伊顿公制DIN卡套式2C-RN 2D-RN外螺纹内螺纹转换接头
带气动继动 器代码 F.G
2700 (95)
18000 (636)
3500 (124)
24000 (847)
5500 (194)
40000 (1492)
7500 (265)
55000 (1942)
信号 报警................................... 利用通讯方式
防火保护应遵守 EN61010-1,附件 F (或 IEC1010-1)规范
1) 作为服务时的指导 2) 如果导线屏蔽层二端接地,仅适用于 PROFIBUS 或
FOUNDATION 现场总线(Fieldbus)
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操作条件 ............................ 按 IEC654-1 标准 设备可在 Dx 级场所操作 环境温度 ............................ –40 至 80℃ 相对湿度 ............................ ≤100% 运输和贮存
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3 SRD991
故障处理 在以下情况下的安全位置 —供气故障 ....................... Y1 压力为=零 —电源故障 ....................... Y1 压力为=零 —电气故障 ....................... 可组态为 Y1=零或停
VCO® 和 VCR® 面密封接头
见世伟洛克 VCR 金属垫片面密封 接头和 VCO O 型 圈面密封接头目 录 (MS-01-24C4), P 130 和 (MS-01-28C4), P 150。
可检测卡套管接头和转换接头 7
“在 10 000 多个接头中, 没有一个泄漏。”
■ 活动负载和双卡套设计。 ■ 易于安装。 ■ 安装时不会把扭矩传输到卡套管上。 ■ 世伟洛克® (Swagelok®) 间隙检测规确保了首次安装的充分紧固。
可检测卡套管接头和转换接头 3
后卡套 铰链点
螺母 前卡套
在装配具有先进几何形状设计特点的管接头时(如上图所 示), 前卡套被推入到接头本体和卡套管形成主密封, 而后卡 套向内产生铰链作用以对卡套管形成强有力的抓紧。后卡 套的几何形状有助于产生先进的工程铰链-夹箍作用, 这种 作用可把轴向运动转化为卡套管上的径向挤压作用, 操作时 只需要很小的装配扭矩。
可定位支管, SAE/MS 直螺纹 (TTS) 和可定位支管, ISO/BSP 平行螺纹 (TTR), 39
与世伟洛克卡套管 接头对接的 Kwik 夹具式法兰, 42
卡套管转换接头信息, 43
NPT 和 ISO/BSP 锥形螺纹 (RT), 44
ISO/BSP 平行螺纹 (RS 和 RP), 45
世伟洛克根据 ASTM B117-95 标准进行 了有关测试, 以评估世伟洛克卡套管接头 的耐蚀性。
若需了解有关耐蚀性测试报告的更详细 信息, 请与您授权的世伟洛克代表联系。
这种做法可能存在危险。可以承受高压, 振动, 真空和温度变化的无泄漏密封需 要依赖于紧公差以及始终如一的, 严格 的质量控制和良好的设计原理。精密部 件的相互作用对于可靠性和安全性是至 关重要的。
T2 Terminator 螺纹接线器 工具规格表说明书
Bell mouth
Cut-off Tab Max. Conductor Brush
0.10-0.40 .004-.016 0.30
.012 0.00-1.20 .000-.047
Terminal Series No. 5479
Bend up Bend down
Scrape Chute Lower Tooling Key
Anvil Mount Wire Stop Rear Cover T2 Terminator M3 by 6Lg. SHCS M4 by 6Lg. SHCS M4 by 12Lg. BHCS M4 by 16Lg. SHCS M4 by 20Lg. SHCS M4 by 50Lg. SHCS 3MM by 6Lg. Roll Pin #10-32 by 3/8”Lg. BHCS Tool Kit (All Y Items)
63854-1000 T2 Terminator
Depending on the press vintage a feed finger assembly is supplied with the T2 Terminator.
1. To remove the existing feed finger assembly loosens the M4 x 10 mm set screw in the feed lever.
Doc No. 63854-1000
Release Date: 01-05-04UNCONTROLLED COPY
Page 1 of 6
Revision: A
世伟洛克授权的销售与服务中心提供了 安装培训班, 这些培训班将在以下方面 提供更多信息:
■ 进行安全和无泄漏连接的要求
■ 与世伟洛克卡套管接头一起使用的各 种工具和附件。
世伟洛克卡套管接头有各种不同材质可 供选择, 其中包括化学性质受到控制的 316 不锈钢以及许多的其它合金, 这些材 料在各种不同应用中具有增强的耐腐蚀 性能, 其中包括酸气和海底系统。
世伟洛克进行的测试表明, 世伟洛克卡套 管接头有足够的能力承受热冲击和 高温。
若需了解关于热冲击测试报告的更详细 信息, 请联系您当地的世伟洛克授权销售 和服务代表。
世伟洛克公司与全世界的标准规范组织 合作, 以便为您提供符合需要的产品。
有关世伟洛克卡套管接头所采用的制 造标准规范, 请参阅第 P 9 页的材 料; 第 P 9 页的螺纹规格; 以及第 P 10 页的压力额定值。
可定位支管, SAE/MS 直螺纹 (TTS) 和可定位支管, ISO/BSP 平行螺纹 (TTR), 39
与世伟洛克卡套管 接头对接的 Kwik 夹具式法兰, 42
卡套管转换接头信息, 43
NPT 和 ISO/BSP 锥形螺纹 (RT), 44
ISO/BSP 平行螺纹 (RS 和 RP), 45
4 4 6 10 11 11 11 13 13 14 16 17 82 82 89
普通卡套 SRD P17 特殊卡套 SRDO V P17
螺母 UEM P18
扁螺母 KM P18
密封圈 WD P19
XV 直通 P19
HANSA-FLEX是世界上最大的胶管总成供应 商之一,此外,硬管接头、法兰、球阀、快速接 头等液压附件也是我们的核心元件类产品。
HANSA-FLEX的产品广泛应用于各个行业, 包括风电、冶金、船舶、工程机械、轨道机车、 农业机械等,甚至消防、化工、食品饮料等其他 工业领域。
作为液压技术领域的长期合作伙伴, HANSA-FLEX不仅能够提供液压元件类产品, 也为客户提供液压系统解决方案—从液压系统设 计,咨询,零部件供应,到系统总成安装、调试
2.3 温度等级
带丁腈橡胶(NBR)密封件的碳钢管接头 带氟橡胶(FPM)密封件的碳钢管接头 不锈钢管接头
-40℃ 至 +200℃ -35℃ 至 +100℃ -25℃ 至 +200℃ -60℃ 至 +400℃
汉萨福莱柯思 卡套式管接头
HANSA-FLEX于1962年成立于德国北部城市 不莱梅,经过50多年的发展,已经成为全球著名 的液压元件及系统供应商。今天,HANSA-FLEX 已经在全球39个国家建立了389家分支机构,为 客户提供高品质的产品和完善便捷的服务。
过渡接头代号说明DIN卡套接头日本公制螺纹60°锥面密封接头其它公制螺纹接头日本英管螺纹60°锥面密封接头英管螺纹60°锥面密封接头英锥管螺纹BSPT接头美制螺纹JIC 74°锥面扩口接头美制螺纹O型圈平面密封接头美制锥管螺纹NPT接头美制螺纹NPSM接头美制SAE外螺纹90°外锥接头法兰接头附加资料过渡接头代号说明过渡接头代号说明过渡接头代号说明1 直通过渡接头代号直通过渡接头型号左端标号右端标号材料2 角弯过渡接头代号:在直通过渡接头型号后加“4”表示45°弯曲过渡接头,在直通过渡接头型号后加“9”表示90°弯曲过渡接头。
如1BG9-04OG,1JT4-08-06SP 等。
3 三通过渡接头代号 三通过渡接头型号左端标号中端标号右端标号材料4 四通过渡接头代号对四通过渡接头一般四端都相同,因此只注一个标号。
5 当材料代号为碳钢时,则不标注材料代号,其他材料的代号如下表所示。
四通过渡接头型号材料6 标号根据螺纹或尺寸大小来规定,具体按下表所示。
1 在原代号后加“OR ”,表示在60o 、74o、90o 外锥面上加O-RING ,如1J-06-04OR ,表示第二端即-04端锥面 上加O-RING ;1J-06-04/2OR 表示两端即-06端及-04端均加O-RING 。
2 固定内螺纹/活动内螺纹(扣压螺母)的表示方法为第一位数字为7,再在后面加S (注:S 为SWIVEL 的第 一个字母),如7B-08S 、7NU-08S 。
MTechnical ReferenceHIC manifold design guidelines, tooling,torque specifications, port and cavity dimensionsT echnical Reference Section ContentsMReviewing CircuitAll designs begin with a sche-matic circuit design inspired by the application. Before the planning stage, review the design utilizing the following steps:• Match schematic symbols to model codes.• Note size and cavity of each valve and write it on schematic.• Note port numbers of the valves and write them on schematic.• Note manifold port types and sizes specified by customer.• Note pressure, flow and material of manifold block (steel or aluminum).Circuit questions should be answered by the customer before beginning a design. It is also recommended that schematic hydraulic regions or networks be color coded using color pens. Regions or net-works may be broken down in individual colors (pressure, tank, pilot, etc.) but it may be easier to design if regions are broken down into sub-regions such as pressure from port one of a solenoid valve to port two of a relief valve. Colored layers may be assigned later to match schematic circuit coloring.Initial DesignOnce the circuit is fully under-stood, it is advisable to lay the design out by hand first. Things to consider while plan-ning the design are:• Block size is often specified by customer.• Specify an overallenvelope size, in addition to the specified block size. Overall envelope size includes block size and any valves or fittings protruding from the manifold block.• Restrictions specified for a mounting surface of the manifold block. Valves and ports may be restrictedfrom a particular surface.• Specify mounting holes, threaded holes and thru holes (if necessary).• Arrange valves in a logical manner. Valves and ports in the same regions should be located in close proximity to each other.• Eliminate as many turns in the regions as possible to reduce the number of cross drill holes or construction lines. This helps keep pressure drops ( D P) andmanufacturing costs down.Material SizesTo obtain an optimal cost man-ifold it is desirable to select a standard material size for the manifold, compare the block size with the standard mate-rial size table. See Standard Material Sizes (page M-5). If a standard size is not available, a cut plate may be used. Hydraulic SchematicIf a schematic is desired on the assembly, it may be cre-ated from existing symbols. As an alternative, the entire circuit may be created outside of an assembly and imported as a symbol (block). All of the Vickers screw-in cartridge valves have schematic sym-bols which can be found in the SICV Cartridge Valve Library of Symbols CD, used in conjunc-tion with AutoCad software. Schematic symbols not found in the library may be created on an “as needed” basis.Accurate DesignAll dimensions on CAD design must be accurate and to scale in order to be utilized by CAM software in conjunction with CNC machine tools. Manually or interactively modifieddimension cannot be tolerated.Example:Note: Failure to ensure thatCAD dimensions are accurate and to scale may result in improper machinery by CNC Machine Tools.Datum PointThe datum point or origin point (0,0,0) on machining drawings is the upper left corner when facing the front view.Assembly Dimensioning Dimension all ports, mount-ing holes and overall envelope size.External ClearancesAllow enough room for clear-ance around solenoid coils, handknobs, levers and wrench clearance for fittings. If 90° elbow fittings are to be used, some may be required to swing a full 360 arc.Assembly NotesNotes are added for standard or special assembly, handling, or shipping instructions, as well as special stampings.Port T ableInclude a port table with names and sizes of all ports.Standard T oolingIn order to obtain fastturnaround on designs, limit the tooling used to that listed in the standard tooling table. See Preferred Tooling for Machining Manifolds (page M-6).General Guidelines forHydraulic Integrated Circuits (HIC)professional in the design of manifold blocks and related hydraulic systems. It is the designer’s responsibility to verify the adequacy of thedesign through approporate verifications, review and test-ing of the final design.Always “square up” the raw block before machining the cavities, ports and holes. This is to eliminate any potential “drill walk” which leads to scrapped manifolds. When squaring up a block, remove approximately 0.015” of material from each face for Aluminum blocks and 0.030” of material from each face for steel blocks. This is done to ensure that all six faces are parallel or perpendicular. Finished machining shouldreflect the squared up dimen-sions. See Standard Material Sizes (Table 1).Example: 4.0” x 5.0” x 6.0” (101.6 mm x 127 mm x 152.4 mm) block will be dimen-sioned to 3.97” x 4.97” x 5.97” (100.8 mm x 126.2 mm x 151.6 mm)Creation of MachiningT able Create a machining operation table or bore chart. Machining depths are given from the sur-face of the block. List all drill depths, mills, taps and form tools in the machining table. Call out drill depths at the shoulder depth of the drill, not to the drill point depth.All machining depths are to the corner of the full diameter as opposed to the drill point. All depths are measured from the face plane (surface) of a manifold block.Avoid any drill depths greater than 25 diameters.Additional line lengths may result in increasing pressure drops.Machining NotesMachining notes are to beadded for standard or special machining, handling and ship-ping instructions.DrillingsDrillings that go completely through a cavity port area should be on the center axis of the cavity wherever possi-ble; see Figure (a). Otherwise it should intersect the cavity tangent to the outside diam-eter of the bore it connects with; see Figure (b).Note: Breaking into a cavity at some point in between these recommended areas will lead to drill walk and can result in a high scrap rate, as well as premature drill breakage.All SAE ports and cavities have spotface depths of .031” (.8 mm) unless otherwise speci-fied. BSPP ports have spotface depths of .060” (1.5 mm) unless otherwise specified.CounterboresIn counterbore cases, the actu-al cavity spotface is located at the depth of the counterbore. When counterbore depths are greater than 0.125”, the follow-ing diameters should be used:Use of Expander Plugs and Zero Leak Gold SAE O-Ring PlugsOn small HIC packages, expander plugs can be used to block off construction drill-ing at the surface of a face. Larger than a 12mm expander plug are not recommended in aluminum. Any construction drillings larger than 0.4” (10 mm) are plugged with zero leak gold SAE O-Ring plugs (internal hex type). The machin-ing callout for these plugs can be either the industry standard SAE straight thread O-ring boss port configuration or the straight thread O-ring boss short port configuration. Refer to Port Dimensions (page M-9 and M-10).Surface T reatmentsAny manifold face that calls for a surface mounted (gas-ket mounted) valve such as a DG4V type directional control valve, or a pump or motor interface, should have a mini-mum roughness callout of 63 microinches (.0016mm) and a flatness callout of .002”(.05mm). See examples below.To prevent corrosion, steel manifolds are oil dipped or coated with rust protec-tive fluid, unless otherwise specified. To prevent oxidation, aluminum manifold blocks are gold anodize, unless oth-erwise specified. Aluminum manifolds where the internally grounded coil is used should not be anodized. Prototypes are supplied without surface treatment.Datum Point Example in orthographic third angle projection:General Guidelines forHydraulic Integrated Circuits (HIC)MWall ThicknessFor pressures up to 3000 psi (210 bar), aluminum may be used, for pressures above 3000 PSI (210 bar). Dura-Bar cast iron manifold material is recommended.Larger cavities or bores require a greater wall thick-ness.The table below shows recommended minimum wall thicknesses for Aluminum and Dura-Bar.general guidelines will notguarantee the manifold will survive any finite number of cycles. The only way to properly assure a specified life is to run a thorough testing of both burst and endurance in the actual application circuit.T able 1Standard Material SizesGeneral Guidelines forHydraulic Integrated Circuits (HIC)Creating Bill of Material – BOMDevelop a BOM that includes quantity, model codes, part numbers and descriptions of the HIC. Model codes of some valves require pressure settings. A machining opera-tion table or bore chart should be created. All plugs, orifice plugs, disks, check valves, pistons, and any other part should be included in the BOM.2 x 2 2 x3 2 x4 2 x5 2 x 62.5 x 2.5 2.5 x 3 2.5 x3.5 2.5 x 42.5 x 4.5 3 x 33 x3.53 x 43 x4.53 x 53.5 x 3.53.5 x 43.5 x 4.54 x 44 x 4.54 x 54 x 64.5 x 4.55 x 55 x 65.5 x 5.56 x 6lead to manifold failure.Preferred T ooling for Machiningof Custom ManifoldsFlat Bottom Reamer Reamer Slot BallPreferred T ooling for Machining Custom ManifoldsSense Check Took SC-4-2-75SC-4-2-88Counter Sink2" x 902" x 5"1/4" x 90Drill1/4" x 90Center Drill#5Press Tap#6-32 X#10-24 X1/4"-20 X1/4"-20 5/16"-18 5/16"-24 3/8"-16 3/8"-24 7/16"-14 7/16"-20 1/2"-13 1/2"-20 9/16"-185/8"-115/8"-183/4"-167/8"-141"-141-1/16"-121-3/16"-121-5/16"-121-5/8"-121-7/8"-121/8"-28 BSPP1/4"-19 BSPP3/8"-19 BSPP1/2"-14 BSPP3/4"-14 BSPP1"-11 BSPP1/16"-27 NPTF1/8"-27 NPTF1/4"-18 NPTF3/8"-14 NPTF1/2"-14 NPTF3/4"-14 NPTF1"-11 1/2 NPTFM10 x 1.5 MetricM10 x 1.25 MetricTap Pulley Tap1/4" - 205/16" - 247/16" - 209/16" - 183/4" - 16MT orque Specifications For Cartridge Valves and FittingsSAE and BSPP PortsSpotfaceMheighta Diameter U shall be concentric with thread pitch diameter within 0.0005 in. (0.13mm) FIR, and shall be free from longitudinal and spiral tool marks. Annular tool marks up to 100 mu in. max. are allowedb If face of boss is on a machined surface, dim. Y and S need not applyc Tap drill depths given require use of bottoming taps to produce the specified full thread lengths. Where standard taps are used, the tap drill depths must be increased accordingly.d Nominal tubing O.D. is shown for the standard inch sizes and the conversion to equivalent to mm sizes. Figures are for reference only, as any boss can be used for a tubing size, depending upon other design criteriaShort SAE portsPort DimensionsShort Port – Straight Thread O–Ring Boss – SP–**Note : To be used for SAE plugged construction holes only. Not intended to be used for external porting with standard fittings.Roughing T oolsRoughers are basically step drills which leave .030” per cutting diameter and .015” above all radii for the finish-ing reamer, with an additional .015” depth in the cavity bot-tom as clearance. The rough-ing tool is necessary to prepare the cavity for the fin-ishing reamer, which has not been designed for the primary forming or bottom cutting.Cavity For Material Model Code Part Number 2–WayC-4-2 Aluminum / Steel RT-4-2-AS-8306 02-173997C–8–2 Aluminum / Steel RT1–8–2–AS–8028 02–165580C–10–2 Aluminum RT–10–2–A–8030 889509C–10–2 Steel RT–10–2–S–8035 889510C–12–2 Aluminum / Steel RT–12–2–AS–8213 02–160625C–16–2 Aluminum RT–16–2–A–8031 889515C–16–2 Steel RT–16–2–S–8036 889516C–20–2 Aluminum RT–20–2–A–8032 565822C–20–2 Steel RT–20–2–S–8037 8895193–WayC-4-3 Aluminum / Steel RT-4-3-AS-8304 02-173271C–8–3 Aluminum / Steel RT1–8–3–AS–8291 02–162384C–10–3 Aluminum RT–10–3–A–8038 889511C–10–3 Steel RT–10–3–S–8043 889512C–12–3 Aluminum / Steel RT–12–3–AS–8217 02–153261C–16–3 Aluminum RT–16–3–A–8039 565825C–16–3 Steel RT–16–3–S–8044 889517C–20–3 Aluminum RT–20–3–A–8041 02–165581C–20–3 Steel RT–20–3–S–8046 5667063–Way ShortC–10–3S Aluminum RT–10–3S–A–8099 565824C–10–3S Steel RT–10–3S–S–8209 566703C–12–3S Aluminum / Steel RT–12–3S–AS–8220 02–113178C–16–3S Aluminum RT–16–3S–A–8040 02–165582C–16–3S Steel RT–16–3S–S–8045 566704C–20–3S Aluminum RT–20–3S–A–8042 889520C–20–3S Steel RT–20–3S–S–8047 5667054–WayC–8–4 Aluminum / Steel RT–8–4–AS–8292 02–172803C–10–4 Aluminum RT–10–4–A–8072 889513C–10–4 Steel RT–10–4–S–8073 889514C–12–4 Aluminum RT–12–4–A–8313 02-176377C–16–4 Aluminum RT–16–4–A–8074 889518C–16–4 Steel RT–16–4–S–8075 565828C–20–4 Aluminum RT–20–4–A–8076 565829C–20–4 Steel RT–20–4–S–8077 5667075–Way ShortC–12–5S Aluminum RT–12–5–A–8350 02-187301C–12–5S Steel RT–12–5–S–8358 02-187309C–16–5S Aluminum RT–16–5–A–8352 02-187303C–16–5S Steel RT–16–5–S–8360 02-187311C–20–5S Aluminum RT–20–5–A–8354 02-187305C–20–5S Steel RT–20–5–S–8356 02-187307Cavity For Material Model Code Part Number 2–WayC–4–2 Aluminum FT–4–2–A–8297 02–182339C–8–2 Aluminum / Steel FT1–8–2–AS–8070 02–112933C–10–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–2–AS–8048 566235C–12–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–2–AS–8214 02–162162C–16–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–2–AS–8078 565832C–20–2 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–2–AS–8079 5658333–WayC–4–3 Aluminum FT–4–3–A–8275 02–172006C–8–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–8–3–AS–8295 02–171292C–10–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–3–AS–8050 565834C–12–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–3–AS–8244 02–163001C–16–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–3–AS–8080 565836C–20–3 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–3–AS–8082 8893583–Way ShortC–10–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–10–3S–AS–8210 566708C–12–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–12–3S–AS–8242 02–162998C–16–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–16–3S–AS–8081 889356C–20–3S Aluminum / Steel FT–20–3S–AS–8083 8893594–WayC–8–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–8–4–AS–8296 02–171291C–10–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–10–4–AS–8052 565838C–12–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–12–4–AS–8312 02-175596C–16–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–16–4–AS–8084 566571C–20–4 Aluminum / Steel FT–20–4–AS–8085 889360.5–Way ShortC–12–5S Aluminum FT–12–5–A–8351 02-187302C–12–5S Steel FT–12–5–S–8359 02-187310C–16–5S Aluminum FT–16–5–A–8353 02-187304C–16–5S Steel FT–16–5–S–8361 02-187312C–20–5S Aluminum FT–20–5–A–8355 02-187306C–20–5S Steel FT–20–5–S–8357 02-187308Finishing Form T oolsSpeed & Feed for Aluminum 6061–T6 (T651) This information is recommended as a good starting point. Speeds and/ or feeds may be increased or decreased depending on actual machining conditions.Note: Finish form tools may require 1/2 to 1 1/2 second dwell to obtain necessary finish.Finishing T oolsThese finishing tools have been designed as preci-sion reamers for finishing operations only. They are not intended for primary forming or bottom cutting operations. Vickers recommends that a finishing tool only be used in a properly roughed hole. Failure to conform to this practicewill produce unsatisfactory size and finishes and possibly break the tool.MC–**–2(P)Dimensionsmm (inch)Cavity bores can be machined accurately in aluminum or steel. The necessary UNF , or UN threads may be machined using standard small tools, possibly already in yourmachine shop or from a local tool supplier.Either you, our customer, or Eaton can design and manufacture customized manifolds or housings dedicated to indi-vidual applications. We call the resulting valve packages Hydraulic Integrated Circuits (HIC). Cartridges selected for your application can be accom-modated in one or more HICs, according to your require-ments.WARNING For EPV-10 &CV16-10, thecavity should bemachined to the 14,29 (0.562) max diameter (dimension X) and to the maximum depth of 36,0 (1.417) (dimension J)Dimensions mm (inch)Cavity bores can be machinedaccurately in aluminum orsteel. The necessary UNF, orUN threads may be machinedusing standard small tools,possibly already in yourmachine shop or from a localtool supplier.Either you, our customer, orEaton can design and manufacture customized manifoldsor housings dedicated to indi-vidual applications. We callthe resulting valve packagesHydraulic Integrated Circuits(HIC). Cartridges selected foryour application can be accom-modated in one or more HICs,according to your require-ments.WARNINGFor EPV-10 &CV16-10, thecavity should bemachined to the 14,29 (0.562)max diameter (dimension X)and to the maximum depth of36,0 (1.417) (dimension J)C-**-2 CavityDimensions(0.0625) Runless otherwise specifiedunless otherwise specified2-way cavity with undercut (u)MC-**-3 Cavity Dimensionsunless otherwise specified unless otherwise specifiedDimensionsmm (inch)MDimensionsmm (inch)MC-**-5SCavityDimensionsDimensionsmm (inch)Cartridge Cavities IndexMOur cavities have beendesigned to achieve standard-ization based on each thread size to reduce the amount of tooling required to cover the valve range. All new designs of cartridge are made to fit the ISO recommendations forstandard cavities. The diagram below shows the sequence of tooling using tools specified in the following pages. Note: a pilot drill may be required before the form drill.Great care must be taken to ensure that the tools are inserted along the same machining axis to maintain correct concentricities, hence bodies should not be moved between operations.Operation 1Form Drill Operation 2Form Reamer Operation 3Plug T apIndexCavity A877Cavity T ools Form Drill A1161Form Reamer A1162Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UNFCavity A879 Cavity T ools Form Drill A1040Form Reamer A1041Plug Tap3/4-16 UNFCavity A878 Cavity T ools Form Drill A885Form Reamer A1173Plug Tap7/8-14 UNFCavity A880Cavity T ools Form Drill A1302Form Reamer A1303Plug Tap1-14 UNS45.0028.00Ø26.00ØMCavity A881Cavity T ools Form Drill A1183Form Reamer A1036Plug Tap1 -14 UNFCavity A1126 Cavity T ools Form Drill AT422Form Reamer AT488Plug Tap1 5/8-12 UNFCavity A893Cavity T ools Form Drill A894Form Reamer AT491Plug Tap7/8-14 UNFCavity A3145Cavity T oolsForm Drill A3226 Form Reamer A3227 Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UNCavity A3531Cavity T oolsForm Drill A3538 Form Reamer A3539 Plug Tap 3/4-16 UNF Cavity A3146Cavity T oolsForm Drill A3315 Form Reamer A3316 Plug Tap 1 1/8-12 UNFCavity A5302Cavity T oolsForm Drill A5668 Form Reamer A5669 Plug Tap 7/8-14 UNFMCavity A6610 Cavity T ools Form Drill AT447Form Reamer AT448Plug TapM20 x 1.5Cavity T ools Form Drill A6933Form Reamer A6934Plug Tap 1 5/16-12 UNFCavity A6701 Cavity T ools Form Drill AT482Form Reamer AT483Plug Tap3/4-16 UNF30.0Ø 26.0012.704)Cartridge CavitiesCavity A6935Cavity T oolsForm Drill AT501 Form Reamer AT502 Plug Tap 1 5/8-12 UN Cavity A7447Cavity T oolsForm Drill A8115 Form Reamer A8117 Plug Tap M27 X 2MCavity A12088Cavity T ools Form Drill A3315Form Reamer A3316Plug Tap1 1/8-12 UNFCavity A12336 Cavity T ools Form Drill A12337Form Reamer A12338Plug TapM27 X 1.5Cavity A12370Cavity T ools Form Drill A12439Form Reamer A12440Plug Tap7/8-14 UNFCavity A12196Cavity T ools Form Drill A12197Form Reamer A12198Plug TapM27 X 1.530.00Cavity A12743Cavity T ools Form Drill A12802Form Reamer A12803Plug Tap7/8”-14 UNFCavity A13098 Cavity T ools Form Drill A13099Form Reamer A13100Plug Tap1 5/8”-12 UNCavity A12744Cavity T ools Form Drill A12804Form Reamer A12805Plug Tap7/8-14 UNF34.00Ø34.00MCavity A13245Cavity T ools Form Drill A13246Form Reamer A13247Plug Tap 1 5/8”-12UNF -2BCavity A16102Cavity T ools Form Drill A3226Form Reamer A3227Plug Tap 1 5/16-12UNF -2BCavity A16927Cavity T ools Form Reamer AT1097Plug TapM10 x 1.0Cavity A20081Cavity T ools Form Drill AT2369/1Form Reamer AT2369/2Plug TapM38 x 2-6H58.00Ø51.00NOTE: T hese cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.Cavity CVA- 22- 06- 0Cavity T ools Form Drill A8966Form Reamer A8967Plug TapM22 X 1.5Cavity CVA- 27- 04- 0Cavity T ools Form Drill A12784Form Reamer A496Cavity C-I-M18-3Cavity CVA- 20- 01- 0Cavity T ools Form Drill A8961Form Reamer A8962Plug TapM20 X 1.534.00 32.00EATON Screw-In Cartridge Valves E-VLSC-MC001-E1 September 2013M-32.A Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.Cavity CVB- 22- 06- 0Cavity T ools Form Drill A8966Form Reamer A8967Plug TapM22 X 1.5ISO StandardNOTE: These cavity dimensions are for installation purposes only.CVB- 42- 04- 0Cavity T ools Form Drill BT499Form Reamer AT498Plug TapM42 X 234.00EATON Screw-In Cartridge Valves E-VLSC-MC001-E1 September 2013M-33.AMWhere measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.- Additional products, product lines, and services offered by Eaton -Sectional Design for Multiple ConfigurationsEaton’s MDG mobile directional control valve uses a modular, versatile design based on our proven Vickers ® DG4V3 design. Eaton ® MDG valves, trulydesigned for mobile applications, offer the traditional benefits of a stackable mobile valve and provide further value as circuit options for mobile manifoldsystems. T his same versatility and flexibility applies to system applications, making it your best value for customized, multi-functional circuits.For more information, contact your local Eaton distributor, call us at 800-547-7805 or visit us on the web at: /hydraulics.MDG Mobile ValveVersatile, Proven, Best ValueSame day solutions with our Build Kit Program!。
接头产品一览卡套式管接头技术说明1.卡套式管接头的基本结构和原理2.一般技术资料3. 油口螺纹及密封形式4.卡套管接头的管端尺寸5. 管接头的旋紧力矩6. 精密无缝钢管7. 管接头的装配须知8. 37°扩口管接头的装配9. 焊接管接头的装配10. 螺纹表格11. 如何订购接头旋转接头技术资料24461011111113131416821*代表省略部分型号代码2*代表省略部分型号代码34工作压力ISO标准的工作压力(巴)HANSA-FLEX公司标准的工作压力(巴)5形式B硬密封结构形式E带弹性体密封结构DIN3852-1 IS01179-4DIN3852-11IS09974-2DIN3852-1/ ISO9974-1与A,B和E型端部适配的螺纹孔形式6形式B硬密封结构形式E带弹性体密封结构DIN3852-2 IS01179-4DIN3852-11IS01179-190度DIN3852-2 / IS09974-1与A,B和E型适配的螺纹孔形式XT1T2T378c )美国圆柱螺纹的螺栓端部和端口螺纹符合ISO 11926 - 2 / 3标准系列钢管外径O.D.G1/G2D2D3D4T1T2T3T4αO-Ring L 6, 8, 107/16“-20 UNF 1612,4211,62,411,51412°8,92 x 1,83L 81/2“-20 UNF 1714231,62,411,51412°10,52 x 1,83L 6, 10, 129/16“-18 UNF 17,615,6251,62,512,715,512°11,89 x 1,98L 12, 15, 183/4“-16 UNF 22,320,6302,42,514,317,515°16,36 x 2,2L 12, 18, 227/8“-14 UNF 25,523,9342,42,516,72015°19,18 x 2,46L 22, 281“1/16-12 UN 31,929,2412,43,3192315°23,47 x 2,95L 22, 28, 351“5/16-12 UN 38,235,5493,23,3192315°29,74 x 2,95L 35, 421“5/8-12 UN 4843,5583,23,3192315°37,47 x 3L 421“7/8-12 UN 5549,8653,23,3192315°43,69 x 3S 6, 87/16“-20 UNF 1612,4211,62,411,51415°8,92 x 1,83S 61/2“-20 UNF 1714231,62,411,51415°10,52 x 1,83S 10, 129/16“-18 UNF17,615,6251,62,512,715,515°11,89 x 1,98S 12, 143/4“-16 UNF 22,320,6302,42,514,317,515°16,36 x 2,2S 16, 203/4“-16 UNF 22,320,6302,42,514,317,515°16,36 x 2,2S 16, 207/8“-14 UNF 25,523,9342,42,516,72015°19,18 x 2,46S 20, 251“1/16-12 UN 31,929,2412,43,3192315°23,47 x 2,95S 25, 301“5/16-12 UN 38,235,5493,23,3192315°29,74 x 2,95S 30, 381“5/8-12 UN 4843,5583,23,3192315°37,47 x 3S381“7/8-12 UN5549,8653,23,3192315°43,69 x 3UN /UNF -2A O 型密封圈ISO 11926-2.3.UN /UNF -2B O 形圈密封ISO 11926-1Ansi/ASME B1.20.1-1983Ansi/ASME B1.20.1-19839PNM L1L2in barM 8x14810材料的隆起使用扳手继续旋紧螺母1 1/2转,同时用另一扳手夹持住管接头本体。
螺纹基本尺寸及公差浙江苏强格液压有限公司质量作业文件产品代号规则Q/SQ-G8.4-031 过渡接头编号规则1.1 直通过渡接头编号规则直通过渡接头型号左端标号右端标号直通过渡接头型号中的第一位为数字,表示两端内外螺纹的组合情况;第二、三位为字母,分别表示左右端的结构型式,当左右端结构型式相同时,则使用一位字母,当左右端标号相同时,也使用一组标号。
1.1.1 型号中的第一位数字的含义如下表1 外螺纹/外螺纹 6 过板接头(右端过板)1 法兰/对接式焊接头 7 固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹(无螺母或插入焊)2 外螺纹/活动内螺纹(活动螺母) 8 锁母3 活动内螺纹/活动内螺纹 9 内螺纹堵头4 外螺纹堵头.堵板5 外螺纹/固定内螺纹5 外螺纹/较短焊接管1.1.2 型号中第二、三位字母的含义如下表A 英管螺纹球面 M 公制60?锥面或六角端面组合垫密封B 英管螺纹60?锥面或六角端面组合垫密封 N 美制布锥管C 公制24?轻系列 O 美制SAE O-Ring BOSSD 公制24?重系列 P 美制SAE 90?E 公制平面带O形圈 Q 公制74?F 美制ORFS平面 S 日式英管螺纹60?外锥G 英管螺纹平面、O-Ring密封 T 英锥管螺纹H 公制六角端面O-Ring密封 U NPSMI 710xx系列国标公制铰接体 W 焊接管J 美制JIC 74? X 表示与软管相连用卡环固定K 公制螺纹60?外锥(小松) Y 矿用接头(SAE标准)L 公制组合垫圈密封 Z BSP平面用组合垫密封1Q/SQ-G8.4-031.1.3 左右端标号根据左右端头部的螺纹或尺寸大小定,如下表:英管G1/8” G1/4” G3/8” G1/2” G5/8” G3/4” G1.1/4” G1.1/2” --G1”x11 G2”x11 螺纹 x28 x19 x19 x14 x14 x14 x11 x11 英锥管R1/8”R1/4” R3/8” R1/2” R3/4” R1.1/4” R1.1/2” -- -- R1”x11 R2”x11 螺纹x28 x19 x19 x14 x14 x11 x11 布锥管Z1/8” Z1/4” Z3/8” Z1/2” Z3/4”Z1.1/4” Z1.1/2” Z2” -- Z1”x11.5 螺纹 x27 x18 x18 x14 x14 x11.5 x11.5 x11.5 美制JIC 7/16” 1/2” 9/16” 3/4” 7/8” 1.1/16” 1.5/16” 1.5/8”1.7/8”2.1/2” -- 螺纹 x20 x20 x18 x16 x14 x12 x12 x12 x12 x12 美制ORFS9/16” 11/16” 13/16” 1” 1.3/16” 1.7/16” 1.11/16” 2” -- -- -- 螺纹 x18 x16 x16 x14 x12 x12 x12 x12 美制SAE5/8” 1.1/16” 螺纹 x18 x14 法兰1/2“ 5/8“ 3/4“ 1“ 1.1/4“ 1.1/2“ 2“ 插装式 04 06 08 12 16 20 24 32 标号 02 04 05 06 08 10 12 16 20 24 32 注:公制螺纹的标号按螺纹外径,卡套式直管的标号按直管外径。
6 可检测卡套管接头和转换接头
■ 参见下文的如何订购。某些材料和结构可能有最低订购数量的限制。 ■ 尺寸仅供参考并且随时可能改变。所示尺寸为螺母用手拧紧时的尺寸。螺母的尺寸。 ■ CAD 模板可查阅。
2.4 12
12 14
1.3 14 2.4 14 4.8 14 4.8 14 4.8 16
1/4 -8M0-6-4 3/8 -8M0-6-6
42.3 44.3
15.3 16.9
4.8 15 6.4 16
1/8 -10M0-6-2
1/4 -10M0-6-4 5/16 -10M0-6-5
31.3 36.6 39.6 42.0 49.4 65.0
0.05 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.25 0.28 0.41
0.62 0.72 0.88 0.97 1.09 1.34 1.81
4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 11.1 11.9 12.7 15.1 15.9 18.3
联合接头和变径 联合接头,5
支管,NPT (TTM),7
与HAL卡套管接 头对 接的 Kwik 夹具式法 兰,41
直通,NPT (TMT),7
可定位支管,SAE/MS 直螺纹 (TTS) 和可定 位支管,ISO/BSP 平行螺纹 (TTR),8
伊顿过渡接头编号规则(Winner)永华过渡接头编号规则一、直通过渡接头编号规则:第一位数字第二或第三位字母1---外螺纹/外螺纹 A 英管螺纹球面2---外螺纹/活动内螺纹(扣压螺母) B 英管螺纹60°锥面3---活动内螺纹(扣压螺母)/活动内螺纹(扣压螺母) C 公制24°轻系列4---外螺纹堵头D 公制24°重系列5---衬套(外螺纹/固定内螺纹) E 公制平面带O形圈6---过板接头F 美制ORFS平面7---固定内螺纹/固定内螺纹(无螺母) G 英管螺纹平面、O-Ring密封8---锁母H 公制六角端面O-Ring密封9---内螺纹堵头(扣压螺母) J 美制JIC 74° K 公制外螺纹60°外锥(小松) L 公制组合垫圈密封NS--- 轻型卡套螺母M 公制60° NL--- 重型卡套螺母N 美制布锥管RL--- 轻型卡套O 美制SAE O-Ring BOSS RS --- 重型卡套P 美制SAE 90° Q 公制74° S 日式英管外螺纹60°外锥T 英锥管螺纹U NPSM W 焊接管Y 煤矿接头(SAE标准) Z BSP平面用组合垫密封在原代号后加“OR”,表示在60°、74°、90°外锥面上加O-RING。
1 如1J-06-04OR,表示第二端即-04端锥面上加O-RING。
2 (注:S为SWIVEL的第一个字母)如7B-08S,7NU-08S. 外螺纹/活动内螺纹(套螺母)的表示方法为第一位数字为5,再在后面加S。
3 (注:S为SWIVEL的第一个字母)如5J-08-12S。
高纯 PFA 细牙螺纹扩口接头
■ 联合接头 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ■ 直通 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ■ 直通, 直通 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ■ 支管 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ■ 支管, 直通 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
90° 弯头
■ 联合接头 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ■ 变径联合接头 . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
PVDF 多重扩口接头
■ 穿板接头 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ■ 外螺纹 NPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ■ 过渡接头 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
■ 尺寸以英寸为单位表示, 仅供参考, 可能有变动。 ■ PFA 接头的标准配置为 PVDF 螺母。 要订购带 PFA 螺母的 PFA 接头, 请把订购号内的 1 替换为 3。 例如: PFA4-4-FTF-6-1 (带 PVDF 螺母)
PFA4-4-FTF-6-3 (带 PFA 螺母)
高纯 PFA 细牙螺纹扩口接头
高纯 PFA 细 牙 螺 纹 扩口接 头
■ 可用于尺寸为 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 和 1 in. 的卡套管 ■ PFA 和 PVDF 螺母选购件 ■ 多种配置