

Cisco 思科 网络 技术 培训 文档 ppt6

Cisco 思科 网络 技术 培训 文档 ppt6

DHCP Table
Next avail. Client_1 Client_2
• Cisco DNS/DHCP Manager
– Manages domain names – SynchronizeIP addresses s – Supports secondary addressing
• CIDR used by BGP4 • Prefix routing used by EIGRP and OSPF
Copyright ã 1997, Cisco Systems, Inc.
CID- Chap 7—#
A Classless Routing Protocol Looks for the Longest Match
• Sunets must be contiguous when using classful routing b protocols
Copyright ã 1997, Cisco Systems, Inc.
CID- Chap 7—#
Classless Routing Protocols Allow Flexible Addressing
Good address utilization Good address utilization Poor address utilization
• RIP and IGRP require the same subnet mask on all interfaces
Copyright ã 1997, Cisco Systems, Inc.




生产车间的环境温度大约为27 摄氏度(80 华氏度)。

湿度相当高,大约为70% 。




生产环境的环境温度大约是24 摄氏度(75 华氏度)。

湿度约为30% 。




科学家们工作地点的温度范围为-13 华氏度(-25 摄氏度)到80 华氏度(27 摄氏度)。

湿度约为40% 。

噪声水平较低,但地形崎岖,风速可达每小时45 英里(每小时72 公里)。


下列哪一项条件最有可能对于在此环境下使用的笔记本电脑造成负面影响?温度以下哪一项是制定预防性维护计划的一部分?记录每项维护任务的详细信息和频率技术人员正在施工现场执行PC 硬件维护。





)Internet Explorer 收藏夹文件客户创建的文档一位客户反映最近有几个文件无法访问。



思科 FindIT Network Discovery Utility 2.0 快速入门指南说明书

思科 FindIT Network Discovery Utility 2.0 快速入门指南说明书

Cisco Systems, Inc. 思科在全球设有 200 多家办事机构。

地址、电话号码和传真号码 均在思科网站上列出,网址为: /go/offices 。

思科 Small BusinessCisco FindIT Network Discovery Utility 版本 2.0快速入门指南文本部件编号: 78-21387-02本手册中的规定和信息如有变更,恕不另行通知。





思科执行的 TCP 报头压缩是对加州大学伯克利分校 (UCB) 开发的某一程序的修改,它是 UNIX 操作系统的 UCB 公用版的一部分。


Copyright © 1981,加利福尼亚州大学董事会。


思科及其上述供应商不承担任何明示或暗示的担保, 包括(但不限于)商品适销性、对特定用途的适用性、非侵权担保,或因任何交易、使用或贸易行为而产生的担保责任。



要查看思科的商标列表,请访问此 URL:/go/trademarks。



(1110R)本文档中使用的任何互联网协议 (IP) 地址和电话号码并不代表实际地址和电话号码。

Cisco 网络基础教程 6PPT课件

Cisco 网络基础教程 6PPT课件

北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
6.1.2 二进制与十进制地址转换
▪ Decimal to Binary Conversion ▪ 练习6.1.5
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
6.2 不同用途的地址
网络基础知识 - 第六章
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
▪ 解释 IP 地址的结构并掌握换算 8 位二进制和十进制数 字的能力。
▪ 按照类型对给定的 IPv4 地址分类并描述其在网络中的使 用方式。
▪ 说明 ISP 如何将地址分配给网络以及管理员如何在网络 内分配地址。
–Directed Broadcast –Limited Broadcast
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
Limited Local dcast Address STOP
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
▪ 6.1 IPv4地址 ▪ 6.2 不同用途的地址 ▪ 6.3 分配地址 ▪ 6.4 是否与我在同一网络中? ▪ 6.5 地址计算 ▪ 6.6 网络层测试
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
6.1 IPv4地址
北京邮电大学思科网络技术学院. http:.cmn
Broadcast address - A special address used to send data to all hosts in the network. It is the highest address in the network range. (All host bits is 1)



ITE PC v4.0 Chapter 1
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Public
Classify and Define IPv4 Addresses
▪ Name the three types of communication in the Network Layer and describe the characteristics of each type
▪ Given IPv4 addressing information and design criteria, calculate the appropriate addressing components.
▪ Use common testing utilities to verify and test network connectivity and operational status of the IP protocol stack on a host.
ITE PC v4.0 Chapter 1
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Public
IP Addressing Structure
▪ Describe the dotted decimal structure of a binary IP address and label its parts
© 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Public
IP Addressing Structure


□ MBR损坏.
22用户报告在更新显示驱动程序后无;去登录工作站.用户坚持认为键入的密码正确无误。 此问题最可能的原因是什么?
门 在
•2GB RAM和20GB皿曰可
-1 GB RAM和10 GB續盘空同
2 GB RAM和16 GB硬盘主I•司
> 1 GB RAM和16 GB硬盘空问
•4 GB RAM和20 GB硕盘空间
4下列哪两个Windows实用程序可帮助您维护已战时间正常使用的计算机上的礎盘?(选 择两项」
-1驰期■ J血Βιβλιοθήκη ts吭化*1砸孟許埋7
9将计算机升级到Windows7后.用户发现UAC(用户帐户控制)面板出现得更加^繁。 用户如何才能减少UAC岀现的频率?



第1章生活在以网络为中心的世界里1.3 在以网络为中心的世界相互通信1.3.1 网络支撑着我们的生活方式1.3.2 当今最常用的几种通信工具1.3.3 网络支撑着我们的学习方式1.3.4 网络支撑着我们的工作方式1.3.5 网络支撑着我们的娱乐的方式1.4 通信:生活中不可或缺的一部分1.4.1 何为通信标识出发送方和接收方、双方一致同意的通信方法、通用语言和语法、共同约定的传送速度和时间、证实或确认要求。

1.4.2 通信质量1.5 网络作为一个平台1.5.1 通过网络通信1.5.2 网络要素消息、介质:连接设备的一种工具设备在规则里还要知道两个协议:IP和TCP.01.5.3 融合网络机通信都使用相同的规则、设备和介质去传送它们的消息时。

1.6 Internet的体系结构1.6.1 网络体系结构4个基本特性:容错能力、可扩展性Qos、服务质量和安全性,容错能力的关键因素是冗余。

1.6.2 具备容错能力的网络体系结构电路交换―面向连接的网络数据包交换―无限连接网单个消息被划分为多个数据块,这些数据块称为包。

1.6.3 可扩展网络体系结构1.6.4 提供服务质量1.6.5 提供网络安全保障或企业资金损失、知识产权偷窃和机要顾客数据曝光。


1.7 网络趋势1.7.1 它的发展方向是什么功能的设备的增加和服务范围不断扩大。

1.7.2 网络行业就业机会总结:一个网络的架构必须提供可扩展性、容错性、服务质量和安全。




第2章网络通信2.3 通信的平台2.3.1 通信要素2.3.2 传送消息消息的两个优点:多路复用和增强网络通信的效率。

2.3.4 终端设备及其在网络中的作用V oIP电话、网络照相机、移动手持设备和用于气象观测的遥控器。





















哪个计算机组件是完成此任务的关键?RAMNIC显卡声卡存储设备9、哪种适配卡可让计算机系统与本地网络中的其它系统交换信息?显卡声卡调制解调器卡网络接口卡10、服务器、台式计算机、便携式计算机使用的主要存储设备是什么?磁带驱动器硬盘光盘驱动器 (DVD)软盘驱动器11、哪个组件用于消除来自电源线的高压尖峰,使其不损坏计算机系统?CPU电涌抑制器主板硬盘12、 UPS 可以提供哪两项浪涌保护器所不具备的功能?(选择两项)保护计算机不受电压浪涌的损坏。





通过墙上插座供电的发电机提供备用电源13、哪个计算机组件是计算机系统的神经中枢,并且负责处理机器中的所有数据?RAMCPU显卡声卡操作系统14、可以通过什么来防止静电放电 (ESD)?干燥、没有湿气的环境铺有地毯的地板接地腕带整洁的工作空间15、哪两种设备可能存在危险电压电平,因此未经专门的操作培训不得打开机体?(选择两项)鼠标打印机显示器键盘硬盘电源16、在当今较新的操作系统中,安装组件后,默认将如何分配系统资源?通过操作系统手动分配由管理员手动分配由组件静态分配给预设置的资源在组件和操作系统之间动态分配17、一位用户反映说,上周为某 PC 正确安装了一台外围设备,但自从今天启动 PC 后,该设备就一直无法正常工作。















在CLI 中,可以执行各种命令进行交换机的配置,包括配置端口、VLAN、路由等。










Quick Start GuideCisco Small BusinessUnified Communications UC320W with FXO Package Contents•Unified Communications System•Ethernet Network Cable•Phone Cable•Power Adapter•Power Cord Retention Kit•Quick Start Guide•Phone Quick Reference Card•Product CD-ROMC AUTION Be sure to read Section 1 before installation.2Cisco UC320W Quick Start GuideWelcomeThank you for choosing the Cisco Small Business Unified Communications Model UC320W. This guide describes how to install the equipment and get started configuring the system.Before You BeginMinimum Requirements•Computer with web browser. Cisco recommends Internet Explorer version 7 or later or Firefox version 3.6 or later.•Adobe Flash Player version 10.1 or later.•Cisco SPA300 Series or Cisco SPA500 Series IP phones.•Power adapters for the phones, as needed. Cisco SPA300 Series phones always require power adapters. Cisco SPA500 Series phones can receive power from a Power over Ethernet switch.•Ethernet cables to connect IP phones and computers.•Internet service.•Voice over IP service or analog phone service.•Optional: 2GB+ USB Flash key (FAT32 format) for site backups.Default SettingsN OTE T o restore these default settings at any time: Using a paperclip orsimilar object, press and hold the Reset button on the side panel for 10 seconds.C AUTIONBefore installing the Cisco UC320W into an existing networkwith another DHCP server, refer to the Smart Designs (see links onpage 4). IP address conflicts will result if two DHCP servers are installed on your network. Parameter Default Value Usernamecisco Passwordcisco LAN IP(Also the address for the web-basedconfiguration utility.) DHCP Range(DHCP server is enabled by default.) to 149Netmask255.255.255.0Voice VLAN100Default Voice VLAN Subnet UC320W Quick Start Guide 3 Installation and Configuration1Connect a network cable from the WAN port of the Cisco UC320W to your Internet Service or Internet access device.2Connect the supplied power cord to the POWER port and to a power outlet. When the device is fully booted, the POWER/SYS light is steady green.3Connect your computer to a LAN port on the Cisco UC320W. Do not connect any devices to the LAN ports at this point. Your computer will receive an IP address in the 192.168.10.x range.N OTE :•You may need to adjust your computer’s connecting settings to receive an IP address dynamically. •For best results, set the screen resolution to 1024x768 or higher.4Start a web browser. In the Address bar, enter the IP address of the Cisco UC320W (default o log in, enter the username cisco and the password cisco .Both the username and the password are case sensitive.6When prompted, enter a new username and password. Neither cisco nor admin is valid. 7Follow the instructions in the configuration utility to connect the equipment and configure the system.N OTE :•If you are installing the Cisco UC320W in a network with another DHCP server, complete the Network Topology step in the Getting Started menu.•For best results, complete the Upgrade Firmware task and accept all available firmware updates.Getting to Know the Cisco UC320W 1LINE (FXO) Connect phone lines for traditional phone service.2PHONE (FXS)Connect an analog device, such as a phone.3WAN Connect to your broadband network access device or to an uplink port on an Ethernet switch that is connected to the Internet.4LAN Connect IP phones and other network devices.23Americas HeadquartersCisco Systems, Inc.170 West T asman DriveSan Jose, CA 95134-1706USASmall Business Support US: 1-866-606-1866 (T oll Free, 24/7)Small Business Support, Global: /go/sbscCisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at /go/trademarks . Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)© 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 78-19296-01 C0Where to Go From Here 5LINE OUT Connect to an external speaker system.6LINE IN Connect to an external music source for Music On Hold service(optional).7POWER Connect to a power source. Use only the provided power adapter. Optionally, you can use the power cord retention clamp to prevent accidental removal of the power cord. See instructions in the Cisco UC320Wadministration guide.SupportCisco Small Business SupportCommunity/go/smallbizsupport Cisco Small Business Supportand Resources/go/smallbizhelp Phone Support Contacts/go/sbscProduct DocumentationCisco UC320W, SPA300 andSPA500 Series IP Phones/go/uc300Smart Designs (design andimplementation guides)/go/partner/smartdesigns 4。

思科 ISE CLI 命令说明书

思科 ISE CLI 命令说明书

执行模式下的思科ISE CLI命令本章介绍在执行模式下使用的思科ISE命令行界面(CLI)命令。


•在执行模式下开始思科ISE CLI会话,第3页•application install,第4页•application configure,第5页•application remove,第19页•application reset-config,第20页•application reset-passwd,第22页•application start,第23页•application stop,第26页•application upgrade,第28页•backup,第31页•backup-logs,第34页•clear screen,第36页•clock,第37页•cls,第39页•configure,第40页•copy,第41页•crypto,第46页•debug,第49页•delete,第53页•dir,第54页•esr,第56页•exit,第57页•forceout,第58页•halt,第59页•help,第60页•licence esr,第61页•mkdir,第62页执行模式下的思科ISE CLI命令•nslookup,第63页•password,第65页•patch install,第66页•patch remove,第68页•permit rootaccess,第70页•ping,第72页•ping6,第73页•reload,第75页•reset-config,第76页•restore,第77页•rmdir,第82页•ssh,第83页•tech,第85页•terminal length,第87页•terminal session-timeout,第88页•terminal session-welcome,第89页•terminal terminal-type,第90页•traceroute,第91页•undebug,第92页•有,第95页•write,第96页执行模式下的思科ISE CLI命令在执行模式下开始思科ISE CLI会话在执行模式下开始思科ISE CLI会话当您在思科ISE CLI中启动会话时,您应在执行模式下开始。



Cisco Resource GuideOctober 20, 2021© 2021 SYNNEX Corporation. All rights reserved. SYNNEX, the SYNNEX Logo, and all other SYNNEX company, product and servicesnames and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of SYNNEX Corporation.Table of Contents3Cisco Presales EngineeringTechnical Sales Engineers45678Cisco Presales EngineeringField Sales EngineersCisco Product Business ManagementPartner Enablement Business DevelopmentCisco Product ManagementProduct Managers HardwareCisco Product ManagementCisco Sales SupportCisco Product ManagementCisco Customer SolutionsJump to Page9Cisco ServicesSmartNET Team1011Cisco ServicesPMCisco CloudPM12Cisco Customer ExperienceCX Team13Cisco Public SectorPartner Enablement Business DevelopmentWHAT WE DO•CCW Estimate IDs/ BoMs based on articulated customer requirements •Validate BoMs •EOL SKU replacements •Compatibility questions (within and across Cisco products)•Joint calls with partners and their end users on Cisco features and functions •Confirm and validate documented Cisco policies and product features •dCloud demos •Wireless Assessments •Cisco Security PoVsInside engineering team, working through the Jira ticketing system. Divided by Cisco architecture specialization, minimum CCNA-level knowledge. We answer: “What do I buy from Cisco?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Create an estimate based on a list of SKUs (everything as qty 1, SKUs in alphabetical order, typically found in a bid request)•Validate partner service offerings (typically found as part of a bid request)•Change or rationalize Cisco policies (i.e. Why is this priced in thisfashion? Why is XYZ licensing required?)•Service and support renewals (**************************)•Create estimates for products other than Cisco-branded, even if the product is listed on Cisco’s site as part of the ecosystem •Assist with installations and implementations (************************)•Create partner quotes (discounting and availability) (********************************)•Respond to direct, emailed requests outside of the ticketing systemTECHNICAL SALESEngineersCONTACT USTSE team services-create a ticket in Jira.Partners1. Log a ticket through the EC Express portal at United States (https:///ecx/)or Canada https://ec.synnex.ca/ecx/2. Follow this flow: ECExpress →eServices dropdown →Service Request Portal →Comstor Pre-Sales Engineering →Comstor Pre-Sales Engineering Support.Internal Users (Comstor / Synnex employees)1. Log a ticket through Synnex Central under Maintenance >Portals >Service Request Portal >Comstor Pre-Sales Engineering WHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Help build/solidify partner’s Cisco practice •Onsite/virtual calls with partners and/or end users •Customized trainings including technical deep dives and product updates •On-site product demos •Cisco tool navigation assistance•Technical liaison between partner, Cisco, and other areas of SYNNEX •Competitive product positioning •Solution design consultationTerritory-aligned, field-based, presales technical resources forpartners to reach out to personally and directly for assistance. Weanswer: “Why do I care about Cisco?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Estimate IDs/BoMs outside of the Jiraticketing system –see slide 3 for instructions on how to log a ticket •Influence Cisco product availability •Post-sale installation and implementation –************************FIELD SALESEngineersCONTACT USFSE team services-contact directly. Territory assigned based on partner location.Anthony Belcher, Greenville, SC, East territory*********************(510) 980-8566Peter Cross, Adkins, TX, TOLA territory, Federal/Government partners *********************(720) 443-8808Larry Starling, Englewood, CO, West territory *****************(720) 626-3637WHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Develop strategies to build and grow your Cisco business practice •Cisco Channel Partner Program onboarding, education, and compliance tracking •Business profitability analysis (Cisco rebates and incentives)•Demand generation•Access new markets and opportunities •Cisco solution training and awareness •Cisco 101 –Navigating Cisco •Cisco Partner sales contestsCisco business strategy experts aligned to Cisco solutions and partner enablement programs. Engaging us to map out strategies that build and grow your Cisco practice will make you more profitable. We answer: “Why do I buy my Cisco from SYNNEX Comstor?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Create Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) Deal IDs –********************************•Create partner quotes (discounting and availability) –********************************•Service and support renewals –***********************•Assist with installations andimplementations –********************Partner EnablementBusiness DevelopmentCONTACT US***********************WHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Cisco product SKU setup/maintenance •Account authorization •SKU pricing discrepancies •Provide Cisco DSV/POS information and assistance •Provide Cisco operational assistance •Inventory management•Stock holds –RIOs and NL ordersCisco Product Managers (Hardware), working through the team alias. Divided by Cisco architecture specialization. We answer: “How do I buy from Cisco?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Create partner quotes -discounting and availability•These requests ********************************•Create CIS orders for Cisco•These requests ********************************•Provide SCM funds for order-entry mistakes or “one-offs”•PMs have loaded Sales BTL into Sales P&L to help be competitive •Service and support renewals•These requests go to ***************************•Annuity/subscription order submission, smart account help, modifications, etc.•These requests go to *********************•SPA set-up in CIS -Deal ID Rebate and Magic Key•These requests go to ************************Product ManagersCONTACT USPlease contact Cisco Hardware Product Team Services via **********************. PM assigned based on Cisco Technology.Wes Johnson, Louisville, CO, Supv, Product Mgmt -Cisco Collaboration***************(303) 222-4767Jon Rubba, Louisville, CO, Product Mgr –Cisco Enterprise Networking***************(303) 222-4753Dylan Good, Louisville, CO, Product Mgr –Cisco Data Center*****************(303) 222-4838Clifton Moore, Louisville, CO, Product Mgr –Cisco Security*******************(303) 222-4806Josh Sharon, Louisville, CO, Product Mgr –Cisco Meraki & IOT******************(303) 566-2621Mike Crespin, Louisville, CO, Product Mgr –Cisco WirelessHardwareWHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Create partner quotes -discounting and availability•Config to Quote Requests•Create CIS orders for Cisco•Create quick quotes in CCW•Standard/Promo (Fastrack)Pricing•NFR•Channel Program (CMSP, STI,etc..)We make Cisco easy for our sales teams by providing quote andorder assistance for Cisco 2T partners. We answer: “Who can help me quote and process orders for Cisco?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Provide SCM funds for order-entry mistakes or “one-offs”•PMs have loaded Sales BTL into Sales P&L to help be competitive •Service and support renewals•These requests go to ***************************•Annuity/subscription order submission, smart account help,modifications, etc.•These requests go to *********************•Partner deal registration (OIP)•Your Partner needs to register their own deals for OIP in CiscoCommerce Workspace•Respond to direct emailed requests outside of theticketing systemCisco Sales SupportCONTACT USCisco Sales Support Team services -Create a ticket in JIRA, sending quote and order processing requests to********************************. When sending requests to the team please…•Complete template the best that you can. **Account # is required for all requests**•Be clear on the request –What is needed? Quote, estimate, quick quote, order…•Be clear on how many points should be held on the request –LIST POINTS or Cost + markup•Indicate pricing on the request. If pricing is not indicated, we will use grid.•If grid is at cost, and the account is not on the cost approved list, we will hold 2 list points.•**Do not respond to tickets** -Once the ticket is closed, please open a new ticket.•Make sure your partner sends the requests to you and not directly to the sales support team.•Make sure Deal IDs are approved prior to the request coming over. •Ifyouneedhelpwithhowtoenterordersorcreatequotes,***********************************.WHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Initiate the RMA with Cisco•Drive the RMA with Cisco until Credit Memo Creation •Work with the SYNNEX Customer Service to provide RMA credit informationWe make the Cisco RMA process easy. We work directly with the SYNNEX Customer Service Team to open and resolve Cisco RMAs. We answer: “Who can help me escalate my Cisco RMA incidents?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•Create RMA incidents in CIS•This is handled by the SYNNEX Customer Service Team•Process RMA credits to Partner in CISCisco Customer SolutionsCONTACT US•Cisco Customer Solutions Team services –the team works directly with the SYNNEX Customer Service Team to open and resolve Cisco RMAs•If you need an RMA incident escalated, please engage ******************************, who will work with the Cisco Customer Solutions Team to escalate the RMA Case with CiscoWHO WE ARECustomer/SalesSYNNEX Customer ServiceCisco Customer SolutionsWHAT WE DO•CCW-R quote creation•Renewals•New attach after hardware is ordered•CCW-R quote maintenance •Contract management•Proactive Services Business Development •Vendor reporting•SNIF Reports•Install Base Reports (IBRs)We are an operational focused team that works out of the Fresh Desk Ticketing system for SMARTnet Total Care requests. Answers the question “Who can help me with Smartnet renewals, reporting and management.”SMARTnet TeamCONTACT US***********************When requesting CCW-R quotes please provide the following information to the best of your knowledge:•Reseller’s Cisco Bill to ID (BID#)•Contract Number•Serial numbers in excel format•Instance numbers in excel format for all un-serialized products •Number of points to hold •Desired Service Level•Co-term end date (if applicable)WHO WE AREWHAT WE CANNOT DO•Provide CCW Estimates/BOMs•Contact TSE Team•SMARTnet RMAs -please engage******************************, who will work with the Cisco Customer Solutions Team to escalate the RMA Case with Cisco •Meraki license renewals•**********************•Quick quote creation out of CCW•These requests********************************WHAT WE DO•Adjust pricing as required on multi-year SKUs •Cisco product SKU set-up/maintenance •SKU pricing discrepancies •Provide Cisco operational assistance •Obtain legal sign-off on Cisco Advanced Services AgreementsCisco Product Managers (Services), working through the team alias We answer: “How do I buy Cisco services from SYNNEX?”Services PMHandled Through Team Alias**************************Jill Coffey****************Jake Deneault****************Michael RoggowWHO WE ARECONTACT USWHAT WE CANNOT DO•Create partner quotes -discounting and availability•These requests ********************************•Create CIS orders for Cisco•These requests ********************************•Provide SCM funds for order-entry mistakes or “one-off” competitive quoting situations •PMs have loaded Sales BTL into Sales P&L to help be competitive •Service and support renewals –contact ***********************•SPA set-up in CIS -Deal ID Rebate and Magic Key•These requests go to ************************•Account authorization –Contact **********************•Provide Cisco DSV/POS information and assistance –Contact **********************WHAT WE DO•Annuity/subscription order submission, smart account help –All processed outside of CIS•Quote validation/guidance•Cloud Cisco product SKU set-up/maintenance•SKU pricing discrepancies•Provide Cisco operational assistance•Mandatory Attach Software Flag RemovalCisco Product Managers (Annuity), working through the team alias supported by a ticketing system. We answer: “How do I buy Cisco annuities from SYNNEX?”WHAT WE CANNOT DO•CCW Estimate IDs/ BoMs /Modifications based on articulatedcustomer requirements –Contact TSE Team•Provide SCM funds for order-entry mistakes or “one-off”competitive quoting situations•PMs have loaded Sales BTL into Sales P&L to help be competitive•Create partner quotes -discounting and availability•*********************************************•Service and support renewals –contact***********************•SPA set-up in CIS -Deal ID Rebate and Magic Key•These requests go to ************************•Account authorization –Contact**********************•Provide Cisco DSV/POS information and assistance-Contact**********************Cloud PMCONTACT USWork via Freshdesk ticketing system contact at *********************Create a ticket in Freshdesk by sending request to*********************. When sending requests to the team please…•Be clear on the request –What is needed? Order, mandatory attach removal, invoicing question…•Make sure your partner sends the requests to you and not directly to the product management teamHelga Gesson: *****************Daniel Garcia: ********************WHO WE AREWHAT WE DO•Partner Cisco Practice Assessments•Software-Led Sales Strategies •Compensating for Recurring Revenue•Enterprise Agreements•Prospecting, Quoting and Transacting •Financing and True-Forwards•DevNet•Partner Practice Building •Cisco Technology Use Cases•Cisco Customer Experience•Cisco Lfiecycle Incentives (LCI) Program •Customer Success PlansWe are a team focused on enabling the Next Generation VAR, aligning with Cisco’s strategies on leading with Software, driving Adoption, and delivering exceptional Customer Experience.CX TeamCONTACT US******************When requesting CCW-R quotes please provide the following information to the best of your knowledge:•Partner Name and Location •Key Stakeholders•Approximate Annual Cisco business•Information Requested (Enterprise Agreements, Customer Experience, Partner Incentives, etc.)•If conversation includes a specific opportunity please include solution details, as availableWHO WE AREWHAT WE CANNOT DO•Provide CCW Estimates/BOMs (Sales)•Software Operations Support (Software PM)•Technical Support for Customer Incidents (TAC)•Feature Activation and Adoption (ServiceSOLV)•End User Training (3rd party available)WHAT WE DO •Help resellers navigate through SYNNEX Comstor directly held contracts that include Cisco products/services•GSA, NCPA, Omnia, Equalis and PEPPMCatalog•Assist with becoming US Federally Authorized from Cisco•Become a Service Provider on SYNNEX Comstor contracts•Additional resource programs that are available through GovSolv•Digital Navigator (Business Intelligence Tool)•Grants/Funding streams available•RISE (Alternate financing options)•DAP (Peer to Peer group of resellers thathold certain set-asides)WHAT WE CANNOT DO •Provide contract pricing for Cisco directly held contracts•Can only provide reseller pricing and orderfulfillment•Add resellers to Cisco direct contracts•Must engage with Cisco directly to be addedPartner Enablement Business DevelopmentCONTACT US*******************WHO WE ARECisco Public Sector business strategy experts aligned to Cisco solutions, Public Sector contract vehicles and partner enablement resources. Engaging us to understand available contracts and funding sources will help you grow your overall Cisco Public Sector business. We answer: “What resources are available to make me successful?”RESOURCE NEEDEDCisco Quoting and Ordering Questions/TrainingCisco Partner Enablement, Certification and Specialization HelpQuote/Order Processing (Cisco 2T Accounts)Deal/Quick Quote CreationRMA SupportSmartNET Quote RequestsAnnuity/Subscription Order Submission, Smart Account Help, Modifications, etc. Help Becoming a Cisco PartnerEnterprise Agreements, Customer Experience, etc.Technical Pre-Sales Engineering CONTACT******************************** ******************************************************* ******************************** **************************************************************************************************https:///ecx/。



高级网络技术实验报告一、实验目的(本次实验所涉及并要求掌握的知识点)实验7.2:HDLC 和PPP 封装①串行链路上的封装概念;②HDLC 封装;③PPP 封装。

实验3.3.2.7:配置PAP 和CHAP 身份验证第 1 部分:检查路由配置第 2 部分:将PPP 配置为封装方法第 3 部分:配置PPP 身份验证二、实验内容与设计思想(设计思路、主要数据结构、主要代码结构)实验7.2:HDLC 和PPP 封装实验3.3.2.7:配置PAP 和CHAP 身份验证三、实验使用环境(本次实验所使用的平台和相关软件)WIN10Cisco Packet Tracer四、实验步骤和调试过程(实验步骤、测试数据设计、测试结果分析)实验7.2:HDLC 和PPP 封装1、配置R1Router>enRouter#conf tRouter(config)#hostname R1Router(config)#int s0/0/0Router(config-if)#ip address shut2、配置R2Router>enRouter#conf tRouter(config)#hostname R2R2(config)#int s0/0/0R2(config-if)#clock rate 128000R2(config-if)#ip address R2(config-if)#no shut3、检查链路连通性和默认封装R1#show interfaces s0/0/0该接口的默认封装为HDLC 封装4、改变串行链路两端的接口封装为PPP 封装并检查R1(config)#int s0/0/0R1(config-if)#encapsulation pppR2(config)#int s0/0/0R2(config-if)#encapsulation pppshow interface s0/0/0该接口的封装为PPP 封装网络层支持IP 和CDP 协议5、实验调试(1)测试R1 和R2 之间串行链路的连通性R1#ping可以看出链路两端封装相同,ping测试正常(2)链路两端封装不同协议R1(config)#int s0/0/0R1(config-if)#encapsulation pppR2(config)#int s0/0/0R2(config-if)#encapsulation hdlcR1#show int s0/0/0两端封装不匹配,导致链路故障实验3.3.2.7:配置PAP 和CHAP 身份验证按照实验拓扑连接好线路并配置好路由:Route(config)#hostname R3R3(config)#int s0/0/0R3(config-if)#ip add shutR3(config-if)#int s0/0/1R3(config-if)#ip add rate 64000R3(config-if)#no shutdownR3(config)#int s0/1/0R3(config-if)#ip add shutR3(config-if)#exR3(config)#router eigrp 1R3(config-router)#network static //重分布R3(config-router)#exR3(config-if)#exR3(config)#ip route //静态路由第 1 部分:检查路由配置第 1 步:查看所有路由器的运行配置。

思科Tetration Analytics产品手册说明书

思科Tetration Analytics产品手册说明书

产品手册Cisco Tetration AnalyticsCisco Tetration Analytics™平台可提供全面的可视性、基于行为的应用见解和零信任模式迁移,实现了高效的数据中心运营。


得益于这些技术进步,东 - 西流量占数据中心流量的比例达到 76%。


这种动态环境带来了三项主要挑战:●提供对数据中心基础设施中的流量的全面可视性并实现长期保留数据,以便进行调查和分析●了解数据中心内部所有应用的通信和依赖性●建立白名单策略模型,实时识别行为偏差,并执行调查分析操作全新的 Cisco Tetration Analytics 平台可使用算法方法收集丰富的流量遥感勘测数据并执行高级分析,从而成功应对这些挑战。



此平台具备以下优势:●每秒能够处理数百万数据流,在几分钟内即可应用智能算法并提供切实可行的见解●无需汇聚即可捕捉并存储数千亿条遥感勘测记录,从而支持长期调查分析●提供对应用组件及其通信和依赖性的全面可视性,实现网络内部零信任模式使用传感器收集丰富的 Cisco Tetration 遥感勘测数据。



图 1 显示 Cisco Tetration Analytics 平台的高级架构。

图 1. Cisco Tetration Analytics 平台架构Cisco Tetration Analytics 平台包含三个主要功能层:●数据收集层:该层主要由轻型传感器组成,它们可作为分析平台的“眼睛”和“耳朵”。

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