Financial Information Exchange (FIX)介绍目录1 背景 (2)1.1 FIX协议不同版本[1,2] (4)1.2 FIXatdl (5)2 FIX协议工作流程 (7)2.1 会话层 (7)2.2 应用层 (8)3 FIX协议结构[2] (9)3.1 信息传送过程 (9)3.2 信息格式和内容 (9)3.2.1 管理信息 (9)3.2.2 应用信息 (10)4 国内FIX现状 (11)4.1 证券交易数据交换协议-STEP[4,5,6] (11)4.1.1 制定背景............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4.2 券商 (15)4.2.1 国信[3] (15)5 参考文献 (15)1背景Financial Information eXchange(FIX)金融信息交换协议是适用于实时证券、金融电子交易开发的数据通信协议。
FPL(FIX Protocol Limited , FIX 协议组织)是一家非营利性交易协会,专门免费发布为电子证券交易设立的公开的通信标准。
IMix message继承了fix message的易用性,根据国内金融市场的特点进行了有针对性的定制,对fix协议进行了扩展和优化,形成了适合国内金融市场的独特协议。
DANDY FUTURES TECH LLCTRADING AGREEMENT AND APPLICATIONDFTT客户交易协议书TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SERVICES交易条款和条件DFTT tech llc (hereinafter called “DFTT”) will offer services strictly under the following terms and conditions, which are non-negotiable and will be amended only with proper notice tocounterparty (hereinafter called "Client") by DFTT alone and under the provisions of Term 10 below.DFTT金融集团(以下简称“DFTT” )将严格按照以下条款和条件提供的服务。
只有在妥善通知对方(以下简称“客户” )的情况下,由DFTT按照以下第10条规定进行修改。
Client has read, understood and accepted all information on the DFTT's website www. (hereinafter called "the main website") clearly and publicly stated, available to all Clientsincluding the Legal Information. DFTT reserves the right to register and operate other relevant websites for marketing and promotional purposes to specific countries which contain information and disclosures to clients and prospective clients in any language other the English language.Client accepts and understands that DFTT's official language is the English language and should always read and refer to the main website for all information and disclosures about DFTT and its activities. By signing the following terms and conditions, Client enters into a legal and binding agreement with DFTT.客户已阅读,理解并接受所有在DFTT的网站(以下简称“主要网站” )的资料。
ApplVerID = FIX.5.0
FIX.5.0 TradeCapture Report FIX Application Layer
网关(FIX) 服务器(BSS)
FIX协议存在2种语法格式: 1 “标记=值” 语法格式 2 “FIXML语法” 语法格式 同一个商业信息流适用于任何一种语法 “标记=值” 语法格式: 8=FIX.4.2^9=251^35=D^49=AFUNDMGR^56=ABROKER^34=2^52=2003061501:14:49^11=12345^1=111111^63=0^64=20030621^21=3^110=1000^111=5000 0^55=IBM^48=459200101^22=1^54=1^60=2003061501:14:49^38=5000^40=1^ 44=15.75^15=USD^59=0^10=127
Financial Information eXchange(FIX)金融信息交换协议的制定是由多个致力 于提升其相互间交易流程效率的金融机构和经纪商于1992年共同发起。这些企 业把他们及他们的行业视为一个整体,认为能够从对交易指示,交易指令及交 易执行的高效电子数据交换中获利。FIX由此诞生,它是不受某个商业机构控制 的开放消息标准,一个能够被调整组建适用于任何一个企业的商务需求的协议。 FIX协议是一个消息标准,促进与安全交易相关的信息交换,在希望进行自动通 信的交易方之间进行使用。该消息协议将支持各种商务功能。 FIX最早用于支持 美国国内的委托人之间基于直接信息流转的证券交易。随着协议本身的发展, 增加了大量的支持多边界交易的、衍生工具及其它产品的数据域。 FIX协议包含2个层次:会话层和应用层。会话层与数据的通信相关;而应用层 定义了商务相关数据内容。 2006年10月,FPL(FIX Protocol Limited)发布了FIX5.0。FIX5.0引入TI (the transport independence )传输无关框架。TI将FIX会话层从应用层协议 中分离出来。在TI框架下,应用层协议消息可以通过任意合适的传输技术进行传 送,在这里,FIX会话层协议是FIX应用层消息的可选传输传输协议之一。
Financial Information Exchange (FIX)介绍目录1 背景 (2)1.1 FIX协议不同版本[1,2] (5)1.2 FIXatdl (6)2 FIX协议工作流程 (9)2.1 会话层 (9)2.2 应用层 (11)3 FIX协议结构[2] (12)3.1 信息传送过程 (12)3.2 信息格式和内容 (13)3.2.1 管理信息 (13)3.2.2 应用信息 (13)4 国内FIX现状 (16)4.1 证券交易数据交换协议-STEP[4,5,6] (16)4.1.1 制定背景............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4.2 券商 (21)4.2.1 国信[3] (21)5 参考文献 (22)1背景Financial Information eXchange(FIX)金融信息交换协议是适用于实时证券、金融电子交易开发的数据通信协议。
FPL(FIX Protocol Limited , FIX 协议组织)是一家非营利性交易协会,专门免费发布为电子证券交易设立的公开的通信标准。
当一个接收消息由于违背会话层规则,不能被正确的处理,应发送驳回消息。一 个例子是:当一个接收消息通过解密,效验和检查,及数据体长度检查后没有有 效的基础数据(如,MsgType=&),将产生一个驳回消息。结果是,这些消息 将传递给交易应用程序,如果需要,将产生商业逻辑级的驳回。 驳回消息应记录到日志中,且接收序列号应增加。 注意:接收应用程序应忽略任何干扰消息,不能被解析的及未通过数据完整性检 查的消息。处理下一个FIX消息将导致检测到一个序列号间隙并产生一个Resend Request消息。FIX引擎应包含处理在此情况下的无限重传循环。 生成和接收到一个驳回消息表明一个接收或发送程序的逻辑错误导致的严重的错 误。 如果发送程序选择重传驳回消息,该消息应赋予一个新的序列号值,且 PossResend设置为‘Y’。 无论何时,强烈推荐将描述失败原因在Text 域中描述(如,INVALID DATA (35))。 如果接收到的一个应用级消息满足所有会话级规则,该消息应在商业消息级被处 理。如果在处理过程中检测到规则冲突,将产生发送一个商业级驳回。许多商业 级消息都有自己特定的驳回消息。如果没有,则产生发送一个Business Message Reject消息。 注意,在收到一个商业消息,满足会话级规则,但不能被传送给商业级处理系统 时,一个带有BusinessRjectReason=“Application not available at this time”的 Business Message Reject消息将被发出。
FIX.4.2 包长 消息类别 发送方 接收方 消息序列号 复制标志 重传标志 发送时间
exercise status
exercise type
exotic option
expiration time
expiry date
explicitly stipulate
face value
facilitate the interconnection
financial institution
financial leasing company
financial product
financial report
financial institution bond
first settlement date
data back-up
data error
data feed
data in relation to deals
data landing
data vendors
deal date
deal information
CFETS Market Date Service(CMDS)
China Banking Regulatory Commission(CBRC)
fix 协议
fix 协议FIX协议(Financial Information Exchange Protocol)是全球金融业务中广泛使用的一种标准电子通信协议。
MULTILATERAL COMPETENTAUTHORITY AGREEMENTON AUTOMATIC EXCHANGEOF FINANCIAL ACCOUNT INFORMATION Whereas, the jurisdictions of the signatories to the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (the “Agreement”) are Parties of, or territories covered by, the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters or the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters as amended by the Protocol amending the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (the “Convention”) or have signed or expressed their intention to sign the Convention and acknowledge that the Convention must be in force and in effect in relation to them before the first exchange of financial account information takes place;Whereas, the jurisdictions intend to improve international tax compliance by further building on their relationship with respect to mutual assistance in tax matters;Whereas, the Common Reporting Standard was developed by the OECD, with G20 countries, to tackle tax avoidance and evasion and improve tax compliance;Whereas, a country that has signed or expressed its intention to sign the Convention will only become a Jurisdiction as defined in Section 1 of this Agreement once it has become a Party to the Convention;Whereas, the laws of the respective Jurisdictions require or are expected to require financial institutions to report information regarding certain accounts and follow related due diligence procedures, consistent with the scope of exchange contemplated by Section 2 of this Agreement and the reporting and due diligence procedures set out in the Common Reporting Standard;Whereas, it is expected that the laws of the Jurisdictions would be amended from time to time to reflect updates to the Common Reporting Standard and once such changes are enacted by a Jurisdiction the definition of Common Reporting Standard would be deemed to refer to the updated version in respect of that Jurisdiction;Whereas, Chapter III of the Convention authorises the exchange of information for tax purposes, including the exchange of information on an automatic basis, and allows the competent authorities of the Jurisdictions to agree the scope and modalities of such automatic exchanges;Whereas, Article 6 of the Convention provides that two or more Parties can mutually agree to exchange information automatically, the exchange of the information will be on a bilateral basis between the Competent Authorities;ACCORD MULTILATERALENTRE AUTORITES COMPETENTES CONCERNANT L’ECHANGEAUTOMATIQUEDE RENSEIGNEMENTS RELATIFS AUX COMPTES FINANCIERS Considérant que les juridictions des signataires de l’Accord multilatéral entre autorités compétentes concernant l’échange automatique de renseignements relatifs aux comptes financiers (l’« Accord ») sont des Parties à la Convention concernant l’assistance administrative mutuelle en matière fiscale ou à la Convention concernant l’assistance administrative mutuelle en matière fiscale telle qu’amendée par le Protocole d’amendement à la Convention concernant l’assistance administrative mutuelle en matière fiscale(la « Convention »), ou des territoires couverts par cette Convention, ou ont signé ou exprimé leur intention de signer la Convention et reconnu que la Convention doit être en vigueur et avoir pris effet à leur égard avant que n’ait lieu le premier échange de renseignements relatifs aux comptes financiers;Considérant que les juridictions ont l’intention d’améliorer le respect des obligations fiscales à l’échelle internationale en approfondissant davantage leur relation concernant l’assistance mutuelle en matière fiscale;Considérant que la Norme commune de déclaration a été élaborée par l’OCDE, avec les pays du G20, pour lutter contre l’évasion et la fraude fiscales et améliorer le respect des obligations fiscales ;Considérant qu’un pays qui a signé ou exprimé son intention de signer la Convention ne deviendra une Juridiction telle que définie à la section 1 du présent Accord que lorsqu’il sera devenu Partie à la Convention ;Considérant que les lois des Juridictions respectives imposent ou devraient imposer aux institutions financières de communiquer des informations concernant certains comptes et de suivre les procédures de diligence raisonnable qui s’y rattachent, conformément à la portée des échanges définie à la section 2 du présent Accord et aux procédures de déclaration et de diligence raisonnable établies dans la Norme commune de déclaration ;Considérant que la législation des Juridictions devrait être périodiquement modifiée afin de tenir compte des mises à jour de la Norme commune de déclaration, et qu’une fois ces modifications promulguées par une Juridiction, la définition de la Norme commune de déclaration sera réputée faire référence à la version mise à jour pour cette Juridiction ;Considérant que le chapitre III de la Convention autorise l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales, y compris de manière automatique, et autorise les autorités compétentes des Juridictions à définir la portée et les modalités de ces échanges automatiques ;Considérant que l’article 6 de la Convention prévoit que deux Parties ou plusieurs peuvent convenir mutuellement d’échanger automatiquement des renseignements, et que l’échange des renseignements s’effectuera sur une base bilatérale entre Autorités compétentes ;Whereas, the Jurisdictions have, or are expected to have, in place by the time the first exchange takes place (i) appropriate safeguards to ensure that the information received pursuant to this Agreement remains confidential and is used solely for the purposes set out in the Convention, and (ii) the infrastructure for an effective exchange relationship (including established processes for ensuring timely, accurate, and confidential information exchanges, effective and reliable communications, and capabilities to promptly resolve questions and concerns about exchanges or requests for exchanges and to administer the provisions of Section 4 of this Agreement);Whereas, the Competent Authorities of the jurisdictions intend to conclude an agreement to improve international tax compliance based on automatic exchange pursuant to the Convention, without prejudice to national legislative procedures (if any), respecting EU law (if applicable), and subject to the confidentiality and other protections provided for in the Convention, including the provisions limiting the use of the information exchanged thereunder;Now, therefore, the Competent Authorities have agreed as follows:SECTION 1Definitions1. For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:a)the term “Jurisdiction” means a country or a territory in respect of which the Convention isin force and is in effect, either through signature and ratification in accordance with Article 28, or through territorial extension in accordance with Article 29, and which is a signatory tothis Agreement;b)the term “Competent Authority” means, for each respective Jurisdiction, the persons andauthorities listed in Annex B of the Convention;c)the term “Jurisdiction Financial Institution”means, for each respective Jurisdiction, (i)any Financial Institution that is resident in the Jurisdiction, but excludes any branch of that Financial Institution that is located outside the Jurisdiction, and (ii) any branch of a Financial Institution that is not resident in the Jurisdiction, if that branch is located in the Jurisdiction;d)the term “Reporting Financial Institution”means any Jurisdiction Financial Institutionthat is not a Non-Reporting Financial Institution;e)the term “Reportable Account”means a Financial Account that is maintained by aReporting Financial Institution and that, pursuant to due diligence procedures consistent with the Common Reporting Standard, has been identified as an account that is held by one or more persons that are Reportable Persons with respect to another Jurisdiction or by a Passive Non-Financial Entity with one or more Controlling Persons that are Reportable Persons with respect to another Jurisdiction,f)the term “Common Reporting Standard” means the standard for automatic exchange offinancial account information in tax matters (which includes the Commentaries), developed by the OECD, with G20 countries;Considérant que les Juridictions ont mis en place ou devraient avoir en place lors du premier échange (i) les protections adéquates pour faire en sorte que les renseignements reçus conformément à cet Accord restent confidentiels et soient utilisés uniquement aux fins prévues par la Convention, et (ii) les infrastructures nécessaires à un échange efficace (y compris les processus garantissant un échange de renseignements en temps voulu, exact et confidentiel, des communications efficaces et fiables, et les moyens permettant de résoudre rapidement les questions et préoccupations relatives aux échanges ou aux demandes d’échanges et d’appliquer les dispositions de la section 4 du présent Accord) ;Considérant que les Autorités compétentes des juridictions ont l’intention de conclure un accord afin d’améliorer le respect des obligations fiscales à l’échelle internationale sur la base d’échanges automatiques en application de la Convention, sans préjudice des procédures législatives nationales (s’il y en a), dans le respect du droit de l’UE (s’il est applicable) et sous réserve de la confidentialité et des garanties prévues par la Convention, y compris les dispositions qui limitent l’utilisation des renseignements échangés en vertu de celle-ci ;Les Autorités compétentes sont convenues des dispositions suivantes :SECTION 1Définitions2. Aux fins du présentAccord, les termes et expressions suivants ont le sens défini ci-après :a)Le terme « Juridiction » désigne un pays ou un territoire pour lequel la Convention est envigueur et a pris effet soit par signature et ratification conformément à l’article 28, ou parextension territoriale conformément à l’article 29, et qui est signataire du présent Accord ;b)L’expression « Autorité compétente » désigne, pour chaque Juridiction respective, lespersonnes et autorités énumérées à l’Annexe B de la Convention ;c)L’expression « Institution financière de la Juridiction » désigne, pour chaque Juridictionrespective, (i) toute Institution financière résidente de la Juridiction, à l’exception de toutesuccursale de cette Institution financière établie en dehors de la Juridiction, et (ii) toutesuccursale d’une Institution financière non résidente de la Juridiction si cette succursale estétablie dans la Juridiction ;d)L’expression « Institution financière déclarante » désigne toute Institution financière de laJuridiction qui n’est pas une Institution financière non déclarante ;e)L’expression « Compte déclarable » désigne un Compte financier ouvert auprès d’uneInstitution financière déclarante et qui, conformément aux procédures de diligence raisonnable prévues par la Norme commune de déclaration, a été identifié en tant quecompte détenu par une ou plusieurs Personnes devant faire l’objet d’une déclaration vis-à-vis d’une autre Juridiction, ou par une Entité non financière passive dont une ou plusieursPersonnes qui en détiennent le contrôle sont des Personnes devant faire l’objet d’unedéclaration vis-à-vis d’une autre Juridiction ;f)L’expression « Norme commune de déclaration » désigne la norme d’échangeautomatique de renseignements sur les comptes financiers en matière fiscale (y compris lesCommentaires) élaborée par l’OCDE aux côtés des pays du G20 ;g)the term “Co-ordinating Body Secretariat” means the OECD Secretariat that, pursuant toparagraph 3 of Article 24 of the Convention, provides support to the co-ordinating body thatis composed of representatives of the competent authorities of the Parties to the Convention;h)the term “Agreement in effect” means, in respect of any two Competent Authorities, thatboth Competent Authorities have indicated their intention to automatically exchange information with each other and have satisfied the other conditions set out in subparagraph2.1. of Section 7. The Competent Authorities for which this Agreement is in effect are listedin Annex E.2. Any capitalised term not otherwise defined in this Agreement will have the meaning that it has at that time under the law of the Jurisdiction applying the Agreement, such meaning being consistent with the meaning set forth in the Common Reporting Standard. Any term not otherwise defined in this Agreement or in the Common Reporting Standard will, unless the context otherwise requires or the Competent Authorities agree to a common meaning (as permitted by domestic law), have the meaning that it has at that time under the law of the Jurisdiction applying this Agreement, any meaning under the applicable tax laws of that Jurisdiction prevailing over a meaning given to the term under other laws of that Jurisdiction.SECTION 2Exchange of Information with Respect to Reportable Accounts1.1. Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 6 and 22 of the Convention and subject to the applicable reporting and due diligence rules consistent with the Common Reporting Standard, each Competent Authority will annually exchange with the other Competent Authorities, with respect to which it has this Agreement in effect, on an automatic basis the information obtained pursuant to such rules and specified in paragraph2.1.2. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the Competent Authorities of the Jurisdictions listed in Annex A will send, but not receive, the information specified in paragraph 2. Competent Authorities of Jurisdictions not listed in Annex A will always receive the information specified in paragraph 2. Competent Authorities will not send such information to Competent Authorities of the Jurisdictions listed in Annex A.2. The information to be exchanged is, with respect to each Reportable Account of another Jurisdiction:a)the name, address, TIN(s) and date and place of birth (in the case of an individual) of eachReportable Person that is an Account Holder of the account and, in the case of any Entity that is an Account Holder and that, after application of due diligence procedures consistentwith the Common Reporting Standard, is identified as having one or more Controlling Persons that is a Reportable Person, the name, address, and TIN(s) of the Entity and the name, address, TIN(s) and date and place of birth of each Reportable Person;b)the account number (or functional equivalent in the absence of an account number);c)the name and identifying number (if any) of the Reporting Financial Institution;d)g)L’expression « Secrétariat de l’Organe de coordination » désigne le Secrétariat del’OCDE qui, conformément au paragraphe 3 de l’article 24 de la Convention, appuie l’organe de coordination composé de représentants des autorités compétentes des Parties à laConvention ;h)L’expression « Accord qui a pris effet » signifie, pour deux Autorités compétentes quellesqu’elles soient, que les deux Autorités compétentes ont manifesté leur intention d’échanger automatiquement des renseignements l’une avec l’autre et ont rempli les autres conditions prévues à l’alinéa 2.1 de la section 7. Les Autorités compétentes pour lesquelles le présentAccord a pris effet sont énumérées à l’Annexe E.3. Tout terme en majuscule qui n’est pas défini dans le présent Accord aura le sens que lui attribue au moment considéré, la législation de la Juridiction qui applique l’Accord, cette définition étant conforme à celle figurant dans la Norme commune de déclaration. Tout terme qui n’est pas défini dans le présent Accord ou dans la Norme commune de déclaration aura, sauf si le contexte exige une interprétation différente ou si les Autorités compétentes s’entendent sur une signification commune (comme le prévoit le droit national), le sens que lui attribue au moment considéré la législation de la Juridiction qui applique le présent Accord, toute définition figurant dans la législation fiscale applicable de cette Juridiction l’emportant sur une définition contenue dans une autre législation de la même Juridiction.SECTION 2Échange de renseignements concernant des Comptes déclarables1.1 Conformément aux dispositions des articles 6 et 22 de la Convention et sous réserve des règles applicables en matière de déclaration et de diligence raisonnable définies dans la Norme commune de déclaration, chaque Autorité compétente échangera chaque année avec les autres Autorités compétentes pour lesquelles cet Accord a pris effet, de manière automatique, les renseignements obtenus conformément à ces règles et précisés dans le paragraphe2.1.2 Nonobstant le paragraphe précédent, les Autorités compétentes des Juridictions énumérées à l’annexe A transmettront, mais ne recevront pas, les renseignements spécifiés dans le paragraphe2. Les Autorités compétentes des Juridictions qui ne figurent pas à l’annexe A recevront systématiquement les renseignements indiqués dans le paragraphe 2. Les Autorités compétentes n’enverront pas ces renseignements aux Autorités compétentes des Juridictions énumérées à l’annexe A.2. Les renseignements qui doivent être échangés, concernant chaque Compte déclarable d’une autre Juridiction, sont les suivants :a)les nom, adresse, NIF et date et lieu de naissance (dans le cas d’une personne physique) dechaque Personne devant faire l’objet d’une déclaration qui est un Titulaire de ce compte et,dans le cas d’une Entité qui est Titulaire de ce compte et pour laquelle, après application desprocédures de diligence raisonnable définies dans la Norme commune de déclaration, il apparaît qu’une ou plusieurs Personnes qui en détiennent le contrôle sont des Personnes devant faire l’objet d’une déclaration, le nom, l’adresse et le NIF de cette Entité ainsi que lesnom, adresse, NIF et date et lieu de naissance de chacune de ces Personnes devant faire l’objet d’une déclaration ;b)le numéro de compte (ou son équivalent fonctionnel en l’absence de numéro de compte) ;c)le nom et le numéro d’identification (éventuel) de l’Institution financière déclarante ;d)the account balance or value (including, in the case of a Cash Value Insurance Contract orAnnuity Contract, the Cash Value or surrender value) as of the end of the relevant calendaryear or other appropriate reporting period or, if the account was closed during such year orperiod, the closure of the account;e)in the case of any Custodial Account:(1)the total gross amount of interest, the total gross amount of dividends, and the totalgross amount of other income generated with respect to the assets held in the account,in each case paid or credited to the account (or with respect to the account) during thecalendar year or other appropriate reporting period; and(2)the total gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of Financial Assets paid orcredited to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting periodwith respect to which the Reporting Financial Institution acted as a custodian, broker,nominee, or otherwise as an agent for the Account Holder;f)in the case of any Depository Account, the total gross amount of interest paid or credited tothe account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period; andg)in the case of any account not described in subparagraph 2(e) or (f), the total gross amountpaid or credited to the Account Holder with respect to the account during the calendar yearor other appropriate reporting period with respect to which the Reporting Financial Institution is the obligor or debtor, including the aggregate amount of any redemption payments made to the Account Holder during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period.SECTION 3Time and Manner of Exchange of Information1. For the purposes of the exchange of information in Section 2, the amount and characterisation of payments made with respect to a Reportable Account may be determined in accordance with the principles of the tax laws of the Jurisdiction exchanging the information.2. For the purposes of the exchange of information in Section 2, the information exchanged will identify the currency in which each relevant amount is denominated.3. With respect to paragraph 2 of Section 2, and subject to the notification procedure set out in Section 7, including the dates specified therein, information is to be exchanged commencing from the years specified in Annex F within nine months after the end of the calendar year to which the information relates. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, information is only required to be exchanged with respect to a calendar year if both Competent Authorities have this Agreement in effect and their respective Jurisdictions have in effect legislation that requires reporting with respect to such calendar year that is consistent with the scope of exchange provided for in Section 2 and the reporting and due diligence procedures contained in the Common Reporting Standard.e)d)le solde ou la valeur portée sur le compte (y compris, dans le cas d’un Contrat d’assuranceavec valeur de rachat ou d’un Contrat de rente, la Valeur de rachat) à la fin de l’année civile considérée ou d’une autre période de référence adéquate ou, si le compte a été clos au cours de 1’année ou de la période en question, la clôture du compte ;e)dans le cas d’unCompte conservateur :(1)le montant brut total des intérêts, le montant brut total des dividendes et le montantbrut total des autres revenus produits par les actifs détenus sur le compte, versés oucrédités sur le compte (ou au titre du compte) au cours de l’année civile ou d’uneautre période de référence adéquate ; et(2)le produit brut total de la vente ou du rachat d’un bien versé ou crédité sur le compteau cours de l’année civile ou d’une autre période de référence adéquate au titre delaquelle l’Institution financière déclarante a agi en tant que dépositaire, courtier,prête-nom ou représentant du Titulaire de compte ;f)dans le cas d’un Compte de dépôt, le montant brut total des intérêts versés ou crédités sur lecompte au cours de l’année civile ou d’une autre période de référence adéquate ; etg)dans le cas d’un compte qui n’est pas visé aux alinéas 2(e) ou (f), le montant brut total verséau Titulaire de compte ou porté à son crédit, au cours de l’année civile ou d’une autre période de référence adéquate, dont l’Institution financière déclarante est la débitrice, y compris le montant total de toutes les sommes remboursées au Titulaire de compte au cours de l’année civile ou d’une autre période de référence adéquate.SECTION 3Calendrier et modalités des échanges de renseignements1. Aux fins de l’échange de renseignements prévu à la section 2, le montant et la qualification des versements effectués au titre d’un Compte déclarable peuvent être déterminés conformément aux principes de la législation fiscale de la Juridiction qui procède à l’échange.2. Aux fins del’échange de renseignements prévu à la section 2, les renseignements échangés indiquent la monnaie dans laquelle chaque montant concerné est libellé.3. S’agissant du paragraphe 2 de la section 2 et sous condition de la notification prévue à la section 7, y compris des dates qui y sont énoncées, les renseignements doivent être échangés dans les neuf mois qui suivent la fin de l’année civile à laquelle ils se rapportent et pour la première fois par rapport aux années mentionnées à l’annexe F. Nonobstant la phrase précédente, l’obligation d’échanger les renseignements pour une année civile s’applique uniquement si cet Accord a pris effet entre les deux Autorités compétentes et si leurs Juridictions respectives sont dotées d’une législation qui prévoit la communication d’informations pour cette année civile conforme à la portée de l’échange définie à la section 2 et aux procédures de déclaration et de diligence raisonnable stipulées dans la Norme commune de déclaration.4. [deleted]5. The Competent Authorities will automatically exchange the information described in Section 2 in the common reporting standard schema in Extensible Markup Language.6. The Competent Authorities will work towards and agree on one or more methods for data transmission including encryption standards with a view to maximising standardisation and minimising complexities and costs and will specify those in Annex B.SECTION 4Collaboration on Compliance and EnforcementA Competent Authority will notify the other Competent Authority when the first-mentioned Competent Authority has reason to believe that an error may have led to incorrect or incomplete information reporting or there is non-compliance by a Reporting Financial Institution with the applicable reporting requirements and due diligence procedures consistent with the Common Reporting Standard. The notified Competent Authority will take all appropriate measures available under its domestic law to address the errors or non-compliance described in the notice.SECTION 5Confidentiality and Data Safeguards1. All information exchanged is subject to the confidentiality rules and other safeguards provided for in the Convention, including the provisions limiting the use of the information exchanged and, to the extent needed to ensure the necessary level of protection of personal data, in accordance with the safeguards which may be specified by the supplying Competent Authority as required under its domestic law and listed in Annex C.2. A Competent Authority will notify the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat immediately regarding any breach of confidentiality or failure of safeguards and any sanctions and remedial actions consequently imposed. The Co-ordinating Body Secretariat will notify all Competent Authorities with respect to which this is an Agreement in effect with the first mentioned Competent Authority.SECTION 6Consultations and Amendments1. If any difficulties in the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement arise, a Competent Authority may request consultations with one or more of the Competent Authorities to develop appropriate measures to ensure that this Agreement is fulfilled. The Competent Authority that requested the consultations shall ensure, as appropriate, that the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat is notified of any measures that were developed and the Co-ordinating Body Secretariat will notify all Competent Authorities, even those that did not participate in the consultations, of any measures that were developed.2. This Agreement may be amended by consensus by written agreement of all of the Competent Authorities that have the Agreement in effect. Unless otherwise agreed upon, such an amendment is effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of one month after the date of the last signature of such written agreement.。
常用电子商务英语缩写ADO ActiveX Data Object ActiveX 数据对象ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线路AI Artificial Intelligent 人工智能API Application Programming Interface 标准应用程序接口APS Advanced Planning & Scheduling 先进计划和调度ARP Address Resolution Protocol 地址解析协议ASP Active Server Pages 活动服务器网页ATM Automated teller machine 自动柜员机ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式B/S Browser/Server 浏览器/服务器B2B Business to Business 商家对商家或商业机构对商业机构的电子商务模式B2C Business to Customer 商家对个人客户或商业机构对消费者的电子商务模式BBS Bulletin Board System 电子公告牌系统BI Business Intelligence 商务智能BPR Business Process Rebuild 企业流程再造CA Certificate Authority 证书管理机构CGI Common Gateway Interface 公共网关接口CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing 计算机集成制造CIMS Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机集成制造系统CIO Chief Information Officer 首席信息主管CIP Cost and Insurance Paid 运费,保险费付至(指定目的地)COM Common Object Model 公用对象模型CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 通用对象请求代理结构CPC Cost per click-through 每次点击成本收费模式CPM Cost per thousand impressions 千人印象成本收费模式CPS Certificate Practice Statement 认证操作规定CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理CTI Computer Telephony Integration 计算机与电信集成CTO Chief Technological Officer 首席技术主管CVM Customer Value Management 客户价值管理DAF Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DBMS DataBase Management System 数据库管理系统DCE Data Circuit—terminating Equipment 数据电路终端设备DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 分布式组件对象模型DDN Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDP Delivered Duty Paid 目的地交货,关税已付DDSS Distributed Decision Support System 分布式决策支持系统DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 目的地交货,关税未付DES Data Encryption Standard 数据加密标准DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 动态主机配置协议DM Data Mining 数据挖掘DML Data Manipulate Language 数据操作语言DNS Domain Name Server 域名服务器DSC Decision Support Center 决策支持中心DSL Digital Subscriber Line 数字用户线路DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统DSS Decision Support System 决策支DTS Digital Time-stamp Service 数字时间戳服务DW Data Warehouse 数据仓库DW Data Warehouse 数据仓库EAI Enterprise Application Integration 企业应用集成EB Electronic Business 电子商务(广义)EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务(狭义)E-Cash Electronic Cash 电子现金E-Check Electronic Check 电子支票ECML Electronic Commerce Model Language 电子商务模型语言E—Debit Electronic Debit 电子债务EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理EFT Electronic Funds Transfer 电子资金转帐ELAN Emulated Local-Area Network 仿真局域网E—mail 电子函件EoN Edge of Network 网络边际ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ES Expert System 专家系统E-Waallet Electronic Wallet 电子钱包FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 光纤分布式数据接口FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统FOB Free On Board 装运港船FSML Financial Services Markup Language 金融业务标记语言FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议GDSS Group Decision Support System 群决策支持系统GIIC Global Information Infrastructure Committee 全球信息基础设施委员会GT Grouping Technology 集成技术GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面HTML HyperText Markup Language 超文本标记语言HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议IAP Internet Access Providers Internet 接入服务商IC Intelligent Card 智能卡ICP Internet Content Provider 内容供应商IDSS Intelligent Decision Support System 智能决策支持系统IIS Internet Information Server Internet 信息服务器IIS Internet Information Server 因特网信息服务器IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol internet 消息访问协议IMS Integrated Manufacturing System 集成制造系统IOTP Internet Open Trading Protocol 开放贸易协议IP Internet Protocol 网际协议IP Internet Protocol 因特网协议IPX Internet Packet eXchange 网际信息包交换协议IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange 因特网包交换ISAPI Internet Server API 因特网服务器应用编程接口ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network 综合业务数字网ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织ISP Internet Service Provider Internet 服务提供商ISV Independent Software Vendor 独立软件开发商IT Information Technology 信息技术JDBC Java DataBase Connectivity Java 数据库互联JTS Just in Time System 准时生产系统KDD Knowledge Discovery In Database 数据库知识发掘LAN Local-Area Network 局域网MAC Medium Access Control 媒体访问控制MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网MB Model Base 模型库MFC Microsoft Foundation Class Library 微软基础类库MIS Management Iformation System 管理信息系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统MPLS Muti—Protocal Label Switching 多协议标记交换MRP Manufacture Resouce Planning 生产资源规划MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源系统NAP Network Access Provider 网络访问服务商NFS Network File System 网络文件系统NIC Network Interface Card 网络接口卡NII National Information Infrastructure 国家信息基础设施NOS Network Operating System 网络操作系统NTFS NT File System NT 文件系统ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity 开放数据库互联ODSS Organized Decision Support System 组织决策支持系统OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原设备制造商OLAP On—Line Analysis Processing 联机分析处理(技术)OLIP On—Line Interactive Processing 联机交互处理(技术)OLTP Online Transaction Processing 在线交易处理OMG Object Management Group 对象管理组织PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect 外设部件互连总线PDA Personal Data Assistance 个人数字助理PDF Portable Document Format 可移动式文档格式PIN personal identification number 个人凭证PKI Public Key Infrastructure 公钥基础设施PNNI Private Network—Node Interface 专用网络节点接口POP Post Office Protocol 邮局协议POS Point Of Sales 销售点(系统)PPP Peer-Peer Protocol 端对端协议PPP Point to Point Protocol 点对点协议QOS Quality Of Service 服务质量RAP Remote Analysis Port 远程分析端口RDF Resource Description Format 资源描述框架ROI Return on investment 投资回报SCM Software Configuration Management 软件配置管理SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列SET Secure Electronic Transactions 安全电子交易SGML Standard for General Markup Language 通用标记语言标准SHA Secure Hash Algorithm 安全散列算法SHTTP Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol 安全超文本传输协议SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol 串口线路接口协议SMP Symmetric Multi-Processing 对称多重处理(技术)SMTP Simple Message Transfer Protocol 简单邮件传输协议SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 简单网络管理协议SONET Synchronous Optical NETwork 同步光纤网SPX Sequenced Packet eXchange 分组交换协议SQL Structured Query Language 结构化查询语言SSI Server Side Include 服务器端嵌入SSL Secure Sockets Layer 安全套接层STP Shielded Twisted Pair 屏蔽双绞线STT Secure Transaction Technology 安全交易技术协议SVC Switched Virtual Circuit 交换虚电路TCP Transfer Control Protocol 传输控制协议TPS Transaction Process System 事务处理系统UNI User Network Interface 用户网络界面URL Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定位器UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 非屏蔽双绞线VANs Value-Added Networks 增值网络VOD Video On Demand 视频点播VPN Virtual Private Network 虚拟专用网WAN Wide Area Network 广域网WAP Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议WML Wireless Markup Language 无线标记语言WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织WWW World Wide Web Web 服务器XML eXtensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言。
本标准规定了证券交易所交易系统与市场参与者系统之间进行证券交易所需的数据交换协议(Securities Trading Exchange Protocol,简称STEP),规定了应用环境、会话机制、消息格式、安全与加密、数据完整性、扩展方式、消息定义、数据字典等内容。
IS-IS基础知识一、IS-IS简介1.IS-IS(Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System intra-domain routing information exchangeprotocol,中间系统到中间系统的域内路由信息交换协议)最初是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,ISO)为它的无连接网络协议(ConnectionLess Network Protocol,CLNP)设计的一种动态路由协议。
2.为了提供对IP 的路由支持,IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force,因特网工程任务组)在RFC 1195 中对IS-IS 进行了扩充和修改,使它能够同时应用在TCP/IP 和OSI 环境中,称为集成化IS-IS(Integrated IS-IS 或Dual IS-IS)3.IS-IS 属于内部网关协议(Interior Gateway Protocol,IGP),用于自治系统内部。
IS-IS 是一种链路状态协议,使用最短路径优先(Shortest Path First,SPF)算法进行路由计算。
二、IS-IS的基本术语1.IS(Intermediate System):中间系统。
相当于TCP/IP 中的路由器,是IS-IS 协议中生成路由和传播路由信息的基本单元。
2.ES(End System):终端系统。
相当于TCP/IP 中的主机系统。
ES 不参与IS-IS 路由协议的处理,3.RD(Routing Domain):路由域。
在一个路由域中多个IS 通过相同的路由协议来交换路由信息4.Area:区域,路由域的细分单元,IS-IS 允许将整个路由域分为多个区域。
5.LSDB(Link State DataBase):链路状态数据库。
网络内所有链路的状态组成了链路状态数据库,在每一个IS 中都至少有一个LSDB。
例: How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. How much should the man pay?A. $94.B. $95.C. $ 100.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. Their father.B. The speech topic.C. Their business plan.3. What will the man do next?A. Push the car.B. Replace the batteries.C. Sit in the driving seat.4. What does Frank prefer to do?A. Stay with friends.B. Watch a match on TV.C. Play basketball.5. Why didn’t Eric want to sunbathe during the holiday?A. He had to carry a heavy tyre.B. He was afraid of being laughed at.C. He had forgotten to take his swimsuit.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
fix协议标准FIX协议标准(Financial Information eXchange Protocol)是一种用于金融交易通信的行业标准。
FIX Protocol Testing Accelerator说明书
Virtually every major stock exchange, investment bank, mutual fund and thousands of smaller investment firms use the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol for electronic trading. For these firms, the reliability, scalability and availability of their FIX engines is essential to providing electronic trading services 24/7 around the globe. Any service degradation or failure can result in loss of substantial revenue with current and future customers.Our FIX Protocol Testing Accelerator (FITA) provides the industry’s first and only complete testing solution for equities, FX, fixed income, futures and options asset classes. This end-to-end solution is the result of collaboration between Capgemini and industry-leading software vendors HP, Aegisoft and Blueprint Systems.FIX Protocol TestingAcceleratorIndustry’s First and Only Complete Testing Solution forEquities, FX, Fixed Income, Futures and Optionsin collaboration with“ Capgemini is one the top leadersin software testing. The FIXProtocol Testing Acceleratorstrengthens this leadership. Firstit deepens the vertical domainof the company by providinga testing framework for capitalmarkets. Second, it providesan integrated tool that not onlyfocused on test execution butalso on definitions, requirementsand preparation.”Dominique Raviart,Research Director, NelsonHallThe FIX Protocol Testing Acceleratorwas developed to provide a ready to use,cost effective test accelerator solutionthat speeds testing efforts for your FIXProtocol implementation.FIX Protocol Testing AcceleratorFITA contains a customizablemethodology to support common FIX-related testing:■ FIX certification testing■ Performance testing■ RegNMS compliance testing■ System testingQA ServicesOur comprehensive services help youtest electronic trading applications andFIX interfaces including:■ Order management system■ Order routing system■ Electronic communication network■ Exchanges■ Client/broker dealersServicesBuilt out of our experience of testing FIXimplementations for some of the largesttrading organizations, FITA covers end-to-end validation services ranging fromrequirements validation to performanceand regression testing. The completesolution leverages proven technologyprovided from Capgemini partners toautomate more than 60% of the existingmanual processes involved in FIXvalidation.BenefitsThe FIX Protocol Testing Acceleratordoes more than jump start your FIXtesting efforts. It helps you:■Minimize risk by using proven,repeatable frameworks to providecompliance to FIX message standards.■Establish an intuitional knowledgebase for functional, regression andsystem integration testing improvingapplication quality.■Reduce time to market with pre-defined test scenarios to shorten thedesign phase; pre-defined test cases tospeed implementation; and a provenmethodology which streamlines theexecution phase.■Manage requirements using BlueprintRequirement Center which providescomplete test coverage and ensuresthat all test cases are mapped torequirements■Support customizations of test data,FIX testing assets or FIX testingframework to match your specificneeds.EquitiesFXOptionsFuturesFixed IncomeHP QCHP BPTHP QTPBlueprintModeling &RequirementsAegisoft FixSimulators andValidationHP LRHP BACTest StrategyTest PlanModelsRequirementsUse CasesTest ScriptsRelease NotesContentsTechnologiesFinancial Services the way we do itAbout Capgemini Testing Capgemini’s testing team specializes in financial services and includes:■ 5,000 career quality professionals■ Industry standards TPI, TMAP® and Quality Blueprint■ Over 10 books published on Quality Management■ More than 500 professionals certified in technology, business and leadership domains including Certified Software Test Engineer (CSTE), ISTQB and NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets■ Deep industry domain expertise spanning insurance, banking and capital markets with a focus on wealth management, payments and risk and compliance■ Highly skilled testing leadership with an average of 10-15 years experience ■ Rightshore® network of centers in 32 cities across 15 countries■ Strong alliance partnerships with leading quality assurance and testing vendors■ State-of-the-art delivery and trainingfacilities/financialservices F S 201003150314C SCopyright © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved. For more information, contact us at *******************************。
193数据库技术Database Technology电子技术与软件工程Electronic Technology & Software Engineering1 背景意义目前,国际上的主流技术标准包括ISO 20022(SWIFT MX )、FIX 、ISO 15022(SWIFT MT )、IFX 、FpML 、XBRL (Open Information Model )、BIAN 、ACTUS 等。
而在维护和推广这些标准的组织中具有较大影响力的包括ISO/TC68/SC9金融服务信息交换分委会、FIX 全球技术委员会、SWIFT 组织等,其中尤其以ISO/TC68为全球范围内最为权威和被认可的金融领域标准化组织。
而基于IMIX 、FIX 与ISO 20022的业务模型研究经验,开展报文映射方案的研究,建立统一的语义模型,对提升标准互联互通、引领国际标准发展、助力国际拓展、强化自主产权具有战略性意义。
2 国际报文标准2.1 IMIX标准介绍IMIX (Inter-bank Market Information eXchange )标准,即银行间市场业务数据交换标准,是一种用于在银行间市场交易活动中实现金融信息实时传输的电子通信标准。
IMIX 标准由中国外汇交易中心暨全国银行间同业拆借中心起草,并于2011年6月2日首次发布实施。
IMIX 标准旨在把银行间市场各类业务需求流程格式化,使之成为可用计算机语言描述的功能流程,并在每个业务功能接口上统一交换格式,从而提高整个行业的应用水平。
Abbreviation Full Name 中译AC Alternating Current 交流电A/C Account 科目A/P Accounts Payable 应付帐款A/R Accounts Receivable 应收帐款ABC Activity Based Costing 作业制成本会计ABM Activity Based Management 作业制成本管理ACH Automated Clearinghouse 自动票据交换所ACH. % Achievement Ratio 达标率ACT Actual 实际ACTG Accounting 会计ADJ. Adjustment 调整ADM Adminstration 管理ADR American Depositary Receipt 美国存托凭证AES Asset & Equipment Management System 资产设备管理体系AF Annual Forecast 年度预测AMH Automation Material Handling 自动物料处理AMT Amount 金额/数量ASP Average Selling Price 平均售价ASSY Assembly Product 组合产品ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动柜员机AVG Average 平均AUP Average Unit Price 平均售价B/L Back Light 背景光源B/L Bill of Lading 提单B/S Balance Sheet 资产负债表BA Bankers Acceptance 银行承兑汇票BCR Business Card Reader 名片阅读机BEP Break Even Point 损益两平点BIOS Basic Input/output System 基本输出入系统BNS Business Management System 经营管理体系BOD Board of Director 董事会BOM Bill of Material 材料用量清单Bond Corporate Bond 公司债BPCS Business Production Control SystemBPR Business Process Re-engineering 企业流程改造BTO Build To Order 接单后生产BU Business Unit 事业部BUD Budget 预算C.A.P.D. Check, Action, Plan, DoC/D Clock Display 时钟显示器CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程CAGR Compound Average Growth Rate 平均复合成长率CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAPM Capital Assets Pricing Model 资本资产计价模式CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助制程规划CB Convertible Bond 可转换公司债CBC Central Bank of China 台湾中央银行CCAR Customer Complained Analysis Report 客户抱怨分析报告表CCC Cash Conversion CycleCCR Customer Complained Report 客户抱怨报告表CEM Contract Electronic ManfactureCEO Chief Executive Officer 执行长CFO Chief Financial Officer 财务长CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight 运费、保险费在内条件CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机整合制造系统CIO Chief Information Officer 信息长CIS Corporate Identity System 企业识别系统CIS Contact Image Sensor 接触式影像传感器CHIPS Cleaning House Interbank Payment System 纽约票据交换所银行间支付制度CM Contribution Margin 边际贡献CMOS Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化半导体COD Cash On Delivery 交货付现COGS Cost of Goods Sold 销货成本CP Commercial Paper 商业本票CPA Certified Public Accountant 会计师CPI Consumer Price Index 消费者物价指数CR Check Request 请款单CRAR Customer Replacement Analysis Request 客户换货分析报告表CRP Cost Reduction Program (Planning) 降低成本方案(计划)CRT Cathode Ray Tube 映像管CSC Customer Specification Copy 客户规格书CSCN Customer Specification Change Notice 客户规格变更通知单CTO Configure To Order 顾客化生产CUM Cumulative 累积CWQC Company Wide Quality Control 全公司质量管理C&F Cost & Freight 运费在内条件D/A Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单D/G Down Grade 次级品D/O Delivery Order 送货单D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单DC Direct Current 直流电DCN Design Change Notice 设计变更单DCF Discounted Cash Flow 折现后之现金流量Dept. Department 部DF Delivered Forward 远期外汇DIF Difference 差异DIV. Division 处DJIA Dow Jones Industry Average 道琼工业指数DL Direct Labor 直接人工DOA Delegation of Authorization 核决权限DOA Death on ArrivalDOH Days On HandDPO Days on Payable Outstanding 应付帐款周转天数DPPM Defect Parts Per MillionDPS Dividend per share 每股股利DRO Days on Receivable Outstanding 应收帐款周转天数DRP Distribution Requirements PlanningDSTN Double-layer Super Twist NematicDVD Digital Versatile Disk 数位激光视盘片DVT Design Verification Test 设计验证试验EA Engineering Automation 工程自动化EB Electronic Bank 电子银行ECB European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行ECB European Convertible Bond 欧洲美元可转换公司债ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程规格变更单EDI Electronic Document Interchange 电子文件交换系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理EPS Earnings per (Common) Share (普通股)每股盈余ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan 员工股票分红计划EVA Economic Value Added 经济附加价值EVT Engineering Verification Test 工程验证试验Exp. Expenses 费用F/G Finished Goods 制成品FA Factory Automation 工厂自动化FAS Flexible Assembly System 弹性装配系统FASB Financial Accounting Standard Board 美国财务会计准则委员会FC Fixed Costs 固定成本FCP Foreign Currency Purchasing 外购(系统)FCST Forecast 预测FED Federal Reserve Board 美国联邦准备局FIN Finance 财务管理体系FMEA Failure Mode & Effect Analysis 失效模式效应分析FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 弹性制造系统FNS Financial Management System 财务管理体系FOB Free On Board 船上交货价格条件FOC Free of Charge 免费FOMC Federal Open Market Committee 美国联邦公开市场操作委员会FRN Floating Rate Notes 浮动利率债券FX Foreign Exchange 外汇FYI For your information 请参考G&A General & Administrative Expenses 销管费用GAAP General Accepted Accounting Principle 一般公认会计原则GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产毛额GDR Global Depositary Receipt 全球存托凭证GNP Gross National Product 国民生产毛额GPM Gross Profit Margin 销货毛利GR. Growth 成长GSM Global system for Mobile 泛欧式行动电话GUI Graphical User Interface 使用者图形接口GUI Government Uniform Invoice 统一发票HA Home Automation 家庭自动化HDTV High Definition TV 高画质电视HQ Headquarter 企业总部HR Human Resource 人力资源HRD Human Resource Department 人力资源部HTML Hypertext Markup Language 超文件炼结语文IAT Income After Tax (Net Income) 税后净利IBIT Income Before Interest & Tax 减除所得税及利息费用前之纯益IBT Income Before Tax 税前净利IDL Indirect Labor 间接人工IDP Integrated Data Processing System 数据处理系统IFIR Initial Field Incident Rate 起始不良率IMF International Montary Fund 国际货币基金IMP Indirect Material Purchasing 间接材料(系统)IMS Information Management System 信息管理系统Inv. Inventory 存货IOU I Owe You = CP 商业本票IP Internet Protocol 网络通讯协议IPO Initial Public Offering 首次公开发行IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部报酬率IR/PTR Infrared, Photo Transistors 红外线发光二极管IRS Internal Reserve Service 美国国税局I/S Income Statement 损益表IS&S Information System & Service 信息系统服务ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 整合数字服务网络ISP Internet Service Provider 网络服务供货商IT Information Technology 信息科技ITD Inventory Turnover Days 存货周转天数JIT Just in Time 实时管理KPI Key Performance Indicator 主要绩效指标L/C Letter of Credit 信用状LAMP LED Lamp 指示灯LAN Local Area Network 局域网络LBO Leverage BuyoutLCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCM Lower of Cost or Market 成本市价熟低法LDM Local Direct Material 内购直材(系统)LED Light Emitting Diodes 发光二极管LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate 伦敦银行间拆款利率LRR Lot Reject Rate 批量退货数M/O Manfacturing Order 工单M&A Merger & Acquisitions 购并MA Mechanical Automation 机械工具自动化MBA Master of Business Administration 企管硕士MBO Management by Objective 目标管理MBWA Management By Walking Around 走动管理MCN Management Change Notice 管理规格变更通知MF Monthly Forecast 月预测数MFG Manufacturing 制造MIS Management Information System 管理情报系统MKS Marketing Management System 营销管理体系MKT Marketing 营销MLS Material Management System 资材管理体系word MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划MTH Monthly 每月MTL Material 材料MVT Manufacturing Verification Test 制造验证试验N/D Numeric Display 数字显示器N/P Notes Payable 应付票据N/R Notes Receivable 应收票据NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协议NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation 那斯达克指数NBR Number 数字NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密协定NDF Non-Delivered Forward 无本金交割远期外汇NIF Note Issuance Facility 筹资NPPR New Product Production Request 新产品生产需求单NPS New Product R&D Management System 新产品开发管理体系NPV Net Present Value 净现值NSB Net Sales Billing 实际销货金额NUB Net Unit Billing 实际出货量NYSE New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所O/A Open Account 赊帐O/E Other Expenses 营业外支出O/H Overhead 制造费用O/I Other Income 营业外收入O/T Over time 加班OA Office Automation 办公室自动化OAY Overall Yield 全线良率OBU Off-shore Banking Unit 境外金融单位ODM Original Design Manufacturing 代设计(设计技术与原厂相同) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 代工OHRP Organization Human Resource PlaningOI Operating Income 营业净利OP Organization Profit 组织利润OPP OPTO ProductOPD OPTO DeviceORG Organization 组织OTB Operation Transfer Billing 产质(UTS*U/P)OTP Operation Transfer Price 内部转拨价P&L Profit & Loss 损益P.D.C.A. Plan, Do, Check, ActionP.O. Purchase Order 采购单P/C Photocoupler 光耦合器P/E Price Earning Ratio 本益比P/R Purchase Request 请购单PA Process Automation 制程自动化PA Performance Assessment 绩效考评PAT Profit After Tax 税后净利PBX Private Branch Exchange 电话交换机PDA Personal Digital Analyzer 个人数字处理器PDP Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板PEN Penetration 渗透率PLC Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期PLS Personnel Management System 人事管理体系PMS Production & Management System 生产制造管理体系PPH Piece Per Hour 每小时产量PPM Parts per Million 每百万中不良率(质量指针)PP&E Plant, Property, and Equipment 固定资产PTT Prototype Verification Test 原型机验证试验QBR Quarterly Business Review 每季营运评估QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈QCN Quality Control Change Notice 品管规格变更单QLS Quality Management System 质量管理体系QMU Quality Management Unit 质量管理单位QRA Quality, Reliability & Assurance 品管R. GP Realized Gross Profit 已实现销货毛利R/M Receiver Module 光电接收器RDR Research & Design Program Request 新产品开发需求单RM Raw Materials 原料REPO Repurchase Agreement 附买回协定RFC Request For Change 变更申请RMA Returned Merchandise Authorization 退货授权RML Returned Merchandise List 退货清单ROA Return on Assets 资产报酬率ROE Return on Equity 股东权益报酬率ROI Return on Investment 投资报酬率ROM Read-only Memory 只读存储器RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产报酬率ROS Return on Sales 毛利率R&D Research & Development 研究与发展S.O. Sales Order 销售订单SBU Strategic Business Unit 策略事业单位SCM Suply Chain Management 供应炼管理SCP Supply Chain PlanningSEC Security Exchange Commission 证管会SEMI Semi Finished Goods 半成品SG&A Selling, Federal & Administrative Expense 销管费用SMT Surface Mount Technology 表面黏着技术SMD Surfact Mount Device 表面黏着产品SOP Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序SPO Seasonal Public Offering 公开现金增资SPS Switching Mode Power Supply 交换式电源供应器SPV Special Purpose VehicleSR Shipping Request 出货需求单STN-LCD Super Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display 超扭转液晶显示器SWIFT Society For World wide Interbank Financial Telecommunciations 环球银行财务电信协会SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作委任单T/O Turn Over 周转T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇TA Total Automation 全面自动化TAM Total Available MarketTECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程规格暂行变更单TFT-LCD Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理TQCN Total Quality Change Notice 品管规格暂行变更单TTL Total 总数U/P Unit Price 单位价格USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行埠UTS Unit to Stock 入库量VAR. Variance 差异数VAT Value Added Tax 加值型营业税VBM Value Based Management 价值管理VC Variable Costs 变动成本VQCR Vendor Quality Complain Request 厂商物料质量不良联络书WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital 加权平均资金成本WAIR Weighted Average Interest Rate 加权平均借款利率W/H Warehouse 仓库WAN Wide Area Network 广域网络WIP Work in Process 在制品WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织WW Worldwide 全球WWW World Wide Web 全球信息网YTD Year-to-Date 到目前为止之累积数YTM Yield to Maturity 到期值利率CurrenciesANG Neth. Antilles Guilder 荷兰基尔德CHF Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎CNY/RMB Chinese Renminbi 人民币DEM German Mark 德国马克ECU European Currency Unit 欧洲通货单位FRF French Franc 法国法郎GBP British Pound Contrib 英镑HKD Hong Kong Dollar 港币ITL Italian Lira 意大利里拉JPY Japanese Yen 日圆KRW Korean Won 韩圜MYR Malaysian Ringgit 马来西亚币PHP Philippine Peso 菲律宾披索SEK Swedish Krona 瑞典币SGD Singapore Dollar 新币THB/BHT Thai Baht 泰铢TWD/NTD Taiwan Dollar 新台币USD U.S. Dollar 美元。
Foreign Exchange: Foreign exchange (FX) is the exchange of one country’s currency for another country’s currencyRanking1. Quote Pair (Base/Counter): USD / HKD2. Rate (Bid / Ask): 7.7753 / 7.77803. Spread point: 27 basis point (Ask Price 7.7780 – Bid Price7.7753)差价4. Quote convention: 53/80 (the last two digits of decimal point) rate约定5. Direct quote: Bank buy 1 US Dollar and sell 7.7753 HK Dollar to customer6. Indirect quote: Bank buy 1 Australia Dollar and sell US Dollar to customerTo determine which is Base and which is Counter in a Quote Pair, there is a currency ranking. Based on this currency ranking, the currency which is higher than another one in the ranking is the Base, and another currency is the Counter.(排名高的是base 低的是counter)Limit Order: An order placed with conditions to buy/sell currencies, such a s price range and duration of order validity包括限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式(价格范围、订单有效期持续)Market Order: An order without conditions and marked to the market priceBenchmark Order: Order is executed with standard price published by benchmarking company, e.g. WMCompany基准订单Spot Exchange: The exchange of two currencies for immediate delivery, normally with T+2.Cross rate calculation:Bid AskUSD / NZD 1.5650 1.5642USD / JPY 123.23 123.78NZD / JPY = 123.23/1.5642 = 78.78 (Bid)NZD / JPY = 123.78/1.5650 = 79.10 (Ask)NZD / JPY 78.78/79.10Forward Exchange: Currency forward contracts, also known as "outright forward”, is the contract that holders are obligated to buy or sell the currency at a specified price, at a specified quantity, and on a specified future date, also known as "outright forward”NDF: Non-Deliverable Forwards: An NDF is a short-term committed forward ‘cash settlement’ currency derivative instrument. It is essentially an outright (forward) FX contract whereby on the contracted settlement date, profit or loss is adjusted between the two counterparties basing on the difference between the contracted NDF rate and the prevailing spot FX rates on an agreed notional amount.无本金交割远期Difference between NDF and Forward:•All NDFs have a fixing date and a settlement date. The fixing date is the date at which the difference between the prevailing market exchange rate and the agreed uponexchange rate is calculated. The settlement date is the date by which the payment ofthe difference is due to the party receiving payment.•NDFs are commonly quoted for time periods of one month up to one year, and are normally quoted and settled in U.S. dollars. They have become a popular instrument for corporations seeking to hedge exposure to foreign currencies that are notinternationally traded.该项交易与远期外汇交易大致相同。
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FINANCIAL INFORMATIONEXCHANGE PROTOCOL(FIX)Version 5.0 Service Pack 2 Release NotesRelease Candidate 2April 2009DISCLAIMERTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND THE FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE PROTOCOL (COLLECTIVELY, THE "FIX PROTOCOL") ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NO PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIX PROTOCOL MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE FIX PROTOCOL (OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE USE THEREOF) OR ANY OTHER MATTER AND EACH SUCH PERSON AND ENTITY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF ORIGINALITY, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SUCH PERSONS AND ENTITIES DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE FIX PROTOCOL WILL CONFORM TO ANY DESCRIPTION THEREOF OR BE FREE OF ERRORS. THE ENTIRE RISK OF ANY USE OF THE FIX PROTOCOL IS ASSUMED BY THE USER.NO PERSON OR ENTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIX PROTOCOL SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING IN ANY MANNER OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USER'S USE OF (OR ANY INABILITY TO USE) THE FIX PROTOCOL, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF USE, CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES OR LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES OR OTHER ECONOMIC LOSS), WHETHER IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY), CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER OR NOT ANY SUCH PERSON OR ENTITY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF, OR OTHERWISE MIGHT HAVE ANTICIPATED THE POSSIBILITY OF, SUCH DAMAGES.No proprietary or ownership interest of any kind is granted with respect to the FIX Protocol (or any rights therein) except as expressely set out in FIX Protocol Limited's Copyright and Acceptable Use Policy.© Copyright 2003-2009 FIX Protocol Limited, all rights reserved.REPRODUCTIONFIX Protocol Limited grants permission to print in hard copy form or reproduce the FIX Protocol specification in its entirety provided that the duplicated pages retain the “Copyright FIX Protocol Limited” statement at the bottom of the page.Portions of the FIX Protocol specification may be extracted or cited in other documents (such as a document which describes one’s implementation of the FIX Protocol) provided that one reference the origin of the FIX Protocol specification () and that the specification itself is “Copyright FIX Protocol Limited”. FIX Protocol Limited claims no intellectual property over one’s implementation (programming code) of an application which implements the behavior and details from the FIX Protocol specification.Table of ContentsDISCLAIME R (2)RE PRODUCTION (2)FIX 5.0 SE RVICE PACK 2 RE LE ASE PACKAGE OVE RVIE W (4)FIX 5.0 SE RVICE PACK 2 E XTE NSION PACK (E P) SUMMARY (6)1.EP76-FIXML E RRATA I TEMS (7)2.EP77-CFTC E NHANCEMENTS FOR T RADE C APTURE R EPORT (7)3.EP78-L ONDON S TOCK E XCHANGE E NHANCEMENTS (7)4.EP79-O PTION C LEARING C ORP.D ELTA P OSITION L IMIT E NHANCEMENTS (8)5.EP80-E NHANCEMENTS FOR NYMEX E NERGY P RODUCTS (8)6.EP81-L IQUIDITY I NDICATOR E NHANCEMENT TO E XECUTION R EPORT AND T RADE C APTURE R EPORT (8)7.EP82-GFXC E NHANCEMENTS TO S UPPORT N ON-D ELIVERABLE F ORWARDS (8)8.EP83-E NHANCEMENTS FOR C REDIT D EFAULT S WAPS C LEARING (9)9.EP84-E XCHANGE F LOOR G ENERATED M ARKET D ATA P ROPOSAL (9)10.EP85-E NHANCEMENTS TO M ASS A CTION F ILTERS (9)11.EP86-E NHANCEMENTS TO H ALT R EASON (10)12.EP87-E NHANCEMENTS TO S ECURITY L IST (10)13.EP88-E NHANCEMENTS TO T RADE C APTURE R EPORT A CK RELATED TO CFTC E XTENSIONS (10)14.EP89-NYMEX E XTENSION TO U NIT O F M EASURE (10)15.EP90-E XTENSIONS TO N EWS M ESSAGE (10)16.EP91-E NHANCEMENT TO A PPLICATION M ESSAGE R EPORT (10)17.EP92-E NHANCEMENTS TO SUPPORT E XOTIC O PTIONS (10)18.EP93-P RE-T RADE S TREAM A SSIGNMENT P ROPOSAL (11)19.EP94-U PDATE T IME AND A CTION E XTENSION TO S ECURITIES R EFERENCE D ATA (11)20.EP95-A DMINISTRATIVE EP TO CLEAN UP TYPOS AND REPORTED ISSUES (11)21.EP96-P ARTY AND R ISK L IMIT R EFERENCE D ATA P ROPOSAL (14)22.D EPRECATED F IELDS (17)23.U SAGE N OTES -V OLUME 7 (17)24.FIX E XCHANGE C ODES (17)FIX 5.0 Service Pack 2 Release Package OverviewThe FIX Protocol Version 5.0 Service Pack 2 release is a culmination of 19 proposals or Extension Packs (EP) reviewed and approved by the GTC since the publication of FIX Protocol Version 5.0 SP1 in March 2008. These release notes provides a concise summary of the features that have been added to the FIX Protocol. The featuers described here support new or augmented business processes which have been formally incorporated in the specification through individual extension packs. Extension packs represent a set of discreet functionality that has been requested by a working group, committee or member and approved by the Global Technical Committee (GTC) for inc lusion into the protocol.This release included 5 new message types, 192 new tags, and 35 new common component blocks.The documentation for FIX Protocol Version 5.0 Service Pack 2 and these release notes are available on the FIX website at /specifications .FIX Specification VolumesThe specification volumes have been updated to include new and revised message tables where appropriate as well as text descsribing the new features. Volumes 1 through 7 continue to make up the core of the specification.Volume 1: Contains an overview of the FIX Protocol tag-value and FIXML Schema syntax, descriptions of the FIX data types defined for and used by the protocol, descriptions of the Infrastucture (or common application messages) message category, the Standard Header and Trailer components, as well as the Common Component blocks used across the various message categories.Volume 2: Contains a generalised discussion of using FIX over various types of transport mechanisms. The traditional FIX Session layer is contained in a separate FIX Transport Specification document which provides the complete elaboration on the traditional FIX Session layer.Volume 3: Covers pre-trade messages. Changes have been made to this volume to include a section for component blocks that are used only by the messages in this volume. Additionally, component blocks that are used only by a specific message category are included as a sub-section of that message cateogry. A new message category called "Parties Reference Data" was added. The previously named "Market Structure" and "Reference Data" message categories have been renamed to "Market Structure Reference Data" and "Securities Reference Data" respectively.Volume 4: Cover trade messages. Changes have been made to this volume to include a section for component blocks that are used only by the messages in this volume. Additionally, component blocks that are used only bya specific message category are included as a sub-section of that message cateogry.Volume 5: Covers post-trade messages. Changes have been made to this volume to include a section for component blocks that are used only by the messages in this volume. Additionally, component blocks that are used only by a specific message category are included as a sub-section of that message cateogry.Volume 6: Contains the full FIX data dictionary of all FIX field elements, and various appendices.Volume 7: Contains usage and best practices notes produced by the various committees and working groups for the relevent topic areas.The Specification documents now show all component blocks defined and used by the message definitions. These are organized based on whether they are:∙Common Components - are components commonly used by many messages defined across all the volumes in the FIX. specification These are the most commonly used components. Their definitions are found in Volume 1.∙volume specific components - these are component blocks commonly used only by the FIX messages found in that volume or section (e.g. pre-trade, trade, post-trade sections). Their definitions are found in a section at the beginning of the respective volume.∙message category specific components - these are component blocks that are used only by the FIX messages in a specific message category in a given volume (e.g. Securities Reference Data message category). Their definitions are found in a section at the beginning of their respective message category. FIXimateFIXimate continues to be a core part of the specification suite as a reference tool. It has been updated to contain the new fields, component blocks and messages. The format of FIXimate has changed to make it easier to use. Message categories can now be collapsed and expaned to suit the users' needs and allows more information to be displayed in the window. The DTD syntax, no longer relevant, has been removed to make space for more helpful information and the a “where used” cross-reference for component blocks has been added. For FIXML users, the XML attribute name has been added to the lower frame and is useful in providing quick lookups for FIXML syntax.FIXML SchemaThe FIXML Schema 5.0 Service Pack 2 is also available as part of the release and continues to be fully compatible with the tag/value syntax. Improved descriptions of the schema design rules and schema structure have been included in Volume 1.FIX RepositoryThe Repository continues to be available as part of the FIX 5.0 Service Pack 2 release and reflects all updates and changes.FIX 5.0 Service Pack 2 Extension Pack (EP) SummaryThe Extension Packs included in this FIX 5.0 Service Pack 2 release of the application layer messages include the following. A summary of changes for each EP are in their respective sections below. For details on each EP please refer to the EP documentation set posted on the FPL website.1.FIXML Errata items (EP76)2.CFTC Enhancements for Trade Capture Report (EP77)3.London Stock Exchange Enhancements (EP78)4.Option Clearing Corp. Delta Position Limit Enhancements (EP79)5.Enhancements for NYMEX Energy Products (EP80)6.Liquidity Indicator Enhancement to Execution Report and Trade Capture Report (EP81)7.GFXC Enhancements to Support Non-Deliverable Forwards (EP82)8.Enhancements for Credit Default Swaps Clearing (EP83)9.Exchange Floor Generated Market Data Proposal (EP84)10.Enhancements to MassAction Filters (EP85)11.Enhancements to HaltReason (EP86)12.Enhancements to SecurityList (EP87)13.Enhancements to TradeCaptureReportAck related to CFTC Extensions (EP88)14.NYMEX Extension to UnitOfMeasure (EP89)15.Extensions to News Message (EP90)16.Enhancement to Application Message Report (EP91)17.Enhancements to support Exotic Options (EP92)18.Pre-Trade Stream Assignment Proposal (EP93)19.Update Time and Action Extension to Securities Reference Data (EP94)20.Administrative EP to clean up typos and reported issues (EP95)21.Party and Risk Limit Reference Data Proposal (EP96)1.EP76 - FIXML Errata ItemsThe FIXML Errata resolved several issues reported by implementors using FIX 5.0 SP1. These include: ∙Resolved ID field issues in DerivativeSecurityLIst message: SecurityResponseID made option and SecurityReportID added (SPEC-13)∙Resolved abbreviation issues with DerivativeSecurityStatus field (SPEC-15)∙Resolved abbreivation issues with HighLimitPrice and SecondaryHighLimitPrices fields (SPEC-16)∙Resolved the abbreviation for InstrumentLegGrp (SPEC-17)∙Resolved the issue that the UnderlyingPutOrCall was missing from the UnderlyingInstrument (SPEC-18) ∙Resolved the cardinality of the InstrumentLegGrp and Leg groups within the SecurityDefinition message (SPEC-19)∙Resolved the issue of LegOptionRatio and LegPrice incorrectly being in InstrmtLegGrp component when it should be in InstrumentLeg component (SPEC-40)2.EP77 - CFTC Enhancements for Trade Capture ReportThis proposal submitted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) under the auspices of the Joint Compliance Committee included enhancements to the Trade Capture Report message. These enhancements are required to facilitate regulatory reporting of transactions-level trade data to the CFTC using the TradeCaptureReport in the FIXML syntax.∙ A new component block, TradeReportOrderDetail, was added to the TrdCapRptSideGrp.o The following fields from the TradeCaptureReport message's main level was moved into a new component block called "TradeReportOrderDetail": OrdStatus (39), OrderQtyData componentblocko The following fields from the TrdCapRptSideGrp component block was moved into the new component block "TradeReportOrderDetail": OrderID (37), SecondaryOrderID (198), ClOrdID (11),SecondaryClOrdID (526), ListID (66), OrdType (40), ExecInst (18), OrderCapacity (528),OrderRestrictions (529), OrderInputDevice (821), LotType (1093), TransBkdTime (483).o The following existing fields were added to the new component block "TradeReportOrderDetail": RefOrdID 91080), RefOrdIDSource (1081), Price (44), StopPx (99), LeavesQty (151), CumQty (14),TimeInForce (59), ExpireTime (126), DisplayInstructions component block, OrigOrdModTime (586).o The following new fields were added to the new component block "TradeReportOrderDetail": RefOrdIDReason (1431), OrigCustOrderCapacity (1432).∙The following fields were added to the TradeCaptureReport message: VenueType (1430), MarketSegmentID (1300), MarketID (1301).∙OrderCategory (1115) was moved from the main level of TradeCaptureReport message into the TrdCapRptSideGrp component block.∙ExecRefID (19) was removed/deleted from the TrdCapRptSideGrp component block. It's use is replaced b y a new field added to TrdCapRptSideGrp called SideExecID (1427).∙New fields OrderDelay (1428) and OrderDelayUnit (1429) was added to the TrdCapRptSideGrp component block.3.EP78 - London Stock Exchange EnhancementsThe enhancements requested by the LSE included changes that supported their trading systems.∙To the TradeReportOrderDetail component, BookingType (775) was added.∙BookingType (775), OrderCapacity (528) and OrderRestriction (529) was added to MassQuote and QuoteStatusReport messages, QuotEntryAckGrp component∙BookingType (775) and OrderRestriction (529) was added to Quote and QuoteRequest messages∙QuoteType (537) was added to QuoteCancel message.∙Added to the ApplicationMessageRequest and ApplicationMessageRequestAck messages the Parties component block∙Added to the ApplIDRequestGrp amd ApplIDRequestAckGrp the new field RefApplReqID (1433) and NestedParties component block∙New enumerations were added for OrderRestrictions (529), ApplReqType (1347), QuoteCancelType (298) and DisplayMethod (1084)4.EP79 - Option Clearing Corp. Delta Position Limit EnhancementsThe enhancements in this extension pack were to support data elements needed to report delta position limits for equity options.∙New enumeration values were added to PositionRequestType (724), PartyRole (452) and PositionType (703) ∙To the PositionReport message, the new field ModelType (1434) was added along with existing field PriceDelta (811)5.EP80 - Enhancements for NYMEX Energy ProductsThe enhancements in this extension pack provides support for the trading requirements of electricity and natural gas products. These products required specific requirements such as the ability to identify the flow schedule and the unit in which the contract multiplier is expressed in.∙The following new fields were added to the Instrument block: ContractMultiplierUnit (1435), FlowScheduleType (1439)∙The following new fields were added to the InstrumentLeg block: LegContractMultiplierUnit (1436), LegFlowScheduleType (1440),∙The following new fields were added to the UnderlyingInstrument block: UndlyContractMultiplierUnit (1437), UnderlyingFlowScheduleType (1441),∙The following new fields were added to the DerivativeInstrument block: DerivativeContractMultiplierUnit (1438), DerivativeFlowScheduleType (1442)∙ A new enumeration was added to LotType (1093) to express round lot based on unit of measure6.EP81 - Liquidity Indicator Enhancement to Execution Report and Trade Capture ReportIn this extension pack added the ability to identify whether an execution (partial fill or fill) was a result of a liquidity provider providing liquidity or a liquidity taker taking liquidity.∙The new fields FillLiquitityIndicator (1443) was added to the FillsGrp component, and SideLiquidityInd (1444) was added to the TrdCapRptSideGrp component.7.EP82 - GFXC Enhancements to Support Non-Deliverable ForwardsIn this extension pack the Global Foreign Exchange Committee had enhanced the FIX Protocol to better support non-deliverable forwards (NDFs) in the areas of quotes, streaming prices, and orders and executions.∙To better assist in identifying FX securities, the following values were added to SecurityType (167): FXNDF, FXSPOT, FXFWD, FXSWAP. The existing value FOR was deprecated.∙ A new component block RateSource was created to support the identification of rate reference source. The repeating group consistes of the new fields: NoRateSources (1445), RateSource (1446), RateSourceType (1447), ReferencePage (1448). This component block was added to QuoteRequest, Quote, MarketDataIncrementalRefresh, MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh, ExecutionReport, AllocationInstruction and AllocationReport∙SettlCurrency (120) was added to QuoteRequest, Quote, MarketDataIncrementalRefresh, MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh8.EP83 - Enhancements for Credit Default Swaps ClearingThe enhancements in this extension pack provided the needed extensions for FIX to support the clearing activities of "standardized" credit default swaps.∙The following new fields were added to the Instrument block: RestructuringType (1449), Seniority (1450), NotionalPercentOutstanding (1451), OriginalNotionalPercentOutstanding (1452), AttachementPoint (1457), DetachmentPoint (1458)∙The following new fields were added to the UnderlyingInstrument block: UnderlyingRestructuringType (1453), UnderlyingSeniority (1454), UnderlyingNotionalPercentOutstanding (1455), UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentOutstanding (1456), UnderlyingAttachementPoint (1459), UnderlyingDetachmentPoint (1460)∙New enumeration value added to PriceQuoteMethod (1196), PosAmtTyp (707), PosType (703), MDEntryType (269), QuoteCondition (276)∙The following fields were rename:o FuturesValuationMethod (1197) was renamed to ValuationMethod (1197)o DerivativeFuturesValuationMethod (1319) was renamed to DerivativeValuationMethod (1319)9.EP84 - Exchange Floor Generated Market Data ProposalThis extension provided enhancements to the market data messages to support exchange floor generated market data.∙The following fields were added to the MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message: FirstPx (1025), LastPx (31) ∙The following fields were added to the MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh message: TrdType (828), FirstPx (1025), LastPx (31)∙New enumerations were added to MDEntryType (269) and SecurityTradingStatus (326)10.EP85 - Enhancements to MassAction FiltersThis extension provided an enhancement to the to better support exchanges.∙ A new component block, TargetParties, was added to the following messages: MassQuoteAcknowledgement, OrderMassActionRequest, OrderMassActionReport, OrderMassCancelRequest, OrderMassCancelReport, OrderMassStatusRequest, QuoteCancel, QuoteStatusReport, QuoteStatusRequest.o The new fields in TargetParties consists of: NoTargetPartyIDs (1461), TargetPartyID (1462), TargetPartyIDSource (1463), TargetPartyRole (1464)∙New enumerations were added for MassCancelRequestType (530), MassActionScope (1374), QuoteCancelType (298), MassCancelResponse (531), MassCancelRejectReason (532), MassActionRejectReason (1376), QuoteRejectReason (300), MassStatusRequestType (585)11.EP86 - Enhancements to HaltReasonTo better support the dynamic nature of the reason a security has halted trading, this extension pack changed the data type of HaltReason (327) from "char" to "int" and provided an enumeration list of valid codes, with the provision for bilaterally agreed values included.12.EP87 - Enhancements to SecurityListThis extension pack enhanced the SecurityListRequest, SecurityList and SecurityListUpdateReport messages to support security classification, for example classified by industry classification scheme.∙To the SecurityListRequest message the following new fields were added: SecurityListID (1465), SecurityListType (1470), SecurityListTypeSource (1471)∙To the SecurityList and SecurityListUpdateReport messages the following new fields were added: SecurityListID (1465), SecurityListRefID (1466), SecurityListDesc (1467), EncodedSecurityListDescLen (1468), EncodedSecurityListDesc (1469), SecurityListType (1470), SecurityListTypeSource (1471),13.EP88 - Enhancements to TradeCaptureReportAck related to CFTC ExtensionsThis extension pack applied the appropriate changes made to the TradeCaptureReport by EP77 to the TradeCaptureReportAck message in order to allow the the same data fields to be echoed back from the TradeCaptureReport message.14.EP89 - NYMEX Extension to UnitOfMeasureThis extension pack added a new enumeration to UnitOfMeasure (996) to allow for specifying "allowances" for trading carbon contracts.15.EP90 - Extensions to News MessageThe enhancments in this extension pack provided more information in the News message that would allow the recipient to apply filtering capabilities.∙The existing fields were added to the News message: MarketID (1301), MarketSegmentID (1300∙ A new repeating group component, NewsRefGrp, was added to the News mesage which included the following new fields: NoNewsRefIDs (1475), NewsRefID (1476), NewsRefType (1477) ∙The following new fields were added to the News message: NewsID (1472), NewsCategory (1473) and LanguageCode (1474)16.EP91 - Enhancement to Application Message ReportThis extension pack added to the ApplicationMessageReport message the existing field ApplReqID (1346). Additionally a new enumeration value was added to ApplReportType (1426).17.EP92 - Enhancements to support Exotic OptionsThis extension pack provided extensive enhancements to the FIX protocol to support complex options which includes digital, digital range, digital all-or-none, single barrier, double barrier, digital barrier, capped (floored), capped barrier, average price (Asian), Bermuda, average strike, and look-back. An extensibleframework is introduced to support complex events.∙Three new component blocks were added: ComplexEvent, ComplexEventDate and ComplexEventTime.o ComplexEventTime includes the following new fields: NoComplexEventTimes (1494), ComplexEventStartTime (1495), and ComplexEventEndTime (1496)o ComplexEventDate includes the ComplexEventTime component and following new fields: NoComplexEventDates (1491), ComplexEventStartDate (1492) and ComplexEventEndDate (1493)o ComplexEvent includeds the ComplexEventDate component and the following new fields: NoComplexEvents (1483), ComplexEventType (1484), ComplexOptPayoutAmount (1485)ComplexEventPrice (1486), ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod (1487),ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision (1488), ComplexEventPriceTimeType (1489),ComplexEventCondition (1490)∙The ComplexEvent component was added to the Instrument block along with the following new fields: StrikePriceDeterminationMethod (1478), StrikePriceBoundaryMethod (1479), StrikePriceBoundaryPrecision (1480), UndlyPriceDeterminationMethod (1481) and OptPayoutType (1482)18.EP93 - Pre-Trade Stream Assignment ProposalThis enhancement provided a set of new messages that provides pricing originators (e.g. banks and brokers) the ability to control which of their clients are allowed to receive which market data price stream when the data is disseminated via an aggregation vendor.∙New messages includes: StreamAssignmentRequest (MsgType=CC), StreamAssignmentReport (MsgType=CD) and StreamAssignmentReportAck (MsgType=CE)∙New fields added include: StreamAsgnReqID (1497), StreamAsgnReqType (1498), NoAssgnReqs (1499), MDStreamID (1500), StreamAsgnRptID (1501), StreamAsgnType (1617), StreamAsgnRejReason (1502), StreamAsgnAckType (1503).∙The new field MDStreamID (1500) was added to the MarketDataRequest, MarketDataIncrementalRefresh and MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh messages.19.EP94 - Update Time and Action Extension to Securities Reference DataThis extension pack provided additional capabilities to timestamp reference data that is being disseminated, thus providing the capability to track when the data was last updated.∙TransactTime (60) was added to the following messages and components: DerivativeSecurityList, DerivativeSecurityListUpdatereport, SecurityDefinition, SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport, Securitylist, SecurityListUpdateReport, SecurityList, SecurityListUpdateReport, SecTypesGrp, TrdSessLstGrp∙The new field RelSymTransactTime (1504) was added to the following components: RelSymDerivSecGrp, RelSymDerivSecUpdGrpSecListGrp, SecLstUpdRelSymGrp∙The field TradSesUpdateAction (1327) was moved to the TrdSessLstGrp component from the main level ofthe message.20.EP95 - Administrative EP to clean up typos and reported issuesNumerous errors in the specification were corrected in this extension pack. The following lists the JIRA issue number and a brief description of each issue.21.EP96 - Party and Risk Limit Reference Data ProposalThis extension pack enhances the FIX Protocol to support the dissemination of party and related party reference information and party risk limit reference information from a master file/source to interested parties or systems that need this information. The primary use of this information is for interested parties or systems to enforce trading and clearing relationships and risk limits.∙Two new message types were added: PartyDetailsListRequest (MsgType=CF) and PartyDetailsListReport (MsgType=CG)∙The following new components were added with the associated new fields:o PartyRelationships: NoPartyRelationships (1514), PartyRelationships (1515)o PartyListGrp: NoPartyList (1513) and new components PartyDetail, RelatedPartyGrpo PartyDetail: existing fields PartyID (448), PartyIDSource (447), PartyRole (452), existing component PtysSubGrp, and the following new components PartyAltIDs, ContextParties, RiskLimitso PartyAltIDs: NoPartyAltIDs (1516), PartyAltID (1517), PartyAltIDSource (1518), and new component AltPtysSubGrpo AltPtysSubGrp: NoPartyAltSubIDs (1519), PartyAltSubID (1520), PartyAltSubIDType (1521)o ContextParties: NoConextParties (1522), ContextPartyID (1523), ContextPartyIDSource (1524), ContextPartyRole (1525), and new component ContextPtysSubgGrpo ContextPtysSubGrp: NoContextPartySubIDs (1526), ContextPartySubID (1527), ContextPartySubIDType (1528)o RiskLimits: NoRiskLimits (1529), RiskLimitType (1530), RiskLimitAmount (1531), RiskLimitCurrency (1532), RiskLimitPlatform (1533), and new components RiskInstrumentScope andRiskWarningLevelso RiskInstrumentScope: NoRiskInstruments (1534), RiskInstrumentOperator (1535), RiskSymbol (1536), RiskSymbolSfx (1537), RiskSecurityID (1538), RiskSecurityIDSource (1539), RiskProduct(1543), RiskProductComplex (1544), RiskSecurityGroup (1545), RiskCFICode (1546), RiskSecurityType (1547), RiskSecuritySubType (1548), RiskMaturityMonthYear (1549), RiskMaturityTime (1550), RiskRestructuringType (1551), RiskSenority (1552), RiskPutOrCall (1553), RiskFlexibleIndicator (1554), RiskCouponRate (1555), RiskSecurityExchange (1616), RiskSecurityDesc (1556), EncodedRiskSecurityDescLen (1621), EncodedRiskSecurityDesc (1620), RiskInstrumentSettlType (1557), RiskInstrumentMultiplier (1558) and the new component RiskSecAltIDGrpo RiskSecAltIDGrp: NoRiskSecurityAltID (1540), RiskSecurityAltID (1541), RiskSecurityAltIDSource (1542)o RiskWarningLevels: NoRiskWarningLevels (1559), RiskWarningLevelPercent (1560), RiskWarningLevelName (1561)o RelatedPartyGrp: NoRelatedPartyIDs (1562) and new components RelatedPartyDetail and PartyRelationshipso RelatedPartyDetail: RelatedPartyID (1563), RelatedPartyIDSource (1564), RelatedPartyIDRole (1565), and the new components RelatedPtysSubGrp, RelatiedPartyAltIDs, RelatedContextParties, RelationshipRiskLimitso RelatedPtysSubGrp: NoRelatedPartySubIDs (1566), RelatedPartySubID (1567), RelatedPartySubIDType (1568)o RelatedPartyAltIDs: NoRelatedPartyAltIDs (1569), RelatedPartyAltID (1570), RelatedPartyAltIDSource (1571) and the new component RelatedAltPtysSubGrpo RelatedAltPtysSubGrp: NoRelatedPartyAltSubIDs (1572), RelatedPartyAltSubID (1573), RelatedPartyAltSubIDType (1574)o RelatedContextParties: NoRelatedContextParties (1575), RelatedContextPartyID (1576), RelatedContextPartyIDSource (1577), RelatedContextPartyRole (1578), and the new component RelatedContextPtysSubGrpo RelatedContextPtysSubGrp: NoRelatedContextPartySubIDs (1579), RelatedContextPartySubID (1580), RelatedContextPartySubIDType (1581)o RelationshipRiskLimits: NoRelationshipRiskLimits (1582), RelationshipRiskLimitTyhpe (1583), RelationshipRiskLimitAmount (1584), RelationshipRiskLimitCurrency (1585), RelationshipRiskLimitPlatform (1586) and the new components RelationshipRiskInstrumentScope, RelationshipRiskWarningLevelso RelationshipRiskInstrumentScope: NoRelationshipRiskInstruments (1587), RelationshipRiskInstrumentOperator (1588), RelationshipRiskSymbol (1589), RelationshipRiskSymbolSfx (1590), RelationshipRiskSecurityID (1591), RelationshipRiskSecurityIDSource (1592), RelationshipRiskProduct (1596), RelationshipRiskProductComplex (1597), RelationshipRiskSecurityGroup (1598), RelationshipRiskCFICode (1599), RelationshipRiskSecurityType (1600), RelationshipRiskSecuritySubType (1601), RelationshipRiskMaturityMonthYear (1602), RelationshipRishMaturityTime (1603), RelationshipRiskRestructuringType (1604), RelationshipRiskSeniority (1605), RelationshipRiskPutOrCall (1606), RelationshipRiskFlexibleIndicator (1607), RelationshipRiskCouponRate (1608), RelationshipRiskSecurityExchange (1609), RelationshipRiskSecurityDesc (1610), RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDescLen (1619), RelationshipRiskEncodedSecurityDesc (1618), RelationshipRiskInstrumentSettlType (1611), RelationshipRiskInstrumentMultiplier (1612). and the new component RelationshipRiskSecAltIDGrpo RelationshipRiskSecAltIDGrp: NoRelationshipRiskSecurityAltID (1593), RelationshipRiskSecurityAltID (1594), RelationshipRiskSecurityAltIDSource (1595)。