4 Midnight visitor
your friends
❖ (Para. 2) Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent.
WORD FOCUS: sad ❖ unhappy sad because of the situation you are in ❖ miserable very sad ❖ depressed sad for a long time, and feeling that your life will never
❖ passably
Jack of all trades, master of none. [谚]样样皆通,样样稀松。
❖ adv. /'pɑːsəbli; 'pæ səbli / in a way that is acceptable or good enough; in a way that is fairly good, but not excellent:
direction along something;
❖ More examples:
1. Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.
2. We live just up the road, past the post office.
3. I looked up and down the corridor.
It was a wet and gloomy day. It was a gloomy room with one small window.
II. Quiz 3
1. to __n_o_d_ consent 点头表示同意 2. to __ho_l_d_ one’s head high 昂首挺胸(表示趾nks with the proper word.
3. to _s_h_a_ke_ one’s fist 挥动拳头(表示威胁)
family ____ although he is adventuresome.
a. in the risk b. at the risk
c. in risk
d. at risk
2. You ___ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. a. shouldn’t follow b. mustn’t follow c. couldn’t have been following d. shouldn’t have been following
4. to _s_h_ru_g_ one’s shoulders 耸耸肩膀(表示冷淡或怀疑)
5. thumbs __do_w_n__ 用大拇指,表示反对或拒绝
6. thumbs ___u_p__ 用大拇指,表示赞成或夸奖
III. Writing
If I Were a Detective You must have read about some detective stories, or watched
a. to be asked, to see
b. being asked, to see
c. to be asked, seeing
d. being asked, seeing
II. Quiz 2
Can you figure out the total number? I can’t figure him out.
risk: She is too sensible to take/run a risk when driving. We’ll take /run the risk of being late. He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life. v. risk+ n. risk+-ing To save that traveler, they had to risk getting caught in the storm.
concerning: prep. This book deals with questions concerning China’s diplomatic policies. synonyms regarding
with reference to with respect to
She is now on a diet to keep her figure. 4). person , esp. person of influence
Text Analysis Theme
• Wisdom is more powerful than any weapon. • Never judge a person by his appearance. • First impressions could be misleading. • He who laughs last, laughs longest.
谋)and politics; while a detective story is usually concerned with local crimes.
Warming-up Questions
Have you ever read any stories or seen any movies of secret agents?
a short story--a spy story
Setting: a French hotel room Characters: Ausable, Fowler, Max and a Climax Theme
How is a spy story similar to or different from a detective story?
What is your impression of a secret agent? Who is the best-known image of a secret agent
ever invented in your opinion?
Warming-up Questions
Please enjoy the following pictures in Hollywood movies and give your description of 007—James Bond , the best-known secret agent ever invented across the world. Try to think of as many words as possible to describe people who work as a secret agent.
The Midnight Visitor 深夜访客Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about . Following him down the corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room , Fowler felt disappointed . It was a small room on the sixth floor ,and hardly a setting for a romantic figure .奥斯鲍根本不像书中见过的任何特工。
Ausable was , for one thing , fat . Very fat . And then there was his accent . Though he spoke French and German passably , he had never altogether lost the New England accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago .首先,奥斯鲍很肥,非常肥,讲话还带有浓重的口音。
"You are disappointed ," Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder . "You were told that I was a secret agent , a spy , dealing in espionage and danger . You wished yo meet me because you are a writer , young and romantic . You thought you would have mysterious figures in the night , the crack of pistols , drugs in the wine .""你很失望吧,”奥斯鲍边走边气喘吁吁的说。
II. Answer the questions:
1. Who is the main character of the story? 2. What was Ausable?
II. Answer the questions:
3. Was he a good spy? 4. What’s the first impression of Ausable on Fowler? 5. What are the qualities that make Ausable a good spy?
1. For halfway across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand, stood a man. (L. 35)
Examples 2. Fowler jumped at the sudden knocking at the door. (L. 80)
• Strong in body and in mind • Quick-witted • Tactical • Knowledgeable • Resourceful • Gallant
Reading Comprehension
I. Read the text once again and find out the places where you could feel the suspense.
Main Contents
• Lead-In • Reading Comprehension • Discussion • Fast Reading • Assignments
现代大学英语精读1 UNIT4 Midnight Visitor 课文翻译
2014101018第四单元Translation of Text A不速之客1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。
2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。
3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。
4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在一个演奏法国音乐的餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。
5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。
6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。
7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。
8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。
你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。
10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。
”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。
Unit4 The Midnight VisitorGlossary:1.Ausable did not _________ any secret age nt(?) Fowler had ever read ________. 2.Ausable moved to an _________and sat down __________. 3.Ausable ___________a few times. 4.I t was an ordinary window and against which now the night was________________. 5.I thought you were____ Berlin. 6.“ You have been __________.” the fat man .” the fat man _____ to himself, as he _______the door _____his room and stood aside to let his _____________guest enter. 7.Max ________Fowler, who was standing _________a few feet from Ausable, and ___________with a _____________gesture. 8.This is the second time in the month that sb __________my room ______that ____________balcony. 9.Following Following him him him down down down the the the _________of _________of _________of the the the _________________________________Fr Fr ench ench hotel hotel hotel where where where Ausable Ausable Ausable had had had a a room, Fowler felt disappointed. 10.“I’m going to raise the ____ w ith the management this time; I’m angry.” with the management this time; I’m angry.” He said _______. _______. 11.“You are disillusioned. 12.The _______ turned. 13.There is ________i n that thought, don’t you think? in that thought, don’t you think? 14.: He glanced _____________at Fowler. 15.It had the balcony, which___________under my window now. 16.:“You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing with e_______- and danger.” 17.: The little spy smiled evi ll y. 18.For ________across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand , stood a man. 19.: you thought you will have a ________figures at night, a crack of pist o l s , drugs_____, drugs_____wine. wine. 20.“Thirty-Thirty-one minutes,” Ausable said one minutes,” Ausable said moodily. 21.Though he spoke French_________, he had never________(?) lost the New England accent he had brought to Europe from Boston twenty years ago. 22.It was a small room___________, and hardly a setting for a romantic figure. 23.And then, as he ________, he screamed once, shrilly. 24.Keeping Keeping his his his body body body twisted twisted twisted so so so that that that he he he could could could still still still __________and __________and __________and his his his guest, guest, guest, the the the man man man at at at the the window________ his other leg ______and _______the window sill. 25.Instead, Instead, you you you spent spent spent a a a dull dull dull evening evening evening in in in a a a French French French hall hall hall with with with a a a ______fat ______fat ______fat man man man who, who, instead instead of of ______________into his hands by dark-eyed beauties, gets only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room. 26.Max was__________, not tall. 27.Max’s Max’s face face face was was was ________anger ________anger ________anger as as as he he he backed backed backed swiftly swiftly swiftly towards towards towards the the the window. window. / / Swiftly Swiftly Swiftly Max Max pushed _______his left hand to free himself and __________ to the balcony. 28.And as the light__________, Fowler ________his first real ________of the day. 29.He ________ the tray on the table, ________the bottle and left the room. 30.“You are disappointed”, Ausable said _________ _______ his shoulder. / “ Max, he wheezed wheezed. ” . ” Useful Phrases:Idioms and Expressions:1. Before long, you will see a paper, a quite important paper for which several men and women you will see a paper, a quite important paper for which several men and women have____________, come to me in the next-to-last step of its journey into official hands. 2. __________the gun, he did not look dangerous. 3. Ausable was, ___________, fat. Verb phrases:4. The management promised to block it off. 5. I told them to check out on me to make sure everything was all right. 6. “You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger.” 7. I wish I knew how you learned about the report, Max .”8. As he switch on the light, the light came onVerb +noun collocations:9. Someday soon that paper may well affect the course of history. 10. Max ________his lip nervously. 11. No ______ has been ______. 12. I’m I’m going going going to to _____________with _____________with the the the management management management this this this time; time; / raise the voice: The knocking at the door became louder and a voice was raised. 13. I t might have s________________ had I known about it. 14. But____________, my young friend. 15. __________ them away or I’ll shoot and take my chances.。
现代大学英语精读1 UNIT4 Midnight Visitor 课文翻译
2014101018第四单元Translation of Text A不速之客1 奥萨博与福勒所读过的书中关于特工的描述并不相副。
2 令他失望的是,首先,奥萨博是一个胖子,而且非常胖。
3 “你一定很失望”,奥萨博气喘吁吁的回过头说。
4 “然而事情并不像你相象的那样,你在一个演奏法国音乐的餐厅同一个胖子度过了一个乏味的夜晚,而并没有黑眼睛的美女给他传递情报,只是打了个普通电话,将在他的房间里与人有个约会。
5 “你的幻想破灭了,”奥萨博对他说。
6 当灯亮时,福勒这一天中第一次感到真正害怕了。
7 奥萨博眨眨眼睛楞了一会儿。
8 “马克思”,他喘着气说,“你真让我吃惊,我以为你在柏林呢。
你在我房间里做什么?”9 马克思很单薄,个子不高,脸上的表情回让人想到狐狸。
10 “那分报告”,他低声说道。
”11 奥萨博缓慢走到扶手椅,重重地坐在上面。
a midnight visitor 课程思政元素
a midnight visitor 课程思政元素
对于《a midnight visitor》这个故事来说,可以从以下几个方面
1. 爱国主义教育:故事中的主人公守夜时,发现一名外国人试图潜入他的家中,并对此采取了行动。
2. 公民责任教育:主人公在面对突发事件时没有选择逃避,而是积极采取行动保护自己和家人的安全。
3. 集体荣誉感教育:在故事结尾,主人公将自己的行动告诉了邻居。
4. 公平正义教育:故事中的主人公在潜入家中的外国人受伤后,并没有报警,而是选择了将他送到医院。
I. Word Study
7. disillusioned
adj. feeling disappointed and unhappy because sb./sth. is not as good as you thought
disillusioned with sb./sth.
Examples: Disillusioned Susan decided to forget the man she had loved for many years. He was disillusioned with life in many aspects.
I. Word Study
13. hesitate
v. to be slow in deciding
hesitate at/about/over sth. hesitate to do sth.
Examples: She is a girl who hesitates at nothing. You can hesitate before replying.
Examples: To save that traveler, they had to risk getting caught in the storm. He just wanted to obtain as much money as possible, even risking life.
More Examples
1. gaze (at) 2. stare (at) 3. glance 4. glimpse
1. 尤指以 赞赏、愉快、好奇或饶有兴趣的神态长时间地盯着看, 常常达到出神的地步;
2. “盯着瞧”,尤指吃惊、恐惧、愤怒或无礼地瞪大眼睛目不 转睛地看;
当代商务英语综合教程1 Unit 16 The Midnight Visitor
raise the devil with the management this time; I am angry,” he said
grimly.“This is the second time in a month that somebody has gotten
into my room off that confounded balcony!” Fowler's eyes went to the
Text A The Midnight Visitor
“What will you do now, Max?” Ausable asked. “If I do not answer
the door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not
“You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder.
“You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and
danger. You thought I would have mysterious figures in the night, the crack
What is that? Who is at the door?”
Fowler jumped at the sudden knocking at the door. Ausable just
smiled, “That will be the police,” he said. “I thought that such an
现代大学英语1 unit 4 Midnight Visitor 自编课件
Ausable is portrayed in the way in contrast to the general image of a spy because it makes fresh unexpected and the story _________,___________ dramatic _______ase of Ausable, the most outstanding feature must be his____, his presence of mind and his quick wit. He is not ____ physically, but he can beat his ____. He is fat and ____, but he reacts very quickly. He carries no ____, but he has an excellent brain which is more powerful than any magic weapon. He appears helpless, but he gets ____ of his deadly enemy without lifting a finger. There is no shooting or fighting, but the battle of ____ is even more exiting and gripping.
In the case of Ausable, the most outstanding feature must be his wisdom, his presence of mind and his quick wit. He is not strong physically, but he can beat his enemy. He is fat and slow, but he reacts very quickly. He carries no weapon, but he has an excellent brain which is more powerful than any magic weapon. He appears helpless, but he gets rid of his deadly enemy without lifting a finger. There is no shooting or fighting, but the battle of wits is even more exiting and gripping.
往旁边站 没事站着 显示明显
站在身边;袖手旁观 反对,抵制
Quiz 2
1. He is a responsible man. He never puts his family ____ although he is adventuresome. a. in the risk b. at the risk c. in risk d. at risk 2. You ___ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. a. shouldn’t follow b. mustn’t follow c. couldn’t have been following d. shouldn’t have been following
sloppy fat
carries no guns
no linguistic genius
nothing romantic
nothing mysterious
no pistol
no dark-eyed beauties nothing exciting
Think about it
If I Were a Detective
You must have read about some detective stories, or watched some relevant TV programs. Suppose you were a detective,
what kind of person would you be? In what way would you
He carries no weapon, but he has an excellent brain which is more powerful than any magic weapon.
II. Quiz 2
4. —Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. —______. a. I don't b. I won't c. I can't d. I haven't
5. In international matches, prestige is so
3. What do you think a secret agent usually equiped with and what does he usually experience?
dark-eyed beauty; luxury villa or hotel; advanced facilities: special pistol, luxury car, watch, clothes etc. mysterious missions, romantic, exciting, thrilling, danger, adventures etc.
a. to be asked, to see
b. being asked, to see
c. to be asked, seeing
大学精读 Midnight Visitor课件
General Analysis of the Story
A fresh, unexpected and dramatic story
Ausable, Fowler, Max and a waiter
Ausable has an excellent brain
The Story
1. 间谍 2. 侦察、谍报 3. 国际间谍 4. 双重间谍 5. 秘密特工 6. 特工处 7. 特工 8. 情报 9. 间谍机构 10. 反间谍机构 11. 间谍片 12. 侦探故事 13. 秘密的地下工作者/活动
Intensive Reading
Ausable did not fit the description of any secret agent Fowler had ever read about. Ausable: a secret agent; a spy paraphrase: Ausable was not at all fit the description of typical secret agents in novels or movies.
Related Terms
1. spy 2. espionage 3. international spy 4. double agent 5. secret agent 6. secret service 7. special agent 8. intelligence 9. intelligence agency 10. counterintelligence agency 11. spy movies 12. detective stories 13. undercover agent or undercover operation
TUnit4 The Midnight Visitor
I. Warming-up
1. Have you ever read any stories or seen any movies of secret agents? 2. What is the usual image of a secret agent or a spy in your mind?
Robert Arthur was born on November 10,1909,at Fort MiIls (米尔斯堡), Corregidor Island(科雷希多岛),the Philippines(菲律宾),where his father, Robert Arthur,Sr.,then a lieutenant in the United States Army,was stationed. Arthur's childhood was spent moving,as his father was transferred(调动)from one army base to another.
I. The Author and the Text • The text first appeared in Cillier's on June 17, 1939 and was later included in Mystery and More Mystery, which was edited by Robert Arthur and published by Rondom House in 1963.
Theme of the Story: Ausable, a secret agent, did not look like a spy in people’s imagination. He carried no weapon, but he had excellent brain which is more powerful than any weapon. He appeared helpless, but he got rid of his deadly enemy without lifting a finger.
It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic figure. (L.4)
Instead, you have spent a dull evening in a French music hall with a sloppy fat man who, instead of having messages slipped into his hand by dark-eyed beauties, gets only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room. (L. 17)
Please make a brief summary of the story.
Exercises Finish the exercises on page 84-93.
1. Do out-class reading. 2. Finish the exercises after class.
• One of the most notorious espionage institutions in the world is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the U.S.A., which was established in 1947. Although espionage is not illegal under international law, every country has laws against other nations spying on them.
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Lesson Four Midnight Visitor Teaching Aims:nguage points: new words & expressions, word formation,2.The key elements of the story3.The structure of the text4.The theme analysis of the story5.Grammar points: adverbial clause of time/reason, passive voiceKey Points:1.Understand the work of spies2.Understand the structure of the text3.Understand the passive voice4.Understand the useful suffixes and prefix in the textDifficult Points:nguage points2.The key elements of the story3.The themeTeaching Materials:Textbook & Reference bookTeaching Methods:Lecture, Discussion, Practice, Questions and answersTeaching Hours:16 hoursTeaching Process:1.Warm-up: about James Bond, secret agent2.Background knowledge: about the cold war3.Introduction to the text: brief introduction & pre-class discussion4.Detailed learning of the text: words & expressions, sentences, affixes5.Detailed analysis of the text: structure, theme, questions & discussion6.Exercises: oral work, vocabulary & grammarTeaching Reflection:1.Warm-upAsk the students about the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. Who parachuted into the London bowl?“Good evening, Mr. Bond,” Her Majesty said to one of the UK’s most iconic characters (played by actor Daniel Craig), before being escorted out of Buckingham Palace. The queen and 007 — or, rather, actors portraying them —then parachuted into London’s opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics.Q: Who is James Bond?James Bond is a fictional character created by novelist Ian Fleming in 1953. Bond is a British secret agent working for MI6 who also answers by his codename, 007. He has been portrayed on film by actors Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig, in twenty-four productions, with a twenty-fifth in production. MI6(Military Intelligence, Section 6): The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), often known as MI6, collects Britain's foreign intelligence. SIS provides Her Majesty's Government with a global covert capability to promote and defend the national security and economic well-being of the United Kingdom.Q: What is a spy’s work like?What kind of qualities do you think would make a perfect spy?2.BackgroundThe Cold War was the most important political and diplomatic issue of the later half of the 20th Century. The main Cold War enemies were the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold war got its name because both sides were afraid of fighting each other directly. In such a "hot war," nuclear weapons might destroy everything. So, instead, they fought each other indirectly. They played havoc with conflicts in different parts of the world. They also used words as weapons. They threatened and denounced each other. Or they tried to make each other look foolish.diplomatic [ˌdipləˌmætik] a.外交的,从事外交的;策略的,有手腕的havoc ['hævək] n. 大破坏, 混乱vt. 破坏denounce [diˌnauns]vt.谴责,指责;告发3.Introduction to the textThe Key Elements of the StoryPlot: a spy got rid of his rival by using his mental workSetting: in a hotel roomProtagonists: Ausable, Fowler, Max, and the waiterTheme of the StoryAusable, a secret agent, did not look like a spy in people’s imagination. He carried no weapon, but he had excellent brain which is more powerful than any weapon. He appeared helpless, but he got rid of his deadly enemy without lifting a finger.Structure of the TextThe introduction: (para 1-5) background information.The body: (paras. 6-23) the battle of wits between Ausable and Max.The conclusion: (paras. 24-28) the result of the battle.nguage learning1.fit the description of……Ausable is fat and sloppy, doesn’t fit the description of a spy.My students say I am too young to fit the description of a university teacher.2.down(of flat surfaces or areas) along; towards the direction in which one is facing (指平面或区域)沿着, 顺着(面对的方向): Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights. 沿路前行直至有交通灯处.3.where…where在定语从句中用作关系副词,作状语,先行词一般指地点。
例如:This is the farm where we worked when we were young.这就是我们年轻时候在此干活的农场。
He met his wife in the park where they fell in love with each other.他是在这个公园遇到他的妻子,就是在那里,他们相爱了。
在实际的英语学习中,where在定语从句中的用法远不是这么简单,相反,要复杂得多.某些在从句中充当地点状语的“介词+关系词”结构可以与where 互换,where=in/at/on/...which 例如:This is the house in which I lived two years ago.This is the house where I lived two years ago.这是我两年前住过的房子。
This is the factory where/in which you worked last year.This is the factory that/which/you visited last year.在第一句中,关系词在定语从句中作状语,所以用关系副词where或者in which,因为定语从句中worked 是个不及物动词;而在第二句中,关系词在定语从句中做宾语,因此用that或which,还可以省略,visited是个及物动词。