traceroute 英文文档手册




shift+g 同win下的END键,让光标处在文档末尾.
:/ 功能是在文档内进行文本搜索
:find 这个是文件的搜索
【执行格式】:man [指令名称]
【指令格式】:cd [目录名称]
【说明】:cd指令和dos环境下改变工作目录位置的cd指令相同,所以只要了解FreeBSD的文件结构,就可以轻松漫游其间。但是注意在UNIX下,英文大小写是有分别的。如果指令cd后面不接任何参数,则会切换到user的根目录,与“cd ~”有相同作用。
【执行格式】:du { -参数 } 目录名称或文件名称
【举例】:du -ak /home
假如“ls -al”后,显示结果超过一页,可以通过导管符号“|”来使用more或less指令,将显示结果分页,如“ls -al | more”是将“ls -al”结果,通过导管符号“|”,交予导管右边的分页指令继续处理



第六章 分析检验光线追迹结果完成光线追迹之后,当进行结果评估时,分析菜单提供多种方法来显示光线追迹数据。

Displaying Rays 和 Ray Sorting让你观察数据是否是你期待的结果。

Irradiance Maps, Ray Tables and Polarization Maps 提供每一个表面的模拟结果。

Candela Plots 显示模型中光线数据的角度分配。

Volume Flux Viewer能够观察模型内部的流量分布。

Reports Menu 帮助你完成分析光线数据和模型的多种报告形式。

Tools 菜单包括附加的功能来帮助你完成光线追迹结果。

Analysis Menu在本章中的描述中,大多数的光线追迹结果从Analysis Menu中得到,光线追迹也被包含在Analysis Menu项目的开始,这在第五章有详细地介绍。

Display RaysAnalysis | Display Rays 选项允许你控制光线的显示。

“Analysis Mode(分析模式)”下,在完成光线追迹后, 光线默认地被显示或取消。

光线在“Simulation Mode(模拟模式)”中不能够被显示。

要关闭显示的光线,只需进入Analysis | Display Rays,显示光线的状态是通过菜单上√ 标志来标注的。

如果被trace的光线有很多并且带有许多的splits or branches,程序会花很长时间来显示这些光线。

你可以根据需要设定Window|Auto Update来更新光线的显示,这时的光线不会被随时更新,直到你按“F5”或选择Window|Refresh。


参考2.43页的“Ray Display”。

你也可以按照下面的描述使用Ray Sorting来决定哪些光线显示。

Ray Colors可以通过Ray Color对话框来设置光线的颜色来取代预先设值的颜色值,对于单色光,Ray Color对话框提供三种预设的颜色值来显示光线颜色。




Extreme 交换机的型号较多,本文档只包含Extreme交换机中的一小部分大众化配置命令,如对文档中相关的命令有异议请以Extreme的官方文档为准。



希望大家能够尊重编者的劳动成果,不要在公司以外的地方随便传阅!TKS!目录一、帐号管理(一) 交换机的帐号1、用户(user)用户帐号只能够查看一部分系统信息2、管理员(admin)管理员帐号拥有交换机配置的所有权限,能够任意修改交换机中的配置信息。


(二) 密码更改admin用户更改密码步骤以admin帐号登陆(没有密码,直接回车)使用下列命令更改密码:config account admin输入新密码,并进行密码二次确认(三) 创建管理帐号交换机总计可以创建16个管理帐号(包括默认的admin和user帐号)创建新帐号的步骤:以admin帐号登陆Create account [admin | user] <username>输入新密码,并进行密码二次确认(四) 验证交换机帐号Show account(五) 删除帐号删除交换机已有帐号使用以下命令:Delete account <username>二、管理Extreme的交换机(一) 使用DB9的线揽通过console口管理(二) 使用以太网管理端口(支持TELNET、SNMP、WEB)使用以太网进行管理,必须对交换机进行IP参数的配置,并做好相关的路由指向:config vlan <vlan name> ipaddress <ipaddress> {<netmask> | <mask length>}config iproute add default <gateway> {<metric>}实例(Summit X450e-48p):配网管IP:configure vlan mgmt ipaddress配默认路由:configure iproute add default三) 关闭TELNET进程show sessionclear session session-number(四) 禁止TELNET访问Disable / enable telnet(五) SNMP配置实例实例一:为了访问在交换机的SNMP代理,至少需要一个已经分配了IP地址的VLAN,具体配置如下:1、配置管理VLAN的IP地址configure vlan mgmt ipaddress、配置SNMP参数create access-profile "permit-snmp" type ipaddressconfigure access-profile "permit-snmp" mode permitconfigure access-profile "permit-snmp" add 5 permit ipaddress snmp accessconfigure snmp access-profile readonly permit-snmpconfigure snmp access-profile readwrite permit-snmp3、验证SNMP配置Show management实例二(在Summit X450e-48p交换机上):tftp get vr "VR-Mgmt" permit-snmp.polenable snmp accessconfigure snmp access-profile permit-snmp readonlyconfigure snmp access-profile permit-snmp readwrite注:由于在此类交换机上不支持create access-profile "permit-snmp" type ipaddress语法,所以先创建permit-snmp.pol文件再导入其中permit-snmp.pol文件的内容为:Entry AllowTheseSubnets {if {source-address;}then{permit;}}(六) SNTP1、配置参数configure timezone <timezone> <value>configure sntp-client update-interval <seconds>enable sntp-clientconfigure sntp-client [primary | secondary] server <host name | ipaddress>]实例configure timezone -480 autodstconfigure sntp-client update interval 1200enable sntp-clientconfigure sntp-client primary server sntp-client secondary server、验证SNTP配置Show sntp-client3、关闭SNTP功能Disable sntp-client三、配置交换机插槽类型和端口交换机在第一次加电的时候默认把已经安装的板卡类型识别出来。



目录Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(1)——配置Cisco交换机 (2)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(2)——配置VLAN (8)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(3)——Cisco VTP (13)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(4)——STP生成树协议 (19)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(5)——WLAN (24)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(6)——配置单个的路由器 (31)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(7)——配置静态路由 (40)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(8)——配置动态路由RIP (45)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(9)——Cisoc EIGRP (50)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(10)——配置单区域OSPF (57)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(11)——路由器实现Vlan间通信 (64)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(12)——PPP (69)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(13)——帧中继Frame Relay (75)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(14)——PAT(基于端口的NAT) (92)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(15)——ACL简单的配置 (98)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(16)——DHCP 中继配置 (111)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(17)——交换机的端口聚合配置 (119)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(18)——快速生成树配置 (121)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(19)——路由器单臂路由配置 (123)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(20)——路由器综合路由配置 (125)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(21)——标准IP访问控制列表配置 (128)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(22)——扩展IP访问控制列表配置 (130)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(23)——网络地址转换NAT配置 (132)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(24)——网络端口地址转换NAPT配置 (134)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(25)——交换机端口安全 (137)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(26)——利用三层交换机实现VLAN间路由 (138)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(27)——IPV6 (141)Packet Tracer 5.0建构CCNA实验攻略(1)——配置Cisco交换机Packet Tracer 5.0是一款非常不错的Cisco(思科)网络设备模拟器,对于想考思科初级认证(如CCNA)的朋友们来说,Packet Tracer 5.0是非常不错的选择。



网工常见英文手册整理by肖哥v3网工常见英文手册整理by华为 肖哥v31 uninstall 卸载Install 安装Setup 安装2 accept 接受Agreement 协议、约定3 custom install 用户自定义安装4 start menu folder 开始菜单 (文件夹)5 serial、 key 、license :密钥 序列号 许可6 encryption 加密Password 密码Username 用户名7 default 默认8 readme 说明手册9 preference 首选项10 capture 捕获Region 区域11 clipboard 剪切板12 image editor 图片(媒体文件)编辑器13 workstation :工作站 例如:单个PC STA :station 简写 例如:PC、手机14 Enterprise 企业Professional 专业15 network adapter 网络适配器 网卡16 Gigabit 吉比特 千兆 1000Mbps17 Ethernet 以太网Fast ethernet 快速以太网(一般来说,如果没有Gigabit 都是100M网) E0/0/2 E=ethernet18 command 命令 指令Cmd 简写CLI :command line 命令行模式Web:网页Client :客户端常用配置方式:① CLI ② Web ③ 客户端Client19 config 配置20 remote desktop 简写RDP 远程桌面Remote :对端 远端21 Guest 来宾Administrator 管理员22 defender 防御22 WinPE:电脑店 大白菜 U大师 老毛桃 小马PE 等等winPE:Windows Preinstallation Environment windows 预安装环境23 boot startup 启动24 advanced 高级25 multiprocessor 多处理器 (多核心)26 OS :operating system 操作系统27 cache 缓存Memory 内存28 I/O (input、out)输入输出接口 USB口 网口29 device 设备 chipset 芯片30 security secure 安全31 supervisor 超级管理员32 drive 驱动Cd-drive 光盘驱动器Hard-drive 硬盘 (硬盘驱动器)Removable 可移动设备:u盘Disk 磁盘Floppy disk 软盘33 discard 丢弃 遗弃34 load setup default 恢复出厂设置35 partition 分区36 cancel 取消37 Legacy 传统38 Compatibility 兼容性Module 模块39 enable 启用Disable 禁用40 power 电源 能量Shadow 影子42 reboot reload restart 重启43 keyboard 键盘Mouse 鼠标Files 文件Chat 聊天 Connected 连接Print 打印Expert 高级选项Port 端口号Filter 过滤Reject 拒绝Disconnect 断开连接Auto-xxx 自动Authentication 认证Status 状态State 状态Login 登陆Access 接入、进入Effect 效果、特效Optimize 优化Screen 屏幕44 register 注册Edit 编辑Regedit 注册表编辑器45 blank 空白 清空46 version 版本CurrentCurrenty 当前 目前47 shortcut 快捷方式48 copper 铜芯线 双绞线 用电传输Fiber 光纤Console 管理 配置Combo 混合接口49 analyze 分析Statistics 统计资料Share 分享 共享Tool 工具50 Packet 数据包List 列出Available 可用的Details 详细 明细内容 详单51 buffer 缓存Transmit 传输 出Receive 传入 接收 入52 source | SRC 源Destination | DST 目标Request 请求Reply 回复Echo 回声 回应Apply 应用53 switch 交换机Router 路由器HUB 集线器Bridge 网桥54 DNS :domain name service 域名解析55 launch 启动 运行 加载Run 执行 运行56 sysname :system nameTEXT :字符串 文本Characters 字符串HOST 主机 机器 PC 服务器等57 error 错误Position 位置Warning 警告Session 会话ESTABLISHED 建立Deleted 删除Unrecognized 未识别的58 description 描述(辅助性解释)display 显示Scheme 方案Authentication 认证Authorization 授权Accounting 审计 记账Log 日志Cipher 加密Simple 简单 (不加密)Firewall 防火墙Zone 区域60 metric 度量标准 度量值Silent 安静61 process 进程 进程号62 memory 内存Totally 完全的 所有的Total 所有的Partition 分区 部分Percentage 百分比Fan 风扇Platform 平台Directory 目录 文件夹Attribute 属性64 tag 标记 标签Untag 去标签 (没有标签)65 exist 存在ISP: internet service provider 互联网服务提供商 Rule 规则Deny 拒绝Permit 允许Wild 非正式Wildcard bits 反掩码Traffic 流量Filter 过滤66 forward 转发Discard 丢弃 遗弃67 load 负载Balance 平衡 均衡Normal 正常Verbose 详细 明细Function 功能68 total 总共 所有 Totally 总共 所有Used 使用的Idle 空闲 剩余Expired 空闲 剩余Free 空闲 剩余Lease 租期、契约Match 匹配Index 索引Unlimited 无限制Limit 限制Include 包含Excluded 排除isolate 隔离 孤立69 sub 子Sub-interface 子接口Sub-vlan 子vlan70 primary 主 主要71 reduced 减少increased 增加72 neighbor 邻居Peer 邻居 对等体Full 满载Charge 充电Init 初始化Base 基地Data base:数据库73 invalid 不可用 失效Valid 可用 生效Counters 计数器74 policy 策略import 引入 入口Match 匹配Mismatch 不匹配Press 按Execute 执行75 Intermediate 中间ISIS:Intermediate System Entity 实体标识76 circuit 电路77 Internal 内部的 国内的External 外部的 外在的78 reflect 反射79 private :私有Tunnel 隧道80 proposal 提议 草案Algorithm 算法 算术Authentication 认证Encryption 加密Encapsulation 封装Payload 载荷Flow 流 数据流Generate 生成Keygen :key generate 81 alert 告警Format 格式化Admin 管理Administrator 管理员82 zone 区域Packet 包83 rescue 营救84 recommend 推荐85 account 账户 账号86Kernel 内核Crash 死机 崩溃Mechanism 机器Determining 决定 判断Cause 原因 起因Note that 注意Reserving 保留Unavailable 不可用85Currently 当前的 目前的 正在Specialized 特殊的 特别的Properly 合适的 正常的Normal 正常Damage 严重损害 崩溃Various 多方面的 多样的86 profile 概述 描述 简况(一套配置参数)Interruption 中断Cause 造成 引起 引发Commit 确认。





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因篇幅原因,两页正文处行间距可自行调整,但字体仍需使用Times New Roman 五号,数字及英文同样使用Times New Roman字体。

(六)修订记录、修订说明、换页记录、有效页清单:标题行:Times New Roman三号,不加粗,前后各空一行(或者段前段后1行);正文表格:简洁、整齐。

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用户手册(英文)模板 (user manual template)

用户手册(英文)模板 (user manual template)

U SER’SM ANUALProject or System NameU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Month, YearRevision Sheet Revision SheetI have carefully assessed the User’s Manual for the (System Name). This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the HUD System Development Methodology. MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION - Please check the appropriate statement.______ The document is accepted.______ The document is accepted pending the changes noted.______ The document is not accepted.We fully accept the changes as needed improvements and authorize initiation of work to proceed. Based on our authority and judgment, the continued operation of this system is authorized._______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATEProject Leader_______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATEOperations Division Director_______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATEProgram Area/Sponsor Representative_______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATEProgram Area/Sponsor DirectorUSER'S MANUALTABLE OF CONTENTSPage #1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 1-11.1 System Overview ................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 Project References .................................................................................................................. 1-21.3 Authorized Use Permission .................................................................................................... 1-21.4 Points of Contact .................................................................................................................... 1-21.4.1 Information .............................................................................................................................1-21.4.2 Coordination ...........................................................................................................................1-21.4.3 Help Desk ...............................................................................................................................1-21.5 Organization of the Manual ................................................................................................... 1-21.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 1-22.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 2-12.1 System Configuration ............................................................................................................. 2-12.2 Data Flows.............................................................................................................................. 2-12.3 User Access Levels ................................................................................................................ 2-12.4 Contingencies and Alternate Modes of Operation ................................................................. 2-13.0 GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................... 3-13.1 Logging On ............................................................................................................................. 3-13.2 System Menu .......................................................................................................................... 3-13.2.x [System Function Name] .........................................................................................................3-13.3 Changing User ID and Password ............................................................................................ 3-13.4 Exit System ............................................................................................................................ 3-14.0 USING THE SYSTEM (ONLINE) .................................................................................................. 4-14.x [System Function Name] ........................................................................................................ 4-14.x.y [System Sub-Function Name] .................................................................................................4-14.2 Special Instructions for Error Correction ............................................................................... 4-14.3 Caveats and Exceptions .......................................................................................................... 4-15.0 USING THE SYSTEM (BATCH) ................................................................................................... 5-15.x [System Function Name] ........................................................................................................ 5-15.x.y [System Sub-Function Name] .................................................................................................5-15.2 Special Instructions for Error Correction ............................................................................... 5-15.3 Caveats and Exceptions .......................................................................................................... 5-15.4 Input Procedures and Expected Output .................................................................................. 5-16.0 QUERYING ..................................................................................................................................... 6-16.1 Query Capabilities .................................................................................................................. 6-16.2 Query Procedures ................................................................................................................... 6-17.0 REPORTING ................................................................................................................................... 7-17.1 Report Capabilities ................................................................................................................. 7-17.2 Report Procedures .................................................................................................................. 7-11.0 GENERAL INFORMATIONNOTE TO AUTHOR:highlighted, italicized text throughout this template is provided solely as background information to assist you in creating this document. Please delete all such text, as well as the instructions in each section, prior to submitting this document. ONLY YOUR PROJECT-SPECIFIC INFORMATION SHOULD APPEAR IN THE FINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT.The User’s Manual provides the information necessary for the user to effectively use the automated information system.1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 System OverviewExplain in general terms the system and the purpose for which it is intended. The description shall include:•Major functions performed by the system•Describe the architecture of the system in non-technical terms, (e.g., client/server, Web-based, etc.)•User access mode, (e.g., graphical user interface)•Responsible organization•System name or title•System code•System category:-Major application:performs clearly defined functions for which there is a readily identifiable security consideration and need-General support system:provides general ADP or network support for a variety of users and applications•Operational status:-Operational-Under development-Undergoing a major modification•General description•System environment or special conditions1.2 Project ReferencesProvide a list of the references that were used in preparation of this document in order of importance to the end user.1.3 Authorized Use PermissionProvide a warning regarding unauthorized usage of the system and making unauthorized copies of data, software, reports, and documents, if applicable. If waiver use or copy permissions need to be obtained, describe the process.1.4 Points of Contact1.4.1 InformationProvide a list of the points of organizational contact (POCs) that may be needed by the document user for informational and troubleshooting purposes. Include type of contact, contact name, department, telephone number, and e-mail address (if applicable). Points of contact may include, but are not limited to, help desk POC, development/maintenance POC, and operations POC.1.4.2 CoordinationProvide a list of organizations that require coordination between the project and its specific support function (e.g., installation coordination, security, etc.). Include a schedule for coordination activities. 1.4.3 Help DeskProvide help desk information including responsible personnel phone numbers for emergency assistance.1.5 Organization of the ManualProvide a list of the major sections of the User’s Manual (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.) and a brief description of what is contained in each section.1.6 Acronyms and AbbreviationsProvide a list of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document and the meaning of each.2.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY2.0 SYSTEM SUMMARYThis section provides a general overview of the system written in non-technical terminology. The summary should outline the uses of the system in supporting the activities of the user and staff.2.1 System ConfigurationBriefly describe and depict graphically the equipment, communications, and networks used by the system. Include the type of computer input and output devices.2.2 Data FlowsBriefly describe or depict graphically, the overall flow of data in the system. Include a user-oriented description of the method used to store and maintain data.2.3 User Access LevelsDescribe the different users and/or user groups and the restrictions placed on system accessibility or use for each.2.4 Contingencies and Alternate Modes of OperationOn a high level, explain the continuity of operations in the event of emergency, disaster, or accident. Explain what the effect of degraded performance will have on the user.3.0 GETTING STARTED3.0 GETTING STARTEDThis section provides a general walkthrough of the system from initiation through exit. The logical arrangement of the information shall enable the functional personnel to understand the sequence and flow of the system. Use screen prints to depict examples of text under each heading.3.1 Logging OnDescribe the procedures necessary to access the system, including how to get a user ID and log on. If applicable, identify job request forms or control statements and the input, frequency, reason, origin, and medium for each type of output.3.2 System MenuThis section describes in general terms the system menu first encountered by the user, as well as the navigation paths to functions noted on the screen. Each system function should be under a separate section header, 3.2.1 - 3.2.x.3.2.x [System Function Name]Provide a system function name and identifier here for reference in the remainder of the subsection. Describe the function and pathway of the menu item. Provide an average response time to use the function.3.3 Changing User ID and PasswordDescribe how the user changes a user ID. Describe the actions a user must take to change a password.3.4 Exit SystemDescribe the actions necessary to properly exit the system.4.0 USING THE SYSTEM (ONLINE)This section provides a detailed description of the online system from initiation through exit, explaining in detail the characteristics of the required input and system-produced output. THIS SECTION IS ONLY TO BE USED FOR ONLINE SYSTEMS. IF YOU ARE DEVELOPING A BATCH SYSTEM, USE SECTION 5.0 AND OMIT THIS SECTION ENTIRELY.4.0 USING THE SYSTEM (ONLINE)This section provides a detailed description of system functions. Each function should be under a separate section header, 4.1 - 4.x, and should correspond sequentially to the system functions (menu items) listed in subsections 3.2.1 - 3.2.x.4.x [System Function Name]Provide a system function name and identifier here for reference in the remainder of the subsection. Describe the function in detail and depict graphically. Include screen captures and descriptive narrative.4.x.y [System Sub-Function Name]This subsection provides a detailed description of system sub-functions. Each sub-function should be under a separate section header, 4.1.1. - 4.x.y . Where applicable, for each sub-function referenced within a section in 4.x, describe in detail and depict graphically the sub-function name(s) referenced. Include screen captures and descriptive narrative.The numbering of the following two sections will depend on how many system functions there are from 4.1 through 4.x. They are numbered here as 4.2 and 4.3 only for the sake of convenience. For example, if system functions run from sections 4.1 through 4.17, then the following two sections would be numbered 4.18 and Special Instructions for Error CorrectionDescribe all recovery and error correction procedures, including error conditions that may be generated and corrective actions that may need to be taken.4.3 Caveats and ExceptionsIf there are special actions the user must take to insure that data is properly saved or that some other function executes properly, describe those actions here. Include screen captures and descriptive narratives, if applicable.5.0 USING THE SYSTEM (BATCH)This section provides a detailed description of the batch system from initiation through exit, explaining in detail the characteristics of the required input and system-produced output. THIS SECTION IS ONLY TO BE USED FOR BATCH SYSTEMS. IF YOU ARE DEVELOPING AN ONLINE SYSTEM, USE SECTION 4.0 AND OMIT THIS SECTION ENTIRELY.5.0 USING THE SYSTEM (BATCH)This section provides a detailed description of system functions. Each function should be under a separate section header, 5.1 - 5.x, and should correspond sequentially to the system functions (menu items) listed in subsections 3.2.1 - 3.2.x.5.x [System Function Name]Provide a system function name and identifier here for reference in the remainder of the subsection. Describe the function in detail and depict graphically. Include screen captures and descriptive narrative.5.x.y [System Sub-Function Name]This subsection provides a detailed description of system sub-functions. Each sub-function should be under a separate section header, 5.1.1 - 5.x.y. Where applicable, for each sub-function referenced within a section in 5.x, describe in detail and depict graphically the sub-function name(s) referenced. Include screen captures and descriptive narrative.The numbering of the following three sections will depend on how many system functions there are from 5.1 through 5.x. They are numbered here as 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 only for the sake of convenience. For example, if system functions run from sections 5.1 through 5.17, then the following three sections would be numbered 5.18, 5.19 and Special Instructions for Error CorrectionDescribe all recovery and error correction procedures, including error conditions that may be generated and corrective actions that may need to be taken.5.3 Caveats and ExceptionsIf there are special actions the user must take to insure that data is properly saved or that some other function executes properly, describe those actions here. Include screen captures and descriptive narratives, if applicable.5.4 Input Procedures and Expected OutputPrepare a detailed series of instructions (in non technical terms) describing the procedures the user will need to follow to use the system. The following information should be included in these instructions: •Detailed procedures to initiate system operation, including identification of job request forms or control statements and the input’s frequency, reason, origin, and medium for each type of output•Illustrations of input formats•Descriptions of input preparation rules•Descriptions of output procedures identifying output formats and specifying the output’s purpose, frequency, options, media, and location•Identification of all codes and abbreviations used in the system’s output6.0 QUERYING6.0 QUERYINGThis section describes the query and retrieval capabilities of the system. The instructions necessary for recognition, preparation, and processing of a query applicable to a database shall be explained in detail. Use screen prints to depict examples of text under each heading.6.1 Query CapabilitiesDescribe or illustrate the pre-programmed and ad hoc query capabilities provided by the system. Include query name or code the user would invoke to execute the query. Include query parameters if applicable.6.2 Query ProceduresDevelop detailed descriptions of the procedures necessary for file query including the parameters of the query and the sequenced control instructions to extract query requests from the database.7.0 REPORTING7.0 Reporting 7.0 REPORTINGThis section describes and depicts all standard reports that can be generated by the system or internal to the user. Use screen prints as needed to depict examples of text under each heading.7.1 Report CapabilitiesDescribe all reports available to the end user. Include report format and the meaning of each field shown on the report. If user is creating ad hoc reports with special formats, please describe here. A separate subsection may be used for each report.7.2 Report ProceduresProvide instructions for executing and printing the different reports available. Include descriptions of output procedures identifying output formats and specifying the output’s purpose, frequency, options, media, and location.User’s Manual Page 7-1。



FreeBSD常用命令大全FREEBSD是一个unix的分支.他的命令大部分也是从他的里面来的如果你从unix转到BSD来,那么你一定对他的命令会比较熟悉1: man 在线查询man ls2: ls 查看目录与档案ls -la3: ln 建立链接文件ln -fs /usr/local/apache/etc/httpd.conf /etc/httpd.conf4: more 分页显示more 文件名称5: cd 切换目录cd /usr/local/apache6: mkdir 建立新的目录mkdir /usr/temp7: rmdir 删除目录rmdir /usr/temp8: rm 删除目录或档案rm -f 文件名称(如果要删除目录.需要加-r )9: cp 复制目录或档案cp 来源档案目标档案10: pwd 显示目前的工作目录11: mv 目录或档案更名或搬移mv 来源档案目标档案12: find 寻找目录或档案find /etc -name 文件名称13 fetch FTP取得档案fetch ftp://.tw/pub/FreeBSD/test.tgz14 chmod 变更档案使用权限chmod -R 755 /usr/local/etc15 chown 变更档案所有者chown -R lin.wheel /usr/local/etc16 fsck 修理档案系统fsck -y17 gzip/tar 压缩或解压缩档案或目录tar -czvf 压缩档名.tar.gz 目录名称18 mount 挂上档案系统或是设备mount /cdrom19 umount 卸下档案系统或是设备umount /cdrom20 df 查询系统的可使用档案空间df21 du 显示目录或档案所占的磁盘空间du -a 檔名(du -sh 可以获取当前文件夹下的磁盘使用空间)22 ps 查询系统process状态ps -aux|grep apach*23 kill 砍除一个process kill pid24 su 变换身份su - root25 adduser 新增使用者26 rmuser 删除使用者27 vipw 编辑使用者账户28 passwd 变更密码29 ping 侦测计算机之联机状态ping ifconfig 网络接口的设定与管理ifconfig -a31 route 可以设定routing table32 traceroute 列出所经过的route traceroute netstat 可以查询网络的使用及联机情形34 pkg_add 安装package pkg_add bash-2.04.tgz35 pkg_delete 移除已安装的package pkg_delete bash-2.0436 pkg_info 查询安装纪录37 sync 强迫系统将快取数据写回硬盘38 reboot重新启动系统39 halt 关闭系统40 shutdown 通知使用者系统将关闭41 init 0 直接关机chown chown -R 所有者.群组档案或目录-R:表该目录下之所有档案之所有者与群组跟着便变更chmoddrwxrwxrwxlr–rwxr-x1 2 3 4d:表目录r:表readw:表writex:表可执行-:表关闭功能l:表链接的档案2:该档案或目录所有人之读取权限3:该档案或目录所有人之相同群组的读取权限4:网络上的人的读取权限-R:表该目录下之所有档案之读取权限跟着便变更gzip/tartar czvf 压缩档名.tar.gz 目录名称z:采用gzip压缩c:建立新的压缩档v:采用verbose方式,观看压缩过程f:强制进行tar zxvf 压缩档名.tar.gzz:采用gzip解压缩x:解压缩v:采用verbose方式,观看压缩过程f:强制进行ifconfig查询所有网络接口的情形ifconfig -a设定网络接口的参数ifconfig de0 netmask停止网络接口ifconfig de0 down启动网络接口ifconfig de0 uproute改变routing path 之gatewayroute change default查询routing tablenetstat -rn查询网络接口流量统计netstat -I查询TCP网络联机情形netstat -t查询所有网络联机情形netstat -ashutdown通知使用者多久后关机,管理者需下reboot或haltshutdown -k 时间讯息通知使用者多久后重新启动系统shutdown -r 时间讯息通知使用者多久后关闭系统shutdown -h 时间讯息时间:now或+3表三分钟后或yymmddhhmm讯息:用双引号括起来或用-号开头一些常用的其它组合命令:shift+g 同win下的END键,让光标处在文档末尾.:/ 功能是在文档内进行文本搜索:find 这个是文件的搜索FreeBSD常用命令在线使用手册【执行格式】:man [指令名称]【说明】:man是manual的缩写。


Switch# ping Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echoes to, timeout is 2 seconds: < press Ctrl+C to break > !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/10 ms
项目三 局域网测试与验收
By Chen min
1.熟悉工程测试的各种方法 2.了解网络安全测试方法 3.熟悉网络工程验收内容及验收相关表格编写
任务一 熟悉工程测试的各种方法
全网连通性测试要求整个网络任意两个节点之间都能连通,连通性测试常 用命令有ping、Traceroute(电脑上为tracert命令)。
0 msec 0 msec 0 msec
4 msec 4 msec 4 msec
8 msec 8 msec 4 msec
4 msec 28 msec 12 msec
5 4 msec 16 msec 8 msec
6 12 msec 8 msec 24 msec
12 msec 8 msec 22 msec
从上面的结果可以看到,从源地址要访问IP地址为61.154.22.36的主机, 网络数据包都经过了哪些网关(1-6),同时给出了到达该网关所花费的 时间,这对于网络分析,是非常有用的。








CPU:Intel 系列中央处理器,PIII800 以上型号;存:256MB彩显:按用户要求选择尺寸,但是至少能在1280X 102475Hz的条件下正常显示;显卡:至少能工作在1280 X 1024256色的分辨率下;网卡:使用3Com的3C905系列(Ethernet PCI 10/100 )及以上型号;声卡:主板集成或Creative公司的SB系列PCI声卡;当CPU配置较低(工作频率1.4GHz以下)时,不得使用主板集成声卡。


MODEMS用户不反对的情况下,安装置Modem1、硬盘的分区要求分四个区,盘号分别为C D E、F,其中C F盘为FAT格式,大小均为2G, D E盘为NTFS格式,大小为减去C F盘占用空间后,硬盘剩余空间的50%。

(例如硬盘为20G贝U D盘大小为(20-2X2)/2 = 8G)。

2、软件的安装为了便于调试,新装机的NT进入用户名必须为Administrator ,无密码。


我们应该提供给用户一Windows98DO模式启动盘和一Ghost软盘,其作用是在硬盘遭到逻辑损害而无法自启动时,使用软盘启动,再使用ghost软件恢复C、D E 盘的数据。

NetScaler 配置手册

NetScaler 配置手册

目录1项目背景 (2)2 实施准备 (2)2.1 NetScaler IP准备 (2)2.2 IP地址类型: (2)3 设备的初始化进入 (2)4 配置网络路由 (6)5 license的导入 (7)6 LDAP认证服务器配置 (9)7虚拟IP配置 (13)8 配置证书请求文件 (14)9证书的生成及上传 (17)10 虚拟服务器AG的建立和配置 (22)10.1 为虚拟服务器配置profile (22)10.2 为虚拟服务器配置polices (24)10.3开始配置 (24)11 WI配置 (27)11.1 WI安装根证书安装 (28)11.2 新建一个Wi站点 (32)11.3 站点的配置 (36)12 Sslvpn配置 (39)12.1 配置vpn用户可访问的应用资源 (39)12.2 为该资源建立一个标签 (40)12.3 为VPN配置profiles (41)12.4 建立polices并与profiles建立关联 (43)12.5配置DNS (43)12.6 测试VPN访问 (48)13 邮件负载配置 (49)13.1 配置两个服务器用于负载 (49)13.2添加虚拟服务器 (51)1项目背景2 实施准备2.1 NetScaler IP准备2.2 IP地址类型:NSIP:NetScaler设备管理IP,每台设备单独拥有一个。



3 设备的初始化进入设备初始IP:。


在登陆进去后按照安装配置向导进行设备基本的配置:启用SSL功能和Access Gateway功能能启用SSL4 配置网络路由如果在初始化配置中未配置默认路由,此处需要在Network --Routes部分添加路由.5 license的导入进入System界面中点击license选项,会看见有哪些授权了哪些没授权点击下面的Manage license.选择已经购买的license—Add找到license文件后点击Select。



1. //#include <windows.h>2. #include "InstallService.h"3. #include <winsvc.h>4.5. BOOL StartService(LPCTSTR lpService)6. {7. SC_HANDLE schSCManager;8. SC_HANDLE schService;9. SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus;10. DWORD dwErrorCode;11.12. schSCManager=::OpenSCManager(NULL,NULL,SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);//打开服务控制管理器数据库13. if (schSCManager!=NULL)14. {15. schService=::OpenService(schSCManager,lpService,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);//获得服务对象的句柄16. if (schService!=NULL)17. {18. //设置服务为自动启动19. ChangeServiceConfig(schService, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,20. NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);21.22. if(StartService(schService,0,NULL)==0)//已经存在该服务,就启动服务23. {24. dwErrorCode=GetLastError();25. if(dwErrorCode==ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING)26. {27. CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);28. CloseServiceHandle(schService);29. return true;30. }31. }32. while(QueryServiceStatus(schService,&ServiceStatus)!=0)33. {34. if(ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_START_PENDING)35. {36. Sleep(100);37. }38. else39. {40. break;41. }42. }43. CloseServiceHandle(schService);44. }45. CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);46. }47. else48. return FALSE;49.50. return TRUE;51. }52.53. B OOL StopService(LPCTSTR lpService)54. {55. SC_HANDLE schSCManager;56. SC_HANDLE schService;57. SERVICE_STATUS RemoveServiceStatus;58.59. schSCManager=::OpenSCManager(NULL,NULL,SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);//打开服务控制管理器数据库60. if (schSCManager!=NULL)61. {62. schService=::OpenService(schSCManager,lpService,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);//获得服务对象的句柄63. if (schService!=NULL)64. {65. //设置服务为禁用66. ChangeServiceConfig(schService, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, SERVICE_DISABLED, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE,67. NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);68.69. if(QueryServiceStatus(schService,&RemoveServiceStatus)!=0)70. {71. if(RemoveServiceStatus.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED)//停止服务72. {73. if(ControlService(schService,SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,&RemoveServiceStatus)!=0)74. {75. while(RemoveServiceStatus.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)76. {77. Sleep(10);78. QueryServiceStatus(schService,&RemoveServiceStatus);79. }80. }81. }82. }83. CloseServiceHandle(schService);84. }85. ::CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager);86. }87. else88. return FALSE;89.90. return TRUE;91. }92.93. B OOL ReplaceSvchostService(LPCTSTR lpService,LPCTSTR lpDllPath)94. {95. int rc = 0;96. HKEY hKey = 0;97. BOOL bRet = FALSE;98. char szOpenKey[MAX_PATH];99.100. try101. {102. //暂停服务103. StopService(lpService);104.105. //修改dll指向106. ZeroMemory(szOpenKey,sizeof(szOpenKey));107. wsprintf(szOpenKey, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\ \Parameters", lpService);108. rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szOpenKey, 0, K EY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);109. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "";110.111. rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "ServiceDll", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (u nsigned char*)lpDllPath, strlen(lpDllPath)+1);112. SetLastError(rc);113. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "RegSetValueEx(ServiceDll)"; 114.115. //运行服务116. bRet = StartService(lpService);117. }118. catch(char *str)119. {120. if(str && str[0])121. {122. rc = GetLastError();123. }124. }125.126. RegCloseKey(hKey);127.128. return bRet;129. }130.131. BOOL InstallSvchostService(LPCSTR strServiceName,132. LPCSTR strDisplayName,133. LPCSTR strDescription,134. LPCSTR strDllPath)135. {136. int rc = 0;137. HKEY hKey = 0;138. BOOL bRet = FALSE;139. char szOpenKey[MAX_PATH];140. try141. {142. bRet = InstallService(strServiceName,143. strDisplayName,144. strDescription,145. "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\svchost.exe -k krnlsrvc"); //安装服务146.147. //修改dll指向148. ZeroMemory(szOpenKey,sizeof(szOpenKey));149. wsprintf(szOpenKey, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s\ \Parameters", strServiceName);150. //rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szOpenKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);151. rc = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szOpenKey,&hKe y);152. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "";153.154. rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "ServiceDll", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (u nsigned char*)strDllPath, strlen(strDllPath)+1);155. SetLastError(rc);156. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "RegSetValueEx(ServiceDll)"; 157. RegCloseKey(hKey);158. //添加服务名到netsvcs组159. ZeroMemory(szOpenKey,sizeof(szOpenKey));160. strcpy(szOpenKey, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\Curren tVersion\\Svchost");161. rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szOpenKey, 0, K EY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey);162. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "RegOpenKeyEx(Svchost)"; 163. rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, "krnlsrvc", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, (unsig ned char*)strServiceName, strlen(strServiceName)+1);164. SetLastError(rc);165. if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) throw "RegSetValueEx(Svchost\\krnl srvc)";166. RegCloseKey(hKey);167.168. bRet = StartService(strServiceName);169. }170. catch(char *str)171. {172. if(str && str[0])173. {174. rc = GetLastError();175. }176. }177.178. RegCloseKey(hKey);179.180. return bRet;181. }182.183. BOOL InstallService(LPCSTR strServiceName,184. LPCSTR strDisplayName,185. LPCSTR strDescription,186. LPCSTR strPathName)187. {188. BOOL bRet = FALSE;189. HKEY key=NULL;190. SC_HANDLE svc=NULL, scm=NULL;191. __try192. {193. scm = OpenSCManager(0, 0,SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); 194. if (!scm)195. __leave;196. svc = CreateService(197. scm,198. strServiceName,199. strDisplayName,200. SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS|SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCES S,201. SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,202. SERVICE_AUTO_START,203. SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,204. strPathName,205. NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);206.207. if (svc == NULL)208. {209. if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS)210. {211. svc = OpenService(scm,strServiceName,SERVICE_ALL_AC CESS);212. if (svc==NULL)213. __leave;214. else215. StartService(svc,0, 0);216. }217. }218.219. char Desc[MAX_PATH];220. wsprintf(Desc,"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s", strSer viceName);221. RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Desc,&key);222. RegSetValueEx(key,"Description",0,REG_SZ,(CONST BYTE*)str Description,lstrlen(strDescription));223.224. if (!StartService(svc,0, 0))225. __leave;226.227. bRet = TRUE;228. }229. __finally230. {231. if (key!=NULL)232. RegCloseKey(key);233. if (svc!=NULL)234. CloseServiceHandle(svc);235. if (scm!=NULL)236. CloseServiceHandle(scm);237. }238.239. return bRet;240. }241.242. void UninstallService(LPCTSTR strServiceName)243. {244. SC_HANDLE scm,svc;245.246. scm=::OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCE SS);247. if (scm!=NULL)248. {249. svc=::OpenService(scm, strServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCE SS);250. if (svc!=NULL)251. {252. ::DeleteService(svc);253. ::CloseServiceHandle(svc);254. }255. ::CloseServiceHandle(scm);256. }257. }如何实现远程控制的一些列功能呢,键盘,鼠标远程协助,文件上传下载,视频截获,桌面视频截获等等。



拖拉机使用手册英文版Tractor User Manual1. IntroductionThe purpose of this manual is to provide users with necessary information and instructions for operating a tractor safely and efficiently. It is important to thoroughly read and understand the contents beforehand to avoid any accidents or damage.2. Safety precautions- Always wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet, goggles, and gloves, while operating the tractor.- Ensure that all safety guards and shields are in place and secured before starting the tractor.- Familiarize yourself with the location and operation of all safety features, such as emergency stop buttons.- Be cautious while operating the tractor near pedestrians, animals, or other vehicles.- Never allow passengers on the tractor unless there is an additional seat specifically designed for them.- Avoid operating the tractor on uneven or slippery terrain to reduce the risk of tipping over.- Do not operate the tractor under the influence of alcohol or any other substances that may impair your judgment or coordination. 3. Operating instructions- Before starting the tractor, conduct a thorough visual inspectionof the machine, checking for any loose or damaged parts.- Ensure that the tractor is on a level surface and engaged in neutral before starting the engine.- Follow the manufacturer's instructions for starting and stopping the engine.- Adjust the seat and mirrors for optimal visibility and comfort before starting operation.- Operate the tractor at a safe and controlled speed, keeping in mind the load capacity and terrain conditions.- Avoid sudden accelerations or decelerations, as they may cause instability or loss of control.- Use the appropriate gears and attachments for the intended operation and ensure they are properly secured.- Avoid overloading the tractor beyond its recommended capacity. - Keep a safe distance from obstacles or other vehicles to prevent collisions.- Regularly inspect the tractor for signs of wear or damage and promptly address any issues before further operation.4. Maintenance and servicing- Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for routine maintenance and servicing intervals.- Regularly check and maintain the engine oil, coolant, battery, and hydraulic fluid levels.- Keep the tractor clean and free from dirt and debris, especially around moving parts.- Lubricate all necessary joints and moving parts as per the manufacturer's recommendations.- Check and replace any worn-out or damaged parts immediately. - Store the tractor in a dry and secure place when not in use.- Only authorized and trained personnel should perform major repairs or modifications.Remember, your safety and the safety of those around you should always be your top priority while operating a tractor. Familiarize yourself with this manual and follow all safety instructions and guidelines provided by the tractor manufacturer.。



Cisco2811Router命令集(中英对照)用户模式下:<1-99> Session number to resume恢复会话数connect Open a terminal connection打开终端连接disable Turn off privileged commands关闭特权命令disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection 断开现有的网络连接enable Turn on privileged commands打开特权命令exit Exit from the EXEC从执行退出logout Exit from the EXEC从执行退出ping Send echo messages发送回声信息resume Resume an active network connection恢复主动网络连接show Show running system information显示运行系统信息ssh Open a secure shell client connection打开安全壳客户端连接telnet Open a telnet connection打开telnet连接terminal Set terminal line parameters设置终点线参数traceroute Trace route to destination跟踪路由到目的地特权模式下:<1-99> Session number to resume恢复会话数auto Exec level Automation执行自动化水平clear Reset functions复位功能clock Manage the system clock管理系统时钟特权模式下:configure Enter configuration mode输入配置模式connect Open a terminal connection打开终端连接copy Copy from one file to another从一个文件复制到另一个文件debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')调试功能(参见“undebug”)delete Delete a file删除一个文件dir List files on a filesystem文件系统中的列表文件disable Turn off privileged commands关闭特权命令disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection 断开现有的网络连接enable Turn on privileged commands打开特权命令erase Erase a filesystem删除一个文件系统exit Exit from the EXEC从执行退出logout Exit from the EXEC从执行退出mkdir Create new directory创建新目录more Display the contents of a file显示文件的内容no Disable debugging informations禁用调试信息ping Send echo messages发送回声信息reload Halt and perform a cold restart停止并执行冷启动resume Resume an active network connection 恢复主动网络连接rmdir Remove existing directory删除现有目录特权模式下:send Send a message to other tty lines将消息发送到其他tty线路setup Run the SETUP command facility运行安装命令程序show Show running system information显示运行系统信息ssh Open a secure shell client connection打开安全壳客户端连接telnet Open a telnet connection打开telnet连接terminal Set terminal line parameters设置终点线参数traceroute Trace route to destination跟踪路由到目的地undebug Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug') 禁用调试功能(参见“调试”)vlan Configure VLAN parameters配置VLAN参数write Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal写入内存、网络或终端的运行配置全局配置模式下:aaa Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.认证,授权和会计access-list Add an access list entry添加访问列表条目banner Define a login banner定义登录横幅boot Modify system boot parameters修改系统启动参数cdp Global CDP configuration subcommands全球CDP配置分区class-map Configure Class Map配置类映射clock Configure time-of-day clock一天钟的配置时间全局配置模式下:config-register Define the configuration register定义配置寄存器crypto Encryption module加密模块dial-peer Dial Map (Peer) configuration commands拨号地图(对等)配置命令do To run exec commands in config mode运行exec命令在配置模式dot11 IEEE 802.11 config commandsIEEE 802.11的配置命令enable Modify enable password parameters修改启用密码参数end Exit from configure mode退出配置模式ephone Define ethernet phone定义以太网电话ephone-dn Configure ephone phone lines (Directory Numbers)配置和电话线(电话号码)exit Exit from configure mode退出配置模式flow Global Flow configuration subcommands全球流动配置的子命令hostname Set system's network name设置系统的网络名称interface Select an interface to configure选择一个接口来配置ip Global IP configuration subcommands全球IP配置的子命令ipv6 Global IPv6 configuration commands全球IPv6配置命令key Key management密钥管理line Configure a terminal line配置终端线路logging Modify message logging facilities修改邮件日志记录设备login Enable secure login checking启用安全登录检查全局配置模式下:mac-address-table Configure the MAC address table 配置地址表no Negate a command or set its defaults否定命令或设置默认值ntp Configure NTP配置NTPparameter-map Parameter map参数图parser Configure parser配置分析器policy-map Configure QoS Policy Map配置服务质量策略图port-channel EtherChannel configuration以太通道配置priority-list Build a priority list建立优先级列表privilege Command privilege parameters命令特权参数queue-list Build a custom queue list建立自定义队列列表radius-server Modify Radius query parameters修改半径查询参数router Enable a routing process启用路由过程secure Secure image and configuration archival commands 安全的图像和配置档案命令security Infra Security CLIs红外线安全”service Modify use of network based services修改使用基于网络的服务snmp-server Modify SNMP engine parameters修改SNMP引擎参数spanning-tree Spanning Tree Subsystem生成树子系统tacacs-server Modify TACACS query parameters修改和查询参数telephony-service Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express配置思科统一通信管理器的表达全局配置模式下:username Establish User Name Authentication建立用户名称验证vpdn Virtual Private Dialup Network虚拟拨号专用网络vpdn-group VPDN group configurationVPDN组配置zone FW with zoningFW与分区zone-pair Zone pair command区域对命令接口配置模式下:arp Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout设置ARP型(ARPA,探针卡)或超时bandwidth Set bandwidth informational parameter设置带宽信息参数cdp CDP interface subcommandsCDP接口子命令channel-group Add this interface to an Etherchannel group 添加此接口的以太通道组crypto Encryption/Decryption commands加密/解密命令custom-queue-list Assign a custom queue list to an interface 将自定义队列列表分配给一个接口delay Specify interface throughput delay指定接口吞吐量延迟description Interface specific description接口具体描述duplex Configure duplex operation配置双工操作exit Exit from interface configuration mode退出接口配置模式fair-queue Enable Fair Queuing on an Interface允许在一个接口上启用公平队列hold-queue Set hold queue depth设置队列深度ip Interface Internet Protocol config commands接口互联网协议配置命令接口配置模式下:ipv6 IPv6 interface subcommandsIPv6接口子命令mac-address Manually set interface MAC address手动设置接口的苹果地址mtu Set the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)设置接口的最大传输单元(MTU)no Negate a command or set its defaults否定命令或设置默认值pppoe pppoe interface subcommandsPPPoE接口子命令priority-group Assign a priority group to an interface 将优先级组分配给一个接口service-policy Configure QoS Service Policy配置服务质量服务策略shutdown Shutdown the selected interface关闭选定的接口speed Configure speed operation.配置速度操作standby HSRP interface configuration commands路由器接口配置命令tx-ring-limit Configure PA level transmit ring limit配置功放级发射环限制zone-member Apply zone name应用区域名称。



linux的traceroute命令的详细解释Linux中的traceroute命令从字面上不难理解,它是用来追踪路由路径的,下面由店铺为大家整理了Linux的traceroute命令的详细解释,希望对大家有帮助!linux的traceroute命令详细解释通过traceroute 我们可以知道信息从你的计算机到互联网另一端的主机是走的什么路径。


Linux 系统中个,我们称之为 tracertoute,在 MS Windows 中为 tracert。

traceroute 通过发送小的数据包到目的设备直到其返回,来测量其需要多长时间。



在大多数情况下,我们会在Linux 主机系统下,直接执行命令行。

traceroute hostname而在 Windows 系统下是执行 tracert 的命令:tracert hostname1.命令格式:traceroute [参数] [主机]2.命令功能:traceroute 指令让你追踪网络数据包的路由途径,预设数据包大小是40 Bytes, 用户可另行设置。

具体参数格式:traceroute [-dFlnrvx] [-f<存活数值>] [-g<网关>][-i<网络界面>][-m<存活数值>][-p<通信端口>][-s<来源地址>][-t<服务类型>][-w<超时秒数>][主机名称或IP地址][数据包大小]3.命令参数-d 使用socket 层级的排错功能-f 设置第一个检测数据包的存活数值TTL的大小-F 设置勿离段位----我也不知道啥是勿离段位,查了下没查到什么信息^^-g 设置来源路由网关,最多可设置8个-i 使用指定的网络界面送出数据包-I 使用ICMP回应取代UDP资料信息-m 设置检测数据包的最大存活数值TTL 的大小-n 直接使用IP地址而非主机名称-p 设置UDP传输协议的通信端口-r 忽略普通的routing table ,直接将数据包送到远端主机上-s 设置本地主机送出数据包的IP地址-t 设置检测数据包的TOS数值-v 详细显示指令的执行过程-w 设置等待远端主机回报的时间-x 开启或关闭数据包的正确性检验Linux的traceroute命令详解使用实例实例1:traceroute 用法简单,最常用的用法命令:traceroute 说明:记录按序列号从1开始,每个记录就是一跳,每跳表示一个网关,我们看到每行有三个时间,单位是 ms,其实就是 -q 的默认参数。



MMM手册英文版CHAPTER03e预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制CHAPTER 3HOUSING AND FACILITIESTABLE OF CONTENTSPARAGRAPH PAGE1 GENERAL (2)2 HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO BEIJING MAIN REPAIR LOCATION42.1FACILITIES FLOOR PLAN OF AMECO IN BEIJING (4)2.2THE BEIJING CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OVERVIEW PLAN(5)2.3HOUSING & FACILITIES EXPLANATION (6)2.3.1 HANGARS AND MAIN WORKSHOPS OF AMECO IN BEIJING (6) MAINTENANCE HANGAR, HEAVY MAINTENANCE 322 (6) A380 HANGER PAINTING HANGAR 326 WITH ANNEX BUILDING 325 B747 PAINTING OVERHAUL HANGAR WORKSHOPS 342 & 353 FOR AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINE, LANDING GEAR AND COMPONENT SHOPS RADIO, AVIONICS AND INSTRUMENT SHOPS CAAC CALIBRATION & TESTING CENTER (CTC) COMPREHENSIVE BUILDING239 SPECIALIZED PROCESS WORKSHOP MATERIAL STORES RENTED FACILITIES IN T3 TERMINAL OFFICE FACILITIES TRAINING FACILITIES STORAGE FACILITY 143 HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO EACH REPAIR LOCATION (15)3.1HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO SHANGHAI LINE MAINTENANCESTATION (15)3.1.1 FACILITIES FLOOR PLAN OF AMECO SHANGHAI LINE MAINTENANCESTATION (15)3.1.2 HOUSING & FACILITIES EXPLANATION (17)1 GENERALHousing and facilities of Ameco include: housing and facilities of Ameco Beijing main repair location and others repair locations.Ameco-Beijing is located on the Capital International Airport in Beijing China.The business address is as follows:Aircraft Maintenance and Engineering Corporation, Beijing (P.O. Box 563, Capital Airport Beijing 100621, P.R. China)TELEPHONE: 0086 10 6459 7637FAX: 0086 10 6456 1827Civil Aviation Regulations (CCAR) requires that Ameco-Beijing must apply in written approval to CAAC or regional administration agency prior to change its location at least two months before. The application shall submit: application of maintenance certificate form, documentation of changes the location and the compliance statement of this regulations and other relevant documentation. When the housing and facilities have significant changes, CAAC or regional administration agency shall be informed at least 30 days before to confirm if the change influence the effectiveness of maintenance certificate and approve the revisions of MMM.Suitable housing and facilities for aircraft, aircraft engines, component maintenance and alterations are provided, allowing for good maintenance practices for all work being performed.Hangar space is provided for all kinds of maintenance of aircraft.Office accommodations are provided for management, planning, quality or certifying staff.Suitable workshops and disassembly/assembly areas are provided for Engine and Component repairs, machining, spraying (painting), etc. Dust control is observed. ?Adequate lighting is provided for all areas.Suitable racks and stands are provided for storage and protection of Engine and Component parts in various stages of repair.Special environmental conditions for unique component repairs such as composites, instrument calibration, and avionics shops are provided.Storage facilities for components, parts, materials, toolingand equipment will be provided.Storage conditions assure segregation of serviceable from unserviceable components, parts, materials, tooling and equipment and shall meet pertinent manufacturer’s instructions.Hangars and workshops are equipped with suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment.The temperature and humidity requirements set forth in manufacturer manuals as to specific environmental conditions like in composite-, radio-, calibration- or instrument shops shall be maintained. the actual conditions maintained shall be documented.The special storage requirements for hazardous materials, such as: flammable, high pressure, toxic materials etc. shall be followed in accordance with industrial or manufacturer specifications.The respective Director is responsible for ensuring the above Housing and Facility requirements are met for his respective area of responsibility.A Facilities Floor Plan is provided on this chapter. The various facilities are further described below on this chapter.2 HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO BEIJING MAINREPAIR LOCATION2.1 FACILITIES FLOOR PLAN OF AMECO IN BEIJING2.2 THE BEIJING CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OVERVIEWPLAN2.3 HOUSING & FACILITIES EXPLANATION2.3.1 HANGARS AND MAIN WORKSHOPS OF AMECO INBEIJING2.3.1.1 MAINTENANCE HANGAR, HEAVY MAINTENANCE 322The Hangar area is 35,903 M2 and is capable of accommodating six (6) B747s or the equivalent, with hangar doors closed. The hangar’s mainframe is a steel construction, the walls are built of corrugated steel sheet and the roof is constructed of corrugated type steel. Its floor is constructed of reinforced concrete, which is sealed to minimize dust generation. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The central compressed air station inside Ameco will transmit the compressed air no less than 0.65 Mpa to the entrance of the building.A 5-floor office area for airframe overhaul division and many management personnel is located on the West side of the hangar. The five (5)-story office building 321 is constructed of reinforced concrete, which provides office space of 9,426 M2.Small workshops, tool and equipment cribs, and racks and stands are located on the ground floor along side the hangar area.Hangar heating is provided by means of a floor heating system and overhead blower.For fire fighting a low multiple foam extinguishing system is installed. Portable extinguishers are distributed throughout the hangar in sufficient amount.There is an underground area of 4,700 M2, which accommodates support facilities for the hangar operation.West of the hangar is a two (2) story annex building 323, constructed of reinforced concrete, which provides a workspace of 8,532 M2 for aircraft maintenance and overhaul. The offices, workshops, tool and equipment cribs are illuminated withfluorescent lighting. A380 HANGERThe hangar area is 41250 M2 and is capable of accommodating two A380s, two B747-400s, two B777-300ERs and four other aircrafts whose sizes are smaller than B737-800 at the same time, with hangar doors closed. The main structure of the hangar is steel structure, the walls are built with profiled flat steel sheet and the roof is constructed with corrugated steel and waterproof layer in soft roll material type. Its floor, with coating on the surface, is constructed with reinforced concrete, to minimize the adherence of dust. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The compressed air station in the basement of hangar delivers filtered compressed air to every outlet in store at a pressure of 116 PSI.Five 400Hz converters are installed in the basement of the hangar. They provide 400Hz power for maintenance work.Small workshops, tool and equipment rooms, racks and stands, etc. surrounds the hangar hall.Hangar heating consists of floor heating system and warm blower system.Foam deluge system, foam gun system, flexible foam gun system and fire hydrant system are used in the hangar. Furthermore, fire-extinguishing devices in go-cart type and in portable type are all equipped with sufficient amount.A 2-floor building, whose structure is enhanced concrete structure, is located on the West side of the hangar. This building provides the areas for office, warehouse and workshop by 14445 M2.The offices, workshops and the tool and equipment rooms are illuminated with fluorescence lights.Two cranes (bearing capacity is 15t for each) and two telescopic platforms (bearing capacity is 750kg) are available to support any kind of work. PAINTING HANGAR 326 WITH ANNEX BUILDING 325The Hangar area is 10130 M2 and is capable of accommodating one B747 or similar sized aircraft with hangar doors closed. The main frame consists of a steel construction. The sidewalls are built with corrugated steel sheets. Structure and sidewalls are protected with a fire resistant coating. The sliding door is thermal insulated. Its floor is constructed of reinforced concrete. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The central compressed air station inside Ameco will transmit the compressed air no less than 0.65 Mpa to the entrance of the building.The paint hangar is air-conditioned and humidity controlled with adequate ventilation.For fire fighting purposes a low multiple foam extinguishing system is installed. Portable extinguishers are distributed throughout the hangar in sufficient amount.Rooms north and south of the larger part of the hangar accommodate support facilities for the hangar's operation, and those north and south of the smaller part accommodate the workshops.The annex building, a brick design, houses lockers and social rooms on the first floor, with offices on the second and third.The offices 3181 M2, small workshops, tool and equipment cribs are illuminated with fluorescent lighting. B747 PAINTING OVERHAUL HANGARThe hangar is 10140 M2 and is capable of accommodating one B747, one B737, and one B767 at the same time, with hangar doors closed. The main structure of the hangar is steel structure, the walls are built with profiled t steel sheet and the roof is constructed with waterproof layer in soft roll material type. Its floor, with coating on the surface, is constructed with reinforced concrete, to resist to the corrosion of aviation fuel, aviation hydraulic oil, aviation lubricating oil and paint stripping agent, and a certain repulsion force to paint mist so that it is easy to clean and maintain hangar hall, and non-sparkle and non-slip performance. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The central compressed air station inside Ameco will transmit the compressed air no less than 0.65 Mpa to the entrance of the building.Two 400Hz converters are installed in the basement of the hangar. They provide 400Hz power for maintenance work.Engine storage room, control surface cleaning room, painting room, drying room and storage area, etc. surrounds the hangar hall.Hangar heating consists of floor heating radiator system and warm air system.Foam gun system, flexible foam gun system and fire hydrant system are used in the hangar. Furthermore, fire-extinguishing devices in go-cart type and in portable type are all equipped with sufficient amount.A 2-floor building, whose structure is enhanced concrete frame structure, is located on the west side of the hangar. This building provides the areas for office, cabin workshop andstorage area by 8805 M2. There’re 2205 M2 in the basement to support the normal operation.The offices, storage room and engine rooms are illuminated with fluorescence lights.A set of docking system for aircraft overhaul, three cranes with bearing capacity of 15t for each, one crane with bearing capacity of 5t and one crane with bearing capacity of 2t are available to support any kind of work. WORKSHOPS 342 & 353 FOR AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCEThere are two (2) three story buildings along side the hangar for composite repair and machining repair.Floor construction is reinforced concrete. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The central compressed air station inside Ameco will transmit the compressed air no less than 0.65 Mpa to the entrance of the building.Suitable racks and stands are provided for storage and protection of components in various stages of repair.Shop heating is provided by means of air heaters and radiators.For fire fighting purposes portable fire extinguishers are distributed throughout the shops in sufficient amount.The space provided in the shops is as follows:z Composite repair 2400 M2z Machining repair 2592 M2z Cabin parts repair 2496 M22.3.1.6 ENGINE, LANDING GEAR AND COMPONENT SHOPSThe engine, landing gear and component shops are framedstructure. Floor construction is reinforced concrete. The floor of the engine shop is sealed to minimize dust generation. Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or metal halide light illumination system.The central compressed air station inside Ameco will transmit the compressed air no less than 0.65 Mpa to the entrance of the building.Suitable racks and stands are provided for storage and protection of engine and landing gear components in various stages of repair.Shop heating is provided by means of air heaters and radiators.For fire fighting purposes portable fire extinguishers are distributed throughout the shops in sufficient amount.The space provided in the shops is as follows:Engine shop of 14825 M2Landing gear shop 1944 M2Component overhaul 12465 M2 are available. RADIO, AVIONICS AND INSTRUMENT SHOPSSpecific Radio, Avionics and Instrument shops (i.e. standards room, working rooms, etc.) have anti-dust equipment and a special auto air conditioning system that controls and monitors temperature and humidity to required specifications.Pertinent manufacturer environmental requirements are stipulated in detail for the shops and are continuously monitored and documented.ESD mats, wrist strap and conductive floor shall be equipped on spot if necessary according to National Standards and manufacturer’s specifications.Suitable racks and stands are provided for storage andprotection of equipment in various stages of repair.The space provided in the shops is as follows:z Workshops 5752 M2z Offices purposes 480 M2This building is a brick design reinforced with a concrete structure. Floor construction is reinforced concrete sealed with special anti static plastomer tiles.Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light or illumination with fluorescent light fixtures. CAAC CALIBRATION & TESTING CENTER (CTC) COMPREHENSIVE BUILDING 239This building is mainly used for calibration and testing functions.The mainframe is a four-floor, reinforced concrete construction. Lighting requirements are met by means of nature light and energy saving fluorescence light. Heating is provided by means of adjustable central heating system. Ventilation is provided by means of heat–exchanger, the whole or part ventilation cabinet . Water plug and portable fire extinguishers are used for fire preventing; the building is also furnished with fire auto alarm system and fire prevention linkage control system.To meet the requirements of testing and calibration, this building is equipped some tube system such as compressed air, nitrogen, helium, argon, laughing gas, oxygen, hydrogen, ethyne, natural gas.The library of CTC, which needs to be earthquake proofed, adopts isolated groundsill. The library adopts constant temperature and humidity machine to control single room. For the library only need temperature control furnished with air-condition system to control single room and to meet the detailedenvironment requirements of relevant manufacturer, standards and regulations and monitor and record environment continuously. Specific library shall meet the requirements of anti-static. The anti-static mat and wrist shall be placed on the necessary working area according to national standards and manufacturer specification.The CTC provide suitable racks and stands for storage and protection of different status products.This building's architecture area,239: 3650 M2239A: 200 M2 (be used for storing various gas bottles and chemical) SPECIALIZED PROCESS WORKSHOPSpecialized process workshop including: NDT, Cleaning, Heat treatment, Machining, Welding etc are located in the aircraft, engine or component repair workshops of Ameco. MATERIAL STORESA total area of Ameco material stores is23,944M2. The buildings are steel structure or brick reinforced with a concrete structure.Each Store has enough steel racks and stands to support and segregate the material being stored.Lighting requirements are met by means of natural light, fluorescent light, or metal halide light illumination system.Store heating is provided by means of radiators or air conditioners. For stores of expendables or special materials, special environmental conditions for Temperature or humidity control are provided.The stores use natural ventilation or mechanical ventilation systems to meet requirements.Fire sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems, transportable fire extinguishers, and portable fire extinguishers are equipped in stores.Chemicals with special storage requirements of temperature shall be kept in closed store with temperature maintained between 5°C and 25°C. Chemicals need to be refrigerated shall be stored in refrigerator.All additional special manufacturer requirements shall be fulfilled. Segregation of incompatible chemicals shall be ensured. All containers like bottles, cans, drums shall be tightly sealed, others like plastic sacks etc, undamaged and properly sealed.Spot-checks shall be done on predetermined places/containers if the humidity comes close to 95% to prevent condensation happen.The space provided in the stores is sufficient to handle the largest material needed to be stored. Examples of some specific storage facilities are as follows:Center Store (418&421): 10,311 M2Store 23 (234): 1590 M2Tools stores (343): 200 M2Chemical store (419): 266 M2 and temporary rent chemical store 1200M2A380 material store:1751 M22.3.1.11 RENTED FACILITIES IN T3 TERMINALAmeco rented rooms in T3 terminal of 1470.22 M 2 in order to satisfy the needs for the line maintenance. The details are as follows; OFFICE FACILITIESQuality Management: offices locate in 4th floor of annex building of 4-bay hangar (building No.321) and in 2nd floor ofbuilding No.234, with sufficient office facilities, such as separated desks, computers, net work connections, scanners, digital cameras and archives cabinets etc. to ensure the smooth performance of quality management work like MMM control, audit, investigation and so on.Item Location Usage Area(M 2)1 T3-C Break Room 2802 T3-C Break Room 2663 T3-C Break Room 1554 T3-C T ools Room 1005 T3-C Material Room 4906 T3-E Break Room 747 T3-E Break Room 105.227Engineering: offices locate in the building opposite to the 4-bay hangar (building No.341), with sufficient computers, net work connections, fax machines, microfilm readers and a fully- equipped central library.Production planning: all production-planning units listed below are with sufficient computers, copy and fax machines to ensure work accomplishment effectively.A/C maintenance planning: offices locate in the 2nd floor of the annex building of A 380 hangar(build No.D0001);A/C overhaul planning: offices locate in the 2nd floor of the annex building of 4-bay hangar (building No.321);Engine service planning: office locate in the engine workshop (building No. 451); ?Component service planning: offices locate in the component repair workshop (building No. 331). TRAINING FACILITIESAmeco Aviation College (AAC or PT) has construction acreage of 15600 square meters.Facilities include: standard classroom, CBT classroom, auditorium, electric workshop, mechanical standard practice workshop, pneumatic workshop, composite workshop, engine standard practice workshop, sheet-mental workshop, welding workshop, grinding workshop and so on.Training qualification and products: AAC is CCAR-147 and EASA Part-147approved Maintenance training organization. Training products include basic training on aviation technology, A/C type training, technical English training, Component repair training and special technical training and so on. STORAGE FACILITYTechnical data: stored in the central library, through which the data is distributed to concerned units. The storage facilities are document cabinet or shelf for convenient use. Maintenance archives: stored in the cellar of 4-bay hangar and in 1st floor of building No.234. The storage facilities are slipper rail mental cabinets, which are managed by assigned personnel from QM and could prevent unsafe factors effectively, such as water, fire, lost and illegal revision.REV -20Chapter 3DATE - Apr.28th, 2014Page 153HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO EACH REPAIR LOCATION3.1 HOUSING & FACILITIES OF AMECO SHANGHAI LINE MAINTENANCE STATION3.1.1 FACILITIES FLOOR PLAN OF AMECO SHANGHAI LINE MAINTENANCE STATIONAmeco-Shanghai国航大厦办公室REV - 20 Chapter 3 DATE - Apr.28th, 2014 Page 163.1.2 HOUSING & FACILITIES EXPLANATIONAmeco-Shanghai leases offices at Air China Building, No.8, Base Street 2, Pudong International Airport and Bridge No.87, Terminal 2, Pudong International Airport, thetotal area is about 195 m2. The offices are equipped with sufficient office facilities to ensure work and duty need of the station manager, the Quality Chief, the Production Chief and otherstaff.Ameco-Shanghai has two container offices at No.320 A/C parking position in western cargo agron, Pudong International Airport. The container office is equipped withportable interphone and notebook computer for on duty line maintenance personnel.Ameco-Shanghai leases tool and material stores at No.222A-225B Room, No.1 Building, No.501 Binhe Road, Pudong international airport (the chemicals are kept in CCA material store at Pudong international airport). The stores are equipped with necessary facilities to meet manufacturer’s requirements on material and tools (for hazardous material, the relevant national industrial standards shall be followed as well), segregation keeping of the serviceable from the unserviceable shall be assured as well.Ameco-Shanghai shall lease the aircraft hangers from localagencies through agreement, to ensure the maintenance and inspection work could be performed in hangar effectively without influence from outside factors, such as weather etc..。

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the probe answers come from different gateways, the address of each
responding system will be printed. If there is no response within a
5.0 seconds (default), an "*" (asterisk) is printed for that probe.
After the trip time, some additional annotation can be printed: !H, !N,
probes result in some kind of unreachable, traceroute will give up and
We don't want the destination host to process the UDP probe packets, so
way to a given host. It utilizes the IP protocol's time to live (TTL)
field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each
-F Do not fragment probe packets. (For IPv4 it also sets DF bit,
which tells intermediate routers not to fragment remotely as
ered final mtu only (from the route cache), which can be less
than the actual mtu of a device.
-f first_ttl
Specifies with what TTL to start. Defaults to 1.
tion host . The optional packet_len'gth is the total size of the prob-
ing packet (default 60 bytes for IPv4 and 80 for IPv6). The specified
gram will try to resolve the name given, and choose the appro-
priate protocol automatically. If resolving a host name returns
outing (for TCP we use half-open technique, which prevents our probes
to be seen by applications on the destination host).
Байду номын сангаас In the modern network environment the traditional traceroute methods
type of a network session).
--help Print help info and exit.
-4, -6 Explicitly force IPv4 or IPv6 traceouting. By default, the pro-
"host", or hit a max (which defaults to 30 hops). Three probes (by
default) are sent at each ttl setting and a line is printed showing the
both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, traceroute will use IPv4.
-I Use ICMP ECHO for probes
-T Use TCP SYN for probes
-d Enable socket level debugging (when the Linux kernel supports
size can be ignored in some situations or increased up to a minimal
This program attempts to trace the route an IP packet would follow to
can not be always applicable, because of widespread use of firewalls.
Such firewalls filter the "unlikely" UDP ports, or even ICMP echoes.
or !P (host, network or protocol unreachable), !S (source route
failed), !F (fragmentation needed), !X (communication administratively
to use particular protocol and source/destination port, in order to
bypass firewalls (to be seen by firewalls just as a start of allowed
ttl, address of the gateway and round trip time of each probe. The
address can be followed by additional information when requested. If
prohibited), !V (host precedence violation), !C (precedence cutoff in
effect), or !<num> (ICMP unreachable code <num>). If almost all the
host [packet_len]
traceroute6 [options]
traceroute tracks the route packets taken from an IP network on their
We start our probes with a ttl of one and increase by one until we get
an ICMP "port unreachable" (or TCP reset), which means we got to the
gateway along the path to the host.
traceroute6 is equivalent to traceroute -6
The only required parameter is the name or IP address of the destina-
File: *manpages*, Node: traceroute, Up: (dir)
TRACEROUTE(8) Traceroute For Linux TRACEROUTE(8)
traceroute - print the route packets trace to network host
some internet host by launching probe packets with a small ttl (time to
live) then listening for an ICMP "time exceeded" reply from a gateway.
[-l flow_label] [-w waittime] [-z sendwait]
[-UL] [-P proto] [--sport=port] [-M method] [-O mod_options]
[--mtu] [--back]
Varying the size of the probing packet by the packet_len command
line parameter, you can manually obtain information about the
erly since the Linux kernel 2.6.22 only. Before that version,
IPv6 was always fragmented, IPv4 could use the once the discov-
To solve this, some additional tracerouting methods are implemented
(including tcp), see LIST OF AVAILABLE METHODS below. Such methods try
the destination port is set to an unlikely value (you can change it
with the -p flag). There is no such a problem for ICMP or TCP tracer-
traceroute [-46dFITUnreAV] [-f first_ttl] [-g gate,...]
[-i device] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] [-s src_addr]