

整理版 集成电路 题目

整理版 集成电路 题目

一、填空1、 CMOS 逻辑电路中 NMOS 管是增强型,PMOS 管是增强型; NMOS 管的体端接地 ,PMOS 管的体端接VDD 。

2、 CMOS 逻辑电路的功耗由 3 部分组成,分别是 动态功耗 、开关过程中的短路功耗和 静态功耗 ;增大器件的阈值 电压有利于减小短路功耗和静态 功耗。

3、饱和负载 NMOS 反相器的 3 个主要缺点是: 输出高电平有阈值损失 、 输出低电平不是 0,与比例因子 Kr 相关 、输出低电平时有静态功耗 。

4、 三态输出电路的 3 种输出状态是: ( 高电平 ) ,( 低电平 )和( 高阻态 ) 。

2、CMOS 工艺可分为 p 阱 、 n 阱 、 双阱 三种。

在CMOS 工艺中,N 阱里形成的晶体管是PMOS3、通常情况下,在IC 中各晶体管之间是由 场氧 来隔离的;该区域的形成用到的制造工艺是 氧化 工艺。

4、集成电路制造过程中,把掩膜上的图形转换成晶圆上器件结构一道工序是指 光刻 ,包括 晶圆涂光刻胶 、 曝光 、 显影 、 烘干 四个步骤;其中曝光方式包括 ① 接触式 、② 非接触式 两种。

5、阈值电压VT 是指 将栅极下面的si 表面从P 型Si 变成N 型Si 所必要的电压,根据阈值电压的不同,常把MOS 区间分成 耗尽型 、 增强型 两种。

降低VT 的措施包括: 降低杂质浓度 、 增大Cox 两种。

1.写出传输门电路主要的三种类型和他们的缺点:(1)NMOS 传输门,缺点:不能正确传输高电平 ; (2)PMOS 传输门,缺点:不能正确传输低电平; (3)CMOS 传输门,缺点:电路规模较大。

2、对于一般的动态逻辑电路,逻辑部分由输出低电平的 NMOS 网组成,输出信号与电源之间插入了栅控制极为时钟信号的 PMOS ,逻辑网与地之间插入了栅控制极为时钟信号的 NMOS二、简答题1. 为什么的PMOS 尺寸通常比NMOS 的尺寸大?答:1)电子迁移率较大,是空穴迁移率的两倍,即μN =2μP 。



专升本CMOS模拟集成电路分析与设计试卷答案专升本《CMOS模拟集成电路分析与设计》一、(共75题,共150分)1. Gordon Moore在1965年预言:每个芯片上晶体管的数目将每()个月翻一番(2分)A.12B.18C.20D.24.标准答案:B2. MOS 管的小信号输出电阻是由MOS管的()效应产生的。

(2分)A.体B.衬偏C.沟长调制D.亚阈值导通.标准答案:C3. 在CMOS模拟集成电路设计中,我们一般让MOS管工作在()区。

(2分)A.亚阈值区B.深三极管区C.三极管区D.饱和区.标准答案:D4. MOS管一旦出现()现象,此时的MOS管将进入饱和区。

(2分)A.夹断B.反型C.导电D.耗尽.标准答案:A5. ()表征了MOS器件的灵敏度。

(2分)A.B.C.D..标准答案:C6. Cascode放大器中两个相同的NMOS管具有不相同的()。

(2分)A.B.C.D..标准答案:B7. 基本差分对电路中对共模增益影响最显著的因素是()。

(2分)A.尾电流源的小信号输出阻抗为有限值B.负载不匹配C.输入MOS不匹配D.电路制造中的误差.标准答案:C8. 下列电路不能能使用半边电路法计算差模增益()。

(2分)A.二极管负载差分放大器B.电流源负载差分放大器C.有源电流镜差分放大器D.Cascode负载Casocde差分放大器.标准答案:C9. 镜像电流源一般要求相同的()。

(2分)A.制造工艺B.器件宽长比C.器件宽度WD.器件长度L.标准答案:D10. 某一恒流源电流镜如图所示。



(2分)A.B.C.D..标准答案:A11. 选择题:下列结构中密勒效应最大的是()。

(2分)A.共源级放大器B.源级跟随器C.共栅级放大器D.共源共栅级放大器.标准答案:A12. 下图中,其中电压放大器的增益为-A,假定该放大器为理想放大器。




代入相关参数得到等效电阻: Ron, eq Ron1 || Ron 2 时间常数 Ron1 || Ron 2 C H 30.3 ps 。
由公式: 1 10
3 exp

t ln
3 242.6 ps 0.001
12.9 答案:假设沟道电荷全部注入到采样电容上,则:
VGS 6 , 7
2 I DS 6 , 7 W n C ox L eff 6 , 7
350 10
2 50 10 6 5 50 6 .9 10 15 10 12 9 0 .34
0 .7
CMOS 模拟集成电路设计习题参考答案
By: 沈亚丁(769094724@) 2012 年 2 月 26 日
第 12 章 开关电容电路
12.3 答案:由题可知,运放是理想的。由虚短虚断,故 B 点为虚地,时间常数: Ron C1 。 在电路稳定时,开关消耗的能量等于电容 C1 存储的能量: 12.8 答案: Leff L 2 LD
1 W V VTHP pCox L in eff 2 1 2 5 60 6.9 fF 100cm 2.2 2 vs 9 um 0.5 2 0.08 67.2
55.1 67.2 30.3 。 55.1 67.2
1 2 C1Vino 。 2
W VDD Vin VTHN L eff 1 1 2 5 20 6.9 fF 350cm 2.3 2 vs 9 um 0.5 2 0.08 55.1



A. ro B. gmb C. gm D. uncox
A.尾电流源的小信号输出阻抗为有限值 B.负载不匹配
C.输入 MOS 不匹配 D.电路制造中的误差
二极管负载差分放大器 B.电流源负载差分放大器

A.线性区 B.饱和区
32.对于 MOS 管,当 W/L 保持不变时,MOS 管的跨导随过驱动电压的变化

A.单调增加 B.单调减小 C.开口向上的抛物线 D.开口向下的抛
33.对于 MOS 器件,器件如果进入三极管区(线性区), 跨导将

A.亚阈值区 B.深三极管区 C.三极管区 D.饱和区
4.MOS 管一旦出现现象,此时的 MOS 管将进入饱和区。(A)
A.夹断 B.反型 C.导电 D.耗尽
5.表征了 MOS 器件的灵敏度。(C)
A. ro B. gmb C. gm D. uncox Cascode 放大器中两个相同的 NMOS 管具有不相同的。
饱和区: 10.简单描述 N 阱 CMOS 工艺的主要流程步骤,画出 N 阱 CMOS 工艺下 的 CMOS 器件剖面示意图。(10 分) 解:主要工艺流程步骤为: 晶圆准备;杂质注入扩散;氧化;光刻; 腐蚀;淀积;
CMOS 器件剖面示意图为: 11.分析差分电路中器件不匹配对差分对性能所造成的影响。(5 分) 12. 给出下图电路中的 Vout 表达式。(R1=R2)(5 分) 13. 写出 NMOS 管构成的基本电流镜在忽略沟道长度调制情况下的输 出电流 Iout 和参考电流的关系式 IREF 。(5 分) 解: NMOS 管构成的基本电流镜 Iout/Iref=(w/l)2/(w/l)1 14. 图(a)是什么结构图(b)忽略了沟道调制效应和体效应。如果体效 应不能忽略,请画出 Vin 和 Vout 的关系曲线,并出解释。(10 分) 15. 画出下图的小信号等效电路,推导 Rin 的表达式。(10 分) 16. 什么是体效应?体效应会对电路产生什么影响?(5 分) 解:理想情况下是假设晶体管的衬底和源是短接的,实际上两者并不 一定电位相同,当 VB 变得更负时,VTH 增加,这种效应叫做体效应。 体效应会改变晶体管的阈值电压。






2、按照半导体集成电路的集成度来分,分为哪些类型,请同时写岀它们对应的英文缩写【答案:】小规模集成电路(SSI),中规模集成电路(MSI ),大规模集成电路(VSI),超大规模集成电路(VLSI ),特大规模集成电路(ULSI ),巨大规模集成电路(GSI)3、按照器件类型分,半导体集成电路分为哪几类?【答案:】双极型(BJT)集成电路,单极型(MOS)集成电路,Bi-CMOS型集成电路。





6、名词解释:集成度、wafer size、die size、摩尔定律?【答案:】集成蔭--牛芯片上容帥的晶体莒的数目*辭畑:指包含我千上百于芯片的大圆硅片的玄径丄竝S1S4 :指段有封装的单个集成唱路“摩尔定律:集成电路的芯片的集咸度三年毎三年提四倍而加工尺寸缩屮远除分析下面的电路,指出它完成的逻辑功能,说明它和一般动态组合逻辑电路的不同,分析它的工作原7、理。

【答案:1T 二 CLJj 吗 MjkA —ir —该电路可以完成 NAND 逻辑。

与一般动态组合逻辑电路相比,它增加了一个MOS 管M kp ,它可以解决一般动态组合逻辑电路存在的电荷分配的问题。

对于一般的动态组合逻辑电路,在评估阶段, A= “ H B= “ L ”荷被OUT 处和A 处的电荷分配,整体的阈值下降,可能导致OUT 的输出错误。



模拟cmos集成电路设计课后题CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)集成电路设计是现代电子技术的关键领域之一。



第一部分:基本电路设计(2000字左右)1. 设计一个2输入与门的CMOS电路。


2. 为了减小功耗并提高响应速度,经常需要将电路设计为动态逻辑电路。


第二部分:CMOS集成电路设计(2000字左右)3. 设计一个3输入与门的CMOS电路,并对其功耗进行优化。

4. 设计一个4位二进制全加器的CMOS电路,并考虑功耗和面积的优化。

第三部分:系统级优化(2000字左右)5. 将两个2输入与门和一个2输入或门组合成一个3输入与门。


6. 设计一个8位互补码加法器的CMOS电路,并考虑功耗、面积和延迟的优化。

第一部分:基本电路设计1. 设计一个2输入与门的CMOS电路。





其布尔表达式可以写为:Z = A * B。

2. 为了减小功耗并提高响应速度,经常需要将电路设计为动态逻辑电路。



当输入S 为高电平时,NMOS管导通,输出结果为0;当输入S为低电平时,PMOS管导通,输出结果为1。

其时钟脉冲控制信号可以表示为:NAND(A, A)。



一、选择题Moore 在1965年预言:每个芯片上晶体管的数目将每个月翻一番。

(B )2.MOS 管的小信号输出电阻是由MOS 管的效应产生的。

(C )A.体B.衬偏C.沟长调制D.亚阈值导通3.在CMOS 模拟集成电路设计中,我们一般让MOS 管工作在区。

(D )A.亚阈值区B.深三极管区C.三极管区D.饱和区管一旦出现现象,此时的MOS 管将进入饱和区。

(A )A.夹断B.反型C.导电D.耗尽5.表征了MOS 器件的灵敏度。

(C )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u6.Cascode 放大器中两个相同的NMOS 管具有不相同的。

(B )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u7.基本差分对电路中对共模增益影响最显著的因素是。

(C )A.尾电流源的小信号输出阻抗为有限值B.负载不匹配C.输入MOS 不匹配D.电路制造中的误差8.下列电路不能能使用半边电路法计算差模增益。

( C )A.二极管负载差分放大器B.电流源负载差分放大器C.有源电流镜差分放大器 负载Casocde 差分放大器9.镜像电流源一般要求相同的。

( D )A.制造工艺B.器件宽长比C.器件宽度WD.器件长度L10. NMOS 管的导电沟道中依靠导电。

( )A.电子B.空穴C.正电荷 D.负电荷11.下列结构中密勒效应最大的是。

(A )A.共源级放大器B.源级跟随器C.共栅级放大器D.共源共栅级放大器12.在NMOS 中,若0V sb >会使阈值电。

(A )A.增大B.不变C.减小 D.可大可小13. 模拟集成电路设计中可使用大信号分析方法的是。

(C )A.增益B.输出电阻C.输出摆幅 D.输入电阻14. 模拟集成电路设计中可使用小信号分析方法的是。

(A )A.增益B.电压净空C.输出摆幅 D.输入偏置15. 下图中,其中电压放大器的增益为-A ,假定该放大器为理想放大器。

数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第五章 CMOS反相器

数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计(第二版)课后练习题 第五章 CMOS反相器

C H A P T E R5T H E C M O S I N V E R T E R Quantification of integrity,performance,and energy metrics of an inverterOptimization of an inverter design5.1Exercises and Design Problems5.2The Static CMOS Inverter—An IntuitivePerspective5.3Evaluating the Robustness of the CMOSInverter:The Static Behavior5.3.1Switching Threshold5.3.2Noise Margins5.3.3Robustness Revisited5.4Performance of CMOS Inverter:The DynamicBehavior5.4.1Computing the Capacitances5.4.2Propagation Delay:First-OrderAnalysis5.4.3Propagation Delay from a DesignPerspective5.5Power,Energy,and Energy-Delay5.5.1Dynamic Power Consumption5.5.2Static Consumption5.5.3Putting It All Together5.5.4Analyzing Power Consumption UsingSPICE5.6Perspective:Technology Scaling and itsImpact on the Inverter Metrics180Section 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 1815.1Exercises and Design Problems1.[M,SPICE,3.3.2]The layout of a static CMOS inverter is given in Figure 5.1.(λ=0.125µm).a.Determine the sizes of the NMOS and PMOS transistors.b.Plot the VTC (using HSPICE)and derive its parameters (V OH ,V OL ,V M ,V IH ,and V IL ).c.Is the VTC affected when the output of the gates is connected to the inputs of 4similargates?.d.Resize the inverter to achieve a switching threshold of approximately 0.75V .Do not lay-out the new inverter,use HSPICE for your simulations.How are the noise margins affected by this modification?2.Figure 5.2shows a piecewise linear approximation for the VTC.The transition region isapproximated by a straight line with a slope equal to the inverter gain at V M .The intersectionof this line with the V OH and the V OL lines defines V IH and V IL .a.The noise margins of a CMOS inverter are highly dependent on the sizing ratio,r =k p /k n ,of the NMOS and PMOS e HSPICE with V Tn =|V Tp |to determine the valueof r that results in equal noise margins?Give a qualitative explanation.b.Section 5.3.2of the text uses this piecewise linear approximation to derive simplifiedexpressions for NM H and NM L in terms of the inverter gain.The derivation of the gain isbased on the assumption that both the NMOS and the PMOS devices are velocity saturatedat V M .For what range of r is this assumption valid?What is the resulting range of V M ?c.Derive expressions for the inverter gain at V M for the cases when the sizing ratio is justabove and just below the limits of the range where both devices are velocity saturated.What are the operating regions of the NMOS and the PMOS for each case?Consider theeffect of channel-length modulation by using the following expression for the small-signalresistance in the saturation region:r o,sat =1/(λI D ).Figure 5.1CMOS inverter layout.InOutGND V DD =2.5V.Poly Metal1NMOSPMOSPolyMetal12λ182THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 53.[M,SPICE,3.3.2]Figure 5.3shows an NMOS inverter with resistive load.a.Qualitatively discuss why this circuit behaves as an inverter.b.Find V OH and V OL calculate V IH and V IL .c.Find NM L and NM H ,and plot the VTC using HSPICE.d.Compute the average power dissipation for:(i)V in =0V and (ii)V in =2.5Ve HSPICE to sketch the VTCs for R L =37k,75k,and 150k on a single graph.ment on the relationship between the critical VTC voltages (i.e.,V OL ,V OH ,V IL ,V IH )and the load resistance,R L .g.Do high or low impedance loads seem to produce more ideal inverter characteristics?4.[E,None,3.3.3]For the inverter of Figure 5.3and an output load of 3pF:a.Calculate t plh ,t phl ,and t p .b.Are the rising and falling delays equal?Why or why not?pute the static and dynamic power dissipation assuming the gate is clocked as fast as possible.5.The next figure shows two implementations of MOS inverters.The first inverter uses onlyNMOS transistors.V OH V OL inV outFigure 5.2A different approach to derive V IL and V IH .V outV in M 1W/L =1.5/0.5+2.5VFigure 5.3Resistive-load inverterR L =75k ΩSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems183a.Calculate V OH ,V OL ,V M for each case.e HSPICE to obtain the two VTCs.You must assume certain values for the source/drain areas and perimeters since there is no layout.For our scalable CMOS process,λ =0.125μm,and the source/drain extensions are 5λfor the PMOS;for the NMOS the source/drain contact regions are 5λx5λ.c.Find V IH ,V IL ,NM L and NM H for each inverter and comment on the results.How can you increase the noise margins and reduce the undefined region?ment on the differences in the VTCs,robustness and regeneration of each inverter.6.Consider the following NMOS inverter.Assume that the bulk terminals of all NMOS deviceare connected to GND.Assume that the input IN has a 0V to 2.5V swing.a.Set up the equation(s)to compute the voltage on node x .Assume γ=0.5.b.What are the modes of operation of device M2?Assume γ=0.c.What is the value on the output node OUT for the case when IN =0V?Assume γ=0.d.Assuming γ=0,derive an expression for the switching threshold (V M )of the inverter.Recall that the switching threshold is the point where V IN =V OUT .Assume that the devicesizes for M1,M2and M3are (W/L)1,(W/L)2,and (W/L)3respectively.What are the limitson the switching threshold?For this,consider two cases:i)(W/L)1>>(W/L)2V DD =2.5V V IN V OUTV DD =2.5V V IN V OUT M 2M 1M 4M 3W/L=0.375/0.25W/L=0.75/0.25W/L=0.375/0.25W/L=0.75/0.25Figure 5.4Inverter ImplementationsV DD =2.5V OUTM1IN M2M3V DD =2.5Vx184THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5ii)(W/L)2>>(W/L)17.Consider the circuit in Figure 5.5.Device M1is a standard NMOS device.Device M2has allthe same properties as M1,except that its device threshold voltage is negative and has a valueof -0.4V.Assume that all the current equations and inequality equations (to determine themode of operation)for the depletion device M2are the same as a regular NMOS.Assume thatthe input IN has a 0V to 2.5V swing.a.Device M2has its gate terminal connected to its source terminal.If V IN =0V ,what is the output voltage?In steady state,what is the mode of operation of device M2for this input?pute the output voltage for V IN =2.5V .You may assume that V OUT is small to simplify your calculation.In steady state,what is the mode of operation of device M2for this input?c.Assuming Pr (IN =0)=0.3,what is the static power dissipation of this circuit?8.[M,None,3.3.3]An NMOS transistor is used to charge a large capacitor,as shown in Figure5.6.a.Determine the t pLH of this circuit,assuming an ideal step from 0to 2.5V at the input node.b.Assume that a resistor R S of 5k Ωis used to discharge the capacitance to ground.Deter-mine t pHL .c.Determine how much energy is taken from the supply during the charging of the capacitor.How much of this is dissipated in M1.How much is dissipated in the pull-down resistanceduring discharge?How does this change when R S is reduced to 1k Ω.d.The NMOS transistor is replaced by a PMOS device,sized so that k p is equal to the k n ofthe original NMOS.Will the resulting structure be faster?Explain why or why not.9.The circuit in Figure 5.7is known as the source follower configuration.It achieves a DC levelshift between the input and the output.The value of this shift is determined by the current I 0.Assume x d =0,γ=0.4,2|φf |=0.6V ,V T 0=0.43V ,k n ’=115μA/V 2and λ=0.V DD =2.5VOUTM1(4μm/1μm)IN M2(2μm/1μm),V Tn =-0.4VFigure 5.5A depletion load NMOSinverterV DD =2.5VOutFigure 5.6Circuit diagram with annotated W/L ratios=5pFSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 185a.Suppose we want the nominal level shift between V i and V o to be 0.6V in the circuit in Figure 5.7(a).Neglecting the backgate effect,calculate the width of M2to provide this level shift (Hint:first relate V i to V o in terms of I o ).b.Now assume that an ideal current source replaces M2(Figure 5.7(b)).The NMOS transis-tor M1experiences a shift in V T due to the backgate effect.Find V T as a function of V o for V o ranging from 0to 2.5V with 0.5V intervals.Plot V T vs.V oc.Plot V o vs.V i as V o varies from 0to 2.5V with 0.5V intervals.Plot two curves:one neglecting the body effect and one accounting for it.How does the body effect influence the operation of the level converter?d.At V o (with body effect)=2.5V,find V o (ideal)and thus determine the maximum error introduced by the body effect.10.For this problem assume:V DD =2.5V ,W P /L =1.25/0.25,W N /L =0.375/0.25,L =L eff =0.25μm (i.e.x d =0μm),C L =C inv-gate ,k n ’=115μA/V 2,k p ’=-30μA/V 2,V tn0=|V tp0|=0.4V,λ =0V -1, γ=0.4,2|φf |=0.6V ,and t ox =e the HSPICE model parameters for parasitic capacitance given below (i.e.C gd0,C j ,C jsw ),and assume that V SB =0V for all problems except part (e).Figure 5.7NMOS source follower configuration V DD =2.5V V iV oV DD =2.5VV i V oV bias =(a)(b)I o1um/0.25um M1186THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5##Parasitic Capacitance Parameters (F/m)##NMOS:CGDO=3.11x10-10,CGSO=3.11x10-10,CJ=2.02x10-3,CJSW=2.75x10-10PMOS:CGDO=2.68x10-10,CGSO=2.68x10-10,CJ=1.93x10-3,CJSW=2.23x10-10a.What is the V m for this inverter?b.What is the effective load capacitance C Leff of this inverter?(include parasitic capacitance,refer to the text for K eq and m .)Hint:You must assume certain values for the source/drain areas and perimeters since there is no layout.For our scalable CMOS process,λ =0.125μm,and the source/drain extensions are 5λfor the PMOS;for the NMOS the source/drain contact regions are 5λx5λ.c.Calculate t PHL ,t PLH assuming the result of (b)is ‘C Leff =6.5fF’.(Assume an ideal step input,i.e.t rise =t fall =0.Do this part by computing the average current used to charge/dis-charge C Leff .)d.Find (W p /W n )such that t PHL =t PLH .e.Suppose we increase the width of the transistors to reduce the t PHL ,t PLH .Do we get a pro-portional decrease in the delay times?Justify your answer.f.Suppose V SB =1V,what is the value of V tn ,V tp ,V m ?How does this qualitatively affect C Leff ?ing Hspice answer the following questions.a.Simulate the circuit in Problem 10and measure t P and the average power for input V in :pulse(0V DD 5n 0.1n 0.1n 9n 20n),as V DD varies from 1V -2.5V with a 0.25V interval.[t P =(t PHL +t PLH )/2].Using this data,plot ‘t P vs.V DD ’,and ‘Power vs.V DD ’.Specify AS,AD,PS,PD in your spice deck,and manually add C L =6.5fF.Set V SB =0Vfor this problem.b.For Vdd equal to 2.5V determine the maximum fan-out of identical inverters this gate candrive before its delay becomes larger than 2ns.c.Simulate the same circuit for a set of ‘pulse’inputs with rise and fall times of t in_rise,fall =1ns,2ns,5ns,10ns,20ns.For each input,measure (1)the rise and fall times t out_rise andV DD =2.5VV IN V OUTC L =C inv-gateL =L P =L N =0.25μmV SB-+(W p /W n =1.25/0.375)Figure 5.8CMOS inverter with capacitiveSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 187t out_fall of the inverter output,(2)the total energy lost E total ,and (3)the energy lost due to short circuit current E short .Using this data,prepare a plot of (1)(t out_rise +t out_fall )/2vs.t in_rise,fall ,(2)E total vs.t in_rise,fall ,(3)E short vs.t in_rise,fall and (4)E short /E total vs.t in_rise,fall.d.Provide simple explanations for:(i)Why the slope for (1)is less than 1?(ii)Why E short increases with t in_rise,fall ?(iii)Why E total increases with t in_rise,fall ?12.Consider the low swing driver of Figure 5.9:a.What is the voltage swing on the output node (V out )?Assume γ=0.b.Estimate (i)the energy drawn from the supply and (ii)energy dissipated for a 0V to 2.5V transition at the input.Assume that the rise and fall times at the input are 0.Repeat the analysis for a 2.5V to 0V transition at the input.pute t pLH (i.e.the time to transition from V OL to (V OH +V OL )/2).Assume the input rise time to be 0.V OL is the output voltage with the input at 0V and V OH is the output volt-age with the input at 2.5V .pute V OH taking into account body effect.Assume γ =0.5V 1/2for both NMOS and PMOS.13.Consider the following low swing driver consisting of NMOS devices M1and M2.Assumean NWELL implementation.Assume that the inputs IN and IN have a 0V to 2.5V swing andthat V IN =0V when V IN =2.5V and vice-versa.Also assume that there is no skew between INand IN (i.e.,the inverter delay to derive IN from IN is zero).a.What voltage is the bulk terminal of M2connected to?V in V out V DD =2.5V W L 3μm 0.25μm =p 2.5V0V C L =100fFW L 1.5μm 0.25μm=n Figure 5.9Low Swing DriverV LOW =0.5VOutM1ININ M225μm/0.25μm 25μm/0.25μmC L =1pFFigure 5.10Low Swing Driver188THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter 5b.What is the voltage swing on the output node as the inputs swing from 0V to 2.5V .Showthe low value and the high value.c.Assume that the inputs IN and IN have zero rise and fall times.Assume a zero skewbetween IN and IN.Determine the low to high propagation delay for charging the outputnode measured from the the 50%point of the input to the 50%point of the output.Assumethat the total load capacitance is 1pF,including the transistor parasitics.d.Assume that,instead of the 1pF load,the low swing driver drives a non-linear capacitor,whose capacitance vs.voltage is plotted pute the energy drawn from the lowsupply for charging up the load capacitor.Ignore the parasitic capacitance of the driver cir-cuit itself.14.The inverter below operates with V DD =0.4V and is composed of |V t |=0.5V devices.Thedevices have identical I 0and n.a.Calculate the switching threshold (V M )of this inverter.b.Calculate V IL and V IH of the inverter.15.Sizing a chain of inverters.a.In order to drive a large capacitance (C L =20pF)from a minimum size gate (with inputcapacitance C i =10fF),you decide to introduce a two-staged buffer as shown in Figure5.12.Assume that the propagation delay of a minimum size inverter is 70ps.Also assumeV DD =0.4VV IN V OUTFigure 5.11Inverter in Weak Inversion RegimeSection 5.1Exercises and Design Problems 189that the input capacitance of a gate is proportional to its size.Determine the sizing of thetwo additional buffer stages that will minimize the propagation delay.b.If you could add any number of stages to achieve the minimum delay,how many stages would you insert?What is the propagation delay in this case?c.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the methods shown in (a)and (b).d.Determine a closed form expression for the power consumption in the circuit.Consider only gate capacitances in your analysis.What is the power consumption for a supply volt-age of 2.5V and an activity factor of 1?16.[M,None,3.3.5]Consider scaling a CMOS technology by S >1.In order to maintain compat-ibility with existing system components,you decide to use constant voltage scaling.a.In traditional constant voltage scaling,transistor widths scale inversely with S,W ∝1/S.To avoid the power increases associated with constant voltage scaling,however,youdecide to change the scaling factor for W .What should this new scaling factor be to main-tain approximately constant power.Assume long-channel devices (i.e.,neglect velocitysaturation).b.How does delay scale under this new methodology?c.Assuming short-channel devices (i.e.,velocity saturation),how would transistor widthshave to scale to maintain the constant power requirement?1InAdded Buffer StageOUTC L =20pF C i =10fF‘1’is the minimum size inverter.??Figure 5.12Buffer insertion for driving large loads.190THE CMOS INVERTER Chapter5DESIGN PROBLEMUsing the0.25μm CMOS introduced in Chapter2,design a static CMOSinverter that meets the following requirements:1.Matched pull-up and pull-down times(i.e.,t pHL=t pLH).2.t p=5nsec(±0.1nsec).The load capacitance connected to the output is equal to4pF.Notice that thiscapacitance is substantially larger than the internal capacitances of the gate.Determine the W and L of the transistors.To reduce the parasitics,useminimal lengths(L=0.25μm)for all transistors.Verify and optimize the designusing SPICE after proposing a first design using manual -pute also the energy consumed per transition.If you have a layout editor(suchas MAGIC)available,perform the physical design,extract the real circuitparameters,and compare the simulated results with the ones obtained earlier.。



集成电路CMOS试题库⼀、选择题1.Gordon Moore 在1965年预⾔:每个芯⽚上晶体管的数⽬将每个⽉翻⼀番。

(B )A.12B.18C.20D.242.MOS 管的⼩信号输出电阻是由MOS 管的效应产⽣的。

(C )A.体B.衬偏C.沟长调制D.亚阈值导通3.在CMOS 模拟集成电路设计中,我们⼀般让MOS 管⼯作在区。

(D )A.亚阈值区B.深三极管区C.三极管区D.饱和区4.MOS 管⼀旦出现现象,此时的MOS 管将进⼊饱和区。

(A )A.夹断B.反型C.导电D.耗尽5.表征了MOS 器件的灵敏度。

(C )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u6.Cascode 放⼤器中两个相同的NMOS 管具有不相同的。

(B )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u7.基本差分对电路中对共模增益影响最显著的因素是。

(C )A.尾电流源的⼩信号输出阻抗为有限值B.负载不匹配C.输⼊MOS 不匹配D.电路制造中的误差8.下列电路不能能使⽤半边电路法计算差模增益。

( C )A.⼆极管负载差分放⼤器B.电流源负载差分放⼤器C.有源电流镜差分放⼤器D.Cascode 负载Casocde 差分放⼤器9.镜像电流源⼀般要求相同的。

( D )A.制造⼯艺B.器件宽长⽐C.器件宽度WD.器件长度L10. NMOS 管的导电沟道中依靠导电。


(A )A.共源级放⼤器B.源级跟随器C.共栅级放⼤器D.共源共栅级放⼤器12.在NMOS 中,若0V sb >会使阈值电。

(A )A.增⼤B.不变C.减⼩D.可⼤可⼩13. 模拟集成电路设计中可使⽤⼤信号分析⽅法的是。

(C )A.增益B.输出电阻C.输出摆幅D.输⼊电阻14. 模拟集成电路设计中可使⽤⼩信号分析⽅法的是。

(A )A.增益B.电压净空C.输出摆幅D.输⼊偏置15. 下图中,其中电压放⼤器的增益为-A ,假定该放⼤器为理想放⼤器。














模拟CMOS集成电路期末复习题库及答案整理人:李明1.MOSFET跨导g m是如何定义的。

在不考虑沟道长度调制时,写出MOSFET在饱和区的g m与V GS−V TH、√I D和1V GS−V TH的关系表示式。


2.MOSFET的跨导g m是如何定义的。

在考虑沟道长度调制时,写出MOSFET在饱和区的g m与V GS−V TH、√I D和1V GS−V TH的关系表示式。


解:MOSFET跨导g m的定义:由于MOSFET工作再饱和区时,其电流受栅源过驱动电压控制,所以我们可以定义一个性能系数来表示电压转换电流的能力。


我们称之为“跨导”,并用g m来表示,其数值表示为:在不考虑沟道长度调制时:在考虑沟道长度调制时:3.画出考虑体效应和沟道长度调制效应后的MOSFET小信号等效电路。

写出r o和g mb的定义,并由此定义推出r o和g mb表示式。








画出其漏电流和跨导随V in的变化曲线图。



一、简答题( 共 40 分)
1. 对比基本电流镜与共源共栅电流镜的差别,结合相关电路图指出各自的利弊。 (10 分)
2. 分析差分电路中器件不匹配对差分对性能所造成的影响。 (5 分)
3.以共源放大器为例,分析 Miller 电容对共源放大器的频率影响。 (5 分)
——第 9 页——
4. MOSFET 工作在放大状态时,其工作的区域和等效小信号模型分别是什么?请画出相 应的低频等效小信号模型,并解释相关参数在电路中的含义。 (10 分)
5. 请分别画出 P 型衬底,N 阱 CMOS 工艺里 NMOSFET 和 PMOSFET 的器件纵向结构 图,并给出电路最高点位与最低点位最可能连接的端点位置。 (10 分)
——第 10 页——
1000× (1+ s )
H (s) =
(1 +
2π ×1000 s
2π ×10
(10 分)
(a) 计算低频增益,零点和极点 (5 分)
(b) 画出对应的幅频特性和相频特性 (5 分)
——第 8 页——

A. 减小放大管的沟道长度,减小负载管的沟道长度;



I D2
1 W nCox (VGS 2 VTH 2 ) 2 (1 NVDS 2 ) 2 L 2
1 10 1.34225 10 4 [3 Vout 0.7 0.45( 0.9 Vout 0.9 )] 2 [1 0.1(3 Vout )] 2 0.5
W g m1 2 nCox I D1 2 1.34225 10 4 100 0.5 10 3 3.66 10 3 A / V L 1
1 1 20K 1 N I D 0.1V 0.5m A
0.5 1 L 2 p 0.05 2
ro 2 1 1 40K 3 2 I D 2 0.05 0.5 10
AV gm1 (ro1 // ro2 ) 3.66103 (20K // 40K ) 48.8
(2)M1工作在线性区边缘,满足 VGS 1 VTH 1 VDS 1 Vout
Vout sin g Vout max Vout min 2.0033 0.2693 1.734 V
2019/3/28 7
50 W , RD 2 K, 0 L 1 0.5
cm2 7 F 4 A nCox 350 3.83510 1.34225 10 2 V s cm V2
AV gm1 Rout 5.1945103 782.16 4.06
2019/3/28 12
20 W 3.12 , I1 1mA, I S 0.75mA, 0 L 1 0.5
cm2 F 4 A nCox 350 3.835107 1 . 34225 10 V s cm2 V2 cm2 7 F 4 A pCox 100 3.83510 0.383510 2 V s cm V2



一、选择题Moore 在1965年预言:每个芯片上晶体管的数目将每个月翻一番。

(B )2.MOS 管的小信号输出电阻是由MOS 管的效应产生的。

(C )A.体B.衬偏C.沟长调制D.亚阈值导通3.在CMOS 模拟集成电路设计中,我们一般让MOS 管工作在区。

(D )A.亚阈值区B.深三极管区C.三极管区D.饱和区管一旦出现现象,此时的MOS 管将进入饱和区。

(A )A.夹断B.反型C.导电D.耗尽5.表征了MOS 器件的灵敏度。

(C )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u6.Cascode 放大器中两个相同的NMOS 管具有不相同的。

(B )A.o rB.b m gC.m gD.ox n c u7.基本差分对电路中对共模增益影响最显著的因素是。

(C )A.尾电流源的小信号输出阻抗为有限值B.负载不匹配C.输入MOS 不匹配D.电路制造中的误差8.下列电路不能能使用半边电路法计算差模增益。

( C )A.二极管负载差分放大器B.电流源负载差分放大器C.有源电流镜差分放大器 负载Casocde 差分放大器9.镜像电流源一般要求相同的。

( D )A.制造工艺B.器件宽长比C.器件宽度WD.器件长度L10. NMOS 管的导电沟道中依靠导电。

( )A.电子B.空穴C.正电荷 D.负电荷11.下列结构中密勒效应最大的是。

(A )A.共源级放大器B.源级跟随器C.共栅级放大器D.共源共栅级放大器12.在NMOS 中,若0V sb >会使阈值电。

(A )A.增大B.不变C.减小 D.可大可小13. 模拟集成电路设计中可使用大信号分析方法的是。

(C )A.增益B.输出电阻C.输出摆幅 D.输入电阻14. 模拟集成电路设计中可使用小信号分析方法的是。

(A )A.增益B.电压净空C.输出摆幅 D.输入偏置15. 下图中,其中电压放大器的增益为-A ,假定该放大器为理想放大器。



集成电路基础知识试题### 集成电路基础知识试题#### 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 集成电路的英文缩写是:A. ICB. CPUC. RAMD. ROM2. 下列哪个不是集成电路的基本元件?A. 晶体管B. 电阻C. 电容D. 硬盘3. 集成电路的制造工艺中,光刻是用于:A. 形成电路图案B. 清洗硅片C. 检测电路D. 封装电路4. CMOS技术中,CMOS代表:A. 互补金属氧化物半导体B. 计算机操作与制造系统C. 复杂多输出系统D. 连续多输入系统5. 以下哪个是集成电路设计中的后端流程?A. 逻辑综合B. 电路仿真C. 布局与布线D. 原理图绘制#### 二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 集成电路按照制造材料可以分为______和______两大类。

7. 集成电路的最小特征尺寸通常用______来表示。

8. 集成电路的功耗主要由______和______组成。

9. 在数字集成电路中,最基本的逻辑门是______、______、非门和或门。

10. 集成电路的封装类型包括DIP、BGA、______等。

#### 三、简答题(每题15分,共30分)11. 简述集成电路的发展历程及其对未来电子技术的影响。





12. 解释什么是互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术,并简述其优缺点。





半导体集成电路试题答案一、选择题1. 半导体材料的主要特点是什么?A. 高电阻率B. 低电阻率C. 介于导体与绝缘体之间D. 高导热性答案:C2. 在集成电路制造中,光刻技术的主要作用是什么?A. 镀膜B. 刻蚀C. 掺杂D. 清洗答案:B3. 以下哪种器件是MOS集成电路中的基本组成单元?A. 双极型晶体管B. 场效应晶体管C. 肖特基二极管D. PIN二极管答案:B4. 半导体集成电路的制造过程中,通常使用哪种类型的硅片作为基底材料?A. 单晶硅B. 多晶硅C. 非晶硅D. 硅烷化合物答案:A5. 在CMOS技术中,N型和P型半导体区域的接触形成什么类型的结?A. PN结B. NP结C. NN结D. PP结答案:A二、填空题1. 半导体的导电性能可以通过__________来调节。

答案:掺杂2. 在集成电路中,__________是用来控制电流流动的半导体器件。

答案:晶体管3. 集成电路的制造过程中,__________是用来在硅片上形成精细图案的技术。

答案:光刻4. 互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)技术利用了N型和P型MOSFET的__________特性来实现低功耗。

答案:互补5. 摩尔定律预测,集成电路上可容纳的晶体管数量大约每________年翻一番。

答案:18个月三、简答题1. 请简述半导体集成电路的发展历史。




2. 阐述MOSFET的工作原理。
















12.当CMOS反相器的电源电压V DD<V TN+TPV(V TN、V TP分别为NMOS管和PMOS 管的开启电压)时能正常工作吗?答:不能正常工作,因为,当反相器输入电压为1/2V DD时,将出现两只管子同时截止的现象,这是不允许的。


在反相器的两端跨接了一个反馈电阻R f就可构成高增益放大器。

由于CMOS 门电路的输入电流几乎等于零,所以R f上没有压降,静态时反相器必然工作在v I=v O的状态,v I=v O=V T=V DD/ 2就是反相器的静态工作点。


14.如果电源电压增加5%,或者内部和负载电容增加5%,你认为哪种情况会对CMOS 电路的功耗产生较大影响?解:根据公式P D=(C L+C PD)V DD2f,电源的变化对功耗影响更大。

15.当不同系列门电路互连时,要考虑哪几个电压和电流参数?这些参数应满足怎样的关系?解:应考虑以下参数:V OH(min)、V IH(min)、V OL(max)、V IL(max)、I OH(max)、I OL(max)、I IH(max),I IL(max),这些参数应满足以下条件:V OH(min)≥V IH(min)V OL(max)≤V IL(max)精品文档)(maxOHI≥nI IH(max)I OL(max)≥m)(maxILI16.已知图T2.16所示电路中各MOSFET管的T V=2V,若忽略电阻上的压降,则电路中的管子处于导通状态。

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