(更新次数:106次,数据保持期间:20 年)
·请在确认与使用流量相对应的传感器部的压力损失后,再进行配管设计。压力损失请参照流量特性(压力损 失)图表。
●关于安装使用 ○安装
·请不要对导线进行强力的拉伸,或通过拉导线提起开关本体。(拉伸强度为 49N 以下)
安装使用时,请夹持本体。 否则有可能会造成压力开关破损,产生故障·误动作。
PF2□ 5□ □ □ -□ □ □ □ □
适用流体 A:空气 W:水
输出规格 无记号:脉冲输出(只提供传感器部的输出) -1:脉冲输出+模拟输出 (1~5V) -2:脉冲输出+模拟输出 (4~20mA)
配线规格 无记号∶导线(带接头) 3m - N ∶无导线
○调整·使用 ·请勿将负载短路。
海道夫 旋转蒸发仪 信息
• 蒸发瓶的倾斜角度可以在20度到80度范围内快速调整
• 节省处理时间取决于您所选的型号,最高可达30% • 耐化学腐蚀的真空密封设备使用寿命长,让您减少
高达75%的费用支出 • 长使用寿命的蒸汽管同样让您节省费用 • 使用5L蒸发瓶,增加各种应用范围而无其他费用增加
• 冷凝器一侧的密封圈和夹子是PPS材质(聚 苯硫醚),优越的工业设计比不锈钢或合成 铝具有 更优异的耐化学腐蚀性,使冷凝水和 腐蚀性试剂对仪器的损害降低到最小程度,节 省了额外维修和更换部件的费用
• Hei-VAP加热锅温度达210°C,比市场其他 旋转蒸发仪最高温度高30°C,应用更为广 泛,从而减少在其他各种应用设备的投资
套装 Page 22-23
制冷器 Pag e 24-25 制冷器Pa
Hei-V AP系列 - 模块化概念设计
Hei-VAP 产品系列
选配的遥控操作面板可让您 监控旋转蒸发仪的进程数据, 让您的工作更灵活。
蒸汽管容易装卸,是延长使用 寿命的专利。
简易卸除蒸汽管, 简化您的工作。
长使用寿命从而减少75%的 额外更换费用。
高安全性: 由于Hei-VAP 蒸汽管不再被固定于 马达上,避免打碎玻璃组件。
Hei-VAP Series 4 5
- 乙醇
- 水 冷凝 面积
电压*** (V/Hz)
* ∆T = 不同的加热温度和沸腾温度 ** 需结合真空系统使用
155 20 - 280
1300 20 - 210
± 1
刻度 电子/数字
250 V4A (1.4404)
2.54mm Pitch High Density ConnectorA1 and A2 Seriess Features1. High Density MountingConnectors are aligned in the longitudinal direction on the 2.54 mm mesh board, so that no idle space can occur.2. Variation in Number of ContactsThe A1 series contains 16 types of 6 to 64 contacts, while the A2 series contains 20 types of 1 to 20 contacts,3. CompatibilityThe A1 series is compatible with HIF3B series cable side and HIF3H receptacle for wide applications.Note 1: Includes temperature rise caused by current flow.Note 2: The term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature Range andHumidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation.s ApplicationsComputers, VTR, and other various kinds of electronic equipments Product Specificationss Materials Ordering Informationq Series Name:Aw Series No.:1 (double row)2 (single row)eNumber of contacts: A1...6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26,34, 40, 50, 60, 64A2...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20r P: Pin headert A: Selective gold plated y Contact pitch : 2.54mm uContact type: DS : Right angle type DSA : Straight typeK Pin HeaderA 1 - 6 P A - 2.54 DSqrewtyq Series Name : Aw Series No. : 1 (double row)2 (single row)e Number of contacts: A1 : 8, 10, 12A2 : 5, 6r Contact alignment : A1 : D (double row)A2 : S (single row)t Contact pitch : 2.54mm yConnection type: C : crimpingK Crimping SocketA 1 - 12 D - 2.54 Cqterwyq Series Name : A w Series No. : 1eApplicable cable size 2226: AWG#22~ AWG#262630: AWG#26~ AWG#303236: AWG#32~ AWG#36r Packaging type SCFC : Reel SCC : BagK Crimping ContactA 1 - 3236 - SCFCqerwus A1 (Double Row)- Right Angle Types A1 (Double Row)- Straight Types A2 (Single Row)-DIP TypeK Straight typeK Right angle typeK Straight typeK Right angle typeK Double Row TypeKSingle Row TypeA1-*D-2.54CNote 1. No. 3 and 8 contacts can be polarized.A2-*S-2.54CNote 1. No. 4 contact can be polarized.Crimping ToolsSCC contactSCFC contacts Short PinsPerformance。
Repetitive; pulse width limited by TJM IF = IS, VGS = 0 V, Pulse test, t ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle d ≤ 2 % IF = IS, -di/dt = 100 A/µs, VR = 100 V
© 2000 IXYS All rights reserved
Features International standard package JEDEC TO-247 AD Low RDS (on) HDMOSTM process Rugged polysilicon gate cell structure High commutating dv/dt rating Fast switching times
Test Conditions TJ = 25°C to 150°C TJ = 25°C to 150°C; RGS = 1 MΩ Continuous Transient TC = 25°C TC = 25°C, pulse width limited by TJM TC = 25°C IS ≤ IDM, di/dt ≤ 100 A/µs, VDD ≤ VDSS, TJ ≤ 150°C, RG = 2 Ω TC = 25°C
VGS = 0 V, ID = 250 µA VDS = VGS, ID = 250 µA VGS = ±20 VDC, VDS = 0 VDS = 0.8 • VDSS VGS = 0 V
Advantages Easy to mount with 1 screw (isolated mounting screw hole) Space savings High power density
JD-2.5 型调度绞车主要用于煤矿井下调度矿车或辅助牵引之用,亦可用于矿 山地面、冶金矿场或建筑工地等进行调度和其他运输工作。 绞车配有隔爆电气设备,可用于煤尘及瓦斯的矿井中。绞车工作环境的瓦斯 和粉尘含量不得超过《煤矿安全规程》规定的标准。绞车周围温度不得超过 40℃, 湿度不得超过 95%,海拔高度不得超过 1000 米。 警示:1、绞车严禁用于载人与提升。 2、绞车严禁同时刹双闸。 3、绞车所配电器必须要有在有效期内的安标证。
BZA10-5/36-3 QBZ-80/660(380)N YBJ 40 - 4 电压:380/660V 或 660/1140V 功率:40kW
1 1 1
用户自备 用户自备 /
- 10 -
三、易损件: 代号 D2.5-112 D2.5-113 D2.5-209-2 名称 毛毡油封 毛毡油封 刹车带 数量/台 1 1 4 材料 半粗羊毛毡 半粗羊毛毡 石棉刹车带 备注
(一)一般要求: 1、绞车司机必须了解本机的性能,熟悉操作方法。 2、绞车钢丝绳静拉力不得超过规定数值,并不得用于运送人员。 (二)操作前注意事项: 1、检查钢丝绳接头是否牢固,支座螺栓和地脚螺栓是否完全固紧,绞车安装 是否牢靠。 2、检查调整刹车机构,使之达到灵活、可靠。 3、检查钢丝绳,不准有结节,扭绕现象,如在一个节距内断丝超过 10%时, 应予更换。 4、电器部分应进行检查,电机和按钮应接地良好。 5、检查行车轨道有无障碍物,以免牵引过程中发生事故。 (三)操作方法: 1、操作时应集中精力注意听清和看清信号、标志。 2、操作时,首先将左刹车刹住卷筒,使卷筒静止,将右刹车松开,此时可启 动电机,右端大内齿轮空转,这时将右端刹车逐渐刹住,左端刹车逐渐松开,卷 筒便开始旋转,即可进行牵引作业。 3、绞车作业过程中,如欲使绞车暂时停止运转,应将右刹车松开,将左刹车 杀死,卷筒即停止旋转,如需微调重物位置,只需交替操作左右刹车把,使卷筒 时转时停即可。 4、下放重物时,应开启电机使电机反转,此时应先刹住左刹车,松开右刹车, 使下放重物静止,此时右端大内齿轮空转,然后松开左刹车刹住右刹车,卷筒即 在电机驱动下进行反转。 5、电机启动后,严禁两个刹车同时刹住,以免造成“闷车”使电机烧毁、主 机损坏等意外事故。 6、卷筒的启动或停止,应平稳、缓和,使绳速逐渐增加或减少,不允许急剧 地开车、停车、猛刹、猛提,以防损坏机体。 7、操作过程中发现声响不正常、制动不灵、卷筒刹车部分和轴承温度剧烈上 升等异常情况时,应立即停车检查及时排除。 8、停车时间较长,应将电动机关闭,如钢丝绳仍挂有重物,为防止重物下 滑,应将左刹车刹住卷筒,司机不得离开操作岗位。 9、钢丝绳在卷筒上应排列整齐,工作时不可全部放完,在卷筒上至少保留三 圈。 10、任务完成后,应停车切断电源,并清除绞车及电机上的灰尘赃物等。 交接班时,必须把本班不正常现象向下一班交待清楚,以便及时检查排除。
A2P Manual 中文(永正压力传感器放大器)
2.接线示意图图1 接线示意图3. 技术参数供电电源:24V DC ±10% 最大供电电压:30V DC输入信号: 0~30mV 最大输出电流: 40mA输出信号: 4~20mA or 0~10V工作温度: -10°C~50°C相对湿度≤90%R.H.4.输出模式切换 1OFONOF ON 243342+E=12V +E=5V 3=ON 3=OF4=OF 4=ON OUT:0~10V(Output Voltage)Excitaton Voltageto Load-cell 12VOUT:4~20mA (Output Current) Excitaton Voltage to Load-cell 5V 1234OFF OFFON ON ON ON OFF OFF 43215标定A2P 的标定步骤包括零点标定和量程标定5.1零点标定步骤一 移去传感器上的负载,保留皮重,如称量中所需要的挂钩,托盘等。
步骤二.,使得电流信号输出4.00mA ;. 如果需要电压信号输出,调节电位器0.00V ;(注1:零点调节在零点附近时的调节应轻微转动,细调电位器。
步骤二.如果需要电流信号输出,调节电位器,使得电流信号输出为20.00mA ;如果需要电压信号输出,调节电位器,使得电压信号输出为10.00V ;(注:为了保证满量程输出的精度,建议根据上述步骤重复调节3次)6.维护保养以及注意事项6.1 不要用丙酮和其他腐蚀性液体来清洗放大器的外壳。
6.2 为了保证放大器精确稳定的输出和寿命,请使用可靠稳定的直流电源。
1)什么是紫外线:中文名称:紫外线 英文:Ultraviolet / Ultraviolet radiation / Ultraviolet ray / UV 紫外线属于物理学光学的一种。它是由原子的外层电子受到激发后后产生的 紫外线根据波长分为:近紫外线UVA,远紫外线UVB和超短紫外线UVC。紫 外线对人体皮肤的渗透程度是不同的。紫外线的波长愈短,对人类皮肤危害 越大。短波紫外线可穿过真皮,中波则可进入真皮。 2)紫外线的不同波段 UVA波段,波长320~400nm,又称为长波黑斑效应紫外线,它有很强的穿 透力,可以穿透大部分透明的玻璃以及塑料。可用于矿石鉴定、舞台装饰、 验钞等场所。 UVB波段,波长275~320nm,又称为中波红斑效应紫外线。适量的UVB能 促进体内矿物质代谢和维生素D的形成。如紫外线保健灯、植物生长灯 UVC波段,波长200~275nm,又称为短波灭菌紫外线。它的穿透能力最弱, 无法穿透大部分的透明玻璃及塑料。日光中含有的短波紫外线几乎被臭氧层 完全吸收。短波紫外线对人体的伤害很大,短时间照射即可灼伤皮肤,长期 或高强度照射还会造成皮肤癌。紫外线杀菌灯发出的就是UVC短波紫外线。 UVD波段,波长100~200nm,又称为真空紫外线。它的穿透能力极弱。它 能使空气中的氧气氧化成臭氧,称为臭氧发生线。
2)PM2.5的主要来源 主要有自然源和人为源两种,但危害较大的是后者。 自然源包括土壤扬尘、海盐、植物花粉、孢子、 细菌等。自然界中的灾害事件,如火山爆发向 大气中排放了大量的火山灰,森林大火或裸露 的煤原大火及尘暴事件都会将大量细颗粒物输 送到大气层中。 人为源包括固定源和流动源。固定源包括各种 燃料燃烧源 ,如发电、冶金、石油、化学、纺 织印染等各种工业过程、供热、烹调过程中燃 煤与燃气或燃油排放的烟尘。流动源主要是各 类交通工具在运行过程中使用燃料时向大气中 排放的尾气。
1000M 欧(MIN)
No breakdown and flashover 没有损坏/没有电 弧产生
3-2.机械特性/Mechanical performance
ITEM 3-2-1 Insertion force and withdrawal force 整组插拔测试 Crimping pull out force Requirement
1.2 kgf MIN
Wire size 1
Cixi like electronic Co., LTD
TEL:86-0574-63519799 FAX:86-0574-63028806
0.45 0.400.50 0.350.55
安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变低压总开关管理编号: NM-01 设备编号:AL411-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MN312001容量:5000A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-02设备编号: AL412控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编:NM-03 设备编号:AL413 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编: NM-04 设备编号:AL414 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变415低压分路管理编号:NM-05 设备编号:AL415-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变415低压分路管理编号:NM-06 设备编号:AL415-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变415低压分路管理编号:NM-07 设备编号:AL415-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至雨水回收泵电源箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变415低压分路管理编号:NM-08 设备编号:AL415-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至有源滤波柜苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变416低压分路管理编号:NM-09 设备编号: AL416-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变416低压分路管理编号:NM-10 设备编号:AL416-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变416低压分路管理编号:NM-11 设备编号:AL416-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变416低压分路管理编号:NM-12 设备编号:AL416-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至实验室照明总箱(GBALS)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变417低压分路管理编号:NM-13 设备编号:AL417-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变417低压分路管理编号:NM-14 设备编号:AL417-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制2#变电所用电( 至EMS柜)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变417低压分路管理编号:NM-15 设备编号:AL417-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至消防泵控制箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变H-L1照明总开关管理编号:NM-16 设备编号:AL418-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312082容量:2000AH栋1路照明总开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:1#变G-A1空调总开关管理编号:NM-17 设备编号:AL419-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312091容量:2000AG栋1路空调总开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:1#变照明总开关管理编号:NM-18 设备编号:AL4110-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312073容量:1600A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变低压总开关管理编号:NM-19 设备编号:AL421-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312006容量:1600A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-20 设备编号:AL422 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-21 设备编号:AL423 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-22 设备编号:AL424 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变母联开关管理编号:NM-23 设备编号:AL425-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312097容量:2500 A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变G-L2照明开关管理编号:NM-24 设备编号:AL426-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312063容量:1600AG栋2路照明开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变低压分路管理编号:NM-25 设备编号:AL427-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:2#低变低压分路管理编号:NM-26 设备编号:AL427-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制变电所用电至EMS苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变低压分路管理编号:NM-27 设备编号:AL427-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制景观泵苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:2#变低压分路管理编号:NM-28 设备编号:AL427-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至消防泵控制箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:2#低变低压分路管理编号:NM-29 设备编号:AL427-5 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至有源滤波苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:2#变H-A1空调开关管理编号:NM-30 设备编号:AL428-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312080容量:1600 AH栋1路空调开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:2#变B-A2空调开关管理编号:NM-31 设备编号:AL429-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312080容量:2500 AB栋2路空调开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:2#变B-L4照明开关管理编号:NM-32 设备编号:AL4210-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312066容量1600 AB栋4路照明开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压总开关管理编号:NM-33 设备编号:AL431-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:WM312035容量:5000 A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-34 设备编号:AL432 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-35 设备编号:AL433 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-36 设备编号:AL434 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-37 设备编号:AL435-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制景观灯苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-38 设备编号:AL435-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制计算机中心电源(主)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-39 设备编号:AL435-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-40 设备编号:AL435-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至消防动力柜(2-EDPl-1)容量:1250 A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变G-L3照明开关管理编号:NM-41 设备编号:AL436-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312081容量:1600 AG栋3路照明开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变G-L1照明开关管理编号:NM-42 设备编号:AL437-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:mw312048容量:630 AG栋1路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-43 设备编号:AL438-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-44 设备编号:AL438-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-45 设备编号:AL438-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-46 设备编号:AL438-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制生活泵主电源箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变低压分路管理编号:NM-47 设备编号:AL438-5 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至有源滤波柜苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:3#变G-A2空调开关管理编号:NM-48 设备编号:AL439 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312090容量:2000AG栋2路空调苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#变G-L5照明开关管理编号:NM-49 设备编号:AL4310 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312067容量:1600 AG栋5路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变低压总开关管理编号:NM-50 设备编号:AL441-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312034容量:1600A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-51 设备编号:AL442 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-52 设备编号:AL443 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-53 设备编号:AL444 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:3#、4#母联开关管理编号:NM-54 设备编号:AL445-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312093容量:2500A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变G-L4照明开关管理编号:NM-55 设备编号:AL446-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312059容量:1250AG栋4路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:4#变消防动力柜开关管理编号:NM-56 设备编号:AL446-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312052容量:1250A至消防动力柜(2-EDP2-1)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:4#变H-L3照明开关管理编号:NM-57 设备编号:AL447-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312070容量:1600AH栋3路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变G-L10照明开关管理编号:NM-58 设备编号:AL448-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312071容量:1600AG栋10路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变低压分路管理编号:NM-59 设备编号:AL449-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:4#变低压分路管理编号:NM-60 设备编号:AL449-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制G栋地下层照明总电源箱(备)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变低压分路管理编号:NM-61 设备编号:AL449-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制G栋地下层照明总电源箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变低压分路管理编号:NM-62 设备编号:AL449-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制生活泵电源箱(备)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:4#变低压分路管理编号:NM-63 设备编号:AL449-5 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制有源滤波苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:4#变H-A3空调开关管理编号:NM-64 设备编号:AL4410 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312068容量:1600AH栋3路空调开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压总开关管理编号:NM-65 设备编号:AL451 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312037容量:5000A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-66 设备编号:AL452 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180 KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-67 设备编号:AL453 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-68 设备编号:AL454 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-69 设备编号:AL455-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-70 设备编号:AL455-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制计算中心(备)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-71 设备编号:AL455-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-72 设备编号:AL455-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制至应急照明柜(2EL1-1)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-73 设备编号:AL455-5 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制有源滤波苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-74 设备编号:AL456-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-75 设备编号:AL456-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-76 设备编号:AL456-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-77 设备编号:AL456-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-78 设备编号:AL456-5 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制实验室照明总箱(2)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变G-L8照明开关管理编号:NM-79 设备编号:AL457-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312062容量:1600AG栋8路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-80 设备编号:AL458-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-81 设备编号:AL458-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制H栋地下照明总电源箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-82 设备编号:AL458-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制G栋地下照明总电源箱苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:5#变低压分路管理编号:NM-83 设备编号:AL458-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制重要动力(至2-DP1 动力柜)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变D-L1照明开关管理编号:NM-84 设备编号:AL459-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312078容量:2000AD栋1路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#变H-L2照明开关管理编号:NM-85 设备编号:AL4510-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312054容量:1000AH栋2路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:6#变低压总开关管理编号:NM-86 设备编号:AL461-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312036容量:5000A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-87 设备编号:AL462 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-88 设备编号:AL463 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X18=180KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:电容柜管理编号:NM-89 设备编号:AL464 控制方式:手动、自动主电源方式:三相五线制容量:10X13=130KVar苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:5#、6#母联开关管理编号:NM-90 设备编号:AL465-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312036容量:2500A苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:6#变G-L6照明开关管理编号:NM-91 设备编号:AL466-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312047容量:630AG栋6路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-92 设备编号:AL467-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-93 设备编号:AL467-2 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-94 设备编号:AL467-3 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制备用苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-95 设备编号:AL467-4 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制应急照明(至2EL22)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-96 设备编号:AL467-5 控制方式:手动自动主电源方式:三相五线制重要动力(至2DP2)苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:6#变低压分路管理编号:NM-97 设备编号:AL467-6 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制有源滤波苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备标示卡设备名称:6#变G-L7照明开关管理编号:NM-98 设备编号:AL468-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312064容量:1600AG栋7路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司严禁违章!设备名称:6#变G-L9照明开关管理编号:NM-99 设备编号:AL469-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312058容量:1250AG栋7路照明苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司安全用电!严禁违章!设备名称:6#变E-A2空调开关开关管理编号:NM-100设备编号:AL4610-1 控制方式:手动主电源方式:三相五线制型号:MW312092容量:2500AE栋2路空调开关苏州市东吴物业管理有限公司。
104(1608) BC33
104(1608) BC34
104(1608) BC35
1.概要 2.PG BOARD的结构 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.
Wet Tantalum CapacitorsWet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® ComponentsT ANTA PAK ® Capacitor AssembliesVishayFEATUREST ANTA PAK ® Wet Sintered Anode capacitor assemblies arewidely used in filter, coupling, bypass and time-delay circuitsin computers, missiles, airborne equipment, radar and firecontrol systems.T ANTA PAK ® capacitor assemblies are available in 3 standard case styles and 13 case codes. Type 200D units are constructed with the negative terminal connected to the case; they are available only in the “A” case, in five case codes. Model 202D capacitors are the commercial equivalent of Tansitor Style RW, Mallory-NACC Style TL and are designed to meet MIL-DTL-3965 and DSCC DWG 04021.PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSOperating Temperature: - 55 °C to + 125 °C.Capacitance Tolerance: At 120 Hz, + 25 °C. ± 20 %standard. ± 10 % available.DC Leakage Current (DCL Max.):At + 25 °C: Leakage current shall not exceed the valueslisted in the Standard Ratings Tables.Life Test: Capacitors shall withstand 2000 hours at a temperature of + 85 °C or + 125 °C at the rated DC working voltage.Following the life test:1. DCL shall not exceed the original requirement.2.ESR shall not be more than 130 % of the initial requirement.3. Capacitance shall not change more than ± 25 %.ORDERING INFORMATION202D318X0006A1MODEL CAP ACIT ANCE CAPACITANCE TOLERANCEDC VOLTAGE RATING AT + 85 °C CASE CODE 200D = Negative terminal connected to case (Available only in 'A' Cases)202D = Both terminals insulated from case This is expressed in picofarads. The first two digits are the significant figures. The third is the number of zeros to followX0 = ± 20 %X9 = ± 10 %This is expressed in volts. To complete the three-digitblock, zeros precede thevoltage rating See Dimensional ConfigurationsWet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX® ComponentsT ANTA P AK® Capacitor AssembliesSTANDARD RATINGSCAPACITANCE(µF) CASECODEPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200DPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202DMAX. ESRat + 25 °C(Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C(Ω)MAX. RMSRIPPLE120 Hz (A)15 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 10 WVDC at + 125 °C960.0 A1200D967X0015A1202D967X0015A10.25 3.1 1.171200.0 A2200D128X0015A2202D128X0015A2 0.21 2.3 1.45 1400.0 A3200D148X0015A3202D148X0015A3 0.18 1.7 1.67 1600.0 A1200D168X0015A1202D168X0015A1 0.25 4.2 1.20 2100.0 A2200D218X0015A2202D218X0015A2 0.19 3.1 1.52 2100.0 A4200D218X0015A4202D218X0015A4 0.12 1.3 2.22 2200.0 D3 - 202D228X0015D3 0.30 5.8 1.14 2400.0 A5200D248X0015A5202D248X0015A5 0.10 1.15 2.66 2700.0 A3200D278X0015A3202D278X0015A3 0.15 2.5 1.83 3200.0 A4200D328X0015A4202D328X0015A4 0.13 2.1 2.13 3300.0 B1 - 202D338X0015B1 0.14 3.2 2.17 4300.0 A5200D438X0015A5202D438X0015A50.095 1.6 2.734500.0 B2 - 202D458X0015B2 0.11 2.4 2.65 5600.0 B3 - 202D568X0015B30.085 1.9 3.246700.0 B4 - 202D678X0015B40.070 1.6 3.807800.0 B5 - 202D788X0015B50.061 1.4 4.289000.0 B6 - 202D908X0015B60.053 1.2 4.8410 000.0 B7 - 202D109X0015B7 0.047 1.1 5.3820 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 13 WVDC at + 125 °C1300.0 A1200D138X0020A1202D138X0020A1 0.25 5.0 1.20 1700.0 A2200D178X0020A2202D178X0020A2 0.19 3.8 1.52 1900.0 D3 - 202D198X0020D3 0.21 5.0 1.36 2200.0 A3200D228X0020A3202D228X0020A3 0.15 3.0 1.83 2700.0 A4200D278X0020A4202D278X0020A4 0.13 2.5 2.13 2800.0 B1 - 202D288X0020B1 0.14 3.3 2.17 3500.0 A5200D358X0020A5202D358X0020A50.094 1.9 2.753800.0 B2 - 202D388X0020B2 0.11 2.5 2.65 4700.0 B3 - 202D478X0020B30.085 2.0 3.245600.0 B4 - 202D568X0020B40.071 1.7 3.776600.0 B5 - 202D668X0020B50.061 1.4 4.287500.0 B6 - 202D758X0020B60.053 1.3 4.848500.0 B7 - 202D858X0020B70.047 1.1 5.38 Note(1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. T o specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”.ForVishay Wet Tantalum CapacitorsWet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® ComponentsT ANTA P AK ® Capacitor AssembliesSTANDARD RATINGS CAPACITANCE (µF)CASE CODE PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200D PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202D MAX. ESR at + 25 °C (Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C (Ω)MAX. RMS RIPPLE 120 Hz (A)25 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 15 WVDC at + 125 °C1100.0 A1 200D118X0025A1 202D118X0025A1 0.30 5.3 1.10 1400.0 A2 200D148X0025A2 202D148X0025A2 0.23 4.0 1.38 1600.0 D3 - 202D168X0025D3 0.21 5.3 1.36 1800.0 A3 200D188X0025A3 202D188X0025A3 0.18 3.2 1.67 2200.0 A4 200D228X0025A4 202D228X0025A4 0.15 2.7 1.98 2300.0 B1 - 202D238X0025B1 0.14 3.5 2.17 2900.0 A5 200D298X0025A5 202D298X0025A5 0.11 2.0 2.54 3100.0 B2 - 202D318X0025B2 0.11 2.6 2.65 3900.0 B3 - 202D398X0025B3 0.085 2.1 3.24 4700.0 B4 - 202D478X0025B4 0.071 1.8 3.77 5500.0 B5 - 202D558X0025B5 0.061 1.5 4.28 6200.0 B6 - 202D628X0025B6 0.053 1.3 4.84 7000.0 B7 - 202D708X0025B7 0.047 1.2 5.3830 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 20 WVDC at + 125 °C520.0 A1 200D527X0030A1 202D527X0030A1 0.48 5.3 0.87 660.0 A2 200D667X0030A2 202D667X0030A2 0.38 4.2 1.08 820.0 A3 200D827X0030A3 202D827X0030A3 0.31 2.9 1.27 900.0 A1 200D907X0030A1 202D907X0030A1 0.37 5.8 0.99 1200.0 A2 200D128X0030A2 202D128X0030A2 0.27 4.4 1.28 1200.0 A4 200D128X0030A4 202D128X0030A4 0.21 2.3 1.68 1300.0 A5 200D138X0030A5 202D138X0030A5 0.19 2.1 1.93 1300.0 D3 - 202D138X0030D3 0.26 5.5 1.22 1500.0 A3 200D158X0030A3 202D158X0030A3 0.22 3.5 1.50 1800.0 A4 200D188X0030A4 202D188X0030A4 0.18 2.9 1.81 2000.0 B1 - 202D208X0030B1 0.17 1.7 1.97 2400.0 A5 200D248X0030A5 202D248X0030A5 0.14 2.2 2.25 2600.0 B2 - 202D268X0030B2 0.13 2.8 2.43 3300.0 B3 - 202D338X0030B3 0.10 2.2 2.98 4000.0 B4 - 202D408X0030B4 0.085 1.8 3.45 4600.0 B5 - 202D468X0030B5 0.073 1.6 3.92 5300.0 B6 - 202D538X0030B6 0.064 1.4 4.40 6000.0 B7 - 202D608X0030B7 0.057 1.2 4.8835 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 22 WVDC at + 125 °C720.0 A1 200D727X0035A1 202D727X0035A1 0.37 6.3 0.99 960.0 A2 200D967X0035A2 202D967X0035A2 0.27 4.7 1.28 1100.0 D3 - 202D118X0035D3 0.30 5.7 1.14 1200.0 A3 200D128X0035A3 202D128X0035A3 0.22 3.8 1.51 1400.0 A4 200D148X0035A4 202D148X0035A4 0.18 3.2 1.81 1600.0 B1 - 202D168X0035B1 0.20 3.8 1.82 1900.0 A5 200D198X0035A5 202D198X0035A5 0.14 2.4 2.25 2200.0 B2 - 202D228X0035B2 0.15 2.9 2.27 2700.0 B3 - 202D278X0035B3 0.12 2.3 2.72 3200.0 B4 - 202D328X0035B4 0.10 1.9 3.18 3800.0 B5 - 202D388X0035B5 0.085 1.6 3.63 4300.0 B6 - 202D438X0035B6 0.075 1.4 4.07 4900.0 B7 - 202D498X0035B7 0.067 1.3 4.51 Note (1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. To specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. For requirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.Wet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX® ComponentsT ANTA P AK® Capacitor Assemblies STANDARD RATINGSCAPACITANCE(µF) CASECODEPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200DPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202DMAX. ESRat + 25 °C(Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C(Ω)MAX. RMSRIPPLE120 Hz (A)40 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 25 WVDC at + 125 °C600.0 A1200D607X0040A1202D607X0040A10.33 6.7 1.04800.0 A2200D807X0040A2202D807X0040A20.25 5.0 1.33880.0 D3 - 202D887X0040D30.30 6.0 1.141000.0 A3200D108X0040A3202D108X0040A3 0.20 4.0 1.58 1200.0 A4200D128X0040A4202D128X0040A4 0.17 3.3 1.86 1300.0 B1 - 202D138X0040B1 0.20 4.0 1.82 1600.0 A5200D168X0040A5202D168X0040A5 0.13 2.5 2.34 1800.0 B2 - 202D188X0040B2 0.15 3.0 2.27 2200.0 B3 - 202D228X0040B3 0.12 2.4 2.72 2600.0 B4 - 202D268X0040B4 0.10 2.0 3.18 3100.0 B5 - 202D318X0040B50.086 1.7 3.613500.0 B6 - 202D358X0040B60.075 1.5 4.074000.0 B7 - 202D408X0040B70.057 1.3 4.5150 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 35 WVDC at + 125 °C400.0 A1200D407X0050A1202D407X0050A10.50 7.2 0.85430.0 A1200D437X0050A1202D437X0050A10.58 6.4 0.79490.0 A1200D497X0050A1202D497X0050A10.33 7.2 1.04500.0 A2200D507X0050A2202D507X0050A20.40 5.6 1.05600.0 A3200D607X0050A3202D607X0050A30.33 4.1 1.23660.0 A2200D667X0050A2202D667X0050A20.25 5.4 1.33720.0 D3 - 202D727X0050D30.30 6.2 1.14800.0 A4200D807X0050A4202D807X0050A40.25 3.1 1.54820.0 A3200D827X0050A3202D827X0050A30.20 4.3 1.58980.0 A4200D987X0050A4202D987X0050A40.17 3.6 1.861000.0 A5200D108X0050A5202D108X0050A5 0.25 2.8 2.84 1100.0 B1 - 202D118X0050B1 0.20 4.2 1.82 1300.0 A5200D138X0050A5202D138X0050A5 0.13 2.7 2.34 1400.0 B2 - 202D148X0050B2 0.15 3.1 2.27 1800.0 B3 - 202D188X0050B3 0.12 2.5 2.72 2200.0 B4 - 202D228X0050B4 0.10 2.0 3.18 2500.0 B5 - 202D258X0050B50.086 1.8 3.612900.0 B6 - 202D298X0050B60.075 1.6 4.073200.0 B7 - 202D328X0050B70.067 1.4 4.5160 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 40 WVDC at + 125 °C410.0 A1200D417X0060A1202D417X0060A10.33 7.5 1.04550.0 A2200D557X0060A2202D557X0060A20.25 5.6 1.33600.0 D3 - 202D607X0060A20.33 6.5 1.09680.0 A3200D687X0060A3202D687X0060A30.20 4.5 1.58820.0 A4200D827X0060A4202D827X0060A40.17 3.7 1.86900.0 B1 - 202D907X0060A20.22 4.3 1.731100.0 A5200D118X0060A5202D118X0060A5 0.13 2.8 2.34 1200.0 B2 - 202D128X0060B2 0.16 3.3 2.19 1500.0 B3 - 202D158X0060B3 0.13 2.6 2.62 1800.0 B4 - 202D188X0060B4 0.11 2.2 3.03 2100.0 B5 - 202D218X0060B40.093 1.9 3.472400.0 B6 - 202D248X0060B60.081 1.6 3.92700.0 B7 - 202D278X0060B70.072 1.4 4.35 Note(1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. T o specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. Forrequirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.Vishay Wet Tantalum CapacitorsWet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX® ComponentsT ANTA P AK® Capacitor Assemblies STANDARD RATINGSCAPACITANCE(µF) CASECODEPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200DPART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202DMAX. ESRat + 25 °C(Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C(Ω)MAX. RMSRIPPLE120 Hz (A)75 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 50 WVDC at + 125 °C270.0 A1200D277X0075A1202D277X0075A10.56 8.5 0.80330.0 A2200D337X0075A2202D337X0075A20.46 7.0 0.98400.0 A1200D407X0075A1202D407X0075A10.26 7.5 1.18400.0 A3200D407X0075A3202D407X0075A30.38 5.0 1.15530.0 A2200D537X0075A2202D537X0075A20.20 5.6 1.48480.0 D3 - 202D487X0075D30.42 6.8 0.96660.0 A3200D667X0075A3202D667X0075A30.16 4.5 1.77600.0 A4200D607X0075A4202D607X0075A40.25 3.65 1.54660.0 A5200D667X0075A5202D667X0075A50.23 3.5 1.76790.0 A4200D797X0075A4202D797X0075A40.13 3.7 2.13720.0 B1 - 202D727X0075B10.28 4.5 1.54110.0 A5200D118X0075A5202D118X0075A50.096 2.8 2.72960.0 B2 - 202D967X0075B20.21 3.4 1.911200.0 B3 - 202D128X0075B3 0.17 2.7 2.29 1400.0 B4 - 202D148X0075B4 0.14 2.1 2.69 1700.0 B5 - 202D178X0075B5 0.12 1.9 3.06 1900.0 B6 - 202D198X0075B6 0.11 1.7 3.36 2200.0 B7 - 202D228X0075B70.095 1.5 3.7885 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 60 WVDC at + 125 °C280.0 A1200D287X0085A1202D287X0085A10.33 9.2 1.04370.0 A2200D377X0085A2202D377X0085A20.25 6.9 1.33400.0 D3 - 202D407X0085D30.42 7.0 0.96470.0 A3200D477X0085A3202D477X0085A30.20 5.5 1.58570.0 A4200D577X0085A4202D577X0085A40.17 4.6 1.86600.0 B1 - 202D607X0085B10.28 4.7 1.54750.0 A5200D757X0085A5202D757X0085A50.13 3.4 2.3485 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 60 WVDC at + 125 °C800.0 B2 - 202D807X0085B20.21 3.5 1.911000.0 B3 - 202D108X0085B3 0.17 2.8 2.29 1200.0 B4 - 202D128X0085B4 0.14 2.4 2.69 1400.0 B5 - 202D148X0085B5 0.12 2.0 3.06 1600.0 B6 - 202D168X0085B6 0.11 1.8 3.36 1800.0 B7 - 202D188X0085B70.095 1.6 3.78 Note(1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. To specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. Forrequirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.Wet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® ComponentsT ANTA P AK ® Capacitor Assemblies STANDARD RATINGSCAPACITANCE (µF) CASE CODE PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200D PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202D MAX. ESR at + 25 °C (Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C (Ω)MAX. RMS RIPPLE 120 Hz (A)85 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 60 WVDC at + 125 °C280.0 A1 200D287X0085A1 202D287X0085A1 0.33 9.2 1.04 370.0 A2 200D377X0085A2 202D377X0085A2 0.25 6.9 1.33 400.0 D3 - 202D407X0085D3 0.42 7.0 0.96 470.0 A3 200D477X0085A3 202D477X0085A3 0.20 5.5 1.58 570.0 A4 200D577X0085A4 202D577X0085A4 0.17 4.6 1.86 600.0 B1 - 202D607X0085B1 0.28 4.7 1.54 750.0 A5 200D757X0085A5 202D757X0085A5 0.13 3.4 2.34 800.0 B2 - 202D807X0085B2 0.21 3.5 1.91 1000.0 B3 - 202D108X0085B3 0.17 2.8 2.29 1200.0 B4 - 202D128X0085B4 0.14 2.4 2.69 1400.0 B5 - 202D148X0085B5 0.12 2.0 3.06 1600.0 B6 - 202D168X0085B6 0.11 1.8 3.36 1800.0 B7 - 202D188X0085B7 0.095 1.6 3.78100 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 70 WVDC at + 125 °C170.0 A1 200D177X0100A1 202D177X0100A1 0.94 15.0 0.62 220.0 A2 200D227X0100A2 202D227X0100A2 0.72 11.6 0.78 260.0 A1 200D267X0100A1 202D267X0100A1 0.40 8.3 0.95 260.0 A3 200D267X0100A3 202D267X0100A3 0.61 8.0 0.91 340.0 D3 - 202D347X0100D3 0.75 7.5 0.72 350.0 A2 200D357X0100A2 202D357X0100A2 0.30 6.2 1.21 350.0 A4 200D357X0100A4 202D357X0100A4 0.45 6.5 1.15 440.0 A3 200D447X0100A3 202D447X0100A3 0.24 5.0 1.44 440.0 A5 200D447X0100A5 202D447X0100A5 0.36 5.8 1.40 510.0 B1 - 202D517X0100B1 0.28 4.8 1.54 530.0 A4 200D537X0100A4 202D537X0100A4 0.20 4.2 1.72 680.0 B2 - 202D687X0100B2 0.21 3.6 1.91 700.0 A5 200D707X0100A5 202D707X0100A5 0.15 3.1 2.18 850.0 B3 - 202D857X0100B3 0.17 2.9 2.29 1000.0 B4 - 202D108X0100B4 0.14 2.4 2.69 1200.0 B5 - 202D128X0100B5 0.12 2.1 3.06 1400.0 B6 - 202D148X0100B6 0.11 1.8 3.36 1500.0 B7 - 202D158X0100B7 0.095 1.6 3.78125 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 80 WVDC at + 125 °C170.0 A1 200D177X0125A1 202D177X0125A1 0.40 15.0 0.95 220.0 A2 200D227X0125A2 202D227X0125A2 0.30 12.0 1.21 220.0 D3 - 202D227X0125D3 0.42 8.0 0.96 280.0 A3 200D287X0125A3 202D287X0125A3 0.24 9.0 1.44 340.0 A4 200D347X0125A4 202D347X0125A4 0.20 7.5 1.72 340.0 B1 - 202D347X0125B1 0.28 5.4 1.54 560.0 B3 - 202D567X0125B3 0.17 3.2 2.29 670.0 B4 - 202D677X0125B4 0.14 2.7 2.69 790.0 B5 - 202D797X0125B5 0.12 2.4 3.06 900.0 B6 - 202D907X0125B6 0.11 2.0 3.38 1000.0 B7 - 202D108X0125B7 0.095 1.8 3.78150 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 100 WVDC at + 125 °C70.0 A1 200D706X0150A1 202D706X0150A1 2.27 28.8 0.40 90.0 A2 200D906X0150A2 202D906X0150A2 1.77 22.4 0.50 100.0 A3 200D107X0150A3 202D107X0150A3 1.59 16.4 0.56 140.0 A4 200D147X0150A4 202D147X0150A4 1.14 12.4 0.72 180.0 A5 200D187X0150A5 202D187X0150A5 0.88 11.2 0.90 Note (1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. T o specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. For requirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.VishayWet Tantalum Capacitors Wet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® Components T ANTA P AK ® Capacitor Assemblies EXTENDED RATINGSCAPACITANCE (µF) CASE CODE PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200D PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202D MAX. ESR at + 25 °C (Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C (Ω)MAX. RMS RIPPLE 120 Hz (A)6 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 4 WVDC at + 125 °C6600.0 A1 200D668X0006A1 202D668X0006A1 0.28 2.3 1.13 8200.0 A2 200D828X0006A2 202D828X0006A2 0.22 1.8 1.41 9900.0 A3 200D998X0006A3 202D998X0006A3 0.18 1.5 1.67 12 000.0B1 - 202D129X0006B1 0.11 0.90 2.54 13 000.0A4 200D139X0006A4 202D139X0006A4 0.14 1.1 2.05 15 000.0 A5 - 202D159X0006A5 0.12 1.8 2.358 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 5 WVDC at + 125 °C5400.0 A1 200D548X0008A1 202D548X0008A1 0.28 2.8 1.13 6800.0 A2 200D688X0008A2 202D688X0008A2 0.22 2.2 1.41 8200.0 A3 200D828X0008A3 202D828X0008A3 0.18 1.8 1.67 9600.0 B1- 202D968X0008B1 0.12 1.8 2.54 11000.0 A4 200D119X0008A4 202D119X0008A4 0.14 1.4 2.0512 000.0B2 - 202D129X0008B2 0.086 1.3 2.99 14 000.0 A5 200D149X0008A5 202D149X0008A5 0.11 1.1 2.35 10 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 7 WVDC at + 125 °C4500.0 A1 200D458X0010A1 202D458X0010A1 0.28 3.4 1.13 5600.0 A2 200D568X0010A2 202D568X0010A2 0.22 2.7 1.41 6800.0 A3 200D688X0010A3 202D688X0010A3 0.18 2.2 1.67 9000.0 A4 200D908X0010A4 202D908X0010A4 0.14 1.7 2.05 9600.0 B1- 202D968X0010B1 0.12 1.8 2.54 11 000.0 A5 200D119X0010A5202D119X0010A5 0.11 1.4 2.35 15 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 10 WVDC at + 125 °C3100.0 A1 200D318X0015A1 202D318X0015A1 0.28 3.9 1.13 3900.0 A2 200D398X0015A2 202D398X0015A2 0.22 3.1 1.41 4700.0 A3 200D478X0015A3 202D478X0015A3 0.18 2.6 1.67 6200.0 A4 200D628X0015A4 202D628X0015A4 0.14 1.9 2.05 6560.0 B1 - 202D668X0015B1 0.16 2.2 2.03 7800.0 A5 200D788X0015A5 202D788X0015A5 0.11 1.6 2.5420 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 13 WVDC at + 125 °C2600.0 A1 200D268X0020A1 202D268X0020A1 0.28 3.9 1.13 3300.0 A2 200D338X0020A2 202D338X0020A2 0.22 3.1 1.41 4000.0 A3 200D408X0020A3 202D408X0020A3 0.18 2.6 1.67 5300.0 A4 200D538X0020A4 202D538X0020A4 0.14 1.9 2.05 6600.0 A5 200D668X0020A5 202D668X0020A5 0.11 1.6 2.5425 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 15 WVDC at + 125 °C2200.0 A1 200D228X0025A1 202D228X0025A1 0.28 4.1 1.13 2700.0 A2 200D278X0025A2 202D278X0025A2 0.22 3.3 1.41 3200.0 A3 200D328X0025A3 202D328X0025A3 0.18 2.8 1.67 4300.0 A4 200D438X0025A4 202D438X0025A4 0.14 2.1 2.05 5400.0 A5 200D548X0025A5 202D548X0025A5 0.11 1.7 2.54Note (1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. To specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. For requirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.Wet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® ComponentsT ANTA P AK ® Capacitor Assemblies EXTENDED RATINGSCAPACITANCE (µF) CASE CODE PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 200D PART NUMBER (1)TYPE 202D MAX. ESR at + 25 °C (Ω)MAX. IMP.at - 55 °C (Ω)MAX. RMS RIPPLE 120 Hz (A)30 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 20 WVDC at + 125 °C1800.0 A1 200D188X0030A1 202D188X0030A1 0.28 4.5 1.13 2200.0 A2 200D228X0030A2 202D228X0030A2 0.22 3.6 1.41 2600.0 A3 200D268X0030A3 202D268X0030A3 0.18 3.0 1.67 3500.0 A4 200D358X0030A4 202D358X0030A4 0.14 2.3 2.05 4400.0 A5 200D448X0030A5 202D448X0030A5 0.11 1.8 2.5435 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 22 WVDC at + 125 °C1400.0 A1 200D148X0035A1 202D148X0035A1 0.28 5.1 1.13 1800.0 A2 200D188X0035A2 202D188X0035A2 0.22 4.1 1.41 2200.0 A3 200D228X0035A3 202D228X0035A3 0.18 3.4 1.67 2900.0 A4 200D298X0035A4 202D298X0035A4 0.14 2.6 2.05 3600.0 A5 200D368X0035A5 202D368X0035A5 0.11 2.1 2.54 3900.0 B1- 202D398X0035B1 0.16 2.7 2.03 5500.0 B2- 202D558X0035B2 0.11 1.9 2.64 7000.0 B3- 202D708X0035B3 0.089 1.5 3.16 8600.0 B4- 202D868X0035B4 0.073 1.2 3.72 10 000.0B5 - 202D109X0035B5 0.062 1.0 4.25 12 000.0B6 - 202D129X0035B6 0.053 0.90 4.84 13 000.0 B7 - 202D139X0035B7 0.047 0.79 5.3840 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 25 WVDC at + 125 °C1200.0 A1 200D128X0040A1 202D128X0040A1 0.28 5.5 1.13 1500.0 A2 200D158X0040A2 202D158X0040A2 0.22 4.4 1.41 1800.0 A3 200D188X0040A3 202D188X0040A3 0.18 3.7 1.67 2400.0 A4 200D248X0040A4 202D248X0040A4 0.14 2.8 2.05 3000.0 A5 200D308X0040A5 202D308X0040A5 0.11 2.3 2.5450 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 35 WVDC at + 125 °C960.0 A1 200D967X0050A1 202D967X0050A1 0.28 6.1 1.13 1200.0 A2 200D128X0050A2 202D128X0050A2 0.22 4.9 1.14 1300.0 D3 - 202D138X0050D3 0.38 5.5 1.01 1400.0 A3 200D148X0050A3 202D148X0050A3 0.18 4.1 1.67 1900.0 A4 200D198X0050A4 202D198X0050A4 0.14 3.1 2.05 2400.0 A5 200D248X0050A5 202D248X0050A5 0.11 2.5 2.5460 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 40 WVDC at + 125 °C800.0 A1 200D807X0060A1 202D807X0060A1 0.28 6.8 1.13 1000.0 A2 200D108X0060A2 202D108X0060A2 0.22 5.4 1.41 1100.0 D3 - 202D118X0060D3 0.38 5.8 1.01 1200.0 A3 200D128X0060A3 202D128X0060A3 0.18 4.5 1.67 1600.0 A4 200D168X0060A4 202D168X0060A4 0.14 3.4 2.05 2000.0 A5 200D208X0060A5 202D208X0060A5 0.11 2.7 2.5475 WVDC at + 85 °C . . . 50 WVDC at + 125 °C650.0 A1 200D657X0075A1 202D657X0075A1 0.28 7.9 1.13 820.0 A2 200D827X0075A2 202D827X0075A2 0.22 6.3 1.41 880.0 D3 - 202D887X0075D3 0.55 6.0 0.84 980.0 A3 200D987X0075A3 202D987X0075A3 0.18 5.2 1.64 1300.0 A4 200D138X0075A4 202D138X0075A4 0.14 3.9 2.05 1600.0 A5 200D168X0075A5 202D168X0075A5 0.11 3.2 2.54 Note (1) The Part Numbers listed are for ± 20 % tolerance. T o specify ± 10 % tolerance, change the digit following “X” from “0” to “9”. For requirements or ratings other than those listed, please contact a Vishay representative.Vishay Wet Tantalum CapacitorsWet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX® ComponentsT ANTA P AK® Capacitor Assemblies 04021 RATINGS AND CASE CODESDSCC DRAWING 04021CAPACITANCE(µF)CASE CODEMAX. DCL µA MAX.IMPEDANCEΩ25 °C85 °Cand 125 °C15 VDC at 85 °C RATED 17.2 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 10 VDC at 125 °C DERATED04021-01 960 A1 7 58 3.10 04021-02 1200 A2 9 72 2.30 04021-03 1400 A3 11 84 1.70 04021-04 2100 A4 16 126 1.30 04021-05 2400 A5 18 144 1.1530 VDC at 85 °C RATED 34.5 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 20 VDC at 125 °C DERATED04021-06 520 A1 8 63 5.30 04021-07 660 A2 10 80 4.20 04021-08 820 A3 13 99 2.90 04021-09 1200 A4 18 144 2.30 04021-10 1300 A5 20 156 2.1050 VDC at 85 °C RATED 57.5 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 30 VDC at 125 °C DERATED04021-11 400 A1 10 80 7.20 04021-12 430 A1 10 78 6.40 04021-13 500 A2 13 100 5.60 04021-14 600 A3 15 120 4.10 04021-15 800 A4 20 160 3.10 04021-16 1000 A5 23 180 2.8075 VDC at 85 °C RATED 86.2 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 50 VDC at 125 °C DERATED04021-17 270 A1 9 81 8.50 04021-18 330 A2 12 99 7.00 04021-19 400 A3 15 119 5.00 04021-20 600 A4 20 180 3.65 04021-21 660 A5 23 198 3.50 100 VDC at 85 °C RATED 115.0 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 65 VDC at 125 °C DERATED 04021-22 170 A1 9 68 15.00 04021-23 220 A2 11 88 11.60 04021-24 260 A3 13 104 8.00 04021-25 350 A4 18 140 6.50 04021-26 440 A5 22 176 5.80 150 VDC at 85 °C RATED 172.0 VDC at 85 °C SURGE 100 VDC at 125 °C DERATED 04021-27 70 A1 6 42 28.80 04021-28 90 A2 7 54 22.40 04021-29 100 A3 9 60 16.40 04021-30 140 A4 11 84 12.40 04021-31 180 A5 14 104 11.20ORDERING INFORMATION - DSCC PART NUMBER04021-29DSCC DRAWING NUMBERDASH NUMBERDEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER, COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, OHIO DRAWING NO.04021Wet Sintered Anode T ANTALEX ® ComponentsT ANTA P AK ® Capacitor Assemblies MILITARY SPECIFICATION T ANTA PAK ® CAPACITOR ASSEMBLIES - CROSS REFERENCE CAPACITANCE(µF) RATED VOLTAGEat + 85 °C CASE CODE VISHAY PART NUMBER (DISCONTINUED)CL55 TYPE (1)DESIGNATION (NEW)DSCC DRAWING (1) 04021960.0 15 A1 202D967X0015A1 CL55BE961MPG 04021-01 1200.0 15 A2 202D128X0015A2 CL55BE122MPG 04021-02 1400.0 15 A3 202D148X0015A3 CL55BE142MPG 04021-03 2100.0 15 A4 202D218X0015A4 CL55BE212MPG 04021-04 2400.0 15 A5 202D248X0015A5 CL55BE242MPG 04021-05520.0 30 A1 202D527X0030A1 CL55BH521MPG 04021-06 660.0 30 A2 202D667X0030A2 CL55BH661MPG 04021-07820.0 30 A3 202D827X0030A3 CL55BH821MPG 04021-08 1200.0 30 A4 202D128X0030A4 CL55BH122MPG 04021-091300.0 30 A5 202D138X0030A5 CL55BH132MPG 04021-10 400.0 50 A1 202D407X0050A1 CL55B J 401MPG 04021-11 430.0 50 A1 202D437X0050A1 CL55B J431MPG 04021-12 500.0 50 A2 202D507X0050A2 CL55B J 501MPG 04021-13 600.0 50 A3 202D607X0050A3 CL55B J 601MPG 04021-14 800.0 50 A4 202D807X0050A4 CL55B J801MPG 04021-15 1000.0 50 A5 202D108X0050A5 CL55B J 102MPG 04021-16 270.0 75 A1 202D277X0075A1 CL55BL271MPG 04021-17 330.0 75 A2 202D337X0075A2 CL55BL331MPG 04021-18 400.0 75 A3 202D407X0075A3 CL55BL401MPG 04021-19 600.0 75 A4 202D607X0075A4 CL55BL601MPG 04021-20 660.0 75 A5 202D667X0075A5 CL55BL661MPG 04021-21 170.0 100 A1 202D177X0100A1 CL55BN171MPG 04021-22 220.0 100 A2 202D227X0100A2 CL55BN221MPG 04021-23 260.0 100 A3 202D267X0100A3 CL55BN261MPG 04021-24 350.0 100 A4 202D357X0100A4 CL55BN351MPG 04021-25 440.0 100 A5 202D447X0100A5 CL55BN441MPG 04021-26 70.0 150 A1 202D706X0150A1 CL55BQ700MPG 04021-27 90.0 150 A2 202D906X0150A2 CL55BQ900MPG 04021-28 100.0 150 A3 202D107X0150A3 CL55BQ101MPG 04021-29 140.0 150 A4 202D147X0150A4 CL55BQ141MPG 04021-30 180.0 150 A5 202D187X0150A5 CL55BQ181MPG 04021-31 Note(1) Vishay is no longer qualified to provide military CL55 type which has been discontinued.It has been replaced by an equivalent product built to DSCC Drawing 04021Document Number: 91000 Revision: 18-Jul-081DisclaimerLegal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
Section 09: Attached Optional Devices M-Function BoardUse and SetupMiscellaneous Functions (M-Codes)Miscellaneous functions, or M-codes, are used to control actions other than the normal machine movement. M-functions may control functions such as starting and stopping of motors, indexers, turning coolant on and off, changing tools, and clamping and unclamping parts. M functions are the letter M followed by a two-digit code. The following page has a list of the Fadal M-codes.Fadal provides user available M-functions. Additional functions or functions requiring feedback require optional hardware.Note: List of M function codes used by the Siemens Controlled Fadal VMC. MO NC STOPM1 Optional StopM2 / M30 NC Program EndM3 CW Spindle OnM4 CCW Spindle OnM5 Spindle OffM6 Tool ChangeM7 Coolant 1M8 Coolant 2M11 Reset Tool OrderM19 Orient and Lock SpindleM41 Low GearM42 High GearM83 Spindle Set Up (Gear Ratio Measurement)Fadal M FunctionsWARNING:Any wires leaving the control box must be in a grounded conduit. Please obey the electrical code. In Applications where there is high current, use M-functions to activate relay.Fadal Normally Supplied M-Functions Fadal supplies M-Functions M60 thru M69 with all machines. They are output on the 1100-1 board. The even numbered M-code activates the relay and the odd number deactivates the relay. Each set of M-codes has a relay and a fuse. On the terminal block (TB), each M-function set has two connections with a 120 VAC connection on one side and a return (RET) on the other side.To show proper connection of the M-Function, use the M60 / M61, which uses connections TB2, pins 39 and 40. Next to pin 40 is a 120 VAC connection. Jumper this 120 VAC connection to pin 39 and connect the two wires, from the device, to the RET next to pin 39 and to pin 40 (see the example on the next page).Up to 3 amps at 120VAC may be taken from the 120 VAC output next to the terminals.This group of M-Functions uses solid-state relays; therefore, 120 VAC must be used across the output connections.Fadal Optional M-Functions Note: If the machine that the M-Function option is being installed in has a 1060-1A Motherboard, then a PCB-0175 circuit board, an M-Function interface, 1340-0, and a WIR-1679 Cable Assembly with a 40pin, 1060-1A to 1340 are required. A WIR-0178 Cable, a 5C indexer, and an MTR to Control may also be needed.1050-3A M-Function PCBA (PCB-0008) -Two M Functions.The 1050-3a, M-Function board, decodes two (2) M-Functions. The M-Functions are selected by installing jumpers at U6 on the circuit board. The following example illustrates how to select the M-functions using jumpers. The M20 and M80 M-functions are displayed.U6 (Jumper)M20 1 16 "A" M-FunctionM30 2 15 "B" M-FunctionM40 3 14M50 4 13M60 5 12M70 6 11M80 7 10M90 8 9U7 (Dip Switch)Each M-Function can be set for the desired reset condition using the set ofswitches located at U7. Switches 1 a & 2a correspond to the "A" M-Function,switches 1 b & 2b correspond to the "B" M-Function.Reset Options The selected M-Function delays the part program until the condition for reset issatisfied (see chart below for the four (4) reset conditions).Durationof relayClosure M-Function«A» «B»CNC Proceeds 1la 2a 1b 2b(1) .l sec. Pulse Immediately after pulse open open open open(2) .1 sec Pulse At reset closure closed open closed open(3) Held At reset closure open closed open closed(4) Held After reset release closed closed closed closedNote:Electro-Mechanical relays are required for any device not using DC.OpenClosed1a2a1b2bM-Function Contacts Each M-Function has one set of normally open contacts. The contacts are available to the user at TB 1, TB2 and TB3 on the backplane."A" M-Function - TB 1 pins 7 & 13"B" M-Function- TB2 pins 11 & 10A reset condition is accomplished by connecting between the terminals of TB3,pin 1 & 2. TB3 is located on the lower portion of the motherboard.Note: WIR-0178 Cable, SC Indexer; MTR to CNTRL (indexer cable)1050-0 M-Function PCBA (PCB-0007) - One to twenty M functionsM-Function Hook-upRemote Manual Pulse GeneratorInstallation Procedure 1)If Remote MPG is to be installed on a NEW style pendant (CNC88HS),remove tacked-on cover for adapter with hammer and punch or chisel. 2)If Remote MPG is to be installed on earlier pendant that does not have pre-drilled holes, then mount the adapter jack about 3" from the back side and 3" from the left side (as viewed from the front). Some pendants may have a 1110-1 board mounted here, so locate 3" from the right side in that case.3)Using the template, mark and center punch the 5 hole locations. Punch thecenter hole using a hole punch or a large step drill. Diameter is 1.375 inches. Then drill the four mounting holes at .156 inches in diameter.4)With a gasket between the jack and the floor of the pendant, install using(4) 6-32 screws and keps nuts.5)Remove the 201090 board and replace with the enclosed 201090-3. Aboard reconnecting all cables and wires into the same locations as was on the original board. Connect included cable with 12-pin connector at J7, and install the two separate wires at connector J5 on the new 201090-3A at pins 5 and 8 (either wire at S or 8).6)Plug the 14 pin connector from cable #5241 to connector on 201770-0.Note pin 1 orientation on connector (red stripe on ribbon) and board.Reversed plug will not only cause Remote MPG not to operate, but will damage unit.7)Remove 6-position axis selector switch on pendant and replace with#1453-2 7-position switch. Wiring is identical to old switch.Red-1Wht-2Grn-4Blk-CØ.156”Ø 1.375Tape template to pendant bottom and centerpunch holes.Dynamic Tool Load CompensationServo CoolantAssemblyServo CoolantControlTroubleshootingChecklist 1)Make sure all connectors are plugged in properly.2)Check dip switch settings. Switch 2=3=6=7=ON; Switch1=4=5=8=9=10=OFF.3)Check AC line fuse. AC LINE FUSE=16A, 250 VAC Slow blow (dimensions5x20 mm) Wickman Part Number 19195-16. Check shunt regulator fuse (amplifier case must be removed to do this). SHUNT FUSE= Bussman Part #MDLL3, 3A, 250 VAC Motor delay fuse (dimensions, d=6.3mm, I=32 mm).4)With the power removed, use a DVM to check between motor phases(Motor A, B and C), between motor phases and PGND and between motor phases and +HV. The cover must be removed to access +HV and PGND points. If any shorts are detected, the amplifier should be replaced.5)Check AC bus voltage. Nominal voltage should be approximately 115 VAC.If the shunt regulator is on too long or if the AC line voltage is too high (over 130 VAC), the shunt fuse could blow causing an amp over voltage condition. The shunt regulator trip voltage is 185 VDC (130 VAC). The amplifier should over voltage at 195 VDC (137 VAC). Amplifier specified input voltage is 30-125 VAC.LED: RED LED indicates the following faults: output short circuit, over-voltage, over temperature, inhibit, and power-up reset.CNC 88 HS Optional Diskette DriveCNC88HS OptionalDiskette Drive-MiscellaneousSpecifications 3.5" diskette medium. 1.44 Megabyte capacity; will read/write 720K diskettes.MS-DOS format.Requirements Software version 96.1 A6-3 or later.Access from Control The drive is accessed from the Functions menu on the CNC by selecting option0-DISK. A submenu is displayed with the following options:FUNCTIONS----------------------------PRESS MANUAL TO ABORT--DISK FUNCTIONS;1-DISK TO MEMORY 3-DIRECTORY 5-FORMAT 7-RUN PROGRAM2-MEMORY TO DISK 4-DELETE 6-VIEWDisk to Memory- Loads a program from a diskette into CNC memory.Memory to Disk- Saves a program from CNC memory onto a diskette.Directory- Displays a list of the tiles and directories on a diskette.Delete- Deletes a file from the diskette.Format- Formats a diskette (all files on diskette are deleted).View-Displays the contents of a tile from a diskette (one page at a time) on theCNC monitor.Run Program- Runs the VMC from a file nn a diskette using DNC.Options are:1) Error checking2) Dry run3) Mid-program start by block #Note: The % character is not needed for running DNC from a diskette, but canbe included in the file on the diskette.Access from Program Using Macro Statement #DISK Macro language statement #DISK invokes a program on disk from within a program in the CNC memory. After processing the file from disk, control is routed back to the line of the program in memory that follows the #DISK statement. Macro Statement Format #DISK,filenameMacro StatementFormat# DISK filenameExample:N1 G90 GO S10000 M3 El XO YON2 H 1 Z.1 M7N3 #DISK CAVRUF- Calls the disk file named CAVRUF and runs it relative toFixture 1.N4 GO Z.1- Program execution continues with this line, positioning the head toZ.1 after CAVRUF finishes running the first time.NS E2 XO YO- Positions to XO YO of Fixture 2N6 #DISK CAVRUF- Calls the disk file named CAVRUF and runs it again, thistime relative to Fixture 2.Restrictions on File Content and Format The file needs to be in text file format, without any formatting characters or codes, such as those a Word Processor might use. In addition, the following guidelines apply:1)The file needs to consist of standard CNC program words, similar to whatwould be typed or transmitted into the memory of the machine.2)The file must not contain an O word.3)The file should not contain an M30, M99, or an M2. The CNC will return tothe program in memory automatically at the end of the file.4)The lines can be numbered, but do not need to be.5)The file itself cannot contain any #DISK statements.Note: The % character is not needed for running a program from disk, although it can be included in the file.Restrictions on User Defined Subroutines The file executes in the CNC memory just as if it were a part of the program that executes the #DISK statement, with the following restrictions on user-defined subroutines:1) The program on the disk cannot define a user-defined subroutine.2) The disk file cannot call a user-defined subroutine.Subprograms and Fixed SubroutinesARE Allowed Subprograms and fixed subroutines can be called from the disk file. Use the standard subprogram call format: M98 P# (where # is the subprogram to call). After the subprogram has executed, the program returns to the line after the subprogram call. For example, L100 might be used in memory to define subroutine one, but this cannot be accomplished in the disk file.Diskette Drive ErrorCodesCODE DESCRIPTION CAUSE1001Reserved1002FILE ALREADY EXISTS File selected for reading or deletion not in directory1003FILE DOES NOT EXIST File selected for reading or deletion not in directory1004ILLEGAL COMMAND Command not recognized1005 DISKETTE FULL Diskette has no room for transmitted data, ordirectory has no room for another entry1006-1008Reserved1009COMMUNICATIONSERROR Mini-file detected check character error or other software or hardware communications problem1010-1099Not Used1100DISK READ ERROR Mini-file unable to read directory without error.Usually caused by an unformatted diskette 1101BLOCK CHECK ERROR Four attempts failed to read diskette block withouterror1103SEEK ERROR Mini-file could not track while reading, or beforewriting, data block 1104DISKETTE TIME-OUT Mini-file could not access diskette. Usually due tolack of diskette in drive 1105DISK WRITE PROTECTED Minifile tried to write on write-protected diskette。
Package SOT-23 3L SOT-23 3L SOT-23 3L SOT-23 3L SOT-23 3L SOT-23 3L
Packing Method 3k per Tape and Reel 10k per Tape and Reel 3k per Tape and Reel 3k per Tape and Reel 3k per Tape and Reel 10k per Tape and Reel
Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient
Connection Diagram
BAT54 3
BAT54A 3
BAT54C 312BAT54S3121
Ordering Information
Part Number BAT54
Top Mark L4P L4P L42 L43 L44 L44
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EV3 0X3B
ORGP 0X24 SHOM 0X27 CAM 0X36 INHP 0X43
原点复归 启动原点复归 电子凸轮啮合 脉波输入禁止
EV4 0X3C CMINV 0X06 GNUM0 0X43 GNUM1 0X44
事件触发PR命令#4配合P5-98,P5-99设定方式) 命令输入反向控制 电子齿轮比分子选项0 电子齿轮分子选择1
符号 DI码 SRDY 0X01 SON 0X02 TSPD 0X04 TPOS 0X05 LRM 0X07
输入功能 伺服准备 伺服启动 目标速度到达 目标位置到达 伺服警示
MC_OK 0x17
如果还是有共振现象,且衰减率大于32则建议降低频宽,在重新估测;如果 衰减率不大于32,则设置手动模式调整或降低频宽;
P2-47目前的值 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
P2-47预修改的值 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
使用PC-software提供的共振分析 工具来显示共振频率
血液检验血常规检验英文缩写、参考值阴离子隙AGP 8~16mmol/L镁Mg 0.67~1.04mmol/L血清铁Fe 男性11~30umol/L 女性9~27umol/L糖化血红蛋白HbAlc HbAlc占总血红蛋白的6.5+1.5%;>8.0%为HhbAlc 增高甲胎蛋白AFP 0~10ng/ml免疫检验英文缩写、参考值·labsky发表于2006-7-8 8:59:38英文缩写测定方法中文名称参考值范围血气血氧分析PH 电极法血浆PH值7.35-7.45 PCO2电极法动脉血二氧化碳分压35-45mmHg乙型肝炎病毒血清学检查名称分析HBsAg 阳性见于急慢性乙型肝炎或健康携带者抗-HBs 阳性示乙型肝炎恢复期或注射过乙型肝炎疫苗抗-HBc 阳性示已受乙型肝炎病毒感染HBeAg 阳性为乙型肝炎病毒复制的标志抗-HBe 阳性示相对低的传染性HBvDNA 阳性为乙型肝炎病毒复制的最敏感指标乙型肝炎五项检验内容的阳性和阴性结果可能有各种不同的组合方式,下面例举的10个模式可帮助你对不同的组合进行分析和判断。
•Installed flush with the tank wall, allowing the unit to be used in tanks with frame type agitators•Easy to install using the patented adjustable flange connection•Hygienic design•Option for actuator & ThinkTop control unit Available versions:•PlusClean media driven•PlusClean air driven by a pneumatic actuator Standard designThe PlusClean is available as standard with all wettedstainless-steel components manufactured from AISI 316L. O-rings are made from FEP/SIL and EPDM. The choice of slot (spray pattern) can optimize spray impact length and flow rate at the desired pressure.Certificates2.2 material certificate, Q-doc applicable to product contact parts only.Working PrinciplePlusClean operates based on a spring activated piston and is available in media or pneumatic driven versions and can thus be activated from either the cleaning media or controlled air pressure. When activated, PlusClean sprays a high impact fan of cleaning media directly to the soiled area. Cleaning coverage is ensured through controlled and repeated rotation of the device, e.g. agitator blades, through the spray fan. When cleaning is completed the piston position is restored by the integrated spring mechanism and the cleaning device is securely closed and sealed off. If purging is needed, always operate with actuator. PlusClean operates perfectly together with the primary top mounted cleaning device, whether it is a static spray ball, rotary spray head or a rotary jet head type cleaning device.TECHNICAL DATAWetting distance:Maximum 7.4 mImpact cleaning distance:Maximum effective 5.4 mRecommended CIP pressure: 2 - 5 barTank pressure range:Media driven: –1 to 4 barg Air driven: –1 to 6 bargSpray PatternPHYSICAL DATAO-rings:FEP/VMQ, EPDMGuide ring:PTFEMaximum tank temperature:150 °CWeight:Pneumatic driven: 2.7 kgAir connections for actuator:ISO 288/ G ⅛" internal thread fitted as standardMounting optionsPlusClean has 2 types of weld plates: Adjustable weld plate and fixed weld plate.Fixed weld plateThe adjustable weld plate has a curved surface on the tank side of the weld plate and allows adjusting the angle of the cleaning nozzle ±5° from the center along all 3 axes. It is drainable only when installed at an angle more than 30°. The adjustable weld plate should be used in applications where the PlusClean is installed on tank walls and tank bottoms with more than 30°inclination to horizontal.The fixed weld plate only allows the device to rotate around Z-axis. It is drainable at all angles due to the flat top surface.5°ZX5°4129-0063Qualification DocumentationDocumentation specificationQ-docEquipment Documentation includes:•EN 10204 type 3.1 Material Inspection CertificateNote! Product contacted parts only!•FDA Declaration of Conformity•ADI Declaration (TSE)•QC Declaration of ConformityPerformance data Flow rateThrow lengthm 3/h4129-00456.565.554.543.532.521.510.51.522.533.544.555.566.57bar0ABCWettingImpact cleaningm4129-00467.576.565.554.543.532.521.51.522.533.544.555.566.57barInlet pressure1A1B1A2A3B2B3A. Wide center slot A1, B1. Offset slotB. Offset slotA2, B2. Wide center slot C. Narrow center slot A3, B3. Narrow center slotDimensions (mm)1.Tank connection2.Inlet connection for cleaning media: 3/4" Clamp3.Alfa Laval PlusClean4.Pneumatic ActuatorA-H see tables belowMedia drivenPneumatic drivenThis document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval AB (publ) or any of its affiliates (jointly “Alfa Laval”). No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.200006914-2-EN-GB© Alfa Laval How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。
Philips Advance CertaDrive indoor LED drivers 说明书.
Philips Advance CertaDrive indoor LED drivers are designed to meet basic lighting needs. These dimmable drivers are offered with specific voltage-current settings and are, thus, optimized with specifications that are appropriately suited for the application, making LED conversion even more affordable.LED Driver CertaDriveSpecifications46W 1.02A 45V 0-10V (5% dim) 120-277VCI046C102V045CNN2 EnclosureInput Voltage (Vac)Output Power (W)Output Voltage (V)Output Current (A)Max Case Temp.(°C)Input Current (A)Max.Input Power (W)THD @ Max Load (%)Power Factor @ Max Load SurgeProtection (Ring Wave, KV)Envir. Protection Rating 1204630-451.0280°C0.4652<10%>0.92.5UL damp & dry2770.20<15%In. (mm)P r e l i m i n a ry• 50,000+ hour lifetime1• Excellent thermal performance• High Power Factor & Low THD2• Enables long life luminaire designs• Allows operability in indoor (low-bay)ambient conditions• Suitable for commercial indoor applications• Indoor linear troffers, pendants• Office areas• Retail centersyAll the specifications are typical and at 25°C Tcase unless specified otherwise.Iout vs. VoutP r e l i m i n a ryAll the specifications are typical and at 25°C Tcase unless specified otherwise.ManufacturerManufacturer Part NumberLutronVisit /advance for a list of dimmers (Mark VII) that will work with this driver Leviton IllumaTech IP7 seriesPhilipsSunrise - SR1200ZTUNV0-10V Dimming CurveDimming source current from the driver: 150μA (@ 0<Vdim<8V)Minimum dim level: 5% of IoutMaximum output voltage on the dimming wires: 12V Approved Dimmer ListP r e l i m i n a ryAll the specifications are typical and at 25°C Tcase unless specified otherwise.Note: There is ±5°C tolerance on the driver case temperature Output Current Vs. Driver Case TemperatureDriver Lifetime vs. Driver Case TemperatureP r e l i m i n a ryBased on measurements on a typical sample at 70°C case. The accuracy of the measurements is within the tolerance of the measurement instruments.Efficiency Vs. Output VoltageP r e l i m i n a ryBased on measurements on a typical sample at 70°C case. The accuracy of the measurements is within the tolerance of the measurement instruments.Power Factor Vs. Output PowerTotal Harmonic Distortion (THD) Vs. Output PowerP r e l i m i n a ryVinIpeak T (@ 10% of Ipeak)120 Vrms 5.76A 58μS 277 Vrms18.6A36.5μSry。
★采用32 位ARM 低功耗高速处理器。
FEATURES • Compact Direct Diaphragm Operated • Design Pressure(PS): 28 bar (406 PSIG) • Flanged Connections: FPT, SW, WN or ODS • Available with Close Coupled Strainer • Stainless Steel Diaphragm • Complies with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
The A2 Type pressure regulators are compact, direct diaphragm operated, for use with refrigerant liquid or vapor. The regulators can be used with ammonia, R12, R-22, R-502, certain other refrigerants, oil and other approved fluids with similar pressure temperature and corrosion characteristics. The design pressure is 27.6 bar (400 psig). The regulators are for use in systems where a small inlet or outlet pressure regulator is needed.
1 2 8 11 16 A2B, A2BO
1 2 8 11 16 A2A
haiNo.:Date: 2018/08/21制品规格书SPECIFICATIONSvoc s sensorModel Name:A1DU5P2CP005B8.使用和保管上的注意事项/Important Notices for Use / Storage8-1 由于规格书规定范围外的使用不能保证,绝对禁止。
Any usage not conforming to this document is not allowed, as we take no responsibility for any usage exceeding this specifications.8-2 由于该制品是高密度集成回路(ESD耐性:2kV人体模型)搭载的电子部品,组装时,请注意静电气対策。
The ESD tolerance is 2kV(HBM), Please manage ESD when assembling.请不要放置在灰尘多的场合。
该制品请不要直接暴露在尘埃・盐分・气体(SO2, H2S, Cl2, NH3)・酸・强碱等中。
The units must not be used in the environment with heavy dust. This product is not allowed to exposure directly to dust, salinities, and the gas such as SO2, H2S, Cl2 and NH3,acid,alkari etc.8-3 该制品作为屋内設置使用设计,设置在受潮气影响的场合(盐害地域)时,请采取装配側不直接受湿气和盐分影响的对策。
This product is designed for the indoor installation. Please use it after considering measures that moisture and a direct salt do not influence on the set side when setting it up in the place (salt damage region) where the influence of the sea breeze is received.8-4 不可接触水滴、溶剂、油脂等。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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2.54mm Pitch High Density Connector
A1 and A2 Series
s Features
1. High Density Mounting
Connectors are aligned in the longitudinal direction on the 2.54 mm mesh board, so that no idle space can occur.
2. Variation in Number of Contacts
The A1 series contains 16 types of 6 to 64 contacts, while the A2 series contains 20 types of 1 to 20 contacts,
3. Compatibility
The A1 series is compatible with HIF3B series cable side and HIF3H receptacle for wide applications.
Note 1: Includes temperature rise caused by current flow.
Note 2: The term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature Range and
Humidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation.
s Applications
Computers, VTR, and other various kinds of electronic equipment
s Product Specifications
s Material
s Ordering Information
q Series Name:A
w Series No.:1 (double row)
2 (single row)
Number of contacts: A1...6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26,
34, 40, 50, 60, 64
A2...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
r P: Pin header
t A: Selective gold plated y Contact pitch : 2.54mm u
Contact type: DS : Right angle type DSA : Straight type
K Pin Header
A 1 - 6 P A - 2.54 DS
q Series Name : A
w Series No. : 1 (double row)
2 (single row)
e Number o
f contacts: A1 : 8, 10, 12
A2 : 5, 6
r Contact alignment : A1 : D (double row)
A2 : S (single row)
t Contact pitch : 2.54mm y
Connection type: C : crimping
K Crimping Socket
A 1 - 12 D - 2.54 C
q Series Name : A w Series No. : 1e
Applicable cable size 2226: AWG#22~ AWG#262630: AWG#26~ AWG#303236: AWG#32~ AWG#36
r Packaging type SCFC : Reel SCC : Bag
K Crimping Contact
A 1 - 3236 - SCFC
s A1 (Double Row)- Straight Type
s A2 (Single Row)-DIP Type
K Right angle type
K Straight type
K Right angle type
K Double Row Type
Single Row Type
Note 1. No. 3 and 8 contacts can be polarized.
Note 1. No. 4 contact can be polarized.
Crimping Tools
SCC contact
SCFC contact
s Short Pin