2.2外壳防护等级:SMC-04、03 IP67
SMC-00~5 IP65
电磁阀说明书电磁阀说明书1. 简介电磁阀是一种常见的控制装置,通过电磁力作用来控制介质(例如液体、气体或气体)的流动。
2. 工作原理电磁阀是由电磁线圈和阀体组成的。
3. 结构电磁阀主要由以下几个部分组成:- 阀体:包含阀门和管道接口,用于控制介质的流动。
- 阀芯:位于阀体内,受到电磁力控制,用于打开或关闭阀门。
- 电磁线圈:位于阀体外侧,通过通电产生磁场,控制阀芯的移动。
- 弹簧:用于恢复阀芯原位,关闭阀门。
- 密封件:防止介质泄漏,保证阀门的密封性能。
4. 安装方法在安装电磁阀时,需要注意以下几点:1. 选择合适的阀门类型和规格,根据实际需要确定。
2. 确保安装位置符合要求,避免电磁阀受到外力干扰或介质堵塞。
3. 注意阀门的进出口方向,确保介质能够顺利流动。
4. 连接接口要牢固可靠,确保不会发生泄漏。
5. 注意接线的正确性,防止电磁阀工作异常。
5. 使用方法电磁阀使用时需要注意以下几点:1. 确保电源的正常供应,电压和频率要与电磁阀的标定值相匹配。
2. 操作开关或控制装置,控制电磁阀的通电和断电。
3. 注意使用环境温度,避免过高或过低的温度对电磁阀的影响。
4. 定期检查电磁阀的工作状态,确保正常运行。
5. 当电磁阀长时间不使用时,应断开电源,并进行必要的维护。
6. 注意事项在使用电磁阀时,需要特别注意以下事项:1. 严禁在电磁阀上进行改装或修理,以免造成故障或危险。
2. 禁止超负荷使用电磁阀,确保电磁阀在额定压力和温度下正常工作。
3. 当电磁阀出现异常情况(如漏电、发热等)时,应立即停止使用,并寻求专业人士的帮助。
SM-14S M C系列阀门电动装置使 用 说 明 书天津百利二通机械有限公司TIANJIN BAILI ERTONG MACHINERY CO.,LTD.目 录第一部分 SMC系列普通型产品使用说明第二部分 SMC系列整体型产品使用说明第三部分 SMC系列隔爆型产品使用说明第四部分 SMC-04~SMC-2低温型产品使用说明第一部分 SMC系列普通型产品使用说明1.概述SMC系列多回转型阀门电动装置(以下称电动装置)用于驱动控制阀瓣作直线运动的闸阀、截止阀、隔膜阀等多回转阀门。
2.基本技术参数产品符合GB/T24923-2010《普通型阀门电动装置技术条件》2.1动力电源:380V、50Hz(特殊订货可提供220V、415 V、440 V、460 V、480 V、660 V、690 V,50Hz、60Hz)三项正弦交流电(根据用户要求,某些规格可提供单相220V电源的电动机)。
SMC SY 系列 电磁阀 说明书
文件No.SY3000∗-OMH0002电磁阀SY系列(搭载V100先导阀)安全上的注意事项 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2,3设计上的注意事项 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,5 选定 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4,5安装 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6配管 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6配线 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6润滑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6气源 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7使用环境-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7维护点检-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7产品个别注意事项 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8~14 故障及应对方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15,16URL ㊟对本使用说明书进行的变动不另行通知,请谅解。
关于压缩气源 1. 在靠近本产品的供气侧,请选择安装过滤精度在 5μm 以下的空气过滤器。 2. 压缩空气若含有大量的水分,将导致本产品及其他的气动元件作动不良。请实施相应对策, 诸如设置后冷却器,空气干燥器,水分分离器等。 3. 在本产品内部大量附着由空气压缩机所产生的碳粉时,将导致其作动不良。
显示用 LED
键锁定的解除方法 ▽键持续按 2 秒以上,显示用 LED 中“ ”的字样交替闪灭。此时按下 SET 键,即解除键锁定状态。 (若按△键,即取消上述操作)
显示用 LED
①持续按 2 秒以上 ②解除键锁定 (取消操作)
△键持续按 2 秒以上,显示用 LED
外部端子和壳体间加载 AC1500V 50/60Hz 1 分钟
外部端子和壳体间 100MΩ 以上(用 DC500V 兆欧表测量)
频率 10~50Hz 振幅 1.5mm 加速度 10G X,Y,Z 各方向 2 小时
30G,X,Y,Z 三方向各 3 回
本体:IP65 相当 电缆接线端子:IP67
SMC 电子控制气体阀门用户手册说明书
Minimum operating pressure
Single Double (double solenoid) 3 position 4 position
Ambient and fluid temperature
0.1 MPa
0.15 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.1 MPa
0.2 MPa
Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
• Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.
3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1063M3PA*M3PB*Note 1: Effective sectional area S and sonic conductance C are converted as S 5.0 C. 10643 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1065500 mm 1000 mm 2000 mm 3000 mmSeries variation3PA/3PB SeriesLead wire (11/0.16)1066Electric connection circuit diagram3PA/3PB Series3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1067Pneumatic componentsSafety precautionsAlways read this section before starting use.Refer to Intro 63 for valve general precautions.3 port direct acting valve pneumatic valve 3PA/3PB SeriesThe application differs from the solenoid valve for maintaining the vacuum. When using a pad, set a filter between the pad and valve so that foreign matter does not enter.Do not use this as a solenoid valve for emergency shut down.If left pressurized for a long time, the starting response could be delayed.When using with a vacuum, select direct current (DC) specifications.Install a vacuum filter on the suction port.CAUTIONEnergizing for a long time could impair solenoid valve performance.Similar caution is required in the following use.· During intermittent energizing, it takes longer than non-energizing.· During intermittent energizing, one energizing session exceeds 30 min.Consider heat dissipating measures when installing.Consult with CKD when using this device in a continuous energizing state.During Use & MaintenanceCAUTIONThe surge suppressor enclosed with the solenoid valve is to protect the output contact for that solenoid valve's drive. There is no significant protection for the other peripheral devices, and devices could be damaged or malfunction by the surge. Surge generated by other devices could be absorbed and cause damage such as burning. Care must be taken for points below.(1) The surge suppressor functions to limit a solenoid valve surge voltage, which can reach several hundred V, to a low voltage level that the output contact can withstand. Depending on the output circuit used, this may be insufficient and could result in damage or malfunction. Check whether the surge suppressor can be used by the surge voltage limit of the solenoid valve in use, the output device's withstand pressure and circuit structure, and by the degree of return delay time.If necessary, provide other surge measures. The inverse voltage surge generated when OFF can be suppressed to the following levels.(2) When using the NPN type output unit, the voltage given in the left table and a surge voltage equivalent to the power voltage could be applied on the output transistor. Increase the contact protection circuits in this case.(3) If another device or solenoid valve is connected in parallel to the solenoid valve, the inverse voltage surge generated when the valve is OFF would apply to those devices. Even when using the solenoid valve with surge suppressor for 24 VDC, the surge voltage may reach minus several ten V depending on the model. This inverse polarity voltage could damage or cause the other devices connected in parallel to malfunction. Avoid parallel connection of devices susceptible to reversing polarity voltages, e.g., LED indicators.When driving several solenoid valves in parallel, the surge from other solenoid valves could enter the surge suppressor of one solenoid valve with a surge suppressor. Depending on the current value, that surge suppressor could burn.When driving several solenoid valves with surge suppressors in parallel, surge current could concentrate at the surge suppressor with the lowest limit voltage and cause similar burning. Even if the solenoid valve type is the same, the surge suppressor's limit voltage can be inconsistent, and in the worst case, could result in burning. Avoid driving several solenoid valves in parallel.(4) The surge suppressor incorporated in the solenoid valve often short-circuits if damaged by overvoltage or overcurrent from a source other than the solenoid valve. If the surge suppressor fails, if a large current flows when output is on, the output circuit or solenoid valve could be damaged or ignite. Do not keep power on in a faulty state.Provide an overcurrent protection circuit on the power or drive circuit or use a power supply with overcurrent protection so that alarge current does not flow continuously.(Example of output transistor protective circuit installation 1)(Example of output transistor protective circuit installation 2)Programmable controller sideSolenoid valve sideProgrammable controller sideSolenoid valve side1068D i s c r e t e 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e10693PA/3PB SeriesDiscrete valveHow to order discrete valve10703PA SeriesDiscrete valve: Body portingInternal structure and parts list 2-position single solenoid 3PA1103PA210Repair parts listMain parts list Operational principle3P Series is a pressure balance poppet valve which is not effected by working pressure. This valve maintains large flow rale but low wattage consumption.Port can be pressurized from either 1, 2 or 3 port.The diameters of valve seat and packing seal of stem assembly are same. Since pressure differentials of each port are stabilized by through hole of stem assembly, pressure is well balanced during ON and OFF.When de-energizedThe stem assembly is pushed toward port 1 side by the plunger spring force transmitted by the plunger.Valve seat and packing seal of stem assembly close port 1, while open port 2 and 3.*Port No. 1, 2, 3 indicates; Port 1: P, NC Port 2: A, COM Port 3: R, NO23131*3: Precautions apply when assembling the coil assembly into thevalve. Contact CKD for information.D i s c r e t e 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e10713PB SeriesDiscrete valve: Sub-plate portingInternal structure and parts list2-position single solenoid3PB1103PB210When energizedWhen energizing the coil, the plunger is absorbed toward the coil side, while the stem assembly is moved by the stem spring force. This opens port 1 and 2, but closes port 3.*Port No. 1, 2, 3 indicates; Port 1: P, NC Port 2: A, COM Port 3: R, NO23 1313PA110-M53PA1/3PA2 Series2-position single solenoid: Grommet lead wire Mounting plate: (P) 3PA210-062-position single solenoid: Grommet lead wire Mounting plate: (P)1072D i s c r e t e 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1073Discrete valve: Body portingDimensionsø4, ø6 push-in joint: (GS4, GS6)3PA1C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3) D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3) Locking manual override: (M1)3PA1/3PA2 SeriesTerminal box: (B)Terminal box: (B, L, LS)Terminal box with indicator light: (L, L2, LS)C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3)D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3)Locking manual override: (M1)ø4, ø6 push-in joint: (GS6, GS8)3PA2(ø6 push-in joint)10743PB110-063PB1/3PB2 Series2-position single solenoid: Grommet lead wire3PB210-06 082-position single solenoid: Grommet lead wireD i s c r e t e 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1075Discrete valve: Sub-plate portingDimensionsTerminal box: (B)3PB13PB2C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3) D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3)Locking manual override: (M1)C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3)D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3)Locking manual override: (M1)3PB1/3PB2 SeriesTerminal box with indicator light: (L, L2, LS)Terminal box: (B, L, LS)Note 2: Response time is the value when ON for supply pressure 0.5 MPa, pre-lubricated. The value varies depending on pressure and quality of lubricant.1076I n d i v i d u a l w i r i n g m a n i f o l d 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1077M3PA/M3PB SeriesIndividual wiring manifold* Gasket, set screw attachedM3PA/M3PB SeriesIndividual wiring manifoldHow to order individual wiring manifoldHow to order masking plate kit* Gasket and set screw attached5S1MP 2Indicate the quantity.How to order mixed manifold models(1) Indicate the quantity for each function (solenoid position) at the end of the model.Functions and symbols are indicated below.(2) Indicate the function (solenoid position) and layout position in the remarks field.Example: 2-position single solenoid –› S1Example: S1 = 1 to 5 (1 to 5th station is 2-position single solenoid.)2-position single solenoid (S1): 5 piece (1 to 5th station)Masking plate: 2 piece (6, 7th station)M3PB180-06-M1-B-7-3<Example of model number>For 7 stationSolenoid position symbol = , th station (facing the piping port, the left side is the 1st station.)LayoutSymbolS1 = 1 to 5 MP = 6 to 75S1MP2How to order mix manifold5S1MP2S1 = 1 to 5, MP = 6 to 71079M3PA/M3PB SeriesIndividual wiring manifoldI n d i v i d u a l w i r i n g m a n i f o l d 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1080M3PA180-M5M3PA1/M3PA2 SeriesPort 2 - Individual piping Port 1, 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireM3PA280-06Port 2 - Individual piping Port 1, 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wire3PA119-M5-[Option]-[Voltage]Model no. of discrete solenoid valve for manifold 3PA219-06-[Option]-[Voltage]Individual wiring manifold: Body porting DimensionsM3PA1C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3) D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3) Locking manual override: (M1)M3PA1/M3PA2 SeriesTerminal box: (B)Terminal box with indicator light: (L, L2, LS)ø4, ø6 push-in joint: (GS4, GS6)C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3) D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3) Locking manual override: (M1)ø6, ø8 push-in joint: (GS6, GS8) Terminal box: (B, L, LS)M3PA2Individualwiringmanifold3portdirectactingvalve10811082M3PB180-06M3PB1 SeriesPort 2 - Individual piping Port 1, 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireM3PB180-06APort 2, 3 - Individual piping Port 1 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireModel no. of discrete solenoid valve for manifold 3PB119-00-[Option]-[Voltage]1083Individual wiring manifold: Sub-plate portingDimensionsM3PB1C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3)D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3)Locking manual override: (M1)M3PB1 SeriesTerminal box: (B)Terminal box with indicator light: (L, L2, LS)M3PB180-06BPort 1, 2 - Individual piping Port 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireø4, ø6 push-in joint: (GS4, GS6)I n d i v i d u a l w i r i n g m a n i f o l d 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1084M3PB280-06M3PB2 SeriesPort 2 - Individual piping Port 1, 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireM3PB280-06YPort 2 - Back porting Port 1, 3 - Common portingM3PB280-06APort 2, 3 - Individual piping Port 1 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireModel no. of discrete solenoid valve for manifold 3PB219-00-[Option]-[Voltage]Model no. of discrete solenoid valve for manifold 3PB219-00-[Option]-[Voltage]JIS symbolJIS symbol1085Individual wiring manifold: Sub-plate portingDimensionsM3PB2C-connector: (C, C1, C2, C3)D-connector: (D, D1, D2, D3)Locking manual override: (M1)M3PB2 SeriesTerminal box: (B, L, LS)M3PB280-06BPort 1, 2 - Individual piping Port 3 - Common porting: Grommet lead wireø6, ø8 push-in joint: (GS6, GS8)I n d i v i d u a l w i r i n g m a n i f o l d 3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e10862°3PA/3PB SeriesTechnical data (1) How to wire terminal box wiring and connectorHow to wire terminal box wiring and connectorRefer to the following drawing, and wire the terminal boxfollowing steps 1) to 3) below.1) Pass the cap (4), washer (5), and gasket (6) in order through the cabtire cable (7), and insert in case (2).2) When using a crimp terminal, treat the cabtire cable (7) at an appropriate length as shown in the figure, and crimp the crimp terminal (8) onto the end.3) Remove screw (10) from terminal gland (3), and pass through crimp terminal (8). (When using the Y type terminal, loosen and sandwich the terminal.) Then, tighten screw (10) again. Note: Tighten at torque of 0.5 N·m ±15%.Remarks: Bare wires can be wired. In this case, loosen screw (10), andinsert leads into the fitting, then tighten again.The cord’s direction can be changed by pulling the gland out of the case, rotating it 180°, then pressing it into the case again.The following crimp terminals (8) can be used.Use equivalent products when using other brands.3 p o r t d i r e c t a c t i n g v a l v e1087O.D. ø4 to 6.5Tighten the lead wire with the set screw.A small flat-tipped screwdriver is required.23( )Note: Do not tighten together with thesurge suppressor.Insert the gasket andterminal block into the voltage terminal and grounding terminal.Technical data (1) How to wire terminal box wiring and connector3PA/3PB SeriesPower consumption 1.8 W becomes 2.0 W when the 24 VDC light is enclosed.。