


12.6.2、语音及命令码对应表 ....................................................................... 17
12.6.3、语音地址对应关系 ......................................................................... 17
12.6.4、三线串口控制时序 ......................................................................... 17
12.6.5、程序范例 ................................................................................. 18
13、控制时序 ............................................................................................. 19
13.1、控制时序框图 ................................................................................... 19
12.3、3×8 矩阵按键控制模式........................................................................... 13
12.4、并口控制模式 ................................................................................... 13



5x7 mm TCVCXO T85B Series Description:The T85B Temperature Compensated Voltage Controllable Crystal Oscillator (TCVCXO) Series products provide Stratum III level frequency stability with voltage controlled frequency adjust in a miniature 5 x 7 mm ceramic SMD package.Features: •Available in frequencies from 5 to26 MHz with 10 MHz, 12.8 MHz,25 MHz, and other frequencies asstandards•+/-4.6 ppm overall frequency stability including 20 years aging •+/-5 ppm frequency pull range •CMOS and Clipped Sine Wave available•Standard 5 x 7 mm ceramic SMD package•RoHS-6 / Lead-free compliant •Tri-state controlFrequency Range, Operating Temperature, and Frequency Stability:Frequency RangeOperatingTemperatureProductCodeFrequencyStabilityStability(Overall)*ProductCode -20 to +70° C C +/- 0.28 ppm +/- 4.6 ppm A-40 to +85° C D +/- 0.50 ppm +/- 4.6 ppm B+/- 1.00 ppm -+/-4.6 ppm C5 to 26 MHz•Add +/- 1ppm setting calibration @ +25° C ; +/- 0.6 ppm for supply and load variation ; +/- 2.0 ppm for aging•To achieve +/- 4.6 ppm overall stability or better•For Frequency stabilities >= +/- 0.5 ppm with a clipped sinewave output the TV85B product should be selected•+/- 0.28 ppm is not available from –40 to 85° CAging: (typical at 10MHz after 30 days continuous operation)Frequency Timeframe Aging Product Code10 MHz 20 Years +/- 2.5 ppm N/APhase Noise:Frequency Offset Phase Noise (Typ.) Product Code1 Hz - 60 dBc/Hz10 Hz - 90 dBc/Hz100 Hz -120 dBc/Hz1 KHz -140 dBc/Hz10 KHz -155 dBc/Hz10.0 MHz100 KHz -155 dBc/HzN/A2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571 Page 1 of 4 Rev 1.2Supply Voltage (Vs):Power Supply (Vs) +3.3 Vdc +/-10%+5.0 Vdc +/-10%Product CodeCDCurrent Consumption:CMOS Clipped Sine WaveSupply Current 6 mA 3.5 mAEnvironmental:Storage Temperature-55 to +125° COutput Waveform:CMOS Clipped Sine WaveHCMOS Output Levels (15pf load) "0" < 0.1(Vs); "1" > 0.9(Vs) Output Level 0.8 V p-p min.Rise / Fall Time <10ns (10% to 90%) Duty Cycle 45 to 55% @ 50% Logic 1 Product Code A BPulling Range:Tuning Range None (TCXO)+/- 5 ppmProduct CodeAB*Note: Only +/- 5 ppm minimum pull is available as a TCVCXOOrdering Options:Operating Temperature Frequency Stability Supply VoltageOutput WaveformPulling RangeOperating Frequency C A C A AD B D B B Cxx.xxxxMHz 2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571T85B C A C A B 10.0000MHzProduct Selection Code (refer to the above example):This part is RoHs compliant; -20 to +70° C, +/- 0.28 ppm, 3.3 volt CMOS output with +/- 5 ppm pull, 10MHz operating frequency** Not all combinations are available in this product.Outline Drawing & Pin Out:Page 2 of 4 Rev 1.22545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571 Page 3 of 4 Rev 1.2How to Order This Product:Contact Bliley Technologies with Product Selection Code from Ordering Options Section above.Attn:Sales @ BlileyFax: 814-833-2712Phone: 814-838-3571Email: info@Web: Date: ____________From:Name: ____________________ Company: ___________________Fax: ______________________ Phone: _____________________Email: _________________________________________________Quantities to Quote: ______________ Target Price: $___________Application / Reference #: _________________________________2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571 Page 4 of 4 Rev 1.2。



警告:不正确地更换电池, 可能发生爆炸的危险。更换 时务必使用指定的电池。应 按照您当地的法规,将用 过的电池交到回收站或正 确弃置。
• 如误吞电池,请立刻就医。 • 电池漏液时:
• 请勿让漏出的液体直接接触身 体任何部位或衣物。如果已经接 触到,请立刻用干净的清水冲 洗沾到漏液之处,并寻求医疗 协助。
请务必将设备与其它磁性设 备(例如机械表或测量仪器) 之间保持适当距离。
到设备的干扰。请务必将设 备与心律调节器保持适当距
如需关于其它主动植入式医 疗器材的详细信息,请向医 生咨询,以便确认此类主动 植入式器材是否会受到磁性 的干扰。
依据现行法律允许的最大范围,任何情 况下,多普达与其供应商不对使用者或 第三方赔偿任何直接、间接、特殊、偶 然的、无法避免的损害或损失,包括但 不限于对在合约履行与侵权行为中可能
发生的收入损失、信誉损失、商业机会 产品到桌上型或笔记型电脑。在连接产
损失、资料损失、利益损失、履行或不 品至电脑之前,确认电脑已妥善接地。
对于预装或捆绑于本产品中的任何游 戏、应用程序包括相应文件(以下简称 软件),或通过本产品取得的视听资 料、内容、服务以及相关文件资料,包 括但不限于任何图像、照片、动画、录 像、录音、音乐、文字,(以下简称服 务)皆由相应软件/服务提供商(以下 简称提供商)负责其合法、真实和准
确,并由提供商保证不违反国家法律、 法规、公共道德及侵犯任何第三方之合 法权益。提供商保证所提供软件和服务

TH2810B LRC 电桥说明书

TH2810B LRC 电桥说明书
在进行维护时应注意不要触碰带有 220V 强电的部件,防止电击危险。绝对禁止打开
机箱时进行一般的元件测试(除维修调整外)。 警告
不要在带电情况下插拔元器件及连接线,防止元器件或仪器不必要的损坏。不允许 连续不停地开关仪器,以免引起程序紊乱从而造成校正数据、用户存储数据的丢失。
1.3 工作环境 ................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.3.1 环境温度与湿度 ............................................................................................. 1-5
2.2.3 测试信号电平 ................................................................................................ 2-4
2.2.4 显示方式 ...................................................................................................... 2-4
1.2.8 测试速度 ........................................................................................................ 1-4





dopod C858 用户手册2006.12多普达通讯有限公司敬告:在操作本机之前请阅读下述内容在提示不能使用手机的场合,如医院、飞机机舱内、加油站、怕无线干扰的地方,请您关闭本设备!在飞机上除了打开飞行模式外,请关闭整个设备的电源。

插入SIM 卡时请确保外接电源已经断开,且SIM 卡放置到位。





















AS8510 DB;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

AS8510 DB;中文规格书,Datasheet资料

AS8510Data Acquisition Device for Battery SensorsDatasheet1 General DescriptionThe AS8510 is a virtually offset free, low noise, two channel measurement device. It is tailored to accurately measure battery current from mA range up to kA range in conjunction with a 100 µΩ shunt resistor in series with the battery rail. Through the second measurement channel it enables capture of, either battery voltage synchronous with the current measurement, or, measure the analog output of an internal or external temperature sensor. Both channels are matched and can either measure small signals up to ±160 mV versus ground, through programmable gain amplifier or larger signals in the 0 to 1V range without the amplifier.After analog to digital conversion and digital filtering, the resulting 16-bit digital words are accessible through 4-wire standard serial interface.The device includes a number of additional features explained in the next section.2 Key Features3.3V supply voltageTwo High resolution 16 bit Σ−Δ A/D convertersProgrammable sampling to enable data throughputs from lessthan 1Hz to 8kHzZero Offset for both channelsIndependent control of data rate on both channels Precision, low noise, programmable gain amplifiers for bothchannels with gains 5, 25, 40, 100 to support wide dynamic ranges.Option for multiplexing either one differentialinput, or two single ended inputs or the internal temperature sensor on one channelProgrammable current source for external temperature sensorconnectable to any of the inputsHigh precision and high stability 1.2V reference voltage source Digital signal processing with filter options for both channels Four operating modes providing-Continuous data acquisition (or)-Periodic single-shot acquisition, (or)-Continuous acquisition on threshold crossing of programmed current levels (or)-A combination of the aboveOn chip high-precision 4MHz RC oscillator or option for external clock-40ºC to +125ºC ambient operation AEC - Q100 automotive qualified Internal chip ID for full traceability SSOP-20 pin package3 ApplicationsThe AS8510 is ideal for shunt based batteries sensor. For high-side current sensing, the input signal may be conditioned usingaustriamicrosystems device AS8525 before applying to this device.Contents1 General Description (1)2 Key Features (1)3 Applications (1)4 Pin Assignments (4)4.1 Pin Descriptions (4)5 Absolute Maximum Ratings (6)6 Electrical Characteristics (7)6.1 Operating Conditions (7)6.2 DC/AC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs (7)6.3 Detailed System and Block Specifications (8)6.3.1 Electrical System Specifications (8)6.4 Current Measurement Ranges (across 100µΩ shunt resistor) (9)6.4.1 Differential Input Amplifier for Current Channel (10)6.4.2 Differential Input Amplifier for Voltage Channel (11)6.4.3 Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Converter (12)6.4.4 Bandgap Reference Voltage (12)6.4.5 Internal (Programmable) Current Source for External Temperature Measurement (13)6.4.6 CMREF Circuit (VCM) (14)6.4.7 Internal AVDD Power-on Reset (14)6.4.8 Internal DVDD Power-on Reset (14)6.4.9 Low Speed Oscillator (14)6.4.10 High Speed Oscillator (15)6.4.11 External Clock (15)6.4.12 Internal Temperature Sensor (15)6.5 System Specifications (16)7 Detailed Description (17)7.1 Current Measurement Channel (17)7.2 Voltage/Temperature Measurement Channel (17)7.3 Digital Implementation of Measurement Path (18)7.4 Modes of Operation (18)7.4.1 Normal Mode 1 (NOM1) (19)7.4.2 Normal Mode 2 (NOM2) (20)7.4.3 Standby Mode1 (SBM1) (21)7.4.4 Standby Mode2 (SBM2) (21)7.5 Reference-Voltage (22)7.6 Oscillators (22)7.7 Power-On Reset (22)7.8 4-Wire Serial Port Interface (22)7.8.1 SPI Frame (23)7.8.2 Write Command (23)7.8.3 Read Command (24)7.8.4 Timing (25)7.8.5 SPI Interface Timing (26)7.9 Control Register (27)7.9.1 Standby Mode - Power Consumption (38)7.9.2 Initialization Sequence at Power ON (38)7.9.3 Soft-reset Using Bit D[7] of Reset Register 0x09 (39)7.9.4 Reconfiguring Gain Setting of PGA (40)7.9.5 Configuring the Device During Normal Mode (40)7.10 Low Side Current Measurement Application (41)8 Package Drawings and Markings (42)8.1 Recommended PCB Footprint (43)9 Ordering Information (45)4 Pin AssignmentsFigure 2. Pin Assignments (Top View)4.1 Pin DescriptionsTable 1. Pin DescriptionsPin NumberPin Name Pin Type Description1RSHH Analog inputPositive Differential input for current channel 2RSHL Negative differential input for current channel3REFAnalog outputInternal reference voltage to sigma-delta ADC; connect 100nF to AVSS from this pin.4VCM Common Mode voltage to the internal measurement path; connect 100nF to AVSS from this pin.5AVDD Supply pad +3.3V Analog Power-supply 6AVSS 0V Power-supply analog 7ETR Analog input Voltage channel single ended input 8ETS 9VBAT_IN Battery voltage (high) input 10VBAT_GNDBattery voltage (low) input11CS Digital input with pull-up Chip select with an internal pull-up resistor (SPI Interface)12SCLK Digital input Clock signal (SPI Interface)13SDODigital outputSerial Data Input (SPI Interface)14DVSS Supply pad0V Digital Ground 15DVDD+3.3V Digital Supply16CHOP_CLKDigital outputChop Clock used in High side measurements to synchronize external chopper.(As an example, when AS8525 is used to condition the input signal to the input range of AS8510, the chop clock is used by AS8525.)17MENDigital output issued during the Standby Mode (SBM) to signal the short duration of data sampling. This signal is useful in the case of a High Side Measurement application.(For example: This signal is used by AS8525 device to wake-up and enable the measurement path.)18SDI Digital input Data signal (SPI Interface)19CLK Digital I/OBy default this pin is the internal clock output which can be used by a Microcontroller. The internal clock may also be disabled as an output by programming Register 08. To use an external Clock, Register 08 has to be programmed. 20INTDigital outputActive High Interrupt to indicate data is readyTable 1. Pin DescriptionsPin NumberPin Name Pin Type DescriptionDatasheet - A b s o lu t e M a x im u m R a ti n g s5 Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed in Table 2 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Electrical Characteristics on page 7 is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Table 2. Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Min Max Units NotesElectrical ParametersDC supply voltage (AVDD and DVDD)-0.35VInput voltage (V IN)-0.3AVDD + 0.3DVDD + 0.3VInput current (latchup immunity)(I SCR)-100100mA AEC - Q100 - 004 Electrostatic DischargeElectrostatic discharge (ESD) all pins±2kV AEC - Q100 - 002 Continuous Power DissipationTotal power dissipation(all supplies and outputs) (P t)50mW SSOP20 in still air, soldered on JEDEC standard board @ 125º ambient, static operation with no time limitTemperature Ranges and Storage ConditionsStorage temperature (T STRG)-50125ºCJunction temperature (T J)130ºCThermal resistance (R thJC)80K/W JEDEC standard test board, 0 air velocityPackage body temperature (T BODY)260ºCNorm: IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) is specified according IPC/ JEDEC J-STD-020 “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid StateSurface Mount Devices”.The lead finish for Pb-free leaded packages ismatte tin (100% Sn).Humidity non-condensing585%6 Electrical Characteristics6.1 Operating Conditions6.2 DC/AC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and OutputsAll pull-up and pull-down have been implemented with active devices. SDO has been measured with 10pF load.Table 3. Operating Conditions Symbol ParameterConditions Min Max Units AVDD Positive analog supply voltage3.0 3.6V AVSS 0V Ground00V A - D Difference in analog and digital supplies0.1V DVDD Positive digital supply 2.97 3.63V DVSS 0V Digital Ground 00V T AMB Ambient temperature -40125ºC I SUPP Supply current 5.5mA f CLKSystem clock frequency11.Nominal clock frequency from external or internal oscillator.4.096MHzTable 4. INTSymbol Parameter ConditionsMin TypMax Units I LEAK Tri-state leakage current -1+1µA V OH High level output voltage 2.5V V OL Low level output voltage0.4V I OOutput Current4mATable 5. CS InputSymbol Parameter ConditionsMin TypMaxUnits V IH High level input voltage 2.0V V IL Low level input voltage 0.8V I LEAK Input leakage current -1+1µA Ipu Pull up currentCS pulled to DV DD = 3.3V-150-15µATable 6. SDISymbol Parameter ConditionsMin TypMaxUnits V IH High level input voltage 2.0V V IL Low level input voltage 0.8V I LEAKInput leakage current-1+1µATable 7. SDO OutputSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V OH High level output voltage Isource = 8mA 2.5V V OL Low level output voltage Isink = 8mA 0.4VI o Output Current8mA Table 8. CHOP_CLK OutputSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V OH High level output voltage 2.5V V OL Low level output voltage0.4VI o Output Current4mA Table 9. CLK I/O with Input Schmitt Trigger and Output BufferSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V IH High level input voltage DV DD = 3.3V 2.4V V IL Low level input voltage DV DD = 3.3V 1.0VI LEAK Input leakage current-1+1µAI PD Pull down current CLK pulled to DVSS10100µAI o Output Current4mAV OH High level output voltage 2.5V V OL Low level output voltage0.4V Table 10. SCLK with Input Schmitt TriggerSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V IH High level input voltage DV DD = 3.3V 2.4V V IL Low level input voltage DV DD = 3.3V 1.0VI LEAK Input leakage current-1+1µA Table 11. MEN OutputSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V OH High level output voltage 2.5V V OL Low level output voltage0.4VI O Output Current2mA6.3 Detailed System and Block Specifications6.3.1 Electrical System Specifications6.4 Current Measurement Ranges (across 100µΩ shunt resistor)Note:The Data Rate at the output can be calculated according to the formula:fsout=2*fchop /R2 (R2 is down sampling ratio taking values 1, 2, 4 up to 32768 as powers of 2)Table 12. Electrical System SpecificationsSymbol ParameterMinTyp Max Units NotesIDD NOM Current consumption normal mode 3 5.5mA IDD SBMCurrent consumption standby mode40µAAverage of NORMAL Mode Power consumption over a period of 10sec when the device is in STANDBY ModeTable 13. Current Measurement RangesSymbol ParameterImax [A]Vsh [mV]PGA Gain Nominal Data Rate (f OUT )V INADC 1[mV]1.V INADC = Vsh * Gain, gain deviations to be considered according to Table 15 and Table 16.PSR 2[dB]2.AVDD, DVDD of 3.3V with ±5% variation.I10 Input current range of 10A in NOM ±10±1100@ 1 kHz ±10060I200Input current range of 200A in NOM ±200±2040@ 1 kHz ±80060I400Input current range of 400A in NOM ±400±4025@ 1 kHz ±100060I1500Input current range of 1500A in NOM ±1500±1505@ 1 kHz ±75060I1Input current range of 1A in SBM33.For low power current monitoring, single shot measurement is performed with internal oscillator.±1±0.1100@ 1 Hz ±1060I10Input current range of 10A in SBM3±10±1100@ 1 Hz ±10060I200Input current range of 200A in SBM3±200±2040@ 1 Hz±80060Table 14. Valid Combinations of the Chopper Clock, Oversampling Clock and Decimation RatiosOver Sampling FrequencyChopper FrequencyDecimation Ratio1MHz 2kHz 642MHz 2kHz 642MHz 2kHz 1282MHz4kHz646.4.1 Differential Input Amplifier for Current ChannelNotes:1. Leakage test accuracy is limited by tester resource accuracy and tester hardware.2. For gain 100 PGA input common mode is 0V and the minimum supply is3.15V.3. The measurement ranges are referred only by the gain of input amplifier, while other parameters such as bandwidth etc. are pro-grammed independently.4. This parameter is not measured directly in production. It is measured indirectly via gain measurements of the whole path. It is guaran-teed by design.5. Pole frequency of input amplifier changes with GAIN. The number is valid for the gain at G1, while the bandwidth will be higher for other ranges. This parameter is not measured in production.6. Based on device evaluation. Not tested.7. These offsets are cancelled if chopping enabled (default).8. Noise density calculated by taking system bandwidth as 150Hz.9. Refer to Measurement Ranges shown in Table 13.10. No impact on the measurement path. If the chopping is enabled, both the offset and offset drift will be eliminated.11. For negative input voltages up to -160mV below ground, Input leakage is typically -20nA @ 65ºC due to forward conductance of protection diode.Table 15. Differential Input Amplifier for Current ChannelSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units V IN _AMP Input voltage range RSHH and RSHL-160+160mV I IN _AMP Input current1, 11RSHH and RSHL@ +160mV input voltage at 125ºC with PGA-50250nA ICM Absolute input voltage range2-160+300mVG = G1Gain1 3, 4, 9I10100G = G2Gain2 3, 4, 9I20040G = G3Gain3 3, 4, 9I40025G = G4Gain43, 4, 9I15005e Gain deviation i = 1, 2, 3, 40.9 * Gi 1.1 * Gif P _AMP Pole frequency4, 515kHzεT1Gain drift with temperature 6-20ºC to +65ºCGain 5, 25, referenced to roomtemperature±0.3%V OSDRIFT Offset drift with temperature 7, 10350µVVos Input referred offset7, 10After trim,for temperature range -20 to +65ºC350µV Vos_ch Chopping enabled0LSB VNdin Noise density4, 825nV/√Hz THD Total harmonic distortion For 150 Hz input signal 70dB分销商库存信息: AMSAS8510 DB。


Copyright 2000−2004 Texas Instruments Incorporated

−40°C to 125°C
† This package is available taped and reeled. To order this packaging option, add an R suffix to the part number (e.g., TLC084CDR).

Panasonic Toughbook T8 商品说明书

Panasonic Toughbook T8 商品说明书

Windows®. Life without Walls™. Panasonic recommends Windows 7. THE TOUGHBOOK T8Durable, long-lasting battery with touchscreen LCD.In your world, your workday is ever-lasting. Presenting the next-generation mobile computing solution for people on the move. The business-rugged Toughbook® T8 is ultra-portable and weighs in at a lightweight 3.3 lbs., yet is rugged enough to withstand the drops and bangs of your busy day. Add to that increased security and remote management with an Intel® Core®2 vPro™ processor, easy-to-use circular scrolling, a spill-resistantkeyboard and touchpad, Wi-Fi, optional embedded Gobi™ mobile broadband and long battery life, and you get a laptop that lets you do more than you ever expected. Now if we could only lighten your workload.sOfTwarE• Genuine Windows® 7 Professional1• S etup, Diagnostics, PC Information Viewer, Online Reference Manual, Adobe®Reader, Hard Disk Data Erase Utility, Recovery DVD, Display Image Rotation CPU• I ntel® Core™2 SU9600 vPro™ Processor– Processor speed 1.6GHz– 3MB L2 cache– 800MHz FSBsTOraGE & MEMOrY• 2GB SDRAM (DDR2-667) standard, expandable to 4GB2(PC2-5300 memory is required)• 250GB hard drive (shock-mounted, flex-connect and removable)3 DIsPLaY• 12.1" 1024 x 768 XGA touchscreen LCD• External video support up to 1920 x 1200 at 16.7 million colors• Intel® GS45 (GMA 4500MHD video controller), max. 1024MB UMA VRAM on XP4• Anti-glare screen treatmentaUDIO• Intel® high-definition audio compliant• Integrated speaker• Convenient keyboard volume controls (Fn+F5/F6 keys)KEYBOarD & INPUT• Touchscreen LCD• Integrated stylus holder• 83-key with dedicated Windows® key• Electrostatic touchpad with circular scrollingEXPaNsION sLOTs• PC card type II x 1• SD card (SDHC)INTErfaCE• Docking connector 50-pin• External video D-sub 15-pin• Headphones/speaker Mini-jack stereo• Microphone/line in Mini-jack stereo• USB 2.0 (x 3) 4-pin• 10/100/1000 Ethernet RJ-45• 56K Modem RJ-11wIrELEss• Optional integrated Gobi™ mobile broadband• Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5100 802.11a/b/g/draft-n• Bluetooth® v2.1 + EDR (Class 1); not available with fingerprint reader• S ecurity– Authentication: LEAP, WPA, 802.1x, EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST, PEAP– Encryption: CKIP, TKIP, 128-bit and 64-bit WEP, Hardware AES• Slide on/off switchPOwEr sUPPLY• Lithium ion battery pack (typical 5800mAh, minimum 5400mAh)• Battery operation: 5.5-8 hours5• Battery charging time: 5 hours off, 6.5 hours on5• A C Adapter: AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz, auto sensing/switching worldwidepower supply• Pop-up, on-screen battery status reportingPOwEr MaNaGEMENT• Suspend/Resume Function, Hibernation, Standby, ACPI BIOS• Economy modesECUrITY fEaTUrEs• Password Security: Supervisor, User, Hard Disk Lock• Cable lock slot• Trusted platform module (TPM) security chip v.1.2• Computrace® theft protection agent in BIOS6• Optional fingerprint reader (eliminates Bluetooth®)warraNTY• 3-year limited warranty, parts and laborDIMENsIONs & wEIGHT• 8.4"(L) x 10.7"(W) x 1.4"/1.9"(H) front/rear• 3.3 lbs.THE PaNasONIC TOUGHBOOK T8.1.800.662.3537 / /toughbookFinancing options now available from Panasonic Finance Solutions;please call number above for more details.Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. ©2010 Panasonic Corporation of North America. All rights reserved.■ Touchscreen LCD■ Magnesium Alloy Case with Rubber Hand Strap■ Drop and Spill-resistant■ Circular Scrolling■ Mobile Broadband-ready DesignINTEGraTED OPTIONs7• Gobi™ mobile broadband (EV-DO Rev. A, HSPA)• F ingerprint reader (eliminates Bluetooth®)aCCEssOrIEs7• AC Adapter (3-pin) CF-AA1633AM• Lithium Ion Battery Pack CF-VZSU51W• 4-Bay Battery Charger CF-VCBT71U• LIND Car Adapter 120W CF-LNDDC120• LIND Car Adapter 120WMounting Bracket CF-LNDBRK120• LIND Car/AC Adapter 90W(with USB port) CF-LNDACDC90• LIND Shutdown Timer CF-LNDLPT• I nfoCase Always-on T8 Case TBCTSAOCS-P• I nfoCase Business-ruggedTop-loading Case TBCBRTL-P• I nfoCase ComUniversal Roller TBCRLR-P• I nfoCase Backpack TBCBPK-P• E xternal USB Combo Drive(DVD-ROM/CD-RW) CF-VDRRT3U• Memory Cards– 1GB DDR2 CF-TTWMBA801GE– 2GB DDR2 CF-TTWMBA802GE• Mini Dock Box Replicator CF-VEBU05BU• 12.1" LCD Protector Film CF-VPF02U• R eplacement Stylus withTether Hole CF-VNP003UPlease consult your reseller or Panasonic representative before purchasing.A full set of Windows XP drivers are available at /toughbook/support. Total usable memory will be less depending upon actual system configuration.H ard drive removal should only be attempted by a technician withthe proper equipment. 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes.M ax with standard RAM. The size of the VRAM cannot be set by the userand varies by operating system as well as size of RAM. Vista max. VRAMis 797MB with 2GB of memory, or 1551MB with 4GB of memory.B attery performance features such as charge time and life span canvary according to the conditions under which the computer and batteryare used. Battery operation and recharge times will vary based on many factors, including screen brightness, applications, features, power management, battery conditioning and other customer preferences.R equires software and activation to enable theft protection.A ccessories and Integrated Options may vary depending on yournotebook configuration.ssT8 11/10。



ZC829, ZDC833, ZMV829, ZMDC830, ZV831 Series Device DescriptionA range of silicon varactor diodes for use in frequency control and filtering.Featuring closely controlled CV characteristics and high Q.Low reverse current ensures very low phase noise performance.Available in single or dual common cathode format in a wide rage of miniature surface mount packages.Features·Close tolerance C-V characteristics ·High tuning ratio ·Low I R (typically 200pA)·Excellent phase noise performance ·High Q·Range of miniature surface mount packagesApplications·VCXO and TCXO·Wireless communications ·Pagers ·Mobile radio*Where steeper CV slopes are required there is the 12V hyperabrupt range.ZC930, ZMV930, ZV930, ZV931 Series 830 seriesISSUE 6 - JANUARY 20021SILICON 28V HYPERABRUPT VARACTOR DIODES830 seriesISSUE 6 - JANUARY 20022PARTCapacitance (pF)V R =2V,f=1MHzMin Q V R =3V f=50MHzCapacitance RatioC 2/C 20at f=1MHzMIN.NOM.MAX.MIN.MAX.829A 7.388.29.02250 4.3 5.8829B 7.798.28.61250 4.3 5.8830A 4.5 6.0830B 9.510.010.5300 4.5 6.0831A 13.515.016.5300 4.5 6.0831B 14.2515.015.75300 4.5 6.0832A 19.822.024.2200 5.0 6.5832B 20.922.023.1200 5.0 6.5833A 29.733.036.3200 5.0 6.5833B 31.3533.034.65200 5.0 6.5834A 42.347.051.7200 5.0 6.5834B 44.6547.049.35200 5.0 6.5835A 5.0 6.5835B 64.668.071.4100 5.0 6.5836A 90.0100.0110.0100 5.0 6.5836B95.0100.0105.0100 5.06.5TUNING CHARACTERISTICS at Tamb = 25°CPARAMETER SYMBOLMAX UNIT Forward currentI F 200mA Power dissipation at T amb =25ЊC SOT23P tot 330mW Power dissipation at T amb =25ЊC SOD323P tot 330mW Power dissipation at T amb =25ЊC SOD523P tot250mW Operating and storage temperature range-55to +150ЊCABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETERCONDITIONS MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Reverse breakdown voltage I R =10uA 25V Reverse voltage leakageV R =20V 0.220nA Temperature coefficient of capacitanceV R =3V,f =1MHz300400ppCm/ЊCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Tamb = 25°C830 seriesTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSISSUE 6 - JANUARY 20023830 seriesISSUE 6 - JANUARY 20024O R D E R C O D E S A N D P A R T M A R K I N GR E E L C O D ER E E L S I Z ET A P E W I D T HQ U A N T I T Y P E R R E E LT A7i n c h (180m m )8m m3000T C13i n c h (330m m )8m m 10000T A P E A N D R E E L I N F O R M A T I O NT h e o r d e r c o d e s a r e s h o w n a s T A w h i c h i s f o r 7i n c h r e e l s .F o r 13i n c h r e e l s s u b s t i t u t e T C i n p l a c e o f T A i n t h e o r d e r c o d e .ISSUE 6 - JANUARY 20025830 seriesSOT23 PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOD323 PACKAGE DIMENSIONSZetex plcFields New Road ChaddertonOldham, OL9 8NP United KingdomTelephone (44) 161 622 4422Fax: (44) 161 622 4420Zetex GmbHStreitfeldstraße 19D-81673 München GermanyTelefon: (49) 89 45 49 49 0Fax: (49) 89 45 49 49 49Zetex Inc700 Veterans Memorial Hwy Hauppauge, NY11788USATelephone: (631) 360 2222Fax: (631) 360 8222Zetex (Asia) Ltd3701-04Metroplaza, Tower 1Hing Fong Road Kwai Fong Hong KongTelephone: (852) 26100 611Fax: (852) 24250 494These offices are supported by agents and distributors in major countries world-wide.This publication is issued to provide outline information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing)may not be used,applied or reproduced for any purpose or form part of any order or contract or be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned.The Company reserves the right to alter without notice the specification,design,price or conditions of supply of any product or service.For the latest product information,log on to©Zetex plc 2001830 series6ISSUE 6 - JANUARY 2002DIM MILLIMETRES MIN.MAX A ᎏ0.800A10.0000.100A20.6000.800b10.1600.300c 0.0800.220D 0.7000.900E 1.500 1.700E1 1.100 1.300L 0.2000.400L10.1700.230⍜1Њ4Њ10ЊSOD523 PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOD323 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS。

ART T8 八通道变压器隔离器说明书

ART T8 八通道变压器隔离器说明书

ART T8Universal Eight Channel Transformer IsolatorIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTION – READ FIRSTThis symbol, wherever it appears, alerts you to important operating and maintenanceinstructions in the accompanying literature. Please Read the manual.Read instructions:Retain these safety and operating instructions for future reference. Heed all warnings printed here and on the equipment. Follow the operating instructions printed in this user guide.Do not open:There are no user serviceable parts inside. Refer any service work to qualified technical personnel only.Moisture:To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock do not expose the unit to rain, moisture or use in damp or wet conditions. Do not place container of liquid on it, which may spill into any openings.Environment:Protect from excessive dirt, dust, heat, and vibration when operating and storing. Avoid tobacco ash, drink spillage and smoke, especially that associated with smoke machines.Handling:To prevent damage to the controls and cosmetics avoid rough handling and excessive vibration. Protect the controls from damage during transit. Use adequate padding if you need to ship the unit. To avoid injury to yourself or damage to the equipment take care when lifting, moving or carrying the unit. Servicing:Refer servicing to qualified technical personnel only.INTRODUCTIONThank you for purchasing the ART T8 Universal Eight Channel Transformer Isolator. This is a rock solid, road-worthly 8 channel transformer isolator. “Hum” in an audio system is often caused by loop effects which act like antennas. These loops can easily pick up a 60Hz ( or higher harmonic) hum created by electrical wiring. Typically, these loops are connected via grounds, more commonly called “ ground loops”. The safest way to eliminate unwanted noise is with the T8.The T8 is a quality totally passive audio interface that uses eight high performance low distortion transformers to totally separate input and output signal grounds, thereby isolating two systems and reducing hum and ground-loop noise. The T8’s audio transformers have an extremely flat and wide frequency response and can handle high signal levels while maintaining an isolated balanced output. This gives the T8 a very clean and neutral sound with a wide variety of signal sources. The transformers are wound for 1:1 unity gain and are designed for use with impedances from 600 Ohms to 100k Ohms.What further sets the T8 apart from other lesser isolation boxes is its connection versatility. We have provided XLR, ¼” phone, and RCA type phono connections on all inputs and outputs. This allows it to easily fit into virtually any audio system and be the clean patch point between all types of systems. All ¼” and RCA phono jacks are on the front and all XLR jacks are on the rear. You can use any combination and since the jacks are directly paralleled you can also use them as signal taps or as a signal splitter.The T8’s mounting ears are reversible so you can have either the ¼” and RCA phono jacks on the front or the XLRs on the front. This maximizes flexibility in cabling your system. Whether you need an interface between a computer based audio workstation and your monitor system, isolation on long cable runs in a fixed installation, isolation of multiple signal sources from your recording equipment, or in many cases, just a safer connection between two audio systems, the T8 can accommodate. The 19” 1U black all steel case and its all passive design allow the T8 to provide years of trouble free service in Live Sound, Permanent/Fixed Install, D.J., and virtually any PA application. It is equally valuable in a variety of studio and AV applications. Its full feature set, rugged construction, and high-end specifications make the T8 the obvious choice.APPLICATIONS:LIVE SOUND, D.J.Long unbalanced cables are more susceptible to picking up hum , Using the T8 to help balance these and eliminate any hum.When DJs set up for different jobs there is a potential to pick up hum due to the differences in house wiring, using a T8 Eliminates the potential for hum.MIXERS/FIXED INSTALLS/RECORDING/BROADCAST/VIDEOUse the T8 to eliminate ground loops when using multiple mixers.Taking mixer unbalanced sends and achieving true balanced monitor outputs.Using the T8 between video/broadcast rigs eliminates the potential for hum and loop noise.POWER AMPLIFIERSHum, ground loop noise can be created between multiple amplifiers. This can be eliminated using the T8 on each of the amplifiers input lines.COMPUTERSUsing a T8 can eliminate unwanted ground loops created between the computers and your audio input equipment.You can also use the T8 to balance the unbalanced inputs and outputs from your computers sound card.WARRANTY INFORMATIONLimited WarrantyApplied Research and Technology will provide warranty and service for this unit in accordance with the following warrants:Applied Research and Technology, (A R T) warrants to the original purchaser that this product and the components thereof will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Applied Research and Technology will, without charge, repair or replace, at its option, defective product or component parts upon prepaid delivery to the factory service department or authorized service center, accompanied by proof of purchase date in the form of a valid sales receipt.Exclusions:This warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs. This warranty is void if the serial number is altered, defaced, or removed.A R T reserves the right to make changes in design or make additions to or improvements upon this product without any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.A R T shall not be liable for any consequential damages, including without limitation damages resulting from loss of use. Some states do not allow limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights and you may have other rights, which vary, from state to state.For units purchased outside the United States, an authorized distributor of Applied Research and Technology will provide service.SERVICEThe following information is provided in the unlikely event that your unit requires service.1) Be sure that the unit is the cause of the problem. Check to make sure that all cables are connected correctly, and the cables themselves are in working condition.2) If you find the unit to be at fault, write down a complete description of the problem, including how and when the problem occurs.3) Contact our Customer Service Department at (716) 297-2920 for your Return Authorization number or questions regarding technical assistance or repairs. Customer Service hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.4) Pack the unit in its original carton or a reasonable substitute. The packing box is not recommended as a shipping carton. Put the packaged unit in another box for shipping. Print the RA number clearly on the outside of the shipping box. Print your return shipping address on the outside of the box.5) Include with your unit: a return shipping address (we cannot ship to a P.O. Box), a copy of your purchase receipt, a daytime phone number, and a description of the problem.6) Ship your unit (keep your manual!) to: Yorkville Sound 4625 Witmer Industrial Estate, Niagara Falls New York 14305Specifications:Frequency Response: 10Hz –50kHz, +/-0.5dB @ +4dBu1kHz,@+18dBu,<0.1% @ 100Hz, +24dBu Ref: 0dBu = 0.775VRMSTHD:0.01%TypicalChannel Separation 90dB typicaltypical60dBCMRR:Phase Error less than 5%, 20Hz – 20kHzInsertion Loss: 0.4dB @ 100k Ohm Load, 5.5dB @ 600 Ohm LoadInput Connections: XLR female balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksOutput Connection: XLR male balanced, ¼” TRS balanced, and RCA type phono jacksPassivePower Requirements: TotallyDimensions: 1.75”H x 19”W x 3.75”D (44.5mm x 482.6mm x 95mm)(1.7kg)lbs.3.75Weight:。

T852 SBK TABLET 使用手册.pdf_1698058757.2742531说明书

T852 SBK TABLET 使用手册.pdf_1698058757.2742531说明书

In The Home on The GoT852 SBK TABLETTABLE OF CONTENTSFCC Warning (1)Unpack (2)Rotate (3)Use in the car (4)Charge (5)Use.......... .. (6)Power key. (7)Navigate (8)Organize (10)Select languages (12)Connect to online service (13)Getting started with the T852 SBK system (14)Why use a Google account (15)Google play (16)Play Store (17)Connect to a Hight-definition TV(HDTV) (18)Connect to your PC (19)IR/FM Debug (20)Warranty (21)FCC WarningThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.UnpackIn The Car In The Home on The GoOWNER’S MANUALT852 SBK TABLETOpenFolding Arm With Rotary Base.。



®Features•256 x 256 channel non-blocking switch •Programmable frame integrity for wideband channels•Automatic identification of ST-BUS/GCI interface backplanes•Per channel tristate control•Patented message mode•Non-multiplexed microprocessor interface •Single +5 volt supply•Available in DIP-40, PLCC-44 and QFP-44 packages•Pin compatible with MT8980 device Applications•Medium size digital switch matrices •Hyperchannel switching (e.g., ISDN H0)•ST-BUS/MVIP™ interface functions •Serial bus control and monitoring •Centralized voice processing systems •Data multiplexer DescriptionThe MT8985 Enhanced Digital Switch device is an upgraded version of the popular MT8980D Digital Switch (DX). It is pin compatible with the MT8980D and retains all of the MT8980D's functionality. This VLSI device is designed for switching PCM-encoded voice or data, under microprocessor control, in digital exchanges, PBXs and any ST-BUS/MVIP environment. It provides simultaneous connections for up to 256 64kb/s channels. Each of the eight serial inputs and outputs consist of 32 64 kbit/s channels multiplexed to form a 2048 kbit/s stream. As the main function in switching applications, the device provides per-channel selection between variable or constant throughput delays. The constant throughput delay feature allows grouped channels such as ISDN H0 to be switched through the device maintaining its sequence integrity. The MT8985 is ideal for medium sized mixed voice/data switch and voice processing applications.Figure 1 - Functional Block Diagram STo0 STo1 STo2 STo3 STo4 STo5 STo6 STo7Serialto Parallel ConverterDataMemoryFrameCounterControl RegisterControl InterfaceOutputMUXConnectionMemoryParalleltoSerialConverterCS R/W A5/A0DTA D7/D0CSToC4i F0i V DD V SS ODESTi0STi1STi2STi3STi4STi5STi6STi7DSISSUE 5March 1997MT8985Enhanced Digital Switch CMOS ST-BUS™ FAMIL YOrdering InformationMT8985AE40 Pin Plastic DIPMT8985AP44 Pin PLCCMT8985AL44 Pin QFP-40°C to +85°C元器件交易网2-45MT89852-46Figure 2 - Pin ConnectionsPin DescriptionPin #Name Description40DIP44PLCC 44QFP1240DT AData Acknowledgement (Open Drain Output). This active low output indicates that a data bus transfer is complete. A pull-up resistor is required at this output.2-93-57-1141-431-5STi0-STi7ST-BUS Input 0 to 7 (Inputs). Serial data input streams. These streams have 32channels at data rates of 2.048 Mbit/s.10126V DD +5 Volt Power Supply rail.11137F0iFrame Pulse (Input): This input accepts and automatically identifies framesynchronization signals formatted according to different backplane specifications such as ST -BUS and GCI.12148C4iClock (Input). 4.096 MHz serial clock for shifting data in and out of the data streams.13-1815-1719-219-1113-15A0-A5Address 0 to 5 (Inputs).These lines provide the address to MT8985 internalregisters.192216DSData Strobe (Input). This is the input for the active high data strobe on themicroprocessor interface. This input operates with CS to enable the internal read and write generation.202317R/WRead/Write (Input). This input controls the direction of the data bus lines (D0-D7)during a microprocessor access.DTA STi0STi1STi2STi3STi4STi5STi6STi7VDD F0i C4i A0A1A2A3A4A5DS CSTo ODE STo0STo1STo2STo3STo4STo5STo6STo7VSS D0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7CS1654324443424140789101112131415163938373635343332313023181920212224252627281729STi3STi4STi5STi6STi7VDD F0i C4i A0A1A2STo3STo4STo5STo6STo7VSS D0D1D2D3D4N C S T i 1D T A O D E S T o 1N CS T i 2S T i 0C S T o S T o 0S T o 2N C A 4D S C S D 6N CA 3A 5R /W D 740 PIN PLASTIC DIP44 PIN PLCC2345678910111213141516171819201R/W4039383736353433323130292827262524232221D 5394443424140383736353412345678910333231302928272625241712131415161819202122112344 PIN QFPSTi3STi4STi5STi6STi7VDD F0i C4i A0A1A2N C A 4D S C S D 6N CA 3A 5R /W D 7D 5STo3STo4STo5STo6STo7VSS D0D1D2D3D4N C S T i 1D T A O D E S T o 1N CS T i 2S T i 0C S T o S T o 0S T o 2元器件交易网MT89852-47212418CSChip Select (Input).Active low input enabling a microprocessor read or write of control register or internal memories.22-2925-2729-3319-2123-27D7-D0Data Bus 7 to 0 (Bidirectional).These pins provide microprocessor access to datain the internal control register, connect memory high, connect memory low and datamemory.303428V SSGround Rail.31-3835-3941-4329-3335-37STo7-STo0ST-BUS Outputs 7 to 0 (Three-state Outputs). Serial data output streams. Thesestreams are composed of 32 channels at data rates of 2.048 Mbit/s.394438ODE Output Drive Enable (Input). This is an output enable for the STo0 to STo7 serialoutputs. If this input is low STo0-7 are high impedance. If this input is high each channel may still be put into high impedance by software control.40139CSTo Control ST-BUS Output (Output).This output is a 2.048 Mb/s line which contains256 bits per frame. The level of each bit is controlled by the contents of the CSTo bit in the Connect Memory high locations.6, 18,28,4012,2234,44NCNo Connection.Pin DescriptionPin #Name Description40DIP44PLCC 44QFPFunctional DescriptionWith the integration of voice, video and data servicesinto the same network, there has been an increasing demand for systems which ensure that data at N x 64Kbit/s rates maintain frame sequence integrity while being transported through time slot interchange circuits. Existing requirements demand time slot interchange devices performing switching with constant throughput delay while guaranteeing minimum delay for voice channels.The MT8985 device provides both functions and allows existing systems based on the MT8980D to be easily upgraded to maintain the data integrity while multiple channel data are transported. The device is designed to switch 64 kbit/s PCM or N x 64kbit/s data. The MT8985 can provide both frame integrity for data applications and minimum throughput switching delay for voice applications on a per channel basis.By using Mitel Message mode capability, the microprocessor can access input and output time slots on a per channel basis to control devices such as the MITEL MT8972, ISDN Transceivers and T1/CEPT trunk interfaces through the ST -BUS interface.Different digital backplanes can be accepted by the MT8985 device without user's intervention. The MT8985 device provides an internal circuit thatautomatically identifies the polarity and format of frame synchronization input signals compatible to ST -BUS and GCI interfaces.Device OperationA functional block diagram of the MT8985 device is shown in Figure 1. The serial ST -BUS streams operate continuously at 2.048 Mb/s and are arranged in 125µs wide frames each containing 32 8-bit channels. Eight input (STi0-7) and eight output (STo0-7) serial streams are provided in the MT8985device allowing a complete 256 x 256 channel non-blocking switch matrix to be constructed. The serial interface clock for the device is 4.096 MHz, as required in ST -BUS and GCI specifications.Data MemoryThe received serial data is converted to parallel format by the on-chip serial to parallel converters and stored sequentially in a 256-position Data Memory. The sequential addressing of the Data Memory is generated by an internal counter that is reset by the input 8 kHz frame pulse (F0i) marking the frame boundaries of the incoming serial data streams.Depending on the type of information to be switched,the MT8985 device can be programmed to perform元器件交易网MT89852-48time slot interchange functions with different throughput delay capabilities on a per-channel basis.For voice applications, the variable delay mode can be selected ensuring minimum throughput delay between input and output data. In multiple or grouped channel data applications, the constant delay mode can be selected maintaining the integrity of the information through the switch.Data to be output on the serial streams may come from two sources: Data Memory or Connect Memory.Locations in the Connect Memory, which is split into HIGH and LOW parts, are associated with particular ST -BUS output streams. When a channel is due to be transmitted on an ST -BUS output, the data for the channel can either be switched from an ST -BUS input (connection mode) or it can be originated from the microprocessor (message mode). If a channel is configured in connection mode, the source of the output data is the Data Memory. If a channel is configured in message mode, the source of the output data is the Connect Memory Low. Data destined for a particular channel on the serial output stream is read from the Data or Connect Memory Low during the previous channel time slot. This allows enough time for memory access and internal parallel to serial conversion.Connection and Message ModesIn connection mode, the addresses of input source for all output channels are stored in the Connect memory Low. The Connect Memory Low locations are mapped to each location corresponding to an output 64 kb/s channel. The contents of the Data memory at the selected address are then transferred to the parallel to serial converters. By having the output channel to specify the input channel through the connect memory, the user can route the same input channel to several output channels, allowing broadcasting facility in the switch.In message mode the CPU writes data to the Connect Memory Low locations which correspond to the output link and channel number. The contents of the Connect Memory Low are transferred to the parallel to serial converter one channel before it is to be output. The Connect Memory Low data is transmitted each frame to the output until it is changed by the CPU.The per-channel functions available in the MT8985are controlled by the Connect Memory High bits,which determine whether individual output channels are selected into specific conditions such as:message or connection mode, variable or constant throughput delay modes, output drivers enabled or inthree-state condition. In addition, the Connect Memory High provides one bit to allow the user to control the state of the CSTo output pin.If an output channel is set to three-state condition,the TDM serial stream output will be placed in high impedance during that channel time. In addition to the per-channel three-state control, all channels on the TDM outputs can be placed in high impedance at one time by pulling the ODE input pin in LOW. This overrides the individual per-channel programming on the Connect Memory High bits.The Connect Memory data is received via the Microprocessor Interface at D0-D7 lines. The addressing of the MT8985 internal registers, Data and Connect memories is performed through address input pins and some bits of the device's Control register. The higher order address bits come from the Control register, which may be written or read through the microprocessor interface. The lower order address bits come directly from the external address line inputs. For details on the device addressing, see Software Control and Control register description.Serial Interface TimingThe MT8985 master clock (C4i) is a 4.096 MHz allowing serial data link configuration at 2.048 Mb/s to be implemented. The MT8985 frame synchronization pulse can be formatted according to ST -BUS or GCI interface specifications; i.e., the frame pulse can be active in HIGH (GCI) or LOW (ST -BUS). The MT8985 device automatically detects the presence of an input frame pulse and identifies the type of backplane present on the serial interface.Upon determining the correct interface connected to the serial port, the internal timing unit establishes the appropriate serial data bit transmit and sampling edges. In ST -BUS mode, every second falling edge of the 4.096 MHz clock marks a bit boundary and the input data is clocked in by the rising edge, three quarters of the way into the bit cell. In GCI mode,every second rising edge of the 4.096 MHz clock marks the bit boundary while data sampling is performed during the falling edge, at three quarters of the bit boundaries.Delay through the MT8985The transfer of information from the input serial streams to the output serial streams results in a delay through the MT8985 device. The delay through the MT8985 device varies according to the mode selected in the V/C bit of the connect memory high.元器件交易网MT89852-49Variable Delay modeThe delay in this mode is dependent only on the combination of source and destination channels and it is not dependent on the input and output streams.The minimum delay achievable in the MT8985 device is 3 time slots. In the MT8985 device, the information that is to be output in the same channel position as the information is input (position n), relative to frame pulse, will be output in the following frame (channel n, frame n+1). The same occurs if the input channel has to be output in the two channels succeeding (n+1 and n+2) the channel position as the information is input.The information switched to the third timeslot after the input has entered the device (for instance, input channel 0 to output channel 3 or input channel 30 to output channel 1), is always output three channels later.Any switching configuration that provides three or more timeslots between input and output channels,will have a throughput delay equal to the difference between the output and input channels; i.e., the throughput delay will be less than one frame. Table 1shows the possible delays for the MT8985 device in Variable Delay mode:Table 1Constant Delay ModeIn this mode frame integrity is maintained in all switching configurations by making use of a multiple Data-Memory buffer technique where input channels written in any of the buffers during frame N will be read out during frame N+2. In the MT8985, the minimum throughput delay achiev-able in Constant Delay mode will be 32 time slots; for example, when input time slot 32 (channel 31) is switched to output time slot 1 (channel 0). Likewise, the maximum delay is achieved when the first time slot in a frame (channel 0) is switched to the last time slot in the frame (channel 31), resulting in 94 time slots of delay.To summarize, any input time slot from input frame N will be always switched to the destination time slot onInput ChannelOutput Channel Throughput Delay n m=n, n+1 orn+2m-n + 32 timeslots n m>n+2m-n time slotsnm<n 32-(n-m) time slotsoutput frame N+2. In Constant Delay mode, the device throughput delay is calculated according to the following formula:DELAY = [32 + (32 - IN) + (OUT - 1)];(expressed in number of time slots)Where:IN is the number of the input time slot (from 1 to 32).OUT is the number of the output time slot (from 1 to 32).Microprocessor PortThe MT8985 microprocessor port has pin compatibility with Mitel MT8980 Digital Switch device providing a non-multiplexed bus architecture. The parallel port consists of an 8 bit parallel data bus (D0-D7), six address input lines (A0-A5) and four control lines (CS, DS, R/W and DT A). This parallel microport allows the access to the Control registers,Connection Memory High, Connection Memory Low and the Data Memory. All locations are read/written except for the data memory which can be read only.Accesses from the microport to the connection memory and the data memory are multiplexed with accesses from the input and output TDM ports. This can cause variable Data Acknowledge delays (DT A).In the MT8985 device, the DTA output provides a maximum acknowledgement delay of 800 ns for read/write operations in the Connection Memory.However, for operations in the Data Memory (Message Mode), the maximum acknowledgement delay can be 1220 ns.Figure 3 - Address Memory MapNote: "x" Don’t careSoftware ControlThe address lines on the microprocessor interface give access to the MT8985 internal registers and memories. If the A5,A1,A0 address line inputs areA5A4A3A2A1A0LOCATION 011111111X 00•••••1X 00•••••1X 00•••••1000•••••1001•••••1Control Register Channel 0Channel 1•••••Channel 31元器件交易网MT89852-50Figure 4 - Control Register Bitsx = Don’t care BIT NAME DESCRIPTION7SMSplit Memory.When 1, all subsequent reads are from the Data Memory and writes are to the Connection Memory Low, except when the Control Register is accessed again. The Memory Select bits need to be set to specify the memory for the operations. When 0, the Memory Select bits specify the memory for subsequent operations. In either case, the Stream Address Bits select the subsection of the memory which is made available.6MEMessage Enable. When 1, the contents of the Connection Memory Low are output on the Serial Output streams except when in High Impedance. When 0, the Connection Memory bits for each channel determine what is output.4-3MS1-MS0Memory Select Bits.The memory select bits operate as follows:0-0 - Not to be used0-1 - Data Memory (read only from the CPU)1-0 - Connection Memory Low 1-1 - Connection Memory High2-0STA2-0Stream Address Bits 2-0. The number expressed in binary notation on these bits refers to the input or output ST -BUS stream which corresponds to the subsection of memory made accessible for subsequent operations.SMMEXMS1MS0STA2STA1STA076543210LOW, then the MT8985 Internal Control Register is addressed (see Figure 3). If A5 input line is HIGH,then the remaining address input lines are used to select Memory subsections of 32 locations corresponding to the number of channels per input or output stream. As explained in the Control register description, the address input lines and the Stream Address bits (STA) of the Control register give the user the capability of selecting all positions of the MT8985 Data and Connect memories.The data in the Control register consists of Split memory and Message mode bits, Memory select and Stream Address bits (see Figure 4). The memory select bits allow the Connect Memory HIGH or LOW or the Data Memory to be chosen, and the Stream Address bits define an internal memory subsections corresponding to input or output ST -BUS streams.Bit 7 (Split Memory) of the Control register allows split memory operation whereby reads are from the Data memory and writes are to the Connect Memory LOW.The Message Enable bit (bit 6) places every output channel on every output stream in message mode;i.e., the contents of the Connect Memory LOW(CML) are output on the ST -BUS output streams once every frame unless the ODE input pin is LOW.If ME bit is HIGH, then the MT8985 behaves as if bits 2 (Message Channel) and 0 (Output Enable) of every Connect Memory HIGH (CMH) locations were set to HIGH, regardless of the actual value. If ME bit is LOW, then bit 2 and 0 of each Connect Memory HIGH location operates normally. In this case, if bit 2of the CMH is HIGH, the associated ST -BUS output channel is in Message mode. If bit 2 of the CMH is LOW, then the contents of the CML define the source information (stream and channel) of the time slot that is to be switched to an output.If the ODE input pin is LOW, then all serial outputs are high-impedance. If ODE is HIGH, then bit 0(Output Enable) of the CMH location enables (if HIGH) or disables (if LOW) the output drivers for the corresponding individual ST -BUS output stream and channel.The contents of bit 1 (CSTo) of each Connection Memory High location (see Figure 5) is output on CSTo pin once every frame. The CSTo pin is a 2048Mbit/s output which carries 256 bits. If CSTo bit is set HIGH, the corresponding bit on CSTo output is元器件交易网MT89852-51Figure 5 - Connection Memory High Bitsx = Don’t careFigure 6 - Connection Memory Low BitsBIT NAME DESCRIPTION6V/C Variable/Constant Throughput Delay Mode. This bit is used to select between Variable (LOW) and Constant Delay (HIGH) modes on a per-channel basis.2MCMessage Channel. When 1, the contents of the corresponding location in Connection Memory Low are output on the corresponding channel and stream. When 0, the contents of the programmed location in Connection Memory Low act as an address for the Data Memory and so determine the source of the connection to the location’s channel and stream.1CSTo CSTo Bit. This bit drives a bit time on the CSTo output pin.OEOutput Enable. This bit enables the output drivers on a per-channel basis. This allows individual channels on individual streams to be made high-impedance, allowing switch matrices to be constructed. A HIGH enables the driver and a LOW disables it.BIT NAME DESCRIPTION7-5SAB2-0*Source Stream Address bits. These three bits are used to select eight source streams for the connection. Bit 7 of each word is the most significant bit.4-0*CAB4-0*Source Channel Address bits 0-4. These five bits are used to select 32 different source channels for the connection (The ST -BUS stream where the channel is present is defined by bits SAB2-0). Bit 4 is the most significant bit.*If bit 2 of the corresponding Connection High location is 1 or if bit 6 of the Control Register is 1, then these entire 8 bits are output on the channel and stream associated with this location. Otherwise, the bits are used as indicated to define the source of the connection which is output on the channel and stream associated with this location.XV/CXXXMCCSToOE76543210SAB2SAB1SAB0CAB4CAB3CAB2CAB1CAB076543210transmitted in HIGH. If CSTo bit is LOW, the corresponding bit on the CSTo output is transmitted in LOW. The contents of the 256 CSTo bits of the CMH are transmitted sequentially on to the CSTo output pin and are synchronous to the ST -BUS streams. To allow for delay in any external control circuitry the contents of the CSTo bit is output one channel before the corresponding channel on the ST -BUS streams. For example, the contents of CSTo bit in position 0 (ST0, CH0) of the CMH, is transmitted synchronously with ST -BUS channel 31, bit 7. The contents of CSTo bit in position 32 (ST1, CH0) of the CMH is transmitted during ST -BUS channel 31 bit 6.Bit V/C (Variable/Constant Delay) on the Connect Memory High locations allow per-channel selectionbetween Variable and Constant throughput delay capabilities.Initialization of the MT8985On initialization or power up, the contents of the Connection Memory High can be in any state. This is a potentially hazardous condition when multiple MT8985 ST -BUS outputs are tied together to form matrices, as these outputs may conflict. The ODE pin should be held low on power up to keep all outputs in the high impedance condition.元器件交易网MT89852-52Figure 7 - Typical Exchange, PBX or Multiplexer ConfigurationS/UBasic Rate Line CardMT8930/31MT8910MT8972ST-BUSTo other linesLayers2 & 3EntityMT8940/MT8941ROUTINGMATRIXMT8985’sMH89760/MH89790MT8920µCST-BUSST-BUST1/E1LinkTo other linesPrimary Rate CardCPUDuring the microprocessor initialization routine, the microprocessor should program the desired active paths through the matrices, and put all other channels into the high impedance state. Care should be taken that no two connected ST-BUS outputs drive the bus simultaneously. When this process is complete, the microprocessor controlling the matrices can bring the ODE signal high to relinquish high impedance state control to the CMH b0s. ApplicationsTypical Exchange, PBX or MultiplexerFigure 7 shows a typical implementation of line cards being interconnected through a central routing matrix that can scale up in channel capacity to accommodate different number of ports depending on the application. In a configuration where the switched services utilize concatenated or grouped time slots to carry voice, data and video (channels of 128, 256 Kb/s, ISDN H0 and others), the central routing matrix has to guarantee constant throughput delay to maintain the sequence integrity between input and output channels. Figure 7 shows an example where the MT8985 device guarantees data integrity when data flows from the T1/E1 to the S/U interface links and vice-versa. Modern technologies available today such as Frame Relay network using dedicated fractional T1 are one of the key applications for the MT8985 device.Low Latency Isochronous NetworkIn today's local working group environment, there is an increasing demand for solutions on interconnection of desktop and telephone systems so that mixed voice, data and video services can be grouped together in a reliable network allowing the deployment of multimedia services. Existing multimedia applications require a network with元器件交易网MT89852-53Figure 8a - Private Isochronous NetworkAccess to Public NetworkAnalog Connections• • • • • •ISDN Desktopsn x 64Connections (e.g. Video)Isochronous NetworkServer 1Server 2Server 3Server 4T1T1E1• • • • • •• • • • • •T1/E1(2B+D)predictable data transfer delays that can be implemented at a reasonable cost. The Low Latency Isochronous Network is one of the alternatives that system designers have chosen to accommodate this requirement (see Figure 8a). This network can be implemented using existing TDM transmission media devices such as ISDN Basic (S or U) and Primary rates trunks (T1 and CEPT) to transport mixed voice and data signals in grouped time slots; for example,2B channels in case of ISDN S or U interfaces or up to 32 channels in case of a CEPT link.Figure 8b shows a more detailed configuration whereby several PCs are connected to form an Isochronous network. Several services can be interconnected within a single PC chassis through the standardized Multi Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP). Such an interface allows the distribution and interconnection of services like voice mail, integrated voice response, voice recognition, LAN gateways,key systems, fax servers, video cards, etc.The information being exchanged between cards through the MVIP interface on every computer as well as between computers through T1 or CEPT links is, in general, of mixed type where 64Kb/s and N*64Kb/s channels are grouped together. When such a mixed type of data is transferred between cards within one chassis or from one computer to another, the sequence integrity of the concatenated channels has to be maintained. The MT8985 device suits this application and can be used to form a complete non-blocking switch matrix of 512 channels (see Figure 9). This allows 8 pairs of ST -BUS streams to be dedicated to the MVIP side whereas the remaining 8 pairs are used for local ancilliary functions in typical dual T1/E1 interface applications (Figure 10).Another application of the MT8985 in an MVIP environment is to build an ISDN S-interface card (Figure 11). In this card, 7 pairs of ST -BUS streams are connected to the MVIP interface while the remaining pair is reserved for the interconnection of MITEL MT8930 (SNIC), MT8992 (H-PHONE) and the MVIP interface.元器件交易网MT89852-54Figure 8b - Implementation of an Isochronous Network Using Mitel ComponentsServer 1MH89760BMH89790BST-BUSMT8985s(x4)MT8930BMT8930B••••••••••••MVIPBUSISDNS-InterfaceLocal T1/E1 LinkMVIPBUSServer 3(256 PORTSWITCH MODULE)Server 3MH89760B/790BMH89760B/790BMH89760B/790BST-BUS MT8985s(x4)HDLCMT8985MT8985MT8985MT8985ST-BUS MH89760BMH89790BDual T1/E1 CardMH89760BMH89790BMT8972BorANALOGMT8985s(x4)Server 2MVIPBUSST-BUSTo Video, Data,Fax ServicesLocal Environment Network Access••••••Local T1/E1 LinkT1E1 To Video, Data, Fax and other servicesPublic元器件交易网。



Preliminary Data SheetAugust 2001 T8538B Quad Programmable CodecFeaturess 3.3 V operations Per-channel programmable gains, equalization, termination impedance, and hybrid balances Programmable µ-law, linear, or A-law modes:— Up to 256 time slots per frame— Supports PCM data rates of 512 kbits/s to16.384 Mbits/s— Double-clock mode timing compatible with ISDN standard interfacess Fully programmable time-slot assignment with bit offsets Analog and digital loopback test modess Serial microprocessor interface:— Normal and byte-by-byte control modes— Fast scan modes Six bidirectional control leads per channel, for SLIC and line card function controls Differential analog output:— Mates directly to SLICs, eliminating external componentss Sigma-delta converters with dither noise reductions Quad design to minimize package count on dense line card applicationss Meets or exceeds ITU-T G.711—G.712 and rele-vant Telcordia Technologies TM requirements DescriptionThe device consists of four independent channels of codec and digital signal processing functions on one chip. In addition to the classic A-to-D and D-to-A con-version, each channel provides termination imped-ance synthesis and a hybrid balance network.The device is controlled by a serial microprocessor interface, and a series of bidirectional I/O leads are provided so that this control mechanism can be uti-lized to operate the battery feed device, ringing volt-age switches, etc. Common data and clock paths can be shared over any number of devices. All the filter coefficients, signal processing, SLIC, and test fea-tures are accessible through this interface. This serial interface can be operated at speeds up to16Mbits/s.The choice of a PCM bus is also programmable, with any channel capable of being assigned to any time slot. The PCM bus can be operated at speeds up to 16.384 Mbits/s, allowing for a maximum of 256 time slots. Separate transmit and receive interfaces are available for 4-wire bus designs, or they can be strapped together for a 2-wire PCM bus.The device is available in two packages.The T8538B 64-pin TQFP features five data latches per channel and the 100-pin TQFP features six data latches per channel.Both devices are pin-compatible with the T8536B 5 V quad programmable codecs.Preliminary Data SheetAugust 2001 T8538B Quad Programmable CodecContents PageFeatures (1)Description (1)General Description (3)Pin Information (5)Functional Description (9)Clocking Considerations (9)The Control Interface (9)Modes (9)Protocol (10)Write Command (12)Read Command (14)Fast Scan Mode (17)Write All Channels (19)Reset Functionality (19)Memory Control Mapping (20)Standby Mode (20)Test Capabilities (20)SLIC Control Capabilities (21)Suggested Initialization Procedures (21)Signal Processing (22)Absolute Maximum Ratings (22)Operating Ranges (23)Handling Precautions (23)Electrical Characteristics (24)dc Characteristics (24)Analog Interface (25)Gain and Dynamic Range (26)Noise Characteristics (28)Distortion and Group Delay (29)Crosstalk (30)Timing Characteristics (31)Control Interface Timing (31)Serial Control Port Timing (31)Normal Mode (32)Byte-by-Byte Mode (32)PCM Interface Timing (33)Single-Clocking Mode (33)Double-Clocking Mode (35)Software Interface (37)Applications (41)Outline Diagrams (42)100-Pin TQFP (42)64-Pin TQFP (43)Ordering Information (44)Figures PageFigure 1. Functional Block Diagram, Each Section (3)Figure 2. 100-Pin TQFP Pin Diagram (5)Figure 3. 64-Pin TQFP Pin Diagram (7)Figure 4. Command Frame Format, Master to Slave, Read or Write Commands (11)Figure 5. Command Frame Format, Slave to Master, Read Commands (11)Figure 6. Write Operation, Normal Mode(Continuous DCLK) (12)Figure 7. Write Operation, Normal Mode (GappedDCLK) ........................................................12Figure 8. Write Operation, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Gapped DCLK) (13)Figure 9. Write Operation, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Continuous DCLK) (13)Figure 10. Read Operation, Normal Mode(Continuous DCLK) (14)Figure 11. Read Operation, Normal Mode(Gapped DCLK) (15)Figure 12. Read Operation, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Gapped DCLK) (15)Figure 13. Read Operation, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Continuous DCLK) (16)Figure 14. Fast Scan, Normal Mode(Continuous DCLK) (17)Figure 15. Fast Scan, Normal Mode (GappedDCLK) (18)Figure 16. Fast Scan, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Gapped DCLK) (18)Figure 17. Fast Scan, Byte-by-Byte Mode(Continuous DCLK) (19)Figure 18. Hardware Reset Procedure (19)Figure 19. Internal Signal Processing (22)Figure 20. Serial Interface Timing, Normal Mode(One Byte Transfer and ContinuousDCLK Shown) (32)Figure 21. Byte-by-Byte Mode Timing(Gapped DCLK Shown) (32)Figure 22. Single-Clocking Mode (TXBITOFF = 0,RXBITOFF = 0, PCMCTRL2 = 0x00) (34)Figure 23. Single-Clocking Mode (TXBITOFF = 1,RXBITOFF = 2, PCMCTRL2 = 0x01) (34)Figure 24. Double-Clocking Mode (RXBITOFF =0x20, PCMCTRL2 = 0x00) (36)Figure 25. POTS Interface (41)Tables PageTable 1. Pin Assignments, 100-Pin TQFP,Per-Channel Functions (5)Table 2. Pin Assignments, 100-Pin TQFP,Common Functions (6)Table 3. Pin Assignments, 64-Pin TQFP,Per-Channel Functions (7)Table 4. Pin Assignments, 64-Pin TQFP,Common Functions (8)Table 5. Bit Assignments for Fast Scan Mode (17)Table 6. dc Characteristics (24)Table 7. Analog Interface (25)Table 8. Power Dissipation (25)Table 9. Gain and Dynamic Range (26)Table 10. Per-Channel Noise Characteristics (28)Table 11. Distortion and Group Delay (29)Table 12. Crosstalk (30)Table 13. Serial Control Port Timing (31)Table 14. PCM Interface Timing: Single-ClockingMode (33)Table 15. PCM Interface Timing: Double-ClockingMode (35)Table 16. Memory Mapping (37)Table 17. Control Bit Definition (38)Table of Contents2Agere Systems Inc.Preliminary Data Sheet August 2001Agere Systems Inc.3T8538B Quad Programmable CodecThis device performs virtually all the signal processing functions associated with a central office line termina-tion. Functionality includes line termination impedance synthesis, fixed hybrid balance impedance synthesis, and level conversion both in the analog sense toaccommodate various subscriber line interface circuits (SLICs) and in the digital sense for adjustment of the levels on the PCM bus. In general, the termination impedance synthesis generates the equivalent of a cir-cuit with the parallel combination of a capacitor and a resistor in series with a resistor or the parallel combina-tion of a resistor and the series combination of a resis-tor and capacitor. These general forms of impedance characteristic will satisfy most of the requirements specified throughout the world. Programmable selec-tion of either µ-law or A-law encoding further aidsworldwide deployment. All coefficients used in the filter-ing algorithms can be computed off-line in advance anddownloaded to the device at the time of powerup. All signal processing is contained within the device, and there are only three interfaces of consequence to the system designer: the SLIC interface, the PCM inter-face, and the control interface.The SLIC interface is designed to be flexible and con-venient to use with a variety of SLIC circuits. With an appropriate choice of SLIC, few external components are required in the interface.Preliminary Data SheetAugust 2001 T8538B Quad Programmable CodecGeneral Description (continued)The PCM bus interface is flexible in that it allows, inde-pendently, the transmit and receive data for any chan-nel to be placed in any time slot. The bus can be operated at a maximum 16.384 Mbits/s rate to accom-modate a maximum 256 time slots. Separate pinsare provided for each direction of transmission to allow 4-wire bus operation. The frame strobe signal is an 8 kHz signal that defines the beginning of the frame structure for all four channels. The interface will count 8 bits per time slot and insert or read the data for each channel as programmed. Lower speeds of the PCM bus are allowed. The PCM clock must be synchronous with the frame strobe signal.The microprocessor control interface is a serial inter-face that uses the classical chip select type of opera-tion. The interface controls the device by writing or reading various internal addresses. The command set consists of simple read and write operations, with the address determining the effect. All the memory loca-tions, including the per-chip functions, are organized by channel.There are several test modes included to facilitate con-firmation of correct operation. In the signal path, two analog and three digital loopback tests are available, while in the microprocessor interface, there is a write/ read test mode that tests the operation of the memory. Use of external test access switches allows a complete test of the signal path through the line card so that cor-rect operation of various operational modes can be ver-ified.4Agere Systems Inc.Agere Systems Inc.5Preliminary Data Sheet August 2001T8538B Quad Programmable CodecPin Information5-8885a (F)Figure 2. 100-Pin TQFP Pin DiagramTable 1. Pin Assignments, 100-Pin TQFP , Per-Channel FunctionsCktName TypeName/Descriptiona b c d 17313454AGND GND Analog Ground. A common AGND, DGND plane is highlyrecommended.16303655V DD PWR Analog Power Supply.14294156VF X I I Voice Frequency Transmit Input. For complex terminations,this node requires a 10 M Ω or 20 M Ω resistance to AGND.13284257VF R OP O Voice Frequency Receive Output, Positive Polarity. This pincan drive 2000 Ω (or greater) loads.11274358VF R ON O Voice Frequency Receive Output, Negative Polarity. This pincan drive 2000 Ω (or greater) loads.6264665SLIC0I/O SLIC Control 0.5244766SLIC1I/O SLIC Control 1.100234878SLIC2I/O SLIC Control 2.99214980SLIC3I/O SLIC Control 3.98195281SLIC4I/O SLIC Control 4.97185379SLIC5I/O SLIC Control 5.V DD DX1D C L K C S I N T S N C N C N C N C N C S L I C 5a S L I C 4a S L I C 3a S L I C 2a NC NC DGND SLIC1a SLIC0aNC NC NC NC VF R ONaNC VF R OPa VF X Ia NC V DD a AGNDa SLIC5b SLIC4b DGND SLIC3bNC SLIC2b SLIC1bV DDS L I C 0b V F R O N b V F X I b V D D b A G N D b N C N C A G N D c N C V D D c N C N C N C N C V F X I c V F R O P c V F R O N c N C V D DS L I C 0c S L I C 1c S L I C 2c S L I C 3c TSX0DR0DX0DGND NC BCLK FS V DDSLIC1d SLIC0d NC NC NC NC NC NCVF R ONd VF R OPd VF X Id V DD d AGNDd SLIC5c DGNDD I D O N C D G N D V D DR S T S L I C 4d S L I C 3d S L I C 5d S L I C 2d T S X 1D R 1N C 888990919293959697989910087868584838281807978777694383736353433313029282726394041424344454647484950321312111098654321141516171819202122232425763646566676870717273747562616059585756555453525169SLIC4c N CV F R O P bPreliminary Data Sheet T8538B Quad Programmable CodecAugust 2001 Pin Information (continued)Table 2. Pin Assignments, 100-Pin TQFP, Common FunctionsPin Name Type Name/Description1, 25, 45, 67, 83V DD PWR Digital Power Supply (3.3 V).2, 3, 7—10, 12, 15,NC—No Connect. Pin may be used as a tie point.22, 32, 33, 35,37—40, 44, 50,59—64, 70, 85,91—964, 20, 51, 71, 84DGND GND Digital Ground. Logic ground and return for logic power supply. A com-mon AGND, DGND plane is highly recommended.68FS I PCM Frame Strobe Input. This 8 kHz clock must be derived from thesame source as BCLK.69BCLK I PCM Bit Clock Input. This lead is used to develop internal clocks for cer-tain clock rates.72 DX0O PCM Transmit Data Output 0. This is a 3-state output.73DR0I PCM Receive Data Input 0.74TSX0O Backplane Line Driver Enable 0 (Active-Low). Normally, these open-drain outputs are floating in a high-impedance state. When a time slot isactive on DX0, this output pulls low to enable a backplane line driver.75DX1O PCM Transmit Data Output 1. This is a 3-state output.76DR1I PCM Receive Data Input 1.77TSX1O Backplane Line Driver Enable 1 (Active-Low). Normally, these open-drain outputs are floating in a high-impedance state. When a time slot isactive on DX1, this output pulls low to enable a backplane line driver.82RST I Power-On Reset. A low causes a reset of the entire chip. This pin may beconnected to DGND with a 0.1 µF capacitor for a power-on reset function,or it may be driven by external logic. This lead has an internal pull-up.86DO O Serial Data Output. This is a 3-state output.87DI I Serial Data Input.88DCLK I Serial Data Clock Input.89CS I Chip Select Input. This lead determines the interval that the serial inter-face is active.90INTS I Serial Interface Select. Leaving this lead open places the serial interfacein the normal mode; grounding it places the interface into the byte-by-bytemode. This lead has an internal pull-up.6Agere Systems Inc.Agere Systems Inc.7Preliminary Data Sheet August 2001T8538B Quad Programmable CodecPin Information (continued)5-7187iFFigure 3. 64-Pin TQFP Pin DiagramTable 3. Pin Assignments 64-Pin TQFP , Per-Channel FunctionsCktName TypeName/Descriptiona b c d 9212234AGND GND Analog Ground. A common AGND, DGND plane is highlyrecommended.8202335V DD PWR Analog Power Supply.7192436VF X I I Voice Frequency Transmit Input. For complex terminations,this node requires a 10 M Ω or 20 M Ω resistance to AGND.6182537VF R OP O Voice Frequency Receive Output, Positive Polarity. Thispin can drive 2000 Ω (or greater) loads.5172638VF R ON O Voice Frequency Receive Output, Negative Polarity. Thispin can drive 2000 Ω (or greater) loads.4162839SLIC0I/O SLIC Control 0.3142940SLIC1I/O SLIC Control 1.64133051SLIC2I/O SLIC Control 2.63123152SLIC3I/O SLIC Control 3.62103353SLIC4I/O SLIC Control 4.60595857565554535261D C L K D R 1S L I C 3d R S T I N T S S L I C 4a S L I C 2a D O 626364515049V D DD I S L I C 2d S L I C 4d C S S L I C 3a D G N D 3028272625242322212029V D D b V F X I c V DD SLIC0bV F R O P b V F R O N c S L I C 0c S L I C 1c A G N D c 3132191817V F X I b V D D c SLIC1bV F R O N b V F R O P c V D DA G N D b 13121110987654SLIC0a V DD a V DD DGND DGND SLIC2b VF R OPa 141516321SLIC1a VF X Ia AGNDa SLIC4b SLIC3b VF R ONa 3638394041424344454637SLIC1d VF X Id DX0DGND FS AGNDd D G N DS L I C 2c VF R ONd 3534334748V DD VF R OPd BCLK V DD d SLIC4cS L I C 3c SLIC0d DX1TSX0DR0T S X 1Preliminary Data Sheet T8538B Quad Programmable CodecAugust 2001 Pin Information (continued)Table 4. Pin Assignments 64-Pin TQFP, Common FunctionsPin Name Type Name/Description1, 15, 27, 41, 55V DD PWR Digital Power Supply (3.3 V).2, 11, 32, 44, 56DGND GND Digital Ground. Logic ground and return for logic power supply. A commonAGND, DGND plane is highly recommended.42FS I PCM Frame Strobe Input. This 8 kHz clock must be derived from the samesource as BCLK.43BCLK I PCM Bit Clock Input. This lead is used to develop internal clocks for cer-tain clock rates.45 DX0O PCM Transmit Data Output 0. This is a 3-state output.46DR0I PCM Receive Data Input 0.47TSX0O Backplane Line Driver Enable 0 (Active-Low). Normally, these open-drain outputs are floating in a high-impedance state. When a time slot isactive on DX0, this output pulls low to enable a backplane line driver.48DX1O PCM Transmit Data Output 1. This a 3-state output.49DR1I PCM Receive Data Input 1.50TSX1O Backplane Line Driver Enable 1 (Active-Low). Normally, these open-drain outputs are floating in a high-impedance state. When a time slot isactive on DX1, this output pulls low to enable a backplane line driver.54RST I Power-On Reset. A low causes a reset of the entire chip. This pin may beconnected to DGND with a 0.1 µF capacitor for a power-on reset function, orit may be driven by external logic. This lead has an internal pull-up.57DO O Serial Data Output. This is a 3-state output.58DI I Serial Data Input.59DCLK I Serial Data Clock Input.60CS I Chip Select Input. This lead determines the interval that the serial interfaceis active.61INTS I Serial Interface Select. Leaving this lead open places the serial interface inthe normal mode; grounding it places the interface into the byte-by-bytemode. This lead has an internal pull-up.8Agere Systems Inc.Preliminary Data SheetAugust 2001T8538B Quad Programmable CodecFunctional DescriptionClocking ConsiderationsThe PCM bus uses a bit clock (BCLK) and a frame syn-chronization pulse (FS) to determine the location of the beginning of a frame. These two clocks must be derived from the same source. Internally, the device develops all the internal clocks with a phase-locked loop that uses BCLK as the timing source. BCLK and FS must be continuously present and without gaps in order for the device to operate correctly.DCLK is used to clock the internal serial interface and may be asynchronous to the other clocks. There is no need to derive this clock from the same source as the other clocks. The serial bus may be operated at any speed up to 4.096 Mbits/s. DCLK can be gapped. There is no limit on the number of devices on the same serial bus.The Control InterfaceThe device is controlled via a series of memory loca-tions accessed by a serial data connection to the exter-nal master controller. This interface operates using the chip select lead to enable transmission of information. All chip functions are enabled or disabled by setting or clearing bits in the control memory. Filter coefficients and gain adjustments are also stored in this memory. The codec has both a serial input lead and a serial out-put lead. These may be used individually for a 4-wire serial interface, or tied together for a 2-wire interface. The line driver circuitry is capable of driving relatively high currents so that in the event that the line is long enough to show significant transmission line effects, it can be terminated in the characteristic impedance at each end with resistors to V CC and ground.All data transfers on the serial bus are byte oriented with the least significant bit (shown in this data sheet as bit 0) transmitted first, followed by the more significant bits. For data fields, the least significant byte of the first data byte is transmitted first, followed by the more sig-nificant bytes, each byte transmitted LSB first. This for-mat is compatible with the serial port on most microcontrollers.ModesThere are two different modes of operation for the serial interface: the normal mode and the byte-by-byte mode. These two modes differ in the data clocking and the manner in which CS is used to control the transfer. Note that the CS lead is used to control the transfer of serial data from master controller to slave codec and in the reverse direction.In normal mode (INTS pin open), the CS lead must go low for the duration of the transfer. CS is latched by DCLK on a positive-going clock edge. DI is latched by DCLK on a negative-going clock edge. DCLK may be continuous, but only needs to be present to clock data when CS is low (gapped clock). When using gapped clock, DCLK can remain high or low when CS is high. The only error check performed by the codec is to ver-ify that CS is low for an integral number of bytes. Detection of an active chip select for other than an inte-gral multiple of 8bits results in the operation being ter-minated. The next active excursion of chip select will be interpreted as a new command; hence, the serialI/O interface can always be initialized by asserting CS for a number of clock periods that is not an integral multiple of 8. CS is captured using DCLK, so DCLK must be transitioned to perform this initialization.The byte-by-byte mode (INTS pin tied to ground) uses CS to control each byte of the transfer. In this mode, CS goes low for exactly 8 bits at a time, corresponding to a 1-byte transfer either to or from the codec chip. DCLK can be continuous or gapped. When using a gapped clock, DCLK can remain high or low when CS is high. CS and DI are latched by DCLK on a positive- going clock edge. Repeated transitions of CS are used to control subsequent bytes of data to/from the codec. For a write command in this mode, CS must go low for each byte of the transfer until the transfer is complete. For a read command, CS will go low for each of the3 bytes of the read command transferred to the device, then low again for each byte to be read. Notice that the total number of bytes transferred (and excursions on CS) is N + 3, where N is the number of bytes to be read in the command. This mode of operation is useful in cases where the master is a microprocessor with a built-in UART that transfers 1 byte at a time. Error detection is limited to detection of an active CS for other than an integral multiple of 8 bits. Recovery is the same as normal mode.Flow control can be accomplished by suspending the transitions on DCLK by holding either state. During the data transfer, CS must remain low while clock transi-tions are suspended with DCLK in either state.Agere Systems Inc.9Preliminary Data SheetAugust 2001 T8538B Quad Programmable CodecFunctional Description (continued)The Control Interface (continued)ProtocolThe format of the command protocol is shown in Fig-ures 4 and 5.The control interface operates with one external master controller and multiple slave codec devices. Each transfer is initiated by the master, and the slave responds for either read operations or the fast scan mode. The slave does not check the bus for activity prior to transmitting; it only checks for an active CS. The master should allow for a wait between the end of a read command until CS becomes active for the read data. The master must refrain from sending additional commands to the slave chip until the response is received. On a 4-wire bus, commands to other devices may be initiated before the response is received, but care in generating the CS function is needed to ensure that the multiple responses do not interfere. It should be noted that multiple memory locations can be accessed in the same command by setting the data field length field to the desired number of bytes to be transferred. If flow control is desired, it must be per-formed by using separate commands, each transfer-ring smaller blocks of information, or by controlling the serial clock (gapping the serial clock), or with CS in the case of byte-by-byte mode.There is no response from the slave to the master for a write operation. The response to a read operation sim-ply includes the data to be read in the data field. Com-mands from the master controller include data for write operations, but not for read operations.All data is transmitted in a byte-oriented fashion with the least significant bit of each byte transferred first. Multibyte fields are transferred least significant byte first in both directions. The data field will contain the first addressed data location first, with subsequent data locations transmitted in ascending order.Since the coefficients and gains are stored in volatile memory, all the coefficients and gains must be loaded after powerup. There is, however, no need to reload them when switching from active to standby modes, or vice versa.10Agere Systems Inc.Functional Description (continued)The Control Interface (continued)Protocol (continued)*Location of memory bank selection. All user controls are in memory bank 0; other memory banks contain internal state information for the device. Note:Data field length is in bytes for all operations. All data is transmitted in bytes with the LSB for each byte transmitted first. For 16-bit mem-ory operations, the least significant byte of the first memory location is transmitted first, followed by the most significant b yte; each byte is transmitted LSB first. Additional memory locations are loaded in ascending sequence.Figure 4. Command Frame Format, Master to Slave, Read or Write CommandsNote:All data is transmitted in bytes with the LSB for each byte transmitted first. For memory operations, the least significant byte of the firstmemory location is transmitted first, followed by the most significant byte, each byte transmitted LSB first. Additional memory locations are loaded in ascending sequence.Figure 5. Command Frame Format, Slave to Master, Read CommandsLSBMSB LSBMSB LSBMSB LSBCOMMAND (8 bits)START ADDRESS (8 bits)DATA FIELD LENGTH (8 bits)DATA FIELD (VARIABLE LENGTH) WRITE OPERATIONS ONLYTIME76543210MSBLSBSTART ADDRESS:76543210MSBLSBDATA FIELD LENGTH:76543210MSBLSBCOMMAND:0*0*CKT SELECTCOMMANDCKT SELECT:CKT a:CKT b:CKT c:CKT d:00011011COMMANDS:FAST SCAN MODE:WRITE MEMORY:WRITE ALL CHANNELS:READ MEMORY:10011100LSBDATA FIELD (VARIABLE LENGTH) READ OPERATIONS ONLYFunctional Description (continued)Reset Functionality (continued)The reset function allows the internal logic of the device to be set to a known initial condition, either externally by activating the reset lead, or on a per-channel basis through the microprocessor interface by setting and then clearing bits, if required, in address RESCTRL (address 128). These two reset functions have different effects, and each of the software reset functions is a subset of the hardware reset functional-ity. The primary difference is in the treatment of the internal memory. The hardware reset is assumed to be a result of a catastrophic hardware event, such as a loss of power or an initial powerup. Accordingly, the assumption is made that the internal memory does not contain valid data and default values for all memory locations are loaded. A software reset, however, can only be initiated if the device is operational (at least the microprocessor interface), so the contents of the mem-ory may indeed be valid; thus, the resets may be more specific. Additionally, software resets only affect the selected channel.A 0.1 µF capacitor between the RST lead and ground will effectively hold the lead low long enough to reset the device on powerup, allowing for a cost-effective power-on reset function. Notice that the memory must be reloaded through the serial interface after a hard-ware reset function. For proper operation, it is neces-sary for FS and BCLK to be present and stable during a reset. A wait period for the internal PLL to stabilize is required after reset goes high. See the timing diagram shown in Figure 18 for the proper hardware or power-on reset procedure.For a software reset, the control memory should not be accessed for a minimum of 256 µs following the reset. Memory Control MappingSeveral memory locations are used to control the device. The software interface tables (Table 16 and Table 17) show the memory assignments that are use-ful in call processing and system testing. It should be noted that other memory locations are used by the device to hold intermediate results and other device state information. Writing to these other locations can cause serious disruptions in the operation of the device and should be avoided. Standby ModeThe device enters a low-power standby mode with powerup or software reset, or by programming the CHACTIVE register 129, bit 0. In standby mode, the control interface is active, capable of writing or reading registers. SLIC read and write data latches are also active. Analog signals at VF X I and PCM signals at D R are ignored in this mode. BCLK must be present for proper standby mode operation.Test CapabilitiesThe device has several built-in test capabilities that can be used to verify correct operation of the signal pro-cessing of the line card. These test functions are accessed in several different control addresses. Five loopback modes are employed: the first for the digital signal from the PCM bus to be looped back to the PCM bus. This loopback facility can be used to verify correct operation of the PCM bus interface logic, as well as operation of the PCM bus. The second digital loopback function allows complete testing of the digital process-ing capability of the codec by looping the data back at the analog/digital conversion interface. The third loop-back function can be used to check the operation of all the signal processing performed in the device, includ-ing the conversions to/from analog. These digital loop-back functions can be used with tone generation and reception via the PCM bus.The first analog loopback facility is at the digital side of the delta-sigma converters and loops analog transmit data back to the analog receive path. The second ana-log loopback is at the PCM bus interface and loops the transmit data from the line back to the receive path. By assigning the transmit and receive time slots identi-cally, a loopback arrangement at the PCM bus can be effectively programmed for signals generated on the line side of the codec. This mode is useful for testing from the line side through the entire device.。



WT588D语音模块By Cl1.概述目前有16引脚和28引脚两种,本文主要介绍16脚的模块的使用,一下以WTW-16P表示;WTW-16P采用WT588D-20SS作为核心控制电路,包含了外围所需的SPI-FLASH、振荡电路、复位电路。


2.模块封装2.1.模块引脚说明1脚/RESET:低电平>5ms复位,与WT588D芯片的1脚复位脚相连,模块自带了一(R2/C2)复位电路;2脚DAC和3脚PWM+:连接WT588D芯片的PWM+/DAC音频输出引脚,视功能设置而定;4脚PWM-:连接WT588D芯片的PWM-音频输出引脚;5脚P14: 连接WT588D芯片的P14引脚,与SPI-FLASH的DI数据输入引脚相连;6脚P13: 连接WT588D芯片的P13引脚,与SPI-FLASH的DO数据输出引脚相连;7脚P16: 连接WT588D芯片的P16引脚,与SPI-FLASH的CLK相连;8脚GND:接地;9脚P15: 连接WT588D芯片的P15引脚,与SPI-FLASH的/CS片选引脚;10脚P03: 连接WT588D芯片的P03引脚;按键K4/三线时钟/一线数据输入脚;11脚P02: 连接WT588D芯片的P02引脚;按键K3/三线片选输入脚;12脚P01: 连接WT588D芯片的P01引脚;按键K2/三线片选输入脚;13脚P00: 连接WT588D芯片的P00引脚,按键K1输入脚;14脚VCC:连接WT588D芯片的VDD-SIM(串口电源管理引脚)和SPI-FLASH的VCC引脚;SIM系统能平衡WT588D芯片和SPI-FLASH之间串口的电压,无须在串口间串接电阻C4电容用于滤波;2.8V~3.6V。


TEL T858 859 电源放大器 PCB 信息说明书

TEL T858 859 电源放大器 PCB 信息说明书

5T858/859 PCB InformationThis section provides parts lists, a grid reference index, PCB layouts and circuit diagrams for the T858 and T859 power amplifiers.This section contains the following information.Section Title IPN Page 5.1Introduction 5.1.3 5.2T858 PA PCB220-01141-01 5.2.1 5.3T859 PA PCB220-01159-01 IdentificationAll PCBs are identified by a unique 10 digit “internal part number” (IPN), e.g. 220-12345-00, which is screen printed onto the PCB (usually on the top side). The last 2 digits of this number define the issue status, which starts at 00 and increments through 01, 02, 03, etc. as the PCB is updated. Some issue PCBs never reach full production status and are therefore not included in this manual. A let-ter following the 10 digit IPN has no relevance in identifying the PCB for service purposes.Note:It is important that you identify which issue PCB you are working on so that you canrefer to the appropriate set of PCB information.Parts ListsThe 10 digit numbers (000-00000-00) in this Parts List are “internal part numbers” (IPNs). Your spare parts orders can be handled more efficiently if you quote the IPN and provide a brief descrip-tion of the part.The components listed in this parts list are divided into two main types: those with a circuit refer-ence (e.g. C2, D1, R121, etc.) and those without (miscellaneous and mechanical).Those with a circuit reference are grouped in alphabetical order and then in numerical order within each group. Each component entry comprises three or four columns, as shown below:The miscellaneous and mechanical section lists the variant and common parts in IPN order.Variant ComponentsA variant component is one that has the same circuit reference but different value or specification in different product types. Variant components are indicated by a character prefix such as “&”, “#” or “=”.circuit reference -lists components in alphanumeric ordervariant column -indicates that this is a variant component which is fitted only to the product type listed Internal Part Number -order the component by this numberdescription -gives a brief description of the componentGrid Reference IndexTo assist in locating components and labelled pads on the PCB layouts and circuit diagrams, a com-ponent grid reference index has been provided. This index lists the components and pads in alpha-numeric order, along with the appropriate alphanumeric grid references, as shown below:Using CAD Circuit DiagramsReading a CAD circuit diagram is similar to reading a road map, in that both have an alphanumeric border. The circuit diagrams in this manual use letters to represent the horizontal axis, and num-bers for the vertical axis. These circuit diagram “grid references” are useful in following a circuit that is spread over two or more sheets.When a line representing part of the circuitry is discontinued, a reference will be given at the end of the line to indicate where the rest of the circuitry is located. The first digit refers to the sheet number and the last two characters refer to the location on that sheet of the continuation of the circuit (e.g.1-D4).If more than one line is represented (indicated by a double thickness line), a dot with a reference label will follow the route each individual line represents.circuit diagram reference PCB layout referencecomponents listed in alphanumeric orderlayer number -1 = top side layer 2 = bottom side layercomponent location on the layersheet numbercomponent location on the sheet。

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5x7 mm TCVCXO T85B Series
The T85B Temperature Compensated Voltage Controllable Crystal Oscillator (TCVCXO) Series products provide Stratum III level frequency stability with voltage controlled frequency adjust in a miniature 5 x 7 mm ceramic SMD package.
Features: •Available in frequencies from 5 to
26 MHz with 10 MHz, 12.8 MHz,
25 MHz, and other frequencies as
•+/-4.6 ppm overall frequency stability including 20 years aging •+/-5 ppm frequency pull range •CMOS and Clipped Sine Wave available
•Standard 5 x 7 mm ceramic SMD package
•RoHS-6 / Lead-free compliant •Tri-state control
Frequency Range, Operating Temperature, and Frequency Stability:
Frequency Range
Code -20 to +70° C C +/- 0.28 ppm +/- 4.6 ppm A
-40 to +85° C D +/- 0.50 ppm +/- 4.6 ppm B
+/- 1.00 ppm -+/-4.6 ppm C
5 to 2
6 MHz
•Add +/- 1ppm setting calibration @ +25° C ; +/- 0.6 ppm for supply and load variation ; +/- 2.0 ppm for aging
•To achieve +/- 4.6 ppm overall stability or better
•For Frequency stabilities >= +/- 0.5 ppm with a clipped sinewave output the TV85B product should be selected
•+/- 0.28 ppm is not available from –40 to 85° C
Aging: (typical at 10MHz after 30 days continuous operation)
Frequency Timeframe Aging Product Code
10 MHz 20 Years +/- 2.5 ppm N/A
Phase Noise:
Frequency Offset Phase Noise (Typ.) Product Code
1 Hz - 60 dBc/Hz
10 Hz - 90 dBc/Hz
100 Hz -120 dBc/Hz
1 KHz -140 dBc/Hz
10 KHz -155 dBc/Hz
10.0 MHz
100 KHz -155 dBc/Hz
2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571 Page 1 of 4 Rev 1.2
Supply Voltage (Vs):
Power Supply (Vs) +3.3 Vdc +/-10%
+5.0 Vdc +/-10%
Product Code
Current Consumption:
CMOS Clipped Sine Wave
Supply Current 6 mA 3.5 mA
Storage Temperature
-55 to +125° C
Output Waveform:
CMOS Clipped Sine Wave
HCMOS Output Levels (15pf load) "0" < 0.1(Vs); "1" > 0.9(Vs) Output Level 0.8 V p-p min.
Rise / Fall Time <10ns (10% to 90%) Duty Cycle 45 to 55% @ 50% Logic 1 Product Code A B
Pulling Range:
Tuning Range None (TCXO)
+/- 5 ppm
Product Code
*Note: Only +/- 5 ppm minimum pull is available as a TCVCXO
Ordering Options:
Operating Temperature Frequency Stability Supply Voltage
Output Waveform
Pulling Range
Operating Frequency C A C A A
2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571
T85B C A C A B 10.0000MHz
Product Selection Code (refer to the above example):
This part is RoHs compliant; -20 to +70° C, +/- 0.28 ppm, 3.3 volt CMOS output with +/- 5 ppm pull, 10MHz operating frequency
** Not all combinations are available in this product.
Outline Drawing & Pin Out:
Page 2 of 4 Rev 1.2
2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571 Page 3 of 4 Rev 1.2
How to Order This Product:
Contact Bliley Technologies with Product Selection Code from Ordering Options Section above.
Sales @ Bliley
Fax: 814-833-2712
Phone: 814-838-3571
Email: info@
Date: ____________
Name: ____________________ Company: ___________________
Fax: ______________________ Phone: _____________________
Email: _________________________________________________
Quantities to Quote: ______________ Target Price: $___________
Application / Reference #: _________________________________
2545 West Grandview Blvd Erie, PA. 16506 Tel (814) 838-3571
Page 4 of 4 Rev 1.2。
