AMETEK显示模块90219VE AMETEK阿美特克传感器板80467SETM2000AMETEK阿美特克手摇仪表校验泵JOFRA65-P016(询价callme:158〜〜0506〜〜1213)AMETEK阿美特克HPC41-10KPSI-NAMETEK阿美特克65-R975过滤器组件AMETEK880033901 AMETEK阿美特克氙气闪光灯200880001AMETEK阿美特克NSL灯880118901AMETEK阿美特克扩展PC组件80449SEAMETEK阿美特克CPU显示模块880115901SAMETEK阿美特克光源灯前过滤镜片880103001AMETEK阿美特克过滤镜片O型图880271001AMETEK阿美特克CAL3200温度控制器269323011 AMETEK阿美特克石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克氧含量分析仪显示模块90219VE AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070. AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707AMETEK阿美特克冷静式水露点分析仪13-1200-C-N-2 AMETEK阿美特克硬玻漓窗2008887001AMETEK阿美特克密封垫880042001阿美特克氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克零点干燥器305617901sAMETEK阿美特克干燥器305400901S\AMETEK阿美特克湿气发生器305010901sAMETEK阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662AMETEK阿美特克氧化头78715SEAMETEK阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)1A,300-9244 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)6.3A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克O型圈(H2s在线分析仪)300-2375AMETEK阿美特克过滤器芯(H2s在线分析仪)300-6217AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱(H2s在线分析仪)100-1857AMETEK阿美特克第一级过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克第二级过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK阿美特克113-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头CH13-0007-t AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪电路板(PCBCOATED)13-0307 AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪铂电阻(RTDAssembly)13-0236 AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217AMETEK阿美特克880020901检测电路板AMETEK阿美特克石英窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫圈880042001AMETEK阿美特克P/s触发组件880118901AMETEK阿美特克除雾器金属垫880063001更新型号880063901 AMETEK阿美特克继电器PC组件80436sEAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器垫880063001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器衬芯880136901AMETEK阿美特克固态继电器265972001AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439024AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223011AMETEK阿美特克除雾器880019902AMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041001AMETEK阿美特克880041002AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914sAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915sAMETEK阿美特克880061001AMETEK阿美特克880107901AMETEK阿美特克回样阀200896001AMETEK阿美特克压力计251744000AMETEK阿美特克200892001AMETEK阿美特克进料阀200884001AMETEK阿美特克校验镜片200095002SAMETEK阿美特克电缆72391SEAMETEK阿美特克72392SEAMETEK阿美特克气体比重计388-11032AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克露点仪13-1200-C-N-2三脚架CHP-0535气缸CHP-0536过滤器CH13-0054滤芯替换CHC0843520立方英尺虹吸管瓶CH13-2277AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆加热丝TEMPCOG1201HDC1628172931KE75120V型号73052TEAMETEK阿美特克流量计组件305449901SAMETEK阿美特克比例电磁阀305648901AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆74422SEAMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040901AMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040904AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆锆头71785SEAMETEK键盘模块90253VEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆71063SEAMETEK阿美特克热电偶71697KEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克过滤器300-6217Ametek产品询价:BACKPLANEASSEMBLY;PN:80439SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克处理器电路板80485SEAMETEK 阿美特克温度传感器880041002 AMETEK 阿美特克控制器后基板880112901s AMETEK 阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK 阿美特克280465001停产替代280465003 AMETEK 阿美特克电源板880114901SAMETEK 阿美特克锆管导线95385WEAMETEK 阿美特克电磁阀300-9242AMETEK 阿美特克K 型热电偶71697KE AMETEK 阿美特克传感器电路板80471SE AMETEK 阿美特克流量开关72684SEAMETEK 阿美特克阻火器V70487SE泵3500威0伯0科福鸟型号弯轴柱塞泵弯轴柱塞泵奔驰奔驰型圈再生气压缩机道茨泵伺服控制卡伺服控制卡气动伺服阀气动伺服阀手持式压力表奔驰斯洛伐克减速机泥浆泵配件泥浆泵上导板泥浆泵下导板伺服阀伺服阀(施乐百),厂家: ;天马英格索兰马达天马7520便携式钢丝轮除锈机顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件轴承马丁防震电机电阻箱继电器轴承压差变送器压差变送器齿轮泵英格索兰启动马达英格索兰启动马达派克马达修理包拖飞宝■拖飞宝派克马达抽气泵传感器派克电磁阀线圈派克电磁阀线圈泵密析尔露点仪本安型防爆功能密析尔露点仪无防爆功能滤芯P554072派克插装阀救生衣,Adult阀阀门△PRESS(PSI)@MAX,T5E0NHPPF-阀猫牌泵660三档转换开关泵沃玛穆格阀34230博9世0开0关6变送器2155.01000002V泵高压柱塞泵继电器空调压力表时序控制器泵泵美卓限位开关开关水密插头柴滤万国机滤万国离心泵离心泵离心泵手持式压力表电磁阀534CR-TN51-P9-电磁阀威伯科挂车继动阀威伯科挂车继动阀离心泵三通式自动补水电磁阀PIPE、3W/A8TTS1、0S.E1R离心泵阿尼米特油雾器美卓限位开关(调压范围eproPR6423/00德国带温度探头电阻箱日本山武伺服马达空气压缩机干燥塔、、罗宾耐尔16350传感器阿波罗58100(970阿波罗威伯科减速机的型号为F序列号:布雷维尼()法国埃纳迪斯电流变送器::摩菲振动开关摩菲振动开关摩菲振动开关山武伺服马达华高顶驱配件科尔摩根电机EMK-ACC2R-00威肯泵泵头序列号科尔摩根配套启动器AKD-00307卡特喷油嘴堡盟倾角传感器测量范围土°接口海沃开关E+E温湿度计EE31-PFTD30触摸屏一触摸屏通讯模块触摸屏触摸屏威伯科威伯科气动碟阀witzel威伯科威伯科米森砂泵通0*8*通4威伯科水下扬声器压力开关澳大利亚气动马达接触器泵接触器压块力开关序列号穆格阀海沃型柱塞泵华高顶驱配件美国的空气流量计华高顶驱配件罗茨同步马达海沃型柱塞泵。
Pin Configuration
Package Type
1. IN 2. GND 3. OUT
1. IN 2. GND 3. OUT
G: SOT-223 C: TO-252
Number of Pins
Output Voltage
T: 3
120: 1.2V
S: 2
Line Regulation
VIN=5V, VADJ=0.980
IO=1A, VOUT(nom) 2.0V IO=1A, 2.0V<VOUT(nom) 2.5V IO=1A, 2.6V VOUT(nom) 3.0V
AME8827 n Ordering Information
AME8827 - x x x xxx
Low Dropout 1A CMOS Regulator
Output Voltage Number of Pins Package Type Pin Configuration
Low Dropout 1A CMOS Regulator
n Pin Configuration
SOT-223 Top View
AME8827-AGTxxx 1. IN 2. GND (TAB) 3. OUT
中-美-日 材料牌号对照
1040-1150 快冷
Cu3~4 仅用于固溶处理
Ti≤0.7 固溶+深冷
Ti≤0.7 固溶+深冷
冰冷处理 850-880
冰冷处理 8600
冰冷处理 870-900
434-607 317
≤197 ≤197 ≤197 ≤197 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187 ≤187
A352 LCB A352 LCC A352 LC1 A352 LC2 A352 LC3 A350 LF1 A350 LF2 A350 LF3 A350 LF9 A182 F304 A182 F321 A182 F316 A182 F316L A182 F304L A182 F347 A182 F304 A182 F304H A182 F321
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.35
0.5~0.8 0.5~0.9 1~1.5 2~2.75 4~6.5 8~10 11.5-14 12-14 18-21 18-21 17-21 17-21 19-22 18-21 23-27 18-21 18-21 17-21 17-21 17-20 17-20
比彻克夫特 (轻型-双涡轮螺旋桨式 Beechcraft (Lght Acft-Twin 飞机) Piston Engine) Beechcraft 1900 Airliner Beechcraft-Lght Acft-Twin Piston Engine Beechcraft C99 Airliner Bell (Helicopters)
安东诺夫设计集团安 28/PZL 美里克 Antonov AN28/PZL Mielec M-28 M-28 空中货车 Skytruck
98-11 英国宇航公司(BAC)1-11 500/ 洛曼 British Aerospace (BAC)1-11 9 派克 500/Rombac 126-1 40 波音公司 720/720B (707-020/020B) Boeing 720/020B 康纳戴尔 CL-600/601/604 挑战者 Canadair CL-600/601/604 Challenger
N/A-1 5 德.哈维兰公司 DHC-3 涡轮式水獭
15-19 比彻克夫特 1900 客机 11-N/ A 比彻克夫特-轻型-双活塞引擎 13-15 比彻克夫特 C99 客机 4--6 贝尔公司(直升飞机)
1Features•Full duplex transmission over a single twisted pair •Selectable 80 or 160 kbit/s line rate •Adaptive echo cancellation •Up to 3km (9171) and 4 km (9172)•ISDN compatible (2B+D) data format •Transparent modem capability•Frame synchronization and clock extraction •Zarlink ST-BUS compatible•Low power (typically 50mW), single 5V supplyApplications•Digital subscriber lines•High speed data transmission over twisted wires •Digital PABX line cards and telephone sets •80 or 160kbit/s single chip modemDescriptionThe MT9171 (DSIC) and MT9172 (DNIC) are pin for pin compatible replacements for the MT8971 and MT8972, respectively. They are multi-function devices capable of providing high speed, full duplex digital transmission up to 160kbit/s over a twisted wire pair.They use adaptive echo-cancelling techniques and transfer data in (2B+D) format compatible to the ISDN basic rate. Several modes of operation allow an easy interface to digital telecommunication networks including use as a high speed limited distance modemMarch 2006Ordering InformationMT9171/72AE 22 Pin PDIP Tubes MT9171/72AN 24 Pin SSOP Tubes MT9171/72AP 28 Pin PLCC TubesMT9171/72APR 28 Pin PLCC Tape & Reel MT9171/72ANR 24 Pin SSOP Tape & Reel MT9171/72AE122 Pin PDIP*Tubes MT9171/72AP128 Pin PLCC*Tubes MT9171/72AN124 Pin SSOP*TubesMT9171/72APR128 Pin PLCC*Tape & Reel MT9171/72ANR124 Pin SSOP*Tape & Reel*Pb Free Matte Tin-40°C to +85°CISO 2-CMOS ST-BUS FAMILY MT9171/72Digital Subscriber Interface Circuit Digital Network Interface CircuitData SheetFigure 1 - Functional Block DiagramDSTi/Di CDSTi/F0/CLD C4/TCK F0o/RCKMS0MS1MS2RegCDSTo/Do CDSTo/CDoTransmit InterfacePrescrambler ScramblerControl Register Transmit/Clock Receive Timing &ControlStatusTransmit Timing Master Clock Phase LockedSync Detect ReceiveDPLLReceive InterfaceDe -PrescramblerDescramblerDifferentially Encoded BiphaseReceiverDifferentially Encoded Biphase Transmitter Transmit Filter &Line DriverReceive Filter-1+2MUXAddress Echo Canceller Error Signal Echo EstimateV BiasV DD V SS V Bias V RefL OUTL OUTDISPrecanL INOSC2OSC1—+∑CDiMT9171/72Data Sheetwith data rates up to 160kbit/s. Both devices function identically but with the DSIC having a shorter maximum loop reach specification. The generic "DNIC" will be used to reference both devices unless otherwise noted.The MT9171/72 is fabricated in Zarlink’s ISO 2-CMOS process.Figure 2 - Pin ConnectionsPin DescriptionPin # Name Description222428112L OUT Line Out. Transmit Signal output (Analog). Referenced to V Bias .223V Bias Internal Bias Voltage output. Connect via 0.33µF decoupling capacitor to V DD .334V RefInternal Reference Voltage output. Connect via 0.33µF decoupling capacitor to V DD .4,5,64,5,65,7,8MS2-MS0Mode Select inputs (Digital). The logic levels present on these pins select thevarious operating modes for a particular application. See Table 1 for the operating modes.779RegC Regulator Control output (Digital). A 512kHz clock used for switch mode power supplies. Unused in MAS/MOD mode and should be left open circuit.8910F0/CLDFrame Pulse/C-Channel Load (Digital). In DN mode a 244ns wide negative pulse input for the MASTER indicating the start of the active channel times of the device. Output for the SLAVE indicating the start of the active channel times of the device. Output in MOD mode providing a pulse indicating the start of the C-channel.1234567891011121314222120191817161522 PIN PDIPLOUT VBias VRef MS2MS1MS0RegC F0/CLD CDSTi/CDi CDSTo/CDoVSS VDD LIN TESTLOUT DIS Precan OSC1OSC2C4/TCK F0o/RCK DSTi/Di DSTo/Do28 PIN PLCC27432128265678910112524232221201917121314151618•L O U T V B i a s V R e f N C V D D L I N T E S TNCLOUT DIS Precan OSC1OSC2NC C4/TCKMS2NC MS1MS0RegC F0/CLDNCC D S T i /C D i C D S T o /C D o V S S D S T o /D o N C F 0o /R C K D S T i /D i 12345678910111213141516242322212019181724 PIN SSOPLOUT VBias VRef MS2MS1MS0RegC F0/CLD CDSTi/CDi CDSTo/CDoVSSNC VDD LIN TESTLOUT DIS Precan OSC1OSC2C4/TCK F0o/RCK DSTi/Di DSTo/DoNCMT9171/72Data Sheet91012CDSTi/CDi Control/Data ST-BUS In/Control/Data In (Digital). A 2.048Mbit/s serial control & signalling input in DN mode. In MOD mode this is a continuous bit stream at the bit rate selected.101113CDSTo/CDo Control/Data ST-BUS Out/Control/Data Out (Digital). A 2.048Mbit/s serial control & signalling output in DN mode. In MOD mode this is a continuous bit stream at the bit rate selected.111214V SSNegative Power Supply (0V).121315DSTo/Do Data ST-BUS Out/Data Out (Digital). A 2.048Mbit/s serial PCM/data output inDN mode. In MOD mode this is a continuous bit stream at the bit rate selected.131416DSTi/DiData ST-BUS In/Data In (Digital). A 2.048Mbit/s serial PCM/data input in DN mode. In MOD mode this is a continuous bit stream at the bit rate selected.141517F0o/RCK Frame Pulse Out/Receive Bit Rate Clock output (Digital). In DN mode a 244nswide negative pulse indicating the end of the active channel times of the device to allow daisy chaining. In MOD mode provides the receive bit rate clock to the system.151619C4/TCKData Clock/Transmit Baud Rate Clock (Digital). A 4.096MHz TTL compatible clock input for the MASTER and output for the SLAVE in DN mode. For MOD mode this pin provides the transmit bit rate clock to the system.161721OSC2Oscillator Output . CMOS Output.171922OSC1Oscillator Input . CMOS Input. D.C. couple signals to this pin. Refer to D.C. Electrical Characteristics for OSC1 input requirements.182023PrecanPrecanceller Disable. When held to Logic ’1’, the internal path from L OUT to the precanceller is forced to V Bias thus bypassing the precanceller section. When logic ’0’, the L OUT to the precanceller path is enabled and functions normally. An internal pulldown (50k Ω) is provided on this pin.8,181,6,11,18,20,25NCNo Connection. Leave open circuit192124L OUT DIS L OUT Disable. When held to logic “1”, L OUT is disabled (i.e., output = V Bias ). Whenlogic “0”, L OUT functions normally. An internal pulldown (50k Ω) is provided on this pin.202226TEST Test Pin. Connect to V SS .212327L IN Receive Signal input (Analog). 222428V DDPositive Power Supply (+5V) input.Pin Description (continued)Pin # Name Description222428MT9171/72Data SheetFigure 3 - DV Port - 80kbit/s (Modes 2, 3, 6)Figure 4 - DV Port - 160kbit/s (Modes 2, 3, 6)MT9171/72Data Sheet Functional DescriptionThe MT9171/72 is a device which may be used in practically any application that requires high speed data transmission over two wires, including smart telephone sets, workstations, data terminals and computers. The device supports the 2B+D channel format (two 64kbit/s B-channels and one 16kbit/s D-channel) over two wires as recommended by the CCITT. The line data is converted to and from the ST-BUS format on the system side of the network to allow for easy interfacing with other components such as the S-interface device in an NT1 arrangement, or to digital PABX components.Smart telephone sets with data and voice capability can be easily implemented using the MT9171/72 as a line interface. The device’s high bandwidth and long loop length capability allows its use in a wide variety of sets. This can be extended to provide full data and voice capability to the private subscriber by the installation of equipment in both the home and central office or remote concentration equipment. Within the subscriber equipment the MT9171/72 would terminate the line and encode/ decode the data and voice for transmission while additional electronics could provide interfaces for a standard telephone set and any number of data ports supporting standard data rates for such things as computer communications and telemetry for remote meter reading. Digital workstations with a high degree of networking capability can be designed using the DNIC for the line interface, offering up to 160 kbit/s data transmission over existing telephone lines. The MT9171/72 could also be valuable within existing computer networks for connecting a large number of terminals to a computer or for intercomputer links. With the DNIC, this can be accomplished at up to 160kbit/s at a very low cost per line for terminal to computer links and in many cases this bandwidth would be sufficient for computer to computer links.Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the MT9171/72. The DNIC provides a bidirectional interface between the DV (data/voice) port and a full duplex line operating at 80 or 160kbit/s over a single pair of twisted wires. The DNIC has three serial ports. The DV port (DSTi/Di, DSTo/Do), the CD (control/data) port (CDSTi/CDi, CDSTo/CDo) and a line port (L IN, L OUT). The data on the line is made up of information from the DV and CD ports. The DNIC must combine information received from both the DV and CD ports and put it onto the line. At the same time, the data received from the line must be split into the various channels and directed to the proper ports. The usable data rates are 72 and144kbit/s as required for the basic rate interface in ISDN. Full duplex transmission is made possible through on board adaptive echo cancellation.The DNIC has various modes of operation which are selected through the mode select pins MS0-2. The two major modes of operation are the MODEM (MOD) and DIGITAL NETWORK (DN) modes. MOD mode is a transparent 80 or 160kbit/s modem. In DN mode the line carries the B and D channels formatted for the ISDN at either 80 or 160 kbit/s. In the DN mode the DV and CD ports are standard ST-BUS and in MOD mode they are transparent serial data streams at 80 or 160kbit/s. Other modes include: MASTER (MAS) or SLAVE (SLV) mode, where the timebase and frame synchronization are provided externally or are extracted from the line and DUAL or SINGLE (SINGL) port modes, where both the DV and CD ports are active or where the CD port is inactive and all information is passed through the DV port. For a detailed description of the modes see “Operating Modes” section.In DIGITAL NETWORK (DN) mode there are three channels transferred by the DV and CD ports. They are the B, C and D channels. The B1 and B2 channels each have a bandwidth of 64kbit/s and are used for carrying PCM encoded voice or data. These channels are always transmitted and received through the DV port (Figures 3, 4, 5, 6). The C-channel, having a bandwidth of 64kbit/s, provides a means for the system to control the DNIC and for the DNIC to pass status information back to the system. The C-channel has a Housekeeping (HK) bit which is the only bit of the C-channel transmitted and received on the line. The 2B+D channel bits and the HK bit are double-buffered. The D-channel can be transmitted or received on the line with either an 8, 16 or 64kbit/s bandwidth depending on the DNIC’s mode of operation. Both the HK bit and the D-channel can be used for end-to-end signalling or low speed data transfer. In DUAL port mode the C and D channels are accessed via the CD port (Figure 7) while in SINGL port mode they are transferred through the DV port (Figures 5, 6) along with the B1 and B2 channels.MT9171/72Data SheetFigure 5 - DV Port - 80kbit/s (Modes 0,4)Figure 6 - DV Port - 160kbit/s (Modes 0,4)In DIGITAL NETWORK (DN) mode, upon entering the DNIC from the DV and CD ports, the B-channel data, D-channel D0 (and D1 for 160kbit/s), the HK bit of the C-channel (160kbit/s only) and a SYNC bit are combined in a serial format to be sent out on the line by the Transmit Interface (Figures 11, 12). The SYNC bit produces an alternating 1-0 pattern each frame in order for the remote end to extract the frame alignment from the line. It is possible for the remote end to lock on to a data bit pattern which simulates this alternating 1-0 pattern that is not the true SYNC. To decrease the probability of this happening the DNIC may be programmed to put the data through a prescrambler that scrambles the data according to a predetermined polynomial with respect to the SYNC bit. This greatly decreases the probability that the SYNC pattern can be reproduced by any data on the line. In order for the echo canceller to function correctly, a dedicated scrambler is used with a scrambling algorithm which is different for the SLV and MAS modes. These algorithms are calculated in such a way as to provide orthogonality between the near and far end data streams such that the correlation between the two signals is very low.For any two DNICs on a link, one must be in SLV mode with the other in MAS mode. The scrambled data is differentially encoded which serves to make the data on the line polarity-independent. It is then biphase encoded as shown in Figure 10. See “Line Interface” section for more details on the encoding. Before leaving the DNIC the differentially encoded biphase data is passed through a pulse-shaping bandpass transmit filter that filters out the high and low frequency components and conditions the signal for transmission on the line.MT9171/72Data SheetFigure 7 - CD Port (Modes 2,6)Figure 8 - CD Port (Modes 1,5)The composite transmit and receive signal is received at L IN . On entering the DNIC this signal passes through a Precanceller which is a summing amplifier and lowpass filter that partially cancels the near-end signal and provides first order antialiasing for the received signal. Internal, partial cancellation of the near end signal may be disabled by holding the Precan pin high. This mode simplifies the design of external line transceivers used for loop extension applications. The Precan pin features an internal pull-down which allows this pin to be left unconnected in applications where this function is not required. The resultant signal passes through a receive filter to bandlimit and equalize it. At this point, the echo estimate from the echo canceller is subtracted from the precancelled received signal. This difference signal is then input to the echo canceller as an error signal and also squared up by a comparator and passed to the biphase receiver. Within the echo canceller, the sign of this error signal is determined. Depending on the sign, the echo estimate is either incremented or decremented and this new estimate is stored back in RAM.The timebase in both SLV and MAS modes (generated internally in SLV mode and externally in MAS mode) is phase-locked to the received data stream. This phase-locked clock operates the Biphase Decoder, Descrambler and Deprescrambler in MAS mode and the entire chip in SLV mode. The Biphase Decoder decodes the received encoded bit stream resulting in the original NRZ data which is passed onto the Descrambler and Deprescrambler where the data is restored to its original content by performing the reverse polynomials. The SYNC bits areCLDTCKCDiCDoC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 6C 7C 0C 1C 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 6C 7C 0C 1MT9171/72Data Sheetextracted and the Receive Interface separates the channels and outputs them to the proper ports in the proper channel times. The destination of the various channels is the same as that received on the input DV and CD ports.The Transmit/Receive Timing and Control block generates all the clocks for the transmit and receive functions and controls the entire chip according to the control register. In order that more than one DNIC may be connected to the same DV and CD ports an F0o signal is generated which signals the next device in a daisy chain that its channel times are now active. In this arrangement only the first DNIC in the chain receives the system F0 with the following devices receiving its predecessor’s F0o.In MOD mode, all the ports have a different format. The line port again operates at 80 or 160kbit/s, however, there is no synchronization overhead, only transparent data. The DV and CD ports carry serial data at 80 or 160kbit/s with the DV port transferring all the data for the line and the CD port carrying the C-channel only. In this mode the transfer of data at both ports is synchronized to the TCK and RCK clocks for transmit and receive data, respectively. The CLD signal goes low to indicate the start of the C-channel data on the CD port. It is used to load and latch the input and output C-channel but has no relationship to the data on the DV port.Operating Modes (MS0-2)The logic levels present on the mode select pins MS0, MS1 and MS2 program the DNIC for different operating modes and configure the DV and CD ports accordingly. Table 1 shows the modes corresponding to the state of MS0-2. These pins select the DNIC to operate as a MASTER or SLAVE, in DUAL or SINGLE port operation, in MODEM or DIGITAL NETWORK mode and the order of the C and D channels on the CD port. Table 2 provides a description of each mode and Table 3 gives a pin configuration according to the mode selected for all pins that have variable functions. These functions vary depending on whether it is in MAS or SLV, and whether DN or MOD mode is used.Table 1 - Mode Select PinsE=Enabled X=Not Applicable Blanks are disabledMode Select Pins Mode Operating ModeMS2MS1MS0SLVMAS DUALSINGL MO DDN D-C C-DODE 0000E EEE E 0011E E EXX E 0102E E E E E 0113EEE E E 1004E EEE E 1015E E EXX E 1106EE E EE1117EEEEMT9171/72Data SheetTable 3 - Pin ConfigurationsThe overall mode of operation of the DNIC can be programmed to be either a baseband modem (MOD mode) or a digital network transceiver (DN mode). As a baseband modem, transmit/receive data is passed transparently through the device at 80 or 160kbit/s by the DV port. The CD port transfers the C-channel and D-Channel also at 80 or 160kbit/s.In DN mode, both the DV and CD ports operate as ST-BUS streams at 2.048Mbit/s. The DV port transfers data over pins DSTi and DSTo while on the CD port, the CDSTi and CDSTo pins are used. The SINGL port option only exists in DN mode.Mode FunctionSLVSLAVE - The chip timebase is extracted from the received line data and the external 10.24MHz crystal is phase locked to it to provide clocks for the entire device and are output for the external system to synchronize to.MASMASTER - The timebase is derived from the externally supplied data clocks and 10.24MHz clock which must be frequency locked. The transmit data is synchronized to the system timing with the receive data recovered by a clock extracted from the receive data and resynchronized to the system timing.DUAL DUAL PORT - Both the CD and DV ports are active with the CD port transferring the C&D channels and the DV port transferring the B1& B2 channels.SINGL SINGLE PORT - The B1& B2, C and D channels are all transferred through the DV port. The CD port is disabled and CDSTi should be pulled high.MODMODEM - Baseband operation at 80 or 160kbits/s. The line data is received and transmitted through the DV port at the baud rate selected. The C-channel is transferred through the CD port also at the baud rate and is synchronized to the CLD output.DN DIGITAL NETWORK - Intended for use in the digital network with the DV and CD ports operating at 2.048Mbits/s and the line at 80 or 160kbits/s configured according to the applicable ISDN recommendation.D-C D BEFORE C-CHANNEL - The D-channel is transferred before the C-channel following F0.C-D C BEFORE D-CHANNEL - The C-channel is transferred before the D-channel following F0.ODEOUTPUT DATA ENABLE - When mode 7 is selected, the DV and CD ports are put in highimpedance state. This is intended for power-up reset to avoid bus contention and possible damage to the device during the initial random state in a daisy chain configuration of DNICs. In all the other modes of operation DV and CD ports are enabled during the appropriate channel times.Mode #F0/CLDF0o/RCKC4/TCKName Input/OutputName Input/OutputName Input/Output 0F0Input F0o Output C4Input 1CLD Output RCK Output TCK Output 2F0Input F0o Output C4Input 3F0Input F0o Output C4Input 4F0Output F0o Output C4Output 5CLD Output RCK Output TCK Output 6F0Output F0oOutputC4Output 7F0InputF0o OutputC4InputMT9171/72Data SheetIn MOD mode, DUAL port operation must be used and the D, B1 and B2 channel designations no longer exist. The selection of SLV or MAS will determine which of the DNICs is using the externally supplied clock and which is phase locking to the data on the line. Due to jitter and end to end delay, one end must be the master to generate all the timing for the link and the other must extract the timing from the receive data and synchronize itself to this timing in order to recover the synchronous data. DUAL port mode allows the user to use two separate serial busses: the DV port for PCM/data (B channels) and the CD port for control and signalling information (C and D channels). In the SINGL port mode, all four channels are concatenated into one serial stream and input to the DNIC via the DV port.The order of the C and D channels may be changed only in DN/DUAL mode. The DNIC may be configured to transfer the D-channel in channel 0 and the C-channel in channel 16 or vice versa. One other feature exists; ODE,where both the DV and CD ports are tristated in order that no devices are damaged due to excessive loading while all DNICs are in a random state on power up in a daisy chain arrangement.DV Port (DSTi/Di, DSTo/Do)The DV port transfers data or PCM encoded voice to and from the line according to the particular mode selected by the mode select pins. The modes affecting the configuration of the DV port are MOD or DN and DUAL or SINGL. In DN mode the DV port operates as an ST-BUS at 2.048Mbit/s with 32, 8 bit channels per frame as shown in Figure 9. In this mode the DV port channel configuration depends upon whether DUAL or SINGL port is selected. When DUAL port mode is used, the C and D channels are passed through the CD port and the B1 and B2 channels are passed through the DV port. At 80kbit/s only one channel of the available 32 at the DV port is utilized, this being channel 0 which carries the B1-channel. This is shown in Figure 3. At 160kbit/s, two channels are used, these being 0 and 16 carrying the B1 and B2 channels, respectively. This is shown in Figure 4. When SINGL port mode is used, channels B1, B2, C and D are all passed via the DV port and the CD port is disabled. See CD port description for an explanation of the C and D channels.Figure 9 - ST-BUS FormatThe D-channel is always passed during channel time 0 followed by the C and B1 channels in channel times 1 and 2, respectively for 80kbit/s. See Figure 5. For 160kbit/s the B2 channel is added and occupies channel time 3 of the DV port. See Figure 6. For all of the various configurations the bit orders are shown by the respective diagram.In MOD mode the DV and CD ports no longer operate at 2.048Mbits/s but are continuous serial bit streams operating at the bit rate selected of 80 or 160kbit/s.While in the MOD mode only DUAL port operation can be used.In order for more than one DNIC to be connected to any one DV and CD port, making more efficient use of the busses, the DSTo and CDSTo outputs are put into high impedance during the inactive channel times of the DNIC.This allows additional DNICs to be cascaded onto the same DV and CD ports. When used in this way a signal called F0o is used as an indication to the next DNIC in a daisy chain that its channel time is now active. Only the first DNIC in the chain receives the system frame pulse and all others receive the F0o from its predecessor in the chain. This allows up to 16 DNICs to be cascaded.ChannelChannel1Channel2• • • • • • • •Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0125 µsecChannel 31Channel 30Channel 31ChannelChannel 29F0ST-BUSMost Significant Bit (First)LeastSignificant Bit (Last)3.9 µsecMT9171/72Data SheetCD Port (CDSTi/CDi, CDSTo/CDo)The CD port is a serial bidirectional port used only in DUAL port mode. It is a means by which the DNIC receives its control information for things such as setting the bit rate, enabling internal loopback tests, sending status information back to the system and transferring low speed signalling data to and from the line.The CD port is composed of the C and D-Channels. The C-channel is used for transferring control and status information between the DNIC and the system. The D-channel is used for sending and receiving signalling information and lower speed data between the line and the system. In DN/DUAL mode the DNIC receives a C-channel on CDSTi while transmitting a C-channel on CDSTo. Fifteen channel times later (halfway through the frame) a D-channel is received on CDSTi while a D-channel is transmitted on CDSTo. This is shown in Figure 7.The order of the C and D bytes in DUAL port mode can be reversed by the mode select pins. See Table 1 for a listing of the byte orientations.The D-channel exists only in DN mode and may be used for transferring low speed data or signalling information over the line at 8, 16 or 64kbit/s (by using the DINB feature). The information passes transparently through the DNIC and is transmitted to or received from the line at the bit rate selected in the Control Register.If the bit rate is 80kbit/s, only D0 is transmitted and received. At 160kbit/s, D0 and D1 are transmitted and received. When the DINB bit is set in the Control Register the entire D-channel is transmitted and received in the B1-channel timeslot.The C-channel is used for transferring control and status information between the DNIC and the system. The Control and Diagnostics Registers are accessed through the C-channel. They contain information to control the DNIC and carry out the diagnostics as well as the HK bit to be transmitted on the line as described in Tables 4 and 5. Bits 0 and 1 of the C-channel select between the Control and Diagnostics Register. If these bits are 0, 0 then the C-channel information is written to the Control Register (Table 4). If they are 0, 1 the C-c hannel is written to the Diagnostics Register (Table 5).Bit Name Description0Reg Sel-1Register Select-1. Must be set to ’0’ to select the Control Register.1Reg Sel-2Register Select-2. Must be set to ’0’ to select the Control Register.2DRRDiagnostics Register Reset. Writing a "0" to this bit will cause a diagnostics register reset to occur coincident with the next frame pulse as in the MT8972A. When this bit is a logic "1", the Diagnostics Register will not be reset.3BRS Bit Rate Select. When set to ’0’ selects 80kbit/s. When set to ’1’, selects 160kbit/s.4DINB 2D-Channel in B Timeslot. When ’0’, the D-channel bits (D0 or D0 and D1) corresponding to the selected bit rate (80 or 160kbit/s) are transmitted during the normal D-channel bit times. When set to ’1’, the entire D-channel (D0-D7) is transmitted during the B1-channel timeslot on the line providing a 64kbit/s D-channel link.5PSEN 2Prescrambler/Deprescrambler Enable. When set to ’1’, the data prescrambler anddeprescrambler are enabled. When set to ’0’, the data prescrambler and deprescrambler are disabled.bit 0bit 1bit 2bit 3bit 4bit 5bit 6bit 7Reg Sel-1Reg Sel-2DRRBRSDINBPSENATTACKTxHKDefault Mode Selection (Refer to Table 4a)。
HT9172DTMF ReceiverBlock DiagramRev.1.001March 30,2006Features·Operating voltage:2.5V~5.5V·Minimal external component requirements ·No external filter required·Low standby current in power down mode)·Excellent performance·Tristate data output for MCU interface· 3.58MHz crystal or ceramic resonator oscillator ·1633Hz can be inhibited by the INH pin ·18-pin DIP/SOP packagingGeneral DescriptionThe HT9172is a Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)re-ceiver device which includes an integrated digital de-coder and band split filter functions as well as power-down and inhibit mode operations.The device uses digital counting techniques to detect and decode the full range of 16DTMF tone pairs into a 4-bit codeoutput.Highly accurate switched capacitor filters are uti-lised to divide the DTMF dual tone frequencies into low and high group signals.An integrated dial tone rejection circuit is provided to eliminate the need forpre-filtering.Technical Document·Tools Information ·FAQs·Application NotePin AssignmentPin DescriptionPin Name I/OInternalConnectionDescriptionVP I OperationalAmplifierOperational amplifier non-inverting inputVN I Operational amplifier inverting inputGS O Operational amplifier output terminal VREEF O VREF Reference voltage output,normally V DD/2X1Ioscillator The system oscillator consists of an inverter,a bias resistor and the required on-chip load capacitor.A standard3.579545MHz crystal connected to the X1and X2terminals imple-ments the oscillator function.X2OPWDN I CMOS INPull-lowActive high.This enables the device to go into its power down mode and inhibitsthe oscillator.This pin input is pulled low internally.INH I CMOS INPull-lowActive high.This inhibits the detection of tones representing characters A,B,Cand D.This pin input is pulled low internally.VSS¾¾Negative power supply,groundOE I CMOS INPull-highD0~D3output enable,active highD0~D3O CMOS OUTTristateReceived data output terminalsOE=²H²:Output enableOE=²L²:High impedanceDV O CMOS OUT Data valid output.When the device has received a valid DTMF tone,this line will go high;other-wise it remains low.EST O CMOS OUT Early steering output-see Functional DescriptionRT/GT I/O CMOS IN/OUT Tone acquisition time and release time can be set through connection with ex-ternal resistor and capacitor.VDD¾¾Positive power supply,2.5V~5.5V for normal operationRev.1.002March30,2006Approximate Internal Connection CircuitsAbsolute Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage..............................V SS-0.3V to V SS+6V Storage Temperature............................-50°C to125°C Input Voltage..............................V SS-0.3V to V DD+0.3V Operating Temperature...........................-40°C to85°CNote:These are stress ratings only.Stresses exceeding the range specified under²Absolute Maximum Ratings²may cause substantial damage to the device.Functional operation of this device at other conditions beyond those listed in the specification is not implied and prolonged exposure to extreme conditions may affect device reliabil-ity.D.C.Characteristics Ta=25°CSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V DD ConditionsV DD Operating Voltage¾¾ 2.55 5.5V I DD Operating Current5V¾¾37mAI STB Standby Current5V V PWDN=V DD,(Not include PWDNpull-low current)¾15m AV IL Input Low Voltage5V¾¾¾ 1.0V V IH Input High Voltage5V¾ 4.0¾¾VI IL Input Low Current5V V VP=V VN=0V¾¾0.1m AI IH Input High Current5V V VP=V VN=5V¾¾0.1m AR OE Pull-high Resistance(OE)5V V OE=0V70110160k WR PL Pull-low Resistance(INH,PWDN)5V V INH=5.0V,V PWDN=5.0V150250375k W R IN Input Impedance(VN,VP)5V¾¾10¾M WI OH Source Current(D0~D3,EST,DV)5V V OUT=4.5V-0.4-0.8¾mAI OL Sink Current(D0~D3,EST,DV)5V V OUT=0.5V 1.0 2.5¾mAf OSC System Frequency5V Crystal=3.5795MHz 3.5759 3.5795 3.5831MHz Rev.1.003March30,2006A.C.Characteristics fOSC=3.5795MHz,Ta=25°CSymbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V DD ConditionsDTMF SignalInput Signal Level 3V-36¾-6dBm 5V-29¾1Twist Accept Limit(Positive)5V¾10¾dBTwist Accept Limit(Negative)5V¾10¾dBDial Tone Tolerance5V¾18¾dBNoise Tolerance5V¾-12¾dBThird Tone Tolerance5V¾-16¾dBFrequency Deviation Acceptance5V¾¾±1.5%Frequency Deviation Rejection5V±3.5¾¾% t PU Power Up Time(See Figure4.)5V¾30¾ms Gain Setting AmplifierR IN Input Resistance5V¾¾10¾M W I IN Input Leakage Current5V V SS<(V VP,V VN)<V DD¾0.1¾m A V OS Offset Voltage5V¾¾±25¾mVP SRR Power Supply Rejection5V100Hz-3V<V IN<3V ¾60¾dBC MRR Common Mode Rejection5V¾60¾dBA VO Open Loop Gain5V¾65¾dBf T Gain Band Width5V¾¾ 1.5¾MHzV OUT Output Voltage Swing5V R L>100k W¾ 4.5¾V PP R L Load Resistance(GS)5V¾¾50¾k WC L Load Capacitance(GS)5V¾¾100¾pFV CM Common Mode Range5V No load¾ 3.0¾V PP Steering Controlt DP Tone Present Detection Time5V51114ms t DA Tone Absent Detection Time5V¾48.5ms t ACC Acceptable Tone Duration5V¾¾42ms t REJ Rejected Tone Duration5V20¾¾ms t IA Acceptable Inter-digit Pause5V¾¾42ms t IR Rejected Inter-digit Pause5V20¾¾ms t PDO Propagation Delay(RT/GT to DO)5V¾811m s t PDV Propagation Delay(RT/GT to DV)5V¾12¾m s t DOV Output Data Set Up(DO to DV)5V¾ 4.5¾m s t DDO Disable Delay(OE to DO)5V¾300¾ns t EDO Enable Delay(OE to DO)5V¾5060ns Note:DO=D0~D3Rev.1.004March30,2006Figure1.Test Circuit Functional DescriptionOverviewThe HT9172tone decoder consists of three band pass filters and two digital decode circuits to convert a DTMF tone into a digital code output.The device contains an operational amplifier to adjust the input signal level as shown in Figure2.The pre-filter is a band rejection filter which will reject frequencies between350Hz to400Hz.The low group filter,filters the low group frequency sig-nal output whereas the high group filter,filters the high group frequency signal output.Each filter output is followed by a zero-crossing detector with incorporates hysteresis.When the signal amplitude at the output exceeds a specified level,it is transferred to a full swing logic signal.When the input signal is recognized as an effective DTMF tone,the DV line will go high,and the corre-sponding DTMF tone code will be generated.Steering Control CircuitThe steering control circuit is used to measure the effec-tive signal duration and for protecting against valid sig-nal drop out.This is achieved using an analog delay which is implemented using an external RC time-con-stant,controlled by the output line EST.The timing diagram is shown in Figure3.The EST pin is normally low and will pull the RT/GT pin low via the ex-ternal RC network.When a valid tone input is detected, the EST pin will go high,which will in turn pull the RT/GT pin high through the RC network.When the voltage on RT/GT rises from0to V TRT,which is2.35V for a5V power supply,the input signal is effec-tive,and the corresponding code will be generated by the code detector.After D0~D3have been latched,DV will go high.When the voltage on RT/GT falls from VDD to V TRT,i.e.when there is no input tone,the DV output will go low,and D0~D3will maintain their present data until a next valid tone input is produced.By selecting suitable external RC values,the minimum acceptable input tone duration,t ACC,and the minimum acceptable inter-tone rejection,t IR,can be set.The values of the external RC components,can be chosen using the following formula.Also refer to Figure5for details.t ACC=t DP+t GTP;t IR=t DA+t GTA;where t ACC:Tone duration acceptable timet DP:EST output delay time(²L²®²H²)t GTP:Tone present timet IR:Inter-digit pause rejection timeFigure2.Amplifier Input Application CircuitsRev.1.005March30,2006Timing DiagramsFigure3.Steering TimingFigure4.Power-up TimingRev.1.006March30,2006Figure 5.Steering Time Adjustment CircuitsDTMF Dialing MatrixDTMF Data Output TableLow Group (Hz)High Group (Hz)Digit OE D3D2D1D069712091H L L L H 69713362H L L H L 69714773H L L H H 77012094H L H L L 77013365H L H L H 77014776H L H H L 85212097H L H H H 85213368H H L L L 85214779H H L L H 94113360H H L H L 9411209*H H L H H 9411477#H H H L L 6971633A H H H L H 7701633B H H H H L 8521633C H H H H H 9411633D H L L L L ¾¾ANYLZZZZNote:²Z ²High impedance;²ANY²Any digitRev.1.007March 30,2006(a)Fundamental circuit:t GTP =R ´C ´Ln (V DD/(V DD -V TRT ))t GTA =R ´C ´Ln (V DD /V TRT )(b)t GTP <t GTA :t GTP =(R1//R2)´C ´Ln (V DD -V TRT ))t GTA =R1´C ´Ln (V DD /V TRT )(c)t GTP >t GTA :t GTP =R1´C ´Ln (V DD /(V DD -V TRT ))t GTA =(R1//R2)´C ´Ln (V DD /V TRT )Data OutputThe data outputs,D0~D3,are tristate outputs.When the OE input is low,the D0~D3data outputs,will be in a high im-pedance condition.Application CircuitsApplication Circuit1Note:X¢tal=3.579545MHz crystalC1=C2@20pFX¢tal=3.58MHz ceramic resonatorC1=C2@39pFApplication Circuit2Note:X¢tal=3.579545MHz crystalC1=C2@20pFX¢tal=3.58MHz ceramic resonatorC1=C2@39pFRev.1.008March30,2006Package Information18-pin DIP(300mil)Outline DimensionsSymbolDimensions in milMin.Nom.Max.A895¾915B240¾260C125¾135D125¾145E16¾20F50¾70G¾100¾H295¾315I335¾375a0°¾15°Rev.1.009March30,200618-pin SOP(300mil)Outline DimensionsSymbolDimensions in milMin.Nom.Max.A394¾419B290¾300C14¾20C¢447¾460D92¾104E¾50¾F4¾¾G32¾38H4¾12a0°¾10°Rev.1.0010March30,2006Product Tape and Reel SpecificationsReel DimensionsSOP18WSymbol Description Dimensions in mmA Reel Outer Diameter330±1.0B Reel Inner Diameter62±1.5C Spindle Hole Diameter 13.0+0.5-0.2D Key Slit Width 2.0±0.5T1Space Between Flange 24.8+0.3-0.2T2Reel Thickness30.2±0.2Rev.1.0011March30,2006Carrier Tape DimensionsSOP18WSymbol Description Dimensions in mmW Carrier Tape Width 24.0+0.3-0.1P Cavity Pitch16.0±0.1E Perforation Position 1.75±0.1F Cavity to Perforation(Width Direction)11.5±0.1D Perforation Diameter 1.5±0.1D1Cavity Hole Diameter 1.5+0.25P0Perforation Pitch 4.0±0.1P1Cavity to Perforation(Length Direction) 2.0±0.1A0Cavity Length10.9±0.1B0Cavity Width12.0±0.1K0Cavity Depth 2.8±0.1t Carrier Tape Thickness0.3±0.05C Cover Tape Width21.3Rev.1.0012March30,2006Holtek Semiconductor Inc.(Headquarters)No.3,Creation Rd.II,Science Park,Hsinchu,TaiwanTel:886-3-563-1999Fax:886-3-563-1189Holtek Semiconductor Inc.(Taipei Sales Office)4F-2,No.3-2,YuanQu St.,Nankang Software Park,Taipei115,TaiwanTel:886-2-2655-7070Fax:886-2-2655-7373Fax:886-2-2655-7383(International sales hotline)Holtek Semiconductor Inc.(Shanghai Sales Office)7th Floor,Building2,No.889,Yi Shan Rd.,Shanghai,China200233Tel:021-6485-5560Fax:021-6485-0313Holtek Semiconductor Inc.(Shenzhen Sales Office)43F,SEG Plaza,Shen Nan Zhong Road,Shenzhen,China518031Tel:0755-8346-5589Fax:0755-8346-5590ISDN:0755-8346-5591Holtek Semiconductor Inc.(Beijing Sales Office)Suite1721,Jinyu Tower,A129West Xuan Wu Men Street,Xicheng District,Beijing,China100031Tel:010-6641-0030,6641-7751,6641-7752Fax:010-6641-0125Holmate Semiconductor,Inc.(North America Sales Office)46712Fremont Blvd.,Fremont,CA94538Tel:510-252-9880Fax:510-252-9885CopyrightÓ2006by HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC.The information appearing in this Data Sheet is believed to be accurate at the time of publication.However,Holtek as-sumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described.The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification,nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise.Holtek¢s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems.Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification.For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at .Rev.1.0013March30,2006。
空中袭击者系列各机型在1962年前旧有编号为AD-1至AD-7,随后改为「A-1」统一前缀的新编号,此机出自(Edward H.Heinemann)海因曼博士的精心设计,海因曼博士是美国航空界的怪杰,素以「攻击机先生」称誉全球,自1926年出任道格拉斯工厂的工程师以来,纵横世界航空科技近40年,其间美国海空军之著名攻击机泰半出自门下。
1622008 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION KIT & COMPONENTS CATALOG ©2008 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED3790103008397797405R55N / 5R55S / 5R55WRWD 5 SpeedA544510034070670Input ShaftO.Dr. Ring GearO.Dr. CenterShaft783Center SupportInterm. BandDirect DrumForward ClutchForward PlanetReverse BandReverse DrumLow Sprag310037179520036178530311914363912911913910896904896437490996V.B.Parts741E414494765-6370Case313321320Valve Body917747765746322420002OHK Kit004Master L/Steels Kit 006Master 030External Seal Kit1632008 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION KIT & COMPONENTS CATALOG ©2008 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP . ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDRWD 5 Speed5R55N / 5R55S / 5R55W862981971961560961971985879565126106146861*229964974877564285872962972104124552894Intermediate Sprag690074266Park Gear264847Park Pawl Assy995-1995-2995-3995916-2916-3919922915916-2916-3919922916263EDA181554770Ext. Hsg.781493305678Output ShaftO.Dr. Band StrutInterm. Band Strut268841Internal Linkage991-2991-3994799991-4761P-4991072410992Yoke1642008 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION KIT & COMPONENTS CATALOG©2008 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED*Prefix Letter ‘T’ denotes Toledo-Trans Kit (TTK) Brand Transmission Kits *Prefix Letter ‘B’ denotes Bryco Brand Transmission Kits002.............T16002AP......Overhaul Kit, 5R55N (With Bonded Pistons) 1999-Up ..............................................................1..........002.............T16002GP......Overhaul Kit, 5R55S/5R55W (With Bonded Pistons) 2002-Up..................................................1..........004.............T16004AP......Master L/Steels Kit, 5R55N (With Bonded Pistons) 1999-Up ....................................................1..........004.............T16004GP......Master L/Steels Kit, 5R55S/5R55W (With Bonded Pistons) 2002-Up .......................................1..........006.............T16006AP......Master W/Steels Kit, 5R55N (With Bonded Pistons) 1999-Up...................................................1..........006.............T16006GP......Master W/Steels Kit, 5R55S/5R55W (With Bonded Pistons) 2002-Up ......................................1..........E300...........45019............Gasket, 5R55N Bottom Pan (Plastic With Silicon Bead) OE Style (With Large Holes) 1999-Up 1..........XW4Z-7A191CA D305...........45097668......Gasket, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Extension Housing To Case 1999-Up......................................1..........XW4Z-7086-AA A309..........41217............Gasket, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump Bolt Washer...................................................................AR ........A310..........45097667......Gasket, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump 1999-Up..........................................................................1..........XW4Z-7A136AB A311...........1988096........O-Ring, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump Cover 1999-Up ...............................................................1..........XW4Z-7A248AA A313..........1994747........O-Ring, 5R55N Inner Pump Gear 1999-Up.................................................................................1..........F77Z-7L323AA E320...........45097692......Gasket, 5R55N Valve Body Separator Plate To Case 1999-Up ................................................1..........XW4Z-7D100-BF E320...........45097738......Gasket, 5R55S/5R55W Valve Body Separator Plate To Case (Upper) 2002-Up......................1..........1L2Z-7Z490AB-1A070..........70243V..........Seal, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Front (No Flange) (Rubber Coated) 1999-Up ..............................1..........F77Z-7A248AA D072...........70083............Seal, 5R55N Linkage 1999-Up ..................................................................................................1..........D5AZ-7B498A D074...........70283............Seal, 5R55N Rear 2WD 2000-Up ...............................................................................................1..........XW4Z-7052AA D074...........70205............Seal, 5R55S/5R55W Rear (W/Long Boot) 2WD 2002-Up .........................................................1..........F6UZ-7052A D074...........70282............Seal, 5R55S/5R55W Extension Housing 4X4 2002-Up .............................................................1..........1L2Z-7052BA175.............6358..............Ring Kit, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W (2 Metal 4PTFE 2 Torlon Rings) 1999-Up ...............................1..........A178..........45060279......Ring, 5R55N, 5R55W, 5R55S Pump Support (Lock-Up) 1999-Up .............................................1..........B181...........TAW- 2212....Ring, 5R55N, 5R55W, 5R55S Forward Clutch Cylinder 1999-Up .............................................2..........D184...........45060265......Ring, 5R55N, 5R55W, 5R55S Output Shaft 1999-Up.................................................................1..........A179..........30308............Ring, 5R55N, 5R55W, 5R55S Overdrive Brake Drum 1999-Up.................................................2..........B179...........30308P ..........Ring, 5R55N, 5R55W, 5R55S Direct Clutch (Center Support) 1999-Up Torlon .........................2..........119.............45082NR........Friction Module, 5R55N 1999-Up................................................................................................1..........119.............45082LR........Friction Module, 5R55S/5R55W 2002-Up...................................................................................1..........E010...........45040N ..........Filter, 5R55N (3/8” Tall Pick-up Tube) 1999-Up ..........................................................................1..........XW4Z-7A098BB E010...........F-340.............Filter, 5R55S/5R55W (2 1/4” Tall Pick-Up Tube) 2002-Up..........................................................1..........1L2Z-7A098AC5R55N / 5R55S / 5R55WRWD 5 Speed1652008 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION KIT & COMPONENTS CATALOG ©2008 PARKER HANNIFIN CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDB022...........45090............Band, 5R55N Overdrive/Intermediate (Hi-Energy) 1999-Up......................................................2..........XW4Z-7D034BA 030.............45030G..........Bushing Kit, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W 1999-Up.............................................................................1..........A034..........31530............Bushing, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump Cover 1999-Up .............................................................1..........A036..........31531............Bushing, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Overdrive Sun Gear 1999-Up................................................1..........A036..........45039............Bushing, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Stator (Front) 1999-Up ...........................................................1..........A037..........31532............Bushing, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Stator (Rear) 1999-Up............................................................1..........A046..........31533............Bushing, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Coast Clutch Drum e 56036A................................................................................................................................1..........B211...........45176A..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .063" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014TA B211...........45176B ..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .071" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014MA B211...........45176C ..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .075" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014NA B211...........45176D ..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .079" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014PA B211...........45176E ..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .083" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014RA B211...........45176F ..........Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Pump To Coast Clutch Drum .087" (Plastic) 1999-Up.............1..........F7TZ-7D014SA C232...........45145............Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Bearing to Forward Hub (Solid Bronze) 1999-Up .................1..........FOTZ-7D090A D263...........45077............Washer, 5R55N/5R55S/5R55W Parking Gear To Case 1999-Up ..............................................1..........D4ZZ-7B368-AD410...........D56955J ........Switch, 5R55N Neutral Safety (12 Prong Connector) 1999-Up ...............................................1..........XW4Z-7F293AA E922...........33991............Nut, 5R55N/S/W Band 1999-Up .................................................................................................2..........380850-SRWD 5 Speed5R55N / 5R55S / 5R55W。
举例说明:A291D - T6,表明该合金中含铝8.3%~9.7%,含锌0. 35%~1.00-10 ,D表明合金纯度要求,T6表明合金状态为固溶+时效。
表10 -2为部分镁合金中使用的合金元素代码。
2、镁合金的分类一般来说,镁合金的分类依据主要有3种,分圳为:合金化学成分、成形工艺和是否含锆,按化学成分,一般根据镁与其中的一个主要合金元素将其划分为Mg- Al、Mg-Mn Mg-Zn、Mg- RE Mg- Li 等二元系,以及Mg- Al - Zn(AZ)、Mg- Al -Mn(AM)、Mg- Zn - Zr(ZK)、Mg - Gd -Y(GW)等二元系及其他多元系。
主要合金元素在镁中的作用总结如下:(1) Al 。
铝元素在镁中的极限固溶度为12. 7%,并且随着温度的的降低显着减少,室温下的固溶度为2. 0%左右,禾U用其固溶度的明显变化可以对进行热处理。
在铸造镁合金中含销量可达到7%~9%而变形镁合金中铝含量一般控制在3%~5%(2) Zn 。
Whelen 14502 前光ха套件料號說明说明书
©2011 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14502 (060111)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!A u t o m o t i v e : Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Methylene Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Installation Guide:Inner Edge® Traffic Advisor™ SeriesRear Deck Interior Lightbar2011 Dodge Charger51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.IMPORTANT!Do not install this product or route any wires in the air bag deployment zone of your vehicle. Equipment mounted or located in air bag deployment zones will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owners manual to learn the air bag deployment zones for the vehicle. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.Installation:IMPORTANT! The lightbar should be located a minimum of 16" from any radio antennas!1.On the rear deck, locate the passenger-side outboard cap covering the child restraint strap holder. Remove this cover to access the tether strap holder.2.For the next step you must remove the plastic panel located inside the trunk to access the bottom side of the child restraint brackets. This panel is held on with christmas tree plugs and magnets.3.Locate the passenger side lightbar mounting bracket included with the mounting kit. Secure the mounting bracket onto the strap holder using the hardware shown (Fig. 1). Tighten the hardware firmly.4.Repeat steps 1 thru 3 for the Driver-side mounting bracket then replace the plastic panel you removed in step 2.5.Position the lightbar onto the rear deck. Secure the lightbar to the mounting brackets using the hardware shown. Do not tighten this hardware yet.Make sure that the rubber window seal on the lightbar housing fully engages the rear window. To ensure this, hold the lightbar housing firmly against the glass while tightening the hardware securing lightbar to mounting bracket. While still maintaining pressure on the lightbar, tighten the hardware used to secure lightbar mounting bracket to the child restraint holder.The lightbar should maintain the seal against the windshield when the pressure is released. If not, loosen the appropriate hardware and repeat this tightening procedure until properly mounted.6.Route the input cable to your control head (refer to the installation manual included with your control head for important mounting and wiring information).IMPORTANT! When routing the lightbar cable, it is left to the installation technician's discretion to select a path for these cables that will both protect the cables from possible damage and not interfere with the operation of any other vehicle components or equipment. Refer to the instructions included with your switches for switch wiring information.Wiring and Operation:WARNING!All customer supplied wires that connect to the positive terminal of the battery must be sized to supply at least 125% of the maximum operating current and FUSED at the battery to carry that load. DO NOT USE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH THIS PRODUCT!BLACK - GroundExtend and connect the BLK wire to the ground terminal of the vehicle battery.RED - Main PowerRoute the RED wire to an unused, ignition-controlled circuit *****************************************.NOTE: When this product is wired as outlined here,the lightbar will not function until the ignition switch is in the ON, RUN or ACC position.WHT-ORG - Scan-Lock™ Flash patternsWhen the TA feature is active, this wire will select TA patterns; when the end flasher feature is active, this wire will select the end flasher patterns. Do not use Scan-Lock while both features are simultaneously active. TO CYCLE THROUGH ALL PATTERNS: Apply +12volts to the WHT/ORG wire for less than 1 second and release to cycle forward. Apply +12 volts for more than 1 second and release to cycle backward.TO SET A PATTERN AS DEFAULT: When the desiredpattern is displayed, allow it to run for more than 5 seconds. The TA will now display this pattern when active.TO RESET TO THE FACTORY DEFAULT PATTERN: Turn off power,apply +12 volts to the WHT/ORG wire, then turn power on.A Normally Open Momentary Switch is best for this circuit. Fuse @1A.Scan-Lock End Flasher Patterns: 1. SignalAlert™ 4. SingleFlash 752. CometFlash® 5. ActionFlash™3. SingleFlash 3756. A ctionScan™ Traffic Advisor Patterns: 1. Sequence to Solid 3. 1-Lamp TripleFlash™2. Seq. On/Seq. Off4. 2-Lamp TripleFlashWHT/GRN - Low Power OperationFor low power operation apply +12VDC to the WHT/GRN wire. The unit will continue to operate in Low Power mode until this voltage is removed.A SP/ST switch is best suited for this circuit. Fuse this wire @1A.BROWN - End FlashersApplying +12VDC to this wire activates the end flashers. A SP/ST switch is best suited for this circuit. Fuse this wire @1A.BLUE - TA FlashWhen +12VDC is applied to this wire, the Traffic Advisor™ lightbar function becomes active. A SP/ST switch is best suited for this circuit.Fuse this wire @1A.WHITE/BLACK - LeftWhen +12VDC is applied to this wire, the lights sweep from right to left. A SP/ST switch is best suited for this circuit. Fuse this wire @1A.ORANGE - RightWhen +12VDC is applied to this wire, the lights sweep from left to right. A SP/ST switch is best suited for this circuit. Fuse this wire @1A.NOTE: If you apply power to both the WHT/BLK and ORG wires simultaneously, you will get a split pattern. Both sides will start at the center and sweep outward.。
每日一弹:MIM-72小檞树Chaparral)近程防空导弹福特 MIM-72 小檞树(Chaparral)近程防空导弹MIM-72 Chaparral是AIM-9 "响尾蛇"空对空导弹的一种地面发射衍生产品。
1965年,研究表明这种转换是可行的,于是开始了 "小檞树"计划,作为被取消的MIM-46 "咆哮者 "的临时替代方案。
1966年,AN/MPQ-49前线警戒雷达(FAAR)的开发获得批准,该雷达将为 "小檞树"(和其他防空系统)提供目标信息。
生产型的MIM-72A与AIM-9D "响尾蛇 "几乎完全相同。
这样做是为了减少导弹的整体阻力,这对地面发射的导弹比空中发射的导弹更重要,因为后者有发射飞机作为高速 "第一级"。
MIM-72的MK 50固体燃料火箭发动机与AIM-9D中使用的MK 36 MOD 5基本相同。
MIM-72 (具体型号未知)与MIM-72A同时,MIM-72B也被投入使用。
美国标准目录查询(中文版)ASTM B 473-1996 UNS NO8020、UNS NO8026及UNS NO8024 镍合金棒和线ASTM B 474-1999 电熔焊的UNS NO8020、UNS NO8026和UNS NO8024镍合金管ASTM B 475-1996 UNS NO8020、UNS NO8026及UNS NO8024 镍合金圆编织线ASTM B 476-1990 锻制贵金属电接触材料ASTM B 477-1997 金银镍电触点合金ASTM B 478-1985 恒温双金属横向弯曲率的测试方法ASTM B 479-2000 与食品接触的和其它用途的挠性包装材料用退火铝及铝合金箔标准规范ASTM B 480-1988 电镀用镁和镁合金的制备ASTM B 481-1968 电镀用钛和钛合金的制备ASTM B 48-2000 电导体用矩形和正方形软裸铜线的标准规范ASTM B 482-1985 电镀用钨和钨合金的制备ASTM B 483/B 483M-2000 通用铝和铝合金拉制管的标准规范ASTM B 483-1995 普通拉制铝及铝合金管ASTM B 483M-1995 普通拉制铝和铝合金管ASTM B 487-1985 用横断面显微观察法测定金属及氧化层厚度的方法ASTM B 488-2001 工程用电解沉积镀金层标准规范ASTM B 489-1985 金属表面电解沉积和自动催化沉积金属镀层延展性的弯曲试验ASTM B 490-1992 用测微计弯曲试验法测定电解沉积物的延展性ASTM B 491/B 491M-2000 通用铝和铝合金挤制圆管的标准规范ASTM B 49-1998 电气用再拉延的铜条材ASTM B 493-1983 锆及锆合金锻件ASTM B 494-1993 原生锆ASTM B 495-1990 锆及锆合金铸锭ASTM B 496-2001 紧密的圆形同心绞捻铜导线标准规范ASTM B 497-1995 闭合跳火触点上电压降的测量ASTM B 498/B 498M-1998 钢芯加强的铝导线(ACSR)用镀锌钢芯线ASTM B 498-1993 钢芯加强的铝导线用镀锌钢芯线(ACSR)ASTM B 498M-1993 钢芯加强的铝导线用镀锌钢芯线(ACSR)(米制) ASTM B 499-1996 用磁性法测量磁性基底金属的非磁性镀层厚度的方法ASTM B 500/B 500M-1998 钢芯加强铝导线(ACSR)用金属涂覆绞合钢芯线ASTM B 500-1997 钢芯加强的铝导线用镀金属层的钢芯线(ACSR) ASTM B 501-1999 电子设施用镀银包铜钢丝ASTM B 502-1998 包铝钢芯加强铝导线用包铝钢芯线ASTM B 504-1990 用库仑法测量金属镀层厚度的试验方法ASTM B 505-1996 连续浇铸的铜基合金铸件ASTM B 507-1986 机件在支架上电镀的设计ASTM B 508-1997 挠性金属软管用铜合金带材标准规范ASTM B 511-2001 镍铁铬硅合金棒和型材标准规范ASTM B 512-1999 镍铬硅合金坯料和棒材ASTM B 514-1995 焊接的镍铁铬合金管ASTM B 515-1995 焊接的UNS NO8800和UNS NO8810合金管ASTM B 516-1998 焊接镍铬铁合金(UNS N06603、UNS N06025和UNS N06045)管的标准规范ASTM B 517-1998 焊接的镍铬铁合金管ASTM B 5-2000 高电导率韧炼铜精炼型材标准规范ASTM B 520-1993 电气用镀锌包铜钢丝ASTM B 521-1998 钽和钽合金无缝和焊接管ASTM B 522-2001 金银铂电接触合金标准规范ASTM B 523/B 523M-2001 无缝和焊接锆及锆合金管标准规范ASTM B 523-1997 无缝和焊接锆及锆合金管标准规范ASTM B 524/B 524M-1999 铝合金芯加强的同心绞捻铝导线ASTM B 524-1992 铝合金芯增强的同心绞捻铝导线(ACAR,1380/6201)ASTM B 524M-1992 铝合金加强的同心绞捻的铝导线(ACAR,1350/6201)(米制) ASTM B 527-1993 用塔普-帕克(Tap-Pak)容量计测定耐火金属及化合物粉末的塔普(Tap)密度的试验方法ASTM B 528-1999 金属粉末样品横向断裂强度的标准试验方法ASTM B 530-1996 用磁性法测量磁性和非磁性基底上的电解沉积镀镍层厚度的方法ASTM A 618-2001 热成型焊接与无缝高强度低合金结构钢管标准规范ASTM A 619/A 619M-1996 拉伸级冷轧碳素钢薄板ASTM A 620/A 620M-1997 特殊脱氧拉伸级冷轧碳素钢薄板ASTM A 621/A 621M-1997 拉伸级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材ASTM A 622/A 622M-1997 拉伸级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材ASTM A 623-1992 锡轧制产品ASTM A 623M-1992 锡轧制产品(米制)ASTM A 624/A 624M-1998 锡辊轧制品.单压延电解马口铁ASTM A 624M-1990 锡轧制品.一次压延的电解镀锡板(米制)ASTM A 625/A 625M-1998 一次压延的锡轧制黑钢板标准规范ASTM A 626/A 626M-1998 二次压延电镀锡轧制板ASTM A 626M-1990 锡轧制品.二次压延的电解镀锡板(米制)ASTM A 627-1995 安全设备用均质不易加工的钢棒ASTM A 629-1988 安全设备用不易加工的扁钢棒和型材ASTM A 630-1998 热浸和电镀锡板锡涂层重量的测定试验方法ASTM A 632-1998 通用设备用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管(小直径)ASTM A 633/A 633M-2001 正火的高强度低合金结构钢板标准规范ASTM A 635/A 635M-1996 热轧碳素钢薄板,带材和重型粗盘条规格ASTM A 636-1976 氧化镍烧结块ASTM A 638/A 638M-2000 高温设备用沉积硬化铁基超级合金棒、锻件及锻坯料标准规范ASTM A 640-1997 8字型缆吊架用镀锌钢绞线ASTM A 641/A 641M-1998 镀锌碳素钢丝ASTM A 641-1992 镀锌(电镀)碳素钢丝ASTM A 641M-1991 镀锌(电镀)碳素钢丝(米制)ASTM A 644-1998 有关铁铸件的术语ASTM A 645/A 645M-1999 压力容器用经特殊热处理的5%镍合金钢板ASTM A 646-1995 飞机及航空器锻件用优质合金钢大方坯及坯段ASTM A 648-1995 预应力混凝土管用冷拉钢丝ASTM A 649/A 649M-1999 波纹纸机械用锻制钢辊标准规范ASTM A 650/A 650M-1998 二次压延的锡轧制黑钢板ASTM A 65-2001 钢轨道钉标准规范ASTM A 653/A 653M-2001 热浸镀锌或锌铁合金的薄钢板的标准规范ASTM A 653/A 653Ma-2001 热浸镀锌或锌铁合金的薄钢板的标准规范ASTM A 656/A 656M-2000 具有改良可模锻性的热轧结构钢制高强度低合金板标准规范ASTM A 657/A 657M-1998 一次和二次压延的电镀铬涂层锡轧制黑钢板ASTM A 659/A 659M-1997 商业级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材(最大含碳量为0.16%-0.25%) ASTM A 660-1996 高温用离心铸造碳素钢管ASTM A 66-1987 钢螺纹钉ASTM A 662/A 662M-2001 中温或低温设备用碳锰硅的压力容器板的标准规范ASTM A 66-2001 钢螺纹钉的标准规范ASTM A 663/A 663M-1989 商品级碳素钢棒的机械特性ASTM A 664-1999 在ASTM规范中对电工钢和层压钢级别的识别ASTM A 666-2000 退火或冷加工的奥氏体不锈钢薄板、带材、中厚板和扁棒标准规范ASTM A 667/A 667M-1987 离心铸造的双金属(灰口及白口铸铁)圆柱体ASTM A 668/A 668M-1996 一般工业用碳素钢和合金钢锻件ASTM A 671-1996 常温和较低温用电熔焊钢管ASTM A 67-1992 热加工低碳钢和高碳钢连接板ASTM A 672-1996 中温高压用电熔焊钢管ASTM A 673/A 673M-2001 结构钢冲击试验的取样程序的标准规范ASTM A 674-1995 水或其它液体用球墨铸铁管的聚乙烯包装ASTM A 675/A 675M-1990 专用热轧碳素钢棒的机械特性ASTM A 677/A 677M-1999 全加工式的无定向的电工钢标准规范ASTM A 677-1996 全处理型无取向电工钢ASTM A 677M-1998 全处理型无取向电工钢(米制)美国标准目录查询(中文版)---2(3)ASTM A 678/A 678M-2000 淬火和回火的碳素钢和高强度低合金钢板标准规范ASTM A 679/A 679M-2000 硬(冷)拉高抗拉强度钢丝标准规范ASTM A 681-1994 合金钢工具ASTM A 682/A 682M-2000 冷轧高碳钢带材一般要求的标准规范ASTM A 682-1993 弹簧用冷轧高碳钢带材ASTM A 683/A 683M-1999 半加工式无定向电工钢的标准规范ASTM A 683-1999 半成品类无取向电工钢ASTM A 683M-1991 半处理型无取向电工钢(米制)ASTM A 684/A 684M-1986 冷轧高碳钢带材ASTM A 686-1992 碳素工具钢ASTM A 687-1993 高强度无头钢螺栓和螺柱规格ASTM A 688/A 688M-2001 焊接的奥氏体不锈钢给水加热器管标准规范ASTM A 688/A 688Ma-2001 焊接的奥氏体不锈钢给水加热器管标准规范ASTM A 689-1997 弹簧用碳素钢及合金钢棒ASTM A 690/A 690M-2000 在海洋环境中使用的高强度低合金工字形钢桩和钢板桩标准规范ASTM A 691-1998 高温下高压装置用电熔焊碳素钢和合金钢管ASTM A 693-1993 沉淀硬化耐热不锈钢板、薄板和带材ASTM A 694/A 694M-2000 高压传输设备的管法兰、配件、阀门及零件用碳素钢及合金钢锻件标准规范ASTM A 695-1990 流体动力设备专用热轧碳素钢棒ASTM A 696-1990 压力管道部件专用热锻或冷精轧碳素钢棒ASTM A 697-1998 用伏特计、安培计和瓦特计法测定迭层铁芯样品的交流磁特性的试验方法ASTM A 698/A 698M-1992 在弱交流磁场中磁屏蔽效率的试验方法ASTM A 700-1999 国内装运钢制品的包装、标记和装载方法的标准实施规范ASTM A 701-1996 硅锰铁ASTM A 702-1989 热锻钢栅栏柱和组件ASTM A 703/A 703M-2001 受压部件用钢铸件标准规范,一般要求ASTM A 703/A 703Mb-2001 承压零部件用钢铸件一般要求的标准规范ASTM A 704/A 704M-2001 混凝土加筋用焊接普通钢棒或杆的钢筋网的标准规范ASTM A 705/A 705M-1995 时效硬化的不锈和耐热钢锻件ASTM A 706/A 706M-2001 钢筋混凝土用变形的低合金钢条的标准规范ASTM A 707/A 707M-2000 低温设备用锻制碳素钢和合金钢法兰标准规范ASTM A 709/A 709M-2001 桥梁用碳素钢和高强度低合金结构钢型材、板材、棒材及经淬火和回火合金结构钢板的标准规范ASTM A 709/A 709Mb-2001 桥梁用碳素钢和高强度低合金结构钢型材、板材、棒材及经淬火和回火合金结构钢板的标准规范ASTM A 710/A 710M-2001 低碳时效硬化的镍铜铬钼钶合金钢和镍铜钶合金钢板的标准规范ASTM A 711-1992 钢锻件坯料ASTM A 712-1997 软磁性合金电阻率的试验方法ASTM A 713-1993 热处理部件用高碳弹簧钢丝ASTM A 714-1999 高强度低合金焊接和无缝钢管ASTM A 715-1996 具有改良可模锻性的冷轧高强度低合金钢薄板和热轧高强度低合金钢薄板和带材ASTM A 716-1999 球墨铸铁涵洞管标准规范ASTM A 717/A 717M-2001 单片样品表面绝缘电阻率的标准试验方法ASTM A 718-1975 多片样品表面绝缘电阻率的测试方法ASTM A 719-1997 磁性材料的叠层铁芯的试验方法ASTM A 720-1997 无取向电工钢延展性的试验方法ASTM A 721-1997 取向的电工钢的延展性试验方法ASTM A 722/A 722M-1998 预应力混凝土用无涂覆的高强度钢棒ASTM A 723/A 723M-1994 高强度压力元件用合金钢锻件ASTM A 724/A 724M-1999 叠层焊接的压力容器用经淬火及回火的碳素钢压力容器板ASTM A 726/A 726M-1998 半加工的冷压磁性优质叠层钢板ASTM A 726-2000 半成品类冷轧磁性迭片级钢标准规范ASTM A 726M-1992 半成品型冷轧磁性迭片级钢(米制)ASTM A 727/A 727M-1996 具有固定切口韧性的管道部件用碳素钢锻件ASTM A 729-1993 货物运输及电气铁路用热处理合金钢轴ASTM A 730-1993 铁路用碳素钢及合金钢锻件ASTM A 732/A 732M-1998 一般用途碳及低合金钢熔模制造铸件和高温下高强度钴合金熔模制造铸件ASTM A 733-1999 焊接及无缝碳素钢和奥氏体不锈钢管接头ASTM A 734/A 734M-1987 经淬火和回火的合金钢与高强度低合金钢压力容器板ASTM A 735/A 735M-1999 中温和低温用低碳锰钼钶合金钢压力容器板ASTM A 736/A 736M-1988 低碳时效硬化的镍铜铬钼铌和镍铜锰钼铌合金钢压力容器板ASTM A 737/A 737M-1987 高强度低合金钢压力容器板ASTM A 738/A 738M-2000 中温和低温设备用经热处理的碳锰硅钢压力容器板标准规范ASTM A 739-1990 升温或/和加压部件用热轧合金钢棒ASTM A 740-1998 钢丝网(编织或焊接电镀钢丝网)ASTM A 741-1998 高速公路护栏用镀锌钢丝绳和配件ASTM A 74-1998 固体铸铁管和配件ASTM A 742/A 742M-1998 波纹钢管用预涂聚合物和金属涂覆钢薄板ASTM A 743/A 743M-1998 一般用途铁铬、铁铬镍耐腐蚀铸件ASTM A 744/A 744M-1996 严酷条件下使用的耐腐蚀镍铬铁合金铸件ASTM A 745/A 745M-1994 奥氏体钢锻件的超声波检验ASTM A 746-1999 球墨铸铁排污管标准规范ASTM A 747/A 747M-1999 沉淀硬化不锈钢铸件ASTM A 748/A 748M-1987 压力容器用静电铸造的白口铁-灰口铁双金属柱ASTM A 749/A 749M-1997 热轧高强度碳素低合金钢带材ASTM A 750-1977 阻挡区域用钢制通风格栅ASTM A 751-1996 钢制品化学分析的实验方法、操作和术语ASTM A 752-1993 合金钢条和粗圆钢丝ASTM A 752M-1993 合金钢条和粗圆钢丝(米制)ASTM A 753-1997 镍铁软磁合金ASTM A 754/A 754M-1996 X射线荧光涂层厚度的试验方法ASTM A 755/A 755M-1999 外露建筑材料用热浸涂覆和用卷涂工艺预涂的钢薄板ASTM A 756-1994 耐磨不锈轴承钢ASTM A 757/A 757M-2000 低温承压设备及其它设备用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件标准规范ASTM A 758/A 758M-1998 具有改进的切口韧性的对缝焊接锻造碳素钢管配件ASTM A 759-1985 起重机用碳钢轨条ASTM A 760/A 760M-2001 下水道和排水沟用金属涂覆波纹钢管标准规范ASTM A 760/A 760Ma-2001 下水道和排水沟用金属涂覆波纹钢管标准规范ASTM A 761/A 761M-1998 现场栓接管、管拱和拱用波纹镀锌结构钢板ASTM A 762/A 762M-2000 下水道和排水沟用预涂聚合物波纹钢管标准规范ASTM A 763-1993 铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性检测ASTM A 764-1995 机械弹簧用冷拉镀锌和按成品尺寸镀锌的碳素钢丝ASTM A 765/A 765M-2001 具有强制性韧性要求的碳素钢及低合金钢压力容器部件锻件的标准规范ASTM A 767/A 767M-2000 钢筋混凝土用镀锌钢棒标准规范ASTM A 768-1995 涡轮机转子及轴用经真空处理的含铬12%的合金钢锻件ASTM A 769/A 769M-1994 电阻焊钢结构型材ASTM A 770/A 770M-1986 专用钢板通过厚度测量进行的抗拉试验ASTM A 771/A 771M-1995 增殖反应堆堆芯部件用奥氏体不锈钢管ASTM A 772/A 772M-1995 正弦电流用材料的交流磁导率的试验方法ASTM A 773/A 773M-2001 使用D-C电磁滞曲线记录仪的参数处理和环型材料的D-C 磁性能的标准试验方法ASTM A 774/A 774M-1998 低温和中温一般腐蚀情况下用焊接锻造奥氏体不锈钢配件ASTM A 775/A 775M-2001 涂环氧树脂的钢筋钢棒标准规范ASTM A 778-2001 焊接未退火的奥氏体不锈钢管形制品标准规范ASTM A 779/A 779M-2000 预应力混凝土用应力消除的压塑未涂覆7股钢绞线标准规范ASTM A 779-1995 预应力混凝土用应力消除未涂覆的密实七股钢丝绞绳ASTM A 780-2001 热浸镀锌层的损坏区域及无覆层区域的检修标准实施规程ASTM A 781/A 781M-1995 一般工业用一般要求的钢和合金铸件ASTM A 781/A 781Ma-2001 一般工业用钢铸件及合金铸件通用要求的标准规范ASTM A 782/A 782M-1990 经淬火和回火的锰铬钼硅锆合金钢压力容器板ASTM A 786/A 786M-2000 轧制钢楼板标准规范ASTM A 787-1996 电阻焊金属涂覆碳素钢机械配管ASTM A 788-1998 钢锻件ASTM A 789/A 789M-2000 通用的无缝和焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管ASTM A 789/A 789Ma-2001 通用的无缝和焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管的标准规范ASTM A 790/A 790M-2001 无缝与焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A 792/A 792M-2001 热浸法镀55%铝-锌合金薄钢板的标准规范ASTM A 792/A 792Ma-2001 热浸法镀55%铝-锌合金薄钢板的标准规范ASTM A 793-1996 不锈钢轧制楼板ASTM A 794-1997 商品级冷轧碳素钢薄板(最高含碳量为0.16%-0.25%)ASTM A 795-1997 防火用黑色及热浸镀锌的焊接和无缝钢管ASTM A 796/A 796M-2001 雨水、卫生污水和其它地下用波纹钢管、管拱和拱的结构设计标准规程ASTM A 796-1995 雨水管、生活污水管及其它类似用途用波纹钢管、管拱和拱的结构设计ASTM A 798/A 798M-2001 污水管及其它类似用途用工厂制波纹钢管安装的标准实施规程ASTM A 799/A 799M-1992 不锈钢铸件.估算铁素体含量的仪器的校准ASTM A 800/A 800M-1991 奥氏体合金钢铸件中铁素体含量的估算ASTM A 801/A 801M-1999 铁钴高磁性饱和合金ASTM A 802/A 802M-1995 钢铸件外观检验的表面验收标准ASTM A 803/A 803M-1998 焊接铁素体不锈钢给水加热器管ASTM A 804/A 804M-1999 工业频率下利用板型试样测试材料交流磁性能的试验方法ASTM A 805-1993 冷轧碳素钢扁平线ASTM A 807/A 807M-1997 下水道及其它用途用波纹钢结构涂覆管的安装ASTM A 808/A 808M-2000 具有改进的切口韧性的结构级高强度低合金碳、锰、铌、钒钢标准规范ASTM A 809-1998 铝涂覆(涂铝的)碳素钢丝ASTM A 810-2001 热浸镀锌钢管用绕网标准规范ASTM A 811-1997 粉末冶金技术制造的软磁铁零件ASTM A 812/A 812M-1996 多层焊接压力容器用热轧高强度低合金钢薄板材ASTM A 813/A 813M-2001 单或双焊接奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A 814/A 814M-2001 冷加工焊接奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A 814/A 814Ma-2001 冷加工焊接奥氏体不锈钢管标准规范ASTM A 815/A 815M-2000 锻制铁素体、铁素体/奥氏体和马氏体不锈钢管配件标准规范ASTM A 815/A 815Ma-2001 锻制铁素体、铁素体/奥氏体和马氏体不锈钢管配件标准规范ASTM A 817-2000 链环栅栏网和Marcelled 抗拉金属线用金属涂覆钢丝标准规范ASTM A 818-1991 镀铜碳素钢丝ASTM A 820-2001 纤维增强混凝土用钢纤维标准规范ASTM A 821/A 821M-1999 预应力混凝土用硬拉钢丝的标准规范ASTM A 821-1993 预应力混凝土容器用经回火的冷拉钢丝ASTM A 82-2001 混凝土钢筋用无节钢丝的标准规范ASTM A 822-1990 液压系统设备用冷拉碳素无缝钢管ASTM A 823-1999 静铸永久铸模灰铁铸件标准规范ASTM A 824-2001 链环栅栏用Marcelled拉力金属涂覆钢丝标准规范ASTM A 826/A 826M-1995 增殖反应堆堆芯部件用奥氏体和铁素体不锈钢管ASTM A 827/A 827M-2001 锻造及类似用途的碳素钢板的标准规范ASTM A 829/A 829M-1995 结构性合金钢板ASTM A 830/A 830M-1998 结构性及保证化学成份要求的碳素钢板ASTM A 831/A 831M-1995 核心部件用不锈耐热钢棒,坯段及锻件规格ASTM A 832/A 832M-1999 压力容器用铬钼钒及铬钼钒钛硼合金钢板ASTM A 833-1984 用比较硬度测试仪测量金属材料的压痕硬性ASTM A 834-1995 一般工业用的普通要求的铸铁ASTM A 835-1984 铁合金与附加合金的尺寸ASTM A 836/A 836M-1995 搪瓷管和压力容器设备用稳定化钛碳素体钢锻件ASTM A 837-1991 渗碳用合金钢锻件ASTM A 838/A 838M-1997 继电器用易切铁素体不锈软磁合金ASTM A 838-1990 继电器用易切铁素体不锈软磁合金ASTM A 839/A 839M-1996 粉末冶金技术制造的磷铁ASTM A 839-1987 粉末冶金技术制造的磷铁ASTM A 840-1991 全处理的冷轧夹层钢ASTM A 840M-1991 全处理的磁性夹层钢(米制)ASTM A 841/A 841M-2001 压力容器用温度机械控制工艺加工的钢板标准规范ASTM A 842-1985 高密度石墨铸铁ASTM A 844/A 844M-1993 压力容器用直接淬火加工的含镍9%的合金钢板ASTM A 845-1985 用于脱氧与合金钢的钛碎片ASTM A 846-1985 用于脱氧与合金钢的铝碎片ASTM A 847-1999 提高了耐大气腐蚀性能的冷成型焊接和无缝高强度低合金结构管ASTM A 848/A 848M-1996 低碳锰铁ASTM A 849-2000 波纹钢排水管和污水管用后涂覆铺面和衬里材料标准规范ASTM A 851-1996 高频感应焊接的未退火奥氏体钢冷凝器管ASTM A 852/A 852M-2001 最小屈服强度为70ksi(485MPa)厚度为4英寸(100mm)的经淬火和回火的低合金结构钢板标准规范ASTM A 853-1993 普通碳素钢丝ASTM A 854/A 854M-1998 镀锌高抗拉强度栅栏和格架用光滑钢丝ASTM A 855/A 855M-1998 锌-5%铝-铈合金涂覆钢丝绳ASTM A 856/A 856M-1998 锌-5%铝-铈合金涂覆碳素钢丝ASTM A 857/A 857M-2000 冷成形轻型薄钢板桩标准规范ASTM A 858/A 858M-1996 低温和腐蚀情况下用热处理碳素钢配件ASTM A 859/A 859M-1995 压力容器部件用时效硬化镍铜铬钼钶低碳合金钢锻件ASTM A 860/A 860M-1996 锻制高强度低合金钢的高强度对缝焊接配件ASTM A 861-1994 高硅铁管和配件ASTM A 861a-2001 高硅铁管及配件标准规范ASTM A 862/A 862M-1998 沥青覆层在波纹钢污水管和排水管上的应用ASTM A 862-1993 波纹钢污水管和排水管沥清(柏油)涂层的应用ASTM A 864/A 864M-1990 预应力混凝土轨枕用变形钢丝ASTM A 865-1997 钢管接头用黑色或镀锌焊接或无缝钢螺纹联接套筒ASTM A 866-2001 耐磨中碳轴承钢的标准规范ASTM A 867/A 867M-1994 继电器用铁硅钢ASTM A 871/A 871M-2001 抗大气腐蚀的高强度低合金结构钢板标准规范ASTM A 872-1991 腐蚀环境下用离心铸造铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管ASTM A 873/A 873M-1987 压力容器用铬钼合金钢薄板和带材ASTM A 874/A 874M-1998 低温设备用铁素体球墨铸铁铸件ASTM A 874-1989 适于低温使用的铁素体软铁铸件ASTM A 874M-1989 适于低温使用的铁素体软铁铸件(米制)ASTM A 875/A 875M-2001 热浸处理的锌-5%铝合金金属涂覆的钢薄板标准规范ASTM A 875/A 875Ma-2001 热浸处理的锌-5%铝合金涂覆钢薄板标准规范ASTM A 876/A 876M-1998 完全加工型晶粒取向的硅铁电工扁钢ASTM A 876-1992 全处理型平轧的晶粒取向的硅铁电工钢ASTM A 876M-1992 全处理型平轧的晶粒取向的硅铁电工钢(米制)ASTM A 877/A 877M-1999 铬硅合金阀门弹簧质量级钢丝ASTM A 878/A 878M-1999 改进的铬钒合金阀门弹簧质量级钢丝ASTM A 879-2000 每面镀层质量应予标明的电解镀锌薄钢板标准规范ASTM A 880-1995 评定钢、不锈钢及相关合金检验与测验组织和实验室的准则ASTM A 881/A 881M-1999 预应力混凝土铁路轨枕用应力消除或应力低松弛变形钢丝标准规范ASTM A 882/A 882M-2001 涂环氧树脂的七股预应力钢丝绳的标准规范ASTM A 883-1996 非金属磁性材料铁磁共振行距和旋磁比率的测试方法ASTM A 884/A 884M-2001 钢筋用涂环氧树脂的钢丝与焊丝纤维的标准规范ASTM A 885/A 885M-1996 波纹钢制下水沟、暗渠和雨水管用锌和芳族聚酰胺纤维复合涂覆钢板ASTM A 886/A 886M-1999 预应力混凝土用应力消除的七股齿纹钢丝绳标准规范ASTM A 887-1989 核能设备用经硼酸处理的不锈钢板、薄板及带材ASTM A 888-1998 下水管、雨水管、污水管和通风管道用无衬套铸铁管和配件ASTM A 889/A 889M-1993 在低感应条件下用万用表法和25厘米艾普斯亭(Epstein)框测定材料的交流磁特性的试验方法ASTM A 890/A 890M-1999 通用铁铬镍钼耐腐蚀双重(奥氏体/铁素体)铸件ASTM A 891-1998 涡轮机转子圆盘和轮用沉淀硬化铁基超合金钢锻件ASTM A 892-1988 高碳轴承钢微观结构的定义和等级ASTM A 893-1997 微波频率下非金属磁性材料复合介电常数的测试方法ASTM A 894/A 894M-1995 磁性材料的导磁性能的试验方法ASTM A 895-1989 易切削不锈钢板、薄板和带材ASTM A 896-1989 电镀结构导电壳的研究ASTM A 897-1990 等温淬火球墨铸铁ASTM A 897M-1990 等温淬火球墨铸铁(米制)ASTM A 898/A 898M-1991 轧制结构钢型材的直束超声检验ASTM A 899-1991 环氧涂层钢丝ASTM A 90/A 90M-2001 镀锌和镀锌合金钢铁制品镀层重量的标准试验方法ASTM A 900-1991 非晶磁性带材叠装系数的测试方法ASTM A 901-1997 半成品型非晶形磁芯合金ASTM A 902-1999 金属涂覆钢产品的相关标准术语ASTM A 903/A 903M-1999 钢铸件磁性粒子和液体渗透检验的表面验收标准ASTM A 904-1998 50镍-50铁粉末冶金(P/M)软磁合金ASTM A 905-1993 压力容器缠绕用钢丝ASTM A 906/A 906M-1999 悬挂式提升设备用等级80和100的合金钢链式吊索的标准规范ASTM A 907/A 907M-1996 结构级热轧碳素钢薄板、带材及特厚型卷材ASTM A 908-1991 不锈钢针管ASTM A 909-1994 钢锻件,一般企业用微量合金ASTM A 910/A 910M-1999 预应力混凝土用未涂覆的未焊接的2和3股钢绞线的标准规范ASTM A 910-1994 预应力混凝土用无涂层、无焊缝、2股及3股钢绞绳ASTM A 911/A 911M-1999 预应力混凝土轨枕用无涂覆应力消除钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 912-1993 用万用表环形样品法测试非晶材料在电频率条件下交流磁特性的试验方法ASTM A 913/A 913M-2001 经淬火和自回火(QST)处理的高强度低合金结构级钢型材标准规范ASTM A 914/A 914M-1992 限定顶端淬火要求的钢棒ASTM A 915/A 915M-1993 化学要求同锻件类似的碳素钢和合金钢ASTM A 917-2000 每面镀层质量应予标明的电解镀锌薄钢板标准规范(一般要求)ASTM A 918-2000 每面镀层质量应予标明的电解镀锌镍合金薄钢板标准规范ASTM A 919-1984 金属热处理标准术语ASTM A 920/A 920M-1997 具有机械特性,微合金,热锻,高质量钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 921/A 921M-1993 后热锻用微合金,高质量,热锻钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 922-1993 硅金属标准规范ASTM A 923-2001 测定锻造奥氏体(二联)/铁素体不锈钢不稳定金属间标准试验方法ASTM A 924/A 924M-1999 热浸镀金属涂层薄钢板一般要求的标准规范ASTM A 925-1998 锌-5%铝-铈合金涂覆钢架空金属绞线的标准规范ASTM A 926-1997 波纹金属管用涂覆材料抗磨性比较的标准试验方法ASTM A 927/A 927M-1999 使用伏特计-电流计-瓦特计方法测试环形铁芯试样交流磁性能的标准试验方法ASTM A 928/A 928M-2000 铁素体/奥氏体(二联)不锈钢管加填料金属焊接的标准规范ASTM A 929/A 929M-2001 波纹钢管用的经热浸处理的金属镀覆薄钢板标准规范ASTM A 930-1999 排水渠、雨水管和其它地下排水管用波形金属管的寿命周期成本分析的标准实施规范ASTM A 931-1996 金属丝绳和绞线拉伸试验的标准试验方法ASTM A 932/A 932M-1995 带片状试样使用电力表-测量表-电压表方法在电源频率下非晶材料的交流电磁性能的标准测试方法ASTM A 933/A 933M-1995 加筋增强用聚氯乙烯涂层钢丝和焊接钢丝网的标准规范ASTM A 934/A 934M-2001 环氧基树脂涂覆的预制增强钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 935/A 935M-1997 高强度低合金铌钢或钒钢或铌钒合金热轧钢薄板、带材和特厚卷材标准规范ASTM A 936/A 936M-1997 改进了可加工性的高强度低合金铌钢或钒钢或铌钒合金热轧钢薄板、带材和特厚卷材标准规范ASTM A 937/A 937M-2001 利用相邻的两个测试表面测定绝缘覆层层间电阻的标准试验方法ASTM A 937-1995 使用临界试验面测定绝缘涂层层间阻力的标准测试方法ASTM A 938-1997 金属线扭转试验的标准试验方法ASTM A 939-1996 圆柱体锻件表面砂心的超声波测试的标准试验方法ASTM A 940-1996 涡轮转子用的差温热处理真空处理钢锻件,合金钢锻件的标准规范ASTM A 941-2001 钢、不锈钢、有关合金和铁合金术语ASTM A 942-1995 离心铸造板口铁/灰口铁双金属耐磨擦滚动外壳标准规范ASTM A 943/A 943M-2001 喷模制无缝奥氏体不锈钢管的标准规范ASTM A 944-1999 用梁端试样比较混凝土和钢筋棒粘结强度的标准试验方法ASTM A 945/A 945M-1995 为改良可焊接性、可加工性及粘接性用低碳限硫的高强度低合金结构钢板的标准规范ASTM A 946-1995 耐腐蚀和耐热用铬,铬-镍和硅合金钢板,薄板和带的标准规范ASTM A 947M-1995 构造成的不锈钢薄板的标准规范ASTM A 949/A 949M-2001 喷模制无缝铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管的标准规范ASTM A 950/A 950M-1998 熔接环氧树脂涂层结构钢H型桩和板桩的标准规范ASTM A 951-1996 砌砖连接增强的标准规范ASTM A 952/A 952M-1998 锻造80级合金钢提升元件和焊接联接杆ASTM A 952-1996 锻制80级合金钢提升元件和焊接的附加链接件的标准规范ASTM A 953-1996 奥氏体铬镍硅合金钢无缝和焊接管件的标准规范ASTM A 954-1996 奥氏体铬镍硅合金钢无缝和焊接管的标准规范ASTM A 955M-1996 混凝土增强的变形的和平的不锈钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 956-2000 钢制品依阔提皮(Equotip)硬度标准测试方法ASTM A 957-2001 一般工业用普通要求熔模铸造的钢和合金的标准规范ASTM A 957a-2001 一般工业用普通要求熔模铸造的钢及合金铸件标准规范ASTM A 958-1996 带拉伸要求,化学要求的类似于标准铸造等级的铸钢,碳和合金的标准规范ASTM A 959-2001 锻制不锈钢用说明协调标准等级构成的标准指南ASTM A 960-1996 普通要求的锻制钢管管件的标准规范ASTM A 961-2001 管道用钢制法兰、锻造管件、阀门和零件通用要求的标准规范ASTM A 962/A 962M-2000 低温至蠕变范围内任何温度下用钢紧固件或紧固件材料或两者同时存在的通用要求的标准规范ASTM A 962/A 962Ma-2001 低温至蠕变范围内任何温度下使用的钢紧固件或紧固件材料或两者同时存在的通用要求的标准规范ASTM A 964/A 964M-1996 波纹钢箱涵标准规范ASTM A 965/A 965M-1996 钢缎造,奥氏体的压力和高温部分的标准规范ASTM A 966/A 966M-1996 用交替电流检验锻钢磁性微粒的标准试验方法ASTM A 967-1999 不锈钢零件化学钝化处理的标准规范ASTM A 968-1996 腐蚀和耐热性成型铬,铬镍和硅合金钢棒的标准规范ASTM A 970/A 970M-1998 混凝土配筋用焊接或锻造有头钢筋标准规范ASTM A 971-2000 平面轧辊电工钢卷材边缘锥度和凸面测量的标准试验方法ASTM A 972/A 972M-2000 熔接环氧树脂涂覆管桩标准规范ASTM A 973/A 973M-1997 100级合金钢脸的标准规范ASTM A 974-1997 焊线纤维金属筐和金属丝网的标准规范.(金属涂层或聚氯乙烯(PVC)涂层)ASTM A 975-1997 双层和扭转网眼金属筐和护墙垫金属和涂层钢线或聚氯乙烯(PVC)金属涂层钢线ASTM A 976-1997 与绝缘能力和应用相关的复合绝缘涂层的标准分类ASTM A 977-1997 使用磁滞曲线绘制仪测试高矫顽磁性永磁材料磁性能的标准试验方法ASTM A 978/A 978M-1997 预涂覆和聚乙烯复合肋式钢管标准规范ASTM A 979/A 979M-1997 波纹钢结构的现场安装混凝土铺面和衬里的标准规范ASTM A 980-1997 超高强度冷轧制碳素钢薄板标准规范ASTM A 981-1997 评估预应力地下锚定装置用270级未涂覆15.2mm(0.6in)直径预应力钢绞线结合强度的标准试验方法ASTM A 983/A 983M-1998 中速柴油机用连续晶粒流动锻造碳钢及合金钢曲轴标准规范ASTM A 984/A 984M-1998 电阻焊接黑色平端钢衬管标准规范ASTM A 985-2001 压力控制元件用钢熔模制造铸件一般要求的标准规范ASTM A 985a-2001 受压部件用钢熔模制造铸件一般要求的标准规范ASTM A 986/A 986M-1998 连续晶粒流动曲轴锻件的磁粒子检验标准规范ASTM A 988-1998 高温设备用热等压不锈钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件的标准规范ASTM A 989-1998 高温设备用热等压合金钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件的标准规范ASTM A 991/A 991M-1998 热处理钢产品用炉的温度传导均匀性测量标准试验方法ASTM A 99-1982 锰铁合金ASTM A 992/A 992M-2002 建筑框架用结构型材用钢标准规范ASTM A 993-1998 确定铸铁转变温度的动态剪切试验的标准试验方法ASTM A 994-1998 钢、不锈钢及相关合金产品规范的编辑程序和格式指南ASTM A 995-1998 压力控制元件用奥氏体-铁素体(双重)不锈钢铸件的标准规范ASTM A 996/A 996M-2001 混凝土加筋用钢轨钢和轴用钢异形钢筋标准规范ASTM A 996/A 996Ma-2001 钢筋混凝土用轨钢和轴钢异形钢筋标准规范ASTM A 997-1998 熔模铸件表面验收标准外观检验的标准实施规范ASTM A 998/A 998M-1998 下水道和其他用途工厂制造的波纹钢管中配件加筋的结构设计标准实施规范ASTM A 999/A 999M-2001 合金钢及不锈钢管一般要求的标准规范ASTM A827/A827M-1993 锻造及类似用途的碳钢板的标准规范ASTM A830/A830M-1993 结构质量的碳钢板对化学成份要求的标准规范。
其实1年半前还在AFWING混时就想写Tail Code了,也做了2年多的仔细观察,查了些资料这些内容基本上都是我通过大量图片的反复对比得出的结论,因此基本敢保证一个比较高的准确性当然也肯定有不对的地方,毕竟有很多东西只是通过不断地观察得出的结论缺乏可靠地官方证据,所以也请看出问题的看官指点下。
第1部分:垂尾码的基本内容Tail Code 包括3大部分:垂尾码、财年号、流水号A.垂尾码垂尾码是两位大写字母,一般情况下是其所属空军基地所在州名、城市名的缩写比如NY是纽约、AK是阿拉斯加、HH是夏威夷等的但也有少数例外,比如FF(第一战斗机联队)、WA(第57联队,拉斯维加斯)等等所以具体是什么的缩写,必须查表下面的表我已经用了1年多了,应该是近几年的统计结果,很可靠,目前没发现有错的垂尾识别码.rar (3.07 KB)下面这个表更完整,包括了那些已经消失的联队、中队,而且有海军的,喜欢历史的可以好好看看Tail Code.rar (8.38 KB)疑问1:一对垂尾码只代表一个联队?我也没法查这个,因为这涉及到部队编制问题,不是我的强项但从目前的观察结果来看,现阶段绝的单位中我还没发现有例外疑问2:每个联队下属的各个中队都是同一家族的飞机?每个联队下属的中队数量各不相同,但这些中队一般都是用的同一家族的机种比如 AV、SW、WW、SP、LF、NY 等都是清一色的16除非该联队处于机种更新换代的过渡时期,才可能出现多机种混装的情况比如现在的FF,虽然基本上都是22了,但仍然有很少部分的15存在B.数字码数字码是我个人对财年号(A) + 流水号(B)的统一合称财年号是什么?财年号代表该机交付时的财年(和“年”不一样)的前两年流水号是什么?我目前倾向于个人做的下面的推断:流水号表示该机在财年的订单序列里的总的出厂顺序比如1架F-4E在空军的1966财年计划里是第1023架出厂的,不管之前出厂的那1022架都是些什么飞机这架F-4E的流水号就是1023所以流水号不是按同机型、同财年排的出厂顺序,而是当时那个财年总的出厂顺序(只算空军的飞机)要不然下面的 B-2 没法解释,它的流水号已经达到41,B-2加上原型机1共才造了21架更何况全部21架B-2不可能在1982财年就全部生产了目前我们看到的数字码是5位,前两位小字体,后3位大字体,既 2A3B 模式(见1楼第1图)为什么前小后大在后面讲完整的数字码其实是8位, 4A + 4B但8位数字显然太长,只有把字体弄得很小才能全部刷在垂尾,很不方便一眼就能看清的目地所以,前两小数字代表财年号(A),后3位大数字代表流水号(B)。
以下⼏个代码⽤来更详细地描述飞机,或说明其运输类型:A-⽔陆两⽤飞机/⽔上飞机 J-喷⽓式飞机 S-⽔陆运输H-直升机 P-螺旋桨飞机 T-螺旋桨式喷⽓飞机机型代码座位数制造商和飞机类型ABF 空中客车公司 A300 货机AB3 181-317 空中客车公司 A300AB4 211-317 空中客车公司 A300-B2/B4/C4AB6 207-317 空中客车公司 A300-600/600CACD 5--8 双指令机(航空)/涡轮式/螺旋桨式喷⽓飞机ANF 安东诺夫设计集团安-12 货机AN4 40-50 安东诺夫设计集团安-24AN6 50-N/A 安东诺夫设计集团安-26/30/32AN7 安东诺夫设计集团安-72/74ARJ 50-113 阿夫洛公司 RJ70/85/100AR1 100-128 阿夫洛公司 RJ100AR7 50-82 阿夫洛公司 RJ70AR8 80-100 阿夫洛公司 RJ85ATP 64-68 英国宇航公司 ATPATR 42-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR42/72AT3 ATR 42AT4 42-50 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR 42-300/320AT5 42-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR42-500AT7 64-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR 72A28 安东诺夫设计集团安28/PZL 美⾥克 M-28 空中货车A4F 安东诺夫设计集团安-124A40 安东诺夫设计集团安-140BEC 9--15 ⽐彻克夫特 (轻型飞机)BEH 19-N/A ⽐彻克夫特 1900D 客机BES 19-N/A ⽐彻克夫特 1900/1900C 客机BET 9--15 ⽐彻克夫特(轻型-双涡轮螺旋桨式飞机)BE1 15-19 ⽐彻克夫特 1900/1900C/1900D 客机BE2 11-N/A ⽐彻克夫特-轻型-双活塞引擎BE9 13-15 ⽐彻克夫特 C99 客机BH2 4--6 贝尔公司(直升飞机)BNI 7--10 布⾥顿-诺曼公司 BN-2A/BN-2B 岛上居民BNT 15-18 布⾥顿-诺曼公司 BN-2A ⽶克特⾥斯登陆者B11 73-119 英国宇航公司 (BAC) 1-11 (ALL)B12 73-82 英国宇航公司 (BAC) 1-11 200B13 77-89 英国宇航公司 (BAC) 1-11 300B14 63-110 英国宇航公司 (BAC) 1-11 400/475B15 98-119 英国宇航公司 (BAC) 1-11 500/ 洛曼派克B72 126-140 波⾳公司 720/720B (707-020/020B) CCJ 康纳戴尔 CL-600/601/604 挑战者CD2 12--16 格伏特飞机制造⼚ N22B/N24A 诺曼德CL4 214-N/A 康纳戴尔 CL-44C NA 3--14 赛斯纳 (轻型飞机)CNC 赛斯纳轻型飞机(单涡轮螺旋桨飞机)CNJ 6--13 赛斯纳 CITA TIONCRJ 50-86 康纳戴尔区域喷⽓机CRV 90-114 法国宇航公司 SE.210 CARA VELLE CR1 50-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷⽓机 100CR2 50-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷⽓机 200CR7 70-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷⽓机 700CR9 86-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷⽓机 900CS2 19-28 卡萨 C-212/NC-212 航空汽车CS5 38-40 卡萨 CN-235CVF 康维尔 440/580/600/640 (货机)CVR 40-55 康维尔 240/440/580 (客机)CV4 43-52 康维尔 440 ⼤都市(客机)CV5 48-55 康维尔 580 客机CWC 40-62 克提斯 C-46 突击机DC3 18-30 波⾳公司(道格拉斯) DC-3 客机DC6 52-80 波⾳公司(道格拉斯) DC-6A/B 客机DC8 125-250 波⾳公司(道格拉斯) DC-8 客机DC9 60-139 波⾳公司(道格拉斯) DC-9 客机DFL 10--14 德夫康公司DF2 德夫康公司 10/20/100/200/2000DF3 德夫康公司50/900DHB 6--8 德.哈维兰公司DHC-2海狸/涡轮式海狸DHC 20-N/A 德.哈维兰公司DHC-4驯⿅DHH 14-17 英国宇航公司{德.哈维兰公司}苍鹭巢DHL N/A-15 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3涡轮式⽔猴DHO 10--18 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3⽔猴/涡轮式⽔猴DHP 6--10 德.哈维兰公司DHC-2海狸DHS 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3⽔猴DHT 14-20 德.哈维兰公司DHC-6双⽔猴DH1 37-39 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 100冲/BQDH2 37-39 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 200冲/BQDH3 50-56 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 300冲/BQDH4 68-78 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 冲8-400冲8Q DH7 37-50 德.哈维兰公司DHC-7 冲7DH8 32-78 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 冲8D1C 229-357 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-10-30/40(客机)D1F 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-10货机D1M 195-235 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-10混合机D10 229-374 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-10(客机)D11 237-374 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-10-10/15(客机)D28 19-N/A 仙童多尼尔公司228D3F 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-3货机D38 32-N/A 仙童多尼尔公司328D6F 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-6A/B/CD8F 50-73 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-8 50-73货机D8M 118-N/A 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-8 混合机D8X 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-8-61/62/63 FrtrD8Y 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-8-71/72/73 FrtrD9F 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9货机D9S 84-139 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-30/40/50D91 60-90 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-10/15客机D92 75-90 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-20D93 84-115 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-30客机D94 100-128 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-40客机D96 107-139 波⾳公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-50客机EMB 15-21 巴西EMBRAER公司 110BANDEIRANTE EMJ 70-110 巴西EMBRAER公司 170/190 EM2 26-35 巴西EMBRAER公司 120 BRASILIAEQV 各种机型ERD 44-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司 RJ140ERJ 37-50 巴西EMBRAER公司 RJ135/140/145ER3 37-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司 RJ135ER4 50-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司 RJ145E70 70-78 巴西EMBRAER公司 170E95 106-116 巴西EMBRAER公司 195FA7 70-80 仙童多尼尔公司 728JETFK7 40-48 仙童多尼尔公司 FH-227FRJ 32-34 仙童多尼尔公司 328JETF21 60-70 福克F28-1000法拉斯帕F22 70-79 福克F28-2000法拉斯帕F23 65-70 福克F28-3000法拉斯帕F24 68-85 福克F28-4000法拉斯帕F27 40-60 福克F27法拉斯帕/仙童多尼尔公司F27F28 60-85 福克F28法拉斯帕F50 46-60 福克50F70 75-79 福克70GRG 9--10 格鲁门G-21(⽔陆两⽤)GRJ 14-19 格夫斯姆宇航公司格夫斯姆2/3/4/5GRM 10--14 格夫斯姆G-73 MALLARD (⽔陆两⽤)GRS 27-44 格夫斯姆宇航公司格夫斯姆 1HEC 荷⾥欧H250快速/H295/395超速HOV ⽔翼飞机HS7 40-58HS7 7--14 英国宇航公司(HAWKER SIDDELEY) 748H25 316-350 英国宇航公司 (HAWKER SIDDELEY) 125 ILW 132-195 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-86 IL6 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-62/62M/62MKIL7 100-122 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-76 货机IL8 235-350 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-18IL9 64-N/A 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-96 客机I14 16-29 伊柳⾟设计集团 IL-114JST 16-19 英国宇航公司喷⽓机 31/32/41J31 16-29 英国宇航公司喷⽓机 31J32 25-29 英国宇航公司喷⽓机 32J41 86-104 英国宇航公司喷⽓机 41LOE 洛克西德公司 L-188 ELECTRA (客机)LOF 洛克西德公司 L-188 ELECTRA (货机)LOH 70-84 洛克西德公司 L-100 HERCULES ⼤⼒⼠LOM 5--10 洛克西德公司 L-188 MIXED CONFIG (混合机)LRJ LEARJET ALL SERIES L1F 214-363 洛克西德公司 L-1011 三星货机L10 252-363 洛克西德公司 L-1011 三星客机L11 214-280 洛克西德公司 L-1011 三星 1/50/100/150/200L15 13-19 洛克西德公司 L-1011 三星 500 客机L4T 湾流公司410L49 5-N/A 洛克西德公司L749/L1049超级星座MBH 欧洲考佩特公司(MBB) BO 105MD9 11-32 麦道MD90 探险者MIH 4--10 MIL MI-8MU2 三菱 MU-2M1F 210-323 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-11 货机M1M 243-409 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-11 混合机M11 112-172 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-11 客机M80 125-165 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-80 ALL SERIESM81 132-165 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-81M82 131-165 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-82M83 109-134 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-83M87 112-142 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-87M88 150-187 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-88M90 14-N/A 波⾳(道格拉斯) MD-90NDC 6-N/A 法国宇航公司 SN601 CORVETTENDE 9--14 欧洲考佩特公司 AS350/355 ECUREUILNDH 26-28 欧洲考佩特公司 SA 365 DAUPHIN 2 ND2 5--9 法国宇航公司 N 262/MOHAWK 298 PAG N/A-7 派帕公司(轻型飞机)PAT 派帕公司(轻型-双涡轮螺旋桨式飞机)PL2 7--10 派拉特斯 PC-12PL6 7-N/A 派拉特斯 PC-6 TURBO-PORTERPN6 30-36 派特维纳公司 P.68 VICTORSF3 萨伯公司 340SHB 18-19 肖特公司 SC.5 贝尔法斯特SHS 30-N/A 肖特公司 SKYV AN (SC-7)SH3 30-36 肖特公司 330 (SD3-30)SH6 12--19 肖特公司 360 (SD3-60)SWM 50-58 仙童(SWEARINGEN) 美琳/美多S20 7--16 萨伯 2000S58 23-30 SIKORSKY S-58TS61 12--13 SIKORSKY S-61S76 64-84 SIKORSKY S-76TU3 143-180 图波列夫设计集团 TU-134TU5 164-210 图波列夫设计集团 TU-154T20 69-74 图波列夫设计集团 TU-204/214VCV 9-N/A 英国宇航公司(维克斯)维斯康特WWP 100-120 以⾊列飞机制造公司1124 西风YK2 20-40 雅可列夫设计局 Y AK-42YK4 17-N/A 雅可列夫设计局 Y AK-40YN2 48-N/A 哈尔滨飞机制造⼚运12YN7 38-64 西安飞机⼯业公司运Y7/MA60YS1 85-109 纳姆公司YS-11100 福克公司 10014F 75-88 英国宇航公司 146 货机141 88-94 英国宇航公司 146-100 客机142 93-112 英国宇航公司 146-200 客机143 75-112 英国宇航公司 146-300 客机146 167-246 英国宇航公司 146 客机310 169-246 空中客车公司 310 客机312 167-222 空中客车公司 A310-200 客机313 107-117 空中客车公司 A310-300 客机318 112-134 空中客车公司 A318319 107-220 空中客车公司 A31932S 123-180 空中客车公司 A318/A319/A320/A321 320 174-220 空中客车公司 A320321 256-412 空中客车公司 A321330 256-412 空中客车公司 A330332 256-412 空中客车公司 A330-200333 228-420 空中客车公司 A330-300340 228-335 空中客车公司 A340342 253-420 空中客车公司 A340-200343 313-359 空中客车公司 A340-300345 380-419 空中客车公司 A340-500346 空中客车公司 A340-60038F 480-656 空中客车公司 A380-800F 货机380 空中客车公司 A380-800 客机70F 波⾳公司 707 (货机)70M 150-160 波⾳公司 707 (混合机)703 130-219 波⾳公司 707-320/320B/320C/330B (客机)707 106-123 波⾳公司 707/720B 客机717 126-164 波⾳公司 717-20072A 波⾳公司 727-200 改良型72F 78-129 波⾳公司 727 (货机)72M 126-189 波⾳公司 727-100 (混合机)72S 92-119 波⾳公司 727-200/200 (客机)721 145-167 波⾳公司 727-100 (客机)722 92-189 波⾳公司 727-200 客机727 109-148 波⾳公司 727-100/200/200 (客机)73A 波⾳公司 737-200 改良型(客机)73F 126-149 波⾳公司 737-200/300 货机73G 162-189 波⾳公司 737-700 客机73H 69-79 波⾳公司 737-800(⼩翼)客机73M 100-130 波⾳公司 737-200 (混合机)73S 126-149 波⾳公司 737-200/200 改良型各系列73W 波⾳公司 737-700(⼩翼)客机73X 波⾳公司 737-200 货机73Y 92-114 波⾳公司 737-300 货机731 106-189 波⾳公司 737-100 客机732 102-145 波⾳公司 737-200 客机733 144-171 波⾳公司 737-300 客机734 104-132 波⾳公司 737-400 客机735 110-119 波⾳公司 737-500 客机736 104-189 波⾳公司 737-600 客机737 162-189 波⾳公司 737 客机738 177-189 波⾳公司 737-800 客机739 270-N/A 波⾳公司 737-900 客机74C 250-304 波⾳公司 747-200 (混合机)74D 287-420 波⾳公司 747-300 (混合机)74E 波⾳公司 747-400 (混合机)74F 244-440 波⾳公司 747-100/200/400 货机74L 238-400 波⾳公司 747SP 客机74M 374-563 波⾳公司 747-200/300/400 混合机74R 波⾳公司 747SR 客机74X 波⾳公司 747-100F/200 货机74Y 393-433 波⾳公司 747-400 货机741 351-493 波⾳公司 747-100 客机742 375-428 波⾳公司 747-200 客机743 362-569 波⾳公司 747-300 客机744 244-569 波⾳公司 747-400 客机747 波⾳公司 747 客机75F 148-239 波⾳公司 757 货机752 波⾳公司 757-200 客机753 148-239 波⾳公司 757-300 客机757 波⾳公司 757-200/300 客机76F 161-234 波⾳公司 767 货机762 203-290 波⾳公司 767-200/200ER 客机763 波⾳公司 767-300/300ER 客机764 161-290 波⾳公司 767-400 客机767 281-440 波⾳公司 767-200/300 客机772 波⾳公司 777-200 客机773 281-440 波⾳公司 777-300 客机777 9--60 波⾳公司 777-200/300 客机BUS 公共汽车ICE 市内特快LCH 汽艇/⼩船LMO 豪华轿车MTL 地铁RFS ⽀线列车(货车)TGV 豪华列车THS ⾼速列车THT 旅馆式列车TRN ⽕车TSL 卧铺式列车⼈⽣中每⼀次对⾃⼰⼼灵的释惑,都是⼀种修⾏,都是⼀种成长。
IEC60917 - 2- 1:1993发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列第 2 部分:分规范25mm 设备构体的接口协调尺寸第 1 篇:详细规范机柜和机架尺寸目次1 范围⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯2 引用文件⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯3 配置概要⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯4 尺寸⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯4.1 机柜4.1.1 A 型机柜4.1.2 B 型机柜4.1.3 符号和定义4.1.4 A 型和B 型机柜一览表4.2 机架5 内部接口尺寸发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列第 2 部分:分规范25mm 设备构体的接口协调尺寸第 1 篇:详细规范机柜和机架的尺寸1 范围IEC60917 - 2 的本篇是全部或部分用于所有按照分规范IEC60917-2 设计装置和系统的电子领域的一个详细规范。
本详细规范表中的尺寸选自分规范IEC60917- 2。
保留了分规范中所有其它对本详细规范提供尺寸关系的有效尺寸,即保留了表1~表 3 中表示的协调尺寸H c、W c 和D c 与尺寸H co、H c1、H c2,W co、W c1和D co、D c1 之间的尺寸差异。
2 规范性引用文件(引导语从略)IEC60916 :19881)电子设备构体机械结构术语IEC60917 :19881)发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列IEC60917-0:19891)发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列第0 部分:IEC60917 的使用导则IEC60917 - 2:1992 发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列第 2 部分:分规范25mm 设备构体的接口协调尺寸IEC60917 - 2- 2:1993 发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列第 2 部分:分规范25mm 设备构体的接口协调尺寸第 2 篇:详细规范插箱、机箱、背板、面板和插件的尺寸3 配置概要插箱和面板的详细配置见IEC60917-2-2。
2.飞机型号代码一经指定,不在更改,即使生产该型号飞机的制造厂商更名、变更所有权3.某飞机机型的具体型号原则上不再指定新的代码,除非这个改进型号的性能变化较大,按原有标准判读会影响到空中管制4.“ZZZZ”:特殊代码,表示该机型尚未指定代码5.国际民航组织建议的轻型、中型、重型飞机划分标准,是在航空管制方面很重要的标准,涉及到飞机尾流对后续飞机的影响,直接关系到航空安全轻型飞机(L:Light):按相关程序批准的飞机型号合格证上,最大起飞重量7吨或以下中型飞机(M:Medium):按相关程序批准的飞机型号合格证上,最大起飞重量7吨以上,136吨以下重型飞机(H:Heavy):按相关程序批准的飞机型号合格证上,最大起飞重量136吨或以上型号代码具体型号参考译名机型特点简介制造商代码备注(本站相关)AN12An-12 安12 四发涡桨中型ANTONOVAN22An-22 /Antheus 安22 四发涡桨重型ANTONOVAN24An-24 安24 双发涡桨中型ANTONOVAN24Y-7系列、MA60 运7/新舟60双发涡桨中型XIANAN32An-32 /Sutlej/Firekiller 安32 双发涡桨中型ANTONOVAN70An-70 安70 四发涡桨中型ANTONOVAN72An-72/74 安72/74 双发涡扇中型ANTONOVA124An-124 /Ruslan 安124 四发涡扇重型ANTONOVA140An-140 安140 双发涡扇中型ANTONOVA225An-225 /Mriya 安225 六发涡扇重型ANTONOVAT43ATR42-300系列双发涡桨中型AI(R)AT44ATR42-400 双发涡桨中型AI(R)AT45ATR42-500 双发涡桨中型AI(R)AT72ATR72 双发涡桨中型AI(R)A30B A-300B2系列、C4-100 空中客车双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA30B A-300B4-100/200 双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA3ST A-300ST Beluga 双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA3ST A-300ST SuperTransporter双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA306A-300B4/C4/F4-600 双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA310A-310系列双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA318A-318 双发涡扇中型AIRBUSA319A-319、A-319 ACJ 双发涡扇中型AIRBUSA320A-320 双发涡扇中型AIRBUSA321A-321 双发涡扇中型AIRBUSA332A-330-200 双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA333A-330-300 双发涡扇重型AIRBUSA342A-340-200 四发涡扇重型AIRBUSA343A-340-300 四发涡扇重型AIRBUSA345A-340-500 四发涡扇重型AIRBUSA346A-340-600 四发涡扇重型AIRBUSB190Beech 19000 比奇双发涡桨中型BEECHBE10Beech 100 King Air 空中国王双发涡桨轻型BEECHBE20Beech 200 Super KingAir双发涡桨轻型BEECHBE30Beech 300 Super KingAir双发涡桨轻型BEECHB350Beech Super King Air350双发涡桨轻型BEECHBE99Beech 99/ Airliner 双发涡桨轻型BEECHB212Bell Anafa/212 贝尔双发涡桨直升机BELLB412Bell Arapaho/412Sentinel双发涡桨直升机BELLB214Bell 214A/B/C 双发涡桨直升机BELLB461BAe-146-100 四发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEB462BAe-146-200 四发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEB463BAe-146-300 四发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEB701707-100 波音四发涡扇中型BOEINGB703707-300 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB722727-200 三发涡扇中型BOEINGB712717-200 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB731737-100 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB732737-200/200Surveiller 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB733737-300 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB734737-400 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB735737-500 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB736737-600 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB737737-700/BBJ、BBJ 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB738737-800、BBJ2 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB739737-900 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB741747-100 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB742747-200 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB743747-300 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB744747-400 (international) 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB74D747-400 (domestic) 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB74S747SP 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB74R747SR 四发涡扇重型BOEINGBSCA747SCA Shuttle Carrier 四发涡扇重型BOEINGB752757-200 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB753757-300 双发涡扇中型BOEINGB762767-200 双发涡扇重型BOEINGB763767-300 双发涡扇重型BOEINGB764767-400 双发涡扇重型BOEINGB772777-200 双发涡扇重型BOEINGB773777-300 双发涡扇重型BOEINGC120Cessna 120 塞斯纳单发活塞轻型CESSNAC150Cessna A150 Aerobat 单发活塞轻型CESSNAC172Cessna 172/172Skyhawk单发活塞轻型CESSNAC182Cessna Skylane 单发活塞轻型CESSNAC82R Cessna Skylane RG 单发活塞轻型CESSNAC208Cessna 208Cargomaster单发活塞轻型CESSNAC525Cessna CitationJet(525)/CJ1双发涡扇轻型CESSNAC25A Cessna Citation CJ2 双发涡扇轻型CESSNAC560Cessna Citation 5 UltraEncore双发涡扇中型CESSNAC550Cessna Citation S2 双发涡扇轻型CESSNAC56X Cessna Citation Excel 双发涡扇中型CESSNAC650Cessna Citation 6/7 双发涡扇中型CESSNAC750Cessna Citation 10 双发涡扇中型CESSNACL60Challenger 600/601/604 双发涡扇中型CANADAIRCRJ1Regional Jet RJ-100 双发涡扇中型CANADAIRCRJ2Regional Jet CRJ-200 双发涡扇中型CANADAIRCRJ7Regional Jet CRJ-700 双发涡扇中型CANADAIRCRJ9Regional Jet CRJ-900 双发涡扇中型CANADAIRD228Dornier 228 双发涡桨轻型DORNIERD328Dornier 328 双发涡桨中型DORNIERDC10DC-10 三发涡扇重型MCDONNELLDOUGLASDC85DC-8-50 Jet Trader 四发涡扇轻型DOUGLASDC91DC-9-10 双发涡扇中型DOUGLASDC93DC-9-30 双发涡扇中型DOUGLASDHC4DHC-4 /CV-2Caribou 双发活塞中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADHC5C-115 /CV-7Buffalo 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADHC6 DHC-6/C-138 Twin Otter 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADHC7Dash 7 四发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADH8A DHC-8-100/Dash 8 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADH8B DHC-8-200/Dash 8 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADH8C DHC-8-300/Dash 8 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADADH8D DHC-8-400/Dash 8 双发涡桨中型DEHAVILLANDCANADAE110EMB-110 Bandeirante 双发涡桨轻型EMBRAERE120EMB-120 Brasilia 双发涡桨中型EMBRAERE135EMB-135 双发涡扇中型EMBRAERE145EMB-145AEWC/LR/ER 双发涡扇中型EMBRAERE45X EMB-145XR 双发涡扇中型EMBRAERE170ERJ-170/175 双发涡扇中型EMBRAERE190ERJ-190/195 双发涡扇中型EMBRAERFA10Falcon 10 双发涡扇中型DASSAULTFA20Falcon 20 双发涡扇中型DASSAULTFA50Falcon 50 三发涡扇中型DASSAULTF900Falcon 900 三发涡扇中型DASSAULTF2TH Falcon 2000 双发涡扇中型DASSAULTF50Fokker 50 MaritimeEnforcer双发涡桨中型FOKKERF60Fokker 60 双发涡桨中型FOKKERF70Fokker 70 双发涡扇中型FOKKERF100Fokker 100 双发涡扇中型FOKKERGLF3C-20A/B/C/D/EGulfstream 3 G-1159AGulfstream 3/SRA-1双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMGLF4C-20F/G/H Gulfstream4G-1159C Gulfstream4/SP/SRA 4双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMGLF5C-37 Gulfstream 5G-1159D Gulfstream 5双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMGLEX BD-700 Global Express 双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMCL30Challenger 300 双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMGL5T Global 5000 双发涡扇中型GULFSTREAMH25B BAe-125-700/800 双发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEIL76Il-76/78/82 四发涡扇重型ILYUSHINIL86Il-86 四发涡扇重型ILYUSHINIL96Il-96 四发涡扇重型ILYUSHINI114Il-114 双发涡桨中型ILYUSHINJ328328JET Envoy 3 双发涡扇中型FAIRCHILDDORNIERJ728728JET 双发涡扇中型FAIRCHILDDORNIERJS32Jetstream Super 31 双发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEJS41Jetstream 41 双发涡扇中型BRITISHAEROSPACEJS20Jetstream 200 双发涡扇轻型BRITISHAEROSPACELJ35Learjet 35 双发涡扇中型LEARJETLJ40Learjet 40 双发涡扇中型LEARJETLJ45Learjet 45 双发涡扇中型LEARJETLJ55Learjet 50 双发涡扇中型LEARJETLJ60Learjet 60 双发涡扇中型LEARJETL101L-1011 TriStar 三发涡扇重型LEARJETMD11MD-11 三发涡扇重型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD81MD-81 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD82MD-82 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD83MD-83 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD87MD-87 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD88MD-88 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASMD90MD-90 双发涡扇中型MCDONNELLDOUGLASRJ70RJ-70 Avroliner 四发涡扇中型BAESYSTEMSRJ85RJ-85 Avroliner 四发涡扇中型BAESYSTEMSRJ1H RJ-100 Avroliner 四发涡扇中型BAESYSTEMSSB20SAAB 2000 萨伯2000 双发涡桨中型SAABSF34SAAB 340 萨伯340 双发涡桨中型SAABT154Tu-154 图154 三发涡扇中型TUPOLEVT204Tu-204/214/224/234 图204系列双发涡扇中型TUPOLEVT334Tu-334 图334 双发涡扇中型TUPOLEVY11Y-11 运11 双发涡桨轻型HARBINY12Y-12 /Twin Panda 运12 双发涡桨轻型HARBINYK42Yak-42 雅克42 三发涡扇中型YAKOVLEV附:制造商代码说明(供参考)AI(R):Aero International (Regional) (UK/France/Italy)AIRBUS:GIE Airbus Industrie (France/Germany/UK/Spain) 空中客车:欧洲空中客车工业公司BOMBARDIER:Bombardier Inc (Canada)庞巴迪:BOEING:Boeing Aircraft Company (United States)波音:美国波音飞机公司SAAB:Saab Aircraft AB (Sweden)萨伯:瑞典萨伯飞机公司ANTONOV:Aviatsionny Nauchno-Tekhnichesky Kompleks Imeni O K Antonova (Ukraine)安东诺夫:乌克兰安东诺夫航空科学技术联合体BEECH:Beech Aircraft Corporation (United States)比奇:美国比奇飞机公司BELL:Bell Aircraft Corporation (United States)贝尔:美国贝尔飞机公司BRITISH AEROSPACE:CESSNA:Cessna Aircraft Company (United States)塞斯纳:美国塞斯纳飞机公司DASSAULT:Dassault Aviation (France)达索:法国达索航空工业公司DE HAVILLAND CANADA:Bombardier Aerospace De Havilland (Canada)德·哈维兰:加拿大庞巴迪宇航德·哈维兰公司DORNIER:Dornier GmbH (Germany)多尼尔:德国多尼尔公司DOUGLAS:Douglas Aircraft Company Inc (United States)道格拉斯:美国道格拉斯飞机公司EMBRAER:巴西航空工业公司FAIRCHILD DORNIER:Fairchild Aerospace Corporation (United States/Germany) 费尔柴尔德-多尼尔:美德费尔柴尔德宇航公司FOKKER:Fokker BV (Netherlands)福克:荷兰福克飞机公司GULFSTREAM AEROSPACE:Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation (United States) 湾流宇航:美国湾流宇航公司HARBIN:Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation (China)哈尔滨:中国哈尔滨飞机制造厂ILYUSHIN:Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Imeni S.V.Ilyushina OAO (Russia)伊留申:俄罗斯伊留申航空联合体股份公司LEARJET:Bombardier Aerospace Learjet (United States)利尔喷气:美国庞巴迪宇航利尔喷气公司LOCKHEED:Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (United States)洛克西德:美国洛克西德飞机公司MCDONNELL DOUGLAS:McDonnell Douglas Corporation (United States)麦克唐纳·道格拉斯:美国麦克唐纳·道格拉斯公司TUPOLEV:Aviatsionny Nauchno-Tekhnishesky Kompleks Imeni A N Tupoleva OAO (Russia)图波列夫:俄罗斯图波列夫航空科学技术联合体XIAN:Xian Aircraft Company (China)西安:中国西安飞机制造厂YAKOVLEV:Yakovlev Aviatsionnoye Korporatsiya OAO (Russia)雅科福列夫:俄罗斯雅科福列夫实验设计局开放型联合股份公司。
美国针对航空发动机实施的IHPTET和VAATE计划,以及欧洲实施的ACME 和AMET 计划,均将复合材料在航空发动机上的应用列为重点内容予以验证和突破,包括:风扇宽弦复合材料叶片、纤维增强树脂基复合材料机匣、350℃ 热塑性复合材料中介机匣、SiC长纤钛基复合材料的叶环、叶鼓和低压涡轮轴、陶瓷基复合材料全环燃烧室、CMC 碳化硅复合材料浮壁燃烧室、CMC 碳化硅复合材料涡轮导向器、CMC 和C/C 复合材料涡轮转子等相关结构,由此可见,复合材料在航空发动机上的大量使用己成为必然。
在NASA N+3 先进发动机项目中,除整体碳纤维风扇导向器/前机匣、复合材料风扇叶片和复合材料风扇机匣外,复合材料的应用还包含:复合材料附件机匣、新一代陶瓷基复合材料燃烧室、新一代陶瓷基复合材料高压涡轮导向器叶片、新一代陶瓷基复合材料高压涡轮叶片、新一代陶瓷基复合材料有围低压涡轮叶片、陶瓷基复合材料高压涡轮支撑罩环和整流罩等,以及全复合材料整体发动机短舱。
图1 显示了NASA N+3 先进发动机项目中先进新材料应用情况。
图1NASA N+3 先进发动机项目中复合材料应用情况树脂基复合材料凭借比强度高、比模量高、耐疲劳与耐腐蚀性好、阻噪能力强的优点,树脂基复合材料采用耐高温树脂(聚酰亚胺)制造,工作温度可达250~350℃ ,用作发动机冷端部件,主要是在发动机的外涵道机匣、风扇机匣、进气机匣、风扇静子和转子叶片、压气机叶片、包容机匣以及发动机短舱、反推力装置等部件上得到广泛应用。
如在美国F404 、F101 、RB211 等发动机的复合材料外涵道整流罩或外涵道机匣及我国某发动机的复合材料外涵机匣等上都已广泛应用。
美军英文型号中文格式备注1 备注2F-15 Eagle F-15战斗机F-15后边可能跟字母什么F-15A/B指早期型F-15C/D指后期型F-15E指最新型可写成“F-15沉默鹰”F-15J为日本服役的F-15 F-15K为韩国服役的空军专用F-16 Flacon F-16战斗机F-16后边可能跟字母什么F-16A/B指早期型F-16C/D指后期型F-16多个国家均有购买具体型号看文内国家再定空军专用F/A-18 Hornet F/A-18战斗机F指战斗机主要是用来打空中的飞机之类的,A指攻击机,主要用来打地面的坦克之类的。
F-18后边可能跟字母什么F-18A/B 指早期型F-18C/D指后期型,后有E/A-18G电子战用海军用F-22 Raptor F-22战斗机F-22是美国最先进的现役战斗机,目前只有F-22一个型号空军专用F-35 Lighting2 F-35战斗机美国最新的五代战斗机,分为F-35A空军型F-35B海军型(可短距离起降)F-35C海军陆战队型EA-6B Prowler EA-6B舰载攻击机航母专用的舰载机,已经很少了海军专用A-10 Warthog A-10攻击机对地攻击机空军专用C-130 Hercules C-130运输机美军最常用的战术运输机直接写C-130即可,或加上C-130后的字母如:C-130H之类的,广泛出口各国,多数国家均有使用按国别C-17 Global Master C-17运输机美军最常用的战略运输机直接写C-17运输机或C-17“环球霸王”战略运输机C-5 Galaxy C-5运输机目前美军服役的最大的战略运输机,比C-17还大,可写做C-5“银河”战略运输机B-2 Sprite B-2隐形轰炸机美军最先进的隐形轰炸机直接写作B-2隐形轰炸机或B-2轰炸机即可空军专用B-52 Stratofortress B-52战略轰炸机美军最长命的战略轰炸机,从50年代用到现在,常见的有B-52H轰炸机AH-1 Cobra AH-1武装直升机A是指武装H是指直升机,1是指型号,看到美军AH就是武装直升机的意思,AH-1有很多改型,名字都不一样。
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AME, Inc.The AME9172 is a voltage regulator which could con-vert the input voltage ranging from 1.3V to 6V to an output voltage that user settled. The regulator can provide sourc-ing or sinking current. The AME9172 used in conjunc-tion with series termination resistors, provides an excel-lent voltage source for active termination schemes of high speed transmission lines as those seen in high speed memory buses and distributed backplane designs.The voltage output of the regulator can be used as a termination voltage for DDR SDRAM.Current limits in both sourcing and sinking mode, plus on-chip thermal shutdown make the circuit tolerant of the output fault conditions.l DDR Memory Termination Supply l Active Termination Buses l Desktop PC/AGP Graphics l Supply Splitters l Set Top Box/IPCn General Descriptionn Featuresn Applicationsl Support Both DDR 1 (1.25VTT), DDR 2(0.9VTT) & DDR 3 (0.75VTT) Requirementsl Capable of Sourcing and Sinking Currentl Current-limiting Protection l Thermal Protection l Integrated Power MOSFETsl Generates Termination Voltages for SSTL-2l High Accuracy Output Voltage at Full-Load l Adjustable VOUT by External Resistors l Shutdown for Standby or Suspend ModeOperation with High-impedance Outputl All AME ’s Lead Free Products Meet RoHSStandardsl Minimum External ComponentsAME, Inc. n Block DiagramAME, Inc.n Application CircuitFig 1 : Application Circuit AME9172AAHAZFig 2 : Application Circuit AME9172AAZAZ1.25V/1.5AAME9172AAHAZSOP-8DDR_2.5VAME9172AAZAZ SOP-8/PPAME9172AAZAZSOP-8/PPAME, Inc.n Pin ConfigurationAME9172 Pin AssignmentAME9172 Pin AssignmentAME, Inc.n Ordering InformationAME9172 x x x x xOperating Ambient Temperature Range Number of Pins Package TypePin ConfigurationSpecial Feature n Ordering InformationA:1. VIN A: -25O C to 85O CH:SOP A:8Z:Lead free(SOP-8)2. GNDZ:SOP/PP3. REF4. VOUT5. VCNT6. VCNT7. VCNT8. VCNT A:1. VIN(SOP-8/PP)2. GND3. REF4. VOUT5. NC6. VCNT7. NC8. NCPin Configuration Special FeatureOperating Ambient Temperature Range Package Type Number of Pins Note: yyww represents the date code.Please consult AME sales office or authorized Rep./Distributor for package type availability.AME, Inc. n Pin DescriptionAME, Inc.n Absolute Maximum Ratingsn Thermal Characteristicsn Recommended Operating Conditions* The symbol "+" means the VOUT sources current to load; the symbol "-" means the VOUT sinks current to GNDAME, Inc.n Electrical SpecificationsIN CNTL REFEN INLimits in standard typeface are for T = 25, unless otherwise specified:¢JAME, Inc.n Test Circuit¡µFig 4: Output Voltage Tolerance, VOUTFig 5: Current in Shutdown Mode, ISHDNAME, Inc.Figure 6: Current Limit for High Side, ICLHIGHFigure 7: Current Limit for Low Side, ICLLOWAME, Inc.n Typical CharacteristicsAME, Inc.n Operation Waveforms DDR1 Load Transient ResponseV IN =2.5V, V CNTL =3.3VV REF is 1.25V supplied by a regulator C OUT =1000µF/35VI OUT slew rate = +-0.25A/mS Load Transient ResponseV IN =2.5V, V CNTL =3.3VV REF is 1.25V supplied by a regulator C OUT =1000µF/35VI OUT slew rate = +-0.25A/mS + 0 A ¡÷ + 1.5 A¡÷ + 0 A+ 0 A¡÷ + 2 A ¡÷ + 0 A+ 0 A ¡÷ + 2.5 A ¡÷ + 0 ACh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUT- 0 A¡÷- 1.5 A¡÷ - 0 A- 0 A ¡÷ - 2 A ¡÷ - 0 A- 0 A ¡÷ - 2.5 A ¡÷ - 0 ACh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTAME, Inc.Load Transient ResponseV IN =1.5V, V CNTL =3.3VV REF is 0.75V supplied by a regulator C OUT =1000µF/35VI OUT slew rate = +-0.25A/mSLoad Transient ResponseV IN =1.5V, V CNTL =3.3VV REF is 0.75V supplied by a regulator C OUT =1000µF/35VI OUT slew rate = +-0.25A/mS+ 0 A ¡÷ + 1.5 A¡÷ + 0 A+ 0 A ¡÷ + 2 A ¡÷ + 0 ACh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTn Operation Waveforms DDR3- 0 A¡÷- 1.5 A ¡÷ - 0 A- 0 A ¡÷ - 2 A ¡÷ - 0 ACh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTCh1= I OUT , Ch4= V OUTAME, Inc.n Tape and Reel DimensionSOP-8PIN 1Carrier Tape, Number of Components Per Reel and Reel SizePIN 1AME, Inc.n Package Dimension SOP-8Top View Side ViewFront ViewSOP-8/PP。