
Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation?SectionA1.anyone pron.任何人2.anywhere ad v.在任何地方3.wonderful adj.精彩的;绝妙的4.few adj.&pron.不多;很少5.most adj.,ad v.&pron.最多;大多数6.something pron.某事;某物7.nothing pron.没有什么;没有一件东西8.everyone pron.每人;人人;所有人9.myself pron.我自己;我本人10.yourself pron.你自己;您自己11.hen n.母鸡12.pig n.猪13.seem v.好像;似乎;看来14.bored adj.厌倦的;烦闷的15.diary n.日记;记事簿1.wonder→wonderful(形容词)2.many/much→more(比较级)→most(最高级) 3.notanything→nothing(同义词)4.I→me→my→mine→myself(反身代词)5.you→you→your→yours→yourself/yourselves(反身代词) 6.bore→boring(修饰物,形容词)→bored(修饰人,形容词) 7.diary→diaries(复数)1.goonvacation去度假2.stayathome待在家里3.gotothemountains去爬山4.gotothebeach去海滩5.visitmuseums参观博物馆6.gotosummercamp去参加夏令营7.quiteafew相当多;不少8.studyfor为……而学习9.goout出去10.mostofthetime大部分时间11.tastegood尝起来好吃12.haveagoodtime玩得高兴13.goshopping去购物14.ofcourse当然;自然15.takephotos照相1.Wheredidyougoonvacation?你去哪儿度假了?2.Longtimenosee.好久不见。

中学生世界中考英语词汇手册一、动词1. be (am, is, are)- We are students at ABC Middle School.- He is a talented musician.- She is my best friend.2. have (has)- I have a new book.- She has two brothers.- They have a pet cat.3. do (does)- Do you like playing soccer?- He does his homework every day.- She doesn't speak Spanish.4. go (goes)- I go to the library after school.- He goes swimming on weekends.- They don't go to the park often.5. study- We need to study for the upcoming exam. - She studies English vocabulary every day. - They studied history last night.6. learn- I learn new words from reading books.- He learns Chinese calligraphy as a hobby. - She learned how to play the guitar.二、名词1. school- Our school has a large playground.- She goes to school by bus.- They enjoy going to school.2. exam- We have an English exam tomorrow.- He is nervous about the math exam.- She needs to study for her science exam.3. book- I borrowed a book from the library.- He bought a new book online.- She reads books before bedtime.4. friend- I have many friends in my class.- He is my best friend.- She made a new friend at the summer camp.5. hobby- My hobby is playing the piano.- He has many hobbies, including painting and gardening. - She enjoys outdoor hobbies like hiking and cycling. 6. pet- They have a cute pet dog.- She loves her pet cat.- We take care of our pet fish.三、形容词1. talented- He is a talented singer.- She has a talented art teacher.- They are talented basketball players.2. best- She is my best friend.- He gave me his best advice.- They tried their best in the competition.3. new- I bought a new pair of shoes.- She got a new phone for her birthday.- We moved to a new house last month.4. nervous- I feel nervous before a performance.- He is nervous about the upcoming test.- She gets nervous when speaking in public.5. cute- They have a cute baby brother.- She has a cute puppy.- He drew a cute picture of a kitten.6. outdoor- We enjoy outdoor activities like camping and hiking. - He loves playing outdoor sports.- She goes on outdoor adventures during the summer.四、副词1. often- I often go to the park on weekends.- He often helps his parents with chores.- She often practices playing the piano.2. every day- I study English vocabulary every day.- He goes for a run every day.- She brushes her teeth twice every day.3. last- We went to the beach last summer.- He visited his grandparents last week.- She read a great book last night.4. tomorrow- We have an English exam tomorrow.- He is going on a field trip tomorrow.- She will meet her friends tomorrow.5. before- I always brush my teeth before going to bed.- He finishes his homework before dinner.- She practices the piano before school.6. often- They often go swimming in the summer.- She often buys groceries at the supermarket.- He often helps with household chores.五、介词1. at- We meet at the library after school.- He is waiting at the bus stop.- She is studying at home.2. by- I go to school by bus.- She travels to work by train.- They visit their grandparents by car.3. from- I borrowed a book from the library.- He received a gift from his friend.- She learned a new recipe from her grandmother.4. on- We have a test on Monday.- He goes swimming on weekends.- She watches movies on Friday nights.5. for- I bought a gift for my friend's birthday.- He practiced the piano for two hours.- She studied English vocabulary for the exam.6. with- They play tennis with their classmates.- She goes shopping with her sister.- He volunteers at a local charity with his friends.六、形容词性物主代词1. my- This is my book.- My favorite color is blue.- I forgot to bring my umbrella.2. his- His parents are doctors.- He does his homework every day.- His favorite hobby is playing basketball.3. her- She is doing her homework.- Her birthday is next week.- Her best friend is coming over.4. our- We are going on our school trip.- Our teacher is very nice.- We brought our own lunch.5. their- They are proud of their achievements. - Their house is big and beautiful.- They did their best in the competition.七、名词性物主代词1. mine- This book is mine.- The bag is mine, not yours.- I forgot to bring mine.2. his- The pencil is his.- The jacket is his, not hers.- The notebook is his.3. hers- The laptop is hers.- The toy is hers, not mine.- The keys are hers.4. ours- The project is ours.- The decision is ours to make. - The responsibility is ours. 5. theirs- The car is theirs.- The dog is theirs, not ours. - The house is theirs.。

词汇正文A aabandonabilityableaboardabolishaboutaboveabroadabruptabsenceabsentabsoluteabsorbabstractabsurd abundant abuse academic accent acceptaccess accident accommodate accompany accomplish according account accountant accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustomache achieve acknowledge acquaintance acquire acrossactaction active activity actor actressactualacuteadaptaddaddicted addition address adequate adjust administrationadmire admission admit adopt adult advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise advocate affairaffectaffordafraidafterafternoon afterwards again against age agency agenda agent aggressive agoagree agreement agriculture agricultural aheadaidAIDSaimairaircraft airline airport alarm album alcohol alike aliveallallow allowance almost alone along aloud already also alternative although altogether alwaysamatur amazing ambassador ambition ambulance among amount amuse analysis analyst analyze ancestor ancient andanger angle angry animal ankle anniversary announce annoy annual another answer anxiety anxious any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology appeal appear appearance appetite apple application applicant apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve architecture areaargue argument arisearmarmyaroundarrange arrest arrival arriveartarticle artificial artistasash ashamed asideask asleep aspect assist assistant associate association assume assumption astonish astronaut atathlete atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive audience aunt author authority automatic autumn available avenue average avoid awake award aware away awful awkwardbabyback background backwards bad badly bag baggagebake balance ball balloon bamboo ban banana band bank banquet bar barber bare bargain bark base baseball basic basin basis basket basketball bat bath bathe bathroom battery battle baybe beach bear bear beard beast beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beebeef beer beforebeg begin beginning behalf behave behaviour behind belief believe bell belong belowbench bend beneath beneficial benefit beside besides bestbest-seller betray better between beyond bicycle bidbigbikebill billion biography biology birdbirth birthday biscuitbitbitebitter black blame blank blanket bleed bless blind block blood blouse blow blue board boat body boil bomb bond bone bonus book boot border bored boring born borrow boss both botherbottom boundary bowbowlboxboxingboybrain branch brandbravebreadbreak breakfast breakthrough breast breath breathe breezebrickbridgebriefbright brilliant bringbroad broadcast broken broom brownbrushbudgetbuildbuildingbulletinburdenburglarburnburstburybusbusinessbusybutbutcherbutterbutterflybuttonbuybybye-byeC cabbagecablecafecagecakecalculatecalendar call calm camel camera camp campaign cancanal cancel cancer candidate candle candy cap capital captain carcard career careful career careless carpet carrot carry cartoon case cash castle casual catalogue catch category cattle cause cautious cave ceiling celebrate celebrity cellcent center central century ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chair chairman chalk challenge champion chance change channel chaoschapter character characteristic charge charity charm chasechatcheapcheatcheckcheekcheer cheers cheese chemical chemistry cheque chesschest chicken chiefchild children chimney chocolate choice choose Christian Christmas church cigar cigarette cinema circle circumstance citizencitycivil civilization claimclarityclass classic classify classmate classroom cleanclearclerkcleverclick climate climbclinicclockcloneclosecloth clothes clothing cloudclubcoachcoalcoastcoatcock coffeecoincokecoldcollar collect colleague college colour/color column comb combine come comedy comfort comfortable commander comment commercial commit committee common communicate communism communist community companion company compare comparison compete competition complain complete complex component composition comprehension compromise compulsory computer concentrate concept concern concert conclude conclusion condemn condition conduct vi.conductorconferenceconfidentconfirmconflict confront confuse congratulation connect conscious consequence consider considerate consist constant constitution construct construction consult consultant consumer contact contain contemporary content contest continent continue contract contrary contrast contribute control controversial convenient conversation convince cookcool cooperatecooperation copycorn corner corporation correct cost cottage cotton cough could count counter country countryside couple courage coursecourt courtyard cousin cover cow crash crazy cream create creature credit crime criminal critic criticism criticiz(s)e crop cross crossing crowd cruelcry culture cupcupboardcurecuriouscurrentcurtaincushioncustomcustomercustomscutcutecycleD daddailydamagedamp dance danger dangerous daredark datadate daughter dawndaydead deadline deafdealdear death debate debtdecade decide decision declare decline deck decorate deed deep deer defeat defend defence define definite degree delay delegate delicious delight delighted deliver demand demonstratedentist department departure depend depth describe description desert deserve design desire desk desperate despite dessert destination destroy detective determine develop devote dialogue diamond diary dictation dictionary diediet difference different difficult difficulty digestdigdigital dignity dining-room dinner diploma direct direction directordirtdirty disabled disappear disappoint disaster discipline discount discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease disgustingdish display dismiss distance distant distinction distinguish distribute district disturb dive diverse divide divorcedodoctor document dogdolldollar dominate donate door double doubt down download downstairs downtown dozen draft drama draw drawbackdrawer drawing dream dress drill drink drive dropdrowndrugdrumdryduckduedulldumplingduringduskdustdustydutydynamicdynastyE eacheagerearearlyearnearthearthquakeeast eastern easyeatedge edition editor education effectefforteggeitherelderelect electric electricity electronic elegant elephant else embarrassed embassy emerge emergency emotion employemperor empty encounter encourage end enemy energeticenergy engage engine engineer enjoy enlarge enough ensureenter enterprise entertainment enthusiastic entire entrance entry envelope environment envyequal equipment error escape especially essay essential establish estimate ethnic evaluate eveevenequal equipment error escape especially essay essential establish estimate ethnic evaluate eveeven evening event eventually ever every everybody everyoneeverything everywhere evidence evolution exactexam examination examine example excellent except exceptional exchange excite exciting excuse exercise exhausted exhibition existexit expand expect expedition expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanationexplodeexploitexploreexportexposeexposureexpressexpressionextendextraextraordinary extremeextremelyeyeeyebroweyesightF facefacilityfactfactorfactoryfadefailfailurefairfairlyfaithfallfamiliar family famous fanfancy fantastic fantasyfarfarefarm farmer farther fascinating fast fastenfatfather faultfavo favourite faxfear feather feature federal feefeedfeel feeling female fence festival fetch fever few fiction field fierce fight figure filefillfilmfinal finance findfine finger finish fire fireworks firmfirstfishfistfitfixflagflash flashlight flatflat flavour flee flesh flexible flight float flood flour flow flower flu fluent fly focus fog fold follow folkfond food fool foolish foot football for forbid force forecast forehead foreign forest forever forget forgive fork form formal former fortunate fortune forward found fountain fox framework frankly free freedom freeze frequent fresh fridge friend friendlyfriendship frighten frogfromfrontfruit frustration fryfuelfullfunfunctionfuneralfundfundamentalfunnyfurfurniturefurtherfutureGgain gallery gamegap garage garden gasgate gather gaygene general generate generation generous genius gentle gentleman geography gesture getgiftgirlgiveglad glance glass global glory glovegogoalgoatgodgold golden golfgoodgood-bye goods goose govern government grab grade gradual gradually graduate grain grammar grand granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson grapegrassgratefulgreatgreen greet greeting grey grocer ground group grow guaranteeguardguessguestguideguiltyguitargungym Hhabithair haircut halfhallham hamburger hammer handhandy handkerchief handle handsome handwriting hang happenhappyharbour (美harbor) hardhardlyhardshiphard-working harm harmony harvest hat hatch hate havehehead headache headline headmaster health healthy hearheartheat heaven heavy height helicopter hellohelpherhereherohers herself hesitatehi hidehigh highlight highway hillhim himself hirehis historyhithobby holdhole holiday home homeland hometown homework honest honey honor hopehopelesshorriblehorsehospitablehospitalhosthostesshothotelhourhousehousewife houseworkhowhoweverhughumanhumorhungerhunthurryhurthusbandI iceideaidealidentityif ignoreillillegal illness image imagine immediate imitate immigration impact imply import information injureink innocent insect inside insist inspire instant instead institute institution instruction instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intendinterest interesting international Internet importance important impossible impress improveininch incident include income increase indeed independence independent indicate individual industry infer influence influential inform informal information injureink innocent insect insideinsist inspire instant instead institute institution instruction instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend interest interesting international interpret interrupt interval interview into introduce introduction invade invent invention investinvite involveironislandissueititemitsitselfJ jacketjamjarjazzjeansjeepjewelleryjobjogjoinjokejournaljournalistjourneyjoyjudgejudgmentjuicejumpjuniorjustjusticeK kangarookeenkeepkeykickkidkillkilometerkindkindergartenkingkingdomkisskitchenkitekneeknifeknockknowknowledgeL lablaborlackladderladylakelamblampland language large lastlate lately later latter laugh launch law lawyer laylazy leadleaf league leak leap learn least leather leave lecture leftleg legend legal leisure lend length less lessonletletter level liberate liberty librarian library licenselielife lifetime liftlight lighting lightning linguistics like likely limitlinelinklionlipliquidlistlisten literaryliteraturelittlelivelivelylivingliving-roomloadloaflocallocatelocklogolonelylonglooklooselorryloselosslotloudlovelovelylowluckluggagelunchlungM machine mad madam magazine magic mail mailbox main major majority make male man manage manager mankind manner many map marathon march mark market marriage marry mask mass master match materialmathematics matter mature maximum may maybe mayormemealmean meaning means meanwhile measure meat medal media medical medicine medium meet meeting member memorial memory mend mental mention menu merchant mercy merely merry mess message metal method metre microscope midday middle midnight mightmildmile military milk million millionaire mind mine minimum minister minority minute mirror miserable missMiss missionmistake mix mobile model modern modest moment money monitor monkey month monument moodmoonmoralmore morning most mother motherland motivate motor motorway motto mountain mountainous mouse mouth move movement movieMr.Mrs.Ms.much mudmultiplymurdermusclemuseummushroommusicmusicalmustmymyselfmysteriousmysteryN nailnamenarrownationnationalnationality nationwidenativenatural nature navy near nearby nearly neat necessary neck necklace need needle negative negotiate neighbo(u)r neighbourhood neither nephew nervousnestnetnetwork nevernewnewsnewspaper nextnice niece nightnonoble nobody nodnoise noisy none nonsense noodle noonnor normal north northern nosenotnote notebook nothing notice novel novelist now nowadays nowhere unclear number nurse nurserynutnutritionO obeyobjectobserveobtainobviousoccasionoccupyoccupationoccuroceano’clockof off offer office officer official oftenohoil oilfield O.Kold Olympic on onceone oneself onlyontoopen opera operate operation opinion: opportunity oppose opposite optimistic optionalor orange order ordinary organ organize organization origin original other otherwise oughtourours ourselves outoutcomeoutdooroutdoorsoutgoingoutlineoutputoutsideoutstandingoverovercoatovercomeoverhearoverlookoverweightoweownoxoxygenP pacepackpacketpagepainpaintpaintingpalacepalepanpanda paper paperwork paragraph parallel parcel pardon parent parkpart participate particular partner partly part-time party pass passage passenger passer-by passport pastpath patience patient pattern pausepay peace peaceful peachpeakpear peasantpenpencil penny pension people pepperper percent percentage perfect perform performance perhaps period permanent permit permission person personal personality personnel persuade petpetrol philosophy photo photograph photographer phrase physical physics pianopickpicnic picturepiepiecepigpilepillpillowpilotpin pineapple pink pioneerpipepityplaceplainplanplaneplanet plasticplate platform playplayer playground pleasant please pleased pleasure plentyplotplus pocket poempoetpoint poison pole police policeman policy polish polite political politics pollute pollution pondpoolpoor popular population pork port portable pose position positive possess possession possibility possible possibly post postcard poster pot potato potential pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice practice praise pray precious predict preferpregnant prepare present1 present2 present3 presentation preserve president press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous pricepride primary principle print prison prisoner private privilege prize probably problem procedure process produce product production profession professor profit program progress project promise promote pronounce pronunciation properpropose prospect protect protest proud prove provide province psychology pub public publish pullpulse pump punishpupilpurchasepurepurplepurposepursepursuepursuitpushputpuzzlepyramidQ qualification qualifiedqualityquantityquarrelquarterqueenquestionqueuequickquietquitquiteR rabbitraceradio railway rain random rangerankrapidrarerateratherrayreach reactreadreadyreal realistic reality realize really reason reasonable recall receipt receive recent reception recipe recognize recommend recordrecover recreation recycle red reduce refer referee reference reflect reform refreshing refuse regard regardless region register regret regular regulation reject relate relation relative relax relevant reliable religion rely remain remark remember remind remote removerentrepair repeat replacereplyreport represent representative republic reputation request require rescues research resemble reserve resident resignresist resource respect respond response responsibility rest restaurantrestriction result retell retire return review revision revolution reward rhythm ricerichride ridiculous rightringriperiseriskriver roadrobrobotrockrocketrolerollroofroomrootroperoseroughroundroutinerow(n)row(v)royalrubberrubbishruderuinrulerulerrunrushSsacrifice sad safe safety sail sailor salad salary sale salesman saltsalute same sample sand sandwich satellite satisfaction satisfaction satisfy savesay saying scalescarscare scene scenery schedule scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist score scream screen sculpture sea seagull search seaside season seat second secret secretary section secure security see seed seek seem seize seldom select selfish sell semester seminar send senior sense sensitive sentence separate series serious servantserve service setsettle settlement several severe sewsex shabby shade shadow shake shall shame shape share sharp sharpen shave she sheep sheet shelf shelter shine shipshirt shock shoe shootshop shopkeeper shoreshort shortly shortcoming shot should shoulder shoutshow shower shutshysicksidesighsightsignsignal signature significance silence silentsilksillysilver similar simplesince sincerely sing single sinksirsistersitsite situated situation sizeskate skeptical skiskill skilful skinskirtsky skyscraper slave sleep sleeve slide slight slightly slimslipslow small smart smell smile smoke smooth snake snowsosoapsob soccer social socialism socialist society socksofasoft software soilsolar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someonesomething sometimes somewhere sonsongsoon sorrow sorrysortsoul sound soup source south southern souvenir sow space spare speak special specialist specific speech speed spell spend spiritspit splendid sponsor spoon sport spot spread spring spy square stable stadium staff stage stair stamp stand standard star stare start starve state statement statesman station statistics status stay steady steal steaksteamsteelsteepstepstickstillstocking stomachstonestopstorestormstorystraight straightforward strange stranger strategy strawberry streamstreetstrength strengthen stressstrictstrikestrong structure struggle stubborn student studio study stupidstyle subject subjective submit suburb succeed success successful such suddenly suffer sugar suggestsuit suitable suitcase summary summer sunsunny sunset super superior supermarket supper supplysupport suppose sure surface surgeon surprise surround survive suspect swallow swear sweat sweater sweep sweet swift swim swingswitchswordsymbolsympathysymphonysystemT tabletailtailortaketaletalenttalktalltape target task tastetax taxpayer taxiteateach teacher team teamwork teapot tear1tear2tease technical technique technology teenager telegraph television tell temperature temple temporarytentend tennis tensetentterm terminal terrible terrify testtextthan thank thatthe theatre thefttheir theirs them theme themselves then theory there therefore thesetheythickthief thinthingthink thinking thirstythis thorough those though thought thread throat through throughout throw thunderstorm thustickettidytietigertighttilltime timetabletintinytiptiretiredtitletotoast tobacco today together toilet tolerate tomato tomorrow ton tongue tonight tootool tooth toothache toptopic total touch tough tour tourism toward(s) tower towntoytrack tractor trade tradition traffic tragedy train training transform translate translation transport traveltrial treasure treattree tremble trendtrick .triptroop trouble trousers trucktruetrusttruthtrytube turkey turntwice twin type1type2typicaltyre (美tire) Uugly ultimately umbrella uncle unconscious under underground underline understand undertake uniform union uniqueunituniteunited universal universally universe university unknown unless unlikeuntil unusualupuponupperupsetupstairsupward(s)urbanurgeurgentususeusedusefulusualusuallyV vacantvacationvainvalidvalleyvaluablevaluevarietyvariousvastvegetablevehicleversionveryviavictimvictoryvideoviewvillageviolateviolenceviolentviolinvirtuevirusvisitvisitorvividvoicevolcanovolleyballvolunteervotevoyageW wagewaist wait waiter waitress wakewalkwallwallet wander wantwarwarm warn wash washroom waste watch water watermelon wavewayweweak weakness wealth wealthy weapon wear weather website weddingweek weekend weep weigh weight welcome welfare well1well2well-known west western wetwhale what whatever wheat wheel when whenever where wherever whether which while whisper whistle whitewho whole whom whosewhy wide widespread widow wifewild wildlife will willingwinwind window winewing winter wipewire wisdom wisewishwith withdraw within without witness wolfwoman wonder wonderful wood wooden woolword work worker world worldwide worn worry worse worst worth worthwhile would would wound wrestle wristwritewrongY yardyearyellyellowyesyesterdayyetyouyoungyouryoursyourselfyouthZ zerozonezoo经过大家的努力,终于完成了英语词汇手册的电子版的录入。

如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。
词类(parts of speech)英语的词通常分为十大类:1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。
英语自学手册 pdf

英语自学手册 pdfEmbarking on the journey of learning English can be both exhilarating and challenging. As a language that opens doors to global communication, it's essential to approach its study with a structured yet flexible strategy. This guide aims to provide learners with practical steps and resources to self-study English effectively.Understanding the Basics。
Grasping the fundamentals of English is crucial. Begin with the alphabet and sounds, which are the building blocks of the language. Familiarize yourself with the basic grammar rules, sentence structures, and verb conjugations. Resources like "English Grammar in Use" by Raymond Murphy can serve as an excellent starting point.Expanding Vocabulary。
A rich vocabulary is the key to expressing oneself clearly. Start with common words and phrases used in everyday conversations and gradually move to more complex terms. Flashcards, mobile apps like Anki, and websites such as can be instrumental in this phase.Practicing Listening and Speaking。

一年级上册Unit1 Hello!一.单词。
1. girl 女孩2. boy 男孩3. teacher 教师4. happy 高兴5. sad 伤心6. name 名字7. hi 嗨8. hello 嗨9. bye 再见10. Good-bye 再见二. 句子。
1. Hello! My name is Jenny.你好,我的名字叫珍妮。
2. A: What’s your na me? 你叫什么名字?B: My name is Li Ming. 我的名字是李明。
3. I’m a boy. 我是一个男孩。
I’m a girl. 我是一个女孩。
I’m a teacher. 我是一名教师。
4. A: Good morning, boys and girls!早上好,男孩们,女孩们。
B: Good morning, Ms. Zhang!早上好,张老师。
5. A: How are you? 你好吗?B: I’m fine. Thanks. And you?我很好, 谢谢. 你呢?A: I’m fine, too.我也很好。
6. A: I’m sad.我很伤心。
How are you? 你好吗?A: I’m happy. 我很高兴。
7. A: Good-bye. 再见。
B: Good-bye. 再见。
Unit2 About me!一单词。
1. one 一2. two 二3. three 三4. four 四5. five 五6. six 六7. seven 七8. eight 八9. nine 九10. ten 十11. student 学生12. hungry 饿13. eat 吃14. thirsty 口渴15. drink 喝二句子。
1. A: Are you a student?你是一名学生吗?B: Yes, I’m a student. 是的.我是一名学生。
2. A: Are you Chinese? 你是中国人吗?B: Yes,I’m Chinese. 是的,我是中国人。

日常问候语早上好:Good Morning下午好:Good Afternoon晚上好:Good Evening很高兴见到您:It was nice seeing you很高兴又见到您:It was nice to see you again运动项目类别网球:Tennis 瑜伽:Yoga羽毛球:Badminton篮球:Basketball保龄球:Bowling乒乓球:Ping-pong健身:Fitness游泳:Swimming服务种类词汇教练: Coach 陪练:Partner私人教练: Personal trainer私教课程:Personal trainer course指导: Guide保洁员: PA/ Cleaner(PA=Purifier Attendant )场馆设施室内篮球场:Indoor Basketball Court网球场:Tennis court乒乓球房:Table tennis Room舞蹈房:Dancing Room 桑拿室:Sauna Room 有氧设备:Aerobic equipment直立式单车: Upright cycle 踏板:Footsteps体重秤:Physician哑铃:Dumbbell哑铃架:Dumbbell rack杠铃:Barbell杠铃架:Barbell rack健身球:Fitness ball瑜伽垫:Yoga mat基础英语会话Anything I can do for you?我能为您做些什么?Can I help you?有什么我可以帮您的吗?Do you need any help?请问您需要帮忙吗?Are you going to swim or body-fit?请问您是来游泳还是健身呢?Are you the guest of Shimao Riviera Garden, Sir?请问您是住在世茂滨江花园吗?Could you please show us your room card to register?请出示您的房卡登记一下好吗?Could you please show us your member card to register?请出示您的会员卡登记一下好吗?Could you please sign your name here?请您在这里签上您的名字好吗?This is the key to the locker,Please keep it well. Changing room is over there,is in the right and gentlemen’s is in the left.这是您的更衣柜钥匙,请妥善保管,男更衣室在左边,女更衣室在右边。

英语(一年级起点)活动手册二年级上册二年级上册英语活动手册第一单元:My School Life(我的校园生活)活动一:学校周围环境的描述1. Describing my school: My school is a big school with a green playground in front of the building. There are many trees and flowers around the school, making it a beautiful place to study.2. Talking about the buildings: Our school has many buildings, including classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, and a canteen. They are all well-maintained and clean.3. Describing the classrooms: Our classrooms are large and bright. They are equipped with modern facilities such as computers and projectors, making it easier for us to learn.活动二:我的日常生活(My Daily Routine)1. Talking about my morning routine: I usually wake up at 6:30 and have breakfast at 7:00. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed before leaving for school at 7:30.2. Describing my school day: My school day starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:30. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. We also have a lunch break at noon.3. Talking about my after-school activities: After school, I usually go home and do my homework. Sometimes, I play with my friends or watch TV before dinner. I usually go to bed at 9:00.活动三:我的家庭(My Family)1. Talking about my family members: I have a family of four – my parents, my younger brother, and myself. My father works in a company, and my mother is a housewife. My brother and I are both students.2. Describing my family’s daily routine: My family usually wakes up at 6:30, and we have breakfast together at 7:00. My father goes to work at 8:00, and my mother does housework at home. My brother and I go to school at 7:30.3. Talking about my family’s hobbies: My father likes watching football matches, and my mother likes cooking. My brother likes playing video games, and I like reading books.第二单元:My Toys(我的玩具)活动一:介绍自己喜欢的玩具1. Talking about my favorite toy: My favorite toy is a stuffed animal. It’s a cute panda with black and white fur. I love hugging it when I go to bed.2. Describing my toy: My stuffed animal is about 30 cm in height. Its eyes are big and black, and its nose is pink. It’s very soft andcuddly.3. Talking about how I play with my toy: I usually play with my stuffed animal before going to bed. I hug it and imagine that it’s my friend. Sometimes, I also talk to it when I feel sad.活动二:介绍自己的玩具收藏1. Talking about my toy collection: I have a collection of toy cars. There are ten of them, and each one is different. Some are red, some are blue, and some are yellow.2. Describing my toy collection: My toy cars are made of plastic and are small enough to fit in my hand. They have wheels that can roll, and some even have doors that can open and close.3. Talking about how I play with my toy collection: I like to arrange my toy cars in a line and pretend that they are driving on a road. Sometimes, I also race them against each other to see which one is the fastest.活动三:制作玩具1. Talking about the toy I made: I made a paper plane. It’s very easy to make, and it can fly very far.2. Describing the process of making my toy: I folded a piece of paper in half and then folded the corners to the center. I then folded the edges of the paper to make wings. Finally, I folded the wings down to make them look more like a real plane.3. Talking about how I play with my toy: I like to throw my paper plane and see how far it can fly. Sometimes, I also try to make itfly through a hoop or between two objects to see if I can aim it correctly.第三单元:My Body(我的身体)活动一:身体部位的表达1. Talking about body parts: I have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears. I also have hair on my head, arms and legs, fingers on my hands, and toes on my feet.2. Describing body parts: My eyes are big and brown, and my nose is small and pointed. My mouth is medium-sized, and my ears are small and round. My hands and feet are small, and my fingers and toes are long and thin.3. Learning body parts through songs: We can sing the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” to learn the names of different body parts.活动二:生活习惯与身体健康1. Talking about healthy habits: I brush my teeth twice a day –once in the morning and once before bed. I also wash my hands before eating and after using the bathroom.2. Describing unhealthy habits: Eating too much junk food is notgood for our health. It can lead to problems like tooth decay and obesity.3. Learning about hygiene: We should always cover our mouths and noses when we cough or sneeze. We should also not share drinks or food with other people to prevent the spread of germs. 活动三:运动与身体健康1. Talking about sports: I like to play basketball and soccer. They are both fun sports that require a lot of running and jumping.2. Describing the benefits of sports: Playing sports is good for our health. It helps us stay fit and strong, and it also improves our coordination and teamwork skills.3. Learning about sportsmanship: We should always play sports fairly and with good sportsmanship. This means not cheating, not being rude to our opponents, and not getting angry when things don’t go our way.。

手册英语单词1:manual手册英语单词2:handbook手册英语单词3:brochure手册的英语例句:指导手册关于某一命题的基础指导的手册,通常以背诵或重复方式学习使用A manual giving basic instruction in a subject, usually by rote or repetition.她的手册不完整。
Her handbooks are incomplete.组成手册的各部分出现在下面目录中。
The name of the manual is indicated in the lower left corner of each page.本手册中的示例一般都使用简写。
Examples in this manual will normally use the short form too.除了实验室程序手册和熟练鉴定结果之外。
In addition to the lab procedure manuals and proficiency testing results.在手册中可以找到这个工具的使用说明。
Instructions for using the tool can be found in thecompendium.我的客户无论去哪儿工作,都会带着手册。
My clients carry their handbooks everywhere they do.她正在阅读一本园艺手册。
She is reading a handbook on gardening.她正在阅读一本园艺手册。

如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。
如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。
如:good, right, white, orange .4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。
如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。
如:am, is, are, have, see.6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。
如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。
如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。
如in, on, from, above.9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。
如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj..):表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。
如:oh, well, hi, hello.二、句子成分英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。
如:I‟m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。
如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间)3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。

英语句型大全手册-详尽版1. 疑问句型What is this?结构︰问句:What+be 动词+this(that…)?答句:This(that…)+be 动词+a book(pen…)。
what(什么)叫做“疑问词”,用于询问“事物”,通常放在句首,后接be <动词>,再接<主词>,第一个字母w要大写,句尾要加问号(?),位置不可排错。
What is this? This is a chair. 这是什么?这是一张椅子。
What’s this? It’s a book. 这是什么?它是一本书。
What is that? That is a desk. 那是什么?那是一张书桌。
What are these?结构︰问句:What are+these/those…?答句:These/Those are+复数名词(+s/es)。
说明︰<主词>与<动词>的形式要一致,is 后面接单数<名词>,are 后面要接复数<名词>。
What are these? These are books. 这些是什么?这些是书。
What are those? Those are cups. 那些是什么?那些是茶杯。
What are they? They are glasses. 它们是什么?它们是玻璃杯。
What are you?结构︰问句:What+be 动词+主词(人)…?答句:主词+be 动词+a student…。
疑问词what 除了询问事物之外,还可用于询问“人的职业或身分”。
be <动词>随<人称代名词>的变化而改变形态,如:I am,weare,you are,he is…。
What are you? I am a student. 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。

1.art. 一个(件……)2.vt. 放弃;抛弃3.n. 能力4.有能力做某事 (ability)5.adj. 有能力的;能干的6.能够做某事 (able)7.adj. 反常的,异常的8.adv. 在船(或飞机、车等)上;上船,登机 / prep. 在(船、飞机或车等)上9.prep. 关于10.prep. 在……上方 / adv. 在上方11.adv. 在(到)国外12.n. 不在;缺席13.某人不在 / 缺席 (absence)14.adj. 不在的,缺席的;心不在焉的15.不在……; 自……缺席 (absent)16.adj. 心不在焉的(合成词)17.adj. 完全的,绝对的,不容置疑的18.vt. 吸收;理解19.全神贯注于……(absorb)Translation1.我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。
(absorb)1. n. 吸收; 专心2. adj.抽象的 / n. 摘要;梗概3. adj.学术上的;学业上的4. n. 学院5. n. 重音;口音;强调6. v. 接受;认可7. adj. 可接受的8. adj. 不能接受的9. n. 接近;进入;利用10. 可接近;可进入;可利用(access)11. adj. (某地)易到达的;(某物)易到手的;(某人)易亲近的12. 对某人而言乘某交通工具可到达某地(accessible)13. n. 意外事件;事故14. 偶然地,意外地(accident/chance)15. 交通事故 / 车祸(accident)16. adj. 偶然的;意外的17. n. 住处;膳宿;方便设施18. vt. 陪伴;为……伴奏(或伴唱)19. vt. 实现;完成;达到20. adv. 按照,根据21. 根据……(according)Translation1.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会。

英语七年级上册自主学习手册第一部分 Part OneI. Introduction英语七年级上册自主学习手册是学习英语的重要辅助资料,通过这本手册,可以帮助英语学习者快速充实英语知识和能力。
二、语法1. 构成句子英语句子是由主语、谓语和宾语构成的,充分了解它们的区别和关系有助于掌握英语的句子结构。
2. 名词的数名词的数是指名词在句中所应用的形式,一般要分单数、复数和集体名词三种。
3. 冠词冠词又称限定词,用于词前,表示某类人或物,表示名词所指人或物的特指和泛指。
三、词汇与表达1. 动词动词表示动作、状态或系行为,在句中可以充当谓语或宾语,是句子的主要成分之一。
2. 形容词形容词是一类表示人或事物的品质、特征等的词,用来修饰名词,大多跟名词一起构成一个定语短语,位于名词的前面或后面。
3. 短语动词短语动词就是由一个动词和一个副词组成的动词搭配,可以用来描述某件事物的动作情况。
四、口语训练1. 日常用语日常用语是一般用于表达与日常生活有关的口语,因此学习者需要有良好的口语练习,用日常生活中实际发生的情景介绍和回答问题。
2. 对话练习对话练习是指用对话的形式来练习,通过看图片和文字,学习者可以根据实际场景练习表达方式,将问题的句子组织成完整的句子,以达到提高自己的口语能力的目的。
3. 礼仪训练礼仪训练是英语口语训练的重要部分,通过一些实际的情境表达的熟练,可以帮助学习者在日常口语中遵守一定的文化礼仪,对不通的文化习俗有一定的了解。
五、听力训练1. 听力基础听力基础是指学习者需要正确理解句子或句子中的单词,进而在听取不同类型的句子中找出主要内容,以及判断句子的语气,形成综合性的理解。


小学生英语基础知识手册一、常见的国家和地区1.中国China;2.英国England;3.美国 America;4.日本Japan;5.法国France;6.西班牙 Spain;7.意大利Italy;8.澳大利亚 Australia;9.加拿大Canada;10.俄罗斯Russia;11.韩国Korea;12.印度India;13.德国Germany;14.台湾Taiwan;15.泰国Thailand;16.香港Hong Kong;17.新加坡 Singapore;18.荷兰 Holland;19.瑞典 Sweden;20.土耳其Turkey;二、月份1.一月January;2.二月February;3.三月March;4.四月April;5.五月May;6.六月June;7.七月July;8.八月August;9.九月September;10. 十月October;11. 十一月November;12.十二月December。
英语 手册

Visteon-TYC English PamphletContent 目录第一词汇部分一.Numbers数字/Time时间/ Currency货币二.Colors颜色三.Weather天气四.Fruit水果五.Vegetable蔬菜六.Body人体七.Transportation交通八.Disease 疾病九.Shopping购物十.Work工作十一.Clothes 衣服,服装十二.Animals 动物十三.City城市十四.Flowers and trees 花草树木十五.Comprehensive 综合类第二句型部分第三英语日常用语Visteon-TYC English Pamphlet第一词汇部分一.Numbers数字/Time时间/ Currency货币One 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10Eleven 11 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16Seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20Twenty-one 21 twenty-two 22 twenty-three 23 twenty-four 24 twenty-five 25 Twenty-six 26 twenty-seven 27 twenty-eight 28 twenty-nine 29 thirty 30Forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90Hundred 100 thousand 1,000 million 1,000,000Billion 1,000,000,000(美国:十亿)/1,000,000,000,000(英国:万亿)Trillion 1012(美国:兆)1018(英国:百万兆)小数和分数:0.17zero point one seven / point seventeen / zero point seventeen 1/2one half1/3one /a third3/4three fourths7 2/5seven and two fifths大于100的数字:101one hundred (and ) one200two hundred998nine hundred ( and ) ninety eight大于1000的数字:1001a/one thousand (and) one2232two thousand two hundred (and) thirty two900,732,266,043nine hundred billion seven hundred thirty two million two hundred sixty six thousand and forty three时间的表达方法(1) 惯用法上午八点eight AM (a.m.)[ei em]下午九点nine PM (p.m.)[pi:em]六点六分six six六点三十二six thirty two八点正eight o clock(2)借用介词法。

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Unit1 短语1.呆在家里stay at home2.去爬山go to the mountains去夏令营go to summer camp去度假go on vacation相当多quite a few玩的高兴have a good time\ have fun\ enjoy oneself到达arrive in\ at决定做某事decide to do sth去沙滩go to the beach尽力做某事try to do sth一些特别的东西something special在过去in the past享受做某事enjoy doing sth想要做某事want to do sthe开始做某事start to do\ doing sth太多(加可数名词复数)to many太多(加不可数名词)to much太(形容词、副词)much too因为(加单词、短语)because of在学校旅行中on the school trip查清楚,弄明白find out如此…..以至于so …. that告诉某人去做某事tell sb to do sth保持做某事keep doing sth跳上跳下jump up and down20 分钟后twenty minutes later\ after twenty minutes感觉想要做某事feeling like doing sth最后5小时the last five hours给某人买某物buy sth for sb\ buy sb sth额外两小时、再两小时another two hours2d conversation:R: Hi, Helen. Long time no see.H: Hi,Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.R: Oh, did you go anywhere interestingH: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.R: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu WaterfallH: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you Did you do anything special last monthR: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.Unit 1 Grammar focusWhere did you go on vacation I went to New York City.Did you go out with anyone No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.Did you buy anything special Yes, I bought something for my father./ No, I bought nothing.How was the food Everything tasted really good.Did everyone have a good time Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.Unit 2 How often do you exerciseUnit 2重点短语多久一次how often多少个小时how many hours3. 一周一次once a week4. 一个月两次twice a month5. 什么类型的舞蹈what kind of dance6. 熬夜到很晚stay up late7. 吃一顿健康的早餐eat a healthy breakfast8. 对…有益,有好处be good for9. 根本不,一点儿也不not … at all10. 问题的答案the answer to the question11. 最好的休息方式the best way to relax12. 帮忙(做)家务help with housework13. 去购物go shoppingfree time14. 在某人的业余时间in one’s15. 询问某人关于某事ask sb about sth16. 至少at least17. 使用网络use the Internet18. 比如,例如for example19. 和某人共度时光spend time with sb20. 一个16岁的学生 a 16-year-old student21. 多于,超过more than22. 许多好习惯 a lot of good habits23. 去看牙医go to the dentist24. 看电影go to the movies25. 想要某人做某事want sb to do sth2d conversation:A:Hi,Claire,are you free next weekB:Hmm… next week is quite full for me,Jack.A:Really How comeB:I have dance and piano lessons.A:What kind of dance are you learningB:Oh,swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week,every Monday. A:How often do you have piano lessonsB:Twice a week,on Wednesday and Friday.A:Well,how about TuesdayB:Oh,I have to play tennis with my do you want to comeA:Sure.Unit 2 Grammar focusWhat do you usually do on weekends I always exercise.What do they do on weekends They often help with housework.What does she do on weekends She sometimes goes shopping.How often do you go to the movies I go to the movies maybe once a month.How often does he watch TV He hardly ever watches TV.Do you go shopping No, I never go shopping.Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.Unit 3 重点短语1 一些新的东西something new2. 努力工作work hard3 在某方面有天赋be talented in4 擅长be good at\ do well in5 关心,在乎care about6 使某人做某事make sb do sth7 喜欢做某事like doing\ to do8 在课上in class9 对于某人来说做某事怎么样It is + adj + for sb + to do sth10 只要as long as11 和…不同be different from12 帮某人做某事help sb to do \ do sth13 使显现bring out14 和…一样the same as15 事实上in fact16 讨论某事talk about sth17 拿…有办法,善于应付… be good with18 给….打….电话call ….. at19 和…..一样……… as….. as ……20 和….相似2d conversation:A:Did you like the singing competition yesterday,AnnaB:Oh,it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!A:Well,I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.B:Oh,which one was LisaA:The one with shorter think she sang more clearly than Nelly.B:Yes,but Nelly danced better than Lisa.A:You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win,though.B:Well,everyone wants to the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.Unit 3 Grammar focusIs Tom smarter than Sam No, he isn’t. Sam is smarter than Tom.Is Tara more outgoing than Tina No, she isn’t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. Are you as friendly as your sister No, I’m not. I’m friendlier. Does Tara work as hard as Tina Yes, she does.Who’s more hard-working at school Tina thinks she works harder than me.Unit 4 What’s the best movie t heaterUnit 4重点短语1.the closest to home 离家最近2.so far 到目前为止3.Thanks for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我4.No problem 没问题5.What do you think of ...... 你认为...怎么样6.have ..... in common 有相同特征7.look for 寻找(指动作)8.all kinds of 各种各样9.be up to 由...决定10 play a role 发挥作用,有影响11 made up 编造12 for example 例如(接句子)13 take ..... seriously 认真对待14 come true 实现15 not.... at all 一点也不16 how far 多远17 in town 在城镇18 It has the worst service 它有最糟的服务19 You can buy tickets the most quickly there. 你可以从那最快的买票20 What is the best movie theater to go to 要去的最好的电影院是什么2d conversation:Greg: Hi, I'm Greg. I'm new in town.Helen: Hi, I'm Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! How do you like it so farGreg: It's fantastic, but I still don't really know my way around.Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there.Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here I love watching movies.Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.Greg: Thanks for telling me.Helen: No problem.Unit 4 Grammar focusWhat’s the best movie theater to go toTown Cinema. It’s the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly thereWhich is the worst clothes store in townDream Clothes. It’s worse than Blue Moon. It has the worst service.What do you think of 970 AMI think 970 AM is pretty bad. It has worst music.Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game showUnit 5重点短语你认为…怎么样What do you think of \ How do you like像…. 学习learn from计划做某事plan to do希望做某事hope to do查明,弄清find out继续;发生go on全世界around the world讨论….. talk about sth期待做某事expect to do sth某一天one day在20 世纪30 年代in the 1930s尽力做某事try to do面对任何困难face any danger例如(加名词、动名词)such as准备好做某事be ready to do一双,一对 a pair of一种…的象征 a simple of出来,出版come out尽某人最大努力try one’s best乔装打扮成。

如China is in East Asia(中国位于东亚)一句中的China这个单词所属的词类是名词,在句子中作主语。
1.词类(parts of speech)英语的词通常分为十大类:1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称,如pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。
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英语手册退学2.spoil the fun at party索然无味3.get bored 闷死4.go in house and slam the door关门不出来 5.is giving over明天举行6.be back from a ride 刚骑马回来7.have sb taken有人邀请8.how proud of yourself you are 你很骄傲 9.spy on sb 监视10.you jump what you please随你喜欢11.i have it in strictest confidence from AA确切告诉我12.have you been making a spectacle of yourself running after a man who is not in love with you?你在追求一个不爱你的人,遭人耻笑?13.do not be jerking your chin at me别躲开我14.there is no getting away from if you’re A只要你是,就没有例外15.throw herself at sb 向某人投怀送抱 16. is your brothers business是哥哥的事17.i can not take my eyes off it看不够 18.run into遇到19.you have so much life你如此有生气 20.make the biggest fuss over her 小题大做21.you must’t flatter me and say things you do’t mean 不要奉承和口不对心22.nobody could accuse A of being insincere没有人会谴责你的不真诚23.bring sb down here 带某人来这里 24.be counting on doing 想做某事25.monotonous 单调—monopoly垄断26.adapt myself to it适应27.get knowledge to cope with our circumstance得到知识来适应环境28.render service to my country为国家服务29.七个小松鼠: bat蝙蝠--- bate vt.减弱,减少,抑制 noose 绳套---- loose 松弛的 refine精炼----refinement n.精致,言谈、举止等文雅,精巧30. Laugh and be fat. 心宽体胖31.intend to想要 32.by no means绝不是33.pay attention to注意到 34.happiness consist in contentment= contentment is the secret of happiness=the key to快乐在于知足=知足是快乐的秘诀35.be in distress处于痛苦之中36.we must assert ourselves by force of arms我们必须用武力来表现自己37. what does sb say?某人怎么看?38.arrogance自大39.be turned out of sp被……驱逐 40.decent family体面的家庭41.refuse to take advantage of you拒绝占你的便宜42.don’t tweaking his nose anymore不要惹怒他了 43.show around四处转转44. how could I help loving you?我怎能不爱你?45. rise up from couch从沙发上起来 hold it against you 以此威胁你46.you should have made your presence known你应该让我知道你在这47.you are no gentleman,you miss are no lady您不是君子,您也不是淑女48.i meant it as a compliment我只是想赞美49.when you are free of the spell of sb从……魔咒下解脱出来50.you are not fit to wipe his boot擦鞋也不配51.he doesn’t strike me as half good enough for a girl of your passion for living 在我看来,你这样的女孩,他一半也配不上你那种生命的热情52.outside, there is chaos外面一片混乱 53.right away马上54.i’ll cry to my pillow every day 抱着枕头天天哭55.clumsy and stupid又蠢又笨56.the sooner, the better越快越好57.i’ll coming back to you 我马上会回到你身边58.books increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character, in other words, they are good teacher and wise friend书籍增加我们的知识,扩大我们的胸怀,增强我们的品格,换句话说,是良师益友59.it is true that we derive benefits from books, however, bad books will do us more harm than good不错,我们能从好书中获益,但是槐树却对我们有害无益60.对虾的苦难:某一天dawn(黎明);在河边lawn(草坪) ---lawnmower n.剪草机;来几只prawn(对虾)--- brawn n.强壮的肌肉;在那里spawn(产卵);累了正yawn(呵欠) ;被人捉去pawn(典当出去)61.Charles die at the front, but Scarlett is not at all sad查尔斯在前线阵亡,但思嘉毫无哀意 62.none other than our friend 我们无人可比的朋友pete whip the enemy狠狠打击敌人 slip past the guns躲过炮林弹雨64.and now, a happy surprise for all of us现在给大家一个惊喜65.A:such a pleasure to see you again很高兴又见到你B:That’s kind of you to remember 谢谢你还记得 66.the Confederacy asks for jewelry on behalf of our noble cause 联合国要求为神圣的事业捐些首饰67.it is a beautiful thing to do so做得真好68.will you excuse us, please?我们失陪下,可以吗?69.the war makes the most peculiar widows造就寡妇70.i know how much that means to you对你有很重要的意义71.go away 走开 have any raising 有教养 bid for her出价72.i’ll carry your guilty secret to my grave 永远保守秘密73.be unpatriotic to 不爱国 74.i can’t bear to take advantage of you, I am neither noble nor heroic不敢欺骗你,我既不高尚也不是英雄75.the rest doesn’t mean much to me 没有意义76.A:how could permit your husband to conduct this怎能这样做 B:i t’s quite all right 没有关系 77.make your offers出价 was conceived to注定会78.i’m sure any bells would be proud to美女很愿意79.i will not consider it不会同意 flame in her eyes 2眼放光80.she squeeze through the crowd to him穿过人群来到他面前81.blochade running突破防线 82.espect a fancy profit out of it得到丰厚的利润83.pay a visit to拜访 84.you hypocrite, you don’t mind my knowing about it, just talking about them你真虚伪,不管我该不该知道,只在乎该不该谈论85.tempt you 勾引你 86.awful king很好心87.get paid=expect something in return回报 wait for us at the door在门口等88.don’t flatter yourself 别自我陶醉了 89.need badly非常需要90.what’s wrong with you? 怎么啦? 91.conceited and black-hearted varmint自负黑心的家伙 92.got sb out of your mind 忘记某人93.made me take my to a trip to the country让我带弟弟去旅游94.the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently 太阳灿烂照耀,微风轻拂 flower smile at us, the birds sing their songs on the tree花儿微笑95.向往自由的猿猴∶有个聪明ape(猿)--play the ape模仿,效颦,逗笑,装傻,;从动物园escape(逃跑);这天披着cape(披肩)--- shape n. 形状, 外形;在湖边看landscape(风景)--- landowner n.地主, 土地所有者;夜晚开始gape(打呵欠)=yawn;被人捉住nape(后颈) ---nap n.小睡,打盹,瞌睡;送回园吃grape(葡萄)--- grapefruit n.柚子, 柚子树;被录制成tape(磁带)--- have sb taped将某人的底摸透,彻底了解某人96.无腿先生与魔鼠:坐在一个armchair(扶手椅)--- armband n.臂章;被抬上楼upstairs(楼上地);被抬下楼downstairs(楼下地);魔鼠窜出lair(兽穴)-- laird n. 地主;赠送一把wheelchair(轮椅) ;不是你的affair(事情)---event n.事件, 大事97.猴子发邮件:名字叫snail(蜗牛) ;要去发mail(邮件)--- mailbox n.邮筒, 邮箱;正翻过rail(栏杆)-- railway n.铁道;没想到fail(失败);脚绊上nail(钉子);被警察t ail(跟踪)--- tailor n.裁缝;捉进了jail(监狱) ;交许多bail(保释金);放出后hail(欢呼) hailstone n.冰雹98.我如何被蛇咬了:在一个site(地点) --- mite n.微小的东西;正举办rite(典礼) ;天上放kite(风筝);颜色是white(白色的);很多人excite(兴奋);手拉手unite(团结);记者在write(写着);脚被蛇bite(咬了);感到痛 quite (非常地) ---quit vi.离开99.the masses大众 feel depressed 感到不开心 go forward前进100. True courage is like a kite, contrary wind raises it higher.真正的勇气就像风筝一样,逆风种高飞行。