Gradient Vector Flow A New External Force for Snakes


active contour model

active contour model

Initial curve (High bending energy)
Final curve deformed by bending force. (low bending energy)
Thus the bending energy tries to smooth out the curve.
External force
Active Contour Models
Amyn Poonawala EE 264 Instructor: Dr. Peyman Milanfar
What is the objective?
To perform the task of Image Segmentation. What is segmentation? Subdividing or partitioning an image into its constituent regions or objects. Why use it when there are many methods already existing??
Using variational calculus and by applying Euler-Lagrange differential equation we get following equation
αvss β vssss Eimage = 0
Equation can be interpreted as a force balance equation. Each term corresponds to a force produced by the respective energy terms. The contour deforms under the action of these forces.



incompressible fluid
inertial coordinate system initial condition input intensity of turbulence
interface internal energy internal friction
inviscid fluid
脉动应力 流体 流体动力学 流场 流体机械 流体力学 流体质点 流体静力学 自由表面 摩擦系数 摩擦阻力 无粘性流体
气体常数 气体动力学 表压力 几何压力 几何相似 渐缩 渐扩
调和函数 压头损失 传热 亥姆霍兹方程 非均质流体 均质流体 水平力 水平线 水力直径 紊流光滑管区 流体静力学 流体静压力 流体静应力 高超音速流动 (m>5)
背压 斜压流体 气压计 正压流体 伯努利方程 叶片 质量力 边界条件 边界层,附面层 边界层分离 附面层厚度 体积模量 体积应力 流束 浮力 过渡层
Cauchy-Reimam condition
center of pressure coefficient coefficient of compressibility coefficient of eddy viscosity coefficient of viscosity cohesive forces combined boundary layer completely rough zone of turbulent pipe flow component velocity compressibility compressible fluid conservation equation of energy conservation equation of mass conservation of mechanical energy conservation of moment of momentum conservation of momentum continuity continuum continuum hypothesis control surface control volume convective acceleration convergent-divergent nozzle converging nozzle correction coefficient critical pressure critical Reynolds number critical speed of sound critical state cross section curvature radius curved shock cylindrical coordinate system




最终成绩以平时表现和期末成绩为准 比例20%+80% 闭卷考试
Chapter 1 Intro to thermal sciences New words

Acoustic flowmeter 声波流量计 Adiabatic 绝热的 Aerodynamics 空气动力学 Affiliation 联系 Airfoil 机翼,螺旋桨 Alternative fuel 替代燃料 Anemometer [.æ ni‵mɔmitə] 风速计, 风力计
New words

Equilibrium 平衡 均衡 Fluid mechanics 流体力学 Forced convection 强制对流 Free convection 自然对流 Friction loss 摩擦损失 Glass ceramic 微晶玻璃,玻璃陶瓷 Heat engine 热机 Heat pump 热泵 Hydrofoil 水翼,水翼艇[英] [`haɪdrə.fɔɪl]
授课教师: 赵红霞

以阎维平 柳成文 主编的 《专业英语》 为 参考教材 课堂上尽量采用主动式交互式学习方式 尽量提高学生的口头英语表达能力

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New words

Vortex shedding 漩涡脱落 Water faucet 水龙头,水嘴[`fɔ:sɪt]

视频监控与视频分析第六章 图像分割2

视频监控与视频分析第六章 图像分割2
9 1. Find path from source to sink with positive capacity 2. Push maximum possible flow through this path 3. Repeat until no path can be found
2 1
Solve the dual maximum flow problem
Compute the maximum flow between Source and Sink
Constraints Edges: Flow < Capacity
2 1
Nodes: Flow in = Flow out
0 1
Algorithms assume non-negative capacity
Maxflow Algorithms
Flow = 6
Augmenting Path Based Algorithms
5 1. Find path from source to sink with positive capacity 2. Push maximum possible flow through this path 3. Repeat until no path can be found
v1 (6,10) v0 (0,3) (0,2) v5 (0,3) (0,4) v4 (0,5) (6,6) v2


Snake, Shape, and Gradient Vector Flow(报告)

Snake, Shape, and Gradient Vector Flow(报告)
可以把它部力 阻止拉伸和弯曲,而外部保守力(external potential force) 把snake推向理想的图像边缘。
为了得到公式(6)的解,引入除了s以外,还依赖时间t的函数 ,也就是 ,以让snake动态。下次,函数x的偏导数由公式(6)算得,如下:
Snake粗收敛的原因在图1(c)中说明了,图片上给出的是凹轮廓里面的外部力场。虽然外部力正确指向对象的边缘,但是在凹轮廓的内部,却指向水平的相反方向。因此,活动轮廓向U-型对象的“手指”部分拉开,但是不能向凹里的部分前进。这里没有参数 和 能解决这个问题。
关于传统snake公式重要的另一个问题是捕捉区域的限制,通过图1(c),很容易看出这点。图中,我们能看到外部力的大小在边缘附近很快消失。在方程式(5)中, 增大的时候,区域也增长,但是轮廓的细节越来越模糊和不清楚,最后对于太大的 ,凹部分本身最终被抹去。
图1(a)和2(a)上的两种snake解分别满足关于该能量模型的Euler方程式(6)。因此,收敛到对象函数(1)的局部最小会产生很粗的结果。有学者直接用平衡力方程式定义snake,得到了这个问题的解,这里把标准外部力 换成更一般化的外部力 :
的选择对snake的实行和行为有很大影响。一般来说,外部力 可以分成两个部分:静态和动态。静态力由图像数据计算,所以在snake过程中保持不变。
Snake[1],即活动的轮廓,是在图像领域中定义的曲线,它受到内部力(internal force)和外部力(external force)的影响。内部力是由曲线本身引起的,而外部力是用图像资料进行计算的。内部力和外部力使得snake



万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据万方数据分数阶微积分在图像处理中的研究综述作者:黄果, 许黎, 蒲亦非, HUANG Guo, XU Li, PU Yi-fei作者单位:黄果,HUANG Guo(乐山师范学院智能信息处理及应用实验室,四川乐山,614000), 许黎,XU Li(乐山师范学院物电学院,四川乐山,614000), 蒲亦非,PU Yi-fei(四川大学计算机学院,成都,610064)刊名:计算机应用研究英文刊名:Application Research of Computers年,卷(期):2012,29(2)被引用次数:4次1.LEIBNIZ G W Correspondatice de Leibniz avec Hugens,van Zulichem et le Marquis de L' Hospital 18532.MANDELBROT B B;Van NESS J W The fractional brounian motions,fractional noises and applications 1968(04)3.MANDELBROT B B The fractal geometry of nature 19834.袁晓;张红雨;虞厥邦分数导数与数字微分器设计[期刊论文]-电子学报 2004(10)5.陶然;齐林;王越分数阶Fourier变换的原理与应用 20046.陶然;张峰;王越分数阶Fourier变换离散化的研究进展[期刊论文]-中国科学E辑 2008(04)7.薛定宇;赵春娜分数阶系统的分数阶PID控制器设计[期刊论文]-控制理论与应用 2007(05)8.PODLUBNY I Fractional-order systems and controllers[外文期刊] 1999(01)9.ZAYED A I On the relationship between the Fourier transform and fractional Fourier transform 1996(12)10.廖科分数阶微积分运算数字滤波器设计与电路实现及其应用[学位论文] 200611.RODIECK R W Quantitative analysis of cat retinal ganglion cell response to visual stimuli 1965(11)12.蒲亦非;袁晓;廖科一种实现任意分数阶神经型脉冲振荡器的格形模拟分抗电路[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版)2006(01)13.陈庆利;蒲亦非;黄果分数阶神经型脉冲振荡器[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版) 2011(01)14.蒲亦非;王卫星数字图像的分数阶微分掩模及其数值运算规则[期刊论文]-自动化学报 2007(11)15.PU Yi-fei;WANG Wei-xing;ZHOU Ji-liu Fractional differential approach to detecting textural features of digital image and its fractional differential filter implementation[期刊论文]-Science in China Series F:Information Sciences 2008(09)16.蒲亦非将分数阶微分演算引入数字图像处理[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版) 2007(03)17.蒲亦非分数阶微积分在现代信号分析与处理中的应用的研究[学位论文] 200618.蒲亦非;王卫星;周激流数字图像纹理细节的分数阶微分检测及其分数阶微分滤波器实现[期刊论文]-中国科学E辑 2008(12)19.蒲亦非将分数阶微分演算引入数字图像处理[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版) 2007(03)20.PU Yi-fei;ZHOU Ji-liu;YUAN Xiao Fractional differential mask:a fractional differential-based approach for multiscale texture enhancement 2010(02)21.黄果;蒲亦非;陈庆利非整数步长的分数阶微分滤波器在图像增强中的应用[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版) 2011(01)22.黄果;蒲亦非;陈庆利基于分数阶积分的图像去噪[期刊论文]-系统工程与电子技术 2011(04)23.杨柱中;周激流;黄梅基于分数阶微分的边缘检测[期刊论文]-四川大学学报(工程科学版) 2008(01)24.杨柱中;周激流;晏祥玉基于分数阶微分的图像增强[期刊论文]-计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 2008(03)25.杨柱中;周激流;黄梅用分数阶微分提取图像边缘[期刊论文]-计算机工程与应用 2007(35)26.MATHIEU B;MELCHIOR P;OUTSALOUP A Fractional differentiation for edge detection[外文期刊] 2003(11)27.李远禄;于盛林分数阶差分及边缘检测[期刊论文]-光电工程 2006(12)28.汪凯宇;肖亮;韦志辉基于图像整体变分和分数阶奇异性提取的图像恢复模型[期刊论文]-南京理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2003(04)29.刘红毅;韦志辉基于分数阶样条小波与IHS变换的图像融合[期刊论文]-南京理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2006(01)30.LIU Jun;CHEN Song-can;TAN Xiao-yang Fractional order singular value decomposition representation for face recognition 2007(01)31.左凯;孙同景;李振华二维分数阶卡尔曼滤波及其在图像处理中的应用[期刊论文]-电子与信息学报 2010(12)32.汪成亮;兰利彬;周尚波自适应分数阶微分在图像纹理增强中的应用[期刊论文]-重庆大学学报 2011(02)33.高朝邦;周激流基于四元数分数阶方向微分的图像增强[期刊论文]-自动化学报 2011(02)34.BAI Jian;FENG Xiang-chu Fractional-order anisotropic diffusion for image denoising[外文期刊] 2007(10)35.张军;韦志辉SAR图像去噪的分数阶多尺度变分PDE模型及自适应算法[期刊论文]-电子与信息学报 2010(07)36.张军;韦志辉一种基于卷积积分的图像去噪变分方法[期刊论文]-中国图象图形学报 2008(09)37.张军;韦志辉分数阶图像去噪变分模型及投影算法[期刊论文]-计算机工程与应用 2009(05)38.张军基于分数阶变分的图像建模与去噪算法研究[学位论文] 200939.ZHANG Jun;WEI Zhi-hui A class of fractional-order multi-scale variational models and alternating projection algorithm for image denoising 2011(05)40.沈淑君分数阶微分方程的数值解方法及误差分析 200541.庄平辉;刘发旺空间-时间分数阶扩散方程的显式差分近似 2005(51)42.MAINARDI F;LUCHKO Y;PAGNINI G;PARADISI G The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional diffusion2001(02)43.HUANG Feng-hui;LIU Fa-wang The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional advection dispersion equation 2005(1-2)44.TSCHUMPERLE D;DERICHE R Vector-valued image regularization with PDEs:a common framework for different applications[外文期刊] 2005(04)45.GILBOA G;SOCHEN N;ZEEVI Y V Variational denoising of partly textured images by spatially varying constraints [外文期刊] 2006(08)46.朱立新;王平安;夏德深引入耦合梯度保真项的非线性扩散图像去噪方法[期刊论文]-计算机研究与发展 2007(08)47.SUN Xiao-li;WANG Jun-ping;SONG Guo-xiang Anisotropic diffusion filtering method with a fidelity term[期刊论文] -Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 2008(08)48.陈利霞;冯象初;王卫卫加权变分的图像去噪算法[期刊论文]-系统工程与电子技术 2010(02)49.LEE S H;SEO J K Noise removal with Gauss curvature-driven diffusion[外文期刊] 2005(07)50.王新楼;乔明;邹谋炎一种基于偏微分方程的SAR图像去噪方法[期刊论文]-电子与信息学报 2005(09)51.PERONA P;MALIK J Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion[外文期刊] 1990(07)52.RUDING L;OSHER S;FATEMI E Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms 1992(1-4)53.OSHER S;RUDIN L I;FATEMI E Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms 1992(03)54.LYSAKER M;LUNDERVOLD A;TAI X C Noise removal using fourth-order partial differential equation withapplications to medical magnetic resonance images in space and time[外文期刊] 2003(12)55.KASS M;WITKIN A;TERZOPOULOS D Snakes:active contour models 1988(04)56.XU Chen-yang;JERRY L P Snakes shapes and gradient vector flow 1998(03)57.XU Chen-yang;JERRY L P Generalized gradient vector flow external forces for active contours[外文期刊] 1998(02)1.勾荣基于Riemann-Liouville分数阶微分的图像增强[期刊论文]-制造业自动化2013(16)2.勾荣基于 G-L 分数阶微分的图像边缘检测[期刊论文]-计算机与现代化2013(11)3.勾荣基于分数阶微分的图像增强算法[期刊论文]-电子科技 2013(12)4.魏文力.李宝树.崔克彬.徐雪涛基于改进的最大熵航拍输电线路图像复原方法[期刊论文]-科学技术与工程 2013(32)本文链接:/Periodical_jsjyyyj201202003.aspx。



gov 气动阀gov. 调速器gov. 政府govern 统治governing equation 控制方程governing law 适用法律governing motion 调节装置governing principle 指导原则governing valve 调节阀government assurance 政府保证government benchmark 国家水准点government investment 国家投资government selling price 政府销售价government take 政府留成government 政府;管理;行政管理governmental authority 政府当局governor valve 节流阀governor 统治者;调节器gox 气态氧goz 沙丘状积砂gp shear-out safety joint 砾石充填剪切安全接头gp sliding sleeve 砾石充填滑套gp 表压gp 砾石充填gp 气体推进剂gp 通用的gp 一般化程序设计gpa 发电厂自动化gpa 天然气加工者协会gpa 通用放大器gpac 通用模拟计算机gpb 加仑桶gpc 凝胶渗透色谱法gpc 气相分配色谱gpc 通用计算机gpcv 天然气压力控制阀gpd 加仑日gpdc 通用数字计算机gpg 格令加仑gpg 克加仑gph 加仑小时gpi 对地位置指示器gpi 综合专利索引gpib 通用接口总线gpl 巨脉冲激光器gpm 加仑分gpps 通用程序设计系统gpr 通用寄存器gpr 通用雷达gps 加仑秒gps 全球定位系统gps 通用模拟程序gpss 通用系统模拟程序gpt 每千加仑中所加加仑数gpt 伽马定位器gr 保证试剂gr 传动比gr 收入总额gr 自然伽马测井gr-a 丁腈橡胶gr-i 异丁橡胶gr-m 氯丁橡胶gr-n 丁腈橡胶gr-p 聚硫橡胶gr-s 丁苯橡胶gr. 齿轮;传动装置gr. 等级;品位;度gr. 格令;粒gr. 接地gr. 克gr. 罗gr. 研磨gr. 重力gr.v. 自记伏特计gr.w. 自记瓦特计gr.wt 总重gra 地球化学储层分析器grab bucket dredger 抓斗式挖泥船grab dredger 抓斗式挖泥船grab pipe machine 抓管机grab rope 系索grab sample 定时取集的样品grab 夹具grabber 井架工grabbing 强制graben block 地堑断块graben cycle 地堑旋回graben deep 地堑深部graben fault 地堑断层graben faulting 地堑断陷作用graben segment 地堑截体graben shoulder 地堑肩graben 地堑graben-fill basin 地堑填充盆地graben-shaped basin 地堑形盆地graben-type basin 地堑型盆地graben-wide upward 地堑宽隆起grabenward inclination 向地堑侧倾斜grace of payment 付款宽限grace period 宽限期grad 梯度gradability 可分等级性gradation period 均夷相gradation zone 渐变带gradation 分级gradational boundary 分级界限gradational contact 渐变界面gradational stratification 渐变成层gradational type 过渡型gradational zone 序粒带grade estimation 质量评定grade line 坡降线grade of slope 坡度grade of steel 钢级grade rod 水准尺grade scale 粒级标准grade 度;等级gradeability 拖曳力;爬坡能力gradebuilder 斜板推土机graded bed 粒级层graded facies 粒级递变相graded filter 级配滤器graded gravel 按尺寸分级的砾石graded hydrolysis 分段水解graded plain 均夷平原graded potential 分级电位graded profile 均衡剖面graded rhythmite 粒级韵律层graded sand 粒级砂graded sediment 均粒沉积graded siltstone turbidite 序粒粉砂浊积岩graded suspension 递变悬浮graded unconformity 均夷不整合graded 分度的graded-density skin 变密度表层graded-density spun polyester 不同密度等级绕制滤心的聚酯纤维graded-stratified bed 层理状递变层grader man 推土机手grader 平路机gradient array 梯度排列;梯度电极系gradient correction factor 梯度校正因子gradient elution chromatography 梯度洗脱色谱法gradient method 梯度法gradient operator 梯度算子gradient search procedure 梯度搜索法gradient search 梯度搜索gradient slope 梯度坡度gradient solvent 梯度溶剂gradient start 梯度起点gradient stop 测压力梯度停点gradient trend line 递减率趋向线gradient vector 梯度向量gradient zone 梯度带gradient 梯度gradienter 测斜仪grading analysis 粒度分析grading factor 分选因素grading loading 级配装填grading 定坡降线;分选gradio log 压力梯度测井gradiomanometer sonde 压差密度计探头gradiomanometer tool 压差密度计gradiomanometer 压差密度计gradometer 梯度仪graduate school 研究生院graduated bottle 刻度瓶graduated cylinder 量筒graduated disk 刻度盘graduated glass 量杯graduated pipette 刻度移液管graduated scale 分度标尺graduated string 复合管柱graduated tube 刻度管graduated tubing 直径分段减小的油管柱graduated 刻上分度的graduation error 刻度误差graduation of data 数据修匀graduation 度;分度;刻度;级配;选分;分等级;加浓;毕业graduator 刻度器graf sea gravimeter 格拉夫海上重力仪graft copolymer 接枝共聚物graft copolymerization 接枝共聚graft modification 接枝改性graft polymer 接枝聚合物graft polymerization 接枝聚合graft polyol 接枝多元醇graft 嫁接grahamite 脆沥青;硅质中铁陨石grain angularity 颗粒的棱角性grain boundary 晶粒边界grain breakage 颗粒破碎grain cluster 团粒grain coating 颗粒涂层grain composition 颗粒组成grain contact point 颗粒接触点grain corner 颗粒棱角grain curvature 颗粒表面曲率grain density 颗粒密度grain diameter 粒径grain diminution 退变重结晶grain distribution 粒度分布grain flow 颗粒流grain fraction 颗粒组分grain fragmentation 晶粒碎裂grain grade 粒度grain growth 晶体长大grain limestone 粒屑石灰岩grain lineation 粒线理grain orientation 颗粒定向grain packing 颗粒充填;颗粒填塞grain pattern 颗粒结构grain repacking 颗粒重新排列充填grain roundness 颗粒圆度grain shape 颗粒形状;粒形grain size analysis 颗粒分析grain size segregation 粒度分级grain size 颗粒大小grain skeleton 颗粒骨架grain sphericity 颗粒球度grain structure 粒状构造grain 粒grain-by-grain settling 分粒沉降grain-flow sandstone 颗粒流砂岩grain-size comparator 粒度比测器grain-size distribution curve 粒度分布曲线grain-size graph 粒径图grain-size sorting 粒度分选grain-supported 颗粒支撑的grain-to-grain boundary 粒间边界grain-to-grain cementation 粒间胶结grain-to-grain cohesion 粒间粘聚grain-to-grain contact 粒间接触grain-to-grain loading 粒间载荷grain-to-grain stress 粒间接触应力grained formation sand 粒状地层砂grained 粒状的grainflat 粒面grainfoot 格令英尺graininess 粒状;粒度grainstone 粒状灰岩grainy 粒状gram atomic weight 克原子量gram calorie 克卡gram centimeter 克厘米gram force 克力gram formula weight 克式量gram ion 克离子gram mass 克质量gram molecular volume 克分子体积gram molecular weight 克分子量gram molecule 克分子gram particle weight 克粒量gram particle 克粒gram rad 克拉德gram 克gram-atom 克原子gram-element specific activity 克元素比放射性gram-equivalent 克当量gram-roentgen 克伦琴grambastichara 格氏轮藻属gramineae 禾本科graminidites 禾本粉属grammar 语法;文法;根本原理;入门书gramme =gramgrammite 硅灰石grammol 克分子gramophone 留声机grampus 大铁钳gran 粒状的granatohedron 菱形十二面体grand bank 大沙洲grand slam suite 全胜法grand slam 大满贯测井grand total 总计grandfather cycle 磁带原始周期;存档期grandfather file 原始文件grandfather tape 原始磁带grandfather 祖父;早两代的数据装置granexinis 粒面切壁孢属granide 花岗岩类granite gneiss 花岗片麻岩granite grus 花岗岩砂砾granite pegmatite 花岗伟晶岩granite porphyry 花岗斑岩granite wash 花岗质砂岩granite 花岗岩granite-greisen 花岗云英岩granitelle 二云花岗岩granitello 细粒花岗岩;斜长辉石花岗岩granitic mass 花岗岩岩体granitic microfeature 花岗状微地貌granitic texture 花岗结构granitic vein 花岗岩岩脉granitics 花岗质岩granitification 花岗岩化作用granitine 细晶岩;非花岗岩质结晶岩granitite 黑云花岗岩granitization 花岗岩化granitoid 花岗岩类;花岗岩状granitoidite 花岗状变质岩graniton 辉长岩granitophyre 花斑岩granitotrachytic texture 花岗粗面结构granny board 小凳;支承管线的杠棒granny knot 死绳结granny rag 拉拉布granoblastite 花岗变晶岩granoclastic 花岗碎裂granodiorite 花岗闪长岩granodiorite-porphyry 花岗闪长斑岩granodioritic basement 花岗闪长岩质基底granodioritization 花岗闪长岩化granodiscus 粒面球藻属granodolerite 花岗粒玄岩granofels 花岗变晶岩granofelsophyre 花岗霏细斑岩granogabbro 花岗辉长岩granolepidoblastic texture 花岗鳞片变晶结构granolite 花岗状火成岩;花岗深变岩granophyre 花斑岩;文象斑岩granophyric 花斑状的granospherite 放射球粒granosyenite 花岗正长岩grant 开采权;租让grantee 被授与者granter 授与者grantor =grantergranular aggregate 粒状集合体granular calcium chloride 粒状氯化钙granular cementation 粒状胶结granular fragment 粒状碎屑granular ice 晶水granular interlocking texture 粒状连生结构granular limestone 粒状灰岩granular loss circulation material 粒状防漏剂granular material arching 颗粒材料造拱granular moulding compound 粒状模塑化合物granular particle 颗粒granular polymer 粒状聚合物granular porosity 粒间孔隙性granular rock 粒状岩granular structure 粒状结构granular 粒状的granularity 粒度granulated welding composition 粒状焊剂granulated 成粒的;粒状的granulating machine 造粒机granulation tower 造粒塔granulation 粒化granulator 成粒机granule roundstone 细砾granule 颗粒granulichara 粒轮藻属granuliform 细粒状的granulite facies 麻粒岩相granulite 麻粒岩granulitization 压碎作用granulometer 颗粒测量仪granulometric analysis 粒度分析granulometric composition 粒度组成granulometric facies 粒度相granulometric 颗粒的;粒度的granulometry 粒度测定法granulophyre 微花斑岩granulose structure 麻粒构造granulose 淀粉糖;颗粒状的;粒面的granulyte 麻粒岩grape 葡萄;深紫色grapestone 葡萄石grapevine drainage 葡萄藤状水系grapevine stream-pattern 葡萄藤状水系graph of errors 误差曲线graph paper 方格纸graph plotter 绘图仪graph theory 图论graph 图graphecon 阴极射线记忆管grapher 自动记录器graphic adjustment 图解平差法graphic approach 图解法graphic art 图解法graphic calculation 图解计算graphic character 图形字符graphic chart 图表graphic computation 图解计算graphic data processing 图解数据处理graphic dead reckoning 航迹推算图解法graphic diagnostics 图象诊断学graphic differentiation 图解微分法graphic display 图形显示graphic exploration of the subsurface 地下勘探图示系统graphic formula 图解式graphic granite 文象花岗岩graphic instrument 图示仪器graphic interpolation 作图插值graphic interpretation 图示法graphic language 图象语言graphic log 图示录井图graphic meter 自动记录仪器graphic model 立体图graphic modeling 图形模拟graphic monitor 图形监视器graphic output 图形输出graphic package 图形程序包graphic presentation 图形显示graphic processor 图形处理机graphic representation 图示graphic scale 图示比例尺graphic solution 图解graphic symbol 图例graphic trend surface analysis 图解法趋势面分析graphic =graphical 图解的graphical evaluation and review technique 图解评审法graphical optimization 图解优化graphics display 绘图显示graphics monitor 图象监视器graphics pointer 图象指针graphics tablet 图象输入板graphics terminal 图象显示终端graphics 制图法;图解计算法;图形学graphiphyre 微文象斑岩graphiphyric 微文象斑状graphite anode 石黑阳极graphite composite material 石墨复合材料graphite crucible 石墨坩埚graphite fiber 石墨纤维graphite lubricating oil 石墨润滑油graphite 石墨graphite-mica schist 石墨云母片岩graphitic bitumen 含石墨沥青graphitic chert 含石墨燧石graphitic corrosion 石墨腐蚀graphitic lubricant 石墨润滑剂graphitite 不纯石墨graphitization 石墨化graphitized 石墨化的graphitizer 墨化剂graphitoid 次石墨graphocite 石墨片岩grapholith 粘土质页岩graphophyre 粗文象斑岩graphoscope 计算机显示器graphostatics 图解静力学graphtyper 字图电传机grapnel anchor 四爪锚grapnel 四爪锚grapple dredger 抓斗式挖泥船grapple 卡grapplers 脚扣grappling tool 抓捞工具grappling 锚定;探线graptolite 笔石graptolitic facies 笔石相grashof number 葛拉晓夫数grasp 地质检索和存储程序grasp 地质检索和摘要程序grasp 抓grass crop 露头grass swamp 草原沼泽grass 草;噪音细条;草;茅草干扰grassed earthen embankment 植草土堤grasshopper rig 轻型钻机grasshopper 液面控制装置grassroot project 新建项目grassroot refinery 新建炼厂grassroots refinery 新建炼厂grassroots 浅油砂层grate bar 炉箅grate 炉;格栅;环形固定装药机构;挡药板;喷油栅架;装格栅;摩擦;擦碎;轧grater 粗齿木锉;磨光机graticule line 方格线graticule mesh 格网graticule ticks 坐标网延长线graticule 格子量板;十字线grating analysis 筛析grating constant 晶格常数grating texture 格状结构grating 格子gratuity 赏金;小费grau 潮道grauwacke 杂砂岩grav 砾石gravel aggregate 砾石骨料gravel angularity 砾石棱角度gravel arrangement 砾石颗料排列gravel batch 一次配制的砾石用量gravel bearing fluid 含砾石液体gravel bed 砾石层gravel breakup 砾石破碎gravel bridging 砾石形成砂桥gravel buildup 砾石堆积gravel column 砾石充填柱gravel compaction equipment 砾石充填设备gravel compaction volumetric effeciency 砾石充填体积效率gravel concentration 砾石含量gravel containment 砾石储器gravel coverage 砾石覆盖率gravel deposition 砾石沉积gravel desert 砾漠gravel dune 砾石砂丘gravel dyke 砾石脉gravel fall rate 砾石沉降速率gravel fallout 砾石滑脱gravel fill 砾石充填gravel fillet 卵石gravel fillup 砾石充填gravel fine 细砾gravel flow packed liner completion 循环砾石充填衬管完井gravel fluid mixture 砾石与液体的混合物gravel fluid screen 砾石充填液滤器gravel fluidation 砾石流态化gravel height 砾石充填高度gravel injection blending unit 砾石充填混合装置gravel injection down-stream of the pump 泵后加砂砾石充填gravel input 砾石输入gravel insertion 砾石充填gravel island 砾石岛gravel laden fluid 携带砾石的液体gravel level 砾石顶面位置gravel lube line 砾石润滑管线gravel pack clutch joint 砾石充填离合短节gravel pack completion 砾石充填完井gravel pack fluid 砾石充填液gravel pack interval 砾石充填层段gravel pack packer 砾石充填封隔器gravel pack perforated extension 砾石充填带眼加长短节gravel pack pot 砾石罐gravel pack sand 砾石充填砂gravel pack screen sand control 砾石充填筛管防砂gravel pack seal bore receptacle 砾石充填密封座gravel pack sliding sleeve 砾石充填滑套gravel pack straddle tool 砾石充填对口皮碗工具gravel pack 砾石充填gravel packed perforation tunnel 填满砾石的射孔孔道gravel packed sand control liner 预充填的防砂衬管gravel packed well 砾石充填井gravel packer completion 砾石充填完井gravel packer 砾石滤层gravel packing cup 砾石充填皮碗gravel packing effectiveness 砾石充填效率gravel packing hookup 砾石充填装置gravel packing media 砾石充填携砂液gravel packing sand 砾石充填砂gravel packing screen 砾石充填筛管gravel packing zone 砾石充填层gravel placement 砾石充填gravel pore opening 砾石孔隙通道gravel ramp 砾石导向斜板gravel reserve 砾石储备gravel retainer cup 砾石承托碗gravel retainer plug 砾石承托塞gravel screen 砾石滤器gravel seal 砾石充填层间的密封gravel settling effect 砾石沉降效应gravel shattering 砾石破碎gravel sieve analysis 砾石筛析gravel sizing 砾石尺寸选择gravel slumping 砾石沉降gravel slurry 砾石砂浆gravel sorter 砾石分选机gravel spotting 砾石充填就位gravel supply cylinder 砾石供给罐gravel thickness 砾石厚度gravel to sand interface 砾石-地层砂界面gravel to sand size ratio 砾石-地层砂粒度比gravel top 砾石顶面gravel transport 砾石输送gravel 砾石gravel-pack assembly 砾石充填装置gravel-pack gravel 砾石充填用的砾石gravel-pack logging tool 砾石充填测井仪gravel-packed liner 砾石滤管gravel-packing fluid 砾石充填液gravel-slot combination 砾石与割缝的尺寸组合gravel-to-sand median diameter ratio 砾石-地层砂直径中值比gravelfluid ratiometer 砂比计gravelformation sand interface 砾石-地层砂界面gravelsand filled perforation tunnel 被砾石与地层砂混合物充填的射孔孔道graveyard shift 夜班graveyard tour 夜班gravics 重力场学gravimeter method 重力探矿法gravimeter survey 重力测量gravimeter 重力仪gravimetric analysis 重力分析gravimetric coating thickness test 称重法涂层厚度测试gravimetric correction 重力校正gravimetric density 重力密度gravimetric determination 重量法测定gravimetric map 重力图gravimetric method 重力勘探gravimetric network 重力测网gravimetric observation 重力观测gravimetric prover 称重式标准罐gravimetric proving 重力校正gravimetric response 重力响应gravimetric survey 重力测量gravimetric tank 称重罐gravimetric 重力测量的gravimetry 重力测量graving dock 干船坞gravipause 重力边缘gravireceptor 重力感受器gravisphere 引力范围gravitate 下沉gravitation tank 高位油罐gravitation 重力gravitational acceleration 重力加速度gravitational anomaly 重力异常gravitational attraction 地球引力gravitational compaction 重力压实gravitational constant 引力常数gravitational differentiation 重力分异作用gravitational displacement 重力位移gravitational energy 位能gravitational field 重力场gravitational flow 自流gravitational flux 重力通量gravitational force 重力gravitational gliding 重力滑动作用gravitational high 重力高gravitational low 重力低gravitational mass sensor 引力质量探测设备gravitational mass 引力质量gravitational moment 重力矩gravitational potential 重力势gravitational prospecting 重力勘探gravitational segregation 重力分选gravitational separation 重力分离gravitational settling 重力沉淀gravitational sliding 重力滑动作用gravitational tectogenesis 重力构造作用gravitational tide 引力潮gravitational torque 重力矩gravitational unit 重力单位gravitational vector 重力矢量gravitational wave 重力波gravitational 重力的gravitative differentiation 重力分异gravitative faulting 重力断层作用gravitative pressure 重力压力gravitometer 比重计graviton 重子gravity alignment 重力校准gravity anchor 重力锚gravity anomaly inversion 重力异常反演gravity anomaly 重力异常gravity apparatus 重力仪gravity balance 重力秤gravity base 重力基座;重力测量基点gravity based platform 重力基座平台gravity baumé 波氏比重gravity bottle 比重瓶gravity circulation 重力循环gravity contour 重力等值线gravity control 重力控制gravity conveyer 自重运输机gravity corer 重力取心器gravity correction 重力校正gravity coverage 重力测网gravity davit 重力式吊艇杆gravity density log 重力密度测井gravity descent tool 靠重力下井工具gravity dewaxing 重力除蜡gravity drainage field 重力驱油田gravity drainage 重力泄油gravity drive 重力驱动gravity fault 重力断层gravity feed tank 自流进油的油罐gravity feed type 重力送料式gravity feed 自流输送gravity field 重力场gravity filter 重力滤器gravity finger 重力指进gravity flood 重力驱油gravity flow 重力流动gravity flowage 重力流动gravity force capillary viscometer 重力毛细管粘度计gravity head 静压头gravity high 重力高gravity injection 重力流入gravity inversion method 重力反演法gravity line 自流管路gravity load 重力载荷gravity logging 重力测井gravity low 重力低gravity lubricating system 重力润滑系统gravity measuring system 重力测量系统gravity meter 重力仪gravity mistie 重力闭合差gravity mixer 阶梯式拌和机gravity negative 重力低gravity override 〔气gravity packing 重力填充法gravity pendulum 重力摆gravity placement 重力充填gravity plate separator 重力板式分离器gravity platform 重力基座平台gravity positive 重力高gravity potential 重力势gravity profile 重力剖面gravity prospecting 重力勘探gravity pump 重力泵gravity quaywall 重力式岸壁gravity reversal 重力反向gravity segregation 重力分异gravity sensing element 重力敏感单元gravity separation 重力分离gravity separator 重力分离器gravity settling section 重力沉降段gravity settling 重力沉降gravity slumping 重力滑动gravity splash lubrication system 重力飞溅式润滑系统gravity spring 下降泉gravity standard 重力标准值gravity stratification 重力分层gravity structure 重力基座平台gravity tank truck 自流加油油槽汽车gravity tank 高位罐gravity test 比重测定gravity tongue 重力舌gravity tube 比重计gravity type wharf 重力式码头gravity water 重力水gravity wave 重力波gravity welding 重力焊gravity well 自流井gravity 重力gravity-dominated displacement 重力控制的驱替gravity-fill tank 自流式泥浆补给罐gravity-mid percent curve 比重-中百分曲线gravity-operated tilt sensor 重力式测斜传感器gravity-slide deposit 重力滑动沉积gravity-stable displacement 重力稳定驱替gravpack 砾石充填gravure 照相凹版gray code 葛莱码gray durain =grey duraingray iron 灰口铁gray level 灰阶gray mud 灰色软泥gray scale 灰度gray shade scale 灰度等级gray system 灰色系统gray 灰色的;戈瑞gray-body emitter 灰体发射源gray-body radiation 灰体辐射gray-collar 灰领工人gray-scale plotting 灰度作图gray-scale rendition 灰度再现gray-scale value 灰度值gray-tone response 半色调特性graybody 灰体grayhound 短立根graywacke 硬砂岩graywackization 杂砂岩化作用grazing angle 切线角grazing incidence 临界入射grazing trail 觅食痕迹grazing wave 掠射波grc 自然伽马校正grd 接地;地面grd 接地的grd 研磨grease bleeding 润滑脂分油grease box 黄油盒grease compounding 润滑脂调制grease compressor 滑脂枪grease cover 黄油杯盖grease cup 润滑脂杯grease dispensing test 润滑脂流动试验grease filter 润滑脂过滤器grease fitting 润滑脂嘴grease gun 润滑脂枪grease hardening resistance 润滑脂抗硬化安定性grease hole 新油井grease monkey 泵端加油工grease nipple 黄油嘴grease oil 润滑油grease thickening 润滑脂稠化grease valve 润滑脂阀grease 润滑脂grease-proof 防油的;耐油的greaser 油井;油矿工工作服;注油工;注油器greasy money 轻易来的钱greasy 油性的great calorie 大卡great circle chart 大圆海图;日晷投影地图great circle distance 沿大圆弧的距离great circle route 大圆航线great coal 大煤great ice age 大冰期great interglacial 大间冰期great interpluvial 大间雨期great numbers 大数great pluvial 大雨期great 全部;大的;重大的;强烈的;极大的;久的;大写的greatest common divisor 最大公约数greatest common factor 最大公因子greatest common measure 最大公约数greatest lower bound 最大下界greatest peak 最大峰值greaves 金属渣greece 希腊greek 希腊的;希腊人;希腊语green acid 绿酸green algae 绿藻green bit 新钻头green coke 绿焦green earth 海绿石;绿鳞石green hand 没经验的人green labour 蓝领工人green mud 绿泥green oil 石蜡基原油green pattern 绿模式green river formation 绿河组green rubber 生胶green sandstone 绿砂岩green test 格林测定法green vitriol 绿矾green 绿色;草地;未成熟的;无经验的;新的;精力旺盛的;软的;生的;未淬火的;未加工的;湿的green's equivalent layer 格林等效层green's function 格林函数green's theorem 格林定理greenalite 铁蛇纹石greenbottle 潜水艇归航雷达设备greenhalghite 淡英钠粗安岩greenhouse effect 温室效应greenhouse gases 温室气体greenhouse 温室;周围有玻璃窗的座舱greenlandite 铁铝榴石;镁铝榴石;紫苏角闪岩greensand 绿砂greenschist 绿片岩greenwich civil time 格林尼治民用时greenwich hour angle 格林尼治时角greenwich mean time 格林尼治均时greenwich meridian 格林尼治子午线greenwich sidereal time 格林尼治恒星时greenwich 格林尼治gregaritic texture 辉石聚斑状结构gregorian calendar 格雷戈里历gregory-newton formula 格雷戈里-牛顿公式greisen 云英岩greisenization 云英岩化grex number 格列克通用支数grey cast iron 灰口铸铁grey durain 灰色暗煤grey level 灰度水平grey market 灰市场grey mud 灰色软泥grey 灰色greybox model 灰箱模型greyhounds 短立根greying 发灰色的;石墨化greyscale 灰度greywacke 硬砂岩grf 天然气采收率gri 气体研究所gri 自然伽马指数gri 组重复周期grid azimuth 坐标方位角grid bearing 坐标象限角grid bias 栅偏压grid block model 网格块模型grid board 坐标图板grid cell 网格单元grid chart 格网图grid circuit 栅极电路grid code 图格编码grid convergence 坐标纵线偏角grid coordinate 平面直角坐标grid dispersion 网格离差grid effect 网格效应grid electrode 栅极grid emission 栅发射grid equator 格网赤道grid extrapolation 网格外插grid interpolation 网格内插grid interval 网格间隔grid magnetic azimuth 栅磁方位角grid map 栅状图grid matrix 网格矩阵grid mesh 网格grid model 网格模型grid operator 网格因子grid overlay 格网叠置片grid pattern 网格图形grid point 网格点grid refinement 网格加密grid residual method 网格剩余法grid residual 网点剩余值法grid scale 坐标比例尺grid screen 栅屏grid smoothing 网点平滑grid spacing 网格步长grid system 坐标系grid test 划格法附着力试验grid tick 格网标记grid tray tower 栅板塔grid tray 栅板塔盘grid zone 坐标带grid 网grid-bias detector 栅偏压检波器grid-bias modulation 栅偏调制grid-reference 参考坐标网gridblock pressure 网格块压力gridblock saturation 网格块饱和度gridblock 网格块gridding technique 网格技术gridding 网格化;绘格线gridiron 格状物;管网;高压输电线网;格子船台;梁格结构;方格形;安装格栅gridistor 隐栅管gridline 方格坐标线grief joint 方钻杆grief kelly 方钻杆grief stem 方钻杆griffith crack 格里菲思裂纹griffith criterion of brittle 格里菲斯脆性破坏准则grillage 格子架;木垛;格排垛grillage-beams 交叉梁系grille 格grime 尘垢grind out 用离心机测定油中悬浮物和水的含量;内磨grind shoe 磨鞋grind 磨;折磨;刻苦grindability index 可磨细度指标grindability 可磨性grinder 磨工;磨床;研磨机;磨轮;无线电干扰声grindery 磨工车间grinding and buffing 打磨和抛光grinding machine 磨床grinding oil 研磨油grinding stone 磨石grinding wheel 砂轮grinding 破碎grindstone 磨石gringarten type curves 格林加顿解释图版grip end 抓物端grip head 夹头grip holder 夹头grip nut 夹紧螺母grip ring 夹环grip 夹gripe 紧握;抓牢;控制;制动器;柄gripper tube 卡管gripper 抓器;夹器gripping device 夹具gripping fork 叉形夹gripping head 夹头gripping pliers 夹管钳griquaite 透辉石榴岩grit blasting 喷丸处理;喷砂清理grit chamber 沉砂池grit 砾砂grit-blast 喷砂gritrock 粗砂岩gritstone 粗砂岩gritty 粗砂质的grivation 磁斜坐标纵线偏角grizzle 低级煤grizzly 格筛;灰色的;灰白的;有灰斑的grl 自然伽马测井grm 归一化互换法grm 克grn 自然伽马-中子测井grnd 接地grog 熟料groin 丁坝;防砂堤grommet type seals 环形密封圈grommet 护孔环groningen effect 格罗宁根效应groove angle 坡口角度groove cast 槽铸型groove depth 坡口深度groove face 坡口面groove long edge 坡口长边groove welding 槽焊groove width 坡口宽度groove 槽grooved disk 带槽圆盘grooved drill collar 螺旋钻铤grooved flow channel 沟槽式流动通道grooved joint 榫槽连接grooved pipe base 带沟槽的中心管grooved plunger 带槽柱塞grooved upland 沟切高原grooved 槽形的grooving corrosion 沟纹腐蚀gross area 总面积gross assets 投资总额;资产总额gross building area 总建筑面积gross calorific power 总热值gross calorific value 总热值gross count gamma ray 总自然伽马计数率gross cumulative production 总累积产量gross deadweight 总载重量gross domestic product 国内生产总值gross drilling time 总钻井时间gross earnings 毛利gross effect 有效功率gross efficiency 总效率gross error 总误差;过失误差gross estimates 毛估gross export value 出口总值gross fluid production rate 流体总产量gross freight ton 总载货吨gross gas-oil ratio 总气油比gross heat value 高位热值gross heating value 总热值gross import value 进口总值gross income 总收入gross industrial output value 工业总产值gross industrial output 工业总产值gross investment 投资总额gross load 总载荷gross meter factor 总仪表系数gross meter registration 仪表总累积值gross mis-tie 总闭合差gross national demand 国民总需求gross national expenditures 国民支出总额gross national product 国民总产值gross national supply 国民总供给gross negligence 严重过失gross pay thickness 产层总厚度gross pay 工资总额gross porosity 总孔隙度gross production 总产量gross profit 毛利润gross rate 毛费率gross record 原始记录gross recovery 总开采量gross reservoir interval 储层总厚度gross sales 销售总额gross sample 总样品gross sand 砂层总厚度gross section 总截面gross thermal value 总热值gross thickness 总厚度gross ton 长吨gross tonnage 总吨位;注册吨gross value 总值gross variation 总变化gross weight 毛重;总重gross yield 毛收益gross 总的gross-count rate 总计数率grossouvreite 粉状蛋白石grossular 钙铝榴石grossularite 钙铝榴石grott 洞穴grouan 花岗岩groud rent 地租ground a line 接地线ground anchor 地锚ground anisotropy 大地各向异性ground barium sulfate 重晶石粉ground beacon antenna 地面信标天线ground bearing pressure 地基承压力ground bed cable 地床电缆ground bed 地床ground block 地面滑轮ground brush 接地电刷ground cable em survey 地面导线电磁勘探法ground cable 接地线ground calcium carbonate 重质碳酸钙ground capacitance 对地电容ground chalk 重质碳酸钙ground circuit 地回路ground clamp 接地夹ground clearance 离地净高ground coat 底漆ground color 底色ground concentration 地面浓度ground conductivity 大地电导率ground configuration 地形ground connection 接地ground control equipment 地面控制设备ground controlled approach 地面控制进场雷达装置ground coordinate 地面坐标ground coupling 地面耦合ground cover 土被;植被;地面掩盖物ground coverage 地面覆盖范围ground current 接地电流ground discharge 大地放电ground dispensing point 地面配油点ground distance 地面距离ground engineering 地基工程ground equipment 地面设备ground feature 地貌ground filling point 地面装油点ground finish 磨光ground flare 地面火炬ground geophysics 地面地球物理学ground glass joint 磨口玻璃接头ground glass screen 毛玻璃筛ground glass stopper 磨口玻璃塞ground glass 磨砂玻璃ground hematite 赤铁矿粉ground hold 泊船具ground hydrant 地面消火栓ground inclination 地面坡度ground lamp 接地指示灯ground level 地平面ground line 基线;接地线;地平线ground location 地面定位ground loop 接地回路ground lug 接地片ground map 地形图ground marker navigation 地标导航ground mica 云母ground monitor 接地指示仪ground moraine 底碛ground motion 地表运动ground nadir 地面天底点ground navigation 地面导航ground noise 大地噪声;基底噪声ground nutshell 碎坚果壳ground object 地物ground pattern 底样ground photograph 地面摄影相片ground photography 地面摄影术ground plan 平面图ground plane antenna 接地平面天线ground plastics 堵漏碎塑料ground plate 接地板ground plot 地面图;地基图ground potential 大地电位ground pressure 地压ground prospecting apparatus 地面勘探仪器ground protection 接地保护ground radiation 地面辐射ground receiving station 地面接收站ground resistance 大地电阻ground resolution cell 地面分辨单元ground resolution 地面分辨率ground rod 接地杆ground roll 地滚波ground sample 地面取样ground slide 载片ground spill 地面溢溅ground stake 接地棒ground state level 基态能级ground state 基态;地面状态ground station 地面站ground stereo camera 地面立体摄影机ground stereogram 地面立体图ground stereophotography 地面立体摄影学ground strap 接地母线ground stress 地应力ground survey 地面测量ground swing error 地面反射误差ground swing 地面反射变化ground switch 接地开关ground tackle 锚设备ground temperature 地面温度ground terminal 接地端子ground track 地面航迹ground truth 地面真值ground unrest 背景噪声ground vegetation 地面植被ground water aquifer 地下水含水层ground water surface 地下水面ground water table 潜水面ground water 地下水ground wave 地面波ground ways 下水滑道ground wire 接地线ground 土地ground-drift indicator 地速-偏流角指示器ground-electrode 接地电极ground-moraine shoreline 底碛滨线ground-range image 地面距离图象ground-range scale 地面距离比例尺ground-seat union 接合面密封的由壬ground-thermometer 地温计groundbreaking 破土;动工grounded neutral 接地中性点grounded shield 接地屏蔽grounded 接地的;已打好基础的grounding circuit 接地电路grounding keel 坞龙骨grounding resistance 接地电阻grounding switch 接地开关grounding 接地groundmass 基质groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater circulation 地下水循环groundwater contamination 地下水污染groundwater development 地下水开发groundwater dynamics 地下水动力学groundwater evaluation 地下水评价groundwater exploration 地下水勘探groundwater flow 地下水流groundwater hydraulics 地下水水力学groundwater hydrology 地下水水文学groundwater laterite 潜水砖红壤groundwater monitoring 地下水监测groundwater occurrence 地下水分布groundwater origin 地下水起源groundwater protection 地下水保护groundwater reserve 地下水储量groundwater resource 地下水资源groundwater-forming condition 地下水形成条件groundwork 基础;基本原理;基本成分;土方工程group bottom 能群下限group code 群码group coding 分组编码group composition 族组成group cross-section 群截面group delay 群延迟group diffusion 群扩散group drilling 丛式钻井group drive 成组传动group element 同组元素group frequency 群频率group interval 道间距group item 组项group iterative method 群叠代法group knife 组合闸刀group maceral 显微组分组group mark 组标志group number 组号group of enterprises 企业集团group of piles 桩群group of seven 七国集团。

Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow翻译

Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow翻译

图像处理学报,第7卷,第3期,1998年3月蛇、形状、梯度矢量流IEEE学生会员徐晨阳,IEEE高级会员Jerry L. Prince摘要-蛇,或活动轮廓,被广泛用于计算机视觉和图像处理应用,特别是定位对象的边界。










在现在的文献中,通常有两种类型的活动轮廓模型,即参数活动轮廓模型[1]几何活动轮廓模型[7] - [9]。










LDA与LSD相结合的车道线分类检测算法郭克友;王艺伟;郭晓丽【摘要】A lane classification algorithm is presented. Firstly, LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis)is adopted to convert road images to gray images directly, which can distinguish the lanes and roads better. Secondly,LSD(Line Segment Detector)is applied to detect straight lines of gray images to give the main direction of the lane by proper selection. On the basis of that, the pixels are selected within the grayscale range of the lane. Pixels in far vision are fitted by parabola while pixels in near vision use linear fitting. In the meantime, the lanes are marked by classification. Finally, the detecting results are verified by the continuity of video sequence. Experimental results show that the proposed method has good effects on the detection of curves and straight lines. The processing speed is 10 f/s while the frame rate of the original video is 15 f/s, which basically meets the real-time requirements.%提出一种车道线分类检测算法.首先采用LDA对道路图像进行有针对性的灰度化,以便更好地区分车道线与道路.采用LSD 算法检测灰度图像中的直线部分并确定车道线的方向.在此基础上,选取符合车道线灰度范围内的像素点.对远距离的像素点采用抛物线拟合,近距离的像素点采用直线拟合.同时,将检测到的车道线进行虚线实线的分类标记.最后结合视频序列的连续性对检测结果进行反向验证.实验结果证明,提出的方法对直道弯道检测均有很好的效果.算法的处理速度为每秒10帧左右,采用的测试视频的帧率为每秒15帧,基本满足实时性的要求.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2017(053)024【总页数】7页(P219-225)【关键词】线性判别分析(LDA);线段检测器(LSD);直线-抛物线模型;车道线分类;视频序列连续性【作者】郭克友;王艺伟;郭晓丽【作者单位】北京工商大学材料与机械工程学院,北京 100048;北京工商大学材料与机械工程学院,北京 100048;北京工商大学材料与机械工程学院,北京 100048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP311作为车辆安全驾驶研究方向的重要组成部分,车道线检测一直以来都是研究热点。



流体力学专业词汇(V ocabulary of Fluid Mechanics )CHAPTER-1acceleration 加速度average velocity 平均速度Bernoulli 伯努力boundary layer 边界层calculus 微积分coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数compressible(incompressible) (不)可压的conservation of mass(momentum, energy) 质量(动量,能量)守恒continuum 连续介质control-volume 控制体density(mass per unit volume) 密度differential 微分dimension 量刚尺度dynamics 动力学Euler 欧拉eulerian (lagrangian) method of description欧拉(拉格郎日)观点,方法field of flow 流场flow pattern 流型(谱)fluid mechanics 流体力学function 函数inertia 惯性, 惯量integral 积分kinematics 运动学kinetic (potential, internal) energy 动(势,内)能Lagrange 拉格郎日liquid 流体Newtonian fluids 牛顿流体(non)linear (非)线性(non)uniform (非)均匀one-dimensional 一维pathline 迹线perfect-gas law 理想气体定律pressure 压力压强Reynolds 雷诺shear(normal) stress 剪(正)应力solution 解答statics 静力学steady(unsteady) (非)定常strain 应变streamline(tube) 流线(管)thermal conductivity 热传导thermodynamics 热力学variable 变量vector 矢量velocity distribution 速度分布velocity field 速度场velocity gradient 速度梯度viscous(inviscid) (无)粘性的volume rate of flow 体积流量CHAPTER -2absolute (gage,vacuum) pressure 绝对(表,真空)压力area moment of inertia 惯性面积矩atmospheric pressure 大气压力barometer 气压计body force 体力Cartesian [rectangular] coordinates 直角坐标(系)centroid 质心elliptic 椭圆的equilibrium 平衡horizontal 水平的hydrostatic 水静力学,流体静力学hyperbolic 双曲线的mercury 水银moment 矩parabolic 抛物线plane (curved) surface 平(曲)面plate 板pressure center 压力中心pressure distribution(gradient) 压力分布(梯度)reservoir 水库rigid-body 刚体scalar 标量specific weight 比重surface force 表面力vertical 垂直的, 直立的CHAPTER -3Bernoulli equation 伯努力方程Boundaries 边界Conservation of mass 质量Control volume 控制体Energy(hydraulic) grade line 能级线Flux 流率Free body 隔离体Heat transfer 热传到Imaginary 假想Inlet, outlet 进、出口Integrand 被积函数Jet flow 射流Linear(Angular)-momentum relation 线(角)动量关系式Momentum(energy)-flux 动量(能量)流量Net force 合力No slip 无滑移Nozzle 喷嘴Rate of work 功率Reynolds transport theorem 雷诺输运定理Shaft work 轴功Stagnation enthalpy 制止焓Surroundings 外围System 体系Time derivative 时间导数Vector sum 矢量合Venturi tube 文图里管V olume(mass) flow 体积(质量)流量V olume(mass) rate of flow体积(质量)流率CHAPTER -4Soomth 平滑Laminar 层流Transition 转捩Roughness 粗糙度Random fluctuations 随机脉动Reynolds number 雷诺数(Re)Instability 不稳定性Breakdown 崩溃Mean value 平均值Drag 阻力Osborne ReynoldsDye filament 染色丝Internal (external) flow 内(外)流Cartesian 笛卡坐标Infinitesimal 无限小local acceleration 当地加速度dot product 点乘total derivative 全导数convective acceleration 对流加速度substantial(material) derivative 随体(物质)导数operator 算子partial differential equation 偏微分方程Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Navier-Stokes Equations N-S方程Second-order 二阶Similarity 相似Nondimensionalization 无量纲化Flat-plate boundary layer 平板边界层Thermal conductivity 热传导Heat flow 热流量Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律Couette Flow 库塔流动Channel 槽道Parallel plates 平行平板Pressure gradient 压力梯度No-slip condition 无滑移条件Poiseuille flow 伯肖叶流动Parabola 抛物线Wall shear stress 壁面剪应力Prandtl 普朗特Karman 卡门Momentum-integral relation 动量积分关系Momentum thickness 动量厚度Skin-friction coefficient 壁面摩擦系数Displacement thickness 排移厚度Blasius equation 布拉修斯方程Coordinate transformation 坐标变换Composite dimensionless variable 组合无量纲变量Shape factor 形状因子Velocity profile 速度剖面流体动力学fluid dynamics连续介质力学mechanics of continuous media介质medium流体质点fluid particle无粘性流体nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学fluid kinematics水静力学hydrostatics液体静力学hydrostatics支配方程governing equation伯努利方程Bernoulli equation伯努利定理Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律Biot-Savart law欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理Kelvin theorem涡片vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖d'Alembert paradox雷诺数Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数Strouhal number随体导数material derivative不可压缩流体incompressible fluid质量守恒conservation of mass动量守恒conservation of momentum 能量守恒conservation of energy动量方程momentum equation能量方程energy equation控制体积control volume液体静压hydrostatic pressure涡量拟能enstrophy压差differential pressure流[动] flow流线stream line流面stream surface流管stream tube迹线path, path line流场flow field流态flow regime流动参量flow parameter流量flow rate, flow discharge涡旋vortex涡量vorticity涡丝vortex filament涡线vortex line涡面vortex surface涡层vortex layer涡环vortex ring涡对vortex pair涡管vortex tube涡街vortex street卡门涡街Karman vortex street马蹄涡horseshoe vortex对流涡胞convective cell卷筒涡胞roll cell涡eddy涡粘性eddy viscosity环流circulation环量circulation速度环量velocity circulation偶极子doublet, dipole驻点stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头total head静压头static head总焓total enthalpy能量输运energy transport速度剖面velocity profile库埃特流Couette flow单相流single phase flow单组份流single-component flow均匀流uniform flow非均匀流nonuniform flow二维流two-dimensional flow三维流three-dimensional flow准定常流quasi-steady flow非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow周期流periodic flow振荡流oscillatory flow分层流stratified flow无旋流irrotational flow有旋流rotational flow轴对称流axisymmetric flow不可压缩性incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow浮体floating body定倾中心metacenter阻力drag, resistance减阻drag reduction表面力surface force表面张力surface tension毛细[管]作用capillarity来流incoming flow自由流free stream自由流线free stream line外流external flow进口entrance, inlet出口exit, outlet扰动disturbance, perturbation分布distribution传播propagation色散dispersion弥散dispersion附加质量added mass ,associated mass 收缩contraction镜象法image method无量纲参数dimensionless parameter几何相似geometric similarity运动相似kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流plane flow势potential势流potential flow速度势velocity potential复势complex potential复速度complex velocity流函数stream function源source汇sink速度[水]头velocity head拐角流corner flow空泡流cavity flow超空泡supercavity超空泡流supercavity flow空气动力学aerodynamics低速空气动力学low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流conical flow楔流wedge flow叶栅流cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体slender body细长度slenderness钝头体bluff body钝体blunt body翼型airfoil翼弦chord薄翼理论thin-airfoil theory构型configuration后缘trailing edge迎角angle of attack失速stall脱体激波detached shock wave波阻wave drag诱导阻力induced drag诱导速度induced velocity临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number 前缘涡leading edge vortex附着涡bound vortex约束涡confined vortex气动中心aerodynamic center气动力aerodynamic force气动噪声aerodynamic noise气动加热aerodynamic heating离解dissociation地面效应ground effect气体动力学gas dynamics稀疏波rarefaction wave热状态方程thermal equation of state 喷管Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体compressible fluid绝热流adiabatic flow非绝热流diabatic flow未扰动流undisturbed flow等熵流isentropic flow匀熵流homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程equation of state量热状态方程caloric equation of state完全气体perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管Laval nozzle马赫角Mach angle马赫锥Mach cone马赫线Mach line马赫数Mach number马赫波Mach wave当地马赫数local Mach number冲击波shock wave激波shock wave正激波normal shock wave斜激波oblique shock wave头波bow wave附体激波attached shock wave激波阵面shock front激波层shock layer压缩波compression wave反射reflection折射refraction散射scattering衍射diffraction绕射diffraction出口压力exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压back pressure爆炸explosion爆轰detonation缓燃deflagration水动力学hydrodynamics液体动力学hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性Taylor instability盖斯特纳波Gerstner wave斯托克斯波Stokes wave瑞利数Rayleigh number自由面free surface波速wave speed, wave velocity 波高wave height波列wave train波群wave group波能wave energy表面波surface wave表面张力波capillary wave规则波regular wave不规则波irregular wave浅水波shallow water wave深水波deep water wave重力波gravity wave椭圆余弦波cnoidal wave潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave破碎波breaking wave船波ship wave非线性波nonlinear wave孤立子soliton水动[力]噪声hydrodynamic noise 水击water hammer空化cavitation空化数cavitation number空蚀cavitation damage超空化流supercavitating flow水翼hydrofoil水力学hydraulics洪水波flood wave涟漪ripple消能energy dissipation海洋水动力学marine hydrodynamics谢齐公式Chezy formula欧拉数Euler number弗劳德数Froude number水力半径hydraulic radius水力坡度hvdraulic slope高度水头elevating head水头损失head loss水位water level水跃hydraulic jump含水层aquifer排水drainage排放量discharge壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头pressure head过水断面flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow孔流orifice flow无压流free surface flow有压流pressure flow缓流subcritical flow急流supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow急变流rapidly varied flow临界流critical flow异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow掺气流aerated flow含沙流sediment-laden stream降水曲线dropdown curve沉积物sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积sedimentation, deposition沉降速度settling velocity流动稳定性flow stability不稳定性instability奥尔-索末菲方程Orr-Sommerfeld equation涡量方程vorticity equation泊肃叶流Poiseuille flow奥辛流Oseen flow剪切流shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流laminar flow分离流separated flow二次流secondary flow近场流near field flow远场流far field flow滞止流stagnation flow尾流wake [flow]回流back flow反流reverse flow射流jet自由射流free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow内流internal flow拟序结构coherent structure 猝发过程bursting process表观粘度apparent viscosity 运动粘性kinematic viscosity 动力粘性dynamic viscosity 泊poise厘泊centipoise厘沱centistoke剪切层shear layer次层sublayer流动分离flow separation层流分离laminar separation 湍流分离turbulent separation 分离点separation point附着点attachment point再附reattachment再层流化relaminarization起动涡starting vortex驻涡standing vortex涡旋破碎vortex breakdown涡旋脱落vortex shedding压[力]降pressure drop压差阻力pressure drag压力能pressure energy型阻profile drag滑移速度slip velocity无滑移条件non-slip condition壁剪应力skin friction, frictional drag壁剪切速度friction velocity磨擦损失friction loss磨擦因子friction factor耗散dissipation滞后lag相似性解similar solution局域相似local similarity气体润滑gas lubrication液体动力润滑hydrodynamic lubrication浆体slurry泰勒数Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程Navier-Stokes equation 牛顿流体Newtonian fluid边界层理论boundary later theory边界层方程boundary layer equation边界层boundary layer附面层boundary layer层流边界层laminar boundary layer湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer温度边界层thermal boundary layer边界层转捩boundary layer transition边界层分离boundary layer separation边界层厚度boundary layer thickness位移厚度displacement thickness动量厚度momentum thickness能量厚度energy thickness焓厚度enthalpy thickness注入injection吸出suction泰勒涡Taylor vortex速度亏损律velocity defect law形状因子shape factor测速法anemometry粘度测定法visco[si] metry流动显示flow visualization油烟显示oil smoke visualization孔板流量计orifice meter频率响应frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization阴影法shadow method纹影法schlieren method烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法tuft method氢泡法nydrogen bubble method相似理论similarity theory相似律similarity law部分相似partial similarity定理pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 静[态]校准static calibration动态校准dynamic calibration风洞wind tunnel激波管shock tube激波管风洞shock tube wind tunnel水洞water tunnel拖曳水池towing tank旋臂水池rotating arm basin扩散段diffuser测压孔pressure tap皮托管pitot tube普雷斯顿管preston tube斯坦顿管Stanton tube文丘里管Venturi tubeU形管U-tube压强计manometer微压计micromanometer多管压强计multiple manometer静压管static [pressure]tube流速计anemometer风速管Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter热线流速计hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计hot- film anemometer流量计flow meter粘度计visco[si] meter涡量计vorticity meter传感器transducer, sensor压强传感器pressure transducer热敏电阻thermistor示踪物tracer时间线time line脉线streak line尺度效应scale effect壁效应wall effect堵塞blockage堵寒效应blockage effect动态响应dynamic response响应频率response frequency底压base pressure菲克定律Fick law巴塞特力Basset force埃克特数Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数Grashof number努塞特数Nusselt number普朗特数prandtl number雷诺比拟Reynolds analogy施密特数schmidt number斯坦顿数Stanton number对流convection自由对流natural convection, free convec-tion强迫对流forced convection热对流heat convection质量传递mass transfer传质系数mass transfer coefficient热量传递heat transfer传热系数heat transfer coefficient对流传热convective heat transfer辐射传热radiative heat transfer动量交换momentum transfer能量传递energy transfer传导conduction热传导conductive heat transfer热交换heat exchange临界热通量critical heat flux浓度concentration扩散diffusion扩散性diffusivity扩散率diffusivity扩散速度diffusion velocity分子扩散molecular diffusion沸腾boiling蒸发evaporation气化gasification凝结condensation成核nucleation计算流体力学computational fluid mechanics多重尺度问题multiple scale problem伯格斯方程Burgers equation对流扩散方程convection diffusion equationKDU方程KDV equation修正微分方程modified differential equation拉克斯等价定理Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟numerical simulation大涡模拟large eddy simulation数值粘性numerical viscosity非线性不稳定性nonlinear instability希尔特稳定性分析Hirt stability analysis相容条件consistency conditionCFL条件Courant- Friedrichs- Lewy condition ,CFL condition狄里克雷边界条件Dirichlet boundary condition熵条件entropy condition远场边界条件far field boundary condition流入边界条件inflow boundary condition无反射边界条件nonreflecting boundary condition 数值边界条件numerical boundary condition流出边界条件outflow boundary condition冯.诺伊曼条件von Neumann condition近似因子分解法approximate factorization method 人工压缩artificial compression人工粘性artificial viscosity边界元法boundary element method配置方法collocation method能量法energy method有限体积法finite volume method流体网格法fluid in cell method, FLIC method通量校正传输法flux-corrected transport method通量矢量分解法flux vector splitting method伽辽金法Galerkin method积分方法integral method标记网格法marker and cell method, MAC method 特征线法method of characteristics直线法method of lines矩量法moment method多重网格法multi- grid method板块法panel method质点网格法particle in cell method, PIC method质点法particle method预估校正法predictor-corrector method投影法projection method准谱法pseudo-spectral method随机选取法random choice method激波捕捉法shock-capturing method激波拟合法shock-fitting method谱方法spectral method稀疏矩阵分解法split coefficient matrix method不定常法time-dependent method时间分步法time splitting method变分法variational method涡方法vortex method隐格式implicit scheme显格式explicit scheme交替方向隐格式alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme 反扩散差分格式anti-diffusion difference scheme紧差分格式compact difference scheme守恒差分格式conservation difference scheme克兰克-尼科尔森格式Crank-Nicolson scheme杜福特-弗兰克尔格式Dufort-Frankel scheme指数格式exponential scheme戈本诺夫格式Godunov scheme高分辨率格式high resolution scheme拉克斯-温德罗夫格式Lax-Wendroff scheme蛙跳格式leap-frog scheme单调差分格式monotone difference scheme保单调差分格式monotonicity preserving difference scheme穆曼-科尔格式Murman-Cole scheme半隐格式semi-implicit scheme斜迎风格式skew-upstream scheme全变差下降格式total variation decreasing scheme TVD scheme 迎风格式upstream scheme , upwind scheme计算区域computational domain物理区域physical domain影响域domain of influence依赖域domain of dependence区域分解domain decomposition维数分解dimensional split物理解physical solution弱解weak solution黎曼解算子Riemann solver守恒型conservation form弱守恒型weak conservation form强守恒型strong conservation form散度型divergence form贴体曲线坐标body- fitted curvilinear coordi-nates[自]适应网格[self-] adaptive mesh适应网格生成adaptive grid generation自动网格生成automatic grid generation数值网格生成numerical grid generation交错网格staggered mesh网格雷诺数cell Reynolds number数植扩散numerical diffusion数值耗散numerical dissipation数值色散numerical dispersion数值通量numerical flux放大因子amplification factor放大矩阵amplification matrix阻尼误差damping error离散涡discrete vortex熵通量entropy flux熵函数entropy function分步法fractional step method广义连续统力学generalized continuum mechanics 简单物质simple material纯力学物质purely mechanical material微分型物质material of differential type积分型物质material of integral type混合物组份constituents of a mixture非协调理论incompatibility theory微极理论micropolar theory决定性原理principle of determinism等存在原理principle of equipresence局部作用原理principle of objectivity客观性原理principle of objectivity电磁连续统理论theory of electromagnetic continuum 内时理论endochronic theory非局部理论nonlocal theory混合物理论theory of mixtures里夫林-矣里克森张量Rivlin-Ericksen tensor声张量acoustic tensor半向同性张量hemitropic tensor各向同性张量isotropic tensor应变张量strain tensor伸缩张量stretch tensor连续旋错continuous dislination连续位错continuous dislocation动量矩平衡angular momentum balance余本构关系complementary constitutive relations共旋导数co-rotational derivative, Jaumann derivative 非完整分量anholonomic component爬升效应climbing effect协调条件compatibility condition错综度complexity当时构形current configuration能量平衡energy balance变形梯度deformation gradient有限弹性finite elasticity熵增entropy production标架无差异性frame indifference弹性势elastic potential熵不等式entropy inequality极分解polar decomposition低弹性hypoelasticity参考构形reference configuration响应泛函response functional动量平衡momentum balance奇异面singular surface贮能函数stored-energy function内部约束internal constraint物理分量physical components本原元primitive element普适变形universal deformation速度梯度velocity gradient测粘流动viscometric flow当地导数local derivative岩石力学rock mechanics原始岩体应力virgin rock stress构造应力tectonic stress三轴压缩试验three-axial compression test三轴拉伸试验three-axial tensile test 三轴试验triaxial test岩层静态应力lithostatic stress吕荣lugeon地压强geostatic pressure水力劈裂hydraulic fracture咬合[作用] interlocking内禀抗剪强度intrinsic shear strength 循环抗剪强度cyclic shear strength 残余抗剪强度residual shear strength 土力学soil mechanics孔隙比void ratio内磨擦角angle of internal friction休止角angle of repose孔隙率porosity围压ambient pressure渗透系数coefficient of permeability [抗]剪切角angle of shear resistance 渗流力seepage force表观粘聚力apparent cohesion粘聚力cohesion稠度consistency固结consolidation主固结primary consolidation次固结secondary consolidation固结仪consolidometer浮升力uplift扩容dilatancy有效应力effective stress絮凝[作用] flocculation主动土压力active earth pressure被动土压力passive earth pressure 土动力学soil dynamics应力解除stress relief次时间效应secondary time effect贯入阻力penetration resistance沙土液化liquefaction of sand泥流mud flow多相流multiphase flow马格努斯效应Magnus effect韦伯数Weber number环状流annular flow泡状流bubble flow层状流stratified flow平衡流equilibrium flow二组份流two-component flow冻结流frozen flow均质流homogeneous flow二相流two-phase flow气-液流gas-liquid flow气-固流gas-solid flow液-气流liquid-gas flow液-固流liquid-solid flow液体-蒸气流liquid-vapor flow浓相dense phase稀相dilute phase连续相continuous phase离散相dispersed phase悬浮suspension气力输运pneumatic transport气泡形成bubble formation体密度bulk density壅塞choking微滴droplet挟带entrainment流型flow pattern流[态]化fluidization界面interface跃动速度saltation velocity非牛顿流体力学non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 非牛顿流体non-Newtonian fluid幂律流体power law fluid拟塑性流体pseudoplastic fluid触稠流体rheopectic fluid触变流体thixotropic fluid粘弹性流体viscoelastic fluid流变测量学rheometry震凝性rheopexy体[积]粘性bulk viscosity魏森贝格效应Weissenberg effect流变仪rheometer稀薄气体动力学rarefied gas dynamics物理化学流体力学physico-chemical hydrodynamics 空气热化学aerothermochemistry绝对压强absolute pressure绝对反应速率absolute reaction rate绝对温度absolute temperature吸收系数absorption coefficient活化分子activated molecule活化能activation energy绝热压缩adiabatic compression绝热膨胀adiabatic expansion绝热火焰温度adiabatic flame temperature电弧风洞arc tunnel原子热atomic heat雾化atomization自燃auto-ignition自动氧化auto-oxidation可用能量available energy缓冲作用buffer action松密度bulk density燃烧率burning rate燃烧速度burning velocity接触面contact surface烧蚀ablation。



流体力学英语词汇acceleration 加速度average velocity 平均速度Bernoulli 伯努力boundary layer 边界层calculus 微积分coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数compressible(incompressible) (不)可压的conservation of mass(momentum, energy) 质量(动量,能量)守恒continuum 连续介质control-volume 控制体density(mass per unit volume) 密度differential 微分dimension 量刚尺度dynamics 动力学Euler 欧拉eulerian (lagrangian) method of description欧拉(拉格郎日)观点,方法field of flow 流场flow pattern 流型(谱)fluid mechanics 流体力学function 函数inertia 惯性, 惯量integral 积分kinematics 运动学kinetic (potential, internal) energy 动(势,内)能Lagrange 拉格郎日liquid 流体Newtonian fluids 牛顿流体(non)linear (非)线性(non)uniform (非)均匀one-dimensional 一维pathline 迹线perfect-gas law 理想气体定律pressure 压力压强Reynolds 雷诺shear(normal) stress 剪(正)应力solution 解答statics 静力学steady(unsteady) (非)定常strain 应变streamline(tube) 流线(管)thermal conductivity 热传导thermodynamics 热力学variable 变量vector 矢量velocity distribution 速度分布velocity field 速度场velocity gradient 速度梯度viscous(inviscid) (无)粘性的volume rate of flow 体积流量CHAPTER -2absolute (gage,vacuum) pressure 绝对(表,真空)压力area moment of inertia 惯性面积矩atmospheric pressure 大气压力barometer 气压计body force 体力Cartesian [rectangular] coordinates 直角坐标(系)centroid 质心elliptic 椭圆的equilibrium 平衡horizontal 水平的hydrostatic 水静力学,流体静力学hyperbolic 双曲线的mercury 水银moment 矩parabolic 抛物线plane (curved) surface 平(曲)面plate 板pressure center 压力中心pressure distribution(gradient) 压力分布(梯度) reservoir 水库rigid-body 刚体scalar 标量specific weight 比重surface force 表面力vertical 垂直的, 直立的CHAPTER -3Bernoulli equation 伯努力方程Boundaries 边界Conservation of mass 质量Control volume 控制体Energy(hydraulic) grade line 能级线Flux 流率Free body 隔离体Heat transfer 热传到Imaginary 假想Inlet, outlet 进,出口Integrand 被积函数Jet flow 射流Linear(Angular)-momentum relation 线(角)动量关系式Momentum(energy)-flux 动量(能量)流量Net force 合力No slip 无滑移Nozzle 喷嘴Rate of work 功率Reynolds transport theorem 雷诺输运定理Shaft work 轴功Stagnation enthalpy 制止焓Surroundings 外围System 体系Time derivative 时间导数Vector sum 矢量合Venturi tube 文图里管Volume(mass) flow 体积(质量)流量Volume(mass) rate of flow体积(质量)流率CHAPTER -4Soomth 平滑Laminar 层流Transition 转捩Roughness 粗糙度Random fluctuations 随机脉动Reynolds number 雷诺数(Re)Instability 不稳定性Breakdown 崩溃Mean value 平均值Drag 阻力Osborne ReynoldsDye filament 染色丝Internal (external) flow 内(外)流Cartesian 笛卡坐标Infinitesimal 无限小local acceleration 当地加速度dot product 点乘total derivative 全导数convective acceleration 对流加速度substantial(material) derivative 随体(物质)导数operator 算子partial differential equation 偏微分方程Newtonian fluid 牛顿流体Navier-Stokes Equations N-S方程Second-order 二阶Similarity 相似Nondimensionalization 无量纲化Flat-plate boundary layer 平板边界层Thermal conductivity 热传导Heat flow 热流量Fourier's law 傅立叶定律Couette Flow 库塔流动Channel 槽道Parallel plates 平行平板Pressure gradient 压力梯度No-slip condition 无滑移条件Poiseuille flow 伯肖叶流动Parabola 抛物线Wall shear stress 壁面剪应力Prandtl 普朗特Karman 卡门Momentum-integral relation 动量积分关系Momentum thickness 动量厚度Skin-friction coefficient 壁面摩擦系数Displacement thickness 排移厚度Blasius equation 布拉修斯方程Coordinate transformation 坐标变换Composite dimensionless variable 组合无量纲变量Shape factor 形状因子Velocity profile 速度剖面流体动力学 fluid dynamics连续介质力学 mechanics of continuous media介质 medium流体质点 fluid particle无粘性流体 nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设 continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学 fluid kinematics水静力学 hydrostatics液体静力学 hydrostatics支配方程 governing equation伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation伯努利定理 Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Biot-Savart law欧拉方程 Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理 Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理 Kelvin theorem涡片 vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件 Kutta-Zhoukowski condition 布拉休斯解 Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖 d'Alembert paradox雷诺数 Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数 Strouhal number随体导数 material derivative不可压缩流体 incompressible fluid质量守恒 conservation of mass动量守恒 conservation of momentum能量守恒 conservation of energy动量方程 momentum equation能量方程 energy equation控制体积 control volume液体静压 hydrostatic pressure 涡量拟能 enstrophy压差 differential pressure流[动] flow流线 stream line流面 stream surface流管 stream tube迹线 path, path line流场 flow field流态 flow regime流动参量 flow parameter流量 flow rate, flow discharge 涡旋 vortex涡量 vorticity涡丝 vortex filament涡线 vortex line涡面 vortex surface涡层 vortex layer涡环 vortex ring涡对 vortex pair涡管 vortex tube涡街 vortex street卡门涡街 Karman vortex street 马蹄涡 horseshoe vortex对流涡胞 convective cell卷筒涡胞 roll cell涡 eddy涡粘性 eddy viscosity环流 circulation环量 circulation速度环量 velocity circulation 偶极子 doublet, dipole驻点 stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头 total head静压头 static head总焓 total enthalpy能量输运 energy transport速度剖面 velocity profile库埃特流 Couette flow单相流 single phase flow单组份流 single-component flow均匀流 uniform flow非均匀流 nonuniform flow二维流 two-dimensional flow三维流 three-dimensional flow准定常流 quasi-steady flow非定常流 unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流 transient flow周期流 periodic flow振荡流 oscillatory flow分层流 stratified flow无旋流 irrotational flow有旋流 rotational flow轴对称流 axisymmetric flow不可压缩性 incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow浮体 floating body定倾中心 metacenter阻力 drag, resistance减阻 drag reduction表面力 surface force表面张力 surface tension毛细[管]作用 capillarity来流 incoming flow自由流 free stream自由流线 free stream line外流 external flow进口 entrance, inlet出口 exit, outlet扰动 disturbance, perturbation分布 distribution传播 propagation色散 dispersion弥散 dispersion附加质量 added mass ,associated mass收缩 contraction镜象法 image method无量纲参数 dimensionless parameter 几何相似 geometric similarity运动相似 kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流 plane flow势 potential势流 potential flow速度势 velocity potential复势 complex potential复速度 complex velocity流函数 stream function源 source汇 sink速度[水]头 velocity head拐角流 corner flow空泡流 cavity flow超空泡 supercavity超空泡流 supercavity flow空气动力学 aerodynamics低速空气动力学 low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学 high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学 aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流 conical flow楔流 wedge flow叶栅流 cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体 slender body细长度 slenderness钝头体 bluff body钝体 blunt body翼型 airfoil翼弦 chord薄翼理论 thin-airfoil theory构型 configuration后缘 trailing edge迎角 angle of attack失速 stall脱体激波 detached shock wave波阻 wave drag诱导阻力 induced drag诱导速度 induced velocity临界雷诺数 critical Reynolds number 前缘涡 leading edge vortex附着涡 bound vortex约束涡 confined vortex气动中心 aerodynamic center气动力 aerodynamic force气动噪声 aerodynamic noise气动加热 aerodynamic heating离解 dissociation地面效应 ground effect气体动力学 gas dynamics稀疏波 rarefaction wave热状态方程 thermal equation of state喷管 Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流 Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流 Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体 compressible fluid绝热流 adiabatic flow非绝热流 diabatic flow未扰动流 undisturbed flow等熵流 isentropic flow匀熵流 homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件 Rankine-Hugoniot condition 状态方程 equation of state量热状态方程 caloric equation of state完全气体 perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管 Laval nozzle马赫角 Mach angle马赫锥 Mach cone马赫线 Mach line马赫数 Mach number马赫波 Mach wave当地马赫数 local Mach number 冲击波 shock wave激波 shock wave正激波 normal shock wave斜激波 oblique shock wave头波 bow wave附体激波 attached shock wave 激波阵面 shock front激波层 shock layer压缩波 compression wave反射 reflection折射 refraction散射 scattering衍射 diffraction绕射 diffraction出口压力 exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压 back pressure爆炸 explosion爆轰 detonation缓燃 deflagration水动力学 hydrodynamics液体动力学 hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性 Taylor instability 盖斯特纳波 Gerstner wave斯托克斯波 Stokes wave瑞利数 Rayleigh number自由面 free surface波速 wave speed, wave velocity 波高 wave height波列 wave train波群 wave group波能 wave energy表面波 surface wave表面张力波 capillary wave规则波 regular wave不规则波 irregular wave浅水波 shallow water wave深水波 deep water wave重力波 gravity wave椭圆余弦波 cnoidal wave潮波 tidal wave涌波 surge wave破碎波 breaking wave船波 ship wave非线性波 nonlinear wave孤立子 soliton水动[力]噪声 hydrodynamic noise 水击 water hammer空化 cavitation空化数 cavitation number空蚀 cavitation damage超空化流 supercavitating flow 水翼 hydrofoil水力学 hydraulics洪水波 flood wave涟漪 ripple消能 energy dissipation海洋水动力学 marine hydrodynamics 谢齐公式 Chezy formula欧拉数 Euler number弗劳德数 Froude number水力半径 hydraulic radius水力坡度 hvdraulic slope高度水头 elevating head水头损失 head loss水位 water level水跃 hydraulic jump含水层 aquifer排水 drainage排放量 discharge壅水曲线 back water curve压[强水]头 pressure head过水断面 flow cross-section明槽流 open channel flow孔流 orifice flow无压流 free surface flow有压流 pressure flow缓流 subcritical flow急流 supercritical flow渐变流 gradually varied flow急变流 rapidly varied flow临界流 critical flow异重流 density current, gravity flow 堰流 weir flow掺气流 aerated flow含沙流 sediment-laden stream降水曲线 dropdown curve沉积物 sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积 sedimentation, deposition 沉降速度 settling velocity流动稳定性 flow stability不稳定性 instability奥尔-索末菲方程 Orr-Sommerfeld equation 涡量方程 vorticity equation泊肃叶流 Poiseuille flow奥辛流 Oseen flow剪切流 shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流 laminar flow分离流 separated flow二次流 secondary flow近场流 near field flow远场流 far field flow滞止流 stagnation flow尾流 wake [flow]回流 back flow反流 reverse flow射流 jet自由射流 free jet管流 pipe flow, tube flow内流 internal flow拟序结构 coherent structure 猝发过程 bursting process表观粘度 apparent viscosity 运动粘性 kinematic viscosity 动力粘性 dynamic viscosity泊 poise厘泊 centipoise厘沱 centistoke剪切层 shear layer次层 sublayer流动分离 flow separation层流分离 laminar separation 湍流分离 turbulent separation 分离点 separation point附着点 attachment point再附 reattachment再层流化 relaminarization起动涡 starting vortex驻涡 standing vortex涡旋破碎 vortex breakdown涡旋脱落 vortex shedding压[力]降 pressure drop压差阻力 pressure drag压力能 pressure energy型阻 profile drag滑移速度 slip velocity无滑移条件 non-slip condition壁剪应力 skin friction, frictional drag 壁剪切速度 friction velocity磨擦损失 friction loss磨擦因子 friction factor耗散 dissipation滞后 lag相似性解 similar solution局域相似 local similarity气体润滑 gas lubrication液体动力润滑 hydrodynamic lubrication浆体 slurry泰勒数 Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程 Navier-Stokes equation牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid边界层理论 boundary later theory边界层方程 boundary layer equation边界层 boundary layer附面层 boundary layer层流边界层 laminar boundary layer湍流边界层 turbulent boundary layer温度边界层 thermal boundary layer边界层转捩 boundary layer transition边界层分离 boundary layer separation边界层厚度 boundary layer thickness位移厚度 displacement thickness本文来自: 恒星英语学习网() 详细出处参考:/word/sxwl/2009-01-26/66896.html动量厚度 momentum thickness能量厚度 energy thickness焓厚度 enthalpy thickness注入 injection吸出 suction泰勒涡 Taylor vortex速度亏损律 velocity defect law形状因子 shape factor测速法 anemometry粘度测定法 visco[si] metry流动显示 flow visualization油烟显示 oil smoke visualization孔板流量计 orifice meter频率响应 frequency response油膜显示 oil film visualization阴影法 shadow method纹影法 schlieren method烟丝法 smoke wire method丝线法 tuft method氢泡法 nydrogen bubble method相似理论 similarity theory相似律 similarity law部分相似 partial similarity定理 pi theorem, Buckingham theorem 静[态]校准 static calibration动态校准 dynamic calibration风洞 wind tunnel激波管 shock tube激波管风洞 shock tube wind tunnel水洞 water tunnel拖曳水池 towing tank旋臂水池 rotating arm basin扩散段 diffuser测压孔 pressure tap皮托管 pitot tube普雷斯顿管 preston tube斯坦顿管 Stanton tube文丘里管 Venturi tubeU形管 U-tube压强计 manometer微压计 micromanometer多管压强计 multiple manometer静压管 static [pressure]tube流速计 anemometer风速管 Pitot- static tube激光多普勒测速计 laser Doppler anemometer, laser Doppler velocimeter 热线流速计 hot-wire anemometer热膜流速计 hot- film anemometer流量计 flow meter粘度计 visco[si] meter涡量计 vorticity meter传感器 transducer, sensor压强传感器 pressure transducer热敏电阻 thermistor示踪物 tracer时间线 time line脉线 streak line尺度效应 scale effect壁效应 wall effect堵塞 blockage堵寒效应 blockage effect动态响应 dynamic response响应频率 response frequency底压 base pressure菲克定律 Fick law巴塞特力 Basset force埃克特数 Eckert number格拉斯霍夫数 Grashof number努塞特数 Nusselt number普朗特数 prandtl number雷诺比拟 Reynolds analogy施密特数 schmidt number斯坦顿数 Stanton number对流 convection自由对流 natural convection, free convec-tion 强迫对流 forced convection热对流 heat convection质量传递 mass transfer传质系数 mass transfer coefficient热量传递 heat transfer传热系数 heat transfer coefficient对流传热 convective heat transfer辐射传热 radiative heat transfer动量交换 momentum transfer能量传递 energy transfer传导 conduction热传导 conductive heat transfer热交换 heat exchange临界热通量 critical heat flux浓度 concentration扩散 diffusion扩散性 diffusivity扩散率 diffusivity扩散速度 diffusion velocity分子扩散 molecular diffusion沸腾 boiling蒸发 evaporation气化 gasification凝结 condensation成核 nucleation计算流体力学 computational fluid mechanics 多重尺度问题 multiple scale problem伯格斯方程 Burgers equation对流扩散方程 convection diffusion equation KDU方程 KDV equation修正微分方程 modified differential equation 拉克斯等价定理 Lax equivalence theorem数值模拟 numerical simulation大涡模拟 large eddy simulation数值粘性 numerical viscosity。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction

5 基于Mumford泛函和Level set的主动轮廓模型及贴壁细胞分割解析

5 基于Mumford泛函和Level set的主动轮廓模型及贴壁细胞分割解析

5 基于Mumford泛函和Level set的主动轮廓模型及贴壁细胞分割自从Kass等在1987年提出主动轮廓模型,由于其独特的优势而被广泛应用于图像处理和计算机视觉领域,例如形状描述、物体定位、图像分割等。


本文将基于Mumford-Shan泛函和Level set的主动轮廓模型用于贴壁细胞的分割,并结合形态学的基本操作,得到理想的结果。

5.1 引言主动轮廓模型(Active Contour Model或Snake)最早由Kass等[1]在1987年提出,这种模型具有自动改变形状以及一旦开始不再需要人工干预的特点,它的基本思想是一个假定的轮廓基于能量最小化方法演化,同时轮廓在演化过程中受到外部力、内部图像力和人为限制项的约束,直到它停止在感兴趣物体的边界。


故出现了许多改进型,按是否可以用少量参数捕捉、表述物体的形状,它们可分为两大类:参数化主动轮廓模型(Parameter active contour, PAC)和非参数化(也叫几何化)主动轮廓模型(Geometric active contour , GAC)[2,3]。



Balloons[4]方法是针对初始轮廓必须位于所要分割的物体边缘这一局限提出的,它的思想是提高外部能量所能捕获的范围,它在外力中增加了膨胀力;梯度矢量流(Gradient Vector Flow,GVF)方法[5]等是针对轮廓不能移动到物体的边缘凹度这一难题提出的,此法设计了一种基于梯度向量流的新的外力,在整个图像域计算梯度场,扩大了轮廓在扩散过程中的捕获区域,从而促使轮廓到达边缘的凹陷部分;梯度向量扩散(Gradient Vector Diffusion,GVD)[6]的方法,应用向量数量和方向的扩散,大大地推动了向量的扩散行为。


t u F1 (u) t u F2 (u)
t u F1 (u) CF2 (u)
• 此结果选自: 张亶,陈刚,基于偏微分方程的图像处理, 北京:高等教育出版社,2004
i 1, j 1
i 1, j
i 1, j 1
目标像素 i, j 与它的邻域

xx i,

un i1,

un i1,
2uin, j




彩色眼底图像视盘自动定位与分割邹北骥;张思剑;朱承璋【摘要】针对彩色眼底图像视盘定位时图像边缘高亮环对定位准确率的影响,提出了一种有效的图像预处理方法.针对已有的视盘分割算法中存在的问题,提出了一种结合形态学、椭圆拟合及梯度矢量流(GVF) Snake模型的分割算法.提出的预处理方法首先利用最小二乘法拟合出眼底图像的边界,然后裁剪掉边界的一部分高亮像素点,最后进行视盘定位.视盘分割算法则首先进行血管擦除,然后用椭圆拟合提取初始轮廓,最后使用GVF Snake精确调整视盘边界.用提出的方法对Messidor眼底图像数据库1 200幅图像上进行了实验,结果显示:视盘定位准确率由原来没经过预处理的95.4%提升到了98.7%;视盘分割错误率与当前已知最好的算法相比由12.5%降低到了9.39%.结果表明:提出的眼底图像视盘自动定位与分割方法准确率高、实用性强,可以用于眼科疾病的计算机辅助诊断.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2015(023)004【总页数】9页(P1187-1195)【关键词】彩色眼底图像;图像预处理;视盘定位;视盘分割【作者】邹北骥;张思剑;朱承璋【作者单位】中南大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410083;“移动医疗”教育部-中国移动联合实验室,湖南长沙410083;中南大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410083;“移动医疗”教育部-中国移动联合实验室,湖南长沙410083;中南大学信息科学与工程学院,湖南长沙410083;“移动医疗”教育部-中国移动联合实验室,湖南长沙410083;湖南理工学院,湖南岳阳414000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.7;R770.41 引言彩色眼底图是眼科疾病诊断的最基本检查方式。





固井:Cement Job(固井施工)Cementing Plug (打水泥塞)Cement Drilling(钻水泥塞)Squeeze Cementing(挤水泥)Cement Slurry (水泥浆)Top of Cement(水泥返高面)Bump Plug(碰压)Spacer(隔离液)Loss Circulation Zone(漏失层)Thief Zone(高渗透层)工程&施工过程名称:Blow Out Preventor (BOP) Drill (防喷演习) Cement Drilling(钻水泥塞)Annulus(环空)Preventative Measurement(预防措施)Fracture Gradient(压裂梯度)工程、泵、管线设备:Desander(除砂器)Desilter(除泥器)Degaser(除气器)Active Pits(循环罐)Build Mud(配泥浆)Sheat Tanks(剪切罐)Mud Mixing Hopper(泥浆搅拌漏斗)Fixed Mud Gun(固定泥浆枪)Movable Mud Gun(摇转式泥浆枪)Suction Tank or Mud Tank(泥浆池)Settling Pit(沉砂池)Mud Return Ditch(泥浆槽)Shale Shaker(震动筛)Mesh(筛布)泵:Flow Rate (排量)Centrifugal Water Pump (离心泵)Slush Pump(泥浆泵)管线:Choke Manifold(节流管汇)Cross Tee(四通)Mud Tank Connections(泥浆池连通管)Water Supply Line(供水管线)Suction Line(上水管线)Mud Line Manifold(泥浆管线)各种完井液:完井液)Cement Slurry(水泥浆)fracturing fluid, breakdown fluid, frac fluid,(压裂液)preflush, ahead fluid, pad fluid, (前置液)displacement fluid, (顶替液)insulating liquid, seal liquid, spacer fluid, (隔离液)Filtrate(滤液)Contaminants(混油、杂质)泥浆性能:Mud Properties (泥浆性能)Specific Gravity (相对密度)Density(密度)Shear force (切力)Gel Strength (Gels)(静切力&胶凝强度)Sand cut, sand content (含砂)Mud cake, cake ,Wall Cake (泥饼)pH=potential of Hydrogen, (氢离子浓度倒数的对数Ph=log10(1/<H+>), 如:Ph meter, ph valueFunnel Viscosity(VIS)(漏斗粘度)Plastic Viscosity(PV) (塑性粘度)Water Loss(WL) (失水)Yield Point(屈服值)Filtrate(滤液)岩层、矿物、滤液等性质:Streak(条痕)Luster(光泽)Resistivity(电阻率)Conductor(电导)Viscosity (粘度)Saturation(饱和度,S)Relative Saturation(相对饱和度)Permeability(渗透率,K)Porosity(孔隙度,Ф)Concentration(浓度)Solubility(溶解度)Hardness/Induration(硬度)Critical Pressure(临界压力)Electrical Stability(电性)Dilute(稀释)取心作业:Coring Operation (取心作业)Recovery(收获率)(Diamond) (Bit )Coring Barrel(取芯筒)Inner Barrel(内筒)Fixed-cutter Core Bit(镶齿取芯筒)Core Catcher(岩心爪)Water Courses(水眼)Sidewall Cores (井壁取心)Sidewall Core Gun(井壁取芯器)Explosive(爆炸装置)含油级别:Gas Shows(气显示)Oil Shows(油显示)Oil Saturated(饱含油)Oil Immersed(富含油)Oil Soaked(油侵)Oil Stain(油斑)Oil Trace(油迹)Fluorescence(荧光—Fluorescence,直照-Cut Fluorescence,滴照)Ultraviolet(紫外线)----Distribution(分布),Color(颜色),Intensity(强度),Fluorescence(荧光)油气水解释:Oil Layer(油层)Oil-water Layer(油水同层)Water With Oil Layer(含油水层0Dry Layer(干层)Gas Layer(气层)Gas-water Layer(气水同层)Water Layer(水层)油、气、水:Hydrocarbon (烃)Paraffins(烷烃)Methane (C1)Ethane (C2)Propane (C3)Normal Butane (nC4)Iso-butane (iC4)Normal Hexane (nC5)Iso-hexane (iC5)Peak(峰值)Acetylence(乙炔)Non-hydrocarbon Gasea (非烃)Inert(惰性)--Helium(He),Argon(氩),Radon(氡)Acidic—Nitrogen(N2),Carbon Dioxide(CO2),HydrogenSulfide(H2S),Hydrogen(H2), Chlorides(氯化物)Hydrocarbon Liquids(流体):Oil—Paraffinic(石蜡),Aromatic(芳香烃)Characterisics—Fluorescence(Color,Quantity,Intensity强度&级别) ,Stain(染色),Odor,Cut,Cut fluorescence(滴照)Sulphide(硫化物),Dioxide(二氧化碳),Chlorides(氯化物)Carbon Black(碳黑)Asphalt/Pitch/Bitumen(沥青)Wet Gas(湿气)Dry Gas(干气)Gas Cap(气顶)Free Gas/Liberated Gas(游离气)Associated Natural Gas(伴生气)Gasoline(汽油)Kerosene(柴油)Lubricants(润滑油)Carbon Black(碳黑)Biogenic Gas(生物气体)Gas Injection(注气)Lean Gas (贫气)Background Gas (背景气)Tripping Gas(起、下钻气)Short Trip Gas(短起下气)Survey Gas(测斜气)Pump-off Gas(停泵气体)Gas Aftereffects(后效气)Secondary Gas Aftereffects(二次后效气)Pipe Gas,Connection Gas,Kelly-cut Gas(接单根气)Calibrated Gas(试验气)Post-Drilling Gas(钻后气)Ditch Blackground(钻井液池背景气)Gas Shows(气显示)Oil Shows(油显示)Gas seep(气苗)Seepage(油苗)Gas Injection (注气)Contaminated(被污染的) Gas(污染气,由于加入了荧光添加剂或泥浆受到了其它物品的污染而使气体基值幅度上升,此时,应及时标注该项)Contaminants(混油、杂质)记录&报表&完井报告:Spud In(开钻)Finish Drilling(完钻)Drilling to Completion(完钻----设计井深)Total Depth(完钻井深)Driller Adjust Depth(可钻校正井深)Completion(完井)Completion Operation(完井作业)Spud Date(开钻日期)Logging Start Date /Depth(录井开始时间/深度)Logging End Date /Depth(录井结束时间/深度)Seismic Data(地震数据)Stratigraphic Column(地层柱状剖面图)Lithostratigraphic Classification(岩性地层划分)井别:Scientific Well (参数井)Wild cat Well (预探井)Exploration Well (探井)Evaluation Well (评价井)Production Well (生产井)完井作业:Measurement After Drilling(钻后测量,MAD)Bottom Hole Pressure Test (井底压力测试)DST (中途测试)Formation Leak-off Test (地层破裂压力测试)Pressure Testing (试压)Monitor Pressure(监控压力)Plug Back (填井)Sidetracking (侧钻)Percussion Operation (射孔)Cementing Plug (打水泥塞)Open Hole Completion (裸眼完井)Waiting On Cement (侯凝)Cement Job(固井施工)Acidizing (酸化)Gas Injection (注气)Contaminants(混油、杂质)各种管具、工具:Internal Flush Tool Joint(内平式接头)Streamline Tool Joint, Full Hole Tool Joint(贯眼式接头)Regular Tool Joint(正规式接头)Internal Upset(内加厚)External Upset(外加厚)Saver Sub(保护接头)钻杆:Spiral-wate Drill Pipe(螺旋加重钻杆)High Weight Drill Pipe (加重钻杆,HWDP)Kelly (方钻杆)钻头:Jet Nozzles (钻头喷嘴)Cutter Bit(牙轮钻头)Turbo-drilling(涡轮)New Bit(新钻头,NB)Core Bit(取芯钻头,CB)Rerun Bit(再次使用钻头,RRB)Rerun Core Bit(再次使用取芯钻头RRCB)钻铤:Non-magnetic Drill Collars(无磁钻铤)Pendulum Effect(钟摆效应)----纠斜套管:Casing(套管)Shallow Surface Casing(表套)Wellhead,Casing Head(套管头)Float Collar(浮箍)Float Nose = Guide Shoe = Set Shoe (引鞋) Loss Circulation Zone(漏失层)Thief Zone (高渗透层)其他:Female Threaded(母扣)Male Threaded(公扣)Pipe Tally (钻具记录)Bottom Hole Assembly(井底钻具组合,BHA) Under Reamer(U/R) (扩大器)Reaming (扩眼器)Stabilizer(扶正器)Jar (振击器)Conductor Pipe (导管)Liner (尾管)Stovepipe (大直径导管)Tubing(导管/尾管)Bridge Plug(桥塞)Slug(断塞)Deflecting Tool (造斜工具)Kick-off Point(造斜点)Back Pressure V alve(回压凡尔)Float(单向阀)Ramp (坡道)Cone (牙轮)Leg of Bit (巴掌)Roller (滚珠)Hose(软管)大地方位:Coordinates(坐标系)Latitude(纬度)Longitude(经度)Township(镇区)Region(地区)Drift (偏移)Direction/Orientation(方位)Deviation(井斜)Azimuth,Bearing(方位角)Inclination(倾角)Strike(走向)Dip Direction(倾向)Dip Angle(倾角)Hole Deviation (井斜)Deflecting Angle(造斜角)Kick-off Point(造斜点)Seismic Data(地震)测井及测斜:Seismic Data(地震)Deviation Survey(测斜)Syphon Survey(虹吸测斜)Drop Survey (投测)Take a Totco Survey,Wire Line Survey(吊测)Strike(走向)Dip Direction(倾向)Dip Angle(倾角)Hole Deviation (井斜)Correct Drift (纠斜)Deflecting Angle(造斜角)Kick-off Point(造斜点)Drift (偏移)Direction(方位)Deviation(井斜)Azimuth,Bearing(方位角)Inclination(倾角)Displacement(位移)Caliper(测径仪)Deflecting Tool (造斜工具)DST (中途测试)Caliper Log (井径测井)BHCS (井眼补偿声波测井)CNL (补偿中子测井)Density Log (密度测井)DIL (双感应测井)Formation Density Log (地层密度测井)GR Log (自然伽玛测井)Induction Log (感应测井)Laterolog (侧向测井)Lithologic Log (岩性测井)LDL (岩性密度测井)Long Normal Resistivity Log (长电位电阻率测井)Short Normal Resistivity Log (短电位电阻率测井)NL (中子测井)Radioactivity Log (放射性测井)Sonic Log (声波测井)SP Log (自然电位测井)Temperature Log (温度测井)Wire Line Log (电缆测井)Acoustic V elocity Log (声速测井)Deflecting (造斜,如:Deflecting Angle造斜角,Deflecting Tool造斜工具) 报表记录名称:Pipe Tally (钻具记录)Worksheet(工作报表)Geologic Literature(地质文献)仪器::New Bit(新钻头,NB)Core Bit(取芯钻头,CB)Rerun Bit(再次使用钻头,RRB)Rerun Core Bit(再次使用取芯钻头RRCB)Gas Extractor/Gas Trap (电脱)Change The Chromatogragh Ratio(改变图谱比例)Quantity Fluorescence Test(QFT) (定量荧光分析)Flame Ionization Detector(FID) (火焰离子鉴定器)Transerormer(变压器)Air Compressor(空气压缩机)Nominal V oltage(额定电压)Trivolt(三相电)Bivolt(二相电)Silicagel(硅胶)Safety Barrier(安全栅)Shaft Encoder(转轴编码器)Log Suite(录井组图)Peak(峰值)Lag Time----Down Time(下行时间),Lag Time(上行时间), Time to Travel Through The Surface Equipment(地面管汇滞后)Stratigraphic Column(地层柱状剖面图)Lithostratigraphic Classification(岩性地层划分)Microscope(显微镜)Sample Tray(取样盘)Single-edged(单面刀片)Abbreviation(缩略、写)Linear(线性)Logarithmic(对数)Pseudo-logarithmetic(虚拟对数)Histogram Fashion(矩形图)V ector Plot(矢量图)Square-plot(方格图)Drafted(草描)Remarks Column(备注栏)Calc imetry(灰质含量)Seismic Data(地震)室外:◆Flow Line(架空槽)◆Guard (of Rotary Drive) (转盘链条罩)◆Rotary Table(转盘)◆Rotary Hook(大钩)◆Draw Works(绞车)◆Substructure (under Drawworks) (绞车底座)◆Buffering Tank(缓冲罐)◆Damping(阻尼)构造:皱曲要素:◆皱曲要素Elements (constituents) of Fold◆翼和翼角:limb◆顶和槽:apex, top◆枢纽:Pivot, hinge,◆轴面:Axial surface pinacoid, axial plane,其他:Dome(穹窿)地质术语:沉积相组及各相组的相:陆相组(terrestrial facies, continental facies):◆残积相(sedimentary facies),坡积相(talus facies, outwash facies),山麓-洪积相(piedmont-alluvial facies),河流相(fluvial facies),湖泊相(lacustrine facies, lagoonal facies),沼泽相(paludal facies),风成相(Aeolian facies),冰川相(glacial facies)。

化工原理英文教材-分离-相间扩散和传质原理Principles of Diffusion and Mass Transfer Between Phases

化工原理英文教材-分离-相间扩散和传质原理Principles of Diffusion and Mass Transfer Between Phases

cAM A cBM B const
LVab,,xyab VVbb,,yybb VLb ,b ,yxb b LLbb,,xxbb LVb ,,xyb VV,,yy
VL,,yx VLLa,,,xxya
Ay Dfroirvciyneyg
force x
VLa,,xya La , xa
J A N A cAu0 cA(uA u0 ) (17.4)
J A =Diffusion flux of component A in the mixture
J B NB cBu0 cB (uB u0 ) (17.5) J B =Diffusion flux of component B in the mixture



引言英文文献原文Digital image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection of cancerCancer is the second leading cause of death for both men and women in the world , and is expected to become the leading cause of death in the next few decades . In recent years , cancer detection has become a significant area of research activities in the image processing and pattern recognition community .Medical imaging technologies have already made a great impact on our capabilities of detecting cancer early and diagnosing the disease more accurately . In order to further improve the efficiency and veracity of diagnoses and treatment , image processing and pattern recognition techniques have been widely applied to analysis and recognition of cancer , evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment , and prediction of the development of cancer . The aim of this special issue is to bring together researchers working on image processing and pattern recognition techniques for the detection and assessment of cancer , and to promote research in image processing and pattern recognition for oncology . A number of papers were submitted to this special issue and each was peer-reviewed by at least three experts in the field . From these submitted papers , 17were finally selected for inclusion in this special issue . These selected papers cover a broad range of topics that are representative of the state-of-the-art in computer-aided detection or diagnosis(CAD)of cancer . They cover several imaging modalities(such as CT , MRI , and mammography) and different types of cancer (including breast cancer , skin cancer , etc.) , which we summarize below .Skin cancer is the most prevalent among all types of cancers . Three papers in this special issue deal with skin cancer . Y uan et al. propose a skin lesion segmentation method. The method is based on region fusion and narrow-band energy graph partitioning . The method can deal with challenging situations with skin lesions , such as topological changes , weak or false edges , and asymmetry . T ang proposes a snake-based approach using multi-direction gradient vector flow (GVF) for the segmentation of skin cancer images . A new anisotropic diffusion filter is developed as a preprocessing step . After the noise is removed , the image is segmented using a GVF1snake . The proposed method is robust to noise and can correctly trace the boundary of the skin cancer even if there are other objects near the skin cancer region . Serrano et al. present a method based on Markov random fields (MRF) to detect different patterns in dermoscopic images . Different from previous approaches on automatic dermatological image classification with the ABCD rule (Asymmetry , Border irregularity , Color variegation , and Diameter greater than 6mm or growing) , this paper follows a new trend to look for specific patterns in lesions which could lead physicians to a clinical assessment.Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer other than skin cancer and a leading cause of cancer deaths in women in developed countries . In recent years , CAD schemes have been developed as a potentially efficacious solution to improving radiologists’diagnostic accuracy in breast cancer screening and diagnosis . The predominant approach of CAD in breast cancer and medical imaging in general is to use automated image analysis to serve as a “second reader”, with the aim of improving radiologists’diagnostic performance . Thanks to intense research and development efforts , CAD schemes have now been introduces in screening mammography , and clinical studies have shown that such schemes can result in higher sensitivity at the cost of a small increase in recall rate . In this issue , we have three papers in the area of CAD for breast cancer . Wei et al. propose an image-retrieval based approach to CAD , in which retrieved images similar to that being evaluated (called the query image) are used to support a CAD classifier , yielding an improved measure of malignancy . This involves searching a large database for the images that are most similar to the query image , based on features that are automatically extracted from the images . Dominguez et al. investigate the use of image features characterizing the boundary contours of mass lesions in mammograms for classification of benign vs. Malignant masses . They study and evaluate the impact of these features on diagnostic accuracy with several different classifier designs when the lesion contours are extracted using two different automatic segmentation techniques . Schaefer et al. study the use of thermal imaging for breast cancer detection . In their scheme , statistical features are extracted from thermograms to quantify bilateral differences between left and right breast regions , which are used subsequently as input to a fuzzy-rule-based classification system for diagnosis.Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men and women , and also the third mostcommon cause of cancer-related death in the USA . Y ao et al. propose a novel technique to detect colonic polyps using CT Colonography . They use ideas from geographic information systems to employ topographical height maps , which mimic the procedure used by radiologists for the detection of polyps . The technique can also be used to measure consistently the size of polyps . Hafner et al. present a technique to classify and assess colonic polyps , which are precursors of colorectal cancer . The classification is performed based on the pit-pattern in zoom-endoscopy images . They propose a novel color waveler cross co-occurence matrix which employs the wavelet transform to extract texture features from color channels.Lung cancer occurs most commonly between the ages of 45 and 70 years , and has one of the worse survival rates of all the types of cancer . Two papers are included in this special issue on lung cancer research . Pattichis et al. evaluate new mathematical models that are based on statistics , logic functions , and several statistical classifiers to analyze reader performance in grading chest radiographs for pneumoconiosis . The technique can be potentially applied to the detection of nodules related to early stages of lung cancer . El-Baz et al. focus on the early diagnosis of pulmonary nodules that may lead to lung cancer . Their methods monitor the development of lung nodules in successive low-dose chest CT scans . They propose a new two-step registration method to align globally and locally two detected nodules . Experments on a relatively large data set demonstrate that the proposed registration method contributes to precise identification and diagnosis of nodule development .It is estimated that almost a quarter of a million people in the USA are living with kidney cancer and that the number increases by 51000 every year . Linguraru et al. propose a computer-assisted radiology tool to assess renal tumors in contrast-enhanced CT for the management of tumor diagnosis and response to treatment . The tool accurately segments , measures , and characterizes renal tumors, and has been adopted in clinical practice . V alidation against manual tools shows high correlation .Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system and one of the most malignant diseases affecting children . Two papers in this field are included in this special issue . Sertel et al. present techniques for classification of the degree of Schwannian stromal development as either stroma-rich or stroma-poor , which is a critical decision factor affecting theprognosis . The classification is based on texture features extracted using co-occurrence statistics and local binary patterns . Their work is useful in helping pathologists in the decision-making process . Kong et al. propose image processing and pattern recognition techniques to classify the grade of neuroblastic differentiation on whole-slide histology images . The presented technique is promising to facilitate grading of whole-slide images of neuroblastoma biopsies with high throughput .This special issue also includes papers which are not derectly focused on the detection or diagnosis of a specific type of cancer but deal with the development of techniques applicable to cancer detection . T a et al. propose a framework of graph-based tools for the segmentation of microscopic cellular images . Based on the framework , automatic or interactive segmentation schemes are developed for color cytological and histological images . T osun et al. propose an object-oriented segmentation algorithm for biopsy images for the detection of cancer . The proposed algorithm uses a homogeneity measure based on the distribution of the objects to characterize tissue components . Colon biopsy images were used to verify the effectiveness of the method ; the segmentation accuracy was improved as compared to its pixel-based counterpart . Narasimha et al. present a machine-learning tool for automatic texton-based joint classification and segmentation of mitochondria in MNT-1 cells imaged using an ion-abrasion scanning electron microscope . The proposed approach has minimal user intervention and can achieve high classification accuracy . El Naqa et al. investigate intensity-volume histogram metrics as well as shape and texture features extracted from PET images to predict a patient’s response to treatment . Preliminary results suggest that the proposed approach could potentially provide better tools and discriminant power for functional imaging in clinical prognosis.We hope that the collection of the selected papers in this special issue will serve as a basis for inspiring further rigorous research in CAD of various types of cancer . We invite you to explore this special issue and benefit from these papers .On behalf of the Editorial Committee , we take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the autors and the reviewers for their diligence in abilding by the editorial timeline . Our thanks also go to the Editors-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition , Dr. Robert S. Ledley and Dr.C.Y. Suen , for their encouragement and support for this special issue .英文文献译文数字图像处理和模式识别技术关于检测癌症的应用世界上癌症是对于人类(不论男人还是女人)生命的第二杀手。



肺部CT图像气管树分割技术研究进展段辉宏;龚敬;王丽嘉;李鑫宇;聂生东【摘要】肺部气管是人体与外界进行气体交换的唯一通路;其解剖结构信息可用于诊断呼吸系统疾病.计算机断层扫描技术(CT)是检测呼吸系统疾病的主要手段,但因就诊人数多、图像数据量大等因素;导致人工阅片费时费力.而肺部气管树的自动提取与分割;是实现自动化定量分析与呼吸系统疾病辅助诊断的前提.首先对肺部气管树分割技术的背景及意义进行介绍;然后分析对比传统分割技术、基于管状结构检测的分割技术以及基于机器学习的分割技术所运用的研究方法和存在的问题.最后指出提高肺部气管树分割效果;依赖于将气管分割技术与泄漏剔除技术相互结合;需要在尽可能分割出多数气管树分枝的基础上;消除分割结果中存在的伪气管区域.【期刊名称】《中国生物医学工程学报》【年(卷),期】2018(037)006【总页数】10页(P739-748)【关键词】CT图像;肺部气管;分割【作者】段辉宏;龚敬;王丽嘉;李鑫宇;聂生东【作者单位】上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院,上海 200082;上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院,上海 200082;上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院,上海 200082;上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院,上海 200082;中国生物医学工程学会【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R318引言肺部气管是人体重要的组织器官,同时也是与外界环境进行气体交换的重要场所。





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Gradient Vector Flow:A New External Force for SnakesChenyang Xu and Jerry L.PrinceDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore,MD21218AbstractSnakes,or active contours,are used extensively in com-puter vision and image processing applications,particu-larly to locate object boundaries.Problems associated with initialization and poor convergence to concave boundaries, however,have limited their utility.This paper develops a new external force for active contours,largely solving both problems.This external force,which we call gradient vec-torflow(GVF),is computed as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map derived from the image.The resultantfield has a large capture range and forces active contours into concave regions.Examples on simulated images and one real image are presented.1IntroductionSnakes[10],or active contours,are curves defined within an image domain that can move under the influence of inter-nal forces within the curve itself and external forces derived from the image data.The internal and external forces are defined so that the snake will conform to an object boundary or other desired features within an image.Snakes are widely used in many applications,including edge detection[10], shape modeling[16],segmentation[12],and motion track-ing[17].There are two general types of active contour models in the literature today:parametric active contours[10]and geometric active contours[1,13].In this paper,we focus on parametric active contours,which synthesize parametric curves within an image domain and allow them to move to-ward desired features,usually edges.Typically,the curves are drawn toward the edges by potential forces,which are defined to be the negative gradient of a potential function. Additional forces,such as pressure forces[4],together with the potential forces comprise the external forces.There are also internal forces designed to hold the curve together This paper is a condensed version of a paper that will appear in IEEE Trans.on Image Proc..This research was supported by NSF grant MIP9350336.Please address correspondence to prince@.(elasticity forces)and to keep it from bending too much (bending forces).There are two key difficulties with active contour al-gorithms.First,the initial contour must,in general,be close to the true boundary or else it will likely converge to the wrong result.The second problem is that active con-tours have difficulties progressing into concave boundary regions[7].Although many methods such as multireso-lution methods[11],pressure forces[4],distance potential forces[5],control points[7],and using solenoidal external fields[14]have been proposed,they either solve one prob-lem or solve both but creating new difficulties.For example, multiresolution methods have addressed the issue of initial-ization,but specifying how the snake should move across different resolutions remains problematic.Another exam-ple is that of pressure forces,which can push an active con-tour into boundary concavities,but cannot be too strong or “weak”edges will be overwhelmed[15].In this paper,we present a new class of external forces for active contour models that addresses the problems listed above.Thesefields,which we call gradient vectorflow (GVF)fields,are dense vectorfields derived from images by minimizing an energy functional in a variational frame-work.The minimization is achieved by solving a pair of de-coupled linear partial differential equations which diffuses the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map com-puted from the image.We call the active contour that uses the GVFfield as its external force a GVF snake.Particu-lar advantages of the GVF snake over a traditional snake are its insensitivity to initialization and ability to move into concave boundary regions.2Background2.1Parametric Snake ModelA traditional snake is a curve,,that moves through the spatial domain of an image to minimize the energy functional(1)where and are weighting parameters that control the snake's tension and rigidity,respectively.and denote thefirst and second derivatives of with respect to.The external energy function is derived from the image so that it takes on its smaller values at the features of interest,such as boundaries.Given a gray-level image(viewed as a function of continuous position variables),typical external en-ergies designed to lead an active contour toward step edges are[10]:(2)(3) where is a two-dimensional Gaussian function with standard deviation and is the gradient operator. If the image is a line drawing(black on white),then appro-priate external energies include[4]:(4)(5)It is easy to see from these definitions that larger's will cause the boundaries to become blurry and distorted.Such large's are often necessary,however,in order to make the effect of the boundary“felt”at some distance from the boundary—i.e.,to increase the“capture range”of the ac-tive contour.A snake that minimizes must satisfy the Euler equa-tion(6) This can be viewed as a force balance equationwhere and. The internal force discourages stretching and bending while the external potential force pulls the snake to-wards the desired image contour.Tofind a solution to(6),the snake is made dynamic by treating as function of time as well as—i.e.,. Then,the partial derivative of with respect to is then set equal to the left hand side of(6)as follows(7)When the solution stabilizes,the term van-ishes and we achieve a solution of(6).This dynamic equa-tion can also be viewed as a gradient descent algorithm[3] designed to solve(1).A solution to(7)can be found by discretizing the equation and solving the discrete system it-eratively(cf.[10]).2.2Generalized Force Balance EquationsThe external forces generated from the variational for-mulation(1)must enter the force balance equation(6)as a static irrotationalfield.1To add additionalflexibility to the snake model,it is possible to start from the force balance equation directly,and to replace with another force ,which need not be irrotational,as follows(8) Balloon models[4]comprise an important example of this approach.In these models is the sum of the traditional potential forces and pressure(or normal)forces,which act in a direction normal to the curve.This increases the capture range of an active contour,but also requires that the balloon be initialized to either shrink or grow.Also,the strength of the pressure forces may be difficult to set,since they must be large enough to overcome weak edges and noise,but small enough so they do not overwhelm legitimate edge forces.In this paper,we consider active contour formulations that do not include pressure forces.Without pressure forces,two issues become problematic: initialization and convergence to concave regions.Initial-ization is a problem because the capture range of the tradi-tional potential force is generally small.The capture range can be increased by using a larger,but this blurs and dis-torts the edges.This difficulty can be addressed using a multiresolution approach,but scheduling changes lead to extremely complex,and ad hoc,algorithms.The distance potential forces of Cohen and Cohen[5]increase the cap-ture range in an effective manner;however,as we have shown in[18]it does not solve the second issue.Convergence to concave regions is a problem in tradi-tional snakes,because the contour is often left split across boundary concavities.An example of this problem is shown in Fig.1.Fig.1a shows a(pixel)line drawing of a U-shaped object having a concave region(as viewed from the outside)at the top of thefigure,and Fig.1c shows a sequence of curves depicting the iterative progression of a traditional snake(,,no pressure forces) toward the boundary.Thefinal solution solves the Euler equations of the snake formulation,but remains split across the concave region.The reason for the poor convergence in Fig.1c is re-vealed in Fig.1b,where the potential forcefield,with(pixels),for this example is depicted.Al-though thefield correctly points toward the object boundary, in the concave portion the forces point horizontally in oppo-site directions.Thus,the curve is“pulled”apart toward the U-shape,but not made to progress downward into the con-cave region.The poor performance in this example lies in 1An irrotationalfield is the gradient of a scalarfield.Sometimes these fields are called conservative or curl-freefields.(a)(c)(b)Figure 1.A snake with traditional potential forces cannot move into the concave bound-ary region.the problem formulation,not its method of solution.In the following section,we introduce a new external force formu-lation which largely solves the problems discussed above.3Gradient Vector Flow FieldOur overall approach is to define a new non-irrotational external force field,which we call the gradient vector flow (GVF)fiing a force balance condition as a starting point (rather than a variational formulation)we then let the GVF field replace the potential force field in (7),defining a new snake,which we call the GVF snake .The GVF field points toward the object boundary when very near to the boundary,but varies smoothly over homogeneous image re-gions,extending to the image border.The main advantages of the GVF field are that it can capture a snake from a long range —from either side of the object boundary —and can force it into concave regions.3.1Edge MapWe begin by defining an edge map derived from the image having the property that it is larger near the image edges 2.Accordingly,we can use(9)where ,2,3,or 4.The field has vectors point-ing toward the edges,but it has a narrow capture range,in general.Furthermore,in homogeneous regions,isconstant,is zero,and therefore no information about nearby or distant edges is available.2Otherfeatures besides edges can be sought by redefiningtobe larger at desired features of interest,rather than edges.3.2Gradient Vector Flow (GVF)We define the gradient vector flow (GVF)field to be the vector field that minimizes the energy functional(10)This variational formulation follows a standard principle,that of making the result smooth when there is no data.In particular,we see that when is small,the energy is dominated by partial derivatives of the vector field,yield-ing a smooth field.On the other hand,when is large,the second term dominates the integrand,and is minimized by setting .The parameter is a regularization parameter governing the tradeoff between the first term and the second term.This parameter should be set according to the amount of noise present in the image (more noise,increase ).We note that the smoothing term —the first term within the integrand of (10)—is the same term used by Horn and Schunk in their classical formulation of optical flow [9].On one hand,it is known that this term leads to the Laplacian operator in the corresponding Euler equations.On the other hand,it has recently been shown that this term corresponds to an equal penalty on the divergence and curl of the vec-tor field [8].Therefore,the external field resulting from this minimization can be expected to be neither entirely ir-rotational (as are the traditional snake potential fields)nor entirely solenoidal.Using the calculus of variations [6],it can be shown that the GVF can be found by solving the following Euler equa-tions(11a)(11b)where is the Laplacian operator.These equations give us another intuition behind the GVF formulation.We note that in homogeneous regions,the second term of both equations (11a)and (11b)is zero (because the gradient of is zero).Therefore,within these regions,and are each determined by Laplace's equation.This results in a type of “filling-in”of information taken from the boundaries of the region.Equations (11a)and (11b)can be solved by treating and as functions of time and solving(12a)(12b)The steady-state solution(as)of these linear parabolic equations is the desired solution of the Euler equa-tions(11a)and(11b).Note that these equations are decou-pled,and therefore can be solved as separate scalar partial differential equations in and.The equations in(12)are known as generalized diffusion equations,and are known to arise in such diversefields as heat conduction,reactor physics,andfluidflow[2].For us,they have appeared from our description of desirable properties of externalfields for active contours.Diffusion is a natural outcome given the de-sired“filling in”property.A stable explicitfinite difference implementation for solving the steady-state solution of(12) was given in[19].3.3GVF SnakeAfter we compute,we replace the potential force in the dynamic snake equation of(7)by, yielding(13) We call the parametric curve solving the above dynamic equation as a GVF snake.This equation is solved in sim-ilar fashion to the traditional snake—i.e.,by discretization and iterative solution.We note that in[18],we generalized GVF to three di-mensions and implemented a GVF deformable surface.4GVF Fields and GVF SnakesThis section shows several examples of GVF external field computations on simple objects as well as on one real medical image and demonstrates the performance of GVF snakes.The parameters(for GVF)and and(for the snake)are specified in each case.All the edge map func-tions used for computing GVF are pre-normalized to the range.4.1Convergence to a Concave RegionIn ourfirst experiment,we computed the GVFfield for the line drawing of Fig.2a paring the resultingfield,shown in Fig.2b,to the potential forcefield of Fig.1b,reveals several key differences.First,the GVF field has a much larger capture range.It is clear that in order to get this extent using traditional potential forcefields,one would have to use a large in the Gaussianfilter.But this would have the effect of blurring(or perhaps even obliterat-ing)the edges,which is not happening in the GVFfield.A second observation is that the GVF vectors are point-ing somewhat downward into the top of the U-shape,which should cause an active contour to move farther into this con-cave region.Finally,it is clear that the GVFfieldbehaves(a)(c)(b)Figure2.A snake with GVF external forces moves into the concave boundary an analogous fashion when viewed from the inside.That is,the vectors are pointing toward the boundary from as far away as possible and are pointing upward into the concave regions(thefingers of the U-shape)as viewed from the in-side.Fig.2c shows the result of applying a GVF snake with parameters and to the line drawing shown in Fig.2a(using the external GVFfield of Fig.2b).In this case,the snake was initialized farther away from the object than the initialization in Fig.1c,and yet it converges very well to the boundary of the U-shape.It should be noted that the blocky appearance of the U-shape results from the fact that the image is only pixels.The snake itself moves through the continuum(using bilinear interpolation to derive externalfield forces which are not at grid points) to arrive at a sub-pixel interpolation of the boundary.4.2Streamlines of external forcefieldsIt is interesting to compare the capture range between the traditional potential forcefields and GVFfields by look-ing at their streamlines.The streamlines are the paths over which a dense number of free particles move under the in-fluence of external forces when placed in the external force field.Fig.3a gives the streamlines for the potential forcefield of Fig.1b,and Fig.3b gives the streamlines for the GVF field of Fig.2b.Two effects are clear from thisfigure.First, the capture range of GVF is clearly much larger than that of the potential forces.Second,GVF provides downward forces within the concave region at the top of the U-shape, while potential forces only provide sideways forces.(a)(b)Figure 3.Stream lines of particles in (a)a po-tential force field and (b)a GVFfield.(a)(b)(c)Figure 4.A GVF snake converges to the same result from either the inside or the outside.4.3Snake InitializationFig.4a shows the computed GVF ()for the line drawing square shown using gray lines in Figs.4b and 4c.Figs.4b and 4c show GVF snake results using initializations from the inside (Fig.4b)and from the outside (Fig.4c).The two final configurations are nearly indistinguishable from each other,indicating that the GVF snake can be initialized either inside or outside the desired boundary.It should be noted that,unlike pressure forces,the GVF snake does not require the a priori knowledge of whether to shrink or ex-pand.It can also be seen from Figs.4b and 4c that the final con-figuration has slightly rounder corners than the square.This is one of the effects of ,the regularization parameter in the GVF formulation.Choosing smaller will tend to reduce this rounding,but will also reduce the strength of smooth-ing term.It should be noted,however,that thisparticular(a)(b)Figure 5.A GVF snake can also be initialized across the object boundary.image has only pixels,and the rounded corner of the snake is still within one pixel of the original corner.Figs.5a and 5b demonstrate a further initialization in-sensitivity:the initial snake can cross the boundary.The result shown in Fig.5a is nearly indistinguishable from that in Figs.4b and 4c;and the result shown in Fig.5b is nearly indistinguishable from that shown in Fig.2c.Of course,there must be limits on the full range of possible valid GVF snake initializations.A full theoretical and empirical study of these limits is a subject for future research.4.4Gray-level ImagesThe underlying formulation of GVF is valid for gray-level images as well as binary images.To compute GVF for gray-level images,the edge-map function must first be calculated.Two possible choices for the edge-map are or.A motivation for applying some Gaussian fil-tering to the underlying image is to reduce noise.Other more complicated noise-removal techniques such as median filtering,morphological filtering,and anisotropic diffusion could also be used to improve the underlying edge map.Given an edge-map function and an approximation to its gradient,GVF is computed in the usual way using Equa-tion (12).Fig.6a shows a ()magnetic resonance image (short-axis section)of the left ventrical of a human heart.Fig.6b shows an edge map computed usingwith (normalized to the range ).Fig.6c shows the computed GVF,and Fig.6d shows a se-quence of GVF snakes (plotted in a shade of gray)and the GVF snake result (plotted in white),both plotted on the original image.Clearly,many details on the endocardial border are captured by the GVF snake result,including the papillary muscles (the bumps that protrude into the cavity).(a)(b)(c)(d)Figure6.(a)A magnetic resonance image ofthe left ventrical of a human heart(short-axissection).(b)The edge map with .(c)The computed GVF.(d)Initial and intermediate contours(gray curves)and thefinal contour(white curve)of the GVF snake.5ConclusionWe have introduced a new external force model for snakes called gradient vectorflow(GVF).Thefield is cal-culated as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map.We have shown that it allows forflex-ible initialization of the snake and encourages convergence to boundary concavities.Further investigations into the nature and uses of GVFare warranted.A complete characterization of the capture range of the GVFfield would help in snake initialization procedures.Investigations into the optimal selection of the GVF parameter,and the interplay between and the snake parameters and are desirable.Finally,the GVF framework might be useful in defining new connections be-tween parametric and geometric snakes,and might form the basis for a new geometric snake.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Dzung Pham,Sandeep Gupta,and Prof.Joel Spruck for their discussions concern-ing this work.References[1]V.Caselles,F.Catte,T.Coll,and F.Dibos.A geometricmodel for active contours.Numerische Mathematik,66:1–31,1993.[2] A.H.Charles and T.A.Porsching.Numerical Analysis ofPartial Differential Equations.Prentice Hall,Engelwood Cliffs,NJ,1990.[3]I.Cohen,L.D.Cohen,and ing deformablesurfaces to segment3-D images and infer differential struc-tures.CVGIP:Image Understanding,56(2):242–263,Sept.1992.[4]L.D.Cohen.On active contour models and balloons.CVGIP:Image Understanding,53(2):211–218,Mar.1991.[5]L.D.Cohen and 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