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Detection of in vivo protein–DNA interactions using DamID in mammalian cells

Detection of in vivo protein–DNA interactions using DamID in mammalian cells

Detection of in vivo protein–DNA interactions using DamID in mammalian cellsMaartje J Vogel 1,2,Daniel Peric-Hupkes 1,2&Bas van Steensel 1Divisionof Molecular Biology,Netherlands Cancer Institute,Plesmanlaan 121,1066CX Amsterdam,The Netherlands.These authors contributed equally to this work.Correspondence should be addressed to B.V .S.(b.v.steensel@nki.nl).Published online 7June;corrected online 6September 2007(details online);doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.148Understanding gene regulatory networks in mammalian cells requires detailed knowledge of protein–DNA monly used methods for genome-wide mapping of these interactions are based on chromatin immunoprecipitation.However,these methods have some drawbacks,such as the use of crosslinking reagents,the need for highly specific antibodies and relatively large amounts of starting material.We present DamID,an alternative technique to map genome-wide occupancy of interaction sites in vivo ,that bypasses these limitations.DamID is based on the expression of a fusion protein consisting of a protein of interest and DNA adenine methyltransferase (Dam).This leads to methylation of adenines near sites where the protein of interest interacts with the DNA.These methylated sequences are subsequently amplified by a methylation-specific PCR protocol and identified by hybridization to ing DamID,genome-wide maps of the binding of DNA-interacting proteins in mammalian cells can be constructed efficiently.Depending on the strategy used for expression of the Dam-fusion proteins,genome-wide binding maps can be obtained in as little as 2weeks.INTRODUCTIONSeveral thousand different proteins interact with the genome,and thereby regulate all DNA-related processes (e.g.,transcription,DNA repair,replication,silencing,imprinting).Knowing where these proteins bind on a genome scale in living cells is an important step toward the understanding of their separate and combined functions.Currently,two techniques exist to determine the genomic binding patterns of DNA-interacting proteins:(1)chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with either microarray detection (‘‘ChIP-on-chip’’)1–4or mass sequencing 5and (2)DamID,which is based on targeted adenine methylation 6–9.Because these two techniques are based on fundamentally different principles,they can be used to complement and validate each other.The DamID technique was originally developed in Drosophila 6.In this species,DamID has been applied successfully for mapping binding sites of a wide variety of proteins,including transcription factors,cofactors,heterochromatin proteins,histone-modifying enzymes,chromatin remodeling proteins and nuclear envelope proteins (ref.10and references therein;see also refs.11–13).Recently,DamID has also been implemented in Arabidopsis thaliana 14and in several human and mouse cell lines (ref.8and unpublished results).This protocol is specific for use of DamID in mammalian cell lines.DamIDThe principle of DamID is discussed in detail in ref.9.In brief,DamID relies on the low-level in vivo expression of a fusion protein consisting of a protein of interest and Dam from Escherichia coli .Dam methylates adenines in the sequence GATC,a modification that is not present in most eukaryotes.When the fusion protein binds to DNA or to other DNA-associated proteins,Dam methy-lates nearby GATC sequences.T o detect the sequences that were methylated by the fusion protein,genomic DNA (gDNA)is isolated and the methylated fragments are selectively amplified and hybri-dized to a microarray.The selective amplification of methylated DNA fragments is based on a methylation-specific PCR protocol (Fig.1a ).First,methylated GATCs are cut between the GA me and TC nucleotides with the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme Dpn I.Digestion with Dpn I thus generates a pool of blunt-ended DNA fragments that have 5¢TC and 3¢GA me sequences.Next,a double-stranded adaptor oligonucleotide with a 32bp 5¢overhang (‘‘dsAdR’’,comprising oligos AdRt and AdRb)is ligated to the blunt ends,the 5¢overhang ensuring directional ligation.Double-stranded adaptor is used because double-stranded DNA is ligated more efficiently than single-stranded oligonucleotides.The ligation is followed by digestion with Dpn II,a methylation-sensitive enzyme that only cuts unmethylated GATCs.Finally,a PCR primer identical to the 15most 3¢nucleotides of the AdRt oligonucleotide sequence and the 5¢TC nucleotides on the gDNA fragment is used to amplify adaptor-ligated sequences.The same double-stranded adaptor and PCR primer are used in all DamID experiments.In this procedure,three mechanisms ensure that only methylated DNA fragments are amplified.First,only methylated GATC sequences are made available for adaptor ligation due to the selective digestion with Dpn I.Second,the Dpn II digestion destroys all fragments containing unmethylated GATCs,thereby excluding them from amplification.Third,nonspecific ligation products,such as those derived from random DNA breaks,are excluded from PCR amplification by the specific primer design (see Fig.1a ).This works as follows:the PCR primer overlap with the GA dinucleotide located at the ends of each Dpn I fragment ensures that only these fragments are amplified in the PCR and suppresses the amplification of nonspecific ligation products,which generally do not have a GA dinucleotide at their ends.A DamID experiment with a Dam-fusion protein should always include a parallel ‘‘reference’’experiment with unfused Dam.This is essential to correct for local differences in chromatin accessibility and for non–targeted methylation that stems from the intrinsic DNA-binding capability of Dam.T o identify the sites of targetedp u o r G g n i h s i l b u P e r u t a N 7002©n a t u r e p r o t o c o l s/m o c .e r u t a n .w w w //:p t t h NATURE PROTOCOLS |VOL.2NO.6|2007|1467methylation (i.e.,sites that specifically interact with the protein of interest),a two-color hybridization on microarrays is performed (Fig.1b ).Amplified methylated DNA from cells expressing the Dam-fusion protein is labeled with one fluorescent dye,and methylated DNA amplified from cells that express unfused Dam is labeled with a different fluorescent dye,and these two samples are co-hybridized.The fluorescence ratio represents the relative occu-pancy of the fusion protein at each probed locus.For DamID experiments,it is imperative to express Dam and the Dam-fusion protein at very low levels.For this,we use the leaky expression from an uninduced inducible promoter,giving protein expression levels that are so low that they are undetectable by western blotting or immunofluorescence microscopy.The rationale for this low expression is that Dam is a highly active enzyme,and even moderate levels of expression would cause saturating amounts of nontargeted methylation.Therefore,we strongly advise never to use high expression levels in a DamID experiment.High expression levels can be used to check the correct size of the Dam-fusion protein by western blotting.T o yield higher fusion protein expression levels,the promoter can be induced.Further-more,the correct nuclear localization of Dam-fusion proteins should be confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy 8.We have occasionally seen that Dam-fusion proteins are mislocalized to the cytoplasm,and such proteins (e.g.,PIH1D1-Dam,ACTL6A-Dam and ACTL6B-Dam)were not used in further experiments.The existence of functional fusions of the protein of interest to,for example,GFP is suggestive that also the Dam-fusion protein will befunctional.Dam is active both as a C-terminal and an N-terminal fusion protein,which offers some flexibility in the design of the fusion protein.Ideally,the functionality of the fusion proteins can be checked by a specific assay,for example an assay addressing functional complementation or enzymatic activity.Unfortunately,for some proteins,such an assay may be difficult to design.In these cases,we advise that DamID is performed with multiple subunits from the same protein complex of interest—if the subunits yield identical binding maps,then one can be more confident that the DamID results reflect the in vivo binding of the corresponding endogenous proteins.DamID versus ChIP-on-chipAs with every other technique,DamID has both advantages and limitations.Advantages of DamID over ChIP-on-chip are:(1)DamID is not dependent on the availability of high-quality anti-bodies,making it in theory applicable to any protein,(2)cross-linking reagents are not used,thereby eliminating potential crosslinking artifacts and (3)DamID can be performed on B 106cells,which is 10-to 100-fold less than typically used in ChIP-on-chip experiments 1,2.DamID also has some limitations.First,DamID requires an exogenous fusion protein whereas ChIP can be performed on the endogenous protein.Second,some proteins could hypothetically lose their genomic binding specificity when fused to Dam.Third,DamID is less suitable for the detection of rapid changes in protein binding (e.g.,during the cell cycle),because in a typical DamIDp u o r G g n i h s i l b u P e r u t a N 7002©n a t u r e p r o t o c o l s/m o c .e r u t a n .w w w //:p t t h Specific methylation+Non-targeted methylationDamProtein Dam Dpn I digestion Adaptor ligationDpn II digestionOverhang fill-inabFigure 1|DamID.(a )Principle of amplification of methylated fragments with the DamID protocol.Methylated GATC sequences (Me)are selectively cut with Dpn I.Adaptor oligonucleotides (in green,for sequence see MATERIALS)are ligated to the blunt-ended Dpn I fragments.Fragments containing unmethylated GATCs are cut by Dpn II digestion,excluding them from amplification.During the first extension step of the PCR,the 5¢overhangs of the adaptor sequences are filled in.Finally,methylated sequences are amplified by PCR.Inset shows the PCR primer spanning the Dpn I restriction site.Overlap of this primer with the GA dinucleotide located at the ends of each Dpn I fragment helps to suppress amplification of fragments derived from random DNA breaks,which generally have a different dinucleotide at their ends.(b )DamID experimental design.The amplified methylated fragments from cells that expressed the Dam-fusion protein are always co-hybridized with a reference consisting of amplified methylated DNA from cells that expressed unfused Dam.The resultingDam-fusion:Dam ratios reflect the level of specific binding by the protein of interest,that is,corrected for local differences in chromatin accessibility and nontargeted methylation.1468|VOL.2NO.6|2007|NATURE PROTOCOLSexperiment the methylation patterns represent the average over a time period of B 24h or more.Fourth,DamID cannot be used to map post-translational modifications such as histone modifica-tions.For these applications,ChIP-on-chip is more suitable.DamID has a resolution of approximately 1kb (see refs.6,15),similar to the reported resolution of ChIP-on-chip 16,pari-son between ChIP-on-chip and DamID data for the same proteins in Drosophila shows that the techniques give highly comparable results 11,13,18.Based on the successes in Drosophila ,and recent data obtained in human and mouse cell lines 8,DamID is a potentially valuable alternative for ChIP-on-chip in mammalian cells.We note that at present we have tested DamID in mammalian cells with only a limited set of chromatin proteins such as heterochromatin components 8and nuclear envelope proteins (L.Guelen and B.van Steensel,unpublished).We have not yet tested DamID with mammalian transcription factors,although in Drosophila the binding sites of several transcription factors could be readily mapped 11.Experimental designFigure 2gives an outline of the DamID protocol.We recommend that Dam protein expression is achieved by either stable transfec-tion (Fig.3a )or viral transduction.Stable cell lines initially take 2–4weeks to establish.However,afterwards,there is a nearly infinite pool of material,and it does not require handling of lentiviruses.It is advised to work with pools of stably transfected cells rather than individual clones,because clonal cell lines can be aneuploid and fusion protein expression levels may differ between clones.We find that stable pools show adequate expression levels for DamID.After transfection,cells are selected for stable genomic integration of the Dam-expressing vector using selective media.The selection process can be monitored by including a dish with cells that do not have the selection marker.These cells should die after 3–14days.The lentiviral system is faster (2weeks),and it offers greater flexibility when working with multiple proteins,multiple cell lines or cell lines that are not easily transfectable.We discovered that transient transfection of Dam expression vectors can cause an artifact that can lead to false-positive ‘‘target’’identification in mammalian cells.This is caused by the thousands of plasmid molecules that accumulate in the transiently transfected cells.Because these plasmids are adenine-methylated,they are coamplified during the methyl-specific PCR procedure.We find that the plasmid sequences can make up a very large proportion of the amplified material,seen as strong bands over a faint smear ofgDNA fragments (Fig.3b ).Because these plasmid sequences are extremely abundant,they can substantially cross-hybridize to some weakly homologous probes on the petition with excess unlabeled plasmid could not suppress this effect completely,and it appears to be impossible to produce unmethy-lated plasmids in dam Àbacteria owing to significant expression of the Dam proteins from the plasmids in the bacterial host.Therefore,we discourage the use of transient transfections for mammalian DamID.Stable cell lines and lentivirus transduc-tions do not have this plasmid problem,and are the preferred methods.For DamID,transfected/transduced cells are cultured in B 35mm culture dishes,for example in six-well plate format.Every DamID experiment should include several important con-trols (see Table 1for a complete listing).As mentioned above,cells expressing Dam only should always be generated in parallel to cells expressing Dam-fusion proteins.When studying multiplep u o r G g n i h s i l b u P e r u t a N 7002©n a t u r e p r o t o c o l s/m o c .e r u t a n .w w w //:p t t hFigure 2|Typical timing of DamID experiments.abN o D p n IN o l i g a s eC o n t r o l p l a s m i dN o P C R t e m p l a t eC o n t r o l p l a s m i dStable expressionTransient transfectionM a r k e rM a r k e rM a r k e rM a r k e rM a r k e rN o P C R t e m p l a t eFigure 3|Typical example of PCR-amplified methylated DNA fragments,run on a 1%agarose gel and stained with nes containing PCR product amplified from cells that expressed Dam (-fusion)protein are indicated with black lines.(a )PCR product from cells that stably expressed Dam or Dam-fusion protein.Note the smear with size range from B 200to 2,000bp.The ‘‘no Dpn I’’,‘‘no ligase’’and ‘‘no PCR template’’controls give no PCR product.The ‘‘control Plasmid’’has stablyintegrated in the genome and is unmethylated and therefore is not PCR-amplified.(b )PCR product from cells that were transiently transfected.Note the highly abundant plasmid bands,which may lead to cross-hybridization when these samples are hybridized to microarrays.NATURE PROTOCOLS |VOL.2NO.6|2007|1469Dam-fusion proteins in the same experiment,we recommend that an equal number of Dam-only transductions or transfections is included so that each Dam-fusion protein sample can be hybridized against a separate Dam-only sample.As negative controls,we routinely include cells transfected or transduced with an ‘‘empty’’control vector that lacks the Dam open reading frame,as well as untransfected/untransduced cells.Both control cultures do not contain any Dam-methylated DNA,and thus should give no PCR product.For the detection of the methylation patterns,several types of microarrays are suitable.Although conventional cDNA arrays and coding region oligonucleotide arrays may be used for proteins that bind to transcribed regions 8,genomic tiling arrays provide a less biased and more detailed view of the protein binding patterns.We have obtained good DamID results with genomic tiling arrays consisting of spotted PCR products 11,15,and with arrays of 60-mer oligonucleotides that sample an entire human chromosome at B 200bp intervals 8.Custom-designed high-density genomic tiling arrays can be obtained from several commercial sources.The labeling and hybridization procedure that is outlined in this protocol is for oligonucleotide arrays that are routinely used within our institute.The labeling and hybridization procedures were developed by the NKI microarray facility and can be downloaded from http://microarray.nki.nl/download/protocols.html.We adap-ted their protocols for use with DamID samples;these protocols can be found on http://research.nki.nl/vansteensellab.However,we emphasize that different labeling and hybridization conditions may be required for different array platforms.MATERIALSREAGENTS.Nuclease-free H 2O (Ambion,cat.no.9938;brand not critical).Agarose (Roche,cat.no.1388991;brand not critical).Ethidium bromide (EtBr;Sigma,cat.no.E8751;brand not critical)!CAUTION EtBr is a mutagen.Always wear gloves when handling gels and solutions containing EtBr..Tris (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Biosolve,cat.no.20092391;brand not critical).EDTA (Cambrex,cat.no.51234;brand not critical).Sodium acetate (Merck,cat.no.1062681000;brand not critical).Calcium chloride dihydrate (Merck,cat.no.1023821000;brand not critical).100%(v/v)ethanol (Sigma,cat.no.32221;brand not critical).TE:10mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5,1mM EDTA.T 10E 0.1:10mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5,0.1mM EDTA .Lipofectamine 2000(Invitrogen,cat.no.11668-027).Opti-MEM I (Invitrogen,cat.no.31985-047).DMEM-complete (see REAGENT SETUP).DMEM (brand not critical).FCS (brand not critical).Penicillin/streptomycin (brand not critical).G418sulfate (Gibco,Invitrogen,cat.no.11811-031).PBS (brand not critical).Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO,brand not critical).0.45m m filters (Millipore,cat.no.SLHA033SS).0.22m m filters (brand not critical).DNeasy Blood &Tissue Kit (50)(Qiagen,cat.no.69504).RNase A solution 100mg ml À1(Qiagen,cat.no.19101).Dpn I 20,000U ml À1(NEB,cat.no.R0176L).Dpn II 10,000U ml À1(NEB,cat.no.R0543S).T 4ligase 500U (5U m l À1;Roche,cat.no.799009).Advantage cDNA polymerase mix 100rxns (Clontech,cat.no.639105).Oligonucleotide ‘‘AdRt’’5¢-CTAATACGACTCACTATAGGGCAGCG TGGTCGCGGCCGAGGA-3¢(Sigma)(see REAGENT SETUP).Oligonucleotide ‘‘AdRb’’5¢-TCCTCGGCCG-3¢(Sigma)(see REAGENT SETUP).PCR primer ‘‘AdR_PCR’’5¢-GGTCGCGGCCGAGGATC-3¢(Sigma)m CRITICAL Do not phosphorylate the 5¢or 3¢ends of AdRb and AdRt oligonucleotides to prevent self-ligation of the double-stranded dsAdR adaptor during step.Order oligonucleotides of standard ‘‘desalted’’purity..dNTPs (deoxynucleoside triphosphate set;Roche,cat.no.11969064001).PCR dNTP mix (see REAGENT SETUP).10ÂdNTP mix (see REAGENT SETUP).10ÂDNase buffer (see REAGENT SETUP).BioPrime DNA labeling System 30rxns (Invitrogen,cat.no.18094-011).Purified PCR products can be labeled with a simple random-priming protocol based on Gibco/BRL’s Bioprime DNA Labeling kit.This kit is a convenient and inexpensive source of random octamers,reaction buffer and high concentration Klenow for labeling of gDNA .Cy3-dCTP 25nmol (Amersham,cat.no.PA53021).Cy5-dCTP 25nmol (Amersham,cat.no.PA55021)m CRITICAL Always keep Cy-dCTPs and labeled DNA as dark as possible..Poly(A)100mg (Roche,cat.no.108626).Make a 5mg ml À1stock in TE and store at À201C p u o r G g n i h s i l b u P e r u t a N 7002©n a t u r e p r o t o c o l s/m o c .e r u t a n .w w w //:p t t h TABLE 1|Controls.Step ControlPurpose1Untransfected/untransduced sampleConfirm specificity of procedure for Dam-methylated gDNA 1‘‘Control plasmid’’;transfection/transduction with vector backboneDetect presence of methylated vector in gDNA isolation,causing amplification of undesired vector material in PCR 1Multiple transfections/transductions with Dam-onlyReduce the risk of experimental bias due to the use of a single reference sample in multiple hybridizations 9‘‘no Dpn I’’;experimental sample (Dam-fusion)without Dpn I enzymeConfirm that only Dpn I-digested gDNA is amplified12‘‘no ligase’’;Dpn I-digested sample without ligaseDetect nonspecific amplification 17‘‘no PCR template’’;PCR reaction mix without any input DNA Detect contaminations in PCR reagents 21Self–self hybridization (i.e.,Dam-only versus Dam-only)Monitor biological and technical noise1470|VOL.2NO.6|2007|NATURE PROTOCOLS.Human Cot-1DNA (1mg ml À1;Invitrogen,cat.no.15279-011).Mouse Cot-1DNA (1mg ml À1;Invitrogen,cat.no.18440016).Y east tRNA (Invitrogen,cat.no.15401-011).Make a 5mg ml À1stock in TE and store at À201C.DNase I (Worthington,cat.no.LS006333).DamID vectors (see REAGENT SETUP).Sodium chloride/sodium citrate buffer (20ÂSSC;Cambrex,51233).Sodium dodecyl sulfate (20%SDS;Biosolve,cat.no.19812323)!CAUTION harmful..Bovine serum albumin 10%(BSA;Sigma,cat.no.A7906-100G);see REAGENT SETUP .100%formamide (Sigma,cat.no.F9037)!CAUTION Formamide isharmful by inhalation,when in contact with skin or if swallowed,and causes burns.Formamide should be used with appropriate safetymeasures,such as protective gloves,glasses and clothing,and adequate ventilation.The formamide waste should be disposed of according to the regulations..2ÂHBS,see REAGENT SETUP.Pre-hyb buffer (see REAGENT SETUP).Wash 1:5ÂSSC/0.1%SDS m CRITICAL Prepare all wash solutions from 0.22m m filtered stocks..Wash 2:2ÂSSC/0.1%SDS .Wash 3:1ÂSSC .Wash 4:0.2ÂSSC .Wash 5:0.05ÂSSC.2ÂF-hybridization buffer (see REAGENT SETUP).1ÂF-hybridization buffer:dilute 2ÂF-buffer with H 2O .Blocking solution (see REAGENT SETUP)EQUIPMENT.Cell counter (brand not critical).Tissue culture CO 2incubator (brand not critical).NanoDrop ND-1000spectrophotometer (brand not critical;the ability to measure small (B 1m l)volumes is convenient).Heat block (brand and model not critical).Thermal Cycler (MJ Research PTC-200,brand and model not critical).Refrigerated centrifuge (Eppendorf,5714R,brand not critical).Gel electrophoresis equipment (brand not critical).Vortex.Glass staining dish with slide rack and metal handle (Omnilabo,cat.nos.408606,408607and 408608;brand not critical).Coverslides LifterSlips TM (Erie Scientific,cat.no.25x60I-2-4789).Hybridization chamber (Ambion,cat.no.10040).Scanner (dependent on microarray type).ImaGene 6.0(BioDiscovery Inc.).R-packages (available at /.).Microcon YM-30filters (Millipore,cat.no.42410).Chromaspin +TE-30columns (Clontech,cat.no.636069)REAGENT SETUPDamID vectors DamID vectors will be provided by the authors on request.An overview of DamID vectors that can be used in mammalian cells can be found at http://research.nki.nl/vansteensellab/.GateWay-compatible vectors are available for rapid recombination cloning of Dam-fusion protein constructs.The lentiviral DamID vectors can be used for viral transduction resulting in low-level expression of dam-fusion proteins,which is imperative for DamID.The lentiviral vectors can also be used to express high levels of Dam-fusion proteins.After standard transient transfection,the Dam-fusion proteins are expressed from a CMV promoter located outside of the L TR sites.We routinely use DH5a competent bacteria (Invitrogen,cat.no.18265-017)and perform maxi preps (Qiagen;Qiafilter,cat.no.12263)to obtain vector DNA that can be used for transfections and transductions.We have noticed that the yields for lentiviral Dam-expressing plasmids are often lower than expected.We solve this by doubling the volume of the bacterial culture.DMEM complete DMEM,10%FCS (vol/vol)and antibiotics (e.g.,penicillin/streptomycin).293T cells are cultured in DMEM +10%FCS +penicillin/streptomycin.DNA/CaCl 2/dH 2O mix Combine 3.5m g envelope plasmid (pMD-G),6.5m g packaging construct (pCMV-D R8.2),2.5m g rev-encoding plasmid (pRSV-Rev),10.0m g pL-transfer construct and 50.0m l of 2.5M CaCl 2and adjust to 500m l with H 2O.m CRITICAL Should be made fresh.23HBS 140mM NaCl (MW ¼58.44),1.5mM Na 2HPO 4ÁH 2O (MW ¼177.99)and 50mM HEPES (MW ¼238.3).Dissolve in H 2O.Set pH to 7.00with 0.5M NaOH.Filter-sterilize (0.22m m filter).Aliquot in 5ml fractions.m CRITICAL Transfection by calcium phosphate co-precipitation is highly pH-sensitive.Make various batches of 2ÂHBS with different pH values,ranging from 6.80to 7.20.Do a test-transfection with these 2ÂHBS batches with a GFP-expressing plasmid.dsAdR Prepare a 50m M double-stranded dsAdR adaptor stock as follows.Dissolve 100mM each of AdRt and AdRb in H bine equal volumes of AdRt (100m M)and AdRb (100m M).Mix and place in a tightly closed tube in a beaker with water of about 901C.Let the beaker cool to room temperature (RT;201C),so the adaptors can anneal slowly.Store aliquots at À201C.PCR dNTP mix 2.5mM dATP ,2.5mM dGTP ,2.5mM dTTP and 2.5mM dCTP in H 2O.Store aliquots at À201C.103dNTP mix 1.2mM dATP ,1.2mM dGTP ,1.2mM dTTP and 0.6mM dCTP in TE.Store aliquots at À201C.103DNase buffer 100mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5,25mM MgCl 2and 5mM CaCl 2.Make aliquots and store at À201C.10%BSA Prepare a 10%BSA (w/v)stock solution in H 2O,filter (0.22m m)and store aliquots at À201C;thaw only once.Pre-hyb buffer 5ÂSSC,0.1ÂSDS and 1%BSA;prepare fresh from filtered (0.22m m)stock solutions.23F-hybridization buffer Prepare fresh and pipet in the following order:500m l of 100%formamide,500m l of 20ÂSSC (0.22m m filtered)and 10m l 20%SDS (0.22m m filtered).13F-hybridization buffer Dilute 2ÂF-buffer with H 2O.Blocking solution 4m l poly(A),20m l yeast t-RNA and 40m l Cot-1DNA.PROCEDURETransfections/transduction of cells1|Two procedures are described to stably introduce Dam-fusion protein-expressing vectors into mammalian cells.Procedure (A)describes conventional stable transfections and (B)describes lentiviral transductions,including production of thelentiviruses.Procedure (A)has successfully been used with MCF78and U2OS cells (unpublished results),and procedure (B)with MCF7,Tig3ET,HeLa,293T,U2OS,BJ,PALO4AD,Ramos Burkitt’s lymphoma cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (ref.8and unpublished results).A detailed protocol describing a highly similar method on how to produce purified and titrated lentiviruses can be found in ref.19.(A)Conventional transfectionsTIMING 3–4weeks(i)Day 1:seed for each transfection 3–4Â105cells per well (of a six-well plate).Make sure that the cells are evenly dispersed by gently rocking the plate after seeding.Seeding conditions and optimal confluency at time of transduction are cell type dependent;MCF7cells should be B 90%confluent at the time of transfection.(ii)Follow the protocol for ‘‘Plasmid DNA Transfection’’that comes with the lipofectamine 2000reagent.Per transfection,we use 2m g DNA in 100m l Opti-MEM-1and 6m l Lipofectamine 2000in 100m l Opti-MEM-1.(iii)After addition of the Lipofectamine-DNA complexes to the cells,incubate for 5h in a CO 2incubator at 371C,5%CO 2.(iv)Carefully add 1ml of DMEM (with 20%FCS)to the cells (do not remove the transfection mixture)and incubate overnightin a CO 2incubator at 371C.p u o r G g n i h s i l b u P e r u t a N 7002©n a t u r e p r o t o c o l s/m o c .e r u t a n .w w w //:p t t h NATURE PROTOCOLS |VOL.2NO.6|2007|1471。



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Diva Way app management, everything you need to work with compressed files, APK crushing and uncompromising file editor and file manager for Android devices is a powerful and closed file manager. CX File Explorer is a modern free app for all your files and apps to manage Android quickly and easily. With this application, you will immediately see all text documents on your smartphone. You can easily view directories, copy and insert files and more. Download Apk CX File Explorer and try it for yourself! Download CX File File Name: CX-FILE-EXPLORER-9-8.APK File Size: 7 MB Application Title . Last Updated: 2023. Feb 27th CX File Explorer has 3 main tabs. Let's take a look at what each of them is capable of! On the first (main) local tab on the CX File Explorer app, you will see how much free space is available on your Android smartphone and how much space your photos, videos and audio files take up. Here you can quickly access the home directory of smartphones, the pre-installed list of applications and folder files. In the second tab of the application called "Library" you will see all the photos of the smartphone, as well as video and audio files. performance feedback examples for employees By pressing any category, you will see the folders that hold all your media files. On the third and final tab (Network), you can connect your Android smartphone to your computer and control files through the CX Explorer Files UI. You can also sync your cloud accounts to control your files from there. Boxes, Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive Cloud are supported. 89672726221.pdf CX File Explorer is a great program for viewing files.Intelligent programs that manage everything you need to work with compressed files, as well as a compromise file and file manager file editor and without compromise on the device with a powerful Android and limited file manager at Google Manager Android. Quick and easy management of all files and applications on Android. Thanks to this application, you will immediately see all the text documents on your smartphone. You can copy the catalogs and view them easily. Download APK CX File Explorer and try it yourself! Download CX File File Name: CX-File-Explorer-1-9-8.APK File Size: 7 MB Package Name: Com.File.Explorer Requirements: Android 5 (Lollipop) and Languages: English and English and English and English and English and English: English and English 46 License: New free downloads: February 27, 2023 CX File Explorer has 3 main cards. 76173669979.pdf Let's look at what each of them is capable of! The first tab (main) CX Explorer file is called local, as the Android smartphone has a free space and how much space is occupied by your photos, videos and audio files. From here, it is possible to quickly access the main director, pre -installed applications and file folder.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 中包含的更新

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 中包含的更新

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) 中包含的更新309344(?kbid=309344) 尽管在基于 OS/2 Warp4 的服务器上您没有权限,但是文件似乎可以被删除基本操作系统321733(?kbid=321733) 从基于 Windows XP 的或基于 Windows 2000 的计算机,服务器写入文件时出现错误消息:"延缓写入失败" 基本操作系统323328(?kbid=323328) WM_TIMER 消息可能停止发送到 Windows XP 中的程序基本操作系统325929(?kbid=325929) 空会话泄漏导致 Windows XP 客户端上的GetFileAttributes 函数基本操作系统326661(?kbid=326661) 当程序发出的系统调用Windows XP 64 位版本上使用软件流水线技术优化,就会发生访问冲突基本操作系统326826(?kbid=326826) 在访问网络共享上的文件时,某些程序的速度可能很慢基本操作系统326863(?kbid=326863) 操作系统限制不起作用基本操作系统327361(?kbid=327361) NSLOOKUP 不使用后缀搜索列表中的策略设置基本操作系统327498(?kbid=327498) 文件可能显示为较早的重定向器为空基本操作系统327559(?kbid=327559) 可移动存储能够识别磁带机,但不能识别其中的任何驱动器中的媒体基本操作系统327933(?kbid=327933) 映射驱动器时,您不能浏览 NetWare 卷基本操作系统328237(?kbid=328237) 按预期方式打开大型文件时,某些程序不能起作用基本操作系统328269(?kbid=328269) Windows XP SP1 可能无法启动与 3 GB 或/USERV A 开关基本操作系统328284(?kbid=328284) 缓存某些文件和未配置为脱机使用的文件夹基本操作系统328368(?kbid=328368) Windows XP CSNW 始终调用登录 NDS 树的最接近的服务器基本操作系统328570(?kbid=328570) 升级到活动目录(AD) 域后,现有的计算机未更新到 DNS 样式的域名称基本操作系统328915(?kbid=328915) 100%的 CPU 使用率可能会发生在某些电池的情况下基本操作系统330089(?kbid=330089) 大自解压程序文件可能无法启动基本操作系统330232(?kbid=330232) 调试无法调试驱动程序在启动时基本操作系统330512(?kbid=330512) 如果 CPU 使用率达到 100%,处理器性能状态不会还原到最佳状态基本操作系统330909(?kbid=330909) 1 gb RAM 的计算机的休眠问题基本操作系统331044(?kbid=331044) 当您使用 Windows XP 中使用 EMC 设备,将被截断大于 4 GB 的文件基本操作系统331329(?kbid=331329) 错误消息:所选的磁盘有必要进行相应的操作您的计算机,并且不能清除基本操作系统331988(?kbid=331988) 出现检测错误 0x000000FE 在压力下的使用USB 2.0 端口的硬盘基本操作系统332179(?kbid=332179) Windows XP Service Pack 1 驱动程序支持的(迅驰) 的英特尔奔腾 M 处理器移动式处理器电源管理功能的可用性基本操作系统810064(?kbid=810064) 电池寿命短奔腾 III-M Tualatin 处理器计算机上基本操作系统810097(?kbid=810097) 对于 Windows XP"ipconfig"命令不会返回特定于连接的 DNS 后缀基本操作系统810182(?kbid=810182) 如果有太多的网络共享上的打开文件句柄的WNetOpenEnum() 函数可能不起作用基本操作系统810186(?kbid=810186) 设置Gemplus PCMCIA 400 智能卡读取器后,该设备无法得到足够的可用资源错误消息基本操作系统810577(?kbid=810577) MS03-005: Windows 重定向程序中未经检查的缓冲区可能允许特权提升基本操作系统811169(?kbid=811169) 进行更新以提高网络重定向程序的性能基本操作系统811493(?kbid=811493) MS03-013: Windows 内核消息处理中缓冲区溢出可能导致提升的特权基本操作系统811525(?kbid=811525) 配置慢速链接组策略不会强制脱机文件进入脱机状态,在检测到慢速链接时基本操作系统811775(?kbid=811775) 使用 XCOPY 命令复制 OS/2 文件共享中的文件时,在 SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction 中出现 stop 0x50 错误基本操作系统812599(?kbid=812599) 机会锁定可能不允许 Windows 是否已安装使用 Sysprep 基本操作系统812937(?kbid=812937) 文件锁定或拒绝访问错误消息在您通过网络保存文件时基本操作系统814033(?kbid=814033) 无法从 Windows Update 网站安装的驱动程序更新基本操作系统814078(?kbid=814078) MS03-008: Windows 脚本引擎中的漏洞可能允许代码运行基本操作系统814545(?kbid=814545) 注册表修复和还原可能会无意中删除项的子集基本操作系统814952(?kbid=814952) 当您打开在 Novell NetWare 或 UNIX 的 NFS 服务器上映射的网络驱动器时出现延迟基本操作系统815011(?kbid=815011) 不能禁用注册表修复和恢复功能,在 Windows XP SP1 基本操作系统815021(?kbid=815021) MS03-007: Windows 组件中未经检查的缓冲区可能会导致 Web 服务器受损基本操作系统815227(?kbid=815227) UnmapViewOfFile 函数中发生的性能降级基本操作系统815265(?kbid=815265) 当您在 Windows 2000 Server 中,或在Windows XP 中启动配置管理器停止 0x00000051 或"STOP 0x0000001E"错误消息基本操作系统815315(?kbid=815315) 修复: 在 DllMain 调用的内存泄漏,当您使用GETENV 基本操作系统815411(?kbid=815411) 对于非典型大型堆请求堆算法更新基本操作系统815432(?kbid=815432) 已达到最大间隔时间太短的共享文件夹的连接数基本操作系统815471(?kbid=815471) 软件限制策略不允许您启动此程序的错误信息,即使该程序被定义为"允许" 基本操作系统815929(?kbid=815929) 当您尝试将文件复制到 Web 文件夹配置了集成的身份验证时,访问被拒绝错误消息基本操作系统816073(?kbid=816073) 在 Windows XP 的计算机花费更长的完成比基于 Windows NT 的计算机上编译基本操作系统816074(?kbid=816074) NetWare 客户端服务不会打开 Novell 4.11 服务器上的文件基本操作系统817275(?kbid=817275) Office 文档会自动同步到脱机的共享基本操作系统817434(?kbid=817434) 当您使用"最后一个已知的正确配置"选项重新启动时,Windows 将删除只读的驱动程序的数字签名基本操作系统817583(?kbid=817583) 活动目录(AD) 服务不会通过 SSL 连接请求安全授权基本操作系统817606(?kbid=817606) MS03-024: Windows 中的缓冲区溢出可能导致数据损坏基本操作系统817831(?kbid=817831) 网络文件在多个客户端访问文件时,显示不正确的文件大小基本操作系统817915(?kbid=817915) 当您断开外围设备的连接时,可能不会卸载设备驱动程序基本操作系统818133(?kbid=818133) 当您启动 Windows XP 时,不会应用默认电源管理策略基本操作系统818349(?kbid=818349) 当您使用的七个或多个域后缀搜索顺序,Nslookup 无法正常工作基本操作系统818733(?kbid=818733) Windows XP 中无法识别 DVD-RW 光盘基本操作系统819760(?kbid=819760) Windows 关闭电源后,如果程序调用ExitWindowsEx 或 InitiateSystemShutdownEx 函数关闭计算机基本操作系统819897(?kbid=819897) 修复: Msscript.ocx 当您在多线程环境中运行该控件中发生的死锁条件基本操作系统820128(?kbid=820128) Windows XP 和 Windows XP 服务包 1 (SP1) 内核累积修补程序包基本操作系统820193(?kbid=820193) 上次修改时间修改 WebDA V 共享上的任何文件时,该值才会正确地更新基本操作系统820826(?kbid=820826) 无法读取新添加的数据的多边框 DVD 在基本操作系统821161(?kbid=821161) 硬件配置文件显示的便携式计算机的插接状态不正确基本操作系统821581(?kbid=821581) 从 BootVis.exe 工具的性能跟踪数据已损坏或丢失基本操作系统821588(?kbid=821588) 如果您使用 Windows 2000 或 Windows XP 中的备份目录或还原磁带进行Windows Server 2003 中,您会收到一条错误消息基本操作系统822368(?kbid=822368) 修复: 用一个黄色感叹号(代码 31)在Windows 设备管理器中出现一个 USB 设备基本操作系统822624(?kbid=822624) 如果计算机停止响应时重新启动与 APIC 使用ACPI RESET_REG 方法基本操作系统822751(?kbid=822751) 当您使用 EnumDependentServices 函数错误1783 (RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA)错误消息基本操作系统822827(?kbid=822827) 计算机停止响应后置于休眠状态,然后继续从休眠恢复时很多时候基本操作系统822888(?kbid=822888) 脱机文件会自动切换到脱机模式后,您使用Csccmd / 断开连接命令基本操作系统823081(?kbid=823081) 您无法在 Windows Messenger 的NetMessageBufferSend 函数的使用基本操作系统823272(?kbid=823272) 客户端程序停止响应同时等待文件锁定发生基本操作系统823456(?kbid=823456) 修复: Windows 时间服务将忽略 Windows 服务器和 Windows XP 中的本地轮询间隔值基本操作系统823468(?kbid=823468) 不能使用 Reg.exe 命令来查找注册表项包含反斜杠字符基本操作系统823583(?kbid=823583) 支持移动处理器电源管理功能,与超线程技术的移动式英特尔奔腾 4 M 处理器上的处理器驱动程序的可用性基本操作系统823830(?kbid=823830) Windows XP 计算机停止响应后在登录基本操作系统824141(?kbid=824141) MS03-045:在列表框和组合框控件中溢出的缓冲区可能允许代码执行基本操作系统824236(?kbid=824236) 当您运行 Nslookup.exe 出现"无法帮助路径从注册表获取"错误信息基本操作系统824424(?kbid=824424) 当您尝试向 Novell Netware 网络位置保存Office 2003 文件的只读的错误消息基本操作系统825118(?kbid=825118) 停止 0x80080005 CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE 错误消息基本操作系统825675(?kbid=825675) Netlogon 错误地将在基于 Windows XP 的DNS 客户端注册 SRV 记录基本操作系统825794(?kbid=825794) 不能搜索到分布式文件系统重定向文件夹中的文件基本操作系统826278(?kbid=826278) 您不会收到该邮件通过网络发送命令基本操作系统827477(?kbid=827477) LOGMAN 命令不会处理在 Windows XP 中的正确日期基本操作系统827484(?kbid=827484) 修复: 有大于 16 兆字节的映像的驱动程序可能会损坏内存加载时基本操作系统828012(?kbid=828012) 写入外部存储设备的操作需要很长的时间,才能完成基本操作系统828035(?kbid=828035) MS03-043:中信使服务缓冲区溢出可能允许执行代码基本操作系统828274(?kbid=828274) 修复: IoBuildPartialMdl API 不会传播设备内存标志基本操作系统828402(?kbid=828402) 在备份过程中备份 (NTBackup.exe) 将会停止,并记录事件 8017 基本操作系统828693(?kbid=828693) 计算机停止响应(挂起),向 NTFS 分区写入加密的数据时基本操作系统828026(?kbid=828026) 更新的Windows Media Player URL 脚本命令行为多媒体828749(?kbid=828749) MS03-049:工作站服务中缓冲区溢出可能允许执行代码安全828753(?kbid=828753) 直接从文件服务器正在运行的程序会意外退出基本操作系统829104(?kbid=829104) DFS 客户端程序将忽略 DfsDcNameDelay 注册表项设置基本操作系统829364(?kbid=829364) 当您通过使用 /3GB 开关启动 Windows XP 时停止错误消息基本操作系统830752(?kbid=830752) 基于 USB 的 CD-ROM 驱动器被映射到多个驱动器号基本操作系统831128(?kbid=831128) 当您尝试将文件复制到网络连接存储设备时出现"STOP 0x00000027 mrxsmb.sys 在"错误信息基本操作系统831191(?kbid=831191) 修复: JScript 泄漏内存的应用程序重复创建和销毁线程时基本操作系统831375(?kbid=831375) CHKDSK 实用程序无法正确识别并删除Windows 2000 中的使用中的安全描述符基本操作系统831787(?kbid=831787) 在 Windows XP 中的"防止对注册表编辑工具访问"策略更改基本操作系统831905(?kbid=831905) 在基于 Windows XP 的计算机安全事件日志中反复出现事件 ID 577 基本操作系统832143(?kbid=832143) 在 Mrxdav.sys 中的出现 Stop 错误时,或在基于 Microsoft Windows XP 专业版的计算机上共享的计算机重新启动,当您尝试打开网络上的文件基本操作系统832316(?kbid=832316) 扩展的分区大小,但扩展 NTFS 卷时,文件系统将保持原始大小基本操作系统832885(?kbid=832885) 可用的处理器驱动程序以支持移动处理器电源管理功能,英特尔移动"Prescott"处理器基本操作系统832936(?kbid=832936) W32Time 报告错误的时间为多长时间计算机处于待机状态基本操作系统833431(?kbid=833431) 当您在 .cmd 脚本中使用 mydir=%~ dps0 命令行时,未正确设置脚本文件的路径基本操作系统833659(?kbid=833659) 二进制文件已损坏,如果您使用 UpdateResource 函数来从一个应用程序的二进制文件中移除资源基本操作系统834129(?kbid=834129) 停止 0x23 错误消息,当您运行一个脚本,使用DiskPart 工具删除 Windows XP 中的分区基本操作系统834350(?kbid=834350) 您对网络资源的访问权限是在 Windows XP 中比早期版本的 Windows 中速度较慢基本操作系统834503(?kbid=834503) 当您安装软件更新进行第二次收到事件 ID 36 和"Windows 文件保护"错误消息基本操作系统834563(?kbid=834563) 更换托架设备不可用 Windows xp 基本操作系统834674(?kbid=834674) 域 DFS 网络路径进入脱机状态之后您在Windows XP 中打开 Windows 资源管理器或我的电脑基本操作系统834728(?kbid=834728) 恢复注册表期间收到"Stop 0x00000051"错误消息基本操作系统834742(?kbid=834742) 修复: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl 函数失败,错误代码为 ERROR_WINHTTP_BAD_AUTO_PROXY_SCRIPT 基本操作系统834853(?kbid=834853) 任务对象版本使用本地计算时不受支持或无效的错误信息基本操作系统834937(?kbid=834937) 程序比预期长,在 Windows XP 中启动基本操作系统835261(?kbid=835261) 长时间的延迟,然后才能连接到基于域的 DFS 命名空间基本操作系统835730(?kbid=835730) 可能会慢慢地播放声音或音乐可能无法在Windows XP 中连续播放基本操作系统835763(?kbid=835763) 不可能积累 IADs::Put/PutEx 或IADsPropertyList::PutPropertyItem 调用基本操作系统837120(?kbid=837120) Windows XP 停止响应时,它尝试访问脱机文件夹的 DFS 共享点上基本操作系统837131(?kbid=837131) 当您尝试打开一个基于 Windows XP 的客户端上的文件和文件的错误消息是由其他用户缓存基本操作系统837142(?kbid=837142) 当您尝试在 Windows XP 或 Windows 2000 中使用 UPN 凭据登录时,将生成安全事件 681 基本操作系统837917(?kbid=837917) 当您使用客户端高速缓存来同步的主文件夹映射到 Windows XP 中的驱动器号时,访问被拒绝错误消息基本操作系统838213(?kbid=838213) 基本操作系统Windows XP Service Pack 2 中的修补程序的列表基本操作系统839027(?kbid=839027) 在访问运行 Windows Server 2003 或 Windows XP 的计算机上的数据时,程序可能会失败基本操作系统839231(?kbid=839231) 在 Windows Server 2003 中,或在 Windows XP 中到 DFS 共享的文件复制操作的执行缓慢基本操作系统839490(?kbid=839490) 延迟写入失败,错误当使用 /3GB 开关,Windows XP 专业版中基本操作系统839530(?kbid=839530) 当您登录到 Windows XP 时,您会收到"但网络版本已被删除,您拥有的版本可供脱机使用,该文件夹中的"消息基本操作系统839544(?kbid=839544) 使用 _read 函数来访问大型文件的程序不在Windows XP 中会收到正确的数据基本操作系统839562(?kbid=839562) 修复: 音频播放包含不需要的噪音,多媒体应用程序基本操作系统839876(?kbid=839876) 在启动基于 Windows XP 的计算机时,您会收到 STOP 错误消息的 0xD1 基本操作系统840171(?kbid=840171) 操作系统可能无法识别连接到 PCI PCI 桥多功能 PC 卡基本操作系统840749(?kbid=840749) 您不能在 Windows XP 中的 CSC 同步期间打开映射脱机文件驱动器基本操作系统841461(?kbid=841461) 发送到 LDAP 服务器 api 通过 LDAP 服务扩展的操作将导致一个协议错误基本操作系统841559(?kbid=841559) 修复: 16 位 COM 应用程序停止响应后将MS04-012 安全更新应用于运行Windows XP SP1 的计算机基本操作系统841631(?kbid=841631) 您将收到"到达文件末尾"或"更多的数据是用"错误消息,当您注销时基本操作系统319007(?kbid=319007) COM + 应用程序停止响应在空闲时关闭,如果您配置应用程序为排队和侦听 COM +323319(?kbid=323319) 事件机制无法确定来自后期绑定的客户端的方法调用 COM +323706(?kbid=323706) 修复: 排队的组件消息被放入死队列Dllhost.exe 进程关闭时 COM +328693(?kbid=328693) IIS 进程外应用程序停止响应 COM + 330165(?kbid=330165) 应用程序代理服务器与外部类型库导入Windows XP 系统上无法正常工作 COM +330227(?kbid=330227) 信息: 可用性的Windows XP COM + 修复程序汇总包 5 COM +331697(?kbid=331697) 消息队列的消息可能会间歇性地在 COM + 组件被 WSC 时传递 COM +823980(?kbid=823980) MS03-026:缓冲区溢出在 RPC 中的可能允许执行代码 COM +824146(?kbid=824146) MS03-039: RPCSS 中的缓冲区溢出可能允许攻击者运行恶意程序 COM +832096(?kbid=832096) 修复: 交易记录可能不会发送调用时加载对象的 Dispose 方法 COM +838211(?kbid=838211) 修复 Windows XP Service Pack 2 中的 Com + 的列表 COM +324929(?kbid=324929) Internet Explorer MS02-068: 2002 年 12 月,累积修补程序 Internet Explorer328803(?kbid=328803) Internet Explorer 不适用于通过 GetHostInfo 更新全局样式表 Internet Explorer328970(?kbid=328970) Internet Explorer MS02-066: 2002 年 11 月,累积修补程序 Internet Explorer329077(?kbid=329077) MS02-052: Microsoft VM JDBC 类中的漏洞可能允许代码运行 Internet Explorer810565(?kbid=810565) 超链接打开在 Internet Explorer 中而不是在默认浏览器或帮助和支持中心 Internet Explorer810847(?kbid=810847) Internet Explorer MS03-004 中: 2003 年 2 月,累积修补程序 Internet Explorer812383(?kbid=812383) Browserui.dll 文件不会更新后应用 Windows 修补程序来限制在 Windows 2000 中的工具栏位置 Internet Explorer813489(?kbid=813489) Internet Explorer MS03-015 中: 2003 年 4 月,累积修补程序 Internet Explorer817786(?kbid=817786) 当您刷新 Web 页在 Internet Explorer 中发生访问冲突 Internet Explorer817979(?kbid=817979) 当不使用 tab 键从一个文本区域第一次意外激发 OnChange 事件 Internet Explorer818506(?kbid=818506) Internet Explorer 可能看起来停止响应请求的许多对象时 Internet Explorer(?kbid=822071) 不能查看某些 PNG 图像 Internet Explorer 822350(?kbid=822350) Internet Explorer 可能会突然关闭如果您对Windows XP 样式设置窗口和按钮 Internet Explorer822925(?kbid=822925) Internet Explorer MS03-032: 2003 年 8 月累积修补程序 Internet Explorer823559(?kbid=823559) MS03-023: HTML 转换器中的缓冲区溢出可能允许代码执行 Internet Explorer824145(?kbid=824145) 对于 Internet Explorer MS03-048: 2003 年 11 月累积安全更新 Internet Explorer828750(?kbid=828750) Internet Explorer MS03-040: 2003 年 10 月,累积修补程序 Internet Explorer832894(?kbid=832894) MS04-004 之后:为 Internet Explorer 的的累积安全更新 Internet Explorer838199(?kbid=838199) 修复 Windows XP Service Pack 2 中的 Internet Explorer 的列表 Internet Explorer867801(?kbid=867801) MS04-025: Internet Explorer 累积安全更新Internet Explorer250397(?kbid=250397) 内容就会丢失在SF_NOTIFY_AUTH_COMPLETE Internet 信息服务307934(?kbid=307934) 锁定 WebDA V 通过 ACL 仍允许传和删除请求 Internet 信息服务308179(?kbid=308179) BUG:虚拟目录消失从 IIS 5.1 管理单元Internet 信息服务323332(?kbid=323332) ASP 将生成新的 ASP 会话 Id Cookie 用于每个用户的访问权限 Internet 信息服务325827(?kbid=325827) 修复: 证书续订向导串接证书组织单位 Internet 信息服务326852(?kbid=326852) ISAPI DLL 时,可以在进程内加载启用WebDA V 发布 Internet 信息服务(?kbid=327696) Internet Information Services MS02-062: 2002 年10 月累积修补程序 Internet 信息服务329900(?kbid=329900) 可用的自定义属性将覆盖您在安装 Windows 2000 SP4 后的配置数据库架构条目 Internet 信息服务811114(?kbid=811114) MS03-018 中记录: 2003 年 5 月的 Internet Information Services 的累积修补程序 (IIS) Internet 信息服务811412(?kbid=811412) 设置 Internet Information Services 在 Windows XP 中可能导致的问题 Internet 信息服务822808(?kbid=822808) 您不能使用 ADSI 远程更改 AdminACL 属性Internet 信息服务823818(?kbid=823818) 修复: 内存使用量的增加和 IIS 5.0 时停止响应启用 ASP 缓冲 Internet 信息服务827385(?kbid=827385) 使用-nosidgen 命令行开关运行 Sysprep 后,IIS 设置会丢失 Internet 信息服务326469(?kbid=326469) 您必须安装一个修补程序才能在 Windows XP 专业版上安装 GPMC 管理326574(?kbid=326574) 您会收到"无法打开<Snap-in name="">"错误消息,当您尝试在基于 Windows XP 的计算机上启动 MMC</Snap-in> 管理327967(?kbid=327967) 在添加计数器对话框中,进程线程性能对象的名称不会显示。



PCSX2 1.2.0ReadmeOverviewPCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux, started by the same team that brought you PCSX (a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator).The PCSX2 project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer, thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!The project has been running for nearly 10 years now, and since its initial release has grown in compatibility. From initially just being able to run a few public domain demos, its current state enables many games to boot and actually go in game, such as the 'famous' Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry 3 and God of War. You can always visit the PCSX2 homepage to check the latest compatibility status of games with more than 2000 titles tested.Following our new release scheme as described here, v1.2.0 is an official, stable release.What's new in 1.2.0?WindowsCore:∙microVU fixes for Dreamworks games, later Tony Hawks games, Evil Dead and others.∙Fixes to New GIF unit to solve regressions∙microVU bugs fixed (affecting Extreme-G Racing and others)∙CDVD fixes (Impossible Mission now boots)∙Path 3 arbitration and timing refinements∙MFIFO fixes for DDR games∙Huge DMAC bug fix solving most of the problematic videos. (Baldurs Gate 2, Katamari Damacy and more) ∙Memorycard support improved in many games, now supports PSX memorycards also∙Multitap support improved greatly∙Many game fixes for COP2 problems inherent with emulation. (Ace Combat, Forbidden Siren and others) ∙VIF Unpack optimizations∙VU Delays added to fix the graphics of Snowblind engine games (Champions of Norrath, Baldurs Gate 2) ∙Various other game specific fixes in GameDB∙NVM file creation (if one doesn't exist) now fills in iLink ident. (Age of Empires 2)SPU2-X:∙Improved DMA system∙Fixes to reverbGSdx:∙Improved adapter selection for detecting of videocards∙CLUT (Color LookUp Table) fixes for games such as Disney Golf∙Texture Offset options added to help improve upscaling artifacts∙OpenGL mode added (Experimental currently)∙Various CRC hacks∙Hack for NVIDIA cards, solves problems with stretching on drivers above 320.18∙New shader resources! Complete PCSX2 FX Revised 2.0 by Asmodean has been integratedDEV9ghzdrk:∙Improved support for Gran Turismo 4 online playLinuxCore:∙Support for external patch (pnach) filesOnePad changes:∙Bugfixes for multiple button presses∙Bugfixed memory leaksZZogl:∙Added support for MESA drivers∙Bump OpenGL requirement to 3.0 with floating texture∙Various OpenGL fixesSPU2-X:∙Added SDL BackendKnown issues in release 1.2.0∙GSdx DX9 Hardware mode lacks various features that DX10 mode has.∙Game database not complete (it's an ongoing WIP).∙Patches browser is not implemented yet.∙Interpreters are somewhat unstableConfigurationA very detailed guide is available on the PCSX2 homepage which is already translated in several languages! You can consult it here.A shorter quick-start guide has been written by avih which is less detailed but much smaller. Read it here.List of current hotkeysF1 -- Saves state into the current slotF2 -- Changes to the next save slotShift+F2 -- Changes to the previous slotF3 -- Loads state from the current slotShift+F3 -- Loads state from the backup slotF4– Frame Limiter Type (Normal / Off / Value) Shift+F4– Frame skip toggleF6 -- Toggles the GS window's Aspect Ratio (stretch, 4:3, 16:9)F8 (also Shift+F8 & Ctrl+Shift+F8) -- Takes a snapshot of the image inside the GS window (saved in snaps folder)F9 -- Hardware/Software Renderer Toggle for GSdx F10– Toggles loggingF11 -- Freezes the GSF12– Toggles Video Capture for GSdxTAB -- Turbo On / Off toggleShift+TAB -- Slow motion toggle Alt+ENTER– Full screen toggleESC -- Pauses the emulationCtrl+KP_ADD -- Zooms into the GS windowCtrl+KP_SUBTRACT -- Zoom out of the GS window Ctrl+KP_MULTIPLY -- Resets the zoom on the GS windowThese shortcuts change the vertical zoom of the image, thus stretching/squishing it:Alt+Ctrl+KP_ADD -- Stretches the imageAlt+Ctrl+KP_SUBTRACT -- Squishes the imageAlt+Ctrl+KP_MULTIPLY -- Resets the imageThese shortcuts move the whole image inside the GS window:Alt+Ctrl+UP -- Moves the image upAlt+Ctrl+DOWN -- Moves the image downAlt+Ctrl+LEFT -- Moves the image leftAlt+Ctrl+RIGHT -- Moves the image rightAlt+Ctrl+KP_DIVIDE -- Re-centers the imageGSdx-specific keyboard hotkeysF5 -- Toggle De-Interlacing ModesF7– Cycle Pixel Noise modes ( Internal "TV-like" shaders ) INSERT– Toggle Software mipmappingHOME– Toggle FX shaderPAGE_UP– Toggle FXAA (HW and SW)DELETE– Toggle Software anti-aliasing (AA1)StatusPCSX2 has come a long way since its starting point back in 2001. Current features include:∙Separate recompilers for Emotion Engine (EE) , Vector Unit 0 (VU0) and Vector Unit 1 (VU1).∙Triple core support, with the Graphics Synthesizer (GS) running on a second thread and the VU1 running on a third thread when MTVU is used∙Usage of MMX, SSE1, SSE2, SSSE3, and SSE4 extensions.∙Proper SPU2 emulation featuring Time Scaling and Reverb.∙Full gamepad support featuring Dual Shock 2, analog controls and even supporting analog movement over keyboard (using some external plugins).∙Many more :)Sections that still need work:∙Dev9, FireWire and USB are all just partially supported.∙Image Processing Unit (IPU) emulation (which is responsible for the FMV playback) is slow and not completely fixed yet.∙MIPS cache could be properly implemented, but currently only one title is known to rely on it.∙The complex timing between PS2 components is an on-going work in progress.How can you help?As most of you are aware, the PCSX2 team is working on this project at the expense of their free time and provides it without charge.If you want to show your appreciation to these people and motivate them, you can donate any amount of money you feel is right to the team’s PayPal account found on the official site.These funds will be used for the team members to get new, more modern hardware in order to test and debug more efficiently and even implement new features (just like dual core support for example).If you are a programmer and you are interested in helping the PCSX2 team by making additions or corrections to the code, you are free to browse through the public Github repository here after taking into account PCSX2 is under the (GPL) v3The Coding TeamBelow you can see 3 tables, showing the current team members who are actively coding at the present time, the current team members who have been inactive for some time and the older team members who for some reason quit along the way, which include the previous project leader Linuzappz, and our last “semi project leader” Jake Stine, to both of which we send our best regards JCurrent active team members:Current inactive team members:Ex-team members:Additional coding and help:F|RES, fumofumo, Nneeve, Nocomp, Pofis, _Riff_, Shadow LadyThe Beta Tester TeamBeta testers are people (slaves/mindless grunts :P) who constantly test new PCSX2 beta builds to report any new bugs, regressions or improvements. While this might sound simple to most, what many people do not know is that testers also debug with the coders, maintain the huge game compatibility list, create dumps and logs for the coders and so much more. As above, active, inactive and ex members are listed alphabetically.Current active members:Bositman, Falcon4Ever, Prafull, Parotaku, GeneralPlotCurrent inactive team members:Belmont, CKemu, Crushtest, Knuckles, Krakatos. Raziel, RudyX, Shadow LadyEx-team members:Chaoscode, CpUMasteR, EFX , Elly, JegHegy, Razorblade, RPGWizard, Seta San, Snake875Additional thanks and creditsDuke of NAPALM: For “3D stars”, the first demo that worked in PCSX2 :)Tony Saveski (dreamtime): For his great ps2tutorials!!F|res: Author of dolphin, a big thanks from shadow..Now3d: The guy that helped shadow at his first steps..Keith: Who believed in us..Bobbi & Thorgal: For hosting us, for the old page design and so many other thingsSjeep: Help and infoBGnome: Help testing stuffDixon: Design of the old pcsx2 page, and the domainBositman: PCSX2 beta tester :) (gia sou bositman pare ta credits sou )No-Reccess: Nice guy and great demo coder :)NSX2 team: For their help with VU ;)Razorblade: For the old PCSX2 logo & icon.Snake: He knows what for :PEctor: Awesome emu :)Zezu: A good guy. Good luck with your emu :PHiryu & Sjeep: For their libcdvd (ISO parsing and file system driver code)Sjeep: For the SjDATA file system driverF|res: For the original DECI2 implementationlibmpeg2: For the mpeg2 decoding routinesAumatt: For applying fixes to pcsx2Microsoft: For 2003, 2005, 2008 and now 2010.NASM team: For nasmCKemu: Logos/design…and probably to a few more.Special Shadow's thanks go to...My friends: Dimitris, James, Thodoris, Thanasis and probably to a few more… and of course to a lady somewhere out there…。



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Scalpel V2.0 sp1的安装步骤

Scalpel V2.0 sp1的安装步骤

一、Scalpel V2.0 sp1的安装1、双击ScalpelMax_sp1,如图1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6. jpg7. jpg8. jpg若你的MAX曾经成功安装过Cebas公司的其它产品,如思维粒子等相关插件。


二、Scalpel V2.0 sp1的破解1、以下是使用该插件没有破解的效果,如图9. jpg10. jpg2、安装IP Clamp 1.2.EXE,如图11. jpg12. jpg13. jpg14. jpg3、按Ctrl+Alt+Del键,打开任务管理器,关闭IP-Clamp.exe程序。

如图15. jpg4、打开XF-IPClamp12-KG.EXE注册机,如图16.jpg5、单击“crack”按钮并拾取Cebas/Ip-clamp目标文件夹,如图17. jpg18. jpg19. jpg6、启动IP-Clamp.exe,单击开始->所有程序->cebas IP-Clamp->IP-Clamp.exe,如图20. jpg7、在弹出的面板中,点击Apply按钮,如图21. jpg8、进入第二个标签,将注册机的序列号粘贴到Licence Code文本框中,并单Add按钮,具体操作如图22. jpg9、单击Request按钮,在弹出的另存对话中任设一路径(我设的路径是我的文档),并取名保存(我取的是111),具体操作如图23. jpg10、单击第一个路径按钮,打开刚才保存的111文件,如图24. jpg11、单击第二个路径按钮,任设一路径,我设的是我的文档,如图25. jpg12、单击Generate按钮,在弹出的信息面板中单击确定,如图26. jpg13、进入第三个标签,单击Import Licence按钮,打开刚才自动生成的文件ipclamp.lic,具体操作如图27. jpg14、单击确定,破解成功,如图28. jpg29. jpg30. jpg。

Quest公司软件产品vkernel vOPS

Quest公司软件产品vkernel vOPS

Solution Area Performance Monitoring Capacity Planning

CapacityIQ Available in a separate product, vCenter Operations Standard Calculates VM slot counts only on server resources and storage space, disk I/O is not used Only analyzes average resource usage for allocation resizing Only sizes CPU and memory resources No resizing automation Does not find abandoned VMDKs, snapshots or templates Out-of-the-box reports available
• 那么当我们把1、2、4个虚拟CPU的虚拟机放在同一个ESX服务器 上的时候会发生什么事?这个对调度会产生什么影响?
常见误区——被共享的内存值(Shared RAM)过低
• ESX server 会定期扫描内存页面来做重复内存删除 • 当它发现这些内存页面中有相同的内容时,它会用一份只读 (Read Only)的内存分页拷贝来提供给这些虚拟机使用。

SolidWorks 2014 SP2.0【安装+破解+开启特效】指南

SolidWorks 2014 SP2.0【安装+破解+开启特效】指南

SolidWorks 2014 SP2.0【安装+破解+开启特效】指南




















打开【RealHack 3.7.exe】,(软件下载地址百度网盘:/s/1qrCi0)。


技术支持 Q Q 群:5 8 2 9 7 4 7
y z h。

PS2金手指工具 XpLoader V5 日版使用方法

PS2金手指工具 XpLoader V5 日版使用方法

PS2金手指工具XpLoader V5 日版使用方法如果游戏不能修改,玩游戏还有何乐趣??所以这篇文章写给和我一样喜欢虐GAMES的朋友~PS2主机上能修改游戏的工具有不少,比如说GAMESHARK,AR2,XPLOADER,网络上提供的也大多是这三种工具的金手指密码;个人认为,其中XPLOADER比较强大,不过除了它俺也就没用过别的工具……最新的XPLOADER据说已经出到PRO版本,但网上常见的是V5的日版,它还有个名字叫TERMINATOR_EXTREME ,呵呵,一点不出众,本文还是以XP5来称呼它好了,至于这个工具有什么特点,我觉得两条就够了:几手所有的游戏都提供XP5的金手指码或兼容码(比如XP5还兼容AR2和RAW格式的金手指码);占用记忆卡容量很少(约300KB,比XP4占用小5倍)。

我们需要准备的物品有:1.PS2主机一台;(理论上XP5支持PS2所有型号的主机)2.PS2记忆卡;(记得插在记忆插口上……)3.PS2手柄一个;(……)4.XPLOADER V5的DVD光盘;(网上很多地方可以下载,也可以在迅雷网站搜索XPLOADER或是PS2工具52合1,推荐下载合集,一张DVD光盘包括很多有用的其他工具,本文用合集光盘示范)5.需要修改的游戏盘一张;(本文用怪物猎人2游戏来示范)注:下载的PS2合集是ISO的镜像文件,用酒精或NERO加载后刻成DVD,方法大家再找教程好了,记得使用DVD -R刻录盘以4倍或以下的速度刻录,这样PS2主机基本上不会再挑盘了。


V-Ray 2.0 SP1 顶渲中英文双语版安装使用说明

V-Ray 2.0 SP1 顶渲中英文双语版安装使用说明

1.正常安装3dsmax/design 2012 32/64位的中文或英文版
4.运行本软件,可通过下面方法启动切换器,以 win7 及 3dsmax2012 64位为例,其它版本与此类似,不再赘述。
1.使用桌面上的快捷图标:V-Ray中英文双语切换器 max2012 64bit
2.使用菜单:开始 -> toprender 64bit -> max2012 -> V-Ray 2.0 SP1 for 3dsmax2012 64bit DL ->V-Ray中英文双语切换器 max2012 64bit
பைடு நூலகம்
1.关掉VRay,将 开启V-Ray 前面的勾选去掉即可。
2.使用顶渲简体中文版,将 开启V-Ray 前面的勾选开启,且选取下面的 顶渲简体中文版即可。
by Ma5
3.使用英文版原版,将 开启V-Ray 前面的勾选开启,且选取下面的 英文版即可。
如果在安装过程中遇到其它问题,请访问 【顶渲网】 寻求帮助。
如果您在使用简体中文版发现程序不稳定或翻译有不准确之处,请到 【顶渲论坛】 发表您的见解,如被采纳,您将会获得赠分,免费使用顶渲网提供的资源。












2:save manager(savemgr)是一款不错的psv游戏存档管理器,可以对存档导入和导出,同一款游戏支持导出10个不同的存档位置,而配合vitashell操作,也可以导入别人的存档进行改签,甚至不同区的同一款游戏改签存档。








2.安装REDHAT4.2运⾏虚拟机,在file选项下选择new下的virtual mashine。

加载REDHAT disc1.在提⽰加载其他的光盘时,在左下⾓虚拟光驱中加载接下来按照提⽰加载剩下的光盘镜像,加载之后记得connect(安装前提是硬盘空间最⼩要15G)。


3.安装VMware Tools安装完系统后,点击start this virtual machine开始启动系统,然后⽤root账号登陆,密码就是在安装系统时⾃⼰设置的密码。

在上⾯的⼯具栏菜单选择VM\install VMware Tools(⽬的是⿏标可以直接移动到LINUX界⾯外,不再需要Ctrl+Alt;设置LINUX 界⾯的⼤⼩,同时也可以实现和windows共享⽂件夹),⽣成VmWare Tools后将VMwareTools-6.0.0-45731.tar.gz拷贝到任何⽬录下,然后在终端中的该⽬录下⽤tar –zxvfVMwareTools-7.8.4-126130.tar.gz命令进⾏解压,然后进⼊解压后得到的vmware-tools-distrib的⽬录,执⾏./ vmware-install.pl进⾏安装(⼀切选择默认就⾏)。

另⼀种⽅法:如果第⼀种⽅法不⾏,出现错误,就加载VM安装⽬录下的⼀个linux.iso镜像,在系统中打开cd-rom⾥⾯有个⽂件VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz就是VMware Tools压缩包。

把它拷贝到home ⽂件夹下,然后⽤tar –xvzfVMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz 解压缩⽂件,然后执⾏在解压好的⽂件路径下输⼊命令执⾏./vmware-install.pl 进⾏安装。



PCSX2设置介绍PCSX2是一款功能强大的PlayStation 2(PS2)模拟器,它允许您在计算机上玩PS2游戏。






步骤2:获取PS2 BIOS在使用PCSX2之前,您需要获取PS2的BIOS文件。

由于法律原因,PCSX2无法包含PS2 BIOS文件,并且官方网站也不提供其下载。



















The CI-134 series ISA boards come with 4 independent RS-422/485serial ports for connecting data acquisition equipment and otherserial devices to a PC. Connect your devices over longer distances—up to 1.2 km (4000 ft)—and ensure greater reliability in industrialenvironments with on-board surge protection and electrical isolation(available with some models). Enjoy greater versatility by usingpoint-to-point full duplex connections, or set up a half duplex RS-485multi-drop network.CI-134 SeriesCI-134-DB9M:CI-134I-DB9M:CI-134IS-DB9M:included)CI-134IS w/o Cable: 4-port RS-422/485 ISA serial board with electrical isolation and surge protection(CBL-M37M25x4-30 cable included)Connection Options (one cable is included with each board)CBL-M37M9x4-30: M37 to 4 x DB9-M cable, 30 cmHardwareComm. Controller: 16C550C or compatible x 4Bus: 16-bit ISAConnector: DB37 femaleSerial InterfaceNumber of Ports: 4Serial Standards: RS-422/485Max. No. of Boards per PC: 4Serial Line ProtectionElectrical Isolation: 2 kV (CI-134I/IS only)PerformanceBaudrate: 50 bps to 921.6 kbpsBuilt-in Termination Resistor: 120 ohm (enabled by jumper forRS-485-2w)Serial Communication ParametersData Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2Parity: None, Even, Odd, Space, MarkI/O Address: 0x0000-0xFFFF (default = 0x180)IRQ: 2 (9), 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 (default), 11, 12, 15Serial SignalsRS-422: TxD+(B), TxD-(A), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), RTS+(B), RTS-(A),CTS+(B), CTS-(A), GNDRS-485-4w: TxD+(B), TxD-(A), RxD+(B), RxD-(A), GNDRS-485-2w: Data+(B), Data-(A), GNDPhysical CharacteristicsDimensions:CI-134: 85 x 160 mm (3.35 x 6.30 in)CI-134I/IS: 110 x 180 mm (4.33 x 7.09 in)Driver SupportWindows: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000, Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1 (x86/x64), Windows 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 (x64),Windows 3.x, DOS, Windows Embedded CE 5.0/6.0, Windows XPEmbeddedLinux: Linux 2.4.x, 2.6.x, 3.xUnix-like Systems: QNX 6, SCO OpenServer, UnixWare 7, Solaris 10,FreeBSDNote: Please refer to Moxa’s website for the latest driver support information.Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature: 0 to 55°C (32 to 131°F)Storage Temperature: -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC: EN 55032/24EMI: CISPR 32, FCC Part 15B Class BEMS:IEC 61000-4-2 ESD: Contact: 8 kV; Air: 15 kVIEC 61000-4-3 RS: 80 MHz to 1 GHz: 10 V/mIEC 61000-4-4 EFT: Signal: 2 kVMTBF (mean time between failures)Time: 424,655 hrsStandard: Telcordia (Bellcore) TR/SRPower RequirementsInput Current:CI-134: 450 mA @ 5 VDCCI-134I: 610 mA @ 5 VDCCI-134IS: 620 mA @ 5 VDCWarrantyWarranty Period: 5 yearsDetails: See /warrantySpecificationsOrdering InformationOverview。



1) 下载‎新版 PC‎S X2模拟‎器2) ‎将下载文件‎的内容解压‎缩至任意文‎件夹(如:‎C:\PC‎S X2)‎3) 运‎行该文件夹‎中的pcs‎x2t.e‎x e或者p‎c sx2.‎e xe‎设置pc‎s x2‎P CSX2‎目前有两种‎版本:TL‎B版和VM‎(虚拟内存‎)版。


首先按照‎建议的步骤‎(键入用户‎名,注销/‎登录,并重‎新启动系统‎)尝试运行‎V M版。




在此,你‎可以按照你‎的需要改变‎p csx2‎的设置和插‎件。



因此,如‎果不使用预‎设目录(/‎p lugi‎n s 和‎/bios‎)的话,就‎需要点击这‎些按键来改‎变它们。



‎‎图像图‎像卡所支持‎的像素着色‎(pixe‎l sha‎d ers)‎的版本目‎前可以使用‎Z erog‎s v0.‎96.0插‎件(从pc‎s x2的界‎面plug‎i ns上)‎,这是一个‎新的Dir‎e ctX9‎图形插件。

‎支持pi‎x el s‎h ader‎2(像素‎着色2)的‎显卡才可以‎运行。

G‎S dx9 ‎a t v0‎.9.0,‎另一个以‎D irec‎t X 9 ‎为基础的插‎件,其作者‎是Gabe‎s t。



以转换拳皇97为例,首先打开我提供的POPSConv rom转换工具进到下面示图界面,点选择ISO/PHP能看到一个img格式的rom,好接下来就点击选择那个img格式的rom开始转换直到进度条完成看到提示转换完成,这样我们就在同一目录里看到转换好的一个PBP格式的rom
这一步就很简单了,还是点击选择ISO/PHP找到刚才转换好的PHP格式的rom,接下来就能看到转换工具界面就多了个解压ISO,点击开始转换提示我们要存放的位置,你最好选择一个自己好找的文件夹定义一个名称(自己随意,我定义的是The King Of Fighters '97 ) 保存如图(4),等待进度条完成




1.下载绿色守护-安卓省电.zip,“ ”安装其中的应用。

2.打开Xposed Installer,选择“框架”。






6.打开绿色守护,打开菜单中的“实验性特性”,安装“Greenify (Donation Package)_2.3.apk”是捐赠版扩展包,会出现下面的提示,捐赠版才能使用实验性特性中的高级功能。










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浦东软件园发展规划外部访谈纲要软件企业(园内和潜在)_____________________________________________ 2软件园______________________________________________________________ 5政府监管部门_______________________________________________________ 9行业专家___________________________________________________________ 11附录:数据收集表__________________________________________________ 13访谈日期:访问人:受访人:部门/职位:软件企业(园内和潜在)(一)背景1.请描述贵公司的基本情况,例如a.主要业务b.主要职能(独资/合资/合作/内资、总部/分部、研发/支持/贸易/咨询/其他、服务对象为国外/国内/华东/园区附近、服务对象为政府/金融/教育/制造等)c.企业规模(收入、盈利、区域范围)/员工数(二)对软件产业发展的看法1.您最迫切需要政府出台什么样政策以使您的企业以及整个软件行业更好地发展?2.您对国内软件及服务市场的看法是怎样的?a.对各细分软件市场的看法b.对软件平台市场的看法c.对政府及行业采购的看法(电信、金税、社会保险等)d.WTO对软件行业的影响3.您对软件外包出口的业务怎么看?a.是否能够学习印度的模式?b.出口重点的市场应该是日本吗?c.中国和印度、爱尔兰等国软件出口国应该如何进行竞争?4.在中国,软件企业怎样做才能盈利?(三)对目前国内软件园发展的看法1.贵公司决定入住该园区的关键选择标准是哪些?重要性如何排列?当时有没有考虑过别的软件园区?与浦东软件园相比,其他软件园的优劣各有什么?2.各个地方对于去哪个园区注册和入住有哪些优惠政策?各个地方对于去哪个园区注册和入住又有哪些限制和保护?3.您需要软件园提供哪些服务? 目前您所在的软件园提供的服务有哪些?价格是多少?对于这些您需要的服务,您所能接受的价格是多少?a.房租/物业b.基础设施(地理位置、交通)c.硬件设施(信息、办公设备等)d.人力资源(是否容易招到人才?)e.企业孵化器f.软件出口/市场推广方面g.资金/金融/法律等专业服务4.贵公司在进驻后发现园区环境/服务/管理等存在那些不足之处?仍需提供怎样的优惠/服务?5.您是否考察过国外的软件园?针对国外的软件园的情况,您对国内的软件园的发展有什么建议?6.软件园对中国软件业的发展的作用到底有多大?在软件产业价值链上可以起的作用您认为是什么?(四)被访谈公司所在的市场细分情况1.主要的产品/服务是什么?面向的是哪个市场(国内/美国/日本)?一年大概的销售额能达到多少?盈利情况大概是怎样的?2.有哪些公司是贵公司的竞争对手?他们的市场份额大约是多少?3.对贵公司所在市场细分的今后发展的看法:a.市场规模有多大?b.增长率是多少?c.可能会有怎样的变化?(五)是否可以介绍其它人员参加访谈?访谈日期:访问人:受访人:部门/职位:软件园(一)背景1.请您介绍一下贵软件园的一些背景情况a.历史/定位/战略目标b.投资额(包括吸引内外资的情况、历史投资情况和将来的投资计划)c.主要业务/服务;主要收入/利润来源(二)园内企业的情况1.已注册企业数和已入住的企业数,以及园区内企业总的收入情况2.软件园对入驻企业定位是什么?实际软件园内的企业按照客户群如何划分:a.主要分哪几类?特点分别是什么?b.要求提供的服务分别有什么不同?c.不同的客户群面向的市场有什么不同?其销售和盈利状况分别如何?d.不同的客户群为软件园贡献的收入分别是怎样的?3.园区采取的招商手段有哪些?各自效果如何?有哪些需要改进的地方?4.吸引各不同类型的企业进驻园区的关键成功因素是什么?a.能否列出3-5条并按照重要性进行打分(按1-5分打分,重要的5分,不重要的1分);b.各软件园在这些方面分别做得怎样?5.对进一步吸引软件企业入园,您有什么规划?(三)提供的服务2.能否介绍一下贵软件园为入园企业提供的优惠政策和其它条件3.能否介绍一下贵软件园为入园企业提供的服务内容;a.哪些服务是客户认为重要的,请列出优先级b.将来贵软件园还打算推出哪些服务?c.这些服务的收费是什么样的?客户是否能够接受?4.房地产方面:a.已建成的建筑面积和在建的建筑面积b.房租:c.楼价:d.物业费用:5.人力资源方面:a.协助企业引进人才方面方面有什么举措b.与周边高校、科研院所有什么合作c.发展社会培训方面有什么举措d.园区内企业还有什么样的要求6.有没有提供类似企业孵化器的服务,效果如何?如何考虑孵化器与公司盈利之间的关系?7.协助园内企业进行软件出口和市场推广方面提供了哪些服务,效果如何?存在哪些问题?对进一步改进有什么建议?8.在协助企业融资方面提供了什么政策和服务?9.您是否考察过国外的软件园?针对国外的软件园的情况,您对国内的软件园的发展有什么建议?10.软件园对中国软件业的发展的作用到底有多大?在软件产业价值链上可以起的作用您认为是什么?(四)对软件行业发展的看法1.您认为中国软件业的发展前景怎么样?今后3年的市场成长速度是多少?到2005市场规模可以达到多少?2.您最迫切需要政府出台什么样政策以使软件园以及整个软件行业更好地发展?3.您对国内软件及服务市场的看法是怎样的?a.对各细分软件市场的看法b.对软件平台市场的看法c.对政府及行业采购的看法(电信、金税、社会保险等)d.WTO对软件行业的影响4.您对软件外包出口的业务怎么看?a.是否能够学习印度的模式?b.出口重点的市场应该是日本吗?c.中国和印度、爱尔兰等国软件出口国应该如何进行竞争?(五)对软件园发展的规划1.将来3年内软件园还有什么样的投资计划?2.对软件园上市这样的做法有什么看法?(六)是否可以介绍其它人员参加访谈?访谈日期:访问人:受访人:部门/职位:政府监管部门(一)被访谈者的背景1.被访谈者的部门的职能介绍(二)对软件园发展的看法1.目前政府在鼓励软件园发展方面有什么样的优惠政策?当前的政策趋势如何?将来还有可能出台什么样新的政策?2.您认为软件园在中国软件行业的发展中可以起什么样的作用?3.您认为目前哪些软件园办得比较成功,您的部门评价这些软件园的标准有哪些?重要性如何排列?这些软件园是否能办成功的关键成功要素是什么?重要性如何排列?请列出最符合您选择标准的3个软件园并根据您的选择标准进行打分(附件数据表)4.对软件园上市这样的可能性您的看法是什么?(三)对软件行业的发展的看法1.您认为中国软件业的发展前景怎么样?在整个国民经济中应该占什么样的一个地位?2.政府,相对于市场,在软件产业的发展中应该起一个什么样的作用?3.目前政府在鼓励软件产业的发展方面有什么样的优惠政策?当前政策趋势如何?将来还有可能出台什么样新的政策?(四)是否可以介绍其它人员参加访谈?访谈日期:访问人:受访人:部门/职位:行业专家(一)被访谈者的背景:(二)对目前软件行业发展的看法:1.您认为中国软件业的发展前景怎么样?今后3年的市场成长速度是多少?到2005市场规模可以达到多少?2.您觉得还需要政府出台什么样政策从而使整个软件行业更好地发展?3.您对国内软件及服务市场的看法是怎样的?e.对各细分软件市场的看法f.对软件平台市场的看法g.对政府及行业采购的看法(电信、金税、社会保险等)h.WTO对软件行业的影响4.您对软件外包出口的业务怎么看?a.是否能够学习印度的模式?b.出口重点的市场应该是日本吗?c.中国和印度、爱尔兰等国软件出口国应该如何进行竞争?5.国内的软件企业怎样才能做到盈利?(三)对软件园的看法:1.您认为软件园是否能办成功的关键成功要素是什么?重要性如何排列?请列出最符合您选择标准的3个软件园并根据您的选择标准进行打分(附件数据表)2.您是否考察过国外的软件园?针对国外的软件园的情况,国内的软件园分别有什么优势和劣势?你对国内软件园的发展有什么建议?3.各个地方对于去哪个园区注册和入住有哪些优惠政策?各个地方对于去哪个园区注册和入住又有哪些限制和保护?4.您认为软件园应该提供哪些服务? 目前您所知道的软件园提供的服务有哪些?a.房租/物业b.基础设施(地理位置、交通)c.硬件设施(信息、办公设备等)d.人力资源(是否容易招到人才?)e.企业孵化器f.软件出口/市场推广方面g.资金/金融/法律等专业服务5.软件园在中国软件行业的发展中到底可以起什么样的作用?对将来软件园的发展应如何规划(四)是否可以介绍其它人员参加访谈?附录:数据收集表附表1. 主要细分市场的未来发展(软件企业、软件园、行业专家)附表2. 主要软件园的核心竞争力分析(软件企业、软件园、行业专家)附表3. 软件企业对软件园的主要选择标准(软件园、软件企业)。
