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1.He smiled politely Mary apologized for her drunken friends.

A.as C.unless B.if D.though




解析句意为:当玛丽因她醉酒的朋友向他道歉时,他礼貌地微笑着。if如果,引导条件状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句;though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句。as 可引导时间状语从句,表示主从句动作同时发生或前后紧接着发生,常常译为“(正当)……的时候,随着……,一边……一边……”,故只有as符合题意。

2.Dad thinks I should study to be a doctor,____I’m not interested in medicine.

A.so B.and C.but D.for




3.How long do you suppose it is______he arrived there?

A.when B.before

C.after D.since






4.Some pressure is good for you________it can help you try harder.

A.unless B.although

C.before D.as



5.He missed the worst of the traffic this morning,______he set out before6o’clock.

A.but B.so

C.for D.or


【解析】考查连词。句意:他避开了今天早上的高峰拥堵,因为他六点前就出发了。A.but 但是;B.so因此;C.for因为;D.or否则。根据语境判断后句表示原因,故选C。

6.________the sales figure of the new range of products is relatively small,the potential market is large.

A.Unless B.After C.Since D.While




考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管新系列产品的销售数字相对较小,但潜在市场很大。A. Unless除非;B.After在……之后;C.Since自从,既然;D.While虽然。根据句意可知,此处是让步状语从句,


7.You can phone your friend at work_____you don’t make a habit of it.

A.as if B.even though C.as long as D.in case




考查连词词意辨析。句意:你可以工作时给朋友打电话,只要你不把这个养成习惯就可以。A.as if好像;B.even though尽管;C.as long as只要;D.in case以防。前后是条件关系,表示“只要”,故选C项。

8.—I like your new shoes!

—Thanks.I had to try on almost a dozen pairs_________I decided to get them.

A.as C.after B.when D.before





考查连词。句意:——我喜欢你的新鞋子。——多谢,我在决定买下之前试了许多双。A.as 当……时候;B.when当……时候;C.after在……之后;D.before在……之前。根据语境和选项分析,故选D。


Tina was hesitation about the job offer as she did not know_______the company was an established one.

A.whether B.what C.untilD.although



10.The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet her.

A.before B.until C.as D.since




11.I have no idea______the journalist could have got his information from.

A.that B.why C.why D.where



12.Faye’s fondest memory is of last year,______the club gave a tea party for her birthday.

A.that B.which C.where D.when


【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为last year,在定语从句中作时间状语,用关系词when,选D。

13.I was glad to meet Jenny again,_______I didn’t want to spend all day with her.

A.but B.and C.so D.or





14.——Have you got the results of the final exam?

——Not yet.I'm afraid it will be a few days we know the final results.

A.before B.after C.untilD.when
