版本修订目录1.简介 (5)2.AC-Link V2概况 (5)3.AC-Link V2仿真/调试器特点 (5)4.AC-Link V2仿真/调试器使用指南 (6)5.其他 (9)图表1AC-Link V2仿真/调试器框图 (5)图表2AC-Link V2实物图 (6)图表3AC-Link V2接口引脚说明 (6)图表4选择驱动程序 (7)图表5选择端口 (7)图表6更新驱动程序 (8)图表7选择AisinoChipCDC.inf (8)图表8成功安装驱动程序 (8)1.简介AC-Link V2仿真器是一款遵循ARM公司的CMSIS-DAP标准开发的调试工具,支持航芯(AisinoChip)旗下所有的Cortex-M系列MCU产品。
2.AC-Link V2概况AC-Link V2仿真器调试框图如图表1所示,主要由仿真器和通信设备类(Communication Device Class,CDC)驱动软件组成。
图表1AC-Link V2仿真/调试器框图3.AC-Link V2仿真/调试器特点1)在线调试的功能-支持目标板3.3V或5V自供电环境;-即插即用,不需安装驱动,可直接在Keil,IAR Embedded Workbench等集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment,IDE)下调试;-支持串行线调试(Serial Wire Debug,SWD)接口。
天宇-C93T产品手册-20140329天宇光电 GPS 产品系列天宇 C93T产品手册广州天宇光电仪器有限公司二○一四年三月第一章天宇C93T GPS概述§1.1 关于天宇C93T GPS介绍作为先进的测绘技术,GPS测量技术在众多测量生产中的作用变得日益广泛和重要。
天宇C93T GPS主机,集成了天线、主板、电台、接收天线、蓝牙模块、电池等组件,移动站完全一体化,只需手簿操作即可工作。
天宇C93T GPS系统结合了最新的GPS RTK 接收机的先进技术并以精巧的外观,迷人的色彩给你带去时尚的测量模式。
天宇C93T GPS,依靠先进的GPS接收机技术在设计上着重于更高的稳定性,更低的功耗,更小的体积,更轻的重量。
天宇C93T GPS,在防水、防尘方面有独特的设计。
§1.2 四大特色1、一体化设计与抗干扰的完美结合一体化设计是世界同类产品的潮流,彻底摆脱“线”制,模块化的设计有效解决机器内部的干扰问题。
3、工业级模具三防设计(防尘、防水、防震)专业的模具、高强度的工业外壳材料以及具有很强防水能力的防水圈,使得C93T GPS的野外性能更优越。
除了一般仪器用的COM口外,天宇C93T GPS采用USB的串行口连接技术方便大容量静态数据的传输。
§1.3 技术特色1、科技传承融会贯通核心的RTK数据链技术,主体性能达到国际先进水平;双键飞梭的方便操作,轻松实现各种主机功能操作;无线的蓝牙通讯方式;工业级的三防设计等多年来掌握并实践的先进RTK技术在C93T GPS中得到传承,使得主机的稳定性得到有效的保障。
9312排障手册目录Contents一、前言 (2)目的 Purpose (2)听众对象Audience (2)二、Alcatel-Lucent_9312硬件介绍 (3)1、9312 NodeB结构: (3)2、各个模块功能: (3)(一)d2U模块 (4)(二)TRDU模块 (4)3、机柜内连线方式: (5)4、D2U的调测: (6)(一)调测前的准备: (7)(二)软件升级: (7)(三)修改I&C参数和保存I&C参数: (7) (四)备份MCA参数: (9)(五)调测结束。
(9)三、基站故障现象及解决方案 (9)1、小区问题及解决方案: (9)2、传输问题及解决方案: (11)3、脱管问题及解决方案: (13)4、D2U本调时常遇问题及解决方案: (14)一、前言目的 Purpose这篇文档描述了Alcatel-Lucent 9312基站的硬件介绍,开通以及故障处理。
本文件适用于Alcatel Utran工程项目9312及混插设备的故障处理。
Radio parts: TRDUICOTRCU二、 Alcatel-Lucent_9312硬件介绍1、9312 NodeB 结构:注:optional 为可选模块,有些基站没有配备这些模块。
Y o u r C o n n e c t o r C o n s u l t a n t S i n c e1962M85049/128EMI/RFI ShieldTermination BandsKey Benefits of Termination Bands:►Easy to Terminate►Secure Tension Lock System►For Cost Effective ApplicationsSPACECRAFT C OMPONENTS T ERMINATION B ANDSThese Bands are commonly used to attach a braid or a shield to a backshell. They come in two shapes: Coiled or flat.To provide our customers with a cost effective solution, Spacecraft Components now manufactures Termination Bands and is qualified to the M85049/128 specification.Shown below is a summary of the various bands and their respective tools.ELECTRO- ADAPTER SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOL NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSELECTRO-ADAPTER TOOLDANIELS TOOL214LF002Flat .245 x 14.0SCPSE-02F M85049/128-1M81306/2-01▲EAK214-25▲DBS-1101▲214L0002CoiledSCPSE-02CM85049/128-2BAND-IT ®SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLSNON MILITARY APPLICATIONSBAND-IT ®TOOLSDANIELS TOOLS GLENAIR TOOLSA10089Flat .242 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M85049/128-3M81306/1-01●A40199●DBS-2100●600-058●A10088Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-4A11086Flat .242 x 18.00SCPBE-02FL18♦N/A A31189*Flat .120 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M85049/128-7M81306/1-02●A30199●DBS-2200●600-061●A31188*Coiled SCPBE-04C M85049/128-8A31089*Flat.120 x 14.30SCPBE-03FN/A* Mini Band♦ Two-piece construction GLENAIR SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSGLENAIR TOOLSBAND-IT ® TOOLSDANIELS TOOLS600-052Flat .242 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M85049/128-3M81306/1-01●600-058●A40199●DBS-2100●600-052-1Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-4600-090Flat .242 x 18.0SCPBE-02FL18♦N/A M81306/1-01●600-058●A40199●DBS-2100●600-090-1Coiled SCPBE-02CL18♦600-057*Flat .120 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M85049/128-7M81306/1-02●600-061●A30199●DBS-2200●600-057-1*Coiled SCPBE-04C M85049/128-8600-083*Flat .120 x 14.30SCPBE-03F N/A600-083-1*CoiledSCPBE-03C* Mini Band♦ Two-piece constructionBand-It ® and Glenair bands work in the DBS or STS Tools, but two operations are required (terminate and fold-over) rather than the one operation (terminate/trim). DBS or STS-1101, and 1201 tools include both the termination tool and the secondary roll-over tool.SUNBANK SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSSUNBANK TOOLSDANIELS TOOLSS 3175F2Flat .245 x 14.00SCPSE-02F M85049/128-1M81306/2-01▲STS-1101▲DBS-1101▲S 3175-2Coiled SCPSE-02C M85049/128-2S 3175F3*Flat .118 x 14.25SCPSE-03F N/A M81306/2-02▲STS-1201▲DBS-1201▲S 3175-3*Coiled SCPSE-03C S 3175F4*Flat .118 x 9.50SCPSE-04F M85049/128-5M81306/2-02▲STS-1201▲DBS-1201▲S 3175-4*CoiledSCPSE-04CM85049/128-6* M ini BandDBS or STS-1101 and 1201 tools include both the termination tool and the secondary roll-over tool.MILITARY REFERENCEMILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSMILITARY SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N Band-It®Daniels GlenairSunbank M85049/128-1Flat .245 x 14.00SCPSE-02F M81306/2-01▲–DBS-1101▲–STS-1101▲M85049/128-2Coiled SCPSE-02C M85049/128-3Flat .245 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M81306/1-01●A40199●DBS-2100●600-058●–M85049/128-4Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-5Flat .118 x 9.50SCPSE-04F M81306/2-02▲–DBS-1201▲–STS-1201▲M85049/128-6Coiled SCPSE-04C M85049/128-7Flat .115 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M81306/1-02●A30199●DBS-2200●600-061●–M85049/128-8CoiledSCPBE-04C●One Step Tool ▲ Two Step Tool3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: ® B and-It ® is a registered trademark of Band-It-IDEX, Inc., a division ofIDEX Corporation, of which Spacecraft Components Corp. is not affiliated..098 MAXØ1.120SCPSE-03C.198 ±.031.080 REF.118 ±.010.015 REF14.24 ±.060SCPSE-03FSCPSE-03F & SCPSE-03C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1201▲ SUNBANK: STS-1201▲ M81306/2-02▲ ▲ Two Step Tool.098 MAXØ1.120M85049/128-6*SCPSE-04C M85049/128-8*SCPBE-04CØ0.860.198 ±.031.080 REF.118 ±.010.015 REF9.56 – 9.44M85049/128-5*SCPSE-04F.195 ±.031.053 REF.090 REF.115 ±.010.015 REF8.18 – 8.062.031 REFTAIL LENGTH INDICATOR MARKM85049/128-7*SCPBE-04FM85049/128-5 & M85049/128-6SCPSE-04F & SCPSE-04C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1201▲ SUNBANK: STS-1201▲ M81306/2-02▲M85049/128-7 & M85049/128-8 SCPBE-04F & SCPBE-04C TERMINATION TOOLS:BAND-IT ®: A30199●DANIELS: DBS-2200●GLENAIR: 600-061●M81306/1-02● ● One Step Tool ▲ Two Step ToolM85049/128MINI-BANDS (.115 WIDE)MINI-BANDS (.115 WIDE)M85049/128-83040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: * M 85049/128-5, -6, -7, -8 are proposed.® Band-It ® is a registered trademark of Band-It-IDEX, Inc., a division of IDEX Corporation, of which Spacecraft Components Corp. is not affiliated..140 MAX.150 MAXØ1.750M85049/128-2SCPSE-02CM85049/128-4SCPBE-02CØ1.750.328 ±.031.100 REF.245 ±.010.019 REF14.31 – 13.94M85049/128-1SCPSE-02F.350 ±.031.130 REF.156 REF.245 ±.010.020 REF14.31 – 14.192.031 REFTAIL LENGTH INDICATOR MARKM85049/128-3SCPBE-02FM85049/128-1 & M85049/128-2 SCPSE-02F & SCPSE-02C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1101▲ SUNBANK: STS-1101▲ M81306/2-01▲M85049/128-3 & M85049/128-4 SCPBE-02F & SCPBE-02C TERMINATION TOOLS:BAND-IT ®: A40199● DANIELS: DBS-2100●GLENAIR: 600-058●M81306/1-01● ● One Step Tool ▲ Two Step ToolM85049/128QUARTER-INCH TERMINATION BANDS (.245 WIDE)M85049/128-2M85049/128-4The termination of EMI/RFI shielding materials is a specialized sci-ence in today’s aerospace wiring systems. Application tooling is a critical factor in the overall performance of the wiring system components.DMC has worked closely with the world’s leading connector acces-sory manufacturers to develop the necessary tooling and acces-sories to meet the stringent demands of aerospace and defense system contractors. The resulting products afford the user many benefits which include:COMPATIBILITY with all currently available termination bands and systems.RELIABILITY through the use of commercially proven components and tool design practice.QUALITY & REPEATABILITY which are assured by a tension system.SERVICE & CALIBRATION – All tools produced by DMC are adjustable, and may be easily checked and set by the user. Also, expendable components such as cut-off blades are available for simple replacement by the user.LONG SERVICE LIFE – Properly maintained band applica-tion tools will produce thousands of reliable terminations.AFFORDABILITY – DMC tools continue to be the most cost effec-tive method to produce reliable wiring system shield termina-tions.Models are available for .250 in. (6.350 mm) and .125 in. (3.175 mm) wide bands from all current suppliers to M85049/128.THE PNEUMATIC BAND APPLICATION TOOL...is a cost effective system that speeds production and im-proves ergonomic conditions which are present when manual tools are used. Band tension is precisely applied by a depend-able pneumatic system which is consistent and repeatable.The tension system of the pneumatic band tool is adjustable, and can be checked by use of the verifcation devices avail-able from DMC. (See pages 68-69.)The cutter blade and other components of the DMC Pneu-matic Band tools are interchangeable with the same serieshand tools. The rugged design and field replaceable blades make the PBT/PMBT series the best choice for production ap-plications where EMI/RFI bands are used to terminate wire harness shielding.THE HAND OPERATED BAND APPLICATION TOOL (REFERENCE AS81306/2)is an excellent choice for many production and maintenance operations. Like the power driven models, they too can be calibrated by the user to provide reliable terminations throughout the service life.The lightweight construction and small “nose” pro-file enable the user to apply termination bands in even the tightest of working areas.EMI/RFI Band Application Tooling byBackshells for Banding, Over Molding or Shrink BootsConnectors withIntegrated Backshells for Banding, Over Moldingor Shrink BootsAS50151 – All Series, Crimp or SolderAS95234 – Reverse Bayonet, Crimp or Solder MIL-DTL-26482 – All Series, Crimp or Solder MIL-DTL-38999 – Series I, II & IIISee Calalog 601 for details.SCPB00SV AS95234(REVERSE BAYONET)SC50SV AS50151(MS 3450)SC76SV MIL-DTL-26482Series 2(MS3476)SC3924SV MIL-DTL-38999Series III (D38999/24)3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: SF-403NOV.2014SCP 50151 Style ConnectorsAS95234 Reverse Bayonet ConnectorsSCPT 26482 Style SC1 38999 Series I SC2 38999 Series II SC39 38999 Series IIISCPB SeriesConnector AccessoriesConnectors with Integrated BackshellsHeadquarters3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: Italy OfficeSpacecraft Components , Sp A Milan, Italy+39 (335] 719.4512Arizona Office2432 W. Peoria Ave.Suite 1192Phoenix, AZ 85029Tel: 602.944.2351Fax: 602.997.0373South Carolina Office 25 Woods Lake Rd., Suite 403Greenville, SC 29607Tel: 954.748.4540Fax: 954.748.4128Florida Office4577 Nob Hill Road Suite 106Sunrise, FL 33351Tel: 954.748.4540Fax: 954.748.4128Try Our Other Connector ProductsGet All of OurCatalogs & Product Brochures on One DiscY o u r C o n n e c t o r C o n s u l t a n t S i n c e 1962COMPILED AND PRODUCED BY SPACECRAFT COMPONENTS CORP.©2014 SPACECRAFT COMPONENTS CORP ., NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89032。
US Army 电信站LS-147C Fl维修部件和特殊工具清单说明书
known usage.
PD — Support item, excluding support equipment,
procured for initial issue or outfitting and
stocked only for subsequent or additional
initial issues or outfittings. Not subject to
Illus Figure
1 2 3 4
*This manual supersedes TM 11-5830-221-24P, 28 June 1974. i
1. Scope.
This manual lists repair parts for the performance of organizational and direct support maintenance of the LS-147C/FI.
automatic replenishment.
XA — Item is not procured or stocked because the
requirements for the item will result in the
replacement of the next higher assembly. —
of the illustration on which the item is shown. (2) Item number. The number used to identify
each item called out in the illustration. b. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes
Leaderway CNC Technologies V42iW 垂直机器中心产品清单说明书
VERTICAL MACHININGCENTERPARTS LISTV42iWLEADERWAY CNC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.NO. 36, Ln. 211, Taiming Rd.,Wuri Dist, TAICHUNG 41468, TAIWANTEL: +886-4-2335-0711FAX: +886-4-2335-0986台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F11051主軸頭+立柱單元SPINDLE HEAD + COLUMN UNITV42iW00103500010B0調整檔塊ADJUSTABLE STOPPER3140\SS41200203500012B0滑座壓塊SLIDING BLOCK,ADJUSTABLE BRA3210\SS41400303582170A0主軸頭SPINDLE HEAD1010\3582170A2\FC30100403582171A0立柱COLUMN 1020\3582171A2\FC-30100503582196A0Z軸下摺動罩LOWER TELESCOPIC COVER, Z 9400\SPCCZ100603582197A0Z軸防屑擋板PLATE FOR CHIP 7210\200703582198A0碰塊座支撐架RIGHT DOG BRACKET SUPPORTER SS41100803582199A0微動開關座(Z)MICRO SWITCH BRACKET, Z AXIS 3160\SS41100904800143204微動開關MICRO SWITCH BNS819-B02-D12-61-12-10BALLU1010********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET 4140\AL(125m/m*3軌)201103500081A0碰塊DOG 3140\SS41(42m/m)201203540007A0碰塊DOG 4140\AL 外購65L101303985075A0線性滑軌-Z軸LINEAR GUIDE9840\#35滾柱型101404080106015直銷(軸承鋼針)PINφ6x15L5801503582201A0主軸頭右側蓋板RIGHT COVER, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101603582202A0主軸頭左側蓋板LEFT COVER, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101703582203A0主軸頭前蓋板FRONT COVER,SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC101803582204A0主軸聯動管支架CONDUIT BRACKET7210\SPCC101903582205A0主軸頭側壓克力板ACRYLIC PLATE, SIDE OF SPIND4360\ACRY1020********A0主軸頭右側架RIGHT BRACKET, SPINDLE HEAD7510\SPCC1021********A0主軸頭外側蓋板SIDE COVER,SPINDLE HEADSTOCK7510\SPCC102204640065133方型聯動管WIRE CONDUITK Y-CE(CBS65.2)-65x133-(22目)102304210550003總流量控制組COOLANT NOZZLE MANIFOLD J TM-01控制組\5/8"插心1024********B0近接開關座PROXIMITY SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1025********A0刀具釋放指示牌NAME PLATE4350\AL1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F16015配重單元COUNTER BALANCE UNITV42iW00103582190A0配重COUNTER BALANCE3070\SS41100203500006C0鏈輪軸固定座SPROCKET SHAFT BRACKET1210\FC-25\3500006A2200303500021A0鏈條滾輪ROLLER3260\S45C400403500022C0鏈輪軸SHAFT SPROCKET 3260\S45C400504060700025C型扣環(軸用)C TYPE RETAINER RING S-25800604400206205深槽滾珠軸承BEARING 6205ZZ800703500416A0配重滑塊SLIDING BLOCK,COUNTER BALANC 4370\MC200803582191A0配重導桿GUIDING ROD, COUNTER BALANCE 4290\圓棒100904062006025軸心固定座SHAFT BRACKET SHF25-M61010********C0滑軌下固定板LOWER FIXED PLATE, GUIDING R 7180\SPCC101103582192A0滑軌上固定板UPPER FIXED PLATE, GUIDING R 7180\SPCC101203582193A0滑軌上固定板支架BRACKET FOR UPPER FIXED PLAT 7180\SPCC101303582194A0鏈條保護蓋(左)PROTECTING COVER FOR CHAIN7510\SPCC101403582195A0鏈條保護蓋(右)PROTECTING COVER FOR CHAIN7510\SPCC101503500023A0鏈條連結螺絲CHAIN CONNECTING BOLT4310\SCM4401604610050073鏈條CHAIN50x73P (含2鏈目)2<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁規 格用量主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名2F27004打刀單元V450/V33i/V42iBOSSTING CYLINDER UNIT3180\SS411 00113500008B0增壓缸固定座TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER BRACKE00213500009B0浮動打刀拉座3250\S45C1TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER SEAT00313500019B0固定軸套3290\S45C4FIXED ROD00403980001A0增壓缸(3Tx13L)98801TOOL RELEASE CYLINDER<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F28046主軸皮帶輪單元SPINDLE BELT UNITV42iW/SJ-V15-01ZT-S02(F)00103500011B0主軸馬達固定板FIXED PLATE FOR MOTOR3170\SS41100203971061A0齒型皮帶輪PULLEY3270\S45C染黑\5GT-72T\ψ66100303600135A0軸壓蓋(∮48)SHAFT END COVER3240\S45C100404061248055迫緊環PACKING RING TLK300 48x55200504601035920齒型皮帶(剖溝)PULLEY BELT5GT*35*9201<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F28047主軸皮帶輪單元SPINDLE BELT UNITV42iW/β8i*8000rpm00103500011B0主軸馬達固定板FIXED PLATE FOR MOTOR3170\SS41100203971008A0齒型皮帶輪(5GT-75T)PULLEY3270\S45C100303580161A0馬達軸端蓋SHAFT END COVER3170\S45C100404061232036迫緊環PACKING RING TLK300 32x36200504601035935齒型皮帶(剖溝)PULLEY BELT5GT*35*935mm1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F13026底座+鞍座+工作台單元BASE + SADDLE + TABLE UNITV42iW00103582172A0底座BASE1030\3582172A2\FC-30100203580410A0地基螺絲(M36*2P)FOUNDATION BOLT3310\S45C600303580411A0地基螺帽(M36*2P)FOUNDATION BOLT3310\S45C600403600047B0墊塊 (地基螺絲)FOUNDATION PAD 3230\S45C600503582001A0噴水座NOZZLE TUBE BRACKET 3150\SS41200603582184A0大護罩前支架FRONT BRACKET, GUARD 7210\SPCC200703582212A0導油槽OIL TROUGH 7520\SPCC100803582173A0鞍座SADDLE 1040\FC-30100903985073A0線性滑軌-Y主LINEAR GUIDE 9840\市購品1010********A0線性滑軌-Y副LINEAR GUIDE 9840\市購品101103582006A0壓塊SLIDING BLOCK 412010601203582183A0螺絲襯套BUSHING 4230\不鏽綱801303582185A0Y軸前摺動罩Y AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ101403582186A0Y軸後摺動罩Y AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ101503582187A0Y軸摺動罩支架(上)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7210\SPCC201603582188A0Y軸摺動罩支架(下)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7210\SPCC201703582189A0鞍座下擋屑板BAFFLE PLATE7510\SPCC201803582245A0聯動管連結座CONDUIT BRACKET7210\SPCC101904640015090方型聯動管WIRE CONDUITCECBO02-26x58-222(15P)/R901020********A0碰塊DOG3140\SS41(42m/m)4021********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET4140\AL(125m/m*3軌)1022********A0碰塊座DOG BRACKET4140\AL(90m/m*3軌)1023********A0碰塊DOG 4140\AL 外購65L2024********B0碰塊座DOG BRACKET 4140\AL(300m/m*2軌)202504800143204微動開關MICRO SWITCH BNS819-B02-D12-61-12-10BALLU202603582168B0微動開關固定座-Y上SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1027********B0微動開關固定座-Y下SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC1028********A0工作台TABLE 1050\3582174A2\FC-301029********D0螺帽座BALLSCREW HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581025A2103003560121B0塞頭(工作台)TABLE SEALED CORK3310\SS4116<續下頁>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第2頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F1302603103985050A0X軸線性滑軌LINEAR GUIDEBRH35AL2-P-ZZ-L1800 II103203582179A0X軸摺動罩X AXIS TELESCOPIC COVER UNIT7400\SPCCZ203303582180A0X軸摺動罩上支架TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7180\SPCC403403582181A0X軸摺動罩支架(左)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET7180\SPCC20350*******A0X軸摺動罩支架(右)TELESCOPIC COVER BRACKET 7180\SPCC203603582175A0碰塊座連結塊(X)CONDUIT FOR DOG(X)3180\SS4120370*******A0微動開關座(X)MICRO SWITCH BRACKET, X AXIS 7160\SPCC103803582178A0工作台後飾板REAR PLATE,TABLE 7510\SPCC103903582177A0工作台前飾板FRONT PLATE, TABLE 7510\SPCC104003582065C0X軸分油座OIL DISTRIBUTOR BRACKET 7210\SPCC10410*******B0油分配器座(Y軸)DISTRIBUTOR BRACKET 7210\SPCC104204640028849塑鋼製鏈條式聯動管ELECTRICAL CONDUIT UNIT1台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F21028X軸傳動單元X AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403170067A0預拉彈簧檔片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560017B0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\請改下3560017C0200803560018G0防撞膠塊固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3240\SCM4100903560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C1010********F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM4101103560132B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC101203581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101303581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING1080\FC-25\3581027B2101403984063A0滾珠導螺桿(X軸)BALL SCREW9860\V42iW101504020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101604020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101704050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801804061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601904402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM102004402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1021********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1022********D0迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4102304061300001迷宮環LAMINAL RING FK3-AS 68/2.8/0.82302404080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F22024Y軸傳動單元Y AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403170067A0預拉彈簧檔片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560018G0防撞膠塊固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3240\SCM4100803560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C100903560023F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM41010********B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC101103560374A0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\PU201203581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101303581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING1080\FC-25\3581027B2101403984062A0滾珠導螺桿BALL SCREW9860\市購品4150H\Y軸101504020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101604020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101704050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801804061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601904402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM102004402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1021********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1022********D0迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4102304061300001迷宮環LAMINAL RING FK3-AS 68/2.8/0.82302404080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F23020Z軸傳動單元Z AXIS TRANSMISSION UNITV42iW00103170053B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100203170054B0前迷宮環座LAMINAL RING BRACKET3250\SCM4200303170057B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4100403560022A0預拉彈簧擋片PRELOAD SPRING STOPPER 3230\S45C100503170070A0Z軸尾端軸承座REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\S45C100603560016B0軸承壓蓋BEARING CAP 3240\SCM4100703560019B0防撞膠固定座RUBBER CUSHION BRACKET 3230\S45C200803560023F0Z軸尾端軸承座壓板PUSHING PLATE,BEARING HOUSI 3120\SCM4100903560132B0尾端座蓋板REAR BEARING HOUSING COVER 3180\SPCC1010********A0防撞膠塊RUBBER CUSHION 4370\PU201103581022B0尾端座(X軸)REAR BEARING HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581022B2101203581027B0傳動座TRANSMISSION HOUSING 1080\FC-25\3581027B2101313984064A0滾珠螺桿(Z)Z AXIS BALL SCREW9860\市購品101404020401030鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMK30101504020403035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMF35(M35xP1.5)101604050175012壓縮彈簧COMPRESSIVE SPRINGφ1.25Xφ7.5X12L801704061306828迷宮環LAMINAL RINGFK3-AS 62/2.8/0.82601804402030062螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS30M62/15-P4A.DUM101904402435072螺桿軸承BALL SCREW BEARINGBS35/72/15TUM1020********A0傳動座蓋板TRANSMISSION HOUSING COVER7180\SPCC1021********B0軸承隔環BEARING SPACER3230\SCM4102204020402035鎖緊螺帽LOCK NUTMR35(M35xP1.5)1 02304080508050斜梢SLIDE PIN#8x50L(附內牙)4英文品名2F50038外型護罩單元LOWER ENCLOSURE GUARD UNITV42iW00103582231A0大護罩LARGE COVER7500\SPCC100203582229A0左後護罩(L) REAR GUARD7500\SPCC100303582230A0右後護罩(R) REAR GUARD7500\SPCC100403582232A0左前門(L) FRONT DOOR 7480\SPCC100503582233A0右前門(R) FRONT DOOR 7480\SPCC100603582234A0前門側擋水板FRONT DOOR PLATE 7210\SPCC200703581295A0前門定位板ORIENTATION PLATE 7210\SPCC200803582236A0護罩前飾條RUBBER RIBBON, TELESCOPIC BA 4510\SUS 303100903582235A0下門軌LOWER DOOR GUIDE 7130\SPCC1010********A0前門下門輪支架LOWER DOOR WHEEL BRACKET 7110\SPCC401103520054C0門輪DOOR WHEEL 3260\S45C401203520055A0門輪DOOR WHEEL 3260\S45C401304060600028C型扣環(孔用)C TYPE RETAINER RINGR-28401404060700012C型扣環(軸用)C TYPE RETAINER RINGS-12401504400206001深槽滾珠軸承BEARING6001ZZ 12x28x8401604300460100管型把手(加高)HAHDLEU1-600L-100H201703560146B0前門壓克力ACRYLIC PLATE, FRONT DOOR4360\ACRY201803560169B0壓克力壓板LOCKING PLATE, DOOR ACRYLIC7120\SPCC201903582049A0上門輪座DOOR WHEEL BRACKET7110\SPCC202004402000628軸承BEARING628ZZ 8*24*8 日本12021********D0護罩壓克力SIDE DOOR ACRYLIC PLATE4360\ACRY2022********A0側門飾條RUBBER RIBBON4510\SUS303光面2023********B0側門把手座SIDE DOOR HANDLE BRACKET 7180\SPCC402404300401421把手 (染黑)HAHDLE A-42-A402504090500403鎖頭LOCK C-403(長型)七星小S402604720700081工作燈WORKING LIGHT HT-S81/24V 70W1027********A0工作燈座WORKING LIGHT BRACKET 7210\SPCC1028********A0右上蓋板RINGHT SIDE COVER 7510\SPCC1029********A0伸臂蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC103003582238A0左後飾板REAR PLATE7510\SPCC1英文品名2F5003803103582239A0左後飾板支撐座BRACKET, REAR PLATE7180\SPCC103203582240A0右後飾板後蓋板BRACKET, REAR PLATE7180\SPCC103303582241A0油冷機門DOOR OF OIL COOLER7510\2t SPCC103404300421602門扣把手DOOR LOCKB-010長軸(六角型)+B-1602(取手103504300401024門扣把手檔板DOOR LOCK PLATE B-01024103603582242A0電器箱下飾板REAR BRACKET POWER CABINET 7450\10370*******A0右下飾板(R) LOWER PLATE 7510\SPCC103803582244A0前下飾板LOWER PLATE 7510\SPCC103903560696A0水槍座WATER GUN SEAT 7210\SPCC104003560697A0風槍座AIR GUN SEAT7210\SPCC1台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F51038水箱單元(螺旋式排屑)COOLANT TANK UNIT(COIL TYPEV42iW00103582228A0導屑槽(螺旋式)CHIP TRAUGH7520\SPCC100203582068B0螺旋捲屑器CHIP CONVEYOR9570100304440800015排屑器馬達CONVEYOR MOTOR1/4HP 1:100 FME22100403582069B0排屑炮管(附蓋及防漏膠墊)CHIP THROUGH TUBE 7570\SPCC100503582072E0水箱COOLANT TANK 7580\SPCC100603582073E0水箱蓋COOLANT TANK COVER 7510\SPCC100703582125A0過濾擋水板WATER BAFFLE 7210\SPCC100803582102B0蓄屑盤CHIP PLATE 7520\SPCC100903582103C0蓄屑槽FILTER NET 7590\SPCC1010********B0水箱遮水板DASH BOARD 7180\SPCC101103500428A0管接頭座CONNECTOR BRACKET 3150\S45C101204300401421把手 (染黑)HAHDLE A-42-A201304430040303切削液泵浦(直立式)COOLANT PUMPTPHK4T3-2S101404510100001油表COOLANT LEVEL GAUGE3''101504530012424水用電磁閥KSDSOLENOID VALVEJB4K-24V(1/2")2<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F52025電氣箱單元POWER CABINET UNITV42iW00103582207A0電氣箱POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100203582208A0電氣箱左門(L) DOOR, POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100303582209A0電氣箱右門(R) DOOR, POWER CABINET7450\SPCC100403582210A0電氣箱門調整組ADJUSTING SET FOR POWER CAB 7450\SPCC400503582211A0電氣箱支架BRACKET FOR POWER CABINET 7450\SPCC100603582220A0I/O基板(上)I/O BOARD(UPPER)7560\3t SPCCZ100703582221A0I/O基板(下)I/O BOARD(LOWER)7560\SPCCZ100803500149B0主電源開關座MAIN POWER SWITCH BRACKET 7160\SPCC100903500150C0左右調整座ADJUSTABLE BRACKET 7160\SPCC1010********A0電器箱聯動管支架CONDUIT BRACKET 7210\SPCC101103582219A0聯動管支架蓋板COVER FOR CONDUIT BRACKET 7210\SPCC101203582215A0電磁閥配置板VALVE BRACKET 7210\SPCC101304090500403鎖頭LOCKC-403(長型)七星小S301404560300010熱交換器HEAT EXCHANGERHPW-10AR/EA-2A1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F53054操作箱單元 三菱-70MOPERATION CABINET UNITV42iW00103582222A0伸臂OUTSTRETCHED ARM7470\SPCC100203582223A0伸臂上蓋板(A)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100303582224A0伸臂上蓋板(B)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100403582225A0伸臂出線連結座OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7210\SPCC100503582226A0伸臂連結蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7180\SPCC100603582227A0伸臂側蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC100703500129A0旋轉座ROTATION BRACKET 3240\S45C100803580264B0操作箱OPERATION CABINET 7460\SPCC100903560523B0操作箱後蓋CABINET REAR COVER 7460\SPCC1010********C0洩放電阻座(大)BLEEDER RESISTANCE BRACKET 7210\SPCC101103581310E0洩放電阻座蓋COVER,BLEEDER RESISTANCE BRA 7210\SPCC101204300400400管型把手(自然色)HAHDLE U1-400L101304720632243警示燈(三層)WARNING LIGHTGSL-24V-3-B1<結 束>台灣力得衛宇龍科技股份有限公司*單階材料用量清單製表日期: 101-03-30第1頁主件品號序號元件品號品 名英文品名規 格用量2F53055操作箱單元 Fanuc-0iMDOPERATION CABINET UNITV42iW00103582222A0伸臂OUTSTRETCHED ARM7470\SPCC100203582223A0伸臂上蓋板(A)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100303582224A0伸臂上蓋板(B)OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER7180\SPCC100403582225A0伸臂出線連結座OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7210\SPCC100503582226A0伸臂連結蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM CONNECTING 7180\SPCC100603582227A0伸臂側蓋板OUTSTRETCHED ARM COVER 7180\SPCC100703500129A0旋轉座ROTATION BRACKET 3240\S45C100803500432E0操作箱(FANUC Oi MC)OPERATION CABINET 7460\SPCC100903500433C0操作箱後蓋CABINET REAR COVER 7460\SPCC101004300400400管型把手(自然色)HAHDLE U1-400L101104720632243警示燈(三層)WARNING LIGHTGSL-24V-3-B1<結 束>。
3093M32 操作手册说明书
Dytran Instruments, Inc.21592 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Ph: 818-700-7818 Fax: 818-700-7880email:***************OG3093M32.docxREV A ECN 11436 12/29/14OPERATING GUIDEMODEL 3093M32 MINIATURE HIGH SENSITIVITYTRIAXIAL LIVM™ ACCELEROMETERWITH SINGLE 4-PIN CONNECTORINTERNALLY CASE GROUND ISOLATEDNOTE: LIVM™ is Dytran's trademark for its line of L ow I mpedance V oltage M ode sensors with built-in amplifiers operating from constant current sources over two wires. LIVM instruments are compatible with othermanufacturers’ comparable systems designated IEPE .OPERATING GUIDEMODEL 3093M32 TRIAXIAL ACCELEROMETER INTRODUCTIONModel 3093M32 is a miniature three-axis accelerometer using the latest in piezoceramic planar shear technology coupled with 2-wire internal LIVM (IEPE) electronics.This instrument contains three miniature piezoceramic planar shear mode accelerometer elements mounted to a single ground-isolated support and welded into titanium alloy housing. The three elements are mounted orthogonal to each other so that they can measure the complete motion of a point.Model 3093M32 is stud mounted into very small spaces since its vertical dimension is .59 in. It weighs only 10 grams.LIVM (IEPE) design means that three miniature charge amplifiers are built into the instrument, one for each axis, to lower the impedance of the piezoceramic elements by many orders of magnitude. This technique allows the driving of long cables without affecting sensitivity and the use of very simple constant current type power units.All elements are internally isolated from the outer case and are enclosed by a faraday shield for improved noise immunity.DESCRIPTIONRefer to the outline/installation drawing 127-3093M32 for the dimensions of Model 3093M32.The electrical connections from the charge amplifiers for each element are brought out to the contacts of a single four-pin connector mounted transversely to one vertical face of the housing. The three signal/power connections to the elements are connected to each of three pins while the three ground returns for the elements are tied together to one common pin of the four-pin connector. The case of this instrument is electrically isolated from electricalsignal/power ground.The performance specifications and criteria for Model 3093M32 are delineated on the specification sheet included with this operating guide.INSTALLATIONThis accelerometer is designed for stud mounting. If the accelerometer is mounted on any other surface, its calibration cannot be guaranteed.Select a smooth surface approx of 0.7 in. in diameter and clean off all oil, debris and any contaminants or foreign matter that would preclude a good coupling.The selected (or prepared) mounting area should be flat to within .001 in TIR for best high frequency response.NOTE: Before mounting, be sure to clean themounting surface thoroughly to avoid inclusionof machining chips and other debris betweenmating surfaces. Intimate contact betweenmating surfaces is important for bestperformance.If a fair amount of motion is expected during the test, it is good practice to tie the cable down to a stationary point as close as possible to the accelerometer (but not closer than 1 inch) to avoid potentially damaging cable whip.You are now ready to connect the 3093M32 to the power unit.OPERATIONThe Dytran power unit specifically designed to power the Model 3093M32 is the Model 4114B1. This line-powered unit has a 4-pin connector jack similar to that on the 3093M32. Cable Model 6811AXX connects the 3093M32 to the power unit. (‘XX’ is the cable length in feet)Connect the 6811XX cable to Model 3093M32 by first rotationally aligning the locating tab, then engaging the rotating threaded collar and threading the collar on, hand tight.Connect the other end of the cable to the 4-pin connector on the power unit and tighten threaded collar hand tight. As previously noted, tie cable down within 1 inch or so of the instrument if excessive displacement of the accelerometer is expected.Apply power to the power unit and allow several seconds for coupling capacitors to fully charge. Rotate the channel selector knob through the first three positions to monitor the bias voltage of each of the three accelerometer element assemblies to check for normal operation. The bias voltage level appears on the front panel mounted voltmeter on the 4114B1.Consult the paper, "Low Impedance Voltage Mode (LIVM) Theory and Operation", included as part of this manual, for instructions in using the bias monitoring voltmeter on the power unit as a check for normal operation and as an effective trouble shooting aid.Although only one axis of the 3093M32 may be monitored with the front panel meter on the4114B1, each axis is continuously outputting data at the respective output jack at all times. Selecting a channel for bias monitoring does not affect the signal from that channel.Connect each of the three BNC ‘Output’ jacks of the power unit to the readout instrument or data collector and proceed with the measurement. The sensitivities of each of the three axes are directly in mV/G and are specified precisely in the calibration certificate supplied with each instrument.Be sure to check the orientation of each axis with the markings on the instrument in theoutline/installation drawing supplied with the Operating Guide. The arrows indicate the direction of acceleration that will produce positive-going output signals. The vertical axis, axis 3, produces positive-going output voltage when the accelerometer is accelerated upward, i.e., away from the mounting surface.REMOVAL (OR UN-INSTALLATION)It is very important when removing this instrument to remember that, although it is built to be very rugged, it is a sensitive measuring instrument and as such should be treated gently when being removed from its installation. Never strike the unit to break it free from its mounting surface. Simply grip two opposing flats with an adjustable or open-end wrench and gently twist the instrument. This method avoids any trauma to the instrument and will help ensure a long life for the accelerometer.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRThis instrument is not field repairable. No maintenance is required, or possible. If a problem occurs, contact the factory for help. You will be assigned a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number should the instrument have to be returned to the factory for evaluation. A short note describing the problem will facilitate the repair procedure.There is no charge for evaluation of the instrument and we will perform no repair work until you are notified of any charges.It is good practice to return the instrument to the factory for recalibration from time to time with frequency of recalibration dependent on usage intensity and frequency.。
宇宙精密电缆管道定位器 高级测试设备租赁说明书
™Universal precision cable and pipe locatorDelivering fast, accurate, reliable and repeatable locate data. The RD8000™PDL and PXL are powerful multifunctional pipe and cable locators designed for use across the pipe and cable location industry. With several unique features, the RD8000™ delivers speed, accuracy and reliability, yet remains a cost-effective solution for any application. Designed with the latest digital architecture and software, RD8000™ delivers a highly accurate, controllable and reliable locate solution to service any industry, anywhere in the world.ErgonomicsThe RD8000 is ergonomically designed to deliver a superior performing locator that provides the user with a light weight, energy efficient and exceptionally well balanced tool. At only 1.9kg, the RD8000 is comfortable for extended periods of use. Despite its weight and form, the RD8000 retains the environmental durability associated with an IP54 rating, meaning you can operate it in almost any environment. The locatorand transmitter both feature large, high contrast, backlit LCD screens that provide the user with clear information in any light conditions. The intuitive and responsive user interface has easily identifiable icons that are consistent across the locator and transmitter range, ensuring straightforward operation. Centros™All RD8000 units are Centros™ enabled.Centros is a measurement engine based onmore than 30 years of continuous development,combining new and innovative algorithms with established software on a high-performance processor core. Centros improves location accuracy and repeatability and delivers timely responsiveness in the field.iLOC™iLOC™ is an advanced long range Bluetooth® link betweenthe RD8000 locator and transmitter that helps save the operator time and effort. iLOC allows the operator to control the transmitter remotely using a number of unique features. With iLOC you can spend less time walking and more time locating. iLOC™ operates at distances up to 300 meters (328 yards) line of sight providing an operator with a fast and unique means of conducting a survey.iLOC applications supported are:n SideStep™ – enables an operator to move the transmitter frequency slightly above the selected frequency enabling locates in areas prone to interference or where multiple operators are locating.n Frequency Select – choose an active frequency on the RD8000 and synchronously change the transmitterfrequency to match.n Power Management – an operator can adjust the output power of the transmitter to optimize output signal, leading to efficient use of transmitter batteries.n Transmitter remote sleep/wake– enter standby mode toprolong battery life.Conveniently wake thetransmitter with a simplekey press on thelocator. Transmittercan be set to standbymode each timepassive locationis carried out.SurveyCERT ™SurveyCERT ™ gives the operator the tools to pass survey information to third-party applications for audit, analysis and reporting. With the RD8000, the operator can store and review up to 1000 locate records. Upload this information to a PDA or PC using the RD8000 Bluetooth ® connection and you can instantly view the data using the SurveyCERT ™ graph program. If the PC/PDA has a GPS receiver, SurveyCERT ™ will automatically add the timestamp and position to the record. Built for interoperability, SurveyCERT ™ data is compatible with commercial Geographical Information System (GIS) pa ckage.eCAL™eCAL ™ is a novel Radiodetection technique that allows the operator to validate the original factory calibration of the RD8000. This means the operator has confidence that the locator continues to meet its factory calibration. eCAL ™ can issue and print a validation certificate without needing to return the RD8000 to a service center.TruDepth ™: gives the operator the confidence that the depthreading is accurate by only indicating a locate depth when the locator is correctly oriented directly above the pipe/cable.Dynamic Overload Protection: extends the RD8000operation into areas where other products fail. In electrically noisy environments, particularly in areas where very largesignals are present, it automatically filters out unwanted signals allowing the operator to work effectively in areas such as power substations and overhead railway HV cables.Peak/Null Mode: is a tool to identify the effects of fielddistortion due to ground conditions or nearby utilities. Simultaneous display of Peak bar graph response and proportional Null arrows allow a quick assessment of locate conditions.Strike Alert ™: reduces the risk of accidents by detectingshallow power cables and alerting the operator with an audio warning.Passive Avoidance: allows the operator to survey theground quickly using simultaneous detection of Power and Radio signals carried on underground pipes or cables. The RD8000 provides real audio to differentiate the relative proportions of Power and Radio signals present.Compass: Provides the operator with a visual indicationof the target cable or pipes direction. With this feature, the operator can easily follow the target line and then position the locator correctly to maximize depth accuracy.Fault Find: is a technique that enables an operator to locatea cable fault using an A frame attached to the Locator. On-screen arrows help show the fault’s direction and help the operator locate the fault accurately to within 1 meter (39 inches).CD (Current Direction): A method of identifying a targetcable amongst a number of parallel cables using CD direction arrows. With CD the operator can locate a target quickly and eliminate wasted time following faulty trails.The RD8000 represents the latest in electromagnetic locator technology. Designed to meet our customers’ needs, the RD8000 provides a highly controllable, intuitive, cost-effective and reliable solution for any application, building on the reputation that Radiodetection has for supplying highly accurate, reliable and robust location products.Splash-proof keypadHigh contrast LCD with auto-backlight operates from -20 to +60° Celsius(-4 to 140° F)High contrast LCD with auto-backlight operates from -20 to +60° Celsius (-4 to 140° F)High visibility reflectivesafety arrowsErgonomic, robust ABS shock resistant and water resistant plastic case ensuresreliable use in hostile environmentsErgonomicrobust ABS caseiLOC ™Stored data from RD8000 transferred by Bluetooth ® may be displayed on a PC or PDA using Radiodetection’s SurveyCERT ™ applicationBase tray for accessoriesSurveyCERT ™Powered by 8 x NiMH or alkaline LR20 (D-Cell) batteries,or optional rechargeable battery packThe RD8000PXL is the industry standard high performance cable and pipe locator. It has a broad range of active, passive and sonde frequencies as well as a number of unique user features supplied as standard.Radiodetection’s most advanced cable and pipe locator delivers a broader range of frequencies and sophisticated fault-finding capabilities. It has all the features of the RD8000PXL and a larger range of active and passive frequencies (including CATV and CPS) plus Current Direction (CD), and Fault Find (FF) modes.Based on a fully digital platform, the new family of Radiodetection transmitters support the entire range of Radiodetection RD7000 and RD8000 cable andpipe locators.The Tx-1 is a low power transmitter. The Tx-3 has a higher current and induction capability as well as Fault Find. The Tx-10 has the highest current capability with both Fault Find and CD modes as standard.All models feature a three-stage phase sensitive amplifier that delivers a ground-impedance compensated, constant current across its entire bandwidth in either direct connect, clamp or inductive mode. The transmitters use less power and are ergonomically designed to deliver superior performance in a new light-weight, well-balanced case.The transmitters are 10% lighter than the industry standard T10 yet each is IP54 rated to cope with demanding environmental conditions. Each model has a removable accessory tray and a weatherproof battery compartment. A large, high contrast, backlit LCD screen provides the user with clear information. The interface is intuitive and responsive, allowing the operator to access any feature with ease.SideStep auto ™: allows the transmitter to calculate the optimum frequency based on groundimpedance. The transmitter uses this information to optimize the active frequency. SideStep auto ™ helps to improve locate accuracy and extends battery life.All models are compatible with the complete range of RD7000 and RD8000 frequencies in both inductive and direct connect modes. The transmitters use 8 D-cell batteries and can be powered from a vehicle using a 12V cable plug (it is recommended that an approved Radiodetection isolation transformer is used).As an additional feature, each model has a multimeter function providing measurement of output voltage, line voltage, current, impedance and power.To support the extended RD8000 iLOC feature set, the Tx-3 and Tx-10 can be ordered with integrated iLOC.Large stethoscopeAccessories:CD stethoscope2" or 4" receiver clamp Live cable connectorHigh gain stethoscopePlug connectorCD receiver clamp2" or 4" transmitter clampCD transmitter clampSmall stethoscopeA-frameSubmersible DD AntennaHeadphonesIn good conditions.*RD8000 will locate to greater depths but with reduced accuracy.Trademarks and Notices.Our products are covered by the following intellectual property rights:The following are trademarks of Radiodetection:iLOC ™, TruDepth ™, SideStep ™, SideStep auto ™, SurveyCERT ™, RD7000™, RD8000™, Centros ™, eCAL ™.The Design of the RD7000, RD8000 and transmitters has been registered.The Design of the 4 chevrons has been registered.The Bluetooth word, mark and logos are registered trademarks ofBluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such trademarks by Radiodetection is under license. Microsoft, Windows Mobile are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved.90/RD8000/ENG/04support and repairCopyright 2011 Radiodetection Ltd - SPX Corporation. All rights reserved. Radiodetection is a subsidiary of SPX Corporation. SPX andRadiodetection are trademarks of Radiodetection Ltd. and SPX Corporation. Due to a policy of continued development, we reserve the right to alter or amend any published specification without notice. The Bluetooth word, mark and logos are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such trademarks by Radiodetection is under license. RD8000 is a Trademark of Radiodetection. This document may not be copied, reproduced, transmitted, modified or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Radiodetection To see the full range of products and services provided by Radiodetection visit:Radiodetection is a proud member of the SPX group of companies, which provide technical products and service solutions worldwide.Radiodetection and its associated companies specialize in the design and manufacture of products for the location and maintenance of underground pipes and cables. Our aim is to be viewed as the supplier of choice of ‘high performance’ quality equipment using advanced product technologies. We are also committed to both design innovation and customer support.Radiodetection equipment users have easy access totechnical support. A call to your regional representative, or the Radiodetection head office, will put you in contact with our team of field-experienced technical experts.Radiodetection has a team of factory-trained service technicians and dedicated service facilities. Turnaround is fast, and costs are very competitive.Product training for youroperators and training personnel is available on your site, or at Radiodetection’s headquarters. Training is with qualified instructors and each trainee receives a certificate to confirm they have received the training.AmericaRadiodetection 154 Portland RoadBridgton, ME 04009, USA Tel: +1 (207) 647 9495Toll Free: +1 (877) 247 3797 Fax: +1 (207) 647 9496 Email:*******************Web: Pearpoint39-740 Garand Lane, Unit B Palm Desert, CA 92211, USA Tel: +1 800 688 8094 Tel: +1 760 343 7350 Fax: +1 760 343 7351Email:**************************Web: Radiodetection (Canada)344 Edgeley Boulevard, Unit 34 Concord, Ontario L4K 4B7, Canada Tel: +1 (905) 660 9995Toll Free: +1 (800) 665 7953 Fax: +1 (905) 660 9579 Email:*******************Web: EuropeRadiodetection Ltd (UK) Western DriveBristol BS14 0AF , UK Tel: +44 (0) 117 976 7776 Fax: +44 (0) 117 976 7775 Email:*******************Web: Radiodetection (France) 13 Grande Rue, 76220 Neuf Marché, France Tel: +33 (0) 232 8993 60 Fax: +33 (0) 235 9095 58 Email:*******************Web: Radiodetection (Benelux) Industriestraat 117041 GD ’s-Heerenberg, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 314 66 47 00 Fax: +31 (0) 314 66 41 30 Email:*******************Web: Radiodetection (Germany) Groendahlscher Weg 11846446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 28 51 92 37 20 Fax: +49 (0) 28 51 92 37 520 Email:*******************Web: Asia-PacificRadiodetection (Asia-Pacific) Room 708, CC Wu Building302-308 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong SAR, China Tel: +852 2110 8160 Fax: +852 2110 9681Email:*******************Web: Radiodetection (China)Hongfu Mansion, Room 61622 Zheng Ge Zhuang, Bei Qi Jia Town Chang Ping District Beijing 102209, China Tel: +86 (0) 10 8975 5540 Fax: +86 (0) 10 8975 5640 Email:*********************Web: Radiodetection (Australia) Unit H1, 101 Rookwood Road, Yagoona NSW 2199, Australia Tel: +61 (0) 2 9707 3222 Fax: +61 (0) 2 9707 3788 Email:*******************Web: 。
(EMC, LVD) NTG-3 使用手册说明书
NTG-3Instruction ManualIntroductionThank you for your purchase of the NTG-3 precision broadcast-grade shotgun microphone.The NTG-3 is one of ’s most exciting microphones. It is the result of years of development by engineers, providing the professional broadcast and fi lm industries with an affordable yet uncompromising microphone.One of the key features of the NTG-3 is its ability to withstand adverse conditions. Using a technology known as RF bias the NTG-3 is almost completely resistant to moisture, making it the only option when recording in any demanding environments where condensation is an issue.In addition to its very low weight and anti-glare fi nish, the NTG-3 also features incredibly low self-noise. I’m confi dent that you won’t fi nd a similar microphone that is this quiet.When not in use you’ll be able to store the NTG-3 in the weather resistant aluminium anti-roll storage cylinder (standard with purchase), providing additional protection when traveling and storing the NTG-3.Please take the time to visit and register your microphone for a full ten year warranty.While there you can view studio/field tips and techniques, as well as browse the comprehensive range of accessories for the NTG-3 and other microphones.Peter FreedmanMicrophonesSydney, AustraliaSpecifi cations AcousticPrinciple:Line GradientDirectionalPattern:Super-CardioidFrequencyRange:40Hz - 20kHzOutputImpedence:25ΩSensitivity:-30dB ± 2dB(31.6mV/Pa)Equivalent Noise:13 dBAMaximumOutput:8.2dBuDynamic Range:117dB SPLMaximum SPL:130dB @ 1kHzSignal/Noise:81 dBPower Requirement:P48 phantom (44-52V min 5mA)OutputConnection:3-pin XLRNet Weight: 163g Dimensions:19mm x 255mmSpecifi cationsFrequency ResponsePolar ResponseAccessories0˚90˚270˚180˚-2.0-20.0 -10.0 0.0-2.0-4.0-6.0-8.0-10.0-12.0-14.0-16.0-18.0-20.0-22.0-24.0-25.0dB rel. 1V/Pa+5.0Frequency:500 Hz :1000 Hz :4000 Hz :–––d B r e 1 V /P a 20100 -10-20-3020Hz 100 1000 10 000 20 000RM5 - Stand mount WSNTG3 - Wind shield RCNTG3 - Weather resistantaluminium storage cylinderZP2 - Zip pouchFeatures• Designed to withstand adverseenvironmental conditions• 50% less self-noise than the majorityof shotgun mics• True Condenser (external RF biased)• Extremely low handling noise• High level of immunity toradio frequency interference• H igh sensitivity• Superior broadcast sound quality• Designed & manufactured in Australia• Full 10 year guarantee*Powering the NTG-3• T he NTG-3 requires power to operate. This needs to be supplied via a P48V phantom power supplywhich is available from most professional videocameras or mixing consoles.•I f the camera or console does not provide phantom power, then an external phantom power supply is needed.*Online product registration required.• We strongly suggest the use of high quality XLR cables, using the shortest cable length possible to ensure minimal noise interference between the microphone output and the camera/recorder input.• The NTG-3 features a custom designed XLR connector that is specially designed to reduce susceptibility to RF interference from devices such as cell phones.• When mounting the microphone in a mic stand or shock/suspension mount you must ensure that you do not block any of the slots on the side of the microphone (as illustrated below).Obstructing these slots will affect the sound quality and the polar pattern (directional qualities).• The NTG-3 is designed for operation within demanding environments, where the traditional condenser microphone would fail. However all due care should be taken to protect the microphone body itself from high levels of moisture or dust. For maximum protection please store the NTG-3 inthe supplied storage cylinder when not in use.Connecting the NTG-3Using the NTG-3• S hotgun microphones have a narrow ‘pick-up’ angle or polar response, and so can be used togreat effect with cameras for news gathering,wedding videos, sporting events or in anysituation where you want to focus on a particulararea of sound source without having your audiooverpowered by ambient noise.The pick-up pattern of the NTG-3 has beentailored to be slightly wider and therefore moredirectionally forgiving than comparable shotgunmicrophones on the market. This makes boompole and handheld operation much easier.• The NTG-3 is supplied with a foam windshield.T his windshield should be used wheneverrecording outdoors, as even an unexpected slight breeze can cause unwanted sound interference.• For maximum wind protection a more specialisedwind shield is recommended, such as theDeadCat, WS7 deluxe windshield, or theBlimp suspension windshield system.• The supplied weather resistant aluminium storage cylinder is designed to provide extremeenvironmental protection for your microphonewhen not in use, however it is not recommendedthat the cylinder be immersed in liquid. Damageto the microphone caused by water entering thestorage cylinder is not covered by the microphone warranty.Using the NTG-3WarrantyAll microphones are warranted for one year from date of purchase. You can extend that to a full ten years if you register online at .The warranty covers parts and labour that may be required to repair the microphone during the warranty period. The warranty excludes defects caused by normal wear and tear, modifi cation, shipping damage, or failure to use the microphone as per the instruction guide.If you experience any problem, or have any questions regarding your microphone, fi rst contact the dealer who sold it to you. If the microphone requires a factory authorised service, return will be organised by that dealer.We have an extensive distributor/dealer network, but if you have diffi culty getting the advice or assistanceyou require, do not hesitate to contact us directly.MicrophonesInternational107 Carnarvon StreetSilverwater NSW 2128 AustraliaPh: +61 2 9648 5855Fax: +61 2 9648 2455USAP.O. Box 4189Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4189Ph: 805 566 7777Fax: 805 566 0071Technical SupportFor information and technical support questions contact:*******************In the Unites States and Puerto Rico, contact**************************************InAustralia,**********************************(02)96485855 Anywhere except Australia, the United States and Puerto Rico,********************************+61296485855。
Geodyna 2300C 2300CM 2350C 零件清单说明书
Gauge arm for distance Note D- 145E
5X40 MM M4X16-8,8 6X12 MM
Spare parts list - geodyna 2300C / 2300CM / 2350C - TEEWB700C3
Fig. 1511:
SYM 1 2 3 4 5 6
Part Number EAS2020P20A EAS2027G18A 1-10033 1-10041 1-06768A 1-18209A
24 EAA0247G21A Rim Width Caliper
25 1101013
Hex Key
26 EAC0060G02A Flange Cover
EAM0006G01A Hook Accessory Storage
27 EAA0255J57A LED Panel Assembly
11 1-6739
Electronic unit Note
Spare parts list - geodyna 2300C / 2300CM / 2350C - TEEWB700C3
HOFMANN USA 309 Exchange Avenue
Conway, AR 72032 Phone 800-251-4500
厦门计讯 TG451-R 工业网关使用说明书
使用说明书工业网关计联万物 讯息未来TG451R厦门计讯物联科技有限公司包装明细网关主机1.5A剥线镀锡电源4G 1M吸盘天线1M母头串口线1M网线2PIN接线端子112按比例配发1116PIN接线端子车载2.4GWIFI天线2目录产品简介安装场所选择安装环境要求其他注意事项配件安装进入配置状态WAN口设置在线探测设置数据采集功能常见问题及解决2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7如果有缺失,请联系销售人员产品外观产品外观尺寸图复位按钮:Reset按钮是网关的复位按钮,常按15秒,直到ALARM灯快闪,可将网关的参数配置恢复到出厂默认值。
安装场所选择SIM 卡安装安装环境选择供电电源:5-35VDC;温度:-35℃~+75℃;湿度:≤93%无凝结其他注意事项注意:请勿在带电的情况下安装!安装时,请注意轻拿轻放;如果对网关以下参数进行了修改,则必须重新启动网关123参数配置串口连接电源安装可使用标配电源,也可以直接采用 5‐35VDC的外部电源给设备供电。
当用户采用外加电源给设备供电时,需要保证电源的稳定性(纹波小于300mV,并确保瞬间电压不超过 35V),并保证电源功率大于 4W 以上。
CT23VX11 双 DIN 安装配件说明书
CT23VX11Double DIN Fitting Kit forVauxhall/Opel VehiclesAPPLICATIONFEATURES• Allows for the installation of a double DIN aftermarket stereo• Includes mounting brackets and fitting accessories• Finished in metallic charcoal to match vehicle dashboardThe information provided in this document is subject to change without notice due to manufacturer changes and/or improvements to the product/s. This instruction manual is based on documented data and research. The manufacturer of this product cannot be held responsible for any changes made to thei. Double DIN Fascia Panelii. Trim Paneliii. Stereo Cageiv. Brackets/Fitting AccessoriesIN THE KITCombo (C) 2001 - 2011Corsa (C) 2000 - 2006Meriva (A) 2005 - 2010Omega (B) 2000 - 2003Signum (C) 2002 - 2008Note: Application data is subject to change at any timei.ii.iii.iv.Vectra (C) 2002 - 2008Vivaro (A) 2001 - 2010Tigra (B) 2004 - 2009Agila (A) 2000 - 2004PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Read the manual prior to installation. Technical knowledge is necessary for installation. The place of installation must be free of moisture and away from heat sources. Please ensure that the correct tools are using during the installation to avoiddamage to the vehicle or product. Connects2 can not be held responsible for the installation of this product. Vauxhall/Opel OEM dashboard. Ensure that the ignition is switched off before starting the installation. We also recommend that the battery is disconnected to prevent short circuits.Remove the factory radio using two pairs of release keys. Push the keys into the four holes surrounding the unit to disengage the locking mechanism and remove the radio.Unplug and remove the radio, taking care to remove allwiring.Push the metal cage into the dashboard cavity left by the factory radio Push the metal clips on the inside of the metal cage inwards to secure the cage in the cavity Place the aftermarket radio into the dashboard until it clips into the metal cage. Ensure that all relevant wiring is reconnected to the new radio.Place the fascia panel and trim panel around the radioand push into place to complete the installation.Attach the right and left brackets to the sides of the af-termarket radio. Use the gold spacers to ensure that the brackets are correctly aligned on each side.NOTES。
右旋/左旋水平角 (测量选择)
垂直角显示 垂直角/百分比选择
பைடு நூலகம்
记录键,按动一次保留数据, 再按动一次传递数据
坐标测量模式 N、E、Z坐标显示的转换
1.望远镜物镜 2.望远镜粗瞄器 3.水平制动手轮 4.水平微动手轮 5.液晶显示器 6.下水平制动手轮 7.通讯接口(用于与EDM 连接) 8.仪器中心标记 9.光学对点器 10.RS-232C通讯接口
11.手提把 12.手提把固定螺丝 13.望远镜调焦手轮 14.电池 15.望远镜目镜 16.垂直自动手轮 17.垂直微动手轮 18.长水准器 19.操作键 20.圆水准器 21.基座固定板把 22.安平角螺旋 23.底板
距离测量模式 HD /SD /RE
◄► 闪烁数字向左或向右移动
RS-232C串行信号接口用于DJD2与计算机或电子手簿的连接。通过 它可将DJD2所测得的数据传递到计算机中,也可将计算机中的已知 数据输入到DJD2仪器中。
显示 内容
显示 内容 电池电压
HR 水平角右旋递增
HL 水平角左旋递增
Ht 重复测量角度累计
29Contents30-33Overview34-63400XR Series Precision Linear Positioners 64-69XRS Cartesian Systems 70-79402/403XE Series Positioners 80-89404XE Series Positioners90-111HD Series Industrial Linear Positioners 112-127Ultra Series Precision Stages 128-133100CT & 800CT Series Tables 134-137200RT Series Rotary Tables 138-141R Series Worm Drive Rotary Tables 142-145ZP200 Series Vertical Lift “Wedge” Table 146-150Additional ProductsScrew Drivenautomation tablesScrew Driven TablesParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation DivisionIrwin, Pennsylvania70Flexible Motor Mounting OptionsProvide a variety of motor drive options, including servo and stepper motors.Precision Ballscrew Drive TrainProvides smooth motion with high accuracy and high mechanical efficiency.Integrated Precision Screw and Guide Bearing provides a low profile, high accuracy,smooth motion, and robust adjustment free design over the life of the actuator.Packaged Adjustable Limit SensorsProvide adjustable stroke lengths, easily connected, fewer cables to 402/403XE Series PositionersFeatures• Integrated bearing • Rigid steel body• Significant force per dollar value• Easily integrated into multi-axis designs • Adjustment free •Small package sizeReliable, Cost-Effective PositioningThe 402/403XE series of positioners combines a rugged steel body construction with an integrated precision ballscrew and bearing guide toproduce a highly accurate, cost-effective line of positioners ideal for applications in the hard disk, semiconductor, medical, machine building and many other industries.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation Division Irwin, Pennsylvania71Common Performance SpecificationsRepeatability µm ± 5± 5Flatness µm 15see below Straightnessµm 15see below Breakaway Torque Nm 0.060.15Maximum Input Speed RPS 90see below Maximum Normal Load kg 90160Maximum Inverted Loadkg 90160Static Permissible Pitch Moment Nm 46101Static Permissible Roll Moment Nm 134260Static Permissible Yaw Moment Nm51120Torsional Pitch Stiffness Arc-second/Nm 17.79.2Torsional Yaw Stiffness Arc-second/Nm 11.8 6.1Torsional Roll Stiffness Arc-second/Nm5.9 5.9Drive Screw Diameter mm 810Drive Screw Efficiency%9090Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Running TorqueNm 0.050.10Maximum Axial LoadKg 13173127Moment of Inertia X of Guide Rail mm 4 1.44 E+04 3.88 E+04Moment of Inertia Y of Guide Rail mm 4 1.37 E+05 3.14 E+05Weight of Carriage kg 0.260.3Maximum Acceleration g’s 22Allowable Duty Cycle%100100402XE Specifications402XE with 2 mm Lead Accuracy over travel μm70758590 Input Inertiax10-6(Kg-m 2)0.6150.7720.929 1.09 Weight of Total Table Kg1.19 1.40 1.60 1.81402XE with 5 mm Lead Accuracy over travel μm70758590 Input Inertiax10-6 (Kg-m 2)0.7410.898 1.06 1.21 Weight of Total TableKg1.191.401.601.81403XE Specifications403XE with 5 mm Lead Travel Accuracy µm 70809095100110120n/a Flatness µm 15151515252525n/a Straightnessµm 15151515252525n/a Maximum Input Speed RPS 80808080808060n/a Input Inertiax10-6(Kg-m 2)1.722.10 2.873.634.405.17 5.93n/a Weight of Total Table Kg 1.85 2.25 2.85 3.55 4.25 4.85 5.55n/a 403XE with 10 mm Lead Accuracy over travel µm 70809095100110120130 Maximum Input Speed RPS 8080808080806042 Input Inertiax10-6(Kg-m 2)2.50 2.883.654.425.18 5.956.77.10 Weight of Total TableKg1.852.252.853.554.254.855.555.85Screw Driven TablesParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation DivisionIrwin, Pennsylvania72402/403XE Load-Life PerformanceThe following performance information is provided as a supplement to the product specification pages. The useful life of a linear table at full catalog specifications is dependent on the forces acting upon it. These forces include both static components resulting from payload weight, and dynamic components due to acceleration/deceleration of the load. In multi-axis applications, the primary positioner at the bottom of the stack usuallyestablishes the load limits for the combined axes. When evaluating life versus load, it is critical to include the weight of all positioning elements that contribute to the load supported by the primary axis. The following graphs are used to establish the table life relative to the applied loads. For more information, download the product manual at or contact our applications department at (800) 245-6903.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation Division Irwin, Pennsylvania73402/403XE Carriage Life with Side Load100000Screw DrivenTablesParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation DivisionIrwin, Pennsylvania74The 402/403XE Series offers complete flexibility, from motor-mounting options to cleanroom compatability and a variety of offerings in between. Whether the application calls for a hardcover protection for the linear guide,cleanroom-compatible solutions, custom motors mounted at the factory, or an aesthetically appealing engineered limitsensor package, the 402/403XE can be customized to fit the task at hand.Motor Mounting FlexibilityWith standard options for the NEMA 17, NEMA 16, NEMA 23, and other Parker Automation motors, the 402/403XEallows the user to select the motor of their choice without being restricted to one model. To further customize the application solution, the 402/403XE can be ordered ready to mount onto most other manufacturers’ motors as well.Low-Profile DesignThe highly integrated ballscrew and guide bearing design allows for a greatly reduced overall height when compared to traditional stacking of a bearing and screw assembly. This results in a more compact footprint.RigidityWith the steel U channel body and integrated bearing design, the structural rigidity of the 402/403XE issignificantly stiffer than most aluminum body positioners. The increased stiffness results in reduced overall cost due to the elimination of support structures.Hardcover ProtectionFor added protection to the bearing system and drive train, an optional hardcover is available. This will bring the positioner to an IP20 rating and prevent large particles from entering and damaging the screw or bearings.Cleanroom & Raydent CoatingsCleanroom ratings are possible with the XE product. The actual cleanroom rating will be dependent upon such variables as the location of the sniffer device, the velocity of the table, etc. Consult the factory for specific cleanroom-capability details or test results.Riser PlatesMost of the motors used with the402/403XE and some of the 404XE motors have a taller profile than the positioner. Thus the motor can interfere with thepositioner mounting surface. To accommodate riser plates can be provided to space the unit above the mountingsurface. See XE product Manual for dimensional details and part numbers. Also available are X-Y transition plates for XE to XE and LP mounting.402/403XE Demo UnitsOrder 803-0346 for a multi-axis demo unit to learn the product and display for shows and presentations. The demo will come in a watertight pelican carrying case and will be ready for demonstration programmed from the factory.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation Division Irwin, Pennsylvania75Packaged Limit SensorsLimit sensor flexibility allows for a completely packaged sensor kit with a connectorized cable and a single cable to manage multi-axis solutions. It also allows for a simpler sensor pack out of which the sensor wires exit in a flying-leads style with 3 meters of cable from the point of the sensor. To further accommodate each application’s unique needs, the sensors can be specified as NPN, PNP , normally open, or normally closed varieties. With the unmatched design, the sensor pack on the 402/403XE allows for fully adjustable sensors along the travel length of the positioner, which creates no pinch points for other cables or hoses to be sliced.The limit/home switch installed on the 402XE and 403XE is a Hall effect sensor tripped by a magnet located in a housing attached to the carriage. On the switch body is an LED to indicate activation. Normally open sensors are typically used for home and normally closed are typically used for limits. With a current sinking sensor, the output lead provides a path to ground when activated, and with a current sourcing sensor, the output lead provides a positive (+) voltage potential relative to ground. Refer to your controller’s manual for compatibility. Limit/home switch information is below.Limit sensor mounting screws are reverse-thread style so tightening the screw loosens the limit sensor in the track and vice versa.402/403XE Wiring CodePower (+)Brown Output Signal Black Ground (-)Blue402/403XE Home/Limit Switch SpecificationsH4 or L4 Option H5 or L5 Option H11or L11 Option H12 or L12 Option H13 or L13 Option H14 or L14 Option Switch Type N.C.N.O.N.C.N.O.N.C.N.O.N.C.N.O.LogicNPNNPNPNPPNPNPNNPNPNPPNPOperating Voltage VDC 10-30Voltage Drop VDC (Max)2.5Continuous Current mA 100Repeatabilityµ (Max)100Reverse Polarity Protection Yes Short-Circuit Protection Yes Power-Up Pulse Suppression Yes Enclosure Rating IP67Operating Temperature º C -25 to +75Cable Lengthm3.0 m from Switch3.0 m from end of Sensor Pack 402/403XE Sensor Pack Wiring CodePower (+)Red Limit 1(1) Output Signal Blue Limit 1(1)Output SignalOrange Home Output Signal Green Ground (-)BlueShield(Connect to Earth Ground)Green w/ Yellow Stripe(1) Limit 1 is the switch farthest from the connector on the sensor packhousing; Limit 2 is the switch closest to the connector.TablesParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation DivisionIrwin, Pennsylvania76402XE without HardcoverMotor Option Motor or Motor SizeL M N R M2SM16/BE168.040.640.6–M3NEMA23/SM238.057.257.2–M37NEMA178.043.037.0–M41SM162AQ-NPSN–OrderCode Travel “A”“B”“F”“G”“H”“J”T0170 mm168.087.5180.0435.0T02120 mm 218.0112.52160.0620.0T03170 mm 268.0137.52160.0645.0T04220 mm 318.0162.53240.0830.0402XE with HardcoverDimensions (mm)Optional Switch15.0S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation Division Irwin, Pennsylvania77403XE without HardcoverMotor OptionMotor or Motor SizeL M N R M2SM16/BE168.040.640.6–M3NEMA23/SM238.057.257.2–M37NEMA178.055.037.0–M41SM162AQ-NPSN 8.040.640.6136.7M42SM232AQ-NPSN–403XE with HardcoverDimensions (mm)OrderCode Travel “A”“B”“F”“G”“H”“J”T0155 mm174.093.51100.0425.0T02105 mm 224.0118.51100.0450.0T03205 mm 324.0168.52200.0650.0T04305 mm 424.0218.53300.0850.0T05405 mm 524.0268.54400.01050.0T06505 mm 624.0318.55500.01250.0T07605 mm 724.0368.56600.01450.0T08655 mm 774.0383.57700.01625.0Optional Home/Limit Switch15.0Screw Driven TablesParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation DivisionIrwin, Pennsylvania78Fill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.1Series40250 mm2TravelT01*70 mm T02120 mm T03170 mm T04220 mm* Limited to H1L2, H1L3, H1L4, H1L5, H1L1, or H2L1, H3L1, H4L1, or H5L1 home and limit options3FamilyXEXE Series4GradeSStandard Grade5Drive ScrewD2 5 mm D92 mm6Home SensorH1No home sensorH2N.C. sinking, flying leads H3N.O. sinking flying leads H4N.C. sourcing, flying leads H5N.O. sourcing, flying leads H11*N.C. sinking, sensor pack H12*N.O. sinking, sensor pack H13*N.C. sourcing, sensor pack H14*N.O. sourcing, sensor pack* Must be ordered with L11, L12, L13, or L14 limit option7Limit SensorL1NoneL2N.C. sinking, flying leads L3N.O. sinking, flying leads L4N.C. sourcing, flying leads L5N.O. sourcing, flying leads L11N.C. sinking, sensor pack L12N.O. sinking, sensor pack L13N.C. sourcing, sensor pack L14N.O. sourcing, sensor pack8Motor MountM1MTR block coupling housing only M2MTR block with flange kit for SM16M3MTR block with flange kit for NEMA 23M37MTR block with flange kit for NEMA 17M41*SM162AQ-NPSN motor mounted M46**HV232-02-10 stepper motor mounted M61MTR block with flange kit for BE23* Order with C2 or C3 coupling option ** Order with C4 or C5 coupling option9Motor CouplingC1Not required C20.25” Oldham C30.25” Bellows C40.375” Oldham C50.375” Bellows C24 5 mm Oldham C255 mm Bellows0Environmental OptionsR11Hard coverR12*Hard cover, cleanroom prep R13No coverR14*No cover, cleanroom prep* Cleanroom class rating should be checked for each application due to variation of compatibility at different speeds!Orthogonality OptionsP1X axis for single axisP20*X axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 12:00P43*Y axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 3:00P49*Y axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 9:00* Pinning to 130 arc-sec orthogonality. Additional bracketing required. Contact factory for details.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParker Hannifin CorporationElectromechanical Automation Division Irwin, Pennsylvania79Fill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.1Series40360 mm2TravelT01*55 mm T02*105 mm T03205 mm T04305 mm T05405 mm T06505 mm T07605 mm T08**655 mm* Limited to H1L2, H1L3, H1L4, H1L5, H1L1, or H2L1, H3L1, H4L1, or H5L1 home and limit options** Only available with D3 drive option3FamilyXEXE Series4GradeSStandard Grade5Drive ScrewD2 5 mm D310 mm6Home SensorH1No home sensorH2N.C. sinking, flying leads H3N.O. sinking flying leads H4N.C. sourcing, flying leads H5N.O. sourcing, flying leads H11*N.C. sinking, sensor pack H12*N.O. sinking, sensor pack H13*N.C. sourcing, sensor pack H14*N.O. sourcing, sensor pack* Must be ordered with L11, L12, L13, or L14 limit option7Limit SensorL1NoneL2N.C. sinking, flying leads L3N.O. sinking, flying leads L4N.C. sourcing, flying leads L5N.O. sourcing, flying leads L11N.C. sinking, sensor pack L12N.O. sinking, sensor pack L13N.C. sourcing, sensor pack L14N.O. sourcing, sensor pack8Motor MountM1MTR block coupling housing only M2MTR block with flange kit for SM16M3MTR block with flange kit for NEMA 23M37MTR block with flange kit for NEMA 17M41*SM162AQ-NPSN motor mounted M46**HV232-02-10 stepper motor mounted M61MTR block with flange kit for BE23* Order with C2 or C3 coupling option ** Order with C4 or C5 coupling option9Motor CouplingC1Not required C20.25” Oldham C30.25” Bellows C40.375” Oldham C50.375” Bellows C24 5 mm Oldham C255 mm Bellows0Environmental OptionsR11Hard coverR12*Hard cover, cleanroom prep R13No coverR14*No cover, cleanroom prep* Cleanroom class rating should be checked for each application due to variation of compatibility at different speeds!Orthogonality OptionsP1X axis for single axisP20*X axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 12:00P43*Y axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 3:00P49*Y axis for X-Y assembly motor @ 9:00* Pinning to 130 arc-sec orthogonality. Additional bracketing required. Contact factory for details.。
Skyworks Solutions SKY77928-11 SkyLiTE前端模块说明书
PRODUCT SUMMARYSKY77928-11 SkyLiTE™ Tx-Rx Front-End Module for Quad-Band GSM / GPRS / EDGE w/ 16 Linear TRx Switch Ports – Dual-Band TD-SCDMA, TDD LTE Band 39 – Dual AntennaApplications•Cellular handsets encompassing Quad-Band GSM/EDGE, Dual-Band TD-SCDMA, and TDD LTE-Class 4 GSM850/900-Class 1 DCS1800/PCS1900-Class 12 GPRS multi-slot operation-Linear EDGE operation-TD-SCDMA Bands 34/39-TDD LTE Band 39•Carrier Aggregation (CA)with dual antenna Features•Small, low profile package-5.5mm x 5.5mm x0.8 mm Max.-44-pad configuration•MIPI®RFFE control•RF ports internally matched to 50 Ωw/ zero DC offset •High GMSK Efficiency (inclusive of coupler and diplexer) -34% GSM85034% DCS1800-34% GSM90034% PCS1900•Tx harmonics below –40 dBm•Supports APT, buck DC-DC supply•16 low loss/high linearity/high isolation TRx switch ports with excellent cross-band flexibility•Three directional couplers: LB/MB/HB•Downlink inter-band CA support with L+M/H diplexer and separate HB switch/antenna with ultra-low loss and superb linearity•Noise suppression notch filter for WiFi coexistence •Built-in IEC-compliant antenna ESD protection•High impedance control inputs and low standby current •Current limiting and overvoltage ruggedness•Power control circuitry built-in for improved TRP variation DescriptionThe SKY77928-11SkyLiTE™ Tx-Rx Front-End Module (FEM) offers a complete Power Amplifier (PA) and switching solution for advanced2G/3G/4G cellular handsets with dual antenna.Two PAs support quad-band GSM, GPRS, EDGE multi-slot operation and TD-SCDMA and TDD LTE transmission. The low band (LB) PA transmits in the GSM850/900 bands. The mid-band (MB) PA covers DCS1800, PCS1900, TD-SCDMA bands 34/39, and TDD LTE band 39. The FEM facilitates flexible broadband RF switch-through by means of 16 transmit/receive (TRx) antenna switch ports covering all 3G/4G bands from 700 MHz through 2300-2700 MHz. In support of downlink inter-band Carrier Aggregation (CA), the TRx ports are partitioned into three independent switch blocks comprising 7 LB, 5 MB and 4 HB ports with strong M/H cross-band support. Each switch block includes a directional coupler that may be monitored on the CPL port with selectable forward or reverse directionality. A diplexer and a second antenna port provide flexible simultaneous L+M/HB reception required for downlink CA.The SKY77928-11includes a full set of features for state-of-the-art performance and minimal phone board complexity. The Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) PA blocks are fabricated in Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). The HBT, switches, controller die, and passive components are mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate. A plastic overmold encapsulates t he entire assembly.The CMOS controller provides PA band/mode selection and bias control, including the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) RFFE logic and switch decoder circuitry. The PA controller provides VRAMP control of the GMSK envelope and reduces sensitivity to input drive, temperature, power supply, and process variations. Skyworks’ Finger-Based Integrated Power Amplifier Control (FB-iPAC) minimizes output power variation into mismatch. In EDGE and TD-SCDMA / TDD LTE linear modes, VRAMP voltage and MIPI-based bias settings jointly optimize PA linearity and efficiency.Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100•*********************•203560D • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • February 8, 20161PRODUCT SUMMARYSKY77928-11 SkyLiTE ™ Tx-Rx FEM for QUAD-BAND GSM / GPRS / EDGEw/ 16 LINEAR TRx SWITCH PORTS – DUAL-BAND TD-SCDMA, TDD LTE BAND 39 – DUAL ANTENNASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100•*********************•2 February 8, 2016 • Skyworks Proprietary Information • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice. • 203560DF IGURE 1. SKY77928-11 F UNCTIONAL B LOCK D IAGRAMOrdering Information Product NameOrder Number Evaluation Board Part Number SKY77928-11 SkyLiTE ™ Tx -Rx Front -End ModuleSKY77928-11© 2016, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved .Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products orinformation provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON -INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life -sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of stated published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol , and SkyLiTE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Third -party brands and names are for identification purposes only, and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.。
C 31-MIDAS Manual
11.1 安装模拟模块
11.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器
12 找出故障并诊断
14 内置的网络服务器
14.1 物理的网络组件
14.2 网络设置
14.3 运行网络浏览器
15 典型安装拓扑
15.1 常规安装
15.2 Modbus/TCP 安装
Honeywell Analytics
mda scientific
©2004 Honeywell Analytics
1 目录
2 概述
3 产品概述
3.1 主机架
3.1.1 显示器模块
3.1.2 泵模块
3.1.3 传感器暗盒腔
3.2 安装托架座
3.2.1 安装托架
8.2 设置、校准和测试模式
8.2.1 设置菜单‘ SEt’
8.2.2 设置报警 ‘ ALm’
8.2.3 设置故障 ‘ FLt’
8.2.4 设置校准间距 ‘ CAL’
8.2.5 设置日期和时间 ‘timE’
8.2.6 设置地址‘ nEt’
8.2.7 设置密码 ‘ PWd’
3.2.2 终端模块
3.3 传感器盒
3.3.1 偏致传感器盒
3.4 机壳
4 默认配置
5 安装
5.1 探测器的安装和定位
5.2 机械安装
5.3 样品和排气管道计算
overhead tools & accessoriesINDEXovErhEaD tools & accEssorIEscoDE typEcaa-tap Anti-Lifting Automatic Release Pulley & Lifting Tackles11.10 mot Self Gripping Clamps11.15 mos Radial Locking Clamps11.20 prt Hydraulic Compressor11.25 pg-tEt Cover Joints/Thermometers 11.35 paX/tFX Lifting Hoists & Manual Winches11.40 paX/tFX Lifting Hoists & Manual Winches11.45 tN-tgp001Cable Cutters & Zoom Sag-Scope11.50 Dlc001-DlE Meter Counter & Dynamometers11.55 mtr-mtF Grounding Devices11.60 Dpc-DpI Safety Equipment11.65ovErhEaD tools & accEssorIEsdown to the last details In more than 60 years of experience Tesmec has developed a complete offer of tools and accessories that integrates the standard machines and equipment range. Tesmec takes care of all the aspects of jobsite paying attention to the details that ensure the efficiency of the operations and furthermore the safety of the operators.ovErhEaD tools & accEssorIEs: our valuE proposItIoN sElF-grIppINg clampsNEW lIghtWEIght hyDraulIc comprEssor Tesmec meets the needs of every customer offering acomplete package of solutions.The attention for safety and efficiency of the operationsis always a guideline for Tesmec proposing a completecatalogue of accessories specifically selected for an efficientjobsite.Tesmec clamps can be used on conductors, ropes or opticalground wires of different diameters only by replacing thejaws, reducing operating costs.The clamps can be provided with machined body clamps orwith interchangeable jaws.The body is made of high strength hot forged steel, in orderto minimise the ratio between weight and working load.The galvanisation treatment on the surface protects fromoxidation ensuring safety and efficiency to every job. Simple and compact, double-acting hydraulic integrated distributor, this hydraulic compressor is suitable for midspan and dead end joints.It is the only compressor that can accommodate different die holders for using all existing main dies on the market! Dies can be replaced just by pushing a button, without tools.The 100 tons model PRT510: ease of use and handling have been defined as two target features of this new project.Large range of clamps for any rope and conductor diameter, and for working load going from 40 to 200 kN.Extreme testing process ensuring use of MOS clamps on HTLS avoiding marks and damage.tools For aNy NEEDmos BoltED clamps6524510568025overhead tools & accessoriescharactErIstIcsWorking load 27 kNWeight 20 kgthe anti-lifting automatic release pulley is a special device that prevents the pulling rope lifting With respect to the theoretical line, specifically in case of toWers With considerable height differences. it is equipped With an automatic release system to facilitate recovery operations. the Wheel is made of galvanized steel and mounted on ball bearings; the pulley frame is made of galvanized steel.caa202caa aNtI-lIFtINg automatIc rElEasE pullEy6525105680245F G Rope ø9C C C I I I L L LE A FG B HRope ø9D Mthe lifting tackles are suitable for Ø 9 mm steel ropes; the Wheels are mounted on ball bearings. the frame is made of galvanized steel. rope and sWivel joint not included.tap lIFtINg tacklEsmodel dimensions [mm]pulling force/lifting loadWorking load Weight ab c d e f g h i l m [kn][kg]tap00122206724233320353331810.51801:43017tap0102223852943802840838610161801:65027tap0202226120294405354404151010.51801:108042Suitable rope mod. fuz009 diameter 9 mm Suitable swivel model ggt001g E m h rope Ø9B D F a c c I I l l l I cD BAC mot130mot140mot150mot170mot180the self-gripping clamps can be used to anchor and to string conductors and steel rope.the body is made of high strength hot forged steel, in order to minimise the ratio betWeen Weight and Working load. the galvanisation treatment on the surface protects from oxidation.tesmec clamps are provided With machined body clamps or With interchangeable jaWs. mot sElF grIppINg clampsmodel dimensions [mm]breaking loadmax Working load*Weight diameter range [mm]ab c [kn][kn][kg]d mot140802253801254278÷18 mot170sF 108300535225751518÷24mot170sF28108300535225751524÷28mot180sF 1143536042809319.527÷32clamp model dimensions [mm]breaking loadmax Working load*Weight jaWs model d use ab c [kn][kn][kg][mm]mot130gc ---6421 2.5gtF1107 ÷ 10Aluminium conductor gtF11310 ÷ 13Aluminium conductor gtF11613 ÷ 16Aluminium conductor mot150gc 80225380125427gty11714 ÷ 17Aluminium conductor gty12017 ÷ 20Aluminium conductor gty12320 ÷ 23Aluminium conductor gtoXXX 06 ÷ 23oPGW mot170gc 1083005352257515gtX22017 ÷ 20Aluminium conductor gtX22320 ÷ 23Aluminium conductor gtX22622.8 ÷ 26Aluminium conductor gtX22926 ÷ 29Aluminium conductor gtX23229 ÷ 32Aluminium conductor gtX23330 ÷33Aluminium conductor mot180gc 1143536042809319.5gtJ33532 ÷ 35Aluminium conductor gtJ33835 ÷ 38Aluminium conductor gtJ34138 ÷ 41Aluminium conductor gtJ34441 ÷ 44Aluminium conductor gtJ34643 ÷ 46Aluminium conductor*Max safe working load may change according to local safety factor standards xxx Diameter to be specifiedWarning: it is strictly forbidden to use jaws of different manufacturer.*Special clamps available also for conductorsmachINE BoDy clamps For stEEl ropEsINtErchaNgEaBlE JaWls clamps For coNDuctors & opgWc a B Doverhead tools & accessoriesmosraDIal lockINg clampsdesigned for long period anchorage safe & gentle on conductors D = conductor diameter to be specifiedDifferent jaws out of the standard diameter range are available upon requeststandard diameter range [mm]20-3030-4040-56number of eyeboltsdimensions [mm]max Working load Weight min Weight max a b a b a b c e f [kn][kg][kg]4mos700mos701mos70260575264018191581431691431781586mos710mos711mos71273593266025281581431691431781588mos720mos721mos722852932680303315814316914317815810mos730mos731mos7329959332100394115814316914317815812mos740mos741mos74211009332120414315814316914317815814mos750mos751mos75212109335140434715814316914317815815mos753mos754mos75512859335150556115814316914317815816mos760mos761mos76213609345160677515814316914317815818mos770mos771mos77215109345180798915814316914317815820mos780mos781mos7821670934520092104158143169143221158The radial locking clamp can be used whenever a conductor or a rope made of aluminium, aluminium/steel, copper or steel has to be stretched.The body is made of high-strength steel.It is made up of a series of hinged elements, which can be locked by nuts.The interchangeable jaws are made of aluminium.A special hook is provided at one end.The galvanisation treatment on the surface protects from oxidation.prt510prt020prt060prthyDraulIc comprEssorsdouble effectextra long life cyclemodel pistonreturnmaxcompressionforcemaxpressuremaxhexagon“ch”for steelmaxhexagon “ch”foraluminiummaxstrokepressWeightdieWeightdimensions(bxlxh) [kn][bar][mm][mm][mm][kg][kg][mm]prt510Hydraulic100070029603134.52480 255 387prt060Hydraulic1200700356534522520 280 450prt020Hydraulic1840700549044145 5.5600 430 600The hydraulic compressors, mainly implemented in press forged steel, have the following characteristics:excellent weight/power ratiovery short pressing cycle (all the presses have an hydraulically-driven piston release)each power unit or manual hydraulic pump (and hoses) is interchangeable with any hydraulic presshyDraulIc poWEr uNIts maNual pumpprtaccEssorIEsFor hyDraulIccomprEssorshyDraulIc poWEr uNIts moD. cppDIEs For coNDuctors moD. pDmmaNual pump moD pDp001kIt oF coNNEctINg hosEs moD. tupDIEs For couplINg moD. pDm straIghtENINg JoINt DEvIcEs moD. pDr Note: the performance is calculated at 20°C and at sea levelmodel engine poWer max pressure max delivery tank capacity Weight dimensions (bxlxh)[kW][bar][i/min.][l][kg][mm]cpp001Gasoline 3.2700 1.81054530340370cpp004Electrical220V-50Hz 2.2700 1.81050530340370 modelmax pressure delivery [cm3 / cycle]capacity Weight Withoutoildimensions(bxlxh) [bar]1st stage2nd stage[l][kg][mm] pDp00170017.5 2.7 3.48.5550160170model length[m]tup0133tup0146tup01510tup01615tup01730press model joint material die modelhexagonal circularprt510 (1000 kN)steel pDm042-Aluminium pDm043-almelec pDm044-prt060 (1200 kN)copper pDm038-steel pDm042pDm048Aluminium pDm043pDm049almelec pDm044-prt020 (1840 kN)steel pDm045pDm054Aluminium pDm046pDm055almelec pDm047-model diesprt510pDm026prt060pDm026prt020pDm027model straightening jointdevice modelprt510 (1000 kN)pDr007prt060 (1200 kN)pDr007prt020 (1840 kN)pDr010Special dies are available upon requestch = hexagonal keydimension to be specifiedoverhead tools & accessoriesthe cover joints are specifically designed to protect the mid span joint, made at the “tensioner station”, during conductor stringing operations.the cover joints consist of tWo shells made of galvanized steel With shaped ends to house the rubber noses, Which protect the mid span joint during the passage over the pulleys. the shells are coupled together by socket screWs and the rubber noses are clipped together by belts.the thermometers are made of an aluminium bulb reproducing the conductor’s surface.pg tEt covEr JoINtsthErmomEtErstEt060modelapplication ch max max diamete r l max (std) **Working load *(at the edges)[mm][mm][mm][kn]pgc For pulley with 54 mm groove 2818600 2.5 ÷ 5pgs For pulley with 68 mm groove 37251000 4 ÷ 6.5pgm For pulley with 68 mm groove 4831.510502÷ 5pgl For pulley with 95 mm groove 56471300max 6.5pgX For pulley with 130 mm groove 825420005*changes with length **different lengths are available upon requestFollowing data to be specified:1) L = joint length after compression 2) d = conductor diameter 3) ch = the hexagon dimension of mid span joint after compressionmodellength Weight (indicative)[m][kg]tEt0600.490.6÷1Diameter “d” of the conductor to be specifiedthe lifting hoists are made of steel and equipped With mechanical brake; they are designed to facilitate and accelerate chain positioning operations. chains With different lengths are available upon request.paX lIFtINg hoIststFX maNual WINchEsmanual Winches are designed to pull or lift ropes, conductors or loads.overhead tools & accessoriesmodeldimensions [mm]chain length capacity Weight b c [m][kn][kg]paX260340330 1.57.56,5paX2704083651,51511,3paX2804184901,53019,3paX2904186201,56031,3modelrope length 20 [m]30 [m]40 [m]tFX100tDF048tDF049tDF050tFX110tDF051tDF052tDF053tFX120tDF054tDF055tDF056modelrope Ølength Width Working load Weight [mm][mm][mm][kn][kg]tFX1008.342826086tFX110115452601612tFX120166603203222lIght vErsIoNropE - tDFstaND vErsIoNmodelrope Ølength Width Working load Weight [mm][mm][mm][kn][kg]tFX0608.353028488.4tFX07011.55583151620tFX08016.36803603227Modelrope length 10 [m]20 [m]30 [m]40 [m]tFX060tDF001tDF004tDF007tDF010tFX070tDF002tDF005tDF008tDF011tFX080tDF003tDF006tDF009tDF012ropE - tDFtIrFor ®tIrFor ®tFXmaNual WINchEsmanual Winches are designed to pull or lift ropes, conductors or loads.modeldimensions [mm]chain length required pulling force at full load capacity Weight a b c min [m][kn][kn][kg]paX001153290303********* 1.50.211511paX01116041036530.211514paX01216041036560.211520paX020********* 1.50.333020paX02118541048530.333027paX02218541048560.333042paX030230410600 1.50.356030paX03123041060030.356037paX03223041060060.356052the lifting hoists are made of steel and equipped With mechanical brake; they are designed to facilitate and accelerate chain positioning operations. chains With different lengths are available upon request.paXlIFtINg hoIststhese devices are suitable for cutting ropes or conductors suitable for accurate conductor sag measurements. equipped With a special anchoring support for steel toWer.tNI tNmtNtgp001caBlE cuttErszoom sag-scopE modelØ max steel ropes r = 1.8 kn/mm 2Ø max conductors aluminium-steel / aluminium / copper type [mm][mm]tNm0101031Mechanical tNI0301825Hydraulic tNI0011845Hydraulic overhead tools & accessoriesmodel capacity dimensions [mm]Weight[kn]a b c d e[kg]DlE290 2.5192855415142 1.1DlE3005220/19290/8547.5/5414/15182/142 1.1DlE31012.5192855415142 1.1DlE21025218905621160 1.3DlE22050230905627165 1.85DlE2301003101105847196 3.8DlE2401252181005938200 3.6this device is suitable to measure thelength in meters of the conductors orthe stringing ropes (available modeldlc002 With measure in feet).these devices are suitable for accuratemeasure of the pull value.precision 0,2%Dlc001DlEmEtEr couNtEr DEvIcEElEctroNIc DyNamomEtErscharactErIstIcsWeight 6 KgcharactErIstIcsWeight6 Kg groove Width 55 mm charactErIstIcsWeight16 Kg groove Width70 mmmtr001mtr052Suitable for anti-twisting device model RFF001grounding device designed for ropes and conductors during stringing operations. it is equipped With a copper grounding Wire (50 mm2 section, 6 m long) for connection to the ground. designed for 10 ka eff / 0.4 s short circuit level.mtr001mtF015mtF035mtF035for high voltage lines (60 kV)The device is made of:• 3 light aluminium alloy screw pliers for clamping conductors with diameter 3 ÷ 32 mm • 2 copper wire insulated with transparent thermoplastic material, section 35 mm2, total length 2.5 m each • 1 ground clamp • 1 high insulating fiber glass stick, total length 3 m • designed for 8.6 kA eff/ 1 s short cicuit level • 1 ground cable copper wire insulated with transparent thermoplastic material, section 16 mm2 , total length 16 m • Metallic box mtF015for high voltage lines (130/220 kV)The device is made of:• 3 light aluminium alloy screw pliers for clamping conductors with diameter 5÷30 mm • 3 copper wires insulated with transparent thermoplastic material, section 1x50 mm2, total length 6 m each • 3 ground clamps • 1 high insulating fibre glass stick, total length 3 m • designed for 11.25 kA eff / 1 s short cicuit level mtF016for extra high voltage lines (400/500 kV)The device is made of:• 3 light aluminium alloy screw pliers for clamping conductors with diameter 5÷60 mm • 3 copper wires insulated with transparent thermoplastic material, section 1x50 mm2, total length 8 m each • 3 ground clamps • 1 high insulating fibre glass stick total length 4.5 m • designed for 11.25 kA eff / 1 s short cicuit levelmtrmtF ruNNINg EarthsgrouNDINg DEvIcEs overhead tools & accessoriesDpc440DpFXXXavaIlaBlE DEvIcEs Dpm430Fall arrest device including 0.3 m rope Standard Rope:20 m Ø 14 mm 3-strand Polyamide fibre ropeDpB450Nylon BagDpa490connectorDpEXXX Safety HelmetDppXXXAnti-Fall StickDpI480DpB450DpF470Dpa490Dpm430Dpm430avaIlaBlE DEvIcEsDpF460positioning rope 2 m DpFXXXpositioning rope 1,5 m DpFXXXpositioning rope 2 m • Positioning belt for stationary work. This product is not designed for use as a fall arrest device. Features:• 3 buckles for connecting a tool bag • side anchoring: 2 stainless steel “D” rings• Harness with:• a back anchor point • a chest anchor point • adjustable thoracic webbing with quick fitting buckleDpc DpIposItIoNINg BElt saFEty harNEss applications Individual, vertical, sliding fall arrest device. It ensures protection against falls when a user moves vertically along an anchorage line (textile rope).Description and principle Fall arrest device; free vertical movement at normal speed. Housing may be opened by using the captive screw and flat bolt.Locking is due to the differential speed which engages an eccentric cam during the fall, between the user and the device on its support. The energy is absorbed by the lengthening of the support (>10%) and by the sliding movement along it. The device has a locking ring which prevents attachment to the support upside down. An arrow indicates the correct direction of movement and position for attachment to the support.DpEXXX DppXXX3.19_S E _S 11_E N _R 01。
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CCSTA43N40A10ThinPak MOQ36/Tray
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