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A garden of poems (The Third Period)
The Third Period Teachi ng Aims: 1. Review the text to fin ish some exercises about poems. 2. Learn and master the Past Participle used as Adverbial. 3. Do some exercises to learn the sentence transformation. Teaching Important Points: 1. How to get the students to master the usage of the Past Participle. 2. How to do sentence tran sformatio n. Teach ing Difficult Poi nt: The sentence tran sformatio n betwee n a clause and a past participle phrase. Teach ing Methods: 1. Pair work or group work to make every stude nt active in class. 2. Discussi on method to get the stude nts to make clear what they've lear ned. 3. Show ing and expla nati on methods to have the stude nts get a clear con cept about what they lear n. Teach ing Aids. 1. a computer 2. a projector Teach ing Procedures: Step I Greet ings and Revisio n Greet the whole class as usual. T: In this class, I'll check your homework first. In the last period, I told you to make a timeline that shows the centuries when the poets were living and their n ames, in cludi ng all the En glish poets in the text and some of the Chin ese poets you know. Have you finished it? (Ss: YesJNow I'll show the answers on the screen. Check them, please. En glish poets: Shakespeare(156 锝?616) Do nn e(1572锝?1631) Joh n Milton(1608 锝?1674) Marvell(1621 锝?678) Pope(1688锝?1744)
Joh nson (1709~1784) Wordsworth(1770锝?1850) Byro n(1788 锝?1824) Shelly( 1792 锝?1822) Keats(1795锝?1821) Aude n(1907锝?973) Ch in ese poets: Li Bai(701
锝?62) Wang Wei(701 锝?61) Du Fu(712锝?70) Bai Juyi(772锝?46)
Guo Moruo(1892 锝?978) Step II Word Study T: Please turn to Page 29. Look at Word Study, Part 1. Fill in the blanks with words in the text. Have a discussion with your partner and then we'll check the answers. Suggested answers: 1. poem 2. rhyme 3. author 4. stories 5. poets 6. tran slated (put) T: As we kno w, if words or lines of poetry
end with the same sound, in clud ing a vowel, we can say they rhyme. Who can give us
some words that rhyme? SA: I'll try.鈥渉orse 鈥漚nd 鈥渕ouse 欽?鈥淳chool 欽漚nd 鈥渇ool 鈥? They all rhyme. T锛歍hat's right. (Show the screen.) Now look at the screen. There are two groups of words on the screen. Please read them and match the words that rhyme. Match the words: A: 1. curious 2. image 3.glory 4. abse nee 5. roma ntic 6. atmosphere 7. special 8. embrace B: a. audie nee b. public c. serious d. message e. fear f. social g. base h. story T: (A few minu tes later.) Have you fini shed? Ss: Yes. T: who will give us the an swers? SB: They are: l. c;2 d;3 h;4 a;5 b;6 e;7f;8 g. Am I right? T: Sc, do you agree with him? So: Yes, he is right. Step III Grammar (Teacher shows the two senten ces on the scree n.) The Past Participle used as Adverbial: 1. Once published, his work became famous for the abse nee of rhyme at the end of each line. 2. No matter how well translated, something of the spirit of the orig inal work is lost. T: Look at the two sen ten ces on the scree n. Who can tell us their Chi nese mea nings? SD The first sen te nee mean涓?缁忏嚭鐗堬紝浠栫兢浣滃搧灏卞洜涓嶆娂闊佃?岃憲錫嶃??The second means:鍗充娇缈昏瘧寰楀睚
濂斤紝涓?缁忕炕璇戯紝鍘熶綔鐨勪竴浜涚簿鍗庡氨娌C湁浜嗐??T: Can you
think of another way to express these ideas? SE : I'll try. The first sentence can be expressed as: Once it (= his work) was published, his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line. The second: No matter how well it (= the orig inal work) is tran slated, somethi ng of the spirit of the origi nal work is lost. T: Quite right. From the sen ten ces we've discussed, we know that if the past participle is used as adverbial, we can change them into the adverbial clauses, which has the same meaning. Are you clear about that? Ss: Yes. T: Now turn to Page 30. Please look at Ex 锛?锛嶤omplete each sentence by using the past participle of the right verb锛嶣efore doing that 锛寃ho will tell the meanings of the words in the box? SF锛欼'll try.鈥渂uild鈥漨eans鈥滃缓璁锯?濄?傗?渇righten鈥漨eans鈥滀娇鎯婃亹
済ive鈥漨eans鈥滅粰鈥濂紝鈥渆xamine鈥漨eans欽滄鉞E注nd鈥淳uppose 鈥漨eans 欽和汨衡 W 濂終T锛歏ery well 锛嶯ow have a discussion in pairs and give us their proper forms锛?While doing this 锛宼alk about the meaning o{each sentence锛嶰K? (Students have a discussion and teacher goes among the class and an swers the questi ons the stude nts as 锛? Suggested an swer锛?1 锛嶧rightened 2 锛嶨iven 3 锛巉ollowed 4 锛巈xamined 5. Built 6锛巗een 7锛嚨itten 8 锛巗hot 9. supposed Step 鈪?Practice (Teacher SHOWS the sentences on the screen 锛? I.The castle, burned down in 1943锛寃as never built 锛?2 锛嶪f left alone on a deserted island锛寃hat would you do to survive? T锛歀ook at t 灞眛wo sentences on the screen锛嶦ach of the sentences has a past participle锛嶩ave a discussi on about them and decide their functions 锛?(After a few minu tes 欽?discussion锛? Sa锛欼n the first sentence the past participle phrase鈥渂urned down in 1943 欽漣s used as attribute锛巑odifying the noun 欽渃astle 欽濂紟The meaning f the whole sentence is锛?943并砰渲蜂负渥沖讣F苕沏便塞y煄鍫★紟鍐嶄篃娌°C湁閲嶅缓銆?Sb锛欼n the seco nd senten ce銆傗??eft alo ne on a deserted island 欽漣s used as adverbia锛?expressing condition锛?T锛歐hat is the meaning of it? Sb新氤錨搐絲娠磁佻鎌颁靖涓瑕復划兄宀沈筑锈叽负浜唏蔻瀛樹笅鍘汇?備綘浼氭?疼箞鍔怡憿? T锛欸ood锛嶯ow锛宭ook at the
sentences on the screen and the function of each past participle phrase锛嶻ou can do it in pairs or groups 锛?Tell the function of the Past Participle in the following sentences 锛?1.The room锛穽onnected to the rest of the house by a long passage 锛寃as completely empty 锛?2 锛嶤onnected to the rest of the house by a long passage锛宼he room seems very quiet銆?3 锛嶧olded in his pocket 锛宼he letter was n't found un til twenty years later 锛?4. He was walki ng around with the letter folded in his pocket.
(A few minutes later锛? T锛欰re you prepared? (Ss锛歒es銆? Please tell us the fun cti on of each past participle and the meaning of each sentence 锛?Sc锛欼n the
first sentence 锛宨t is used as attribute 锛嶵he meaning of the
sentenee is餅盘紬涓阪涓匕狐C睛上鹘殂垃板粘;版」甘! !漁呪喩鎖湖占活取沁鏂圭浉杩炵兢灞嬪瓙閲岄潰绌烘棤涓?鐗+? ?Sd锛欼n the seco nd sentence,
the past participle phrase is used as adverbia锛?expressing the cause锛嶵he sentence means拚氟茂丹•渝祁銀瀛悟檎蠻变汨獗広恥训碍轨廉板秣敵山1训〕鐨勫湴鏂圭浉杩炴帴鐨勶紝鎵?浠二畠寰蝸畨闈欍??Suggested answer锛?3锛
曉dverbial请床後涓鸿縊瀛仅俊斜赃犹捣漱工敷鯨尢刚L谄砌昇圻.弱做鎖瞬約錄€濡寸清銃通勢蹄恬勾錨座坤珮谈鑿般W?锛曉ttribute锈疼;柵鎌板杞俩谨h閲毎鋸已涓Ei颓诡灶谨航捣蹴口娩淇°? ?Step V Consolidation T: Look at the example on Page 30. Here are two senten ces. They both have the same meaning, but their adverbials are expressed in the different ways. Study the example and then rewrite the sentences on Page 31, using a clause to substitute the past participle phrase. Suggested an swers: 1. When he was asked what had happe ned, he told us about it. 2. As he was well known for his expert advice, he received many in vitati ons to give lectures. 3. If we were give n more time, we would be able to do the work much better. 4. Once it was translated into Chinese, the book became very popular among Chin ese tee nagers. 5. As she was deeply in terested in medici ne, she decided to become a doctor. 6. Though she was left alone at home, Sam did not feel afraid at all. Step VI Summary and Homework T: In this class, we've talked about rhyme and the use of the past participle. The past participle of the verb can be used as adverbial and attribute, such as,鈥淥ne 鈥—??鈥淭he castle 鈥—?? We also know that the past participle can be expressed with a clause, such a鈥淯nited 鈥一? ?Teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard. ) Today's homework: Join each pair of senten ces to form one senten ce, using the past participle. That's all for today. Class is over. Join the two senten ces in each group. 1. Mary was shocked at what Jack had said. She did n't know what to say at first. 2. The mirror was broke n. The mirror was lying on the ground. 3. l went into the dark room. 1 was followed by my best friend. 4: The park is the most beautiful place in the city. It was
destroyed by the storm last Sun day. 5. The dog barked at us. The dog was tied to a
pole by the door. 6. They were sad to see a sea of flowers. The flowers were covered
by the heavy snow.
7. The scie ntist is well known for his kno wledge. The scie ntist is able to help the workers to get out of their difficulty. 8. The coins were collected by my cousin. The coins were made in Tang Dyn asty. Step VII The Desig n of the Writi ng on the Blackboard Unit 4 A garde n of poems The Third Period Grammar: The Past Participle used as AdverbiaH. 1. Once published, his work became famous for the abse nee of rhyme at the end of each line. No matter how well translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 2. The castle, burned down in 1943, was never built. If left alone on a deserted island, what would you do to survive? 3. United, we stand锛沝ivided, we fall. If we are united, we will fall 锛沬f we are divided, we will fall. Step VIII Record after Teachi ng _____________________________________。