when, if, before, until从句

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when if before until引导的从句


由when, if, before, until引导的从句


(1) when引导时间状语从句时,表示“当……的时候”

① when既可以指时间段也可指时间点

Her brother was very fat when he was a child. 她哥哥小时候很胖。

They were talking when the teacher came in.


② when从句中既可用延续性动词又可用非延续性动词

You should keep your room clean and tidy when you live here.


When he arrives, he’ll tell us about the match.


③ when从句动作既可和主句的动作同时发生又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生Mary was doing her homework when her father was reading newspapers.


I’ll call you when I get to the airport. 我一到机场就给你打电话。





(1)if 在句中的含义不同

If 在宾语从句中翻译为“是否”,相当于whether

I want to know if he is a teacher.

If 在条件状语从句中翻译为“如果”

I’ll go to see you if I am free next week.

(2)if 在从句中的位置不同:

If 引导的宾语从句放在主句之后,做宾语;而if引导的状语从句可放在主句之前也可放在主句之后,If 引导的条件状语从句放于句首时多用逗号隔开

I don’t know if the train has arrived.

I will go out tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.

= If it doesn’t rain, I will go out tomorrow.


1.I want to know if there will be a sports meeting next month.

If 引导的宾语从句的时态由主句及本身时态决定;

2.If it rains , we’ll hold it.

If 引导条件状语从句的时态为一般现在时,记住“主将从现”


(1)before表示“在… 之前”,而until表示“直到…才…”,一般情况下,两者可以互用。主句肯定表示主句动作的终止时间,主句否定强调动作的起始时间。1. 主句为否定时,谓语动词为非延续性动词。常见的动词有open, start, leave, go, arrive, finish, begin, stop, etc.

1) The noise of the street didn’t stop before/until it was midnight.

2) The children won’t come back until/before it is dark.

3) I didn’t leave the lonely boy befor e/until his mother came home.

2. 主句为肯定式,谓语为延续性动词。这类动词有:stand, live, stay, talk, be, wait, etc.

1). He lived with his parents until/before he graduated from school.

2). I will wait before/until he comes to my help.

3). I shall stay here until/before you come back.



1) He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.

2) We arrived there before it started to rain.

3) The holiday came to an end before I knew it.


It was quite a long time before he found the elephant.过了很长时间,他才找到大象。We had walked a long way before we found some water.走了很长的路我们才找到
