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NI TestStand ATML Toolkit 2013 发行说明书

NI TestStand ATML Toolkit 2013 发行说明书

RELEASE NOTESNI T estStand ATML T oolkit Version 2013These release notes contain NI TestStand ATML Toolkit 2013 system requirements, installation instructions, information about new features, and other changes since the ATML Toolkit 2012.ContentsGetting Started (1)New TestStand Users (1)New ATML Toolkit Users (1)Recommended System Requirements (2)TestStand Directory Structure (4)Installation Instructions (5)Activating ATML Toolkit Licenses (6)Migrating to ATML Toolkit 2013 from ATML Toolkit 1.0 (6)What’s New in ATML Toolkit 2013........................................................................................7Getting StartedThe ATML Toolkit adds functionality to TestStand for translating an ATML Test Description (TD) file to a TestStand sequence file and LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI code modules and updates the TestStand ATML Test Results (TR) report generator.New TestStand UsersIf you are a new TestStand user, National Instruments recommends completing the tasks listed in the New Users section of the Guide to Documentation topic of the NI TestStand Help , which is located by default at <TestStand>\Doc\Help\TSHelp.chm .New ATML Toolkit UsersTo familiarize yourself with the ATML Toolkit, explore the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help , which is located by default at <TestStand>\Doc\Help\TSATHelp.chm . The NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help contains information about the toolkit features and functionality. You can view the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help as a part of the NI TestStand Help .NoteThe ATML Toolkit documentation refers to XML concepts and assumes that you have a working knowledge of ATML, the ATML TD standard, the ATML Test Results and Session Information standard, XML, XML Path Language (XPath), XML Schema Document (XSD), and XQuery. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website, located at , for more information about™these technologies. You can find additional resources and tutorials online to help youlearn these technologies. Refer to the ATML TD Standards topic in the NI TestStandATML Toolkit Help for more information about the ATML TD standard. Refer to theATML Test Results Reports topic in the NI TestStand Help for more informationabout the ATML Test Results and Session Information standard.Recommended System RequirementsNational Instruments recommends the following system requirements to run the TestStand ATML Toolkit2013. Minimum system requirements follow in parentheses.•TestStand2013 (TestStand2010). Refer to the NI TestStand Release Notes for information about the recommended system requirements for TestStand.•70MB of free hard disk space.Use the Microsoft Windows operating systems and service packs described in Table1 with the ATML Toolkit2013:Table 1. Recommended and Required Windows Operating System Service PacksOperating System TestStand2013TestStand2012 SP1TestStand2010 SP1TestStand2010Windows 832- and 64-bit,Professional orEnterpriseEditions 32- and 64-bit,Professional orEnterpriseEditions32- and 64-bit,Professional orEnterpriseEditions32- and 64-bit,Professional orEnterpriseEditionsWindows 732- and 64-bit,Service Pack 1,Professional,Enterprise,or UltimateEditions 32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 1,Starter Edition32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 1,Starter Edition32- and 64-bit,Starter EditionWindows Vista 32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 2,Business,Enterprise,or UltimateEditions 32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 2,Business,Enterprise,or UltimateEditions32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 2,Business,Enterprise,or UltimateEditions32- and 64-bit,Service Pack 2,Business,Enterprise,or UltimateEditionsWindows Server 2008R2 (64-bit),Service Pack 2R2 (64-bit),Service Pack 2R2 (64-bit)R2 (64-bit)Windows Server 2003R2 (32-bit),Service Pack 2R2 (32-bit),Service Pack 2R2 (32-bit)R2 (32-bit)Windows XP Service Pack 3Service Pack 3Service Pack 3Service Pack 32||NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesTestStand does not support Guest user accounts on Windows. TestStand supports Administrator and Limited accounts on Windows8/7/Vista and Administrator, Power Users, and Users accounts on Windows XP.Note This version of the ATML Toolkit supports, and was tested with, the latestoperating system service packs that were available at the time this version of theATML Toolkit was released. National Instruments recommends using the ATMLToolkit with the latest operating system service pack.Use the following Microsoft software with the ATML Toolkit 2013:•Microsoft Internet Explorer version7.0 or later•Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or 4.0Use the National Instruments application development environments (ADEs) described in Table2 with the ATML Toolkit2013:Table 2. Supported National Instruments ADEsTestStandVersion ATML TD Translator Plug-in Support for Custom Code GeneratorLabVIEW SupportTestStand 2013•Full support: 2010 SP1 or later•Allowed, but not supported:8.2-2009•Not allowed: 8.0.1 or earlier •Full support: 2010 SP1 or later •Allowed, but not supported:8.6.1-2009•Not allowed: 8.5 or earlierTestStand 2012 SP1•Full support: 2009 SP1 or later•Allowed, but not supported:8.2-8.6•Not allowed: 8.0.1 or earlier •Full support: 2009 SP1 or later •Allowed, but not supported:8.6.1•Not allowed: 8.5 or earlierTestStand 2010/ 2010 SP1 •Full support: 8.6.1 or later•Allowed, but not supported:8.2-8.5•Not allowed: 7.1.1 or earlier•Full support: 8.6.1 or later•Not allowed: 8.5 or earlierNI TestStand A TML Toolkit Release Notes|© National Instruments|34| |NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesThe ATML Toolkit supports version 1.01 of the ATML TD standard, which is an approved standard under IEEE 1671 Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML. The ATML Toolkit supports the approved version 6.01, the unapproved version 5.0, and the approved version 2.02 of the ATML Test Results and Session Information schema, which is a component standard of IEEE 1636 Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection Analysis (SIMICA). Refer to the IEEE website at for more information about these standards.NoteNo plans exist to approve version 5.0 of the ATML Test Results and SessionInformation schema. T estStand Directory StructureTo comply with Windows 8/7/Vista restrictions on writing to the Program Files directory and to improve usability for Windows XP users who do not have access to the Program Files directory, TestStand installs files in the following directories:•<TestStand>—Located by default at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 32-bit systems and at C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 64-bit systems.•<TestStand Public>—Located by default at C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 8/7/Vista and at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows bWindows / CVI SupportTestStand 2013•Full support: 2009 SP1 or later •Allowed, but not supported: 8.1-9.0•Not allowed: 7.0 or earlier •Full support: 2009 SP1 or later •Allowed, but not supported: 8.5-9.0•Not allowed: 8.1 or earlier TestStand 2012 SP1•Full support: 9.0.1 or later •Allowed, but not supported: 8.1-8.5•Not allowed: 7.0 or earlier •Full support: 9.0.1 or later •Allowed, but not supported: 8.5•Not allowed: 8.1 or earlier TestStand 2010/2010 SP1 •Full support: 8.5.1 or later •Allowed, but not supported: 8.1-8.5•Not allowed: 7.1.1 or earlier •Full support: 8.5.1 or later •Not allowed: 8.1 or earlierTable 2. Supported National Instruments ADEs (Continued)TestStandVersion ATML TD Translator Plug-in Support for Custom Code GeneratorNI TestStand A TML Toolkit Release Notes |© National Instruments |5•<TestStand Application Data>—Hidden by default and located at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows 8/7/Vista and at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows XP.•<TestStand Local Application Data>—Hidden by default and located at <UserDirectory>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\TestStand onWindows 8/7/Vista and at <User Directory>\Local Settings\Application Data\National Instruments\TestStand on Windows XP.Refer to the TestStand Directory Structure topic in the NI TestStand Help for more information about these directories and the files TestStand installs.Installation InstructionsThe ATML Toolkit installation program installs the ATML TD translator files to the <TestStand Public>\Components\Translators directory and updates the existing TestStand process models and report generator files located in the <TestStand>\Components\Models\TestStandModels directory. The toolkit also adds a Configure ATML TD Translator option to the Tools menu in TestStand for launching the ATML Test Description Translator Configuration dialog box.NoteBecause the TestStand installer includes a dependency on the Process ModelInstaller component, you must uninstall TestStand 2012SP1, TestStand 2010SP1, or TestStand 2010 to remove the corresponding process model updates the ATMLToolkit installs. National Instruments recommends exiting all programs before running the ATML Toolkit installer. Applications that run in the background, such as virus scanning utilities, might cause the installer to take longer than necessary to complete. You must exit the TestStand Sequence Editor and any TestStand User Interface before you install the toolkit.Complete the following steps to install the ATML Toolkit.1.Visit /info and enter the Info Code ATML_Download to download the ATML Toolkit files to install. 2.Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.3.Double-click the NITSATMLToolKit2013.exe file you downloaded and follow theinstructions that appear on the screen.National Instruments recommends installing the complete ATML Toolkit program for each version of TestStand you have installed. If you perform a custom installation and do not install all the toolkit features, you can run the installation program again later to install additional features.After the toolkit installation completes, you can begin using the toolkit functionality inTestStand. Refer to the Getting Started with the ATML TD Translator topic in the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Helpfor more information about getting started with the toolkit features.Activating A TML T oolkit LicensesAfter you install the ATML Toolkit, you must use the NI Activation Wizard to activate the software or initiate the evaluation period for the software. You must have the serial number and the name of the documentation kit to activate the ATML Toolkit. You can find both of these items on the Certificate of Ownership card included in your documentation kit. Refer to the Activating Your Software topic in the NI TestStand Help for more information about how to activate National Instruments software.Migrating to ATML Toolkit2013 from A TML Toolkit1.0 If you are migrating from the ATML Toolkit1.0, you must run the Sequence File Updater application included with the ATML Toolkit installer to convert any sequence file you originally translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0 to a sequence file you can incrementally update using the ATML Toolkit2013.Sequence File Updater ApplicationThe ATML Toolkit2010 or later changes the prefixes of the types contained in the ATMLTDTypes.ini and ATMLTD_IEEE1641_Types.ini type palette files and also renames the Attributes subproperty of the types as ATMLAttributes. As a result of these naming changes, the ATML Toolkit2010 or later does not correctly incrementally update sequence files you originally translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0. Refer to the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for more information about these naming changes.You can use the Sequence File Updater application to convert sequence files you originally translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0 to a sequence file you can use for an incremental update using the ATML Toolkit2010 or later.Complete the following steps to install and launch the Sequence File Updater application.1.Copy the ATMLSequenceFileConverter directory from the ATML Toolkit installerdirectory to a directory on the computer.2.Double-click SequenceFileConverter.exe, located in theATMLSequenceFileConverter directory, to launch the Update Sequence FilesTranslated with the ATML Toolkit1.0 dialog box.e the Path of Sequence File to be Updated control to specify the path of the sequencefile translated using the ATML Toolkit1.0.4.Optionally, use the Path of Test Description File(Optional) control to specify the path ofthe source TD file used to generate the sequence file, if the source TD file is available. 5.Click OK to update the sequence file for the ATML Toolkit2010 or later.Refer to the NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Help for more information about how the Sequence File Updater application updates the sequence file for the ATML Toolkit2010 or later and for information about using command-line syntax to specify a sequence file and a source TD file to update.6||NI TestStand ATML Toolkit Release NotesWhat’s New in ATML Toolkit2013This section describes the new features in the ATML Toolkit2013 and other changes since the ATML Toolkit2012.•You can now generate XML reports that validate against the approved version 6.01 of the ATML Test Results and Session Information schema that the ATML standard defines. You can also continue to generate reports that validate against the non-finalized version 5.0 or approved version 2.02 of the schema. Select ATML 6.01 Standards Report Document from the Report Format ring control on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box to generate an ATML report that validates against version 6.01 of the schema.TestStand provides the following style sheets, located in the <TestStand>\Components\Models\TestStandModels\ATML\Stylesheets directory, forgenerating an ATML Test Results 6.01 report. You can customize the style sheets directly.–TR6_Expand.xsl—Displays reports similar to TR6_report.xsl, with expandable and collapsible sections for each step or for the entire report.–TR6_Horizontal.xls—Displays reports in a horizontal, tabular, indented, format with data for each step in one or more rows.–TR6_report.xls—Displays reports in a vertical, tabular, indented format with data for each step in multiple rows. Customizable, color-coded rows visually seperaterelevant information, such as step group, status, and so on.•The ATML Test Results report generator extension DLL can implement the following new functions to modify the content of the ATML TR report.–Event_Extension–Parameter_Extension–TestResults_TestResult_ExtensionRefer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for more information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents. You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2011–2013 National Instruments. All rights reserved.375544C-01Sep13。



【精品博文】FPGA器件预布线,以及ddr3调试问题汇总与总结最近公司有一个新项目,方案定的是一款Cyclone V Soc FPGA,用到了两个ddr3,一个挂在Qsys系统的HPS里面,一个挂在Logic 的Hard Memory Controller那里,这两周一直在跟硬件配合,一起验证器件的管脚配置是否正确。


首先在综合ddr3 ip核时会遇到下面的errorID:15700 Termination calibration block atom "<name>" uses <name> port, which must be connected to <name> CAUSE: The specified Termination calibration block atom uses the specified port, but the port is not connected correctly. The port must be connected as specified.ACTION: Locate the specified port and connect it as specified.是因为OCT RZQIN这个引脚的问题,因为是用的FPGA逻辑里面的硬核资源做的设计,硬件那边也没有给这个引脚的原理图,找FAE和同事也没有得到很好的解答,在这里搜集资料花了很长时间。

Creating OCT SignalsIn ALTMEMPHY-based designs, the Quartus Prime Fitter creates the alt_oct block outside the IP core and connects it to the oct_ctl_rs_value and oct_ctl_rt_value signals.In UniPHY-based designs, the OCT block is part of the IP core, so the design no longer requires these two ports. Instead, the UniPHY-based design requires two additional ports, oct_rup and oct_rdn (for Strati III and Stratix IV devices), or oct_rzqin (for Stratix V devices). You must create these ports in theinstantiating entity as input pins and connect to the UniPHY instance. Then route these pins to the top leveldesign and connect to the OCT RUP and RDOWN resistors on the board. For information on OCT control block sharing, refer to “The OCT Sharing Interface” in this volume.DDR3 datasheet二、例化步骤本文皆用DDR3作为实例。

安全光栅GuardShield 450L-E说明书

安全光栅GuardShield 450L-E说明书

The Allen-Bradley® GuardShield™ 450L-E Safety Light Curtains fromRockwell Automation are based on a unique patented transceiver technology which allows each stick to be used as a transmitter or as a receiver. The full functionality of a transceiver is provided by plug-ins inserted at the bottom of the sticks. By using only one stick type with the optimal plug-ins selected based on the requirements of the application, the GuardShield 450L portfolio is a simple, cost effective solution that offers enhanced flexibility while maintaining the highest level of safety.The enhanced Integrated Laser Alignment System (ILAS) of the GuardShield 450L-E reduces installation time by providing multiple visible laser points that optimize setup with a simple touch of the ILAS symbol on the front window of the stick. Plus, the compact design and full length protective field make it easy to integrate a GuardShield 450L-E system in hand and finger protection applications from 150 mm (5.9 in.) up to 1950 mm (76.7 in.) in increments of 150 mm (0.5 ft).The enhanced GuardShield 450L-E light curtain system is also ideal for special applications requiring advanced functions such as muting and blanking,easily set up through DIP switches located on the dedicated plug-in modules. For muting, the common set ups like 4-sensor or 2-sensor with L- and T-configuration and override function can be selected. Blanking, reducedresolution, floating blanking and teach-in fixed blanking features are available. Configure up to eight protection zones via CCW software. A cascading plug-in can also be installed for series connection of additional GuardShield 450L Safety Light Curtain systems for multi-sided machine guarding (up to four sides). All these special functions combined with the inherent flexibility of the GuardShield 450L transceiver design help to simplify your engineering logistics and minimize the stock required to address your full range of applications.For configuration, monitoring and troubleshooting, our free Connected Components Workbench software is available at our website. A separate optical interface tool is required if using Connected Components Workbench software for diagnostic information.Features and Benefits• Extended features and functionality compared to the 450L-B such as cascading, built-in muting,blanking and multiple applications configuration• Embedded functions configured quickly and easily via DIP switches or software, significantly reducing engineering effort. These include:– M uting, blanking, start mode, external device monitoring (EDM), scanning range• Leverages patented transceiver technology – each stick can be used as a transmitter or receiver via innovative plug-in modules• Enhanced Integrated Laser Alignment System (ILAS) for quick installation and reliable operation• Active protective field provides sensing over the entire length of a transceiver• Compact design 30 mm x 30 mm (1.18 in. x 1.18 in.)• Wide range of protection heights 150…1950 mm (5.9…76.7 in.) in increments of 150 mm (0.5 ft)• Resolutions:– F inger resolution (14 mm): 0.5 to 9 m (1.64…29.53 ft)– H and resolution (30 mm): 0.9 to 16.2 m (2.95…53.15 ft)• Supports cascading of multiple systems in series• Flexible mounting options allow for quick and easy installation• Configure, monitor and troubleshoot via Connected Components Workbench (CCW) software.Pre-configure multiple configurations. • IP65 enclosure rating• TÜV certified Type 4 IEC 61496-1/-2, Ple, SILcl3 per EN ISO 13849-1,IEC 62061Allen-Bradley GuardShield 450L-E Safety Light CurtainEnhanced Flexibility and Advanced Features in a Cost-Effective Safety SolutionRequired Accessories 1Replace the x with 2 (6.6 ft), 5 (16.4 ft), 10 (32.8 ft), 15 (49.2 ft), 20 (65.6 ft), or 30 (98.4 ft) for available lengths in metersOptional Accessories*Requires 450L fw version 4.00x and CCW R12 at minimum.1xxxx = 0150…1950 mm (0.5…6.4 ft) in increments of 150 mm (0.5 ft)Innovative plug-in modulesestablish transceiver as an emitter orreceiver and provide other advanced functions.Integrated Laser Alignment System accelerates setup for optimal performance at the touch of a button.General Ordering InformationLight Curtain System: Order two identical transceivers/catalog numbers. Plug-in Modules: Order one transmitter and one receiver plug-in with the desired functionality for one system – or – Order two universal plug-ins for one system. Each universal plug-in can be used as a transmitter or a receiver. To cascade systems or for muting options use thecascading plug-in.1xxxx = 0150 … 1950 mm (0.5 … 6.4 ft) in increments of 150 mm (0.5 ft).For example: “450L-E4HL 0900YD” indicates an order for 900 mm hand detection light curtain transceiver.2Optional side mounting bracket kit is available below.1 The 8-pin transmitter plug-in option allows two 8-pin cordsets to be used in one system.2Order two universal plug-ins for one system. Each universal plug-in can be used as a transmitter or a receiver.Publication 450L-PP002B-EN-P – May 2020 | Supersedes Publication 450L-PP002A-EN-P – January 2018Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.Allen-Bradley, Connected Components Workbench, Expanding human potential and GuardShield are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Connect with us.。



目录前言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.需求说明书------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71.1需求定义工作流(T HE R EQUIREMENTS S PECIFICATION W ORKFLOW) --------- 71.1.1定义测试范围(Defining the Testing Scope) --------------------------------------------------- 81.1.2创建测试需求大纲(Creating the Testing Requirements Outline)---------------------- 91.1.3定义需求(Defining Requirements)--------------------------------------------------------------- 101.1.4分析需求定义(Analyzing your Requirements Specification)-------------------------- 10 1.2需求模块概述(T HE R EQUIREMENTS M ODULE)-------------------------------------------- 111.2.1需求模块 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------111.2.2需求菜单栏(The Requirements Menu Bar)------------------------------------------------------ 141.2.3 需求工具栏(The Requirements Toolbar) ------------------------------------------------------ 151.2.4需求树(Requirements Tree) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 1.3开发需求树(D EVELOPING R EQUIREMENTS T REE)----------------------------------------- 171.3.1关于需求树(About the Requirements Tree) -------------------------------------------------- 181.3.2 创建需求(Creating Requirements) -------------------------------------------------------------- 181.3.3更新需求(Updating Requirements) ------------------------------------------------------------- 201.3.4 查找需求(Finding Requirements)---------------------------------------------------------------- 211.3.5替换值(Replacing Field Values) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 221.3.6查看需求树(Viewing the Requirements Tree) ----------------------------------------------- 221.3.7查看需求历史(Viewing Requirement History) ----------------------------------------------- 241.3.8 邮寄需求(Mailing Requirements)---------------------------------------------------------------- 241.3.9 查看关联缺陷(Linking Defects) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 271.3.10修改需求树(Modifying the Requirements Tree)------------------------------------------- 281.3.11 从需求创建测试(Creating Tests from Requirements) ---------------------------------- 302.测试计划--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 352.1测试计划工作流(T HE T EST P LAN W ORKFLOW) ----------------------------------------- 352.1.1定义测试策略(Defining Testing Strategy) -------------------------------------------------- 362.1.2定义测试主题(Defining Test Subjects) ------------------------------------------------------- 372.1.3设计测试(Planning Tests)-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 372.1.4创建需求覆盖(Creating Requirements Coverage)------------------------------------------- 382.1.5设计测试步骤(Designing Test Steps) ---------------------------------------------------------- 382.1.6自动测试(Automating Tests)----------------------------------------------------------------------- 392.1.7分析测试计划(Analyzing Your Test Plan) ---------------------------------------------------- 39 2.2测试计划模块概述(T HE T EST P LAN M ODULE)----------------------------------------- 402.2.1 测试计划模块 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 402.2.2 测试计划菜单栏(The Test Plan Menu Bar) --------------------------------------------------- 412.2.3 测试计划工具栏(The Test Plan Toolbar)----------------------------------------------------- 422.2.4测试网格(The Test Grid) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 2.3开发测试计划树(D EVELOPING T EST P LAN T REE)-------------------------------------- 452.3.1关于测试计划树(About the Test Plan Tree) ------------------------------------------------- 462.3.2 创建测试计划树(Creating a Test Plan Tree)----------------------------------------------- 472.3.3 添加测试到测试计划树(Adding Tests to a Test Plan Tree)--------------------------- 482.3.4查看测试计划树(Viewing the Test Plan Tree)---------------------------------------------- 516.5关联缺陷到测试(Associating Defects with a Test) ----------------------------------------- 532.3.6 邮寄测试(Mailing Tests) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 562.3.7在树中查找测试(Finding Tests in the Tree) ----------------------------------------------- 592.3.8排列测试计划树(Sorting a Test Plan Tree) ------------------------------------------------- 602.3.9修改测试计划树(Modifying the Test Plan Tree)------------------------------------------- 61 2.4连接测试到需求(L INKING T ESTS TO R EQUIREMENTS) --------------------------------- 622.4.1关于连接测试到需求(About Linking Tests to Requirements) ---------------- 632.4.2 连接需求到一个测试(Linking Requirements to a Test)--------------------- 652.4.3 连接测试到一个需求(Linking Tests to a Requirement)--------------------- 682.4.4分析覆盖(Analyzing Coverage) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 2.5建立测试(B UILDING T ESTS)------------------------------------------------------------- 72 2.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 723.测试执行 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72 4.缺陷跟踪 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72 5.质量中心分析 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72前言欢迎您使用Quality Center, 它是Mercury Interactive 公司推出的基于WEB 浏览器环境下的管理工具,无论是在Internet环境下还是在公司内部的以太网环境下你都可以通过浏览器来访问Quality Center。



SWE.5Software Integration and Integration Test软件综合和集成试验SWE.6Software Qualification Test软件质量认证试验SUP.1Quality Assurance质量保证SUP.2Verification证明SUP.4Joint Review共同评审SUP.7Documentation文档SUP.8Configuration Management结构管理SUP.9Problem Resolution Management问题解决管理SUP.10Change Request Management更改要求管理MAN.3Project Management项目管理MAN.5Risk Management风险管理MAN.6Measurement测量PIM.3Process Improvement过程改进REU.2Reuse Program Management再次使用程序管理ACQ.3Contract Agreement合同协议ACQ.4Supplier Monitoring供应商监控ACQ.11Technical Requirements技术要求ACQ.12Legal and Administrative Requirements法律和行政管理要求ACQ.13Project Requirements项目要求ACQ.14Request for Proposals方案要求ACQ.15Supplier Qualification供应商资质SPL.1Supplier Tendering供应商招投标SPL.2Product Release产品释放SYS.1Requirements Elicitation要求引申SYS.2System Requirements Analysis系统要求分析SYS.3System Architectural Design系统架构设计SYS.4System Integration and Integration Test系统综合和集成试验SYS.5System Qualification Test系统质量认证试验SWE.1Software requirements analysis软件要求分析SWE.2Software Architectural Design软件架构设计SWE.3Software Detailed Design and Unit Construction软件细节设计和单元部件SWE.4Software Unit Verification软件单元证明SWE.5Software Integration and Integration Test软件综合和集成试验SWE.6Software Qualification Test软件质量认证试验SUP.1Quality Assurance质量保证SUP.2Verification证明SUP.4Joint Review共同评审SUP.7Documentation文档SUP.8Configuration Management结构管理SUP.9Problem Resolution Management问题解决管理SUP.10Change Request Management更改要求管理MAN.3Project Management项目管理MAN.5Risk Management风险管理MAN.6Measurement测量PIM.3Process Improvement过程改进REU.2Reuse Program Management再次使用程序管理。



在QuartusII下进行编译和仿真的时候,会出现一堆warning,有的可以忽略,有的却需要注意,虽然按F1可以了解关于该警告的帮助,但有时候帮助解释的仍然不清楚,大家群策群力,把自己知道和了解的一些关于警告的问题都说出来讨论一下,免得后来的人走弯路.下面是我收集整理的一些,有些是自己的经验,有些是网友的,希望能给大家一点帮助,如有不对的地方,请指正,如果觉得好,请版主给点威望吧,谢谢1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time <time> on register "<name>"原因:vector source file中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。



措施:编辑vector source file2.Verilog HDL assignment warning at <location>: truncated value with size <number> to match size of target (<number>原因:在HDL设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg[4:0] a;而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适的大小措施:如果结果正确,无须加以修正,如果不想看到这个警告,可以改变设定的位数3.All reachable assignments to data_out(10) assign '0', register removed by optimization原因:经过综合器优化后,输出端口已经不起作用了4.Following 9 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port -- changes to this connectivity may change fitting results原因:第9脚,空或接地或接上了电源措施:有时候定义了输出端口,但输出端直接赋‘0’,便会被接地,赋‘1’接电源。



Internal InformationPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONERASARM EPLMLI 15/1551−HRB 10501UenERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R JUppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Datum - RevNr - Dokumentansvarig/Godkänd - Kontr - Tillhör/Referens - File/ReferenceCheckedDocument responsible/Approved No.DatePrepared (also subject responsible if other)1(22)FAULT CODE LISTAbstractThis document lists the MO Fault Maps on the Abis interface.Application and target group−TRS system designers,who will partition the system into subsystems,allocate requirements to them and verify the requirements with product management −TRS sub system designers,who will partition thesubsystem into function blocks,allocate requirements to them and verify the requirements with product management−system and subsystem testers,who will secure testability of the requirements and write test specifications according to the requirements −product management,who will evaluate the market demand for the system and present the system to potential customers−CME system designers,who will assure correctness of the TRS system within the CME system.−Manual authors,who will describe i.e.maintenance and installation.Supplementary documents None.Table of contents1INTRODUCTION 31.1Purpose 31.2Scope31.3Revision History 31.4References 31.5Terminology 42GENERAL 73FAULT LISTS 73.1SO CF 73.2SO TRXC 123.3AO CON 153.4AO DP 163.5AO IS 163.6AO RX 16ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J3.8AO TS 193.9AO TX20ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J1INTRODUCTION 1.1PURPOSEFault codes on the Abis interface are defined per MO.1.2SCOPEThis document describes faults reported to BSC and possible HW causing the fault.This document is valid for RBS 2000.1.3REVISION HISTORY Rev Date Purpose A 950406Approved.B 950615CR 1and 2added.C 950921AO CON and AO DP added.D 960111CR 4−11added.E 960327CR 12,14,15and 16added.F 960930CR 17added.G 970228Auxiliary Faults and CR 18B included.H 970314CR 20,21and 22included.J 980325CR 24,26and 27included.K 980421CR 28is included.L 980623For R7.M 980625Updated for GPRS.Affected chapters are 1.5.2and 3.4.4.CR 30rev.B.N 981207Updated with CR 31A,32B &33A.Updated and approved for R8/TGSY and R8/ALNA.S 990512Updated with CR 34A,35A,36A,37A.T 990705Updated with CR40A.U 990924Updated with CR42A.V000128Updated with CR44A.1.4REFERENCES /ABIS II/Abis O&M Interface,Part II,Procedures23/15519−HSC 10312Uen /GD Fault Coordination/General Description Fault Coordination20/1551−HRB 10501UenERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J1.5TERMINOLOGY 1.5.1ConceptsFault NoThe fault number is equal to the bit position in the fault map reported over the Abis interface.Internal Fault Map Class 1A (I1A)Faults reported in this class are faults that do affect MO functionality.Faulty HW is part of the signaling MO.Internal Fault Map Class 1B (I1B)Faults reported in this class are faults that do affect MO functionality.Origin of the fault is external to the signaling MO.Internal Fault Map Class 2A (I2A)Faults reported in this class are faults that do not affect MO functionality.Faulty HW is part of the signaling MO.External Condition Map Class 1(EC1)Conditions reported in this class are conditions that do affect MO functionality.The conditions are TG external.External Condition Map Class 2(EC2)Conditions reported in this class are conditions that do not affect MO functionality.The conditions are TG external.Replacement Unit Map (RU map)Units reported in this map is HW suspected to be causing the faults in internal fault maps described above.MOManaged Object,the class of all object in the BTS O&M model which BSC can communicate with.SOService Object,an abstract subclass of MO which handles hardware.A SO manages one or more RUs.AOApplication object,an abstract subclass of MO which only handles functionality.RUReplaceable Unit.Smallest unit in a RBS2000cabinet which can be replaced.ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R JLogical RUA unit which can be referred to but is not a singlephysical unit.There are three different kinds of logical RUs:1.Busses which often are referred to as a singlephysical unit but is implemented in the backplane of the cabinet and/or with cables.When a bus is pointed out in the RU−map it should be understood that faulty HW can be any unit connected to the bus or the bus it self.Logical bus RUs are:−XBUS−LOCAL BUS −TIMING BUS −CDU BUS−EPC BUS (previously POWER COMMUNICATION LOOP)−Y LINK−PSU DC CABLE −EOM BUS 2.Antennas .With a logical antenna means the whole signal path between the Transmitter/Receiver and the physical antenna.Logical RU is:−ANTENNA Logical RUs in 1and 2above are pointed out when the analysis fails to give a more detailed localization of the fault.Still,the ambition is to not point out a logical RU.3.Environment which collects circumstances that are not affectable from the base station.There are two groups under this RU:Power which handles external power and Climate which handles humidity and temperature.Logical RU is:−ENVIRONMENT For example if the temperature in the cabinet is to high or the incoming AC mains is out of range the logical RU ENVIRONMENT is pointed out as faulty.RBS DBRBS data base.The RBS data base is also regarded as a replaceable unit even if it is not tangible in a normal sense.It encompasses the data contents of the data base not the medium it resides on.1.5.2Abbreviations ACCU AC Connection UnitADSP Digital Signal Processor used in ARBS ALNA Antenna Low Noise Amplifier ARBS RBS with Adaptive antennaERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R JAstra ASIC in the TRUATRU Adaptive Tranceiver UnitBDM Battery and Distribution Module BFU Battery Fuse UnitCDU Combining and Distribution Unit CM Control Module CON LAPD Concentrator CU Combining UnitCXU Configuration Switch Unit Dannie ASIC in the TRU DB Data BaseDixie ASIC in the TRU DP Digital PathDSP Digital Signal Processor dTRU double TRUDXU Distribution Switch Unit DU Distribution Unit ECU Energy Control UnitEOM External Operation and Maintenance EPC Environment and Power Control ESB External Synchronization Bus FCU Fan Control Unit FU Filter UnitIS Interface SwitchOVPU Over Voltage Protection Unit PCM Pulse Code Modulation PCU Packet Control Unit PFWD Power Forward PREFL Power Reflected PSU Power Supply UnitPTU Plug−in Transmission Unit PWU Power UnitRBS Radio Base Station RBS DB RBS Database RF Radio Frequency RU Replaceable Unit RX ReceiverRXU Receiver UnitSCU Switching and Combining Unit SCTRL Switch Control TF Timing Function TG Transceiver GroupTMA Tower Mounted Amplifier Tora ASIC in the TRUTRA Transcoder Rate Adaptor Tracy ASIC in the TRU TRS Transceiver system TRU Transceiver UnitTRXC Transceiver Controller TS Time Slot TU Timing Unit TX TransmitterTXU Transmitter UnitVCO Voltage Controlled OscillatorERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J2GENERALThe SO RU−map and I1A/I2A fault maps should be read together.The SO fault maps says what fault it is,and the RU−map says where the fault is.An AO I1B fault have a corresponding SO I2A fault.So by reading the I2A fault map and the RU−map for SO CF or SO TRXC the HW causing the AO I1B fault can befound.This is the case when BTS internal HW affects a single AO.The AO is not allowed to report the HW it self since that is assigned to the HW−responsible SO.One could say that the consequence is reported by the AO I1B fault map and the cause is reported by the SO I1A/I2A fault maps and the RU−map.3FAULT LISTS 3.1SO CF3.1.1SO CF,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Fault No Fault type01Reset,Power On 2Reset,Switch 3Reset,Watchdog 4Reset,SW Fault 5Reset,RAM Fault6Reset,Internal Function Change 7XBus Fault8Timing Unit VCO Fault 9Timing Bus Fault10Indoor Temp Out of Safe Range 1112DC Voltage Out Of Range 1314Bus Fault15RBS Data Base Corrupted 16RU Data Base Corrupted 17HW And IDB Inconsistent18Internal Configuration Failed 19Indoor Temp Above Safe Range 20Indoor Temp Below Safe Range 21HW Fault22Air Time Counter Lost..47ERA/LRF/TC(Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V3.1.2SO CF,Internal Fault Map Class1BNot used.JRM1/1423ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J3.1.3SO CF,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Fault No Fault Type01Reset,Power On 2Reset,Switch 3Reset,Watchdog 4Reset,SW Fault 5Reset,RAM Fault6Reset,Internal Function Change 7RXDA Amplifier Current Fault 8VSWR Limits Exceeded 9Power Limits Exceeded10DXU−Opt EEPROM Checksum Fault1112RX Maxgain/Mingain Violated 13Timing Unit VCO Ageing14CDU Supervision/Communication Lost 15VSWR/Output Power Supervision Lost16Indoor Temp Out Of Normal Conditional Range 17Indoor Humidity18DC Voltage Out Of Range19Power System in Standalone Mode 2021Internal Power Capacity Reduced 22Battery Backup Capacity Reduced 23Climate Capacity Reduced 24HW Fault25Loadfile Missing in DXU or ECU 26Climate Sensor Fault27System Voltage Sensor Fault 28A/D Converter Fault29Over Voltage Protection/Varistor Fault 30Bus Fault31High Frequency Software Fault 32Non−Volatile Memory Corrupted 33RX Diversity Lost 34Output Voltage Fault35Optional Synchronization Source 36RU Data Base Corrupted 37Circuit Breaker Tripped 38Default Values Used 39RX Cable Disconnected 40Reset,DXU Link Lost41Lost communication to TRU 42Lost communication to ECU 43Internal Configuration Failed 44ESB Distribution Failure 4546DB parameter fault47ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V32 41/1M R J3.1.4SO CF,External Condition Map Class 1Fault No Fault Type01234L/R SWI (BTS In Local Mode)5L/R TI (Local to Remote while Link Lost)67891011121314153.1.5SO CF,External Condition Map Class 2Fault No Fault Type0123456789RBS DOOR (RBS cabinet door open)10MAINS FAIL (External power source fail)11ALNA/TMA Fault 12ALNA/TMA Degraded13Auxiliary Equipment Fault1415ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.1.6SO CF,Replacement Unit Map No RU 0DXU 1ECU 2MICRO RBS 3Y LINK 4SCU 5CDU 67PSU 8SCU TO CDU PFWD PREF CABLE 9BDM or BFU 10ACCU 11ACTIVE COOLER 12ALNA/TMA A 13ALNA/TMA B 14BATTERY 15FAN 16HEATER 17HEATER EXCHANGER EXT FAN 18HEATER EXCHANGER INT FAN 19HUMIDITY SENSOR 20TMA CM 21TEMPERATURE SENSOR 22CDU HLOUT HLIN CABLE 23CDU RX IN CABLE 24CU 25DU 26FU 27FU CU PFWD CABLE or CDU CDU PFWD CABLE 28FU CU PREFL CABLE or CDU CDU PREFL CABLE 29CAB HLIN CABLE 30CDU BUS 31ENVIRONMENT 32LOCAL BUS 33EPC BUS /POWER COMMUNICATION LOOP 34RBS DB 35EOM BUS 36TIMING BUS 37CDU CXU RXA CABLE 38CDU CXU RXB CABLE 39XBUS 40ANTENNA 41PSU DC CABLE 42CXU DC CABLE 43FLASH CARD 44PTU 45BATTERY TEMP SENSOR 46FCU 47OVPUERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.2SO TRXC 3.2.1SO TRXC,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Fault No Fault Type 01Reset,Power On 2Reset,Switch 3Reset,Watchdog 4Reset,SW Fault 5Reset,RAM Fault 6Reset,Internal Function Change 7Radio Baseband Loop Test Fault 8Timing Reception Fault 9Signal Processing Fault 10Tora Dannie Communication Fault 11DSP CPU Communication Fault 12Terrestrial Traffic Channel Fault 13RF Loop Test Fault 14RU Data Base Corrupted 15XBus Communication Fault 16Initiation Fault 17X−Interface Fault 18DSP Fault 19Reset,DXU Link Lost 20HW And IDB Inconsistent 21Internal Configuration Failed 22Voltage Supply Fault 23Air Time Counter Lost ..473.2.2SO TRXC,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Fault No Fault Type 0CDU/Combiner Not Usable 1Indoor Temp Out Of Safe Range 23DC Voltage Out Of Range 4Indoor Temp Above Safe Range 5Indoor Temp Below Safe Range 6SCTRL Communication Lost ..47ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.2.3SO TRXC,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Fault No Fault Type 0RX Cable Disconnected 1RX EEPROM Checksum Fault 2RX Config Table Checksum Fault 3RX Synthesizer Unlocked 4RX Internal Voltage Fault 5Astra Dixie Communication Fault 6Astra Tracy Communication Fault 7TX EEPROM Checksum Fault 8TX Config Table Checksum Fault 9TX Synthesizer Unlocked 10TX Internal Voltage Fault 11TX High Temperature 12TX Output Power Limits Exceeded 13TX Saturation 14Voltage Supply Fault 15VSWR/Output Power Supervision Lost 16Non−Volatile Memory Corrupted 17Loadfile Missing in TRU 18DSP Fault 19High Frequency Software Fault 20RX Initiation Fault 21TX Initiation Fault 22CDU−Bus Communication Fault 23Default Values Used 2425TX Max Power Restricted 26DB parameter fault 2728PFWD/PREF Measurement Access Failure ..47ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.2.4SO TRXC,External Condition Map Class 1Fault No Fault Type 01234L/R SWI (TRU In Local Mode)5L/R TI (Local to Remote while Link Lost)67891011121314153.2.5SO TRXC,External Condition Map Class 2Not used.3.2.6SO TRXC,Replacement Unit Map No RU 0TRU,dTRU or ATRU 12MICRO RBS 3CXU dTRU RXA CABLE 4CXU dTRU RXB CABLE 5CDU CXU RXA CABLE 6CDU CXU RXB CABLE 7CDU TO ATRU RX CABLE 8SCTRL BUS CABLE 9ATRU TO SCU PFWD/PREF CABLE 10CDU TO TRU PFWD CABLE 11CDU TO TRU PREFL CABLE 12CDU TO TRU RXA CABLE 13CDU TO TRU RXB CABLE ..47ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.3AO CON 3.3.1AO CON,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Not used.3.3.2AO CON,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Not used.3.3.3AO CON,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Not used.3.3.4AO CON,External Condition Map Class 1Fault No Fault Type 012345678LAPD Q CG (LAPD Queue Congestion)9101112131415ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.3.5AO CON,External Condition Map Class 2Fault No Fault Type 012345678LAPD Q CG (LAPD Queue Congestion)91011121314153.3.6AO CON,Replacement Unit Map Not used.See Replacement Unit Map for SO CF for possible HW causing the fault.3.4AO DP AO DP is not supervised.Note:The Digital Path is supervised by PCM Supervision.3.5AO IS AO IS is not supervised.3.6AO RX 3.6.1AO RX,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Not used.ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.6.2AO RX,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Fault No Fault type 0RXDA Amplifier Current Fault 1ALNA/TMA Fault 23RX EEPROM Checksum Fault 4RX Config Table Checksum Fault 5RX Synthesizer A/B Unlocked 6RX Synthesizer C Unlocked 7Astra Dixie Communication Fault 8RX Internal Voltage Fault 9RX Cable Disconnected 10RX Initiation Fault 11CDU Output Voltage Fault 12TMA CM Output Voltage Fault ..47RX Auxiliary Equipment Fault 3.6.3AO RX,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Not used.3.6.4AO RX,External Condition Map Class 1Not used.3.6.5AO RX,External Condition Map Class 2Not used.3.6.6AO RX,Replacement Unit Map Not used.See Replacement Unit Map for SO CF and SO TRXC for possible HW causing the fault.3.7AO TF 3.7.1AO TF,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Not used.ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.7.2AO TF,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Fault No Fault Type 0Optional Synchronization Source 1DXU−Opt EEPROM Checksum Fault ..473.7.3AO TF,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Not used.3.7.4AO TF,External Condition Map Class 1Fault No Fault Type 0EXT SYNCH (No Usable External Reference)1PCM SYNCH (No Usable PCM−Reference)2345789101112131415ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.7.5AO TF,External Condition Map Class 2Fault No Fault Type 0EXT SYNCH (No Usable External Reference)1PCM SYNCH (No Usable PCM−Reference)234567891011121314153.7.6AO TF,Replacement Unit Map Not used.See Replacement Unit Map for SO CF for possible HW causing the fault.3.8AO TS 3.8.1AO TS,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Not Used.3.8.2AO TS,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Not used.3.8.3AO TS,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Not used.ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.8.4AO TS,External Condition Map Class 1Fault No Fault Type 0123TRA/PCU (Remote Transcoder/PCU Com.Lost)4567891011121314153.8.5AO TS,External Condition Map Class 2Not used.3.8.6AO TS,Replacement Unit Map Not used.3.9AO TX 3.9.1AO TX,Internal Fault Map Class 1A Fault No Fault type 0TX Offending ..47ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.9.2AO TX,Internal Fault Map Class 1B Fault No Fault type 0CU/CDU Not Usable 1CDU/Combiner VSWR Limits Exceeded 2CDU Output Power Limits Exceeded 34TX Antenna VSWR Limits Exceeded 56TX EEPROM Checksum Fault 7TX Config Table Checksum Fault 8TX Synthesizer A/B Unlocked 9TX Synthesizer C Unlocked 10Astra Tracy Communication Fault 11TX Internal Voltage Fault 12TX High Temperature 13TX Output Power Limits Exceeded 14TX Saturation 151617TX Initiation Fault 18CU/CDU HW Fault 19CU/CDU SW Load/Start Fault 20CU/CDU Input Power Fault 21CU/CDU Park Fault 22VSWR/Output Power Supervision Lost 23CU/CDU Reset,Power On 24CU/CDU Reset,Communication Fault 25CU/CDU Reset,Watchdog 26CU/CDU Fine Tuning Fault 27TX Max Power Restricted 28CDU High Temperature 29SCU Voltage Supply Fault ..47TX Auxiliary Equipment Fault 3.9.3AO TX,Internal Fault Map Class 2A Fault No Fault Type 0TX Diversity Fault ..473.9.4AO TX,External Condition Map Class 1Not used.ERA/LRF/TC (Hans Lundqvist)2000−09−07V 3241/1MRJ3.9.5AO TX,External Condition Map Class 2Not used.3.9.6AO TX,Replacement Unit Map Not used.See Replacement Unit Map for SO CF and SO TRXC for possible HW causing the fault.。

LabWindows CVI 7.1版本发布说明说明书

LabWindows  CVI 7.1版本发布说明说明书

RELEASE NOTESLabWindows /CVI Version 7.1These release notes introduce LabWindows/CVI 7.1. Refer to thisdocument for system requirements, installation and activation instructions, and information about new features in LabWindows/CVI.Minimum System RequirementsTo run LabWindows/CVI, you must have the following items:•Personal computer using a Pentium 600 or higher microprocessor •Windows 2000/NT Service Pack 6/XP •800 × 600 resolution (or higher) video adapter •Minimum of 128 MB of RAM, 256 MB recommended •150 MB free hard disk space for full installation •Microsoft-compatible mouse •Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, typical installationInstallation InstructionsNote If you have a previous version of LabWindows/CVI installed on your machine, be sure to install version 7.1 in a different directory or uninstall the older version before installing this version.1.Insert the LabWindows/CVI CD into the CD drive. If the CD does not run automatically, open Windows Explorer, right-click the CD driveicon, and select AutoPlay .2.Select Install LabWindows/CVI on the National InstrumentsLabWindows/CVI screen.™™3.In the User Information panel, enter the serial number found on yourCertificate of Ownership card.4.Continue to follow the instructions on the screen. Activation InstructionsComplete the following steps to activate LabWindows/CVI:unch LabWindows/CVI.2.The LabWindows/CVI – Unlicensed Version message box opens whenyou launch LabWindows/CVI for the first time. Click ActivateLicense, which launches the NI Activation Wizard.3.In the NI Activation Wizard, select a method to acquire the activationcode and click Next:–Automatically activate through a secure Internetconnection—Automatically receive an activation code.–Use a Web browser, email client, telephone, or fax machine toacquire an activation code—Contact National Instruments toobtain an activation code. You will then enter the code in theNI Activation Wizard to activate LabWindows/CVI.–Apply a 20-character activation code previously acquired forthis computer—Enter a code you have obtained to activateLabWindows/CVI.4.Enter or verify your serial number. Click Next.5.Continue to follow the instructions on the screen.6.When you successfully activate LabWindows/CVI, click Finish. What’s New in LabWindows/CVI7.1?This section includes information about changes and enhancements inLabWindows/CVI 7.1.Digital Graph ControlUse the digital graph control to plot and display arrays of data as lines orbuses. As with all other LabWindows/CVI controls, you can create a digitalgraph programmatically or in the User Interface Editor.You can find examples for using the digital graph control in the samples\newexamples.cws workspace.LabWindows/CVI Release For more information about the digital graph control, refer to the LibraryReference»User Interface Library»Controls»Control Types»DigitalGraph Control section of the LabWindows/CVI Help.Splitter ControlUse the splitter control to resize different components of your graphicaluser interface. You also can use the splitter control as a line decoration. Youcan create this control programmatically or in the User Interface Editor.You can find examples for using the splitter control in the samples\newexamples.cws workspace.For more information about the splitter control, refer to the LibraryReference»User Interface Library»Controls»Control Types»SplitterControl section of the LabWindows/CVI Help.Remote DebuggingWith remote debugging, the LabWindows/CVI debugger and the programyou are debugging can be on different computers. The debugger anddebuggee communicate over a TCP/IP network connection. To configureremote debugging, select Run»Configure Remote Debugging.For more information about remote debugging, refer to UsingLabWindows/CVI»Debugging Tools»Remote Debugging in theLabWindows/CVI Help.Debugging on RT TargetsUsing remote debugging, you can debug LabWindows/CVI-built DLLs ona remote LabVIEW Real-Time system.For more information about how to debug a DLL on an RT target, refer tothe Using LabWindows/CVI DLLs in LabVIEW Real-Time Applicationsapplication note, available through the LabWindows/CVI Bookshelf.Command Line InterfaceUse the LabWindows/CVI command line compiler, compile.exe, tocompile files and build projects from the command line. You can use thisfeature to automate builds. The command line compiler does not launch theLabWindows/CVI environment.© National Instruments Corporation3LabWindows/CVI Release NotesTry compiling a LabWindows/CVI sample project. compile.exe islocated in the National Instruments\CVI71 folder.For more information about compiling from the command line, refer toCommand Line Compiler in the LabWindows/CVI Help index.Function Panels in WorkspaceYou can edit and operate function panels from within the WindowConfinement Region of the Workspace window.Variable and Watch Windows in WorkspaceYou can view the Variable and Watch windows from within the DebuggingRegion in the Workspace window.Code Completion EnhancementsLabWindows/CVI includes the following enhancements in the Sourcewindow:•Launch function panel customization dialog boxes. For example, typeLoadPanel in a Source window. After you type the openingparentheses and the first parameter, notice the ... button next toFilename in the function prototype tooltip. Click the button or press<Ctrl-Shift-Enter> to view the Open dialog box.•Select constant values. Parameters with predefined values, attributes,and attribute values have a ... button in the function prototype tooltipwhen they are active. For example, type OpenComConfig in a Sourcewindow. You can select a value for COMPort by clicking the ... buttonor pressing <Ctrl-Shift-Enter>. To see an example of selecting anattribute, type SetCtrlAttribute in a Source window. You canselect an attribute for the ControlAttribute parameter and select anattribute value.•Declare variables. As you type values for the parameters, press<Ctrl-D> to declare a variable. LabWindows/CVI inserts thedeclaration code at the top of the function.•View function and parameter help. As you type the function, you canpress <F1> or click the question mark button in the function prototypeto view help for the active function or parameter.For more information about code completion enhancements, refer toSource Code Completion Options in the LabWindows/CVI Help index. LabWindows/CVI Release TCP/IP EnhancementsThe LabWindows/CVI TCP Support Library contains several newfunctions:•RegisterTCPServerEx—Includes a parameter in which you canspecify the address of the localhost network interface to use for theconnection.•UnregisterTCPServerEx—Includes a parameter in which you canspecify the address of the localhost network interface to use for theconnection.•ConnectToTCPServerEx—Includes a parameter in which you canspecify the port number to use for the client on the localhost.•GetAllTCPHostAddresses—Returns all of the network interface IPaddresses of the computer on which your program is currently running.For more information about the new functions in the TCP Support Library,refer to the function panel help.Internet LibraryThe LabWindows/CVI Internet Toolkit is now a LabWindows/CVI library.Use this library to complete the following actions:•Send and receive files to and from a remote FTP server•Send commands to and get output from a remote Telnet server•Send email to any internet email address•Send commands to and retrieve email from POP3 servers•Ping network machines to see if they are available•Launch the default Web browserYou can find examples for using the Internet Library in the samples\newexamples.cws workspace.For more information about the Internet Library, refer to the LibraryReference»Internet Library section of the LabWindows/CVI Help.DIAdem Connectivity LibraryUse this library to save test data in National Instruments DIAdem fileformat. DIAdem is a powerful tool for interactive visualization, analysis,and management of test data. You also can use this library toprogrammatically read DIAdem files.You can find examples for using the DIAdem Connectivity Library in thesamples\newexamples.cws workspace.© National Instruments Corporation5LabWindows/CVI Release NotesFor more information about this library, refer to the Library Reference»DIAdem Connectivity Library section of the LabWindows/CVI Help.Pre- and Post-Build StepsSpecify actions to execute before and after you build a project inLabWindows/CVI. To add build steps to your project, select Build»BuildSteps.You can use build steps to remove manual steps from your build process.For example, if your build process consists of synching to the latest sourcefiles in your source code control program, running a batch file, buildingyour project, and then checking the project back into your source codecontrol program, you can add these items as build steps. When you buildyour project, LabWindows/CVI will complete these steps.For more information about build steps, refer to Build Steps in theLabWindows/CVI Help index.Event Interface for LabWindows/CVI COM ServerLabWindows/CVI 7.1 includes support for COM events in theLabWindows/CVI ActiveX server. This feature allows ActiveX clients thatautomate LabWindows/CVI to be notified about important state changes,completion of asynchronous tasks, and so on. LabWindows/CVI ResourcesHow do I get started?Read the Getting Started with LabWindows/CVI manual, which provides atutorial of the LabWindows/CVI environment.Are there known issues or late-breaking information?Refer to the LabWindows/CVI ReadMe, which you can access fromStart»Programs»National Instruments»LabWindows CVI»LabWindows CVI ReadMe. The ReadMe contains information aboutknown issues.Where can I find reference information?The LabWindows/CVI Help contains complete reference information. Thehelp file includes the following sections:•Using LabWindows/CVI describes the LabWindows/CVI developmentenvironment and features.LabWindows/CVI Release •Library Reference provides information about functions you can callin LabWindows/CVI.•Programmer Reference provides information to help you developapplications.•Tools Library provides information about the LabWindows/CVIToolslib controls.Where can I find examples?Find examples with the NI Example Finder, which you can access byselecting Help»Find Examples.Is there a list of LabWindows/CVI documentation?The LabWindows/CVI Bookshelf contains all the LabWindows/CVIdocumentation, including manuals, application notes, and white papers, inelectronic format. You can launch the Bookshelf from Start»Programs»National Instruments»LabWindows CVI»LabWindows CVIBookshelf.Where else can I go for LabWindows/CVI information?Visit the LabWindows/CVI Web site and NI Developer Zone at forthe most up-to-date information about LabWindows/CVI.© National Instruments Corporation7LabWindows/CVI Release NotesCVI™, DIAdem™, LabVIEW™, National Instruments™, NI™, ™, and NI Developer Zone ™ are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instrumentsproducts, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents. For a listing of the copyrights, conditions, and disclaimers regarding components used in USI (Xerces C++, ICU, and HDF5), refer to the USICopyrights.chm.© 2003–2004 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. Printed in Ireland.323607B-01Sep04 *323607B-01*。

Adaptive tracking control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with input constraints

Adaptive tracking control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with input constraints

In this paper, adaptive tracking control is proposed for a class of uncertain multi-input and multi-output nonlinear systems with non-symmetric input constraints. The auxiliary design system is introduced to analyze the effect of input constraints, and its states are used to adaptive tracking control design. The spectral radius of the control coefficient matrix is used to relax the nonsingular assumption of the control coefficient matrix. Subsequently, the constrained adaptive control is presented, where command filters are adopted to implement the emulate of actuator physical constraints on the control law and virtual control laws and avoid the tedious analytic computations of time derivatives of virtual control laws in the backstepping procedure. Under the proposed control techniques, the closed-loop semi-global uniformly ultimate bounded stability is achieved via Lyapunov synthesis. Finally, simulation studies are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive tracking control. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Hunter HawkEye Alignment Systems说明书

Hunter HawkEye  Alignment Systems说明书

®A lignment Systems123Alignment as easy as 1-2-3!HawkEye Alignment Systems featuring WinAlign software fully integrate the functions of the console, sensors and lift into one highly efficient alignment system.A series of automated features and intuitive software tools save time and simplify procedures to make alignment as easy as...Select the vehicleMeasure anglesMake adjustments Present your results!s t e ps t e ps t e p✔ Scan the VIN or...✔ Recall specs manually✔ I nstall targets✔ C apture measurements in 40 seconds ✔ R eview "before" results✔ F ollow the adjustment instructions ✔ P rint before-and-after results✔ Sell more alignments ✔ Generate greater profitsHunter's latest productivity features!No more lock-pin hassles!Forget pulling andreplacinglock pins by hand.Infl ation and no gauges! Set and record tire pressureautomatically withoutcumbersome hosesand gauges.Simplified adjustments!Intuitive software features guide every adjustment.Recall specs in a snap!Recall OE specs and vehicle-specific alignment proceduresinstantly.*Patented integrated steering system reset! Reset computerized steering systems on a wide variety of vehicles with one simple tool.Easy access targets!Store targets within arm’s reach of each wheel for maximum productivity.High-resolution cameras!Four high-resolution cameras provide alignment measurements with pinpoint accuracy.* Standard with WA400 consoles, optional with WA300 consoles.Chock wheels and lift vehicle ✔ Check air pressure and recall specs ✔ Mount targets ✔ R oll to compensate ✔ Remove pins ✔ Steer caster ✔ Print results 4:00 Total✔C hock wheels and lift vehicle✔ Jack up front and rear of vehicle ✔ Check air pressure and recall specs ✔ Mount all 4 sensors, compensate each wheel, and remove pins ✔ L ower rear and front of vehicle and jounce ✔ Steer caster ✔ Print results 10:05 TotalPrevious setups used valuable shop time…Older technology requires long set-up times…Early camera technology improves efficiency…Conventional electronic-sensor system – 10-minute-plus procedureCamera-sensor systems speed up the process3456789012✔Cho 4:001010:00+46246ACTIVITY TRACKER36l 83ACTIVITY TRACKER2341…Today, present your results in just 2 minutes!Hunter's 2-minute procedure✔ C hock wheels and lift vehicle to work height ✔ Mount targets and set air pressure ✔ Roll forward and back to compensate sensors ✔ S can VIN to recall specs and perform enhanced caster steer ✔ Vehicle results print automatically 2:03 TotalHunter's HawkEye System a nd Premium RX Lift capture all readings and produce measurements in 2 minutes!Fast printoutsin 2 minutes!Use detailed printouts featuring your company’s logo to sell more work.trip around the vehicle trips to the console total walking stepsl 072ACTIVITY TRACKER212:03When it comes to award-winning software,WinAlign ®i s unmatched! ExpressAlignPerform every alignment with a streamlined procedure. ExpressAlign analyzes each job and presents the optimal action sequence with the minimum steps required.W inToeEnsure a straight steering wheel every time without repeated adjustments or using a steering wheel holder.timesaver on nearly every alignmentThe importance of software…most extensive vehicleinformation database for North America's 220 million vehicles. V ehicle-specifi c procedures guide your technicians with step-by-step instructions.◆P atented and award-winning power tools complete the work accurately the fi rst time, every time.◆W inAlign maximize s profi t and productivity in your alignment bay.A WinAlign maximizes profi t and productivity in your alignment bayOrdinary camera systems simply speed up these readings Ordinary systemssimply present alignment readings Over 30 years of experience and the largest R&D department in the undercar industry bring you the most profi table and productive software on the market.T he ◆◆Control Arm Movement MonitorCut adjustment times in half for front-shim, dual-cam or dual-slot vehicles. Step-by-step graphics let you get it right on the fi rst try.ver 60 million vehicles benefi tA utomatic Bushing Calculator Calculate the proper bushing size and positionadjustment without wasting time with a zero bushing.ver 10 million light trucks and vans benefi tWheel-Off AdjustmentS peed the alignment process by making adjustments with the wheel removed.*Available when you need it Virtual ViewSee your alignment job in 3-D using real-time3-D graphics. Used by experts and novices alike.Every alignment can be shown in 3-Dss by makingS him-Select II Eliminate confusing shim charts and tables. Shim Select II quickly calculates and displays the template you need for proper shim installation.ver 30 million vehicles benefi tT ools and Kits Database Save trips back and forth to the tool box. Hunter presents all of the tools and aftermarket correction kits needed for each alignment.Online ordering supportedO Ev O AvA O O * Requires Wheel-Off Adjustment Kit 20-1978-1.* Standard with WA400 consoles, optional with WA300 consoles.Take your alignment business to the next level!S ymmetry Angle Measurements Instantly access symmetry angles and setback for your body shop customers.TPMSpecsOver 100 TPMS procedures in a simple, yetcomprehensive, user-friendly format for the technician.Drive-on camera Safely and easily position a vehicle on a lift with one technician. WinAlign software supports the use of a drive-on camera, which uses the aligner screen as a guide. (Drive-on camera sold separately.)L ive Ride Height Adjustment*Measure and adjust ride height in real-time. O ver 20 million vehicles require ride height measurement to complete alignment serviceWinAlign Tuner*Perform alignments on tuned suspensions and other modifi ed vehicles with tools to monitor tire wear and handling .Perform body shop alignments…Perform specialty alignments…Suspension Body Dimension Audit Quickly screen vehicles to determine alignability and collision repair needs.n real-time.Help your customers make informed decisions!WinAlign Video Library*400+ videos cover all aspects of wheelalignment today.✔ Educate your customers ✔ Find answers to unusual problems ✔Extend your service and profi t opportunities ✔ Strengthen technician competencyPoint & Click Inspection Photos*5,000+ vehicle-specifi c photos and illustrationsto assist your shop.✔ S how your customers their hidden repair needs ✔Guide your technicians to the proper inspection points✔E xtend your service and profit opportunitiesThe latest specs available onlineDownload, access and communicate alignmentservice information through the Internet.✔WebSpecs .NET specification database†✔online service*†✔ subscription*†WinAlignprintouts help sell workExplain needed parts and repairs and showcompleted work to customers using detailed, color-coded printouts.lear and detailed printouts help you communicate and build rapport with your customers and sell more alignmentsl C * Standard with WA400 consoles, optional with WA300 consoles.† Two-year free subscription for , one-year free subscription for and .l243FIA streamlines the entire alignment process. Communication links automate tasks once performed by the technician manually, eliminating time-consuming trips around the vehicle and to-and-from the console.RX Scissor Lift console✔ R aising the vehicle triggers the sensors to look for wheel targets ✔ C ontrol PowerSlide and Infl ation Station settings on the lift console✔ S tore bar-code scanner and CodeLink tool near the vehicle to save stepsWinAlign console✔ C entralized control of entire system ✔ C ommunicate directly with lift to set tire pressure and automatically operate turnplates and slipplates ✔ G uide the technician through the alignment processAlignLights turn on automatically at alignment heightautomatically once fourth target is installedl2PowerSlide system✔ S lipplates and turnplates automatically lock and unlock at appropriate times ✔ N o more struggles with lock pinsAuto-locking turnplatesand slipplates save trips around the vehicle3Inflation Station✔ A utomatically infl ate all four tires simultaneously ✔ R ecord starting and fi nal pressure ✔ H ose recoils to keep work area clearSoftware tracks beforeand after tire pressures for the customer's printoutSoftware tracks bef 4Requires FIA lift. See RX or Four-Post lift brochures for details.Measurements are takenFinishes the job right✔No other reset tool matches CodeLink's patented integration withthe alignment procedure✔ G uarantees precision with exact steering system sensor thresholds ✔ R educes errors that result in customer comebacksCodeLink ®– The new last step in alignment serviceSimple and effi cient✔ A utomatically identifies candidate vehicles ✔ I ncorporates reset steps into the alignment ✔U ses aligner screen to display instructions ✔ U pdates automatically with systemsoftware upgrades✔ D edicated alignment toolOne tool replacesmultiple OEM scan toolsSimplified reset instructions replace confusing OEM proceduresPrinted documentation confirms that steeringsystem reset was completed properlyCodeLink directly "links" the vehicle OBD-II to the aligner to reset steering system sensors, as required by the manufacturer.Some of the more popular OEMs that currently require reset:Audi • BMW • Chevy • Ford • Hyundai • Infiniti • Lexus • Mazda • Mercury •MINI • Nissan • Pontiac • Saturn • Scion • Toyota • Volkswagen23lWinAlign WA300For product dimensions, weights and site requirements, please contact your local Hunter Sales Representative.Choose the right alignment console for your shop!Standard consolesProcessor3.30 GHz Intel Core i3Memory (DDR2)4 GB of DDR3 SDRAMHard drive120.0 GB SSD hard drive (or greater)DVD-RW/CD-RW driveStandard Monitor class22" widescreen LCD or 24" widescreen LCDWireless network moduleOptional Operating systemWindows 7Three-dimensional target (TD Target ) supportOptional (requires premium feature key)Vehicle specifi cations (30 plus years)Standard (2 years free updates)Award-winning WinAlign softwareStandardReal-time specs delivered by web WebSpecs (2 years standard)Steering system reset (integrated)Yes (with standard CodeLink )Bar code readerOptional Complete TPMS reset database Standard Live Ride Height adjustment OptionalFully Integrated Alignment Yes (FIA-equipped lift required)Modifi ed vehicle alignment Optional Vehicle inspection with photos Optional Tools & Kits – basic catalog Standard Tools & Kits – video and photos Optional Equipment video help/assistance Optional ShopResults (via )Optional UnderCarInfo (via )Optional Training and productivity aids1,600+ illustrations 100+ animationsI n d u s t r y -l e a d i n g h a r d w a r eA w a r d -w i n n i n g p r o d u c t i v i t y t o o l sCompactconsoleWall-mountconsoleChoose the right sensor package for your shop!Fixed-column configurations fit most servicebay applications.Wall- and ceiling-mount configurations areperfect when space is at a premium.Manually operated vertical camera configurationprovides a full range of travel for additionallift height.Lift-column configurations automaticallyposition the cameras to any lift height duringthe alignment process.Cabinet-mounted configuration is mobileto service multiple alignment bays andprovides a full range of travel for additional lift height.Floor-mounted overhead configurations are ideal for drive-through bays or to accommodate unique applications.HawkEye ®a lignment sensor and adaptor specifi cationsNo metal-to-metal contact with wheelN/A Weight of assembly 11 lbs.Profi le of assembly 18 inches Installation time per wheel10-15 seconds Rolling compensation styleBack/ForwardCamera resolution2,608 x 1,952 (pixels per camera)20,000,000 (pixels total)Track width 80 inches Wheelbase 210 inches Distance to wall*66 - 107 inches Suggested distance*99 inches Short-bay distance (see site info)*66 inchesS.A.I. and included angle✔Setback✔Maximum steering angleTo lock Live ride height**✔Wheelbase difference ✔Track width difference ✔Tread width difference✔Lateral offset ✔Rear setback ✔Axle offset✔SBDA ✔Body angle✔Body wheel offset & setback✔Body roll✔Way Up Way Out WinToe✔Wheel-Off Adjustment (WinAlign 9 & up)OptionalS p e c i fi c a t i o n sS e c o n d a r y M e a s u r e m e n t sB o d yM e a s u r e m e n t sA d j u s t m e n t s* Refer to site requirements for exact bay specifi cations.** Requires Ride Height targets. Standard with WA400 consoles, optional with WA300 consoles.0115FAP4M.85Sell morealignmentswith clear andinformativeprintoutsBe sure to check out other Hunter literature for morequality products from Hunter Engineering.w w w.h u n t e r.c o mCustomizedcolumn capMake youralignment baystand out. Hunter'slighted sensorcolumn cap canbe customized with yourlogo or shop name.(available for most sensorconfi gurations)Introduce your wheel alignmentcapabilities and educate yourcustomers with great Point-of-Saleoptions from Hunter.Increase revenue with Hunter merchandising!Copyright © 2015 Hunter Engineering Company Form 6321-T, 01/15Supersedes 6321-T, 05/14。



A S P E C I A L I S T I N D E S I G N&M A N U F A C T U R E O F V A L V E S目录目录 (1)Preface 前言 (2)Product Features产品特点 (3)Applicable Standards 设计规范 (4)Installation,Operation and Maintenance Instructions for V-Port Segment Control Valve – JSB Series 安装,操作和维护说明 (6)Storage 保存 (6)Preparation and preservation for storage保存的准备及维护 (6)Handling requirements处理要求 (6)Storage and preservation before installation组装前的保存及维护 (8)Installation 安装 (10)Preparation before installation安装之前的准备工作 (10)Installation Instructions安装操作 (11)Maintaince 维护 (14)Disassembly & Assembly拆卸和组装 (15)Valve disassembly阀的拆御 (16)Valve re-assembly重新组装阀 (17)A S P E C I A L I S T I N D E S I G N&M A N U F A C T U R E O F V A L V E SPreface 前言1. Please read this manual before installation or servicing.请在安装和维修阀门前阅读此操作手册2. Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved and anyhazardous fluid has been drained or purged from the system.请在安装和维修前,确保管道压力已经泄放,同时危险的流体已经排放掉。

Christie Phoenix System Reference Manual

Christie Phoenix System Reference Manual
이 기기는 업무용(A급)으로 전자파적합등록을 한 기기이오니 판매자 또는 사용자는 이점을 주의하시기 바라며, 가정 외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.
ENVIRONMENTAL The product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symbol
GENERAL Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are typical, but may vary depending on conditions beyond Christie's control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions. Performance specifications are based on information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this material.

Nsight Systems 2021.3.1安装指南说明书

Nsight Systems 2021.3.1安装指南说明书

Nsight Systems Installation GuideTABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Overview (1)Chapter 2. System Requirements (3)Supported Platforms (3)CUDA Version (4)Requirements for Android-Based Devices (4)Requirements for x86_64, Power, and ARM SBSA T argets on Linux (5)x86_64 Windows T arget Device Requirements (6)Host Application Requirements (6)Chapter 3. Getting Started Guide (7)3.1. Finding the Right Package (7)3.2. Installing GUI on the Host System (8)3.3. Optional: Setting up the CLI (8)3.4. Launching the GUI (9)Nsight Systems is a statistical sampling profiler with tracing features. It is designed to work with devices and devkits based on NVIDIA Tegra SoCs (system-on-chip), ARM SBSA (server based system architecture) systems, IBM Power systems, and systems based on the x86_64 processor architecture that also include NVIDIA GPU(s). Throughout this document we will refer to the device on which profiling happens as the target, and the computer on which the user works and controls the profiling session as the host. Note that for x86_64 based systems these may be on the same device, whereas with Tegra, ARM, or IBM Power based systems they will always be separate. Furthermore, three different activities are distinguished as follows:‣Profiling — The process of collecting any performance data. A profiling session in Nsight Systems typically includes sampling and tracing.‣Sampling — The process of periodically stopping the profilee (the application under investigation during the profiling session), typically to collect backtraces (call stacks of active threads), which allows you to understand statistically how much time is spent in each function. Additionally, hardware counters can also be sampled. This process is inherently imprecise when a low number of samples have been collected.‣Tracing — The process of collecting precise information about various activities happening in the profilee or in the system. For example, profilee API execution may be traced providing the exact time and duration of a function call.Nsight Systems supports multiple generations of Tegra SoCs, NVIDIA discrete GPUs, and various CPU architectures, as well as various target and host operating systems. This documentation describes the full set of features available in any version of Nsight Systems. In the event that a feature is not available in all versions, that will be noted in the text. In general, Nsight Systems Embedded Platforms Edition indicates the package that supports Tegra processors for the embedded and automotive market and Nsight Systems Workstation Edition supports x86_64, IBM Power, and ARM server (SBSA) processors for the workstation and cluster market.Common features that are supported by Nsight Systems on most platforms include the following:‣Sampling of the profilee and collecting backtraces using multiple algorithms (such as frame pointers or DWARF data). Building top-down, bottom-up, and flat viewsOverviewas appropriate. This information helps identify performance bottlenecks in CPU-intensive code.‣Sampling or tracing system power behaviors, such as CPU frequency.‣(Only on Nsight Systems Embedded Platforms Edition)Sampling counters from ARM PMU (Performance Monitoring Unit). Information such as cache misses gets statistically correlated with function execution.‣Support for multiple windows. Users with multiple monitors can see multiple reports simultaneously, or have multiple views into the same report file.With Nsight Systems, a user could:‣Identify call paths that monopolize the CPU.‣Identify individual functions that monopolize the CPU (across different call paths).‣For Nsight Systems Embedded Platforms Edition, identify functions that have poor cache utilization.‣If platform supports CUDA, see visual representation of CUDA Runtime and Driver API calls, as well as CUDA GPU workload. Nsight Systems uses the CUDA Profiling Tools Interface (CUPTI), for more information, see: CUPTI documentation.‣If the user annotates with NVIDIA Tools Extension (NVTX), see visual representation of NVTX annotations: ranges, markers, and thread names.‣For Windows targets, see visual representation of D3D12: which API calls are being made on the CPU, graphic frames, stutter analysis, as well as GPU workloads(command lists and debug ranges).‣For x86_64 targets, see visual representation of Vulkan: which API calls are being made on the CPU, graphic frames, stutter analysis, as well as Vulkan GPU workloads (command buffers and debug ranges).Nsight Systems supports multiple platforms. For simplicity, stentryink of these as Nsight Systems Embedded Platforms Edition and Nsight Systems Workstation Edition, where Nsight Systems Workstation Edition supports desktops, workstations, and clusters with x86_64, IBM Power, and ARM SBSA CPUs on Linux and Windows OSs, while Nsight Systems Embedded Platforms Edition supports NVIDIA Tegra products for the embedded and gaming space on Android, Linux for Tegra, and QNX OSs.Supported PlatformsDepending on your OS, different GPUs are supportedAndroid‣NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV‣NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet‣Various devkitsL4T (Linux for Tegra)‣Jetson AGX Xavier‣Jetson TX2‣Jetson TX2i‣Jetson TX‣Jetson Nano‣Jetson Xavier NXx86_64, IBM Power (from Power 9), or ARM SBSA‣NVIDIA GPU architectures starting with Pascal‣OS (64 bit only)‣Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, and 18.04‣CentOS and RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.4+ with kernel version 3.10.0-693 or later.‣Windows 10CUDA Version‣Nsight Systems supports CUDA 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, and 11.0 for most platforms ‣Nsight Systems on ARM SBSA supports 10.2 and 11.0Note that CUDA version and driver version must be compatible.CUDA Version Driver minimum version11.045010.2440.3010.1418.3910.0410.48 Requirements for Android-Based DevicesTo use Nsight Systems with Android-based target devices, you must first:1.Have a compatible Android device.2.Have a compatible Android OS image.If installing from CODEWORKS, note that devices from NVIDIA typically shipwith support, while OEMs or ODMs producing their own Nsight Systems choose whether or not to support this tool.To check for the version number of the kernel support of Nsight Systems on a target device, run the following command from ADB shell:cat /proc/quadd/versionMinimal supported version is 1.82.3.Install the Android SDK Platform tools.4.Install the ADB USB Driver.5.Have your target application compiled with the correct flags and packaged with thecorrect permissions.Items 3-4 can be handled automatically for you by installing the latest NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android. Item 2 may already be on your device, if it is a retail device starting with the Tegra 4 (minimum), but not all devices are required to come with OS images that support this tool. Item 2 can also be found for devkits by downloadingthe latest OS Image for your device. CodeWorks for Android can be found at: NVIDIA CodeWorks SDK.Using CodeWorks for Android is the recommended path for getting your Android device and system prepared to use Nsight Systems.Requirements for x86_64, Power, and ARM SBSAT argets on LinuxWhen attaching to x86_64, Power, or ARM SBSA Linux-based target from the GUI on the host, the connection is established through SSH.Use of Linux Perf: To collect thread scheduling data and IP (instruction pointer) samples, the Perf paranoid level on the target system must be 2 or less. Use the following command to check:If the output is >2, then do the following to temporarily adjust the paranoid level (note that this has to be done after each reboot):To make the change permanent, use the following command:Kernel version: To collect thread scheduling data and IP (instruction pointer) samples and backtraces, the kernel version must be:‣ 3.10.0-693 or later for CentOS and RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.4+‣ 4.3 or greater for all other distros including UbuntuTo check the version number of the kernel on a target device, run the following command on the device:Note that only CentOS, RedHat, and Ubuntu distros are tested/confirmed to work correctly.glibc version: To check the glibc version on a target device, run the following command:Nsight Systems requires glibc 2.14 or more recent.CUDA: See above for supported CUDA versions in this release. Use the deviceQuery command to determine the CUDA driver and runtime versions on the system. the deviceQuery command is available in the CUDA SDK. It is normally installed at:Only pure 64-bit environments are supported. In other words, 32-bit systems or 32-bit processes running within a 64-bit environment are not supported.Nsight Systems requires write permission to the `/var/lock` directory on the target system.Docker: See Collecting Data within a Docker section of Profiling in a Docker on Linux Devices for more information.x86_64 Windows T arget Device RequirementsDX12 Requires:‣Windows 10 with NVIDIA Driver 411.63 or higher for DX12 trace‣Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version 1803, AKA Redstone 4) with NVIDIA Driver 411.63 or higher for DirectX Ray Tracing, and tracing DX12 Copy command queues.Host Application RequirementsThe Nsight Systems host application runs on the following host platforms:‣Windows 7 and higher, Windows Server 2008 R2 and higher. Only 64-bit versions are supported.‣Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and higher are known to work, running on other modern distributions should be possible as well. Only 64-bit versions are supported.‣OS X 10.10 "Yosemite" and higher.3.1. Finding the Right PackageNsight Systems is available for multiple targets and multiple host OSs. To choose the right package, first consider the target system to be analyzed.‣For Tegra target systems, select Nsight Systems for Tegra available as part of NVIDIA JetPack SDK and NVIDIA CodeWorks SDK.‣For x86_64, IBM Power target systems,or ARM SDSA select from the target packages from Nsight Systems for Workstations, available from https:/// nsight-systems. This web release will always contain the latest and greatest Nsight Systems features.‣The x86_64, IBM Power, and ARM SBSA target versions of Nsight Systems are also available in the CUDA Toolkit.Each package is limited to one architecture. For example, Tegra packages do not contain support for profiling x86 targets, and x86 packages do not contain support for profiling Tegra targets.After choosing an appropriate target version, select the package corresponding to the host OS, the OS on the system where results will be viewed. These packages are inthe form of common installer types: .msi for Windows; .run, .rpm, and .deb for x86 Linux; .deb and .rpm for Linux on IBM Power; and .dmg for the MacOS installer. Note: the IBM Power and ARM SBSA packages do not have a GUI for visualization of the result. If you wish to visualize your result, please download and install the GUI available for MacOS, x86_64 Linux, or Windows systems.Tegra packages‣Windows host – Install .msi on Windows machine. Enables remote access to Tegra device for profiling.‣Linux host – Install .run on Linux system. Enables remote access to Tegra device for profiling.‣MacOS host – Install .dmg on MacOS machine. Enables remote access to Tegra device for profiling.Getting Started Guidex86_64 packages‣Windows host – Install .msi on Windows machine. Enables remote access to Linux x86_64 or Windows devices for profiling as well as running on local system.‣Linux host – Install .run, .rpm, or .deb on Linux system. Enables remote access to Linux x86_64 or Windows devices for profiling or running collection on localhost.‣Linux CLI only – The Linux CLI is shipped in all x86 packages, but if you just want the CLI, we have a package for that. Install .deb on Linux system. Enables only CLI collection, report can be imported or opened in x86_64 host.‣MacOS host – Install .dmg on MacOS machine. Enables remote access to Linux x86_64 device for profiling.IBM Power packages‣Power CLI only - The IBM Power support does not include a host GUI. Install .deb or .rpm on your Power system. Enables only CLI collection, report can be imported or opened in GUI on any supported host platform.ARM SBSA packages‣ARM SBSA CLI only - ARM SBSA support does not include a host GUI. Install .deb or .rpm on your ARM SBSA system. Enables only CLI collection, report can beimported or opened in GUI on any supported host platform.3.2. Installing GUI on the Host SystemCopy the appropriate file to your host system in a directory where you have write and execute permissions. Run the install file, accept the EULA, and Nsight Systems will install on your system.On Linux, there are special options to enable automated installation. Running the installer with the --accept flag will automatically accept the EULA, running withthe --accept flag and the --quiet flag will automatically accept the EULA without printing to stdout. Running with --quiet without --accept will display an error. The installation will create a Host directory for this host and a Target directory for each target this Nsight Systems package supports.All binaries needed to collect data on a target device will be installed on the target by the host on first connection to the device. There is no need to install the package on the target device.If installing from the CUDA Toolkit, see the CUDA Toolkit documentation.3.3. Optional: Setting up the CLIAll Nsight Systems targets can be profiled using the CLI. IBM Power and ARM SBSA targets can only be profiled using the CLI. The CLI is especially helpful when scripts are used to run unattended collections or when access to the target system via ssh is not possible. In particular, this can be used to enable collection in a Docker container.Getting Started Guide Installation Guide v2021.3.1 | 9The CLI can be found in the Target directory of the Nsight Systems installation. Users who want to install the CLI as a standalone tool can do so by copying the files within the Target directory to the location of their choice.If you wish to run the CLI without root (recommended mode) you will want to install in a directory where you have full access.Once you have the CLI set up, you can use the nsys status -e command to check your environment.~$ nsys status -e Sampling Environment Check Linux Kernel Paranoid Level = 1: OK Linux Distribution = Ubuntu Linux Kernel Version = 4.15.0-109-generic: OK Linux perf_event_open syscall available: OK Sampling trigger event available: OK Intel(c) Last Branch Record support: Available Sampling Environment: OKThis status check allows you to ensure that the system requirements for CPU sampling using Nsight Systems are met in your local environment. If the Sampling Environment is not OK, you will still be able to run various trace operations.Intel(c) Last Branch Record allows tools, including Nsight Systems to use hardware to quickly get limited stack information. Nsight Systems will use this method for stack resolution by default if available.For information about changing these environment settings, see System Requirements section in the Installation Guide. For information about changing the backtrace method,see Profiling from the CLI in the User Guide.To get started using the CLI, run nsys --help for a list of options or see Profiling Applications from the CLI in the User Guide for full documentation.3.4. Launching the GUIInstalled from Product Download PageDepending on your OS, Nsight Systems will have installed an icon on your host desktop that you can use to launch the GUI. To launch the GUI directly, run the nsight-sys executable in the Host sub-directory of your installation.Installed as Part of the CUDA ToolkitNsight Systems is installed by the CUDA Toolkit installer in /usr/local/cuda-[version]/NsightSystems-[version]. To launch the GUI, run the nsight-sys executable in the Host sub-directory there.In a future version of the CUDA Toolkit, this installation will be moved under the CUDA/bin directory.。

设备调试说明 英文

设备调试说明 英文

设备调试说明英文Device Debugging Instructions.When it comes to debugging a device, it is essential to follow a systematic approach to identify and resolve any issues. Here are the steps involved in device debugging:1. Initial Assessment: Begin by checking the device for any visible physical damage or loose connections. Inspect the cables, ports, and components to ensure everything isin working order.2. Diagnostic Tools: Utilize diagnostic tools such as multimeters, oscilloscopes, or software-based diagnostic programs to identify any underlying issues with thedevice's hardware or software.3. Documentation: Keep detailed records of any error messages, unusual behavior, or symptoms exhibited by the device. This documentation will help in the debuggingprocess.4. Isolation Testing: If the device is part of a larger system, isolate it from the rest of the setup to determine if the issue is localized to the device itself or if it is influenced by external factors.5. Firmware and Software Updates: Ensure that the device's firmware and software are up to date. Sometimes, bugs and issues can be resolved by updating the device's firmware or software to the latest version.6. Component Replacement: If a specific component is suspected to be faulty, consider replacing it with a known working component to see if the issue is resolved.7. Collaboration: If the debugging process becomes complex, consider collaborating with colleagues or reaching out to technical support for assistance. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can lead to a breakthrough in the debugging process.8. Testing and Validation: Once the issue has been identified and addressed, thoroughly test the device to ensure that the problem has been resolved. This may involve running diagnostic tests, stress testing, or simulatingreal-world usage scenarios.9. Documentation of Resolution: Document the steps taken to resolve the issue, including any component replacements, software updates, or debugging techniques used. This documentation will be valuable for future reference.By following these steps, a comprehensive and thorough approach to device debugging can be achieved, leading to the successful resolution of any issues that may arise.。



_MTK校准配置文件参数详细说明要点4.1 INI 文件的介绍:4.1.1[射频功能组的复位]下面是setup INI文件中定义的项目。

GSM900 Sig = 1GSM1800 Sig = 1GSM1900 Sig = 1GSM900 NSig = 1GSM1800 NSig = 1GSM1900 NSig = 1通常设置为1,指在对CMU200设置之前对设备进行复位,为0时不复位。

4.1.2 系统设置:setup INI文件中定义的项目:External Reference Clock = 0 默认值为0,指使用CMU200输出的参考时钟,为1时使用外部参考时钟。

CMU Base GPIB Address = 20CMU的GPIB地址的设置,要与软件对应。

Instrument = "CMU200"使用的设备为CMU200Power Supply Address = GPIB0::5::INSTR电源地址的设置使用Kei230x时,应为Power Supply Address = 5CMU RF Port = 2CMU200使用的射频端口设置Test Mode = 0设为0指需要手动对设备进行初始化,1指在综测时软件将自动对设备进行初始化,2指在校准时软件将自动对设备进行初始化,3指在校准和综测联合测试时软件将自动对设备进行初始化FDM database file = "c:\\\\Program Files\\\\MTK_atedemo\\\eport\\\\BPLGUInfoCustom" Database 文件的存放路径,必须与手机软件对应Calibration file = "c:\\\\Program Files\\\\MTK_atedemo\\\\MTKCAL_6205B.INI"校准初始默认值设置文件的路径Config file = "c:\\\\Program Files\\\\MTK_atedemo\\\\meta_6205B.CFG"关于校准的设置,如校准的信道,限制的最大、最小值Report file path = "c:\\\\Program Files\\\\MTK_atedemo\\\eport_6218B"测试报告的存储路径Database file = "c:\\\\Program Files\\\\MTK_atedemo\\\\Report_Statistics\\\\6218B_statistics.xl s" 测试结果文件的存放路径IMSI = "001010123456789"SIM卡中的IMSI号的设置POWER ON AFTER CHANGE = 1联合测试时,如果设备改变不同状态时较慢,则设置为1Stability Count = 1循环测试的次数设置Fixture COM port = 1串口地址设置System Cable Loss Calibration = 0校准系统的线损选择4.1.3呼叫建立设置Setup Network = 1建立呼叫时的网络设置,1指GSM频段,2指DCS频段,3指PCS频段GSM Call Setup Channel = 1建立呼叫的信道号设置GSM BCCH Channel = 32广播控制信道的设置DCS Call Setup Channel = 512 DCS建立呼叫的信道设置DCS BCCH Channel = 700DCS广播控制信道的设置PCS Call Setup Channel = 512 PCS建立呼叫的信道设置PCS BCCH Channel = 700PCS广播控制信道的设置GSM850 Call Setup Channel = 128 GSM850建立呼叫的信道设置GSM850 BCCH Channel = 128 GSM850广播控制信道的设置BCCH RF LEVEL = -60下行广播控制信道电平BS TCH LEVEL = -80.5基站业务信道电平Triple Band = 0设置为1时要进行PCS的测试DCS Band = 1为1指综测时要测DCSGSM Band = 1为1指综测时要测GSMGSM850 Band = 0为1时,综测要测GSM850 GPRS TEST = 0为1时要进行GPRS的测试4.1.4 信令测试Power Measment Burst = 10定义功率测试时,要测的Burst的数量Average Burst Power = 1为1指要进行平均功率的测试Peak Burst Power = 1为1指要进行峰值功率的测试PVT Match = 1为1指进行功率时间模板测试Modulation Measment Burst = 10定义调制频谱测试时所要测试的Burst数量Phase Error Peak = 1为1指要进行相位峰值误差的测试Phase Error RMS = 1为1指要进行相位均方值误差的测试Frequency Error = 1为1指要进行频率误差的测试ORFS MOD Burst = 10定义调制频谱测试时,所要测试的Burst的数量Spectrum Modulation = 1为1指要进行调制频谱的测试ORFS Switch Burst = 10定义开关频谱测试时,所要测试的Burst的数量Spectrum Switch = 1为1指要进行开关频谱的测试Rx Quality = 0是否进行接收质量的测试RX Level = 0是否进行接收电平的测试RFER = 0是否进行误码率的测试BBB = 0是否进行Bust By Burst的误码率测试GSM Rx Meas Level = -100定义GSM测试误码率时的下行功率DCS Rx Meas Level = -100定义DCS测试误码率时的下行功率PCS Rx Meas Level = -100定义PCS测试误码率时的下行功率Rx RFER Burst = 128定义测试时的Burst数量Rx BBB Burst = 88定义Bust By Burst的误码率测试时,要测的Burst数量GSM Output Loss = 0.6GSM输出补偿设置GSM Input Loss = 0.6GSM输入补偿的设置DCS Out Loss = 1.2DCS输出补偿的设置DCS Inp Loss = 1.2DCS输入补偿的设置PCS Out Loss = 1.3PCS输出补偿的设置PCS Inp Loss = 1.3PCS输入补偿的设置Location update timeout = 50位置更新的延时设置Timing Error Limit = 5(bit)时间提前量的限制设置RX Level Limit = 27接收电平的限制设置RX Quality Limit = 3接收质量的限制设置Stop Condition = 0停止条件的设置,为0指无论中间的测试项目是否通过,都要继续进行测试,直到测试结束,为1指当有测试Fail的项目时,则停止测试Version New = 0当使用的综测仪的版本大于3.5时,或RAM>256M时,可以设为1,以设置其进行并行的测试,旧版本设为1时将增加测试时间Final Test With Calibration = 1设为1指进行综测和校准的联合测试Wireless Test = 0为1指进行耦合测试Get Barcode = 1读取并检查板测状态RX ClassII Limit = 1.5接收误码率ClassII的限制设置RX ClassIb Limit = 1.5接收误码率ClassIb的限制设置Default Test Items = 1综测提供了两种模式,为1时,将按照[Signalling Measurement]中的定义进行测试,为0时将按照[GSM xx]中的设置进行测试Check BarCode Delay = 15.0检测板号延时设置(综测前检测板测是否通过时,要进行板号的读取)Handover Delay Time = 0.5测试频段Handover的延时设置BER MEAS MODE = 0为0时进行单时隙的测试,为1时将进行连续时隙的测试BER Continuous Meas Delay = 1.5定义Ber连续测试模式的测试延时Mobile Report RxQ Delay = 1.5接收质量测试的延时设置,(延时以便得到正确的移动台测试值)MT Call = 0为0时手机将拨号112以进行呼叫建立,为1时,指设备将呼叫移动台进行通信连接GSM850 Rx Meas Level = -100当“default testing items”为1时,ATE将使用此值进行BER的测试6218B Normal Baud Rate = 115200定义6218B的通信波特率6205B Normal Baud Rate = 57600定义6205B的通信波特率RX Level Limit MAX = 31接收电平的最大值设置4.1.5校准设置GSMN OUT LOSS = 0.6非信令模式下GSM的输出损耗设置GSMN INP LOSS = 0.6非信令模式下GSM的输入损耗设置DCSN OUT LOSS = 1.2非信令模式下DCS的输出损耗设置DCSN INP LOSS = 1.2非信令模式下DCS的输入损耗设置COM PORT = 4串口端口设置Auto Barcode = 0为1时,软件将自动生成板号Auto Barcode Step = 1板号自动生成时的增加步长设置ADC Calibration = 0为1将进行ADC的校准Frequency Bank with PCS = 0定义是否进行PCS频段的校准BB Chip Type = "6205B"定义芯片类型CO GSM900 = 70从CFG文件中读取GSM校准信道的值CO DCS1800 = 700从CFG文件中读取DCS校准信道的值CO PCS1900 = 660从CFG文件中读取PCS校准信道的值PCSN OUT LOSS = 1.3设置非信令模式下测试PCS时的输出线损PCSN INP LOSS = 1.3设置非信令模式下测试PCS时的输入线损Enter META Mode Timeout = 10000设置进入META模式的延时Enter META Timer Delay = 2.0校准时,当电源控制异常时,可以调整此项设置AFC Calibration = 1为1时将进行AFC校准Pathloss Calibration = 1为1时将进行路径损耗校准APC Calibration = 1是否进行APC校准APC Check = 1为1时将进行APC的检测Frequency Bank with GSM850 = 0为1时将进行GSM850的校准Frequency Bank with GSM900 = 1为1时将进行GSM900的校准Frequency Bank with DCS1800 = 1为1时将进行GSM1800的校准Add Calibration Status = 1为1时将把校准结果加入条码的60,61位如:PASS : char[60]=’1’ , char[61]=’0’FAIL : char[60]=’0’, char[61]=’1’4.1.6 IMEI设置Scan IMEI = 0为1时,可以使用扫描仪扫描条码,软件会将IMEI号写入手机4.1.7综测发射测试检测:下面是CFG文件中定义的综测和校准PCL限制表:GSM900_MAX_P = "6.0,8.0,10.0,12.0,13.8,15.8,17.8,19.8,21.8,23.8,25.8,27.8,29.5,31.0, 32.9,"GSM900_MIN_P = "4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,12.5,14.5,16.5,18.5,20.5,22.5,24.5,26.5,28.5,30.0,3 1.7,"DCS1800_MAX_P = "2.0,3.5,5.0,7.0,9.0,11.0,12.5,14.5,16.5,18.5,20.5,22.5,24.5,26.5,28. 0,31.0,"DCS1800_MIN_P = "0.0,1.5,3.5,5.0,7.0,9.0,11.5,13.5,15.5,17.5,19.5,21.5,23.5,25.0,27.0, 28.7,"PCS1900_MAX_P = "0.5,2.5,4.5,6.5,8.5,10.5,12.5,14.5,16.5,18.5,20.5,22.5,24.5,26.5,28. 5,30.5,"PCS1900_MIN_P = "-0.5,1.5,3.5,5.5,7.5,9.5,11.5,13.5,15.5,17.5,19.5,21.5,23.5,25.5,27.5,2 9.5,"频率和相位误差的限制表:GSM_Freq_Error_Limit = 90DCS_Freq_Error_Limit = 180PCS_Freq_Error_Limit = 190Phase_Error_Peak_Limit = 20Phase_Error_RMS_Limit = 5Spectrum due to switching enable = "1,0,0,1,"开关频谱和调制频谱的偏移量的定义:"1,0,0,1," 指使用+/- 400k 和+/-1.8M的偏移量进行测试Spectrum due to Switching +400kHz= -31.182460Spectrum due to Switching -400kHz= -29.590330Spectrum due to Switching +600kHz= -35.207820Spectrum due to Switching -600kHz= -32.279390Spectrum due to Switching +1.2MkHz= -34.092160Spectrum due to Switching -1.2MkHz= -38.503780Spectrum due to Switching +1.8MHz= -43.583010Spectrum due to Switching -1.8MHz= -46.116880Spectrum due to modulation enable = "0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,"Spectrum due to Modulation +100kHz= -8.557312Spectrum due to Modulation -100kHz= -8.777496Spectrum due to Modulation +200kHz= -34.214780Spectrum due to Modulation -200kHz= -34.015660Spectrum due to Modulation +250kHz= -39.874850Spectrum due to Modulation -250kHz= -38.849580Spectrum due to Modulation +400kHz= -61.613100Spectrum due to Modulation -400kHz= -62.010590Spectrum due to Modulation +600kHz= -66.382050Spectrum due to Modulation -600kHz= -66.253600Spectrum due to Modulation +800kHz= -66.471500Spectrum due to Modulation -800kHz= -67.809330Spectrum due to Modulation +1MHz= -68.384120Spectrum due to Modulation -1MHz= -68.194400Spectrum due to Modulation +1.2MHz= -69.887570Spectrum due to Modulation -1.2MHz= -71.136630Spectrum due to Modulation +1.4MHz= -73.157710Spectrum due to Modulation -1.4MkHz= -72.516720Spectrum due to Modulation +1.6MHz= -74.163570Spectrum due to Modulation -1.6MHz= -76.117770Spectrum due to Modulation +1.8MHz= -76.022610Spectrum due to Modulation -1.8MHz= -78.223210Spectrum due to switch limit = "-10.0,-10.0,-21.0,-21.0,-21.0,-21.0,-24.0,-24.0,"开关频谱的限制值Spectrum due to modulation limit Line0001 ="0.5,0.5,-30.0,-30.0,-33.0,-33.0,-55.0,-55.0,-60.0,-60.0,-60.0,-60.0,-60.0,-60.0,"调制频谱的限制值4.1.板号Barcode = "S4716A0007 00"定义板号的起始值Barcode Limit = "MT012345678901234569"滤除未定义的板号,检测写入的板号位数。

DCMS Installation Manual

DCMS Installation Manual

DCMS Device Cloud Management SystemSynway Information Engineering Co., Ltd1 Operation Environment & Installation RequirementsRestrictions on Installation:DCMS only supports 32 bit CentOs6.5.Minimum Requirements for Target Machine:Dual-core CPU, 2G memory, no less than 20G free space of the hardware.Precondition:Be a root user to install and remove DCMS.2 System Installation(a) Copy the DCMS installation package to the target machine and decompress the package.Go to the path of the installation package, and execute the command ‘tar -zxf install.tar.gz’ to decompress the package.(b) Go to the install directory after decompression and modify the file execution installchmod -R 777 *(c) Execute the installation script../install.shDuring the execution, you will be asked to input the username and password for the database to be created. The default username is root, and the default password is 123456.If you want to create a user but not a root user, you are required to enter the password for the corresponding root user. At your first installation, just press the ‘Enter’ key; if the root password has been set and used already, you are required to enter the password for the corresponding root user (the password here is invoked by mysql, so it won’t be displayed on the screen, see the figure below).Then, input DCMS server’s REALM, Email info for DCMS server, Email SMTP Server Info, Email account and password following the screen prompt.Supposed their contents are: DCMS server’s REALM: ; Email SMTP Server Info: ; Email account: ****************; Email password: admin. Please input one by one. See the figure below:Please wait until the characters “Install DCMS finish!” appears which means the installation completes.After that, go register a user immediately (by default, the first registerd user will be regarded as the super administrator). There are two hidden pages (Upgrade and Software Storage) in the current system which can be accessed only the super administrator. The addresses of Upgrade and Software Storage can be found in the remarks.Note:1, If DCMS was installed previously, the following prompts will appear upon this installation:This prompt tells DCMS has already been installed. If you want it to be reinstalled, please log in as a super administration and do the upgrade operation. The address of the WEB upgrade page is the corresponding access address/update/softwareupdage. Please remove the old installation package before this installation.2, If mysql already exists, it will try to delete the database of DCMS to guarantee theconsistency in the fields of database and those of the current installation, and to prevent the influence of the remaining data on the installation.If the DCMS database doesn’t exist, the prompt as shown above will appear. It has no influence on the installation3, If mysql already exists and is operated by the root user, you are required to input the original root password. After installation, the root password will be channged to the new one which is set during this installation.3 System Removal(a) Copy the DCMS installation package to the target machine and decompress the packageGo to the path of the installation package, execute the command ‘tar -zxf install.tar.gz’ to decompress the package.(b) Go to the install directory after decompression and modify the files execution installchmod -R 777 *These two steps above, if already executed during the installation process and not deleted, needn’t be executed again..(c) Execute the uninstall script../uninstall.shA prompt will appear to tell you your uninstallation will clear the database and ask whether tocontinue your uninstallation.Input ‘n ’ to quit your uninstallation directly.Or input ‘y ’ to continue your uninstallation. You are required to input the username and password which are set during the installation for verification. If both the username and password are correct, the full uninstallation process will be executed automatically; otherwise, the uninstallation will quit. See the figure below:After your successful uninstallation, the prompt “Uninstall DCMS completely ’ will appear, and the system will ask you whether to restart the system now. See the figure below:Remarks:ant to upgrade the current DCMS platform, please input the corresponding URL to2. esponding URL1. If you w go to the Upgrade page: access address of DCMS/update/softwareupdate If you want to add the upgrade package for a gateway, please input the corr to go to the Software Storage page: access address of DCMS/devCtrl/softwarestorageAppendix Technical/sales Support Thank you for choosing Synway. Please contact us should you have any inquiry regarding our products. We shall do our best to help you.HeadquartersSynway Information Engineering Co., Ltd/9F, Synway D&R Center, No.3756, Nanhuan Road, Binjiang District,Hangzhou, P.R.China, 310053Tel: +86-571-88860561Fax: +86-571-88850923Technical SupportTel: +86-571-88864579Mobile: +86-189********Email: ***********************Email: **********************MSN: **************************Sales DepartmentTel: +86-571-88860561Tel: +86-571-88864579Fax: +86-571-88850923Email:****************。

Altronic CD200系列数字容量放电引火系统说明书

Altronic CD200系列数字容量放电引火系统说明书

CD20012–24 VDC POWERED IGNITION SYSTEMSn Universal, low-cost, microprocessor-based industrialsystems for 1- to 16-cylinder enginesn Programmable configuration to select the feature setappropriate to the application— Timing curves vs. RPM or analog signal — Selectable spark energy— Individual cylinder timing adjustment — Adjustable overspeed tripn Comprehensive diagnostics for troubleshooting n Windows ™-based terminal program for configurationand monitoringn Modbus RTU communications and monitoringn CSA-certified for Class I, Division 2, Groups C and D, T4when used with shielded versions of harnesses and coilsn Patented technology: U.S. Patent No. 5,623,209The Altronic CD200 Series are high energy, digital, capacitor-discharge ignition systems designed for use on 1- to 16-cylinder industrial gas engines. Available in unshielded (70 Series) and shielded (80, 90 Series), these DC-powered systems eliminate maintenance-intensive mechanical distributor ignition systems. With no moving parts, they employ microprocessor technologyto provide high-end control features and operational flexibility across the range of suitable applications.All CD200 units process angular position input signals from a magnetic pickup which senses drilled reference holes orprotrusions on a steel disc. Series 90 also supports the use of a Hall-effect pickup with a magnet disc allowing it to be used as a replacement for the Altronic DISN series. These provide accurate and consistent ignition timing referenced directly to the engine’s crankshaft or camshaft. Use of high energy, capacitor-discharge (C.D.) technology, proven in hundreds of thousands of natural gas engine applications worldwide, provides maximum engine performance and can often extend usable spark plug life by three to five times compared to an inductive ignition system.A Windows ™-based terminal program gives users access to the entire range of CD200 features, including adjustable output en-ergy, automatic timing adjustment curves (based on RPM or an analog control input such as a load sensor), and the overspeed setpoint. Using this approach, the user can implement those specific features required for a particular application. This software package also displays the system primary and secondary discharge diagnostics. For simple use in the field, these same diagnostics are available to the local opera-tor via a flashing LED on theunit. Remote communications and monitoring via Modbus-RTU are also standard.CERTIFIEDCLASS I, DIVISION 2,GROUPS C and D, T4when used with shielded80 Series (shielded)90 Series (shielded)70 Series (unshielded)Form CD200 8-17 ©2017 Altronic, LLC712 Trumbull Avenue, Girard, Ohio 44420(330) 545-9768 / Fax: (330) 545-3231Email:****************************SpecificationsNo. of cylinders ......................1-16Power required .......................12Vdc, 3.5Amp, 24Vdc, 2Amp Max. voltage output ................40kVSpark duration .......................300-600 microsec.Timing adjustment:Manual (8-pos. switch) er-selectable increments RPM range .........................25 to 2,500RPM Analog input range ..............4-20mA or 0-5Vdc Overall max. timing range .....25° of retard Overspeed setpoint range ........25 to 2,500RPM Output switch rating ...............0.5Amp, 32Vdc munications .....................Modbus RTU (RS-485)DimensionsCD200 COMPONENTS。

National Instruments Requirements Gateway与LabWindo

National Instruments Requirements Gateway与LabWindo

Coupling LabWindows/CVI with™™NI Requirements GatewayThis document explains how NI Requirements Gateway interfaces withLabWindows™/CVI™. Use this document to familiarize yourself with usingthe LabWindows/CVI type in Requirements Gateway. Refer to Chapter9,Using NI Requirements Gateway with LabWindows/CVI, of the GettingStarted with NI Requirements Gateway manual for more information aboutthe elements of the LabWindows/CVI type and for a tutorial about usingLabWindows/CVI documents in a Requirements Gateway project. ContentsCovering Requirements (1)Selecting LabWindows/CVI Files to Analyze (2)Variables of the LabWindows/CVI Type (3)Requirements Traceability (3)Adding References to Source Code Comments (3)Adding References to Function Panel Help (4)Creating References from Requirements Gateway (5)Associating References with Functions (5)Exporting to Telelogic DOORS (6)Covering RequirementsWhen you use the LabWindows/CVI type in a project, you typically use aLabWindows/CVI document to cover requirements sourced in an externaldocument, such as a text file.Coupling LabWindows/CVI with NI Requirements Gateway Figure 1 shows an example of a project configuration on the Project pane of the Configuration dialog box. Source Code and Function Panel,two LabWindows/CVI documents, cover requirements in Specification, a Microsoft Word document.Figure 1. LabWindows/CVI Document Covering RequirementsSelecting LabWindows/CVI Files to AnalyzeWhen you add a LabWindows/CVI document to a project, you mustspecify the files to include in the document. Click the File Browse button in the File or Directory column on the Project pane to display the Select Files to Include in Document dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2. Select Files to Include in Document Dialog BoxRequirements Gateway includes all the selected files in the projectdocument. Project requirements are considered covered if the combinationof all the files in the document covers the requirements.The Select Files to Include in Document dialog box contains the followingoptions for a LabWindows/CVI document:•Files List—The selected files to analyze. Requirements Gatewaydisplays the file in red if the file cannot be found on disk.•Add Directory—Select a directory that contains multipleLabWindows/CVI files. Requirements Gateway includes allLabWindows/CVI files with .c, .h, and .fp extensions from theselected directory for the LabWindows/CVI document.•Add File—Select individual files with .c, .h, and .fp extensions.•Add Workspace or Project File—Select a project (.prj) or aworkspace (.cws) file. Requirements Gateway selects all source andfunction panel files in the project or workspace.•Remove—Removes a file from the Files List.•Move Up—Moves the selected file up in the Files List.•Move Down—Moves the selected file down in the Files List.•Selected File or Directory—The full path of the file or directoryselected in the Files List.•Recurse subdirectories—Instructs Requirements Gateway torecursively browse for LabWindows/CVI files in the subdirectories ofthe directory selected in the Files List.Variables of the LabWindows/CVI TypeWhen you add a LabWindows/CVI document to a project, no documentvariables exist for the LabWindows/CVI document. Requirements TraceabilityYou can perform traceability analysis on LabWindows/CVI documentsby capturing traceability information from the comments of a source codefile or by capturing traceability information in the help fields of a functionpanel and control. The reference must contain the correct syntax forLabWindows/CVI references. The default LabWindows/CVI type capturesreferences that use the syntax //Implements reqid, where reqid is therequirement identifier.Adding References to Source Code CommentsYou can capture traceability information from a LabWindows/CVIdocument if the comments of a source code file contain the correct syntaxfor LabWindows/CVI references.© National Instruments Corporation3Coupling LabWindows/CVI with NI Requirements GatewayCoupling LabWindows/CVI with NI Requirements Gateway In Requirements Gateway, right-click an upstream requirement covered by a downstream LabWindows/CVI document and select Copy For»LabWindows/CVI Comment from the context menu to create the proper syntax for a reference in which the comment of a LabWindows/CVI source code file covers an upstream requirement. Requirements Gateway places the reference statement on the clipboard.When you create reference syntax for a LabWindows/CVI comment, you can paste the syntax in the source code file in LabWindows/CVI to create a reference to the requirement, as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Reference Pasted in a LabWindows/CVI Source Code CommentAdding References to Function Panel HelpWhen you create reference syntax for a LabWindows/CVI comment, you can paste the syntax in the help for a function panel or control to create a reference to the requirement, as highlighted in Figure 4.Figure 4.Reference Pasted in LabWindows/CVI Function Panel Help© National Instruments Corporation 5Coupling LabWindows/CVI with NI Requirements GatewayCreating References from Requirements GatewayYou can use the Graphical View to create references between a requirement and a LabWindows/CVI document or an element of aLabWindows/CVI document. Refer to the NI Requirements Gateway Help for more information about creating references using the Graphical View.After you create a reference, you can click the Coverage Analysis View tab and select the covering document or element in the Selection column. The Upstream Coverage Information column shows all the requirements that the selected document covers. For references that you created in the Graphical View, Requirements Gateway identifies the covered requirements with an internal creation reference attribute.Associating References with FunctionsThe LabWindows/CVI type reads the content of a source code file and locates the functions and comments in the source file. If you paste a reference statement into a comment in a source code file, the LabWindows/CVI type associates the reference with a function if the reference comment is placed before or in the function. For example, Figure 5 shows two functions, function1 and function2, with the reference statement appearing before function2.Figure 5. Reference Statement Inserted Before a FunctionIn this example, the LabWindows/CVI type associates the reference //Implements REQ1 with function2.National Instruments, NI, , and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on /legal for more information about NationalInstruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at /patents .© 2009 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.372690A-01Jan09You can also include several commented lines between the function and the line of code that contains the reference, as shown in Figure 6.Figure 6. Reference Statement with Additional Commented Lines If you use comment blocks (/*…*/) to attach a reference to a function, you must locate the comment blocks just before the function, with no additional lines between the function and the reference comment. If you do have any additional lines between the reference and the function, as shown in Figure 7, the LabWindows/CVI type attaches the reference to the source file itself, not the function.Figure 7. Reference Statement Separated from the Function by an Additional LineExporting to Telelogic DOORSYou can export a LabWindows/CVI document into Telelogic DOORS so that you can store the traceability information in LabWindows/CVI source code files and function panels as a DOORS module. Refer to the Coupling Telelogic DOORS with NI Requirements Gateway document for a tutorial and more information about exporting information from Requirements Gateway documents to DOORS.。

National Instruments TestStand 1.0.1 发布说明说明书

National Instruments TestStand 1.0.1 发布说明说明书

LabVIEW ™, ™, National Instruments ™, and TestStand ™ are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.322519A-01© Copyright 1999 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.August 1999T EST S TAND R ELEASE N OTESVersion 1.0.1These release notes contain system requirements, installation instructions, new features, and updated information to help you begin usingTestStand 1.0.1.ContentsTestStand Installation (2)Minimum System Requirements (2)Installing TestStand (2)What Is New and Different in TestStand 1.0.1 (3)New Features (3)Changes to the TestStand 1.0 Database Components (3)Additional Support Information (5)Changes to the Getting Started with TestStand Manual (5)Chapter 10—Using ActiveX in Code Modules (5)Changes to the TestStand User Manual (6)Run Mode (6)Chapter 3—Configuring and Customizing TestStand (6)Chapter 4—Sequence Editor Menu Bar (6)Chapter 8—Sequence Context and Expressions (7)Chapter 10—Built-In Step Types (8)Chapter 12—Module Adapters (8)Chapter 13—Process Models (9)Chapter 15—Run-Time Operator Interfaces (9)Chapter 16—Distributing TestStand (9)Glossary (10)Additional Changes (11)™TestStand InstallationThe TestStand setup program installs TestStand on your computer inapproximately 10 minutes.Minimum System RequirementsTo run TestStand for Windows NT/98/95, you must have the following:•Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Windows 98/95. For Windows NT,National Instruments recommends Service Pack 3 or later.•At least a 133 MHz Pentium class or higher microprocessor•SVGA resolution or higher video adapter, with a minimum 800 × 600video resolution•Minimum of 64 MB of memory•70 MB free hard disk space•Microsoft-compatible mouseInstalling TestStandinstall TestStand.Follow these instructions to install TestStand:1.Make sure that your computer and monitor are powered on and thatyou have installed Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Windows 98/95.2.Insert your TestStand Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.3.Choose Run from the Start menu.4.Type x:\tssetup.exe in the input box, where x is your CD-ROMdrive. Click on OK.5.Follow the instructions that appear in the dialog boxes.National Instruments recommends that you install the complete TestStandprogram to take full advantage of all the TestStand capabilities. If youchoose to install with options, select the options you want and follow thedirections on the screen. If necessary, you can run the setup program againlater and install additional files.Refer to the TestStand\Doc\Readme.txt file for any additional issuesthat are too recent to be included in the printed TestStand documentation.TestStand Release © National Instruments Corporation 3TestStand Release NotesWhat Is New and Different in TestStand 1.0.1New FeaturesTestStand 1.0.1 contains the following new features:•Multibyte character string support for the localized versions of Windows, for example, Japanese.•Database Components, which were included in beta form on theTestStand 1.0 CD, are now part of the TestStand installation. See theChanges to the TestStand 1.0 Database Components section below formore information and a list of database component changes betweenTestStand 1.0 and 1.0.1.•Refer to the TestStand\Doc\ChangesSince10.txt file for acomplete list of changes and enhancements in TestStand 1.0.1.Changes to the TestStand 1.0 Database ComponentsThis section describes the changes to the database components betweenTestStand 1.0 and TestStand 1.0.1.Custom Data Type ChangesThe following changes have been made to the DatabaseOptionsdata type.•The data type contains a new subproperty, ConnectionString . ConnectionString defines the data link that the process model uses. •The data type no longer contains the following properties:DataSourceName , Database , UserID , Password,DatabaseSpecificAttributes , IsolationLevel ,AccessMode , ConnectionTimeout , CommandTimeout ,CursorLocation , and TransactionAttributes .The following changes have been made to theDatabaseColumnValueList data type.•The data type has been renamed to DatabaseColumnValue .•The data type has changed from a custom data type to a standard data type.•The data type contains two new properties, WriteNull and Status .Note The sequence editor automatically converts sequence files that use the above types. You must manually edit any expression that references the renamed or deleted properties.TestStand Release Notes Step Type ChangesThe dynamic link library has been renamed from Database_32.dll toTSDBComponents.dll .The following changes have been made to the database component steptypes:•OpenDatabase —This step type contains a new subproperty,ConnectionString . ConnectionString defines the data link thatthe step uses. The following step properties no longer exist:DataSourceName , Database , UserID , Password ,DatabaseSpecificAttributes , IsolationLevel ,AccessMode , ConnectionTimeout , CommandTimeout ,CursorLocation , and TransactionAttributes .•SQLAction —The descriptive name for the step type has beenrenamed from SQLAction to DataOperation. TheColumnValuesExpression property has been renamedColumnListSource . The ColumnValues property has beenrenamed ColumnList . The property CacheColumnNumbers nolonger exists. The property SQLStatement has been added.Note The sequence editor automatically converts sequence files that use the above types. Y ou must manually edit any expression that references the renamed or deleted properties.Database Schema ChangesThe following fields in the STEP_RESULT default table schema havechanged.•INTERACTIVE_EXECUTION_NUMBER has been renamed INTERACTIVE_EXENUM .•COMPARISON_OPERATOR has been renamed COMP_OPERATOR .•SERVER has been removed.•REPORT_TEXT has been added.Note Y ou must manually convert the default table schema from TestStand 1.0 to TestStand 1.0.1. Oracle does not allow you to rename fields, so you must create a new column and copy any existing data from the old column to the new column.Converting Sequences that Use Beta DatabaseComponentsTestStand 1.0.1 automatically converts any sequence that uses a betadatabase component step type or custom data type. If an expression withina sequence references an obsolete property from a TestStand 1.0 databasecomponent, you must manually correct the expression.Additional Support InformationFor additional information on TestStand, refer to the National InstrumentsWeb site at /support/teststand/. The Web sitecontains many electronic support services such as a KnowledgeBasedatabase, example programs, and software libraries. These resources canhelp you in your development.National Instruments also offers an e-mail-based TestStand technicaldiscussion forum. You can join the forum by sending an e-mail to**********************.edu with the following text in the body ofthe note:SUBSCRIBE TESTEXEC <first name> <last name>Y ou will receive an e-mail response with further instructions on sendingmessages to the forum and unsubscribing from the forum. Changes to the Getting Started with TestStand ManualChapter 10—Using ActiveX in Code ModulesThis section describes the changes made to the code module exercises.Using ActiveX in LabVIEW Test Virtual Instruments•Add the following paragraph to step 18b on page 10-9:Do not wire any inputs to the TestStand - Create Test For an Action Step type, TestStand uses only the ReportText terminal. Do not pass the error status to the Pass/Fail flag for anystep type.•Replace step 22h on page 10-11 with the following paragraph:Add a Waveform Graph indicator and a Dialog button to the VI frontpanel, as shown in Figure10-9.•Add the following paragraph to step 22i on page 10-12:Do not wire any inputs to the TestStand - Create Test For an Action step type, TestStand uses only the ReportText Terminal. Do not pass the error status to the Pass/Fail flag for anystep type.© National Instruments Corporation5TestStand Release NotesChanges to the TestStand User ManualThis section contains information on several changes and additions to theTestStand User Manual.Run ModeThroughout the manual, it is stated that run mode changes made to a stepin an execution window apply only to that execution. In fact, these changesapply to all current and new executions until you modify the run modeagain in an execution window or a sequence file, or until you reload thesequence file.Chapter 3—Configuring and Customizing TestStandAdd the following paragraph to the end of the Modifying the Process Modelsection:Refer to the TestStand User Manual Addendum for more information oncustomizing the information that TestStand logs to a database. You can findthe addendum at:\TestStand\Doc\TestStandDatabaseComponents.pdf.Chapter 4—Sequence Editor Menu BarThis section describes the changes to the sequence editor menu bar.Database OptionsAdd the following section below and at the same level as the ReportOptions section:The Database Options command displays a dialog box in which you cancustomize the logging of step results and UUT results to a database. Thecommand calls an entry point in the default TestStand process model file.The options you set apply to all sequences you run on the station. Refer tothe TestStand User Manual Addendum for more information on loggingdata to a database. Y ou can find the addendum at:\TestStand\Doc\TestStandDatabaseComponents.pdf.TestStand Release PreferencesThe following option was added to the Preferences Tab on the StationOptions dialog box:Prompt to Change System SetForegroundWindow Behavior—OnWindows 2000/98 you can configure the operating system so that a testmodule you run in a process separate from TestStand cannot bring awindow to the front when TestStand is active. When your test attempts tobring a window to the front, the window taskbar button blinks to notify theuser that another application is attempting to bring a window to the front.During engine initialization, TestStand can detect this system configurationand prompt you for permission to change the system settings to allow yourtests to bring their panels to the front. Notice that this is a system setting.Changes to this setting affect the behavior of any application attempting tobring its window to the front when another application window is active.Disable this option if you do not want TestStand to detect this systemconfiguration. When you disable this option, TestStand does not promptyou, and TestStand does not change your system settings. NationalInstruments recommends that you enable this checkbox and allowTestStand to change your system settings when you execute test modules inexternal processes.This system configuration setting is a DWORD value stored in the registry.The value is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ForegroundLockTimeout. This value is the amount of time inmilliseconds that a foreground application must be idle (not receiving userinput) before the operating system allows a background application to bringits window to the front. The typical value for this setting is 0×7D0(2,000ms). TestStand sets the value to zero.Chapter 8—Sequence Context and ExpressionsAdd the following property to Table 8-6, The InitialSelection Subpropertyin the Sequence Context:SelectedExecution Specifies the execution object for the activeexecution window file when the executionstarted. This property exists only in the rootsequence context and only when an executionwindow is active at the start of a new execution.© National Instruments Corporation7TestStand Release NotesChapter 10—Built-In Step TypesUpdate the introductory text as follows:This chapter describes the predefined step types that TestStand includes,except for the database step types. Refer to the TestStand User ManualAddendum for more information on the built-in database step types. Y oucan find the addendum at:\TestStand\Doc\TestStandDatabaseComponents.pdf.Chapter 12—Module AdaptersThis section describes the changes to the module adapters.Sequence AdapterAdd the following paragraph to the Sequence Adapter section:Y ou cannot pass an ActiveX Reference as a parameter to a remote sequenceunless you configure both machines to have DCOM privileges foraccessing each other. Before you can grant DCOM privileges to the remoteserver, you must configure both the client and the server computer to haveuser-level access instead of share-level access. If either computer does nothave the necessary access privileges, the client computer might displaymisleading error messages when you pass an ActiveX Reference to theserver.Configuring the ActiveX Automation AdapterThe following options were added to the ActiveX Adapter Configurationdialog box:•Run-Time ActiveX Reference Type Checking—During execution,the Automation Adapter can attempt to verify that the ActiveXReference you specified in an Automation Call is a reference to thecorrect type of object. A run-time error is generated when this optionis enabled and you pass an ActiveX Reference to an incorrect type ofobject. Disable this option to improve execution speed.•Unload Unused ActiveX Servers After Execution—When thisoption is enabled, the Automation Adapter requests that the operatingsystem unload in-process (DLL) servers after every execution. Theoperating system unloads only servers that are no longer being used.Disable this option to improve execution speed.TestStand Release Chapter 13—Process ModelsAdd the following entry to Table 13-3, Default Process Model Files:Database.seq Subsequences that log UUT results to a database.Chapter 15—Run-Time Operator InterfacesIn the LabVIEW Run-Time Operator Interface section, steps 9 and 10 onpage 15-5 are incorrect. Do not make a new testexec.llb for thesesteps.Refer to the updated LabVIEW 5.1 instructions in the following locationsto create run-time operator interfaces and a LabVIEW run-time serverusing LabVIEW 5.1.•\OperatorInterfaces\NI\Lv\readme.doc•\Examples\OperatorInterfaces\Simple LV\readme.txt•\Components\NI\RuntimeServers\LabVIEW\readme.txtChapter 16—Distributing TestStandThis section describes the changes to the distribution of TestStand.Distributing OLE DB Providers and ODBC DatabaseDriversAdd the following section below and at the same level as the Using aCustom TestStand Engine Installation section:The TestStand engine installer does not have the capability to distributeOLE DB providers or ODBC database drivers, or to configure data sourcenames in the ODBC Administrator. When you install TestStand on a targetsystem, you must ensure that these database components are configuredproperly on the target system.Customizing and Distributing a LabVIEWRun-Time ServerThis section contains a description for LabVIEW 5.0 and earlier. TheApplication Builder has changed for LabVIEW 5.1. For LabVIEW 5.1or later, replace steps 2-6 on page 16-13 with the following:Select Project»Build Application. Press Load and selectTestStand\Components\User\RuntimeServers\LabVIEW\TestStandLVRTS.bld. Press Build to build an executable.© National Instruments Corporation9TestStand Release NotesFor your information, the TestStandLVRTS.bld file contains thefollowing settings:–Under the Target tab, the Application name isTestStandLVRTS.exe.–Under the Source Files tab, TestStand-Runtime Server.viin Server.llb is enabled as the top level VI.–Under the VI Settings tab, no changes were made.–Under the App Settings tab, the Enable ActiveX Server is checkedand the Server Name is TestStandLVRTS.–Under the Installer tab, you have the option to make an installer. Ifyou use the installer to distribute your ActiveX Server, you needto manually copy the *.tlb file and place it in the same directoryas TestStandLVRTS.exe. The LabVIEW 5.1 installer does notcopy this particular file. This will be corrected in a future versionof LabVIEW.Distributing the TestStand LabVIEWRun-Time ServerThe Distributing the TestStand LabVIEW Run-Time Server section on page16-14 states the following:“If you want to manually register the ActiveX server in a LabVIEWrun-time application, you can launch the executable with the /Registerkeyword on the command-line.”For LabVIEW 5.1, this server registration command-line argument haschanged to /RegServer.GlossaryAdd the following glossary terms:•ADO—ActiveX Data Objects•data link—Connection information for opening a data source, such asa database. A data link typically specifies the server on which the dataresides, the database or file that contains the data, the user ID, andpermissions to use when connecting to the data source.•DBMS—Database Management Systems•ODBC—Open Database Connectivity•OLE DB—Object-linking and Embedding DatabaseTestStand Release Additional ChangesAny instance of Login Name within a dialog box has been renamed and willnow be referred to as User Name. This affects the Edit User, New User, andLogin dialog boxes.Refer to the TestStand User Manual Addendum for more information onthe database components included in TestStand 1.0.1. You can find theaddendum at:\TestStand\Doc\TestStandDatabaseComponents.pdf.© National Instruments Corporation11TestStand Release Notes。









华为OSN3500设备GSCC单板在配置方面必需添加逻辑单板,如果网管上有GSCC 单板的配置参数,则直接把配置参数下载到GSCC 单板。






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