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Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 15
2) outflow tract
C. Chambers of the Heart
(流出道 流出道) 流出道 (infundibulum 漏斗 部, conus arteriosus 动脉圆锥) 动脉圆锥 a. orifice of pulmonary trunk (肺动脉口 肺动脉口) 肺动脉口 b. pulmonary valve (肺动脉瓣 left, 肺动脉瓣): 肺动脉瓣 right, anterior supraventricular crest (室上嵴 室上嵴) 室上嵴
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 9
The Heart
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
[tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄 三尖瓣狭窄] [tricuspid insufficiency 三尖瓣关闭不全 三尖瓣关闭不全]
ii. chordae tendineae
(腱索 腱索) 腱索
iii. papillary muscles (乳头肌 ant., post., 乳头肌): 乳头肌 & septal.
Section 1 Introduction
A. Composition (组成 组成) 组成 1. Heart (心) 心 2. Arteries (动脉 动脉) 动脉 3. Capillaries (毛细血管 毛细血管) 毛细血管 4. Veins (静脉 静脉) 静脉
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 5
A. Composition (组成) 组成) 1. Cardiovascular system
(心血管系统): blood inside. 心血管系统):
2. Lymphatic system
(淋巴系统): lymph inside. 淋巴系统):
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 1
B. Functions (功能 功能) 功能
1. To transport nutrients and O2 to tissue. (营养物质 + O2 → 组织 组织) 营养物质 2. To carry waste products and CO2 from tissue. (组织 → 代谢产物 + CO2) 组织 3. To secrete some hormones. (分泌激素 分泌激素) 分泌激素
substances and some transformed cells
(保护人体对细菌等的侵入 保护人体对细菌等的侵入). 保护人体对细菌等的侵入 4) Coagulates to prevent excess fluid loss (凝固防止体液丢失 凝固防止体液丢失). 凝固防止体液丢失
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu University 3
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 13
C. Chambers of the Heart
2. The right ventricle (右心室 右心室) 右心室
1) inflow tract (流入道 窦部 流入道)(窦部 流入道 窦部) a. trabeculae carneae (肉柱 肉柱) 肉柱 b. septomarginal trabecula (隔缘肉柱 隔缘肉柱) 隔缘肉柱 (moderator band 节制索) 节制索
c. crista terminalis
(界嵴 界嵴) 界嵴
d. right atrioventricular 右房室孔) orifice (右房室孔 右房室孔 e. posterior auricle (后心 后心 下窦) 耳) (Eustachian下窦
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 11
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 14
C. Chambers of the Heart
c. tricuspid complex (三尖瓣复合体 三尖瓣复合体) 三尖瓣复合体
i. tricuspid valve (三尖瓣 ant., post., & septal. 三尖瓣): 三尖瓣
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 8
The Heart
4. Surfaces (面):
1) sternocostal surface (anterior) (胸肋面): anterior 胸肋面): interventricular groove 前室间沟) (前室间沟) 2) diaphragmatic surface (posterior) (膈面 posterior 膈面): 膈面 interventricular groove (后室间沟 后室间沟) 后室间沟 coronary sulcus (冠状沟 冠状沟) 冠状沟 C. Weight (重量 重量) 重量 M: 284±50g. ± F: 258±49g. ±
B. Divisions (分部 分部) 分部 1. Pulmonary (lesser) circuits (肺循环) 肺循环) from right ventricle to left auricle. 2. Systematic (greater) circuits (体循环) 体循环) from left ventricle to right auricle.
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Vascular Anastomosis (血管 血管
吻合) 吻合 1. Arterial anastomosis (动脉间吻合 动脉间吻合): 动脉间吻合 arterial arch (动脉弓 动脉弓) 动脉弓 2. Venous anastomosis (静脉间吻合): (静脉间吻合 静脉间吻合): venous arch (静脉弓 静脉弓) 静脉弓 3. Arteriovenous anastomosis (动静脉 动静脉 吻合): 吻合 arteriolovenular anastomosis (小动静脉吻合 小动静脉吻合) 小动静脉吻合 4. Venous plexus (静脉丛 静脉丛) 静脉丛 5. Collateral anastomosis (侧支吻合 侧支吻合): 侧支吻合 collateral vessel (侧副管 侧副管): 侧副管 collateral circulation (侧支循环 侧支循环) 侧支循环
External Features
(心尖切迹 心尖切迹) 心尖切迹
1. Cardiac apex (心尖 心尖): 心尖 cardiac apical incisure 2. Cardiac base (心底 心底) 心底 3. Margins (缘): 缘
inferior (sharp), right & left (blunt).
nutrients & O2
blood vessels
waste products & CO2 blood vessels
tissues and cells
4. To carry hormones produced in endocrine glands to their target tissues 携带激素到靶器官). (携带激素到靶器官).
C. Chambers of the Heart
3) atrial septal wall (房隔壁 房隔壁) 房隔壁 [atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 房间隔缺损] a. fossa ovalis (卵圆窝 卵圆窝) 卵圆窝 [patent foramen ovale 卵圆窝未闭 卵圆窝未闭] b. limbus fossae ovalis (卵圆窝缘 卵圆窝缘) 卵圆窝缘 c. Koch’s triangle (Koch三角 三角) 三角
C. Chambers of the Heart
2) sinus venarum cavarum (腔静脉窦 腔静脉窦) 腔静脉窦 a. orifice of superior vena cava (上腔静脉口 上腔静脉口) 上腔静脉口 b. orifice of inferior vena cava (下腔静脉口 下腔静脉口) 下腔静脉口 c. valve of inferior vena cava (Eustachian)
Chapter 1 The Cardiovascular System 心血管系统 A. Introduction (总论 总论) 总论 B. The Heart (心) 心 C. Arteries (动脉 动脉) 动脉 D. Veins (静脉 静脉) 静脉
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 4
C. Chambers of the Heart
1) atrium proper (固有心房 固有心房) 固有心房 a. right auricle (右心耳 右心耳) 右心耳 b. pectinate muscle
(梳状肌 梳状肌) 梳状肌
The right atrium (右心房 右心房) 右心房
(下腔静脉瓣 下腔静脉瓣) 下腔静脉瓣
d. orifice of coronary 冠状窦口) sinus (冠状窦口 冠状窦口 e. valve of coronary sinus (Thebesian)
(冠状窦瓣 冠状窦瓣) 冠状窦瓣
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 12
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 2
5. To play an important role in maintaining 维持内环境稳定) homeostasis (维持内环境稳定 . 维持内环境稳定 1) Transports enzymes to certain tissues (运输酶 运输酶). 运输酶 2) Plays a central role in temperature, fluid, electrolyte and pH regulation (调节体温 体液 电解质和酸碱度 . 调节体温,体液 电解质和酸碱度) 调节体温 体液,电解质和酸碱度 3) Protects the body from bacteria, foreign
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Section 2 The Heart
A. Location (位置 : 位置) 位置
in the middle mediastinum of the thoracic cavity
2) outflow tract
C. Chambers of the Heart
(流出道 流出道) 流出道 (infundibulum 漏斗 部, conus arteriosus 动脉圆锥) 动脉圆锥 a. orifice of pulmonary trunk (肺动脉口 肺动脉口) 肺动脉口 b. pulmonary valve (肺动脉瓣 left, 肺动脉瓣): 肺动脉瓣 right, anterior supraventricular crest (室上嵴 室上嵴) 室上嵴
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 9
The Heart
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
[tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄 三尖瓣狭窄] [tricuspid insufficiency 三尖瓣关闭不全 三尖瓣关闭不全]
ii. chordae tendineae
(腱索 腱索) 腱索
iii. papillary muscles (乳头肌 ant., post., 乳头肌): 乳头肌 & septal.
Section 1 Introduction
A. Composition (组成 组成) 组成 1. Heart (心) 心 2. Arteries (动脉 动脉) 动脉 3. Capillaries (毛细血管 毛细血管) 毛细血管 4. Veins (静脉 静脉) 静脉
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 5
A. Composition (组成) 组成) 1. Cardiovascular system
(心血管系统): blood inside. 心血管系统):
2. Lymphatic system
(淋巴系统): lymph inside. 淋巴系统):
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 1
B. Functions (功能 功能) 功能
1. To transport nutrients and O2 to tissue. (营养物质 + O2 → 组织 组织) 营养物质 2. To carry waste products and CO2 from tissue. (组织 → 代谢产物 + CO2) 组织 3. To secrete some hormones. (分泌激素 分泌激素) 分泌激素
substances and some transformed cells
(保护人体对细菌等的侵入 保护人体对细菌等的侵入). 保护人体对细菌等的侵入 4) Coagulates to prevent excess fluid loss (凝固防止体液丢失 凝固防止体液丢失). 凝固防止体液丢失
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu University 3
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 13
C. Chambers of the Heart
2. The right ventricle (右心室 右心室) 右心室
1) inflow tract (流入道 窦部 流入道)(窦部 流入道 窦部) a. trabeculae carneae (肉柱 肉柱) 肉柱 b. septomarginal trabecula (隔缘肉柱 隔缘肉柱) 隔缘肉柱 (moderator band 节制索) 节制索
c. crista terminalis
(界嵴 界嵴) 界嵴
d. right atrioventricular 右房室孔) orifice (右房室孔 右房室孔 e. posterior auricle (后心 后心 下窦) 耳) (Eustachian下窦
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 11
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 14
C. Chambers of the Heart
c. tricuspid complex (三尖瓣复合体 三尖瓣复合体) 三尖瓣复合体
i. tricuspid valve (三尖瓣 ant., post., & septal. 三尖瓣): 三尖瓣
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 8
The Heart
4. Surfaces (面):
1) sternocostal surface (anterior) (胸肋面): anterior 胸肋面): interventricular groove 前室间沟) (前室间沟) 2) diaphragmatic surface (posterior) (膈面 posterior 膈面): 膈面 interventricular groove (后室间沟 后室间沟) 后室间沟 coronary sulcus (冠状沟 冠状沟) 冠状沟 C. Weight (重量 重量) 重量 M: 284±50g. ± F: 258±49g. ±
B. Divisions (分部 分部) 分部 1. Pulmonary (lesser) circuits (肺循环) 肺循环) from right ventricle to left auricle. 2. Systematic (greater) circuits (体循环) 体循环) from left ventricle to right auricle.
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
C. The Vascular Anastomosis (血管 血管
吻合) 吻合 1. Arterial anastomosis (动脉间吻合 动脉间吻合): 动脉间吻合 arterial arch (动脉弓 动脉弓) 动脉弓 2. Venous anastomosis (静脉间吻合): (静脉间吻合 静脉间吻合): venous arch (静脉弓 静脉弓) 静脉弓 3. Arteriovenous anastomosis (动静脉 动静脉 吻合): 吻合 arteriolovenular anastomosis (小动静脉吻合 小动静脉吻合) 小动静脉吻合 4. Venous plexus (静脉丛 静脉丛) 静脉丛 5. Collateral anastomosis (侧支吻合 侧支吻合): 侧支吻合 collateral vessel (侧副管 侧副管): 侧副管 collateral circulation (侧支循环 侧支循环) 侧支循环
External Features
(心尖切迹 心尖切迹) 心尖切迹
1. Cardiac apex (心尖 心尖): 心尖 cardiac apical incisure 2. Cardiac base (心底 心底) 心底 3. Margins (缘): 缘
inferior (sharp), right & left (blunt).
nutrients & O2
blood vessels
waste products & CO2 blood vessels
tissues and cells
4. To carry hormones produced in endocrine glands to their target tissues 携带激素到靶器官). (携带激素到靶器官).
C. Chambers of the Heart
3) atrial septal wall (房隔壁 房隔壁) 房隔壁 [atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 房间隔缺损] a. fossa ovalis (卵圆窝 卵圆窝) 卵圆窝 [patent foramen ovale 卵圆窝未闭 卵圆窝未闭] b. limbus fossae ovalis (卵圆窝缘 卵圆窝缘) 卵圆窝缘 c. Koch’s triangle (Koch三角 三角) 三角
C. Chambers of the Heart
2) sinus venarum cavarum (腔静脉窦 腔静脉窦) 腔静脉窦 a. orifice of superior vena cava (上腔静脉口 上腔静脉口) 上腔静脉口 b. orifice of inferior vena cava (下腔静脉口 下腔静脉口) 下腔静脉口 c. valve of inferior vena cava (Eustachian)
Chapter 1 The Cardiovascular System 心血管系统 A. Introduction (总论 总论) 总论 B. The Heart (心) 心 C. Arteries (动脉 动脉) 动脉 D. Veins (静脉 静脉) 静脉
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 4
C. Chambers of the Heart
1) atrium proper (固有心房 固有心房) 固有心房 a. right auricle (右心耳 右心耳) 右心耳 b. pectinate muscle
(梳状肌 梳状肌) 梳状肌
The right atrium (右心房 右心房) 右心房
(下腔静脉瓣 下腔静脉瓣) 下腔静脉瓣
d. orifice of coronary 冠状窦口) sinus (冠状窦口 冠状窦口 e. valve of coronary sinus (Thebesian)
(冠状窦瓣 冠状窦瓣) 冠状窦瓣
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 12
Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 2
5. To play an important role in maintaining 维持内环境稳定) homeostasis (维持内环境稳定 . 维持内环境稳定 1) Transports enzymes to certain tissues (运输酶 运输酶). 运输酶 2) Plays a central role in temperature, fluid, electrolyte and pH regulation (调节体温 体液 电解质和酸碱度 . 调节体温,体液 电解质和酸碱度) 调节体温 体液,电解质和酸碱度 3) Protects the body from bacteria, foreign
Systematic Anatomy
Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University
Section 2 The Heart
A. Location (位置 : 位置) 位置
in the middle mediastinum of the thoracic cavity