咖啡 英文PPT课件
low acidity
பைடு நூலகம்
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Macchiato Latte
--the color of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
Leisure and Enjoyment
2 Composition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Do you have ideas about them ?
savoury and mellow bitter with slight sour and sweet taste
well-known renown
Elephant Poop Coffee
---Black Ivory Coffee
Tannic acid Fat Protein
Sugar Fiber Minerals
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Kopi Luwak
Brazil Coffee
Colombian Байду номын сангаасoffee
Fancy Coffee Do you have ideas about them ?
savoury and mellow
bitter with slight sour and sweet taste
Leisure and Enjoyment
2 Composition and tools
3 4
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup
thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
2.How to mix with the sugar using spoon---granulated
DO NOT: run, keep talking, pour coffee or add
sugar for others without permission
What kind of coffee do you like? Why?
Thank you!
Colombian Coffee -- jade coffee
named after country bitter and strong aroma--life Colombians--conscientious
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• • • • • • • • • • 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 (星巴克) 、 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 (罗多伦) 、 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 (奇堡) 、 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 、 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 (第二杯) 、 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 瑟滴) 、 7. Costa …… British、1978 、 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 (麦咖啡) 、 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 、 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992 、
Some Famous Coffee
Jamaica Best &Expensive
1 espresso 1 hot milk 0.5 chocolate 0.5 cream
The name Café Mocha originated from a small town named Mocha on the coast of Red Sea in Yemen. Since the color of coffee bean is close to the chocolate, so many people at that town called it café chocolate rather than Café Mocha. It is another kind of Café Latte(拿铁). (拿铁)
1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
rich-flavour,fascinating & the oldest,exoctic
low acidity
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Malor of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Kopi--coffee luwak--genet coming from Indonesia the least production
50g coffee beans for 3-4 cups--about 400-500RMB for a cup
rich-flavour,fascinating & the oldest,exoctic
low acidity
Fancy Coffee
Cappcino Malor of friar’s coif
Caramel Macchiato
espresso coffee,vanilla and caramel containing three different flavors
Thank you~
1.咖啡含有一定的营养成分。咖啡的烟碱酸含有维他命B,烘焙后的咖啡豆含量更 高。并且有游离脂肪酸、咖啡因、单宁酸等。 2.咖啡对皮肤有益处。咖啡可以促进代谢机能,活络消化器官,对便秘有很大功 效,有减肥的作用。 3.咖啡有解酒的功能。酒后喝咖啡,将使由酒精转变而来的乙醛快速氧化,分解 成水和二氧化碳而排出体外。 4.咖啡可以消除疲劳。要消除疲劳,必须补充营养、休息与睡眠、促进代谢功能, 而咖啡则具有这些功能。 5.一日三杯咖啡可预防胆结石。对于含咖啡因的咖啡,能刺激胆囊收缩,并减少 胆汁内容易形成胆结石的胆固醇,最新美国哈佛大学研究人员发现,每天喝两 到三杯咖啡的男性,得胆结石的机率低于40%。 6.常喝咖啡可防止放射线伤害。放射线伤害尤其是电器的辐射已成为目前较突出的 一种污染。印度笆巴原子研究人员在老鼠实验中得到这一结论,并表示可以应 用到人类。 7.咖啡的保健医疗功能。咖啡具有抗氧化及护心、强筋骨、利腰膝、开胃促食、消 脂消积、利窍除湿、活血化淤、息风止痉等作用。 8.咖啡对情绪的影响力。实验表明,一般人一天吸收300毫克(约3杯煮泡咖啡)的 咖啡因,对一个人的机警和情绪会带来良好的影响。
讲解:席悦,陈思潼,尹柯越 制作:张皓天 捧场:张颖旗,解祺琦
PS:本幻灯片完全由本组某位二缺青年 与制作,讲解人员立场无关
• “咖啡”(Coffee)(一词源自埃塞俄比亚的
一个名叫卡法(kaffa)的小镇,在希腊语 中“Kaweh”的意思是“力量与热情”。茶 叶与咖啡、可可并称为世界三大饮料。咖 啡树是属茜草科常绿小乔木,日常饮用的 咖啡是用咖啡豆配合各种不同的烹煮器具 制作出来的,而咖啡豆就是指咖啡树果实 内之果仁,再用适当的烘焙方法烘焙而成 。另马一位语言学家罗士德奈洛伊(1613-1707)的记载:大约纪元六世 纪时,有位阿拉伯牧羊人卡尔代某日赶羊到伊索比亚草原 放牧时,看到 每只山羊都显得无比兴奋,雀跃不已,他觉得很奇怪,後来经过细心观 察发现,这些羊群是吃了某种红色果实才会兴奋不已,卡尔代好奇地尝 了一些,发觉这些果实非常香甜美味,食后自己也觉得精神非常爽快, 从此他就时常赶著羊群一同去吃这种美味果实。後来,一位回教徒经过 这里,便顺手将这种不可思议的红色果实摘些带回家,并分给其他的教 友们吃,所以其神奇效力也就因此流传开来。
1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Leisure and Enjoyment
Contposition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Tannic acid Fat Protein
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Leisure and Enjoyment
Contposition and tools
The history of coffee
Composition of coffee
relieving tiredness or caffeinism
Tannic acid Fat Protein
Colombian Coffee is a Protected designation of origin granted by the European Union (September 2007) that applies to the coffee produced in Colombia .
1.What is Coffee
2. The history of coffee 3.Some famous coffee: Bluemountain; Mocha;
Colombian Coffee; Cappuccino.
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over countries. Green unroasted coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due to its caffeine content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages[be'vərɪdʒɪz] worldwide.
1. Coffee has anti-oxidant contents. 咖啡含有抗氧化物质。(抗氧化物质是延缓衰老的) 2. It protects you from having type 2 diabetes 咖啡能防止你患上二型糖尿病。 3. It is a good anti-depressant drink. Drinking coffee can bring mental focus and relaxation. The fresh scent aroma of coffee can calm mood swings and making your brain always alert. 咖啡是一种良好的抗抑郁饮品。喝咖啡可以使人精神集中,也可 以放松心情。咖啡的新鲜香味可以缓解情绪波动,并且使大脑处 于敏锐状态。 4. Good for the heart. It contains Tannin which promotes good cardiovascular health. Consuming a small amount of espresso coffee can benefit your heart and found no negative effect. 对心脏有好处。咖啡里含有的单宁酸可以促进心血管健康。饮用 少量意大利特浓咖啡有益于心脏,没有副作用。
Main ingredients
• Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
• Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid.
Excessive use of coffee
• Under the condition of the long-term intake, big doses of caffeine is a drug can cause "caffeine intoxication". Caffeine intoxication including addictive and a series of physical and psychological adverse reactions, such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremor and muscle twitching ,Insomnia and palpitations.
Fancy coffee
• Espresso • Latte • iced latte • Cappuccino • Irish coffee • MaQiYaDuo • Viennese • White coffee • Mixed coffee • Ect.
Coffee and life
• In addition, because caffeine can make gastric acid increased, the continued high dose intake can lead to chronic peptic ulcer, erosive esophageal inflammation and gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, because whether normal coffee or decaffeinated coffee, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the gastric acid secretion, so caffeine may not coffee only ingredients.
Main ingredients
• Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
• Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid.
Excessive use of coffee
• Under the condition of the long-term intake, big doses of caffeine is a drug can cause "caffeine intoxication". Caffeine intoxication including addictive and a series of physical and psychological adverse reactions, such as nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremor and muscle twitching ,Insomnia and palpitations.
Fancy coffee
• Espresso • Latte • iced latte • Cappuccino • Irish coffee • MaQiYaDuo • Viennese • White coffee • Mixed coffee • Ect.
Coffee and life
• In addition, because caffeine can make gastric acid increased, the continued high dose intake can lead to chronic peptic ulcer, erosive esophageal inflammation and gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, because whether normal coffee or decaffeinated coffee, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the gastric acid secretion, so caffeine may not coffee only ingredients.
1 espresso 0.5 foam milk
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
Latte --Latte Art DIY
1 espresso 1.5 hot milk 0.5 foam milk
Some World-Famous Coffee Brands
• 1. Starbucks(星巴克)…… America、1971 • 2. Doutor(罗多伦) …… Japan、1962 • 3. Tchibo(奇堡) ……German、1949 • 4. Diedrich …… America、1983 • 5. Second Cup(第二杯) …… Canada、1975 • 6. Segafredo (瑟滴)Ianetti …… Italy、1962 • 7. Costa …… British、1978 • 8. McCafe(麦咖啡) …… America、1993 • 9. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf …… Singapore、1963 • 10. Caribou …… Bahrain、1992
Tannic acid Fat Protein
tools of making coffee
Mocha Pot
Some famous coffee
Bluemoutain Mocha Kopi Luwak Brazil Coffee
Elephant Poop Coffee Mandheling Coffee Colombian Coffee Fancy Coffee
Manners of drinking coffee
1.How to use coffee cup thumb and index pinch the handle,holding the cup
Sugar : Coffee beans contains sugar born after about 8 percent, after baking most sugar will transform into the caramel, make coffee, and formed brown tannins with each other produce sweet taste.
Main ingredients
Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not
For skin beneficial coffee. Coffee can promote metabolization function, loose, digestive organs have great effect of constipation.
Coffee has the function of the wine. Coffee can eliminate fatigue. In order
Fiber : born after roasting the beans will carbonized fiber with caramel with each other, formed coffee tonal
Sugar : Coffee beans contains sugar born after about 8 percent, after baking most sugar will transform into the caramel, make coffee, and formed brown tannins with each other produce sweet taste.
Main ingredients
Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system.
Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not
For skin beneficial coffee. Coffee can promote metabolization function, loose, digestive organs have great effect of constipation.
Coffee has the function of the wine. Coffee can eliminate fatigue. In order
Fiber : born after roasting the beans will carbonized fiber with caramel with each other, formed coffee tonal
Can also put some sugar into Caramel Latte
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
Italy Coffee
As famous as machiato
In Italian, Con means ‘and’ ,Panna means whipped cream
维也纳咖啡 (Viennese)
Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. It is one of the main beverages in the world with cocoa and tea. First consumed in the 9th century, when it was discovered in the highland of Ethiopia. Today, trade in coffee has a large economic value. Coffee is an important export commodity for many countries; in 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was among the world's top fifteen legal agricultural exports in value.
In general, the taste is heavier than the latte
摩卡咖啡(Café Mocha)
• Day three cups of coffee can prevent gallstones. • Often drink coffee can prevent radiation damage. • Coffee medical care function. Coffee has antioxidant and protect the heart. • Coffee influent the emotions .
Main ingredients
• Caffeine : a special strong bitter taste, stimulates the central nervous system, heart and respiratory system. • Tannin : boil tannin will resolve into Jiao Wu acid. • Fat : one of the main is acidic fat and volatile fat. • Protein : the main source of calories, the proportion is not high.
• In addition, because caffeine can make gastric acid increased, the continued high dose intake can lead to chronic peptic ulcer, erosive esophageal inflammation and gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, because whether normal coffee or decaffeinated coffee, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, increase the gastric acid secretion, so caffeine may not coffee only ingredients.
咖啡是一种用炒制过的咖啡豆所酿造的饮料,咖啡豆是咖 啡树上结出的像樱桃样的种子,生长在70多个国家。由于 它含有咖啡因,咖啡能对人产生刺激作用。今天,咖啡是 全球最受欢迎的饮料之一。
The history of coffee
The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself, dating back more than a thousand years. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage.
Kopi luwak
Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world.
猫屎咖啡,或称为麝香咖啡,是世界上最昂贵 及产量最低的咖啡。猫屎咖啡采用被印尼野 生麝香猫 (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) 吃掉后通过其消化道消 化过的新鲜咖啡浆果制成。在麝香猫的肚子 里,蛋白水解酶渗入到这些豆子,使咖啡豆 含有更多的短肽和游离氨基酸。
The history of coffee
The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself, dating back more than a thousand years. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage.
Kopi luwak
Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, keeping their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world.
猫屎咖啡,或称为麝香咖啡,是世界上最昂贵 及产量最低的咖啡。猫屎咖啡采用被印尼野 生麝香猫 (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) 吃掉后通过其消化道消 化过的新鲜咖啡浆果制成。在麝香猫的肚子 里,蛋白水解酶渗入到这些豆子,使咖啡豆 含有更多的短肽和游离氨基酸。
咖啡 英文课件
Presentation by Rachel,Yvonne,Chen ya, Vitoria,Sybil,Wang yue
What is coffee The Origin about coffee Types of coffee Latte art Top 3 famous café How to make coffee
the general temperature of the sorch,sour taste.
Hawaiian Kona
It’s only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island,and it's one of the finest coffee in the world.
content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
The Origin about coffee
Coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
Presentation by Rachel,Yvonne,Chen ya, Vitoria,Sybil,Wang yue
What is coffee The Origin about coffee Types of coffee Latte art Top 3 famous café How to make coffee
the general temperature of the sorch,sour taste.
Hawaiian Kona
It’s only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island,and it's one of the finest coffee in the world.
content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
The Origin about coffee
Coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
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Buy beans that have been kept in airtight
content, coffee can have a stimulating
effect in humans. Today, coffee is
one of the most popular beverages
The Origin about coffee
Coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
Irish coffee
A coffee spiked with Irish whiskey, with cream on top. An alcoholic beverage that’s best kept clear of the kids, but warms you up plenty on a cold winter night.
Presentation by Rachel,Yvonne,Chen ya, Vitoria,Sybil,Wang yue
What is coffee The Origin about coffee Types of coffee Latte art Top 3 famous café How to make coffee
the general temperature of the sorch,sour taste.
Hawaiian Kona
It’s only grown on a few select slopes of the Hawaiian island,and it's one of the finest coffee in the world.
What is coffee
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of coffee cherries that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Green unroasted coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Due to its caffeine
Types of coffee
Latte is one of espresso items that the most people are familiar with,which is rich in SHEN added proportionally in Espresso,milk and even more fancy coffee.
Instant coffee
These grounds have usually been
freeze-dried and turned into soluble
powder or coffee granules. Basically,
instant coffee is for those that prefer
Hale Waihona Puke speed andconvenience over quality.
Though some prefer
instant coffee to the
real thing,there’s
just no accounting
for taste.
Kopi Luwak
Kopi luwak coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an area well-know for itsexcellent coffee.Kopi luwak is considered the rarest beverage in the world.
The traditional is the one with one thrid espresso,one third milk and one—third of the steam bubble milk.
White coffee
White coffee is coffee beans roasted at low temperature without caramel directly to stir-fried and charcoal addition to
Latte art
Sweet smell Fancy taste
Beautiful technique
How to make coffee
Buy good coffee beans
“Good” can be a subjective term as everyone’s tastes and preferences differ.