Assimilation of Usability Engineering...(IJMECS-V6-N10-4)




-材料医疗器械的可用性工程浅析Analysis of Usability Engineering to Medical Devices[摘 要] 本文介绍了有源医疗器械可用性和可用性工程的含义以及可用性工程的工作过程并结合风险管理的要求,以及可用性工程和风险管理之间的关系。




[关键词] 医疗器械;可用性;可用性工程;风险管理;人机交互Abstract: This article introduced the usability of active medical devices, meaning of usability engineering as well as the working process of usability engineering; and also introduced the relationship between usability engineering and risk management in combination with the requirements of risk management. For the risk management process, issues related to usability, such as safety-related features, should be considered in risk analysis; results of usability validation should better be taken into account in the assessment of residual risks; it is better to include usability in the post-production informationassessment during risk management process. The goal of usability engineering process is to provide for the safety of patient, operator, and other personnel in terms of usability of user interface. For this reason, usability engineering should be conducted early and carried out throughout the entire development cycleof the medical device, finally forming the usability engineering documents, which can be part of risk management document.Key words: medical devices; usability; usability engineering; risk management; man-machine interaction [中图分类号] TG174.2;TG14 [文献标识码] A doi :10.3969/j.issn.1674-1633.2017.02.001[文章编号] 1674-1633(2017)02-0001-04李庆雨1,施燕平1,刘美丽2,杨婧21.山东省医疗器械产品质量检验中心,山东 济南 250101;2.山东恒信检测技术开发中心,山东 济南 250101LI Qing-yu 1, Shi Yan-ping 1,LIU Mei-li 2, YANG Jing 21. Shandong Quality Inspection Center for Medical Devices, Jinan Shandong 250101, China;2. Shandong Heng Xin Inspection Technique Exploiture Center, Jinan Shandong 250101, China栏目主编:王瑾晔(上海交通大学生物医学工程学院教授)1992年获日本东北大学获博士学位,2000年9月起任中国科学院上海有机化学研究所百人计划研究员、课题组长。


-Refined the conversion from in. wg to Pa, which necessitated small but important changes in the constants used in I-P equations
ANSI/AMCA 210 - ANSI/ASHRAE 51 was approved by the membership of the Air Movement and Control Association on July 28, 2006 and by ASHRAE on March 17, 2008. It was approved by ANSI and became an American National Standard on August 17, 2007.
Air Movement and Control Association International 30 West University Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1893 U.S.A.
AMCA International, Incorporated c/o Federation of Environmental Trade Associations 2 Waltham Court, Milley Lane, Hare Hatch Reading, Berkshire RG10 9TH United Kingdom
© 2008 by the Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers



LESSON 1 煤炭开采史人类首次使用煤炭的时期可能追溯到原始社会,确定这种黑色石头能够燃烧肯定是偶然的,这个现象可能是在几千年间世界上(不同地方的人们)独立发现的。



基督徒时代,我们在圣经上得知所罗门王(即现在的亚兰人王)时,用煤是相当熟悉的,而在此之前1100 年,中国就有使用煤炭的记录,在wales,有证据显示,在青铜时代的人们把火葬用柴堆,而且众所周知,使用了这种能源。





然而,美国第一次有记载的利用煤炭的是人是法国探险家,他在1679 年报道了一个在伊利诺斯河边的暴露的露头。

仿效这样,其他的探险家取得了一个又一个发现,但是,第一个有记载的实际使用时在1702 年的维吉尼亚州。

早期有记载的煤炭大规模开采是1750 年。


除了当地的消费,煤炭还被运往philadelphia,New York 和Boston. 起始,所有煤炭都是用销和钎从固体矿床上砍下来的,然后它们被工人用铲掘到篮子、箱子和推车上,运到外面或井底车场。



逐渐地,黑火药被用于爆破煤炭,但底部掏槽,侧面掏槽和钻孔仍需要人工进行,在17 世纪和18 世纪,采矿业取得一系列重大发展,1775 年,第一台蒸汽机在英国被瓦特发明,它被用于抽出开采过程中的地下水,非常重要的,它使矿井有可能开采更深的部分,第一条轨道修成了,第一台用煤的蒸汽机车在1814 年的英国被乔治。

斯蒂芬逊改进了,第一辆电动机车在1883 年的德国用于地下交通。



岩土工程专业英语词汇岩土工程专业英语词汇一. 综合类综合类 1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程岩土工程 engineering 基础工程基础工程3.soil, earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学土力学 cyclic loading 周期荷载周期荷载 unloading 卸载卸载 reloading 再加载再加载 viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基粘弹性地基 viscous damping 粘滞阻尼粘滞阻尼 shear modulus 剪切模量剪切模量5.soil dynamics 土动力学土动力学6.stress path 应力路径应力路径二. 土的分类土的分类1.residual soil 残积土残积土 groundwater level 地下水位地下水位2.groundwater 地下水地下水groundwater table 地下水位地下水位 3.clay minerals 粘土矿物粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals 次生矿物次生矿物ndslides 滑坡滑坡 geologic investigation 工程地质勘察工程地质勘察 8.boulder 漂石漂石9.cobble 卵石卵石 10.gravel 砂石砂石 11.gravelly sand 砾砂砾砂 12.coarse sand 粗砂粗砂 13.medium sand 中砂中砂14.fine sand 细砂细砂 15.silty sand 粉土粉土 16.clayey soil 粘性土粘性土 17.clay 粘土粘土 18.silty clay 粉质粘土粉质粘土19.silt 粉土粉土 20.sandy silt 砂质粉土砂质粉土 22.saturated soil 饱和土饱和土 23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土非饱和土 24.fill (soil)填土填土 29.soft clay 软粘土软粘土 30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭泥炭32.loess 黄土黄土 33.frozen soil 冻土冻土三. 土的基本物理力学性质土的基本物理力学性质 of saturation 饱和度饱和度 25.dry unit weight 干重度干重度 26.moist unit weight 湿重度湿重度27.saturated unit weight 饱和重度饱和重度 28.effective unit weight 有效重度有效重度 29.density 密度密度pactness 密实度密实度 31.maximum dry density 最大干密度最大干密度32.optimum water content 最优含水量最优含水量 33.three phase diagram 三相图三相图34.tri-phase soil 三相土三相土 35.soil fraction 粒组粒组 36.sieve analysis 筛分筛分37.hydrometer analysis 比重计分析比重计分析 38.uniformity coefficient 不均匀系数不均匀系数39.coefficient of gradation 级配系数级配系数 40.fine-grained soil(silty and clayey)细粒土细粒土41.coarse- grained soil(gravelly and sandy)粗粒土粗粒土 42.Unified soil classification system 土的统一分类系统土的统一分类系统43.ASCE=American Society of Civil Engineer 美国土木工程师学会美国土木工程师学会44.AASHTO= American Association State Highway Officials 美国州公路官员协会美国州公路官员协会45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会国际土力学与岩土工程学会 四. 渗透性和渗流渗透性和渗流1.Darcy ’s law 达西定律达西定律2.piping 管涌管涌3.flowing soil 流土流土4.sand boiling 砂沸砂沸5.flow net 流网流网6.seepage 渗透(流)渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流渗流8.seepage pressure 渗透压力渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性渗透性 10.seepage force 渗透力渗透力 11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力有效应力 stress 总应力总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验三轴试验 design 基础设计基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩再压缩 11.bearing capacity 承载力承载力 12.soil mass 土体土体 stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)接触应力(压力) 14.concentrated load 集中荷载集中荷载 15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体半无限弹性体 16.homogeneous 均质均质 17.isotropi 17.isotropic c 各向同性各向同性18.strip footing 条基条基 19.square spread footing 方形独立基础方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)下卧层(土) 21.dead load =sustained load 恒载恒载 持续荷载持续荷载 load 活载活载 23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载长期荷载 26.settlement 沉降沉降 27.deformation 变形变形 28.casing 套管套管 29.dike=dyke 堤(防)堤(防) 30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组粘粒粒组32.subgrade 路基路基 33.well-graded soil 级配良好土级配良好土 34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土级配不良土35.normal stresses 正应力正应力 36.shear stresses 剪应力剪应力 37.principal plane 主平面主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔-库仑破坏条件库仑破坏条件42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力孔隙水压力 43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量压缩模量 45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数压缩系数pression index 压缩指数压缩指数 47.swelling index 回弹指数回弹指数48.geostatic stress 自重应力自重应力 49.additional stress 附加应力附加应力 stress 总应力总应力 settlement 最终沉降最终沉降 52.slip line 滑动线滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水(基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起(基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法降低地下水位法 9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)井点系统(轻型) 10 deep well point 深井点深井点 11 vacuum well point 真空井点真空井点 12 braced cuts 支撑围护支撑围护 13 braced excavation 支撑开挖支撑开挖 14 braced sheeting 支撑挡板支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础桩基础 1)cast –in-place 灌注桩灌注桩 diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩沉管灌注桩 bored pile 钻孔桩钻孔桩 piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩嵌岩灌注桩 rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础钻孔墩基础 drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩钻孔扩底墩3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩钢桩 steel pipe pile 钢管桩钢管桩 steel sheet pile 钢板桩钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile 预应力混凝土桩预应力混凝土桩 prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)沉井(箱)3.diaphram wall 地下连续墙地下连续墙 截水墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身竖井;桩身 8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力单桩承载力 teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验单桩横向载荷试验 11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力单桩横向极限承载力13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台低桩承台 15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩静力压桩 18.uplift pile 抗拔桩抗拔桩 19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η) 22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应群桩效应 23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术桩基动测技术 set 最后贯入度最后贯入度 27.pile head=butt 桩头桩头 28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距桩距 30.pile plan 桩位布置图桩位布置图 31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置桩的布置 action 群桩作用群桩作用 33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻桩端阻 friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻桩侧阻 35.pile cushion 桩垫桩垫 36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩(振动)打桩 37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验拔桩试验 38.pile shoe 桩靴桩靴 八. 地基处理--ground treatment2.cushion 垫层法垫层法3.preloading 预压法预压法4.dynamic compaction 强夯法强夯法5.dynamic compaction replacement 强夯置换法强夯置换法6.vibroflotation method 振冲法振冲法7.sand-gravel pile 砂石桩砂石桩 8.gravel pile(stone column)碎石桩碎石桩9.cement-flyash-gravel pile(CFG)水泥粉煤灰碎石桩水泥粉煤灰碎石桩 10.cement mixing method 水泥土搅拌桩水泥土搅拌桩 11.cement column 水泥桩水泥桩 12.lime pile (lime column)石灰桩石灰桩 13.jet grouting 高压喷射注浆法高压喷射注浆法14.rammed-cement-soil pile 夯实水泥土桩法夯实水泥土桩法 15.lime-soil compaction pile 灰土挤密桩灰土挤密桩 lime-soil compacted column 灰土挤密桩灰土挤密桩 lime soil pile 灰土挤密桩灰土挤密桩16.chemical stabilization 化学加固法化学加固法 17.surface compaction 表层压实法表层压实法18.surcharge preloading 超载预压法超载预压法 19.vacuum preloading 真空预压法真空预压法21.geofabric ,geotextile 土工织物土工织物 posite foundation 复合地基复合地基23.reinforcement method 加筋法加筋法 24.dewatering method 降低地下水固结法降低地下水固结法26.expansive ground treatment 膨胀土地基处理膨胀土地基处理27.ground treatment in mountain area 山区地基处理山区地基处理28.collapsible loess treatment 湿陷性黄土地基处理湿陷性黄土地基处理 29.artificial foundation 人工地基人工地基30.natural foundation 天然地基天然地基 31.pillow 褥垫褥垫 32.soft clay ground 软土地基软土地基 33.sand drain 砂井砂井 34.root pile 树根桩树根桩 35.plastic drain 塑料排水带塑料排水带九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi ’s consolidation theory 太沙基固结理论太沙基固结理论2.Barraon ’s consolidation theory 巴隆固结理论巴隆固结理论3.Biot ’s consolidation theory 比奥固结理论比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土超固结土6.excess pore water pressure 超孔压力超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结多维固结 consolidation 一维固结一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结主固结 10.secondary consolidation 次固结次固结 of consolidation 固结度固结度 15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力前期固结压力 17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength1.undrained shear strength 不排水抗剪强2.residual strength 残余强度残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法抗剪强度总应力法 9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论莫尔-库仑理论 10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力粘聚力 12.failure criterion 破坏准则破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度十字板抗剪强度 14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter 有效应力强度参数有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型刚塑性模型 8.cap model 盖帽模型盖帽模型 softening 加工软化加工软化 hardening 加工硬化加工硬化 11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型剑桥模型 12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则莫尔-库仑屈服准则 14.yield surface 屈服面屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量弹性模量 17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型文克尔地基模型 十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth earth pressure 主动土压力主动土压力2.passive earth pressure 被动土压力被动土压力 pressure at rest 静止土压力静止土压力4.Coulomb ’s earth pressure theory 库仑土压力理论库仑土压力理论5.Rankine ’s earth pressure theory 朗金土压力理论朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角休止角 factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数边坡稳定安全系数5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性挡土墙稳定性 wall 基础墙基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙锚定板挡土墙 8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙锚定板板桩墙 十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩木板桩5.timber piles 木桩木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 箱型基础箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础刚性基础 8.flexible foundation 柔性基础柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析 十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量动剪切模量 9.dynamic magnification factor 动力放大因素动力放大因素10.liquefaction strength 抗液化强度抗液化强度 11.dimensionless frequency 无量纲频率无量纲频率12.evaluation of liquefaction 液化势评价液化势评价 13.stress wave in soils 土中应力波土中应力波14.dynamic settlement 振陷(动沉降)振陷(动沉降)十九. 动力机器基础动力机器基础1.equivalent lumped parameter method 等效集总参数法等效集总参数法2.dynamic subgrade reaction method 动基床反力法动基床反力法3.vibration isolation 隔振隔振 vibration 基础振动基础振动5.elastic half-space theory of foundation vibration 基础振动弹性半空间理论基础振动弹性半空间理论6.allowable amplitude of foundation 基础振动容许振幅基础振动容许振幅7.natural frequency of foundation 基础自振频率基础自振频率二十. 地基基础抗震地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum 地震反应谱地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验(CD) paction test 击实试验击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验固结快剪试验 10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验慢剪试验 12.sieve analysis 筛分析筛分析 13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验土工模型试验 14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验离心模型试验 shear apparatus 直剪仪直剪仪 shear test 直剪试验直剪试验 simple shear test 直接单剪试验直接单剪试验 18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪动单剪 (resonance )vibration column test 自(共)振柱试验振柱试验 二十二. 原位测试原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验单桩竖向荷载试验 8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验螺旋板载荷试验 10.pressuremeter test 旁压试验旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验轻便触探试验 12.deep settlement measurement 深层沉降观测深层沉降观测13.vane shear test 十字板剪切试验十字板剪切试验 14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验现场渗透试验 pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测原位孔隙水压量测 soil test 原位试验原位试验。



缩写词部分AB--Anchor Bolt地脚螺栓Earthing boss接地板Abs--Absolute绝对的Abs--Abstract文摘、摘要A/C--Account帐、帐目AC--Alternating Current交流电Add--Addendum补充、补遗、附录ADL--Acceptable Defect Level允许的缺陷标准Adpt--Adapter连接器、接头AE--Absolute Error绝对误差AET--Acoustic Emission Examination声发射检验AISC--American Institute of Steel Construction美国钢结构学会AISI--American Iron and Steel Institute美国钢铁学会AL--Aluminium铝Alk--Alkaline碱的、强碱的ALM--Alarm报警Alt--Alternate交流、改变Amb--Ambient周围的Amt--Amount数量、金额Anh--Anhydrous无水的ANSI--American National Standard Institute美国国家标准学会API--American Petroleum Institute美国石油学会App--Apparatus设备App--Appendix附录、补遗Appl--Applied应用的Appl--Applicable适当的、合适的Approx--Approximate大约、近似Arrgt--Arrangement布置AS--Alloy steel合金钢Asb--Asbestos石棉ASL--Above Sea Level海拔高度ASM--American Society for Metals美国金属学会ASME--American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem--Assembly装配ASTM--American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm--Atmosphere大气atm--Atmosphere pressure大气压Auto--Automatic自动Aux--Auxiliary辅助设备、辅助的Avail--Available有效的、可用的Avg--Average平均AW--Arc welding电弧焊AW--Automatic Welding自动焊A.W.G.--American Wire Gauge美国线规AWS(AWI)--American Welding Society(Institute)美国焊接学会BAB--Babbitt Metal巴氏合金Baf--Baffle折流板、缓冲板BB--Ball Bearing滚珠轴承BC--Between Centers中心距、轴间距BC--Bolt circle螺栓中心圆BD--Blow down放空、放料BEDD--Basic engineering design data基础工程设计数据Bet--Between在…之间Bev--Bevel斜角、坡口BF--Back face背面、反面BF--Blind flange法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN--Brinell hardness number布氏硬度值BL--Battery Limit界区BL--Battery Line界区线B/L--Bill of Loading载荷数据表Bld--Blind盲板Blk--Black黑色Blk--Blank空白BM--Bench Mark基准标志BM--Bending Moment弯矩B/M(BOM)--Bill of Material材料表Bot--Bottom底BP--Back Pressure背压BP--Base plate底板BR--Basic Requirements基本要求BRG--Bearing轴承BRKT--Bracket支架Brs--Brass黄铜BS--Both Side两边BS--British Standard英国标准BS--Balance Sheet平衡表Bskt--Basket筐BTU--British Thermal Unit英国热量单位BV--Back View后视图BV--Butterfly Valve碟阀BW--Brine Vater冷冻盐水BW--Butt Welding对焊BWG--Birmingham Wire Gauge伯明翰线规BWRA.--British Welding Research Association英国焊接研究协会C--Centigrade(degree)摄氏度数CA--Chemical Analysis化学分析CA--Corrosion Allowance腐蚀裕量Calc--Calculate计算Cap--Capacity能力、容量CAS--Cast Alloy Steel铸造合金钢Cat--Catalyst触媒、催化剂Catg--Catalog目录、样本C-C(C/C)--Center to center中心距cc--carbon copy复写(纸复制)本cc--cubic centimeter立方厘米CCW--Counter clockwise反时针方向CD--Cold Drawn冷拉的、冷拔的CE--Covered Electrode焊条Cent--Centrifugal离心的CF--Centrifugal Force离心力CFW--Continuous Fillet Weld连续角焊缝CG--Center of Gravity重心CH--Case-Hardening表面硬化Ch--Chapter章节Cham--Chamfer倒角、斜角、斜面Chan--Channel通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk--Check检查CI--Cast Iron铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight到岸价格Circ--Circumference圆周、环向CL--Class等级、类别CL--Center Line中心线CL--Clearance间隙CLAS--Cast Low Alloy Steel低合金铸钢CM--Center of Mass质量中心Cnds--Condensate冷凝液CO--Clean Out清除Co--Company公司Coef--Coefficient系数Col--Column柱、塔Comb--Combination组合Comp--Compare比较Comp--Compound化合物、复合的Compn--Composition组分Conc--Concrete混凝土Conc--Concentration浓度Cond--Conductor导体Cond--Condition条件Conn--Connection联接、接口Const--Constant常数、恒定的Const--Construction结构,建造Cont--Control控制Cont--Contain包含Cont--Content内容、含量Corp--Corporation公司Corr--Corrosion腐蚀CP--Centipoise厘泊CP--Center of Pressure压力中心Cpl--Coupling管箍Cplg--Coupling联轴节CR--Chloroprene Rubber氯丁橡胶CS--Carbon Steel碳钢CS--Center Section中心截面CSTG--Casting铸造、铸件Ctr--Center中心CW--Cooling Water冷却水CW--Continuous Welding连续焊Cy--Cycle循环Cyl--Cylinder气缸、圆筒正文部分1WN带颈对焊法兰SO带颈平焊法兰IF整体法兰WN大直径管法兰BL法兰盖LF/SE对焊环松套法兰SW承插焊法兰(HG20616-20623)带颈对焊法兰(WN)密封面形式:突面(RF)凹面(MF)凸面(M)全平面(FF)欍槽面(TG)Header管箱Supporting column支柱Phenum风箱Fan ring风筒Fan deck风机底板Drive assembly驱动组件Forced draught鼓风式/induced draught引风式One-bay单排架Two-bay双排架Sheave皮带轮Item成台设备Plug sheet丝堵板Top plate顶板bottom plate底板--end plate端板--removable cover plate可卸盖板Stay plate加强板Side fame侧面框架tube spacer定距管Tube support cross-member管子支撑梁Tube keeper管子支撑件Instrument connection仪表接头Stud construction,confined gasket榫槽结构窄垫片Flanged construction,confined gasket凹凸结构窄垫片Full-faced gasket全表面宽垫片Plug header丝堵式管箱Stiffener加强件Front正面Side侧面Box-type plenum箱型风箱Transition plenum转换风箱Standard fit标准配合Undertolerance负偏差Overtolerance正偏差Special close fit特殊紧配合Tube-hole grooving管孔槽Thread lubrication罗纹润滑Centerline header管箱中心线Centerline nozzle接管中心线Reference line基准线Out-of-plane tolerance不平度公差Holding-down bolts夹紧螺栓The instrument air supply空气供给仪器The louvre characteristic performance curve百叶窗特性曲线Instrumentation仪表Dry-bulb temperature干球温度Max.exposure temp.of elastomeric material弹性材料的最大外露温度For pheumatic positioner气动定位器For pheumatic diaphragm actuators气动隔膜执行机构For rotary unions旋转单元Expanded metal fan guard mesh风机护罩多孔金属网Direct right-angle gear drive齿轮直角直接驱动Belt drive皮带驱动Direct motor drive电动机直接驱动Fan support风机支架Suspended belt drive,motor shaft down悬挂皮带驱动,电动机轴朝下Gear box齿轮箱Bearing轴承Coupling联轴器Base plate底板Louvre deflection窗叶挠度Louvre blades in closed position with design load of 2000N/m2设计载荷为2000N/m2的处于关闭状态的窗叶Louvre side frames with uniform design load of 2000N/m2均匀设计载荷为2000的百叶窗边缘框架Length of the span between points of support俩支撑点之间的跨度Platform平台Column支柱Walkway走道Live load动载荷Floor framing平台铺板Columns and brackests支柱及托架Ladders and stairways梯子和脚踏Fan thrust风机推力(internal)refractory linings耐火衬里Wet gas compressor trim coolers湿气压缩机调温冷却器Stripper condenser汽提塔冷凝器Flattening椭圆度Stripper feed pre-heater汽提塔进料预热器Stripprt1st reboiler汽提塔第一再沸器Primary absorber bottom pumparound cooler一级吸收塔底循环泵冷却器Low temp.HIC resist KCS低温抗HIC镇静钢Gasoline trim cooler汽油调温冷却器Lean oil trim cooler贫油调温冷却器Fuel gas cooler燃料气冷却器Debutanizer reboiler脱丁烷塔冷凝器Butane product cooler丁烷产品冷却器Propane/propylene rectifier condensers丙烷/丙烯精馏塔冷凝器Mixed C3cooler混合C3冷却器Residue MPS heater渣油MPS加热器Feed/slurry pumparound exchanger进料/油浆循环泵换热器Slurry HP steam generator油浆-高压蒸汽发生器Clarified oil MP steam generator澄清油中压蒸汽发生器Safetyrelated technical manual产品安全技术说明书Namely即Specific gravity比重Fixed tubesheet heat exchanger固定管板式换热器Floating head type heat exchanger浮头式换热器U-tube type heat exchanger U形管式换热器Kettle type heat exchanger釜式换热器Double tube type heat exchanger套管式换热器Slip tubesheet heat exchanger with stuffing box滑动管板填料函换热器Stuffing box heat exchanger填料函式换热器Double sheet heat exchanger双管板换热器Thin tubesheet heat exchanger薄管板换热器Bayonet type heat exchanger插管式换热器Jacket type heat exchanger夹套式换热器Mesh demister丝网除沫器Skirt shell裙座筒体Cover plate盖板Base plate底板Straddle equi-spaced跨中均布Bottom head下封头Weld symbol std.焊缝符号标准Weld forms for NZLS-SHELL--C、D类焊缝坡口形式Earthquake deg.地震烈度“Duplicate”=“复制”“for gas service only”=“仅用于气体工况”0.8mm radius round半径为0.8mm的圆1st sulphur condenser第一硫冷凝器正文部分2A0.8mm radius round tool(磨平用)A balancing bellows平衡波纹管A blank head毛坯封头A centre line elevation of3.5m at the top exchanger 顶层换热器中心线拔高A certificate of conformance性能证书A certified test report合格的试验报告A chord length弦长arc length弧长A circumferential line环向线A coded marking编号标志方法A coefficient of discharge排放系数A computed radial shear计算所得的径向剪切载荷A cone with a knuckle radius有转角半径的锥壳A cone-to-cylinder junction锥壳与圆筒的接逢A definitely determinable yield point有明显屈服点的材料A dimensioned detail sketch of defect location and extent缺陷位置和范围的尺寸草图A fillet weld with a min.throat dimension角焊缝最小厚度a fine grain practice细化晶粒处理A fixed geographical location固定地理位置A flare radius扩口半径A forged welding neck flange锻制焊接带颈法兰A given nominal chemical analysis给定的公称化学成分A heated electrode holder已加热电焊条的焊条筒A mockup模拟产品a needle gun for scale清除剥落层的撞针枪A neutral to slightly reducing flame中性至微还原性火焰A non-welded dished head非焊接凸形封头A pad垫板A positive mechanical locking arrangement可靠的机械锁紧装置A proven quantitative analytical technique有效的定量分析方法A ratio of min.specified yield曲强比A ratio of not less than three to one不小于3:1的比例A recess1/16in.deep开凹型座A reverse curve section反向曲线段A rupture disk holder安全膜夹持器A shallow contaminated area一个浅的污染区A shielding gas is employed采用保护气体transfer mode熔滴过渡形式short-circurting非短路过渡A stayed jacket具有拉撑件的夹套A stiff and lump paste粘稠而多块状物的糊A straight thread直螺纹A substantial lifting device靠可靠的提升装置A suitable gas leak test适当的气密性试验A telebrinell portable tester便携式布氏测定仪A threaded fastener with a head on one end一端有螺栓头的螺纹紧固件A three to one taper over…在…上形成3:1的泄面A transition section reducer变径过渡段壳体A transition with a slope not exceeding3:1过渡段其坡度不超过3:1A try cock试验旋塞A uniform force fit with the mating section at the root of the weld----在焊根部位的配合处应均匀贴合A valve data tag阀门数据标签A wet paint surface涂漆的未干的表面A wire penetrameter线型透度计Abnormal pressure caused by deflagration由爆燃引起的异常Above3o’clock/9o’clock position高于时钟3点/9点的位置Abrasive tooling打磨工具Abrupt transition突变过渡Accelerated cooling快速冷却Acceptance by inspector由检验员认为合格Acceptance criteria验收标准Acceptance standard合格标准Access openings通道孔Accessibility of pressure vessels压力容器可达性Accumulation of pressure压力累积Acid etch酸蚀Across,impact test横向冲击试验Acting as partial shell stiffeners做为部分壳体加强圈Actual heat treating temperature实际热处理温度Actual prevailing climatic conditions实际的气候条件Additional reinforcement附加补强Adjacent sliding surface such as guides and disks or disk holders相接触的滑动表面,如导向套、阀瓣、或阀瓣夹持器Adjacent to edges of stay-bolted surface临近用螺栓拉撑的表面周边处Adjoining base material相临母材Adjusting slider调整板Admissible wall thickness最小许可壁厚Aerosol can喷罐Affixed to安装到…After Finning在和翅片成一体后Agitator device搅拌装置Air baffle(upper/lower)挡风板Air hardening steels自淬钢Air pocket气袋Air volume风量Alignment tolerance对准公差,组对公差All hydro-test leakage液压试验发现的所有泄露点Allow.Press.Drop允许压降Allowance for corrosion,erosion,abrasion腐蚀裕量,侵蚀,磨损裕量Alternative design for替代Ambient temperature环境温度Amine lean solution/rich贫/富胺液Ammonia氨Amount of overlap搭接量An adjustable blow-down construction可调排污结构An aluminum coating on the hot face(gas side)热管板的热面(气体侧)喷一层铝thermally sprayed aluminum热喷铝An angle joint connecting锐角对接焊连接angle joint 斜口接头An atmospheric dew point常压露点温度An individual tube hydrostatic test逐根进行液压试验Anchor bolt地角螺栓Anchor plate支撑板Angle beam examination横波检验法Angle of diagonal with longitudinal line对角向线与纵向线的夹角Anti-corrosive coating防酸腐蚀的涂层Anti-galling防卡滞的Any group of aligned indications任何一群或直线分布的显示Any non-hazardous liquid任何非危险性液体Any reduction in thickness任何厚度削薄Any taper at a welded joint焊接接头的任何斜度Apex angle顶角,half-apex angle半锥顶角Apparatus仪器,设备Applied linings,tightness应用忖里,密封性Approval of new material新材料的批准Appurtenances附属零件Arc or gas welded(W)电焊或气焊Pressure welded(P)压力焊Brazed(B)钎焊(Electric)resistance welded (ERW)电阻焊Arc weld电弧焊Act stud welding电弧螺柱焊Resistance stud welding电阻螺柱焊Atomic hydrogen原子氢焊Stud螺栓焊Electron beam welding电子束焊Flash闪光焊Electroslag电渣焊Explosive爆炸焊Induction感应焊Continuous/intermittent welding连续焊/间断焊Electro-gas welding气电焊Full penetration welding 全熔焊Inertia and continuous drive friction welding 用储能和连续驱动摩擦焊/惯性…Laser beam激光束焊Capacitor discharge welding电容放电焊Manual welding:flat position,vertical position手工焊:平焊、立焊Oxy-fuel gas氧燃料气焊Thermit铝热焊Spot 点焊line线焊seam缝焊Tack/Tack weld定位焊Arc strikes,gouges,and other indication of careless workmanship引弧斑痕,刨痕及其他由于疏忽造成的损失starts引弧stops止弧Arithmetical average deviation计算平均偏差Around openings for welded attachment环绕焊接附件孔口Around openings环绕开孔Arrangement symmetry对称布置Arrangement symmetry对称布置equispaced midspan 跨中均布Asbestos with suitable binder含有适当粘剂的石棉ASME designated organization--ASME指定机构ASME designee----ASME代表ASNT=American society for nondestructive testing美国无损检测协会ASTM=American society for testing and material美国试验材料协会At elevated temperature,在高温情况下/cryogenic低温下At increments that are within20%of the range covered----(点与点间的)增量应为所覆盖范围的20%At or near the center of the weld在焊逢中间或附近At shop在车间At the edges of the fillet weld在角焊缝焊趾处At the large end在大端At the max.anticipated temperature最大预期温度下At the most critical area最危险的区域At the purchaser’s option基于买方的选择At the smallest cross sectional area在最小横截面Attachment of pressure parts to flat plates to form a corner joint承压件、平板相焊形成角接头Attachment welds连续焊逢Austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steels奥式体铬镍不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel奥式体不锈钢Authentication认证/鉴定Auto-refrigeration自动制冷Average discontinuity hoop stress不连续环向平均应力Avoid overloading the bristles避免刷上沾太多油漆Avoid sharp break避免尖角破裂Axial load per unit circumference单位周长轴向载荷Axial strain轴向应变Back strip剥离Back-chip背面清根Backing device钩圈Backing plate,clad material覆层材料的垫板Backing strip垫板Baffle cut折流板切口Baffle plate起顶板,挡板Baffle折流板Bare and marred spots裸露点(未上漆的)和损害了的地方Bars and shapes棒材和型材Bars拉杆jacks千斤顶clamps夹具Bar棒Base metal母材Base plate底板Base tube基管Basis for establishing确定的基础Bcup硼铜磷组BAg硼银组Be applied as a continuous coating in an even manner to achieve a minimum film thickness平坦,最薄的膜Be available in sufficient quantity应有足够用的量Be brought up uniformly to均匀升温Be chamfered or rounded进行倒角或倒圆Be compatible with与…协调、一致Be conducted on water at a tem.Between..and..应采用温度在..和..之间的水来进行Be disconnected隔断Be either staggered or in-line可以相互错开,或并排布置Be erected at the manufacturer’s works在厂内试安装Be essentially symmetrical with respect to the axis of rotation相对于旋转轴保持基本对称Be examined by sectioning可进行截面检查Be expanded for the full thickness of the tube sheet管只能在管板整个厚度里胀Be explicitly indicated that the unit is subjected to vibrations明确指出换热器会有振动Be formed to the curvature of the shell做成与壳体相对应的曲率Be forwarded to送交Be identified in yellow以黄色标明Be inspected to ascertain complete penetration检查确定是否Be mandatory for强制性的要求Be multiplied by乘以Be obstructed by被…堵塞Be of streamlined design设计成流线型Be perpendicular to垂直于Be readily rendered inoperative经常失灵Be ready accessible for inspection便于检查Be sampled进行采样Be solution annealed进行固溶退火Be well ground,not cake,thicken or skin(油漆)安放好、不结块、变浓、或结皮Be written in stencil on the yellow bandBead width焊道Beams梁Bearing area承载面积Bearing surface受压面Bend tangent弯处切点Bend test弯曲试验Bending stress弯曲应力Bend弯管Bessemer quality steel贝式体钢Bevel is optional,45°max.斜度/坡口任意,最大为45°Bevel斜磨/倒角Bind flange法兰盖/盲法兰Black ground,yellow letter黑底黄字Blank flange盲板法兰Blast cleaned surface喷砂清洗过的表面Blow敲击,peening锤击Body-to-bonnet or body-to-yoke bolting阀体和阀盖,阀体和阀轭螺栓Boiler water锅炉水Bolt hole clearance螺孔间隙Bolt lands螺栓载荷Bolt stress螺栓应力Bolt tensioners螺栓紧固件/螺栓张紧Bolted flange connection螺栓法兰连接Bolting flange 螺栓法兰Bolt螺栓Bonnet封头管箱Booster gas heater增压气加热器Bosses threadsBottom plate of saddle鞍座底板Bottom plate底板Braced and stayed surface拉杆和撑杆表面Braces or stay-bolts of uniform diameter symmetrically spaced等直径并对称布置的拉撑件或撑条的表面Brace拉杆Bracing拉筋Branch connection支管连接Brazed connections for nozzle接管的钎焊连接Brazed joint钎焊接头Brazed vessel钎焊容器Brazer钎焊工Brazing filler metal ring pre-placed here钎料环预先安放于此Brazing filler metals钎料Breaking pin device安全销装置Breaking pin housing安全销套Breaking pressure破碎压力Breather valve呼吸阀Brinell hardness布氏硬度Brittle coating脆性涂料Brittle fracture脆性破坏BUB=bubble point沸点Bubble trays泡罩塔Buckling stress屈曲应力Built-up pad加厚凸缘上Burrs along the hole periphery shall be removal除去管孔周边毛刺Burr毛刺,毛口Busting test爆破试验But otherwise by…但用其他..方式则不Butt straps对接盖板/对接搭板Butt welded joint对接接头Buttering预堆边焊Buttstraps对接搭板Butt-welding对接焊By capillary attraction借助于毛细管引力Bypass shroud旁路挡板By-pass旁通管Cable clamp索夹Calculated test pressure计算得的试验压力Calculation heat exchanger area计算换热面积Calibrated against a standard deadweight tester经标准的静重式测试仪校正Calibrated at intervals not exceeding six months每隔六个月复检一次Can section罐段head端部exchanger section换热器段nozzle管嘴Capacity certification of pressure relief devices泄压装置排量证明书Capacity certification test排量的验证试验Carbon content含碳量Carbon in material for welding焊接用材料中的碳Care for handling小心轻放HANDLE WITH CARE: Indicating that contents are fragileCast bronze threaded fittings铸造青铜螺纹连接管配件Cast copper alloy pipe flange铸铜合金公称管法兰Cast ductile vessel可锻铸容器Cast iron circular dished heads铸铁碟形封头Cast iron pipe fittings铸铁管件Cast iron vessel铸铁容器Cast iron plugCast iron standard parts,small铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron铸铁/生铁Cast material铸造材料Cast,forged,rolled,or die formed standard pressure parts铸,锻,轧,或模具成形的标准受压件Casting quality factor铸造质量系数Casting铸件Catalyst circulation design case催化剂循环设计情况Catch basins滤污器Category B butt joint--B类对接接头Category容器类别Caustic service有腐蚀的设备Caustic soda苛性钠Caustic washing tower/alkaline tower碱洗塔Center of gravity mark重心标识NIL:Indicating position of center of gravityCenter of lap搭接中心线Center of weld焊缝中心线Centrifugal castings离心浇注的铸件Ceramic random packing陶瓷散堆填料Certificate of authorization for code symbol stamp规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of nondestructive personnel无损检验人员证明书Certified individual(CI)合格人员Chamfer for pass partition oral part隔板槽倒角Chamfer倒角Channel box管箱Channel cover管箱平盖Channel flange管箱法兰Channel gasket管箱垫片Channel head管箱封头Channel pass partition管箱分层隔板Channel-side gasket管箱侧垫片Charpy impact tests“夏比”冲击试验Charpy V-notch type夏比V形缺口形式Chart草图Checking of Dimension校核尺寸Cheesecloth粗棉布Chemical analysis for qualification shall be obtained by laboratory methods评定化学分析应当采用化验室分析方法Chemical analysis verification results化学分析验证结果Chemical cleaning connections化学清洗连接处Chemical composition化学成份Chiller economizer再接触预冷器China state bureau of quality and technical supervision 中国质量技术监督局Chip mark on integrally forged vessels整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Chip marks and minor depressions削痕或较小的凹陷Chipping铲chipping hammers;grinding磨abrasive wheels;scraping刮scrapers;gouging刨Chisel凿子chrome-moly steel铬钼钢Chrome铬钢Chromic acid铬酸Circular heads and noncircular heads圆形和非圆形封头Circular plates圆平板Circumferential butt joints with one plate offset单边折边的环向对接接头Circumferential joint环向连接longitudinal joints纵向接头ring joint圆环形连接Circumferential stress环向应力Circumferential surface圆周表面Circumferential weld环焊缝Clad material覆层材料Clad plate复合板Clad restoration覆层复原Clad sheet复合薄板Clad side覆层侧Clad vessel覆层容器Cladding覆层Clad-stripped surface剥离了覆层的表面Clamp ring夹环Clamp卡箍Clapboard挡板Class of acceptance合格级别Class of welded details焊接细节的类别Classification number牌号Clay treater feed heater白土塔进料加热器Cleaned with a light,non-residue,and chemical solvent使用轻型、无残留化学熔剂Cleaning and developing solution清洗和显影法Cleaning of brazed surfaces钎焊的表面清理Cleaning of welded surface焊件表面清理Clearance between surfaces to be brazed钎焊表面间的间隙Clearance间距Clips夹板/压板/夹持件/夹板/卡子Closing in extensions of the body筒体延伸部分进行收口Closing plug塞堵,cap帽盖Closure bars拉紧杆Closure封闭Clustered indication密集性显示CMGC波齿垫CMR阶梯型填料Coarse ingot structure粗锭结构Coarse ripple粗糙焊波grooves沟槽overlaps焊瘤abrupt ridges陡脊valleys凹坑Cracks裂纹pinholes 针孔incomplete fusion未熔合Crater弧坑Coated and cored electrodes and flux带涂层的及药芯的电焊条和焊剂Coated electrodes涂层焊条Coated surface涂漆了的表面Coated with a metallic base waterproof lubricant to prevent galling in use and aqueous corrosion during testing漆上金属防水润滑剂以防止卡滞及在试验过程中出现的水腐蚀Coatings涂层plating电镀Code for construction and acceptance of spherical tanks球形储罐施工和验收规范GB50094Code number代码Code symbol规范符号Coiler蛇管,盘管Cold bent冷弯Cold differential test pressure冷差试验压力Cold flash drum feed cooler冷闪蒸筒进料冷却器Cold-drawn bars冷拔棒Collapsing pressure垮塌压力Collar boltColor coding色码Column立柱Column塔器Combination of different material不同材料组合Combination units组合容器Combined with pneumatic与气压试验混合Combine-unit组合件Combustible distillates可燃液体Commodity specification--设备规格书Communicating chambers连通室Complete chemical analysis of the overlay完整的堆焊层化学分析Complete fusion and complete joint penetration完全熔合及完全焊透Composite组合件Compresed asbestos gaskets压紧的石棉垫Compressed air service压缩空气锅炉Compression type压环式Compressors压缩机Computation计算Computed working pressure from hydrostatic test由水压试验计算的工作压力Computer control module计算机控制模数Concave and convex凹面和凸面Concavity凹陷Concentric reducer sections同心变径段Concentric ring wave form disk plate同心环碟片填料Concert with inner surface与内表面吻合Conditioned areas修整区域Cone锥体Conical head锥形封头Conical reducer sections锥形变径段Conical sections圆锥截面Connection size standard连接尺寸标准Conspicuous location显眼的位置Constant volume process zone定容过程区Construction fixtures建造夹具Construction结构数据Consumable and non-consumable electrode process熔化电极法与不熔化电极法Consumable inserts焊接用可熔化嵌条Contact facing接触面Contact pyrometers接触高温表Contamination污染物recontamination再污染Continuation of shell optional壳体可延伸Continuous full penetration weld连续全焊透焊逢Continuous heat resistance持续耐热Control of stamping打印管理Controlled shot peening控制喷丸Conversion换算Coolant冷却剂Cooling chamber冷却室Cooling rate降温速度Cooling tower fan冷却塔风机Cooling way and time冷却方式与时间Copper sulfate etching硫酸铜Corner and fillet圆角和倒角Corner joint角接头Corner or tee joints角接或T型接头Corner,fillet角接焊缝,角焊缝Corrected for temperature温度校正Corrections for moisture content of the steam校正蒸汽的含水量Corroded thickness蚀态厚度Corrosion resistant linings防腐蚀忖里Corrosion resistant weld metal overlay cladding抗腐蚀堆焊金属层Corrugated metal,asbestos inserted,or corrugated metal,jacketed asbestos filled内填石棉的波纹状金属或充填夹层石棉的波纹金属Corrugated plate波形板Corrugated shells波纹形壳体Corrugating paper machinery波纹板机械Corrugating paper machinery瓦楞纸机械Cosmetic grinding休整性打磨Counter-current逆流/回流Coupling threadCouplings plugged to prevent damage塞紧以防损坏Coupling管箍/耦合/联结Cover flange外头盖法兰Cover plates/Cover盖板Cracks裂纹seams皱纹laps折叠cold shuts冷隔lamination分层Cradle吊架Crater crack火口裂纹Crimping强压Critical temperature临界温度Cross stray斜撑Curvature of the vessel wall容器壁的弧度,Curvature 曲率Cutting oil切削油scale residues剥落的残渣Cutting切割fitting装配and alignment对准CVN impact testing夏比缺口冲击试验Cyclic operation循环工作Cyclical loading循环载荷Cylinder筒体Cylindrical shell柱状壳体,Cylindrical圆柱形Damp潮湿greasy油污oxidized氧化Dead load静载荷Defective brazing有缺陷的钎焊Defect缺陷Defined limit规定的范围Deflecting baffle导流板Deflection cause linkage挠曲引起泄露Deflector导流装置Delayed cracking延迟裂纹Demister破沫器Demonstration of density and penetrameter image射线透照的黑度和透度计Dengsity密度Velocity流速pressure drop压降viscosity粘性molecular weight分子量Density密度Deoxaluminite weld-through primer焊接坡口防护涂料Deoxidation脱氧Depentanizer feed-bottoms exchanger脱戊烷塔进料/塔底换热器Deposited weld metal熔焊金属Depth of offset折边深度Derusting去锈Design and construction of large,welded,low pressure storage tanks大型焊接低压贮罐设计和制造API620 Design duty设计功率Design for full vacuum@temper.Design life设计寿命Design margin设计裕度Design or type number of valve阀门设计号或型号Design parameter设计参数Designation名称Detachable chamber独立可分的受压室Detect pressure观察压力Detect surface calibration notches检测表面标定缺口Detrimental corrosion有害的腐蚀Detrimental discoloration有害变色Deviation背离,(对角线、角度上的)偏差DEW=dew point露点Diagonal white and yellow bands白黄色斜纹Dial indicating pressure gages表盘指示压力表Diameter exemption直径的豁免Diaphragm type pressure relief valve隔膜式泄压阀Die-stamping for material identification打材料标志硬印Diff.Pressure/Differential pressure压差Differ in thickness厚度差Diffusible hydrogen limit扩散氢限制Digital reading pressure gages数字压力表Dimensionless factor无量纲系数Dimpled压凹窝的,embossed使凸出Direct firing(DF)直接火容器Discharge of safety valves安全阀泄放Discharge pipe排放管Discharge出料Dished cover球面凸形封头Dished heads碟形Disk-doughnut baffle盘-环行折流板Dismantling拆除installation安装Displacement measurement test位移测量试验Dissimilar metal welding异种金属焊接Dissimilar weld metal不同金属的焊接Distortion大变形Distribution devices配电装置Distribution,retention发送,保存Distributor分布器Double curvature双曲率single curvature单曲率Double pipe套管Double weld双道焊Double-jacketed金属包垫片Double-welding双面焊Doubly curved shell两个曲面组成的壳体Dowel销子Drain opening排尽孔Drainage排放Drilled or bored holes钻孔或镗孔Drips and runs in the path of the weld joint焊道内的防护涂料滴痕或流痕Driving fit打入配合(封头与壳体焊接前)Drop weight test落锤试验Drum圆桶Dry saturated steam干饱和蒸汽Dry weight of total halogen or sulfur or in-organic halogens总卤素或硫或无机卤素干重Ductile cast iron可锻铸铁Due to fatigue or creep由于疲劳或蠕变Dummy tubes O.D.堵管平盖Duplex stainless steel双相不锈钢Duplicate and similar parts相同件和相似件During fabrication/Fitting up制造过程中制造期间Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld--100%的着色渗透探伤Dye stenciling染色镂刻Dye-penetration detection着色探伤Dynamic loading动载荷Each bundle每捆,each lift每个吊运包装,shipping container集装箱Each side of each circumferential welded intersection 每一环向接头相交的两侧Earth lug接地板Earth lug接地板anchor bolt地脚螺栓lifting lugs吊耳Eccentricity of shell壳体的偏心度Eddy current test涡流探伤with eddy current method Edge defects边缘缺陷Edge of plates,metal removal from由加工板边去除金属Effective gasket width有效垫片宽度Effective temp.Difference有效温差Effective thickness of conical section锥形段的等效厚度Efficiency系数Elastic buckling stress弹性失稳应力Elasticity,modulus of弹性模量Elastomer合成橡胶Elbow弯头Electrode core焊芯Electrode rods电焊条electrode wires电焊丝Electrode焊条Elevation above ground拔高/地面高度Ellipsoidal椭圆形,torispherical碟形,hemispherical 半球形,conical锥形Ellipsoidal椭圆形hemispherical半球形spherically dished(torispherical)球面凸形(碟形)conical锥形tori-conical(cone head with knuckle)折边锥形(具有转角区的锥形封头)Elliptical projection technique椭圆发射技术Elongated indication条型显示Embody包含,体现Embrittlement脆化Employing straight threads使用直螺纹Enameled vessel搪瓷容器Enamel瓷釉Endurance limit疲劳极限Engineering drawings工程设计图纸commodity specification商品规格书Engraving or hard stamping蚀刻或打钢印Enlarged inlet nozzlesEnthalpy-temperature profile:linear热函-温度曲线图:线性的Entirely in spherical portion全部在球体部分Epoxy环氧涂层Equally spaced on two rows均匀分布为两排Equipment setup,calibration,operation,evaluation of examination设备调试、校准、操作、和检测数据评定Equip-spaced mid-span跨中均布Erection weight安装重量Erosion冲蚀Establish a mean analysis确定化学成分平均值Etchant浸蚀剂Etching,of sectioned specimens侵蚀,关于截面试样Evaluation and retests评片与复验Evaporator蒸发器Examination of sectioned specimens剖面试样的检验Examination report(超声波)探伤报告Locate indication area确定指示区域echo height回波高度indication dimensions指示尺寸depth below the surface表面下的深度type of indication指示类型Examined by审核人Excess stock from…material余料Excessive deformation过大的变形Excessive scoring of the plates平板上的深痕Exothermic kits放热包Expanded connection胀接Expansion joint膨胀节Explosion-proof group防爆等级Explosive welding of multiplayer tubes多层管爆炸焊Exposed inside edges内侧裸露出的边缘Exposed left un-welded留下不予焊接的显露部分Extend over…延伸到…Extended heat transfer surfaces延伸的转热面Extended or thickened necks加长或加厚管颈External B31.1process piping外部B31.1工艺配管External surface painting STD.外表面涂漆标准Extract column feed-bottoms exchanger抽出液塔/塔底换热器Extract column抽提塔Extreme fiber elongation最大纤维伸长率/极限Eye bolts吊环螺栓Fabricated castings for pump泵外壳Fabrication单纯的机械制造Facilities装备Facing to C.L.or W.L.伸出高度Factory-made wrought butt-welding fittings工厂制造的锻钢对焊管配件Failure likelihood失效频率Failure or deterioration of the diaphragm material隔膜材料失效或损坏Failure probability失效概率Fatigue strength design疲劳分析设计Female thread内螺纹,male thread外螺纹Ferric steel vessel with tensile property enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器Ferrite number(FN)铁素体含量代号Ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by H.T.采用热处理提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢Ferromagnetic铁磁性(材料)Non-magnetic非磁性(材料)Ferrule-type卡套式Field assembly of vessel容器的现场安装Filler metal填充金属Filler plugs for trepanned holes锥孔的管塞Fillet weld角焊Film coefficient膜系数Filter and traps used to collect water and oil过滤器和积水箱Filter screen滤网Fine metal gauze细丝网Finish coat面漆Finish:“face”sweep blasted抛光:标明“面”处需抛光处理Finishing column feed-bottoms exchanger成品塔进料/塔底换热器Finned portion,un-finned portion有翅段,无翅段Fired heater coils火焰加热炉盘管Fired process tubular heater直接火管式加热炉Firmly adherent deposits牢牢黏附的沉淀物First lot of…首批..First sample test report首样测试报告Fitting attachments附件装配Fitting up joints连接处的装配Fittings配件Fixed saddle固定鞍式支座Flaking剥落,薄片Flame arrestor火焰清除器Flame cutting火焰切割Flame damper阻火器Flame/Explosion-proof stirrer防爆搅拌器Flammable vapor可燃蒸汽Flange contact facings法兰接触面Flange moment法兰力矩Flange of stiffener加强圈翼板Flange rings法兰圈Flange stress法兰应力Flanged fittings带法兰管配件。



Accident causation models 事故致因理论Safety officer 安全官员Safety management 安全管理Safety committee 安全委员会Physical conditions 物质条件Shop-floor 生产区Machine guarding 机械保护装置Unionized company集团公司House-keeping 工作场所管理Seniority 资历、工龄Top management 高层管理人员Local culture 当地文化Human errors 人因失误Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型Power relations 权力关系Munitions factory 军工厂Status review 状态审查Causal factors 起因Lower-level management 低层管理者Risking taking 冒险行为Business performance 组织绩效Corporate culture 企业文化Most senior executive 高级主管Loss prevention 损失预防Supervisory level 监督层Process industry 制造工业Safety principle 安全规则Hazard control 危险控制Wall-board 公告栏Intensive study 广泛研究Implement plan 执行计划Organizational performance 企业绩效Hazard identification 危险辨识Mutual trust 相互信任Safety performance 安全性能One comprehensive definition for an organizational cultubasic assumptions –invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope wit h its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has wo rked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to thos e problems”译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。



机械英语考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "mechanical engineering" refers to:A. The study of machinesB. The design and manufacture of mechanical systemsC. The operation of machineryD. The maintenance of mechanical equipment答案:B2. What is the function of a bearing in a mechanical system?A. To reduce frictionB. To increase efficiencyC. To provide powerD. To transmit motion答案:A3. The process of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy is known as:A. ElectrificationB. CombustionC. ThermodynamicsD. Hydrodynamics答案:C4. In mechanical design, the principle of "KISS" stands for:A. Keep It Simple, StupidB. Keep It Short and SimpleC. Keep It Simple and SafeD. Keep It Simple, Smart答案:A5. A gear train is used to:A. Change the direction of motionB. Increase the speed of rotationC. Decrease the speed of rotationD. All of the above答案:D6. What does CAD stand for in mechanical engineering?A. Computer-Aided DesignB. Computer-Aided DraftingC. Computer-Aided DevelopmentD. Computer-Aided Diagnostics答案:A7. The SI unit for force is:A. NewtonB. JouleC. PascalD. Watt答案:A8. What is the purpose of a flywheel in a mechanical system?A. To store energyB. To increase speedC. To reduce noiseD. To dissipate heat答案:A9. The term "hydraulics" is associated with the study of:A. Fluid dynamicsB. Solid mechanicsC. Structural analysisD. Thermal engineering答案:A10. The process of cutting a material to a specific shape is known as:A. MachiningB. CastingC. ForgingD. Extrusion答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The formula for calculating the moment of a force is \( F \times d \), where \( F \) is the force and \( d \) is the_______.答案:distance from the pivot12. A _______ is a device that converts linear motion into rotational motion.答案:crank13. In a four-stroke internal combustion engine, the four strokes are intake, compression, _______, and exhaust.答案:power14. The _______ of a material is its ability to resist deformation under load.答案:stiffness15. The term "overhaul" in mechanical maintenance refers to a thorough inspection and _______ of a machine or its parts.答案:repair16. The _______ of a machine is the study of how forces act on and within a body.答案: statics17. A _______ is a type of machine that uses a screw to convert rotational motion into linear motion.答案:screw jack18. The _______ of a system is the point around which the system rotates.答案:pivot19. The _______ of a lever is the ratio of the effort arm to the load arm.答案:mechanical advantage20. The _______ is a type of bearing that allows for rotation with minimal friction.答案:ball bearing三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between static and dynamic equilibrium in mechanical systems.答案:Static equilibrium refers to a state where the net force and net moment acting on a body are zero, resulting in no acceleration. Dynamic equilibrium occurs when the net force is zero, but the body is in motion with constant velocity.22. What is the purpose of a clutch in a vehicle?答案:A clutch is used to engage and disengage the power transmission from the engine to the transmission system, allowing the vehicle to start, stop, and change gears smoothly.23. Describe the function of a governor in an engine.答案:A governor is a device that automatically controls the speed of an engine by regulating the fuel supply or the valve settings, ensuring the engine operates within safespeed limits.24. What are the three primary types of joints in structural engineering?答案:The three primary types of joints are pinned joints, fixed joints, and sliding joints, each serving different purposes in connecting and supporting structural elements.25. Explain the。



翻译AbstractSeismic Performance Assessment and Probabilistic Repair Cost Analysis of Precast Concrete Cladding Systems for Multistory BuildingsbyJeffrey Patrick HuntDoctor of Philosophy in Engineering –Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of California, BerkeleyProfessor Bozidar Stojadinovic, ChairAnalytical and experimental tests have shown that the seismic response of multistorymoment-frame structures with precast concrete cladding in moderate to severe earthquakes is significantly influenced by the cladding system. Moreover, considerable damage to the cladding system components from recent earthquakes has been reported. The cladding system can account for a significant portion of the initial cost of a building, often as much as 20%. However, inseismic analysis and design, engineers typically ignore the additional stiffness and damping thatthe cladding system may provide, which could prove to be beneficial or detrimental to the building’s seismic performance. Most of the efforts in nonlinear dynamic modeling focus on representing the behavior of structural elements and do not include the effects of non-structural elements such as cladding systems. The purpose of the research discussed in this dissertation isto study the effect that the cladding system has on the structural response of multistory buildings,to develop analytical equations to estimate the seismic demands in the cladding connections, to calculate the probability of failure of typical cladding connections, and to determine the postearthquake repair costs and repair times of typical cladding systems.The nine-story LA SAC steel moment-frame building is selected as the study building,and a two-dimensional, nonlinear model is developed of the bare-frame structure in OpenSees.The steel moment-resisting frame of the bare-frame structure is modeled using nonlinear forcebeam-column line elements capable of representing distributedplasticity along their length. Theframe connections are reduced-beam section (RBS) moment connections, and their modeledcyclic moment-rotation behavior is based on experimental test results of the connection.Analytical models of three different precast cladding designs are applied to the bare-framestructure to study their effect on the building’s seismic response. The three cladding designs represent common systems used in regular multistory buildings in modern construction. The first cladding design, cladding type C1, consists of alternating horizontal bands of spandrel panels (covering the exterior floor beams) and glazing. The spandrel panels extend the full width of thebay. The second cladding design, cladding type C2, consists of spandrel panels that extend thefull height of the story with rectangular window openings “punched” into their surface. The thirdcladding design, cladding type C3, consists of the same spandrel panels as in type C1 withcolumn cover panels spanning between adjacent spandrel panels.The force-deformation curvesof the connections used in the model are obtained from experimental tests of push-pullconnections and column cover connections. The total seismic mass of the models with the cladding systems is the same as the total seismic mass of the bare-frame model. However; in themodels with cladding, the seismic mass is distributed between the beam-column nodes and thenodes of the cladding system according to their respective tributary weights.The effects of the cladding on the seismic response of the bare-frame structure are studiedby performing modal analyses, nonlinear static pushover analyses, and nonlinear dynamic timehistoryanalyses of the analytical models. The inclusion of cladding decreases the fundamentalperiod of the building by only 4%; however, the effects of the cladding on the maximuminterstory drifts, floor accelerations, and plastic hinge rotations are significant. Time-historyanalyses of each model are performed using 140 ground motions. The ground motions in eachbin are scaled by a common factor (cloud method with constant scaling) to ensure nonlinearresponse was captured. The time-history results are plotted in log-log space, and a linear trendline is fitted to the data to represent the mean maximum response values. The time-history resultsreveal that the addition of cladding reduces the mean maximum interstory drift ratios in the bareframemodel by up to 22%, 28%, and 33% for the 50%-, 10%-, and 2%-in-50 year probability ofexceedance levels, respectively. The reductions in interstory drift are the largest for claddingtype C3 and smallest for cladding type C1. The mean residual interstory drifts are small for alllevels of intensity and were not significantly affected by the cladding. The mean maximum flooraccelerations are not significantly affected by cladding types C1 and C2: the mean values ofmaximum floor accelerations in the bare frame structure are reduced by only 8% for these twocladding types. On the other hand, the mean values of the maximum acceleration at the roof levelin the model with cladding type C3 are up to 35%, 63%, and 97% larger than the values in thebare frame structure for the 50%-, 10%-, and 2%-in-50 year probability of exceedance level,respectively.The finite-element models of structures with cladding are time-consuming to create andcomputationally demanding to analyze. Thus, analytical equations are derived to describe themechanisms for deformation in the cladding connectors. The equations are used to estimate themaximum deformations in the push-pull and column cover connectors. The maximumdeformations estimated from the equations are compared to the maximum deformations recordedfrom the time-history analyses. The comparisons of the median values of maximum deformationbetween the two approaches show that the analytical equations provide good estimates of the maximum deformations up the height of the building. The analytical equations can be used as conservative estimates of deformation for the seismic design ofsimilar cladding connectors.The time-history analysis results show that significant deformations develop in thecolumn cover connections in moderate earthquakes. The deformations exceed the life-safety, and in some cases, the collapse prevention performance criteria. Thus, the failure probabilities of the column cover connections subject to multiple hazard levels are investigated using structural reliability theory. The analytical equations for estimating the deformations in the column cover connectors are used to construct the limit-state function describing the structural reliability of the connectors. The random variables consist of the maximum interstory drift, the gap width in the slotted connections, and the failure shear deformation in the connectors. The deterministic parameters in the limit-state functions are the panel dimensions and the story height. The correlation coefficients are calculated for the maximum interstory drifts between different stories. The components of the column covers consist of fourconnectors (one in each corner).The component failure probabilities (calculated using FORM) are as high as 44.2%, 70.0%, and 100% for the 50%-, 10%-, and 2%-in-50 year probability of exceedance levels, respectively. The。



APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP | LoginSearchHOMEABOUT USAPPLYMEMBERSPUBLICApply/ Applications for Engineers/ International Engineering GraduatesSELF ASSESSMENT - ENGINEERINGTECHNICAL EXAMS - ENGINEERINGInternational Engineering GraduatesEngineer-in-Training Application ProcessThe application process for international graduates is summarized in the following document:APEGS Process - international graduatesORYou will find more detailed information about the process in the Academic Review Orientation PresentationClick here for Answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsDue to the large volume of applications it may take up to 4 weeks for updates and email/phone responses.NEW PROCESS as of January 2018!Standard Application (most international graduates*)* If you do not have a bachelor level degree in engineering you may not qualify as an engineer-in-training. You must review the entire process below before you apply. It's your responsibility to make sure you have the right qualfications before you proceed with the application process.If you applied prior to January 1st, 2018, click here for the International Engineering Graduates process before January 2018. If you are applying after December 31st, 2017, just must follow the process and requirements outlined below.If you do not qualify in any of the subsequent special cases, you must follow the standard application process.Important!If during the registration process APEGS discovers that an applicant or member may not meet the Good Character Guideline then action will be taken.Required Documents•Member-in-training application and fee ($210 including tax)•World Education Services(WES) ICAP course-by-course credential assessment. If you have a WES ECA report you must upgrade to ICAP course-by-course. ECA report is not acceptable.•Academic Assessment fee ($210 including tax)•Self-assessment•Official program syllabus (required if you graduated within the past 10 years)•Proof of Identification Form•Resume of technical engineering/geoscience experienceYour resume should highlight technical engineering work experience sincecompleting your bachelor degree. You must include the start and end dates(month/year), name and location of the company, job title and brief description of duties for each job (similar to what you would submit for a job application). Youshould focus on technical engineering experience, not management experience.Project management experience, is not eligible for waving confirmatory exams. Process1.Submit the online application (you must pay the processing fee with a credit card):1.Online application instructions for first time applicants who have neverapplied to APEGS in the past:1) Create an account with APEGS* and follow the instructions on screen:* If you have applied to APEGS in the past then you already have an accountand you would not use this sign up page. You would go straight to APEGSCentral (your online profile) by clicking “Login” on the top right corner of thispage. If you don’t remember your former registration number/User ID withAPEGS, please contact the APEGS office: 306-525-9547, toll free 1-800-500-9547, or Check your email for “APEGS sign up verification” fromAPEGS The link in this email will take you directly to start anew application.3) Select “Apply Now”.4) Follow the instructions on screen to choose the correct application type(Engineer-in-Traiining - International grad).2.Apply to WES for ICAP course-by-course credential assessment. The assessmentmust be sent directly to APEGS from WES.3.Once we have received your application and confirmed that an APEGS academicassessment is required, you will be notified and an invoice for the academicassessment fee ($210) will be posted on your online profile. You must go to your online profile to make the payment with a credit card before we will proceed with your application.4.Once you have received your WES assessment you must complete the self-assessment section of the Academic Assessment form. Download the AcademicAssessment Form that best matches the discipline of your bachelor level degree.Once you have completed the self-assessment section, email the form back toAPEGS.5.Download Proof of Identification Fillable Form, complete the form and send thecompleted, original form by mail(post) to APEGS6.Send resume and Official Program Syllabi to APEGS by email7.If you are an engineering graduate student in Canada, ask the university to issue atranscript directly to APEGS. Any courses you have completed will be taken intoconsideration in your academic assessment.Email documents to Documents-AcademicReview@APEGS.caSpecial Case # 1 Canadian Masters or Ph.D. in Engineering**If you fall into this category you have until January 31st, 2018 to choose to go through the old process rather than the new process. Click here for details of the old International Engineering Graduates process.Note: APEGS old process may take significantly longer than the new process.To qualify for this process (new) you must have a 4 year bachelor-level degree in engineering (as assessed by WES) and a completed Canadian graduate degree in engineering that has technical engineering content related to your bachelor level degree. Once APEGS has received your WES assessment and Canadian transcript(s) we will check to make sure you qualify in this category. If you do not, we will notify you and then you must follow the standard application process.Required Documents•Member-in-training application and fee ($210 including tax)•World Education Services (WES) ICAP document-by-document credential assessment.The assessment must be sent directly to APEGS from WES.•Transcript and direct confirmation of graduation for Canadian education•Proof of Identification Form•Resume of technical engineering experienceYour resume should highlight technical engineering work experience sincecompleting your bachelor degree. You must include the start and end dates(month/year), name and location of the company, job title and brief description of duties for each job (similar to what you would submit for a job application). Youshould focus on technical engineering experience, not management experience.Project management experience, is not eligible for waving confirmatory exams. Process1.Submit the online application (you must pay the processing fee with a credit card):1.Online application instructions for first time applicants who have neverapplied to APEGS in the past:1) Create an account with APEGS* and follow the instructions on screen:* If you have applied to APEGS in the past then you already have an accountand you would not use this sign up page. You would go straight to APEGSCentral (your online profile) by clicking “Login” on the top right corner of thispage. If you don’t remember your former registration number/User ID withAPEGS, please contact the APEGS office: 306-525-9547, toll free 1-800-500-9547, or Check your email for “APEGS sign up verification” fromAPEGS The link in this email will take you directly to start anew application.3) Select “Apply Now”.4) Follow the instructions on screen to choose the correct application type(Engineer-in-Traiining - International grad).2.Apply to WES for ICAP document-by-document credential assessment3.Request the Canadian university to issue a transcript directly to APEGS4.If date of graduation and confirmation of degree are not listed on your transcript,you must provide direct confirmation of graduation to APEGS by an alternativeprocess. You may ask the university to send a letter to APEGS stating the date ofgraduation and the degree awarded, or you may use the confirmation of graduation form.5.Download Proof of Identification Fillable Form, complete form and send thecompleted, original by mail to APEGS6.Send resume to APEGS by emailEmail documents to Documents-AcademicReview@APEGS.caSpecial Case #2 Washington Accord Accredited DegreeFollow this process if you have a degree that is accredited under the Washington Accord mutual recognition agreement. Once APEGS has received your WES assessment we will check to make sure you qualify in this category. If you do not, we will notify you and then you must follow the standard application process.To qualify under the Washington Accord:•The date of your graduation must be after the accreditation organization in yourcountry became a member of the Washington Accord•Your degree must be on the list of accredited programs in your country•Your program must have been accredited at the time you graduated•All subjects must have been taken as part of an accredited programRequired Documents•Member-in-training application and fee ($210 including tax)•World Education Services (WES) ICAP document-by-document credential assessment.The assessment must be sent directly to APEGS from WES.•Proof of Identification Form•Resume of technical engineering experienceYour resume should highlight technical engineering work experience sincecompleting your bachelor degree. You must include the start and end dates(month/year), name and location of the company, job title and brief description of duties for each job (similar to what you would submit for a job application). Youshould focus on technical engineering experience, not management experience.Project management experience, is not eligible for waving confirmatory exams. Process1.Submit the online application (you must pay the processing fee with a credit card):1.Online application instructions for first time applicants who have neverapplied to APEGS in the past:1) Create an account with APEGS* and follow the instructions on screen:* If you have applied to APEGS in the past then you already have an accountand you would not use this sign up page. You would go straight to APEGSCentral (your online profile) by clicking “Login” on the top right corner of thispage. If you don’t remember your former registration number/User ID withAPEGS, please contact the APEGS office: 306-525-9547, toll free 1-800-500-9547, or Check your email for “APEGS sign up verification” fromAPEGS The link in this email will take you directly to start anew application.3) Select “Apply Now”.4) Follow the instructions on screen to choose the correct application type(Engineer-in-Traiining - International grad).2.Apply to WES for ICAP document-by-document credential assessment. Theassessment must be sent directly to APEGS from WES.3.Download Proof of Identification Fillable Form, complete form and send thecompleted, original by mail (post) to APEGS4.Send resume to APEGS by email Documents-AcademicReview@APEGS.caSpecial Case #3 Professional Engineer in the United States Required Documents•Member-in-training application and fee ($210 including tax)•National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) NCEES Records If you do not have an NCEES record, you must follow the same process as special case #2•Proof of identification formProcess1.Submit the online application (you must pay the processing fee with a credit card):1.Online application instructions for first time applicants who have neverapplied to APEGS in the past:1) Create an account with APEGS* and follow the instructions on screen:* If you have applied to APEGS in the past then you already have an accountand you would not use this sign up page. You would go straight to APEGSCentral (your online profile) by clicking “Login” on the top right corner of thispage. If you don’t remember your former registration number/User ID withAPEGS, please contact the APEGS office: 306-525-9547, toll free 1-800-500-9547, or Check your email for “APEGS sign up verification” fromAPEGS The link in this email will take you directly to start anew application.3) Select “Apply Now”.4) Follow the instructions on screen to choose the correct application type(Engineer-in-Traiining - International grad).2.Request NCEES to provide a copy of your record directly to APEGS.3.Download the Proof of Identification Fillable Form and send the completed, originalform by mail (post) o APEGSFor information on the remaining process to obtain your P.Eng. click here international-mobility-United-StatesSpecial Case # 4 Professional Level Mutual Recognition AgreementIf you have a professional engineering license in Hong Kong, Ireland, Australia or Mexico follow the instructions on the respective pages of the section on international mobility for the required documents and application process.Special Case #5 Canadian Graduates (with a degree not accredited by Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board) Required Documents•Member-in-training application and fee ($210 including tax)•Academic Assessment fee ($210 including tax)•Transcript(s) issued to APEGS directly from the institution•Self-assessment•Official program syllabus•Proof of identification form•Resume or technical engineering experienceYour resume should highlight technical engineering work experience sincecompleting your bachelor degree. You must include the start and end dates(month/year), name and location of the company, job title and brief description of duties for each job (similar to what you would submit for a job application). Youshould focus on technical engineering experience, not management experience.Project management experience, is not eligible for waving confirmatory exams. Process1.Submit the online application (you must pay the processing fee with a credit card):1.Online application instructions for first time applicants who have neverapplied to APEGS in the past:1) Create an account with APEGS* and follow the instructions on screen:* If you have applied to APEGS in the past then you already have an accountand you would not use this sign up page. You would go straight to APEGSCentral (your online profile) by clicking “Login” on the top right corner of thispage. If you don’t remember your former registration number/User ID withAPEGS, please contact the APEGS office: 306-525-9547, toll free 1-800-500-9547, or Check your email for “APEGS sign up verification” fromAPEGS The link in this email will take you directly to start anew application.3) Select “Apply Now”.4) Follow the instructions on screen to choose the correct application type(Engineer-in-Traiining - International grad).2.Contact your institution(s) to issue transcript(s) to APEGS3.Once we have processed your application, you will be notified and an invoice for theacademic assessment fee ($210) will be posted on your online profile. You must go to your online profile to make the payment with a credit card before we will proceed with your application.plete the self-assessment section of the academic assessment form. Downloadthe Academic Assessment Form that best matches the discipline of your bachelor level degree. Once you have completed the self-assessment section, email the form back to APEGS.5.Download Proof of Identification Fillable Form, complete form and send thecompleted, original form by mail to APEGS6.Email resume and Official Program Syllabi to APEGSEmail documents to Documents-AcademicReview@APEGS.caYour Contact InformationOnce you have applied with APEGS we need to be able to contact you both by email and by regular mail (post). You must keep your contact information up to date or you may not receive important correspondence regarding your application. You are responsible to make sure the information we have is correct and up to date. You can do this using APEGS Central (the new online profile).Instructions to access APEGS Central if you have not used it before: click Login on the top right corner of this web page.Next StepsWhat happens once my application has been received?Once APEGS has received all the required documents for your application, APEGS will send you an email to confirm that your file is now “in progress”. The email will state: Your application for an academic review as part of your member-in-training application with APEGS is now complete. We have received all the documents we need and your file is now considered to be “in progress”. The estimated time for the academic assessment to be completed is one year from this date.We will not provide status updates by email or phone, so please do not contact the office to inquire about it. You can check your application status through APEGS Central. Once the Academic Review Committee has made a decision on your file, you will be notified by mail. Please make sure that your contact information is kept up to date in our database to ensure that you receive mail from us. You can update your contact information through APEGS Central by clicking Login on the top right corner of this web page.Instructions to access APEGS Central if you have not used it before: click Login on the top right corner of this web page.What is an Academic Assessment?APEGS will compare your academic background to the Canadian academic standard for engineering. The Engineers Canada - Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board (CEQB) has set this standard. The CEQB has provided syllabus descriptions for the most common engineering disciplines that are offered at Canadian universities. There is a basic studies syllabus that is common to all disciplines. There is also a discipline-specific syllabus. Both of these must be met. The self-assessment that you are required to fill out as part of the academic assessment is based on these syllabus descriptions.Possible Results of Academic AssessmentDeficiencies:If there are any gaps in your academic background compared to the CEQB syllabi, then you will be assigned to fill these gaps or “deficiencies”. You are allowed a maximum of six deficiencies. If you have more than six deficiencies then APEGS will deny your application, however, you will be given a “roadmap” of what you must do to re-apply in the future. There are two options for fulfilling deficiencies:1. taking an approved course(s)OR2. writing challenge examsIf you feel that you have already covered some or all of these subjects in your studies, then you may request a re-assessment. You are only permitted to make one request for re-assessment. The re-assessment result is final and may result in additional deficiencies being identified. If you do not have any additional information to provide then a re-assessment is not an option and you must fulfil your deficiencies before your file can move forward. You must send an email to with the subject heading "re-assessment request" to get the re-assessment request form. Once your deficiencies have been fulfilled, you will be assigned confirmatory exams. Confirmatory Exams:If APEGS determines that you have a engineering bachelor-level program of study that meets the content requirement as specified in the CEQB syllabi, then you will be assigned confirmatory exams. There are usually three confirmatory exams, but this is at the discretion of the Academic Review Committee (ARC). These technical exams confirm that the level of your academic training comparable to that of a four-year Canadian bachelor-level university program of study in engineering.Waiving Confirmatory Exams:Confirmatory exams may be waived in the following circumstances:•You have completed an M.Sc., M.Eng. or Ph.D. in engineering.Note: If your education is from a country that follows the Bologna Process and your education path is the Bachelor plus Master degree of the Bologna Process, both degrees together are required to meet the academic standard for licensure in Canada. Therefore, the Master degree is not eligible for waiving confirmatory exams.OR•If you have more than five years of acceptable work experience and if the Academic Review Committee (ARC) determines that this is an option for you (you would benotified in writing if that is the case), you must write up your work experiencefollowing APEGS experience reporting guidelines and have it assessed by theExperience Review Committee (ERC). If the ERC determines that your experience is acceptable, then the exam will be waived. If the experience is not acceptable, then you must write the exams. We will notify you if you have this option. DO NOT submit work experience unless you are notified that you are eligible for this.OR•The ARC has determined that your performance in completing deficiencies through the course or exam route demonstrates an acceptable level of education. Application approvalOnce confirmatory exams have been completed, or they have been waived, APEGS will send you a letter informing you that you have been approved as an engineer-in-training. This letter will include a dues notice for your annual membership and licence fees. You will also be notified by automatic email on how to check your application status in APEGS Central. Fees can also be paid in APEGS Central under "Invoices".You have the privilege of using the title "Engineer-in-Training" only after you have been approved. You will have six weeks to pay your annual membership and licence fees afteryou have been approved. You can use the title "Engineer-in-Training" as soon as you are approved, however you must pay the annual fees before the deadline provided in your approval letter.Your certificate will be delivered after it is signed by the President, which can take up to six weeks. You do not need your certificate in your possession in order to start using the title "Engineer-in-Training".Engineer-in-Training StampYour stamp will be ordered from the manufacturer once you are approved, which takes about three days to reach the APEGS office. After you have paid annual fees, the stamp will be mailed to you. Delivery can take up to one week within Canada or longeroutside Canada.What if I'm not sure I'll meet the academic requirements for engineer-in-training?If you are not sure if you meet the academic requirements for engineer-in-training, you should apply as an engineer-in-training anyway and see what the results are. If your result shows that you do not meet the academic requirements, your options would be to fulfill the deficiencies, or apply as an engineering licensee. The application fee for engineering licensee would be reduced by the amount you paid to apply as an engineer-in-training in the past (the difference in the two application fees is currently $100).Important!If during the registration process APEGS discovers that an applicant or member may not meet the Good Character Guideline then action will be taken.QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on member-in-training and international graduate applications can be found here.Related DocumentsProof of ID policyProof of Identification Fillable FormConfirmation of Graduation FormGood Character GuidelineOfficial Program SyllabiAPEGS Direct Confirmation of Graduation RequirementAssociation of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan Achieving a Safe & Prosperous Future Through Engineering & GeoscienceT 306-525-9547F 306-525-0851Toll Free Office Hours Contact Us Privacy Policy Related LinksOverviewMember-in-trainingProfessional MemberWork Experience ReportingProfessional Practice ExamContact UsApplication Fees and TimelinesOnline application - account sign up page (To access your account after you have signed up, click "Login" on the top right corner of the APEGS website)Self AssessmentFAQsRoadmap to Engineering in Canada。



《应用力学评论》 《应用力学杂志》
0003-6900 0021-8936
Journal of Computational & Nonlinear Dynamics
4 Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 《生物机械工程学杂志》
1555-1415 0148-0731
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
11 Journal of Fluids Engineering
《工程材料与工艺杂志》 《流体工程学杂志》
0094-4289 0098-2202
出版频率 6 6 4 6 4
4 4 4
4 6
《振动与声学杂志》 《燃料电池科学和技术
1050-0472 0892-7219 0094-9930 0199-6231 0742-4787 0889-504X 1048-9002 1551-6989
出版频率 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
22 Journal of Medical Devices (New)
21 Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
期刊名称(中文) 《传热杂志》
ISSN 0022-1481
《制造科学与工程杂志》 1087-1357
《机械设计杂志》 《海上机械与极地工程
杂志》 《压力容器技术杂志》



Unit11. Because of the very rapid changes in these jobs and professions, it is hard for students to learn about future job opportunities. It is even more difficult to know about the type of preparation that is needed for a particular profession-or the qualities and traits that might help individuals succeed in it.由于这些工作和职业的飞速变更,其变化之快使得学生们很难了解未来有什么样的工作机会,更不知道为未来的具体职业生涯做出怎样的准备,也就是说学生们很难知道掌握何种知识、具备何种能力才能成功适应未来的社会。

2. The purpose of this article is to provide indepth information about the safety profession that should help students considering a career in this challenging and rewarding field.这篇文章将提供较为深入的安全专业方面的具体信息,它应该能够为安全专业的学生们在这个充满挑战也蕴含着发展机遇的职业中获得良好的发展而提供帮助。

3. While these efforts became more sophisticated and widespread during the twentieth century, real progress on a wide front did not occur in the U.S. until after Word War Ⅱ.尽管这些专业手段在20世纪已经发展的较为成熟,也具有一定的广泛适应性,但在美国,这些都是第二次世界大战以后才取得的突破性进展。



ISA标准目录美国仪器、系统和自动化协会– US Instruments, systems associationISA Standards listISA 5.1 2009.09.08 Instrumentation Symbols and IdentificationISA 5.2 1976.01.01 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations - Formerly ANSI/ISA 5.2-1976 (R1992)ISA 5.3 1983.01.01 Graphic Symbols for Distributed Control/Shared Display Instrumentation, Logic and Computer Systems - Formerly ISA - S5.3 - 1983ISA 5.4 1991.01.01 Instrument Loop Diagrams - Formerly ANSI/ISA 5.4-1991ISA 5.5 1985.01.01 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays - Formerly ISA S5.5 - 1985ISA 5.06.01 2007.10.29 Functional Requirements Documentation for Control Software ApplicationsISA 7.0.01 1996.01.01 Quality Standard for Instrument Air - Formerly ANSI/ISA S7.0.01-1996ISA 12.00.02 2009.05.01 Certificate Standard for AEx Equipment for Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA 12.01.01 2009.03.27 Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA 12.02.04 2006.01.01 Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) and Fieldbus Non-Incendive Concept (FNICO)ISA 12.04.01 2004.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres 鈥?Part 2 Pressurized Enclosures "p" - IEC 60079-2 MODISA 12.10 1988.01.01 Area Classification in Hazardous (Classified) Dust Locations - Formerly ISA - S12.10-1988ISA 12.10.03 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - Protection by Enclosures "tD"ISA 12.10.05 2004.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - Classification of Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - IEC 61241-10 ModISA 12.10.06 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - Protection by Pressurization "pD"ISA 12.10.07 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - Protection by Encapsulation "mD"ISA 12.12.01 2007.04.12 Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II, Division 2 and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA 12.13.01 2003.01.01 Performance Requirements for Combustible Gas Detectors - IEC 61779-1 through 5 ModISA 12.13.04 2007.03.07 Performance Requirements for Open Path Combustible Gas DetectorsISA 12.20.01 2009.05.04 General Requirements for Electrical Ignition Systems for Internal Combustion Engines in Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2, Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA 12.27.01 2003.01.01 Requirements for Process Sealing Between Electrical Systems and Flammable or Combustible Process FluidsISA 18.1 1979.01.01 Annunciator Sequences and Specifications - Formerly ANSI/ISA - S18.1-1979ISA 18.2 2009.06.23 Management of Alarm Systems for the Process IndustriesISA 20 1981.01.01 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves - Formerly ISA - S20-1981ISA 37.1 1975.01.01 Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and Terminology - Formerly ANSI MC 6.1-1975; Formerly ISA - S37.1-1975 (R1982)ISA 37.3 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Pressure Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.3-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.5 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Linear Accelerator Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.5-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.6 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Potentiometric Pressure Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.6-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.8 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Strain Gage Force Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.8-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.10 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Piezoelectric Pressure and Sound Pressure Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.10-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.12 1982.01.01 Specifications and Tests for Potentiometric Displacement Transducers - Formerly ISA - S37.12-1982 (R1995)ISA 37.16.01 2002.11.21 A Guide for the Dynamic Calibration of Pressure TransducersISA 50.00.01 1975.01.01 Compatibility of Analog Signals for Electronic Industrial Process Instruments - Formerly ANSI/ISA 50.1-1982 (R1992); Formerly ANSI/ISA鈥?0.1鈥?975 (R1992) Per ANSI had to do back to 1975 doc.ISA 51.1 1979.01.01 Process Instrumentation Terminology - Formerly ANSI/ISA S51.1 - 1979 (R1993)ISA 67.01.01 2002.09.16 Transducer and Transmitter Installation for Nuclear Safety ApplicationsISA 67.02.01 1999.11.15 Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument-Sensing Line Piping and Tubing Standard for Use in Nuclear Power Plants - Formerly ANSI/ISA - 67.02.01 - 1999ISA 67.03 1982.01.01 Light Water Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leak Detection - Formerly ISA S67.03 - 1982ISA 67.04.01 2006.05.16 Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related InstrumentationISA 67.06.01 2002.01.01 Performance Monitoring for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Channels in Nuclear Power PlantsISA 67.14.01 2000.02.15 Qualifications and Certification of Instrumentation and Control Technicians in Nuclear Facilities - Formerly ANSI/ISA - S67.14.01 - 2000ISA 71.01 1985.01.01 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Temperature and Humidity - Formerly ISA S71.01 - 1985ISA 71.02 1991.06.01 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Power - Formerly ISA S71.02 - 1991ISA 71.03 1995.01.12 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Mechanical Influences - Formerly ANSI/ISA S71.03 - 1995ISA 71.04 1985.01.01 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne Contaminants - Formerly ISA - S71.04 - 1985ISA 75.01.01 2007.11.07 Flow Equations for Sizing Control ValvesISA 75.02.01 2008.01.01 Control Valve Capacity Test ProceduresISA 75.03 1992.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600) - Formerly ISA S75.03 - 1992; Formerly ISA S4.0.01ISA 75.05.01 2000.01.01 Control Valve Terminology - Replaces 75.05-1983ISA 75.07 1997.08.31 Laboratory Measurement of Aerodynamic Noise Generated by Control Valves - Formerly ISA - S75.07 - 1997ISA 75.08 1999.08.31 Installed Face-To-Face Dimensions for Flanged Clamp or Pinch Valves - Formerly ANSI/ISA - S75.08 - 1999ISA 75.08.01 2002.01.01 FAce-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600)ISA 75.08.02 2003.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flangeless Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600)ISA 75.08.03 2001.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Socket Weld-End and Screwed-End Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) ISA 75.14 1993.01.01 Face-To-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (ANSI Class 4500)ISA 75.08.04 2001.01.01 Face-To-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (Class 4500)ISA 75.08.05 2002.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500)ISA 75.08.06 2002.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (Classes 900, 1500, and 2500) - Formerly ISA 75.16ISA 75.08.07 2001.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged Globe-Style Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600)ISA 75.08.08 1999.08.31 Face-to-Centerline Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Angle Control Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes 150, 300, and 600)ISA 75.08.09 2004.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Sliding Stem Flangeless Control Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600)ISA 75.10.01 2008.10.28 General Requirements for Clamp or Pinch ValvesISA 75.11 1985.01.01 Inherent Flow Characteristic and Rangeability of Control Valves - Formerly ISA - S75.11 - 1985 (R1997)ISA 75.11.01 1985.01.01 Inherent Flow Characteristic and Rangeability of Control Valves - Formerly ISA - S75.11 - 1985 (R1997)ISA 75.13.01 1996.01.01 Method of Evaluating the Performance of Positioners with Analog Input Signals and Pneumatic Output - Second PrintingISA 75.15 1994.01.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves (ANSI Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500) - Formerly ANSI/ISAS75.15-1994ISA 75.16 1994.08.24 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes 900, 1500, and 2500) - Formerly ANSI/ISA S75.16 - 1994 ISA 75.17 1989.01.01 Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction - Formerly ANSI/ISA S75.17 - 1989ISA 75.19.01 2007.01.01 Hydrostatic Testing of Control ValvesISA 75.25.01 2000.01.01 Test Procedure for Control Valve Response Measurement from Step InputsISA 75.26.01 2006.01.01 Control Valve Diagnostic Data Acquisition and ReportingISA 76.00.02 2002.06.13 Modular Component Interfaces for Surface-Mount Fluid Distribution Components - Part 1: Elastomeric SealsISA 77.13.01 1999.12.15 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Turbine Bypass SystemISA 77.20 1993.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Simulators - Functional RequirementsISA 77.41.01 2005.08.02 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion Controls - Formerly ISA-S77.41 - 1992ISA 77.42.01 1999.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Feedwater Control System - Drum Type - Formerly ANSI/ISA-S77.42.01-1999ISA 77.43 1994.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Unit/Plant Demand Development Drum Type - Formerly ANSI/ISA S77.43 - 1994ISA 77.43.01 1994.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Unit/Plant Demand Development 鈥?Drum TypeISA 77.44.01 2007.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant - Steam Temperature ControlsISA 77.44.02 2001.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Steam Temperature Control System Once-Through TypeISA 77.70 1994.01.01 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Instrument Piping InstallationISA 82.02.01 2004.07.12 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use 鈥?Part 1: General Requirements Approved 12 July 2004 ANSI/ISA鈥?1010-1 (82.02.01) CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1 ANSI/UL 61010-1 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society 鈥?TM Formerly ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999 (IEC 61010-1 Mod) Updated with Annex DV US 22 July 2005 - Formerly ANSI/ISA-82.02.01-1999; (IEC 61010-1 Mod); Second Printing: 07/22/2005;ISA 82.02.04 1996.01.01 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use - Formerly ANSI/ISA S82.02.04 - 1996; (IEC 61010-2-032); Identical to IEC 61010-2-032ISA 82.03 1988.01.01 Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, and Related Equipment - Formerly ISA S82.03 - 1988; Partial Revision and Redesignation of ANSI C39.5-1974ISA 84.00.01 P1 2004.09.02 Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part 1: Framework, Definitions, System, Hardware and Software Requirements - IEC 61511-1 ModISA 84.00.01 P2 2004.09.02 Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part 2: Guidelines for the Application ofANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod) - Informative - IEC 61511-2 ModISA 84.00.01 P3 2004.09.02 Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector - Part 3: Guidance for the Determination of the Required Safety Integrity Levels - Informative - IEC 61511-3 ModISA 88.00.02 2001.02.07 Batch Control Part 2: Data Structures and Guidelines for LanguagesISA 88.00.03 2003.01.01 Batch Control Part 3: General and Site Recipe Models and RepresentationISA 88.00.04 2006.01.01 Batch Control Part 4: Batch Production RecordsISA 88.01 1995.02.28 Batch Control Part 1: Models and TerminologyISA 91.00.01 2001.01.01 Identification of Emergency Shutdown Systems and Controls That are Critical to Maintaining Safety in Process Industries - Reaffirmation and Redesignation of ANSI/ISA - S91.01 - 1995ISA 92.0.01, PART I 1998.01.01 Performance Requirements for Toxic Gas-Detection Instruments: Hydrogen Sulfide - Formerly ANSI/ISA-S92.0.01, Part 1-1998; Replaces ISA-S12.15 Part 1-1990ISA 92.02.01 PART I 1998.01.01 Performance Requirements for Carbon Monoxide Detection Instruments (50-1000 ppm Full Scale)ISA 92.03.01 1998.01.01 Performance Requirements for Ammonia Detection Instruments (25-500 ppm) - Formerly ISA-S92.03.01-1998ISA 92.04.01 PART I 2007.01.01 Performance Requirements for Instruments Used to Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-Enriched AtmospheresISA 92.06.01 1998.01.01 Performance Requirements for Chlorine Detection Instruments (0.5-30 ppm Full Scale) - Formerly ISA-S92.06.01-1998ISA 93.00.01 1999.01.01 Standard Method for the Evaluation of External Leakage of Manual and Automated On-Off Valves - Formerly ANSI/ISAS-93.00.01-1999ISA 95.00.01 2000.07.15 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 1: Models and Terminolgy - Formerly ANSI/ISA-S95.00.001-2000ISA 95.00.02 2001.01.01 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 2: Object Model AttributesISA 95.00.03 2005.06.06 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 3: Activity Models of Manufacturing Operations ManagementISA 95.00.05 2007.01.01 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 3: Activity Models of Manufacturing Operations ManagementISA 96.02.01 2007.01.01 Guidelines for the Specification of Electric Valve ActuatorsISA 98.00.01 2002.10.14 Qualifications and Certification of Control System TechniciansISA 99.00.01 2007.10.29 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems Part 1: Terminology, Concepts, and ModelsISA 99.02.01 2009.01.13 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems: Establishing an Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security ProgramISA 100.11A 2009.01.01 Wireless systems for industrial automation: Process control and related applicationsISA 60079-0 2005.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1 & 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: General Requirements - SupersedesANSI/ISA-12.00.01-2002 (IEC 60079-0 Ed 3 Mod)ISA 60079-1 2009.04.10 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures 鈥渄鈥?,Active"ISA 60079-5 2009.07.24 Explosive Atmospheres 鈥?Part 5: Equipment Protection by Powder Filling 鈥渜鈥?,Active"ISA 60079-6 2009.07.24 Explosive Atmospheres 鈥?Part 6: Equipment Protection by Oil Immersion 鈥渙鈥?,Active"ISA 60079-7 2002.12.02 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations Type of Protection Increased Safety "e" - SupersedesANSI/ISA-12.16.01-1998; IEC 60079-7 Mod; Second Printing 07/15/2005ISA 60079-11 2002.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zones 0, 1, & 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - Intrinsic Safety "i" - Supersedes ISA-12.02.01-1999; IEC 60079-11 Mod; Second Printing: 07/15/2005ISA 60079-15 2009.07.17 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 2 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of Protection "n"ISA 60079-18 2009.07.31 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of Protection - Encapsulation 鈥渕鈥?,Active"ISA 60079-26 2008.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 0 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - 12.00.03ISA 60079-27 2007.01.29 Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) and Fieldbus Non-Incendive Concept (FNICO)ISA 61010-031 2007.03.28 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use 鈥?Part 031: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test - 82.02.02ISA 61241-0 (12.10.02) 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - General RequirementsISA 61241-1 (12.10.03) 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations 鈭?Protection by Enclosures 鈥渢D鈥?,Active"ISA 61241-2 (12.10.06) 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations 鈥?Protection by Pressurization 鈥減D 鈥?,Active"ISA 61241-11 (12.10.04) 2006.01.01 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations 鈭?Protection by Intrinsic Safety 鈥渋D鈥?,Active"ISA 61241-18 (12.10.07) 2006.06.27 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations Protection by Encapsulation 鈥渕D 鈥?,Active"ISA 61804-3 2007.03.30 Function Blocks (FB) For Process Control - Part 2: Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL)ISA MC96.1 1982.08.12 Temperature Measurement ThermocouplesISA RP2.1 1978.01.01 Manometer TablesISA RP12.2.02 1996.05.15 Recommendations for the Preparation, Content, and Organization of Intrinsic Safety Control DrawingsISA RP12.4 1996.01.01 Pressurized EnclosuresISA RP12.06.01 2003.01.01 Recommended Practice for Wiring Methods for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part 1: Intrinsic SafetyISA RP12.12.03 2002.05.10 Recommended Practice for Portable Electronic Products Suitable for Use in Class I and II, Division 2, Class I Zone 2 and Class III, Division 1 and 2 Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA RP12.13.02 2003.01.01 Recommended Practice for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Combustible Gas Detection Instruments - IEC 61779-6 MODISA RP31.1 1977.04.30 Specification, Installation, and Calibration of Turbine FlowmetersISA RP37.2 1982.01.01 Guide for Specifications and Tests for Piezoelectric Acceleration Transducers for Aerospace TestingISA RP42.00.01 2001.11.12 Nomenclature for Instrument Tube FittingsISA RP60.1 1990.10.05 Control Center FacilitiesISA RP60.2 1995.01.01 Control Center Design Guide and TerminologyISA RP60.3 1985.06.30 Human Engineering for Control CentersISA RP60.4 1990.06.04 Documentation for Control CentersISA RP60.6 1984.02.28 Nameplates, Labels and Tags for Control CentersISA RP60.8 1978.06.28 Electrical Guide for Control CentersISA RP60.9 1981.05.31 Piping Guide for Control CentersISA RP60.11 1991.01.01 Crating, Shipping and Handling for Control CentersISA RP67.04.02 2000.01.01 Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation - Equivalent to ISA - RP67.04, Part II - 1994 ISA RP74.01 1984.03.30 Application and Installation of Continuous-Belt Weighbridge ScalesISA RP75.21 1989.01.01 Process Data Presentation for Control ValvesISA RP75.23 1995.06.02 Considerations for Evaluating Control Valve CavitationISA RP76.0.01 1998.01.01 Analyzer System Inspection and AcceptanceISA RP77.60.02 2000.07.25 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface: AlarmsISA RP77.60.05 2001.11.12 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human Machine Interface: Task AnalysisISA RP92.0.02 PT II 1998.01.01 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Toxic Gas-Detection Instruments: Hydrogen Sulfide - Replaces ISA-RP12.15, Part II-1990ISA RP92.02.02 PART II 1998.01.01 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Carbon Monoxide Detection Instruments (50-1000 ppm Full Scale)ISA RP92.03.02 1999.01.01 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Ammonia Detection Instruments (25-500 ppm Full Scale)ISA RP92.04.02 PART II 1996.05.15 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Instruments Used to Detect Oxygen-Deficient/Oxygen-Enriched AtmospheresISA RP92.06.02 1999.01.01 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Chlorine Detection Instruments (0.5-30 ppm Full Scale)ISA S50.02 PART 4 1997.01.01 Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems, Part 4: Data Link Protocol SpecificationISA S82.01 1994.01.01 Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling and Related Equipment - General Requirements Harmonized Standard to IEC Publication 1010-1ISA TR-88.95.01 2008.08.01 Using ISA-88 and ISA-95 TogetherISA TR 61804-4 2007.09.30 Function Blocks (FB) for Process Control - Part 4: EDD Interoperability GuidelineISA TR12.2 1995.01.02 Intrinsically Safe System Assessment Using the Entity ConceptISA TR12.06.01 1999.01.01 Electrical Equipment in a Class I, Division 2/Zone 2 Hazardous LocationISA TR12.13.01 1999.01.01 Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and VaporsISA TR12.13.02 1999.01.01 Investigation of Fire and Explosion Accidents in the Fuel-Related Industries - A Manual by KuchtaISA TR12.21.01 2004.08.15 Use of Fiber Optic Systems in Class I Hazardous (Classified) LocationsISA TR12.24.01 1998.01.01 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2 - IEC 60079-10 ModISA TR20.00.01 2001.04.04 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations; Updated with 27 new specification forms in 2004-2006 - Reprinted 2006ISA TR50.02, PART 9 2000.01.01 Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems: User Layer Technical ReportISA TR50.02, PARTS 3&4 2000.04.15 Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems, Parts 3 & 4: Technical Report for Fieldbus Data Link Layer - TutorialISA TR52.00.01 2006.01.01 Recommended Environments for Standards LaboratoriesISA TR67.04.08 1996.03.21 Setpoints for Sequenced ActionsISA TR67.04.09 2005.01.01 Graded Approaches To Setpoint DeterminationISA TR75.04.01 1998.01.01 Control Valve Position StabilityISA TR75.25.02 2000.01.01 Control Valve Response Measurement from Step InputsISA TR77.42.02 2009.04.21 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Compensated Differential Pressure Based Drum Level MeasurementISA TR77.60.04 1996.05.24 Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface - Human-Machine Interface 鈥?Electronic Screen DisplaysISA TR77.81.05 1995.05.31 Standard Software Interfaces for CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Audit DataISA TR84.00.02 PART 1 2002.06.17 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 1: IntroductionISA TR84.00.02 PART 2 2002.06.17 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 2: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Simplified EquationsISA TR84.00.02 PART 3 2002.06.17 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 3: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Fault Tree AnalysisISA TR84.00.02 PART 4 2002.06.17 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 4: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Markov AnalysisISA TR84.00.02 PART 5 2002.06.17 Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) - Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 5: Determining the PFD of SIS Logic Solvers via Markov AnalysisISA TR84.00.03 2002.06.17 Guidance for Testing of Process Sector Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) Implemented as or within Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) ISA TR84.00.04 PART 1 2005.01.01 Guidelines for the Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)ISA TR84.00.04 PART 2 2005.01.01 Example Implementation of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod)ISA TR88.00.02 2008.08.01 Machine and Unit States: An Implementation Example of ISA-88ISA TR88.0.03 1996.12.20 Possible Recipe Procedure Presentation FormatsISA TR91.00.02 2003.01.02 Criticality Classification Guideline for InstrumentationISA TR92.06.03 1999.01.01 Feasibility of Chlorine Detection Instrument TestingISA TR96.05.01 2008.05.04 Partial Stroke Testing of Automated Block ValvesISA TR98.00.02 2006.07.28 Skill Standards for Control System TechniciansISA TR99.00.01 2007.10.29 Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control SystemsISA TR100.00.01 2006.01.01 The Automation Engineer鈥檚Guide to Wireless Technology Part 1 鈥?The Physics of Radio, a Tutorial。

Probabilistic Methods in Engineering

Probabilistic Methods in Engineering

Probabilistic Methods in EngineeringProbabilistic methods in engineering are used to analyze and predict the behavior of engineering systems under uncertain conditions. These methods are based on the principles of probability theory, which provide a framework for quantifying uncertainty and making informed decisions in the face of incomplete information. In this response, I will discuss the importance of probabilistic methods in engineering, their applications, and the challenges associated withtheir implementation. One of the main reasons why probabilistic methods are important in engineering is that they allow engineers to account for the inherent uncertainty that exists in real-world systems. Many engineering systems aresubject to a variety of sources of uncertainty, such as variability in material properties, environmental conditions, and human behavior. By using probabilistic methods, engineers can quantify the probability of different outcomes and make informed decisions based on the likelihood of each outcome occurring.Probabilistic methods are used in a wide range of engineering applications, including structural design, risk assessment, and reliability analysis. In structural design, probabilistic methods can be used to estimate the probabilityof failure of a structure under different loading conditions. This information can be used to optimize the design and ensure that the structure meets the required safety standards. In risk assessment, probabilistic methods can be used toevaluate the likelihood and consequences of different hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, and fires. This information can be used to develop strategies formitigating the risks associated with these hazards. In reliability analysis, probabilistic methods can be used to estimate the probability of a system or component failing over time. This information can be used to optimize maintenance schedules and ensure that the system meets the required reliability standards. However, implementing probabilistic methods in engineering can be challenging. One of the main challenges is obtaining accurate data to use in the probabilistic models. In many cases, the data required to develop probabilistic models is not readily available or is subject to significant variability. For example, the properties of materials used in engineering applications can vary significantly depending on factors such as manufacturing processes, environmental conditions,and aging. Obtaining accurate data on these properties can be difficult, which can lead to uncertainties in the probabilistic models. Another challenge associated with probabilistic methods is the complexity of the models themselves. Probabilistic models can be highly complex, involving multiple variables and interactions between them. Developing and validating these models can be time-consuming and require significant resources. In addition, interpreting the results of probabilistic models can be challenging, particularly for non-experts. Communicating the results of probabilistic models to decision-makers in a clear and understandable way is an important aspect of their implementation. Despite these challenges, probabilistic methods are an essential tool for engineers who need to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty. By using probabilistic methods, engineers can quantify the likelihood of different outcomes and develop strategies for mitigating the risks associated with these outcomes. As engineering systems become more complex and the sources of uncertainty become more varied, the importance of probabilistic methods will only continue to grow. Engineers who are able to effectively implement probabilistic methods in their work will be better equipped to meet the challenges of the future.。



assimilationAssimilation: The Process of Cultural IntegrationIntroduction:Assimilation, in sociological terms, refers to the process in which individuals or groups adopt and incorporate the cultural characteristics of another society or dominant group. It involves the loss or modification of one's original cultural identity to conform to the values, norms, and practices of the dominant group. Assimilation has been a topic of interest and debate in various fields, including sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. This document aims to explore the concept of assimilation, its different forms, potential benefits and challenges, and its implications for individuals and communities.Understanding Assimilation:Assimilation is a complex and multifaceted process that occurs when individuals or groups migrate or relocate to a new cultural environment. It involves both voluntary and involuntary aspects, where people may choose to assimilate to fit into a new society, or be compelled to assimilate due to societal pressures or discrimination. The process of assimilation typically involves adopting the dominant group'slanguage, customs, values, and behaviors, while abandoning or diminishing one's own cultural practices.Forms of Assimilation:Assimilation can occur in various forms, depending on the level of integration and adaptation. The different forms of assimilation include:1. Acculturation: This form of assimilation occurs when individuals or groups selectively adopt aspects of a new culture while maintaining certain elements of their original culture. It involves a two-way interaction, where both cultures influence each other.2. Structural Assimilation: In this form, individuals or groups join the dominant group's social institutions and structures, such as education, government, and economic systems. They become an integral part of the societal fabric.3. Marital Assimilation: Marital assimilation occurs when individuals from different cultural backgrounds marry and form mixed families. It often leads to cultural blending and a fusion of traditions and practices.4. Generational Assimilation: Generational assimilation refers to the process by which successive generations of immigrants or minorities become increasingly similar to the dominant culture through education, language acquisition, and socialization.Benefits of Assimilation:Assimilation, when embraced willingly and respectfully, can offer several benefits to individuals and communities. Some of these include:1. Social Cohesion: Assimilation can promote social cohesion by reducing divisions and fostering a sense of togetherness among people from different backgrounds. It can help create common ground and shared values.2. Economic Opportunities: Assimilation often opens doors to economic opportunities and upward mobility. By assimilating, individuals can access better education, employment, and financial resources.3. Cultural Exchange: Assimilation facilitates cultural exchange and cross-cultural understanding. It encourages the exchange of ideas, traditions, and perspectives, leading to theenrichment of both the dominant culture and the assimilating individuals.Challenges and Criticisms:While assimilation offers potential benefits, it also faces criticism and poses challenges. Some of the key challenges and criticisms include:1. Loss of Cultural Diversity: Assimilation can result in the loss of cultural diversity as minority cultures may be overshadowed by the dominant culture. This loss can lead to the erosion of unique traditions, languages, and practices.2. Cultural Hegemony: Assimilation may reinforce cultural hegemony, where the dominant culture imposes its values and norms on minority cultures. This can lead to the marginalization and exclusion of minority groups and their cultural heritage.3. Identity Crisis: Assimilation can cause individuals to grapple with issues of identity and belonging. They may struggle to reconcile their own cultural heritage with the pressure to conform to the dominant culture, resulting in an identity crisis.Implications for Individuals and Communities:Assimilation has significant implications for both individuals and communities. While some individuals may embrace assimilation as a means to achieve social acceptance and upward mobility, others may feel a sense of alienation and loss of cultural identity. Communities, on the other hand, may experience shifts in demographics and cultural landscapes, which can result in both positive and negative consequences.Conclusion:Assimilation is a complex and dynamic process through which individuals or groups adopt the cultural characteristics of a dominant society or group. It involves various forms and has both benefits and challenges. Understanding the nuances of assimilation is essential to navigating its potential implications for individuals and communities. As societies continue to diversify and evolve, the concept of assimilation will remain a relevant and important topic for exploration and discussion.。






参考文献[1]胡剑波,李俊,郑磊,邢晓波.复杂系统安全性建模、分析、控制与仿真研究[J].火力与指挥控制,2018,43(7):1-9.[2]LEVESON N G.A new accident model for enginerring safer systems[J].Safety Science,2004,42⑷:237—270. [3]Nancy G Leveson.Engineering a safer world:systems Thinking applied to safety[D].Cambridge:MIT,2012.[4]郑磊,胡剑波.基于STAMP/STPA的机轮刹车系统安全性分析[J].航空科学,2017,38(1):320144—1—320144—101.[5]刘金涛.基于STPA的需求阶段的高速列车运行控制系统安全分析方法研究[D].北京:北京交通大学,2015.[6]Sarah A.Folse.Systems—Theoretic Process Analysis of Small Unmanned Aerial SystemUse at Edwards Air Force Base[D]. Cambridge:MIT,2017. [7]Paul D.Stukus.Systems—Theoretic Accident Model and Processes(STAMP)Applied toa U.S.Coast Guard Buoy Tender Integr航ed Control System[D],Cambridge:,M)T,2017.[8]李俊,胡剑波,王应洋,邢晓波.导弹攻击过程的STAMP/STPA任务失效及仿真研究[J/OL].弹箭与制导学报,http:〃/kcms/detail/61.1234. TJ.20190219.1127.006.html[9]胡剑波,李俊,郑磊.航空四站气体保障过程的STAMP建模与STPA安全性分析[J].航空工程进展,2017,8(4):408-415.[10]王晴昊,胡剑波,姚登凯.STPA在进近着陆飞行安全分析中的研究及应用[J].系统工程理论与实践,2018,38(10):2703—2712.[11]王起全,吴嘉鑫.基于STAMP模型的地铁拥挤踩踏应急联动系统设计[J].中国安全科学学报,2016,26(12):158—162.欢迎订阅2021年度《压力容器》杂志(月刊)(邮局征订代号:26-10)《压力容器》杂志是经国家新闻出版署正式认定的首批学术期刊,是中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊、RCCSE中文核心学术期刊。

工程学博士 英语

工程学博士 英语

工程学博士英语English:A doctoral degree in engineering is a significant achievement that demonstrates a high level of expertise and knowledge in the field. In order to obtain a in engineering, one typically needs to complete rigorous coursework, conduct independent research, and write and defend a dissertation. This process can take several years and requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. Additionally, a in engineering often opens up opportunities for advanced research, teaching positions at universities, and leadership roles in industry. Graduates with a in engineering are often at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field and making significant contributions to the advancement of technology and society as a whole.中文翻译:工程学博士是一个重要的成就,它证明了在该领域拥有高水平的专业知识和技能。



化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Material s 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PVA Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PVAL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Associati on 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直Vol Volume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年。

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Muhammad Fahad Khan
Department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan Email: Abstract—Various agile software development methodologies, since their commencement, encouraged the development of high quality software product. Quality of a product is the compelling trait that plays a vital role in any product‘s success. Usability engineering and User centered design are user-centered approaches, covering the customer‘s concerns. The way these approaches are understood and carried out with agile practices is not properly understood and adopted till now. For software applications to be usable and valuable it is necessary to understand the correct user requirements in order to develop the interface that is usable and valuable to the customer. In this research work, we are discussing the scrum approach of agile development and integrate this with the usability engineering and user centered design approaches which helps the agile development team to understand usability demand of users and develop a product according to their expectations. Index Terms—Agile software development, UCD (UserCentered Design), UE (Usability Engineering). user experience. The ultimate objective of successful software product development is to produce and deliver application which fulfils user needs and demands. In User centered design, specialists follow diverse set of strategies, for understanding users, scenarios, environment where they have to deploy the application [3]. In UCD, the team prefers customer‘s communication using graphic representation concept rather than literally description over lengthy documentation. The manner in which these three methodologies are assumed and carried out with agile practices is not properly adopted till now. Prior studies have depicted that the integration of two approaches is possible [4]. Agile approach [5] argued about swift development of source code for the increment of module and the application‘s module while usability engineering recommended implementation activities until design of the software depicts noticeably the user‘s perspective. Usability experts and software engineers may belong to different domains. These two teams imply different strategies for software production. Agile software development mostly focuses on speedy delivery of intended functionality, often resulting less user involvement thus, ignoring usability issues. User interface design is crucial component of overall application design practice Designing interfaces are much more imperative part nowa-days than they use to be. All development progress has made with the user being the center of focus. Software system has attained its productive outcome and target customer‘s satisfaction. It is obligatory that the user interface design should conform to the skills, experience and expectations of its anticipated users [5]. In software development, designers have simply espoused usercentered perspective in application interface design. They determined design questions for human computer interface by using pensive criteria such as personal preference or conceptual demand. Features of the application are gathered using requirements gathering technique, which are more effective if collected in terms of user‘s wants and needs, from the customers. Our proposed work, combined with preceding research will illustrate that the existing methodologies used for
I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2014, 10, 23-28
Published Online October 2014 in MECS (/) DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2014.10.04
Assimilation of Usability Engineering and UserCentered Design using Agile Software Development Approach
Hina Iqbal
Department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan Email: engr.hinaiqbal@
I. INTRODUCTION Software plays substantial role in every sphere of life. In Software engineering many new methodologies are injected and many steps are taken for the improvement of the strategies every day. Agile techniques embed rapid application development strategy. Such rigorous development often compromises quality factor because of less user involvement. ―Usability engineering‖ [1] is a discipline that illustrates how to embed user‘s concerns in system foundation, systematically addressing the usability demand of a customer. The definition of UE ties a system‘s usability to specific conditions, needs and users. Usability Engineering brings into consideration the working of end user with the developed product and agile development methodology emphasis on the approach of how the software should be developed. User-centered design [2] was introduced into software development process, to measure and enhance positive Copyright © 2014 MECS