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I Listen and choose the right sentence which has the same meaning as what you hear . ( 听录音选出与你所听内容意思最相同或相近的句子 5% )

( ) 1 A What are you like ? B What do you want ? C What do you like ? ( ) 2. A Lily is a beautiful girl .

B Lily is the most beautiful girl in her class .

C Lucy is more beautiful than Lily .

( )3 A What does your mother do ? B Who is your mother ?

C Where ’s your mother from ?

( ) 4 A Most countries are in the UN . B China is in the UN . C China is from the UN . ( ) 5 A I like bananas very much. B I like bananas best .

C Bananas are very delicious fruit .

II Listen and choose the right answers.( 听句子,选择正确的答语。5 %) ( )1. A She is very good . B Not very bad . C She is a beautiful woman . ( ) 2. A He ’s tall and wears glasses. B He likes reading. C He likes his father.

( )3. A I like it very much. B Sorry, Ms Smith.. C It ’s delicious. ( ) 4. A He likes interesting movies. B The one in a yellow shirt. C He is very friendly to the others.

( ) 5. A That sounds good. B On October 10th . C Every weekend.

III Listen to the dialogues and questions, and choose the right answer.(听对话及问句,选


( ) 1 A Jim Green . B Jim . C Green

( ) 2 A Yes, it ’s a little difficult . B Because it ’s very interesting.

C He likes Chinese best .

( ) 3 A In a park . B In a shop . C In a classroom . ( ) 4 A Every weekend . B Once a week C At the age of five . ( ) 5 A. He would like a bottle of orange juice.

B. He would like a glass of milk.

C. He would like a cup of tea.

IV Listen to the passage, and judge true “T ” or “F ”.(听短文,判断正误。5%) ( ) 1 Mr. Wang is thirty years old. ( ) 2 He is short .

( ) 3 He often wears a pair of glasses ( ) 4 . His jacket is black . ( ) 5 Mr. Wang is strict to us .

V Listen to the passage , and fill in the blanks .( 听短文, 填出所缺单词 5 % ) We have a picnic at a called Xinxin Garden . It ’s a wonderful garden . The flowers __ good. The birds sing . We sit in a . We have sausages , , and lots of other food . Tina takes some . It ’s her favorite . Her parents come here with us ,too. T hey are from America . Tina ’s father a big drum over his . He plays the drum and we dance and sing .

VI Listen to the passage and questions, choose the right answer.(听短文及问题,选择正确的答语。5%)

姓名--------------------- 班级 ------------------------ 学校 ----------------------------- 学号------------------------

( ) 1. How old is Tom? _______________

A. Eleven

B. Twelve

C. we don’t know ( ) 2. Tom’s father is _________________

A. a teacher

B. an English teacher

C. teaches English ( ) 3. Maybe Tom in the same school with _________

A. his mother

B. Wang Lin

C. his father

( ) 4. Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food because ____________________

A. his father like it

B. his mother like it

C. it is too hot

( ) 5. They often eat out on weekends because ________________

A. they like Chinese food

B. they like American food

C. they are lazy .


I Multiple choice.(选出与划线部分读音与众不同的单词,5%)

( ) 1 A video B model C hold D cola

( ) 2 A soon B foot C food D bamboo

( ) 3 A deaf B weather C headache D team

( ) 4 A way B says C play D stay

( ) 5 A chair B China C school D children II Fill in the blanks by using the first letter.(根据首字母提示填出所缺单词,完成下列句子。5%)

1 “ Help y_____________ to the fish, Lucy and Lily.

2 What’s your favourite d , Jim? Milk. I like it very much.

3 Can you come and help me f______________ the animals.

4 This book is more i______________ than that one.

5 One of the c is Tom’s brother .

III Choose the right answer.(选择正确的答案。25%)

( ) 1 He often has ______________ for breakfast.

A two breads

B two pieces of bread

C two piece of breads

D two pieces of breads

( ) 2 What ________ bad weather it is!

A a

B an

C \

D the

( ) 3 There isn’t ___________ meat in the box. Will you go and buy ________ ?

A any; some

B any; any

C some; any

D some; some

( ) 4 I have __________________ to do this evening .

A important something

B something important

C anything important

D important anything

( ) 5 Which do you like ____________, Chinese or English?

A good

B well

C better

D best

( ) 6 Who sings______________ in your class ?

A the most beautiful

B beautifully

C beautifulest

D more beautiful ( ) 7 He was ill in ________ hospital last week , so he didn’t come to my party .

A a

B an

C \

D the
