
陆军General of the Army (GEN) 五星上将(战时才有,和平时候没有)General (GEN) 上将Lieutenant General (LTG) 中将Major General (MG) 少将Brigadier General (BG) 准将说到“五星上将”想起来需要说明一下,国内很多记者可能美国电影看多了,喜欢写美国人是“三星中将”“三星上将”之类的,其实,美军的军衔里,五个星星就是五星上将,四个星星就是上将,三个星星中将,两个星星少将,一个星星准将。
Colonel (Col.) 上校Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) 中校Major (MAJ) 少校美军的校官的军衔标志比较特殊,上校是个鹰,中校是个白色的树叶,少校是黄色树叶。
Captain (CAPT) 上尉First Lieutenant (1 LT) 中尉Second Lieutenant (2 LT) 少尉Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) 一级准尉Warrant Officer (WO) 二级准尉尉官的军衔标志是个方块,准尉和少尉是1个方块,中尉和上尉是两个方块,区分高低级别是通过颜色,黄色低级,白色高级。
Command Sergeant Major (CSM)军士长Staff Sergeant Major (SSM)军士长1st Sergeant (1 SG)军士长Master Sergeant (MSG) 军士长Sergeant 1st Class (SFC) 军士长Staff Sergeant (SSG) 上士Sergeant (SGT) 中士Corporal (CPL) 下士Private First Class (P1C) 一等兵Private (PVT) 二等兵说到海军要提一下,海军的军衔叫法不同,比如船长(Captain)其实是指美国海军上校的意思,翻译时需要注意。

中南大学CentralSouthUniversity 本科毕业设计英文文献翻译题目学生姓名学号指导教师学院专业班级二○一六年一月八日Spring 的web MVC 构架模式Juergen Hoeller1、介绍:Spring 的应用构架当你第一次看到并接触Spring框架的时候,你一定会在心里想到;“哦哦,不不,这又是另一种Web构架”。
并且它会告诉你Spring框架明显区别于其他轻量级application framework,它将专注于web的支持,与struts和webwork有着明显的区别。
在和struts和webwork的对比上之中,Spring框架是一个服务于所有层面上的application framework:提供了bean的配置基础,AOP的支持,JDBC的提取框架,抽象事务支持,等等诸如此类。
这个对于Spring 的web支持或者不同的地方,Spring允许你在web容器里面建立一个中间层,在测试环境或者标准独立的应用里面来设置重用你的商务逻辑。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目: Struts——一种开源MVC的实现文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译题目: Struts——An Open-source MVC ImplementationStruts——一种开源MVC的实现院系名称:专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:起止日期:地点:附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
指导教师评语:该生所译的“Struts——An Open-source MVC Implementation”一文与其毕业设计课题有一定的关联,译文整体较为准确,翻译后的文章符合中文的习惯。
签名: 20 年月日指导教师评语:该生所译的“ Technology for Web Application”一文与其毕业设计课题有一定的关联,译文整体较为准确,翻译后的文章符合中文的习惯。
签名:20 年月日Struts——An Open-source MVC Implementation附件1:外文资料翻译译文Struts——一种开源MVC的实现这篇文章介绍Struts,一个使用servlet 和JavaServer Pages 技术的一种Model-View-Controller 的实现。
Struts 可以帮助你控制Web 项目中的变化并提高专业化。
即使你可能永远不会用Struts实现一个系统,你可以获得一些想法用于你未来的servlet 和JSP 网页的实现中。
简介在小学校园里的小孩子们都可以在因特网上发布HTML 网页。
中英文文献翻译-仓库管理系统( WMS )

英文原文Warehouse Management Systems (WMS).The evolution of warehouse management systems (WMS) is very similar to that of many other software solutions. Initially a system to control movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, the role of WMS is expanding to including light manufacturing, transportation management, order management, and complete accounting systems. To use the grandfather of operations-related software, MRP, as a comparison, material requirements planning (MRP) started as a system for planning raw material requirements in a manufacturing environment. Soon MRP evolved into manufacturing resource planning (MRPII), which took the basic MRP system and added scheduling and capacity planning logic. Eventually MRPII evolved into enterprise resource planning (ERP), incorporating all the MRPII functionality with full financials and customer and vendor management functionality. Now, whether WMS evolving into a warehouse-focused ERP system is a good thing or not is up to debate. What is clear is that the expansion of the overlap in functionality between Warehouse Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Distribution Requirements Planning, Transportation Management Systems, Supply Chain Planning, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, and Manufacturing Execution Systems will only increase the level of confusion among companies looking for software solutions for their operations.Even though WMS continues to gain added functionality, the initial core functionality of a WMS has not really changed. The primary purpose of a WMS is to control the movement and storage of materials within an operation and process the associated transactions. Directed picking, directed replenishment, and directed put away are the key to WMS. The detailed setup and processing within a WMS can vary significantly from one software vendor to another, however the basic logic will use a combination of item, location, quantity, unit of measure, and order information to determine where to stock, where to pick, and in what sequence to perform these operations.At a bare minimum, a WMS should:Have a flexible location system.Utilize user-defined parameters to direct warehouse tasks and use live documents to execute these tasks.Have some built-in level of integration with data collection devices.Do You Really Need WMS?Not every warehouse needs a WMS. Certainly any warehouse could benefit from some of the functionality but is the benefit great enough to justify the initial and ongoing costs associated with WMS? Warehouse Management Systems are big, complex, data intensive, applications. They tend to require a lot of initial setup, a lot of system resources to run, and a lot of ongoing data management to con tinue to run. That’s right, you need to "manage" your warehouse "management" system. Often times, large operations will end up creating a new IS department with the sole responsibility of managing the WMS.The Claims:WMS will reduce inventory!WMS will reduce labor costs!WMS will increase storage capacity!WMS will increase customer service!WMS will increase inventory accuracy!The Reality:The implementation of a WMS along with automated data collection will likely give you increases in accuracy, reduction in labor costs (provided the labor required to maintain the system is less than the labor saved on the warehouse floor), and a greater ability to service the customer by reducing cycle times. Expectations of inventory reduction and increased storage capacity are less likely. While increased accuracy and efficiencies in the receiving process may reduce the level of safety stock required, the impact of this reduction will likely be negligible in comparison to overall inventory levels. The predominant factors that control inventory levels are lot sizing, lead times, and demand variability. It is unlikely that a WMS will have a significant impact on any of these factors. And while a WMS certainly provides the tools for more organized storage which may result in increased storage capacity, this improvement will be relative to just how sloppy your pre-WMS processes were.Beyond labor efficiencies, the determining factors in deciding to implement a WMS tend to be more often associated with the need to do something to service your customers that your current system does not support (or does not support well) such as first-in-first-out, cross-docking, automated pick replenishment, wave picking, lot tracking, yard management, automated data collection, automated material handling equipment, etc.SetupThe setup requirements of WMS can be extensive. The characteristics of each item and location must be maintained either at the detail level or by grouping similar items and locationsinto categories. An example of item characteristics at the detail level would include exact dimensions and weight of each item in each unit of measure the item is stocked (each, cases, pallets, etc) as well as information such as whether it can be mixed with other items in a location, whether it is rack able, max stack height, max quantity per location, hazard classifications, finished goods or raw material, fast versus slow mover, etc. Although some operations will need to set up each item this way, most operations will benefit by creating groups of similar products. For example, if you are a distributor of music CDs you would create groups for single CDs, and double CDs, maintaining the detailed dimension and weight information at the group level and only needing to attach the group code to each item. You would likely need to maintain detailed information on special items such as boxed sets or CDs in special packaging. You would also create groups for the different types of locations within your warehouse. An example would be to create three different groups (P1, P2, P3) for the three different sized forward picking locations you use for your CD picking. You then set up the quantity of single CDs that will fit in a P1, P2, and P3 location, quantity of double CDs that fit in a P1, P2, P3 location etc. You would likely also be setting up case quantities, and pallet quantities of each CD group and quantities of cases and pallets per each reserve storage location group.If this sounds simple, it is…well… sort of. In reality most operations have a much more diverse product mix and will require much more system setup. And setting up the physical characteristics of the product and locations is only part of the picture. You have set up enough so that the system knows where a product can fit and how many will fit in that location. You now need to set up the information needed to let the system decide exactly which location to pick from, replenish from/to, and put away to, and in what sequence these events should occur (remember WMS is all about “directed” movement). You do this by assigni ng specific logic to the various combinations of item/order/quantity/location information that will occur.Below I have listed some of the logic used in determining actual locations and sequences.Location Sequence. This is the simplest logic; you simply define a flow through your warehouse and assign a sequence number to each location. In order picking this is used to sequence your picks to flow through the warehouse, in put away the logic would look for the first location in the sequence in which the product would fit.Zone Logic. By breaking down your storage locations into zones you can direct picking, put away, or replenishment to or from specific areas of your warehouse. Since zone logic only designates an area, you will need to combine this with some other type of logic to determine exact location within the zone.Fixed Location. Logic uses predetermined fixed locations per item in picking, put away, and replenishment. Fixed locations are most often used as the primary picking location in piece pick and case-pick operations, however, they can also be used for secondary storage.Random Location. Since computers cannot be truly random (nor would you want them to be) the term random location is a little misleading. Random locations generally refer to areas where products are not stored in designated fixed locations. Like zone logic, you will need some additional logic to determine exact locations.First-in-first-out (FIFO).Directs picking from the oldest inventory first.Last-in-first-out (LIFO).Opposite of FIFO. I didn't think there were any real applications for this logic until a visitor to my site sent an email describing their operation that distributes perishable goods domestically and overseas. They use LIFO for their overseas customers (because of longer in-transit times) and FIFO for their domestic customers.Pick-to-clear. Logic directs picking to the locations with the smallest quantities on hand. This logic is great for space utilization.Reserved Locations. This is used when you want to predetermine specific locations to put away to or pick from. An application for reserved locations would be cross-docking, where you may specify certain quantities of an inbound shipment be moved to specific outbound staging locations or directly to an awaiting outbound trailer.Maximize Cube. Cube logic is found in most WMS systems however it is seldom used. Cube logic basically uses unit dimensions to calculate cube (cubic inches per unit) and then compares this to the cube capacity of the location to determine how much will fit. Now if the units are capable of being stacked into the location in a manner that fills every cubic inch of space in the location, cube logic will work. Since this rarely happens in the real world, cube logic tends to be impractical.Consolidate. Looks to see if there is already a location with the same product stored in it with available capacity. May also create additional moves to consolidate like product stored in multiple locations.Lot Sequence. Used for picking or replenishment, this will use the lot number or lot date to determine locations to pick from or replenish from.It’s very common to combine multiple logic methods to determine the best location. For example you may chose to use pick-to-clear logic within first-in-first-out logic when there are multiple locations with the same receipt date. You also may change the logic based upon current workload. During busy periods you may chose logic that optimizes productivity while during slower periods you switch to logic that optimizes space utilization.Other Functionality/ConsiderationsWave Picking/Batch Picking/Zone Picking. Support for various picking methods varies from one system to another. In high-volume fulfillment operations, picking logic can be a critical factor in WMS selection. See my article on Order Picking for more info on these methods.Task Interleaving. Task interleaving describes functionality that mixes dissimilar tasks such as picking and put away to obtain maximum productivity. Used primarily in full-pallet-load operations, task interleaving will direct a lift truck operator to put away a pallet on his/her way to the next pick. In large warehouses this can greatly reduce travel time, not only increasing productivity, but also reducing wear on the lift trucks and saving on energy costs by reducing lift truck fuel consumption. Task interleaving is also used with cycle counting programs to coordinate a cycle count with a picking or put away task.Integration with Automated Material Handling Equipment. If you are planning on using automated material handling equipment such as carousels, ASRS units, AGNS, pick-to-light systems, or separation systems, you’ll wa nt to consider this during the software selection process. Since these types of automation are very expensive and are usually a core component of your warehouse, you may find that the equipment will drive the selection of the WMS. As with automated data collection, you should be working closely with the equipment manufacturers during the software selection process.Advanced Shipment Notifications (ASN). If your vendors are capable of sending advanced shipment notifications (preferably electronically) and attaching compliance labels to the shipments you will want to make sure that the WMS can use this to automate your receiving process. In addition, if you have requirements to provide ASNs for customers, you will also want to verify this functionality.Yard Management. Yard management describes the function of managing the contents (inventory) of trailers parked outside the warehouse, or the empty trailers themselves. Yard management is generally associated with cross docking operations and may include the management of both inbound and outbound trailers.Labor Tracking/Capacity Planning. Some WMS systems provide functionality related to labor reporting and capacity planning. Anyone that has worked in manufacturing should be familiar with this type of logic. Basically, you set up standard labor hours and machine (usually lift trucks) hours per task and set the available labor and machine hours per shift. The WMS system will use this info to determine capacity and load. Manufacturing has been using capacity planning for decades with mixed results. The need to factor in efficiency and utilization to determine rated capacity is an example of the shortcomings of this process. Not that I’m necessarily against capacity planning in warehousing, I just think most operations don’t really need it and can avoid the disappointment of trying to make it work. I am, however, a bigadvocate of labor tracking for individual productivity measurement. Most WMS maintain enough data to create productivity reporting. Since productivity is measured differently from one operation to another you can assume you will have to do some minor modifications here (usually in the form of custom reporting).Integration with existing accounting/ERP systems. Unless the WMS vendor has already created a specific interface with your accounting/ERP system (such as those provided by an approved business partner) you can expect to spend some significant programming dollars here. While we are all hoping that integration issues will be magically resolved someday by a standardized interface, we isn’t there yet. Ideally you’ll want an integrator that has already integrated the WMS you chose with the business software you are using. Since this is not always possible you at least want an integrator that is very familiar with one of the systems.WMS + everything else = ? As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a lot of other modules are being added to WMS packages. These would include full financials, light manufacturing, transportation management, purchasing, and sales order management. I don’t see this as a unilateral move of WMS from an add-on module to a core system, but rather an optional approach that has applications in specific industries such as 3PLs. Using ERP systems as a point of reference, it is unlikely that this add-on functionality will match the functionality ofbest-of-breed applications available separately. If warehousing/distribution is your core business function and you don’t want to have to deal with the integration issues of incorporating separate financials, order processing, etc. you may find these WMS based business systems are a good fit.Implementation TipsOutside of the standard “don’t underestimate”, “thoroughly test”, “train, train, train” implementation tips that apply to any business software installation ,it’s important to emphasize that WMS are very data dependent and restrictive by design. That is, you need to have all of the various data elements in place for the system to function properly. And, when they are in place, you must operate within the set parameters.When implementing a WMS, you are adding an additional layer of technology onto your system. And with each layer of technology there is additional overhead and additional sources of potential problems. Now don’t take this as a condemnation of Warehouse Management Systems. Coming from a warehousing background I definitely appreciate the functionality WMS have to offer, and, in many warehouses, this functionality is essential to their ability to serve their customers and remain competitive. It’s just important to note that every solution has its downsides and having a good understanding of the potential implications will allow managers to make better decisions related to the levels of technology that best suits their unique environment.中文译文仓库管理系统( WMS )仓库管理系统( WMS )的演变与许多其他软件解决方案是很像的。

IT Service Management
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IT Service Management
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在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们如何找到可靠的资源来指导我们的决策和行动呢?这就是Evidence-Based Medicine(EBM)即循证医学的核心所在。
三、循证医学(Evidence-Based Medicine)循证医学是以临床证据为基础,结合医生临床经验和患者价值观,制定出最适合患者的个性化诊疗方案的一种医学方法。
五、临床实践指南(Clinical Practice Guidelines)临床实践指南是由医学界专家制定的,用于指导临床工作的文件。
六、随机对照试验(Randomized Controlled Trial,RCT)随机对照试验是循证医学中最具权威性的研究设计。

1. 文献标题: A review of material management system in construction industry文献标题: A review of material management system in construction industry- 作者: John Smith作者: John Smith- 出版年份: 2015出版年份: 2015该文献综述了建筑行业中物料管理系统的现状和发展趋势。
2. 文献标题: Implementation of an integrated material management system for manufacturing industry文献标题:Implementation of an integrated material management system for manufacturing industry- 作者: Jane Chen作者: Jane Chen- 出版年份: 2018出版年份: 2018该文献介绍了制造业中一种集成化物料管理系统的实施方法。
3. 文献标题: Material management system for construction projects using RFID technology文献标题: Material management system for construction projects using RFID technology- 作者: Peter Wang作者: Peter Wang- 出版年份: 2016出版年份: 2016该文献介绍了一种利用射频识别(RFID)技术的物料管理系统,用于建筑项目中的物料追踪和管理。

中南大学CentralSouthUniversity本科毕业设计英文文献翻译题目学生姓名学号指导教师学院专业班级二○一六年一月八日Spring 的 web MVC 构架模式Juergen Hoeller1、介绍: Spring 的应用构架当你第一次看到并接触Spring框架的时候,你一定会在心里想到;“哦哦,不不,这又是另一种Web构架”。
并且它会告诉你Spring框架明显区别于其他轻量级application framework,它将专注于web的支持,与struts和webwork有着明显的区别。
在和struts和webwork的对比上之中,Spring框架是一个服务于所有层面上的application framework:提供了bean的配置基础,AOP的支持,JDBC的提取框架,抽象事务支持,等等诸如此类。
它有一个非常显著的特点:在某个层面上如果你不需要Spring的支持,它有一个非常显著的特点:在某个层面上如果你不需要Spring 的支持,你就可以不使用Spring框架的class(类),只使用它的某一部分的功能。
从它的设计理念,你可以看到Spring框架帮助你实现了真正的逻辑层和web 层的成功分离:例如:一个校验应用将不用依靠controllers,就可以实现。
这个对于Spring 的web支持或者不同的地方,Spring允许你在web容器里面建立一个中间层,在测试环境或者标准独立的应用里面来设置重用你的商务逻辑。
【毕业设计】文献翻译 原文译文(探究ASP-NET-MVC请求的生命周期)

MVC In-Depth: The Life of an MVC Request The purpose of this blog entry is to describe, in painful detail, each step in the life of an MVC request from birth to death. I want to understand everything that happens when you type a URL in a browser and hit the enter key when requesting a page from an MVC website.Why do I care? There are two reasons. First, one of the promises of MVC is that it will b e a very extensible framework. For example, you’ll be able to plug in different view engines to control how your website content is rendered. You also will be able to manipulate how controllers get generated and assigned to particular requests. I want to walk through the steps involved in an MVC page request because I want to discover any and all of these extensibility points.Second, I’m interested in Test-Driven Development. In order to write unit tests for controllers, I need to understand all of the controller dependencies. When writing my tests, I need to mock certain objects using a mocking framework such as Typemock Isolator or Rhino Mocks. If I don’t understand the page request lifecycle, I won’t be able to effectively mock it.Two WarningsB ut first, two warnings.Here's the first warning: I’m writing this blog entry a week after the MVC Preview 2 was publicly released. The MVC framework is still very much in Beta. Therefore, anything that I describe in this blog entry might be outdated and, therefore, wrong in a couple of months. So, if you are reading this blog entry after May 2008, don’t believe everything you read.Second, this blog entry is not meant as an overview of MVC. I describe the lifecycle of an MVC request in excruciating and difficult to read detail. Okay, you have been warned.Overview of the Lifecycle StepsThere are five main steps that happen when you make a request from an MVC website:Step 1 : The RouteTable is CreatedWhen you request a page from a normal application, there is a page on disk that corresponds to each page request. For example, if you request a page named SomePage.aspx then there better be a page named SomePage.aspx sitting on your web server. If not, you receive an error.Technically, an page represents a class. And, not just any class. An page is a handler. In other words, an page implements the IHttpHandler interface and has a ProcessRequest() method that gets called when you request the page. The ProcessRequest() method is responsible for generating the content that gets sent back to the browser.So, the way that a normal application works is simple and intuitive. You request a page, the page request corresponds to a page on disk, the page executes its ProcessRequest() method and content gets sent back to the browser.An MVC application does not work like this. When you request a page from an MVC application, there is no page on disk that corresponds tothe request. Instead, the request is routed to a special class called a controller. The controller is responsible for generating the content that gets sent back to the browser. When you write a normal application, you build a bunch of pages. There is always a one-to-one mapping between URLs and pages. Corresponding to each page request, there better be a page.When you build an MVC application, in contrast, you build a bunch of controllers. The advantage of using controllers is that you can have a many-to-one mapping between URLs and pages. For example, all of the following URLs can be mapped to the same controller:The single controller mapped to these URLs can display product information for the right product by extracting the product Id from the URL. The controller approach is more flexible than the classic approach. The controller approach also results in more readable and intuitive URLs.So, how does a particular page request get routed to a particular controller? An MVC application has something called a Route Table. The Route Table maps particular URLs to particular controllers.An application has one and only one Route Table. This Route Table is setup in the Global.asax file. Listing 1 contains the default Global.asax file that you get when you create a new MVC Web Application project by using Visual Studio.An application’s Route Table is represented by the static RouteTable.Routes property. This property represents a collection of Route objects. In the Global.asax file in Listing 1, two Route objects are added to the Route Table when the application first starts (The Application_Start() method is called only once when the very first page is requested from a website).A Route object is responsible for mapping URLs to handlers. In Listing 1, two Route objects are created. Both Route objects map URLs to the MvcRouteHandler. The first Route maps any URL that follows the pattern {controller}/{action}/{id} to the MvcRouteHandler. The second Route maps the particular URL Default.aspx to the MvcRouteHandler.By the way, this new routing infrastructure can be used independently of an MVC application. The Global.asax file maps URLs to the MvcRouteHandler. However, you have the option of routing URLs to a different type of handler. The routing infrastructure described in this section is contained in a distinct assembly named System.Web.Routing.dll. You can use the routing without using the MVC.Step 2 : The UrlRoutingModule Intercepts the RequestWhenever you make a request against an MVC application, the request is intercepted by the UrlRoutingModule HTTP Module. An HTTP Module is a special type of class that participates in each and every page request. For example, classic includes a FormsAuthenticationModule HTTP Module that is used to implement page access security using Forms Authentication.When the UrlRoutingModule intercepts a request, the first thing the module does is to wrap up the current HttpContext in an HttpContextWrapper2 object. The HttpContextWrapper2 class, unlike the normal HttpContext class, derives from theHttpContextBase class. Creating a wrapper for HttpContext makes it easier to mock the class when you are using a Mock Object Framework such as Typemock Isolator or Rhino Mocks.Next, the module passes the wrapped HttpContext to the RouteTable that was setup in the previous step. The HttpContext includes the URL, form parameters, query string parameters, and cookies associated with the current request. If a match can be made between the current request and one of the Route objects in the Route Table, then a RouteData object is returned.If the UrlRoutingModule successfully retrieves a RouteData object then the module next creates a RouteContext object that represents the current HttpContext and RouteData. The module then instantiates a new HttpHandler based on the RouteTable and passes the RouteContext to the new handler’s constructor.In the case of an MVC application, the handler returned from the RouteTable will always be an MvcHandler. Whenever the UrlRoutingModule can match the current request against a Route in the Route Table, an MvcHandler is instantiated with the current RouteContext.The last step that the module performs is setting the MvcHandler as the current HTTP Handler. An application calls the ProcessRequest() method automatically on the current HTTP Handler which leads us to the next step.Step 3 : The MvcHandler ExecutesIn the previous step, an MvcHandler that represents a particular RouteContext was set as the current HTTP Handler. An application always fires off a certain series of events including Start, BeginRequest, PostResolveRequestCache, PostMapRequestHandler, PreRequestHandlerExecute, and EndRequest events (there are a lot of application events – for a complete list, lookup the HttpApplication class in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Documentation).Everything described in the previous section happens during the PostResolveRequestCache and PostMapRequestHandler events. The ProcessRequest() method is called on the current HTTP Handler right after the PreRequestHandlerExecute event.When ProcessRequest() is called on the MvcHandler object created in the previous section, a new controller is created. The controller is created from a ControllerFactory. This is an extensibility point since you can create your own ControllerFactory. The default ControllerFactory is named, appropriately enough, DefaultControllerFactory.The RequestContext and the name of the controller are passed to the ControllerFactory.CreateController() method to get a particular controller. Next, a ControllerContext object is constructed from the RequestContext and the controller. Finally, the Execute() method is called on the controller class. The ControllerContext is passed to the Execute() method when the Execute() method is called.Step 4 : The Controller ExecutesThe Execute() method starts by creating the TempData object (called the Flash object in the Ruby on Rails world). The TempData can be used to store temporary data that must be used with the very next request (TempData is like Session State with no long-term memory).Next, the Execute() method builds a list of parameters from the request. These parameters, extracted from the request parameters, will act as method parameters. The parameters will be passed to whatever controller method gets executed.The Execute() method finds a method of the controller to execute by using reflection on the controller class (.NET reflection and not navel gazing reflection). The controller class is something that you wrote. So the Execute() method finds one of the methods that you wrote for your controller class and executes it. The Execute() method will not execute any controller methods that are decorated with the NonAction attribute.At this point in the lifecycle, we’ve entered your application code.Step 5 : The RenderView Method is CalledNormally, your controller methods end with a call to either the RenderView() or RedirectToAction() method. The RenderView() method is responsible for rendering a view (a page) to the browser.When you call a controller’s RenderView() method, the call is delegated to the current ViewEngine’s RenderView() method. The ViewEngine is another extensibility point. The default ViewEngine is the WebFormViewEngine. However, you can use another ViewEngine such as the NHaml ViewEngine.The WebFormViewEngine.RenderView() method uses a class named the ViewLocator class to find the view. Next, it uses a BuildManager to create an instance of a ViewPage class from its path. Next, if the page has a master page, the location of the master page is set (again, using the ViewLocator class). If the page has ViewData, the ViewData is set. Finally, the RenderView() method is called on the ViewPage.The ViewPage class derives from the base System.Web.UI.Page class. This is the same class that is used for pages in classic . The final action that RenderView() method performs is to call ProcessRequest() on the page class. Calling ProcessRequest() generates content from the view in the same way that content is generated from a normal page.SummaryThe goal of this blog entry was to describe the entire life of an MVC request from birth to death. I examined the five steps involved in processing an MVC request: Creating the RouteTable, Intercepting the request with the UrlRoutingModule, Generating a Controller, Executing an Action, and Rendering a View.探究 MVC: MVC请求的生命周期本书详细描述了 MVC请求从开始到结束的整个过程,当你在浏览器上输入URL地址并且在网站请求页面敲击回车时,这个过程就产生了。

1. PubMed (Publications from MEDLINE): 包括医学和生命科学领域的文献,主要收集医学和生物医学方面的中英文文献。
2. CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure): 中国国家知识基础设施,收集包括学位论文、期刊、会议论文等多种学术资源,主要为中文文献。
3. Wanfang Data: 万方数据,收集包括期刊、学位论文、会议论文等学术资源,主要为中文文献。
4. VIP Database (Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database):
5. Chinese Medical Database (CMDB): 中国医药数据库,主要收集中文医学文献。
6. Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI): 中国社会科学引文索引,主要收集中国社会科学领域的中文文献。
7. China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database (CAJ): 中国学术

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Management Information SystemIt is the MIS(Management Information System ) that we constantly say that the management information system , and is living to emphasize the administration , and emphasizes that it changes into more and more significantly and more and more is universalized in the contemporary community of message . MIS is a fresh branch of learning, and it leaped over several territories, and for instance administers scientific knowledge, system science, operational research, statistic along with calculating machine scientific knowledge. Is living on these the branches of learning base, and takes shape that the message is gathered and the process means, thereby take shape the system that the crossbar mingles.1. The Management Information System Summary20 centuries, in the wake of the flourishing development of whole world economy, numerous economists propose the fresh administration theory one by one. Xi Men propose the administration and was dependent on idea to message and decision of strategic importance in the 50’s 20 centuries. The dimension of simultaneous stage is admitted issuing cybernetics, and he thinks that the administration is a control procedure. In 1958, Ger. write the lid: “the administrationshall obtain without delay with the lower cost and exact message, completes the better control “. This particular period, the calculating machine starts being used accountancy work. The data handling term has risen.In 1970, Walter T.Kennevan give administration that has raised the only a short while ago information system term to get off a definition: “ either the cover of the book shape with the discount, is living appropriately time to director, staff member along with the outside world personnel staff supplies the past and now and message that internal forecasting the approaching relevant business reaches such environment, in order to assist they make a strategic decision”. Is living in this definition to emphasize, yet does not emphasize using the pattern, and mention the calculating machine application in the way of the message support decision of strategic importance.In 1985, admonishing information system originator, title Buddhist nun Su Da university administration professor Gordon B.Davis give the management information system relatively integrated definition, in immediate future “ administer the information system is one use calculating machine software and hardware resources along with data bank man - the engine system.It be able to supply message support business either organization operation, administration or the decision making function. Comprehensive directions of this definition management information system target and meritorious service capacity and component, but also make known the management information system to be living the level that attains at that time.1.1The Developing History of MISThe management information system is living the most primarily phase is counting the system, the substance which researched is the regular pattern on face between the incremental data, it what may separate into the data being mutually related and more not being mutually related series, afterwards act as the data conversion to message.The second stage is the data are replaced the system, and it is that the SABRE that the American airline company put up to in the 50’s 20 centuries subscribes to book the bank note system that such type stands for. It possess 1008 bank note booking spots, and may access 600000 traveler keep the minutes and 27000 flight segments record. Its operation is comparatively more complex, and is living whatever one “spot ”wholly to check whether to be the free place up some one flight numbers. Yet through approximately attending school up to say, it is only a data andreplaces the system, for instance it can not let know you with the bank note the selling velocity now when the bank note shall be sell through, thereby takes remedying the step. As a result it also is administer information system rudimentary phase.The third phase is the status reports system, and it may separate into manufacture state speech and service state and make known and research the systems such as status reports and so on. Its type stands for the production control system that is the IBM corporation to the for instance manufacture state speech system. As is known to all, the calculating machine corporation that the IBM corporation is the largest on the world, in 1964 it given birth to middle-sized calculating machine IBM360 and causes the calculating machine level lift a step, yet form that the manufacture administration work. Yet enormously complicatedly dissolve moreover, the calculating machine overtakes 15000 difference components once more, in addition the plant of IBM extends all over the American various places to every one components once more like works an element, and the order of difference possess difference components and the difference element, and have to point out that what element what plant what installation gives birth to, hence not merely giving birth to complexly, fitting, installation and transportation wholly fully complex. Have to there be a manufacture status reports system that takes the calculating machine in order to guarantee being underway successfully of manufacture along with else segment as the base. Hence the same ages IBM establish the systematic AAS of well-developed administration it be able to carry on 450 professional work operations. In 1968, the corporation establishes the communal once more and manufactures informationsystem CMIS and runs and succeeds very much, the past needs 15 weeks work, that system merely may be completed in the way of 3 weeks.It is the data handling system that the status reports system still possess one kind of shape , and that it is used for handles the everyday professional work to make known with manufacture , and stress rests with by the handwork task automation , and lifts the effectiveness with saves the labor power . The data handling system ordinarily can not supply decision of strategic importance message.Last phase is the support systems make a strategic decision, and it is the information system being used for supplementary making a strategic decision. That system may program and the analysis scheme, and goes over key and the error solve a problem. Its proper better person-machine dialogue means, may with notparticularly the personnel staff who have an intimate knowledge of the calculating machine hold conversation. It ordinarily consists of some pattern so as to come into being decision of strategic importance message, yet emphasize comprehensive administration meritorious service capacity.1.2 The Application of Management Information SystemThe management information system is used to the most base work, like dump report form, calculation pay and occurrences in human tubes and so on, and then developing up business financial affairs administrations and inventory control and so on individual event operational control , this pertains to the electron data handling ( EDP Data Processing ) system . When establish the business data bank, thereby possess the calculating machine electric network to attain data sharing queen , the slave system concept is start off , when the implementation the situation as a whole is made program and the design information system ,attained the administration information system phase . In the wake of calculating machine technique progress and the demand adjust the system of people lift further, people emphasize more furthermore administer the information system phase. Progress and people in the wake of the calculating machine technique lift at the demand adjust the system further, people emphasize more furthermore to administer the information system whether back business higher level to lead makes a strategic decision this meritorious service capacity, still more lay special emphasis on the gathering to the external message of business and integrated data storehouse, model library , means storehouse and else artificial intelligence means whether directly to decision of strategic importance person , this is the support system ( DDS ) mission making a strategic decision.There is the part application that few business start MIS inner place the limit of the world at the early days of being living in the 70’s 20 centuries. Up at the moment, MIS is living, and there be the appropriatePopularization rate in every state nation in world, and nearly covered that every profession reaches every department.1.3 The Direction of MIS DevelopmentClose 20 curtains; external grand duke takes charge of having arisen3 kinds of alternations:A. Paying special attention to the administration being emphasized toestablishing MIS’s system, and causing the administration technique headfor the ageing.B. The message is the decision of strategic importance foundation, and MISsupplies the message service in the interest of director at all times.C. Director causes such management program getting in touch with togetherwith the concrete professional work maneuver by means of MIS. notmerely big-and-middle-sized business universally establish MIS somesmall-size business also not exceptions of self, universally establish thecommunal data network, like the electronic mail and electron dataexchange and so on, MIS supplied the well support environment to theapplication of Intranet’s technique to speedily developing of INTERNETespecially in the past few years in the interest of the business.Through international technique development tendency is see, in the 90’s 20 centuries had arisen some kinds of brand-new administration technique.(1)Business Processes Rebuild (BPR)A business should value correctly time and produce quality, manufacturing cost and technical service and so on several section administrations, grip at the moment organization and the process compose once more,andcompletes that meritorious service capacity integrationist, operation processization and organization form fluctuation. Shall act as the service veer of middle layer management personnel staff the decision of strategic importance of the director service?(2)Intelligentization Decision Support System (IDSS)The intelligentization decision of strategic importance support system was sufficiently consider demand and the work distinguishing feature of business higher level personnel staff.(3)Lean Production (LP)Application give birth to on time, comprehensive quality control and parallel project that picked amount is given birth to and so on the technique, the utmost product design cutting down and production cycle, raise produce quality and cuts down the reproduced goods to reserve, and is living in the manufacture promote corps essence, in order to meet the demand that client continuously changes.(4)Agile Manufacture (AM)One kind of business administration pattern that possess the vision, such distinguishing feature is workers and staff members’ quality is high, and the organization simplifies and the multi-purpose group effectiveness GAO message loading is agile and answers client requires swiftly.2. The Effect To The Business Administration of MIS DevelopmentThe effect to the business administration of the management information system development is administered the change to business and business administration of information system development and come into being and is coming into being the far-reaching effect with.Decision of strategic importance, particularly strategic decision-making may be assisted by the administration information system, and its good or bad directly affects living and the development up the business. The MIS is impeding the orientation development that the administration means one another unites through quality and ration. This express to utilize the administration in the calculation with the different mathematical model the problem in the quantitative analysis business. The past administer that the problem is difficult to test, but MIS may unite the administration necessaries, and supply the sufficient data, and simulates to produce the term in the interest of the administration.In the wake of the development of MIS, much business sit up the decentralized message concentration to establish the information system ministry of directly under director, and the chief of information system ministry is ordinarily in the interest of assistant manager’s gr ade. After the authority of business is centralized up high-quality administration personnel staff’s hand, as if causing much sections office work decrease, hence someone prophesy, middle layer management shall vanish. In reality, the reappearance phase employed layer management among the information system queen not merely not to decrease, on the contrary there being the increase a bit.This is for, although the middle layer management personnel staff getting off exonerate out through loaded down with trivial details daily routine, yet needs them to analyses researching work in the way of even more energy, lift further admonishing the decision of strategic importance level. In the wake of the development of MIS, the business continuously adds to the demand of high technique a talented person, but the scarce thing of capability shall be washed out gradually. This compels people by means of study and cultivating, and continuously lifts individual’s quality. InThe wake of the news dispatch and electric network and file transmission system development, business staff member is on duty in many being living incomparably either the home. Having caused that corporation save the expenses enormously, the work efficiency obviously moves upward American Rank Zeros corporation the office system on the net, in the interest of the creativity of raiseoffice personnel staff was produced the advantageous term.At the moment many countries are fermenting one kind of more well-developed manufacturing industry strategy, and become quickly manufacturing the business. It completely on the basis of the user requirement organization design together with manufacture, may carry on the large-scale cooperation in the interest of identical produce by means of the business that the flow was shifted the distinct districts, and by means of the once more programming to the machinery with to the resources and the reorganization of personnel staff , constituted a fresh affrication system, and causes that manufacturing cost together with lot nearly have nothing to do with. Quickly manufacturing the business establishes a whole completely new strategy dependence relation against consumer, and is able to arouse the structure of production once more revolution.The management information system is towards the self-adoption and Self-learning orientation development, the decision procedure of imitation man who is be able to be better. Some entrepreneurs of the west vainly hope that consummate MIS is encircles the magic drug to govern the business all kinds of diseases; Yet also someone says, and what it is too many is dependent on the defeat that MIS be able to cause on the administration. It is adaptable each other to comprehend the effect to the business of MIS, and is favor of us to be living in development and the research work, and causes the business organization and administer the better development against MIS of system and administration means, and establish more valid MIS.译文管理信息系统MIS (Management Information System),它就是我们所说的管理信息系统,它强调在生活上的应用,并且在当今信息社会普及的背景下应用得越来越广泛。


Ssm:Brother, send Chenxiang back to me, please! Els: Send him back? Where do u think u are? Ssm: I surely know here is the ruthless Heavenly Palace. Els: Sis, don’t be stubborn. You eloped to the earthly world and violate the heaven law. You gotta pay for it. Ssm: All I want is leading an ordinary life. And it has nothing to do with Chenxiang. Els: Chenxiang? He is the fruit of your sin. Ssm: Brother, don’t forget how you come to this world. Our mother, she just long for the happiness down on the earth… Els: What is gone is gone. Don’t bring that up. Ssm: But, Chenxiang’s father is already in the dust. Can you bear to let him become a motherless orphan? Els: Sin of elope, intolerable in heaven! Ssm: Intolerable? Hum! To depart the family, isn’t that intolerable? Els: Whatever you say counts nothing. Just give me the lotus lantern and accept the punishment, or…hum! Ssm: Brother, we are a family, so send Chengxiang back to me. After that, even I go to hell, I won’t trouble you. Els: No way! Ssm: Don’t be too cold blood! Els: Not me. You choose to be a human instead of a goddess. You have yourself to blame. Ssm: Yang Jian! Only if you give back my son, you can be your god while I can be my human. And we have nothing to do with each other ever and for沉香:妈妈,刚才宝莲灯亮了。 三圣母:是的。 沉香:您不想让灯亮吗? 三圣母:不,妈妈很想让它亮起来,但是 现在不行,这盏灯不是一盏平平常常的 灯。 沉香:那它是? 三圣母:它是一盏……神灯。 沉香:神灯?妈妈,它为什么是神灯? 三圣母:因为,因为坏人都怕它,因为它 能给好人带来幸福。 沉香:妈妈,什么叫幸福啊? 三圣母:幸福就是…妈妈跟沉香在一起啊 沉香:噢,我懂了。 沉香:我和妈妈在一起最高兴,和妈妈在 一起就是幸福。 三圣母:对! 沉香:妈妈,那我们就让灯永远来着。我 要和妈妈永远在一起,永远都幸福。 Cx: Mom, the lotus lantern shined just now. Ssm: Yes. Cx: Don’t you want to see it shining? Ssm: Yes, mom want to see it shining, but not now. It’s not just an ordinary lantern. Cx: So what is it? Ssm: It’s a…magic lantern. Cx: Magic lantern? Mom, why is it a magic lantern? Ssm: Because, because all bad people are scared of it, because it can bring good people happiness. Cx: Mom, what’s happiness? Ssm: Happiness is…staying together forever, mom and chenxiang. Cx: Oh , I get it. I feel the happiest with mom, happiness is staying together with mom. Ssm: Right! Cx: Mom, let’s make the lantern lighted forever. I want to be with mom forever, be happy forever.

单片机的外文文献及中文翻译SCM is an integrated circuit chip, is the use of large scale integrated circuit technology to a data processing capability of CPU CPU random access memory RAM, read-only memory ROM, a variety of I / O port and interrupt system, timers / timer functions (which may also include display driver circuitry, pulse width modulation circuit, analog multiplexer, A / D converter circuit) integrated into a silicon constitute a small and complete computer systems.SCM is also known as micro-controller (Microcontroller), because it is the first to be used in industrial control. Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first design is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. The Z80 INTEL is the first designed in accordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors will be parting ways.Are 8-bit microcontroller early or 4 bits. One of the most successful is the INTEL 8031, for a simple, reliable and good performance was a lot of praise. Then developed in 8031 out of MCS51 MCU Systems. SCM systems based on this system until now is still widely used. With the increased requirements of industrial control field, began a 16-bit microcontroller, but not ideal because the cost has not been very widely used. After 90 years with the great development of consumer electronics, microcontroller technology has been a huge increase. With INTEL i960 series, especially the later series of widely used ARM, 32-bit microcontroller quickly replace high-end 16-bit MCU status and enter the mainstream market. The traditional 8-bit microcontroller performance have been the rapid increase capacity increase compared to 80 the number of times. Currently, high-end 32-bit microcontroller clocked over 300MHz, the performance catching the mid-90s dedicated processor, while the average model prices fall to one U.S. dollar, the most high-end [1] model only 10 dollars. Modern SCM systems are no longer only in the development and use of bare metal environment, a large number of proprietary embedded operating system is widely used in the full range of SCM. The handheld computers and cell phones as the core processing of high-end microcontroller can even use a dedicated Windows and Linux operating systems.SCM is more suitable than the specific processor used in embedded systems, so it was up to the application. In fact the number of SCM is the world's largest computer. Modern human life used in almost every piece of electronic and mechanical products will be integrated single chip. Phone, telephone, calculator, home appliances, electronic toys, handheld computers and computer accessories such as a mouse with a 1-2 in both the Department of SCM. Personal computer will have a large number of SCM in the work. General car with more than 40 microcontroller, a complex industrial control systems may even hundreds of single chip at the same time work! SCM is notonly far exceeds the number of PC and other computing the sum, or even more than the number of human beings.Single chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not complete a certain logic chips, but to a computer system integrated into a chip. Equivalent to a micro-computer, and computer than just the lack of a microcontroller I / O devices. General talk: a chip becomes a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the study, application and development of facilities provided. At the same time, learning to use the MCU is to understand the principle and structure of the computer the best option.Microcontroller and the computer functions internally with similar modules, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, the same effect there, and hard disk memory device, is it different properties of these components are relatively weak many of our home computer, but the price is low , usually not more than 10 yuan you can do with it ...... some control for a class is not very complicated electrical work is enough of. We are using automatic drum washing machine, smoke hood, VCD and so on appliances which could see its shadow! ...... It is mainly part of the core components as the control.t is an online real-time control computer, on-line is on-site control, need to have strong anti-interference ability, low cost, and this is, and off-line computer (such as home PC), the main difference. Single chipMCU is through running, and can be modified. Through different procedures to achieve different functions, in particular special unique features, this is another device much effort needs to be done, some are great efforts are very difficult to achieve. A not very complex functions if the 50's with the United States developed 74 series, or the 60's CD4000 series of these pure hardware buttoned, then the circuit must be a large PCB board! But if the United States if the 70's with a series of successful SCM market, the result will be a drastic change! Just because you are prepared by microcomputer programs can achieve high intelligence, high efficiency and high reliability!As the microcontroller on the cost-sensitive, so now the dominant software or the lowest level assembly language, which is the lowest level in addition to more than binary machine code language, and as so low why is the use? Many high-level language has reached the level of visual programming Why is not it? The reason is simply that there is no home computer as a single chip CPU, not as hard as a mass storage device. A visualization of small high-level language program is only one button on it though, will reach tens of K in size! For the home PC's hard drive in terms of nothing but speaking for the MCU is not acceptable. SCM in the utilization of hardware resources to be very high for the job so although the original is still in the compilation of a lot of use. The same token, if the giant computer operating system and applications run up get home PC, home PC, also bear not work.Can be said that the twentieth century across the three "power" era, that is, the age of electricity, the electronic age and has entered into the computer age. However, this computer, usually refers to the personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor and other components. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to give all kinds of machinery, intelligent single chip (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this computer system took only a minimal integrated circuit, can be a simple operation and control. Because it is small, usually in the charged with possession of mechanical "stomach" in. It is in the device, like the human brain plays a role, it goes wrong, the whole plant was paralyzed. Now, this microcontroller has been very widely used in the field, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, and household appliances. Once all kinds of products were using SCM, can serve to upgrade the effectiveness of products, often in the product name preceded by the adjective - "intelligent", such as intelligent washing machines. Now some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complicated, that function is too simple and can easily be copied. The reason may be stuck in the product did not use a microcontroller or other programmable logic device.外文文献的翻译:单片机是一种集成在电路芯片,是采用超大规模集成电路技术把具有数据处理能力的中央处理器CPU随机存储器RAM、只读存储器ROM、多种I/O口和中断系统、定时器/计时器等功能(可能还包括显示驱动电路、脉宽调制电路、模拟多路转换器、A/D转换器等电路)集成到一块硅片上构成的一个小而完善的计算机系统。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Struts——an open-source MVC implementationThis article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future servlets and JSP page implementation.Model-View-Controller (MVC)JSP tags solved only part of our problem. We still have issues with validation, flow control, and updating the state of the application. This is where MVC comes to the rescue. MVC helps resolve some of the issues with the single module approach by dividing the problem into three categories:∙ModelThe model contains the core of the application'sfunctionality. The model encapsulates the state of theapplication. Sometimes the only functionality it contains is state. It knows nothing about the view or controller.∙ViewThe view provides the presentation of the model. It is the look of the application. The view can access the model getters, but it has no knowledge of the setters. In addition, it knows nothing about the controller. The view should be notified when changes to the model occur.∙ControllerThe controller reacts to the user input. It creates and sets the model.MVC Model 2The Web brought some unique challenges to software developers, most notably the stateless connection between the client and the server. This stateless behavior made it difficult for the model to notify the view of changes. On the Web, the browser has to re-query the server to discover modification to the state of the application. Another noticeable change is that the view uses different technology for implementation than the model or controller. Of course, we could use Java (or PERL, C/C++ or what ever) code to generate HTML. There are several disadvantages to that approach: ∙Java programmers should develop services, not HTML.∙Changes to layout would require changes to code.∙Customers of the service should be able to create pages to meet their specific needs.∙The page designer isn't able to have direct involvement in page development.∙HTML embedded into code is ugly.For the Web, the classical form of MVC needed to change. Figure 4 displays the Web adaptation of MVC, also commonly known as MVC Model 2 or MVC 2.Struts detailsThe ActionServlet classDo you remember the days of function mappings? You would map some input event to a pointer to a function. If you where slick, you would place the configuration information into a file and load the file at run time. Function pointer arrays were the good old days of structured programming in C.Life is better now that we have Java technology, XML, J2EE, and all that. The Struts Controller is a servlet that maps events (an event generally being an HTTP post) to classes. And guess what -- the Controller uses a configuration file so you don_t have to hard-code the values. Life changes, but stays the same. ActionServlet is the Command part of the MVC implementation and is the core of the Framework. ActionServlet (Command) creates and uses Action, an ActionForm, and ActionForward. As mentioned earlier, the struts-config.xml file configures the Command. During the creation of the Web project, Action and ActionForm are extended to solve the specific problem space. The file struts-config.xml instructs ActionServlet on how to use the extended classes. There are several advantages to this approach:The entire logical flow of the application is in a hierarchical text file. This makes it easier to view andunderstand, especially with large applications.∙The page designer does not have to wade through Java code to understand the flow of the application.∙The Java developer does not need to recompile code when making flow changes.Command functionality can be added by extending ActionServlet. The ActionForm classActionForm maintains the session state for the Web application. ActionForm is an abstract class that is sub-classed for each input form model. When I say input form model, I am saying ActionForm represents a general concept of data that is set or updated by a HTML form. For instance, you may have a UserActionForm that is set by an HTML Form. The Struts framework will:∙Check to see if a UserActionForm exists; if not, it will create an instance of the class.∙Struts will set the state of the UserActionForm using corresponding fields from the HttpServletRequest. No more dreadful request.getParameter() calls. For instance, theStruts framework will take fname from request stream and call UserActionForm.setFname().∙The Struts framework updates the state of the UserActionForm before passing it to the business wrapper UserAction.∙Before passing it to the Action class, Struts will also conduct form state validation by calling the validation() method on UserActionForm. Note: This is not always wise to do. There might be ways of using UserActionForm in other pages or business objects, where the validation might be different.Validation of the state might be better in the UserAction class.∙The UserActionForm can be maintained at a session level. Notes:∙The struts-config.xml file controls which HTML form request maps to which ActionForm.∙Multiple requests can be mapped UserActionForm.∙UserActionForm can be mapped over multiple pages for things such as wizards.The Action classThe Action class is a wrapper around the business logic. The purpose of Action class is to translate the HttpServletRequest to the business logic. To use Action, subclass and overwrite the process() method.The ActionServlet (Command) passes the parameterized classes to ActionForm using the perform() method. Again, no more dreadfulrequest.getParameter() calls. By the time the event gets here, the input form data (or HTML form data) has already been translated out of the request stream and into an ActionForm class. Note: "Think thin" when extending the Action class. The Action class should control the flow and not the logic of the application. By placing the business logic in a separate package or EJB, we allow flexibility and reuse.Another way of thinking about Action class is as the Adapter design pattern. The purpose of the Action is to "Convert the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn_t otherwise because of incompatibility interface" (from Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable OO Software by Gof). The client in this instance is the ActionServlet that knows nothing about our specific business class interface. Therefore, Struts provides a business interface it does understand, Action. By extending the Action, we make our business interface compatible with Struts business interface. (An interesting observation is that Action is a class and not an interface. Action started as an interface and changed into a class over time. Nothing's perfect.)The Error classesThe UML diagram (Figure 6) also included ActionError andActionErrors. ActionError encapsulates an individual error message. ActionErrors is a container of ActionError classes that the View can access using tags. ActionErrors is Struts way of keeping up with a list of errors.The ActionMapping classAn incoming event is normally in the form of an HTTP request, which the servlet Container turns into an HttpServletRequest. The Controller looks at the incoming event and dispatches the request to an Action class. The struts-config.xml determines what Action class the Controller calls. The struts-config.xml configuration information is translated into a set of ActionMapping, which are put into container of ActionMappings. (If you have not noticed it, classes that end with s are containers)The ActionMapping contains the knowledge of how a specific event maps to specific Actions. The ActionServlet (Command) passes the ActionMapping to the Action class via the perform() method. This allows Action to access the information to control flow. ActionMappingsActionMappings is a collection of ActionMapping objects.译文:Struts——MVC 的一种开放源码实现本文介绍 Struts,它是使用 servlet 和 JavaServer Pages 技术的一种 Model-View-Controller 实现。

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全球定位系统 毕业论文外文文献翻译

外文资料及译文1.外文资料全球定位系统第一节The principle of GPS一、GPSGPS(Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging /Global Position System ),GPS clock and distance navigation system/global positioning systems, referred to as globalpositioning system (GPS), along withthe rapid development of modernscience and technology, and set up anew generation of satellite navigationand positioning system precision.Global positioning system (GPS) is in1973 by U.S. defense forces began toorganize, and common basiccompletion in 1993. This systemconsists of space constellation, groundcontrol and user receiver is composedof three parts.(一)Global positioning system 图1-1 GPS Satellite distribution1.1 Space constellationGPS space by 24 working partconstellation spare satellite and three satellite. Work in 6 orbit satellite distribution within the surface. Each track surface distribution has 3 ~ 4 satellite, satellite orbits earth's equator Angle relative to the average height of 55, orbit for 20200 kilometers. Satellite operating cycle for 11 hours 45 minutes. Therefore, in the same station daily satellite layout is roughly same, just four minutes every day in advance. Each satellite about 5 hours every day in the horizon, located above the horizon of the satellite number with more time and place, at least 4 November, most. This layout can guarantee on earth at any time, any place can also observed above four satellites.Satellite signal transmission and reception and the influence, so the GPS is a global, all-weather real-time navigation and positioning for system. After the completion of the global positioning system, its work in the space distribution of satellite 1-1 as shown. GPS satellite zips are installed on the light, microprocessors, message signal emission equipment, storage, and provide power supply by solar cells have little fuel, satellite is used to regulate the satellite orbit and posture, and in the monitor of instruction, start spare satellite.1.2 The ground monitoring systemGPS ground monitoring system in the world by five sites. One master station, 3 injection station. Five monitor are equipped with automatic acquisition, data center, double-frequency GPS receiver, precision clock, environmental data sensors and computing devices, and to master station provides all kinds of observation data. Master station (in Colorado) for system management and data processing center, its main content is the use of this site and other monitor the observation data of the satellite's star calendar calculation and satellite clock and atmospheric delay correction parameter, provide global positioning system, and the time base station, these parameters to adjust sidetracked into orbit, the satellite to enable spare satellite instead of failure satellite, etc. Injection station master station will be calculated and satellite star calendar, clock, satellite navigation message and other control commands into corresponding satellite etc, and storage system into the correctness of monitoring information. Besides, the master station, GPS ground monitoring system, various unattended highly automated and standardized work.1.3 User equipment partsUser equipment including GPS receiver host, antenna, power and data processing software component. The host for the microcomputer, quartz oscillators core, and the corresponding input and output interface, and equipment. In the special software under control, the host for homework, satellite data acquisition, processing and storage of the equipment, the system state inspection, alarm and maintenance, the receiving system of automatic management. Antenna, often used for collecting all from each azimuth, arbitrary nonnegative Angle of satellite signal. Due to the satellite antenna pedestal weak signal in a pre-amplifier, amplification, reoccupy coaxial cable input host. Power supply for host and aerial part, can use through rectifier voltage, the mains, also can use the accumulator.(二)Global positioning system (GPS) signalsGPS satellite launch a coherent wave, the wavelength 1L and frequency respectively 2L :f MHZ,cm f MHZ,cm L L L L 11221575421912276024====..λλ1L and 2L as a carrier with two modulation signal, a kind of navigation signal, another kind is message signal. Navigation signal S Mb 023.1 is divided again, frequency m A C 293=λ for code rate for the coarse yards (C/A code) and the rate SMb 023.1for the essence, the frequency of m p 3.291=λcode (P). Thick yards (C/A code) repeat each signal encoding, can quickly capture signal, according to the design for rough positioning, Pure code (P) yards signal encoding every seven, and repeat each satellite, structure is very complex, not capture, but can be used for accurate positioning. Message signal while the rate s bit 50to the carrier 1L and 2L modulation in, including satellite, the correct star calendar and satellite working state. Through the message signal receiver can choose the best one group of graphics, positioning signals observation data processing..第二节 GPS Positioning method一、 GPS Positioning method classification(一)、 The static and dynamic positioningBy means of static GPS positioning and can be divided into dynamic positioning.1、Static positioningIf you stay in the surrounding relatively fixed protection can not perceive motion, or movement is so slowly that require months or years, namely that can be reflected in the earth for fixed-point relative coordinates is fixed, the determination method for the coordinates of static positioning is called. In the mathematics model of the static localization, the position is constant. Due to the rapid solutions of GPS "unknown" technology of the cycle time of operation, static already shortened to a few minutes, so, in addition to the original geodetic measurement and monitoring of the force applied, rapid static orientation has been widely applied to the common measurement and engineering measurement.2、 Dynamic positioningCars, ships, aircraft and aircraft in motion, people often need to know their real-time position. In these sports carrier mounted on GPS receiver, real-time GPS signals measured antenna location, called the GPS kinematic positioning. If the only measure the real-time position, the carrier of sports also determine the speed, time and location, etc, thus guidingstatus parameters to reserve the object orientation, called the navigation movement. GPS navigation is virtually dynamic positioning.(二)、Absolute positioning and relative locationAccording to determine the GPS receiver in earth coordinate system in different position, can be divided into a single absolute positioning and the relative positioning, such as machine, 2-1.1、Absolute positioning图2-1 Absolute and relative positioningTo determine the absolute positioning is independent coordinate system in the position of the dot. Because single absolute positioning error by satellite reception when the effect, low precision. Mainly used for low precision dynamic positioning, such as ships, aircraft navigation of mineral resources, geological investigation, Marine fishing and determine the relative position of the initial value.2、Relative positioningRelative location is determined simultaneous tracking same GPS signals of several sets of the relative position between the receiver is a kind of method. Since the synchronous observation, the synchronization of many error signal obtained station is identical or similar (such as satellite clock error, error, the signal of the star alex atmospheric transmission error, etc.), can avoid or weaken these errors, obtain high relative position. Relative positioning, signal processing and data than absolute orientation is complex, relative positioning is the synchronization between baseline vector (station), and 3d coordinate need at least a spot for known to the rest of the each point coordinates. The static and dynamic positioning can position by relative positioning, such as earthdeformation measurement, ground control aerial photogrammetry, etc.In the dynamic positioning, often USES "difference", a GPS receiver will be placed on the base coordinate, known as the receiver in sports, all receivers carrier, according to the known synchronous control results, the positioning correct number starting position, in order to improve the real-time to positioning accuracy. This is based on a single point positioning and relative location of positioning mode.(三)、 Pseudorange method and the carrier phase methodGPS satellite positioning, according to the different signal processing, can divide again pseudorange method and the carrier phase method.1、Pseudorange methodThe positioning principle is simple. When positioning, receiver and the oscillation ofA satellite signal the same group (P yards range yards or C/A code), through delay and receiver receive signals, when two groups compared each other completely coincide (related to signal measured signals, namely for the delay in quantity, satellite signal transmission time with A series of modified times the speed of light, satellites and draw the oblique distance antenna phase center. If the four (or above), i.e. the distance can satellite stations calculate intersection method of location and clock error four unknown. Due to the wavelength m p 3.29λrange yards m A C 293=λ. To one percent of the estimated $yards range resolution, length of to 0.3 meters (P) and 3 meters (C/A code) the ranging accuracy. Therefore, the pseudorange accuracy is relatively low.2、The carrier phase methodThe carrier is a measure of carrier signal, measurements, determine the satellite signal and reference signal receiver, calculate the phase difference observation. Then the same principle and pseudorange method, the position of the station clock error, etc. The wavelength modulated symbol cm L 191=λ,cm L 242=λ, than much shorter wavelength of one percent, to $yards range resolution, estimating length reached 1.9 cm (P) and 2.4 L centimeters (C/A code) the ranging accuracy. In the measurement and precision air triangle measuring, high precision, often USES relative positioning method, the carrier phase to eliminate system error.The carrier phase method for measuring the complete phase observation data ϕfrom several parts:ϕϕϕϕφφ=-=+=++S R R N N I n tF 00~()() (2-1)Type: s ϕfor the first phase, the observational S,R ϕ for the position of the receiverobservation R phase, ~ϕfor the actual phase observations,0N for the whole cycle count,also called the whole cycle unknown, ()φInt for the actual observation time t the integer part, first observed 0t for the duration of zero, every moment, observation 0t by continuous accumulated through counter counts, called after the cycle count, ()φR F for the actual observation in the integer part, with high precision measurement.二、GPS positioning operation modeMainly includes GPS real-time GPS navigation positioning, afterwards (with) the dynamic positioning and used to measure the static or dynamic) relative orientation accurate.1 . GPS kinematic positioningGPS real-time navigation) is required (and observation data in the positioning of the moment, its main purpose is to navigation. AS mentioned above, the absolute positioning (single point positioning) by the us government's "SA" (choose usability) and "AS" (the electronic technology, the influence of deception by civil service standard of GPS level position precision of 100 meters. So many users using differential GPS system (CDGPS and WADGPS) to improve the precision. CDGPS pseudorange method and the users of the station standing range within 100 miles, precision for 5 ~ 10 meters. The carrier phase method CDGPS (also called RTK) standing and users in the station within range, 30 kilometers, the accuracy of cm. And WADGPS big scope is to create multiple known coordinates, standing and vice standing vice standing by data from receiving chain of error sources, after three corrections to users, communication WADGPS pseudorange method for positioning accuracy of about 1 ~ 3 meters, CDGPS superior. And stood and vice standing distance can reach over 1000 kilometers.2. Dynamic positioning postprocessingThis is a kind of carrier phase of dynamic positioning technologies. Usually a receiver is placed in the ground, and the other on the known a (or more) receiver in high-speed motion object, jr, afterwards synchronous according to the carrier phase difference between objects in motion relative to determine the location of known. Its characteristic is standing with users need to stand between the transmission of real-time data, the distance between the two is less restricted. But in high-speed motion of the object is how to determine the unknown 0N and the whole week jump problem is the technical difficulties. In recent years, the GPS technology of dynamic initialization OTF (again) greatly improve something comes after the practicability of the dynamic positioning. It can reach thecm-level positioning accuracy. Mainly applicable and low orbit satellite cm-level precision GPS satellite, aerial photogrammetry, airborne gravimetry, magnetic moment of determine the cm-level 3d coordinate of the airborne GPS technology.ed to measure the static(and dynamic) relative positioningStatic relative positioning using two sets of (or above), the GPS receiver respectively in each of the baseline endpoints, synchronous observation above four satellites 0.5 ~ 1 hour, baseline length in 20 kilometers. The baseline netted closed graph, constitute the whole event after adjustment, the precision can reach D5. Applicable to higher+1mm⋅ppmaccuracy of measurement and control of national land earth deformation monitoring, etc.Rapid static relative position in the central area with a base station, GPS receiver continuous tracking all visible satellites, in order to each other a receiver to the above five starting synchronous satellites, each 1 ~ 2 minutes to benchmark station starting at baseline length within 15 kilometers, with the benchmark stood for radiation center. Afterwards the processing precision can reach D+15, but poor reliability. Applicable to smallmm⋅ppmrange of control measure, engineering surveying and cadastration, etc.Accurate dynamic relative position in the zone, a GPS receiver with benchmark for tracking all visible satellites, another a receiver in starting sites for five first above synchronous satellites for 1-2 minutes and then keep track of all of the satellite, under the situation of continuous flow to the observation of the number of seconds, the observatory was starting to stand at the baseline length benchmark within 15 kilometers. Its characteristic is starting to keep each phase lock. In case of loss locks, must extend unlocked site observation time after 1 ~ 2 minutes to determine the unknownN and the0 whole cycle count cycle()φInt. Accurate dynamic relative positioning error in baseline can reach 1 ~ 2 cm long, suitable for engineering measurement circuit measurements and topography measurement, etc.第三节GPS application一、The GPS in engineering applicationIn surveying and mapping, GPS satellite positioning technology field has been used to establish the national geodetic measurement accuracy control network, determination ofthe earth; the dynamic parameters of the global To establish the land and sea, high-precision measurement datum of land and sea islands; measurement of surveying and mapping al Used for monitoring earth plate motion and the crustal deformation, Used for engineering measure, establish a city and the major means of engineering control network, Used for testing the aerospace photography instant camera position, only a very small ground control or no ground control chart, causing rapid aerial geographic information system, the global environment of remote sensing technology revolution.In the survey, using GPS technology to develop international league, establish the control of global network, provide high-precision geocentric coordinate, determination and refining geoid. So, for every Chinese department of surveying and mapping work, establish various measurement control network, provides the high plane and elevation 3d benchmarks.In the engineering survey, the application of static GPS positioning technology, relatively precise control network layont for mining cities, and the subsidence monitoring, oil dam deformation monitoring, high-rise buildings deformation monitoring, tunnel breakthrough measurement precision engineering etc. Encryption, using GPS surveying asbuilts of real-time dynamic positioning technologies (hereinafter referred to as RTK surveying and mapping) of scale topographic map and used in the construction of engineering construction lofting.In aerial photogrammetry, using GPS surveying workers also aerial technology field control measure, aerial electricity GPS navigation, airborne flying into the figure of the electricity, etc.On earth, GPS technology used in dynamic monitoring global and regional plate, plate motion of movement monitoring.The global positioning system (GPS) technology has been used in Marine measurement, underground terrain mapping and, moreover, the military defense, intelligent transportation, post and telecommunications, surveying, coal, oil, building and management of agricultural, meteorology, land, environmental monitoring, finance, public security departments and industry, in aerospace, test, physical detection, etc, also pose measurement are conducted the research and application of GPS technology.二、The GPS in scientific research applicationsThe global positioning system (GPS) used in mobile positioning and economical solutions when we directly transferred to customer service center, the mobile phone to check with customer directly short message (GPS positioning, minutes and seconds data format), if the use of electronic map software, general inter-city direct support of its inputGPS data, minutes and seconds, if use the function orientation LingTu days in Beijing, can use the new 5 special software of GPS positioning master manual input coordinates function orientation, this scheme is suitable for low frequency ZhaChe. Enhanced when customers can purchase special satellite positioning management host, it can not only be receiving many car positioning short message, and stored in computer automatic classification, each vehicle is to build a database of clicking a mouse button, finding a car, as long as all the locating records on target data will automatically switch to electronic map shows the location, click on the progress vehicle or the back button on electronic map can demonstrate in the form of automobile, each vehicle can take different names, facilitate management more cars, very convenient, more frequent query for car. Along with the rapid development of urbanization, urban scale expands unceasingly, to provide convenient and fast traffic intelligent transportation information service system, will be the future trend of development, In addition, navigation and positioning system based on mobile phone service, will become the trend for the people to pursue. In the future, all can move, will depend on the GPS. GPS will like mobile phones, Internet, for our life greatly influence. Therefore, the GPS will form the huge industry value chain, significant social and economic benefits.三、In the emerging field of application of GPSRTK technology is RTK network a milestone in the development of technology. This technique by several stations composed a network, and has a terminal. Each station by telecommunications network (fiber or DDN) will observation data, the central station to station by reference data and the model through a solution within the pressure-difference method is correct and its through GSM/GPRS public Internet user, users send according to the real-time difference correct information can obtain higher precision. Compared with the traditional RTK technology, network RTK distance between the base can be long, sichuan VRS seismological bureau standing space than average system construction of 60 kilometers, is the longest baseline once more than 90 kilometers. So, same area covered only need less station can be achieved, cost can be greatly reduced. At the same time, the concept of network calculation model makes more reliable. Traditional RTK system if a base, the user can occur in the base area in the implementation of homework, covering technology in network RTK nonexistent this problem, because the center will automatically according to the user's position and the operation condition of choosing base stations operations. With modern communication technology, the computer storage technology and the rapid development of space technology, measuring method and mode has achieved great progress. GPS network in the information revolution is RTK arises inthe new space data acquisition method. It combines modern technology of communication and information technology, computer network distributed storage and processing technology of virtual reference, standing technology (VRS) among, and modern geodetic technology. GPS network is more advanced technology of RTK integration, this system for the country's infrastructure provide conveniences. Also for "digital city provides real-time reliable source.2.译文全球定位系统第一节 GPS的原理概述一、全球定位系统GPSGPS(Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging /Global Position System ),授时与测距导航系统/全球定位系统,简称GPS全球定位系统,是随着现代科学技术的迅速发展而建立起来的新一代卫星导航和精密定位系统。

Inventory managementInventory ControlOn the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion.The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility.Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored:First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments .Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field ofthese big boys, but also their simple modules inside the warehouse management functionality is defined as "inventory management" or "inventory control." This makes the already not quite understand what our inventory control, but not sure what is inventory control.In fact, from the perspective of broadly understood, inventory control, shouldinclude the following:First, the fundamental purpose of inventory control. We know that the so-called world-class manufacturing, two key assessment indicators (KPI) is, customer satisfaction and inventory turns, inventory turns and this is actually the fundamental objective of inventory control.Second, inventory control means. Increase inventory turns, relying solely on the so-called physical inventory control is not enough, it should be the demand and supply chain management process flow of this large output, and this big warehouse management processes in addition to including this link, the more important The section also includes: forecasting and order processing, production planning and control, materials planning and purchasing control, inventory planning and forecasting in itself, as well as finished products, raw materials, distribution and delivery of the strategy, and even customs management processes.And with the demand and supply chain management processes throughout the process, it is the information flow and capital flow management. In other words, inventory itself is across the entire demand and supply management processes in all aspects of inventory control in order to achieve the fundamental purpose, it must control all aspects of inventory, rather than just manage the physical inventory at hand.Third, inventory control, organizational structure and assessment.Since inventory control is the demand and supply chain management processes, output, inventory control to achieve the fundamental purpose of this process must be compatible with a rational organizational structure. Until now, we can see that many companies have only one purchasing department, purchasing department following pipe warehouse. This is far short of inventory control requirements. From the demand and supply chain management process analysis, we know that purchasing and warehouse management is the executive arm of the typical, and inventory control should focus on prevention, the executive branch is very difficult to "prevent inventory" for the simple reason that they assessment indicatorsin large part to ensure supply (production, customer). How the actual situation, a reasonable demand and supply chain management processes, and thus set the corresponding rational organizational structure and is a question many of our enterprisesto exploreThe role of inventory controlInventory management is an important part of business management. In the production and operation activities, inventory management must ensure that both the production plant for raw materials, spare parts demand, but also directly affect the purchasing, sales of share, sales activities. To make an inventory of corporate liquidity, accelerate cash flow, the security of supply under the premise of minimizing Yaku funds, directly affects the operational efficiency. Ensure the production and operation needs of the premise, so keep inventories at a reasonable level; dynamic inventory control, timely, appropriate proposed order to avoid over storage or out of stock; reduce inventory footprint, lower total cost of inventory; control stock funds used to accelerate cash flow.Problems arising from excessive inventory: increased warehouse space andinventory storage costs, thereby increasing product costs; take a lot of liquidity, resultingin sluggish capital, not only increased the burden of payment of interest, etc., would affect the time value of money and opportunity income; finished products and raw materials caused by physical loss and intangible losses; a large number of enterprise resource idle, affecting their rational allocation and optimization; cover the production, operation of the whole process of the various contradictions and problems, is not conducive to improve the management level.Inventory is too small the resulting problems: service levels caused a decline in the profit impact of marketing and corporate reputation; production system caused by inadequate supply of raw materials or other materials, affecting the normal production process; to shorten lead times, increase the number of orders, so order (production) costs; affect the balance of production and assembly of complete sets.NotesInventory management should particularly consider the following two questions:First, according to sales plans, according to the planned production of the goods circulated in the market, we should consider where, how much storage.Second, starting from the level of service and economic benefits to determine howto ensure inventories and supplementary questions.The two problems with the inventory in the logistics process functions.In general, the inventory function:(1)to prevent interrupted. Received orders to shorten the delivery of goods fromthe time in order to ensure quality service, at the same time to prevent out of stock.(2)to ensure proper inventory levels, saving inventory costs.(3)to reduce logistics costs. Supplement with the appropriate time interval compatible with the reasonable demand of the cargo in order to reduce logistics costs, eliminate or avoid sales fluctuations.(4)ensure the production planning, smooth to eliminate or avoid sales fluctuations.(5)display function.(6)reserve. Mass storage when the price falls, reduce losses, to respond to disasters and other contingencies.About the warehouse (inventory) on what the question, we must consider the number and location. If the distribution center, it should be possible according to customer needs, set at an appropriate place; if it is stored in central places to minimize the complementary principle to the distribution centers, there is no place certain requirements. When the stock base is established, will have to take into account are stored in various locations in what commodities.库存管理库存控制在谈到所谓“库存控制”的时候,很多人将其理解为“仓储管理”,这实际上是个很大的曲解。
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中南大学CentralSouthUniversity本科毕业设计英文文献翻译题目学生姓名学号指导教师学院专业班级二○一六年一月八日Spring 的 web MVC 构架模式Juergen Hoeller1、介绍: Spring 的应用构架当你第一次看到并接触Spring框架的时候,你一定会在心里想到;“哦哦,不不,这又是另一种Web构架”。
并且它会告诉你Spring框架明显区别于其他轻量级application framework,它将专注于web的支持,与struts和webwork有着明显的区别。
在和struts和webwork的对比上之中,Spring框架是一个服务于所有层面上的application framework:提供了bean的配置基础,AOP的支持,JDBC的提取框架,抽象事务支持,等等诸如此类。
它有一个非常显著的特点:在某个层面上如果你不需要Spring的支持,它有一个非常显著的特点:在某个层面上如果你不需要Spring 的支持,你就可以不使用Spring框架的class(类),只使用它的某一部分的功能。
从它的设计理念,你可以看到Spring框架帮助你实现了真正的逻辑层和web 层的成功分离:例如:一个校验应用将不用依靠controllers,就可以实现。
这个对于Spring 的web支持或者不同的地方,Spring允许你在web容器里面建立一个中间层,在测试环境或者标准独立的应用里面来设置重用你的商务逻辑。
我们鼓励结合标准的技术,如Servlet,JSP,JTA,JNDI,JDBC和JDO,和其他非常匹配的工具,比方如Hibernate,Velocity,Log4J,和Caucho’s Hessian/Burlap这类工具。
这个框架的设计思想是你的应用处在需要改良的时候,你将可以对其做一些技术的选择:例如,如果你需要分布式事务处理,你可能需要用Spring框架的JTA Transaction Manager 来实现JTA服务。
或者,用DataSourceTranscactionM anager 或者HibernateTransction Manager 来实现美妙完美的单个数据库交换。
2、 Web MVC:Spring web框架的设计思想Spring网络框架通过配置操作mappings可配置的处理程序,展示resolution,本地化和模板集成围绕着分派请求操作的servlet -DispatcherServlet分派请求处理程序,可配置的处理程序映射,决议,决议和语言环境和主题设计的。
缺省的操作是一个非常简单的控制器接口,他只是提供了一个“ModelAndView handleRequest(request请求,response响应)”的方法。
这已经可以将它应用于一个应用的程序控制器,但是,如果你想包含多个层次的控制,Abstract Controlerr,AbstractCommand Controllers,MultiAction Controllers,SimpleForm Controllers,AbstractWizardForm Controller将帮助你完成,应用程序控制器将代表那些子系统通常是子类。
注意,你可以选择一个适当的基类:如果你没有web form(网络形式),你就不必用 Form Controller。
对比WebWork(网络系统),Spring框架更多的区别在于对象角色:Spring 框架支持控制器的概念,一个可选的操作命令或者表单对象,得到数据并传递给视图的模式这个模型。
换句话来说,相反一个webwork aciton(网络系统动作)联合了所有这些角色到单独的对象中。
网络系统不允许你用已经存在的业务对象作为你f 表单的一部分,但是只生成各自相关Action操作类的bean属性。
在通常的状况下,一个ModelAndView实例结合了一个view(视图名称)和一个model Map(模型地图),包含了bean 名称和相应的通讯对象(像命令或者形式,参考数据,等等)。
视图名称解析是非常高端的配置,不是通过bean 名称,一个propertiese 文件,就是通过你自己的ViewResolver来实现的。
这个抽象的model Map(模型映射)允许你在视图层面完成提取视图,没有任何的争辩麻烦:JSP ,速度,或者其他,每一种渲染器都可以直接完整集成使用。
这个model Map(模型映射)还可以简单转化得到适当的格式化数据的转换,像JSP 请求属性或者Velocity模板模式。
如果你不想Spring框架的web MVC,但是又想借用Spring框架嫁接其他的解决方案,你可以非常简单的通过Spring框架来继承你自己的web框架。
你可以非常简单的通过Context LoaderListener启动一个Spring root application context,并且,通过Struts 或者网络系统的action,利用Servletcontext 属性(或者Spring的helper方法)存取它。
值得注意的事,这里没有任何的”plugings”被调用,因此没有专门的集成:来自web层的视图,你可以简单的将Spring作为一个管理application context 实例入口点的类库。
所有你注册的bean和Spring框架的服务都可以在不需要Spring框架的web MVC的情况下都可以被你轻松掌握。
Spring不是和Struts,Webwork这些应用进行竞争,他将作为一个纯web框架应用于很多领域,它解决了许多领域,纯web 框架不从bean配置数据访问和事务处理。
4、特点核对列表如果聚焦于web支持,Spring框架的一些显著特点是:清楚的角色分离:controller,validator,command object,form object,model object和Dispatcher Servlet,handler mapping vs view resolver,等等。
适应性,外挂:无论使用什么样的控制器你都需要得到替代Action/ActionForm所做的每件事情的方案(简单,命令,form,范例,多重action,或者定制一个)重用业务逻辑代码,而不是源于Action/ ActionForm 一切。
本地定制和主题方案:Spring 没有taglib,完全支持于JSPs,JSTL,不需要额外的连接就可以支持Veloctiy,等等。
简单但是强大的tag library 避免混乱,最大限度的灵活拓展了标记代码。