具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p2
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p9
Cse547 Chapter 1, problem 9
y If we want to get P(n‐1) from P(n), we have to eliminate xn by constant or x1…xn‐1. y If using constant, the left seems good, the right hand side is hard to go on: the constant c is hard to deal withFra bibliotek(b)
y The About method uses P(n), then P(2). y What if we use P(2), then P(n)? y The method is to aggregate x(2i‐1) and x(2i) into one part:
y The idea is to use a special version of mathematical induction as this form: y Basis: the statement holds when n=1or2. y Inductive: if the statement holds for n<=k, then the same statement holds for n=k+1
y Basis: for n=1, x1·(x1/1)1. So we have P(1) for n=2, x1+x2·((x1+x2)/2)2. So we have P(2)
y Inductive step: Suppose for n<=k, we have P(n) then for n=k+1, we do a case analysis to show P(n) still holds:
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)第2章题9、10详细解答
= xm(x + m)n
Proof continue
Case 4: integers m<0 and n>0
+n – Ifxm (m+n)>=0 = x(x +1)...(x + m+ n −1) (x + m)(x + m+1)...x(x +1)...(x + m+ n +1) = (x + m)(x + m+1)...(x −1)
• x m and x m +1 are similar, only differ in one factor.
2009-04-21 Discrete Mathematics 3
• Conjecture, for integers m,n>=0 xm+1 = xm(x + m) • More general version, for integers m,n>=0
= xm(x + m)n
2009-04-21 Discrete Mathematics 9
• If (m+n)<0
Case 3 continue
(x + m+ n)−(m+n) 1 = (x + m+ n)(x + m+ n +1)...(x −1) x(x +1)...(x + m−1) = (x + m+ n)(x + m+ n +1)...(x −1)x...(x + m−1) xm (x + m+ n)−n
初始状态是在A 柱上叠放了个尺寸不同的圆盘,其叠放规则是自上而下按圆盘尺寸从小到大进行叠放。
高等数学第二版教材答案p201. 解答题:1.1 求函数f(x) = √( 2 - x^2 ) 在区间 [-2,2] 上的图像。
解析:在区间 [-2,2] 上,对于函数f(x) = √( 2 - x^2 ),我们可以先求出定义域。
由于根号下面的表达式必须大于等于0,所以 2 - x^2 ≥ 0,解这个不等式可以得到 -√2 ≤ x ≤ √2。
因此,函数 f(x) 的定义域为闭区间 [-√2, √2]。
由于文字版无法绘图,我们可以使用适当的软件或工具进行绘制,并将其描述如下:在坐标系中,取 x 轴范围为 [-2,2],y 轴范围根据函数值的大小适当确定。
从定义域中可知,在 [-2,-√2] 和[√2,2] 区间外,函数 f(x) 无定义。
在 [-√2, √2] 区间内,函数 f(x) 的值随着 x 的增大而递减,达到最小值为0,即 f(0) = 0。
由于函数中含有平方根,所以函数图像在两个端点(-√2,0) 和(√2,0) 处不连续,但在这两点附近的近似图像可以很接近于连续。
可以通过计算函数的导数来求得函数 f(x) 的增减性和极值点。
综上所述,函数f(x) = √( 2 - x^2 ) 在区间 [-2,2] 上的图像大致呈现出一个以原点为中心的半圆形,且在 (-√2, 0) 和(√2, 0) 处有两个不连续点。
1.2 解方程sin(πx) = √2/2。
解析:我们需要求解方程sin(πx) = √2/2。
由于 sin 函数的定义域为全体实数,所以这个方程在所有实数上都有意义,即定义域为全体实数集。
由于文字形式限制,这里我们给出解的过程:首先,我们知道sin(π/4) = √2/2。
由于 sin 函数的周期性,sin(π/4) 的解还有无穷多个。
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p6
Closed Formula
Bn = Bn-1 + (n – 2) Bn = Bn-2 + (n – 3) + (n – 2) Bn = Bn-3 + (n – 4) + (n – 3 ) + (n – 2) . . .
Bn = B0 + B1 + B2 + Bn = Sn-2
In general, Sn = (n)(n+1) 2 So, since Bn = Sn-2: Bn = (n – 2)(n – 1) 2 This is our predicted closed form solution. Proof by induction will verify it.
b4 b3
As you can see from the picture on the previous slide, the nth line can at a maximum cut 2 unbounded regions. That means that of the n new regions introduced, n – 2 of them must be new bounded regions. That hints at the following recursion: B0 = 0 B1 = 0 B2 = 0 Bn = Bn-1 + (n – 2) , n > 2
Another Method
Another way of looking at this problem is to notice that every line creates 2 unbounded regions. That would mean that for all n lines, the number of unbounded regions = 2n. Since:
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p20slides
= α;
h (2n + 0) = 4h (n) + γ0 n + β0 ; h (2n + 1) = 4h (n) + γ1 n + β1 , for all n ≥ 1.
General Form of CF Our RF for h is a FIVE parameters function and it is a generalization of the General Josephus GJ f considered before So we guess that now the general form of the CF is also a generalization of the one we already proved for GJ , i.e. General form of CF is h (n) = αA (n) + γ0 B (n) + γ1 C (n) + β0 D (n) + β1 E (n) The Proble method to prove that CF equivalent to RF.
We use h (n) = A (n) and re-write RF in terms of A(n) A (2n + 1) = 4A (n) FACT: Closed formula CAR for AR is: CAR: A (n) = A (2k + ) = 4k , 0 ≤ l < 2k Observe that this FACT is equivalent to our Fact 2, i.e. to validity of the Equation 2, so we are now proving Fact 2 for all n = 2k + , 0 ≤
参考答案目录第五章 (3)5.3同角三角比的关系和诱导公式 (3)5.3.1同角三角比的关系 (3)5.3.2诱导公式 (4)5.3.5三角式的化简与证明 (6)5.4两角和与差的余弦、正弦与正切 (7)5.4.1两角和与差的余弦 (7)5.4.2两角和与差的正弦 (9)5.4.3两角和与差的正切 (11)5.4.4两角和与差的余弦、正弦和正切的应用 (12)5.5二倍角与半角的正弦、余弦和正切 (14)5.5.1倍角公式 (14)5.5.2半角的正弦、余弦和正切 (15)5.5.3万能公式和降幂公式 (17)5.6正弦定理、余弦定理和解斜三角形 (19)5.6.1正弦定理 (19)5.6.2余弦定理 (20)5.6.3正弦、余弦定理的应用(一) (21)5.6.3正弦、余弦定理的应用(二) (23)第六章三角函数 (25)6.1三角函数的图像与性质 (25)6.1.1正弦函数和余弦函数的图像 (25)6.1.2正弦函数和余弦函数的值域与最值(一) (26)6.1.3正弦函数和余弦函数的值域与最值(二) (28)6.1.4正弦函数和余弦函数的周期 (30)6.1.5正弦函数和余弦函数的奇偶性与单调性 (32)6.2正切函数的图像与性质 (33)6.3函数sin()y A x ωϕ=+的图像与性质 (35)6.3.1函数sin()y A x ωϕ=+的图像变换 (35)6.3.2函数sin()y A x ωϕ=+的图像与性质 (36)6.3.3函数sin()y A x ωϕ=+的图像与性质的应用 (37)6.4反三角函数与最简三角方程 (39)6.4.1反三角函数的图像与性质 (39)6.4.2反三角函数的求值与化简 (41)6.4.3反三角函数的图像与性质的应用 (43)6.5最简三角方程 (45)6.5.1最简三角方程的解集(一) (45)6.5.2最简三角方程的解集(二) (46)第七章平面向量的坐标表示 (48)7.1向量的加减法 (48)7.1.1向量的概念和向量的加减法 (48)7.1.2实数与向量的乘积 (50)第八章 (51)8.2等差数列 (51)8.2.1等差数列及其通项公式(一) (51)8.2.2等差数列及其通项公式(二) (52)8.2.3等差数列的前n项和(一) (53)8.2.4等差数列的前n项和(二) (55)第五章5.3同角三角比的关系和诱导公式5.3.1同角三角比的关系iPreview (i 预习)(1)倒数关系:sin csc 1,cos sec 1,tan cot 1αααααα⋅=⋅=⋅=.(2)商数关系:sin cos tan (cos 0),cot (sin 0)cos sin αααααααα=≠=≠.(3)平方关系:222222sin co s 1,1tan sec (co s 0),1co t csc (sin 0)αααααααα+=+=≠+=≠.iSelftest (i 自测)1.C2.A3.D4.B5.DiEvolve (i 演变)例133455sin ,tan ,cot ,sec ,csc 54343ααααα=-=-=-==-演变若α为第四象限答案同上;若α为第一象限:33455sin ,tan ,cot ,sec ,csc 54343ααααα=====例2当α为第一象限角时,51212sin ,cos ,cot 13135ααα===当α为第三象限角时,51212sin ,cos ,cot 13135ααα=-=-=演变163326(1)-;(2)-;(3)75169169例379125 (1);(2),(3) 512512-iPractice(i练习)1.4 32.13 22 -+3.3 2 -4.{1,3}-5.(2,9)6.07.1 33或8.(1)当A是锐角时,4cos5α=,3tan4α=;(2)当A是钝角时,4cos5α=-,3tan4α=-。
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p7
Chapter 1, Problem 7
P4: Problem 7 on Page 17
Let H(n) = J(n+1) – J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n + 1) = J(2n+2) – J(2n + 1) = (2J(n+1) – 1) – (2J(n) + 1) = 2H(n) – 2, for all n ≥ 1. Therefore it seems possible to prove that H(n) = 2 for all n, by induction on n. What’s wrong here?
Detailed Solution - continue
Let’s check whether H(2n) = 2, for all n ≥ 1 as the problem stated:
H(2n) = J(2n + 1) – J(2n) H(n) = J(n+1) – J(n) = [2J(n) + 1] – [2J(n) - 1] Eq. (1.8) = 2J(n) + 1 – 2J(n) + 1 Take the [ ] out = 2 YES ! Algebra
Eq. (1.8): J(1) = 1 J(2n) = 2J(n) – 1, for n ≥ 1; J(2n + 1) = 2J(n) + 1, for n ≥ 1.
H(n) = J(n+1) – J(n) Algebra Algebra Eq. (1.8) Take the [ ] out Algebra H(n) = J(n+1) – J(n)
一、极限与连续1. 计算极限这类题目主要考察对极限的计算能力。
例如,当求解形如lim(x→a) (f(x) + g(x))时,我们可以利用极限的加法法则,将其拆分为lim(x→a) f(x) + lim(x→a) g(x)。
2. 判断函数的连续性对于连续性的判断,我们需要掌握连续函数的定义和连续函数的性质。
例如,根据连续函数的定义,如果一个函数在某个点a处连续,那么lim(x→a) f(x) = f(a),这是判断函数连续性的一个重要条件。
二、导数与微分1. 求导函数求导函数是导数与微分章节的重点内容之一。
例如,当求解f(x) = x^n的导数时,我们可以利用幂函数的导数公式,即f'(x) = n*x^(n-1)。
2. 利用导数求解问题在实际问题中,我们常常需要利用导数来求解一些相关的问题。
三、定积分1. 计算定积分计算定积分是定积分章节的核心内容之一。
例如,当计算∫[a,b] f(x)dx时,我们可以利用定积分的性质,将其转化为求解不定积分的问题。
2. 利用定积分解决几何问题定积分在解决几何问题中有着广泛的应用。
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p20
Step 2
CF: h(n) = αA(n) + β0B(n) + β1C(n) + γ0D(n) + γ1E(n) R: h(1) = α; h(2n) = 4h(n) + γ0n + β0; h(2n+1) = 4h(n) + γ1n + β1, for n ≥ 1
• Consider the “constant” function:
– n = (1 bm-1 bm-2 ... b1 b0)2 – h((1 bm-1 bm-2 ... b1 b0)2) = (αβbm-1 βbm-2…βb1 βb0)4
• Fact 0: αA(n) + β0B(n) + β1C(n) = (αβbm-1 βbm-2…βb1 βb0)4
Step 1
– f(i) = αi, for 1 ≤ i < d – f(dn+j) = cf(n) + βj, for 0 ≤ j < d and n ≥ 1 – f((bmbm-1bm-2 ... b1b0)d) = (αβbm-1 βbm-2…βb1 βb0)c
• In our case: d = 2, c = 4.
Fact 3: A(n) + C(n) –2D(n) – 2E(n) = n, for n ≥ 1
Step 4
CF: h(n) = αA(n) + β0B(n) + β1C(n) + γ0D(n) + γ1E(n) R: h(1) = α; h(2n) = 4h(n) + γ0n + β0; h(2n+1) = 4h(n) + γ1n + β1, for n ≥ 1
(ϕ (0) = ψ (0) )
解:u(x,t)=F(x-at)+G(x+at) 令 x-at=0 得 令 x+at=0 得 所以
T ( x) = ρg (l − x)
且 T ( x) 的方向总是沿着弦在 x 点处的切线方向。仍以 u ( x, t ) 表示弦上各点在时刻 t 沿垂直 于 x 轴方向的位移,取弦段 ( x, x + ∆x), 则弦段两端张力在 u 轴方向的投影分别为
ρg (l − x) sin θ ( x); ρg (l − ( x + ∆x)) sin θ ( x + ∆x)
G(x+at) ≡ 常数.
即对任何 x, G(x) ≡ C 0 又 G(x)=
1 1 x C ϕ ( x) + ∫ ψ (α )dα − 2 2 a x0 2a
所以 ϕ ( x),ψ ( x) 应满足
ϕ ( x) +
1 x ψ (α )dα = C1 (常数) a ∫x0 1 ϕ ' (x)+ ψ ( x) =0 a
x + at 1 (h − α )ψ ( α )dα . 2a (h − x) ∫x − at
即为初值问题的解散。 齐次波动方程初值问题的解仅由右传 2. 问初始条件 ϕ ( x) 与ψ ( x) 满足怎样的条件时, 播波组成? 解:波动方程的通解为 u=F(x-at)+G(x+at) 其中 F,G 由初始条件 ϕ ( x) 与ψ ( x) 决定。初值问题的解仅由右传播组成,必须且只须对 于任何 x,
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch2hmks
1 3 SL = (∑3 j=1 a j )(∑k=1 ak ) 1 1 1 SL = (∑3 j=1 a j )( a1 + a2 + a3 ) 1 1 1 +a +a ) SL = (a1 + a2 + a3 )( a 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SL = a1 ( a +a +a ) + a2 ( a +a +a ) + a3 ( a +a +a ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 a3 a3 a2 a2 a1 1 +a SL = 1 + a a3 + a1 + 1 + a3 + a1 + a2 + 1 2 +a3 +a3 +a2 SL = 3 + a2a + a1a + a1a 1 2 3 ak 3 SR = ∑3 j=1 ∑k=1 ak a3 a2 a1 SR = ∑3 j=1 ( a1 + a2 + a3 )
SL = n + (n − 1)n = n2 = SR
具体数学Concrete Mathematics(第2版)部分答案ch1p16general
Convert recursive formula into R: g(1) = α g(2n+ 0) = 3g(n) + Ɛn2 + γn + β0 g(2n+ 1) = 3g(n) + Ɛn2 + γn + β1 (for n є N and n ≥ 1)
y Compute few initial values for R y Observe values and guess a general format for the
g(6) = g(2(3) + 0) = 3g(3) + 9Ɛ + 3γ + β0 = 9α + 12Ɛ + 6γ + β0 + 3β1 g(7) = g(2(3) + 1) = 3g(3) + 9Ɛ + 3γ+ β1 = 9α + 12Ɛ + 6γ + 4β1 g(8) = g(2(4) + 0) = 3g(4) + 16Ɛ + 4γ + β0 = 27α + 37Ɛ + 19γ + 13β0 g(9) = g(2(4) + 1) = 3g(4) + 16Ɛ + 4γ + β1 = 27α + 37Ɛ + 19γ + 12β0 + β1 g(10) = g(2(5) + 0) = 3g(5) + 25Ɛ + 5γ + β0 = 27α + 46Ɛ + 20γ+ 10β0+ 3β1
So, now the recurrence relation becomes: A(1) = α A(2n+ j) = 3A(n) for j = 0,1 and n ≥1 and n є N [Recall: g(2n+ j) = 3g(n) + Ɛn2 + γn + βj]
Concrete Mathematics(第2版)第1章习题20详细答案
We can use binary numbers to find the solution. We can write out the number k in binary expansion: k=(1 bm-1 bm-2…b1 b0)2 We know that each term bi is 0 or 1, with the leading digit, α, always 1. h(1) = α h(2n+j) = 4h(n) + γjn + βj for j=0,1 h(1 bm-1bm-2…b1b0)2 = 4h(1 bm-1bm-2…b1)2 + γb0(1 bm-1bm-2…b1)2 + βb0
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
First 5 solutions: h(1) = α h(2) = h(2*1+0) = 4h(1)+nγ0+β0 = 4α+γ0+β0 h(3) = h(2*1+1) = 4h(1)+nγ1+β1 = 4α+γ1+β1 h(4) = h(2*2+0) = 4h(2)+nγ0+β0 = 4(4α+γ0+β0)+2γ0+β0 = 16α+4γ0+4β0+2γ0+β0 = 16α+6γ0+5β0 h(5) = h(2*2+1) = 4h(2)+nγ1+β1 = 4(4α+γ0+β0) + 2γ1+β1 = 16α+4γ0+4β0+ 2γ1+β1 There is no obvious pattern from these steps
0.1算法1、 (p.11,题1)用二分法求方程013=--x x 在[1,2]内的近似根,要求误差不超过10-3.【解】 由二分法的误差估计式311*10212||-++=≤=-≤-εk k k a b x x ,得到100021≥+k .两端取自然对数得96.812ln 10ln 3≈-≥k ,因此取9=k ,即至少需2、(p.11,题2) 证明方程210)(-+=x e x f x在区间[0,1]内有唯一个实根;使用二分法求这一实根,要求误差不超过21021-⨯。
【解】 由于210)(-+=x e x f x ,则)(x f 在区间[0,1]上连续,且012010)0(0<-=-⨯+=e f ,082110)1(1>+=-⨯+=e e f ,即0)1()0(<⋅f f ,由连续函数的介值定理知,)(x f 在区间[0,1]上至少有一个零点.又010)('>+=x e x f ,即)(x f 在区间[0,1]上是单调的,故)(x f 在区间[0,1]内有唯一实根.由二分法的误差估计式211*1021212||-++⨯=≤=-≤-εk k k a b x x ,得到1002≥k .两端取自然对数得6438.63219.322ln 10ln 2=⨯≈≥k ,因此取7=k ,即至少需二分0.2误差1.(p.12,题8)已知e=2.71828…,试问其近似值7.21=x ,71.22=x ,x 2=2.71,718.23=x 各有几位有效数字?并给出它们的相对误差限。
【解】有效数字:因为11102105.001828.0||-⨯=<=- x e ,所以7.21=x 有两位有效数字; 因为12102105.000828.0||-⨯=<=- x e ,所以71.22=x 亦有两位有效数字;因为3310210005.000028.0||-⨯=<=- x e ,所以718.23=x 有四位有效数字;%||111=<-=x x e r ε; %||222=<-=x x e r ε; %0184.0718.20005.0||333=<-=x x e r ε。
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GENERALIZE : Lets assume that the tower has “n” disks. Let Tn be the minimum number of moves that will transfer “n” disks from one peg (i.e. A to another (i.e. C). Clearly T0 = 0, because no moves at all are needed to transfer a tower of n = 0 disks.
Total number of moves = Tn-1 + 1 + Tn-1 + 1 + Tn-1 = 3 Tn-1 + 2 Recurrence Relation : T0 = 0 Tn = 3 Tn-1 + 2 Lets compute successively a few values to guess the closed formula.
Therefore, By Mathematical Induction we proved for all n € N , Tn = 3n – 1
Basis case : T0 = 0 C.F : T0 = 30 – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0 Therefore, Recurrence = C.F for n=0 Let us assume that our closed formula is correct for values <= n – 1. So, now we need to prove : Tn = 3n - 1
Applying the above relation in the recurrence relation, we get Tn = 3 Tn-1 + 2 = 3(3n-1 – 1) + 2 = 3n – 3 + 2 = 3n – 1 Hence, the closed formula holds for n as well.
Chapter 1, problem 2
Chapter No 1,Problem No 2
Question : Find the shortest sequence of moves that transfers a tower of n disks from the left peg A to the right peg B, if direct moves between A and B are disallowed. (Each move must be to or from the middle peg. As usual, a larger disk must never appear above a smaller one.)
T0 = 0 T1 = 3*0 + 2 = 2 T2 = 3*2 + 2 = 8 T3 = 3*8 + 2 = 26 T4 = 3*26 + 2 = 80 Observation : Tn = 3n -1
Now we have to prove that Recurrence relation = Closed Formula Lets apply Mathematical induction : Recurrence : T0 = 0, Tn = 3 Tn-1 + 2 Closed Formula : Tn = 3n -1 , n >= 0
The objective is to transfer the entire tower from A to C( in the diagram), if direct moves between A and C are disallowed. This problem is a variant of Tower of Hanoi problem.
T1 = 2 (Since the peg has to be transferred from A to B and then to C.) Similarly , T2 = 8 T3 = 26
Winning Strategy : (for n = 3) 1.Transfer top 2 disks from A to C (requiring T2 disk moves ). 2.Move the largest disk from A to center peg “B”. 3.Move again the 2 disks from C back to A( requiring T2 disk moves ).
4.Move the largest disk to peg “C”. 5.Again we now need to move 2 disks from A to C ( requiring T2 disk moves)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
General Case : 1.Transfer top (n-1) disks from A to C. 2.Move the largest from A to center peg B. 3.Transfer (n-1) disks from C to A back. 4.Move the largest disk to C. 5.Transfer (n-1) disks from A to C again.