A design and Implementation of Web-Based Project-Based Learning Support Systems


The design and implementation of programmable media gateways

The design and implementation of programmable media gateways

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OFPROGRAMMABLE MEDIA GATEW AYS Wei Tsang Ooi,Robbert van Renesse and Brian Smith Department of Computer Science,Cornell UniversityIthaca NY14853ABSTRACTTreating the network as a processor that can perform computation has several benefits.Processing at strategic lo-cations in the network may reduce bandwidth requirements. Low-powered devices that are connected to the Internet can be off-loaded as well.In this paper we present Degas,a pro-grammable media gateway system.Degas allows users to upload small programs,called deglets,into a Degas gateway tofilter,transform or mix video streams from a multicast session.We describe a declarative,event-driven program-ming model for writing deglets.We also discuss a simple mechanism used by gateways to optimize and execute the operations specified in the deglets.Finally,a method for selecting a suitable gateway to run deglets is outlined.1.INTRODUCTIONIn the traditional model of distributed computing,nodes on the edges of a network perform computation,and nodes in-side the network move data around.Recently,researchers have been studying how computation can be moved into the network itself.This shift is motivated in part by the increas-ing number of low-powered devices connected to the putationally intensive operations can be moved from these devices to nodes within the network.Performing operations on packets within the network can also improves network efficiency,(e.g.by compressing and decompress-ing data streams across a bottleneck link[17],or transcod-ing a video into a lower bandwidth within a heterogeneous network[2]).Active Networking[14]takes the idea fur-ther by making the nodes with the network programmable. Programmability allows users to extend the network with customized operations,such as application-specific retrans-mission scheme,or new routing protocols.In this paper,we present the design and implementation of a programmable,application-level media gateway called Degas.1Degas allows users to“inject”user-defined pro-This research was supported by DARPA/ONR(contract N00014-95-1-0799),and grants from the National Science Foundation,Kodak,Intel, Xerox,and Microsoft.1Named after French impressionist Edgar Degas.grams,called deglets,into a gateway to perform customized transcoding,filtering and mixing of video and audio streams of a multicast session.Transcoding allows transformation of the media streams into a different format or bit rate,thus allowing heterogeneous hosts to participate in the same ses-sion over connections with different bandwidths.Filtering allows hosts to block streams from certain sources.Mix-ing provides processing on multiple streams.For example, a gateway can merge incoming video streams into a single video stream by creating a”picture-in-picture”or a”quad-splitter”view,or a gateway can switch between different streams in a tele-conference based on who is currently talk-ing.The most significant difference between Degas and pre-vious work is the programmability that Degas provides.In-stead of providing afixed set of services,Degas allows users to upload new functionality into gateways.This simpli-fies deployment of new services,promoting user innovation. Also,it allows users to customize existingservices.Figure1:An example of a Degas system Figure1shows an example of a Degas system.Multi-ple Degas gateways are distributed across the Internet.The existence of these gateways is transparent to the various senders that multicast video streams onto their respective sessions.Such transparency allows current MBone appli-cations such as vic[7]and ivs[15]to be used with Degas without modification.A user who is interested in receiving videos from a ses-sion through Degas runs a Degas client.The client program(called degasclient),is a modified version of vic,extended with abilities to talk to the gateways and a user interface to select and use a deglet.The clientfirst requests a service from Degas.Degas selects a gateway with enough capac-ity.The client then uploads its deglet into this gateway.The gateway joins the session requested by the client and runs the deglet.The processed video stream is sent to a new multicast session,which the client is listening to.A reliable control channel is also established between the client and the gateway.This control channel allows user to interact with the deglet and the gateway,such as to reconfigure de-glet,send user interface events(for instance,mouse click) or migrate the deglet to another gateway.The gateway uses the same control channel to send error messages back to the client for debugging.Figure2shows an example output stream produced by a Degas gateway.1.1.Research ProblemsIn the design and implementation of Degas,several prob-lems arose.We briefly discuss each problem below.The first problem is related to the programming model of de-glets.A deglet must be simple to specify,yet powerful enough to perform useful operations on media streams.We could allow user to write arbitrary code and submit them to the gateway for execution(as in J-Kernel[5]),but we think that this is unnecessarily since Degas is not meant to perform arbitrary computation.We should restrict the pro-grammers to a set of API for manipulating media streams.The second problem concerns the execution of deglets. As media processing involves large amounts of data,nor-mally encoded in a complex format,it is crucial that the gateway executes a deglet efficiently.The optimum way of performing an operation is usually tied to the format of the input streams and output streams.Since the format of input streams may be different and can changed in the middle of a session,we must optimize the deglets differently for dif-ferent streams,and re-optimize when input format changes.The third problem is deciding where to run deglets,to optimize load balancing and use of network resources.Run-ning a deglet at a strategic location can reduce bandwidth consumption significantly.The dynamics of the network environment complicates the problem.Gateways may be created and removed;senders and receivers may join or leave multicast sessions;and available bandwidth of a link changes from time to time.Hence,our solution for locating a gateway must be an adaptive one.Finally,we need to ensure that the system is robust in the face of crashes and badly-behaved deglets,such as one that enters an infinite loop or allocates a huge amount of memory.Resources,including CPU,memory and network bandwidth,must be shared fairly among different deglets. Furthermore,the effect of resource controls on QoS must be minimized.As Degas is still a work in progress,it is not our inten-tion to solve all these problems in this paper.This paper focuses on the programming model and execution model of deglets.We briefly describe our solution for the gateway location problem and refer interested readers to[10]for de-tails.We are still looking at a solution for the resource man-agement problem.anizationThe rest of this paper is organized as follows.The program-ming model is described in Section2.The optimization and execution of deglets are described in Section3.The mech-anism for selecting a gateway to run a deglet is presented in Section4.We provide some performance data in Section5. Ongoing and future work is described in Section6.Finally, we provide an overview of related work in Section7and conclude in Section8.2.PROGRAMMING MODELThe main consideration in selecting a programming model for deglets is simplicity while retainingflexibility and power. We want to make deglet easy to write,so that a user can specify one in a few minutes.This consideration favors the use of scripting languages.For Degas,we chose Tcl[11]. We also chose to use a declarative model for programming deglets.A declarative model lets the user specify what to do,but not how to do it.The user should not be concern with how the deglet is going to be executed.The optimal way to perform the video operations depends heavily on the properties of the input streams,such as the encoding format and sizes.By decoupling the properties of the source media streams from the deglet specification,the same specifica-tion can be used on sources with different properties.Fur-thermore,the users do not have to worry about cases where sources change their transmission properties in the middle of a session.The underlying execution engine determines the best way to perform a task.2.1.ExamplesTo better understand how a deglet is written,we present two examples in Figure3and Figure4.We explain these two examples in detail in the rest of this section.Figure3shows a simple deglet that transcodes a video stream from host into a M-JPEG video stream of quality40.A deglet is a textfile that starts with a list of key-value pairs.The key sources specifies a list of sources we are interested in(line1)us-ing multiple host addresses or a regular expression such as *.In this case,we are only interested in one source.num of sources indicates the maximum numberFigure 2:The left window shows the output from a deglet that creates a picture-in-picture effect.The right windows show the input streams.of sources.input video session indicates the mul-ticast address and port number of the input video session.output format specifies the format of the processed video stream.In this example,we want to receive a 176144M-JPEG stream with quality 40.The remainder of the deglet specifies the operation to perform when an event happens.Line 5to 7define a call-back function to be called whenever a frame is received.The function body is defined using Tcl.We use a prede-fined API frame copy to copy the input frame inf into the output frame outf .frame copy performs the neces-sary scaling and transcoding operations to convert the out-put frames into the format specified above.The argument src id identifies the source of the input stream.Since we have only one source in this case,it is not used.We show how src id is used in our next example.1sources {}2num_of_sources {1}3input_video_session {}4output_format {JPEG 40QCIF}5recv_frame_callback {src_id inf outf }{6frame_copy $inf $outf 7}Figure 3:A simple deglet.Our second example reads video streams from multiple sources,and outputs a ”split”video stream that consists of video from the current speaker and previous speaker.Video from other sources are filtered.For simplicity,we assumes that the number of sources is always larger than two.We explain this deglet below.Line 1-5specify the input and output parameters.The function init callback in line 6to 12is called at the beginning of the deglet execution.Here,we split the output frame into the left half and the right half,denoted by vari-ables lf and rf respectively.We also initialize the vari-1sources {*}2num_of_sources {*}3input_video_session {}4input_audio_session {}5output_format {H261}6init_callback {outf }{7set w2[expr [frame_get_width $outf]/2]8set lf [frame_clip $outf 00$w2[frame_get_height $outf]]9set rf [frame_clip $outf 0$w2$w2[frame_get_height $outf]]10set prev 011set curr -112}13talk_start_callback {src_id}{14if {$src_id !=$curr}{15set prev $curr 16set curr $src_id 17}18}19recv_frame_callback {src_id inf outf }{20if {$src_id ==$curr}{21frame_copy $inf $rf 22}else if {$src_id ==$prev}{23frame_copy $inf $lf 24}25}26destroy_callback {}{27frame_free lf 28frame_free rf 29}Figure 4:A more elaborate deglet example.ables curr and prev that denote the source id the cur-rent speaker and the previous speaker.The function on line 13to 18(talk start callback )is called whenever a talk spurt is detected.The parameter src id indicates the source of the talk spurt.In this function,we simply update the variables curr and prev .Note that variables set inone callback is accessible from other callbacks.In line19 to25,recv frame callback checks if the input frame is from source curr or prev.If it is from either of these, we copy the frame into the left half or the right half of the output frame.Finally,line26to28define the function to call when the deglet exits.We free the memory allocated for lf and rf here.We summarize the lists of available keys,callbacks and frame operations in Table1,2,3respectively.This list is by no means complete,as we plan to add more operations to Degas.In particular,it would be interesting to add vision-related routines such as face detection and object tracking.As illustrated in the two examples above,a deglet is a high-level,declarative style specification.They are short and simple to write.Our most complicated deglet so far,is one that creates a”task bar”of incoming video streams,and let user maximizes or minimizes a video stream by click-ing on the task bar.This is written in under100lines of code.Our examples also illustrate how a user can con-struct the output stream using”frame”as an abstraction, without knowing what the input formats are.The Degas execution module is responsible for translating these spec-ifications into optimized low-level code.We describe the execution of deglets next.3.EXECUTION OF DEGLETSThe Degas execution module is responsible for parsing the deglet specification and for efficient execution of the call-backs.The execution module must recognize optimizations and translate the high-level API into appropriate low-level code.For instance,in Figure3,if the input video stream is also in M-JPEG format,then we can employ compressed domain processing techniques to scale and copy the input frames to output frames efficiently.Furthermore,if the in-put video streams are already in the format requested by the user,the execution module should simply copy the streams without decoding it.We used our low-level,high performance media pro-cessing library called Dali[9]as our target for the translator. The executing module is just a Tcl interpreter extended with Dali commands.Dali consists of a small set of abstractions suitable for representing commonly used video and audio formats.Dali is designed with high-performance in mind, often sacrificing ease of use for efficiency.It exposes inter-mediate structures of video and audio objects,such as DCT blocks,giving programmers(or in our case,the translator) theflexibility of writing highly optimized programs.Dali is also designed with predictability in mind—memory alloca-tions and I/O operations are separated from the processing—so that the programmers have full control over memory us-age and I/O.These features make Dali ideal for forming the basis of our execution module.The optimizations and executions are carried out as fol-lows.We defined a set of optimized versions of Dali sub-routines for each high-level APIs.These high-level APIs are then bound,at run-time,to one of the subroutines based on input and output formats,dimensions and color decimation. Each call to a high-level function will cause the optimized version of the function to be executed.The high-level func-tions are re-bound whenever a change in input video prop-erties is detected.4.SELECTING GATEW AYSBesides the key-values pairs described above,a deglet may contain a set of preconditions.The purpose of preconditions is to allow the user to restrict their deglets to be run on gate-ways that meet certain criteria.The user might impose some restrictions to improve quality of the output,or for security concerns.For example,a user might want to run his deglet on a low-load,high-capacity gateway in the same domain. The currently supported preconditions are as follows: address test:a regular expression that matchesthe host addresses or IP addresses of the gateways el-igible to run the deglet.latency test:the maximum latency between theclient and the gateway.This can prevent an“out-of-the-way”gateway to be assigned to the client.load test:the maximum acceptable CPU load ona gateway.An example of using preconditions is shown in Figure5. This test restricts gateways to those in domain*, or gateways that are within500ms away.Many other tests are possible in the future.For instance,the user might want to select gateways with sufficient memory,or gateways with special hardware for media processing.If the user has to pay for services on a gateway,the user may want to select gateways below a certain price.precondition{[address_test*]||[latency_test]<500}Figure5:An example of using preconditions.When a client requests for service,the preconditions are sent along with the request.A gateway that receives a re-questfirst performs the test,and offers its service only if the test succeeds.sources The sources this deglet is interested in.num of sources Maximum number of sources this deglet can process.input video session,input audio session Specify the input video and audio session respectively.output format,output size,output fps,output bps Specify the format,dimension,frame rate and bit rate of the output stream.precondition The conditions that a gateway must satisfy before it can serve this deglet.description Textual description of what this deglet does.controlling clients Clients that are allowed to control and modify this deglet.Table1:A summary of available keys in deglet specification.init callback(outf)Executed when the deglet starts.outf is the output frame.destroy callback Executed when the deglet stops.new source callback(src id,inf)Executed when a new source is detected.src id is the the source identifier.inf is the input frame.del source callback(src id)Executed when a source identified by src id leaves the session.recv frame callback(src id,inf,outf)Executed when a frame from source src id is received.inf is the received frame.outf is the output frame.mouse click callback(x,y)Executed when a mouse click is detected at coordinate(x,y)on the output window of the client. input resize callback(src id,inf)Executed when input dimension of source src id is changed.talk start callback(src id)Executed when a talk spurt is detected from source src id.talk stop callback(src id)Executed when the beginning of a silence period is detected from source src id.Table2:A summary of available callbacks in deglet specification.frame new w h Return a new frame of width w and height h.frame copy src dest Copy the content of frame src into frame dest,scale if necessary.frame clip f x y w h Create a”virtual”frame from frame f,at offset(x,y)and with dimension w h.frame free f Deallocate frame f.frame get width f Return the width of frame f.frame get height f Return the height of frame f.frame set color f r g b Set the color of the frame f to(r,g,b).Table3:A summary of available frame operations in deglet specification.We have developed a control protocol called the Adap-tive Gateway Location Protocol(AGLP)[10]for locating an appropriate gateway.AGLP optimizes network bandwidth utilization by strategically placing deglets on gateways.A deglet that transcodes to a lower bandwidth format reduces bandwidth and is best run near the source.On the other hand,if a deglet increases bandwidth consumption,it should be run close to the client.AGLP adapts to a changing envi-ronment:senders may join and leave sessions,and gateways may be added or removed.AGLP periodically evaluates the set of eligible gateways,and migrates deglets to better gate-ways when necessary.AGLP handles gateway and client crashes gracefully by only maintaining soft state.5.PERFORMANCETo better understand the overhead introduced by a Degas gateway,we ran some experiments to measure the delay caused by various components in Degas.In our experi-ments,we ran a Degas gateway on a Pentium II266MHz PC.Video streams were sent using vic from hosts connected to the gateway using an100MB Ethernet.Receivers,run-ning either vic or degasclient,were located on the same LAN.We ran NTP[8]on all hosts to get a reasonably accu-rate measurement of end-to-end delay.To verify that our execution model is efficient,we ran an experiment to measure the overhead introduced by our op-timizer and the savings caused by the optimization.In the first experiment,the sender sent a352288H261video stream at8frames per second.The client requested the gateway to transcode the stream into a Motion JPEG video stream of size176144.We measured the time spent in the Dali interpreter for each frame received.In thefirst scenario,we let the optimizer decide how to scale the frames.The optimizer detects that the output size is half the input size,and calls a specialized subrou-tine that shrinks the frame by half.The average time spent in scaling a frame was2.84ms.In the second scenario, we bypassed the optimizer,and called the optimized scal-ing routing ourselves.The average time spent in scaling is2.31ms.Finally,we turned the optimizer off,and used a general purpose scaling routine to scale the frames.The average time spent in scaling a frame increase significantly to43.8ms.This experiment confirmed our belief that the overhead in optimizing is small(1ms),while the savings are significant(about150%).We also measured the total delay introduced by the de-coder,encoder and the Dali interpreter when running dif-ferent deglets.While these measurements were performed on specific deglets only,they give some intuition about the latency introduced by Degas’s processing pipeline.A sum-mary of our measurements is listed in Table4.The ta-ble shows that the delay introduced by the decode-process-encode pipeline is reasonably small.Our next two experiments measured the total end-to-end delay between the source and the receiver.This is a mea-surement between the time a frame is captured at the source and the time the frame is rendered at the receiver.In the first experiment,we collected the data using a degasclient. The gateway was running a deglet that shrinks the size of an incoming Motion JPEG video stream by half at6frames per second(deglet2in Table4).For comparison,we col-lected the same data using vic,which received the origi-nal stream.The end-to-end delays for both experiments are shown in Figure6.The difference between the two mea-surements is small,and is about the same as the total time spent in the decode-process-encode pipeline(27.5ms).We also measured the inter-frame rendering delays in the same experiments.Figure7(a)and Figure7(b)show that Degas gateway introduces some jitter,but are within a tolerable level(within20ms).All our performance measurements shown above are done with a single client.When the gateway serves multiple clients, the jitter increases significantly to as much as200ms.There is also a difference between the QoS received by the clients. The reason is that we have not implemented any resource management in Degas yet.We discuss the current imple-mentation status and developments that we plan to do in the next section.6.IMPLEMENTATION AND FUTURE WORK Degas is implemented using C++and the Mash toolkit[6]. Although still under heavy development,a preliminary pro-totype is available.Simple frame processing API and op-timization scheme is implemented as a”proof-of-concept”. We plan to release Degas into the MBone community in near future.Several interesting problems remain to be solved. We outline some of these problems below.We are looking into how a client can submit multiple deglets that can be composed to perform interesting oper-ations.A deglet that scales down two video sources and merge them into a new video streams is best separated into two stages.Thefirst stage scales the video,and should be run near to the individual sources.The second stage com-bines the video,and should be run near the receiver.By us-ing three deglets(two for scaling and one for merging),we can achieve better bandwidth efficiency than a single deglet could have achieved.We plan to look into how Degas can control the re-sources of the gateways and allow deglets to be executed fairly.We want to prevent a malicious deglet from hogging a gateway.Currently,one can write a deglet that performs frame copy100times for each frame received.Some form of scheduling has to be added so that a gateway can distribute its resources fairly.A particularly interesting is-Operation Input 1Input 2Output %CPU Time 1Shrinking H261352288at 10fps H261176144at 10fps 14%9.76ms 2ShrinkingJPEG 320240at 6fps JPEG 160120at 6fps 18%27.5ms 3Picture-in-picture H261352288at 10fps H261176144at 10fps H261176144at 20fps 40%20.4ms 4Picture-in-picture H261352288at 10fpsH261176144at 10fpsJPEG 176144at 20fps60%32.4msTable 4:Latencies introduced by the decode-process-encode pipeline and the CPU load incurred for different deglets.2040608010012014001002003004005006007008009001000L a t e n c y (m s )Frame NumberdegasclientvicFigure 6:End-to-end Delay between the sender and the re-ceiver.5010015020001002003004005006007008009001000D e l a y (m s )Frame Number(a)5010015020001002003004005006007008009001000D e l a y (m s )Frame Number(b)Figure 7:(a)Inter-frame rendering delay using Degas.(b)Inter-frame rendering delay without Degas.sue is how a gateway can revoke resources from a running deglet when the gateway reallocates its resources.Revok-ing CPU time and bandwidth can affect the QoS received by the client.Revoking allocated memory blocks may re-quire changing the behaviour of the deglet itself.Security is another common concern in extensible archi-tectures.We believe that these concerns can be easily ad-dressed.As in Safe-Tcl [12],we can restrict the set of func-tions available to a deglet.This set can depend on the client that submitted the deglet.In this case,the client would have to sign the deglet,and include its digital certificate (e.g.,X.509[4]).7.RELATED WORKThe idea of running media processing within the network was first described by Turletti and Bolot in [16]and by Pasquale et al in [13].Turletti and Bolot suggested video gateways as a solution for solving the network heterogeneity problem.Pasquale et al proposed a filter propagation mech-anism in multicast dissemination trees.By propagating fil-ters up and down the multicast trees network efficiency may be improved.In [18],Yeadon describes a set of QoS filters that implements the idea in [13].Unfortunately,the sys-tem is not designed to be compatible with the MBone tools,and is therefore not widely deployed.Closer to our work,MeGa [2]is an application-level media gateway that per-forms transcoding on RTP media streams.An advantage of Degas over previous work is that Degas allows user-defined processing on the streams,while MeGa and Yeadon’s QoS filters only support a fixed set of operations.Active Service [3]provides clusters ,which are sets of nodes that provide certain er can request in-stantiation of an application-level service agent,such as the MeGa video gateway,on a cluster.If not available already,the agent can be uploaded.In contrast,Degas provides ex-tensibility at a finer granularity by allowing users to extend an existing service,rather than requiring an entire new ser-vice agent to be uploaded.8.SUMMARYThis paper describes a flexible and extensible media gate-way system called Degas,which allows users to request cus-tomized processing on media streams.Degas is efficient andsimple to use,while being compatible with existing popular MBone tools.Degas is also scalable in the number of gate-ways,and robust in the face of gateway and client crashes.Another contribution of this paper is the Degas program-ming model for writing media processing specification.We use a declarative style,event-driven,scripting-based syn-tax to achieve simplicity,while powerful enough to specify many commonly used operations.We presented a simple model of execution,in which high-level APIs are dynami-cally bound to optimized low-level routines,without requir-ing a full-fledged compiler or optimizer.9.REFERENCES[1]The Third ACM International Multimedia Conferenceand Exhibition(MULTIMEDIA’95),San Francisco, CA,USA,November1995.ACM Press.[2]E.Amir,S.McCanne,and Z.Hui.An applicationlevel video gateway.In Proceedings of the3rd ACM International Multimedia Conference and Exhibition (MULTIMEDIA’95)[1],pages255–266.[3]E.Amir,S.McCanne,and R.Katz.An Active Serviceframework and its application to 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In the realm of innovation,there are inventions that stand out for their uniqueness and the impact they have on society.One such special invention is the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim BernersLee.This invention revolutionized the way we access and share information,connecting people across the globe in ways previously unimaginable.The World Wide Web,often abbreviated as the Web,is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.It was invented in1989by BernersLee,a British computer scientist,while working at CERN,the European Organization for Nuclear Research.The Web was initially conceived as a way to facilitate communication and information sharing among scientists,but it quickly expanded beyond that scope to become a universal platform for communication,commerce,and education.The Webs design is based on a few key principles,including decentralization, interoperability,and accessibility.It uses a clientserver model,where web servers host websites and web clients,such as browsers,request and display content from these servers.The primary language of the Web is HTML HyperText Markup Language,which allows for the creation of structured documents with embedded links to other documents. One of the most significant aspects of the Web is its use of the Uniform Resource Locator URL system,which provides a unique address for every resource on the Web.This system enables users to navigate to any web page or file by simply typing or clicking on a URL.Another crucial component of the Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP,which is the foundation for data communication between web clients and servers.HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted,and how web servers respond to client requests.The invention of the Web has had a profound impact on various aspects of life.It has transformed education by providing access to a wealth of information and resources, enabling distance learning,and facilitating collaboration among students and educators. In the business world,the Web has enabled the growth of ecommerce,allowing businesses to reach a global audience and streamline their operations.Moreover,the Web has democratized access to information,giving people the power to research,learn,and express themselves freely.It has also played a crucial role in social movements and political activism,providing a platform for individuals to organize,share ideas,and mobilize support.In addition to its practical applications,the Web has also inspired a wave of creativity and innovation.It has given rise to new forms of art,such as digital art and web design,and has facilitated the development of interactive and immersive experiences,like online games and virtual reality.In conclusion,the invention of the World Wide Web is a prime example of a special invention that has had a transformative impact on society.Its unique design principles, coupled with its ability to connect people and information,have made it an indispensable tool in the modern world.As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies,it is essential to remember the importance of creating systems that are accessible, interoperable,and designed for the benefit of all.。


[2]Myrah, Kyleen. A study of public post-secondary entrepreneurship education in British Columbia: The possibilities and challenges of an integrated approach.[D].The University of British Columbia (Canada), ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2003. NQ90237.
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Produce the design of the tool and realize automaticallyon the basis of JSP webpageIt is an important respect that Internet uses that Web develops technology, and JSP is the most advanced technology that Web is developed , it is present Web developer's first-selected technology. But because JSP has relatively high expectations for Web developer, a lot of general Web developers can not use this advanced technology . The discussion produces the design of the tool and realizes automatically on the basis of JSP webpage of the template and label storehouse, put forward concrete design philosophy and implementation method .With the popularization of WWW (World Wide Web ), the technology of the dynamic webpage is developed rapidly too. From original CGI (Common Gateway In-terface ) to ASP (Active Server Page ), have met the webpage developer to the demand for developing technology of the dynamic webpage to a certain extent. But no matter CGI or ASP have certain limitation, for instance, consuming to resources of the server of CGI, ASP can only be used etc. with Microsoft IIS, all these have limited scope of application of the technology, have hindered their popularization greatly. The vast page developers all look forward to a kind of unified page and develop technology earnestly, characteristic that this technology there should be:①Have nothing to do with the operating platform, can run on any Web or the application program server ;②Show the logic and page of application program that separates ; ③Offer codes to put in an position, simplify and develop the course based on interactive application program of Web.JSP (Java Server Page ) technology is designed and used for responding to the request that like this. JSP is developed technology by the new webpage that Sun MicroSystem Company put out in June of 1999, it is that Web based on Java Serv-let and the whole Java system develops technology, and Servlet2. Expansion of 1API. Utilize this technology, can set up advancedly , safely and stepping dynamic websites of the platform .Java is the future mainstream to develop technology , have a lot of advantages . JSP is Java important application technology on Internet/Intranet Web , get extensive support and admit, it can conbine with various kinds of Java technology together intactly , thus realize very complicated application.As a kind of technology of development based on text , taking showing as centre, JSP has offered all advantages of Java Servlet. Logic function in order to make sure and showing the function was separated , JSP can already work with JavaBeans , Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB ) and Servlet . The developer of JSP can finish the work that majority and website's logic are correlated with through using JavaBeans , EJB and Servlet , and only assign the work shown to JSP page to finish. Content and show advantage that logic separate lie in , upgrade person , page of appearanceneedn't understand Java code , the personnel upgrading Javas needn't be experts who design webpage either. This can define Web template in JSP page with Javas , in order to set up websites made up of a page with similar appearance. Java completion data offer, have Java code among template, this mean template these can write by one HTML person is it maintain to come.JSP develops technology as the webpage of the mainstream at present, has the following characteristics:(1) Separate the formulation and showing of the content : Using JSP technology, the page developer of Web can use HTML or XML identification to design and format the final page . Use JSP identification or bound foot turn into dynamic content of page actually (whether content according to is it come change to ask). Produce logic of content of the identification and JavaBeans package , truss up of the little script encapsulation, all scripts run in the end of the server. If key logic among identification and JavaBeans, then other people, such as Web administrative staff and page designer encapsulation, can edit and use JSP page , and does not influence the formulation of the content .(2) Emphasize the reusable package : Most JSP pages depend on the reusable one, the package stepping the platform finish more complicated treatment with required application program. Benefitting from the independence of operating platform of Java, the developer can be very convenient to share and exchange and carry out the ordinary package that operated, or make these packages used by more users. The method based on package has accelerated the total development course, the efficiency of improving the project and developing wholly greatly.Though JSP is powerful, it requires the webpage developer should be quite familiar with Java. There are still relatively few Java programmers now, for general webpage developer, the grammar of JSP is more difficult to grasp . So, need a kind of webpage developing instrument and offer commonly used JSP application to general webpage developer, is it understand general page develop developer of technology (HTML ) can use strong function of JSP too only to let.Systematic design object and main technology of use:(1)Design objectSystem this design object for understand but HTML understand general webpage developer of JSP offer a webpage developing instrument at all only, enable them to follow the systematic file, use the daily function of JSP through the label, produce one finally and only include static HTML and dynamic JSP webpage of JSP label.(2)Main technologyThis system is in the design, consider using the technology of the template and JSP label to realize mainly.1、Technology of the templateThe technology of the template is widely applied to various kinds of development and application system. It produces some commonly used frame structure in advance , uses the family to choose the template from the template storehouse conveniently according to the needs of one's own one, is it is it put up to go again by oneself to need , save construction period in user , facilitate use of user. In this system , classify the page according to the function type , sum up the commonly used page type, produce the template storehouse.2、Storehouse technology of the labelIn JSP, movements can create and visit the language target of the procedure and influence the element exported and flowed. JSP has defined six standard movements. Except six standard movement these, user can define own movement finish the specific function. These movements are known as the customer movement, they are the reusable procedure module . Through movement these, programmer can some encapsulation stand up too display function of page in JSP page, make the whole page more succinct and easier to maintain. In a JSP page, movements were transfered through the customer label in these customers. And the label storehouse (Tag Library ) is the set of the customer label.JSP label storehouse is that one kind produces the method based on script of XML through JavaBeans. It is one of the greatest characteristics of JSP. Through the label storehouse , can expand JSP application unrestrictedly , finish any complicated application demand.JSP label storehouse has the following characteristic:①Easy to use: The labels in JSP and general HTML marks are totally the same in appearance, it is as convenient as ordinary HTML mark to use.②The easy code is paid most attention to: Every label in the label storehouse can finish certain function . Define ready to eat one label storehouse , is it pack one Jar file the label storehouse to need only, then only need use this label storehouse in other systems afterwards, needn't develop codes again , has raised the system and developed efficiency greatly, have reduced the development cost.③The easy code is safeguarded: All application logic is encapsulated in label processor and JavaBeans, all labels concentrate on a label storehouse. If need to upgrade codes or need to revise the function on a webpage, only need to revise the corresponding label. Maintain way in unison through this kind , it is unnecessary in each webpage is it is it fix to act as to get onning, have reduce the work load safeguarded greatly, has economized the cost of safeguarding.④The easy system is expanded : If need to add the new function to the system , only need to define a new label to finish this function, do not need to do any change to other respects of thesystem. Can inherit JSP normal characteristics of various fields in the label storehouse. Can expand and increase the function of JSP unrestrictedly like this, and does not need to wait for the appearance of the next edition JSP .Systematic composition and realizing:(1)The system making upThis system is made up of four parts mainly:1、The database joins some: This system supports several daily databases , including Oracle, Sybase, MSSQLServer, MySQL and DB2, use JDBC and database to link to each other according to database type and database name , user name , password that users offer that users choose.2、The basic form of system produces some: After joining with the database , produce the basic form TC-Tables and TC-Columns of two systems according to the user name linking to each other with the database , TC-Tables form includes English name , Chinese name and some attribute of form belonging to this user in this database , for instance can revise , can inquire about ; The Chinese and English name of the row and some other attribute that TC-Columns form includes belonging to all forms of this user's in this database . For instance can show , can inquire about . Basic information of the database that these basic forms of two systems provide to user's institute for use in the course of development of the whole system.3、The template is chosen to produce some with the webpage: This part is a key part of a system. It includes two pieces of sub module .①The template is chosen some: The system offers the template to user and chooses the interface, let users choose the templates used from the template storehouse according to the need.②The template is dealt with some: According to template that user choose, system transfer designated template deal with module is it punish to go on to these template. When dealing with the label that the procedure meets in the template, offer the mutual interface to user, let user input parameter for designated label , prove system validity of label that user input. Finished the formulation of JSP page systematically finally.Webpage preview is with revising some: After the webpage was produced out, the system has offered a webpage preview window and code to user and looked over that revises the window. Through this preview window, users can look at the result of JSP page produced out in advance . If user static result of respect in page very satisfied, user can through code look over revise window revise HTML code of code. If users have further demands for the static result of the page, the system has also offered a piece of interface which transfers DreamWeaver editing machine to user, users can use it to carry on further modification and perfection to the static result of JSP page that is produced out .(2)Systematic realization1、Realization of the template storehouse and label storehouseThe planning and design of the label storehouse are essential in the whole system design, efficiency that the degree and system that are put in an position have operated that its relation has reached codes. Its planning should follow the following principle .(1) Should try one's best little including static HTML among label. To general user, the label is transparent. Users can not look over and revise labels . If include too many static HT-ML sentence in the label , will influence the modification and perfection of user's static result to the page, limit the use of the label.(2) Try one's best to raise the paying most attention to degree of the code. Is it is it is it is it is it is it get to JSP public JSP out to withdraw to use to try one's best to classify to go on to use, form labels. Do not use and realize this application repeatedly in each label . While revising and perfecting to using like this , only need to revise this label, maintenance of the easy code.(3) Facilitate users' use. While designing the label storehouse , should fully consider users' operating position , it can very easy and understanding and using labels conveniently to use the family.①Definition of the label storehouse: Define a label storehouse, must define a label storehouse and describe the file (TLD ) at first . This is a file of script based on XML, have defined the edition of XML in this file , codes used, the edition , name and definition and parameter of all labels included in this storehouse of the label storehouse of the edition of the label storehouse , JSP used describe, including the name of the label, corresponding Javas of label, description information of the label ,etc..②Realization of the label: One label first special Java type, this each must inherit TagSupports , this each is in javax. servlet. jsp. Define in tagext bag . In the labels, the parameter which includes this label initializes the subject treatment method (Handler ) of method (Set/Get ) , label and method available for making the first class label to adjust,etc..③Realization of the template : A template is that one contains JSP file that labels quoted . In order to quote the labels defined in the template , must introduce the label storehouse at first .<%@taglib uri=“tag.tld”prefix=“ctag”%>Among them uri appoints the label storehouse to describe the route of the file ; Prefixes used when prefix appoints to quote labels.While quoting the designated label in the template , use the designated prefix while introducing the label storehouse, appoint the name of the label; It is the parameter assignment of the label.2、Systematic development environmentWhat this systematic subject procedure making is used is JBuilder 6 of Borland Company. 0, it is Front-Page2000 of Microsoft Company that the template is developed and used, what the label storehouse is developed and used is UltraEdit editing machine, what JDK is adopted is JDK1.4. The system testing environment is JRun3. 0.Java future mainstream to develop language, and Java using JSP will become major technology that Web will be developed in the future too mainly at Web. This system has adopted the label storehouse , one of the biggest characteristics of JSP, enable the general Web developer to use JSP strong dynamic page function conveniently too, develop JSP dynamic Web page of the modern techniques. Because this system adopts Java to develop, can run under the operating system of any support graphic interface , have realized complete having nothing to do with the platform. This system is easy to expand and perfect. Can consider offering the interface to user afterwards , will use the family to expand the template storehouse and label storehouse by oneself, strengthen the systematic function further.List of references:[1] Cay S. Horstmann,Gary Cornell. Java 2 key technology (CoreJava 2 ) [M ]. Beijing: Publishing house of the mechanical industry.[2] Bruce Eckel. Java programming thought (Thinking in Java ) [M ]. Beijing: Publishing house of the mechanical industry.[3] Joseph L. Weber. Java 2 programming is explained in detail (Using Java 2) [M ]. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press.[4] Borland Company. Building Applications with JBuilder.基于JSP网页自动生成工具的设计与实现Web开发技术是Internet应用的一个重要方面,而JSP又是Web开发的最先进的技术,是当前Web开发人员的首选技术。

A web-based multimedia virtual experiment

A web-based multimedia virtual experiment
Abstract – A physical experiment from the undergraduate thermo-fluids laboratory titled “Venturimeter as a Flow Measuring Device” has been chosen for its mapping into the virtual domain, as a computer-based experiment. The virtual experiment described in the present study, combines three unique aspects simultaneously: use of computer generated (virtual) data to recreate the physical phenomenon, virtual experimentation and measurement on a computer screen, and coupling of the virtual experiment with the LabVIEW software to introduce students to digital data acquisition and analysis. The proposed multi-media module has three submodules namely, the physical sub-module, the experimental details sub-module, and the virtual experiment sub-module, for introducing students to physical system configuration, experimental procedure, and detailed instructions for conducting virtual experimentation, data acquisition and analysis. The proposed module is expected to impact the development of virtual engineering laboratories for webbased distance learning undergraduate engineering programs Index Terms – Virtual experiment, web-based laboratories, interactive experimentation, e-devices. University’s TELETECHNET distance learning network. Live televised courses are beamed to several receiving sites in Virginia and across the country. Laboratory courses are offered through creation of videotapes and CD-ROMS of all experiments for viewing by distance students [2-3]. However, the videotape or CD-ROM based delivery methods fail to incorporate two critical aspects of laboratory experiments. First, the distance students are a passive audience, not actively participating or exercising control generally afforded by a real-life experimental set-up. Second, there is also absence of teamwork and communication among students – critical ingredients of an engineering education – in the video or CD-ROM based laboratory instruction. The Old Dominion University engineering technology programs have also used in past a mobile thermo -fluids laboratory for providing access to distance students at remote locations. However, this approach has been abandoned in favor of the CD-ROM and video-based laboratory instruction due to difficulty of serving many centers with one mobile laboratory.



控制工程C ontro l e n g i neeri n g !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!o f Chi na Nov .2006V o l .13,No.62006年11月第13卷第6期文章编号:1671-7848(2006)06-0577-04收稿日期:2005-10-27;收修定稿日期:2005-12-02作者简介:管昌生(1962-),男,湖北武汉人,教授,博士,主要从事土木工程可靠性理论及应用、钢筋混凝土结构耐久性、工程结构设计理论及数值模拟等方面的教学与科研工作。

基于W eb 的BAS 集成方案研究管昌生,赵国辉(武汉理工大学计算机学院,湖北武汉430070)摘要:由于W eb 模式采用BAC net 技术的控制网络已成为行业的发展趋势,BAC net /I P的出现使控制网络与I nternet 的无缝连接成为可能,并成为控制网络技术新的发展点,建筑自动控制系统(BA S )的集成方案日趋受到愈来愈多的关注。

通过某高校网络中心大楼的BA S 设计实现,研究了基于W eb 模式的采用BAC net 技术的BA S 集成方案,并通过其良好的应用效果表明了此方案的可行性及其广阔的发展前景。

关键词:建筑自动控制系统(BA S );BAC net ;BAC net /I P ;控制网络中图分类号:T P 273文献标识码:A o n BAS I nte g rati on S o l uti on B ased on W ebGUAN C hOT g -sheT g ,Z~AO G uO-hui(C om p uter C o lle g e ,W uhan u n ivers it y of T echno lo gy ,W uhan 430070,Ch i na )Abstract :T he i nte g ration S che m e o f B uild i n g A utom ation S y ste m (BA S )is d iscussed.BAC net based on W eb now is t he deve lo p -m ent trend.BAC net /I P nowis t he new deve lo p m ent p o i nt i n B uild i n g A utom ation I ndustr y ,wh ich m ake t he contro ller can be i nte-g rated wit h I nternet s m oo t h l y .T o an exa m p le o f a net-center o f a co lle g e wh ich use t he BAC net contro l-net ,t he b lue p ri nt o f BA S i nte g ration ,wh ich based on W eb com p utation sche m e is stud ied.T he results show t hat it is vali d it y and f eas i b ilit y ,w it h a fi ne p ros p ect .K e y words :BA S ;BAC net ;BAC net /I P ;contro l-net1引言智能建筑通过建筑物结构化综合布线系统(P re m ises D istri bution S y ste m ,PD S )和各种信息终端来实现其计算机集成控制,通常包括4个子系统:自动控制系统(BA S )、通信自动化系统(CA S )、办公自动化系统(oA S )和PD S 。





The following standard word abbreviations should be used in naming records, fields, and SQRs:Word(s)Abbreviation DescriptionAbbreviateABRVAbbreviationAcademic ACADAcceptAcceptanceACPTAcceptedAccess ACCSAccident ACDNTAccomplishACMPAccomplishmentAccomplishmentsAccount*ACCT*Accounting*ACCTG*Accounts PayableAPAdvanced PlacementAccounts Receivable ARAccredited ACRDAccrual ACRLAccumulated*ACCUM*AccumulationACUMAccumulativeAchieveACHVAchievementAcquisition*ACQ*ActActiveACTActivityAmerican College TestAction*ACTN*Actual ACTLAddADDAddedAdditional*ADDL*Address*ADDR*Narrative data which describes a person, place or thing's location Ad hoc ADHCAdjudicateADJDAdjudicatedAdjudicationAdjusted Gross Income AGIAdjustment*ADJ*AdministeredADMAdministratedAdministrationAdmissibleADMSAdmissionAdmittanceADMTAdmittedAdvanced PlacementAPAccounts PayableAdvice ADVCAdvice ADVCAffiliation AFFLAfter AFTAge AGEAgency AGCYAgent AGNTAid AIDAlien ALNAll ALLAllocateALLOC*Allocation*Alpha ALPHAlterALTAlternateAlumniALMNAlumnusAM AM"Ante Meridiem" (morning) American College TestActACTActiveActivityAmount*AMT*Monetary value(s) Analysis ANLSAnnual*ANNL*Anonymous ANONAnswer ANSApartment APTAppealAPELAppealedApplicant*APP*Application*APPL*Appointment APPTApprovalAPRVApproveArea AREAArray ARAYArrears ARRSAscending ASCAssignASGNAssignedAssignmentAssociation ASSCAssumption ASMPAthleteATHLAthleticAttach ATCHAttempt ATMPTAttendATNDAttendanceAttention ATTNAttribute ATTRAuditADTAuditedAuthorityAUTHAuthorizeAuxiliary AUXAvailabilityAVLAvailableAverage AVG The mean of two or more numbers Average Cumulative Grade ACGAwardAWRDAwardedBalance*BAL*The net value (balance) of an account Bank BNKBargain BARGBaseBASBasicBatch BTCHBefore BEFBeginBEGNBeginningBeginning of Term BOTBenefits BENBid BIDBillBILLBillingBilling and Receivables System BRSBirth BRTHBoard BRDBreak BRKBudgetBUDBudgetableBudget Balance Account BBABuildBLDBuildingBusiness BUSBusiness Unit*BU*BuyBUYBuyerCalculateCALC*CalculatedCalculation*Calendar*CAL*Call CALLCampaign CMPNCampus CMPSCancelCANCanceledCapacity CAPCapitalization CPLZCard CRDCareer CARCarrier CRIRCartridge CARTCase CSECash CSHCatalog CTLGCategory*CATG*Census CENSCenter CTRCertificateCERTCertificationChangeCHGChangedChapter CHAPCharge CRGChartfield CHARTFCheckCheckedCHKCitizenCitizenshipCTZNCity CTYClass CLASClearClearedCLRCLEP CLEPClose CLOClub CLBCOBRA*CBR*Code*CD*Data which represents encoded values (translate or code table) CollectCollectionCLCTCollege COLGColumn CLMNCombinationCombineCOMBCommand CMDComment CMT An explanatory, illustrative or critical note, remark or observation Committee CMMTTEECompany*CO*Comparative*COMPA*Competitor CPTRCompleteCompletionComplianceCMPLComponent CMPT When the meaning is "part", use abbreviation "PRT".CompositeCompensationCOMPConditional CONDConfidential CNFDConfirmConfirmation*CONF*Constant CNSTCSTData which is unchanging or invariableContact CTCT ContinueContinuingContinuousCONTContractContractorCNTR Control*CNTL* Conversation*CONVR* Conversion*Convert*ConvertedCNV* Correspondence CRSP Cost COSTCount Counter CNTA number of people or things that have been "counted", such as inventorycycle countCountry CTRY County CNTY Course*CRSE* Coverage*COVRG*Coverage*COVRG* Create CRE Credential CRDLCredit*CR*CRDTUse "CR" for field names relating to financial dataUse "CRDT" for field names relating to academic workCREF CREFCross CRSCross ListCross ListedXLSTCross Reference XREFCumulative CUMCurrency*CURR*Current*CUR*Cursor CRSRCustodian CSTNCustomer*CUST*Daily DLYData DATAData Processing DPDate*DT* A calendar day, month, and year (including century) Date-Time Stamp DTTMDay*DD*DY*A day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.)DeadDeathDeceasedDEAD Debit*DR* Decimal DEC DeductDeduction*DED* Default*DFLT* Deficit DFCT Definition*DEFN* Degree DEG Delete DEL DeliverDeliveryDLVR Demo DMO Dental DNTL Department*DEPT* Department of Motor Vehicles DMV DependencyDependent*DependsDEP* Deposit DPST Depreciation*DEPR*Description*DESCR*DSCNarrative data which translates a code or number. When a suffix, use "_DSC"(see Standard Field Name Suffix table).Design DSGN Destination*DEST* Detail*DETL* DevelopDevelopmentDeviationDEVDifferenceDifferentialDIFF Digit DGT DirectDirectDirectionDirectionalDIRDisabilityDisabledDISA DisbursedDisbursementDSB Discount*DISC* Displacement DSPL Display DISP Disposition DSP DistributeDistribution*DIST* District DSTR Division DIV Division of Continuing Education DCE Document DOC Donor DONR Down DN DriveDriverDRV Drop DRP Due DUE Duplicate*DuplicationDUP* Each EAEarly ERLY EarnEarnedEarnings*EARN* Earned Income Credit EIC EducateEducationEDU EffectEffective*EFF* Effective Date*EFFDT* Effective Date Sequence*EFFSEQ* Effort EFRT ElectElectedElectiveELCT Electronic Data Interchange EDI Electronic Funds Transfer EFT Electronic Mail EM Eligibility*EligibleELIG* Emergency EMRG Emphasis EMPHEmployee*EE* EMPLEmployee ID*EMPLID* Employer*ER* Employment EMPLMT EncumberEncumbranceENCB EndEndingENDEnd of Term EOTEndorseENDR EndorsementEndorsement ENDREndowENDW EndowmentEngineerENGN EngineeringEnglish ENGLEnrichment ENRCHEnrollment ENRLEnterEnteredENTR EntryEntitleENTL EntitlementEqualEqualityEQ EquivalenceEquivalentEqual Employment OpportunityEEO Equal OpportunityEquip EQPError ERREstablishment ESTBEthnic ETHNEvaluationEVAL EvaluatorEvent EVNTExam EXMException EXCPExcludeEXCL ExclusionExecuteEXEC ExecutionExemptEXMT ExemptionExpectEXPC ExpectedExpected Family Contribution EFCExpedite XPDTExpenseEXP ExportExpressExperimental EXPMExpirationEXPR ExpireExportEXP ExpenseExtendEXT ExtendedExtensionExternal EXTRFacility FCLTFaculty FACFamily FMLYFamily Eduaction Rights and PrivacyFERPA ActFast FSTFather FATHFather FATH Federal FED Federal Labor and Security Act FLSA Fee FEE FeetFull TimeFT FICA FICA FieldFieldsFLD File FILE Final FNL Financial*FIN* Financial Aid FA Fine FINE First FRST Fiscal FISC Fiscal Year FY Fiscal Year to Date FYTD FixFixedFIXFlag FLGSWData which functions as a flag or indicator. Used with only two possiblestates/conditions. Data should normally be "Y" or "N".Flexible Spending Account FSA Floor FLRFor FOR Foreign FGN Foreign Key FK Form FRM Format FMT Former FORMR Free FREE Free Application for Federal StudentAidFAFSA Free on Board FOB FreezeFrozenFRZ Frequency*FREQ* FreshFreshmanFRSH From FR FulfillFulfilledFULF Full Time FTFull Time Equivalent FTE FunctionFunctionalFCN FundFundingFUND Future FUT Garnishment*GARN* General GENL General Education Degree GED General Ledger GL GeographicGeographyGEOG Gift GFT Global GLBL Government GOVTGovernment GOVTGrade GDEGRDA value assigned to reflect performance or position on a scaleGrade Point Average GPA Graduate GRAD GrantGrantedGRNT Gross GROS Group GRP Guarantee GUAR Guaranteed Student Loan GSL Guest GST HandicapHandicappedHAND Head HEAD Header*HDR* Health HLTH HeldHoldHLD Help HLP Hierarchy HIERHigh H Normally used in conjunction with another word (i.e., High School abbreviated as "HS").High School HSHigh School Services HSSHigher Education HEDHighway HWAYHire HIREHistory HSTHome HMHonor HONRHonor Society HSCHospital HOSPHour HH A duration of time expressed in hoursHourly HRLYHours*HRS*HouseHousingHSEHow HOWHuman Resources HRHuman Resource System HRSIdentificationIdentifier*IndicatorID*Alphanumeric data which identifies a person, place, or thing Image IMGImmuneImmunizationIMUNImpact IMPCImplementation IMPLImport IMPImport/Export IMPEXPInch INInclude INCLIncome INCMIncreaseIncrementINCRIndex INDXIndicator ID INDIndividual INDV Individual Student Information Report ISIR Information INFO InitialInitializeINIT Injury*INJ* Inoculation INOC Input INPT Inquiry INQ Insert ISRT Institution INST InstructionInstructionalInstructorISTR Instructional Need Analysis System INAS Insurance INS Inter-Unit*IU* Interest INT Interface*INTFC* Internal INTR International INTL Interval INVL InterviewInterviewerINTV Invent INVN Inventory INV Investment*INVEST* InvitationInviteINVT Invoice INVC IssueIssuedISSItem ITMJob JOB Journal*JRNL* Junior JR Junior Science JSKey KEY Label LBL Labor LBR Laboratory LAB Language LNG LastListLST Late LATE Latitude LAT Layoff LAYF Leave LV Lecture LCTR Ledger*LED* Legal LGL Lender LNDR Length*LEN* Letter LTRLevel LVLLiaison LISNLiberal Education LBDLibrary LIBLicense LICLicense Plate Number LIC_PLTE_NBRLife LIFELimit*LIM*Line*LN*LoanLinkLNKLinkedLiquid LIQListLSTLastLiteral LTRLLoad LOADLoanLNLine*LocateLOC*Location*Lock LKLocker LKRLog LOGLog on LOGONLongLONGLongestLong Term Care LTCLong Term Disability LTDLongitude LONLot LOTLow LOWMailMailerMAILMailingMaintenance*MAINT*Major MJRMake MKManager MGRMap MAPMarital MRTLMessage Agent Server MASMask MSKMaster Academic Records System MARSMatchMTCH MatchingMath MTHMatriculatedMTRC MatriculationMaximum*MAX*MedicalMEDMedicinalMeetMTMeetingMember MBRMembership MSHPMemoMMOMemorandumMMO Memorial MEMR Merchandise MERCHNDS Merchant MERCH Merit MERT MessageMessages*MSG*Meter MTRMethod METH Microfilm MFILM Middle MIDMilitary MIL Minimum*MIN*Minor MINRMinute MNTMMA duration of time expressed in minutesMiscellaneous MISC Mode MDE ModificationModifierMOD MonetaryMoneyMONYMonth*MM*MN*A calendar month in numeric form (e.g., 01=January)Month-to-Date*MTD* More MORE Mother MOTH Move MOVE Multiple MULTName NMNMEWord(s) by which a person, place or thing is commonly knownNational NATLNational Association of College andUniversity Business OfficersNACUBONational Student Loan Direct System NSLDS Commonly known as the "Perkins Loan"Navigation NAVNew NEWNext NXTNext of Kin NOKNo Charge NCNo Credit NOCRNo Print NPRTNominal NOMNon NONNon-Personal Services NPSNot NOTNot Applicable NANoteNoticeNotificationNotifyNOTENumber*NumericNBR*Numeric data which identifies a person, place, or thing ObjectObjectiveOBJOccupation OCPOccurs OCCOfferOFFROfferedOffice OFFCOfficer OFCROfficial OFCLOld OLDOnline ONLNOpen OPNOperator*OPR*OptionOPTOptionalOptionsOrder ORDROrganizationORGOrganizeOrientation ORNTOriginORIGOriginalOriginationOther OTHROut OUTOver OVROverhead OHOverride OVRDOvertime OTOwnOWNOwnedOwner OWNRPackaged PACKPaid PAIDPaper PPRParameter*PARM*Parent PARParityPRTYPriorityPark PRKPartPRTPartialPart Time PTParticipation PRTPPassPASSPassedPast PASTPatron PTRNPayPAYPayablePaymentPayroll PYRLPedestrian PEDPell (Pell Grant)PELPending PENDPension PENSPercent*PCT*Part of a whole expressed in hundredths PercentagePercentilePeriod*PD*Period-to-Date*PTD*Perkins Loan NSLDS Common name for National Student Loan Direct System Permanent PERMPermit PRMTPerson PERSPersonalPSNLPersonnelPersonal Identification PINPersonnel Action Notification PANPhone PHNPhysics PHYSPlace PLCEPlan PLNPlate PLTEPledge PLDGPM PM"Post Meridiem" (afternoon)Point PNTPolicy PLCYPosition*POSN*PostPOSTPostedPostal PSTLPotential POTNPredicted PREDPreferencePREFPreferredPrefix PRFXPremium PREMPrerequisite PREQPrescribed PSCRPresentation PRSTPresident PRESPreviousPREVPriorPrice PRCPrice Level PLPrimary PRIMPrimary Key PKPrincipalPRINPrinciplePrincipal Investigator PIPrintPRNPrintedPriorPREVPreviousPriorityPRTYParityProbationPROBProblemProcedurePROCProcessProfessionPRFSProfessionalProficiency PRFCProfile*PROF*Program PROGProjectPROJProjectedPromissory PRMSPromotion PROMProposal PRPSProspect PRSPProvince PRVNPurchase PURPurchase Order POPurge PRGPurpose PURPQualitativeQALQualityQuantitativeQTY* A number of things other than moneyQuantity*Quantity-to-DateQTD*Quarter-to-Date*Quarter QTRQuestion QSTNRace RACERange RNGRank RNK Relative standing or positionRate*RT*Numeric value expressing amount per some unit of coverageReadREADReadingRealREALReallocationReason*RSN*Recall RCLReceipt RCPTReceiveRECV*Received*Receiver RCVRRecharge RCHGRecognitionRECGRecognizeRecommend RCMDReconciliation*RECON*Record*REC*RecreateRECRRecreationRecruitRCRTRecruitingReduceRED*ReducedReduction*ReferReference*REF*ReferralReferredRefund RFNDRegional RGNLRegistrar REGRRegistration REGRejectRJCTRejectionRelateRelationRLATRelationshipRelease RLSERelease RLSEReligionRELGReligiousRemaining RMNGReminder RMDRRenewal RNWLRepeatRepeatableREPTRepeatedReplaceREPLReplacedReply RPLYReport*RPT*Request*RequestedREQ*RequireRequired*Requisition*Requirements*RQMT*Research RESReserveRSRVReservedReserve Officers Training Corps ROTCResidenceRSDTResidencyResidentResign RSGNResource RSRCResponse RESPRestart RSTRestock RSTKRestrictRSTRRestrictedRestrictionsResult RSLTRetire*RET*Retirement*Retroactive RETRReturn RTNRevenue REVReview RVWRevision REVSRevoke REVKRoll RLRoll up RLUPRoom RMRoute ROUTRow ROWRSVP RSVP French abbreviation meaning "please reply" Run RUNRun Control RUNCTLSalary*SAL*Sale SALESalutation SLTNSame SMSave SAVEScale SCALSchedule*ScheduledSchedulingSCHED*ScholarScholarshipSCHLRScholasticSchoolSCHLScholastic Aptitude Test SATScience SCIScore SCR A number that expresses merit or performance Screen SCRNSearch SRCHSecond SCNDSSUse "SCND" for field names relating to number two in a countable seriesUse "SS" for field names relating to a duration of time expressed in secondsSection SCTN SecureSecurity*SEC* Segment SEG Select*SelectionSelectiveSEL* Semester SEM Semi Finalist SEMF SenateSenatorSEN Send SND Senior SR Sent SNT Separate SEPR Sequence*SEQ* Serial SERL Service SERV Session*SESSN* Sex SEX Sharing SHR Sheet SHET Shelter SHLT Shift SHFT Shipping SHIP Short SHRT Sign SGN Simulated SIM Site SITE Size SZSkill SKL Skip SKP SocialSocietySOC Social Security Number SSN Soft SFT Solid SLID Sophomore SOPH Sort SRT Source SRC SpecialSpecialtySPCL SpecificSpecificationSPECSponsorSponsoredSPON Sports SPRT Spouse SPSE Square SQ Stack STCK Staff STF Stage STG Stamp STMP Standard STD Standard Deviation STDV StartStartingSTRT State ST Statement STMT Static STC Statistics*STAT* Status STS Step STP Stipend STPD Stock STK Stop STOP Street STR String STRG Structure STRC Student STU Student Academic Records SAR Student Credit Hour SCH Study STDY Subcampaign SCMP Subject SUBJ Subordinate SUB Subsidiary SUBS Suffix SFX SummationSummary*SUM* Supervisor*SupportSUP* SupplementSupplemental*SUPL* Survey SRVYSuspense SUSP SUSPNSwitch FLGSWData which functions as a flag or indicator. Used with only two possiblestates/conditions. Data should normally be "Y" or "N".System SYS TableTablesTBL Taken TKN Tape TAPE Target TRGT Taught TGHT TaxTaxableTX Tax ID Number TIN Team TEAM Temperature TEMPTemperature TEMPTemplate*TMPL*Temporary TMPTenure TENRTerm TRMTerminal TRMLTerminate TRMTTest TSTText TXT Narrative informational data such as a message or error text Thermidor THERM13th MonthTIAA TIAATicket TKTTime TM Hours and minutes. May include seconds, hundredths of seconds. Time keeping TMKPTime-stamp TS A system generated Time-stampTitle TITLToday TDYTotal*TOT*Tour TOURTown CTYTrackTRKTrackingTraditional TRADTraining*TRN*TransactTRANS*Transaction*Transcript TSCPTransfer*XFER*TranslateXLT Meaning "Crosswalk Table"TranslationTransmitXMITTransmittalTravel TRVLTuition*TUIT*Type TYPUndergraduate UGRDUnemployment UNEMPLUnit UNITUnit of Measure*UOM*Universal UNVRSLUniversity UNIVUnpaid UNPDUnsecureUNSECUnsecuredUp To MAXUpdateUPDTUpdatedUpper UPRUS Department of Education USDEUseUSEUsedUser USRVacation*VACN*Valedictorian VLDCValidValidateVLDValidationValidationValue VAL Variable VAR Vehicle*VEH* Vendor VEND Verbal VRBL VerifyVerifiedVERF Veteran VET Vice President VP Violation VIO Visa VISA Visit VST Voucher VCHR W2W2W4W4W9W9 Waived WVED WeekWorkWorkedWorker(s)WK Width WIDWith W Normally used as part of a compound word (i.e., Withdrawl abbreviated as "WDRL").Withdrawal WDRL WithholdWithholdingWHLD Women WMN Worksheet WKST WriteWrittenWRTYear*YR*YY*A calendar year, including century (e.g., 1997)Year-to-Date*YTD* Zip ZIP Zone。



系统集成技术方案1. Overview2. System Integration Design Goals- Centralized management: It can centrally and uniformly monitor and manage each subsystem, store, display, and manage the information of each integrated subsystem on the same platform, and provide data access interfaces for other information systems. The key is to accurately and comprehensively reflect the operatingstatus of each subsystem and provide comprehensive operation reports for the key parts of the building's subsystems.- Decentralized control: Each subsystem conducts decentralized control to maintain the relative independence of each subsystem, separate faults, disperse risks, and facilitate management.- System linkage: Realize communication of monitoring information between each subsystem. Based on the status parameters of each integrated subsystem, realize the relevant software linkage between each subsystem.- Optimized operation: On the basis of the good operation of each integrated subsystem, provide functions such as equipment energy-saving control and holiday setting.和互联互通:实现与其他系统的通信和数据共享,充分发挥各子系统的功能,提高管理和服务效率。



EnglishABCABMAbstract Resource AbstractionAccelerationAcceptability Criteria Acceptable Quality Level AQL AcceptanceAcceptance Criteria Acceptance Letters Acceptance Number Acceptance Review Acceptance TestAcquisition Methods Acquisition Negotiations Acquisition PlanAcquisition Plan Review Acquisition Planning Acquisition Process Acquisition StrategyActionAction ItemAction Item FlagsAction PlanActivationActive ListeningActivity Arrow NetActivity Based Costing Activity Based Management Activity CalendarActivity CodeActivity DefinitionActivity DescriptionActivity DurationActivity Duration Estimating Activity ElaborationActivity FileActivity IDActivity ListActivity Node NetActivity on ArcActivity on ArrowActivity on NodeActivity OrientedActivity Oriented Schedule Activity PropertiesActivity QuantitiesActivity StatusActivity TimingActorActualActual and Scheduled Progress Actual CostActual Cost Data Collection Actual CostsActual DatesActual Direct CostsActual ExpendituresActual FinishActual Finish DateActual StartActual Start DateACWPAdaptationAdded ValueAddendumAdequacyAdjourningAdjustmentADMADM ProjectAdministrationAdministrativeAdministrative Change Administrative Management ADPADRAdvanced Material Release AFEAFEAffectAffected PartiesAgencyAgendaAggregationAgreementAgreement legalALAPAlgorithmAlignmentAllianceAllocated BaselineAllocated RequirementsAllocationAllowable CostAllowanceAlternate ResourceAlternative AnalysisAlternative Dispute Resolution AlternativesAmbiguityAmendmentAmount at StakeAMRAnalysisAnalysis and DesignAnalysis TimeAnalystAND RelationshipAnecdotalAnticipated Award CostAOQAOQLAPMAApparent Low BidderApplicationApplication AreaApplication for ExpenditureApplication for Expenditure Justification Application ProgramsApplied Direct CostsApportioned EffortApportioned TaskAppraisalApproachAppropriationApprovalApproval to ProceedApproveApproved Bidders ListApproved ChangesApproved Project RequirementsAPRAQLArbitraryArbitrationArcArchitectural BaselineArchitectural ViewArchitectureArchitecture executableArchiveArchive PlanArea of Project Management Application ArrowArrow Diagram MethodArrow DiagrammingArrow Diagramming MethodArtifactArtificialASAPAs-built DesignAs-built DocumentationAs-Built ScheduleAs-Late-As-PossibleAs-NeededAs-Performed ScheduleAssemblyAssembly SequenceAssessmentAssetsAssignmentAssociated RevenueAssociationAs-Soon-As-PossibleAssumptionAssumptionsAssumptions ListAssuranceAttitudeAttributeAttritionAuditAuthoritarianAuthoritativeAuthorityAuthority for Expenditure AuthorizationAuthorizeAuthorized Unpriced WorkAuthorized WorkAuthorized WorksAutomated Data ProcessingAutomatic Decision EventAutomatic GenerationAutomatic Test EquipmentAuxiliary Ground EquipmentAvailabilityAverage Outgoing Quality Average Outgoing Quality Limit Average Sample Size Curve AvoidanceAwardAward FeeAward LetterBACBack ChargeBackchargeBackward PassBad DebtsBalanceBalanced MatrixBalanced ScorecardBalanced Scorecard Approach BankBankingBar ChartBargainingBargaining PowerBarriersBaseBaselineBaseline at Completion Baseline budgetBaseline businessBaseline ConceptBaseline ControlBaseline CostBaseline cost estimate Baseline DatesBaseline Finish DateBaseline ManagementBaseline PlanBaseline ReviewBaseline ScheduleBaseline Start DateBaseline technicalBasis of EstimateBatchBatch OperationBATNABCMBCWPBCWSBehaviorBehavior AnalysisBenchmarkBenchmarkingBeneficial Occupancy/UseBenefitsBenefits FrameworkBenefits ManagementBenefits Management PlanBenefits Management RegimeBenefits ProfilesBenefits Realization PhaseBest Alternative to Negotiated Agreement Best and Final Contract OfferBest and Final OfferBest Efforts ContractBest PracticesBest ValueBeta DistributionBeta TestBeta testingBidBid AnalysisBid BondBid Cost ConsiderationsBid Document PreparationBid DocumentsBid EvaluationBid ListBid PackageBid ProtestsBid QualificationsBid ResponseBid Technical ConsiderationBid Time ConsiderationBid/No Bid DecisionBidderBidders ConferenceBidders ListBidders Source SelectionBiddingBidding StrategyBillBill of MaterialsBills of MaterialsBlanket Purchase AgreementBlueprintBoardBoiler PlateBona FideBondBonusBonus SchemesBooking RatesBOOTBottom Up Cost EstimateBottom Up Cost Estimating Bottom Up EstimatingBoundaryBPABPRBrainstormingBranching LogicBreach of Contract BreadboardingBreak EvenBreakdownBreakdown StructureBreak-Even ChartBreak-Even ChartsBreak-Even PointBribeBSABuck PassingBudgetBudget at CompletionBudget CostBudget CostsBudget DecrementBudget ElementBudget EstimateBudget PresentationBudget RevisionBudget UnitBudgetary ControlBudgetedBudgeted Cost of Work Performed Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BudgetingBudgeting & Cost Management BuildBuild Own Operate Transfer BuildabilityBuildingBuilding ProfessionalismBuild-to DocumentationBuilt-in Test EquipmentBulk MaterialBurdenBurden of ProofBureaucracyBurn RateBurst NodeBusiness ActorBusiness AppraisalBusiness AreaBusiness AssuranceBusiness Assurance Coordinator Business CaseBusiness Change Manager Business CreationBusiness EngineeringBusiness ImperativeBusiness ImprovementBusiness ManagerBusiness ModelingBusiness NeedsBusiness ObjectivesBusiness OperationsBusiness ProcessBusiness Process Engineering Business Process Reengineering Business ProcessesBusiness RiskBusiness RuleBusiness Transition Plan Business UnitBuyerBuyer's MarketBuy-InBypassingCADCalculate ScheduleCalculationCalendarCalendar FileCalendar RangeCalendar SoftwareCalendar Start DateCalendar UnitCalendarsCalibrationCAMCapabilityCapability SurveyCapitalCapital Appropriation Capital AssetCapital CostCapital EmployedCapital Expansion Projects Capital Goods Project Capital PropertyCards-on-the-wall Planning CareerCareer Path Planning Career PlanningCarryover Type 1Carryover Type 2Cascade ChartCashCash FlowCash Flow AnalysisCash Flow ManagementCash Flow NetCash InCash OutCatalystCatch-up Alternatives CausationCauseCCBCCDRCentral Processing Unit CentralizedCertainCertaintyCertificate of Conformance CertificationChainChallengeChampionChangeChange ControlChange Control Board Change Documentation Change in ScopeChange LogChange ManagementChange Management Plan Change NoticeChange OrderChanged Conditions CharacteristicChartChart of AccountsChart RoomCharterCheckingChecklistCheckpointCheckpointsChief Executive Officer ChildChild ActivityClaimClarificationClassClassesClassification Classification of Defects Clearance NumberClientClient EnvironmentClient Quality Services Closed ProjectsCloseoutCloseout phaseCloseout ReportClosingClosureCMCoachingCodeCode and Unit TestCode of AccountsCodingCollaborationCollapsingCollectiveCombativeCommercialCommercial Item Description Commission and Handover CommissioningCommissions and Bonuses CommitCommitmentCommitment Document Commitment Package Commitment to Objectives Committed CostCommitted CostsCommon CarrierCommunicating With Groups Communicating With Individuals CommunicationCommunication Channels Communication Plan Strategic Communication Plan Tactical Communication Room Communications Management Communications Plan Communications Planning CommunityCompanyComparisonCompatibilityCompensationCompensation and Evaluation CompetenceCompetencyCompetitionCompetitiveCompileCompile TimeCompleteCompleted ActivityCompleted UnitsCompletionCompletion DateComplexComponentComponent Integration and Test Component-Based Development ComponentsCompound RiskCompromiseCompromising in negotiating ComputerComputer Aided Design Computer Aided DraftingComputer Aided ManufacturingComputer Cost ApplicationsComputer HardwareComputer ModelingComputer Program Configuration ItemComputer SoftwareComputer Software ComponentComputer Software Configuration ItemComputer Software DocumentationComputer Software UnitComputer-AidedComputerized Information Storage Reference and Retrieval ConceptConcept Definition DocumentConcept PhaseConcept StudyConception PhaseConceptualConceptual BudgetingConceptual DesignConceptual DevelopmentConceptual Project PlanningConcessionConcession Making in negotiatingConciliatoryConcludingConclusionsConcurrencyConcurrentConcurrent DelaysConcurrent EngineeringConcurrent TasksConditional RiskConditionsConductingConfidence LevelConfigurationConfiguration AuditConfiguration BreakdownConfiguration ControlConfiguration Control BoardConfiguration IdentificationConfiguration Item Acceptance ReviewConfiguration Item VerificationConfiguration Item Verification ProceduresConfiguration ManagementConfiguration Management BoardConfiguration Relationships Configuration Status Accounting ConflictConflict ManagementConflict Resolution Conformance to Requirements ConfrontationConsensusConsensus Decision Process ConsentConsequencesConsiderationConsiderationsConsolidateConsortiumConstituentsConstraintConstraint project constraint ConstraintsConstructabilityConstructionConstruction Contractor Construction CostConstruction Management Construction Manager Construction StageConstruction WorkConstruction-Oriented Constructive Challenge Constructive ChangeConsultantConsultingConsumable Resource ConsumablesContemplated Change Notice Contending in negotiating ContentContent TypeContextContingenciesContingencyContingency Allowance Contingency Budget Procedure Contingency PlanContract ManagementContract NegotiationsContract PackageContract Performance Control Contract PlanContract Pre-award Meetings Contract Quality Requirements Contract RequirementsContract RiskContract Risk AnalysisContract SigningContract StrategyContract Target CostContract Target PriceContract TypeContract TypesContract Work Breakdown Structure ContractingContractorContractor Claims Release Contractor Cost Data Report Contractor EvaluationContractor Furnished Equipment Contractor Project Office Contractor Short ListingContractor's Performance Evaluation ContractualContractual ConditionsContractual Requirements Contributed ValueContribution AnalysisControlControl AccountControl Account ManagerControl Account PlanControl and CoordinationControl ChartControl CycleControl GateControl LoopControl PointControl RequirementsControl SystemControl TheoryControllable RisksControllingControlling Relationship Coordinated MatrixCoordinationCoordinatorCorporateCorporate Administration and Finance Corporate BudgetCorporate Business Life Cycle Corporate ConstraintsCorporate Data BankCorporate ManagementCorporate MemoryCorporate PhilosophyCorporate PlanningCorporate Project Management Corporate Project Strategy Corporate Quality Standards Corporate ResourcesCorporate Responsibility Matrix Corporate StandardsCorporate SupervisionCorporationCorrectionCorrective ActionCorrelationCostCost AccountCost Account BreakdownCost Account ManagerCost Account PlanCost Accumulation MethodsCost AnalysisCost ApplicationsCost AvoidanceCost BaselineCost BenefitCost Benefit AnalysisCost Breakdown StructureCost BudgetingCost CeilingCost Ceiling BracketCost CenterCost CheckCost ClassesCost CodeCost CodesCost ControlCost Control PointCost Control SystemCost CurveCost DistributionCost EffectiveCost ElementCost EngineeringCost EnvelopeCost EstimateCost Estimate Classification System Cost EstimatingCost Estimating RelationshipCost ForecastCost ForecastingCost GrowthCost IncurredCost IndexCost IndicesCost InputCost ManagementCost ModelCost of MoneyCost of QualityCost OverrunCost Performance BaselineCost Performance IndexCost Performance IndicatorCost Performance Measurement Baseline Cost Performance RatioCost Performance ReportCost PlanCost PlusCost Plus Fixed Fee ContractCost Plus Incentive Fee ContractCost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract Cost Reimbursable ContractCost ReimbursementCost Reimbursement Type Contracts Cost ReviewsCost SavingsCost Sharing ContractCost StatusCost to CompleteCost to Complete ForecastCost TypesCost VarianceCost/Schedule Status ReportCost-Benefit AnalysisCosted Work Breakdown StructureCost-EffectivenessCostingCosting SystemsCost-Time Resource Sheet Counseling CountermeasuresCPICPIFCPMCPNCraftCrash CostsCrash DurationCrashingCreativityCreditCredited ResourceCrisisCriteriaCriterionCriticalCritical ActivityCritical ChainCritical DefectCritical DefectiveCritical Design Review Critical EventCritical FactorsCritical PathCritical Path Analysis Critical Path Method Critical Path Network Critical RatioCritical SequenceCritical Sequence Analysis Critical Subcontractor Critical Success Factors Critical TaskCritical Work Item Criticality IndexCross OrganizationalCross ReferencesCross-Stage PlanCSCICTCCTPCultureCulture organizational Cumulative Cost-to-DateCumulative S CurveCurrency ConversionCurrent BudgetCurrent Date LineCurrent Finish DateCurrent FY Budget Allocation Current Start DateCurrent StatusCurrent YearCustom Duty and Tax CustomerCustomer Acceptance Criteria Customer Furnished Equipment Customer Perspective Customer/Client Personnel Cutoff DateCutoverCWBSCyberneticsCycleCycle TimeDamagesDangleDataData ApplicationData BankData CollectionData DateData Entry ClerkData Item DescriptionData ProcessingData RefinementsData Structure Organization Data TypeDatabaseDatabase Administrator Database Management System Date of AcceptanceDay Work AccountDBMSDCFDeactivation Plan Deactivation Procedures DebriefingDecentralizedDecisionDecision DocumentationDecision EventDecision MakingDecision Making Process Decision Support System Decision TheoryDecision TreeDecision TreesDecomposingDecompositionDefaultDefault ValuesDefectDefectiveDefects-Per-Hundred-Units DeficiencyDeficiency ListDefinitionDefinition PhaseDefinitiveDefinitive EstimateDeflectionDegradationDelayDelay compensableDelaying ResourceDelegatingDelegationDeliberate Decision Event DeliverableDeliverable Breakdown Structure Deliverable Deadline DeliverablesDeliverables Management DeliveryDelphi TechniqueDemonstrateDemonstratedDemonstrated Past Experience DemonstrationDemonstration Review DepartmentDepartmental Budget DependabilityDependenciesDependencyDependency ArrowDependency DiagramDependency LinksDependency ManagementDeploymentDeployment Lessons Learned Document Deployment PlanDeployment ProceduresDeployment Readiness Review Deployment ViewDepreciationDescriptiveDesignDesign & Development PhaseDesign AlternativesDesign AppraisalDesign AuthorityDesign BaselineDesign Bid BuildDesign BriefDesign BuildDesign ConceptDesign ContingencyDesign ContractDesign ControlDesign DevelopmentDesign ManagementDesign Management PlanDesign ModelDesign of ExperimentDesign PackageDesign ReviewDesign SubsystemDesign TimeDesign to BudgetDesign to CostDesign-to SpecificationsDesirable LogicDetail DocumentationDetail ScheduleDetailed DesignDetailed Design StageDetailed EngineeringDetailed PlanningDetailed PlansDetailed Resource PlanDetailed ScheduleDetailed Technical Plan DeterminationDetermine Least Cost for Maximum Results DeterministicDeterministic NetworkDeveloped CountryDeveloperDeveloping CountryDevelopmentDevelopment caseDevelopment PhaseDevelopment PlanDevelopment processDeviationDeviation PermitDiagramDifferencesDifferentialsDiffering Site ConditionsDirect CostDirect Cost ContingencyDirect CostsDirect LaborDirect Project CostsDirectingDirectionDirectiveDirectorDisciplineDiscipline MaintenanceDiscontinuous ActivityDiscontinuous ProcessingDiscount RateDiscountingDiscrete EffortDiscrete MilestoneDiscrete TaskDiscriminationDiscussionDisplayDisposal of MaterialsDisputeDisruptionDisruptiveDisseminationDistinguishing ConstraintDistributedDistributed Computing Environment Distributed ProcessingDistribution ListDistribution of information Distribution of MinutesDiversityDocumentDocument ControlDocument ManagementDocumentaryDocumentationDocumentation Change Notice Documentation Requirements Description Dog and Pony ShowDomainDual Concern ModelDual ResponsibilityDummyDummy ActivityDurationDuration CalculationDuration CompressionDuty and Tax AdministrationDynamic Baseline ModelDynamic ClassificationEarliest Feasible DateEarliest FinishEarliest Finish TimeEarliest StartEarliest Start TimeEarly DatesEarly FinishEarly Finish DateEarly StartEarly Start DateEarly Start TimeEarly Warning SystemEarned HoursEarned ValueEarned Value AnalysisEarned Value Cost ControlEarned Value ManagementEarned Value Management Systeme-BusinessEconomic AnalysisEconomic Commercial ValueEconomic EvaluationEconomic LifeEconomic SuccessEconomic ValueEconomic Value AddedEconomicsEconomistEconomy of GovernanceEducation and TrainingEducation in project management Effective CommunicationEffective InterestEffectivenessEffectiveness in project planning EfficiencyEfficiency FactorEfficiency in project execution EffortEffort RemainingEffort-Driven ActivityEighty-Twenty RuleElaborationElapsed DurationElapsed TimeElectronic FilesElementElement Definition DictionaryEmailEmployee RelationsEmploymentEmpowermentEnclosed DocumentEnd ActivityEnd EventEnd ItemEnd Stage AssessmentEnd Tranche AssessmentEndorsementEnd-Phase AssessmentEngineering Change Notice Engineering Change Proposal Engineering Change Request Engineering Cost Estimate Engineering ProcessEnterpriseEnterprise Project Management Enterprise Project Structure Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning Systems EntitlementEntrepreneurEnvironmentEnvironment Characteristic Environment generalEnvironment naturalEnvironment projectEnvironmentalEnvironmental Approvals Environmental Factoring Environmental Requirements Environmentally ConcernedEqual OpportunityEquipment ProcurementEquitable AdjustmentEquity Theory of Motivation Equivalent ActivityERPErrorError ProbabilityErrorsErrors and OmissionsEscalated Base PriceEscalationEssential Characteristics Essentials of Project Management EstimateEstimate at CompletionEstimate Based on Working Drawings Estimate Class AEstimate Class BEstimate Class CEstimate Class DEstimate ConversionEstimate of costEstimate To CompleteEstimated Actual at Completion Estimated Completion Date Estimated Cost at Completion Estimated Cost to Complete Estimated Final CostEstimated Market Penetration EstimatingEstimating CostsEstimating FactorEstimator's AllowanceETCEthicalExecutive ManagementExpandingExpectancyExpectancy TheoryExpectation of Accountability Expectation of ReliabilityExpectationsExpected Monetary ValueExpected ValueExpected Value riskExpected Working PeriodExpeditingExpendedExpenditureExpenditure AuthorityExpenditure Management Report Expenditure ProfileExpenditure to BudgetExpenditure to DateExpenseExperienceExperimentExpertExpert PowerExpertiseExposureExtended Life CycleExtended Subsequent Applications Review ExternalExternal ConstraintExternal PoliticsExternal Procurement Sources ExternalitiesExtinctionExtra Work OrderExtra WorksFabricationFACFacilitatingFacilitatorFacilities/Product Life CycleFacilityFactorFailureFair and Reasonable CostFair Market PriceFallback PlanFallback PositionFast TrackFast TrackingFaultFeasibilityFeasibility BudgetFeasibility PhaseFeasibility ReportFeasibility StudyFeasible Project Alternatives Feasible ScheduleFeatureFeeFeedbackFFPFieldField ClarificationField CostField InspectionField/Project Office Overhead FIFOFileFile TransferFile Transfer ProtocolFilterFinal CompletionFinal Contract ReviewFinal DesignFinal ObjectivesFinal PaymentFinal ReportFinanceFinancialFinancial Administration Financial AnalysisFinancial CloseoutFinancial ControlFinancial Management Financial RatiosFinancial SourcingFinancial ViabilityFinancingFinishFinish DateFinish FloatFinish to FinishFinish to Finish LagFinish to StartFinish to Start LagFinishing ActivityFirewallFirm Fixed Price ContractFirmwareFirst In First OutFirst In First OutFiscal YearFixed CostFixed CostsFixed DateFixed FeeFixed FinishFixed PriceFixed Price ContractFixed Price ContractsFixed Price Plus Incentive Fee Contract Fixed StartFixed-Duration SchedulingFlexibilityFlexibleFloatFloat Trend ChartsFloating TaskFlow ChartFlow DiagramFMFollow-on WorkFollyForce AccountForced AnalysisForcingForecastForecast At CompletionForecast At CompletionForecast Final CostForecast Remaining WorkForecast ReportForecast To CompleteForecast to CompletionForecastingForeignForm Fit and Function DataForm of OrganizationFormalFormal AuthorityFormal BidFormal Qualification Review Formal Reprogramming Formative Quality Evaluation FormingFormulationForward PassFPFPPIFFractalFragnetFrameworkFree FloatFree RidingFree SlackFreightFrequencyFrequency of MeasureFront EndFront LoadingFTCFTPFull and Open CompetitionFull Operational Capability Full TimeFunctionFunction Point Analysis Function PointsFunction project management Functional AnalysisFunctional Configuration Audit Functional Department Manager Functional Line Manager Functional Management Functional ManagerFunctional MatrixFunctional Organization Functional Personnel Functional Plan administrative Functional Plan architectural Functional ProgramFunctional Project Leader Functional Requirements Functional Responsibility Functional Specification FunctionalityFunction-Quality IntegrationFundingFunding ProfileFURPSFuture ValueFuzzy Front EndG&AGAAPGain Sharing ArrangementsGame PlanGanttGantt BarGantt ChartGantt ChartsGantt HenryGatesGeneral Accounting SystemGeneral and AdministrativeGeneral and Administrative CostsGeneral ConditionsGeneral Management SkillsGeneral ManagerGeneral Project AlignmentGeneral ProvisionsGeneral RequirementsGeneral SequencingGeneralizationGeneralized Activity NetworkGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles GenerationGeographical SeparationGERTGFEGo/No-goGo/No-go DecisionGoalGoal Setting TheoryGoodsGoodwillGovernanceGovernmentGovernment Contract Quality Assurance Government Furnished Equipment Government Regulations and Requirements GradeGrape VineGraphGraphical Evaluation and Review TechniqueGraphical User Interface Group CommunicationGroup workGroupthinkGrowthGuaranteeGuaranteed Maximum Guaranteed Maximum PriceGUIGuidanceGuidelineHammockHammock ActivityHandlingHand-OverHand-Over PhaseHandover PlanHand-Over PlanHangerHanging ActivityHard ProjectHardwareHardware Configuration Item Hardware Project HarmonizationHazardHeadquartersHeads UpHeavy ConstructionHeuristicHierarchical Coding Structure Hierarchical Planning HierarchyHierarchy of NetworksHigh Level Forecasting Highlight ReportHighway Construction HistogramHistoric RecordsHistorical Data Banks Historical DatabaseHold PointHolidayHolisticHome OfficeHome Office OverheadHost OrganizationHQHR Compensation and Evaluation HR Organization Development HR Performance EvaluationHR Records ManagementHRMHTMLHTTPHuman ResourcesHuman Resources Management Human Resources Responsibility Hurdle Rate of ReturnHygieneHyper Text Markup Language Hyper Text Transport Protocol HypercriticalHypercritical Activities HyperlinksHypothesisI/TIAWIBRIDCIdentificationIdentifierIdentify OpportunityIdle TimeIFBi-j notationImageImmediate ActivityImpactImpact AnalysisImpact InterpretationImpact riskImplementationImplementation Completion of Implementation Phase Implementation Plan Implementation Planning Implementation Review Implementation View Implementation VisitImplied WarrantyImportance of a project Imposed DateImposed FinishImposed StartImpossibilityImpossibility of Performance ImpracticalityImprovementIn Accordance WithIn ProgressInaction in negotiatingIncentiveIncentive SchemeIncentive SchemesInceptionInclusionInclusive OR relationshipIncomeINCOTERMSIncrementIncrementalIncremental DevelopmentIncurred CostIncurred CostsIndependentIndependent Cost AnalysisIndependent Cost EstimateIndependent FloatIndependent Verification and Validation IndexIndicatorsIndirectIndirect CostIndirect Cost PoolsIndirect CostsIndirect Project CostIndividualIndividual Activity CostIndividual Development PlanIndividual Work PlanIndustrial RelationsIndustryInefficiencyInexcusable DelaysInflationInflation/EscalationInfluenceInformalInformal ReviewInformation。

Client-side cross-site scripting protection

Client-side cross-site scripting protection

在线网络技术搜索研发GIS研发互联网/电子商务功能设计linux平台脚本语言数据结构和算法设计Online NetworkSearch R & DGIS R & DInternet / E-CommerceFunctional Designlinux platformScripting languageData structure and algorithm design16,410 articles found for: pub-date > 2002 and tak(((E-Commerce) or (Online Network ) or (GIS R&D) or (Search R&D)) and ((Functional Design ) or (Scripting language ) or (Data structure ) or (algorithm design) or (linux platform )) and internet)Platform-based product design and development: A knowledge-intensive support approachKnowledge-Based SystemsThis paper presents a knowledge-intensive support paradigm for platform-based product family design and development. The fundamental issues underlying the product family design and development, including product platform and product family modeling, product family generation and evolution, and product family evaluation for customization, are discussed. A module-based integrated design scheme is proposed with knowledge support for product family architecture modeling, product platform establishment, product family generation, and product variant assessment. A systematic methodology and the relevant technologies are investigated and developed for knowledge supported product family design process. The developed information and knowledge-modeling framework and prototype system can be used for platform product design knowledge capture, representation and management and offer on-line support for designers in the design process. The issues and requirements related to developing a knowledge-intensive support system for modular platform-based product family design are also addressed.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Literature review3. Platform-based product design and development4. Product platform and product family modeling4.1. Product family architecture modeling4.2. Product family generation and optimization4.3. Product family evolution representation4.4. Product family evaluation for customization5. Module-based product family design process6. Knowledge support framework for modular product family design6.1. Knowledge support scheme and key issues6.2. Product family design knowledge modeling and support6.2.1. Issues of product family design knowledge modeling6.2.2. Knowledge modeling and representation for product family design6.2.3. Knowledge support process for modular product family design7. Prototype of knowledge-intensive support system for product family design8. Summary and future work9. DisclaimerReferencesCost-based admission control for Internet Commerce QoS enhancementElectronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsIn many e-commerce systems, preserving Quality of Service (QoS) is crucial to keep a competitive edge. Poor QoS translates into poor system resource utilisation, customer dissatisfaction and profit loss. In this paper, a cost-based admission control (CBAC) approach is described which is a novel approach to preserve QoS in Internet Commerce systems. CBAC is a dynamic mechanism which uses a congestion control technique to maintain QoS while the system is online. Rather than rejecting customer requests in a high-load situation, a discount-charge model which is sensitive to system current load and navigationalstructure is used to encourage customers to postpone their requests. A scheduling mechanism with load forecasting is used to schedule user requests in more lightly loaded time periods. Experimental results showed that the use of CBAC at high load achieves higher profit, better utilisation of system resources and service times competitive with those which are achievable during lightly loaded periods. Throughput is sustained at reasonable levels and request failure at high load is dramatically reduced.Article Outline1. Introduction2. An overview of CBAC3. Discount-charge pricing model4. CBAC’s navigational model5. Customer postponed request scheduling6. Forecasting system load7. CBAC-specific web pages8. Customer behaviour9. ECBench benchmarking tool10. CBAC performance analysis10.1. Service time10.2. CPU utilisation10.3. Throughput and failed requests10.4. Profit10.5. CBAC overhead10.6. CBAC load forecasting effect11. Related work12. ConclusionsReferencesActiveRDF: Embedding Semantic Web data into object-oriented languagesWeb Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide WebSemantic Web applications share a large portion of development effort with database-driven Web applications. Existing approaches for development of these database-driven applications cannot be directly applied to Semantic Web data due to differences in the underlying data model. We develop a mapping approach that embeds Semantic Web data into object-oriented languages and thereby enables reuse of existing Web application frameworks.We analyse the relation between the Semantic Web and the Web, and survey the typical data access patterns in Semantic Web applications. We discuss the mismatch between object-oriented programming languages and Semantic Web data, for example in the semantics of class membership, inheritance relations, and object conformance to schemas.We present ActiveRDF, an object-oriented API for managing RDF data that offers full manipulation and querying of RDF data, does not rely on a schema and fully conforms to RDF(S) semantics. ActiveRDF can be used with different RDF data stores: adapters have been implemented to generic SPARQL endpoints, Sesame, Jena, Redland and YARS and new adapters can be added easily. We demonstrate the usage of ActiveRDF and its integration with the popular Ruby on Rails framework which enables rapid development of Semantic Web applications.Article Outline1. Introduction1.1. Mapping relational data1.2. Web application frameworks1.3. Outline2. Related work2.1. Object–relational mappings2.2. RDF data access2.3. Semantic Web application development3. Developing Semantic Web applications4. Requirements for Semantic Web application development5. Typical data access and manipulation patterns6. Programming languages for embedding RDF data7. A layered architecture for programmatic access to data7.1. Adapters7.2. Federation manager7.3. Query engine7.4. Object manager8. Evaluation9. Example application: exploring online communities9.1. Domain: social communities on the web9.2. The Ruby on Rails Web application framework9.3. Implementing the SIOC explorer9.3.1. Crawling SIOC data9.3.2. Integrating the data9.3.3. Application logic: social context extraction9.3.4. Faceted navigation with BrowseRDF9.4. Implemented Semantic Web capabilities10. ConclusionReferencesThe hybrid model of neural networks and genetic algorithms for the design of controls for internet-based systems for business-to-consumer electronic commerceExpert Systems with ApplicationsResearch highlights► A hybrid model using neural networks and genetic algorithms is proposed. ► The effect of system environments on controls can be estimated. ► The effect of each mode of controls on implementation (volume) can be identified. ► The model can suggest the bes t set of values for controls to be recommended.As organizations become increasingly dependent on Internet-based systems for business-to-consumer electronic commerce (ISB2C), the issue of IS security becomes increasingly important. As the usage ofsecurity controls is related to the implementation of ISB2C, the extent of ISB2C controls can be adjusted in order to enable the greatest extent of implementation of ISB2C. This study intends to proposeISB2C-NNGA (ISB2C-controls design using neural networks and genetic algorithms), a hybrid optimization model using neural networks and genetic algorithms for the design of ISB2C controls, which uses back-propagation neural networks (BPN) model as a prediction of controls using system environments, and GA as a pattern directed search mechanism to estimate the exponent of independent variables (i.e., ISB2C controls) in multivariate regression analysis of power model. The effect of system environments on controls can be estimated using BPN model which outperformed linear regression analysis in terms of square root of mean squared error. The effect of each mode of controls on implementation (volume) can be identified using exponents and standardized coefficients in theGA-based nonlinear regression analysis in ISB2C-NNGA. ISB2C-NNGA outperformed conventional linear regression analysis in prediction accuracy in terms of the average R square and sum of squared error. ISB2C can suggest the best set of values for controls to be recommended from several candidate sets of values for controls by identifying the set of values for controls which produce greatest extent of ISB2C implementation. The results of study will support the design of ISB2C controls effectively. Article Outline1. Introduction2. Theoretical background2.1. Neural networks2.2. Genetic algorithms2.3. ISB2C Controls for ISB2C implementation3. Research model3.1. Build a neural network model to estimate the effect of system environments on controls3.2. Build a GA-based nonlinear regression model3.3. Determine the extent of effect on implementation by each mode of controls3.4. Recommend the set of controls for maximum implementation of ISB2C from candidate sets of controls4. Measures and data collection5.1. Estimation and prediction of ISB2C controls using BPN5.2. Estimation and prediction of ISB2C implementation using GA-based nonlinear regression model5.3. Recommendation of controls6. ConclusionAppendix AA.1. System environmentsA.2. ISB2C ControlsA.3. ISB2C ImplementationReferencesCataclysm: Scalable overload policing for internet applicationsE-fulfillment and multi-channel distribution – A reviewEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchThis review addresses supply chain management issues specific to Internet fulfillment in a multi-channel environment. It provides a systematic overview of managerial planning tasks and corresponding quantitative models. Our objective is to twofold, namely to enhance the understanding of multi-channel e-fulfillment by documenting the current state of affairs, and to inspire fruitful future research by identifying gaps between relevant managerial issues and available academic literature.One of the recurrent patterns in today’s e-commerce operations is the combination of ‘bricks-and-clicks’ –the integration of e-fulfillment into a portfolio of multiple alternative distribution channels. From a supply chain management perspective, multi-channel distribution provides opportunities for serving different customer segments, creating synergies, and exploiting economies of scale. However, in order to successfully exploit these opportunities companies must master novel challenges. In particular, the design of a multi-channel distribution system requires a constant trade-off between process integration and separation across multiple channels. In addition, sales and operation decisions are ever more tightly intertwined as delivery and after-sales services are becoming key components of the product offering. Article Outline2. Scope and framework3. Sales and delivery planning3.1. Delivery service design3.1.1. Issues3.1.2. Models3.2. Pricing and forecasting3.2.1. Issues3.2.2. Models3.3. Order promising and revenue management 3.3.1. Issues3.3.2. Models3.4. Transportation planning3.4.1. Issues3.4.2. Models4. Supply management4.1. Distribution network design4.1.1. Issues4.1.2. Models4.2. Warehouse design4.2.1. Issues4.2.2. Models4.3. Inventory and capacity management4.3.1. Issues4.3.2. Models5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesDistributed algorithm engineering for networks of tiny artifactsComputer Science Reviewthis survey, we describe the state of the art for research on experimentally-driven research on networks of tiny artifacts. The main topics are existing and planned practical testbeds, software simulations, and hybrid approaches; in addition, we describe a number of current studies undertaken by the authors. Article Outline1. Introduction2. Tools of practical assessment2.1. Experimental facilitiesMoteLabTWISTTutorNetMetroSense—BikenetTrueMobilesensLABWISEBEDSmart cities2.2. Software simulatorsNs-2JSimOMNeT++SENSETOSSIMAvroraWSimShawn2.3. Hybrid approachesSensorSimH-TOSSIMEmstarX-SimSensornet CheckpointingVirtual Links2.4. The wiselib: a library of algorithms Lack of established programming standards Compatibility issuesAbsence of low-level convenience features Absence of algorithm building blocks ArchitecturepSTLpMPAlgorithms3. Algorithm engineering in FRONTS3.1. Hardware3.2. Simulating the testbed3.3. Experiments repository4. Case studies4.1. Adaptive multipath fair communication Probabilistic data forwardingEnergy fairnessMultiple forwarding phasesTwisting forwardingConclusions4.2. Game-theoretic vertex coloringGame-theoretic vertex coloring Centralized implementationSimplified distributed implementationFully distributed implementation ConclusionsReferencesVitaeA multi-resolution model of vector map data for rapid transmission over the InternetComputers & GeosciencesThe rapid transmission of vector map data over the Internet is becoming a bottleneck of spatial data delivery and visualization in web-based environment because of increasing data amount and limited network bandwidth. In order to improve the transmission performance of vector map data over the Internet, a multi-resolution model of vector map data is proposed, which constructs multiple-resolution representations of vector map data on-line prior to transmission with a vertex decimation method on the server side. The vertex decimation method was developed to extract various resolutions of vector map data on-line, and data reconstruction solution was developed to recover the original vector map data from a low-resolution one on the client side. Secondly, rules of the vertex decimation method are defined to overcome self-intersections and inconsistent topology in the multi-resolution model and corresponding algorithm was developed to test the performance and feasibility of the multi-resolution model for rapid transmission over the Internet. Experimental results reveal that the multi-resolution model of vector map data significantly improves the transmission time and decreases data amount of spatial data over the Internet.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Methodology2.1. The concept of progressive transmission of vector map data2.2. Construction of the multi-resolution model of vector map data2.2.1. The vertex decimation method2.2.2. Constructing the multi-resolution model of geometry objects3. Implementation of the multi-resolution model of vector map data3.1. Data structure for the vertices eliminated3.2. The transmission and reconstruction of vector map data4. Experimental study and analysis5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesCommunity detection in graphsPhysics ReportsThe modern science of networks has brought significant advances to our understanding of complex systems. One of the most relevant features of graphs representing real systems is community structure, or clustering, i.e. the organization of vertices in clusters, with many edges joining vertices of the same cluster and comparatively few edges joining vertices of different clusters. Such clusters, or communities, can be considered as fairly independent compartments of a graph, playing a similar role like, e.g., the tissues or the organs in the human body. Detecting communities is of great importance in sociology, biology and computer science, disciplines where systems are often represented as graphs. This problem is very hard and not yet satisfactorily solved, despite the huge effort of a large interdisciplinary community of scientists working on it over the past few years. We will attempt a thorough exposition of the topic, from the definition of the main elements of the problem, to the presentation of most methods developed, with a special focus on techniques designed by statistical physicists, from the discussion of crucial issues like the significance of clustering and how methods should be tested and compared against each other, to the description of applications to real networks.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Communities in real-world networks3. Elements of community detection3.1. Computational complexity3.2. Communities3.2.1. Basics3.2.2. Local definitions3.2.3. Global definitions3.2.4. Definitions based on vertex similarity 3.3. Partitions3.3.1. Basics3.3.2. Quality functions: Modularity4. Traditional methods4.1. Graph partitioning4.2. Hierarchical clustering4.3. Partitional clustering4.4. Spectral clustering5. Divisive algorithms5.1. The algorithm of Girvan and Newman5.2. Other methods6. Modularity-based methods6.1. Modularity optimization6.1.1. Greedy techniques6.1.2. Simulated annealing6.1.3. Extremal optimization6.1.4. Spectral optimization6.1.5. Other optimization strategies6.2. Modifications of modularity6.3. Limits of modularity7. Spectral algorithms8. Dynamic algorithms8.1. Spin models8.2. Random walk8.3. Synchronization9. Methods based on statistical inference 9.1. Generative models9.2. Blockmodeling, model selection and information theory10. Alternative methods11. Methods to find overlapping communities11.1. Clique percolation11.2. Other techniques12. Multiresolution methods and cluster hierarchy12.1. Multiresolution methods12.2. Hierarchical methods13. Detection of dynamic communities14. Significance of clustering15. Testing algorithms15.1. Benchmarks15.2. Comparing partitions: Measures15.3. Comparing algorithms16. General properties of real clusters17. Applications on real-world networks17.1. Biological networks17.2. Social networks17.3. Other networks18. OutlookAcknowledgementsAppendix. Elements of graph theoryA.1. Basic definitionsA.2. Graph matricesA.3. Model graphsReferencesArchitectures for the future networks and the next generation Internet: A survey Computer CommunicationsNetworking research funding agencies in USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/disruption tolerant networks which allow communications even when complete end-to-end path is not available are also discussed.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Scope3. Security3.1. Relationship-Oriented Networking3.1.1.Identities3.1.2. Building and sharing relationships3.1.3. Relationship applications3.2. Security architecture for Networked Enterprises (SANE)3.3. Enabling defense and deterrence through private attribution3.4. Protecting user privacy in a network with ubiquitous computing devices3.5. Pervasive and trustworthy network and service infrastructures3.6. Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG)4. Content distribution mechanisms4.1. Next generation CDN4.2. Next generation P2P4.3. Swarming architecture4.4. Content Centric Networking5. Challenged network environments5.1. Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN)5.2. Delay/fault tolerant mobile sensor networks (DFT-MSN)5.3. Postcards from the edge5.4. Disaster day after networks (DAN)5.5. Selectively Connected Networking (SCN)6. Network monitoring and control architectures6.1. 4D architecture6.2. Complexity Oblivious Network Management (CONMan)6.3. Maestro6.4. Autonomic network management6.5. In-Network Management (INM)7. Service centric architectures7.1. Service-Centric End-to-End Abstractions for Network Architecture7.2. SILO architecture for services integration, control, and optimization for the future Internet7.3. NetSerV: architecture of a service-virtualized Internet7.4. SLA@SOI: empowering the Service Economy with SLA-aware Infrastructures7.5. SOA4All: Service-Oriented Architectures for All7.6. Internet 3.0: a multi-tier diversified architecture for the next generation Internet based on object abstraction8. Next generation internetworking architectures8.1. Algorithmic foundations for Internet architecture: clean slate approach8.2. Greedy routing on hidden metrics (GROH Model)8.3. HLP: hybrid link state path-vector inter-domain routing8.4. eFIT [94] enabling future Internet innovations through transit wire8.5. Postmodern internetwork architecture8.6. ID-locater split architectures8.6.1. HIP8.6.2. LISP8.6.3. MILSA8.7. Other proposals8.7.1. User controlled routes8.7.2. Switched Internet Architecture8.7.3. Routing Control Platform (RCP)9. Future Internet infrastructure design for experimentation9.1. Background: a retrospect of PlanetLab, Emulab and others 9.2. Next generation network testbeds: virtualization and federation 9.2.1. Federation9.2.2. Virtualization9.3. Next generation network testbeds: implementations9.3.1. Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)9.3.2. FIRE testbeds9.3.3. WISEBED10. Conclusions11. List of abbreviations。


Updated Viability Assessment(Same name)
Operational Model(Same name)

Refine Solution, Resolve Concerns, Close Sale

Assess Business Impact(Same name)
• •
Buying Process
Evaluate Business Environment Develop Business Strategy& Initiatives Select Solution Option Resolve Concerns and Decide Implement Solution and Evaluate Success
• • • •
Non-Functional Requirement(Same name) System Context Diagram(Same name) Architectural Decisions(Same name) Use Case Model(Same name) Viability Assessment(Same name)
• •
Business Context Diagram(Same name) Envisioned Goals and Issues(Envisioned TO-Be Business Goals) Current Organization(none)

Describe Current Organization(Describe Current Organization)

Evaluate success(None)

Harvest Assets(None)



2024年软件资格考试电子商务设计师(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(中级)模拟试题(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、题目:在电子商务系统中,以下哪个模块不属于基础业务模块?A、客户服务模块B、商品管理模块C、支付系统模块D、物流配送模块2、题目:电子商务系统中,以下哪种支付方式属于第三方支付?A、网银支付B、手机支付C、支付宝支付D、现金支付3、电子商务系统中的物流配送环节,以下哪个说法是正确的?A、物流配送环节只是电子商务系统的一个辅助环节,对整体系统影响不大B、物流配送是电子商务系统中的重要环节,直接影响到消费者的购物体验和企业的运营成本C、电子商务系统的物流配送环节可以忽略,因为消费者可以通过其他方式自行解决商品配送问题D、物流配送环节只需要关注商品的运输过程,无需关注商品的包装和售后服务4、在电子商务系统中,以下哪个功能模块属于客户服务模块?A、商品搜索模块B、在线支付模块C、客户服务模块D、数据统计与分析模块5、在电子商务系统中,以下哪个组件负责处理订单的生成和支付流程?A. 数据库服务器B. 应用服务器C. Web服务器D. 电子商务平台6、以下关于XML的描述,哪个是错误的?A. XML是一种标记语言,用于表示数据结构B. XML文档使用标签来定义数据元素C. XML不区分大小写D. XML是一种自描述性的数据格式7、在电子商务中,以下哪项不是电子商务的核心要素?A. 交易双方B. 交易过程C. 物流配送D. 法律法规8、以下关于电子商务模式的说法,正确的是:A. B2B模式指的是消费者对消费者的电子商务模式B. B2C模式指的是企业对企业的电子商务模式C. C2C模式指的是企业对消费者的电子商务模式D. B2B模式指的是企业对消费者的电子商务模式9、以下哪项不属于电子商务系统的组成部分?A. 客户端B. 服务器端C. 数据库D. 网络交换机 10、以下哪种协议主要用于电子商务中的安全通信?A. HTTPB. SMTPC. FTPD. SSL11、在电子商务中,以下哪项不是电子商务平台的核心功能?()A. 商品展示与发布B. 订单处理C. 供应链管理D. 网络支付12、电子商务系统中的物流管理主要涉及哪些方面?()A. 仓储管理B. 配送管理C. 运输管理D. 上述所有13、题干:在电子商务系统中,下列哪项不属于电子商务的基本模式?A. B2B(企业对企业)B. B2C(企业对消费者)C. C2C(消费者对消费者)D. B2G(企业对政府)14、题干:以下哪个术语描述了在电子商务交易过程中,通过网络对商品或服务的质量、价格、交付时间等进行比较和选择的消费者行为?A. 搜索引擎营销B. 网上比价C. 电子支付D. 供应链管理15、在电子商务中,供应链管理(SCM)是保证企业正常运作的重要环节,以下关于供应链管理的描述中,哪一项是不正确的?A. 供应链管理强调企业内部资源的优化配置B. 供应链管理涉及企业间的协同合作C. 供应链管理关注企业外部资源的整合与优化D. 供应链管理的主要目标是降低库存成本16、在电子商务平台中,搜索引擎优化(SEO)对于提升网站可见度和吸引流量具有重要作用。










关键词:网页制作网页设计 HTML ASPAbstractMethods, tools of web design and production are researched and studied. based on introducing the web design and production of language, JavaScript language are used as a tool to operate the actual web design and production. Object-based JavaScript language and the use of internal object system and interactive WEB page of information - window and frame are decrypted in detail. Concrete examples are verified.The main sections of this paper are as follows, Chapter I: Introduction, this chapter introduces the web design knowledge. Chapter II: an overview of web design language, this chapter introduces the language of web design - HTML, as well as software for editing HTML language, lay the foundation for the follow-up. Chapter III: object-based JavaScript language, this chapter introduces the JavaScript based on commonly used objects within the object properties, methods of use. Chapter IV: the use of internal object system, this chapter introduces the browsers internal object system can be realized to interact with HTML documents. Chapter V: WEB page interaction information - form and framework, this chapter introduces the realization of dynamic interactive web pages, you must master the form object (Form) and the framework of the object (Frames) more complex knowledge.目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 网页设计概述 (1)1.2 网页设计的要素 (1)1.3 本论文工作 (2)第二章网页设计语言概述 (3)2.1 HTML语言介绍 (3)2.2 常用的HTML语言编辑软件 (4)2.3 本章小结 (9)第三章基于对象的JavaScript语言 (10)3.1 对象的基础知识 (10)3.2常用对象的属性和方法 (13)3.3 本章小结 (18)第四章内部对象系统的使用 (19)4.1浏览器对象层次及其主要作用 (19)4.2文档对象功能及其作用 (19)4.3内部对象系统实例 (21)4.4 本章小结 (23)第五章 WEB页面信息的交互——窗体与框架 (24)5.1窗体基础知识 (24)5.2 窗体中的基本元素 (25)5.3窗体对象实例 (29)5.4 框架 (32)5.5 框架的访问 (34)5.6 本章小结 (37)第六章结论 (38)致谢 (39)参考文献 (40)Error! No text of specified style in document. 0第一章绪论随着21世纪的到来,人们更深切地感受到计算机在生活和工作中的作用越来越重要,越来越来的职业需要具有计算机的应用技能。



基于人脸识别的智能课堂点名系统1 引言(Introduction)上课点名是教师督促学生学习、提高学生自觉性的一种基本方法,并能作为评定学生平时成绩的依据之一。






浏览器通过Web Server同Access数据库进行数据交互,Access既可以用于小型数据库系统开发,又可以作为大中型数据库应用系统的辅助数据库或组成部分。





美国佛罗里达的一所学校通过扫描指纹的方式点名,英国郡伊利市的一所社区学院通过用红外线扫描学生人脸进行识别的方式点名;国内有的学校将RFID即无线射频识别技术与SMART CARD结合进行点名,有的学校通过短信猫接收学生短信进行点名等。






毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译译文一:文献出处:Int J Digit Libr (2004) 4: 64–68/Digital Object Identifier (DOI)10.1007/s00799-003-0059-3走进数字博物馆展览智能化:模块化的框架,艺术审美的超媒体摘要在目前基于Web的超媒体环境下,建设和维持一个大规模的互动展览超媒体是一项艰巨的任务。

















Mobile First Web Design Strategies

Mobile First Web Design Strategies

Mobile First Web Design StrategiesIn today's digital age, having a mobile-friendly website is essential for businesses looking to reach a wider audience and provide a seamless user experience. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it is important for web designers to prioritize mobile users when creating a website. This approach, known as mobile-first web design, involves designing a website for mobile devices first and then scaling up to accommodate larger screens.There are several strategies that web designers can implement to optimize their websites for mobile devices. One of the key strategies is responsive design, which allows the website to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. By using flexible grids and layouts, images, and CSS media queries, responsive design ensures that the website looks great on any device.Another important strategy is focusing on mobile user experience. This involves simplifying navigation, optimizing load times, and making important information easily accessible. By prioritizing the needs of mobile users, web designers can create a more user-friendly experience that encourages visitors to stay on the site longer.In addition, designers should consider mobile-first content strategy. This means creating content that is concise, easy to read, and optimized for mobile viewing. By using shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and clear headings, designers can make the content more scannable and engaging for mobile users.Furthermore, optimizing images and multimedia content for mobile devices is crucial for a successful mobile-first design. By using high-quality images optimized for mobile viewing, designers can enhance the visual appeal of the website without compromising load times. Additionally, using lazy loading and optimizing multimedia content can help improve the performance of the website on mobile devices.It is also important to prioritize mobile optimization for SEO purposes. Mobile-friendly websites are more likely to rank higher in search engine results, as Google andother search engines prioritize mobile-optimized websites. By implementing mobile-first design strategies, designers can improve the website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.In conclusion, mobile-first web design strategies are essential for creating user-friendly and engaging websites in today's mobile-centric world. By prioritizing mobile users and optimizing the website for mobile devices, designers can improve the user experience, increase engagement, and drive more traffic to the site. Implementing responsive design, focusing on mobile user experience, optimizing content and multimedia, and prioritizing mobile SEO are key strategies for successful mobile-first web design.。



单选题1.【新全部章节】一个企业发送订单到另一个企业, 以便制造和发货。

制造商的SOA 管理策略要求对原始的订单请求进行单点验证。


A ESB B SOAP security headerC 在防火墙D 在UDDI registry 正确答案:A单选题2.【新全部章节】UML技术中, 动态视图起着举足轻重的作用, 其中泳道和生命线分别是哪两种视图特别强调的概念。

A 活动图和顺序图B 协作图和顺序图C 状态机图和顺序图D 顺序图和用例图正确答案:A单选题3.【新全部章节】为了安全, 一个SOA实现需要将其通信协议由HTTP变更为HTTPS, 哪个SOA生命周期会受到影响。

A ModelB MonitorC DeployD Manage 正确答案:C单选题4.【新全部章节】组织中采用SOA所面临的挑战主要来自什么因素。

A 技术标准的稳定性和一致性B 服务构件的协同定位(Co-location)C 不同平台间的全局互操作性D 定义具有合适粒度的服务正确答案:D单选题5.【新全部章节】IBM的经验中, 公司以生命周期这一术语来思考SOA, 这个生命周期从哪一阶段开始。

A modelB assembleC deployD govern 正确答案:A单选题6.【新全部章节】为了能被各种服务使用者访问, SOA中的服务必须具有:A 松耦合B 企业层C 接口D 封装正确答案:C单选题7.【新全部章节】BPEL4WS取代了下面哪些规范。

A XLANGB WSFLC WSDLD SOAP 正确答案:B单选题8.【新全部章节】哪个标准允许请求服务时携带任何相关的数据。

A XHTMLB ESBC UDDID SOAP 正确答案:D单选题9.【新全部章节】基本排队模型[M / M / 1]:[∞/∞/FCFS]处于概率稳态的条件是(λ: 到达速率;μ: 离去速率)。

A 0<λ<μB 0<μ<λC μ=λ>0D μ>0, λ>0 正确答案:A单选.10.【新全部章节】两个公司都有CD这一概念,一个公司中指Certificat.o.Deposi.financia.instrument,另一个公司中指Compac.Dis.musi.media.这两个公司如何在同一个SOA中交互而不产生问题.A 将数据绑定于不同的WSDL端口B 为不同数据使用SOAP信封C 在ESB中对命名进行协调以确保唯一性D 使用XML名字空间正确答案:D单选题11.【新全部章节】哪个SOA entry point与下面的话最匹配? “开始先对正在处理的业务流程进行建模, 消除瓶颈, 然后模拟并部署优化后的流程”。

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A Design and Implementation ofWeb-Based Project-Based Learning Support Systems Hyosook Jung1, Woochun Jun2 and Le Gruenwald31Yang-dong Elementary School, Seoul, KoreaE-mail : est0718@2Dept of Computer Education, Seoul National Univ. of Education, Seoul, KoreaE-mail : wocjun@ns.seoul-e.ac.kr3School of Computer Science, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73069, USAE-mail : ggruenwald@Abstract. The use of the Web (World Wide Web) has had many positive effects on education. It overcomes time and space limitations in traditional schools. Teachers and students are now using the Web to access vast amounts of information and resources in the cyberspace. Also, learning via the Web enables both synchronous and asynchronous communication. Despite of many benefits of the Web, it may weaken students’ motivation due to lack of face-to-face communication. In this paper, we provide a learning model called Web Project Learning, which is based on the p rinciples of contructivism, to provide motivation and collaborative learning for students in the Web environment. The model is based on the Project-Based Learning model and is revised for use on the Web. The model can also encourage the participation of parents a s well as students, and be applied to any subject. We implement our model and show that it can be applied for environmental education as an instance.1. IntroductionRecent advances in the Web have rapidly changed our life in various ways. These advances provide new ways for people to communicate on a global scale and assess vast amounts of information. The Web provides educators with opportunities to implement a range of new teaching and learning practices, which redefine classroom-learning experiences. The Web enables a so-called WBI (Web-Based Instruction) system as a teaching aid. The WBI system, which integrates a hypertext information network with communication and collaborative tools, presents two important innovative features: first, it provides specific tools to manipulate the multimedia information contents of the Web pages; second, authorized users can modify the information network in the system [1,2,3].Despite of many benefits of the Web in the learning process, it may weaken students’ motivation in the cyberspace because of lack of face-to-face communication. The lack of student control is also considered one of the drawbacks of WBI unless a teacher keeps the students working towards its goal. As teachers’ influence decreases, students may become disengaged.Thus, students are unable to concentrate their thoughts upon their work. It is reported that about 30%-50% of students who have started a distance education course dropped out before the end of the course [4]. To make the learning process effective, we must motivate students to be engaged in the learning activities. A learning experience where the learner must contribute to an activity is called active engagement, while a learning experience where the learner is mainly a recipient of information is called passive engagement [5]. When a form of engagement is engrossed by a learning activity, the learner is focused and attentive, and becomes captured and committed to the task at hand.Teachers have found that working on projects is an engaging activity with a large potential for facilitating learning [6].Project work provides a context for taking initiative and assuming responsibility, making decisions and choices, and pursuing interests. The Project-Based Learning Model also can be used to enrich the curriculum, strengthen Internet skills, and provide integrated and thematic learning opportunities [7,8].In this paper, we present the Web-based Project-Based Learning Model for the Web environment. It is based on the existing Project-Based Learning Model, but it also can motivate students and provide real life contexts for successful collaborative learning in various ways on the Web. Our model also adopts the principles of constructivism so that both collaborative learning and self-learning are emphasized.We design the model for the Web environment and implement for classroom use. The model can be applied to any subject. We show that the model can be applied for environmental education as an instance.This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present constructivism and Project-Based Learning on which our model is based. Our proposed Web-Based Project-Based Learning Model is introduced in Section 3. Section 4 describes how the proposed model is implemented. Finally, we give conclusions and further research issues in Section 5.2. Background2.1 ConstructivismConstructivism is an idea that has been embraced by educational researchers and is defined as follows [5]. Each individual must create anything he or she knows using his or her own mind. There are two basic sources of raw material from which new knowledge is created.One is already known thought, and the other is new information available from the senses. New information combined with existing ideas can create modifications to current improvements. On reflection, an idea that we must all create in our own knowledge seems obvious. The value of this idea is in its corollaries. The first of these is that the more one understands, the more readily one can learn new ideas. Or conversely, the less one knows, the harder one can learn new things. The second is that a good learning situation enables us to try out ideas repeatedly, making modifications, seeing what works and what does not, and using this experience to refine our conceptions. The third is that the learner must be an active participant, who is mixing, matching, and trying ideas together. It is not enough to just allow ideas to enter our mind; they must be integrated into existing structures and thought patterns. And this means that for learning to occur, we must be motivated to become engaged in the learning activities.2.2 Project-Based LearningA project is an in-depth investigation if a topic worth learning more about.The investigation is usually undertaken by a small group of students within a class, sometimes by a whole class, and occasionally by an individual child. The key feature of a project is that it is a research effort deliberately focused on finding answers to questions about a topic posed either by the children, teacher, or the teacher working with the children. The goal of a project is to learn more about the topic rather than to seek the right answers to questions posed by the teacher [7].Project-Based Learning refers to a set of teaching strategies which enable teachers to guide children through in-depth studies of real-world topics. The Project-Based Learning is not unstructured. There is a complex but flexible framework with features that characterize the teaching-learning interactions. When teachers imp lement Project-Based Learning successfully, students can be highly motivated, feel actively involved in their own learning, and produce work of a high quality [9].The values of Project-Based Learning include the following:a). Project-Based Learning is a model for classroom activities that shift away from the traditional classroom practices of short, isolated, teacher-centered lessons,and instead, emphasizes learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary, student-centered, and integrated with real-world issues and practices.b). One immediate benefit of practicing Project-Based Learning is the unique way that can motivate students by engaging them in their own learning. Project-Based Learning provides opportunities for students to pursue their own interests, questions and make decisions about how they will find answers and solve problems.c). Project-Based Learning also provides opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. Students apply and integrate the content of different subject areas at authentic moments in the production process, instead of in isolation or in an artificial setting. In the classroom, Project-Based Learning provides many unique opportunities for teachers to build relationship with students. Teachers may fill the varied roles of coach, facilitator, and co-learner. Finished products, plans, drafts, and prototypes allmake excellent “conversation pieces” around which teachers and students can discuss the learning that is taking place.d) In the school and beyond, Project-Based Learning also provides opportunities for teachers to build relationships with each other and with those in the larger community. Student’ work,which includes documentation of the learning process as well as the students’ final projects, can be shared with other teachers, parents, mentors, and the business community who all have a stake in the students’ education [10].3. Design of a Web-Based Project-Based Learning Model3.1. Web-Based Project-Based LearningOne of the most promising ways the Internet is being utilized in school is to have students participate in global collaborative Internet projects. In this section, we propose a learning model called the Web-Based Project-Based Learning (hereinafter called ‘Web Project Learning’) for the Web environment. The Web Project Learning is defined as problem-oriented learning within the framework of a small group, a whole class, or an individual project and using web support for the project activities. The model is based on the Project-Based Learning Model we mentioned earlier in Section 2.2, but it can motivate students to participate in the project voluntarily and actively. It also provides real-life contexts for successful collaborative learning [5].In teaching, the Web fits very well with the Project-Based Learning Model. The Web can be an organizer, a research tool, a ready source of data, a means for people to communicate with each other, and a repository for artifacts. Because the Web is a part of the real world, and artifacts on the Web can readily be placed in the world beyond school, projects have a scope for authenticity not usually found in the school environment.The Web Project Learning can motivate both students and teachers as it provides an appealing way for students to gain Internet skills while being engaged in regular classroom activities. Through the projects, students are encouraged to develop a rangeof skills relating to reading, writing and researching as well as developing their abilities in selecting, presenting and communicating information. When students work on their project, they strengthen research and organization skills while being responsible and self-motivated all skills they will need in the information age. Students feel a sense of engagement because they work with topics that they have chosen for themselves.3.2. Web-Based Project-Based Learning ModelFig. 1. Web Project Learning ModelThe Web Project Learning Model is divided into the following six phases instead of only three phases, which are Getting Started, Field Work and Culminating andDebriefing Events, as in the existing Project-Based Learning models[7,8,9].1. Getting ready. First of all, a teacher designs a project outline. The outline’s purpose is to provide the information necessary for students to envision their own project within the scope of the outline, and provide resources to help them carry it out. It must provide goals of the whole project for students, and sufficient guidance for students to choose appropriate questions, activities, and products. The outline will be mainly read and used by students. A teacher analyzes and integrates curriculum, lists questions, researches Web sites or resources that can be helpful for students to investigate during the course of the project, and post on the Web.2. Deciding topic. Students read the Web Project outline and search for resources. References to resources consist of URLs to relevant Web materials so that students can be directed immediately to high quality materials that match the project needs. Students recall their own past experiences related to the project, make topic map and exchange their ideas. During preliminary learning, the students decide subtopics of the project for themselves.3. Planning activities. Students work on individual student projects, in-class collaborative projects, or class-to-class projects. They determine the activities and events that will take place at each stage of their subtopics, plan appropriate timelines for all their subtopics, and post on the Web. If they work on a collaborative learning project, each team member must have specific roles and responsibilities. Teachers communicate contents of project planning to parents so that they can help and support their children work on the projects.4. Investigating and Representation. Investigation includes activities such as interviewing experts through e-mail, investigating Web sites, and sharing exchange new experience and knowledge and doing a survey through the Web. In addition, it includes observations, experiments and field trips. Discussion includes both synchronous and asynchronous communication through the chatting or bulletin board system. Representation includes drawing, painting, writing, math diagrams, maps, etc. to represent new learning. Regularly, parents report the children’s condition toteachers.5. Finishing. Students produce reports, presentations, Web pages, images, pictures, construction, etc. as a result of the activity, share their end products, and celebrate them on the Web. Teachers have students write down their reflections on the project and things to remember for next time.6. Evaluating. Teachers evaluate the whole process of the project and arrive at grades based on participation and products.4. Implementation of the Web-Based Project-Based Learning Supporting SystemThe system is to make teachers and students carry out projects wherever and whenever they may work. It helps teachers and students begin developing an overall plan for managing their project. For Project-Based Learning to be ensured as student-centered learning, the system must give students experience in planning for the project and in working in team or class, and have students create their assignments as form of HTML documents or reports. Normally the environmental education of elementary schools has to be authentic in that it is concerned with a real-world situation or problem because of cognitive development process of students. Our model will be an alternative of environmental education in classroom. As a result, we expect that students will recognize the importance of environmental protection and have motivation to practice environmental conservation.In this paper, the system is implemented on a Windows NT 4.0 Server and subsequent IIS 4.0. We use database management based on SQL Server 7.0 and the HTML and ASP language for managing information. The overall requirements of hardware and software for the implementation are listed in Table 1. Our system is implemented in in Korean. Its English version will be available soon.Table 1. Development environment and tool ElementsOptions CPU Pentium II 333MHzRAM 64MBHardware Secondary storage 10GBOperating System Windows NT 4.0Web ServerIIS 4.0Database Server MS SQL Server 7.0Brower Internet Explorer 5.0Software Programming LanguageActive Server Page Fig. 2. The structure map of the system4.1 BeginningThe “Project outline” explains the project while "Learning site" is connected to useful Web resources within the project. Students explore the Web site in advance, propose what they wish to investigate through brainstorming, and make a mind map. Once a subtopic has been selected, students or small groups of students plan an appropriate timeline and activities for their project and show them to teachers and all their friends on the Web. If necessary, teachers or students can advertise to look for partners on the bulletin board system. Through news for parents, parents can understand the project planning their children will work on. Fig. 3 presents an example of a project outline form. A teacher completes the section of the project outline form and submits it. Information appearing on this form will appear on the Web. So students can read it and understand the central questions of their project, what they are going to do and what products they are going to produce.Fig.3. An example of a project outline form4.2 Developing ModuleStudents can use the Web in order to communicate with field experts about experience and knowledge of the topic and use email, chat room, or BBS (Bulletin Board System) to communicate with other people both individually and as a group. Also, they search for information on the Web, do a survey and represe nt the results, share resource and information on the material room. Project diary is parents’ comments on children’s work. Parents can appreciate the work in which their children are engaged. They may be able to contribute ideas for field experiences which the teachers may not have thought of, especially when parents can offer practical help in gaining access to a field site or relevant expert. Fig. 4. shows a main picture of the developing module. Two photos show students undertaking learning activities as teamwork.Fig. 4. Main picture of the developing module4.3. Concluding ModuleStudents present reports of results in the form of Web pages, presentations, construction, document files, etc. to the entire class and discuss or write aboutsuggested future improvements. Fig. 5 presents an example of a project report form. Students use this form to report the results of a project.Fig. 5. An example of a project report form5. Conclusions and Further WorkIn this paper, we proposed a learning model called Web Project Learning to provide motivation and collaborative learning to students in the Web environment. We expect that students are concerned with the problems of their regional environments and investigate them when our learning model is applied to environmental education. Our model also encourages students to interchange their own peculiar environmental characteristics. Using the proposed model, students can strengthen research and organization skills while being responsible and self-motivated. As they gain learning experience for the pure joy of learning, their emotional interest, intrinsic motivation, and hunger for knowledge can also be increased. The students are immersed in an authentic learning environment while undertaking the project. Their activities encourage them to exercise life skills such as problem solving, communication andcollaboration, making decisions, and using information technology. Also, parents are concerned about their children’s development and thus will participate in and contribute to the project. As teachers examine the students' work and prepare the project, their own understanding of students' development is deepened.Further research issues are as follows. At first, we need to develop evaluation criteria that we can post it on the Web to let students know how their projects will be evaluated. We will also need to conduct a study comparing the performance of students using our proposed model and that of students following traditional classroom teaching. Currently, various schemes to provide motivation on cyber education are somewhat subjective and depend on psychological effects [11,12,13,14]. As a result, we have to develop the various ways to provide motivation for students. In our earlier work [15], providing motivation on the Web was considered in terms of three categories, Student-to-Course Content relationship, Student-to-Teacher relationship, and Student-to-Student relationship. Currently we are refining the earlier work.Reference[1] Seryn, W. & John, E. (1997), A case Study of communication technology withinthe elementary school, Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 13(2), 144-164[2] Giovanni, F. & Rosella, C. (1999), A Web-Based Instruction System to supportdesign activities in Architecture, Paper presented to AusWeb 99, Fifth Australian World Wide Web Conference.[3] Mason, R. (1991), Moderating Educational Computer Conferencing inDEOSNEWS Vol. 1 No. 19.[4] Richard, C & Barbara L. M. (1997), The Role of motivation in Web-BasedInstruction, Web-Based Instruction, 93-100,[5] Marv, W. (2000), Learning with the Web, Paper presented to Korea Associationof Educational Information & Broadcasting, 2000, November, 7-36[6] Katz, L.G. and S.C. Chard. (1989), Engaging children’s minds: the projectapproach, Norwood, NJ: Ablex.[7] Katz, L. G. (1994), The Project Approach, ERIC Digest; EDO-PS-94_6,[Online] /eece/pubs/digests/1994/lk-pro94.html[8] /professional/teachtech/usinginternet.htm[9] /definition.htm[10] /PBLGuide/WhyPBL.html[11] P. Duchastel, “A Motivational Framework for Web-based Instruction”, in WebBased Instruction, edited by B. H. Khan, Educational Technology Publications, New Jersey, USA, 1997.[12] E. Cho, “Distance Instruction”, The Journal of KIPS, Vol. 4, No. 3, May 1997,pp. 20 – 28.[13] Y. Son and K. Kim, “Evaluating Instructional Web Pages with Web EvaluationModel”, Proceedings of the 4th KAIE Winter Conference, 1999, pp. 320 - 328. [14] S. Song, Providing Motivation in Web-Based Instruction, in Web-BasedInstruction, edited I. Na, Educational Science Press, May 1999, Seoul, Korea. [15] W. Jun and L. Gruenwald, “An Evaluation Model for Web-Based Instruction”,will appear in IEEE Trans. on Education, May issue, 2001.。
