Charpy test




●Electrode mill
No. 序号
Quality control action
Inspection and Test Plan 检验和试验计划
Document No.: Page 7 of 16
national ●Flux certificate
●Wire certificate
●As per flux moisture 焊丝质证书
Submittal 提交
●Drying record 烘干记录
control procedure



冷却介质温度在规定温度±1℃内,液体介质保温时间至少为 5min,气体介质至少为20min。 液体介质中利用网栅存放试样,网栅至少高于容器底部25mm,液 体浸过试样的高度至少为25mm,试样据容器侧壁至少10mm,连 续均匀搅拌介质使温度均匀。 气体介质应注意试样据低温装置内表面及试样间保持足够的距离。 高温冲击试验: 低于200℃时在规定温度±2℃内保温至少10min; 低于200℃时在规定温度±5℃内保温至少20min;

五、原理 将规定几何形状的缺口试样置于试验机两支座之间,缺口 背向打击面放置,用摆锤一次打击试样,测定试样的吸收能量。 由于大多数材料的冲击值随温度变化,因此试验应在规定温 度下进行。
• 高温冲击试验 • 低温冲击试验 • 室温冲击试验
试验报告 必要内容 • • • • • • • 可选内容
标准编号; • 试样相关资料; • 缺口类型; • 试样尺寸; • 试验温度; • 吸收能量类型KV2,KU8等; • 影响试验的异常情况。
试样取向 试验机标称能量 纤维面积 侧膨胀值 转变温度 未完全断裂试样数
我公司冲击试验机: •JBW-500GD屏显式冲击试验机 •ZBC系列微机式金属摆锤冲击试验机
我公司冲击试验机: •ZBC系列微机式金属摆锤冲击试验机
八、试验程序 一般要求: 试验前检查砧座跨距,保持在40+0.2mm以内; 试验前检查摆锤空打时的回零差或空载能耗(±0.1%); 试样紧贴试验机砧座,锤刃沿缺口对称面打击缺口背向,试样缺口 对称面偏离两砧座间的中点不应大于0.5mm。 试验温度: 应在规定温度±2℃内试验,如对温度没有规定,应在23±5℃ 范围进行。严格了室温冲击温度适用范围。



1. What is the purpose of a penetrameter or IQI?Indicates radiographic sensitivity and quality of the techniques.2. What is meant by the term sensitivity with regard to radiography?The ability of a radiographic technique to reveal defects of a specific size.3. What are the limitations of magnetic particle inspection and liquid penetrant inspection?M.P. can be used only on ferromagnetic materials to detect surface subsurface discontinuities.L.P. can be used to detect defects open to the surface.Both M.P. and L.P. require surface preparations before testing.4. What information is contained in a Welding Procedure Specification?Process type, groove (joint) design, material type, material thickness, position of groove, filler metal type, pre-heat requirements, interpass temperature, post weld heat treatment requirements, shielding gas or flux type, electrical characteristics, techniques of welding.5. Why is post weld heat treatment required for some type weldments?Relieve stresses, lower hardness6. What is the basic difference between a DIN and an ASME penetrameter?DIN penetrameter is a wire type penetrameter,ASME penetrameter is a hole type penetrameter.7. What type of defects would you expect to find during visual inspection of a completed weld? Undercutting, excessive or insufficient weld reinforcement, excessive irregularities, incomplete penetration on a single butt-weld, weld spatter, etc..8. What precaution must be taken with low hydrogen welding electrodes?Store in oven when not in use, kept in heated container by welder awaiting use.9. What information normally appears on radiography?Penetrameter identification, Location of markers to ensure complete coverage, the name of the inspecting laboratory, the date, the part number, whether original or subsequent exposure.10. What is the rule of thumb used to determine the amperage for the dry, prod method of magnetic particle inspection?100 – 125 amps / inch.11. What materials are the transducer made from?Quartz, Barium Titanate, Lithium Sulphate and Ceramics.12. What is a film defect?A mark on the film usually caused by improper handling or processing.13. If you were inspecting an item using the prod method and located a weak crack pattern, where would you place the prods to obtain a stronger location?Relocate prods 90 degrees to the crack pattern and re-inspect.14. What typical defects would you expect while inspecting a casting?Sand and slag inclusions, gas porosity, shrinkage, hot tears.15. Describe the pulse echo technique.When an electric current is applied to the crystal, the crystal vibrates transforming the electric energy into mechanical vibrations which are transmitted through a coupling medium into the test material. These pulse vibrations propogate through the object and are reflected as echoes from both discontinuities and the back surface of the test piece and will appear as a vertical deflection on the cathode ray tube or oscilloscope. 16. Which method i.e. magnetic particle examination or liquid penetrant examination, locate non-metallic inclusions open to the surface.Both.17. What is a ―Weld Procedure Qual ification Record?A document which contains, essentially the same information as a WPS but includes the results of the tests necessary to qualify the WPS. Also listed are the ―essential variable‖ of the specific process of processes. 18. What is meant by t he term ―Film Density‖?Measurement or film blackening.测量或胶片的发黑度。

Impact_test 冲击试验

Impact_test 冲击试验

COURSEWORK BRIEFING SHEETCOURSE MODULE (and code):Introduction to Materials (CEN106)ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Lab Experiment: Impact TestASSIGNMENT MARKS: 7.5 %Lecturers responsible: Dr. Theofanis KrevaikasDate set: Group 1-6: April 16, 2013Group 7-12: April 23, 2013Required date of submission: Group 1-6: April 26, 2013Group 7-12: May 03, 2013Penalty scheme for late submission: University Standard Penalty SchemeAims:∙To develop experimental and report presentation skills.∙To use common laboratory equipment.∙To compare the experimental data to the theoretical calculation.Recommended Reading:∙Ferdinand P. Beer et al, “Mechanics of Materials”, Fifth edition in SI units, McGraw Hill.∙Dieter, G.E., Mechanical metallurgy, 1988, SI metric edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-∙100406-8.∙Hashemi, S. Foundations of materials science and engineering, 2006, 4th edition, McGraw- Hill, ISBN 007-125690-3.∙Noble, B., Tensile and impact properties of metals and polymers, TQ education and training led product division, 1996.At the end of this assignment a student should be able to:∙Be aware of standard laboratory equipment and its use.∙Know how to record, interpret and evaluate results.∙Know how to present a report including experimental results.∙Have acquired knowledge comparing the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of different materials∙Practised library skills.1.IntroductionThe impact toughness (AKA Impact strength) of a material can be determined with a Charpy test. These tests are named after their inventors and were developed in the early 1900’s before fracture mechanics theory was available. Impact properties are not directly used in fracture mechanics calculations, but the economical impact tests continue to be used as a quality control method to assess notch sensitivity and for comparing the relative toughness of engineering materials.The two tests use differentspecimens and methods of holdingthe specimens, but both tests makeuse of a pendulum-testing machine.For both tests, the specimen isbroken by a single overload eventdue to the impact of the pendulum.A stop pointer is used to record howfar the pendulum swings back upafter fracturing the specimen. Theimpact toughness of a metal isdetermined by measuring the energyabsorbed in the fracture of thespecimen. This is simply obtainedby noting the height at which thependulum is released and the heightto which the pendulum swings after it has struck the specimen. The height of the pendulum times the weight of the pendulum produces the potential energy and the difference in potential energy of the pendulum at the start and the end of the test is equal to the absorbed energy. In the Charpy test the specimen is supported as a simple beam with a notch in the center. The specimen is supported so that the notch is on the vertical face away from the point ofimpact. Figure 2 and 3 show the dimensions of theCharpy test specimen and the positions of the strikingedge of the pendulum and the specimen in the anvil.Since toughness is greatly affected by temperature, aCharpy test is often repeated numerous times witheach specimen tested at a different temperature. Thisproduces a graph of impact toughness for the materialas a function of temperature. Impact toughness versustemperature graph for steel is shown in the image. Itcan be seen that at low temperatures the material ismore brittle and impact toughness is low. At high temperatures the material is more ductile and impact toughness is higher. The transition temperature is the boundary between brittle and ductile behavior and this temperature is often an extremely important consideration in the selection of a material.Notch toughness is theability that a materialpossesses to absorb energyin the presence of a flaw.As mentioned previously,in the presence of a flaw,such as a notch or crack, amaterial will likely exhibita lower level of toughness.When a flaw is present in amaterial, loading induces atriaxial tension stress stateadjacent to the flaw. The material develops plastic strains as the yield stress is exceeded in the region near the crack tip. However, the amount of plastic deformation is restricted by the surrounding material, which remains elastic. When a material is prevented from deforming plastically, it fails in a brittle manner. Notch-toughness is measured with a variety of specimens such as the Charpy V-notch impact specimen or the dynamic tear test specimen. As with regular impact testing the tests are often repeated numerous times with specimens tested at a different temperature. With these specimens and by varying the loading speed and the temperature, it is possible to generate curves such as those shown in the graph. Typically only static and impact testing is conducted but it should be recognized that many components in service see intermediate loading rates in the range of the dashed red line.2.Students GroupsRefer the ‘Lab Experiments – Schedule’ sheet.3.ProcedureExperimental purposes1.Evaluate the impact toughness of various metals; understand the impact method of themetal at different temperatures.2.Observe impact damage to the section of plastic and brittle material, and compare. Equipment1.Pendulum-testing machine.2.Charpy V-notch impact specimensTheoretical Explanation of Pendulum Test:In a typical Pendulum Machine, the mass of the hammer (striking edge) mass ( ) is raised to a height ( ). Before the mass ( ) is released, the potential energy will be:After being released, the potential energy will decrease and the kinetic energy will increase. At the time of impact, the kinetic energy of the pendulum:1And the potential energy:Will be equal⇒⇒ 2 and the impact velocity will be:2Figure 11 cos 1 cosInitial energy 1 cos 1–cosEnergy after the rupture 1 cos 1 cosEnergy absorbed by the specimen cos cosTo calculate the unite impact toughness,divide by the cross-sectional area of the notch,i.e. Absorbed Impact Energy / Notch area (J/cm ). For standard specimen the cross sectional area of the notch is 0.8 cm .Experimental Procedure:1.Obtain and measure the specimens.2.Learn how to position the specimen in the anvil. Find out the proper position of theimpact head (striking edge) and the height the pendulum should be set.3.Secure the specimen.4.Set pendulum in raised position.5.Set pointer on upper limit of the scale.6.Make sure that the machine is connected to an electrical outlet. Otherwise, the breaksystem that stops the pendulum from swinging cannot be used.(WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP THE PENDULUM MANUALLY)7.Release pendulum.(WARNING: KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE FROM THE PENDULUM)8.Record all results and examine fracture surfaces. Include a description of these surfacesand explanation of their meaning in your report.4.ReportStudents can share only numerical data among group members. Each student should submit their own report based on own analysis and discussions.Main content:1.Front cover (Title, Group, Names & Date).2.Abstract (1 paragraph)3.Theory of Impact toughness test (max 2 pages)4.Experimental methodology (You may include tables and figures accordingly) (max 2pages including tables and figures).5.Results and Discussions.i)Discuss on the experimental errors you observed and suggest appropriate methods tominimize those errors. (1 paragraph)ii)Compare the failure characteristics of low-carbon steel and medium-carbon steel under impact load. (1-2 pages)iii)Physical significance of the impact toughness (2 paragraphs)iv)Briefly discuss why the specimens are notched and the effect of the notch angle on the amount of energy absorbed by the specimen at impact time (2 paragraphs)6.Conclusion (1 paragraph)7.Reference.(Above steps provide you a guide, you may write your own report in an appropriate way).General Information:The quantitative result of the impact tests the energy needed to fracture a material and can be used to measure the toughness of the material. The qualitative results of the impact test can be used to determine the ductility of a material. If the material breaks on a flat plane, the fracture was brittle, and if the material breaks with jagged edges or shear lips, then the fracture was ductile. Usually a material does not break in just one way or the other, and thus comparing the jagged to flat surface areas of the fracture will give an estimate of the percentage of ductile and brittle fracture.1. Compare the mechanical properties and failure characteristics of low-carbon steel and medium-carbon steel2. What is the physical significance of the impact toughness?3. Why the specimens are notched? Briefly discuss the effect of the notch angle on the amount of energy absorbed at the time of impact.5.SubmissionSubmit in standard format of coursework submission. Delayed submission will be subjected to standard penalty scheme.Record formShape ofthe specimen Material Number Reading Average impacttoughness(J/cm )TemperatureJBS -300Z Safety proceduresCEN106 – Introduction to MaterialsDepartment of Civil Engineering11JBS -300ZDigital Auto-impact testing machineSafety Procedures1. Turn on the power switch, the indicator should be light, and preheat for 10~15minutes2. Place the test sample into the right position3. Press the button 零位 for zero calibration when the pendulum is at rest4. Range selection , choose 300J pendulum or 150J pendulum according to the energy requirement5. Press the button 运行确认,swing the pendulum to the position6. After last step, press the button 送料,after the action is done ,press 冲击,complete the impact action7. Done after 3 trials ,press the button 打印,print all the results 。



CSA G40.21 50W / 50AIn addition to the 44W Chapel Steel also stocks the higher strength Canadian steel plate in grades G40.21 50W and G40.21 50A . 50A has a higher alloy content than 50W which contributes to its weathering ability. Both 50W and 50A are sometimes referred to with their metric designations of 350W and 350A. When referenced with a “T”, such as 50WT, this indicates that charpy tests are required. When Charpy tests are required, the category will be indicated. Value of categories are described below in mechanical properties.Mechanical Properties 50W/350W:Tensile: 65 to 95 ksiYield: 50 ksi minElongation:19% min in 8” 22% min in 2”CAT 1 (32°F): 20 ft/lbsCAT 2 (0°F): 20 ft/lbsCAT 3 (-20°F): 20 ft/lbsCAT 4 (-50°F): 20 ft/lbsCSA G40.21 44WChapel Steel stocks a generous supply of Canadian steel plate in grade G40.21 44W. 44W is sometimes referred to with its metric designations of 300W. When referenced with a “T”, such as 300WT, this indicates that charpy tests are required. When Charpy tests are required, the category will be indicated. Value of categories are described below in mechanical properties.Mechanical Properties 44W/300W:Tensile: 65 to 85 ksiYield: 44 ksi minElongation:20% min in 8” 23% min in 2”CAT 1 (32°F): 15 ft/lbsCAT 2 (0°F): 15 ft/lbsCAT 3 (-20°F): 15 ft/lbsCAT 4 (-50°F): 15 ft/lbsG40.20-04 General requirements for rolled or welded structural quality steel1. Scope1.1 This Standard outlines the requirements that apply, unless otherwise specified in a purchase order or individual standard, to structural quality steel plates, shapes, sheet, sheet piling, cold-formed channels, hollow sections, Z sections, and bars conforming to the requirements of CSA G40.21. Tables 11(a) to (h) of CSA G40.21 provide information on the dimensions and mass (weight) per unit length of structural shapes and sections commonly used in the construction of steel buildings and bridges.1.2 In CSA Standards, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the standard.Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Legends to equations and figures are considered requirements.1.3 The values stated in either SI (metric) or yard/pound units are to be regarded as standard. Within the text, the yard/pound units are shown in parentheses. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; each system must be used independently. Combining values from the two systems can result in nonconformance with this Standard.G40.21-04 Structural quality steel1. Scope1.1 This Standard covers structural quality steel plates, shapes, hollow sections, sheet, sheet piling, cold-formed channels, Z sections, and bars for general construction and engineering purposes.1.2 A number of strength levels are available under this Standard and are designated by the minimum yield strength in MPa (ksi). The common grades, types, and strength levels are shown in Table 1. Charpy V-notch categories are shown in Table 9. The purchaser specifies the grade and, if applicable, the category.1.3 The following types of steel are covered by this Standard:(a) Type W - Weldable Steel Steels of this type meet specified strength requirements and are suitable for general welded construction where notch toughness at low temperatures is not a design requirement. Applications include buildings, compression members of bridges, etc.(b) Type WT - Weldable Notch-Tough Steel Steels of this type meet specified strength and Charpy V-notch impact requirements and are suitable for welded construction where notch toughness at low temperature is a design requirement. The purchaser, in addition to specifying the grade, specifies the required category of steel that establishes the Charpy V-notch test temperature and energy level. Applications include primary tension members in bridges and similar elements.(c) Type R - Atmospheric Corrosion-Resistant Steel Steels of this type meet specified strength requirements. The atmospheric corrosion resistance of these steels in most environments is substantially better than that of carbon structural steels with or without a copper addition. These steels are welded readily up to the maximum thickness covered by this Standard. Applications include unpainted siding, unpainted light structural members, etc., where notch toughness at low temperature is not a design requirement.For methods of estimating the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels, see Clause 7.6. When properly exposed to the atmosphere, these steels can be used bare (unpainted) for many applications.(d) Type A - Atmospheric Corrosion-Resistant Weldable Steel Steels of this type meet specified strength requirements. The atmospheric corrosion resistance of these steels in most environments is substantially better than that of carbon structural steels with or without a copper addition. These steels are suitable for welded construction where notch toughness at low temperature is not a design requirement. Applications include those similar to Type W steel.For methods of estimating the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels, see Clause 7.6. When properly exposed to the atmosphere, these steels can be used bare (unpainted) for many applications.(e) Type AT - Atmospheric Corrosion-Resistant Weldable Notch-Tough Steel Steels of this type meet specified strength and Charpy V-notch impact requirements. The atmospheric corrosion resistance of these steels in most environments is substantially better than that of carbon structural steels with or without a copper addition. These steels are suitable for welded construction where notch toughness at low temperature is a design requirement. The purchaser, in addition to specifying the grade, specifies the required category of steel that establishes the Charpy V-notch test temperature and energy level. Applications include primary tension members in bridges and similar elements.For methods of estimating the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low-alloy steels, see Clause 7.6. When properly exposed to the atmosphere, these steels can be used bare (unpainted) for many applications.(f) Type Q - Quenched and Tempered Low-Alloy Steel Plate Steels of this type meet specified strength requirements. While these steels are weldable, the welding and fabrication techniques are of fundamental importance to the properties of the plate, especially the heat-affected zone. Applications include bridges and similar structures.\(g) Type QT - Quenched and Tempered Low-Alloy Notch-Tough Steel Plate Steels of this type meet specified strength and Charpy V-notch impact requirements. They provide good resistance to brittle fracture and are suitable for structures where notch toughness at low temperature is a design requirement. The purchaser, in addition to specifying the grade, specifies the required category of steel that establishes the Charpy V-notch test temperature and energy level. While these steels are weldable, the welding and fabrication techniques are of fundamental importance to the properties of the plate, especially the heat-affected zone. Applications include primary tension members in bridges and similar elements.1.4 In CSA Standards, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the standard.Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Legends to equations and figures are considered requirements.1.5 The values stated in either SI (metric) or yard/pound units are to be regarded as standard. Within the text, the yard/pound units are shown in parentheses. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; each system must be used independently. Combining values from the two systems can result in nonconformance with this Standard.。



The two tests use different specimens and methods of holding the specimens, but both tests make use of a pendulum-testing machine. For both tests, the specimen is broken by a single overload event due to the impact of the pendulum. A stop pointer is used to record how far the pendulum swings back up after fracturing the specimen. The impact toughness of a metal is determined by measuring the energy absorbed in the fracture of the specimen. This is simply obtained by noting the height at which the pendulum is released and the height to which the pendulum swings after it has struck the specimen. The height of the pendulum times the weight of the pendulum produces the potential energy and the difference in potential energy of the pendulum at the start and the end of the test is equal to the absorbed energy. In the Charpy test the specimen is supported as a simple beam with a notch in the center. The specimen is supported so that the notch is on the vertical face away from the point of impact. Figure 2 and 3 show the dimensions of the Charpy test specimen and the positions of the striking edge of the pendulum and the specimen in the anvil.


高速钢是一种含有钨、铬、钒等合金元素的高合金工具 钢,它可以在空气中自行淬硬,因而又称“self-hardening steel” ,故又称做风钢。
Unit 4
2.The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder it becomes. 钢的含碳量越高,冷却速度越快,钢就变得越硬。
Unit 4
High carbon steels may be hardened by heating it to a certain temperature and then quickly cooling in water. The more carbon the steels contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder it becomes. Because of its high strength and hardness this grade of steel may be used for tools and working parts of machines.
Unit 4
2.Alloy steels (1) Special alloy steel, such as nickel, chromium steel; (2) High-speed steel also known as self-hardening steel. Carbon steels are the most common steels used in industry. The properties of these steels depend only on the percentage of carbon they contain. Low carbon steels are very soft and can be used for bolts and for machine parts that do not need strength. Medium carbon steels are a better grade and stronger than low carbon steels. It is also more difficult to cut than low carbon steels.



The KV value given in Table E.1 is corrected according to Equation (E.1).
The German term “Schlagenergie” used throughout the DIN EN ISO 148 series is equivalent to the previously used German term “Schlagarbeit”.
Uncontrolled copy when printed
English price group 15
02.11 1742206
DIN EN ISO 148-1:2011-01
A comma is used as the decimal marker.
Amendments This standard differs from DIN EN 10045-1:1991-04 and DIN 50115:1991-04 as follows: a) the German term verbrauchte Schlagarbeit has been changed to verbrauchte Schlagenergie; b) the differentiation between energy after correction for friction and that without correction has been
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss M Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 062-01-44 AA Schlagzähigkeitsprüfung für Metalle.



1.1 qualification
●Welder qualification certificate 焊工资质证书
Submittal 提交
NDT operator
1.2 qualification NDT 人员资质
●NDT personnel certificate NDT 人员资质证书
SNT-TC-1A or equivalent standard
●NDT personnel certificate NDT 人员资质证书
Submittal 提交
Calibration of test or inspection equipment and
●Calibration certificate 检定证书
Inspection and Test Plan 检验和试验计划
Document No.: Page 6 of 16
Inspection item 检验项目
Frequency 频次
Acceptance criterion 验证标准
Relevant documents PCK inspection
However, work may proceed without the presence of the inspector discretion. 但是,在监理或业主代表没有到现场时,试验、生产活动可以照常进行。
Monitor 监督
TPA shall sign and seal the reports. TPA必须在试验报告上签字、盖章。



1. indication [,indi'keiʃən] 缺陷2. test specimen ['spesimin, -əmən]试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet ['bilit]方钢,钢方坯6. bloom [blu:m]钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot ['iŋɡət]钢锭9. blank坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular ['nɔdjulə] adj. 结节状的;有结节的nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile ['dʌktail]adj. 柔软的;易教导的;易延展的ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze [brɔnz]青铜14. brass [brɑ:s]黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization [di:,kɑ:bjuərai'zeiʃən]脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. annealing 退火20. process annealing 进行退火under annealing不完全退火21. quenching 淬火selective hardening部分淬火22. normalizing 正火tempering回火23. Charpy impact test 夏比冲击试验24. fatigue 疲劳25. tensile testing ['tensail] 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理 /解决办法27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite ['ferait]铁素体34. austenite ['ɔstinait]奥氏体retained austenite 残余奥氏体retain 保留35. martensite ['mɑ:tnzait]马氏体36. cementite [si'mentait]渗碳体37. iron carbide ['kɑ:baid]渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite ['sɔ:bait]索氏体40. bainite ['beinait]贝氏体41. pearlite ['pə:lait]珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/troostite ['tru:stait]屈氏体43. black oxide氧化物 coating涂层 ['ɔksaid]发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium ['krəumjəm]铬(24号元素,符号Cr)ge46. cadmium ['kædmiəm]镉(符号Cd)47. tungsten ['tʌŋstən]钨48. molybdenum [mɔ'libdinəm]钼 mu49. manganese ['mæŋɡə,ni:s]锰50. vanadium [və'neidiəm]钒51. molybdenum 钼52. silicon 硅硅胶 silicon sealantsilicon valley硅谷(美国一高科技区名)53. sulfer/sulphur ['sʌlfə]硫54. phosphor/ phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs]磷磷化phosphate55. nitrided 氮化的56. Case/surface hardening表面硬化,表面淬硬Shot peening 抛丸57. air cooling 空冷58. furnace cooling 炉冷59. oil cooling 油冷60. electrocladding /plating 电镀61. brittleness 脆性62. strength 强度63. rigidity 刚性,刚度64. creep 蠕变65. deflection 挠度66. elongation [,i:lɔŋ'ɡeiʃən]延伸率67. yield strength 屈服强度68. elastoplasticity [i'læstə,plæs,tisiti]弹塑性69. metallographic structure 金相组织70. metallographic test 金相试验71. carbon content 含碳量72. induction hardening 感应淬火73. impedance matching [im'pi:dəns]感应淬火74. hardening and tempering 调质75. crack 裂纹76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松77. forging 锻(件)78. casting 铸(件)79. rolling 轧(件)80. drawing 拉(件)校直 straightening straight直的81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理)shot peening珠击法82. grit blasting [ɡrit]喷钢砂(处理)83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)84. carburizing 渗碳carburized case depth 浸碳硬化层深85. nitriding ['naitraidiŋ, -tri-]渗氮86. ageing/aging 时效87. grain size 晶粒度88. pore 气孔89. sonim ['sɔnim]夹砂90. cinder inclusion ['sində]夹渣91. lattice ['lætis]晶格92. abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性93. spectrum analysis ['spektrəm]光谱分析94. heat treatment HT热处理95. inclusion 夹杂物96. segregation 偏析97. picking 酸洗,酸浸98. residual stress [ri'zidjuəl]残余应力99. remaining stress 残余应力100. relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力101. stress relief 应力释放vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水淬火。



PTCA (PARTA: PHVS.TEST.)_____________2■^标准化IX)I : 10.11973 Ihjy->vl2()2102011 3种金属材料夏比冲击试验方法标准分析及对比宋秀文(大连大重检测技术服务有限公司,大连116031)摘要:从试验原理、试样要求、试验设备、试验程序、冲击试验结果处理及报告等方面对GB/T 229 —2007,EN ISO 148-1:2016,ASTM E23 —18等3个金属材料夏比冲击试验方法标准进行了 分析和对比。

结果表明:GB/T 229 —2007和EN ISO148-1:2016的内容基本相同;ASTM E23 —18冲击试验标准相比GB/T229 —2007和EN ISO 148-1:2016,在试样尺寸及设备尺寸公差 方面要求更为严格,相关的试验规定也更加详细。

关键词:夏比冲击试验;标准对比;试样要求;试验设备中图分类号:TG115 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-4012(2021)02-0045-04Analysis and Comparison of Three Charpy Impact Test MethodStandards for Metallic MaterialsSONG Xiuwen(Dalian Dazhong Testing Technology Services Co.* Ltd., Dalian 116031» China)A b strac t :The Charpy impact test method standards for metallic materials (GB/T 229 — 2007, EN ISC)148-1 : 2016 and ASTM E23 _18) were analyzed and compared from the aspects of test principle, sample requirements,test equipment,test procedures,impact test results processing and report. The results show that the contents of GB/T 229 — 2007 and EN ISO 148-1: 2016 are basically the same. Compared with GB/T 229~2007 and EN ISO 148-1:2016,ASTM E23~18 impact test standard has more stringent requirements on specimen size and equipment dimension tolerance,and the relevant test regulations are more detailed.K eyw ords:Charpy impact te st;standard comparison;sample requirement;test equipment工程机械中的许多零部件是在快速加载即冲击 载荷条件下工作的,如汽车在凸凹不平的道路上行 驶、飞机的起飞和降落等。



Mechanical Testing 01BAn Introduction of mechanical Testing Pictorial tutorial机械性能试验 图文简易教材Part 2:Charpy Impact TestingREVISION HISTORY0110.05.2008For Approval CMMRev Date( for issue Prep Check Appr CHANGE DESCRIPTIONRevision Change description01For ApprovalMechanical testing - notched bar or impact testing Before looking at impact testing let us first define what is meant by 'toughness' since the impact test is only one method by which this material property is measured.Toughness is, broadly, a measure of the amount of energy required to cause an item - a test piece or a bridge or a pressure vessel - to fracture and fail. The more energy that is required then the tougher the material.The area beneath a stress/strain curve produced from a tensile test is a measure of the toughness of the test piece under slow loading conditions. However, in the context of an impact test we are looking at notch toughness, a measure of the metal's resistance to brittle or fast fracture in the presence of a flaw or notch and fast loading conditions.It was during World War II that attention was focused on this property of 'notch toughness' due to the brittle fracture of all-welded Liberty ships, then being built in the USA. From this work the science of fracture toughness developed and gave rise to a range of tests used to characterise 'notch toughness' of which the Charpy-V test described in this article is one.There are two main forms of impact test, the Izod and the Charpy test.Both involve striking a standard specimen with a controlled weight pendulum traveling at a set speed. The amount of energy absorbed in fracturing the test piece is measured and this gives an indication of the notch toughness of the test material.These tests show that metals can be classified as being either 'brittle' or 'ductile'. A brittle metal will absorb a small amount of energy when impact tested, a tough ductile metal a large amount of energy.It should be emphasised that these tests are qualitative, the results can only be compared with each other or with a requirement in a specification - they cannot be used to calculate the fracture toughness of a weld or parent metal. Tests that can be used in this way will be covered in future Job Knowledge articles. The Izod test is rarely used these days for weld testing having been replaced by the Charpy test and will not be discussed further in this article.The Charpy specimen may be used with one of three different types of notch, a 'keyhole', a 'U' and a 'V'. The keyhole and U-notch are used for the testing of brittle materials such as cast iron and for the testing of plastics. The V-notch specimen is the specimen of choice for weld testing and is the one discussed here.The standard Charpy-V specimen, illustrated in Fig.1. Is 55mm long, 10mm square and has a 2mm deep notch with a tip radius of 0.25mm machined on one face.Fig.1. Standard Charpy-V notch specimenTo carry out the test the standard specimen is supported at its two ends on an anvil and struck on the opposite face to the notch by a pendulum as shown in Fig.2. The specimen is fractured and the pendulum swings through, the height of the swing being a measure of the amount of energy absorbed in fracturing the specimen. Conventionally three specimens are tested at any one temperature, see Fig.3, and the results averaged.Fig.2. Charpy testing machineFig.3. Schematic Charpy-V energy and % age crystallinity curvesA characteristic of carbon and low alloy steels is that they exhibit a change in fracture behaviour as the temperature falls with the failure mode changing from ductile to brittle.If impact testing is carried out over a range of temperatures the results of energy absorbed versus temperature can be plotted to give the 'S' curve illustrated in Fig.3.This shows that the fracture of these types of steels changes from being ductile on the upper shelf to brittle on the lower shelf as the temperature falls, passing through a transition region where the fracture will be mixed. Many specifications talk of a transition temperature , a temperature at which the fracture behaviour changes from ductile to brittle. This temperature is often determined by selecting, quite arbitrarily, the temperature at which the metal achieves an impact value of 27 Joules - see, for example the impact test requirements of EN 10028 Part 2 Steel for Pressure Purposes.What the curve shows is that a ductile fracture absorbs a greater amount of energy than a brittle fracture in the same material . Knowing the temperature at which the fracture behaviour changes is therefore of crucial importance when the service temperature of a structure is considered - ideally in service a structure should operate at upper shelf temperatures.The shape of the S curve and the positions of the upper and lower shelves are all affected by composition, heat treatment condition, whether or not the steel has been welded, welding heat input, welding consumable and a number of additional factors. All the factors must be controlled if good notch toughness is required. This means that close control of the welding parameters is essential if impact testing is a specification requirement.Austenitic stainless steels, nickel and aluminium alloys do not show this change in fracture behaviour, the fracture remaining ductile even to very low temperatures. This is one reason why these types of alloys are used in cryogenic applications.In addition to the impact energy there are two further features that can be measured and may be found as a requirement in some specifications. These are percentage crystallinity and lateral expansion.The appearance of a fracture surface gives information about the type of fracture that has occurred - a brittle fracture is bright and crystalline, a ductile fracture is dull and fibrous.Percentage crystallinity is therefore a measure of the amount of brittle fracture, determined by making a judgement of the amount of crystalline or brittle fracture on the surface of the broken specimen.Lateral expansion is a measure of the ductility of the specimen. When a ductile metal is broken the test piece deforms before breaking, a pair of 'ears' being squeezed out on the side of the compression face of the specimen, as illustrated in Fig 4. The amount by which the specimen deforms is measured and expressed as millimeters of lateral expansion. ASME B31.3 for example requires a lateral expansion of 0.38mm for bolting materials and steels with a UTS exceeding 656N/mm 2, rather than specifying an impact value.Fig.4 Lateral expansionThe next article in this series will look at the testing of welds, how the impact strength can be affected by composition and microstructure and some of its limitations and disadvantages.The previous article looked at the method of Charpy-V impact testing and the results that can be determined from carrying out a test. This next part looks at the impact testing of welds and some of the factors that affect the transition temperature such as composition and microstructure. Within such a short article, however, it will only be possible to talk in the most general of terms.Welding can have a profound effect on the properties of the parent metal and there may be many options on process selection, welding parameters and consumable choice that will affect impact strength.Many application standards therefore require impact testing to be carried out on the parent metal, the weld metal and in the heat affected zone as illustrated in Fig.1 which is taken from BS PD 5500 Annex D. The standards generally specify a minimum impact energy to be achieved at the minimum design temperature and to identify from where the specimens are to be taken. This is done in order to quantify the impact energy of the different microstructures in the weld metal and the HAZs to ensure that, as far as possible, the equipment will be operating at upper shelf temperatures where brittle fracture is not a risk.Fig.1. PD5500 App D. location of Charpy specimens in weld HAZThese application standards may be supplemented by client specifications that impose additional and morestringent testing requirements, as shown in Fig.2taken from an oil industry specification for offshore structures.Fig.2. Offshore client requirementsThe positioning of the specimens within a weld is extremely important both in terms of the specimen location and the notch orientation. A specimen positioned across the width of a multi-pass arc weld will probably include more than one weld pass and its associated HAZs. Quite a small movement in the position of the notch can therefore have a significant effect on the impact values recorded during a test. Positioning a notch precisely down the centre line of a single pass of a submerged arc weld can give extremely low impact values!Testing the heat affected zone also has problems of notch position since in a carbon or low alloy steel there will be a range of microstructures from the fusion line to the unaffected parent metal. Many welds also use a 'V' preparation as illustrated above and this, coupled with the narrow HAZ, means that a single notch may sample all of these structures. If the impact properties of specific areas in the HAZ need to be determined then a 'K' or single bevel preparation may be used.The standard specimen is 10mm x 10mm square - when a weld joint is thicker than 10mm the machining of a standard size specimen is possible. When the thickness is less than this and impact testing is required it becomes necessary to use sub-size specimens.Many specifications permit the use of 10mm x 7.5mm, 5mm and 2.5mm thickness (notch length) specimens. There is not a simple relationship between a 10mm x 10mm specimen and the sub-size specimens - a 10mm x 5mm specimen does not have half the notch toughness of the full size test piece. As the thickness decreases the transition temperature also decreases, as does the upper shelf value, illustrated in Fig.3 and this is recognised in the application standards.Fig.3. Effect of size on transitiontemperature and upper shelfvaluesIn a carbon or low alloy steel the lowest impact values are generally to be found close to the fusion line where grain growth has taken place.Coarse grains generally have low notch toughness, one reason why heat input needs to be controlled to low levels if high notch toughness is required.For example, EN ISO 15614 Pt. 1 requires Charpy-V specimens to be taken from the high heat input area of a procedure qualification test piece and places limits on any increase in heat input. Certain steels may also havean area some distance from the fusion line that may be embrittled so some specifications require impact testsat a distance of 5mm from the fusion line.Charpy-V tests carried out on rolled products show that there is a difference in impact values if the specimensare taken parallel or transverse to the rolling direction. Specimens taken parallel to the rolling direction test the metal across the 'grain' of the steel and have higher notch toughness than the transverse specimens - one reason why pressure vessel plates are rolled into cylinders with the rolling direction oriented in the hoop direction.In a carbon or low alloy steel the element that causes the largest change in notch toughness is carbon with the transition temperature being raised by around 14°C for every 0.1% increase in carbon content.An example of how this can affect properties is the root pass of a single sided weld. This often has lower notch toughness than the bulk of the weld as it has a larger amount of parent metal melted into it - most parent metals have higher carbon content than the filler metal and the root pass therefore has a higher carboncontent than the bulk of the weld.Sulphur and phosphorus are two other elements that both reduce notch toughness, one reason why steel producers have been working hard to reduce these elements to as low a level as possible. It is not uncommonfor a good quality modern steel to have a sulphur content less than 0.005%.Of the beneficial elements, manganese and nickel are possibly the two most significant, the nickel alloy steels forming a family of cryogenic steels with the 9% nickel steel being capable of use at temperatures down to -196°C. Aluminium is also beneficial at around 0.02% where it has the optimum effect in providing a fine grain size.Lastly, let us have a brief look at some of the other factors that can affect the impact values. These are concerned with the quality of the specimen and how the test is conducted.It goes without saying that the specimens must be accurately machined, the shape of the tip of the notchbeing the most important feature. A blunted milling cutter or broach will give a rounded notch tip and this inturn will give a false, high impact value. Checking the tip radius on a shadowgraph is one simple way ofensuring the correct tip shape. Correct positioning of the specimen on the anvil is most important and this canbe done using a specially designed former.The last point concerns the testing of specimens at temperatures other than at room temperature. Whentesting at sub-zero temperatures the length of time taken to remove the specimen from the cooling bath, position it on the anvil and test it is most important. EN875 requires this to be done within five seconds otherwise the test piece temperature will rise making the test invalid - referring back to the impact energy vs temperature curve in the previous article will show why.Relevant SpecificationsBS 131Part 4Calibration of Impact Testing Machines for metals.BS 131Part 5Determination of CrystallinityBS 131Part 6Method for Precision Determination of Charpy-V Impact EnergyBS 131Part 7Specification for Verification of Precision Test MachinesEN 875Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials - Impact TestsEN 10045Part 1Test MethodEN 10045Part 2Verification of Impact Testing MachinesASTM E23-O2A Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials.Tensile or yield is also an expression of toughness, toughness at slow loading condition of stress. Notch toughness in the context of impact testing is the measurement of energy requiring to fracture a specimen with a flaw at fast loading. Toughness is an expression of measurement of energy to fracture a specimen.Ductile vs. Brittle Behavior—Body-centered-cubic orferritic alloys exhibit a significant transition in behaviorwhen impact tested over a range of temperatures. Attemperatures above transition, impact specimensfracture by a ductile (usually microvoid coalescence)mechanism, absorbing relatively large amounts ofenergy. At lower temperatures, they fracture in a brittle(usually cleavage) manner absorbing less energy.Within the transition range, the fracture will generallybe a mixture of areas of ductile fracture and brittlefracture.The temperature range of the transition from one typeof behavior to the other varies according to the material being tested. This transition behavior may be defined in various ways for specification purposes.The specification may require a minimum test result for absorbed energy, fracture appearance, lateral expansion, or a combination thereof, at a specified test temperature.The specification may require the determination ofthe transition temperature at which either theabsorbed energy or fracture appearance attains aspecified level when testing is performed over arange of temperatures.Key words: BCC / Microvoid Coalescence / CleavageCharpy results parameters: Absorbed energy, % fracture appearance, lateral expansion or combination of above.Fracture MechanismsA fracture surface should be treated as a record of the history of a component failure. Detailed within the fracture surface is evidence of loading history, environmental conditions and material quality.1For the purposes of this resource, fracture surfaces are classified as brittle, ductile and fatigue although some specimens may clearly fit into a number of fracture categories. For example a fatigue failure fracture surface may exhibit a ductile final fracture region. This will be taken into account and the fracture image will appear in all of the categories where it is relevant.Brittle FractureBrittle fractures have no plastic deformation and are usually characterised by a lack of necking with smooth/shiny facets (as shown below), an appearance associated with fast crack growth.4SEM image of brittle fracture in plain carbon steelA brittle failure mode such as cleavage or intergranular (fracture along the grain boundaries) is seen. On a macroscopic level, chevron or radial markings may be observed as shown below.Radiating Ridge Fracture Surface (Callister, W.D., page 186)Ductile FractureConversely ductile fractures can be characterised by necking of the material due to plastic deformation. A fibrous/rough and dull fracture surface can be observed associated with slow crack growth.Plastic deformation is produced by a ductile failure mode such as microvoid coalescence leading to dimple rupture which can be seen below. Failure at the edges of the sample occurs at 45º to the loading direction due to the maximum shear stress being at 45º to the loading stress.SEM image of ductile fracture in plain carbon steelDuctile tensile failure begins with uniform plastic deformation leading to localised microvoid coalescence and then dimple rupture in the necked region which experiences a tri-axial stress state on formation of the neck. Dimple rupture leaves pits and holes on the surface structure.Factors affecting the failure mode are:•Material Microstructure•Temperature•Strain Rate•Environment (leading to corrosion)Crystalline, shinning brittle fracture, absorbing little energy on impact.Fibrous, dull ductile fracture, absorbing relatively large amount of energy on impact.Charpy impact testing machine.Tested samples fracture appearance.。


119.rejected castings (不良品)
120.residual stress (残留应力/铸造应力)
121. roll over machine (翻转机)
122.sag core (砂心下垂)
123.sand blast (喷砂)
124.sand inclusion (夹砂)
125.short pours / short run (浇注不足)
138.surface fold / gas run (皱皮/流缝/冷隔)
139.surface roughness (表面粗糙度)
140.surface treatment (表面处理)
141.tensile strength (抗拉强度)
142.tensile test (拉伸试验)
143.test piece/test lug(试片)
69.flake graphite cast iron (片状石墨铸铁)
70.flow chart (流程图)
71.CE meter(热分析)
72.full size/full dimension(全尺寸)
73.graphitic carbon / graphite carbon (石墨碳)
74.gray cast iron (灰口铸铁/普通铸铁/片状石墨铸铁) shrinkage / external shrinkage (外缩孔)
66.ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron
67.ferrite (肥粒铁)
68.machining allowance / finishing allowance (加工余量)



4.1,漏电起痕指数 4.2,体积电阻率 4.3,表面电阻率 4.3,介电常数
硬度:材料局部抵抗硬物压入其表面的能力称为硬度,反应材料软硬程度。 高分子材料领域常用的是邵氏硬度和洛氏硬度。
邵氏硬度一般用于橡胶类材料上,硬度范围在20~90之间。 如果超过邵A硬度90,则选用邵D硬度计测试。 如果低于绍D硬度20,则选用邵A硬度计测试。 邵A硬度计(0.79mm):负载1Kg,样品厚度大于5mm ,适合软质的塑料和橡胶 邵D硬度计(0.20mm):负载5Kg,样品厚度大于5mm ,适合较硬的塑料和橡胶 洛氏硬度测试方法:用试验钢球能在被测物上砸上痕迹时硬度计表盘 上所显示的数值即为硬度值。适用于硬度高的工程塑料和金属材料。
吸水率:(M2-M1)/M1×100% 测试方法(标准:ASTM D570 ISO62): 1,把样品放到干燥箱干燥(50度/24小时), 移至干燥器中冷却到室温,测试样品的重量M1; 2,将试片浸入温度为23度的蒸馏水中,浸泡24小时后,将其取出用滤纸除去表面水分,在取 出后的1分钟内再次称量样品的重量M2; 样品规格:1.圆片:直径50mm,厚度4mm 2.方片:60mm×60mm×1mm 3.条形:76.2mm×25.4mm×3.2mm 常用工程塑料吸水率(23℃,24Hr) PA6 1.3 PA66 1.2 PC 0.15 PET 0.14 PMMA 0.3 PBT 0.08 ABS 0.1 LCP 0.01 PPO 0.1
与热变形温度测试的比较: 热变形与维卡软化点温度可在同一台仪器测,只是压头与载荷不同。 维卡的压头是面积为1平方毫米的针头,热变形的是具有一定圆弧的斧型压头。


高度12.7cm) ❖ 试验方法:将样条接触火苗5秒钟,然后熄灭
火焰5秒钟,测定燃烧时间;重复5次 板型燃烧(Plaque)试验 ❖ 样条尺寸:15cm15cm 厚度(共3块) ❖ 试验方法:与条型燃烧相同
耐火 等级
5VB 备注
燃烧有焰加 无焰时间
滴落物有无 引燃脱脂棉

试片中央 是否有烧穿
料表面流经高电压、高电流时,不形成导电路的承受能力,测定高电压 (5200V)下形成导电路的速度(单位时间内形成的导电路的长度) 介电强度 Dielectric Strength:材料对高电压的承受能力,为电性的最大强 度,测定材料产生破损时的电压 体积电阻率 Volume Resistivity:材料内部的阻力程度。在材料的反面施加 电压,测定试片的阻力。阻力数值越大,导电性越差,绝缘性越好 表面电阻率 Surface Resistivity:材料表面的抗衡程度。在试片表面两个位 置之间施加电极,测定试片表面的电阻特性
拉伸应力(Tensile Stress):试片变形前,施加于单位面积上的拉伸力的大小。
伸长率(Tensile Strain):试片原本标线间的长度因拉伸力的作用产生的变化。
屈服点(Yield Point):应力应变曲线中,即使荷重不增加,伸长率也开始上升 的时刻称为屈服点。此时的应力为屈服强度(Yield Strength),此时的变形率为 屈服伸长率(Elongation at Yield)。
CSA22.2项目的No.0.6(Test A~J):应用于加拿大电气、电子产品 的树脂耐火规格。最近与UL达成协议,认证UL试验数据,新设 UL的5V试验方法,经UL试验后,只需提供试验报告与用于ID试 验的样品,无需试验即可注册,UL也可以发行在加拿大销售的树 脂类的试验及证书(Certification)。



1. indication 缺陷2. test specimen 试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet 方钢,钢方坯6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot 钢锭9. blank 坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization 脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. anneal 退火20. process anneal 进行退火21. quenching 淬火22. normalizing 正火23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验25. tensile testing 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite 铁素体34. austenite 奥氏体35. martensite马氏体36. cementite 渗碳体37. iron carbide 渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite 索氏体40. bainite 贝氏体41. pearlite 珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43. black oxide coating 发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium 铬46. cadmium 镉47. tungsten 钨48. molybdenum 钼49. manganese 锰50. vanadium 钒不锈钢专业常用英语术语:Professional words (stainless steel)Outside diameter 外径. Wall thickness内壁厚度Pickling酸洗Stainless steel round tubes不锈钢圆管Stainless steel square tubes不锈钢方管Rectangle tubes矩管Screwy tubes螺纹管Embossed tubes=empaistic tubes压花管Bizarre tubes异形管Tolerance公差Flat head平口steel钢crude steel粗钢mild steel, soft steel 软钢,低碳钢hard steel 硬钢cast steel坩埚钢,铸钢electric steel电工钢,电炉钢high-speed steel高速钢moulded steel铸钢refractory steel热强钢,耐热钢alloy steel合金钢rolling mill轧机,轧钢机temper回火hardening淬水reduction还原. rolling轧制drawing拉拔extrusion挤压wiredrawing拉丝bloom初轧方坯band铁带,钢带billet坯锭,钢坯shavings剃边profiled bar异型钢材section型钢angle iron角钢plate, sheet薄板forging 锻(件)casting 铸(件)rolling 轧(件)drawing 拉(件)shot blasting 喷丸(处理)grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)sand blasting 喷砂(处理)carburizing 渗碳nitriding 渗氮creep 蠕变deflection 挠度elongation 延伸率. alloy tool steel合金工具钢bearing alloy轴承合金blister steel浸碳钢bonderized steel sheet邦德防蚀钢板carbon tool steel碳素工具钢clad sheet被覆板emery金钢砂ferrostatic pressure钢铁水静压力forging die steel锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁板hard alloy steel超硬合金钢high speed tool steel高速度工具钢hot work die steel热锻模用钢low alloy tool steel特殊工具钢low manganese casting steel低锰铸钢marging steel马式体高强度热处理钢martrix alloy马特里斯合金meehanite cast iron米汉纳铸钢meehanite metal米汉纳铁merchant iron市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel钼系高速钢molybdenum steel钼钢nickel chromium steel镍铬钢prehardened steel顶硬钢. tin plated steel sheet镀锡铁板tough pitch copper韧铜troostite吐粒散铁vinyl tapped steel sheet塑胶覆面钢板Stave穿孔金GP-gold plated亮镍BRN-bright nickel黑镍BN(US15A)-black nickel亮铜BB(US3)-bright brass铜拉丝BB(US4)-brass brushed亮铬BC(US26)-bright chrome金拉丝GB-gold brushed镀镍NP-nickel plated镍拉丝NB(US15)-nickel brushed镀铬CP-chrome plated铬拉丝CB(US26D)-chrome brushed镀铜PB(US3-4)-plating brass不锈钢拉丝SSB(US32D)-stainless steel brushed镀锌ZP(US2G)-zinc plated枪黑拉丝BNB-black nickel brushed铜抛光BP-brass polished青古铜AB(US10B)-antique bronze不锈钢抛光SSP(US32)-stainless steel polished红古铜AC(US5)-antique copper. 不锈钢SS-stainless steel砂金SG-satin gold喷漆SPA(USP)-spray painting砂镍SN-satin nickel黑漆BL-black lacquer暗金(粉金)Dark GP-dark gold platedRail And Structural Steel Mill 钢轨及钢梁轧机Rail Of Self-Hardening Steel 自淬硬钢钢轨Rail Steel 钢轨钢; 轨钢Railing Of Stainless Steel Tubes 不锈钢管栏杆Rapid Steel 高速钢Rapid Steel Tool 高速钢工具Rapid Tool Steel 高速工具钢Raw Steel 原钢; 粗钢Quenched Steel 淬硬钢File Steel Brush 钢丝刷Rectangle Steel 矩形截面钢板; 矩形截面钢板Rectangular Bar Of Steel 长方形钢Red Hard Steel 红硬钢Red Painted Steel Pipe 红油涂面钢管Refined Steel 精炼钢Regular Soft-Center Steel 正心软心钢Reinforcing Steel 钢筋. Reinforcing Steel Adjusting Cutter 钢筋调直切断机Reinforcing Steel Area 钢筋截面积; 钢筋截面面积Reinforcing Steel Crooking Machine 钢筋弯曲机Reinforcing Steel Cutter 钢筋切断机Reinforcing Steel Reinforcement 钢筋Relaxation Of Steel 钢筋松弛Rephosphorised Steel 回磷钢Rerolled Steel 半成品钢Rerolling Steel 半成品钢Retractable Steel Joist 伸缩式钢梁; 可缩钢梁Retractable Steel Rule 钢卷尺Acid Electric Steel 酸性电炉钢Ribbon Steel 窄带钢Rich Chromium Ball Bearing Steel Wire 高铬轴承钢丝Acid Open Hearth Steel 酸性平炉钢Acid Open-Hearth Steel 酸性马丁炉钢Acid Steel 酸性炉钢Rimmed Steel Sheet 沸腾钢板Rimming Steel 沸腾钢Rising Steel 沸腾钢Rivet Steel 铆钉钢Riveted Steel 铆结钢Riveted Steel Pipe 铆接钢管Rock Drill Steel 凿岩钎钢. Rock-Drill Steel 钎子钢Rolled Sheet Steel 辊压钢板Rolled Steel 轧制的钢材; 轧制钢; 钢材Rolled Steel Beam 辊压钢梁Rolled Steel Channel 轧制的槽钢Rolled Steel For General Structure 一般结构用轧制钢材Rolled Steel For Welded Structure 焊接结构用轧制钢材Rolled Steel Products 钢材Rolled Steel Wire 盘条Roller Bearing Steel 滚柱轴承钢Roller Blind Of Steel 钢制滑轮百叶窗Rotating Stainless Steel Cage (浸出用) 回转不锈钢笼Round Steel 圆钢Round Steel Bar 圆钢筋Round Steel Fork 圆钢叉子Round Steel Wire 圆钢丝Round-Edged Steel Flat 圆边扁钢Reacting Steel 再结晶钢Razor Steel 剃刀钢; 刀片钢Rubber Lined Steel Sheel 衬橡胶钢制壳体Run Of Steel 钻杆长度Rust-Proof Steel 不锈钢Rust-Resisting Steel 不锈钢Rustless Steel 不锈钢. Sandwich Steel 夹心钢Saturated Steel 共析钢Schedule Of Structural Steel 钢材一览表Scorched Steel 粗晶钢; 柱状晶钢Scrap Steel 废钢Screw-Thread Steel 螺纹钢筋Screwed Steel Conduit 螺头钢导管; 带螺纹的钢导线管Seamless Steel Pipe 无缝钢管Seamless Steel Tube 无缝钢管; 无缝套筒Seamless Steel Tube For Drilling 钻探用无缝钢管Seamless Steel Tubing 无缝套筒Second Steel Sheet 精整薄钢板Section Steel Rolling Mill 分类轧钢机Sectionalized Steel Form 组合式金属模板Selenium Stainless Steel 硒不锈钢Selenium Steel 加硒钢Self Hardening Steel 气硬钢Self-Climbing Steel-Form 自升式钢模Self-Hardening Steel 自硬钢; 自淬硬钢; 气冷硬化钢; 空冷淬硬钢; 空气硬化钢Semi-Circular Sheet Steel Flume 半圆形钢板渡槽Semi-Deoxidized Steel 半脱氧钢Semi-Finished Steel 半制钢Semi-Hard Steel 半硬钢Semi-Stainless Steel 半不锈钢. Semi-Steel 钢性铸铁; 高级铸铁Semi-Steel Casting 半钢性铸铁件Semikilled Steel 半镇静钢Semirimming Steel 半镇静钢Semisoft Steel 半软钢Shallow-Hardening Steel 低淬透性钢Sharpened Steel 锐钢钎Shear Steel 刀剪钢; 高速切削钢Shear-Steel 刃钢; 剪钢; 剪切钢Sheet Steel 薄钢板; 钢皮; 钢片; 钢片Sheet Steel Enamel 钢片搪瓷Sheet Steel Flume 钢板渡槽Sheet Steel Form 钢模板Sheet Steel Mill 薄钢板厂Sheet Steel Pipe 薄钢管Sheet Steel Rolling Mill 薄钢板压延机Sheet Steel Straightening Unit 薄钢板矫平机Ship S Steel Side Scuttle 钢质舷窗Ship S Steel Weather Tight Door 船用钢质风雨密门Shock Absorber Link Rod Pin Steel Bushing 减震器拉杆销钢套Si-Steel 硅钢Si-Steel Strip 硅钢带Sichromal Steel 铝铬硅合金钢; 铬铝硅合金钢Side-Blown Basic Bessemer Steel 侧吹碱性转炉钢. Siemens Steel 西门子平炉钢Siemens-Martin Steel 平炉钢Silco-Manganese Steel 硅锰钢Silichrome Steel 硅铬钢Silicium Steel 硅钢Silico-Mangan Steel 硅锰钢Silicon Chrome-Steel 硅铬钢Silicon Steel 硅钢Silicon-Chromium Steel 硅铬钢Silicon-Steel Plate 硅钢片Silicon-Steel Sheet 硅钢片Silver Ply Steel 不锈覆盖钢Silver Steel 银亮钢; 银器钢Silver Steel Wire 银亮钢丝Simple Steel 碳钢; 普通钢Single Steel Intrauterine Device 金属单环Single Steel Roller Cotton Stripper 单钢辊式摘棉铃机Single-Skin Steel Dam 单层钢面板坝Single-Slag Steel 单渣钢Sintered Stainless-Steel 烧结不锈钢Sintered Steel 烧结钢Sintered-Carbon Steel 烧结碳钢Skelp Steel 焊接管坯钢Skhl Steel 镍铬铜低合金钢. Ski With Steel Ski Pole 带钢撑棍的滑雪板Skillet Cast Steel 坩埚铸钢Sleeper Steel Mould 轨枕钢模Sliding Head Steel Bar Clamp 木工夹Sliding Shears For Steel Band 钢带滑动剪刀Small Self-Contained Iron And Steel Complex 配套的小型钢铁联合企业Small Steel Shape 小型钢材Smooth Steel Pipe 光面钢管Soft Center Steel 软心钢Soft Medium Carbon Steel 软中碳钢Soft Medium Structural Steel 软中碳结构钢Soft Steel 软钢; 低碳钢Soft Steel Water-Jacket 软钢水套Soft Surface Steel Hammer 软面钢锤Soft-Center Steel 夹心钢Soft-Center Steel Mo(U)Ldboard 软心钢犁壁Solid Steel 镇静钢; 脱氧钢Solid-Drawn Steel Pipe 无缝钢管Space Frame Of Tubular Steel Sections 钢管空间构架Special Alloy Steel 非凡合金钢; 特种合金钢Special Cross-Section Steel Wire 非凡断面的钢丝Special Rolled-Steel Bar 异形钢Special Soft Steel 特软钢Special Steel 非凡钢; 特种钢. Special Steel For Making Instruments 非凡仪表用钢Special Steel Plate 特种钢板Special Structural Steel 特种结构钢Special Tool Steel 非凡工具钢; 特种工具钢Special Treatment Steel 非凡处理钢Spent Steel Pickle Liquor 钢酸洗废液Spheroidized Steel 球化处理钢Spiral Steel Pipe 螺旋钢管Spiral Welded Steel Pipe 螺旋焊接钢管Spiral Welding Steel Pipe 螺焊钢管Spotty Steel 白点钢Spring Steel 弹簧钢Spring Steel Band 弹簧钢带Spring Steel Wire 弹簧钢丝Spring-Steel Floor Member 弹性钢底梁Spring-Steel Holder 弹簧持钎器Spring-Steel Roof Member 弹性钢顶梁Spring-Steel Shutter 弹簧钢活门Square Spring Steel 方弹簧钢Square Steel 方钢Square Steel Bar 方钢筋; 方钢条Stabilized Steel (Sheet) 稳定化钢板Stabilized Steel (经过加铝稳氮处理的低碳沸腾钢) 稳定化钢Stabilized Steel Sheet 稳定处理钢板. Stainless Acid Resistant Steel 不锈耐酸钢Stainless Acid-Resisting Steel Wire 不锈耐酸钢丝Stainless Clad Steel 不锈复合钢Stainless Compound Steel Plate 不锈复合钢板Stainless Sheet Steel 不锈钢薄板Stainless Steel 不锈钢Stainless Steel Alcohol Stove 不锈钢酒精炉Stainless Steel Alloy 不锈钢; 不锈钢合金Stainless Steel Angle Rule 不锈钢拐尺Stainless Steel Ball 不锈钢球Stainless Steel Ball Valve 不锈钢球阀Stainless Steel Band 不锈钢带Stainless Steel Basin And Plate 不锈钢盘碟Stainless Steel Blank 不锈钢种板Stainless Steel Buckle 不锈钢扣Stainless Steel Burden Drum 不锈钢配料桶Stainless Steel Case 不锈钢壳Stainless Steel Clasp 不锈钢丝卡环Stainless Steel Cleaner 不锈钢清洗剂Stainless Steel Cloth 不锈钢丝网Stainless Steel Condenser 不锈钢冷凝器Stainless Steel Condiment Pot 不锈钢调料罐Stainless Steel Corrosion-Resistant Needle Valve 不锈钢防腐针型阀Stainless Steel Crucible 不锈钢坩埚. Stainless Steel Disc 不锈钢盘Stainless Steel Disc For Casting 铸造用不锈钢块Stainless Steel Electrode 不锈钢焊条Stainless Steel Enamel 不锈钢搪瓷Stainless Steel Fertillizer Belt 不锈钢撒肥带Stainless Steel Fibre 不锈钢纤维Stainless Steel Filter 不锈钢过滤器Stainless Steel Flag Hinge 不锈钢旗铰链Stainless Steel Flexible Hose 不锈钢软管Stainless Steel Grating 不锈钢滤栅Stainless Steel Heavy Duty Vernier Calipers 不锈钢重型游标卡尺Stainless Steel Helices 不锈钢填料Stainless Steel Honeycomb Core 不锈钢蜂窝芯子Stainless Steel Honeycomb Panel 不锈钢蜂窝板Stainless Steel Inside Calipers 不锈钢内卡钳Stainless Steel Kettle 不锈钢锅Stainless Steel Kitchenware 不锈钢厨具Stainless Steel Mineral Spring Pump 不锈钢矿泉水泵Stainless Steel Mother Blank 不锈钢母板Stainless Steel Net-Cover Of Axial Fan 不锈钢轴流风机网罩Stainless Steel Nylon Hinge 不锈钢尼龙铰链Stainless Steel Nylon Ring Square Hinge 不锈钢尼龙垫圈方铰链Stainless Steel Outside Calipers 不锈钢外卡钳Stainless Steel Palatal Bar Wire 不锈钢腭杆丝. Stainless Steel Paper Holder 不锈钢纸托Stainless Steel Powder 不锈钢粉Stainless Steel Products 不锈钢制品Stainless Steel Pump 不锈钢泵Stainless Steel Retainer Ring 不锈钢卡环Stainless Steel Retort 不锈钢蒸馏罐Stainless Steel Rule 不锈钢直尺Stainless Steel Ruler 不锈钢板尺Stainless Steel Screen 不锈钢屏; 不锈钢丝网Stainless Steel Seamless Thin-Wall Tube 不锈钢薄壁无缝管Stainless Steel Square 不锈钢直角尺Stainless Steel Square Hinge 不锈钢方铰Stainless Steel Submersible Pump 不锈钢潜水泵Stainless Steel T ank Electric Water Heater 不锈钢储水内胆电热水器Stainless Steel T elescopic Joint 不锈钢伸缩节Stainless Steel Try Square 不锈钢矩尺Stainless Steel Tube 不锈钢管Stainless Steel Vacuum Pugmill 不锈钢真空炼泥机Stainless Steel Valve 不锈钢阀Stainless Steel Ware 不锈钢器皿Stainless Steel Watch 不锈钢表Stainless Steel Watch Band 不锈钢表带Stainless Steel Watch Case 不锈钢表壳Stainless Steel Watch Case Blank 不锈钢表壳粗坯. Stainless Steel Welding Electrode 不锈钢电焊条Stainless Steel Wire 不锈钢丝Stainless Steel Wire Cloth 不锈钢丝布Stainless Steel Wire Contraceptive Ring 不锈钢丝节育环Stainless Steel Wire Ligation 不锈钢丝结扎Stainless Steel Wire Mesh 不锈钢金属网Stainless Steel Wire Sieve 不锈钢丝筛网Stainless Steel Wire Suture 不锈钢丝缝合线Stainless Steel Wire Wrapped Screen 不锈钢钢丝绕制筛管Stainless Steel Wrap Wire 不锈钢绕丝Stainless-Clad Steel 不锈包层钢; 不锈钢钢包层金属Stamping Steel Ribbon 密封条Standard Steel 标准钢Standard Steel Construction 标准钢结构Standard Steel Ingot Mould 标准钢锭模Standard Steel Section 标准型钢Standard Steel Window Section 标准钢窗断面Redshort Steel 热脆钢Stanniol Steel Bimetal Sheet 高锡钢双金属板Stationary Steel Bushing 固定钢套Steel Accommodation Ladder 钢质舷梯Steel Adhesive 钢铁粘合胶Steel Alloy 钢合金; 合金钢Steel Aluminium Trolley Wire 钢铝电车线. Steel Analyzer 钢含量分析仪Steel Anchor 钢锚件Steel And Aluminium Trolley Wire 钢铝电车线Steel And Iron Slag Cement 钢渣水泥Steel Angle 角钢Steel Anvil 钢砧Steel Arch 钢拱支架Steel Arch-Gate 弧形钢闸门Steel Area 钢筋截面面积; 钢筋面积Steel Armoured 铠装; 铠装的; 包钢Steel Back Brake Shoe 钢背闸瓦Steel Backing 钢背Steel Backing Plate 钢背板Steel Baling Strap 打包铁皮Steel Ball 钢球; 钢种Steel Ball Coal Mill 钢球磨煤机Steel Ball Indent 钢球痕Steel Ball Lapping Machine 钢球研磨机Steel Ball Polishing Machine 钢球抛光机Steel Ball-Type Valve 钢珠活门Steel Band 钢带; 钢箍带Steel Band Butt Welder 钢带对焊机Steel Band Knitting Machine 钢带提花圆型针织机Steel Band Tape 钢卷尺. Steel Bar 钢棒; 钢材; 钢筋; 条钢Steel Bar Bender 钢筋弯曲机Steel Bar Shearing Machine 钢筋切断机Steel Bar Straightening And Shearing Machine 钢筋拉直切断机Steel Baseplate 钢座板Steel Beaker 钢制烧杯Steel Beam 钢梁Steel Beam For Crane 吊车钢轨Steel Beam Trammel 钢杆规Steel Bed 钢床Steel Belt 钢带; 传动钢带Steel Belt Conveyor 钢丝绳芯胶带输送机Steel Belt Lacing 钢带接头Steel Belted Piston 钢带轻合金活塞Steel Bender 钢筋弯具Steel Bending Y ard 钢筋工场Steel Bloom 大钢坯Steel Blue 钢青色Steel Body 钢质车身Steel Bomb 钢弹; 钢制反应釜Steel Bond 铁粉结合剂Steel Bond Hard Alloy 钢结硬质合金Steel Bonded Carbide 钢结硬质合金Steel Bonded Carbide T ool 钢结硬质合金工具. Steel Bottom Plate 钢底盘Steel Bottom Rim 钢底箍Steel Bowl 钢杯; 钢辊筒Steel Box Pile 盒形钢桩Steel Bracket 钢支架Steel Bronze 钢青铜; 钢性青铜Steel Brush 钢刷; 钢丝刷Steel Bulkhead 钢板驳岸Steel Bulkhead (钢管的) 钢闷头Steel Bur 钢牙钻Steel Burnisher 钢磨光器Steel Bushing 钢套Steel Button 钢钮Steel Cable 钢缆; 钢丝绳; 钢丝索; 钢索Steel Cable Baffle Ring 钢丝挡圈Steel Cable Clamp 钢丝绳绳夹Steel Cable Conveyor Belt 钢缆输送带Steel Cable Hoist 钢丝绳式电动葫芦Steel Cable Terminal 钢丝绳接头Steel Cable Y arn 钢丝绳芯纱Steel Cage 钢罩Steel Caisson 钢沉箱Steel Caisson Breakwater 钢沉箱防波堤Steel Calender 钢丝压延机. Steel Can 钢罐Steel Cap 钢顶梁Steel Cap And Plastic Barrel 钢套塑杆Steel Capacity 炼钢生产能力Steel Capsule 钢包套Steel Casement 钢窗; 钢窗框Steel Casement Door 钢门Steel Casement Window 钢窗Steel Casting 钢铸件; 铸钢件Steel Cell 钢壳电解槽Steel Cellular Bulkhead 钢板格型岸壁Steel Channel Beam 槽钢梁Steel Channel Column 槽钢柱Steel Chips 钢切屑Steel Chisel 钢扁凿; 钢钎Steel Clad 包钢的Steel Clip 钢夹Steel Coach Screw 钢制方头木螺钉Steel Cofferdam 钢围堰Steel Collar 钎肩Steel Collector Bar 钢导电棒Steel Column 钢柱Steel Complex 钢铁联合企业Steel Composing Stick 钢手托. Steel Composite Construction 劲性钢筋混凝土结构Steel Concrete 钢筋混凝土Steel Concrete Composite Girder 钢筋混凝土合成梁Steel Concrete Sleeper 钢筋混凝土轨枕Steel Conditioning 钢表面修整; 钢的表面修整Steel Conduit 布线钢管Steel Cone Concrete Column 钢心混凝土柱Steel Construction 钢结构Steel Conveyor Belt 钢质运输带Steel Cooling Coil 钢制冷却蛇管Steel Cord Conveyor Belt 钢丝绳输送带Steel Cord For Tyre 轮胎细钢丝绳Steel Cord Tyre 钢丝织轮胎Steel Core 钢芯; 钢心Steel Cotter Pin 钢扁销Steel Crucible 钢坩埚Steel Cup 钢杯Steel Current Conducting Plate 导电钢板Steel Cuttings 钢屑Steel Cylinder 钢筒Steel Cylinder (装氧气等气体的瓶) 钢瓶Steel Cylindrical Column 钢管柱Steel Dam 钢坝Steel Deck 钢板层. Steel Deck Girder Dam 钢面板梁式坝Steel Diaphragm 钢隔板; 钢膜片Steel Diaphragm (坝内的) 钢心墙Steel Die 钢模Steel Disc 钢片Steel Distributor 钢传墨辊Steel Dog 钢索钩Steel Door 钢门Steel Door Frame 钢门框Steel Double Bolt Pipe Clamp 钢制双螺栓管卡Steel Dowel 插筋Steel Drag 钢板路刮Steel Drift 钢冲Steel Drop 钢粒Steel Drum 钢桶; 铁桶Steel Dryer 钢制晾衣架Steel Electrode 钢焊条Steel Electrode For Low Temperature Service 低温钢焊条Steel Emery 钢砂Steel Engraver 钢版雕刻机Steel Engraving 钢凹板; 钢雕Steel Eraser 刮墨水字迹刮刀Steel Erector 钢架装置机; 钢结构安装工Steel Fabric Reinforcement 网状钢筋. Steel Facing 钢板护面; 钢棉面板; 钢面板; 表面钢化Steel Feed 钢坯Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete 钢纤维混凝土Steel Fibre 钢纤维Steel File 钢锉Steel File Cabinet 钢制卷宗柜Steel Film Selection 钢带式选针Steel Filter 钢板过滤器Steel Finger 钢梭子Steel Fitting For Windowdoor 钢门窗配件Steel Fixer 钢筋定位器Steel Flat 扁钢Steel Foil 钢箔Steel Folding Door 钢折页门Steel Folding Rule 钢皮折尺; 钢折尺Steel For Special Purposes 非凡用钢Steel Forging 锻钢Steel Forgings 钢锻品Steel Fork 钢叉Steel Fork Head 钢叉头Steel Fork With Handle 带把钢叉Steel Form 钢模板Steel Foundry (Shop) 铸钢车间Steel Frame 钢架; 钢框格. Steel Frame Dam 钢架坝Steel Frame Mill Building 钢架厂房Steel Frame Mill Plant 钢架厂房Steel Frame Structure 钢框格Steel Framed Building 钢框架房屋Steel Framed Reinforced Concrete Column 钢骨钢筋混凝土柱Steel Framework 钢构架Steel Framing 钢框格Steel Framing Plan 钢框架平面图Steel Furniture 钢家具Steel Girder 钢梁Steel Grade 钢的等级; 钢的等级牌号; 钢号; 钢种Steel Grade And Type 钢号及钢种Steel Grade Character 钢级代号Steel Grader 钢材分选装置Steel Grating Floor 钢箅子地板Steel Gray 青灰色; 铁青毛Steel Grey 钢灰色Steel Grid 钢筋网格; 格砖炉篦Steel Grid Floor 钢格楼板Steel Grillage Foundation 钢格排基础Steel Grille 钢窗栅Steel Grit 钢丸Steel Guy Wire 钢拉线. Steel Hammer 钢锤Steel Hanger 钢吊架Steel Hardening Oil 钢材淬火油Steel Heald 钢片综Steel Helmet 钢盔Steel Hoop 钢箍Steel Hose 钢制软管Steel I-Beam 工字钢梁Steel I-Column 工字钢柱Steel Impression Mark 钢印标记Steel Industry 钢铁工业Steel Ingot 钢锭Steel Ingot Scale 钢锭秤Steel Ink 钢材划线用墨Steel Insert For Valve Seat 钢阀座圈Steel Jack 矿用螺旋立柱; 闪锌矿Steel Jacket 钢套; 钢质导管架Steel Jacket Platform (近海建筑物用) 钢套管架平台Steel Joist 钢龙骨Steel Key 钢键Steel Knife-Edge 钢质刀口Steel L-Plate 铁三角Steel Ladder 钢梯Steel Ladle 钢水包Steel Lathing 钢丝网; 抹灰用钢丝网Steel Lattice Structure 钢格构结构Steel Lattice Truss 钢格构桁架Steel Latticework 钢格构Steel Letters 钢字Steel Line Drawer 钢线拉线机Steel Linear 钢覆面Steel Lined 衬钢的Steel Liner 钢衬Steel Lining 钢板衬砌; 钢衬; 钢内衬; 金属支护Steel Link Chain 钢链条Steel Link Conveyer 钢制链板式输送机Steel Link Harrow 链耙Steel Lintel 钢过梁Steel Loop 钢环Steel Magnet 磁钢Steel Manufacture 钢铁工业Steel Mark 钢标号; 钢的标号Steel Marking System 钢的标号制Steel Mast 钢桅杆Steel Measuring Tape 钢卷尺; 钢卷尺Steel Member 钢构件Steel Membrane 钢膜Steel Mesh Reinforcement 网状钢筋Steel Mesh Silo 钢丝网制青贮筒Steel Metallurgy 钢冶炼学Steel Mill 钢铁厂; 轧钢厂Steel Mirror 钢镜。








二、编写测试用例的基本步骤1. 确定测试目标:首先要明确测试的目标,即要测试的功能或特性。

2. 设计测试用例:根据测试目标,设计一组测试用例,覆盖各种可能的输入情况和边界条件。

3. 编写测试代码:使用Python编写测试代码,实现测试用例中的各个测试点。

4. 运行测试代码:运行测试代码,观察输出结果是否符合预期。

5. 分析测试结果:根据测试结果,判断软件是否通过了测试,如果未通过,需要进一步分析问题所在并修复。

三、常用的C语言测试方法1. 单元测试:对软件中的各个模块进行独立测试,以验证其功能是否正确。


2. 集成测试:将多个模块组合在一起进行测试,以验证它们之间的接口和交互是否正常。

3. 功能测试:对软件的各个功能进行测试,以验证其是否按照需求规格书中所描述的功能运行。

4. 性能测试:对软件的性能进行测试,以验证其在各种负载条件下的性能表现。

5. 安全测试:对软件的安全性进行测试,以验证其是否存在潜在的漏洞和攻击面。

四、使用Python编写C语言测试用例的示例下面是一个使用Python编写C语言测试用例的示例:```pythonimport subprocessdef test_add():# 编译C语言源代码['gcc', '-o', 'add', 'add.c'])# 运行C语言可执行文件,并获取输出结果result =['./add'], capture_output=True, text=True)# 验证输出结果是否正确assert result.stdout.strip() == '3'def test_subtract():# 编译C语言源代码['gcc', '-o', 'subtract', 'subtract.c']) # 运行C语言可执行文件,并获取输出结果result =['./subtract'], capture_output=True, text=True)# 验证输出结果是否正确assert result.stdout.strip() == '2'def test_multiply():# 编译C语言源代码['gcc', '-o', 'multiply', 'multiply.c']) # 运行C语言可执行文件,并获取输出结果result =['./multiply'], capture_output=True, text=True)# 验证输出结果是否正确assert result.stdout.strip() == '6'if __name__ == '__main__':test_add()test_subtract()test_multiply()```上述示例中,我们使用了Python的`subprocess`模块来编译和运行C语言源代码,并验证输出结果是否与预期一致。



JIS G 5502:2001球墨铸铁件本标准是依据1987年第2版发行的ISO1983 Spheroial graphite cast iron—Classification,编制成日本工业标准,并对相应的国际标准(ISO1083:1987)中没有规定的的项目(化学成分、内部质量、形状、尺寸、尺寸公差、加工量、重量、外观、分析试验、检查、表识及报告)作为日本工业标准进行了补充。





还有,表示对应程度的符号根据ISO/IEC Guide21,IDT表示一致,MOD表示修改,NEQ表示不同。

ISO 1083:1987 Spheroial graphite cast iron—Classification(MOD)2引用标准下面的标准,由于在本标准中引用,构成了本标准的一部分。


JIS B 0403 铸件—尺寸公差及加工余量JIS G 1211 铁和钢—碳的定量方法JIS G 1212 铁和钢—硅的定量方法JIS G 1213 铁和钢中锰的定量方法JIS G 1214 铁和钢—磷的定量方法JIS G 1215 铁和钢—硫的定量方法JIS G 1253 铁和钢—等离子放电发光分光分析方法JIS G 1256 铁和钢—荧光X射线分析方法JIS G 1257 铁和钢—原子吸光分析方法JIS Z 2201 金属材料的拉伸试样注:从ISO 6892:1984 Metallic materils—Tensile testing中引用事项与本标准的该部分等同。

JIS Z 2202 金属材料的冲击试样注:从ISO/DIS 148-1:1996 Metallic materils—Charpy impact test(Y— notch and U—notch)中引用事项与本标准的该部分等同。

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