't buy single-use water bottles. Use a glass or pIastic containers 器〕that can be washed and ea lunch box or bag instead of paper bags to pack lunches for schooI or picnics.
What we do today affects our future generations.Let1s take care of the earth!
A. Reuse th i ngs.
B.Save natural resources.
C.Try not to use anything just one time.
D.Stop r iding in cars・
E.RecycIe paper.
e the car I ess often.

31. F [解析:根据“ The car i s one of the b i ggest causes of the po I I ut i oW 知,本段是关于减少私家车的使用。


32. E [解析:根据"Recycling a ton of paper can save seventeen trees 知,本段是关于回收纸


33. A [解析:根据"Reuse p I ast i c or glass bott I es i nstead of t hrowi ng them away 可知,本段是关于循环利用各类物品。


34. B [幷军析:木艮据"Turn off the water-・・Turn off lights, radios, TVs, computers and other electrical things when you leave the roonn.可知,本段是关于节约自然资源。


35. C [解析:根据"Dorft buy single-use water bottles:可知,本段是关于尽量防止购置一次性用品。

Co ]

My father was born in a smaI I town in the US.He wasn't _36_ what he wanted to get from
I i fe, but some thing told him to get out and beg i n a new adve nt 险〕.
He began that adventure traveIi ng to ci ties i n the US, _37_ going on to Australia, New
Zea I and, New Guinea and the Phi I i pp i nes.He _38 h i s wife and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him.
It's easy to feel IoneIy when you're on the 39―.As my mother sa i d
repeatedly, "We made lots of new fr iends on our tr ip— ost of them were mechanics 机修工〕",since we often spent hours in 40 shops.But that was better than sitting by the roadside while waiting for the eng in e 俊动机〕to coo I
when it was 40C outs i de.
Getting a I ong we I I with each other some ti mes 41 imposs i b I e. There were a I ways a lot of arguments, especia I Iy among us back-seat passengers about 42— had to sit in the middle.
But 43 it was hard at t hat time we d i d I earn a lot about forgive ness 谅解〕.
When we were traveI ing in the Philippines T we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have
been a oneh-our 44 but was near Iy three, because of bad roads and worse traff ic・H Did you put our su i teases 〔行李箱〕i n the car? n my fat her asked my mother as we ar r i ved in Quezon City. From the back seat, we saw her slowly turn 45 my fat her. "No, " she said, t hough t you did. 11 That was 46 a seven-hour car tr ip turned into a 16~hour car tr ip f which was mostly spent in si Ienee.
On occasions I ike that T we had to learn to 47_ our anger because we were stuck 〔困在〕in a ro I ling box with the same peop I e for the res t of the jour ney. Even i f I sometimes fel t like open ing the car door and pushing one of my sisters o ut I kept my 48— to myseIf.
Th i s i s why road t r i ps were I i ke mob i I e un i vers i ties to us. We ear ned our PHDs 〔博士学位〕
in how to 49 with other peopIe just by traveIing in that old car.
And i f we were somehow given a second _50_ at life we wou I d do it a I I over aga i n.Only th i s time, I'd put the suiteases in the car myseIf.


(A ) 36. A. sure B. ready
C. crazy
D. surpr i sed

根据下文"...something told him to get out and begin可知,此处表示"他不


(A ) 37. A. before B. after
C. while
D. when

根据空格前的"He began that adventure in the US可知,

应选Ao ]
(A ) 38. A. took B. I eft
C・ gave D・ got

根据卜文"When we were traveI ing in the Phi I ippines■■■^,可知,

应选Ao ]
( D ) 39. A. team B. I and


( B )40. A. taste B. repa i r
C・ oi I D・medicine

根据上文"We made lots of new fr iends on our tr ip—most of them were mechanics可知,此处表示"我们经常在修理店花费数小时"。


(B )41. A. started B ・ seemed
C・ worked D・ made

根据后一句"There were always a lot of arguments可知,


(A )42. A. who Be what
C. wh i ch
D. how

此处表示“谁不得不坐Ao ]
(B )43. A. no matter B. even though
C. ever s i nee D> in fact

no matter无论;even though尽管;ever sinee自从;in fact事实上。


Bo ]
(C )44. A. life B. walk
C・ dr i ve D・ course

根据上文"…we drove to Quezon City one day;可知'此处表

根据上文"... my father asked my mother 可知,父亲是在 问母亲,所以母亲慢慢转向父亲开始答复。

应选 Do ]
(C ) 46. A. where
C. how
B • whethe ® • what

此处表示“ 7小时的车程是如何变为16个小时的〞,应选 Co ]
(A ) 47. A. avoid B. I ose
C ・ show
D ・ share

应选A 。

(A )48. A. fee I i ngs
B ・ choices C. ideas
D. deci sions

此处表示“即使我有时想翻开车门把其中一个姐妹推下车, 但我克制住了自己的情
绪〞,应选A 。

(B )49. A. br ing out B. get along
C. keep up D ・ come up

根据上文"…we did learn a lot about forgiveness 可知, 此处表示“就如何与他人相处方面,我们取得了博士学位〞。

Bo ]
(C )50. A. service B ・ future
C. chance
D. trust [解析:考查名词。

式被给予第二次生命的时机,我们 会重新来过。

应选Co ]
第二节 (共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分)
(D )45. A. back
B. for
C. with
D ・ towards
Co ]


British roads are the safest in the worId— in 2021, only 3.8 peopIe out of 100, 000 died i n road accidents.Thi s number i s 51・ Iower (Iow)than in any other country. If you go there, you shouId try to dr i ve 52. the same way Br i tish peopIe do.This i s some advice for visitors 53. who/that_ pI an to go dr i ving in the UK.
Dr i ve on the I ef t s i de of the road. In mos t coun tries , peop I e dr i ve on the r i ght s i de.Many v i s i tors have prob Iems 54・ because— they forget about th i s d i fferenee.
If there i s a line of cars, don't try to go past other peopIe 55.to get_(get)to the front.This i s cal led "jumping Ithyoundo th i s, other peopIe wi I I get angry
56. with you.
Stop at traffic I i ghts. In the UK, dr i vers a I ways stop when the I i ght is red, 57. eveq_ if there arerft any cars or peop Ie around.
Don't use your horn(陳!]妙1 [too much. If you do, peopIe 58. will think
(thin k) you are not po I i te. I f another dr i ver flashes(闪光he i r I i gh ts at you , then they are 59. probab丨y (probabIe)trying to teI I you that they wi I I wait for you to go f i rst.
If you have an accident then don't try to bribe(贿赂)the 60・二
pol ice_(po I i ce) ! I f you do, you mi gh t finish your visit i n pr i s on(监狱).

51.lower [解析:考查形容词的比拟等级。

应用形容词的比拟级形式,故填lowero ]
52.the [解析:考查冠词。

此处表示特指,故填定冠词theo ]
53.who/that [解析:考查定语从句的连接词。

who/thato ]
54.because [解析:考查连词。

空格前后两句之间是因果关系,且空格后的内容表示原因,故填because ]
55.to get [解析:考查动词不定式。



56.with [解析:考查介词。

get angry with sb.生某人的气",是固定短语。

故填with o ]
57.even [解析:考查固定搭配。

此处表示“即使周围没有任何车辆和行人〞,even if "即使",是固定搭配。


58. will think [解析:考查时态。

该句是If引导的条件状语从句,从句为一般现在时,主句应用一般将来时,故填will t hi nko ]
59.probably [解析:考查副词。

60.pol ice [解析:考查名词。



61.While shopp ing thi s morning, I met an old fr iend of m i ne_.

词mine 扌旨代my friends。

62.Bad w eather_ made us stay i ndoors the who Ie day yesterday.


63.Protecting our environment m eans_ protecting ourseIves.


主语"Protecting our environment是单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

故填means ]
64.The chi Idren were d ivided into five smaI I groups for the game.

此处表示"孩子们被分成五个小组来做游戏",The chi Idren和divide之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填dividedo ]
65.PeopIe usuaI Iy eat traditional food on speci a I h _ol idays_.


指,且空格前没有不定冠词修饰,故填holidayso ]
66.There i s a post office b etween_ my house and a clothes store.


故填between ]
67.The funny story he told us made us a I I Iaugh h __________ appjjy—.

根据“The funny storyOT;此处表示“使我们开怀大笑〞,应用副词修饰动词laugho故填happi ly。

68. A boy was h _i i by a car when he was running across the road.

此处表示“一个男孩被车撞了〞, A boy和hit之间是被动关

69.Tony feI I off the horse and b roke— h i s I eg.

根据"fell off the horse可知,此处表示"摔断了腿",且该动作

故填brokeo ]
70.The store i s open every day e xcept— on Sundays.


故填excepto ]

现请你根据卜表中的提示信息,以“Two Engl ish Editors Wanted为题,拟定一那么英文招聘启事,80词左右。

提不词:编辑edit;奉献devote-- to
Two Engl ish Editors Wanted
Our school newspaper i s Iook i ng for two editors for i ts Eng I i sh ed i tion.The job ma i nly incIudes two parts: One i s to choose proper Engl i sh articIes from other newspapers magaz i nes or the Internet for us students the other i s to ed it the articIes from students in our school.
What they are requ i red i s as foI Iows: F i rst, they are supposed to devote the i r spare time to it.Second, they are expected to be good at both Engl i sh and arts and a I so exper i eneed i n us i ng the computer.
Those who are interested i n the job can caI I us at 8753123 or ema i I us at
123456@qq. com before Fr i day th i s week.
September 8th 2021。
