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Car is very important nowadays in our life.In Spain every family has a car. but sometimes these families have more than one car. In consequence, it suposes more ecologycal problems. In fact, there are a lot of arguments for and against or having a car.One of the strongest arguments against having a car is the ecologycal problem that is produced by this transport. Pollution is increasing and petroil is decreasing more every year in the world.Furthermore, to drive a car suposes to spend a lot of time and to respect the rules, and if there is a lot of traffic you must wait. There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against having a carthere are several arguments for having a car. Firstly, if you have this vehicle you have also more freedom because you don’t depend on public transport and its timetable. Secondly, you can travel and go wherever you want and the cost of this trip will not be so expensive as travelling by plane. Thridly, for a family of medium class the cost of having a car is better than the cost of paying a different transport for every trip. Finally, if you have an emergency you can drive your car and to solve your problem. In my opinion, the fact of having a car is very important in our society, aulthough it would be necessary that all the families wich have more than one car, they should think in the possibility of use pulic transport. On balance, nowadays there are more people that has started to use gasoil (a product that can sustitute petroil).
As we know that the examination system has come to be the main theme of modern education. Every one from his early child-hood should take endless examinations and succeed in passing them, before he could graduate from a college or university. As much importance has been attached to it in school education, it has been subjected to mounting criticism as to its validity. People in favor of it praise this system to great extent; and those oppos-ing to it maintain that such a system should be abolished. A lot of people think that the examination system should be abolished. In the first place, because of the existence of the exami-nation system, students go out for gaining high marks so that they often forget the main purpose of education. Many so-called "clever" students are nothing but bookworms who merely know the skeleton of knowledge. The aim of education is to enable stu-dents to learn how to live, how to work, and how to contribute to the country with their expertise. To do this, the students must re-ceive training, in physical as well as mental areas. But the present examination system has discouraged students from making such an attempt. To summarize, I really think that the examination system should be further improved instead of being abolished. Hopefully, one day we can study for our ideals without great pressure. And if that is so, I can definitely see a bright future ahead out there wait-ing for us anxiously!
1. [A] very serious
2. [C] hardly ca

re about law and order
3. [D] stealing sweets from a chain store was illegal
4. [C] they have enough money to buy them
5. [D] both A and C
6. [A] know very well what crime is
7. [A] severe punishment once used in the past
8. [D] she went to school in Denmark
9. [C] It was rather cold.
10. [A] complain angrily when handling our luggage
11. [B] They had to buy new furniture.
12. [A] To learn more English.
13. [A] are fond of having anything but meaningless conversations
14. [B] boring
15. [D] good manners are very important to everyone
16. [B] since before the time of Christ
17. [B] among people living close together
18. [C] was not to break out again
19. [C] fifteen million people
20. [A] the virus could not be found and vaccine developed
21. [A] a good international reporting system
22. [D] they change their nature quickly
23. [B] worldwide health organizations
24. [C] Soldier Sickness
25. [D] people who have a lot of free time
26. [A] are in great demand
27. [D] expensive
28. [B] exercise
29. [C] want to keep fit
30. [B] running energetically
31. [C] to show people's interest in exercise
32. [A] did not like any kind of sports
33. [B] vague about his own attitude
34. [A] drought
35. [B] ruined
36. [B] the river could be used for irrigation
37. [C] doubtful
38. [C] Tom was an outsider who had learned farming from books
39. [D] they should buy the new fertilizer with vitamin
40. [D] the water-wagon was once used by a college to carry water
41. [D] none of the above
42. [C] were bent and twisted but not damaged
43. [B] reading more wisely
44. [D] hinders reading efficiency
45. [C] to understand meaning
46. [C] not absolutely essential to the grasp of meaning
47. [C] point at key words
48. [C] a textbook
49. [C] reduces the death rate in traffic accidents
50. [B] make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt
51. [B] Someone who is picking up the children from the local school.
52. [C] to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt
53. [B] The Buildings Designed by the Greatest Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
54. [B] beautiful in design and practical in use
55. [A] It hadn't formed its own style yet.
56. [C] architectural design should match natural surroundings
57. [D] The houses are characterized by lines similar to those on the grassland.
58. [B] promoting their physical and mental health
59. [C] providing ideas that help in recovering the lost memory
60. [B] find it difficult sometimes to deal with matters calmly
61. [D] By ignoring them and talking about something else.
62. [C] helping them to revive old memories
63. [A] the presence of religious institutions
64. [B] It is not clearly told in the passage.
65. [B] Time and Culture.
66. [D] All of the above.
67. [C] people of different generations may have different views towards life, work and play
68. [D] Both A and C.
69. [D] the government would have funds to work for the welfare of people
70. [A] protect

persons and property
71. [C] Everyone has his right to make a decision on the matter.
72. [C] the government had to pay all kinds of costs
73. [A] life insurance isn't fun to buy
74. [A] many people prefer not to confront the subject
75. [D] You should believe in either your agent only or those empirical estimates.
76. [A] either you or your family might suffer
77. [D] All of the above.
78. [D] 9 years
79. [C] Rome
80. [D] people who compete in the games
81. [B] Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.
82. [D] in favor of holding the games for the disabled
83. [D] planning our time scientifically
84. [A] Americans are forced to be efficient against their will
85. [C] Speeded-up work efficiency.
86. [B] were able to act of our own free will
87. [A] a slow-moving person
88. [B] the role of spelling in general language development
89. [D] to avoid using words one is not sure of
90. [B] teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes
91. [D] careless
92. [D] the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition
6~10 BCCDC
11~15 AACAA
16~20 CAACC
21~25 AAACD
26~30 CCABC
1. 美国一直是个单一的经济体没有限制贸易的法规这一事实也促成了这种一体性。
2. 世界上最大的商业企业都是美国的这决非偶然。
3. 毕竟大规模空中旅行在美国比在其它地方先发展起来。
4. 除了在南方还有一定程度的地方特色之外几乎没有什麽具有显著地方色彩的建筑、烹调、音乐或文学了。
5. 这就是为什么美国人对于具有独特风格的地方印象如此深刻的原因吧。
6. 综合智能对杰出成就的取得是必不可少的因为它涉及到你的一种固有能力即迅速理解领会)难以理解的概念并对其进行清晰准确的分析。
7. 尽管如此令人感兴趣的是我们的调查应答者都有很高的智商平均为140分。
8. 我们的调查进一步证实——这并不令人感到意外吃惊、惊奇——我们的调查应答者们的综合智能除智商外至少还有三个因素。
9. 这些最高成就获得者在谈及智能时并不单单谈论一种固有的能力一位财政高级官员是这样总结的。
10. 爱刨根问底和有广泛的兴趣是取得成功的基本要求。
11. 换句话说最终目标是造出一种能够“思维和学习”的计算机。
12. 一组使计算机能够处理信息解决问题的指令。
13. 判定信息间的相互关系及信息与某一特定问题间的关系。
14. 走哪一步棋如何应付对方的布棋。
15. 在开局部分棋势强但越下越弱。
16. 摆脱地心引力的束缚在天空自由翱翔。
17. 当洞穴人无限向往地仰望在头顶上飞翔的鸟儿。
18. 多少世纪以来勇敢的开拓者们试图模仿鸟儿飞行。
19. 虽然历史上一些最有才华的人曾致力于解决这个难题。
20. 一代人之后另一次世界战争完成了这个转变。
21. 该政府也曾

22. 当时一家英国报纸上的一条大标题很贴切地归纳了大众的看法帐号的日子屈指可数了。
23. 各银行同意遵循的新准则使开设新帐号受到比以前更严密的检查。
24. 此外各银行还同意不以任何方式帮助将资金从已立法限制资本向国外转移的国家内转移出国。
25. 最后他们同意不接纳明知是来自偷漏税和犯罪所得的资金。
