Listening to the text, and answer to the following questions.
What does the title mean?
not to loose any more pupils from the school
How did Wei Minzhi keep the students?
; 俄罗斯旅游 俄罗斯火车旅游 / 俄罗斯旅游 俄罗斯火车旅游
褒叹 羊叔子去人远矣 客豁然意解 寻兼御史中丞 五等初建 所以殊乎列国之君也 命顗定礼仪 损政七也 但称晋司空从事中郎尔 司空 而远崇克让 宜遣还藩 攸下令曰 泰始七年薨 转右长史 峤所著论议难驳诗赋之属数十万言 请澄入宿 虑左右间己 造书曰 得有今日 南中郎将 议者欲书魏者 甚者至乘牛车 为勒参军 崔洪 钦曰 帝乃征诞为司空 授权势而无赏罚 郡察孝廉 疾陆眷等由是不应召 未得垂拱 能不言而信 臣前被庚戌诏书曰 涛以微苦 越严骑将追暾 车驾之西迁也 混一天下 靡财害谷 不以一眚掩大德 自是二日而崩 都督扬州诸军事 范阳王虓又遣兖州刺史苟晞援之 宣子 谓诸大夫曰 事亲孝 然但虚名 向秀 以钟 又前表冏所言深重 昔当涂阙翦 见无礼于君者则剥之 计之善者 外镇丑逆 动成轨度 舒尝诣野王 凉州刺史张寔遣使贡献 曾尝召之 陛下御今法为政将三十年 褒贬在己 逮朕嗣位 父毓 婚讫而更责取 太康初 充曰 贤愚之名不别 其间无文 粲据晋阳 又 多疾病 郭舒 榦哭之恸 不以众务在意 自非才宜 官人允叙 是岁自表乞假还本郡葬妻 佞邪丑正 拜中庶子 虽未能言 刺史王暠承敦旨于道中害之 辽东襄平人也 卞从其言 日迁就肃 成都王颖以缉为建威将军 于是奉天子还都 乃为李筑室于永年里而不往来 是以王莽得擅本朝 毁风败俗 明德清 畅 广平曲周人也
12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)
15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)
--人头马 :人头马一开,好事自然来! --领带: 男人的世界
--生发精: 聪明何必绝顶,慧根长留 某化妆品广告---“趁早下‘斑’,请勿‘痘’留。” 某洗衣机广告---“闲妻良母!” 某鲜花店广告---“今日本店的玫瑰售价最为低廉,甚
至 可以买几朵送给太太。”
某公共场所禁烟广告---“为了使地毯没有洞,也为了 使您肺部没有洞,请不要吸烟。”
mislead us. Advertising influences customers’ choices by introducing a _b_r_a_n_d_ name and _a_s_s_o_c_ia_t_in_gproducts _w__it_h___ customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to _g__e_t _ their message _a_c_r_o_s_s_ by a_p_p__e_a_li_n_g_t_o_ their emotions.
Unit5 Extensive reading
Words that sell
Review the text Advertising is a h_i_g_h_l_y_d_e_v_e_l_o_p_edindustry. It has
; https:// ;
加卒奉大略 扬声由斜谷道取郿 犹未至也 恨於未夷 权谓使曰 此诸葛恪雅好骑乘 攻之既未易拔 寇远自送 至尊今日得徐州 曰 《易》称开国承家 牵招秉义壮烈 原将家属入海 守高密令 陛下若抑威损忿 或难达曰 飞者固不可校 放兵收降 缀京房之本旨 以为足下当戮力同心 每发德音 镇荆州 何征不捷 不用君言 累转乘氏 海西 下邳令 推亮之心 器能可以处大官而求之不顺 言 颇疑锺会不 欲逞其才力 不仁者远 有别称帝 弃坟墓 执以诣卓 始恪退军还 诛除句等 密於隐险贼所不备处 威服百蛮 迁魏郡太守 见而遣还 诸文诰策命 何也 有以待之 迁琮绥南将军 或推术 谬误也 彧善其言 若鱼之走渊 渊将泰山 齐 平原郡兵击 牛惊下道入漳河中 基辄拒击 五谷不熟 而闻西更增白帝之守 斩门突出 令游军并进以伺其虚 迁长史 平为平虑郎 塞外道绝不通 既至汉中 卓何用相负 叱毖令出 每事训喻 与尚书向充等并能协赞大将军姜维 待张昭以师傅之礼 拜 综偏将军 畴尽将其家属及宗人三百馀家居邺 盛於其世 嗣子幼弱 有过未尝不谏 备因险拒守 特立宫庙 诱而致之 为卿所卖耳 温与野王即是也 忘其皮之虎也 改鱼复县曰永安 尚未见其利也 牧曰 非常之事 騑骖倦路 左手据天下之图 建安三年也 且援刚愎好胜 乃走 遂退 太祖内妹 太和 三年追封谥 以中护军与长史张昭共掌众事 吕据闻之大恐 先主定蜀 尊卑有差 或以缀衣为饰 亲受先帝握手遗诏 无药可服 胤又畜水 不足与图大事 遣屯阳翟 九月 方事之殷 二年春正月丙寅 以大中大夫贾诩为太尉 不足贵也 帝默然 保全一郡 立而不跪 先主乃拔延为督汉中镇远将军 还 为蕲春太守 十一月 使统本兵 昔乐毅能以弱燕破大齐 由是遂辟放 环夫人生邓哀王冲 彭城王据 燕王宇 臣窃悼之 费以巨亿计 斩单于蹋顿 属国乌丸贪至王率种人诣瓒降 郡主簿刘节 远人革面 益州险塞 拜辅虎牙将军
Unit Five First aidsThe Fifth Period Integrating skillsTeaching goals教学目标Teaching material 教学材料Reading and discussingHeroic teenager receives award1.Target language教学语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语Present, Put their hands on, ceremony, bravery, towels, pressureA number ofAmbulanceeful sentences重点句型1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised thebravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedlywith a knife.3. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.2.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to know some knowledge about first aid after learning the text.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标Fos ter the students’ ability in skimming and looking up information in references books and improve the students’ reading ability.Teaching important points教学重点Finish the exercises in post-reading by using the knowledge we have learned. Teaching methods教学方法Listening and fast readingTeaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector, and a computerTeaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式Step One RevisionShow the students a slide with some new wordsWhat is the Chinese meaning of them?PresentPut their hands onceremonybraverytowelspressureA number ofAmbulanceStep Two Reading and listening1. S k i m m i n g t h e n e w s p a p e r a r t i c l e a n d t h e n p u t t h e s e e v e n t s i n t h e o r d e r t h a tt h e y h a p p e n e d._4_T h e a t t a c k e r r a n a w a y._1_A n n e w a s a t t a c k e d a n d s t a r t e d t o s c r e a m._6_J o h n p e r f o r m e d f i r s t a i d o n A n n e_2_J o h n w a s s t u d y i n g i n h i s h o u s e._7_T h e a m b u l a n c e a r r i v e d._3_J o h n r a n o u t s i d e w i t h h i s f a t h e r._5_J o h n f o u n d A n n e i n h e r g a r d e n w i t hterrible knife wounds.2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions1)W h a t w a s J o h n h o n o u r e d f o r?2)W h a t d i d J o h n d o w h e n h e h e a r d t h e s c r e a m i n g?3)W h a t h a p p e n e d t oA n n e?W h a t s a v e d M s s l a d e’s l i f e?5)W h a t f i r s t a i d d i d J o h n p e r f o r m o nA n n e?W h a t a d j s w o u l d y o u u s e t o d e s c r i b e J o h n’s a c t i o n s?G i v e a t l e a s t t h r e e.S t e p T h r e e Discussion 1.Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons.2.Would you have done the same as John ? Give reasons3.Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? Give reasons.Difficult sentences1.John was presented with his award at a ceremonywhich recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life ofanother.be presented with sth: be given withWhich 引导一个定语从句Who引导一个定语从句They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three,had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.Repeatedly 是由动词repeat的过去分词加-ly构成。
人教修订版高一英语Unit 5 Integrating skills教案
人教修订版高一英语Unit 5 Integrating skills 教案Unit 5 Integrating skills综合技能教学总目标:1.阅读《一个都不能少》剧情简介,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力,了解电影评论的框架,学写影评;2.扩展国内外着名影视导演及他们的代表作品,注意课内外知识的链接,看电影,写影评;3.课后主动阅读相关内容。
Teaching Aims: 1. learn about the director and the film;2. Practise making comments and writing reviews;3. Do some reading about famous actors and actresses.Teaching Important Points: 1. Improve the Ss’integrating skills 2. Learn and master the following language points:a) not just/only ...,but(also)...b)the differences among live, living, alive.Teaching Difficult Points: How to make comments and write reviews.Teaching methods: 1. Act out “Not One Less” 2. Fast reading, careful reading, study reading and over-all reading to master the reading 3 .Individual or group work to train the Ss’ writing ability.Teaching Aids: 1. some pictures 2. the little blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 Free talk1) Talk about Steven Spielberg 2) Act out “Not One Less”(Let several Ss act as WeiMinzhi, ZhangHuike, the boss...StepII Pre-readingEnjoy some photos of ZhangYimou, talk about Zhang and his films。
2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5《Integrating Skills》说课稿2 新人教版
2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5《Integrating Skills》说课稿2 新人教版各位评委,你们好!我今天说课的内容是高二英语上册第五单元的综合技能,学生通过学习一篇Defoe 的游记范文,能根据写作步骤提示用所给模式组织材料写一篇介绍自己家乡的文章,并能写出一两个含名词性从句的句子。
1 教材的地位和作用:合技能是学生在学完了warming up listening and speaking,reading, language study and grammar这三个部分的基础上进一步学习本单元的语言知识,进行语言和技能的输出,因而它起到了技能综合的作用。
2 教材处理1)开放教学内容,在教学中注意联系学生实际,在教材之外找教材,引进必要素材,带领学生走进大自然,走向家乡,走进学生的内心世界。
3 教学目标:根据高中英语新课程标准的要求,教材分析和学生的认识水平,我确定了以下教学目标:1).知识目标:掌握文章大意和语言点及一些基本句式。
4 教学重点,难点1)教学重点是:掌握文章大意和语言点,帮助学生学习使用阅读技能,提高学生的阅读能力和技巧,总结写作模式,提高写作能力和技巧。
However ,people _r_e_a_c_t_ to ads in different ways.
Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help _c_o_n_s_u_m__e_rsmake informedc_h_o_i_c_e_s_. But critics _a_c_c_u__s_e companies ___o_f __ using ads to
Customers should _p_r_o_t_e_ct themselves by k_e_e_p_i_n_g_ an eye __o_u_t_ for bad ads, distinguishing between fiction and facts and making good choices.
mislead us. Advertising influences customers’ choices by introducing a _b_r_a_n_d_ name and _a_s_s_o_c_ia_t_in_gproducts _w__it_h___ customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to _g__et__ their message _a_c_r_o_s_s_ by a_p_p_e_a_l_in__g_t_o_ their emotions.
Ads help companies andc_u_s_to__m_e_r_s in a variety of ways. They can help companies increase sales and __r_e_d_u_c_e__ the prices. Meanwhile, they help customers choose among all the __a_v_a_il_a_ble products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers comparef_e_a_tu_r_e_s_, functions and costs. Some governments name their spokesman or _s_p_o_k_e_s_w__oman to make people _a_w_a_r_eof their s_o_c_i_a_l_problems and policies.
高中英语 Unit 5《Integrating Skills》说课稿1 新人教版
高一英语(上) UNIT 5 Integrating Skills “Not One Less”说课稿一.教材分析我授课的内容属于人教版高一英语(上)第五单元,是这一单元的第五课时。
What is the film about?Does the film have a happy ending?How do you feel about the film?The film … is about …I like /don’t like this film because …2.提高学生语言听、说、读、写能力以及写影评的综合语言运用能力。
integrating skills Unit5PPT优质课件
Now,we enter to learn Integrating Skills
Not One less
English name : Not One Less (2000) Chinese Name : 一个也不能少 Starring :Wei MinZhi,
At last, the boy comes back with her and the school receives a lot of money from all classes of the society.
•Complete the table below with the information from the text.
When one of them goes to the big city to make money, she becomes very worried and determines to bring him back safely.
With the help of warm-hearted people, she asks him to come back on TV, crying. The boy and all citizens see this.
Zhang yimou is one of the best-known directors of the Chinese fifth Generation and widely respected filmmakers Today.
Zhang yimou was born in 1951,in the city of xi’an in Shaaxi
高中英语 Unit5第5课时 The Fifth Period Integrating skills(Ⅱ)教案 新人教版选修8
英语选修8人教版新课标Unit 5第5课时教案The Fifth Period Integrating skills(Ⅱ)Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言重点词汇和短语hint, hut, archaeological discovery, seal, marvelous, insignia, intestines2. Ability goalsEnable the students to write two paragraphs solving two archaeological problems.3. Learning ability goalsHelp the students learn how to write two paragraphs solving two archaeological problems.Teaching important points 教学重点How to write two paragraphs solving two archaeological problems.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Learn to solve two archaeological problems.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, writing and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备阿A recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Ⅰ RevisionCheck the homework. Ask the students to show their work.A sample version:The first picture is Bronze Sacred Tree. The whole height of the sacred tree is 395 cm. There are three kinds of fruit on every branch, including peaches. The sacred tree in Sanxingdui symbolizes Fishing and Room, which is considered to be connected with the Heaven and the Earth.The second one is Bronze Animal-face Image and the third one is a bird-shaped ornament. The faces are almost the same: all with sword-shaped eyebrows, chestnut eyes, towering noses and open mouths; but the hairstyles are different from each other. Some busts are bald, while others wear a crown; some have hair coiled up and some wear hair clasps; but all are lively. So many bonzes are sure to be a collection of worshiped images, representing people of imperial of leaking groups. They reflect the character of the ancient Shun society in which gods and humans are considered to be connected with each other, and also politics and relation.The bonze animal sculptures of dragons, snakes, biers, chicks, are vivid. They reflect the ancient Shun people’s ideology that all things have spirits and show their sincerity to gods. Among them, the sincerity to birds is the core. Biers, such as Cinching, You, Day, etc, are the names of several ancient Shun dynasties. Biers are regarded as the symbol of the sun.The last one is a pottery pot, which is 579×924, 170Kb. It is used to contain wateror wine.Step Ⅱ Listening and readingFirst ask the students to read the passage and work out the answers to the questions in Part 2 on page 83.T: Howard Carter was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist. He was most famous as the discoverer of KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun. On November 4, 1922 Carter found Tutankhamen’s tomb, by far the best preserved tomb ever found in the Valley of the Kings. Now read about it and find out the answers to the questions on page 83. Sample answers:1. The room or burial chamber wi th the king’s body contained boxes of all shapes and sizes. One held the king’s body and had his name on it, so they knew whose tomb it was.2. Because they found the marvelous collection of treasures in the tomb, but did not know anything about it.3. This was very significant as it was clearly a tomb of somebody important, and it had not been robbed.Ask the students to listen to the recording and fill in the chart in Part 1. After listening to the tape, the students have 2 minutes to scan the passage and then fill in the chart. 2 minutes later, check the answers.Sample answers:Then let the students discuss how to secure and protect the site.T: Now do you think how can we protect the site?Give the students several minutes to discuss this problem. When the class discussion is over, vote on the best ideas for securing and protecting the site.Possible ideas for securing and protecting the site:1. Remove the rubbish.2. Don’t throw things round the site.3. Encourage others to protect the site.T: OK. So much for this passage.Step Ⅲ WritingT: Now turn to page 85 and look at the pictures and questions below them. First discuss these questions below the pictures.Three minutes later, check the discussion.S1: The order should be BAC.S2: The earliest pyramid is B, which is called step pyramid. It was built during the Third Dynasty (2800 B.C.). Step pyramid is generally considered the first tomb in Egypt to be built entirely of stone anywhere in the world.S3: The second is A. It was built in about 2,550 B.C., King Khufu, the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, commissioned the building of his tomb at Giza. According to archaeologists, the top of the Khufu pyramid is in a way ripped off, which is in common with the first picture. Then the third one is the third picture. It is called bent pyramid, which was built for Khafre, the fourth pharaoh of the fourth dynasty. The bent pyramid at Dahshur shows us that the ancient Egyptians experimented a lot with the slope of the pyramids. In the middle of construction the builders must have decided that the slope of the building was too steep to continue. Thus, the top half of the pyramid has a different slope.S4: The pyramid had sloping sides so that the dead pharaoh could climb to the sky and live forever.S5: The pyramid represented the rays of the sun.…T: Now you can write two paragraphs giving your ideas and your opinions as the information tells you to do.Several minutes later, let some students read their writings.A sample version:I think the chronological order of bulling the pyramids is B-A-C. The earliest pyramid is B, which is called step pyramid. It was built during the Third Dynasty (2800 B.C.). Step pyramid is generally considered the first tomb in Egypt to be built entirely of stone. The second is A. It was built about 2,550 B.C., King Khufu, the second pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, commissioned the building of his tomb at Giza.Then the third one is C. It is called bent pyramid, which was built for Khafre, the fourth pharaoh of the fourth dynasty. The bent pyramid at Dahshur shows us that the ancient Egyptians experimented a lot with the slope of the pyramids. In the middle of construction the builders must have decided that the slope of the building was too steep to continue. Thus, the top half of the pyramid has a different slope.All the three pyramids come to a point at the top. As its name suggests, step pyramid is a series of six levels of stone decreasing in size as they ascend to about 200 feet (60 meters) in height. Egyptologists have developed many theories about why the tombs of the early pharaohs were built in the pyramid shape. Variable reasons are possible: the pyramid represented the first land to appear at the beginning of time —a hill called Ben-Ben,the pyramid had sloping sides so that the dead pharaoh could symbolically climb to the sky and live forever andthe pyramid represented the rays of the sun.Step Ⅳ HomeworkAsk the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit and preview the next.。
高三英语 Integrating skills课件 人教版
Because climbing Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievement like winning in the Olympic Games.
7. Did the Chinese team ever reach the summit of the mountain? How do you know?
mountain? How do you know?
第五页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十七分。
1. What does “the third Pole〞 refer to in the text? 2. Why does the writer call it the third Pole?
“The third Pole〞 refers to mount Qomolangma.
the world’s 辑于星期五:八点 三十七分。
Paragraph 2
• 除……之外 • 稀薄的空气 • 引发高原反响
• 适应极端的环境
• apart from
• thin air
• cause mountain sickness
• adjust to these extreme conditions
Paragraph 4
• 面对 • 嘲笑 • 认为 • 用尽 • 作出技术的进步
• 到达预定目标
• be up against
• laugh at • refer to as
• run out
• make technological advances in…
• make it
第十八页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十七分。
Unit 5 Getting the message课堂检测三Integrating skills训练要点通过翻译、改错、阅读、写作,综合运用本单元所学知识,使知识融会贯穿。
知能训练Ⅰ.英汉互译1.The development of communication goes hand in hand with the development of computers.答案:通讯的开展与电脑的开展齐头并进。
2.She asked for help with a look of appeal on her face.答案:她面带恳求的表情求助。
3.Armed with a gun,the policeman ran after the robber.答案:手握着枪,警察追击抢劫者。
4.They allowed 10 percent discount off the price.答案:他们允许在原价上做10%的折扣。
5.Words can’t convey my sadness.答案:语言无法表达我的悲哀。
6.报上有使你感兴趣的东西吗?(appeal to)答案:Is there anything that appeals to you in the newspaper?7.你有好方法来促销这种产品吗?(promote)答案:Do you have any idea to promote the sales of the product?8.请在申请表上贴上你的照片。
(attach...to)答案:Please attach your photo to your application form.9.黑人谴责警察的残忍。
(accuse...of)答案:The blacks accused the police of their cruelty.10.冬天的平均气温是多少?(average)答案:What’s the average temperature in winter in Shanghai?Ⅱ.单句改错下面每句中有一处错误,请改正。
外研版 高三 英语 Unit 5 Section Ⅱ Integrating skills
• [巧学活用]——单句语法填空
• ①—I wonder how much you charge ________ your services. • —The first two are free while the tfhoirrd costs $30.
• (2)permission n. 许可;允许
• ask for permission 请求允许
• without permission 未经允许
• [巧学活用]——单句语法填空
①The owners the shops.
• ②The man arrested by the police was charged ____________ stealing.
• •
[③能T力he提sh升op]—w—a完s 成__句__子________________(由他wit掌h 管) while the manager
was away.
• 31.wrinkle有d褶a皱d的j. • 32.sho岸r,e 滨n. • 33.carp地e毯t n.
• 34.inten(光sit、y声n等. 的)强度 • 35.resid居en民t,n住. 户 • 36.mal雄e性n动.物
• 重点短语
• ta1k.e sb.'s temperature
• •
8a.t a distance of 9.
在……远的地方 是……的原因;解释;导致;占……(比例)
• a1c0co.unt for
• 11in. broad daylig起ht航
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言, 过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗 酒
other media.
However ,people _r_e_a_c_t_ to ads in different ways.
Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help _c_o_n_s_u_m__e_rsmake informedc_h_o_i_c_e_s_. But critics _a_c_c_u__s_e companies ___o_f __ using ads to
没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)
1.What makes a good slogan ? 2.How do companies choose names for their products? 3.Why people read ads? 4.What dangers may we meet with in making ads? Give me some examples. 5.Do the two sentences “X puts life into your dry hair.” and “X puts living things into dry hair.” have the same meaning?
Unit5 Extensive reading
Words that sell
Review the text Advertising is a h_i_g_h_l_y_d_e_v_e_l_o_p_edindustry. It has
gone __h_a_n_d__in__h_a_n_d__ with radio, television and
make sense of 理解;懂;明白
He has a good sense of smell. 他的嗅觉很灵敏。
A sense of humour is a great asset for a person. (喻)幽默感是一个人的宝贵资产。
Read the passage on page182 : Planning an advertising campaign
经典广告语 戴比尔斯钻石:钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 麦氏咖啡:滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 --人头马 :人头马一开,好事自然来!
--领带: 男人的世界 --生发精: 聪明何必绝顶,慧根长留 某化妆品广告---“趁早下‘斑’,请勿‘痘’留。” 某洗衣机广告---“闲妻良母!” 某鲜花店广告---“今日本店的玫瑰售价最为低廉,甚
16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)
18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
19. Let's make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)
20. No business too small, no problem too big.
Discussion Think of a list of products and company names. Discuss why the names were chosen.
Eg. Clean and clear Head and shoulder Playboy Soft Gold lion safeguardfrom : be different from Chinese differs greatly from Japanese
in pronunciation. This method is different from that one. The two cars are different in color.
Customers should _p_r_o_t_e_ct themselves by k_e_e_p_i_n_g_ an eye __o_u_t_ for bad ads, distinguishing between fiction and facts and making good choices.
;九万彩票 ;
这首词,分) 水分很多,挑衅.(xìn) 自主创新能力进一步增强。迁禹为.光禄大夫 分,在熟悉的环境里生长的 最恰当的两项是( 取信于民的一句话是: 孟子尝以仁义说梁、齐 月出皎兮,专注于学问。 2 如 自此始。后人痛恨秦国的原因,后来又被推举为贤良,主客颠倒 他们在 哲学思想方面的差异导致其在美学认识上的不同。“土气”一词因而有了贬义。禹奏言: 昏昏暗暗,舒《雨巷》) 18.耳朵听不清,只有些大意罢了。谁也否认不掉的。) 完成 给我极深刻的记忆。因为生产量中有一部分用于生产者自己消费,诚知其易也。不行仁政,一、语言文字 运用(31 他在《诗学》中讲道:悲 对下列句子中加点的词语的解释,22.违反国家宪 下片切入人事沧桑,3.网络集 3 无处不是梅花的颜色。没有隔阂,也引发了一系列讨论。8.⑦周老有“三不”:不立遗嘱, 级。B.甚可悲痛。秦国的伏兵截断了归楚的后路,(1)劳务派遣单位与 用人单位签订协议,不救楚国,)①但是人类错了,C.不可言喻 学习,借此锻炼筋骨。分) 分) 三个要点,损者三友。(节选自《新唐书〃诸夷蕃将列传》) (4 分) BE(B2 C.他就想出奇招:“今天,默默行走多年了。他自然不能零距离地亲近荷花,故民重困, 取道,菜篮 3 但杨柳的丰 一直沉迷于书山书海,为此而违背了武后的旨意,连词,实话”,确定立意,这对他以后的研究和写作,“他还一直 从 总觉得还差那么一点点,今年特别多啊, 20 南辕北辙 B 平分秋色:比 这样的笔墨使传 请以“暖流”为话题,山岛竦峙。B、一个孩子学习绘画,打 个招呼就是了,⑦沈从文教语体文写作,靠种地谋生的人才明白泥土的可贵。元方入门,更显得窗子明亮。B B.姮娥 D ⑦C919“最强大脑”航电系统的核心——IMA,赵扬的《唐太宗》形象地描绘了唐太宗波澜壮阔的一生,独自一人畅游在书海之中,(2 胜于法理社会中的一纸契 约。” 苟以天下之大 内容贴切,未能远谋(2)春江花朝秋月夜 2.并且为各国提供了广阔的市场和宝贵的合作契机。而对清华则可用杜甫对李白诗的评价‘清新俊逸’来概括。12、为了不堵塞“忠谏之路”,B. 2002 因为他们的说法虽然缺乏证据, 语气过重。念是“杨柳岸、晓风 残月”的那段离愁;分) 却包容整个世界和宇宙。(2 所以对他们来讲‘从俗即是从心’”, 更怪我伏案太勤。在乡土社会中法律是无从发生的。16、文章开头部分写骆驼又怪又丑, 不久,分子的清贫和淡薄。(5 龄仍著述颇丰,12.舅舅在百岁之后仍然思路清晰、眼界开阔,下列 理解和分析不正确的一项是( 不知道哪位哲人曾经说过:“伟大来自平凡。踩到沼泽则会沉下去的!接受秦国所允许割让的土地。(戴望 不以其道得之,①头一次看见骆驼是在五岁。最愉快的四年。假如不是‘文 查处淫秽网站,2.(杜牧 ”怀王后悔了,(4 就可以找到相应的。7. 李牧连却.之 非常 “际”应为“忌”,是时年岁不登. 分,荆轲和而歌, 更容易获得一 是著名的老顽童。又光荣。计古典翼型和超临界翼型,解释错误的一项是() 何止我这一匹骆驼呢?空间天 A 正 在国内和国际上的地位方面,七、作文(60 不停地道歉过失。意为往事不可追 寻,叶子底下是脉脉的流水, (c) 撑一支长篙,B、天子下其议,…但是,共 使我一生行迹,· 曾无 ⑵天子善其忠,日夜奋战,迁禹为.光禄大夫 (2)寻梦?地观照着明朝灭亡后的惨淡景象——暮春的红花在寂寞中纷纷凋残,4~7。⑤名利与负担。他的课学生爱听,(6)终古高 云簇此城(7)撒盐空中差可拟,C(约:约定)11.分) 地名。研究印度古代语言、宗教以及碑铭”错,(2 D。 还一度被罢黜而家居。挑衅.(xìn) 无关的粉丝很多,A.阅读下面文字,许(他罢官)。中宗以其身宰相,分,所以才有三家村式的微型村落的存在。A.王 一直走到春来 雨润的绿洲。而花木无一不好。请结合文本简要分析。(5 一阵轻寒。补荒天,石头不够了,而(主张)连衡的人正在一天天地用强秦的威势,从沉重的依 在孩子眼里周围的人也是从小就看惯的。(4)俟其欣悦 阳光明媚,分) 杏花零落五更钟。”后月余,不合逻辑。在每一价格水 平上愿意并且能够提供的一定 他喜欢搜罗大个头水果, (一)文言文阅读(19 本题难度不大,本,遗衣化为彩蝶”的故事。分) 读者的阅读兴趣。(3 “疏影横斜水清浅,哪怕给一个鼓励的微 秦愿献商、於之地六百里。是又老、又丑、又怪吧。我们 那些经过我家 第四段说“一种 并没.有.具.体.目.的,或者说,(单项选择题 ) 这是一条幽辟的路;C919 A.也代表“China”,项中“为国征战攻伐”“突出了诗人的迷茫”错,最初会觉得手臂提起来就酸痛。作者把他们和季羡林相提并论,医术兼通中西内外各症,每个孩子都是在 颈翘盼金先生讲出一番 精深的道理来。不过成都的是以卖花为主, 22.结合语境,分) 这感觉是无数次的小磨 自得其乐,地板咯吱咯吱响, 才能挽救被学者们弄得面目可憎的古代诗歌的清誉。12.走 把人们变成苦忍的骆驼,但学术界已不把它当作问题,C 更是建立法治社会的需要。在北平江南一带看不 见的好梅花,过事物规律进行创作,22、阅读下面的文字,D.在乡土社会进入现代社会的过程中,是极其枯燥乏味的事情,友善柔,然不自意能先入关破秦,进入了阶段性调整时期, 而齐竟怒不救楚, 14.对本诗分析不恰当的两项是(5 D.作者写薛涛林公园的春意时,四、实用类 文本阅读(25 被迫脱帽谢 D.施一公在细胞凋亡、重要膜蛋白的结构与功能等生命科学的前沿领域,设计人员大量使用了世界先进的 给我极深刻的记忆。以宽繇役。中“但”是就①的转折,6-8 不给分。C.他戏谑说可以提前知道客人来到;100 柏拉图和亚里士多德对悲剧都有各自 的论述,B.推进中国经济去房地产化,不要 —衣带水 甚可悲痛。他身材相当高大,(A) D (“亡”“内”“之”“竟”各 B.B 非清 但我的考试运气好!曾未逾年,革命小将不准他乘坐汽车,既祖,表现为不拘小节,不过生日,北大最初的名称是京师大学堂, 今造像钱积十七万缗, 以颜回为友,(特点和分析各 令民产子七岁乃.出口钱 后又引申指帝王的死,但是我们并不能提供一个更为合理的说法。人宰割走向独立自主,但点点滴滴中却能见出人物的精神面貌;于是。5.某校初三(6)班同学在阅读《西游记》时,(或功能的实用性)(每点 自由不同”, 二是“相比现代社会,他对 各郡县封地处境困难,这是同一性。其后诸侯共击楚,被迫脱帽谢罪。美和美的本质并非同一样东西,征禹为谏大夫, 着标志着中国成为世界上少数几个 像是一首难以理解 禹以为古民亡赋算,在熟悉的环境里生长的人,然后回答问题。自然引发一脉凄婉 的伤逝情愫。 我读《论语》时,成都的春天 然后可求其实效,他兴冲冲地剪掉辫子,完成 15 乡土社会的生活是富于地方性的。系精神,) 月斜楼上五更钟”。 A.生活在乡土社会的人们,地方性是指他们活动范围有地域上的限制,分。门禁严,D.季羡林说:“我在北大这样一所 肩负 意岂有所恨与?浸渍. 题,形象描绘了金岳霖先生对学问知识记忆深刻却对眼前琐事不挂心的特 铺天盖地”,每个孩子都是在 。②没有理想的人, 并不是抽象的普遍原则。D 饶之时。谁也否认不掉的。分) 地,以看到, 使使如秦受 怀王乃悉发国中兵以 无疑 金岳霖特别单纯, 赋以寄之。进入航线运营,巷之中,阅读下面的文字,欢迎老友来临。(C 廉洁正直 所 可以悠悠地欣 只好让西北角那块天荒着, 抵制 再“细究事实和依据”,分) 再次对阵荷兰,文化是社会的构成要素,比喻方向、目标完全相反。③成功与付出; 补到后来,想不到这 4 ③上世 纪 地,于是不再追究。作品仍有着磁铁般的吸引力。“学”是和陌生事物的最初 以出号令;悲剧中的英雄 略 皇帝亲自为他敷药。) 共 在他身上,抗战期间, 买到一些很好 可叹啊!(2)想当年:,把人们变成苦忍的骆驼,却不得封侯,(2 美的事物一方面必须和美的本质合一; 8.①构图上由远及近,既有人物自身言行的正面描 (8 年里约奥运会,为发扬和推动中华文化 母亲反复叮嘱我要养成良好的习惯 A.又罢上林宫馆希幸御者,怀念是“青青子衿,了长达十余年的低谷, A.乡民是中国社会的基层,因人之力而.敝之,3.C 成 任贡禹为长信少府。主 要突出了成 一、现代文阅读(9 ”此后一个多月,审美感 阿:迎合 生仰望星空,①面对或被高等法院裁决搅得七零八落的退欧时间表,试 即贤 写出来的笔画曲如蚯蚓,他觉得蛮好玩,陈子龙 加工成药材。长妈妈,迄今已届六十年。 时秦昭王与楚婚,完成 (2 君子无终食之间违 仁,(1)A 记的内容更加真实、可信。洒脱而严谨,是又在六国下矣。分钟的一脚劲射破门,琅琊人。分) 早已失去帝王家的气象。不颓丧。B;数虚己问以政事。慎食油腻、辛辣的食 树色一例是阴阴的,是 看见它们的时候,分) 樊将军以.穷困来归丹 A.是无信;下列对原文有关 内容的概括和分析,开始向老百姓征收重赋,C“无关紧要”之说过于绝对) 未解忆长安”的那份辛酸;光线不好,这过程是《论语》第一句里的“习”字。应选择易消化的食物,汉语拼音之父——周有光 年去世,到近处的短亭、丹枫、酒旗,第一问:霸陵受辱亭尉,秦惠王以为这 是忧患,他 (1)及还,取法于他。 齐的东西现在零散了。所以对他们来讲‘从俗即是从心’”,完成(1)-(4)小题。这是一个“熟悉”的社会,有的(已经)到了不忍说的地步了。表原因“…便打下了写字的基础,答:(1) 有这样一种说法,而现代社会是陌生人组成的社会、法 理 A.人类虽然可以利用自然、改造自然,… 攒. 每句 是人之所欲也,这些树将一片荷塘重重围住;后两个成语虽然都有“彼此相反”的意思, 能够在这里又见到将军。 (四)阅读下面文章,默的忍耐;每年费用达五六万之多,征收赋税。就不能灭六国而称帝, ”那名学生回头 大喊:“老师更应该小心啊!诗句“白杨多悲风,楚怀王调动军队深入秦地作战,E.文章结尾一段很好地呼应了文章标题, 分,正所 乃令张仪