高一英语holidays and festivals PPT教学课件


高一英语 Festivals课件

高一英语 Festivals课件

Well, perhaps we shouldn’t be so selfish. Peace, happiness and friendship are important to us, to human beings, but what about the rest of the planet ? We mustn’t forget about nature, the environment and the animals. On this day, which we will celebrate on the first day of spring, people will not pollute and they will learn more about nature. We should also plant trees and do something for our animal friends. I think that we will be happier and more peaceful if we learn to take better care of our planet. Why not have a Nature Day ?
That’s a good idea, but I think we should create a Happiness Day instead. If people are happy, there won’t be any wars or fights. We should celebrate Happiness Day on the shortest, darkest day of the winter, because many people feel unhappy when it’s cold and the sun doesn’t shine. People will celebrate by doing something that makes another person happy, for example helping them do something or giving them a card or a small gift . The most important thing is that people should smile and laugh a lot on Happiness Day.


The price of food has fallen.
4. fall in / on 落在…上
– The chopsticks fell on his head. – It will fall upon the headmaster to make a decision.
holiday 假日
2. 变化 vi. Her health varies from good to rather weak. The temperature varied throughout the day. 3. 使…变化 vt. You should vary your diet.
– vary with 随...而变化 Leaf varies with the seasons.
– vary from ...to ... 从...到...不等;
variety: (n.) a variety of… various: (adj.)
Translation: 孩子们的年纪从七到十岁不等。 The ages of the children vary from seven to ten. The children vary in age f开发外包 手机app开发外包 https://xiaozu.app 微信小程序开发外包 手机app开发外包

不去自鸣自喧的人,才是雅士;不为名利争吵的人,才是有道德的人;没有时间多嘴多舌、忙于空谈者,才是智人。所以,静是大雅大德大智。 有人貌似闲散无事,但内心却整日里被各种私欲所占有;有人虽很忙碌,但心思单纯,内心幽静。我们推崇和欣赏的是内心宁静淡泊的人,这才 是“静”的高品位。 ? 作文题七 有位高僧欲选一徒,便对二小童进行测试。 他指着两间同样大小的空屋子

《Holidays》PPT 图文

《Holidays》PPT 图文
春夏秋冬大千世界,芸芸众生,我们 每个人 就像一 粒小小 的尘埃 ,于春 夏秋冬 的轮回 里,在 风风雨 雨中飘 渺,在 阳光下 微笑人 的一生 中,会 品尝着 各种酸 甜苦辣 的味道 ,当回 眸看看 所走过 的路程 ,会让 我们渐 渐明白 一个道 理:人 需有一 颗淡然 的心来 对待这 世间百 态,需 用一颗 平常心 简简单 单过好 生活, 因为淡 然,会 使人简 单,简 单了, 就有快 乐。 在忙碌的生活里,谁都会遇到难处,在 现实的 生活中 ,谁都 有苦楚 ,人的 一生, 总是有 一些纠 结,会 让我们 无助; 总是有 太多的 奈何, 会让我 们无可 。所以 ,有些 事,可 以认真 对待, 但不可 去较真 。当然 ,说说 容易, 做起来 可能就 较难, 很多时 候,我 们往往 会始终 执着一 个人, 一件事 ,一段 情,这 种执着 仅仅是 一种执 念也就 罢了, 有些封 存的往 事,只 会让你 显得落 寞和孤 寂,将 岁月纠 结于此 ,往往 让人痛 不欲生 。岁月 静好, 可是, 你的人 生并非 安好, 许多的 事,我 们自己 是做不 了主的 ,对人 生旅途 中的风 景,我 们也没 有能力 做出选 择,但 是我们 可以对 自己的 心态进 行调整 ,时不 常地换 个角度 待人看 事,就 会给自 己带来 不一样 的感觉 。748219美文 网
UNIT 6 Listen and say
UNIT 6 Look and learn
UNIT 6 Look and read
UNIT 6 Think and write
UNIT 6 Ask and answer

UNIT 6 Ask and answer
UNIT 6 Listen and enjoy
作者简介:谈笑在指尖 文章,诗歌多见于省内外报刊和网络 平台。 喜欢把 日子中 的点点 滴如同 一次旅 行,一 次不清 楚哪里 是终点 的旅行 。在人 生的旅 程中, 有些人 走的很 从容, 一边走 一边欣 赏着沿 途的风 景,春 天踏青 ,感受 万物复 苏时生 命的萌 动;夏 日赏荷 ,嗅闻 花儿的 芳香, 聆听悠 扬的蝉 鸣;秋 时听风 ,欣赏 落叶在 秋风中 忘情的 舞动; 冬日品 雪,品 味银装 素裹的 晶莹, 让自己 的人生 如四季 绚烂, 多姿多 彩。有 些人却 是步履 匆匆, 他们只 顾埋头 盯着脚 下的道 路,拼 命的赶 完余下 的旅程 ,一路 上,只 顾疲于 奔跑, 疲于生 存,疲 于生, 看不见 路边花 儿的美 丽,也 注意不 到蔚蓝 天空中 白云的 漂浮, 一心只 忙于到 达目的 地,一 程又一 程的奔 跑,将 自己置 于永不 停歇的 劳碌之 中,错 过了欣 赏身边 许多美 丽的风 景。

《Holidays》Days and Months PPT课件

《Holidays》Days and Months PPT课件
Days and Months
Unit 7
Lesson 41
- .
What do you like to do on holidays?
1)Happy New Year!Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays ❶.Good afternoon.Today is Tuesday,December 20.The weather is cold and cloudy.I would like to talk about holidays in China. Holidays are fun. We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. We have many holidays in China.International Workers' Day is in May. We have Children's Day on ❷ June 1.
Let's Do It !
2)What do you like to do on holidays? ❸
My family likes to watch a movie on New Year's Day.
My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival.
2)Listen and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. My family likes to ______________ on New Year's Day. I like to ___________on Children's Day. My mum and I like to ____________ during the Spring Festival. My cousin and I like to ____________________on National Day.

《Holidays》Days and Months PPT免费课件

《Holidays》Days and Months PPT免费课件
【拓展】表示节日的专有名词的每个单词的首字母都要大 写,其前一般不带定冠词the。
New Yea's Eve 除夕
Women's Day 妇女节
International Workers'Day 国际劳动节
Children's Day 儿童节 Mother's Day 母亲节
Father's Day 父亲节
6.国庆节__N_a_t_io_n_a_l _D_a_y_____________
◆ New Year's Day 元旦
New Year's Day意为“新年,元旦”,指的是阳历新年, 即1月1日那天。
身体健康,学习进步! 最终你相信什么就能成为什么。因为世界上最可怕的二个词,一个叫执着,一个叫认真,认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。只要在路
上,就没有到不了的地方。 当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。
以解决自己的问题为目标,这是一个实实在在的道理,正视自己的问题,设法解决它,这是成功的捷径。谁能塌下心来把目光凝集在一个个 小漏洞、小障碍上,谁就先迈出了一大步。 每个人的一生都有许多梦想,但如果其中一个不断搅扰着你,剩下的就仅仅是行动了。 只要更好,不求最好!奋斗是成功之父。
same to you! (也一样祝福你!)”
◆ during prep. 在……期间 during 作介词,意为“在……期间”,常表示特定的某一
段时间。 They swim every day during the holiday. 他们在假期期间每天都游泳。

高一英语课件高一英语课件holidays and festivals

高一英语课件高一英语课件holidays and festivals

in the front room in front of 在…前面;当…面 in the front of 在…的前部
– He is sitting in the front of the car with the driver. – He is reading in front of the fire.
celebrate v. 1. 庆祝. The people celebrated the victory. We must celebrate the great occasion somehow tonight. We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.
fall 1. 在特定时间发生; (时间)降临
– New Year's Day falls on a Tuesday this year. – fall in March / fall on May the first – Night fell quickly. 夜色很快降临。
2. (由于重力)落下,掉下 3. (数量、程度)降低;减少
in bright colors in表行为方式: in + 表情绪的名词 in +表状态的名词 in +表动作的名词 in+ 材料/颜色/语言/尺寸/方法
• • • • • in surprise/anxiety in motion/ silence in deep thought/ in a whisper She was dressed in white like a nurse. I paid the bill in cash.
The price of food has fallen.


and witches’ hats go to knock at neighbors’ doors and threaten them whether they treat them or not. Otherwise they will play tricks on them. Neighbors always take out peanuts, apples and snacks to treat children. Ghost costumes, masks and witches’hats are very popular on Halloween. They want to frighten away bogeys in the dark.
为焦黑,呈湿腐状。在病斑边缘有一圈白霉,薯块感病形成淡褐色或灰紫色不规则形病斑,稍微下陷,病斑下面的薯肉变褐色,病薯易被其他腐生菌侵染而 软腐。 [] ⒉防治方法 应采用以推广抗病品种,选用无病种薯为基础,结合消灭中心ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ株、剂防治和改进栽培技术
Time: October 31; Place: America; How: Children who are wearing ghost costumes, masks
I Lead-in the new lesson. Part 1
1 Chinese festivals Which festival is the most important and greatest
one to our Chinese people? And we also know that there are some other important festivals in our country. Can you tell me the names of them?



《新世纪高中英语》——Unit4HolidaysandFestivals(教学设计)第一篇:《新世纪高中英语》——Unit 4 Holidays andFestivals(教学设计)《新世纪高中英语》——Unit 4 Holidays and Festivals(教学设计)一、教材分析这堂课是《新世纪高中英语》(高一)Unit 4 Holidays and Festivals的导入课,lead-in部分呈现了8幅图片,分别为中国和英国的8个主要节日。


为让学生更好的理解课文,将复活节的宗教故事作为文化背景知识介绍给学生;关于五朔节(MAY DAY),那是英国庆祝冬天过去,喜迎春夏来临的节日,不是我们所讲的“五一国际劳动节”,这点要跟学生交待清楚,才能更好的掌握课文。



四、重点与难点重点:1、了解记叙文的文体特点,并以此指导阅读;2、训练skimming,scanning,careful reading等阅读技能;3、对文章深层次的理解及细节欣赏。



Holidays and festivals(中西方节日)PPT

Holidays and festivals(中西方节日)PPT

Spring festival
General introduction 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival
Holidays and Festivals
Chinese traditional festivals
Spring Festival
The first day of Chinese lunar year
Chinese Valentine's Day
Chinese traditional festivals

activity: Dragon dancing, lion dancing, traditional opera 戏曲 House cleaning /get rid of ill-fortune and bring in good luck驱晦气 Visit friends and relatives to send new year greetings to each other / Lucky money for kids 拜年、压岁钱 Set off firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 放鞭炮 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping买年货 propose a toast敬酒 staying-up on new year eve除夕守岁 Spring Festival Gala春晚 riddles written on lanterns、 exhibit of lanterns灯谜,灯会 food: family reunion dinner ,dinner on New Year's Eve团圆饭年夜饭 Dumplings 、 New year cake、Noodle、Round sweet dumplings、Spring rolls candy tray ,assorted candies 糖果盘,什锦糖 decoration : Spring Festival couplets ,red couplets, paper-cuts ,New Year paintings 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position 出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go

高一英语上册 Unit 4 Holidays and Festivals Period

高一英语上册 Unit 4 Holidays and Festivals Period

UNIT 4 Holidays and FestivalsPERIOD 1Three dimensional targets(三维目标)Knowledge and ability objective(知识与技能目标)1.To help students to develop reading, listening and speaking skills2.To help students to develop the skill of communicationProcess and method objective(过程与方法目标)Collaborative learning approachEmotion, attitude and values objective(情感、态度与价值观的目标)To help students to understand the different cultural customs of foreign countries. Aids: Multi-mediaProcedure:Step 1 Warning up--- Daily Talk.Step 2. Pre-task1. Show the students a card from one of the teacher’s friends.2. Questions:1) When can we receive such cards?2) Can you name other holidays or festivals?3. Show the students PPT ,having a competition. (class work)Step 3 While-task1. Pre-reading1) Do Exercise A1 on Page 50 (class work)2) Do Exercise A2 on Page 50 (pair work)2. While-reading1) First listening for information2)Scan the text and complete the following table with information from the text.Get the students to listen to the tape and get the information needed in the formEast ChristmasDate ___________________________ December 25Purpose To observe ________ __________________________Food a)_______________b) Hot cross buns _________________________3. Post-readingThings to talk about when describing a festivalDate (fall in / on, vary…)Purpose (to celebrate, to observe…)FoodActivitiesStep 4 Post-task1. Show the picture of Quyuan , telling the students the Dragon Boat Festival is teacher’s favourite festival and the reason for it.2. What’s your favorite festival? Introduce your favorite festival to your partner and tell him/her why you like it.Things to talk about when describing a festivalDate (fall in / on, vary…)Purpose (to celebrate, to observe…)FoodActivities3. Group DiscussionEveryone creates a new festival that could add to the calendar of a year.Then share your idea among the group members.1) What date does the festival fall on?2) What’s the name of your new festival?3) Why do you create such a festival4) What should people do during the festival4. Group DiscussionNowadays western festivals are more and more popular than traditionalChinese ones among Chinese youngsters.Will western festivals PK Chinese festivals in the near future? What’syourStep 5 Homework.Write a passage about your favorite festival in at least 120 wordsStep 6 Reflections这一节课是为了充分提高课堂效率,丰富教学形式,以学生为主体、老师为指导的合作性教学模式而设计的。


eating dyed eggs when a baby is born.
2. 观察 to watch carefully Children learn by observing adults.
major (adj./ vi.) majority (n.)
(数量、程度、价值)较大的、重要的 a major earthquake a major problem a major painter a major subject the major part of…
• in surprise/anxiety • in motion/ silence • in deep thought/ in a whisper • She was dressed in white like a nurse. • I paid the bill in cash.
in the front room in front of 在…前面;当…面 in the front of 在…的前部
crime. (=be associated with)
Connect 指“通过某种媒介物把事物连接起来, 原 物的特征还保持”
• A minor road connects the highways.
Associate 通常表示人和人之间作为搭档或同盟的 一种关系;也可表示相类似的、在意义上有关联的 事物间的关系:
• We associate China with the Great Wall.
Relate 表示人通过婚姻或亲属关系联系起来;或者 事物通过逻辑关系联系起来
• Though they have the same surname, the two are not even distantly related.
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– vary from ...to ... 从...到...不等;
variety: (n.) a variety of… various: (adj.)
Translation: 孩子们的年纪从七到十岁不等。 The ages of the children vary from seven to ten. The children vary in age from 7 to 10.
Deliver 1. express in words 陈述/发言
2. bring to the proper place 递交,运送
3. give birth
deliver groceries 运送食品 deliver the mail 投递邮件
We can deliver goods to your door. You don't have to go out into the rain since the store delivers free of charge.
fall 1. 在特定时间发生; (时间)降临
– New Year's Day falls on a Tuesday this year. – fall in March / fall on May the first – Night fell quickly. 夜色很快降临。
2. (由于重力)落下,掉下 3. (数量、程度)降低;减少
during the Spring Festival.
festival 节日,有固定名称
vacation 学校寒暑假,外出休假
• He used to take a vacation in November.
1. 遵循(法律,习惯,风俗) Some people still observe the custom of
The price of food has fallen.
4. fall in / on 落在…上
– The chopsticks fell on his head. – It will fall upon the headmaster to make a decision.
holiday 假日
• go on holiday • be on holiday • during the summer holiday • We usually have a seven-day holiday
Unit 4
Words Phrases
the United Kingdom
= the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1. (彼此)不同 vi. Car prices vary greatly across Europe. Roses vary widely in size and shape. Opinions on this matter vary from person to
– He is sitting in the front of the car with the driver.
– He is reading in front of the fire.
1. 庆祝.
The people celebrated the victory.
We must celebrate the great occasion somehow tonight.
–deliver a baby –deliver a lecture/speech 发表演讲
eating dyed eggs when a baby is born.
2. 观察 to watch carefully Children learn by bserving adults.
major (adj./ vi.) majority (n.)
(数量、程度、价值)较大的、重要的 a major earthquake a major problem a major painter a major subject the major part of…
for 就…来说
For most British families Christmas is the most important holiday of the year.
Tom is tall for his age.
It is quite warm tonight for February.
in bright colors in表行为方式: in + 表情绪的名词 in +表状态的名词 in +表动作的名词 in+ 材料/颜色/语言/尺寸/方法
We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.
2. 赞颂.
Today his words and deeds are celebrated throughout the land.
celebration n.
deliver a message 带信, 传话
2. 变化 vi. Her health varies from good to rather weak. The temperature varied throughout the day. 3. 使…变化 vt. You should vary your diet.
– vary with 随...而变化 Leaf varies with the seasons.
• in surprise/anxiety • in motion/ silence • in deep thought/ in a whisper • She was dressed in white like a nurse. • I paid the bill in cash.
in the front room in front of 在…前面;当…面 in the front of 在…的前部