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6.1冤分 vs 渊59.8依6.6冤分]均显著高于对照组渊P约0.05冤遥 结论 太极野云手冶运动结合 Orem 自理护理可有效改善脑卒
中患者的运动及平衡功能袁有利于 ADL 及生活质量的提高遥
[关键词] 太极野云手冶曰Orem 自理护理曰脑卒中曰日常生活能力
[中图分类号] R473
[文献标识码] B
择 2016 年 1 月~2018 年 10 月在我院接受康复治疗的脑卒中患者 94 例袁随机分为对照组和观察组袁每组 47 例遥
两组均接受常规脑卒中治疗袁对照组患者给予常规康复护理袁观察组患者给予太极野云手冶运动结合 Orem 自理护理
方案遥 评价两组的肢体功能尧BI 指数尧BBS 评分尧FMA 上肢及下肢评分尧WHOQOL-BREF 量表等袁并进行统计比较遥
窑 护理研究 窑
中国现代医生 2019 年 10 月第 57 卷第 29 期
太极“云手”运动结合 Orem 自理护理对脑卒中 康复患者 ADL 的影响
史优波 张微微 李宁宁 曹建平 何松彬银 浙江大学舟山医院神经内科/康复医学科袁浙江舟山 316000
[摘要] 目的 评价太极野云手冶运动结合 Orem 自理护理对脑卒中康复患者日常生活能力渊ADL冤的影响遥 方法 选
[文章编号] 1673-9701渊2019冤29-0150-05
Effect of Taiji "cloud hand" exercise combined with Orem self -nursing on ADL in stroke rehabilitation patients
SHI Y oubo ZHA NG W eiwei LI Ningning CA O Jianping HE Songbin Department of Neurology/Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhoushan Hospital, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316000, China [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the effect of Taiji 野cloud hand冶 exercise combined with Orem self-nursing on daily living ability (ADL) of stroke patients. Methods 94 patients with stroke who underwent rehabilitation in our hospital from January 2016 to October 2018 were randomly divided into control group and observation group, with 47 cases in each group. Both groups received routine stroke treatment, and patients in the control group were given routine rehabil鄄 itation nursing. The observation group was given Taiji 野cloud hand冶 exercise combined with Orem self-care treatment program. The limb function, BI index, BBS score, FMA upper limb and lower limb score, WHOQOL-BREF scale, etc. between two groups were evaluated and compared statistically. Results After intervention, the BI index of [(81.76依11.44 points) vs (64.38依14.71) ]points, BBS score[(47.11依2.59) points vs (41.53依5.66) points], and FMA upper limb score [(45.62依6.77)points vs (38.01依8.42) points] and lower limb scores [(27.84依5.43)points vs (23.15依6.69)points], WHO鄄 QOL-BREF scales physiological field[(14.4依1.9) points vs (12.1依2.1), psychological field[(17.1依2.5) points vs (13.5依 2.4) points], social relations field [(13.7依1.4) points vs (11.1依1.5)points], environmental field [(19.1依2.4) points vs (16.4依 2.6) points] scores and quality of life scores[(71.2依6.1) points vs (59.8依6.6)points] were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion Taiji 野cloud Hand冶 exercise combined with Orem self-care can effectively improve the movement and balance function of stroke patients, which is beneficial to the improvement of ADL and quality of life. [Key words] Taiji "cloud hand"; Orem self-nursing; Stroke; Daily living ability
结果 干预后袁观察组 BI 指数[渊81.76依11.44冤分 vs 渊64.38依14.71冤分]尧BBS 评分[渊47.11依2.59冤分 vs 渊4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.53依5.66冤分]尧
FMA 上肢评分[渊45.62依6.77冤分 vs 渊38.01依8.42冤分]及下肢评分[渊27.84依5.43冤分 vs 渊23.15依6.69冤分]尧WHOQOL-
BREF 量表生理领域[渊14.4依1.9冤分 vs 渊12.1依2.1冤分]尧心理领域[渊17.1依2.5冤分 vs 渊13.5依2.4冤分]尧社会关系领域
[渊13.7依1.4冤分 vs 渊11.1依1.5冤分]尧环境领域[渊19.1依2.4冤分 vs 渊16.4依2.6冤分]等各领域评分和生活质量总分[渊71.2依