新派四年级第3单元测试 第四册







第一部分知识积累与运用(40分)一、看拼音写汉字(8分)yán lì shūfu zī rùn hén jì() ( ) ()()píláo bēi cǎn shèn zhòng jìng pèi() ( ) ()()二、辨析同音字,选字填空(6分)【踏塌】 ( )陷( )实 ( )方【幕暮】 ( )布 ( )色落( )【级极】 ( )别年( ) 北( )【峰锋】 ( )利险( ) 雷( )三、照样子,写词语。

(4分)井井有条 (AABC) 八仙过海(带神话色彩的词语)目不斜视(与看有关的词语)选择其中的一个词语造句:四、按要求写句子。









这首诗中“ ,”两句,说明了“当局者迷”这个道理。



”4、《蟋蟀的住宅》一文的作者是法国作家 ,蟋蟀的住宅外部有五个特点,分别是、、、、。



(7分)( )雨停了,太阳出来了,彩虹挂在天空,蝉叫起来了,蜘蛛又坐在网上了。







新派英语第四册小学四年级上册第3单元水平测试Listening Part 60%Name________________ Class ________________ Mark___________I.听录音,把你听到的单词圈起来。

1X10=101.juice soda salad2.pears peaches apples3.soup rice salt4.carrots beans celery5.salad eggs fries6.any some many7.sugar salt sweet8.orange lemon onion9.piece package carton10.ice cream hamburgers spaghettiII.听录音,选择你所听到的句子 1X5=5()1.A.Is there any apple juice?B.Are there any apples?()2.A.How much did they cost?B.How much money do we have?()3.A.Do we have any peaches?2. peach pear apple celery3. insect worm flea spider4. syrup salt sugar nail5. lettuce tomato fish beanII.读一读,填空,每个单词只能用一次. 10%bottle cup bunch piece carton head can bag dish spoon 1.a _____________ of grapes 2.a. _________ of yogurt3.a_____________ of sugar4.a __________ of milk5.a _____________ of spaghetti6.a __________ of onions7.a____________ of pie8.a __________ of lettuce9.some ____________ of pop 10.a __________ of apple juice III.Choose the best answer. 选择填空。




huán rào mào shènɡ yǐn yuēc hánɡ shòu ɡōu huà fènɡhuánɡxiónɡwěi dān dú shǎn sh uò二、兄弟姐妹大聚会。

(比一比,再组成词语)敬()蜜()搭()够()密()塔()摘()绕()泼()滴()烧()波()空 kōnɡ()盛shènɡ()钉 dīnɡ( ) kònɡ()c hénɡ() dìnɡ( ) 三、我会照样子变一变。













5、长安街华灯高照,()的汽车,灯光( ),像()。




新标准三起第四册Module 3测试题

新标准三起第四册Module 3测试题

新标准三起第四册Module 3测试题一、补充完成下列单词。

1. M _ nday2. Fr _ day3. W _ dn _ sday4. h _ mew _ rk5. T _ _ sday6. gr _ _ t7. Th _ _ sday 8. be _ a _ se9. S _ t _ _ day 10. S _ nday二、将下列字母重新排列,使之成为一个单词, 并写出它的汉语意思。

1.e,a,r,g,t ________________ _______________2.k,e,e,e,w,n,d, ________________ _______________3.i,c,i,c,n,p ________________ _______________4.c,e,b,u,a,s,e ________________ _______________5.S,n,u,d,y,a ________________ _______________6.r,i,d,y,a,F ________________ _______________7.e,p,l,h ________________ _______________8.o,h,w,o,k,e,m,r ________________ _______________三、根据首位字母填空。

1.Today is S_________. Tomorrow is Sunday.2.Will you t_______ your kite?3.We’re g_______ to have a picnic on Friday.4.Lili is a clever p_____________.5.Will you go to the park tomorrow? No, I w________6.On Sunday I’ll go s_____________.四、根据课文内容填空。




(10分)huán rào yǐn yuētâbiãxiónɡ wěi tián mì()()()()()fânɡ huánɡ pōshuǐmào shânɡshān pōhuīhuánɡ()()()()()二、给下面的字选择正确的读音,在正确的读音上打“√”(8分)1、小明很好学(hǎo hào),我们要好好(hǎo hào)向他学习。

2、我们来到一片空(kōnɡ kònɡ)地上放风筝,仰望天空(kōnɡ kònɡ),五颜六色的风筝随风舞动。

3、我在墙上钉(dìnɡ dīnɡ)了一根铁钉(dìnɡ dīnɡ)4、干枯(ɡān ɡàn)的树干(ɡān ɡàn)经过风吹雨打,就掉落下来。


(15分)一条条()一串串()一束束()明亮的()繁华的()茂密的()( )地等待()地泼洒清晰地()焕()一()笑()()面灯光()()风光()()华灯()()绚丽()()四、写出反义词。












四、口语畅言吧(5 分) 你知道哪些民族风俗?用几句话介绍给大家吧!
傣族泼水节。要互相泼水,表示祝福。 五、阅读小长廊(24 分) (一)课内欣赏
三个妇女正在收割后的麦田里捡拾麦穗。中间的是位中年人,夕阳照射在 她结实的后背上。那宽宽的肩膀,那戴着套袖的手臂,一看就知道她是一位从小 担水背柴、十分能干的人。我们看不见她的脸。她正深深地弯着腰,一手攥着 一把麦穗,另一只手还在捡拾。她埋头苦干,因为她承担着生活的重担,她知道 多捡拾几把麦穗就能为家里的晚餐增加一碗麦粥,或者早餐多一两片面包。
C.蒙古族的姑娘跳起了韵.(yùn)味十足的民族舞蹈.(dǎo),姿.(zhī)态多么优美啊! 3.给下面的加点字选择正确的解释。(6 分)
(1)辟:①从无到有地开发建设; ②驳斥、排除;③透彻。
(1) 、 都含有“绿”的意思。
(2)我们看到上面的词语 ,眼前就会出现精致的工艺品。
二、句子闯关岛(9 分)
1.根据语境,填入合适的谚语。(3 分)
我也不会让你抄,因为 。”
2.写出下面句子运用的修辞手法。(4 分)
A.在茅.(máo)屋后面的半亩.(mǔ)空地上,爸爸种上了一些石榴.(liú)树。 B.午餐.(cān)后,孩子们去树林里搜.(sōu)寻野果。 C.蒙古族的姑娘跳起了韵.(yùn)味十足的民族舞蹈.(dǎo),姿.(zhī)态多么优美啊! 3.给下面的加点字选择正确的解释。(6 分) (1)辟:①从无到有地开发建设; ②驳斥、排除;③透彻。



cents would dollars some any noodles peaches much pear some A: Good morning. What do you want to order?B: I’ d like a ____________ and some __________, please.C: How about you?A: I’d like __________ fries and _________________.C: Sorry we don’t have___________ fries. What do you have left?A: We have _____ hamburgers and sandwiches. ________ you like some? C: OK. How ___________ does that cost?A: Fifteen ____________ and ten ______________.Writing 40%I.在下列单词中,请圈出不同类的. 5%1. milk water juice olives2. peach pear apple celery3. insect worm flea spider4. syrup salt sugar nail5. lettuce tomato fish beanII.读一读,填空,每个单词只能用一次. 10%bottle cup bunch piece carton head can bag dish spoon1.a _____________ of grapes2.a. _________ of yogurt3.a_____________ of sugar4.a __________ of milk5.a _____________ of spaghetti6.a __________ of onions7.a____________ of pie 8.a __________ of lettuce9.some ____________ of pop 10.a __________ of apple juiceIII.Choose the best answer. 选择填空。




yán sùqīng xījué qǐxiōng huái zàn tàn xiào guǒyí huòfēi fán bào ēn xùn chì二、给下列加点字选择正确的读音,在底下画“”。

剥.夺(bō bāo)王冠.(guān guàn)朴素.(pǔ bǔ)慰藉.(jiè jì)帐.篷(zhàng zàng)绮.丽(qǐqí)蝙.蝠(biān piān)应和.(hè hé)三、比一比,再组词。













吉林2024年03版小学四年级上册英语第四单元全练全测(含答案)考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The ____ chirps happily and is often seen in trees.2、听力题:We have a _____ (露营) trip planned.3、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium thiosulfate is _____.4、填空题:I like to go ________ (滑雪) during the winter.5、填空题:When it’s hot outside, I like to eat __________. (水果)6、听力题:A saturated fat is fully _______ with hydrogen.7、What is the coldest region of space called?A. ThermosphereB. ExosphereC. Oort CloudD. Boötes Void8、听力题:The _______ of a pendulum can be measured with a stopwatch.9、How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 810、听力填空题:I believe everyone should be treated with respect. Kindness and understanding create a harmonious environment. I always strive to treat others as I want to be treated.11、填空题:I love to eat ______ for dinner.12、听力题:We went to the ______ for a field trip. (museum)13、填空题:Most trees lose their _____ (叶子) in autumn.14、听力题:The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is _____.15、听力题:The __________ is the longest river in the world.16、听力题:Chemical reactions require energy, which can come from _____.17、What is the name of the first spacecraft to land on Mars?A. Viking 1B. SpiritC. OpportunityD. Curiosity18、填空题:Planting trees helps combat _____ (气候变化).19、听力题:The ______ is known for her cooking skills.20、填空题:The discovery of ________ changed the course of history.21、What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Tired答案: A22、What is the freezing point of water?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 50 degrees CelsiusD. 25 degrees Celsius答案: A23、填空题:My sister loves to read ____.24、Which fruit is green on the outside and red on the inside?A. KiwiB. WatermelonC. GrapesD. Peach答案: B. Watermelon25、What is the main ingredient in curry?A. RiceB. ChickenC. SpicesD. Vegetables答案:C26、填空题:The ________ has a unique pattern on its shell.27、What do we call the act of providing assistance to someone in need?A. HelpingB. AssistingC. AidingD. Supporting答案:A28、What is the capital city of Sweden?A. OsloB. HelsinkiC. CopenhagenD. Stockholm答案: D29、听力题:We can ___ a movie together. (watch)30、What is the name of the famous playwright known for his tragedies?A. William ShakespeareB. Anton ChekhovC. Tennessee WilliamsD. Arthur Miller答案: A31、填空题:The ________ is known for its beautiful feathers.32、听力题:The clock is ________ on the wall.33、填空题:My favorite animal is a ______ (猫) because they are gentle.34、听力题:The __________ can provide critical insights into the impacts of climate change.35、What do we call the scientific study of the ocean?A. Marine biologyB. OceanographyC. Aquatic scienceD. Environmental science答案: B. Oceanography36、What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. AlexandriaC. LuxorD. Giza答案: A37、听力题:The baby is _____ (sleeping/eating) in the crib.38、填空题:I like to pick ______ in the spring.39、What do we call a baby sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal答案:C40、Which animal is known for its long neck?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. ZebraD. Lion41、填空题:The _____ (独角兽) is a mythical creature that is very magical.独角兽是一种非常神奇的神话生物。



Unit 3 Weather 单元测试Name:______________ Class:_______________一、请根据上、下文完成句子。

(注意:每格一词)1.___________ warm ___________ Lhasa.2.___________ the weather _________ today ?或 _______ _______ the weather _______ today ?_________ sunny . 或 It ______ sunny .3.___________ I wear my jacket today ? No, you _________.4.It’s _______ today . You can wear your T-shirt .5.________ is the weather ______ London ?_________ _________ London .6.________ ________ windy ? Yes, _______ is . / No, _______ not .7.It’s _______ today .__________ play _______. 或 Let _______ play _________ .二、请根据实际情况判断下面句子是否合符情理,如合符情理请打“√”,否则打“×”。

1.It ’s cold today . I can’twear my T-shirt . ()2.It’s rainy today . Let’s play football . ()3.It’s windy today . Let’s fly kites . ()4.It’s cool today . I can wear my shirt . ()5.It’s snowy today . I can make a snowman . ()三、请根据上、下文或图片的提示,完成下列天气预报。




1.拼读音节并一笔一画的工整书写词语(8分)(1)zuìè(2)lǚyóu (3)zhēn chá(4)kǎi xuá(5)qǐtú(6)mǐn ruì(7)jùjīng huìshén2.用打比方的方法,准确表达你对事物的情感。

























四年级英语下学期Module3测试题一、选出划线部分读音不同的一项:( ) 1. A. Saturday B. have C. take( ) 2. A. great B. bread C. head( ) 3. A. will B. Friday C. with( ) 4. A. tomorrow B. today C. go( ) 5. A. she B. next C. let二、选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. Monday B. morning C. Sunday( ) 2. A. why B. what C. will( ) 3. A. pen B. ball C. great x k b 1 . c o m ( ) 4. A. take B. pencil C. book( ) 5. A. homework B. old C. long三、用恰当的选项补全单词( ) 1. p__cn__c A. i, e B. e, i C. i, i( ) 2. h__lp A. a B. e C. o( ) 3. Sat__day A. ir B. er C. ur( ) 4. gr___t A. ae B. ea C. ir( ) 5. bec__se A. au B. eu C. ou四、英汉互译1. play football _______________2. go to the park _______________3. 在星期三________________4. 做家庭作业________________5. 去游泳_________________五、据汉语意思补全句子:1. They are going to have a picnic on ___________(星期日)2. --- Is this _______ (你的)kite? --- Yes, it is.3. It is Wednesday today. Tomorrow is ____________4. I _____ go swimming next week.5. My ______(老师)is playing the piano now.新课标第一网六、单项选择( ) 1. I’m going to _____ this afternoon.A. reads a bookB. reading a bookC. read a book( ) 2. --- ____will you do tomorrow , Jack? --- I’ll go to the park.A. WhereB. WhatC. How about( ) 3. They have a music class ___ Monday. A. on B. in C. at. ( ) 4. ---Will you help your mother? --- Yes, _____.A. I amB. I won’tC. I will( ) 5.--- Why not play football with us? --- ___ I will do my homework.A. ToB. AndC. Because( ) 6.Next week I will go ____ . A. swim B. swimming C. swiming ( ) 7. Today is Saturday and tomorrow is ____. w W w.x K b 1. c omA. MondayB. SundayC. Thursday( ) 8. ___ you going to go to the park tomorrow. A. Are B. Do C. Will ( ) 9. Will you take __ ball? A. a B. you C. an( ) 10. This is Miss Li . ___ is a teacher. A. He B. I C. She七、连词成句。




(3分)A.吟.(yín)诗缘.(ruán)故倾.(qīng)斜()B.逊.(sùn)色挖掘.(jué) 枯萎.(wěi) ()C.蜗.(wō)牛住宅.(zhái) 投降.(xiánɡ) ()D.牢骚.(sāo) 叶柄.(bǐn) 慎.(shèn)重()二、看拼音写词语。






(8分)⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧暮( )幕( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧输( )偷( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧操( )澡( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧茎( )径( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧题( )提( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧宅( )它( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧择( )泽( ) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧测( )侧( ) 四、读一读,用“√”标出括号里正确的字词。

(8分)1.一阵风(吹 拂 飘)过,一墙的叶子就漾起波纹,好看得很。

2.爬山虎的脚(挨 碰 触)着墙的时候,六七根细丝的头上就变成小圆片,(巴 抓 拉)住墙。

3.蟋蟀并不是挖掘技术的专家,它的工具是那样(虚弱 柔弱),所以人们对它的劳动成果感到(惊奇 奇特)。


它常常(慎重 郑重 严重)地选择住址,一定要排水(优秀 优良),并且有(温和 温柔)的阳光。



(4分)(1)( )你知道蟋蟀建筑住宅的工具是那样简单,你( )会大吃一惊。

(2)燕子窝的右上角( )留了一个洞口,( )燕子要从这里进它们的家。






厦门2024年04版(小学)四年级英语第三单元测验试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:40分(1分/题)1、Which season comes after summer?a) Fallb) Winterc) Spring2、What is the name of our planet?A) MarsB) EarthC) JupiterD) Venus3、What do we call the small pieces of paper money?A) CoinsB) BillsC) NotesD) Both B and C4、What do you call the story of your life?A) BiographyB) HistoryC) FictionD) Poetry5、How do you say "再见" in English?a) Hellob) Goodbyec) Please6、What do you call the time of day when it is bright outside?A) NightB) DawnC) DaytimeD) Evening7、Which of these is a way to travel?A) TaxiB) TrainC) AirplaneD) All of the above8、What do you call the place where you learn?A) LibraryB) SchoolC) ParkD) Store9、What _____ you like for breakfast?A) DoB) DoesC) IsD) Are10、What is the capital of France?A) BerlinB) MadridC) ParisD) Rome11、What do you call a person who sells goods?A) BuyerB) SellerC) CustomerD) Merchant12、What is the largest planet in our solar system?a) Earthb) Jupiterc) Mars13、What is the capital city of Australia?A) SydneyB) CanberraC) MelbourneD) Brisbane14、阅读理解。

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新派第四册第3单元测试Listening Part 60%Name________________ Class ________________ Mark___________I.听录音,把你听到的单词圈起来。

1X10=101.juice soda salad 2.pears peaches apples3. soup rice salt4. carrots beans celery5. salad eggs fries6. any some many7. sugar salt sweet 8. orange lemon onion9. piece package carton 10. ice cream hamburgers spaghettiII. 听录音,选择你所听到的句子1X5=5()1.A. Is there any apple juice?B. Are there any apples?()2.A. How much did they cost?B. How much money do we have?()3.A. Do we have any peaches?B. Do we have any pears?()4.A. Is the soup good or bad?B. Is there any carrots?()5.A. How much money did you spend?B. How much money do you have?III.去野餐时,他们带了什么?听录音,勾出他们所带的食物。

10%bread ( ) cheese ( ) eggs ( )bananas ( ) apples ( ) lettuce ( )tomatoes ( ) chicken ( ) cakes ( )cookies ( ) juice ( ) milk ( )IV. 听录音, 找答句。

10%( )1. A. Five dollars B. Five thirty.( )2. A. I’d like a hamburger and fries. B. I don’t want any olives. ( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, we don’t.( )4. A. We want some pears and some oranges.B. We have some apples and peaches.( )5. A. Yes, there is some soup.B. Yes, there are some carrots.V. 根据录音内容填空。

10%VI. 把食物和价钱连起来。

5%1. lettuce Five dollars.2. chicken Two dollars and twenty-five cents3. soda Sixty cents4. ice cream Eighty-nine cents5. Spaghetti Two dollars and twenty-nine cents VII. 听录音完成句子。

10%A: Good morning. What do you want to order?B: I’ d like a ____________ and some __________, please.C: How about you?A: I’d like __________ fries and _________________.C: Sorry we don’t have___________ fries. What do you have left?A: We have _____ hamburgers and sandwiches. ________ you like some? C: OK. How ___________ does that cost?A: Fifteen ____________ and ten ______________.Writing 40%I. 在下列单词中,请圈出不同类的. 5%1. milk water juice olives2. peach pear apple celery3. insect worm flea spider4. syrup salt sugar nail5. lettuce tomato fish beanII. 读一读,填空,每个单词只能用一次. 10%1. a _____________ of grapes2. a. _________ of yogurt3. a_____________ of sugar4. a __________ of milk5. a _____________ of spaghetti6. a __________ of onions7. a____________ of pie 8. a __________ of lettuce9. some ____________ of pop 10. a __________ of apple juiceIII.Choose the best answer. 选择填空。

15%1.( ) There ____ any rice in the bowl.A. areB. isC. isn’tD. aren’t2.( ) There _____ many apples on the tree last year.A. have beenB. wereC. areD. is3.( ) How many boys _____ there in Class One?A. beB. isC. areD. was4.( ) I ate some ____ for dinner yesterday.A. milkB. apple juiceC. noodleD. spaghetti5.( ) Roberto ____ into his chair after he put the grocery list onthe refrigerator.A. sitB. satC. dropedD. dropped6.( ) The hungry man _______ a nail and put it into a pot.A. knocked onB. took outC. asked forD. boiled7.( ) The restaurant _____ have any food Liz likes.A. didn’tB. don’tC. doesn’tD. not8.( ) What would you like? ---- ______ some fries.A. I’d likeB. I likeC. I eatD. I want to9.( ) How much did that cost? --- _______ five dollars and forty-five cents.A. That isB. That’sC. That wereD. That was10.( ) Do we have any ______? --- No, we don’t. We need to buy some.A. lettucesB. cheesesC. peachD. chocolate syrupIV. 请把下面的做法排好正确的顺序4%( 1 ) Buy some fruits and get a knife.( ) Add some juice and sugar into the bowl.( ) Mix them and then eat.( ) Cut the fruits into small pieces.( ) Then put them into a bowl.V.仔细阅读短文,然后按要求回答问题。

6%Yesterday was Lily’s birthday. Her mother wanted to make fruit salad for her. But they didn’t have any peaches, bananas or strawberries. Her mother went to the supermarket. She had 10 dollars. The peaches cost 3 dollars and ten cents. The bananas cost 3 dollars and 20 cents. The strawberries cost 2 dollars and 40 cents.()1. How much did Lily’s food cost?A.It costs eight dollars and seventy cents.B.It is ten dollars.C.It costs eight dollars and eighty cents.()2. How much money did she have when she went to the super market?A. $20B.¥10C. $10()3. How much money did she have left(剩下)?A. Eight dollars and seventeen dollars.B. One dollar and thirty cents.C. One dollars and thirteen cents.。
