冶金 毕业设计 外文文献翻译 中英文:铁矿石烧结的最新进展
土木工程专业毕业设计外文文献及翻译Here are two examples of foreign literature related to graduation design in the field of civil engineering, along with their Chinese translations:1. Foreign Literature:Title: "Analysis of Structural Behavior and Design Considerations for High-Rise Buildings"Author(s): John SmithJournal: Journal of Structural EngineeringYear: 2024Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the structural behavior and design considerations for high-rise buildings. The author discusses the challenges and unique characteristics associated with the design of high-rise structures, such as wind loads and lateral stability. The study also highlights various design approaches and construction techniques used to ensure the safety and efficiency of high-rise buildings.Chinese Translation:标题:《高层建筑的结构行为分析与设计考虑因素》期刊:结构工程学报年份:2024年2. Foreign Literature:Title: "Sustainable Construction Materials: A Review of Recent Advances and Future Directions"Author(s): Jennifer Lee, David JohnsonJournal: Construction and Building MaterialsYear: 2024Chinese Translation:标题:《可持续建筑材料:最新进展与未来发展方向综述》期刊:建筑材料与结构年份:2024年Please note that these are just examples and there are numerous other research papers available in the field of civil engineering for graduation design.。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:高炉炼铁文献、资料英文题目:Working-of-a-Blast-Furnace 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14高炉炼铁Jan Terpar, Imrich KostialDepartment of Informatics and Process ControlFaculty of BERGTechnical University of KošiceB.Nemavej304200 KosiceSlovak Republic高炉是一个巨大的内部为耐火材料的刚炉,铁矿石,焦炭和石灰石倾入炉顶,预热空气在底部吹入。
EN 10025-3
English version
Hot rolled products of structural steels
Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled weldable fine grain
structural steels
第3部分:DIN EN 10025-2标准可焊接细晶粒结构钢热轧产品技术 交付条件
Produits lamines a chaud en aciers de construction - Partie 3: Conditions techniques de livraison pour les aciers de construction soudable a grains fins a t'etat normalise/laminage normalise
The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CuFeS2Cu2S2FeS SCu2O FeS CuS FeO2FeS3O2SiO22FeO*SiO2SO22FeO SiO2 2FeO*SiO2三、铜锍的吹炼吹炼分为两个过程:一个是造渣期,另一个是造铜期。
■ 烧结机的大型化 众所周知,大型烧结机与多台小烧结机相比,具有很多的 优点。30年来,我国已先后投产了180~660m2烧结机 125 台套。这批大中型烧结机结构新颖,混合料布料平 整, 漏风率小,头尾部采用星轮装置,烧结机运转平稳,年日 历作业率可达98%。
■ 低温烧结 在厚料层烧结的基础上,可进行低温烧结,即以较低的 温度烧结,能产生一种强度高、还原性好的针状铁酸钙 为主要粘结相的烧结矿,既节能又减排。
■ 高铁低硅烧结 一般的说法是烧结矿的SiO2应为5.5~6.3%,才能保证足 够的液相。高铁低硅的烧结矿SiO2可达4.5~4.7%,从而 降低熔剂的用量,为高炉增产节焦和烧结节能减排创造 了条件。
■ 近年投产的大中型烧结都采用了现代化的工艺技术,装 备水平高,自动化水平先进,主要技术经济指标和环境 保护、节能减排大为改观,无论是烧结矿的产量还是质 量都已步入了世界强国之列。
■ 建立综合原料场 为稳定烧结和炼铁生产,并为提高其产品质量和降低能 耗创造条件,我国一大批大中型钢铁公司建立了综合原 料场,使得原料化学成分稳定(宝钢烧结矿TFe<0.5%, 已接近100%)粒度均匀、水分恰当。
二 . 与国外技术比较
表3 环境保护与节能减排表
序 主要项目
1 烧结机头 大中型烧结机采用干 烟气除尘 式电除尘器
日本、韩国、西欧 采用干式电除尘器
国内可以达到国 家排放标准
2 烧结机尾 和环境废 气除尘
本人了解中南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留学位论文并根据国家或湖南省有关部门规定送交学位论文,允许学位 论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用 复印、缩印或其它手段保存学位论文。同时授权中国科学技术信息研究所 将本学位论文收录到《中国学位论文全文数据库》,并通过网络向社会公 众提供信息服务。
this paper,a systematic study
flue gas circulation sinter process,
especially its principle and flue gases.
It was shown
parameter,has been done with simulating
sintering process is the main
of S02 generated
in the steel industry.The larger equipment investment,higher operation
lower desulfurization efficiency,complex by—products and greater technique risks
A Fundamental Investigation
Flue Gas Circulation Sintering
第4期2010年8月矿产保护与利用CONSERVAT I ON AND UT I L I ZATI ON OF M I NERAL RE SOURCESl.4Aug.2010综合评述铁矿直接还原工艺及理论的研究现状及进展*徐承焱1,孙体昌1,杨慧芬1,莫晓兰1,李永利1,杨大伟1,祁超英1,2,李志祥2(1.北京科技大学金属矿山高效开采与安全教育部重点实验室,北京,100083;2.武汉钢铁集团矿业有限责任公司,武汉,430080)摘要:论述了国内外铁矿直接还原的现状及进展,从铁矿直接还原工艺研究、理论研究及铁矿直接还原中使用的不同还原剂的影响方面,阐述了在直接还原铁氧化物或铁矿石球团的研究中所取得的成果。
关键词:铁矿;直接还原;还原理论;还原过程;动力学;热力学;挥发分物质中图分类号:T F55文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-0076(2010)04-0048-07The R esearch Current Situation and Progress of Iron O re D irect R eduction P rocess and TheoryXU Cheng-yan,SUN T i-chang,Y ANG H ui-fen,et al.(S t a te Key Laborator y ofH i g h-E ffi c i e ntM i n ing and Safet y of Metal M i n es,M i n i s try of Educati o n,Un-i versity of Sci e nce and Technol o gy Beiji n g,Beiji n g100083,C hi n a)A bstract:This paper descri b ed t h e current situati o n and progress o f ir on ore direct reducti o n atho m e and abroad.Fro m the aspects o f t h e research i n iron ores direct reduction process,theo r y andthe effect o f d ifferen t reductan ts used i n d irect reducti o n of iron o re,the achieve m en ts of researchin direct reduction o f iron ox i d es and iron ore pellets w ere expounded.Reduction k i n etics was thefocus of the research i n iron ore d irect reducti o n theory.Scho lars at ho m e and abr oad genera ll y con-sidered t h at the direct reduction process w as conducted step by step.A s fo r the ro le o f vo latile m a-tter i n coal-based direct reducti o n of iron ore,the researchers had different op i n i o ns.K ey words:ir on ore;direct reduction;reducti o n theory;reducti o n process;k i n etics;t h er m ody-na m ics;vo latile m atter直接还原法是非高炉炼铁的主要方法之一,它在20世纪50年代曾与氧气转炉炼钢、连续铸钢,共称为冶金技术上的三项革命。
forced concrete structure reinforced with anoverviewReinSince the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance.Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency.1、steel mechanical link1.1 radial squeeze linkWill be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linkedCharacteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.Easy and simple to handle, construction fast, save energy and material, comprehensive economy profitable, this method has been already a large amount of application in the project.Applicable scope : Suitable for Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳgrade reinforcing bar (including welding bad reinfor cing bar ) with ribbing of Ф 18- 50mm, connection between the same diameter or different diameters reinforcing bar .1.2must squeeze linkExtruders used in the covers, reinforced axis along the cold metal sleeve squeeze dedicated to insert sleeve Lane two hot rolling steel drums into a highly integrated mechanical linking methods.Characteristic: Easy to operate and joining fast and not having flame homework , can construct for 24 hours , save a large number of reinforcing bars and energy. Applicable scope : Suitable for , set up according to first and second class antidetonation requirement -proof armored concrete structure ФⅡ, Ⅲgrade reinforcing bar with ribbing of hot rolling of 20- 32mm join and construct live.1.3 cone thread connectingUsing cone thread to bear pulled, pressed both effort and self-locking nature, undergo good principles will be reinforced by linking into cone-processing thread at the moment the value of integration into the joints connecting steel bars.Characteristic: Simple , all right preparatory cut of the craft , connecting fast, concentricity is good, have pattern person who restrain from advantage reinforcing bar carbon content.Applicable scope : Suitable for the concrete structure of the industry , civil buil ding and general structures, reinforcing bar diameter is for Фfor the the 16- 40mm one Ⅱ, Ⅲgrade verticality, it is the oblique to or reinforcing bars horizontal join construct live.conclusionsThese are now commonly used to connect steel synthesis methods, which links technology in the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries are widely used. There are different ways to connect their different characteristics and scope of the actual construction of production depending on the specific project choose a suitable method of connecting to achieve both energy conservation and saving time limit for a project ends.钢筋混凝土构造中钢筋连接综述改革开放以来,伴随国民经济旳迅速、持久发展,多种钢筋混凝土建筑构造大量建造,钢筋连接技术得到很大旳发展。
Steel industry refers to the industry that processes iron and steel to produce various steel products It mainly includes iron smoothing, steel smoothing, rolling, forging, casting, heat treatment, surface treatment, and other processes
In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy,
China's steel industry has also made great progress China has become one of the largest steel producing countries
Consumption of steel is also growing, driven by the development of infrastructure, real estate and manufacturing industries
钢铁冶金类英文文献INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCHInt.J.Energy Res.,22,1049—1054(1998)ENERGY ANALYSIS OF THE STEEL MAKING INDUSTRYMOUSA S.MOHSEN*AND BILAL A.AKASHDepartment of Mechanical&Industrial Engineering,Applied Science Uni v ersity,Amman,11931,JordanSUMMARYSteel making is an energy intensive industry.This work presents and identi?es heat losses of the main components of this industry in Jordan.The heat losses are considerable and range from17to36%of the total energy input.Some heat losses are considered to be recoverable,especially in the furnace and the crucible and mould.Speci?c energy consumption was found to be6)0MJ per ton of steel for the Jordanian steel industry. 1998John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.KEY WORDS energy in steel industry;electric arc furnace;SEC INTRODUCTIONSteel making involves di?erent cycles such as heating,cooling,melting and solidi?cation.It is a highly energy intensive industry.The reduction of energy consumption in this kind of industry is of a special concern.The speci?c energy consumption(SEC)of steel plants for di?erent countries was reported in literature(Bhak-tavatsalam and Choudhury,1995,Choudhury and Bhaktavatsalam,1997).In general,energy savings can be achieved by cutting down direct energy consumption,increasing energy recovery,and adopting the policy of replacing oil products and natural gas in primary steel making with coal and coal-by-products.According toPerlov(1987),increasing the energy e?ciency of the most consuming facilities is achieved by improving the use of secondary energy sources such as minimizing the heat lost in hot waste gases,minimizing the heat radiated through refractory linings of metallurgical furnaces,and cooling the highly thermally stressed components.ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND ENERGY CONSERVATIONIn a recent study it was reported that the developments in iron and steel making took two separate lines (Zervas et al.,1996).The?rst line was concerned with the blast furnace as the principal process for production,and the second was based on the direct reduction and smelting in which iron oxide feedstocks were reduced by gases to metallic iron.The di?erent technologies are summarized in Figure1.Energy consumption in the di?erent stages of steel production is about70%for iron and steel production, 20%for rolling,and10%for miscellaneous(Eketorp,1987).Therefore,the primary step is the main energy consumer in steel making,and most e?orts have been directed towards the blast furnace.Energy e?ciency in the blast furnace can be improved by improving iron-ore benefaction,removing raw?uxes from the blast furnace burden,reducing the ash content of coke,reducing the sulphur content of coke and iron-ore materials,reducing the output fraction of cast iron and ferroalloys,using larger fractions of partly reduced *Correspondence to:Dr.M.S.Mohsen,Department of Mechanical&Industrial Engineering,Applied Science University,Amman,11931,Jordan.Email:bakash@/doc/a31896 2767.html.joCCC0363-907X/98/121049—06$17.50Recei v ed9February1998Figure 1.Summary of di?erent technologiesmetallized raw materials,improving the blending,classi?cation and mechanical strength of iron-ore raw material,increasing the internal pressure in the blast furnace,increasing the blast temperature,and introducing external desulphurization.The scrap charging electric arc furnace (EAF)route of steel making requires considerably less energy than the integrated route.It has been reported,that EAF route is seen to be 40%less energy intensive than the open hearth furnace (OHF)route and less than 50%as energy intensive as the basic oxygen furnace (BOF)route (Lyakishev and Perlov,1987).It has been shown that as the percentage of scrap in the charge increases,the energy e?ciency of the BOF and OHF will increase,since about 90%of the total energy use is associated with the smelting of pig iron.World-wide steel plants switched over to BOF route from OHF route of steel making due to energy conservation considerations.Also,the ingot casting route was replaced by the continuous casting technology (Bhaktavatsalam and Choudhury,1995).THE SCRAP CHARGE EAF ROUTEThe EAF is widely used in many countries for re?ning the quality of steel for industry.The technologies used in steel making in di?erent countries are summarized in Figure 2(Bhaktavatsalam and Choudhury,1995).The scrap-based EAF route of steel production required less energy than the integrated route.Ross(1987)reported that melting involves the transfer of 1)1MBtu to each ton of scrap (1)16GJ ton \ ),and in average practice about 2)4MBtu is consumed per ton of liquid steel (2)53GJ ton \ ).For example,the scrap remelting is playing an important role of reducing energy consumption in steel making industry in Italy,it was reported that the production of new steel requires about 18GJ ton \ of liquid steel,while the production of remelted steel from scrap requires 6)5GJ ton \ of liquid steel (Bisio,1993).The theor-etical quantity of heat necessary to melt the scrap and to bring the steel to the tapping temperature is about 345kW h ton \ (Scotti,1990).Although,in practice,the amount needed is higher due to non-homogeneity of the scrap,heat is lost during charging phase of the scrap.Heat is also lost through the fettlings,the walls and the water-cooling crown,the outlet of hot gases from the clefts of the crown,and reactance of the electric furnace and consequent lower exploitation of the active energy and increase of electric losses.1050M.S.MOHSEN AND B.A.AKASHENERGY ANALYSIS OF THE STEEL MAKING INDUSTRY1051Figure2.Routes used in steel making in di?erent countriesThe main measures for saving energy in the EAF steel making are:recovery of heat from o?gases with its use to preheat scrap,using oxygen,increasing the voltage of the transformer,installing electrodes with protective coatings,reducing furnace downtimes,automatic controls for the voltage and power factor,and for the position of the electrodes,water cooling of the sides and insulation,and increasing the volume of metal treated in the ladle.The production of liquid steel in the electric furnace absorbsthe highest proportion of the total energy consumption in the scrap charge EAF route.A proportion of67%has been reported(Poggi,1990).A mathematical model which integrates the electrical model with the thermal model has been developed for the performance of an electric arc furnace(Chirattananon and Gao,1996).The in?uence of operational parameters on the overall energy performance and productivity of an arc furnace operation has been demonstrated.The most prominent change in shaping technology is the continuous casting since it o?ers important bene?ts in product quality for most products because of its uniformity and reduction of defects during solidi?cation.Continuous castings has large immediate energy bene?ts.It was reported that the direct savings are about1688MJ ton\ of rough shaped steel(Ross1987).About0)17ton more liquid steel per ton of shaped steel is required with the ingot casting than for continuos casting.The savings due to this requirement are about3060MJ ton\ of rough shaped steel.Energy can be saved in the hot rolling stage,in current practice,almost4220MJ ton\ of hot rolled product is used for reheating(Ross,1987).Improvements in the reheat furnace through automatic control based on sensing the surface temperatures of the slab and separately controlling di?erent zones of the furnace heat recovery including waste heat boilers,improved insulated water-cooled skids,and improvements in the envelope will reduce energy consumption.STEEL INDUSTRY IN JORDANThe steel making industry in Jordan is based on recycling of iron and steel.It involves melting of scrap in the electricfurnace.This type of process takes place as a result of the electric arc which is generated betweenthe electrode and the scrap.As an example,the Jordanian Iron &Steel Industry Co.facility plant has been investigated and analysed.The 120ton-per-day capacity production line consists mainly of the smelting by EAF and the shaping part.Block diagrams of the production line are shown in Figures 3and 4.Electricity is primarily used to operate the rolling mill and electric arc furnace.The electric arc furnace uses 700kW h ton \ to melt the scrap,which consists of about 62%of the total energy consumption.The energy content of each stream entering and leaving the unit in the smelting section,was calculated from the appropriate site of measurement.Magnitudes of all heat losses were calculated and presented in Figures 5—7.Based on energy balance of each unit,it is found that 914MJ ton \ (36%of total heat input)are lost in the furnace.Heat losses in the crucible and mould add up to 439MJ ton \ (17%of total heat input).On the other hand,651MJ ton \ is lost in the cooler (26%of total heat input).Recovery of the heat content of the cooling water can be accomplished by steam generation and preheating the scrap.From heat content di?erence in the cooler,the initial temperature of the scrap can be raised approximately to about 800°C.The shaping involves casting th e liquid steel into rough shapes,then these rough shapes are reheated and rolled into reinforcement steel bars.The casting,reheating furnace and rolling mills for steel rods absorb approximately 65%of the total energy consumption of the production line as shown in Table 1.The energy consumption of this stage is 70kW h ton \ (0)25GJ ton \ )of electricity and 70)5kg of fuel oil per each ton of steel (3)00GJ ton \ ).SEC of the Jordanian steel making industry is thus obtained by the procedure described by Choudhury and Bhaktavatsalam (1997).It is found to be equal to 6.0GJ ton \ of steel.It is presented in Figure 8as compared to SEC of other countries.It is lower than those values of other countries,since steel industry in Jordan is based on remelting or recycling of scrap.However,steel making in other countries presented in Table 1is based from manufacturing of steel from raw materials.Therefore,energy consumption and thus,SEC is lower for Jordanian steel makingindustry.Figure 3.Block diagram of scrap-based EAFroute.Figure 4.Block diagram of temperature distribution of EAFrouteFigure 5.Energy balance inEAFFigure 6.Energy balance in crucible and mould 1052M.S.MOHSEN AND B.A.AKASHFigure 7.Energy balance in coolerTable 1.Energy consumption (GJ ton steel \ )ElectricityFuel oil Gas oil Total EAF2)52——2)52Casting,reheating furnace and0)253)000)053)25rolling millOthers0)18——0)18Total 2)953)000)056)00Figure 8.Speci?c energy consumptionCONCLUSIONHeat losses occur along the line of production of the steel making industry.About 36%of total heat input is lost in the furnace.This is a recoverable heat which should not be wasted.17%of total heat input is lost in the crucible and mould.Some of it can be recovered or used in processing of steam.Over 26%of heat is rejected in the cooler.The recovery of heat of last process could be di?cult to achieve,except for space heating or ENERGY ANALYSIS OF THE STEEL MAKING INDUSTRY 10531054M.S.MOHSEN AND B.A.AKASHreheating of scrap to higher initial temperature.Due to the nature of steel making in Jordan is based on remelting of pellets or scrap,SEC is found to be equal to6)0GJ ton\ .It is lower than SEC of other industrialized countries.REFERENCESBhaktavatsalam,A.K.and Choudhury,R.(1995).‘Speci?c energy consumption in the steel industry’,Energy,20,1247—1250. Bisio,G.(1993).‘Exergy method for e?cient energy resource use in the steel industry’,Energy,18,971—985.Chirattananon,S.and Gao,Z.(1996).‘A model for the performance evaluation of the operation of electric arc furnace’,Energy Convers. Mgmt.,37,161—166.Choudhury,R.and Bhaktavatsalam,A.K.(1997).‘Energy ine?ciency of Indian steel industry-scope for energy conservation’,Energy Convers.Mgmt.,38,167—171.Eketorp,S.(1987).‘Energy considerations of classical and new iron-and steel-making technology’,Energy,12,1153—1168. Lyakishev,N.P.and Perlov,N.I.(1987).‘Technological progress and energy conservation in the iron and steel industry of the U.S.S.R.’Energy,12,1169—1176.Perlov,N.I.(1987).‘Technological approach es to energy saving in blast-furnace operations in the iron and steel industry of the U.S.S.R.’, Energy,12,1177.Poggi,S.(1990).‘Present situation and trend of energy savings in Italian steelmaking’,Appl.Energy,36,47—49.Ross,M.(1987).‘Industrial energy co nservation and the steel industry of the United States’,Energy,12,1137—1152.Scotti,G.(1990).‘Prospects for energy saving in Italian iron and steel industry using electric furnaces’,Appl.Energy,36,51—54. Zervas,T.,McMullan,J.T.and Williams,B.C.(1996).‘Deve lopments in iron and steel making’Int.J.Energy Res.,20,69—91.。
中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:侯亮学号:052115072015年 4 月 3 日外文资料翻译原文Introduction of MachiningHave a shape as a processing method, all machining process for the production of the most commonly used and most important method. Machining process is a process generated shape, in this process, Drivers device on the work piece material to be in the form of chip removal. Although in some occasions, the workpiece under no circumstances, the use of mobile equipment to the processing, However, the majority of the machining is not only supporting the workpiece also supporting tools and equipment to complete.Machining know the process has two aspects. Small group of low-cost production. For casting, forging and machining pressure, every production of a specific shape of the workpiece, even a spare parts, almost have to spend the high cost of processing. Welding to rely on the shape of the structure, to a large extent, depend on effective in the form of raw materials. In general, through the use of expensive equipment and without special processing conditions, can be almost any type of raw materials, mechanical processing to convert the raw materials processed into the arbitrary shape of the structure, as long as the external dimensions large enough, it is possible. Because of a production of spare parts, even when the parts and structure of the production batch sizes are suitable for the original casting, Forging or pressure processing to produce, but usually prefer machining.Strict precision and good surface finish, machining the second purpose is the establishment of the high precision and surface finish possible on the basis of. Many parts, if any other means of production belonging to the large-scale production, Well Machining is a low-tolerance and can meet the requirements of small batch production. Besides, many parts on the production and processing of coarse process to improve its general shape of the surface. It is only necessary precision and choose only the surface machining. For instance, thread, in addition to mechanical processing, almost no other processing method for processing. Another example is the blacksmith pieces keyhole processing, as well as training to be conducted immediately after the mechanical completion of the processing.Primary Cutting ParametersCutting the work piece and tool based on the basic relationship between the following four elements to fully describe : the tool geometry, cutting speed, feed rate, depth and penetration of a cutting tool.Cutting Tools must be of a suitable material to manufacture, it must be strong, tough, hard and wear-resistant. Tool geometry -- to the tip plane and cutter angle characteristics -- for each cutting process must be correct.Cutting speed is the cutting edge of work piece surface rate, it is inches per minute toshow. In order to effectively processing, and cutting speed must adapt to the level of specific parts -- with knives. Generally, the more hard work piece material, the lower the rate.Progressive Tool to speed is cut into the work piece speed. If the work piece or tool for rotating movement, feed rate per round over the number of inches to the measurement. When the work piece or tool for reciprocating movement and feed rate on each trip through the measurement of inches. Generally, in other conditions, feed rate and cutting speed is inversely proportional to.Depth of penetration of a cutting tool -- to inches dollars -- is the tool to the work piece distance. Rotary cutting it to the chip or equal to the width of the linear cutting chip thickness. Rough than finishing, deeper penetration of a cutting tool depth.Rough machining and finishing machiningThere are two kinds of cuts in machine- shop work called, respectively, the "roughing cut" and the "finishing cut". When a piece is "roughed out", it is quite near the shape and size required, but enough metal has been left on the surface to finish smooth and to exact size." Generally speaking, bars of steel, forging, castings, etc. are machined to the required shape and size with only one roughing and one finishing cut. Sometimes, however, certain portions of a piece may require more than one roughing cut. Also, in some jobs, for example, when great accuracy is not needed, or when a comparatively small amount of metal must be removed, a finishing cut may be all that is required. The roughing cut, to remove the greater part of the excess material, should be reasonably heavy, that is, all the machine, or cutting tool, or work, or all three, will stand. So the machinist’s purpose is to remove the excess stock as fast as he can without leaving, at the same time, a surface too torn and rough, without bending the piece if it is slender, and without spoiling the centers. The finishing cut, to make the work smooth and accurate, is a finer cut. The emphasis here is refinement - very sharp tool, comparatively little metal removed, and a higher degree of accuracy in measurement. Whether roughing or finishing, the machinist must set the machine for the given job. He must consider the size and shape of the work and the kind of material, also the kind of tool used and the nature of the cut to be made, then he proceeds to set the machine for the correct speed and feed and to set the tool to take the depth of cut desired.Automatic Fixture Design外文资料翻译译文机械制造工艺机械加工是所有制造过程中最普遍使用的而且是最重要的方法。
简介:响应曲面法 是一种实验设计方 法,通过构建模型 来预测实验结果, 可用于优化内配兰 炭赤铁矿球团焙烧 工艺。
实验设计:采用响 应曲面法设计实验, 通过控制焙烧温度、 焙烧时间和兰炭添 加量等变量,研究 其对内配兰炭赤铁 矿球团焙烧效果的 影响。
实验操作:按照实验设计进行实验 操作
实验设计:确定实验方案、操作流 程等
数据分析:对实验数据进行整理、 分析、解释等
实验数据表格: 列出各项实验 数据,包括温 度、时间、反
实验结果图: 绘制实验结果 图,展示不同 温度和时间下 的反应速率变
数据分析:对 实验数据进行 统计分析,得 出最佳工艺条
影响因素:内配兰炭量、焙 烧温度、焙烧时间等
优化目标:提高球团矿的冶 金性能
实验设计:采用响应曲面法 进行实验设计
结果分析:通过实验结果分 析,确定最佳工艺参数
推广应用范围:适用于其他类似矿石的球团焙烧工艺 经济效益:提高球团焙烧效率,降低生产成本 社会效益:减少环境污染,促进可持续发展 未来发展方向:结合新技术,进一步优化工艺参数
响应曲面法优化内配兰炭赤铁矿球团焙烧工艺的实验结果 实验结果与理论预测的对比分析 优化工艺参数对球团焙烧效果的影响 优化工艺的可行性及在工业生产中的应用前景
实验条件限制:本研究仅在特定条件下进行,可能无法涵盖所有情况 数据分析方法:本研究采用简单回归分析,未来可考虑使用更高级的方法 实际应用前景:虽然本研究取得了一定成果,但仍需进一步探索其在工业生产中的应用 未来研究方向:针对本研究不足之处,提出改进方向和未来研究计划
硅对高炉烧结的影响英文回答:Silicon is a crucial element in ironmaking, and its presence in sinter plays a significant role in the blast furnace process. Sinter is a pre-reduced iron ore that is produced by agglomerating fine iron ore particles with fluxes and fuel. The addition of silicon to sinter has both positive and negative effects on the blast furnace process.Positive Effects of Silicon in Sinter:Improved reducibility: Silicon promotes the reduction of iron oxides in the blast furnace by forming low-melting-point fayalite (Fe2SiO4) slag. This slag enhances the contact between iron ore and reducing gases, facilitating the reduction process.Increased strength: Silicon improves the strength of sinter by forming high-temperature refractory minerals,such as m ullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) and cristobalite (SiO2). These minerals strengthen the sinter structure, reducing breakage during handling and transportation.Stabilization of slag: Silicon stabilizes the slag in the blast furnace by forming low-viscosity slags that flow easily and prevent the formation of sticky or viscous slags. This improved slag fluidity reduces the risk of furnace blockages and ensures smooth operation.Negative Effects of Silicon in Sinter:Increased coke consumption: Silicon has a highaffinity for oxygen, which can lead to increased coke consumption in the blast furnace. The reduction of silicon dioxide (SiO2) consumes carbon from coke, resulting in higher fuel requirements.Formation of siliceous slag: Excessive silicon content in sinter can lead to the formation of a siliceous slagthat is high in SiO2. This type of slag has a high melting point and poor fluidity, which can cause blockages in theblast furnace and reduce its efficiency.Gasification of silicon: Silicon monoxide (SiO) gas can form in the blast furnace under reducing conditions. This gas is highly reactive and can lead to the formation of undesirable deposits in the furnace, such as scaffold formation and clogging of the bosh and hearth.Optimization of Silicon Content in Sinter:The optimal silicon content in sinter depends on the specific composition of the iron ore and the blast furnace operating conditions. Generally, a silicon content of around 2-4% is considered ideal for most blast furnaces. Too low silicon levels may result in poor reducibility and sinter breakage, while too high silicon levels can lead to increased coke consumption and slag problems.中文回答:硅是炼铁中的关键元素,其在烧结中的含量对高炉烧结过程有着重要的影响。
文章编号:1004-1273(2001)06-0038-03冶金矿山建筑形式的探讨———谈选矿、烧结厂房建筑设计刘国伟(长沙冶金设计研究院建筑分院,湖南长沙410007) 摘 要:从体现工艺流程的整体性、延续性、以及厂区的空间组合及环境创造等方面对选矿、烧结等工业厂房的建筑设计形式进行了分析探讨。
关键词:厂房;建筑形式;设计中图分类号:TU 27213 文献标识码:BDesign on architectural forms of metallurgical mines———On architectural design of concentrator and sintering plantL IU G uo 2w eiAbstract :The architectural design forms of concentrator and sintering plant were analyzed and discussed in terms of integrity and continuity of process flow ,the space combination of plant area and the environment creation 1K ey w ords :plant building ;architectural form ;design1 前 言随着钢铁工业的迅猛发展,我国钢铁产量已居世界前列,矿山规模日新月异,炼钢、炼铁、选矿技术、工艺流程有了大的改进。
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Recent Developments in Iron Ore Sintering Sintering is the most widely used agglomeration process for iron ores.As the blast furnace is a countercurrent process in which solids descend against a rising gas flow,it is imperative that the ferrous burden is supplied in a lumpy form.It is necessary,therefore,to agglomerate fine ores by sintering or pelletising.Pelletising is usuallypreferred in locations where low grade iron ore is mined and concentrated,particularly in North America.In other regions,natural high grade iron ores are available and sintering offer a lower cost agglomeration route.Consequently,sinteringis by far the more widelyused iron ore agglomeration process outside North America.In the past decade,the annual production of sinter worldwide has ranged from 530 to 586 Mt.Production has fallen since 1989 following the dramatic events which occurred in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS,previously the USSR)and other parts of Eastern Europe as their steel industries restructure.The recessionary effects in Europe and Japan have also adversely affected production,although it is expected to recover slowly soon,except in the CIS and Eastern Europe.Although alternative ironmaking processes are emerging,they are not expected to impact significantly on blast furnace production in the nest decade and possibly beyond. Consequently,sintering production should be maintained at its present level for some time to come.Production will decline in Eastern Europe and the CIS as rationalisation continus but grqwth will continue in China,Korea,and Taiwan.Sintering technology has evolved rapidly in the past decade.This has been driven by the need to:(i)decrease energy consumption following the escalation of energy costs in the 1970s;(ii)increase productivilty as older,less efficient plants are closed;(iii)reduce production costs;(iv)reduce environmental impact.In addition to reducing energy consumption,the sinter plant manager has been required to improve product quality to enable energy savings at the blast furnace.In Japan,coke breeze consumption has decreased fromabout 55 kg/t sinter (1973) to 45 kg/t sinter in 1992.Similarly,ignition energy has dropped from about 190 to below 30 MJ/t sinter at some locations.Some European plants have achieved similar reductions in coke breeze consumption,but in general have not been as successful in reducing ignition energy repuirements.Blast furnace coke consumption has also fallen in the past decade,partly to be replaced by fine coal injected through the tuyeres.Part of the coke saving,however,can be attributed to improved sinter quality,notably reducibility and high temperature properties.As the steel industry becomes more competitive,there has been mounting pressure to close older,less efficient plants under rationalisation programmes.On some sites,this has meant the closure of one or some sinter plants and that the surviving plant must increase its productivity in order to satisfy blast furnace demands.In Japan,five plants were closed between 1983 and 1987,but annual producyion was maintained constant,with a consequent increase in productivity.In 1992,the plants at Fos-sur-Mer(Sollac) in France and Kakogawa(Kobe) in Japan achieved the highest productivities of 50t m-3/day.Other ways of reducing costs have also been sought.Iron ore is a major cost component and ironmakers have sought ways to increase their intake of cheaper materials such as fine ores or concentrates and also limonitic ore such as RobeRiver.The use of the maximum amount possible of secondary materials arising on the works such as dusts, sludges, slags, etc.,has also received considerable attention.International concern for the environment has resulted in plant being installed to remove dust and some gaseous emissions from sinter plant process gas.In this respect,Japan has led yhe way with the installation of electrostatic precipitators for dust control and,more significantly,with plants to remove sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides.Over 50% of sinter plants in Japan have installed desulphurising equipment and two plants have equipment to remove nitrogen oxides.On the other hand,in Europe only the Thyssen Stahl No.4sinter plant (Sehwelgern) has desulphurising equipment.Gas cleaning equipment is expensive and significantly increases the cost of producing sinter.Nevertheless,as legal requirements are introduced in Europe,new control equipment many have to be installedat many plants.In the to optimise the operation and produce the most consistent product,good plant control is essential.Although not discussed here,control and consistency in blending are equally important.In the granulation stage, operators determine their optimum moisture content and then use this for control purposes.Many plants have installed online,infrared(IR)analysers to monitor the moisture concent of the granulated feed.The water addition in the drum is automatically adjusted to maintain the set moisture content.Some Japanese plants use Iranalysres for all feed materials to be compensate for moisture variations at the inlet to the granulationdrum .On some plants,air permeability measurements are performed on granulated feed manually or automatically.Water addition to the drum may then be adjusted depending on the outcome of this measurement.Automatic control is preferred to manual methods since it results in a more rapid response and more consistent feed to the sinter strand.Bethlehem Steel has installed an online permeability apparatus in their feed hopper above the roll feeder at Burns Harbor. At Italsider, preignition permeability is monitored continuously online using a 4 4 m suction box installed immediately before the ignition hood.This has enabled Italsider to increase permeability by 9% since 1980.At NKK,uniformity of ignition is improved using a radiation thermometer installed on the exit side of the ignition hood.It is designed to scan the surface or the bed from side to side in a predetermined cycle.A microcomputer analyses the data and controls the positions of the gas valves in order to minimise surface temperature variation.Sinter chemistry is largely controlled by the blending process thoudgh final trim for CaOand some other elements is possible using bins in the sinter plant.Control of FeOis more complicated but usually involves a change in coke addition or possibly bed height.Chemical analysis is the usual method for determining FeO but a few plants use a magnetic permeability device such as Permagnag,developed by CRM in the late 1960s.This technique is currently in use at British Steel,s Scunthorpe Works.NKK have reported that they are using an FeO meter online atFukuyama Works.In order to complete the sintering process,the strand is operated in such a way to ensure that burnthrough usually occurs at the penultimate windbox.Traditionally,control of burnthrough location is achieved by adjusting the strand speed.Burnthrough itself is difficult to monitor so it is extrapolated from waste gas temperature measurement.Normally,the waste gas temperature is monitored using thermocouples in the last 3,4, or 5 windboxes and the strand operated with maximum temperature in the penultimate windbox.At some of the more modern plants,temperature is measured at several positions in each windbox to eliminate variations across the width of the strand.An average temperature is then used for each windbix.This system is used at Sollac,Fos-sur-Mer, sinter plant with the incorporation of an IRSID model.铁矿石烧结的最新进展烧结是最广泛使用的铁矿石造块法。