2019人教版高中英语Book 10 Unit 2 King Lear Warming up教学课件教育精品.ppt
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「砍下我的树干 去造条船吧!」 树說。 「这样你就可以远航…… 你就会快乐。」
于是男孩砍下了她的树干, 造了条船, 坐船走了。
树好快乐…… 但不是真的。
过了好久好久, 那男孩又再回來了。 「我很抱歉, 孩子。」 树說:「我已经沒有東西 可以給你了, 我的苹果沒了。」 「我的牙齿也咬不动苹果了。」 「我的树枝沒了。」 「你不能在上面荡秋千了──」 「我太老了, 不能在 上面荡秋千。」男孩說。
2. What did the emperor do to keep his servants loyal to him? What happened to the servants who were not loyal? Severe laws, rules and traditional education made his servants loyal to him. They would be killed or get severe punishments for their betrayal or disrespect.
4) The neighbors are __re_s_p_e_c_t_fu_l_ to our parents.
1. Surf the Internet and find more information about William Shakespeare.
2. Preview the Reading part.
Language Points
Is it important to show love and respect for your parents? respect n. 尊敬[重]; 敬意, 关心; 着眼点, 方面 show respect for/ to 向……表示尊敬 give one's respects to 向……致候 with respect to(=concerning) 关于; 至于 in all respects (=in every respect)
D. I don’t know how much I love him, I have never thought about the question
E. I don’t love him, but I don’t hate him either
F. I hate him G. ___________________
有一天 男孩來到树下
树说:「來啊, 孩子, 來, 爬上我的树干, 抓着我的 树枝荡秋千, 吃吃苹果, 在我的树荫下玩耍, 快快乐乐的!」
「我不是小孩子了, 我不要 爬树和玩耍。」男孩说。
「我要买东西来玩, 我要钱。妳可以给我一些钱吗?」
「真抱歉。」树說「我沒有钱。 我只有树叶和苹果。孩子, 拿我的苹果到城里去卖。这样, 你就会有钱, 你就会快乐了。」 于是男孩爬到树上, 摘下她的苹果, 把苹果通通帶走了。
3. Who decided who the emperor’s children would marry? For what reasons were marriages arranged?
The emperor himself and his court officials. The emperor’s children, especially the princesses, didn’t have a say in their marriages. Their marriages were arranged for various political reasons.
2. How do you show love and respect for them? Can you give a good example?
saying love to parents; sharing the housework; studying hard; preparing presents on parents’ birthdays, etc.
于是男孩砍下了 她的树枝, 把树枝帶走, 去盖房子。
可是男孩好久都沒有再來, 所以当男孩再回來的時候, 树太快乐了, 快乐得 几乎說不出話來。 「來啊!孩子」 她轻轻地說 过來, 來玩呀!」
「我又老又伤心, 玩不动了」男孩說。 「我想要一条船, 可以帶我远离这里。 妳可以給我一条船吗?」
「我的树干沒了。」 树說。「你不能爬──」 「我太累了, 爬不动的。」男孩說。 「我很抱歉。」树叹了口气。
「我真希望我能給你什么…… 可是我什么也沒了。我只剩下 一块老树根根。我很抱歉……」 「我現在要的不多。」男孩說。 「只要一个安静, 可以坐着 休息的地方。我好累好累。」
「好啊。」树一边說, 一边努力挺直身子。 「正好啊, 老树根是最适合 坐下來休息的。來啊! 孩子, 坐下來, 坐下來休息。」
Complete the following love test.
1. Do you love your parents? Yes. ____ No. ____
2. How much do you love them? A. very much B. So-so C. Very little D. Not at all
Questions discussed about ancient China:
1. What was the traditional attitude towards the emperor? Who succeeded him when the emperor died? Absolutely respectful and obedient to the emperor. His first-born son would normally succeed him.
3. Which of the following best describe
your feelings towards your father?
A. I love him more than my life
B. I love him as much as I love my eyes
C. I love him as much as I should, no more and no less
(your own sentences)
Questions discussed
1. Is it important to show love and respect for your parents? Why?
Yes. There is no doubt about it, because we have been brought up with love and care by our parents. We must show love and respect for them in return.
男孩坐了下來。 树好快乐。
有一棵大树, 春天倚着她幻想; 夏天倚着她繁茂; 秋天倚着她成熟; 冬天倚着她沉思; 這棵大树就是媽媽, No matter how busy you are, share some time with your parents.
祝天下所有的母親身体健康, 一生平安!
1) It is not __r_e_s_p_e_ct_a_b_l_e__ to spit
in public in this country.
2) Are these clothes __r_e_sp_e_c_t_a_b_le__ enough for Mrs. Smith’s party?
3) They stood at a _r_e_s_p_e_ct_f_u_l_ distance from the president.
男孩好久都沒有再來…… 树好伤心。
有一天, 男孩回來了, 树高兴得发抖, 她说:「來啊!孩子, 爬上我的树干, 抓着我的树枝荡秋千, 快快乐乐的。」
「我太忙, 沒时间爬树。」男孩說。 「我想要一间房子保暖。」他說 「我想要妻子和小孩, 所以我需要一间房子, 妳可以給我一间房子吗?
「我沒有房子。」树說。 「森林就是我的房子, 不过, 你可以砍下我的树枝, 去盖房子, 这样你就会快乐了。」
无论在哪方面来看; 在各方面
respect sb. for sth. 辨析: adj. respectful 与 respectable respectful 指人的态度, 意思是 “尊敬的, 恭敬的”。 respectable指“令人尊敬的, 正派的, 正直的”; 也有“相当的, 恰当”之意。
Unit 2 King Lear Warming up
她好爱一个小男孩。 每天男孩都会跑来,
收集她的叶子, 把叶子编成皇冠, 扮起森林里的国王。
玩累了, 男孩就在她的树荫下睡觉。
男孩好爱这棵树…… 好爱喔! 树好快乐。
3. If you were married, would you love your parents less than you do now? Students’ own opinion.
4. If parents believe their child has been disrespectful, what should they do about it? Students’ own opinion.