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hostile [O] crush


Directions:Choose the best answer for each of the questions or unfinished statements after reading the passages. [题数:5;分数:20分;参考时间:10分0秒]

Passage 1

Although job forecasting is admittedly a risky venture, most experts predict that the major new areas of growth will be in the fields of information and conservation. Information includes jobs in computers, robotics, biotechnology, and transmission technologies. Conservation includes jobs in both human and ecological fields, ranging from health care to solar energy and waste disposal. As Americans live longer and become more health-oriented, experts anticipate appreciable growth in such areas as occupational and physical therapy and speech pathology. But more conventional jobs will also abound. Even though robots may replace people on the assembly line, machines are unlikely to eliminate such basic service jobs as janitors, sales clerks, and waiters. And

26. What is the main topic of the passage?____

[A] How to assess career opportunities.

[B] How to get information and conserve natural resources.

[C] How to improve one's managerial skills.

[D] How to map one's futures of work.


27. It is anticipated that major new areas of growth include all of the following except ____.

[A] biotechnology

[B] transportation improvement

[C] solar energy

[D] technology transfer

heartedly to a job

[B] appraising the general

opportunities of work thoroughly

[C] considering there are

enough horses

[D] keeping in mind that he is

willing to take the risk



Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center. [题数:8;分数:20分;参考时间:11分27秒]



[A] One.

[B] Few.

[C] Seven.

[D] Many.



[A] By their sense of sight.

[B] By their sense of hearing.

[C] By their sense of touch.

[D] By their sense of smell.



[A] One year.

[B] Five years.

[C] Seven years.

[D] Ten years.



[A] Ants tap plant insects till a drop of honey comes out.

[B] Ants take care of plant insects.

[C] Ants get their food from plant lice.

[D] Ants get honey from bees.




[A] A majority of Americans voted for it.

[B] Large trucks were causing many accidents.
