program 5


新时代职业英语人工智能英语教学课件AI English-Unit 5

新时代职业英语人工智能英语教学课件AI English-Unit 5

• Passage Reading
What is programming?
• Comparative Reading Getting started
• Extensive Reading Five tips to improve your programming skills
• Fun Reading
Run the program.

Next, type the following and press Enter:
If the process has been followed correctly, Robo will let you know all is well with the greeting “Hello world”!
Manual Reading
Passage Reading
Comparative Reading
Extensive Reading
Fun Reading
如今,AI 的一个很重要的应用就是智 能玩具。看到这个话题,你一定很开 心吧。先认识下这个小家伙Robo,然 后设计一款你中意的智能玩具吧。
Robo app into your computer.
2. Open the Robo app on the phone.
Make sure Robo is on and connected to
the app via Wi-Fi.
3. Tap on the gear icon at the top-right
corner to open the Settings menu.

4. Swipe left to reveal the Robo option

C语言程序设计PPT课件 第5章 数组程序设计

C语言程序设计PPT课件 第5章 数组程序设计
C语言程序设计(第3版)张磊编著 清华大学出版社
5.1.4 数值型一维数组的初始化
例5-3 用一维数组生成Fibonacci数列的前20项,并输出。
#include<stdio.h> void main() {
long int fib[21]; int i; fib[1]=1; fib[2]=1; for(i=3;i<=20;i++)
printf("Output: %s\n",digital);
C语言程序设计(第3版)张磊编著 清华大学出版社
/* program e5-6.c*/
5.2.1 字符##串iinncc的lluudd输ee<<入ssttrd输iniog出.h.h>>
for(i=0;i<N;i++) printf("%d ",a[i]);
C语言程序设计(第3版)张磊编著 清华大学出版社
5.1.4 数值型一维数组的初始化
数组的初始化,是在定义数组的时对数组的各个元素赋初值。 1. 全部元素的初始化 格式
数据类型 数组名[数组长度]={数组全部元素值表} 数据类型 数组名[]={数组全部元素值表} int a[6]={10,20,30,40,50,60}; float r[]={12.5,-3.11,8.6}; 2. 部分元素的初始化 格式 数据类型 数组名[数组长度]={数组前部元素值表} int b[10]={1,2,3}



Section 5: Subroutines & Subprograms Subroutines Subroutines are used for contours, hole patterns, or any actions that repeat orare used in many locations. Typically subroutines will contain only positionalmoves. Feed rates, tool changes, spindle speeds, rotation, and other codes arereserved for the main program. However, most codes can be in a subroutine.All user defined subroutines must be at the beginning of the program beforethe main section of the program. Only the O word and comments may be usedprior to the first subroutine. Subroutines cannot be defined in asubprogram. However, if the START macro command is used, subroutines canbe defined in subprograms (see Section Eighteen, Macros).The format of the L word for a subroutine definition is LNNKK.Beginning aSubroutineNN is the subroutine number (01-89).KK will always be 00 (zero, zero).EXAMPLE:L0100 (or L100) This would define the beginning of subroutine number 1L2300 This would define the beginning of subroutine number 23The maximum number allowed for NN is 89. Subprograms 90 - 99 are used bythe control for Fixed subroutines (see Section Six, Fixed Subroutines). The linewith the L word that defines the subroutine can only have a parenthesis or anasterisk for a comment. No other codes are permitted.Calling a Subroutine The format for the subroutine call is LNNKK. NN is the subroutine number (01-99). KK is the number of repetitions (01-99).EXAMPLE:L101 This would call, or use, subroutine number 1, one timeL2315 This would call, or use, subroutine number 23, fifteen timesThe LNNKK word must be the only word in the block in which it appears withthe exception of R parameter definitions, G66, and a parenthesis or an asteriskfor a comment. After a subroutine has been executed, it will return to the linewhere it was called and the program will continue from that line.Ending a Subroutine A subroutine ends with the L word that starts the next subroutine or with anM17. The M17 must be the only word in the block in which it appears.The last subroutine in the program MUST have an M17 coded at the end. Main Program An M30 marks the end of the subroutine section and the start of the mainprogram. An M17 marks the end of the last subprogram, which must be on aline before an M30. The M30 must be the only word in the block in which itappears.When the operator presses the auto button the control will process theprogram. The control will recognize the existence of subroutines by the L #00 atthe beginning of the program. The control will then recognize the beginning ofthe main program by the M30 code. When the control is ready to run, the linejust after the M30 will be the first line to appear on the screen of the pendent.When the M30 is used to end the subroutine section, an M2 is used to end theprogram. At the end of the program, the M2 will cause the program to beginagain at the line after the M30 code.EXAMPLE:N10 M17 This marks the end a subN11 M30N12 G0 G90 S2000 M3 E1 X0 Y0 End of subroutine sectionN13 H1 M7 Z.1 Beginning of the Main programN14 L201 Sub #2 one time. When sub #2 is complete it will return hereN15 M5 M9 G80Nesting A subroutine may be called for execution from another subroutine. This iscalled subroutine “nesting.”Subroutines may be nested as many as seven deep. This means that at somepoint in a subroutine another subroutine can be called, and then from thatsubroutine another can be called and so forth up to seven times.Subroutines cannot be defined in a subprogram. However if the STARTmarco command is used, subroutines can be defined in subprograms (seeSection Eighteen, Macros).EXAMPLE:N1 O1234 (SUBROUTINE EXAMPLE PROGRAMN2 L100 This marks the beginning of sub #1N3 X.5 Y.5N4 X-.5N5 G80N6 M17 This marks the end a subN7 L200 This marks the beginning of sub #2N8 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.1 F35.N9 L101 Sub#1 is being called from sub #2. Sub #1 is nested inside sub#2N10 M17 This marks the end a subroutineN11 M30 End of subroutine sectionN12 G0 G90 S2000 M3 E1 X0 Y0 Beginning of the Main programN13 H1 M7 Z.1N14 L201 Sub #2 one time. When sub #2 is complete it will return hereN15 M5 M9 G80N16 G0 G49 G90 Z0N17 M2 End of the Main program. In the auto mode the program will rerunfrom line N12EXAMPLE:Drill and Tap 2 holes using subroutine to define positions.N1 O1 (SAMPLE PROGRAMN2 L100 Define Subroutine 1N3 X.5 Y.5N4 X-.5N5 G80N6 M17 End SubroutineN7 M30 End of Subroutine definitionN8 M6 T1N9 Tool #1 drillN10 G0 G90 S3500 M3 E1 X0 Y0N11 H1 M7 Z.25 Start main programDrill cycleN12 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.475 F20.N13 L101 Call Subroutine 1N14 N15 M6 T2 Tool #2 tapN16 G0 G90 S600 M3 E1 X0 Y0N17 H2 M7 Z.25N18 G84 G98 R0+.1 Z-.5 F600. Q.05 Tap CycleN19 L101 Call SubroutineN20 M5 M9N21 G0 G49 G90 Z0N22 E0 X0 Y0N23 M6 T1N24 M2•Block N2 uses the L word to identify the beginning of the subroutine.•Block N3 through N4 identify the X and Y locations.•Block N6 uses M17 to define the end of the subroutine.•Block N7 uses M30 to define the end of subroutine definition and the beginning of the main program.Upon execution of the program, the CNC always begins processing from the first block. When the first block contains the L word, the CNC examines each following block, until the M17, M30 codes are encountered. The execution begins with the block following the M30.The example program begins execution from block N8. Block N13 causes program execution from block N2 until the M17 is encountered at block N6. After completing the subroutine call, the program execution is returned to the next block following the subroutine call (N14).Parametric Programming Generalized subroutines can be written with the use of subroutine parameters. In a generalized subroutine, the numerical value of the A, B, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, P, Q, R, S, T, X, Y, Z words need not be specified directly. Values that are to be determined at the time of the subroutine call are specified indirectly by the use of the parametric reference "R". There are ten parameters, R0 through R9.X+R1 directs the CNC to take the current value of parameter R1 as the value for the X word. X-R1 directs the CNC to take the negative of the current value of parameter R1 as the value for the X word.The values of the parameters are modal. They are modified by programming an R word in a line of code. For example:R0+.137 defines the value of parameter R0 to +.137. This value is used by any R0 in the program until it is redefined.In the example below, subroutine L100 is a generalized subroutine to create a “D” pattern. Block N7 of the example calls the subroutine with the parameters R0 and R1 set to 2.0 and 1.0 respectively.EXAMPLE:N1 L100 (DEFINE SUBROUTINE 1N2 G1 Y+R0 (FIRST LEG OF “D” PATTERNN3 G2 X+R1 Y-R1 J-R1N4 G2 X-R1 Y-R1 I-R1 (BACK TO BEGINNINGN5 M17N6 M30 (END OF SUBROUTINE DEFINITIONN7 L101 R0+2. R1+1. (CALL SUBROUTINE 1, (EXECUTE 1 TIMEAll R values are modal, and are not cleared at the beginning of a program. Thevalues are cleared at power on and are zero until they are defined.Indefinite Subroutine Repetitions In some cases a subroutine needs to be repeated an indefinite number of times. This is accomplished by using a .1 extension at the end of a subroutine call.N1 L100N2 E1 X.45 Y-1.05N3 G81 G99 R0+.1 Z-.75 F80. X.5 Y-1.N4 X2.5N5 G80N6 Z1.N7 E0 X0 Y0N8 G4 P66000 The machine is in the Waiting state, spindle & coolant onN9 M17N10 M30N11 G90 G0 S10000 E1 X.45 Y-1.05N12 H1 Z1. M7N13 L101.1 The .1 extension repeats sub #1 an indefinite number of timesN14 M2Subprograms Subprograms function for the same purpose as a subroutine. They can beused instead of subroutines. For program editing purposes a program thatuses subroutines is easier to edit. The operator can edit both the main andsubroutine section of the program without switching to another program.Editing a subprogram requires that the operator first switch to the subprogram,edit, then switch back to the main program. The main program must becurrently active to execute the program.Subprograms are generally used in Format 2 style programs. A main programis identified by the use of the M30 code at the end, which functions like the M2would in a Format 1 style program. The subprogram is identified by using theM99 code at the end. The M99 functions as the point to either return to thebeginning of the subprogram for a repeat, or to return to the line where thesubprogram was called.Subprograms cannot contain subroutines. However a subprogram can becalled from a subroutine. If START macro command is used, subroutines canbe defined in subprograms (see Section Eighteen, Macros).EXAMPLE:O1 (MAIN PROGRAMG90 G0 G17 G80 G40 G49 Z0M6 T1 (TOOL #1S2000 M3 G54 X0 Y0H1 D1 Z1. M8G82 G99 R0+.1 Z-.25 F45.M98 P2 L1 Call subprogram #2 one time. This is where the sub returns after executionM5 M9G80G90 G0 G49 Z0M6 T2 (TOOL #2G90 G0 S2000 M3 G54 X0 Y0H2 D2 Z1. M8G83 G99 R0+.1 Z-2.1 F37. Q.3143M98 P2 L1 Call subprogram #2 one time. This is where the sub returns to after executionM5 M9G80G0 G90 G49 Z0G59 X0 Y0M30O2 (SUBPROGRAM FOR HOLE LOCATIONSX2. Y1.X3. Y1.M99 End of subprogram and return to main programThis page intentionally left blank.。



学习之星培优计划五年级下册英语试卷答案English:The answers to the "Learning Star Training Program Grade 5 English Test Paper for the Second Semester" are as follows:1. (a) The correct spelling is "beautiful." (b) The sentence should be: "She looks beautiful in that dress." (c) The word should be "had." (d) The sentence should be: "Yesterday, they had a picnic in the park." (e) The correct spelling is "quiet." (f) The sentence should be: "The library is quiet because everyone is reading." (g) The word should be "play." (h) The sentence should be: "We always play soccer after school." (i) The correct spelling is "strawberries." (j) The sentence should be: "My favorite fruits are strawberries and bananas."2. (a) The correct spelling is "impossible." (b) The sentence should be: "It is impossible to solve this puzzle." (c) The word should be "going."(d) The sentence should be: "They are going to visit their grandparents next weekend." (e) The correct spelling is "hospital." (f) The sentence should be: "My mother works at the hospital." (g) The word should be "watch." (h) The sentence should be: "I like to watchmovies on weekends." (i) The correct spelling is "elephants." (j) The sentence should be: "There are two elephants in the zoo."3. (a) The correct spelling is "mountains." (b) The sentence should be: "They went hiking in the mountains last summer." (c) The word should be "enjoy." (d) The sentence should be: "We enjoy swimming in the lake." (e) The correct spelling is "vegetables." (f) The sentence should be: "I don't like vegetables, but I eat them anyway." (g) The word should be "live." (h) The sentence should be: "They live in a big house near the beach." (i) The correct spelling is "cousins." (j) The sentence should be: "My cousins are coming to visit us next month."4. (a) The correct spelling is "weather." (b) The sentence should be: "The weather is nice today." (c) The word should be "did." (d) The sentence should be: "What did you do last weekend?" (e) The correct spelling is "furniture." (f) The sentence should be: "They bought new furniture for their living room." (g) The word should be "like." (h) The sentence should be: "I like to eat ice cream in summer." (i) The correct spelling is "chickens." (j) The sentence should be: "They have five chickens in their backyard."Chinese Translation:"《学习之星培优计划五年级下册英语试卷》的答案如下:1. (a) 正确拼写为"beautiful"。



CoUnit 5 Programming Language·59·conversation.Jerry: Please have a seat, Tom. Tom: Thanks.Jerry: Well, Tom, what kind of education have you got?Tom: I studied computer science in Zhejiang University, and got a B. S. degree. Jerry: OK, what specialized courses did you take?Tom: The specialized courses I completed include computer science, operation systems, Java, OOA&OOD, software engineering, etc.Jerry: What kind of experience have you got for the job? Tom: I've been a computer programmer for more than two years. Jerry: What kind of software do you have a good command of? Tom: 、JS and Photoshop, etc. Jerry: Well, can you start next Monday? Tom: Sure.Jerry: That’s settled then.TASK II TEXT AIntroduction to ProgrammingLanguageFigure 5.1 Types of Programming Language计算机专业英语·60·instruction[in5strQkFEn ] n . 指令 symbolic[sim5bClik ] adj . 象征的,象征性的assembly language 汇编语言variable[5vAriEbl ] n . 变量higher-level language 高级语言 compiler[kEm5pailE ] n . 编译器abstract[5AbstrAkt ] adj . 抽象的 execution[7eksi5kju:FEn ] n . 执行source code 源代码utility[ju5tiliti ] n . 实用text editor 文本编辑器 notation[nEu5teiFEn ] n . 记号, 标记A programming language is a language used to write instructions for the computer. It lets the programmer express data processing in a symbolic manner without regard to machine-specific details.The difficulty of writing programs in the machine language of 0s and 1s led first to the development of assembly language , which allows programmers to use mnemonics for instructions and symbols for variables . Such programs are then translated by a program known as an assembler into the binary encoding used by the computer.Assembly language was found to be sufficiently inconvenient that higher-level languages (closer to natural languages) were invented in the 1950s for easier, faster programming; along with them came the need for compilers , programs that translate high-level language programs into machine code (See Figure 5.1).As programming languages became more powerful and abstract , building efficient compilers that create high-quality code in terms of execution speed and storage consumption became an interesting computer science problem in itself.A compiler is a computer program that translates source code into object code. Software engineers write source code using high-level programming languages that people can understand. Computers can’t directly execute source code, but need a compiler to translate these instructions into a low-level language called machine code.Software designers create new programs by using special applications programs, often called utility programs or development programs. A programmer uses another type of program called a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called a programming language. With the text editor, the programmer creates a text file, which is an ordered list of instructions, also called the program source file. The individual instructions that make up the program source file are called source code. At this point, a special applications program translates the source code into machine language, or object code —a format that the operating system will recognize as aUnit 5 Programming Language·61·set[set ] n . 集合separately[5sepEritli ] adv .分别地,单独地debugger[di:5bQ^E ] n . 调试器 detect[di5tekt ] v . 检测intermediate[7intE5mi:djEt ] adj .中间的interpreter[in5tE:pritE ] n . 解释器proper program and be able to execute.Programs are often written as a set of smaller pieces, with each piece representing some aspect of the overall application program. After each piece has been compiled separately , a program called a linker combines all of the translated pieces into a single executable program.Programs seldom work correctly the first time, so a program called a debugger is often used to help find problems called bugs. Debugging programs usually detect an event in the executing program and point the programmer back to the origin of the event in the program code.Recent programming systems, such as Java, use a combination of approaches to create and execute programs. A compiler takes a Java source program and translates it into an intermediate form. Such intermediate programs are then transferred over the Internet into computers where an interpreter program then executes the intermediate form as an application program.ExercisesI. March each of the following terms to its equivalent(s).II. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text. 1.allows programmers to use mnemonics for instructions and symbols for .2.A compiler is a computer program that translates into .3. Software designers create new programs by using special applications programs, often called or .计算机专业英语·62·4. After each piece has been compiled separately, a program called a combines all of the translated pieces into a single program.5. Programs seldom work correctly the first time, so a program called a is often used to help find problems called bugs.III. Mark the following sentences with true or false according to the passage.1. The difficult of writing programs in the machine language of 0s and 1s led first to the development of high-level language.( ) 2. The machine language allows programmers to use mnemonics for instructions and symbols for variables. ( ) 3. Assembly language was invented in the 1950s for easier, faster programming, along with them came the need for compilers.( ) 4. Computers need a compiler to translate source code into a low-level language called machine code. A compiler is a computer program. ( ) 5. A programmer uses a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called aprogramming language.( )IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.A computer program is a set of instructions that directs a computer to perform some processing function or combination of functions. For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads the program, and then follows the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion. A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.TASK III TEXT BBasics of Object-OrientedProgrammingFigure 5.2 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)Unit 5 Programming Language·63·object-oriented 面向对象的inheritance[in5heritEns ] n . 继承package[5pAkidV ] n . 包state[steit ] n . 状态 behavior[bi5heivjE ] n . 行为 field [fi:ld ]n . 字段 method[5meWEd ] n . 方法instance[5instEns ] n .例子,实例definition[7defi5niFEn ] n . 定义gear[^iE ] n . 齿轮If you've never used an object-oriented programming language before, you'll need to learn a few basic concepts before you can begin writing any code. This lesson will introduce you to objects, class, inheritance, interface, and package (See Figure 5.2). Each discussion focuses on how these concepts relate to the real world.What Is an Object?An object is a software bundle of related state and behavior. Software objects are often used to model the real-world objects that you find in everyday life: your dog, your desk, your television set, your bicycle. They consist of state and related behavior. An object stores its state in fields (variables in some programming languages) and exposes its behavior through methods (functions in some programming languages).What Is a Class?In the real world, you'll often find many individual objects are of the same kind. There may be thousands of other bicycles in existence, all of the same make and model. Each bicycle was built from the same set of blueprints and therefore contains the same components. In object-oriented terms, we say that your bicycle is an instance of the class of objects known as bicycles. A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created.Class's definition can be divided into interface and impleme- ntation. Interface describes class as an abstraction, what client needs to know. Implementation is the internals, only used by implementer.What Is Inheritance?Different kinds of objects often have a certain amount in common with each other.Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and behavior from other classes.Mountain bikes, road bikes, and tandem bikes, for example, all share the characteristics of bicycles (current speed, current pedal cadence, and current gear). Yet each also defines additional features that make them different: tandem bicycles have two seats and two sets of handlebars; road bikes have drop handlebars; some mountain bikes have an additional chain ring, giving them a lower gear ratio.What Is an Interface?An interface is a contract between a class and the outside world.计算机专业英语·64·publish[5pQbliF ] vt .&vi . 出版,公布namespace[5neim speis ] n .命名空间logical[5lCdVikEl ] adj . 逻辑的encapsulate[en5kApsE7leit ] vt .封装Polymorphism [pCli5mC:fizEm ] n .多态性When a class implements an interface, it promises to provide the behavior published by that interface.In its most common form, an interface is a group of related methods with empty bodies. A bicycle's behavior, if specified as an interface, might appear as follows:interface Bicycle {void changeCadence(int newValue); // wheel revolutions per minutevoid changeGear(int newValue); void speedUp(int increment); void applyBrakes(int decrement); }What Is a Package?A package is a namespace for organizing classes and interfaces in a logical manner. Placing your code into packages makes large software projects easier to manage.The features of object-oriented programming include: (1)encapsulation (data hiding).(2)inheritance (derived classes inherit attributes and methods from base classes).(3)polymorphism (meaning of a message depends on class of recipient).ExercisesI. March each of the following terms to its equivalent(s).Unit 5 Programming Language·65·II. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text.1. The basic concepts of object-oriented programming include , class, , interface, and .2. An object stores its state in (variables in some programming languages) and exposes its behavior through (functions in some programming languages).3. Object-oriented programming allows classes to commonly used state and behavior from other classes.4.In its most common form, an interface is a group of related methods with empty . 5. A package is a(an) for organizing classes and interfaces in a manner. III. Mark the following sentences with true or false according to the passage.1. Software objects are often used to model the real-world objects that you find in everyday life: your desk, your classmates, your bicycle.( ) 2. In object-oriented terms, we say that your bicycle is a class of the instance of objects known as bicycles. A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. ( ) 3. Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and behavior from other classes.( ) 4. A package is a namespace for organizing classes and interfaces in a logical manner. Placing code into packages can’t make large software projects easier to manage. ( ) 5. The features of object-oriented programming include encapsulation, inheritance, andpolymorphism.( )IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.The Java platform provides an enormous class library (a set of packages) suitable for use in your own applications. This library is known as the "Application Programming Interface", or "API" for short. Its packages represent the tasks most commonly associated with general-purpose programming. For example, a String object contains state and behavior for character strings; a file object allows a programmer to easily create, delete, inspect, compare, or modify a file on the file system; various GUI objects control buttons and checkboxes and anything else related to graphical user interfaces. There are literally thousands of classes to choose from. This allows you, the programmer, to focus on the design of your particular application, rather than the infrastructure required to make it work.TASK IV Writing TrainingNotice通知是上级对下级,组织对个人发出通知、下达指示、提出要求的一种应用文体;启事是个人对公众、组织对公众发布信息的一种文件,在英文表述上大体一样。

【最新推荐】国外大学申请选择english,program怎么填-word范文模板 (5页)

【最新推荐】国外大学申请选择english,program怎么填-word范文模板 (5页)

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API Certification Programs ApplicationREVISION 5 | FM-001.pdfAPI Monogram™Program API QualityRegistrar™API Spec Q1®APIQuality Plus ™®®®®™API Spec Q2™ContentsIntroductionOptionsChoose the API Certification Programs option that best suits your needs.Submission of the ApplicationDirections on how to submit the application.Certification ProcessA summary of certification steps.Part 1 – ApplicationApplicant facility location, contact personnel, products and services, and certification management system analysis. Part 2 – Application AgreementDetailed information on the rules governing the API Certification Programs Application.IntroductionThank you for requesting an API Certification Programs Application. This Application form must be used when applying to any API® or APIQR™ program including: Quality Plus,® ISO 9001 Registration, API Spec Q1®Registration, API Spec Q2™Registration, and API Monogram™ Licensing.This Application provides API or APIQR with the basic information required for processing your inquiry. Please include as much detailed information as possible. All such information is subject to investigation and applications may be rejected if the information supplied so warrants. If you have any questions, please contact one of our associates by calling API at 202-962-4791. Please send email inquiries to certification@.If more than one facility is applying, please indicate each location on a separate Application. If more space is needed, please attach additional sheets as necessary.OptionsOrganizations have the option to apply for one or a combination of any or all of the following certifications:• API Monogram Licensing• API Spec Q1 Registration• API Spec Q2 Registration• ISO 9001 Registration• ISO 14001 Registration• OHSAS 18001 Registration1. Organizations can achieve ALL of the above certifications and API product licensing through one convenient annual integratedmanagement system audit.2. Organizations can achieve registration to one, a combination of, or ALL of the management system standards. API Spec Q1 andISO 9001 or API Spec Q2 and ISO 9001 can be achieved through one convenient annual audit and one annual fee for either set of registrations with API.3. Organizations can achieve API Monogram Licensing and any or a combination of the registrations through one convenient annualaudit.4. Organizations can achieve licensing to more than 70 different product specifications. The license allows organizations to provideevidence to equipment purchasers that they manufacture products in accordance with API product specifications.Submission of the ApplicationDirections for Submission of the ApplicationSubmit all applicable pages of the following items for each program for which you are applying:1. Part 1 – Application2. Part 2 – Application Agreement3. (a) API Monogram License AgreementLocated in the API Monogram Licensing Program Requirements.and/r(b) APIQR Management System Registration AgreementLocated in the APIQR Registration Program Requirements.4. Product Licensing Information Form(For API Monogram Licensing Only)If you did not receive the necessary form(s) with the Application package, please visit our website at/certifications/monogram/documents/licensing-forms.cfm to obtain the forms. You must submit one for each license sought.5. Quality ManualA controlled copy of your Quality Manual (written in English).6. ISO 9001 Registration CertificateIf you currently maintain an ISO 9001 Registration, include a copy of the certificate with your ISO 9001 Registration A greement.7. Conformity Matrix for API Spec Q1 and/or API Spec Q2The matrix can be downloaded from .Submit completed Applications to:A PI Certification Programs1220 L Street, NWW ashington, DC 20005-4070U SAProgram Fee(s)For instructions on submitting payment, see the Fee Schedule sheet for the applicable program, located in the Program Requirements. Applications will not be processed until payment and all documentation are received.Certification Process1. Organizations applying for licensing under the API Monogram Program must develop and maintain quality manuals that describetheir quality management system and how it conforms to the requirements of API Spec Q1. Organizations participating in the API Monogram Program must also demonstrate continued ability to meet the technical requirements identified in the applicable API product specification(s).2. Organizations applying only for ISO 9001 Registration must develop and maintain quality manuals and quality managementsystems that conform to the ISO 9001 standard. Organizations applying for API Spec Q1 Registration and/or API Spec Q2Registration must develop and maintain quality manuals and quality management systems in conformance with these standards.Organizations applying for ISO 14001 Registration and/or OHSAS 18001 Registration must develop and maintain a management system that conforms to the requirements of these standards.3. Prior to submitting an application to API, organizations must have had a management system in place for at least four months.This includes performing and documenting an internal audit and management review in accordance with API Spec Q1, ISO 9001, API Spec Q2, ISO 14001 and/or OHSAS 18001.4. Submit the completed application forms, application fee, and the quality manual and conformity matrix, if required. The qualitymanual and/or conformity matrices must be in English.5. API will review the application forms, the quality manual and the conformity matrix for conformance with program requirements andapplicability of desired scope of certification. Should application forms be incomplete, and/or should the quality manual be out of conformance with requirements, API will provide comments.6. When the application package, quality manual and/or conformity matrix are accepted, API will schedule a Stage 1 or initial audit.The audit costs are at the organization’s expense. Stage 1 audit is only required for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registrations.7. Stage 1 audits are generally performed offsite and require the organization to provide the auditor with documents for review. Thesedocuments may include procedures, control features, internal audit reports, management review records, staff responsibilities and facility layout. If needed, parts of the Stage 1 audit may be carried-out at the organization’s premises.8. Once the Stage 1 audit has been successfully completed, API and the assigned auditor will schedule a Stage 2 audit. The auditcosts are at the organization’s expense.9. Initial or Stage 2 audits are performed on-site and include verifying the organization’s conformance with API Spec Q1, ISO 9001,API Spec Q2, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and/or any applicable API product specification(s).10. API will make the certification decision on the basis of an evaluation of the audit findings and conclusions, and evidence ofeffective implementation of corrective actions by the organization (if required)*.11. Organizations licensed under the API Monogram Program will have audits scheduled every three years to ensure continuedconformance with the applicable program requirements.12. Organizations registered under API Spec Q1, ISO 9001, API Spec Q2, ISO 14001 and/or OHSAS 18001 will havea full system audit every year to ensure continued conformance with the applicable program requirements.*A follow-up audit may be required if nonconformances are deemed significant.Part 1 – Application1. Facility Name:(As it should appear on the certificate)If more than one facility is applying, a separate Application is required for each location.2. Actual Physical Location of Facility to be licensed and/or registered. In general, documents will be sent to Primary CorrespondenceContact (see item 3). Physical location of facility is needed for planning of audits and will be identified on Certificates of Registration and/or licenses:Street Address:(P.O. Box numbers are not acceptable)City: State/Province:Zip/Postal Code: Country:Website:(Optional)3. Primary Correspondence for this Application and other API Legal Documents (NOTE: Individual must be an officer/employee of therganizati n):Name:Title/Position:Street Address:(P.O. Box if applicable)City: State/Province:Zip/Postal Code: Country:Telephone Number: Fax Number:(Include country and city codes if outside the United States and Canada)Email Address:(For Primary Corresponding Contact)4. Facility Contact Person (Contact Person at the facility to be licensed and/or registered, if different from the Primary CorrespondenceContact identified in item 3):Name:Title/Position:Telephone Number: Fax Number:(Include country and city codes if outside the United States and Canada)Email Address:(For Facility Contact)Sales Telephone Number:(Optional)Sales Email Address:(Optional)Website:(Optional)CONTINUED >>Part 1 – ApplicationFOR REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS ONLYPlease propose a statement of the scope of the management system that will be certified by APIQR.FOR ALL APPLICATIONSPlease provide answers to the following questions:1. What are the products and/or services under the control of your management system?2. How long have you provided these products and/or services to the oil and gas industry?3. How long has your organization had a management system in place that meets the requirements of:API Spec Q1: ISO 14001:API Spec Q2: OHSAS 18001:ISO 9001:4. What were the dates of your last full system internal audit?5. What were the dates of your last management review?6. If you have used any outside assistance (e.g. consultant) in preparing any part of your management system, please provide thename and contact information of the person or company that provided the assistance:First Name: Middle Name:Last Name:Company Name:Address:City/Locality: State/Province:Zip/Postal Code: Country:Telephone Number: Email:(Include country and city codes if outside the United States and Canada)Do you wish to send copies of API correspondences to this individual? o Yes o No CONTINUED >>Part 1 – Application7. Please identify the processes or activities that your facility outsources or performs at another location including any manufacturing,testing or inspection activities. In addition to the name of the process, please provide the name and location of the supplier and the percentage of the process or activity outsourced.Process/Activity Name Name and Location Percent Outsourced8. Please identify the manufacturing, testing and inspection activities performed at this facility. Do not include any activities that yououtsource or perform at another location.Activity Name Activity Name Activity Name9. Please identify the processes within the control of your management system that require validation. Include both processesperformed at this facility, processes performed at another location and outsourced processes.Process Name Process Name Process Name10. What is the total area of this facility in square meters?11. What is the area of the manufacturing sites at this facility in square meters?12. How many employees work at this facility?13. Please identify the start and end hours for all shifts at this facility and the number of employees who work on each shift.Shift Start Time End Time Number of Employees14. Please submit a copy of your quality manual in English.15. Please submit a copy of your conformance matrix.CONTINUED >>Part 1 – ApplicationISO 14001If you are applying for ISO 14001 registration, you must also provide information on the following items:1. Types of hazardous materials used (please check all that apply).o Acids o Solventso Bases o Others (Please specify):o Metals2. Check all environmental aspects and impacts identified by the organization.o Above-ground Storage Tanks o Odorso Air Emissions o PCBso Asbestos o Pesticides/Herbicideso Energy Use o Radono EPCRA Reporting o Recyclingo Ground Water o Solid Waste Generationo Hazardous Materials Management o Storm Watero Hazardous Waste Generation o Underground Storage Tankso Investigation/Remediation o Wastewatero Land Contamination o Wastewater Handled On-siteo Lead o Wastewater to POTWo National Resource Conservation o Water Useo Noise o Others (Please specify):3. Please Identify the applicable regulations, standards and other environmental requirements. Include a unique identification orreference number.Federal/National Government:Reference Number TitleState/Province:Reference Number TitleLocal Government:Reference Number Title4. Please submit a description of the interaction between the processes of the environmental management system. Include theidentified aspects and impacts for each process.CONTINUED >>Part 1 – ApplicationOHSAS 18001If you are applying for OHSAS 18001 registration, you must also provide information on the following items:1. Please list any other health and safety concerns that have not been addressed that fall outside the proposed scope of registration.2. Check all significant risks and hazards identified by the organization if applicable (only a sampling is included in the list).o Biological Hazard o Hearing Protectiono Confined Space o Indoor Air Qualityo Ergonomics o Machine Guardingo Eye and Face Protection o Physical Hazardo Fire Safety o Respiratory Programo Hazardous Energy o Trip/Fallso Hazardous Materials o Others (Please specify):3. Please Identify the applicable regulations, standards and other health and safety requirements. Include a unique identification orreference number.Federal/National Government:Reference Number TitleState/Province:Reference Number TitleLocal Government:Reference Number Title4. Please submit a description of the interaction between the processes of the health and safety management system. Include theidentified aspects and impacts for each process.APPLICANT INITIAL HERE << ALL REGISTRATION AGREEMENT PAGES MUST BE INITIALED.By initialing here you signify you have read this Registration Agreement page and will abide by the terms and conditions above.Part 2 – Applicant AgreementThe Applicant agrees to the following as a condition of its application being accepted by API.1. The Applicant must select one or more of the Certification Programs Options from Part 1. At this time, the Applicant is applying for: o API Monogram Licensing o ISO 9001 Registration o API Spec Q1 Registration o ISO 14001 Registration o API Spec Q2 Registration o OHSAS 18001 Registration2. The Applicant must submit the requested documents and agree to fully comply with all of the requirements specified in the Application and in the Program Requirements.3. The Applicant will participate in and pay the cost of the API Audit, whether or not the Applicant is granted rights to use the API Certification Programs marks or certificates.A udit Costs. The Applicant/Licensee pays the audit costs based on the contract rate of API’s auditor(s) and any related auditor(s) expenses, including travel time, airfare, taxi, rental car, or private car, plus accommodations, meals, parking, telephone, etc. API expends every effort to use a local qualified auditor(s) in an effort to keep audit costs as low as possible.4. API shall be the sole judge of whether or not an Applicant meets the appropriate qualification to become a licensee or registrant.5. If the Applicant fails to pay the audit fee within the time frame specified, API may bring an action or a proceeding to recover these costs. API shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.6. The Applicant agrees that the venue and applicable law for such action and any action related to this Agreement shall be the District of Columbia, United States of America.7. The Applicant will not be granted any rights to use the API Certification Programs marks or certificates until all steps in the process have been completed to the satisfaction of API, applicable fees have been paid, and the Applicant has agreed to comply with all of the terms and conditions of the License and/or Registration Agreement.8. The undersigned individual represents and warrants that they are expressly and duly authorized by their entities or agencies to execute the Agreement and to legally bind their entities or agency as set forth herein.9. All program fees payable to API shall be in U.S. dollars and shall be non-refundable. 10. The Applicant understands and agrees that API’s representative(s) shall have access to the Applicant’s facility and records to the extent necessary to process the application and perform audits. API agrees to take all reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information obtained, but accepts no liability. Applicant may require API’s representative(s) to comply with all of the Applicant’s work place safety procedures. However, Applicant shall not require API’s representative to sign any contract or agreement that attempts to limit the Applicant’s legal liability or impose additional liability on API or API’s representative(s). Any such release or document shall be null and void unless API or API’s representative(s) would have been liable for damages under U.S. law in the absence of the contract or agreement.11. API shall not be responsible for any delay or failure in performance resulting from acts beyond its control.12. This Agreement shall not and is not intended to benefit nor to grant any rights or remedy to any person or entity that is not a party to this Agreement.CONTINUED >>Part 2 – Applicant AgreementVice President,API Global Industry Services:APPLICANT USE ONLY | APPLICANT AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATIONName of Organization or Company:Name of Authorized Officer:Signature of Authorized Officer:Title of Authorized Officer:Date:API USE ONLY | APPLICANT AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATIONAPI CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS1220 L Street, NWWashington, DC 20005-4070USASales: 877-562-5187(Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada)(+1) 202-682-8041(Local and International)Email: certification@Web: /certificationsCopyright 2014 – American Petroleum Institute, all rights reserved. API, API Monogram, APIQR, API Spec Q1, Quality Plus, the API logo, API Monogram logo, APIQR logo, API Spec Q1 logo, and the Quality Plus logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of API in the United States and/or other countries.。

16.educational program的意思

16.educational program的意思



「教育计划」通常涵盖以下方面:1. 教学目标和内容:教育计划通常会明确指出学习者需要达到的学习目标,以及教学内容的范围和深度。


2. 教学活动和课程安排:教育计划会包括教学活动和课程安排,以指导教师和学生在学习过程中的行动。


3. 教学资源和教学材料:教育计划还会明确指出适用于教学活动的资源和教学材料,如教科书、参考书籍、多媒体资料等。


4. 评估和反馈:教育计划通常也会包括学习成果的评估方法和反馈机制。











mastrcam 5轴后处理

mastrcam 5轴后处理
# mi7 - Enable retract to and from linear limits. Disable for
# internal work to prevent part collisions.
# 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
# mi8 - Safe retract/approach at toolchange.
# The tool retracts/approachs to limits from last path to current
# path or after/before a toolchange
# 0 = G54, 1 = G55, etc. This post only uses work offsets.
# 2) Metric is applied from the NCI met_tool variable.
# 3) Incremental mode calculates motion from home position at toolchanges.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Features:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# mi2 - Absolute or Incremental positioning at top level
# 0 = absolute
# 1 = incremental



Using and Programming ECHAM5—afirst introductionS.Rastsebastian.rast@zmaw.deContents1Getting started with ECHAM531.1Source code of ECHAM5 (3)1.2Basic Compilation (4)1.3Input data for ECHAM5 (5)1.3.1Model resolution (5)1.3.2Files containing the data needed to run ECHAM5 (7)1.4Input namelists (8)1.4.1RUNCTL-namelist (9)2Looking at your results142.1Basic visualization with grads (14)2.2Basics about the netcdf data format (15)2.2.1cdl format (15)2.2.2ncdump (19)2.2.3ncgen (20)2.2.4Basic graphical representation of netcdffiles (20)13Programming in ECHAM5223.1Simplifiedflow-chart of ECHAM5 (22)3.2Submodel interface in ECHAM5 (23)3.2.1Introduction of a submodel switch (24)3.2.2Introduction of your own namelist (24)3.2.3Read infields from netcdffiles (26)3.2.4ECHAM5data types and recursive pointer structures (27)3.2.5Tracers in ECHAM5 (29)3.3Representation of3-d variables in ECHAM5 (32)3.3.1Grid point space-spectral space (32)3.3.2Working with2and3–dimensional variables in ECHAM5 (36)3.3.3Streams (38)3.4Time control in ECHAM5 (40)Bibliography4321Getting started with ECHAM5ECHAM5is the general circulation program that was built at the Max Planck Institute(MPI)in Ham-burg in the last years.It is a general circulation program describing the dynamics of the atmosphere. It is based on the model of the European Centre of Medium–Term Weather Forecast(ECMWF). Currently,it is completely translated into Fortran90and it is a highly parallelized and vectorized code.Its structure is modular and allows for relatively easy coupling of new model components to the existing parts.The goal of this short introductory course is to get you started with the technical aspects of ECHAM5.In particular,you willfind a short description of how you can compile and run the ECHAM5code.We give a short overview of the input that is necessary to run ECHAM5.Some words about the data formats of the output and its visualizationfinish thefirst part.In the second part of the course,we give some more insight into the code of ECHAM5and how you can change it for your purposes.In this part,we restrict ourselves to the introduction of simple submodels which use tracers in the atmosphere.You will notfind any discussion of the physics of ECHAM5or the structure of the special parts like the radiation or the land–surface interaction with the atmosphere. Such a discussion would need much more information about the physics in these parts which we can not give in this short introduction.The model versions are distributed from the MPI-Hamburg by Ulrich Schlese( Before you get a model version you have to sign a licence agreement which is also available from U.Schlese.Currently,the newest released version is echam-5.4File:echam-5.4.tarUnpack this version with:tar xvf echam-5.4.tarA directory echam5will be created.We will discuss the contents of its subdirectories in the next section.1.1Source code of ECHAM5The directory echam5contains the followingfiles and sub–directories:•readme.sunopenmp:short information about installing and running ECHAM5•doc:This directory contains available documentation about echam.–ECHAM5namelists:outdated information about ECHAM5input namelists–codes.5:code numbers of ECHAM5output variables–tex:Documentation in latexfiles(empty for the moment)•sourcefiles and libraries of the ECHAM5model:–blas:BLAS(basic linear algebra subprograms).If no locally installed version is available on your computer,this version can be used.3–lapack:LAPACK(linear algebra package).If no locally installed version is available on your computer,this version can be used.–support:Support routines which are coded in the programming language c(primarily for input/output utilities;system routines)–modules:modules of ECHAM5(coded in Fortran90)–src:other sourcefiles of ECHAM5(coded in Fortran90)•include:The input for the ECHAM5program is organized in namelists.Here you canfind all namelist definitions for ECHAM5.•Directories which are used during a run of ECHAM5:–data:This directory is intended to store your outputfiles during a run(“rundirectory”).Exception:On supercomputers like hurrikan at the“Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum”,youneed to redirect your output eventually to other directories.–bin:You willfind your executable“echam5”in this directory after compilation.–run:Here you canfind some example run scripts.•Directories for special applications of ECHAM5:–post/column:(Sub)programs for the column model version of ECHAM5.•The following directories containfiles which help you to generate an executable of echam:–config:configurationfiles for several machine types and compiler and library path for the compilation on the Linux PCs atthe Max Planck Insitute in Hamburg–configure( to configure the ECHAM5Makefile–util:containing specialfiles for automatic creation of Makefiles1.2Basic CompilationBefore you can run the ECHAM5–model you have to produce an executable program,this means that you have to translate the ECHAM5–code from the human–readable program source code into a machine–readable binary code.This binary code will depend on the architecture of the machine which you are using(parallel,vector or scalar architecture or a mixture of these three).The translation into the machine code is done by a compiler.According to the machine on which you are working,various directives or so–called options have to be passed to the compiler.We describe the compilation of ECHAM5at the“Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum”on cross for calculations on the supercomputer hurrikan(vector machine with multiple processors).In the directory echam5,type:Listing1:basic compilationAfter these steps,a binary executable is generated in the directory echam5/bin.41.3Input data for ECHAM5The ECHAM5program is a general circulation program of the atmosphere and thus needs data which act as boundary conditions.These boundary conditions will contain information about the properties of the Earth’s surface,the oceans,and the composition of the atmosphere.The input data are stored in a central directory:/net/pool/data/atmo/ECHAM55/T/RESRES is the spectral resolution corresponding to a certain horizontal resolution of the model.The following resolutions are particularly often used in simulations:T21,T31,T42,T63,T106.Before we can discuss the input files we will explain the coordinate system of the model in greater detail and discuss the file format in which the input files are given.1.3.1Model resolutionHorizontal resolutionHorizontal resolutionlat ×lon nlat ×nlon T215.6◦×5.6◦32×64T422.8◦×2.8◦64×128T63 1.9◦×1.9◦96×192The horizontal resolution is explained in more detail in section 3.3.Vertical resolution The model uses σ–hybrid coordinates in order to describe the vertical coordi-nate.The σ–hybrid coordinates are defined such that the model levels follow the terrain (orography)in the lower troposphere but become pure pressure coordinates in the higher troposphere.To this end,the levels depend on the surface pressure at each location on the globe.Let ϕdescribe the latitudes ϕ∈Φ=[−90◦,90◦].Let λdescribe the longitudes λ∈Λ=[0◦,360◦[.Each point on the earth is then described by (λ,ϕ)∈Λ×Φ.Let p s be the surface pressure:p s : Λ×Φ×R +→R +(λ,ϕ,t )→p s (λ,ϕ,t )at time t.Then,we define L time and location dependent pressure levels p i ,i =1,L by a set of L coefficients (A i ,B i ),i =1,L :p i (λ,ϕ,t )=A i +B i p s (λ,ϕ,t )The coefficients (A i ,B i )i =1,L do not depend on location or time.The most common numbers of levels for simulations in the troposphere are L=19or 31.5本页已使用福昕阅读器进行编辑。



小学下册英语第五单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A __________ is a type of fish that can live in fresh or salt water.2.The ______ (海龟) swims in the ocean.3.The invention of ________ changed the way we consume media.4.We have a ______ (精彩的) program for students at school.5.The flowers of a plant may have different shapes and ______. (植物的花朵可能有不同的形状和颜色。

)6.The process of turning a gas into a solid is called ______.7.What do you call the food that comes from cows?A. BreadB. CheeseC. ChickenD. FishB8.My uncle is great at _______ (名词). 他能 _______ (动词).9. A _______ is a process that involves cooling.10.The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.11. A light year is a measure of ______.12.The _____ (电视) is on the shelf.13.In conclusion, spring is a wonderful season full of ______ and joy. I can't wait for it to come every year!14.The chemical formula for sodium chloride is _______.15.What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishB. EnglishC. FrenchD. German16.What do you call a baby platypus?A. PuggleB. KitC. CalfD. PupA17.What is the term for the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?A. AtmosphereB. LithosphereC. HydrosphereD. BiosphereA18.What is the capital of South Korea?A. SeoulB. PyongyangC. BusanD. IncheonA19.What is the opposite of 'rich'?A. WealthyB. PoorC. AffluentD. ComfortableB20.My mom cooks __________ for dinner. (美味的食物)21.What is the time if the clock shows 3:00?A. MorningB. NoonC. AfternoonD. Night22.My collection of ____ is displayed on my shelf. (玩具名称)23.The boy likes to play ________.24.The tree is very ___. (tall)25.My parents bought me a _________ (遥控飞机) to play with.26.Many plants are ______ (多年生) and return each year.27.What do we call the place where we go to learn about history?A. MuseumB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Archive28.My cousin has a __________狗. (可爱的)29.My dream is to travel to __________. I want to see __________ and experience the culture. I hope to m eet new friends and learn __________ while I’m there.30. A _____ can provide information about the history of our solar system.31.The _____ (水) is cold.32. A shooting star is also called a ______.33.My grandma has a wealth of __________ (知识) about history.34.The __________ (历史的叙述) can shape perceptions.35. Fire of London occurred in the year _______. (1666年) The Grea36.What do we call the area of land near the coast?A. BeachB. ShoreC. CoastlineD. All of the aboveD All of the above37.What do we call a person who studies sociology?A. SociologistB. PsychologistC. AnthropologistD. Philosopher38.The koala eats _________. (桉树叶)39.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?A. ChristmasB. EasterC. ThanksgivingD. Independence DayC40.What is the main ingredient in falafel?A. LentilsB. ChickpeasC. BeansD. Rice41.The __________ is a mountain chain in Asia.42. A ____(glacier) is a large mass of ice that moves slowly.43.What do you call the person who studies stars and planets?A. BiologistB. GeologistC. AstronomerD. PhysicistC44.My favorite holiday is ______ (圣诞节).45.What is the name of the famous artist known for his abstract expressionism?A. Jackson PollockB. Mark RothkoC. Willem de KooningD. Barnett NewmanA46.My aunt has a pet ______ (鹦鹉) that talks.47.The ________ was an important event in the history of the United States.48.I want to be a ______ (teacher) when I grow up.49.The phone is _______ (ringing).50. A ______ is a special type of ant.51.The first successful airplane flight was in ________ (1903).52.My _____ (外婆) is a wonderful cook.53.Rain is important for _____ (生态) balance.54.Where do we keep our clothes?A. DrawerB. OvenC. GardenD. BathroomA55.He is a _____ (博士) who teaches at a university.56.My dad takes me to __________. (看电影)57.What is the primary color of a peacock's feathers?A. BlueB. GreenC. RedD. Yellow58.I enjoy ________ in the garden.59.The _______ (The Montgomery Bus Boycott) was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.60.Which sport is played with a bat and ball?A. BasketballB. SoccerC. BaseballD. TennisC61.Metals tend to lose ______ in reactions.62.What is the term for the gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth?A. Lunar ForceB. Tidal ForceC. Gravitational PullD. Marine Force63.What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. SchoolD. HerdA64.I see a _______ (dragonfly) flying around.65.What do you call the weather condition with heavy rain and wind?A. StormB. SunshineC. CalmD. Frost答案:A66.The __________ is known for its vast savannahs. (非洲)67.We eat breakfast in the ___. (kitchen)68.I have a teddy bear that is very _________ (可爱的) and _________ (柔软的).69.What do you call the sweet substance made by bees?A. SyrupB. HoneyC. JamD. Molasses70.The ______ is known for its gentle nature.71.We are going to ______ (camp) in the mountains.72.The sun is shining _____ (明亮地).73.My favorite toy is one that challenges my mind. (玩具名称)74.The snail moves very _______ (慢).75.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. SaltD. Water76.The __________ is a region known for its economic development.77.The ________ (开花) of a plant is its most beautiful stage.78.The ancient civilizations of Asia are known for their ________ innovations.79.The _______ (Magna Carta) was signed in 1215, limiting the power of the king.80.The __________ (历史的探索) invites inquiry.81.My brother has a great sense of __________ (幽默感).82.I like to _______ my toys before bed.83.What is the name of the famous American author known for "The Great Gatsby"?A. F. Scott FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. Mark TwainD. John SteinbeckA84.My sister is a ______. She enjoys learning new languages.85.Which of these is a cold-blooded animal?A. HumanB. SharkC. SnakeD. BirdC86.My mom loves __________ (社区建设).87.What is the first letter of the alphabet?A. BB. AC. CD. DB88.y of Paris ended the American ________ (独立战争). The Trea89.The capital of Cyprus is ________ (尼科西亚).90.My grandmother knitted a _________ (毛绒玩具) for me when I was born.91.They are ___ (singing/playing) together.92.How many continents are there?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC93.My sister is a big __________ of books. (爱好者)94.My _____ (父亲) teaches me many things.95.The tortoise is a symbol of ________________ (耐心) and wisdom.96.Helium was first discovered in the ______ before being found on Earth.97.The __________ is where most of the plant's growth takes place.98.The teacher helps students develop _____ (技能).99.The capital of Singapore is __________.100.The _____ (购物) is enjoyable.。



ATTT Program 5 We hear a sound of a carWe hear a sound of a car.]Mr. English: Hello, everyone. Tamara and I are taking a short drive outside the city. Would you li ke to go with us? We’re going shopping. What would you like to buy, Tamara?Tamara: Well, you need money to buy things, right? And I’m not carrying any money. We don’t h ave money in the year 2092.Mr. English: Really?Tamara: Really. Do you need money to buy everything?Mr. English: Yes…well, no. I can use a credit card. But then, at the end of the month, I pay with money.Tamara: With money?Mr. English: Well, no. I write a check. And then my bank pays the credit card company --- with m oney from my bank account.Tamara: With money?Mr. English: Well, no.They pay with another check, or a computer transfer.Tamara: You see, you don’t need money in the twentieth century.LOOK IN MY POCKET, AND YOU CAN SEE:PAPER MONEY IS HISTORY!SAY GOOD-BYE TO THE DOLLAR,THE RUBLE, AND THE REN,THE POUND, AND THE MARK,AND THE LIRA, AND THE FRANC.SAY GOOD-BYE TO THE KRONA,AND THE FORINT, AND THE SHILLING,THE PESETA, AND THE PESO,AND CRUZEIRO IN THE BANK!LOOK IN MY POCKET, AND YOU CAN SEE:PAPER MONEY IS HISTORY!OH, YEAH!Tamara: Well, I don’t need money today, Mr. English. I’m not buying anything. I’m just lookin g.Mr. English: Oh, you’re window-shopping.Tamara: Yes, window-shopping. But before I return to the twenty-first century, I am going to get some souvenirs.Mr. English: Of course you want souvenirs—some things to help you remember your trip to the 1 900s.Tamara: Yes. But today I just want to visit a lot of different stores. And I’ll get some good ideas. [The car stops.]Mr. English: Well, here we are. This is the mall.Tamara: The mall?Mr. English: The shopping mall. In a mall, you can find all kinds of stores. Big department store s, and small shops.Tamara: Oh, good. It’s a perfect place for window-shopping![They get out of the car.]Tamara: Oh, look at all those books. Is this a library? Can I borrow some books, and take them ho me?Mr. English: No, this is not a library. It’s a bookstore. You can’t borrow the books. You buy the m and keep them.Tamara: Oh, look. Here’s a book of photographs from all over the world. Excuse me, how much i s this beautiful book?Mr. English: A hundred dollars.Tamara: Oh, that’s expensive! Thanks, anyway.Mr. English: You’re welcome.[Mr. English and Tamara leave the bookstore. ]Tamara: Mr. English. I’d like to go to a clothing store. I’d like something to wear from the twentie th century. Maybe a jacket…or a sweater. Is there a clothing store near here?Mr. English: sure. There are a lot of clothing stores in the mall.Woman 1: Yes, there are.Mr. English: Excuse me?Man 1: There are a lot of clothing stores.Man 2 & Woman 2: Follow us!Man 1: Were going to a clothing shop now! Come on!Mr. English: OK.Tamara: OK!Club: WE ARE THE WINDOW-SHOPPERS CLUB.COME ON! JOIN US AT THE MALL.WE’RE STOPPING BY EVERY WINDOW.WE’RE JUST LOOKING.THAT’S ALL.THIS IS OUR KIND OF PARTY!THIS IS NOT OUR TIME TO WORK!HERE’S A CLOTHING SHOP.LET’S STOP!LET’S GO INSIDE,AND FIND THE CLERK.Club: Hi!Clerk: Hello.Club: How’s it going?Clerk: Fine, may I help you?Club: YES. HOW MUCH IS THIS JACKET?AND HOW MUCH IS THIS SWEATER?HOW MUCH IS THIS PAIR OF PANTS?NO, THIS ONE’S BETTER!Tamara: Excuse me. How much is this blue jacket? Blue is my favorite color. Clerk: A hundred dollars.Tamara: Oh! I see.Club: THAT’S TOO MUCH FOR ME!Read alongClub: WE ARE THE WINDOW-SHOPPERS CLUB.COME ON! JOIN US AT THE MALL.WE’RE STOPPING BY EVERY WINDOW.WE’RE JUST LOOKING.THAT’S ALL.THIS IS OUR KIND OF PARTY!THIS IS NOT OUR TIME TO WORK!HERE’S A TOY SHOP.LET’S STOP!LET’S GO INSIDE.AND FIND THE CLERK.Club: Hi!Clerk: Hello.Club: How are you doing?Clerk: Fine. May I help you?Club: YES. HOW MUCH IS THIS BABY DOLL?AND HOW MUCH IS THIS BASEBALL BAT?HOW MUCH IS THIS VIDEO GAME?I LIKE THIS—NO, I LIKE THAT!Tamara: Excuse me. How much is this cute little elephant?Clerk: A hundred dollars.Tamara: Oh! I see.Club: WELL, THAT’S TOO MUCH FOR ME!Read alongClub: WE ARE THE WINDOW-SHOPPERS CLUB.COME ON! JOIN US AT THE MALL.WE’RE STOPPING BY EVERY WINDOW.WE’RE JUST LOOKING.THAT’S ALL.Tamara: Mr. English, I think that’s enough window-shopping for one day.Mr. English: All right.Tamara: And thank you all for showing us the mall.Club: It was our pleasure. Bye-bye.Tamara: So long.Mr. English: Take care. And Tamara—I’d like to thank you for an important lesson today. Tamara: What lesson?WE DON’T NEED MONEY!HOW MUCH IS A SUNNY DAY?WE DON’T NEED MONEY!CAN YOU TELL ME, HOW MUCH DO YOU PAYTO BE WITH A FRIENDAND SPEND SOME TIME?HOW MUCH IS A SMILE?WELL, BABY, I’LL SAYIT DOESN’T COST A DIME!Mr. English: Sing alongWE DON’T NEED MONEY!HOW MUCH IS A SUNNY DAY?WE DON’T NEED MONEY!CAN YOU TELL ME, HOW MUCH DO YOU PAYTO BE WITH A FRIENDAND SPEND SOME TIME?HOW MUCH IS A SMILE?WELL, BABY, I’LL SAYIT DOESN’T COST A DIME!Mr. English: One more time!WE DON’T NEED MONEY!HOW MUCH IS A SUNNY DAY?WE DON’T NEED MONEY!CAN YOU TELL ME, HOW MUCH DO YOU PAYTO BE WITH A FRIENDAND SPEND SOME TIME?HOW MUCH IS A SMILE?WELL, BABY, I’LL SAYIT DOESN’T COST A DIME!FOR YOU OR ME,A GOOD TIME IS FREE!Mr. English: Please join us on our next program. We’re going to answer some telephone calls. So t hat’s all for now—until the next time—on A ticket to Tomorrow!。



1. JP[1] 100% FINE 2. JP[2] 100% FINE 3. LP[3] 500mm/sec FINE Arc Start[1] 4. CP[4] P[5]100mm/sec FINE 5. CP[6] P[7] 100mm/sec FINE Arc End[1] 6. JP[8] 100% FINE 7. Call SafeHome Point Arcstart Weld_ PT Arcend Touch Up > F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
• 工具坐标系原点( TCP)
• 点对点运动(Joint--- J)



Always measure ingredients accurately. All ingredients should be at room temperature unless recipe suggests otherwise. Put ingredients in the bread pan in the order they are listed in the recipe. Always add liquid ingredient first, then add dry ingredients. The yeast should be dry and separate from other ingredients when it is added to the bread pan. Do not let the yeast touch the salt. •• Butter and other fats should be cut into small pieces before putting in the bread pan to aid the mixing.
1. 草莓 2. 糖
程序 14.[自设程序]
自设程序 您可以自定义制作过程中所涉及的每一个步骤的持续时间。 1 面包机接通电源后,按 13 次 (菜单按钮)可选择自设程序。 »» 将显示程序编号“14”和制作时间。
2 3
按 (周期按钮)。 »» 液晶状态显示屏上会闪烁“搅拌 1”。 按 (计时器按钮)可设置“搅拌步骤 1”的持续时间。
程序 7. [快速全麦面包]
快速全麦面包 比全麦面包程序用时更短,但可能更小更密实 750 克 1. 水 2. 油 3. 盐 4. 糖 5. 全麦面包粉 6. 活性干酵母 280 毫升 1 汤匙 1 茶匙 2 汤匙 450 克 2 茶匙 1000 克 350 毫升 2 汤匙 2 茶匙 2 汤匙 560 克 2 茶匙



“约瑟夫”问题及若⼲变种“约瑟夫”问题及若⼲变种例1、约瑟夫问题(Josephus)[问题描述]M只猴⼦要选⼤王,选举办法如下:所有猴⼦按1…M编号围坐⼀圈,从第1号开始按顺序1,2,…,N报数,凡报到N的猴⼦退出到圈外,再从下⼀个猴⼦开始继续1~ N报数,如此循环,直到圈内只剩下⼀只猴⼦时,这只猴⼦就是⼤王。


例如,输⼊8 3,输出:7。







参考程序如下:program josephus1a {模拟法,⽤数组下标表⽰猴⼦的编号}const maxm=10000;var m,n,count,current,out,i:integer;monkey:array [1..maxm] of integer;beginwrite('Input m,n:');readln(m,n);for i:=1 to m do monkey[i]:=1;out:=0; count:=0; current:=0;while out<m-1 dobeginwhile count<n dobeginif current<m then current:=current+1 else current:=1;count:=count+monkey[current];end;monkey[current]:=0; out:=out+1; count:=0end;for i:=1 to m doif monkey[i]=1 then writeln('The monkey king is no.',i);readlnend.[运⾏结果]下划线表⽰输⼊Input m,n:8 3The monkey king is no.7 {时间:0秒}Input m,n:10000 1987The monkey king is no.8544 {时间:3秒}[反思] 时间复杂度很⼤O(M*N),对于极限数据会超时。

【最新推荐】国外大学申请选择english,program怎么填-word范文模板 (5页)

【最新推荐】国外大学申请选择english,program怎么填-word范文模板 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 国外大学申请选择english,program怎么填篇一:如何用英文给国外大学招生官写邮件越来越多的同学开始进行DIY自助留学申请,而过程中肯定少不了要和招生官打交道。





如果招生官同时收到两封邮件,分别来自melodyHo@ 和smellycat@。




建议取内容的关键词作为标题,直截了当,一目了然,如About/Regarding Civil Engineering Graduate Program Application。





“Hi, I’m Angie, I’m interest ed in learning the details of civil engineering program for year xxx, would you please tellme ??”要看完这么多内容,才能大概知道主题的一二,主题看着都这么累,正文还能期待吗?无主题。



如果能在学校网站等途径找到招生官的名字,建议直接称呼姓名,如Dear Mr. McCarthy, 而不是Dear Sir/Madam,或 To Whom It MayConcern。



例5.1 求Fibonacci数列前30项之和。 Fibonacci数列的递推公式是: F0=0 F1=1 Fi=Fi-1+Fi-2
分析:设置两个变量来存放已求得的最后两项的 值:F2保存已求得的最后一项(即Fi-1),F1保 存前一项(即Fi-2)。这样,下一待求项就是F1 和F2之和,我们将它赋值给F,然后将原来的F2 赋值给F1,原来的F赋值给F2,又可以由F1和F2 推出一个新的F,如此可以一直推下去。 本例中,Fibonacci数列前30项之和是一个很大 的数,已经超过了类别参数为2的整数的取值范 围,只能采用类别参数为4整数。如果数超过类 别参数为4的整数取值范围,就只能采用实型数 据来处理。
例5.2 利用双精度按下面近似公式求
ln x

1 x
x 2
x3Biblioteka 13 24x

13 5 246


直到最后一项的绝对值小于10-15为止。 分析:首先找出累加项fn与fn-1的递推关系。不难推 出 f0 =x
f n= (2n - 1)(2n - 1) x (2n)(2n 1)
类别参数 1 2 4 字节数 1 2 4 取值范围 -1 2 8 ~ 1 2 7 -3 2 ,7 6 8 ~ 3 2 ,7 6 7 -2 ,1 4 7 ,4 8 3 ,6 4 8 ~ 2 ,1 4 7 ,4 8 3 ,6 4 7
在FORTRAN90中,还可以使用二进制、 八进制和十六进制整型常量,但它只能用 于DATA语句中。
例5.5 有一线段AB,A的坐标为(1,1),B的坐 标为(4.5,4.5),如图5.2所示。求AB的长度, 以及黄金分隔点C的坐标。黄金分割点在线段 的0.618处。


The internal operation of a computer is interesting, but there really is no mystery to it. The mystery is in the minds of those who listen to hearsay and believe science-fiction writer. The computer is a nonthinking electronic device that has to be plugged into an electrical power source, just like a toaster or a lamp.
计算机的内部操作很有意思,但确实没有什么神秘可言。所谓的神秘只是存在于那些听 信传闻和相信科幻小说作家的人的意识中。计算机就是一种没有思想的需要接通电源的电 子设备而已,与烤面包机和台灯差不多。
Literally hundreds of different types of computers are marketed by scores of manufacturers [1]. The complexity of each type may vary considerably, but in the end each processor, sometimes called the central processing unit or CPU, has only two fundamental sections: the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit. Primary storage also plays an integral part in the internal operation of a processor. These three — primary storage, the control unit, and the arithmetic and logic unit — work together. Let’s look at their functions and the relationships between them.

2019年秋人教版八年级上册英语基础知识达标练:Unit 2

2019年秋人教版八年级上册英语基础知识达标练:Unit 2

Unit 2一、重点单词1. housework n.家务劳动;家务事2. hardly adv.几乎没有;几乎不3. ever adv.在任何时候;从来;曾经4. Internet n.(国际)互联网;因特网5. program n.节目6. full adj.忙的;满的;充满的7. maybe adv.大概;或许;可能8. least adv.,adj.& pron.最小(的);最少(的)9. coffee n.咖啡10. result n.结果;后果11. percent n.百分之……12. online adj.& adv. 在线(的);联网(的)13. although conj.虽然;尽管;即使14. through prep.从;凭借;穿过15. mind n.头脑;心智16. body n. 身体17. such adj.& pron.这样的;那样的;类似的18. together adv.在一起;共同19. die v.消失;死亡;灭亡20. dentist n.牙科医生21. magazine n.杂志22. however adv.然而;不过23. almost adv.几乎;差不多24. none pron.没有一个;毫无25. less adv.,adj. & pron.较少(的); 较小(的)26. point n.得分;点v.指;指向 n.→healthy adj.健康的28.write n.→writer n.作家;作者二、重点短语1. hardly ever 几乎从不2. twice a month 一月两次3. go to the movies 看电影4. how often 多久一次5. swing dance 摇摆舞6. on weekends 在周末7. go shopping 购物8. help with sth. 帮助做某事9. at least 至少10. stay up 熬夜11. play sports 参加体育活动12. junk food 垃圾食品13. be good for 对……有好处14. free time activities 业余活动15. such as 例如;像……这样16. the answer to ……的答案17. the best way to relax 最佳放松方式18. more than 多于19. less than 少于三、重点句子1.周末你通常干什么?What do you usually do on weekends?2.你多长时间看一次电视?How often do you watch TV?3.你最喜欢的节目是什么?What’s your favorite program ?4.你在学习哪种舞蹈?What kind of dance are you learning?5.我大概一个月去看一次电影。

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unsigned char a,b;a=0;scanf("%d",&b);b=b&a;printf("%d\n",b);}main(){int i,j,bit;unsigned int mask;mask=0x8000;printf("Please input a number:");scanf("%d",&i);printf("the higher 8 bits of %d is",i);for(j=0;j<16;j++){bit=(mask & i)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);if(j==7)printf("\nthe lower 8 bits of %d is:",i);mask>>=1;}/*void check(int num){ unsigned int mask; mask=0x8000;if((mask&num)==0) printf("zhengshu.\n"); elseprintf("fushu.\n");}main(){int a;scanf("%d",&a);check(a);}*//*int Getdouble(int num){ unsigned int mask;int i,bit,rtn;mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data is:");for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\n Now data is:");mask=0x8000;for(i=0;i<16;i++){if(i%2==0){bit=0;printf("%d",bit);}else{bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);}rtn=(rtn<<1)|bit;//rtn=(rtn<<1)^bit;此处两者等效,因为rtn的最后一位始终是0,bit为1时,得1;bit为0时,得0.mask>>=1;}printf("\n");return rtn;}main(){int n,m;scanf("%d",&n);m=Getdouble(n);printf("%d\n",m);} *//*int low4to1(int num){int i,bit,rtn;unsigned int mask;mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\nModified data:\n"); mask=0x8000;for(i=0;i<16;i++){if(i<12){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}else{bit=1;printf("%d",bit);}rtn=(rtn<<1)|bit;//rtn=(rtn<<1)^bit;此处两者等效,因为rtn的最后一位始终是0,bit为1时,得1;bit为0时,得0.}printf("\n",rtn);return rtn;}main(){int n;scanf("%d",&n);printf("%d\n",low4to1(n));}*//*int right_mobile(int num){ int n,m,i,bit,rtn;unsigned int mask;mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}m=num>>4;n=num<<12;rtn=n|m;mask=0x8000;printf("\nModified data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&rtn)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\n");return rtn;}main(){int n;scanf("%d",&n);printf("%d\n",Fanzhuan4(n)); } *//*main(){int a;scanf("%d",&a);printf("%d",a^0);}void swap(int x,int y){printf("x=%d,y=%d\n",x,y); x=x^y;y=x^y;x=x^y;printf("x=%d,y=%d\n",x,y); }main(){int m,n;swap(m,n);}void swap(int *p1,int *p2){*p1=*p1^*p2;*p2=*p1^*p2;*p1=*p1^*p2;}main(){int m,n;scanf("%d,%d",&m,&n);printf("Primary data:m=%d,n=%d\n",m,n);swap(&m,&n);printf("After swapping data:m=%d,n=%d\n",m,n); }int Mos(int x){x=x&(~1);return x;}main(){int m;scanf("%d",&m);}int left_mobile(int k){int m,n,rtn;int i,bit;unsigned int mask; mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(k&mask)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}m=k>>12;n=k<<4;rtn=m|n;mask=0x8000;printf("\nModified data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&rtn)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\n");return rtn;}main(){unsigned int k;scanf("%x",&k);printf("%x\n",left_mobile(k)); } *//*int Reverse4to1(int k){int bit,i,bit1,rtn=0;unsigned int mask,ds;ds=mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data:\n");for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&k)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\n");mask=0x8000;for(i=0;i<14;i++){if(i<12){bit=(mask&k)?1:0; mask>>=1;rtn=(rtn<<1)|bit;}if(i==12){bit=(mask&k)?1:0;bit1=((mask>>3)&k)?1:0; rtn=(rtn<<1)|bit1;rtn=(rtn<<3)|bit;}if(i==13){bit=((mask>>1)&k)?1:0; bit1=((mask>>2)&k)?1:0; rtn=rtn|(bit1<<2);rtn=rtn|(bit<<1);}}return rtn;}main(){int m;int bit,i;unsigned int mask;mask=0x8000;scanf("%d",&m);m=Reverse4to1(m); printf("Modified data:\n"); for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&m)?1:0;printf("%d",bit); mask>>=1;}printf("\n%d\n",m);} *//*struct packet_data{ unsigned int a:5;unsigned int :0;};struct packet_data Gethighest6(int num){ unsigned int mask;struct packet_data pd;int i,bit;mask=0x8000;printf("Primary data:");for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}mask=0x8000;printf("\nGot data:");for(i=0;i<6;i++){bit=(mask&num)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;pd.a=(pd.a<<1)|bit;}printf("\n");return pd;}main(){int n;struct packet_data pad; scanf("%d",&n);pad=Gethighest6(n); printf("%d\n",pad.a);}*//*main(){unsigned char a; unsigned int mask;int i,bit,rtn=0;scanf("%d",&a);mask=0x80;printf("Primary data:");for(i=0;i<8;i++){bit=(mask&a)?1:0;printf("%d",bit); mask>>=1;}printf("\nModified data:"); mask=0x80;for(i=0;i<8;i++){if(i==4||i==6)bit=1;elseif(i==5||i==7)bit=0;elsebit=(mask&a)?1:0; mask>>=1;printf("%d",bit);rtn=(rtn<<1)|bit;}printf("\n%d\n",rtn);}*//*struct packet_data{ unsigned int :4;unsigned int b:4;};main(){struct packet_data B; unsigned int mask;int bit,i;unsigned char a;scanf("%d",&a);mask=0x80;B.b=10;printf("Primary data:"); for(i=0;i<8;i++){bit=(mask&a)?1:0;printf("%d",bit); mask>>=1;}a=((a>>4)<<4)|B.b; mask=0x80;printf("\nModified data:"); for(i=0;i<8;i++){bit=(mask&a)?1:0;printf("%d",bit);mask>>=1;}printf("\n%d\n",a);} *//*注意程序中输入bit【i】.a是不能用scanf();因为scanf();的格式要求用地址,虽然对位段结构体可以用地址或指针传递,但是对每个具体位段a不能用地址;另外,数值数据在计算机中以补码的形式存储.struct packet_data{unsigned int a:1;unsigned int :7;};void print_Buma(struct packet_data bit[16]){int n=0;unsigned int mask;int i;printf("\nPrimary binary data:");for(i=0;i<16;i++){printf("%d",bit[i].a);}if(bit[0].a==0){printf("\nModified data:");for(i=0;i<16;i++){printf("%d",bit[i].a);n=(n<<1)|bit[i].a;}printf("\nPrimary int data is: %d.",n); }if(bit[0].a==1){for(i=1;i<16;i++){n=(n<<1)|bit[i].a;}n=-n;printf("\nPrimary int data is: %d.",n); mask=0x8000;printf("\nModified data:");for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit[i].a=(mask&n)?1:0;printf("%d",bit[i].a);mask>>=1;}}printf("\n");}main(){struct packet_data bit[16];int i;char numstr[2];printf("Please input sixteen 1 or 0:\n");for(i=0;i<16;i++){bit[i].a=atoi(gets(numstr));}print_Buma(bit);} *//*其实也可以这样int bit【16把bit【16】数组定义为整型数组,操作类似,没有什么区别,只是输入原码是可以用scanf();来输入,因为此时整型元素可以用地址或指针读取了。
