篇一:汉王 ocr 使用说明书汉王ocr 使用说明书1.打开文件:选择“文件”菜单,选择打开图像文件的路径,图像文件便显示在管理区用鼠标可将图像文件拖拽到管理区,也可将打开的图像页复制、粘贴到管理区。
KANONBUS BROCHURE 正爵产品手册S m a r t P r o d u c tB e t t e r L i f e0102正爵智能设备(上海)有限公司是一家专注于建筑领域电气智能控制系统研发生产的高科技公司。
决方案和相关产A B O U T U S0102KNX制造商认证证书Bacnet CE模块证书CE网关证书ISO质量认证ROHS环保认证证书KANONBUS商标注册证书KNX认证软件著作权证书Kanonbus产品架构KNX总线CAT5E0102KTOS1112MORFEI 讯飞魔飞HMI人机交互AppKTOS智慧中控软件智能触摸屏智能面板 星漾系列01KNX主机网关KTS KNX主机系列KTS KNX网关系列02项目案例近期公共建筑项目案例近期智能家居项目案例06KTE KNX模块开关模块调光模块输入模块窗帘模块05风机盘管模块传感器系统设备其他主机网关KCC通用主机系列SCS通用主机系列03KAC空调网关室内机接口空调直连主机空调直连网关0401HMI人机交互AppKTOS智慧中控软件智能触摸屏智能面板 星漾系列09 1001 HMI人机交互 / App正爵A P P 为您的智能家居生活更加轻松自如,它可以处理您的手动控制,并高效又准确的完成,无论是手机还是平板PAD;Andoriod还是IOS,一切只在一个APP。
Mazda Savanna RX-7 ( FC-3S )
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 赛车资料 车身编号 FD3S 车长/车宽/车高(mm) 4310/1690/1270 前轴长/后轴长(mm) 1450/1440 刹车 前碟后鼓 空车重(kg) 1200 引擎编号 RE13BT 引擎型式 Rotary Intercooler-Turbo 发动机容积(cc) 654 X 2 最大马力 215PS/6500rpm 最大扭力 28.0KGM/4000rpm 驱动型式 FR 轮胎(前後) 225/50 R16
Mazda Savanna RX-7 ( FC-3S )
• FC是万事得RX-7的第2代,秉承RX-7的优良传统, 它 配备了轻巧而高效能的涡轮增压双转子(654 x 2)旋 转引擎(Rotary Engine),虽然它是FR,但因旋 转引擎实在轻巧,前后重量比例极接近完美的 50:50. • 凉介的FC是后期型,出厂时约200匹马力,经他悉心 改装和调较后,马力高达350匹.与拓海一战时,凉介 将引擎下调至260匹,令动力输出曲线更能配合秋 名山落斜的需要. • 它虽非最新型号跑车,但观其内涵,各方面的优雅平 衡,正好切合凉介的冷静理论派个性.
Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R
• 继承了日产著名赛车系列SKYLINE血统,配合最新 技 术,凭实力夺得"无敌战神"及"公路之王"的美誉. 它外表 与房车无异,但骨子里却是以赛车为先的设 计:配备直列6气缸2568c.c.双涡轮增压引擎,未经 任何改装已有280 匹马力(中里毅的战车更达380 匹马力!),为使如此强大的 马力能有效传到地面,它 更拥有日产的杰作ATTESA E-TS 四ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้驱动系统, 用电脑监察和控制,将引擎扭力以最佳 比例分配到 四条轮胎,从而得到最高速度和最佳贴地性, 无论 直路或弯角,表现同样出色.
功能: 锻炼心肺功能、腿部 肌肉和人体协调性,达到瘦 身效果以及锻炼上下肢协调 能力,提高中枢神经系统对 肌肉的支配效果,增加对外 展肌群、内收肌群、旋内肌 群等锻炼功能。 特征: 欧洲新潮设计,EMS 系统精确调节阻力,12KG 磁控轮,φ20加大芯轴/曲 柄,最大功率:500W 高档电子表可显示:功率、速 度、转速、心率等功能。
特种兵超级越野系列 2011款 (全球限 量发行、卓越品质继承者、顶级折叠自 行车)27速越野折叠自行车 SF-26FD 前后双油压避震设计,最专业的四连杆 车体结构,前后双碟刹,专业27速快捷 变速系统 HUMMER自行车传承其卓越的越野军 车血统,以其简洁粗狂的车架设计,坚 固耐用的车身材料,作为高机动性交通 工具被广泛应用于美军伞兵与陆战队。 特别推出的民用HUMMER自行车,除 了具备以上特性,更是拥有专有的折叠 技术, 可以无需工具在三十秒内轻松 拆装折叠,外出随身携带或是结合汽车 等大众运输工具使用既方便又安全,更 可以感受户外OffRoad的多样化的乐趣。 期待您亲身体验HUMMER的激情。 适合年龄
使用,但是却会导致系统自动的转发相应端口的数据,从而导致本应该受限的数据被他人窃 取。 如果已在路由器上手工打开了 HTTP 和 TCP 端口映射,我们强烈建议您关闭此功能。在实际 的使用场景中,我们强烈建议您不开启此功能。
请务必按照要求使用电池,否则可能导致电池起火、爆炸或燃烧的危险! 更换电池时只能使用同样类型的电池! 产品必须使用本地区推荐使用的电线组件(电源线),并在其额定规格内使用。 请使用满足 SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源,并按照 IEC60950-1 符合 Limited Power
部分老版本的 IP 摄像机固件,系统的主密码更改后,ONVIF 密码不会自动跟着更改。你需要更 新摄像机的固件或者手动更新 ONVIF 密码。 6. 只转发必须使用的端口 只转发必须使用的网络端口。避免转发一段很长的端口区。不要把设备的 IP 地址设置成 DMZ。 如果摄像机是连接到本地的 NVR,你不需要为每一台摄像机转发端口,只有 NVR 的端口需
在适用法律未明令禁止的程度下,对于因使用或无法使用本产品或服务而引起的任何利润、 收入、销售损失、数据丢失或采购替代商品或服务的成本、财产损害、人身伤害、业务中断、 商业信息损失,或者任何特殊的、直接的、间接的、附带的、经济性、覆盖性、惩罚性、特 殊或从属损害,无论是基于何种责任理论(合同、侵权、过失或其他),本公司及其员工、 许可方或附属公司都不承担赔偿责任,即使其已被告知存在此种损害的可能性也是如此。某 些司法管辖区不允许对人身伤害、附带或从属损害等进行责任限制,则此限制可能不适用于 您。
要被转发。 7. 关闭 SmartPSS 的自动登录功能 如果你使用 SmartPSS 来监控你的系统而你的电脑是有多个用户,请必须把自动登录功能关闭。 增加一道防线来防止未经授权的人访问系统。 8. 在 SmartPSS 上使用不同于其他设备的用户名和密码 万一你的社交媒体账户,银行,电邮等账户信息被泄漏,获得这些账户信息的人也无法入侵你的 视频监控系统。 9. 限制普通账户的权限 如果你的系统是为多个用户服务的,请确保每一个用户只获得它的作业中必须的权限。
HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M776用户指南说明书
Legal informationCopyright and License© Copyright 2019 HP Development Company, L.P.Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowedunder the copyright laws.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statementsaccompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting anadditional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1, 10/2019Trademark CreditsAdobe®, Adobe Photoshop®, Acrobat®, and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.macOS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.AirPrint is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.Google™ is a trademark of Google Inc.Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® XP, and Windows Vista® are U.S. registered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation.UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group.iiiT able of contents1 Printer overview (1)Warning icons (1)Potential shock hazard (2)Printer views (2)Printer front view (2)Printer back view (4)Interface ports (4)Control-panel view (5)How to use the touchscreen control panel (7)Printer specifications (8)T echnical specifications (8)Supported operating systems (11)Mobile printing solutions (12)Printer dimensions (13)Power consumption, electrical specifications, and acoustic emissions (15)Operating-environment range (15)Printer hardware setup and software installation (16)2 Paper trays (17)Introduction (17)Load paper to Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (17)Load Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (18)Tray 1 paper orientation (19)Use alternative letterhead mode (24)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (24)Load paper to Tray 2 (24)Load Tray 2 (24)Tray 2 paper orientation (26)Use alternative letterhead mode (29)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (29)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (32)Use alternative letterhead mode (35)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (35)ivLoad paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)Load paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)2 x 550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (38)Use alternative letterhead mode (41)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)2,700-sheet HCI paper tray paper orientation (43)Use alternative letterhead mode (45)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (45)Load and print envelopes (46)Print envelopes (46)Envelope orientation (46)Load and print labels (47)Manually feed labels (47)Label orientation (48)3 Supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Order supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Ordering (49)Supplies and accessories (50)Maintenance/long-life consumables (51)Customer self-repair parts (51)Dynamic security (52)Configure the HP toner-cartridge-protection supply settings (53)Introduction (53)Enable or disable the Cartridge Policy feature (53)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (55)Troubleshoot Cartridge Policy control panel error messages (55)Enable or disable the Cartridge Protection feature (55)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (57)Troubleshoot Cartridge Protection control panel error messages (57)Replace the toner cartridges (58)T oner-cartridge information (58)Remove and replace the cartridges (59)Replace the imaging drums (62)Imaging drum information (62)Remove and replace the imaging drums (63)Replace the toner-collection unit (66)T oner-collection unit information (66)vRemove and replace the toner-collection unit (67)Replace the staple cartridge (M776zs model only) (70)Staple cartridge information (70)Remove and replace the staple cartridge (71)4 Print (73)Print tasks (Windows) (73)How to print (Windows) (73)Automatically print on both sides (Windows) (74)Manually print on both sides (Windows) (74)Print multiple pages per sheet (Windows) (75)Select the paper type (Windows) (75)Additional print tasks (76)Print tasks (macOS) (77)How to print (macOS) (77)Automatically print on both sides (macOS) (77)Manually print on both sides (macOS) (77)Print multiple pages per sheet (macOS) (78)Select the paper type (macOS) (78)Additional print tasks (79)Store print jobs on the printer to print later or print privately (79)Introduction (79)Create a stored job (Windows) (79)Create a stored job (macOS) (80)Print a stored job (81)Delete a stored job (81)Delete a job that is stored on the printer (81)Change the job storage limit (82)Information sent to printer for Job Accounting purposes (82)Mobile printing (82)Introduction (82)Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct Print, NFC, and BLE printing (82)Enable wireless printing (83)Change the Wi-Fi Direct name (83)HP ePrint via email (83)AirPrint (84)Android embedded printing (85)Print from a USB flash drive (85)Enable the USB port for printing (85)Method one: Enable the USB port from the printer control panel (85)Method two: Enable the USB port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (85)Print USB documents (86)Print using high-speed USB 2.0 port (wired) (86)Method one: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the printer control panel menus (86)Method two: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connected printers only) (87)vi5 Copy (88)Make a copy (88)Copy on both sides (duplex) (90)Additional copy tasks (92)6 Scan (93)Set up Scan to Email (93)Introduction (93)Before you begin (93)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (94)Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings (95)Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature (96)Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard (96)Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup (100)Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (104)Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional) (105)Introduction (105)Configure the outgoing email server (SMTP) to send an email from an Office 365 Outlookaccount (105)Set up Scan to Network Folder (108)Introduction (108)Before you begin (108)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (108)Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder (109)Method one: Use the Scan to Network Folder Wizard (109)Method two: Use Scan to Network Folder Setup (110)Step one: Begin the configuration (110)Step two: Configure the Scan to Network Folder settings (111)Step three: Complete the configuration (118)Set up Scan to SharePoint (118)Introduction (118)Before you begin (118)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (118)Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set (119)Scan a file directly to a SharePoint site (121)Quick Set scan settings and options for Scan to SharePoint (122)Set up Scan to USB Drive (123)Introduction (124)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (124)Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive (124)Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (125)Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup (126)Default file settings for Save to USB setup (126)Scan to email (127)Introduction (127)Scan to email (127)Scan to job storage (129)viiIntroduction (129)Scan to job storage on the printer (130)Print from job storage on the printer (132)Scan to network folder (132)Introduction (132)Scan to network folder (132)Scan to SharePoint (134)Introduction (134)Scan to SharePoint (134)Scan to USB drive (136)Introduction (136)Scan to USB drive (136)Use HP JetAdvantage business solutions (138)Additional scan tasks (138)7 Fax (140)Set up fax (140)Introduction (140)Set up fax by using the printer control panel (140)Change fax configurations (141)Fax dialing settings (141)General fax send settings (142)Fax receive settings (143)Send a fax (144)Additional fax tasks (146)8 Manage the printer (147)Advanced configuration with the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (147)Introduction (147)How to access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (148)HP Embedded Web Server features (149)Information tab (149)General tab (149)Copy/Print tab (150)Scan/Digital Send tab (151)Fax tab (152)Supplies tab (153)Troubleshooting tab (153)Security tab (153)HP Web Services tab (154)Networking tab (154)Other Links list (156)Configure IP network settings (157)Printer sharing disclaimer (157)View or change network settings (157)Rename the printer on a network (157)viiiManually configure IPv4 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Link speed and duplex settings (159)Printer security features (160)Introduction (160)Security statements (160)Assign an administrator password (160)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to set the password (160)Provide user access credentials at the printer control panel (161)IP Security (161)Encryption support: HP High Performance Secure Hard Disks (161)Lock the formatter (161)Energy-conservation settings (161)Set the sleep timer and configure the printer to use 1 watt or less of power (161)Set the sleep schedule (162)Set the idle settings (162)HP Web Jetadmin (163)Software and firmware updates (163)9 Solve problems (164)Customer support (164)Control panel help system (165)Reset factory settings (165)Introduction (165)Method one: Reset factory settings from the printer control panel (165)Method two: Reset factory settings from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (166)A “Cartridge is low” or “Cartridge is very low” message displays on the printer control panel (166)Change the “Very Low” settings (166)Change the “Very Low” settings at the control panel (166)For printers with fax capability (167)Order supplies (167)Printer does not pick up paper or misfeeds (167)Introduction (167)The printer does not pick up paper (167)The printer picks up multiple sheets of paper (171)The document feeder jams, skews, or picks up multiple sheets of paper (174)Clear paper jams (174)Introduction (174)Paper jam locations (174)Auto-navigation for clearing paper jams (175)Experiencing frequent or recurring paper jams? (175)Clear paper jams in the document feeder - 31.13.yz (176)Clear paper jams in Tray 1 (13.A1) (177)Clear paper jams in Tray 2 (13.A2) (182)Clear paper jams in the fuser (13.B9, 13.B2, 13.FF) (188)ixClear paper jams in the duplex area (13.D3) (194)Clear paper jams in the 550-sheet trays (13.A3, 13.A4) (199)Clear paper jams in the 2 x 550 paper trays (13.A4, 13.A5) (206)Clear paper jams in the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (13.A3, 13.A4, 13.A5, 13.A7) (213)Resolving color print quality problems (220)Introduction (220)Troubleshoot print quality (221)Update the printer firmware (221)Print from a different software program (221)Check the paper-type setting for the print job (221)Check the paper type setting on the printer (221)Check the paper type setting (Windows) (221)Check the paper type setting (macOS) (222)Check toner-cartridge status (222)Step one: Print the Supplies Status Page (222)Step two: Check supplies status (222)Print a cleaning page (222)Visually inspect the toner cartridge or cartridges (223)Check paper and the printing environment (223)Step one: Use paper that meets HP specifications (223)Step two: Check the environment (223)Step three: Set the individual tray alignment (224)Try a different print driver (224)Troubleshoot color quality (225)Calibrate the printer to align the colors (225)Troubleshoot image defects (225)Improve copy image quality (233)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (233)Calibrate the scanner (234)Check the paper settings (235)Check the paper selection options (235)Check the image-adjustment settings (235)Optimize copy quality for text or pictures (236)Edge-to-edge copying (236)Improve scan image quality (236)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (237)Check the resolution settings (238)Check the color settings (238)Check the image-adjustment settings (239)Optimize scan quality for text or pictures (239)Check the output-quality settings (240)Improve fax image quality (240)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (240)Check the send-fax resolution settings (242)Check the image-adjustment settings (242)Optimize fax quality for text or pictures (242)Check the error-correction setting (243)xSend to a different fax machine (243)Check the sender's fax machine (243)Solve wired network problems (244)Introduction (244)Poor physical connection (244)The computer is unable to communicate with the printer (244)The printer is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (245)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (245)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (245)The printer is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (245)Solve wireless network problems (245)Introduction (245)Wireless connectivity checklist (245)The printer does not print after the wireless configuration completes (246)The printer does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (246)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or printer (247)Cannot connect more computers to the wireless printer (247)The wireless printer loses communication when connected to a VPN (247)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (247)The wireless network is not functioning (247)Reduce interference on a wireless network (248)Solve fax problems (248)Checklist for solving fax problems (248)What type of phone line are you using? (249)Are you using a surge-protection device? (249)Are you using a phone company voice-messaging service or an answering machine? (249)Does your phone line have a call-waiting feature? (249)Check fax accessory status (249)General fax problems (250)The fax failed to send (250)No fax address book button displays (250)Not able to locate the Fax settings in HP Web Jetadmin (250)The header is appended to the top of the page when the overlay option is enabled (251)A mix of names and numbers is in the recipients box (251)A one-page fax prints as two pages (251)A document stops in the document feeder in the middle of faxing (251)The volume for sounds coming from the fax accessory is too high or too low (251)Index (252)xiPrinter overview1Review the location of features on the printer, the physical and technical specifications of the printer,and where to locate setup information.For video assistance, see /videos/LaserJet.The following information is correct at the time of publication. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP.For more information:HP's all-inclusive help for the printer includes the following information:●Install and configure●Learn and use●Solve problems●Download software and firmware updates●Join support forums●Find warranty and regulatory informationWarning iconsUse caution if you see a warning icon on your HP printer, as indicated in the icon definitions.●Caution: Electric shock●Caution: Hot surface●Caution: Keep body parts away from moving partsPrinter overview1●Caution: Sharp edge in close proximity●WarningPotential shock hazardReview this important safety information.●Read and understand these safety statements to avoid an electrical shock hazard.●Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire orelectric shock.●Read and understand all instructions in the user guide.●Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.●Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting the product to a power source. If you do notknow whether the outlet is grounded, check with a qualified electrician.●Do not touch the contacts on any of the sockets on the product. Replace damaged cordsimmediately.●Unplug this product from wall outlets before cleaning.●Do not install or use this product near water or when you are wet.●Install the product securely on a stable surface.●Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the power cord.Printer viewsIdentify certain parts of the printer and the control panel.Printer front viewLocate features on the front of the printer.2Chapter 1 Printer overviewPrinter front view3Printer back viewLocate features on the back of the printer.Interface portsLocate the interface ports on the printer formatter. 4Chapter 1 Printer overviewControl-panel viewThe control panel provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.NOTE:Tilt the control panel for easier viewing.The Home screen provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.screens.NOTE:The features that appear on the Home screen can vary, depending on the printerconfiguration.Control-panel view5Figure 1-1Control-panel view?i 12:42 PM6Chapter 1 Printer overviewHow to use the touchscreen control panelPerform the following actions to use the printer touchscreen control panel.T ouchT ouch an item on the screen to select that item or open that menu. Also, when scrolling T ouch the Settings icon to open the Settings app.How to use the touchscreen control panel 7SwipeT ouch the screen and then move your finger horizontally to scroll the screen sideways.Swipe until the Settings app displays.Printer specificationsDetermine the specifications for your printer model.IMPORTANT:The following specifications are correct at the time of publication, but they are subject to change. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP .T echnical specificationsReview the printer technical specifications.Product numbers for each model ●M776dn - #T3U55A ●Flow M776z - #3WT91A ●Flow M776zs - #T3U56APaper handling specificationsPaper handling features Tray 1 (100-sheet capacity)Included Included Included Tray 2 (550-sheet capacity)IncludedIncludedIncluded8Chapter 1 Printer overview550-sheet paper trayOptional Included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray.Optional Included Included2 x 550-sheet paper tray and standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of thestand.Optional Not included Not included2,700-sheet high-capacity input (HCI) paper trayand standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Printer standOptional Not included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Inner finisher accessory Not included Not included Included Automatic duplex printing Included IncludedIncludedIncluded Included Included10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN connection with IPv4and IPv6Hi-Speed USB 2.0Included Included IncludedIncluded Included IncludedEasy-access USB port for printing from a USBflash drive or upgrading the firmwareIncluded Included Included Hardware Integration Pocket for connectingaccessory and third-party devicesHP Internal USB Ports Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional OptionalHP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server accessory forWi-Fi connectivity and an additional Ethernet portOptional IncludedIncludedHP Jetdirect 3100w accessory for Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC,and proximity badge readingPrints 45 pages per minute (ppm) on Letter-sizepaper and 46 ppm on A4-size paperEasy-access USB printing for printing from a USBIncluded Included Includedflash driveT echnical specifications9Included Included Included Store jobs in the printer memory to print later orprint privatelyScans 100 pages per minute (ppm) on A4 andIncluded Included Included letter-size paper one-sidedIncluded Included Included 200-page document feeder with dual-headscanning for single-pass duplex copying andscanningNot included Included Included HP EveryPage T echnologies including ultrasonicmulti-feed detectionNot included Included Included Embedded optical character recognition (OCR)provides the ability to convert printed pages intotext that can be edited or searched using acomputerIncluded Included Included SMART Label feature provides paper-edgedetection for automatic page croppingIncluded Included Included Automatic page orientation for pages that haveat least 100 characters of textIncluded Automatic tone adjustment sets contrast,Included Includedbrightness, and background removal for eachpageIncluded Included Includedfolders on a networkIncludedSend documents to SharePoint®Included IncludedIncluded Included Included NOTE:Memory reported on the configurationpage will change from 2.5 GB to 3 GB with theoptional 1 GB SODIMM installed.Mass storage: 500 GB hard disk drive Included Included IncludedSecurity: HP Trusted Platform Module (TPM)Included Included IncludedT ouchscreen control panel Included Included IncludedRetractable keyboard Not included Included Included 10Chapter 1 Printer overviewFax Optional Included IncludedSupported operating systemsUse the following information to ensure printer compatibility with your computer operating system.Linux: For information and print drivers for Linux, go to /go/linuxprinting.UNIX: For information and print drivers for UNIX®, go to /go/unixmodelscripts.The following information applies to the printer-specific Windows HP PCL 6 print drivers, HP print driversfor macOS, and to the software installer.Windows: Download HP Easy Start from /LaserJet to install the HP print driver. Or, go tothe printer-support website for this printer: /support/colorljM776MFP to download the printdriver or the software installer to install the HP print driver.macOS: Mac computers are supported with this printer. Download HP Easy Start either from /LaserJet or from the Printer Support page, and then use HP Easy Start to install the HP print driver.1.Go to /LaserJet.2.Follow the steps provided to download the printer software.Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL 6” printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating system aspart of the software installation.Windows 8.1, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows Server 2008 R2, SP 1, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2016, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2019, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Supported operating systems11macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.14 MojaveDownload HP Easy Start from /LaserJet , and then use it to install the print driver.NOTE:Supported operating systems can change.NOTE:For a current list of supported operating systems and HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to /support/colorljM776MFP .NOTE:For details on client and server operating systems and for HP UPD driver support for this printer, go to /go/upd . Under Additional information , click Specifications .●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection● 2 GB of available hard-disk space ●1 GB RAM (32-bit) or2 GB RAM (64-bit)●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection●1.5 GB of available hard-disk spaceNOTE:The Windows software installer installs the HP Smart Device Agent Base service. The file size is less than 100 kb. Its only function is to check for printers connected via USB hourly. No data is collected. If a USB printer is found, it then tries to locate a JetAdvantage Management Connector (JAMc) instance on the network. If a JAMc is found, the HP Smart Device Agent Base is securelyupgraded to a full Smart Device Agent from JAMc, which will then allow printed pages to be accounted for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) account. The driver-only web packs downloaded from for the printer and installed through the Add Printer wizard do not install this service.T o uninstall the service, open the Control Panel , select Programs or Programs and Features , and then select Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Programto remove the service. The file name isHPSmartDeviceAgentBase.Mobile printing solutionsHP offers multiple mobile printing solutions to enable easy printing to an HP printer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device.T o see the full list and to determine the best choice, go to /go/MobilePrinting .NOTE:Update the printer firmware to ensure all mobile printing capabilities are supported.●Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only, with HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless accessory installed)●HP ePrint via email (Requires HP Web Services to be enabled and the printer to be registered with HP Connected)●HP Smart app ●Google Cloud Print12Chapter 1 Printer overview。
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星光机 V-1用户手册说明书
星光机目录1前言 (1)1.1包装内容 (1)1.2包装开拆 (1)1.3标识符号 (1)1.4免责声明 (1)1.5安全须知 (1)1.5.1个人安全 (2)1.5.2安装和装配 (2)1.5.3电源和接线 (2)1.5.4操作 (2)2产品介绍 (3)2.1产品描述 (3)2.2产品特点 (3)2.3外观概述 (3)2.4机器尺寸 (4)3技术参数 (4)4设定安装 (5)4.1交流电源 (5)4.2交流插头 (5)4.3复位过载保护器 (5)4.4DMX连接 (6)4.5安装 (6)4.5.1方位 (6)4.5.2装配 (6)5操作机器 (6)5.1准备工作 (6)5.2机身控制面板 (6)5.3机身控制模式及操作 (6)5.3.1操作指导 (6)5.3.2菜单页面 (7)5.4DMX控制模式及操作 (8)5.4.1起始地址 (8)5.4.2DMX模式菜单页面 (8)5.4.3DMX通道设置和数值 (9)5.5喷花高度与喷花密度的关系 (9)5.6运行时间 (9)5.6.1查询运行时间 (9)5.6.2运行时间耗尽 (10)5.7高级设定页面 (10)5.7.1进入和退出高级设定页面 (10)5.7.2高级设定菜单页面 (10)6星光粉 (10)6.1识别和激活星光粉 (10)6.2添加星光粉 (11)6.3星光粉注意事项 (11)7技术信息 (11)7.1机器维护 (11)7.2储存 (11)7.2.1机器储存 (11)7.2.2星光粉储存和回收 (11)7.3一般故障 (12)7.3.1故障描述 (12)7.3.2故障菜单页面 (12)11前言1.1包装内容1.2 包装开拆收到机器后,请小心拆开包装箱,检查所有内容,以确保所有零配件都齐全并处于良好的状态。
第三代〈RX-7〉于1991年10月上市。该型号取消了Savanna的名称,由于当时的销售渠道原因,将其称为Efini RX-7。
Efini RX-7的特征之一是<RX-7>系列中首次采用3号专用车身。车身尺寸与第二代相比,全长、轴距、全高都比第二代有所收缩,宽度增加到3位数字。也就是说,Efini RX-7的设计理念是以较低的造型姿态寻求行车的稳定性,以实现提高运动性能。
开发的关键词是「心动和闪耀」。副关键词决定设为「The Spirit of Zero」。
为达成动力?重量?比率低于5.0kg/ps的目标,决定实施名为「零作战」的轻量化计划。 为了减轻发条下重量,采用全铝制4轮双横臂悬架装置。车身采用了马自达独创的『单体?空间构造』,也就是减轻不承受过重负荷位置的壁厚,需要高强度的地方加强辅助。为彻底实现轻量化,马自达对踏板等内饰采用铝制材料,即使细微部位也从不懈怠。
厚德Fitbit Versa 3手錶使用手冊说明书
a使用手冊版本 1.3目錄開始 (7)包裝盒內物品 (7)為手錶充電 (8)設定 Versa 3 (9)連線到 Wi-Fi (9)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (10)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (11)佩戴 Versa 3 (12)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (12)緊固錶帶 (13)慣用手 (14)佩戴與保養技巧 (15)更換錶帶 (15)移除錶帶 (15)安裝錶帶 (16)基本資訊 (17)導覽 Versa 3 (17)基本導覽 (17)按鈕快捷鍵 (18)快速設定 (19)認識狀態指示燈 (21)小工具 (21)調整設定 (23)顯示幕 (23)振動和音訊 (23)目標提醒 (23)靜音模式 (24)快速鍵 (24)裝置資訊 (24)查看電池電量 (25)設定裝置鎖定 (26)2關閉螢幕 (27)錶面和應用程式 (28)變更錶面 (28)開啟應用程式 (29)排序應用程式 (29)下載其他應用程式 (29)移除應用程式 (29)更新應用程式 (29)調整應用程式設定和權限 (30)語音助理 (31)設定內建 Amazon Alexa (31)設定 Google 助理 (31)與語音助理互動 (32)檢查您的 Alexa 鬧鐘、提醒與計時器 (33)日常生活 (34)星巴克 (34)待辦事項 (34)天氣 (34)尋找手機 (35)手機通知 (36)設定通知 (36)查看傳入通知 (36)管理通知 (37)關閉通知 (37)接聽或拒接來電 (38)在腕上接聽手機通話 (39)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (40)計時 (41)設定鬧鐘 (41)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (41)使用計時器和碼錶 (42)活動與健康 (43)3追蹤每日活動目標 (44)選擇目標 (44)追蹤每小時的活動 (44)追蹤您的睡眠 (45)設定睡眠目標 (45)在睡眠期間偵測打鼾和噪音程度 (45)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (45)練習引導式呼吸 (46)查看壓力管理分數 (46)進階的健康指標 (47)運動和心臟健康 (48)自動追蹤您的運動 (48)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (49)自訂運動設定 (50)查看您的運動摘要 (50)查看您的心率 (51)自訂心率區間 (52)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (52)接收心率過高通知 (52)檢視您的日常準備分數 (53)檢視心肺健康分數 (54)分享您的活動 (54)音樂 (55)連線藍牙耳機或喇叭 (55)使用 Versa 3 控制音樂 (56)透過 Spotify - Connect & Control 應用程式控制音樂 (56)感應式付款 (57)使用信用卡和轉帳卡 (57)設定感應式付款 (57)購物 (58)變更預設卡片 (59)支付交通費用 (59)更新、重新啟動和清除 (60)4重新啟動 Versa 3 (60)關閉 Versa 3 (60)清除 Versa 3 (61)疑難排解 (62)找不到心率訊號 (62)沒有 GPS 訊號 (62)無法連線至 Wi-Fi (63)手機中斷連線 (64)其他問題 (64)一般資訊和規格 (65)感應器與元件 (65)材質 (65)無線技術 (65)觸覺反饋 (65)電池 (65)記憶體 (66)顯示幕 (66)錶帶大小 (66)環境條件 (66)瞭解詳情 (67)退貨政策和保固 (67)Regulatory and Safety Notices (68)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (68)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement (69)European Union (EU) (70)IP Rating (71)Argentina (71)Australia and New Zealand (72)Belarus (72)Botswana (72)China (72)Customs Union (74)Indonesia (74)Israel (74)5Japan (74)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (75)Mexico (75)Moldova (75)Morocco (75)Nigeria (76)Oman (76)Pakistan (76)Paraguay (76)Philippines (76)Serbia (77)Singapore (77)South Korea (77)Taiwan (78)United Arab Emirates (81)United Kingdom (81)Vietnam (82)Zambia (82)Safety Statement (82)67開始全新 Fitbit Versa 3 健康運動智慧手錶內建 GPS ,搭載活動區間分鐘數、20 種以上運動模式和音樂體驗功能,讓您不斷向前。
中压并网逆变器 SG1100UD-MV SG2200UD-MV SG3300UD-MV SG440
5.2.2 检查产品 ........................................................................................... 16 5.3 安装环境要求 .............................................................................................. 17
4 运输和存储 ..................................................................................................... 14
4.1 注意事项..................................................................................................... 14 4.2 运输要求..................................................................................................... 14 4.3 存储要求..................................................................................................... 14
Lexus RX200t RX_Brochure
目光独到,光芒耀目迷人L 型矩阵式LED 远近光照明大灯*:三组透镜式LED 前大灯,与L 型日间行车灯交相辉映;带转角照明功能的前雾灯设计,拓展视野,探照未知领域。
LED 流水式转向灯*:开启时转向灯如流水般次第点亮,匠心独运, 让众人的视线焦点始终追随。
激情澎湃,动感魅力十足F SPORT 运动套件*:全新RX 200t F SPORT 配备的运动套件涵盖网状格栅、黑色外后视镜、F SPORT 20英寸专属轮毂、运动车门脚踏板、运动型铝制加速踏板、制动踏板、脚歇板、F SPORT 专属内饰(包括方向盘、档把、仪表盘及运动座椅)。
万象新生,是激发灵感更是释放想象心生共鸣,且听天籁百转Mark Levinson ®高级音响*:雷克萨斯与专业的高级音响品牌Mark Levinson ®合作,为全新RX 开发了高级音响系统。
拥有15个扬声器的Mark Levinson ®高级音响系统以7.1声道的环绕声效,将美妙的旋律与合声演绎到出神入化。
触手可及,操控轻而易举Remote Touch 信息操作系统*:将导航系统、蓝牙免提通话、音响控制 以及雷克萨斯G-BOOK 智能副驾等先进功能整合为一体,化繁为简, 令操作更加安全便捷。
***以下车型尺寸为RX450h 尊贵版尺寸,其他车型尺寸敬请参阅技术参数表详情。
专业服务,旅途资讯,一触即得雷克萨斯G-BOOK 智能副驾*:在原有的功能基础上更具备远程 服务**功能。
通过无线网络将车辆与G-BOOK 服务中心实时连接。
N EWSFor immediate releaseA ll-New 2021 Bronco Two-Door and First-Ever Four-Door Models: Built Wild SUVs with Thrilling 4x4 Capability, Ready for Fun•Built Wild™: Ford Bronco returns as the flagship of a new all-4x4 family of rugged SUVs, witha classic two-door and a first-ever four-door; both are engineered with Built Wild ExtremeDurability Testing, Capability and Innovative Design for segment-leading 4x4 capability, long-term off-road performance and dependability•Thrilling: Bronco features powerful EcoBoost® engines with segment-exclusive 7-speed manual transmission and available 35-inch tires; Bronco excels with available best-in-class94.75:1 crawl ratio, ground clearance, suspension travel and water fording capabilities, plusbreakover and departure angles•Ready for fun: Bronco two-door and four-door models can get you to the trails fast with quick-release stowable roof panels and doors on select versions; available cutting-edge off-road drive technologies and segment-exclusive digital trail mapping allow owners to easily plan, record and share their experiences via an all-in-one app•Infinitely customizable: Bronco launches with more than 200 factory-backed aftermarket accessories for more capability, personalization and style, and with a base MSRP of$29,995DUBAI, UAE, July 14, 2020– Ford today unveils the 2021 Bronco – including a classic two-door and first-ever four-door – the flagship of an all-new family of rugged off-road vehicles.The all-4x4 Bronco brand is Built Wild™ and ready to deliver thrilling experiences with its heritage-inspired style, engineering and smart off-road technology, plus innovative features to help outdoor enthusiasts create adventures in the most remote corners of the world.“We created the Bronco family to elevate every aspect of off-road adventure and equipped them with class-leading chassis hardware and exclusive technologies to raise the bar in the rugged4x4 segment and take people further into the wild,” said Jim Farley, Ford chief operating officer. “They’re built with the toughness of an F-Series truck and performance spirit of Mustang – and come wrapped in one of the most stunning and functional off-road designs that’s true to the original Bronco design DNA.”The all-new Bronco re-enters the scene with an all-4x4 lineup with production beginning in early 2021 and first models arriving in Ford dealerships in the second half of next year. Bronco owners can choose from an extensive lineup of more than 200 factory-backed accessories for maximum personalization, enabling dealers to provide outfitting-on-demand for each customer’s individual adventure needs.Built Wild 4x4 confidenceJust like the first-generation Bronco, nicknamed G.O.A.T., the mission of the all-new 2021 Bronco is to deliver maximum 4x4 go-anywhere, anytime capability and confidence. Bronco incorporates off-road mapping and drive technologies to give novice adventurers as much fun as hard-core off-road experts, while its Built Wild durability makes for lasting performance in the harshest of conditions for generations to come.“Bronco’s advanced four-wheel-drive technology is at the core of its off-road capabilities, and at the heart of it all is Bronco’s exclusive Terrain Management System™ with G.O.A.T. Modes™that is designed to help drivers better navigate any type of terrain,” said Mark Grueber, Bronco consumer marketing manager.Up to seven driver-selectable modes are offered including Normal, Eco, Sport, Slippery and Sand, with Baja, Mud/Ruts and Rock Crawl for off-road driving.Two 4x4 systems are offered on all Bronco models, a base setup and advanced 4x4. The base system utilizes a two-speed electronic shift-on-the-fly transfer case, while the optional advanced system features a two-speed electromechanical transfer case that adds an auto mode for on-demand engagement to select between 2H and 4H. Power is distributed to a Dana™ 44 AdvanTEK® solid rear axle and Dana AdvanTEK independent front differential unit – both with available Spicer® Performa-TraK™ electronic locking differentials for improved traction over rough terrain.Available segment-first Trail Toolbox gives Bronco owners a suite of exclusive technologies to elevate their off-road experience. This includes Trail Control™– cruise control for low-speed trail driving, while Trail Turn Assist tightens off-road turning radiuses through torque vectoring, and the innovative Trail One-Pedal Drive acceleration/braking control makes for more precise and confident slow-mode rock crawling.Segment-leading levels of off-road capability are possible thanks to Bronco’s available best-in-class 11.6-inch ground clearance, maximum 29-degree breakover angle and 37.2-degree departure angle, plus best-in-class water fording capability of up to 33.5 inches. Off-road capability is further reinforced by exposed tow hooks in the front and rear and available heavy-duty modular steel bumpers with integrated Ford Performance accessory winch mount. Bronco’s strategically placed steel shields protect critical hardware. Higher-capability models get an available front bash plate, plus shields for the engine, transmission, transfer case and fuel tank. For those taking on the roughest rocky terrain,Bronco’s available side rock rails are strong enough to support the weight of each side of the vehicle.“Bronco two- and four-door models leverage the company’s Built Ford Tough durability and performance testing and take it even further off-road with Built Wild Extreme Durability Testing in the harshest possible environments, including the brutal trails of the King of the Hammers off-road competition,” said Dave Pericak, director, Ford enterprise product line management, Icons. Thrilling performance borne of Bronco DNAThanks to Bronco’s legendary Baja racing DNA, e ach model brings forth a thrilling off-road experience and delivers it with modern, heritage-inspired style. It all began in a Ford design studio with a life-size digital scan of a first-generation model that served to influence the proportions and design of the all-new Bronco for maximum off-road capability and performance.“Similar to the first-generation model, Bronco’s square proportions, short overhangs and wide stance are optimized for off-road adventure,” said Paul Wraith, Bronco chief designer. “The side profile features a flat, no-nonsense surface with clear-cut edges and robustly flared fenders. Large, open wheel wells are a modular design with a quick-release attachment for simple customization.”All-new Bronco architecture for two- and four-door models is based on a fully boxed, high-strength steel chassis that delivers available best-in-class suspension travel – 17 percent more both front and rear over the closest competitor to thrive in rugged environments.To deliver thrilling high-speed off-roading and overall driving performance, every Bronco comes with an independent front suspension for improved control, confidence and comfort. At the rear, a rugged solid axle design featuring coil springs with five locating links delivers both strength and off-road control. Long-travel position-sensitive Bilstein dampers with end-stop control valves at every corner are available for added off-road durability and reduced harshness.An available segment-exclusive semi-active hydraulic stabilizer bar disconnect design provides maximum articulation and increased ramp angle index for off-camber terrain. This innovative system bests competitors by disconnecting during articulation; it can reconnect under all conditions to improve steering and stability at higher speeds.Segment-first 35-inch off-road tires direct from the factory are available on every trim level of two- and four-door Bronco, while available segment-first beadlock-capable wheels allow customers to elevate off-road capability, regardless of price point.“Race-bred EcoBoost® engines and our segment-first 7-speed manual and available 10-speed automatic transmissions give the all-new Bronco the optimal combination of power, torque and gear ranges to perform in a wide variety of terrains and uses,” said Pericak.Best-in-class projected gasoline-powered horsepower and torque is available with the 2.7-liter EcoBoost V6 engine, which is projected to produce 310 horsepower and 400 lb.-ft. of torque, while the 2.3-liter EcoBoost is targeted to deliver best-in-class four-cylinder torque of 310 lb.-ft. with an expected 270 horsepower.For maximum low-speed rock-climbing capability, a segment-first 7-speed (6+1) manual transmission paired with the available advanced 4x4 system with automatic on-demand engagement generates a class-leading available crawler-gear ratio of 94.75:1. An available segment-first SelectShift® 10-speed automatic transmission makes for easier driving on- and off-road, while offering a maximum 67.8:1 crawl ratio with the available advanced 4x4 transfer case.Ready to head effortlessly into the wildBoth Bronco two- and four-door models make the open-air experience quick, easy and fun. Two-door models come with a standard three-section roof system – left and right front sections and a rear section – molded-in color and an available premium painted modular top with four sections that adds a removable panel over the rear seats and cargo area. Four-door models have four removable roof sections – left and right front panels, a full-width center panel and a rear section. Roof panels on all models can be removed by one person by unlocking the latches from the interior. First-row panels stow away onboard on two-door models.All modular hardtops have rear quarter windows that are removable in three easy steps – snap, push and lift away in a fraction of the time it takes for competitors – without removing the roof panels. By locating the sportbar behind the second row, both Bronco two- and four-door models offer the largest overall open-top view in its class to take in the sunshine or to gaze at the stars at night.A cloth soft top, standard on four-door models, provides easy access to the open air and a unique tilt-up function for quick access to the rear cargo area. For customers who don’t want to choose between a soft or hardtop, the four-door model can be optioned with both.Every Bronco comes with class-exclusive frameless doors that make them easier to remove than what competitors offer. On four-door Bronco models, all four doors can be stored onboard with protective door bags. Exclusive cowl-mounted mirrors maintain sideview visibility when the doors are removed. Trail sights on the front fenders also serve as tie-downs, reminiscent of the first-generation Bronco, have a 150-pound capacity for securing longer items like canoes.High-tech interior designed for the outdoorsInside, all Bronco models are purpose-built and ready for action. The instrument panel is inspired by the first-generation model, with gauges and controls clearly visible and intuitive. Colors and materials are inspired by natural palettes and outdoor gear. With off-road functionality paramount, materials are tough and rugged.A multifunction color LCD instrument panel is front and center with the transmissionshifter/selector and G.O.A.T. Modes controller in the center console. Available grab handles are integrated into the modular instrument panel and center console, while available MOLLE hooks are mounted in the seatbacks. Attachment points are built into the instrument panel to mount a bring-your-own-device rack, with 12-volt power connections to easily mount cameras, navigation units, phones or other devices.Further setting Bronco ahead of the off-road competition is an available segment-exclusive 12-inch SYNC® 4 system with over-the-air updates and seamless integration to the FordPass Performance app with off-road navigation – a Bronco class-exclusive feature that allows owners to easily plan, navigate and share their off-road adventures. The SYNC system also displays the available 360-degree camera system with class-exclusive off-road spotter views to provide additional visibility in technical pursuits such as rock crawling.Bronco’s a dvanced topographic trail maps and more than 1,000 curated trail maps are powered by class-exclusive trail content from NeoTreks’ AccuTerra® Maps, Trails Offroad trail guides and FunTreks trail guides.“The trail mapping system available on Bronco is truly a game-changer in the off-road community,” said Grueber. “It works online or off on either of the navigation-capable 8- or 12-inch SYNC systems, allowing users to select one of hundreds of available curated trail maps to map out and then track, capture and share their adventures with others.”To make post-adventure cleanups simple, fast and painless, select Bronco models come with washable rubberized floors with integrated drains and marine-grade vinyl seating surfaces that resist mildew. Instrument panel surfaces are wipeable, with seamless silicone rubber on the dash-mounted hero switches, while rubber touchpoints protect against dirt and water. Sixavailable upfitter switches mounted overhead are silicone-sealed to protect against the elements and to make customization easy, with pre-wired leads to key accessory points.A modern high-strength steel roll cage with integrated side curtain airbags in the upper structure and seats helps protect passengers from side impacts and complements driver and front passenger airbags. Available Ford Co-Pilot360™ driver-assist technologies plus standard AdvanceTrac® with Roll Stability Control™ and Trailer Sway Control help instill driver confidence. Equipment series redefine customizationAn all-new experiential-based equipment series provides unique flexibility to align capability with the adventure interests of each customer. Seven unique Bronco series are offered, with matched color and trim combinations. When combined with four content packages, numerous available options, 11 color choices and more than 200 dealer-installable accessories, personalizing an all-new Bronco SUV has never been easier.Series range from a base Bronco, a no-frills SUV for those who want to customize their own, to Big Bend™, Black Diamond™ and Outer Banks™ with a variety of options and colors, topping out with Wildtrak™ and Badlands™ for more extreme off-road adventuring. A limited-production First Edition™ will be offered at launch.As with the five generations before it, the all-new 2021 Bronco two-door and four-door models will be built at Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Michigan. More detailed information, including vehicle specs, accessories and full pricing and options, will be provided closer to launch.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification; mobility solutions, including self-driving services; and connected services. Ford employs approximately 188,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .Contacts:Rania Al-ShurafaBrand and Product CommunicationsFord Direct Markets Jemma Chalcroft Associate Director ASDA’A BCW00971-50-362-7791 00971-55-614-6441***********************************************。
HOW WE MADE THE NEXT-GENERATION RANGER THE SMARTEST,MOST CAPABLE AND MOST VERSATILE RANGER EVERThe next-generation Ranger has been redesigned from the ground up to help you do more, work smarter and go further than you ever have before. Here’s just a few of the things that make the next-generation Ranger the perfect partner for work, family and play.58121314powered camping and work appliances running.159106cupholders.7123and a 10-speed automatic transmission.4hold materials down for clean cuts and precision work. Spring-loaded caps cover the pockets when not in use.11NEW INTERIORThe cabin is completely redesigned with more comfort, technology and functionality along with more premium materials, more colour choices and more storage. The coast-to-coast instrument panel creates a spacious and premium feel to the cabin.1LARGE DIGITAL GAUGE CLUSTERA new customisable digital instrument panel featuring impressive graphics and animations. It responds to the truck’s selectable drive modes and displays truck data and o -roading information as well as turn-by-turn navigation.2REAR SEAT FLEXIBILITYDouble cab fold-flat rear seats give you more functional space in the rear, while under-seat storage and astorage space behind the rear seats helps keep the interior in order.7E-SHIFTER & ELECTRIC PARKING BRAKEElegantly designed and robustlyengineered, the short-throw e-shi er and electric parking brake elevate Ranger’s high-tech interior.4DRIVE MODESRanger is built to take on any terrain with up to six available drive modes – a feature that was previously only o ered on Ranger Raptor.5FORD POWER-UP SOFTWARE UPDATESComing soon: Seamless over-the-air updates help ensure your truck stays at the forefront of technology, get preventative maintenance or improve performance.* Feature availability is market dependent6360-DEGREE CAMERA WITH SPLIT-VIEW DISPLAYA 360-degree camera helps give you a view of what’s in front and what’s behind the vehicle, while a top-down view helps you to park and avoid obstacles near the vehicle.8WIRELESS CHARGINGBig enough to take large mobilephones, the wireless charging pad not only does away with cables, but it also allows you to use Bluetooth SYNC® phone features while charging.9HIGH-RESOLUTIONTOUCHSCREEN DISPLAY WITH SYNC® 4Designed for real-world truck customers, the standard 10.1- or available 12-inch* high-resolution portrait-oriented display allows for split screen app or feature viewing.* Not available on all variants3。
RELEASE AT 08:00 CET ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2021Ford Unveils Connected, Electrified, Confident New Fiesta: The Small Car Ready for the Future•New Fiesta compact hatchback revealed featuring expressive new exterior design and diverse model series with additional luxury Vignale pack variants•Next generation technologies include new Matrix LED headlamps with Glare-Free High Beam, 12.3-inch customisable instrument display and Wrong-Way Alert•Electrified powertrain line-up includes 48-volt EcoBoost Hybrid for fun-to-drive efficiency and seven-speed Powershift dual-clutch auto. New 200 PS Fiesta ST also unveiled COLOGNE, Germany, Sept. 16, 2021 – Ford today revealed for the first time the new Fiesta, featuring confident new styling, an enhanced technology package and powered by sophisticated mild hybrid powertrains to make the compact hatchback more future-ready than ever.A bold, distinctive exterior takes Fiesta’s expressive design to a new level, with more road presence and greater differentiation between the comprehensive line-up of Fiesta variants. Trend, Titanium, ST-Line and Active models each benefit from unique styling elements alongside an expanded range of exterior colours, wheel designs and interior finishes. The Fiesta range is also expanded with new Vignale packs that amplify the Titanium, ST-Line and Active personalities with luxury specifications, in addition to highly-specified X variants.Latest generation technologies help ensure new Fiesta is better equipped than ever for intelligent, connected driving experiences. LED headlights are for the first time introduced to all Fiesta variants, with advanced Matrix LED technology available that offers Glare-Free High Beam functionality and can also adapt headlight beam patterns for better visibility in challenging conditions. 1The new Fiesta also introduces a 12.3-inch digital instrument display that helps drivers stay informed for relaxing journeys. Local Hazard Information 1 and Wrong-Way Alert 1 make their Fiesta debuts among a suite of sophisticated driver assistance technologies.Electrified powertrains will help new Fiesta drivers save fuel and reduce emissions while maximising driving fun. Ford EcoBoost Hybrid 48-volt mild hybrid technology helps optimise fuel efficiency while simultaneously enhancing Fiesta’s acclaimed driving dynamics with responsive acceleration. The technology works hand-in-hand with Ford’s Powershift seven-speed automatic transmission option for fast, seamless gearchanges and the most comfortable and confidence-inspiring Fiesta driving experience.Ford today also unveiled the new Ford Performance-developed Fiesta ST. The hot hatchback experience is enhanced with new Matrix LED headlights, new in-house-developed PerformanceSeats, sporty design details including a new Chrystaline Grey front grille and striking Mean Green exterior paint option – as well as a 10 per cent peak torque boost to 320 Nm.“Moving with the times to set new standards for fun-to-drive, technology and efficiency has been a huge part of Fiesta’s enduring success,” said Roelant de Waard, general manager, Passenger Vehicles, Ford of Europe. “The new Fiesta is another big leap forward for the small car segment, and offers a model to suit every lifestyle.”Fresh design, more personalityThe new Fiesta builds on the proven Ford B-car architecture – also utilised by the Ford Puma compact SUV – to deliver a range of practical and refined three- and five-door variants and offer every customer a Fiesta with the character to suit their lifestyle.New exterior styling across the range includes a bonnet design that increases the height of the nose, combined with larger upper grilles. The Ford “blue oval” badge is now displayed within the grille, rather than on the bonnet lip, contributing to greater road presence.New standard LED headlights also contribute to the confident, modern design language of the new Fiesta, with sleek horizontal design. At the rear, the standard lights receive new black surrounds for a more sophisticated appearance, while the available LED rear lights are completed with a Premium Black outer finish.Each new Fiesta variant has a more differentiated personality with unique fascia and grille designs alongside signature exterior and interior design elements to reflect individual characters.The Trend and Titanium series feature a broad upper grille with strong horizontal strakes and a high gloss chrome surround, with distinctive side vents. Titanium also features upper grille horizontal bars finished in hot-stamped chrome, matched with chrome window surrounds.The Ford Performance-inspired ST-Line offers a sportier character and is recognisable by its new upper grille with deeper inset and gloss black honeycomb finish. Wide side vents are finished in body colour and a larger lower grille adds to the purposeful appearance.The SUV-inspired Active variant is distinguished by more rugged design cues for an adventurous character. A wide upper grille features strong vertical strakes finished in gloss black, with taller and more prominent side vents reflecting the Active’s taller, crossover stance.Seven new alloy wheel designs complement the bold new exterior styling, and two new exterior colours are also available – Boundless Blue and Beautiful Berry.For the highest level of design and exclusivity, available Vignale packs for Titanium, ST-Line and Active series deliver unique design features including exclusive 17- and 18-inch alloy wheels, premium Sensico seat materials and matte carbon-effect interior decorative elements, depending on the variant.“Fiesta is a small car with real personality. Its fun-to-drive nature and quality have always been expressed through its styling,” said Amko Leenarts, director, Design, Ford of Europe. “For our2new Fiesta we have created even more distinctive characters for each of the Fiesta variants, so our customers can choose a version that reflects their own style and outlook on life.” Powertrains for today and tomorrowThe new Fiesta delivers refined, responsive and fuel-efficient driving experiences using a range of EcoBoost Hybrid 48-volt mild hybrid and EcoBoost petrol powertrains.Designed to reduce running costs while boosting the fun-to-drive factor at the heart of Fiesta’s appeal, EcoBoost Hybrid models feature a belt-driven integrated starter/generator (BISG) in place of the standard alternator, enabling recovery and storage of energy usually lost during braking and coasting to charge a 48-volt lithium-ion, air-cooled battery pack.The BISG also acts as a motor, integrating with the engine and using the stored energy to provide torque assistance during normal driving and acceleration, as well as running the vehicle’s electrical ancillaries. The technology can restart the engine in just 350 milliseconds, enabling the Auto Start-Stop system to turn off the engine in scenarios such as when coasting to a stop below 25 km/h (15 mph) even when the vehicle is in gear with the clutch pedal depressed, for even greater fuel savings.The new Fiesta’s 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid engine is available with 125 PS and 155 PS power outputs, combined with a six-speed manual transmission. WLTP fuel efficiency from4.9 l/100 km and CO2 emissions from 111 g/km 2 represent a 5 per cent improvement compared with a non-hybrid 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine, with savings of up to 10 per cent in city driving scenarios according to Ford data.The 125 PS EcoBoost Hybrid is also available with a seven-speed, Powershift dual-clutch automatic transmission, delivering seamless gear changes for optimised refinement and from 5.2 l/100 km fuel efficiency and 117 g/km CO2 WLTP.The Powershift transmission helps keep the engine at the optimum speed for efficiency, as well as enabling rolling Auto Start-Stop below 12 km/h (7 mph) for improved fuel efficiency in city driving. The fun-to-drive experience is also enhanced, with the automatic transmission allowing triple downshifts for faster overtaking when drivers request maximum acceleration.Ford’s 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine is offered with 100 PS, delivering from 5.2 l/100 km and118 g/km CO2 WLTP. Like the EcoBoost Hybrid variant, the engine utilises high-pressure direct fuel injection, Twin-independent Variable Cam Timing and an offset crankshaft design for refined operation, and is available in with a six-speed manual transmission.Fiesta’s engaging driving experiences can be tailored using selectable Normal, Sport and Eco Drive Modes technology that enables drivers to adjust throttle response, ESC, traction control, plus gearshift timings for automatic models, to match responses and performance to the driving scenarios. Fiesta Active also has Trail and Slippery modes.Confident, comfortable, connected technologiesThe new Fiesta introduces driving technologies designed to increase comfort, confidence and convenience for drivers and passengers in scenarios from city driving to highway cruising.3Standard LED headlights incorporate LED low-beam, high-beam and daytime running lights for superior visibility. The high-series Matrix LED headlights can also adapt their beams according to the driving scenario. 1 Manoeuvring Light and Bad-Weather Light functions 1 are triggered when the vehicle sensors detect a low-speed manoeuvring attempt or the activation of windscreen wipers, and automatically adjust the beam pattern to help the driver see more clearly. Glare-Free High Beam uses a front-mounted camera to detect oncoming traffic and create a “glare-free spot” within the beam pattern by blocking those rays that would otherwise shine in the eyes of other road-users. The technology enables increased use of high beam to maximise night-time driving visibility while helping to reduce the risk of dazzling other drivers.A 12.3-inch, fully-configurable TFT digital instrument cluster is introduced to new Fiesta giving drivers the ability to personalise and prioritise information displays including navigation notifications. The cluster features uniquely-themed displays to correspond with selected Drive Modes, and a separate area for high-priority information such as driver assistance technologies. New Fiesta adds Wrong Way Alert 1 to a suite of advanced driver assistance technologies. The system uses a windscreen-mounted camera in combination with information from the car’s navigation system to provide drivers with an audible and visual warning should they drive through two “No Entry” signs on a motorway ramp.Further sophisticated technologies available include Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop & Go and Speed Sign Recognition, 1 designed to help maintain a comfortable driving distance from the vehicle ahead. The system can automatically bring Fiesta to a complete halt and automatically pull away again in stop-start traffic, in vehicles equipped with the Powershift transmission.Also helping drivers negotiate cities with ease, Active Park Assist 1 can detect suitably-sized parking spaces and can control the steering to park hands-free nose-to-tail and side-by-side with other cars, while the driver controls acceleration and braking and gear selection. Technologies designed to prevent or mitigate the effect of collisions with other road users include Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) with Cross Traffic Alert and Active Braking, 1Lane-Keeping Aid 1 and Pre-Collision Assist with Active Braking. 1Advanced connectivity features also help new Fiesta customers enjoy stress-free ownership experiences. Standard FordPass Connect modem technology 3 allows a selection of convenient features to be controlled remotely using the FordPass app. 4 Customers can operate DoorLock/Unlock, Remote Start 5 for Fiesta models with seven-speed automatic transmission, Vehicle Locator, and Vehicle Status for checking fuel level, alarm status, tyre pressures, oil life and more.New Fiesta’s connectivity also provides Live Traffic updates for the available navigation system and enables Local Hazard Information, 1 which can inform drivers of a hazardous situation on the road ahead even if the incident is not visible due to a bend in the road or other vehicles.The available SYNC 3 communications and entertainment system 6 allows drivers to control audio, navigation and connected smartphones using simple voice commands. The system delivers Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™ compatibility and is supported by an 8-inch central4touchscreen with pinch and swipe functionality, as well as the ability to display a 180-degree image from the available rear-view camera.New Fiesta models equipped with SYNC 3 also now feature Rear Occupant Alert, designed to help drivers avoid leaving children or pets in their vehicle by reminding them to check the back seats when the rear doors have been opened at the start of a journey.Further available premium features include a wireless charging pad for smartphones and a B&O Sound System with 10-speakers, an integrated subwoofer and a 575-watt Digital Signal Processing Amplifier to deliver selectable Surround Sound. 7New Fiesta ST goes Mean GreenFord today also revealed for the first time the new Fiesta ST high-performance hot hatchback, developed by Ford Performance.A fresh exterior design incorporates a more aggressive fascia appearance, with honeycomb upper and lower grilles alongside large lower side vents. Fiesta ST upper grille and side vents are finished in distinctive Chrystaline Grey, and the aero-optimised lower lip spoiler, side skirts, rear hatch spoiler and rear diffuser are finished in body colour. Standard 17-inch or optional18-inch alloy wheels feature a brooding dark Magnetite finish, and exterior colour options now include bold ST Mean Green.New Performance Seats have been developed specifically to provide even greater support for drivers during high performance driving and comfort on the road. An integrated headrest and14-way adjustment help drivers find their ultimate driving position, with distinctive red contrast stitching and Sensico trim for a premium feel. A flat-bottomed sport steering wheel and a matte carbon-effect foil with red detailing add further sporty character to the cabin.Zero-100 km/h acceleration in 6.5 seconds and a top speed of 230 km/h (143 mph) are delivered by a 1.5-litre EcoBoost engine, providing 200 PS at 6,000 rpm and peak torque raised from 290 Nm to 320 Nm from 1,600 rpm to 4,000 rpm. Patented, cold-formed force vectoring springs and Tenneco twin-tube front dampers provide the Fiesta ST with sharp turn-in and high levels of body control, while an optional Quaife mechanical limited-slip differential delivers enhanced traction and cornering agility.In addition to the Normal and Sport Drive Modes, the new Fiesta ST also features a Track mode in place of new Fiesta’s Eco mode, which disables traction control and sets ESC to wide-slip mode for circuit driving.“Introducing the new Fiesta ST alongside the other variants in our expanded new Fiesta line-up means customers have never had more choice. From city chic, to outdoors adventure or hot-hatch performance, there’s a new Fiesta for everyone,” de Waard said.# # #1 Driver-assist features are supplemental to and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgement and need to control the vehicle.2 Ford Fiesta 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid homologated CO2 emissions 111-138 g/km and homologated fuel efficiency 4.9-6.1 l/100 km WLTP.5Ford Fiesta 155 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid homologated CO2 emissions 111-133 g/km and homologated fuel efficiency 4.9-5.9 l/100 km WLTP.Ford Fiesta 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost homologated CO2 emissions 118-144 g/km and homologated fuel efficiency 5.2-6.4 l/100 km WLTP.Ford Fiesta ST 200 PS 1.5-litre EcoBoost homologated CO2 emissions 139-153 g/km and homologated fuel efficiency 6.1-6.8 l/100 km WLTP.CO2 emission and fuel efficiency ranges may vary according to vehicle variants offered by individual markets.The declared WLTP fuel/energy consumptions, CO2-emissions and electric range are determined according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EU) 2017/1151 as last amended. The applied standard test procedures enable comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers.3 Features may require activation.4 FordPass app, compatible with selected smartphone platforms, is available via download. Message and data rates apply. FordPass Connect, the FordPass app and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see FordPass terms for details). Connected Service and features depend on Vodafone or Vodafone partner mobile network availability. Evolving technology/mobile networks/vehicle capability may limit functionality and prevent operation of connected features. Connected Service excludes Wi-Fi hotspot.5 In regions permitted by law.6 Don’t drive while distracted. Use voice-operated systems when possible; don’t use handheld devices while driving. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear. Not all features are compatible with all phones.7 BANG & OLUFSEN™ and B&O™ are registered trademarks of Bang & Olufsen Group. Licensed by Harman Becker Automotive Systems Manufacturing Kft. All rights reserved.About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, that is committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for and deepen the loyalty of those customers. Ford designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of connected, increasingly electrified passenger and commercial vehicles: Ford trucks, utility vehicles, vans and cars, and Lincoln luxury vehicles. The company is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, connected vehicle services and mobility solutions, including self-driving technology, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 182,000 people worldwide. More information about the company, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company is available at .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 42,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and consolidated joint ventures and approximately 55,000 people when unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 14 manufacturing facilities (10 wholly owned facilities and four unconsolidated joint venture facilities).6The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contact: Finn ThomasenFord of Europe*****************7。
Renault Tribler 7座安全汽车配件说明书
India’s safest 7-seater*fits in your familyThe best things are experienced with your tribe and a Renault Triber. This crossover, rooted in utmost comfort and modern aesthetics, gets better than you could imagine with the widest range of accessories that inspire unlimited possibilities.01. exterior02. electrical03. interior04. packsinteractive menu3elevate the lookMake your first impressions impactful with a set of accessories that take the style quotienta notch higher.Each addition asserts a presence that’s impossible to ignore whilst delivering brilliant functionality.alloy wheelwind deflector with chrome insert black wind deflectorroof carrier spoiler4keep in shapeDon’t let the scratches, dirt and dents dull the look of your Triber. Equip your car with an extra layerof protection with our accessories.Stay covered from every angle to keep the car’s frame as intact and untarnished as ever.car coverblack bumper corner protection bumper corner protectorwith chrome insertrear bumper claddingwith red garnishmud flapsbody side claddingfender cladding5experience virtually →make them look twice If you’re all about the looks, jazz up your 7-seater with our styling additions. Start with the body graphics to make your car truly one of its kind.Next, you can add a touch of chrome contours over the exteriors for a subtle yet statement-worthy look.body graphics – criss crossbody graphics – triangles body graphics – gradientchrome door handle chrome ORVM accentschrome head lamp accents chrome tail lamp accents front grille chrome garnishchrome tail gate accentschrome window frame kit6menu ↑light up the journey02. electricalChange the atmosphere inside as you pep up your 7-seater’s vibrancy for added visibility and enhanced safety.Undeniably, the lighting effects add to the dynamic setting and make your car stand out in a dreary crowd.experience virtually →ambient lighting**ORVM blinker puddle lampilluminated logo illuminated scuff plate7trunk lightsmenu ↑ergonomic,from bottom-upThe mats come in handy to keep the dirt and grime off your vehicle’s floor, offer you a secure grip and add to the flair of the cabin.trunk matcabin floor mat – black cabin floor mat – beigedesigner floor mat PVC black floor matPVC transparent floor mat 3D floor mat8vinyl perforated with black accentuation vinyl with greige accentuation fabric + vinyl with red accentuation fabric + vinyl with greige accentuationvinyl with red accentuation revamp the seatsMade to be highly durable and easy to clean, while also featuring distinct patterns, these seat covers would fit like a glove in your Triber.9*seat covers are not applicable for variants with side air bags.experience virtually →aesthetics in focusOur modish accessories give you a chance to make striking enhancements in the cabin to give it your personalised touch.The customisation trickles down to the finest details for the interiors tobind in a harmonious blend.gear bezel chrome**IRVM back cover roof lamp chrome10menu ↑04.packsaccessory packsSelect from our curated, smart collections for your varying needs.INFINITY (by Harman) speakers also availablefront parking sensorilluminated scuff plateorvm blinker3d floor mat ambient lighting car cover mud flap carpet mat bumper corner protectorbody side cladding spoilerfender cladding rear bumper claddingwith red garnishdoor handle chrome headlamp chrome tail gate chrometail lamp chromewindow frame kitroof lamp chromegear bezel chromeorvm chrome front grille chrome garnish 11www.renault.co.in Call:180****4444locate a dealer →every precaution has been taken to ensure that this publication is accurate and up to date on the date it is printed. this document has been created on the basis of pilot lots and prototypes. **accessories/features shown may not be part of the standard fitment. as part of its ongoing product improvement policy, renault india pvt. ltd. reserves the right to modify the specifications, vehicles and accessories described and shown at any time. such modifications are communicated to renault dealers as quickly as possible. depending on the country of sale, certain versions may differ and certain equipment may be unavailable (as standard, optional or accessory). please contact your nearest dealer for the latest information. due to printing limitations, the colours that appear in this document may differ slightly from the actual paint or upholstery colours. all rights reserved. the reproduction in any format and by any means of all or part of this publication without prior written authorisation from renault is prohibited. *TRIBER has scored 4-star safety rating for adult occupant safety and 3-star child occupant safety in crash test conducted by Global NCAP. the same has been published by NCAP on their website https:///safercarsforindia. the evaluation of the tests by Global NCAP have resulted in TRIBER being the safest in the 7 seater mass segment in india.12menu ↑。
Endress+Hauser Liquiphant M、Liquiphant S FTL50(H)、
Products Solutions ServicesSafety Instructions Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C,FTL70, FTL71Ga/Gb Ex de IIC/IIB T6...T3Ga/Gb Ex de IIC T6...T1Document: XA01666F-A Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas → 3XA01666F-A/00/EN/01.1771372880Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-ALiquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71Table of contentsAssociated documentation (4)Supplementary documentation (4)Manufacturer's certificates (4)Manufacturer address (4)Extended order code (4)Safety instructions: General (8)Safety instructions: Special conditions (8)Safety instructions: Installation (9)Safety instructions: Ex d joints (10)Safety instructions: Zone 0 (10)Explosion protection with heat insulation (10)Temperature tables (11)Connection data (14)Endress+Hauser3XA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL714Endress+HauserAssociated documentationThis document is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions:•KA00143F/00, KA00163F/00 (FTL50, FTL51)•KA00144F/00, KA00164F/00 (FTL50H, FTL51H)•KA00162F/00, KA00165F/00 (FTL51C)•KA00172F/00, KA00173F/00 (FTL70, FTL71)Supplementary documentationExplosion-protection brochure: CP00021Z/11The Explosion-protection brochure is available:•In the download area of the Endress+Hauser website: -> Downloads -> Media Type: Documentation -> Documentation Type: Brochures and catalogs -> Text Search: CP00021Z •On the CD for devices with CD-based documentation Manufacturer's certificatesCertificate of Conformity ТР ТС 012/2011Inspection authority:LLC NANIO CCVE (OOO «НАНИО ЦСВЭ»)Certificate number:TC RU C-DE.AA87.B.00623Affixing the certificate number certifies conformity with the following standards (depending on the device version):•GOST 31610.0-2014 (IEC 60079-0:2011)•GOST IEC 60079-1-2011•GOST R IEC 60079-7-2012•GOST 31610.26-2012 (IEC 60079-26:2006)Manufacturer addressEndress+Hauser GmbH+Co. KG Hauptstraße 179689 Maulburg, Germany Address of the manufacturing plant: See nameplate.Extended order codeThe extended order code is indicated on the nameplate, which is affixed to the device in such a way that it is clearly visible. Additional information about the nameplate is provided in the associated Operating Instructions.Structure of the extended order code FTL5x(x), FTL7x –*************+A*B*C*D*E*F*G*..(Device type)(Basic specifications)(Optional specifications)* =Placeholder At this position, an option (number or letter) selected from the specification is displayed instead of the placeholders.Basic specifications The features that are absolutely essential for the device (mandatory features) are specified in the basic specifications. The number of positions depends on the number of features available.The selected option of a feature can consist of several positions.Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-A Endress+Hauser 5Optional specifications The optional specifications describe additional features for the device (optional features).The number of positions depends on the number of features available. The features have a 2-digit structure to aid identification (e.g. JA). The first digit (ID) stands for the feature group and consists of a number or a letter (e.g. J = Test, Certificate). The second digit constitutes the value that stands for the feature within the group (e.g. A = 3.1 material (wetted parts), inspection certificate).More detailed information about the device is provided in the following tables. These tables describe the individual positions and IDs in the extended order code which are relevant to hazardous locations.Extended order code: Liquiphant M The following specifications reproduce an extract from the product structure and are used to assign:–This documentation to the device (using the extended order code on the nameplate).–The device options cited in the document.Device type FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51H, FTL51C Basic specifications1)Only in connection with Position 5, 6 (Probe Length; Type) = xN, xS 2)Only in connection with Position 5, 6 (Probe Length; Type) = xL, xM, xKXA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL716Endress+HauserLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-A Endress+Hauser 7Optional specificationsExtended order code: Liquiphant S The following specifications reproduce an extract from the product structure and are used to assign:–This documentation to the device (using the extended order code on the nameplate).–The device options cited in the document.Device type FTL70, FTL71Basic specificationsXA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL718Endress+HauserOptional specifications Safety instructions: General•Staff must meet the following conditions for mounting, electrical installation, commissioning and maintenance of the device:–Be suitably qualified for their role and the tasks they perform –Be trained in explosion protection –Be familiar with national regulations •Install the device according to the manufacturer's instructions and national regulations.•Do not operate the device outside the specified electrical, thermal and mechanical parameters.•Only use the device in media to which the wetted materials have sufficient durability.•Avoid electrostatic charging:–Of plastic surfaces (e.g. housing, sensor element, special varnishing, attached additional plates, ..)–Of isolated capacities (e.g. isolated metallic plates)•Refer to the temperature tables for the relationship between the permitted ambient temperature for the sensor and/or transmitter, depending on the range of application and the temperature class.•Modifications to the device can affect the explosion protection and must be carried out by staff authorized to perform such work by Endress+Hauser.Safety instructions:Special conditionsPermitted ambient temperature range at the electronics housing:→ 11, "Temperature tables".In the event of additional or alternative special varnishing on the housing or other metal parts:–Observe the danger of electrostatic charging and discharge.–Do not rub surfaces with a dry cloth.Basic specification, Position 8, 9 (Housing; Cable Entry) = x7Avoid sparks caused by impact and friction.Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-A Endress+Hauser 9Safety instructions:Installation1A Zone 11Tank; Zone 0, Zone 12Electronic insert 3Housing 4Supply unit 5Potential equalization line 6Local potential equalization •In potentially explosive atmospheres:–Do not disconnect the electrical connection of the power supply circuit when energized.–Do not open the connection compartment cover and the electronics compartment cover when energized.•Perform the following to achieve the degree of protection IP66/68:–Screw the cover tight.–Mount the cable entry correctly.•Observe the maximum process conditions according to the manufacturer's Operating Instructions.•At high medium temperatures, note flange pressure load capacity as a factor of temperature.•Install the device to exclude any mechanical damage or friction during the application.Pay particular attention to flow conditions and tank fittings.•Connect the device:–Using suitable cable and wire entries of protection type "Increased safety (Ex e)".–Using piping systems of protection type "Increased safety (Ex e)".•Continuous service temperature of the connecting cable: ≥ T a +5 K.•Support extension tube of the device if a dynamic load is expected.•Only use certified cable entries suitable for the application. Observe national regulations and standards. Accordingly, the connection terminal does not include any ignition sources.•Seal unused entry glands with approved sealing plugs that correspond to the type of protection.•When operating the transmitter housing at an ambient temperature under –20 °C, use appropriate cables and cable entries permitted for this application.•Before operation:–Screw in the cover all the way.–Tighten the securing clamp on the cover.Accessory high pressure sliding sleeve The high pressure sliding sleeve can be used for a continuous setting of the switch point and is suited for zone division if mounted properly (see Operating Instructions).XA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL7110Endress+Hauser Potential equalization Integrate the device into the local potential equalization.Safety instructions:Ex d joints•If required or if in doubt: ask manufacturer for specifications.•Flameproof joints are not intended to be repaired.Safety instructions: Zone 0•In the event of potentially explosive vapor/air mixtures, only operate the device under atmospheric conditions.–Temperature: –20 to +60 °C –Pressure: 80 to 110 kPa (0.8 to 1.1 bar)–Air with normal oxygen content, usually 21 % (V/V)•If no potentially explosive mixtures are present, or if additional protective measures have been taken, the device may also be operated under non-atmospheric conditions in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.•Only use the device in media to which the wetted materials have sufficient durability (e.g. process connection seal).•When using under non-atmospheric pressures and non-atmospheric temperatures: The sensor part of the device approved for Zone 0 does not cause any ignition hazards.Explosion protection with heat insulationDevice type FTL70, FTL71, Basic specification, Position 11 (Application) = L, N, Y •While observing the "temperature derating", the device is suitable for process temperatures up to 300 °C.•When operating, ensure that you rule out contact between hot component surfaces and potentially explosive atmospheres beyond the limits of the corresponding temperature class.Suitable measures: e.g. thermal insulation at container and/or pipes.•The temperature of 85 °C specified at the reference point may not be exceeded.•To protect the electronics, observe the specified ambient temperature at the electronics housing.2T a Ambient temperature T p Process temperature 1Sensor 2Temperature class, e.g. T63Housing 4Reference point: max. +85 °C 5 E.g. thermal insulationLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-A Endress+Hauser 11Temperature tablesDevice type FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51H and Device type FTL51C, Basic specification, Position 5, 6 (Probe Length; Type) = xL, xM, xN, xS1)Basic specification, Position 7 (Electronics; Output) = 4: T a,max = +55 °C Device type FTL51C, Basic specification, Position 5, 6 (Probe Length; Type) = xK 1)Basic specification, Position 7 (Electronics; Output) = 4: T a,max = +55 °C Device type FTL70, FTL711)Basic specification, Position 7 (Electronics; Output) = 4: T a,max = +55 °CXA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71Device type FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51H, FTL51C3T a Ambient temperature in °CT p Process temperature in °CA Additional temperature range for devices with temperature separator or pressure-tight feed through1Temperature separator or pressure tight feed through2Basic specification, Position 7 (Electronics; Output) = 4: T a = +55 °C3ECTFE4PFA, Enamel, 316L, Alloy12Endress+HauserLiquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL71XA01666F-ADevice type FTL70, FTL714T a Ambient temperature in °CT p Process temperature in °C1Temperature separator:1.1insulated1.2free-standing2Basic specification, Position 7 (Electronics; Output) = 4: T a = +55 °CEndress+Hauser13XA01666F-A Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S FTL50(H), FTL51(H), FTL51C, FTL70, FTL7114Endress+HauserConnection data*71372880*71372880。
Philips Norelco AT895 AT875 AT830 三头可重充电电子剃须刀说明书
Rechargeable Cordless/register2ENGLISH 4A T 895/A T 875/A T 83Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips Norelco!T o fully benefit from the support that Philips Norelco offers, register your product at /registerIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWhen using an electric appliance, basic precautions should alwaysbe followed, including the following:Read all instructions before using this appliance.DANGERTo reduce the risk of electric shock:1. D o not reach for a corded charging stand that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.2. P ower plug and the accessories connected to it are not for immersion or for use in shower.3. D o not use an extension cord with this appliance.4. A lways unplug this charging stand or razor from the electrical outlet immediately after use, except when razor is (re)charging.5. Unplug and remove power supply cord from charging stand or razor before cleaning.6. T he batteries used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not disassemble, heat above 100ºC (212ºF) or incinerate.WARNINGTo reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injuryto persons:1. C lose supervision is necessary when this razor is used by, on, or near children or invalids.2. U se this razor for its intended household use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by Philips Electronics North America Corporation.3. N ever operate this razor/charging stand if it has a damaged cord or charging plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water while plugged in. For assistance call 1-800-243-3050.ENGLISH4ENGLISH5 4. Keep the razor, cord, charging stand and charging plug awayfrom heated surfaces.5. Never drop or insert any object into any opening.6. D o not charge or plug in razor/charging stand outdoors oroperate where aerosol (spray) products are being used orwhere oxygen is being administered.7. D o not use this razor with a damaged or broken comb, asfacial injury may occur.8. Always put razor in charging stand first, attach cord to chargingstand, then plug into outlet. Be certain plug is inserted firmlyinto charging stand or razor up to mark indicated on plug. To disconnect, remove charging plug from outlet.9. Never put the razor/charging stand in direct sunlight or storeat a temperature above 140°F (60ºC).10. K eep the cord/charging stand dry at all times. Do not handlewith wet hands. Do not store in a damp environment.11. T o prevent possible damage to the cord, do not wrap cordaround the razor or charging stand.12. O nly use the power plug and other accessories supplied withthe razor.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT: The power plug contains a transformer. Do not cut off the power plug to replace it with another plug, as this will cause a hazardous condition.ENGLISH 6ENGLISH78ENGLISH9ENGLISHHow the Unique Philips Norelco Lift and Cut Shaving System Makes Close Comfortable:Groove channels beard closer to cutting systemLifter raises hairSlots to cut long hairsHoles to cut short hairs even closerPop-up T rimmerAutomaticCleaning Brush T ravel Pouch (AT895/AT875)Charging Stand (AT895/AT875)Rechargeable - cordless use T o shavewithout a cord 2-Y ear Warranty Guarantee10ENGLISHchapter ‘Cleaning’).5Put the Protective Cap on the razor to protect razor heads.Wet ShavingY ou can also use the razor on a wet face with shaving foam or gel.1Apply some water to your skin.2Apply shaving foam or gel to your skin.3Rinse the shaving unit under the tap to ensure that the shaving unit glidessmoothly over your skin.4Press the on/off button once to switch on the razor.5Move the shaving heads in circularmovements over your skin.NOTE:Rinse the razor under the tap regularly to ensure that it continues to glide smoothly overyour skin.1Always turn razor OFF, unplug from outlet and remove power cord from razor.C 2P ress the Razor Head Release Button toopen the Razor Head Assembly.3Clean inside razor heads and hair chamber by running under hot water.C 4C lean outside of Razor Head Assembly byrunning under hot water.5C lose the Razor Head Assembly and shake off excess water.Be careful not to hit the shaving unit againstanything while shaking off excess water.6O pen Razor Head Assembly again andleave open to air dry.NOTE:Do not wipe or dry the shaving headswith a towel or tissue.This could damage theshaving heads.w I f you used foam or gel to shave, make sure torinse all of it off to prevent residue build-upfrom clogging razor heads.C 5Remove the razor heads and place thenew razor heads in the shaving unit.Make sure that the two pointy edges of the headfit exactly into the recesses.6Replace the frame and turn the lockclockwise until it locks into place.C 7Insert the notch of the shaving unit intothe slot in the top of the razor (1) andthen close the shaving unit (2).C 8Press and hold the on/off button for atleast 5 seconds to reset. The orange razorhead replacement indicator symbol will goout.NOTE:If the shaving unit does not close smoothly, make sure you inserted the shaving headsproperly and that the retaining frame is locked.This razor has no other user-serviceable parts.For assistance call 1-800-243-3050.C8Do not attempt to replace battery.Insulate battery ends by covering with tapeand/or place battery in a small plastic bag.9Discard your razor. Do not attempt to plug power cord into the outlet orrecharge the razor after the battery hasbeen removed.10Contact your local town or city officials for battery disposal information or call1-800-8-BATTERY or forbattery drop-off locations.FULL TWO YEAR WARRANTYPhilips Electronics North America Corporation warrants each new Philips Norelco Product, Model AT895/AT875/AT830 (except cutters and combs) against defects in materials or work-manship for a period of two years from the date of purchase, and agrees to repair or replace any defective product without charge.IMPORTANT: This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachment not provided with the product or loss of parts or subjecting the product to any but the specified voltage.* Use of unauthorized replace-ment parts will void this warranty.PHILIPS ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA CORPORA TION WILL NOT PAY FOR WARRANTY SERVICE PERFORMED BY A NON-AUTHORIZED REPAIR SERVICE AND WILL NOT REIMBURSE THE CONSUMER FOR DAMAGE RE-SUL TING FROM WARRANTY SERVICE PERFORMED BY A NON-AUTHORIZED REPAIR SERVICE. NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.In order to obtain warranty service, simply go to /norelco or call 1-800-243-3050 for assistance. It is suggested that for your protection you return shipments of product by insured mail, insurance prepaid. Damage occurring during shipment is not covered by this warranty.NOTE: No other warranty, written or oral, is authorized by Philips Electronics North America Corporation.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen-tial damages, so the above exclusion and limitations may not apply to you.* Read enclosed instructions carefully.Manufactured for:Philips Consumer LifestyleA Division of Philips Electronics North America CorporationP.O.Box 10313, Stamford, CT 06904TPHILIPS is a Registered T rademark of Koninklijke Philips N.V.© 2013 Philips Electronics North America Corporation. All Rights Reserved.。