Geologic Hazard Report of Golden Area




GIS 2based Dynamic Risk Assessment for G roundw ater Nitrate Pollution from Agricultural Diff use SourcesY.S.Yang ,J.L.WangS chool of Eart h Ocean and Planetary S ciences ,Cardi f f Universit y ,Cardi f f CF 103Y E ,U KAbstract :Groundwater nit rate pollution ,as a global p roblem ,is not o nly an environmental issue but also an economic and human healt h p roblem.The DRASTIC met hod can provide groundwater vulnera 2bility to pollution but does not contain risk concept and ignore hazard ’s dynamic nat ure of water move 2ment.The obtained result s may baffle t he implementation of t he EU Water Framework Directive in groundwater quality management field.We developed a dynamic risk assessment met hod based on DRASTIC and applied it in a watershed of t he Upper Bann Catchment s ,Nort hern Ireland ,for t he p ur 2pose of gro undwater nit rate pollution risk assessment.The framework will support decision makers effi 2ciently and effectively carry o ut groundwater diff use pollution p revention practices at watershed scale.“Very high ”and “high ”ranked areas for groundwater nit rate pollution occupy 511%and 1015%of t he st udy area respectively.The result s are helpf ul for local government ’s policies making by focusing on “very high ”and “high ”groundwater pollution risk zones in a watershed.The dynamic risk assessment met hod is applicable for any soluble groundwater pollutant s f rom diff use sources.K ey w ords :groundwater pollution ;risk assessment ;DRASTIC ;vulnerability ;diff use pollution ;GIS中图分类号:X143 文献标识码:A 文章编号:16715888(2007)02031108收稿日期:20061110作者简介:杨悦所(1962),男,内蒙古人,博士,主要从事环境水文地质研究,Tel :+4420870232,E 2mail :yangy6@cf. 。



地质灾害评估报告Geological Hazard Assessment Report。


Geological hazards are natural phenomena that can cause significant damage to people, infrastructure, and property. These hazards are typically caused by geological processes such as earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. In order to mitigate the risks associated with these hazards, it is important to conduct a thorough geological hazard assessment.Purpose。

The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed assessment of the geological hazards in a specific area. This assessment will include an analysis of the potential hazards, the likelihood of occurrence, and the potential impact on the surrounding area. The report will alsoprovide recommendations for mitigating the risks associated with these hazards.Methodology。

The geological hazard assessment will be conductedusing a combination of field observations, remote sensing data, and geological mapping. The assessment will focus on identifying potential hazards such as landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows. The likelihood of occurrence will be evaluated based on the geological history of the area,as well as the current state of the landscape. Thepotential impact of these hazards will be assessed based on the vulnerability of the surrounding area, including the presence of infrastructure, population density, and environmental sensitivity.Results。






%The geological hazard type of Yuxi City includes landslides, avalanches, landslides, ground subsidence, ground fissures, unstable slopes. 80% of disasters occurs in rainy seasons (May to October), especially in wet years. Geological hazards occur most frequently and seriously in Ailao Mountain of Xinping which is in the west of Yuxi, while the frequency is relatively fewer in Nanpan River and Hupen area. By analyzing the relation- ship between precipitation and 21 times of geological hazards in history, we find that geological structure, land- form, geotechnical discriminate structure are the basic conditions of geological hazard, and rainfall is the main factor initiating geologic hazard, and heavy rain which falls in the day of geologic hazard occurring or less than 3 days before geologic hazard happened has the greatest impact. Secondly, unreasonable mining, road construction and construction of water conservancy facilities are the human factors which could Exacerbate and induce geological hazards.【期刊名称】《云南地理环境研究》【年(卷),期】2012(024)005【总页数】4页(P97-100)【关键词】玉溪市;地质灾害【作者】杨韬;解福燕;袁金忠【作者单位】玉溪市气象局,云南玉溪653100;玉溪市气象局,云南玉溪653100;玉溪市国土资源局,云南玉溪653100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P6940 引言玉溪境内地势西北高、东南低。



Aquatic risk assessment of pesticides in surface waters in and adjacent to the Everglades and Biscayne National Parks:I.Hazard assessment and problem formulationJohn F.Carriger ÆGary M.RandAccepted:3June 2008/Published online:19July 2008ÓSpringer Science+Business Media,LLC 2008Abstract An aquatic risk assessment under the U.S.Environment Protection Agency (EPA)ecological risk framework was conducted for atrazine,metolachlor,mal-athion,chlorpyrifos,and endosulfan in the C-111freshwater basin (eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park),northeast Florida Bay,and south Biscayne Bay in South Florida.Based on the use of the hazard quotient approach,measured concentrations of chlorpyrifos and endosulfan in surface waters suggest potential hazards to aquatic organisms and were,therefore,considered as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs).The problem formulation included an overview of the physical/chemical and environmental fate characteristics and aqua-tic toxicology of the COPECs.Background surface water exposure concentrations of endosulfan and toxicity data from laboratory and field studies indicate that fish and invertebrate mortality may be a concern when endosulfan is applied in agricultural areas near aquatic ecosystems.Keywords Endosulfan ÁChlorpyrifos ÁAtrazine ÁMalathion ÁMetolachlor ÁEcological risk assessment ÁEverglades National Park ÁBiscayne National Park ÁC-111canal ÁFlorida Bay ÁBiscayne Bay ÁEverglades restorationIntroductionIn 1996,the Department of the Interior (DOI)prepared a report entitled ‘‘A Comprehensive Plan for the Restoration of the Everglades,’’comprising four main elements:(1)federal legislative authority for restoration activities;(2)accelerated state and federal land acquisition;(3)increased scien-tific research to guide restoration;and (4)federal,state,and private sector cost sharing (/tf/otherres/comp.html ).In 2000,Congress passed the Com-prehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)as a part of the Water Resources Development Act (1996).The goal of the CERP is to restore and preserve the hydrology of the pre-drainage Everglades ecosystem,to protect the quality of the remaining habitat,to promote the return of populations of plants and animals,and to foster human development com-patible with sustaining a healthy ecosystem.Biological changes in the Everglades have been linked to levels of phosphorus and mercury and to changes in the complex hydrological patterns of the natural system resulting from water management projects to control floods and water distribution (Science Subgroup 1996).In fact,alterations in the hydrologic system are thought to be the main cause of dramatic declines of fish and wildlife pop-ulations because of habitat changes.Therefore,the basic premise behind all restoration activities identified by the Interagency Restoration Task Force for South Florida is that hydrologic restoration is a prerequisite to achieve ecosystem restoration and a sustainable South Florida Ecosystem.The restoration plan was,thus,formulated to reconstruct some key features of the natural hydrologic system in order to restore conditions that support landscape patterns,biodiversity,wildlife abundance,and clean and abundant water.In the past,little consideration,however,was given in the restoration effort to the role that organicJ.F.Carriger ÁG.M.Rand (&)Department of Environmental Studies,Ecotoxicology &Risk Assessment Laboratory,Southeast Environmental Research Center,Florida International University,Biscayne Bay Campus,3000NE 151st Street,North Miami,FL 33181,USA e-mail:randg@fiEcotoxicology (2008)17:660–679DOI 10.1007/s10646-008-0230-0pesticides and other contaminants play in the structure and function of ecosystems,although this was clearly recommended by the Science Subgroup(1996)in all physiographic regions that comprise South Florida.This was further supported at a workshop entitled‘‘Linking Ecotoxicity and Risk Management to Sustainable Resto-ration of South Florida Ecosystems,’’which recommended screening-level ecological risk assessments with retro-spective and prospective diagnostic studies(LaPoint et al. 1998).It is evident that water quantity rather than water quality issues have dominated the South Florida restoration plan-ning(Scott et al.2002).However,it is also evident that agriculture represents a major land use in South Florida and pesticide use presents a potential risk,especially to aquatic organisms.Based on a hazard ranking of pesticides by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),the top three estuarine drainage areas at risk in the U.S.were in Florida-Rookery Bay,Biscayne Bay,and Tampa Bay(Pait et al.1992).The subtropical climate,long crop-growing season,application frequency,and multitude of uses(e.g.,mosquito and termite control,golf courses, and landscape management)renders pesticides particularly hazardous in South Florida ecosystems.The Canal111(Aerojet Canal or C-111)freshwater basin(Fig.1)is a buffer zone that separates the wetlands of the Everglades National Park(ENP)from highly produc-tive subtropical agricultural lands and urban development to the east,and while considerable attention and resources have been allocated to altering the hydrology of this landscape,little effort has focused on understanding water quality issues that may arise from land use practices.Thus far,analytical monitoring programs have detected the presence of organic pesticides in the surface water of either the lower C-111freshwater canal basin and/or its confluent estuaries/saltwater systems.For example,the South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD)began monitoring pesticides in the water and sediment of South Florida canals in the mid-1980s(Pfeuffer1985,1991).Sediment and water analyses by SFWMD indicates that atrazine, ametryn,bromacil,simazine,diuron,alpha(a)-endosulfan, beta(b)-endosulfan,endosulfan sulfate,ethion,hexazi-none,and norflurazon were the most frequently detected pesticides in surface water and DDE,DDD,ametryn, atrazine,dicofol,diquat,and endosulfan sulfate were the most frequently detected pesticides in sediment samples between1991and1995(Miles and Pfeuffer1997).Several of the sampling sites were located in the Everglades Agricultural Area(EAA)and others in the Homestead Agricultural Area(HAA)adjacent to the Everglades National Park.Detectable endosulfan residues(a and b isomers,and sulfate metabolite)in the C-111(at S-178) were consistently present in the surface water from1991to 1995,and occasionally exceeded the Florida Department of Environmental Protection(FDEP)and U.S.Environment Protection Agency(EPA)water quality criteria(Miles and Pfeuffer1997).Surface water samples collected indepen-dently by the NOAA from the southern SFWMD sampling sites confirmed thesefindings(Scott et al.1994).Residues of endosulfan sulfate were also consistently found by the SFWMD in sediment samples at S-178in the C-111,while the a and b isomers were occasionally found.All three endosulfan residues were also found in sediment samples from structures S-177and S-18C in the C-111.The SFWMD summarized endosulfan sulfate residues in S-178 water and found that the FDEP water quality criteria were exceeded11times from1996to2000(two samples were from NOAA;R.Pfeuffer,personal communication).In a SFWMD monitoring program of South Florida canals from 1992to2001,the most common pesticides in surface water were the herbicides atrazine and ametryn,while DDE and DDD were the most frequently detected pesticides in sed-iment samples(Pfeuffer and Rand2004).The U.S.EPA,in 1995,also monitored contaminants in surface water,sedi-ment,and biota in the C-111and creeks of northeast Florida Bay(Goodman et al.1999).Endosulfan residues were detected in sediments of the C-111,and in sediments of Shell and Trout Creeks(in northeast Florida Bay). Organochlorine contaminants occurred at low concentra-tions in sediments of canals and creeks,and PCBs and PAHs were also at low concentrations but higher in the C-111than in creeks.At most sampling sites for water and sediment,more than one pesticide was detected in each sample.The NOAA conducted sediment toxicity tests and a contaminant monitoring study of the C-111and Florida Bay from1993to1997,but it did not evaluate cause (exposure)–effect(toxicity)relationships for contaminants (Scott et al.2002).It did however;indicate the presence of low levels of endosulfan(total),atrazine,chlorpyrifos,and chlorothalonil in surface waters of canals adjacent to agricultural areas that drain into the C-111and in northeast Florida Bay waters.Florida Bay waters occasionally exceeded the U.S.EPA marine water quality criterion (WQC)for endosulfan.Waters from canal sites also con-tained detectable concentrations of endosulfan that sporadically exceeded U.S.EPA fresh WQC.Detectable endosulfan(total)residues were also found in sediment and oysters,while chlorpyrifos was detected infish tissue. Toxicity tests with in-place sediment and copepods and bivalves indicated potential adverse effects,but the caus-ative agent(s)was not determined.The highest concen-tration of endosulfan(total)reached477ng/l,and10%of the samples from canal sites exceeded the U.S.EPA chronic freshwater WQC(56ng/l)(47%of the canal sites had detectable levels of endosulfan).The U.S.EPA chronicHazard assessment and problem formulation661marine WQC (8.7ng/l)for endosulfan was exceeded at 2%of the sites in Florida Bay,while 39%of bay sites had detectable endosulfan concentrations.The highest per-centage (40%)of water quality violations for endosulfan,based on U.S.EPA standards,was detected in samples from S-178.The NOAA,in 1999–2000,also found that endo-sulfan concentrations were highest (mean dry season concentration *300ng/l)in the C-111E (Fulton et al.2004).Data from the NOAA’s National Status and Trends (NS&T)Program Mussel Watch Project further indicated that the mean annual concentrations of endosulfan (II,b -isomer)residue in tissues (oysters)sampled from Joe Bay (in northeast Florida Bay)were higher than the NS&T 85th percentile (i.e.,it is in the highest 15%of the data set,with over 280sites nationwide)(Cantillo et al.1999).Recently,Harman-Fetcho et al.(2005)found that atrazine,metola-chlor,chlorothalonil,chlorpyrifos,and total endosulfan (a -+b -+endosulfan sulfate)were the most frequently detected pesticides in water samples from South Florida canals based on a 2-year study from 2002to 2004.Atrazine had the highest concentration (108ng/l),followed by endosulfan (total;98ng/l),metolachlor (86ng/l),chlor-pyrifos (58ng/l),and chlorothalonil (14ng/l).In addition,Carriger et al.(2006)identified DDT,DDD,DDE,chlor-dane,and endosulfan (total)as chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs)in the sediment of South Florida canals based on the exceedence of sediment quality criteria in a two-tier sediment probabilistic risk assessment.Endosulfan had the highest potential risk (chronic)to arthropods at S-178on the C-111system.To address the concerns about pesticides in the C-111basin,the National Park Service (U.S.DOI)requested that an aquatic probabilistic screening level ecological risk assess-ment (SERA)be conducted.It focuses on the risk of adverse effects from pesticide exposures in surface water on aquatic organisms in a freshwater canal (C-111system)and its confluent estuarine/saltwater systems (northeastFloridaFig.1Land use and drainage canals in the C-111flood control basin in southeast Florida662J.F.Carriger,G.M.RandBay–Joe Bay,Long Sound,Highway Creek;Card Sound in South Biscayne Bay).To date,this is the only site-specific SERA conducted as part of the Everglades restoration effort, and it is being‘‘exposure-driven’’(Suter1993).Presently, there is little evidence that documented pesticide exposures in surface water are eliciting adverse biological effects in aquatic receptors in these systems or on their potential risk. This SERA applied the ecological risk assessment(ERA) framework under the current U.S.EPA guidelines(U.S.EPA 1998)and it addresses the likelihood and ecological signif-icance of the potential effects of surface water exposures to the herbicides atrazine and metolachlor,and the insecticides malathion,chlorpyrifos,and endosulfan obtained from monitoring programs from the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS),the SFWMD,and the NOAA.These pesticides were detected by the various monitoring programs with the highest frequency in the C-111system and northeast Florida Bay and south Biscayne Bay.There have been chemical-specific aquatic ecological risk assessments conducted thus far on atrazine(Solomon et al.1996;Giddings et al.2000), chlorpyrifos(Giesy et al.1999;Hall and Anderson2003), and endosulfan(U.S.EPA2002a,2007).This SERA was intended to assess the potential risk of these pesticides in surface water,and not to determine the actual causes of any declines in the populations of native invertebrates,fish,or plants that may be prevalent in the above ecosystems.Since each pesticide is not used in iso-lation to control pests and may co-occur;potential risks associated with the effects of joint actions of these pesticides were also considered.Assessment of the potential impact of thefive pesticides on aquatic communities acknowledges that sea level rise,hurricanes,development,historical water management activities,and salinity changes may have altered habitats and affected populations.Furthermore,other chemical,non-chemical stressors in water and/or sediment are not being considered and may likely also contribute to adverse impacts in the study areas.Because the SERA con-tained a large database,the results are presented in two papers.This paper discusses the general ecological risk assessment methods and the results of Tier1—hazard assessment and problem formulation for the pesticides in the C-111system and northeast Florida Bay and south Biscayne Bay.The subsequent paper discusses the methods and results of Tier2—probabilistic analyses of the chemicals(i.e., pesticides)of potential ecological concern(COPECs)in the C-111,northeast Florida Bay,and south Biscayne Bay. Study area descriptionThe C-111basin(100square miles)is located in southeastern Dade County,Florida,adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park(ENP)(Fig.1).It includes lands that lie to the southeast boundary of the East Everglades and west of the coastal basins and includes the Frog Pond(i.e., agricultural area).It,thus,drains the agricultural areas of South Dade County.South of Homestead,the C-111is joined by the C-111E and it then moves south and southeastward to cross marl marsh,whichflows into Manatee Bay at the head of Barnes Sound,a semi-enclosed lagoonal estuary of south Biscayne Bay.Surface water runoff from the C-111basin represents an important source of freshwaterflow into the ENP and the estuarine ecosystems of northeast Florida Bay through Taylor Slough and south Biscayne Bay through the S-197(in C-111)into Manatee Bay.Low tidal range and long flushing times make Manatee Bay particularly vulnerable to the effects of large freshwater inflows.Such pulses of fresh-water persist for long periods of time and move within and between the shallow estuaries that make up South Biscayne Bay and its associated sounds(Fatt and Wang1987).Unfor-tunately,low tidal range and longflushing times also make Manatee Bay and Barnes Sound vulnerable to hyper-saline conditions during periods of reduced freshwaterflow.During the dry season,saltwater moves inland and the Western shore of south Biscayne Bay frequently experiences high salinities (Wang et al.1978).Northeast Florida Bay includes the downstream freshwater marshes and estuarine systems that extend from the southern edge of Barnes Sound on the east to Madeira Bay on the west,and include Little Madeira Bay,Joe Bay,Highway Creek,and Long Sound.Florida Bay is a triangular-shaped estuary composed of basins,banks,and islands that lie between the southern tip of the Florida mainland and the Florida Keys.It has a shallow depth(mean1m)that is perfect for light penetration and the sustainability of seagrass beds,which are a dominant habitat and a source of productivity in the Bay.The salinity of the Bay can rise to twice that of seawater as a result of the long residence time and shallow depth(McIvor et al.1997).The sediments of the Bay are composed of carbonate mud,which sorb inorganic phosphorus from water(de Kanel and Morse 1978).The Bay was healthy until the mid-1980s,when cat-ches of pink shrimp(Penaeus duorarum)declined(Browder et al.1999)and the mass mortality of turtle grass(Thalassia testudinum)began(Robblee et al.1991).By the1990s,the Bay ecosystem appeared to shift from a clear water system dominated by benthic primary production to a turbid system dominated by algal blooms and resuspended sediment. Although there has been no dramatic decrease in totalfish abundance,there has been a shift in species composition as a result of seagrass habitat loss and algal blooms(Davis and Ogden1997).Fish that consume algae,such as the bay anchovy,are increasing.When large volumes of freshwater are discharged from the C-111canal,this water tends to move into coastal waters and estuaries that can create local problems due to the transfer of freshwater,contaminants,and suspendedHazard assessment and problem formulation663materials from urban and agricultural land.Freshwater inflow from the C-111and surface runoff further transports nutrients and detritus from adjacent marshes and uplands into south Biscayne Bay and northeast Florida Bay.Sam-pling sites for water monitoring programs in the C-111, Florida Bay,and Biscayne Bay are labeled in Fig.1.The Miami River is an additional source of contaminants into Biscayne Bay(Long et al.2002).In the1960s,the C-111area was channelized as part of the comprehensive Central and Southern Florida(C&SF)Flood Control Project.At that time,this area was envisioned as urban development,but by the1980s,it was clear that the C-111 drainage system,which had undergone several revisions,had significantly contributed to a decline in the natural resources of the ENP.The current revision of the system,authorized in 1996,promises to restore some of the natural hydropatterns to Taylor Slough,the eastern panhandle areas of the ENP,and improve estuarine conditions in Florida Bay(project description can be found at / dp/mwdenp-c111/index.htm).MethodsThe SERA consisted of thefirst three phases of the U.S.EPA ERA framework(U.S.EPA1998):problem formulation, analysis,and risk characterization.Problem formulation defined the problem and the plan for analyzing and charac-terizing the risk.Data on stressor characteristics,ecosystems at risk,ecological effects,ecosystem(s),and receptor(s) characteristics were synthesized for this phase.From this data,assessment(i.e.,what we are trying to protect)and measurement(i.e.,tools used to measure effects on assess-ment endpoints)and a conceptual model were developed to prepare the analysis plan(i.e.,where risk hypotheses were evaluated).The conceptual model at the completion of problem formulation uses information on the ecosystems at risk,stressor characteristics,biological effects,and the relationship between endpoints to define exposure and effects scenarios.The objective of the conceptual model is to formulate hypotheses to determine how the pesticide stressors may affect ecosystems that are exposed.The second phase of the SERA was risk analysis and it characterized and examined two major components of risk; exposure and effects.Risk characterization was thefinal phase.This provided potential risk estimates to the eco-logical entities listed as assessment endpoints based on the occurrence and magnitude of exposures and the severity of adverse effects resulting from such exposures.Analyses (exposure and effects characterization)and risk character-ization are discussed in the follow-up paper.A tiered ecological risk characterization approach was suggested by the ARAMDG(SETAC1994)and endorsed by the U.S.EPA(ECOFRAM1999)that uses a stepwise approach progressing from the simple Tier1hazard quo-tient(HQ)approach to a more complex Tier2probabilistic risk assessment(PRA).A two-tier approach was used in the SERA.In Tier1,the HQ approach wasfirst used with a screening benchmark,followed by problem formulation. Screening benchmarks are concentrations of chemicals that are believed to constitute thresholds for the potential toxic effects of some ecological receptor exposed to a chemical in some medium(Suter and Tsao1996).The U.S.EPA Water Quality Criteria(WQC)and Sediment Quality Cri-teria(SQC)are commonly used as screening benchmarks because the exceedence of one of these values constitutes cause for concern.In the SERA,actual measured envi-ronmental concentrations(AECs)of the pesticides in surface waters were compared to the U.S.EPA WQC values that were available(i.e.,endosulfan,chlorpyrifos,mala-thion,and atrazine)to obtain an HQ.No WQC were available for metolachlor.Therefore,the AECs of met-olachlor were compared to the response concentration for the most sensitive species in a toxicity test(i.e.,from the lowest LC50/EC50,lowest NOEC from chronic tests)to obtain an HQ.AECs in surface waters were obtained from monitoring programs from state(SFWMD)and federal(NOAA, USGS)agencies for1999–2000.Site numbers and the location of sampling sites where pesticide concentrations (atrazine,chlorpyrifos,endosulfan,malathion,and met-olachlor)were measured with land use characteristics are shown in Fig.1.The SFWMD did not measure for chlor-pyrifos,the NOAA did not measure for malathion,and the USGS did not measure for endosulfan.Monitoring data were available for11freshwater sites(S-175,S-176, S-332,Site A,S-177/site B,S-178/site C,S-18C/site E, Site W1,Site W2,Site E1,and Site E2)on or near the C-111and three estuarine sites(Joe Bay and Highway Creek in northeast Florida Bay and Card Sound in south Biscayne Bay).Sites in W1,W2,E1,E2,Highway Creek, and Joe Bay were located in the Everglades panhandle.When the quotient of the exposure concentration to the criteria value(or lowest acute toxicity value for metola-chlor)was greater than1,an adverse effect(i.e.,high hazard)was expected to occur.For endosulfan,there are separate freshwater and saltwater criteria for a-and b-endosulfan,but no criterion exists for endosulfan sulfate, a toxic oxidation metabolite.Since the endosulfan WQC was generated from aquatic toxicity studies with technical-grade endosulfan,each criterion is applicable to the sum-mation of the a-and b-isomers(U.S.EPA2002b).We were,therefore,conservative in Tier1and compared total endosulfan concentrations(i.e.,summation of concentra-tions of a and b isomers plus the endosulfan sulfate664J.F.Carriger,G.M.Randmetabolite)to the criterion to obtain an HQ.HQ excee-dences in Tier1were then used to focus on COPECs for problem formulation and Tier 2.Tier2,probabilistic risk assessment,characterizes risk by comparing the probability distributions of surface water exposure con-centrations with the probability distributions of species response data from laboratory toxicity studies.Results for Tier1—hazard assessment and problem formulation are discussed below.Results and discussionTier1—hazard assessmentSample sites,number of samples collected,and the fre-quency of detection for each pesticide in freshwater and estuarine sites are presented in Table1for the two-year period(1999–2000).Sites with exceedences of WQC for each pesticide are listed in Table2.The herbicide atrazine was the most frequently detected pesticide.It was detected in92%of the185freshwater samples in1999and100%of the106samples taken in2000.The highest detected con-centration of atrazine in freshwater was0.337l g/l(at S-18C/site E).It was detected in88%of the24estuarine samples in1999and81%of the26samples taken in2000. The highest detected concentration of atrazine in saltwater was0.104l g/l(at Joe Bay).Concentrations of atrazine did not exceed freshwater or marine WQC.Acute and chronic HQs were low and indicated no ecological hazard to fresh-or salt-water organisms.The other herbicide measured,metolachlor,was only detected in28%of the185freshwater samples in1999and 26%of the106samples taken in2000.It was not detected in24estuarine samples in1999and was only detected in 12%of the26samples taken in2000.The acute and chronic HQs for metolachlor in freshwater and saltwater were close to zero when the peak exposure concentrations of the herbicide were compared with the lowest toxicity values.The pesticide with the lowest number of detections was malathion.Malathion was found about4%of the time at freshwater sites and0%of the time at estuarine sites, respectively,in1999and2000.Atrazine,metolachlor,and malathion were not COPECs and,therefore,were not considered for Tier2single chemical probabilistic risk assessments.However,they were considered as potential co-joint(additive)stressors in Tier2when they were present at detectable concentrations.Chlorpyrifos was detected in48%of the89freshwater samples in1999and85%of the91samples taken in2000. It was detected in79%of the24estuarine samples in1999 and96%of the26samples taken in2000.The two highest concentrations for chlorpyrifos were found at S-177/site B at0.0234and0.0232l g/l,which were nearly four times higher than the next highest maximum concentration, which was measured at W2,where it was found86%of the time.The maximum concentration value for chlorpyrifos was found during the dry season in February1999.The only water quality violation for chlorpyrifos occurred in Joe Bay in1999.The acute and chronic HQs for freshwater indicated no potential hazard,but the acute HQs for estu-arine water indicated potential hazard.Although there was only one WQC violation for chlorpyrifos,it was considered as a COPEC because several AECs were just below WQC.Endosulfan was detected in45%of the173freshwater samples in1999and90%of the93samples taken in2000. It was detected in96%of the24estuarine samples in1999 and96%of the26samples taken in2000.Endosulfan concentrations were detected infrequently at S-176(1out of32),S-332(2out of32),and S-175(0out of26).The highest concentration of endosulfan was found at S-178/ site C in February2000,followed by S-177/site B,where concentrations peaked in the dry season of1999and2000. S-18C/site E had the third highest detected concentrations for endosulfan,which occurred in February1999and2000. E1,W1,and W2,which are downstream of S-177/site B and S-178/site C,had100%detections for endosulfan. Water quality violations for endosulfan were found in freshwater and estuarine sites.The majority of violations occurred at S-178/site C,a site closest to the Frog Pond agricultural area.Out of266 samples taken for analyses of endosulfan in the C-111 during1999and2000,7.5%violated freshwater WQC.Of the20water quality violations at S-178/site C,eight did not have detectable concentrations of a-endosulfan.However, the highest concentration(1.345l g/l)had the highest percentage concentration of a-endosulfan and the lowest percentage concentration of endosulfan sulfate.In general, concentrations of b-endosulfan were also low.Except for one sample,the majority of total endosulfan at S-178/site C sample violations was made up of endosulfan sulfate(72–100%of each sample).The fact that endosulfan sulfate is the major metabolite of endosulfan in aquatic systems supports other recent work(Laabs et al.2007;Shivara-maiah et al.2005).In estuarine sites,endosulfan water quality violations were found at all three sites sampled and,out of50samples taken at Highway Creek or Joe Bay,20%violated saltwater WQC for endosulfan.In these same sites,endosulfan sul-fate made up71–94%of the total endosulfan of samples with water quality violations.The acute and chronic HQs for total endosulfan in freshwater indicated potential haz-ards and the acute HQ for estuarine water also indicated potential hazards.Endosulfan generally had the highest measured concentrations in freshwater and estuarine sites at the end of the dry season for each year.Hazard assessment and problem formulation665。



gabbro 辉长岩gabbro norite 辉长苏长岩gabbroid 辉长岩状gabbronite 硅铍钇矿gacial stade 亚冰期gadding machine 平行钻孔钻架gadolinite 硅铍钇矿gadolinium 钇gagate 煤精gage 量规gage pressure 计示压力gage well 测定井gageite 水硅锰镁锌矿gaging station 水文观测站gahnite 锌尖晶石gain 放大gain control 增益蝶gain of antenna 天线增益gaining stream 潜水补给河gal 伽galaxite 铁尖晶石galena 方铅矿galenite 方铅矿galenobismuthite 辉铅铋矿galery 巷道gallium 镓galvanometer 电疗gamagarite 水钒钡石gamete 配子gamma 伽马gamma activity 放射性gamma background 本底gamma contour map 伽马等值线图gamma gamma logging 伽马伽马测井gamma log 伽马测井剖面gamma neutron log 伽马中子测井剖面gamma neutron logging 伽马中子测井gamma quantum 量子gamma radiator 辐射体gamma radiography 照相术gamma ray logging 伽马线测井gamma ray source 伽马源gamma ray spectroscopy 谱学gamma spectrometer 伽马能谱仪gamma spectrometry 伽马能谱测定法gang condensers 同轴电容器gang switch 联动开关ganged capacitors 同轴电容器gangue 脉石gangue mineral 脉石矿物gangue rock 脉石岩ganister 致密硅岩ganoid scale 硬鳞ganomalite 硅钙铅矿ganophyllite 辉叶石gap 峡谷;间隙;海谷gap in the succession of strata 地层间断gaping fault 张开断层garble 畸变garnet 石榴石garnierite 硅镍矿gas 瓦斯gas absorption 气体吸收gas amplification 气体电离放大gas bearing 含气的gas bearing petroleum 含气石油gas chromatograph 气体色谱仪gas coal 气煤gas constant 气体常数gas cushion 瓦斯垫层gas deposit 气体矿床gas exchange 气体交换gas explosion 瓦斯爆炸gas field 气田gas flame coal 长焰煤gas injection 注气法gas of mud volcano 泥火山气gas oil ratio 油气比gas pipe line 输气管道gas reservoir 气藏gas trap 气体收集器gaseous 气状的gaseous inclusion 气体包裹体gash vein 裂缝脉gasification 气化gasify 煤气化gasket 衬垫gastral cavity 胃腔gastropods 腹足类gate 门电路gate amplifier 选通放大器gate opener 开路gate pulse 门脉冲gate valve 制水阀gather 乐取gauss 高斯gaussian curve 高斯曲线gaussian distribution 正态分布gaylussite 单斜钠钙石geanticline 地背斜gear pump 齿轮泵gedinnian stage 吉丁尼阶gedrite 铝直闪石gehlenite 钙铝黄长石geiger muller counter 盖革弥勒计数管geikielite 镁钛矿gel 凝胶gel structure 凝胶构造gelatinate 使胶凝gelatination 胶凝gelatine 煤gelatinize 使胶凝gelatinous microcomponent 凝胶化组分gelation 软胶化gem 宝石gemmule 芽球gemology 宝石学gena 颊genal spine 颊刺genealogical tree 系统树genealogy 系统学general geology 普通地质学general stratigraphic column 综合地层柱状剖面图general term 普通项general trend 一般走向generating plant 发电设备generation 世代generation of mineralization 矿化世代generation of structure 构造世代genesis 发生genetic mineralogy 成因矿物学genetic relationship 亲缘关系genetic type of ore deposit 矿床成因类型genetic types of coal 煤成因类型geniculate 膝状的geniculated twin 膝状双晶genoholotype 属完模genotype 属型genthite 镍水蛇纹石genus 属geoanticline 地背斜geoarchaeology 地质考古学geoastronomy 宇宙地质学geobarometer 地质压力计geobasin 地盆geobiochemical circulation 地球生物化学的循环geobiochemistry 地球生物化学geobotanical prospecting 地植物勘探geobotany 地植物学geocentric 地心的geocentric latitude 地心纬度geochemical 地球化学的geochemical anomaly 地球化学异常geochemical balance 地球化学均衡geochemical behavior 地球化学性状geochemical behaviour of elements 元素的地球化学性状geochemical classification 地球化学分类geochemical cycle of elements 地球化学的元素循环geochemical differentiation 地球化学分异酌geochemical facies 地球化学相geochemical geothermometer 地球化学地热温标geochemical landscape 地球化学景观geochemical leading elements 地球化学标准元素geochemical map 地球化学图geochemical migration of elements 地球化学的元素迁移geochemical process 地球化学酌geochemical prospecting 地球化学勘探geochemical province 地球化学区geochemistry 地球化学geochemistry of the atmosphere 大气地球化学geochemistry of the biosphere 生物地球化学geochemistry of the hydrosphere 水圈地球化学geochemistry of the landscape 景观地球化学geochemistry of the lithosphere 岩石圈地球化学geochemistry of the soil 土壤地球化学geochron 地质时期间程geochronic geology 地史学geochronologic unit 地质年代单位geochronology 地质年代学geochronometry 地质年代测定法geocinetics 地壳运动学geocline 地形差型geocorona 地冕geocronite 斜方硫锑铅矿geocryology 地质低温学geode 异质晶旋geodepression theory 地洼学说geodesic 测地的geodesy 测量学geodetic surveying 大地测量geodome 地穹geodynamics 地质力学geogeny 地球成因学geognosy 地球构造学geogony 地球成因学geographic 地理的geographical 地理的geographical cycle 地理旋回geographical distribution 地理分布geographical isolation 地理隔离geographical landscape 地理景观geographical latitude 地理纬度geographical longitude 地理经度geographical map 地图geographical unconformity 地理不整合geographical variation 地理的变异geography 地理geography of landscape 景观学geohydrology 地质水文学geoid 地球体geoisotherm 等地温线geologic analogy method 地质学的类比法geologic barometer 地质压力计geologic body 地质体geologic control 地质学的控制geologic dynamic simulation 地质动态模拟geologic hazard 地质灾害geologic log 地质测井记录geologic setting 地质构造geologic thermometer 地质温度表geologic time 地质年代geological aerosurveying 地质航空勘测geological age 地质时代geological background 地质背景geological boundary 地质界线geological college 地质学院geological column 地质柱状剖面geological compass 地质罗盘geological conditions 地质条件geological correlation 地质学的对比geological cycle 地质旋回geological environment 地质环境geological formation 地质建造geological hammer 地质锤geological map 地质图geological map of the moon 月球地质图geological processes 地质酌geological profile 地质剖面图geological promising 地质前途geological province 地质区域geological record 地质编录geological remote sensing 地质遥感geological reserves 地质储量geological science 地球科学geological section 地质剖面geological static simulation 地质静态模拟geological structure 地质构造geological survey 地质勘查geological surveying party 勘探隧geological suryey 地质甸所geologicl engineering 工程地质学geologist 地质学者geology 地质学geology of the moon 月球地质学geomagnetic axis 地磁轴geomagnetic field 地磁场geomagnetic latitude 地磁纬度geomagnetic polarity time scale 古地磁极性年代表geomagnetic pole 地磁极geomagnetic reversal 地磁逆转geomagnetis daily variation 地磁日变化geomagnetism 地磁geomathematics 地质数学geomechanics 地质力学geometric crystallography 几何结晶学geometric factor 几何因子geometric mean 几何平均geometric similarity 几何相似geometrical structure factor 几何构造因素geomicrobiology 地球微生物学geomorphic profile 地貌剖面图geomorphic survey 地貌甸geomorphic type 地貌类型geomorphic unit 地貌单元geomorphogeny 地貌成因学geomorphologic agent 地貌营力geomorphologic division 地貌区划geomorphologic landscape 地貌景观geomorphological map 地貌图geomorphological structure 地貌构造geomorphology 地貌学geonomy 地球学geopedology 地质土壤学geophone 地震检波器geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探geophysical prospecting 地球物理勘探geophysicist 地球物理学者geophysics 地球物理学geophyte 地下芽植物geoplanetology 行星地质学geopotential 重力势georceixite 钡磷铝石geoscience 地球科学geosphere 岩石圈geostatic pressure 地静压力geostatics 刚体动力学geostatistics 地质统计学geostrophic wind 地转风geosynclinal bicouple 地槽双对偶geosynclinal block 地槽块geosynclinal concave 地槽凹geosynclinal convex 地槽凸geosynclinal couple 地槽对偶geosynclinal subside 地槽陷geosynclinal uprise 地槽隆geosyncline 地槽geosyncline close 地槽封闭geotechnics 地质工学geotectocline 大地构造槽geotectology 大地构造学geotectonic geology 大地构造学geotectonic map 大地构造图geotectonics 大地构造学geothermal anomalous area 地热异常区geothermal borehole 地热钻孔geothermal brine 地热卤水geothermal electric power generation 地热发电geothermal field 地热田geothermal fluid 地热铃geothermal geochemistry 地热地球化学geothermal gradient 地温增加率geothermal metamorphism 地热变质geothermal power plant 地热电站geothermal power production 地热发电geothermal remote semsang 地热遥感geothermal reservoir 地热储集层geothermal resource 地热资源geothermal resource base 地热资源基数geothermal resource of hydrothermal type 水热型地热资源geothermal steam 地热蒸汽geothermal stress 地热应力geothermal survey 地温测量geothermal system 地热系geothermal water 地下热水geothermics 地热学geothermo geologic map 地热地质图geothermometer 地质温度计geothermy 地热geotumour 地瘤gerhardtite 铜硝石germ theory 微生物理论germanite 锗石germanium 锗germanotype orogeny 日耳曼型造山酌gersdorffite 辉砷镍矿gerstleyite 硫砷铊铅矿getter 收气剂gettering 收气geyser 间歇泉geyserite 硅华ghost 双重图像giant's kettle 瓯穴gibbs's distribution 吉布斯分布gibbsite 三水铝矿gibelite 歪长粗面岩gilbert 吉伯gilbert reversed epoch 吉伯逆期gill 鳃gill chamber 鳃室gillespite 硅铁钡矿gillingite 水硅铁矿gilpinite 硫铜铀矿gimlet 螺旋钻gingko 银杏ginkgo 银杏girder 横梁girdle 薄煤层gismondite 多水高岭土glabella 头鞍glacial 冰用的glacial cycle 冰川周期glacial deposit 冰川沉积glacial drift 冰碛glacial epoch 冰期glacial erosion 冰蚀glacial erosion cycle 冰蚀轮回glacial erosion lake 冰蚀湖glacial erratic boulder 冰川漂砾glacial flora 冰川植物群glacial geology 冰川地质学glacial lake 冰川湖glacial period 冰期glacial pot hole 冰川瓯穴glacial scratches 冰川擦痕glacial soil 冰积土glacial substage 亚冰期glacial table 冰台glacial till 冰碛物glacial trough 冰川槽glacial valley 冰蚀谷glacial valley lake 冰蚀谷湖glaciar stadial 亚冰期glaciation 冰川酌glacier 冰川glacier boulder method for prospecting 冰川漂砾法glacier milk 冰川乳浆glacier tongue 冰川舌glacierfall 冰瀑glacierization 冰川酌glaciogeology 冰川地质学glaciology 冰川学glaciometer 冰川临计glaciospeleology 冰川洞穴学gladite 柱硫铋铜铅矿glance coal 辉煤glare 闪光glaserite 钾芒硝glass 玻璃glassy 玻璃质的glassy lustre 玻璃光泽glauberite 钙芒硝glaucocerinite 锌铜矾glaucochroite 绿粒橄集glaucodote 钴硫砷铁矿glauconite 海绿石glauconite sandstone 海绿砂岩glaucophane 蓝闪石glaucophane schist 蓝闪片岩glaucophane schist facies 蓝闪片岩相glaucophanitic metamorphism 蓝闪石变质酌glaucopyrite 钴砷铁矿glaucous 淡灰绿色的glazed frost 雨冰膜glebe 含矿地带glei soil 潜育土gleization 潜育gley soil 潜育土gleying process 潜育gleyzation 潜育glide plane 滑动面glide twin 滑动双晶gliding 滑动酌gliding tectonics 滑动构造学glimmering lustre 微光泽global analysis 总分析global environment 全球环境global radiation 环球辐射global remote sensing 全球遥感global tectonics 全球构造学globe 地球仪globigerina ooze 抱球虫软泥globigerinae 抱球虫类globular 球状的globular jointing 球状节理globular projection 球状投影globular structure 球状构造globulite 球雏晶glomeroblast 聚合变晶glomeroblastic structure 聚合变晶状构造glomeroclastic 聚合碎屑状glomerocryst 聚晶glomerocrystalline 聚合晶簇的glomerogranular 聚合微粒状glomerolepidoblastic 聚合鳞片状变晶的glomerophitic 聚合辉玄岩状的glomeroplasmatic 聚束状的glomeroporphyric 聚合班状的glomerospheric 球粒状的glossy 光泽的glow 辉光glow discharge 辉光放电glower 白炽丝灯glowing avalanche 火山发光云glowing cloud 火山发光云gmelinite 钠菱沸石gnathopod 颚足gneiss 片麻岩gneissic 片麻状的gneissic structure 片麻状构造gneissoid 似片麻岩状gneissoid structure 片麻状构造gneissose 片麻状的gneissose granite 片麻状花岗岩gnomonic projection 球心投影goethite 针铁石goitre zone 甲状腺肿地带gold 金gold bearing 含金的gold ore 金矿gold vein 金脉gondwana 风瓦纳古陆goniometer 测角仪goniometry 测角gonnardite 纤沸石gooseneck 鹅颈谷gorceixite 钡磷铝石gordonite 基性磷铝石gorge 峡gorilla 大猩猩goslarite 皓矾gossan 铁帽gothlandian 哥特兰系gouge 断层泥goyazite 磷铝钙石graben 地堑gradation 均夷酌grade 品位grade of coal 煤级grade of ore 矿石品级grade scale 分级标尺graded bedding 粒级层理graded river 均夷河graded sediment 粒度递变沉积gradient 倾斜度gradient coupling 梯度耦合grading 粒级成层;水准测量;分级grading analysis 粒度分析grading curve 粒度曲线gradiometer 重力陡度计graduated circle 分度弧graduation 分度graftonite 磷铁锰矿grahamite 脆沥青grail 砂砾grain 颗粒grain boundary surface energy 晶粒界面能grain density 颗粒密度grain packing 颗粒充填grain shape 颗粒形状grain size 粒度grain size curve 粒度曲线gram atom 克原子gram equivalent 克当量gram mol 克分子gram molecular volume 克分子体积gram molecule 克分子grance coal 光亮型煤grandidierite 复合矿granite 花岗岩granite pegmatite 花岗伟晶岩granite porphyry 花岗斑岩granite tectonics 花岗岩构造学granitic 花岗状的granitic layer 花岗岩层granitite 黑云花岗岩granitization 花岗岩化granitization granite 混合花岗岩granitization metamorphism 花岗岩化变质granitize 花岗岩化granoblastic 花岗变晶状的granoblastic texture 花岗变晶状结构granodiorite 花岗闪长岩granodolerite 花岗粗玄岩granogabbro 花岗辉长岩granolite 花岗状火成岩granophyre 花斑岩granophyric structure 文象斑状构造granosphaerite 放射聚心球粒granosyenite 花岗正长岩granular 粒状的granular structure 粒状结构granular variation 粒度变异granularity 粒度granulate 使成粒状granulation 粒化酌granule 砂砾granulite facies 麻粒岩相granulitic 粒状的granulo ophitic 粒状辉绿岩状的granulometric analysis 粒度分析granulometric facies 粒度相granulometry 粒度测量graphic granite 文象花岗岩graphic structure 文象构造graphic texture 文象结构graphic well log 钻井剖面图graphite 石墨graphometer 测角器graptolites 笔石类grat 刃岭graticule 标线grating 筛分grating spectrograph 光栅摄谱仪grating spectrometer 光栅光谱仪grating structure 格状构造gravel 砾gravel envelope 砂砾封皮gravel fill 砂砾淤积gravel flow 砾石流gravel packing 砾石充填gravel pit 砾坑gravel soil 砾质土gravell wall 砾石渗透器graver 刻划器gravimeter 重力仪gravimetric analysis 重量分析gravimetric moisture content 重量水容度gravimetric network 重力测网gravimetric survey 重力测量gravimetrical prospecting 重力勘探gravimetry 重力测量gravitation 万有引力gravitation constant 万有引力常数gravitational anomaly 重力异常gravitational differentiation 重力分异gravitational gliding 重力滑动gravitational method 重力法gravitational prospecting 重力勘探gravitational tectonics 重力构造地质学gravitational unit 重力单位gravitational water 重力水gravitational wave 重力波gravitative differentiation 重力分异gravity 重力gravity acceleration 重力加速度gravity anomaly 重力异常gravity collapse structure 塌陷构造gravity component 重力组分gravity concentration 重力选矿gravity correction 重力改正gravity daily variation 重力日变gravity drainage 重力排水gravity field 重力场gravity flow 重力流gravity force 重力gravity height correction 重力高度改正gravity logging 重力测井gravity measurement 重力测量gravity method 重力法gravity potential 重力势gravity prospecting 重力勘探gravity separator 重力分选机gravity solution 重液gravity spring 下降泉gravity survey 重力测量gravity tectonices 重力构造地质学gravity variometer 重力变感器gravity water 重力水gray copper ore 铜矿gray desert soil 灰钙土graywacke 杂砂岩grease spot photometer 油点光度计greasy lustre 脂肪光泽great glacial epoch 大冰期great ice age 大冰期green algae 绿藻类green mud 绿泥green sand 海绿石砂green schist 绿片岩green tuff 绿色凝灰岩green tuff formation 绿色凝灰岩组greenalite 土状硅铁矿greenalite rock 硅铁岩greenockite 硫镉矿greenovite 红榍石greenrock 绿岩greensand 海绿石砂greenschist facies 绿色片岩相greenstone 绿岩greenwich mean time 格林尼治平时greisen 云英岩greisenization 云英岩化grey desert soil 灰钙土greywacke 杂砂岩grid battery 栅偏压电池grid bias voltage 栅压grid circuit 栅极电路grid current detection 栅极检波grid leak 栅漏grid modulation 栅极灯grid potential 栅极电位grid rectification 栅极检波grid sweep 栅极电压动荡grid swing 栅极电压动荡griding plane 滑动面gridy 格子griffithite 绿水金云母grinding 磨gristly 软骨的grit 粗砂岩gritty 砂质groove 细沟grooved 具沟的gross production 总产量grossular 钙铝榴石grossularite 钙铝榴石grothine 铁榍石ground 地面ground absorption 地面吸收ground aerial 地面天线ground antenna 地面天线ground cable 地下电缆ground connection 接地ground detector 接地指示器ground distance 地面距离ground level 地平面ground moraine 基碛ground movement 地层移动ground potential 地电位ground pressure 地压ground resistance 大地电阻ground rod 接地棒ground slope 地面倾斜ground survey 地面测量ground terminal 接地端ground till 基碛ground water podsol soil 潜育灰化土groundmass 石基groundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群group of oilbearing horizon 可采油层组group reagent 组试剂group verocity 群速度grouping 组合grout 水泥浆grouting 水泥灌浆groutite 锰榍石growing point 生长点growth 生长growth curve 生长曲线growth fault 生长断层growth layer 生长层growth line 生长线growth twin 生长双晶grunerite 铁闪石guadalcazarite 锌黑辰砂guanajuatite 硒铋矿guanite 鸟粪石guano 鸟粪guanovulite 填卵石guard electrode 屏蔽电极guarinite 片榍石gudmundite 硫锑铁矿guide shoe 导管鞋guided wave 被导波guildite 多水铜铁矾gulf 湾gully 冲沟gully erosion 冲沟侵蚀gummite 脂铅铀矿gun perforator 子弹射孔器gutenberg discontinuity 古登堡间断面guyot 平顶海山gyatory breaker 旋回破碎机gymnosperms 裸子植物gynospore 大孢子gyps 石膏gypsum 石膏gypsum plate 石膏板gypsuming 施用石膏gyration 回转gyratory breaker 旋回破碎机gyro inclinometer 陀螺测斜仪gyrocompass 回转罗盘gyroscope 陀螺频率gyttja 腐殖泥gzhelian series 格热尔阶habit 结晶外貌habit plane 嗜好面hackmanite 紫方钠石hade 伸角hafnium 铪hagatalite 钇铈锆石haidingerite 砷钙石hail 雹hainite 铈片榍石hair crack 毛发裂隙hakutoite 白头岩half bog soil 半沼泽土half cycle 半周half life 半衰期half value lyer 半价层half wave antenna 半波天线half wave dipole 半波偶极子halite 石盐halloysite 多水高岭石halmirolysis 海底分解halo 晕halo phenomenon 晕halogenesis 卤化酌halophility 喜盐性halophytic vegetation 盐生植被haloplankton 海洋浮游生物halotolerancy 耐盐性halotrichite 铁茂halvings 贫矿hambergite 硼铍石hammarite 硫铜铅铋矿hammer 锤hancockite 锶帘石hand axe 手斧hand control 半动操纵hand drilling 人工打钻hand generator 手摇发电机hand picking 手选hand reset 人工重调人工复原hanger 悬挂架hanging glacier 悬冰川hanging junction 悬垂合流悬垂汇流hanging side 上盘hanging valley 悬谷hanging wall 上盘hanksite 碳酸芒硝harbolite 硬辉沥青hard alloy 硬质合金hard metal 硬质合金hard metal bit tipping 硬合金钻头翻转hard pan 硬盘hard rock 硬岩石hard water 硬水hardening 硬化hardness of crystals 晶体硬度hardness of water 水的硬度hardness scale 硬度标hardpan 硬盘hardwood forest 阔叶手hardystonite 锌黄长石harmonic fold 谐和褶曲harmonic lake type 谐和湖型harmonic oscillator 谐波振荡器harmotome 交沸石harrisite 方铜矿harrowing 耙地harstigite 镁柱石hartmannite 红锑镍矿hastingsite 富铁钠闪石hatchettite 伟晶蜡石hatchettolite 铀钽铌矿hatherlite 歪长棕闪正长岩hauchecornite 硫镍铋锑矿hauerite 褐硫锰矿hausmannite 黑锰矿hauterivian stage 欧特里夫阶hauyne 蓝方石hauynite 蓝方石hauynophyre 蓝方岩hawaiian type eruption 夏威夷型火山喷发hayesine 硼酸方解石haystack 溶蚀残丘head amplifier 前置放大器head drop 落差head erosion 溯源侵蚀head loss 压头损失head water 上游heading machine 掘进机headward erosion 向源侵蚀headwind 逆风heat absorption 吸热heat balance 热量平衡heat capacity 热容heat conductivity 热导率heat effect 热效应heat equator 热赤道heat equilibrium 热平衡heat exchange 热交换heat flow 热量heat loss 热损失heat of coagulation 凝结热heat of condensation 冷凝热heat of crystallization 结晶热heat of dissociation 离解热heat of reaction 反应热heat of transformation 转变热heat of vaporization 蒸发热heat radiation 热辐射heat rays 热线heat sources of the geothermal resource 地热资源热源heat test 加热试验heat transfer 传热heat treated gemstone 热处理宝石heat treatment 热处理heat wave 热浪heating current 加热电流heating microscope 高温显微镜heating surface 加热面heave 平错heavy crude oil 重质原油heavy fluid separation 重液选heavy liquid 重液heavy minerals 重矿物heavy oil 重油heavy soil 粘重土heazlewoodite 希兹硫镍矿hectocotylus 交接腕hectorite 水辉石hedenbergite 镁铁辉石hedrumite 霞碱正长岩heikolite 平康石heintzite 硼钾镁石helical 螺旋状的helicitic 残缕状的helicitic structure 残缕构造heliodor 日长石heliolite 日叶石heliophyllite 日叶石heliotrope 血滴石heliotropism 向日性helium 氦hellandite 钙铒钇矿helophytes 沼生植物helvetian stage 海尔微阶helvine 日光榴石helvite 日光榴石hematite 赤铁矿hematitization 赤铁矿化hematolite 红砷锰矿hemicellulose 半纤维素hemicolloid 半胶体hemicrystalline 半晶质的hemielytra 半翅鞘hemihedral form 半面形hemihedry 半面形hemimorphic form 异极象hemimorphic hemihedry 异极半面象hemimorphism 异极象hemimorphite 异极矿hemimorphy 异极象hemipelagic sediment 半远洋性沉积物hemiplankton 季节浮游生物hemiprism 半柱hemisphere 半球hemitrope 半体双晶hengleinite 钴镍黄铁矿henry 亨herb 草本herbaceous vegetation 草本植被herbivores 食草动物hercynian orogeny 海戊山运动hercynite 铁尖晶石herderite 磷铍钙石hereditable character 遗传性heronite 正长球粒霞霓岩herpetology 爬虫学herrengrundite 钙铜矾herschelite 碱菱沸石hertz 赫hessite 铈银矿hessonite 钙铝榴石hetaerolite 锌黑锰矿heteroblastic 不等粒变晶的heterochrony 异时发生heterogeneity 不均匀性heterogeneous deformation 非均匀变形heterogeneous equilibrium 多相平衡heterogeneous reaction 多相反应heterogeneous system 非均质系heterogenite 水钴矿heterogenous nucleation 不均质核形成heteromesic facies 异媒相heterometrically grained 不均粒的heteromorphism 同质异象heteromorphite 脆硫锑铅矿heteronuclear molecule 异核分子heteropical 异相的heteropolar bond 异极键heteropolar colloid 有极胶体heteropolar compound 离子化合物heteropolar crystal 有极结晶heteropterous 异翅的heterosite 磷铁锰矿heterospore 异形孢子hettonite 硅钍石heubachite 水钴镍矿heulandite 片沸石heumite 棕闪碱长岩hewettite 薄晶钒钙石hexagonal 六角形的hexagonal axis 六次对称轴hexagonal closest packing 六方紧密填集hexagonal dipyramid 六方双锥hexagonal dipyramidal class 六方双锥类hexagonal enatiomorphic hemihedral class 六方对映半面象晶族hexagonal prism 六方柱hexagonal pyramidal class 六方锥类hexagonal system 六方晶系hexagonal trapezohedral class 六方偏方面体类hexahedrite 六面体式陨铁hexahedron 六面体hexakisoctahedron 六八面体hexatetrahedral class 六四面体类hexatetrahedron 六四面体hexoctahedron 六八面体hiatus 沉积间断hibbenite 板状磷锌矿hidden relief 隐地形hielmite 钙铌钽矿hieratite 氟硅钾石higginsite 绿水砷钙铜矿high albite 高温型钠长石high alumina basalt 高铝氧玄武岩high bank 高沙洲high dip 高倾斜high frequency compensation 高频补偿high grade 高品位high grade ore 高品位矿石high moor 高位沼泽high mountain 高山high mountain meadow 高山草原high pressure belt 高压带high pressure type metamorphism 高压变质酌high quartz 高温石英high sanidine 高温型透长石high seas 公海high temperature form 高温型high temperature plagioclase 高温型斜长石high tide 高潮high volatile bituminous coal a 气煤high volatile bituminous coal b 长焰煤high volatile bituminous coal c 焰煤high volume hole 大容积药壶钻孔high water 高潮highland 山原hill 丘陵hill creep 滑坡hillebrandite 水硅钙石hillside 山腰hillside creep 滑坡hilly country 丘陵地hilly land 丘陵地hind leg 后肢hind wing 后翅hinge fault 旋转断层hinge line 枢纽线hinge of fold 褶皱枢纽hinsdalite 磷硫铅铝矿hinterland 后置地hiortdahlite 片榍石hirnantite 绿泥钠长角斑岩hisingerite 硅铁土histogram 倾率分布图historic period 历史时代historic spot 古迹historical geochemistry 历史地球化学historical geography 历史地理学historical geology 地史学hodgkinsonite 褐锌锰矿hodograph 时距曲线hodograph plane 速度图面hogauite 钠沸石hoist 升起hoisting cable 提升铜丝绳hoisting crane 升降起重机hokutolite 北投石holdenite 红砷锌锰矿holding circuit 吸持电路holding relay 保持继电器holding tank 容纳槽hole boring 井孔钻进hole deviation 钻眼偏斜hole drilling 井孔钻进hole mouth 井口hole size 钻孔直径hole stemming 钻孔堵塞物holespacing 炮眼间距hollandite 锰钡矿hollow 浅凹地hollow bit 空心钻holmium 钬holoblast 全变晶的holocene 全新世holocrystalline 全结晶的holocrystalline interstitial 全晶间片状的holocrystalline porphyritic 全晶斑状的holocrystalline texture 全晶质结构holohedron 全面形holohedry 全面象holohyaline texture 全玻质结构hololeucocratic 全白色的holomelanocratic 全黑色的holomictic lake 全循环湖holoplankton 全浮游生物holotype 全型holtonite 小藤石holyokeite 钠长辉绿岩homeoblastic 等粒变晶状的homeocrystalline 等粒晶质的homeomorphism 异同形homeopolar compound 无极化合物homilite 硅硼钙铁矿homoclinal structure 均斜构造homocline 均斜homogeneity 均匀性homogeneous 均质的homogeneous chemical reaction 均匀化学反应homogeneous deformation 均匀变形homogeneous system 均匀系homogenization method 均一法homologous pair 对应线homologous series 同系列homology 同源homonym 异物同名homopolar bond 无极键homopolar compound 无极化合物homopolar crystal 共价结晶homospore 同形孢子homotaxial 等列的homotypic 同型的honeycomb coil 蜂巢线圈honeycomb structure 蜂窝状构造hoodoo 峰林hoof 蹄hopeite 磷锌矿hopper 漏斗horizon 层horizon b 淀积层horizon refraction 水平折射horizontal angle 水平角horizontal axis 水平轴horizontal borehole 水平钻孔horizontal component 水平部分horizontal distribution 水平分布horizontal fault 水平断层horizontal instability 水平不稳定horizontal magnetometer 水平地磁仪horizontal mixing 水平混合horizontal pendulum 水平摆horizontal plane 水平面horizontal seam 水平矿层horizontal seismograph 水平地震仪horizontal separation 水平离距horizontal slice 水平分层horizontal slip 水平滑动horizontal stratum 水平岩层horizontal tension 横张力horizontal zonality 水平地带性horizontale 水平轴horn 角hornblende 角闪石hornblendite 角闪石岩hornesite 砷镁石hornfels 角页岩hornfels facies 角页岩相hornfels texture 角页岩构造hornito 溶岩滴丘hornstone 角岩horny layer 角质层horny scale 角质鳞horse 夹石horsetail structure 马尾丝状构造horsetails 木贼类horsfordite 锑铜矿horst 地垒horst block mountain 地垒式断块山hortite 方解辉长混杂岩horton number 哈通数hortonolite 镁铁橄榄石host mineral 原生矿物host rock 忠hot brine metallogenesis 热卤水成矿酌hot ground 放热地面hot lake 热水湖hot pool 热水塘hot river 热水河hot spot 热点hot spot hypothesis 热点说hot spring 热泉hot stream 热水河hot wave 热浪hot wire ammeter 热线安培计hour glass structure 砂钟构造housing 外壳howardite 钙长紫苏辉石无球粒陨石howlite 硅硼钙石hubnerite 钨锰矿hudsonite 角闪橄榄岩hugelite 钒锌铅矿hullite 玄玻杏仁体hulsite 黑硼锡铁矿human geography 人类地理学humate 腐殖酸盐humic acid 胡敏酸humic coal 腐殖煤humic gley soil 腐殖质潜育土humid 湿润的humid region 湿润地带humidity 湿度humidity meter 湿度表humification 腐殖化humin 胡敏素huminite 腐殖煤humite 硅镁石hummock 小丘humosapropelic coal 腐殖腐泥煤humus 腐殖质humus carbonatic soil 腐殖质碳酸盐土humus fen soil 腐殖质沼泽土humus formation 腐殖质形成humus layer 腐殖质层humus loam 腐殖壤土humus soil 腐殖质土壤huntilite 砷银矿hurricane 飓风hussakite 磷钇矿hutchinsonite 硫砷铊铅矿huttonite 硅钍石hyacinth 红锆石hyaline 玻璃质的hyalite 玻璃蛋白石hyalobasalt 玻质玄武岩hyalocrystalline 玻晶质的hyaloophitic 玻质辉绿岩的hyalophane 钡冰长石hyalopilitic 玻晶交织的hyalosiderite 透铁橄榄石hyalotekite 硼硅钡铅矿hybrid 杂种hybrid rock 混染岩hybridization 混合酌hydatogenesis 热液成矿酌hydatogenic 热液成的hydatogenic rock 蒸发的hydatogenous 液成的hydatogenous rock 水成岩hydatometamorphic rock 水成变质岩hydatomorphism 水变质酌hydatophytes 浸生植物hydatopyrogenic 火水成的hydracid 氢酸hydrargyrum 汞hydrate 水化物hydration 水合酌hydration heat 水合热hydration of colloidal particles 胶粒的水化酌hydraulic brake 液压制动器hydraulic classification 水力分级hydraulic conductivity 渗透系数hydraulic discharge 地下水出流hydraulic feed drill 油压钻机hydraulic fracturing 水力压裂hydraulic gradient 水力梯度hydraulic head 水头hydraulic jump 液压跳hydraulic mining 水力采矿hydraulic percussive boring 水力冲魂井hydraulic pipe cutter 水压切管器hydraulic profile 水力学剖面hydraulic radius 水力半径hydraulic reamer 水压扩孔器hydraulic rotary 水力转盘hydraulic submersible impact tool 水力冲话备hydraulics 水力学hydride 氢化物hydrobiology 水生生物学hydroboracite 水方硼石hydrocalumite 水铝钙石hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物hydrocarbon ratio 烃比值hydrocerussite 水白铅矿hydrochemical analyse 水化学分析hydrochemical metamorphism 水化变质hydrochemical prospecting 水化学勘探hydrochemistry 水文化学hydroclast 水成碎屑岩hydroclastic rock 水成碎屑岩hydrodolomite 水白云石hydrodynamic conductibility 铃动力学的传导性hydrodynamic dispersion 水动力的分散hydrodynamics 铃动力学hydrogen 氢hydrogen bond 氢键hydrogen bonding 氢结合hydrogen content of coal 煤中氢hydrogen electrode 氢电极hydrogen peroxide 过氧化氢hydrogenation 加氢hydrogeochemical prospecting 水文地球化学勘探hydrogeochemistry 水文地球化学hydrogeologic map 水文地质图hydrogeological logging 水文测井hydrogeology 水文地质学hydrogoethite 含水针铁矿hydrograph 水文曲线hydrography 水文地理学hydrogrossular 水绿榴石hydrohematite 水赤铁矿hydrohetaerolite 水锌锰矿hydrolaccolith 水成岩盖hydrologic barrier 水文堰洲hydrologic budget 水均衡hydrologic cycle 水循环hydrologic equation 水均衡方程hydrological regime 水文状况hydrological survey 水文勘查hydrology 水文学hydrolysis 水解hydrolytic acidity 水解酸度hydrolyzate 水解产物hydromagnesite 水菱镁矿hydromanganite 水锰矿hydromanganosite 水方锰矿hydromatic brake 水刹车hydrometallurgy 湿式冶金hydrometamorphism 热水变质hydrometasomatose 热液交替酌hydrometeor 水汽凝结体hydrometer 比重计hydrometry 水文测量hydromica 水云母hydromorphic 水成的hydromorphic soils 水成土hydromuscovite 水白云母hydrophane 水蛋白石hydrophilic colloid 亲水胶体hydrophilic radical 亲水基hydrophilite 氯钙石hydrophobic colloid 疏水胶体hydrophone 水中地震检波器。



Prospect Evaluation 有利目标评价
Abandon 弃井
No Discovery 无发现
Logging 测井
Discovery 油气发现
Abandon No Commercial Value
Testing 测试
Drilling 钻井
Exploitation 开发
Choose Well Location 井位确定
Tough environment: Typhoon, monsoon and black current and so on. 恶劣环境:台风、季风、黑潮等
Shallow layer geologic hazard Shallow gas accident 浅层地质灾害、浅层气
Wireline Logging of Offshore Drilling 电缆测井
油气田设施建设内容按过程分包括: Building Procedure of a Production Platform
1、设计 Design 2、建造 Building 3、安装 Installment 4、调试 Commissioning 5、机械完工和投产 Putting into Production
加热炉 钢丝绞车
燃烧头 气管汇
井上设备和井下工具 Surface Equipment and Downhole Equipment
Testing of Offshore Oil Exploration
The Purpose of Testing



nacreous layer 珍珠层nacreous structure 珍珠构造nacrite 珍珠陶土nadorite 氯锑铅矿naegite 苗木石nagatelite 磷褐帘石nagyagite 叶碲矿nahcolite 重碳钠盐nail 指甲nakhlite 透橄无球粒陨石nantokite 铜盐naphthabitumen 石脑油沥青naphthene 环烷naphthene base crude oil 环烷基油naphthene index 环烷烃指数naphthenic acid 环烷酸naphtholite 沥青页岩nappe 推复体narrow gorge 嶂谷narsarsukite 短柱石nasal bone 鼻骨nasal capsule 鼻甲nasal cavity 鼻腔nasonite 氯硅钙铅矿natality 生产率native asphalt 天然沥青native copper 自然铜native element 天然元素native gold 自然金native mercury 自然汞native platinum 自然铂native silver 自然银natrite 泡碱natrium 钠natrochalcite 钠铜矾natrolite 钠沸石natron 泡碱natronorthoclase 钠正长石natronsanidine 钠透长石natrophilite 磷钠锰矿natural asphalt 天然沥青natural classification 自然分类natural coke 天然焦炭natural discharge 天然排泄natural frequency 固有频率natural gas 天然气natural geologic hazard 自然地质灾害natural heat flow 天然热流natural levee 天然堤natural load 自然负荷natural products 天然产物natural radioactive element 天然放射性元素natural radioactivity 天然放射性natural remanent magnetism 天然剩余磁性natural remanent magnetization 自然残余磁化natural selection 自然选择natural solid bitumen 天然固体沥青natural stream 天然河流natural succession 自然演替natural ventilation 自然通风natural water 天然水natural water level 自然水位nature preservation 自然保护naujakasite 瑙云母naumannite 硒银矿nautiloids 鹦鹉螺类nautilus 鹦鹉螺navicular 舟状的neanderthal man 尼安德特人neap tide 小潮near earthquake 近地震neck 岩颈necton 自游生物needle ironstone 针铁石nefedievite 红坚岭石negative crystal 负晶体negative delta 三角湾状三角洲negative element 阴性元素negative ion 负离子negative relief 负地形negative valence 负原子价nelsonite 钛铁磷灰岩nemathelminthes 线形动物类nematoblastic 纤状变晶质nematomorphic 纤维状的nemerteans 纽形动物类nenadkevite 硅钙铅铀矿neo ice age 新冰期neocomian 尼欧克姆阶neodymium 钕neogene 新第三纪neoglaciation 新冰期neolite 新石neolithic age 新石票代neolithic era 新石票代neometamorphism 新变质酌neon 氖neotantalite 黄钽铁矿neotectonic element 新构造单元neotectonic period 新构造期neotectonics 新构造学neoteny 幼态持续neotocite 水锰辉石neotropical region 新热带区neotype 新模neozoic era 新生代nepheline 霞石nepheline basalt 霞石玄武岩nepheline porphyry 霞石斑岩nepheline syenite 霞石正长岩nephelinite 霞石岩nephelinization 霞石化nephelometry 浊度测定nephrite 软玉nepouite 镍绿泥石neptunian theory 水成论neptunism 水成论neptunium 镎neritic sea 浅海neritic sediments 浅海沉积nerve 叶脉nesosilicates 岛状硅酸盐nest like ore body 鸡窝状矿体net 网net production 净产量netted venation 网状脉network structure 网状结构neutral humus 中性腐殖质neutral micelle 中性胶粒neutrality point 中性点neutron 中子neutron activation analysis 中子活化分析neutron capture 中子捕获neutron diffraction 中子衍射neutron energy 中子能量neutron epithermal neutron log 中子超热中子测井neutron generator 中子发生器neutron multiplication factor 中子的增殖系数neutron neutron log 中子中子测井neutron proton ratio 中子数与质子数比率neutron source 中子源neutron thermal neutron log 中子热中子测井nevadite 斑烈neve 粒雪neve basin 粒雪盆new global tectonics 新全球构造学new world 新世界newberyite 镁磷石newlandite 顽火榴辉石newyanskite 亮铱锇矿nickel 镍nickel ore 镍矿nicol's prisma 尼科耳棱镜nicolayite 硅铅钍铀矿nife 镍铁带niggli value 尼格理值niggliite 碲铂矿niobite 铌铁矿niobium 铌nitrate 硝酸盐nitratine 钠硝石nitratite 钠硝石nitric acid 硝酸nitrification 硝化酌nitrifying bacteria 硝化细菌nitrite 亚硝酸盐nitrobaryte 钡硝石nitrocalcite 钙硝石nitrogen 氮nitrogen compounds in petroleum 石油含氮化合物nitrogen content of coal 煤中氮nitrogen cycle 氮循环nitromagnesite 镁硝石nitronatrite 钠硝石nitrous acid 亚硝酸nival belt 雪带nivation 雪蚀酌nivenite 钇铀矿nobelium 锘noble metal 贵金属noble opal 贵蛋白石nocerite 针六方石node 节nodular 结核状的nodule 结核;结枝nomenclature 命名法nominal 命名的nominal diameter 标称直径nomogram 列线图non polar bond 非极性键non polar linkage 非极性键nonadiabatic change 非绝热变化nonangular unconformity 假整合nonbedded 非成层的nonbonding electron 非结合电子noncoking coal 非粘结性煤noncommercial reserves 表外储量nonconformity 不整合nondiastrophism 非构造变动nonequilibrium state 非平衡状态nonferrous metal 非铁金属nonmetal 非金属nonpolar 非极性的nonpolar molecule 非极性分子nonpolarizing electrode 不极化电极nonrotational deformation 非转动变形nonsequent fold 限制褶皱nonsteady 非稳定的nontectonic joint 非构造节理nontectonic process 非构造酌nontronite 绿脱石nonuniformity 不均匀性norbergite 块硅镁石nordite 硅钠锶镧石nordmarkite 英碱正长岩norian stage 诺利克阶noric stage 诺利克阶norite 苏长岩norm 标准矿物成分normal curve 标准曲线normal depth 正常深度normal device 电位电极系normal dispersion 正常色散normal distribution 正态分布normal electric field 正常电场normal epoch 正常时期normal fault 正断层normal field 正常场normal fold 正褶皱normal geomagnetic porality epoch 正磁极期normal gravity 正常重力normal magnetic field 正常磁场normal metamorphism of coal 煤正常变质normal order 正常层序normal projection 正轴投影normal solution 规定溶液normal state 正常态normal stress 法向应力normal succession 正常层序normal temperature 正常温度normal velocity 法向速度normal vibration 简正振动normality 规定浓度normative mineral 标准矿物norsethite 菱钡镁石north atlantic massif 北大误地块north latitude 北纬north pole 北极northeast pacific ridge 北潍平洋海岭northern alpine foreland 北部阿尔卑斯前沿地nosean 方石noseanite 方岩noselite 方石notochord 脊索noumeite 滑硅镍矿novacekite 水砷镁铀矿nuclear binding energy 核结合能nuclear charge 核电荷nuclear chemistry 核化学nuclear disintegration 核衰变nuclear emulsion 原子核照相乳胶nuclear energy level 核能级nuclear fuel 核燃料nuclear geology 核地质学nuclear magnetic log 核磁测井nuclear magnetic moment 核磁矩nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振nuclear model 核模型nuclear separation 核分离nuclear stability 核稳定性nucleic acid 核酸nuclen 核子nucleostratigraphy 核地层学nucleus of crystallization 晶核nuclide 核素nuclide chart 同位素表nugget 块金null valence 零价number of free radicals 自由基数numerical method 数值法numerical solution 数值解nummulites 货币石类nunatak 冰原石山nutrient 养分nutrition 营养nutritive salt 营养盐nutritive substance 养分nutritive value 营养价值nutty structure 核状结构oasis 绿州obduction 仰冲obduction plate 仰冲板块obduction zone 仰冲带objective 接物镜objective analysis 客观分析oblique extinction 斜消光oblique fault 斜断层oblique fold 斜卧褶皱oblique joint 斜节理oblique projection 斜投影oblique slip fault 斜滑断层oblong 长方形的oborite 鄂博矿obsequent fault line scarp 逆断线崖obsequent river 逆向河observation 观测observation field 观测场observation network 观测网observation well 观测孔observational error 观察误差obsidian 黑曜岩occasional species 偶见种ocean 大洋ocean bed 洋底ocean current 海流ocean floor 洋底ocean floor fracture zone 洋底断裂带ocean floor spreading 海底扩张ocean wave 大洋波浪oceanic craton 洋台oceanic crust 海洋地壳oceanic island 海洋岛oceanic ridge tholeiite 洋脊拉斑玄武岩oceanic rise 大洋中隆oceanic tholeiite 海洋性拉斑玄武岩oceanic water 大洋水oceanite 大洋岩oceanization 海洋化酌oceanographical remote sensing 海洋遥感oceanology 海洋学ocellar 眼班状的ocellus 单眼ochre 舣ochrea 托叶鞘octahedrite 八面石octahedron 八面体octophyllite 八叶云母ocular 目镜odd pinnate 奇数羽状的odinite 拉辉煌斑岩odometer 里程表odontoid 齿状的odontolite 齿绿松石oersted 奥斯忒offlap 退复offretite 菱钾铝矿offset 支脉offset well 探边井offshore 外滨offshore bar 滨外洲offshore coring drilling 近海浅钻钻探offshore drilling 近海钻井offshore drilling rig 海上钻探装置offshore oil drilling 海上石油钻探ohmic resistance 欧姆阻抗oikesis 定居oil 油oil accumulating area 聚油面积oil accumulation 油池oil basin 油田oil bearing 含油的oil bearing rock 油母岩oil bearing structure 储油构造oil damping 油减震oil deposit 石油矿床oil field 油田oil field water 油田水oil gas 油气oil geology 石油地质学oil horizon 含油层oil indication 石油显示oil layer 含油层oil measure 油层;油贮oil pool 油池oil production 采油oil sand 油砂oil saturation 油饱和率oil seepage 油苗oil shale 油母页岩oil stone 油石oil trap 油捕oil well 油井okenite 水硅钙石olafite 钠长石old stage 老年期old stone age 旧石票代old valley 老年谷old world 旧世界oldhamite 褐硫钙石;陨硫钙石oligocene 渐新世oligoclase 奥长石oligonite 菱锰铁矿oligosite 奥长岩oligotrophic 寡养的oligotrophic lake 寡养湖olistolith 滑动岩体olistostrome 重力滑动沉积olivenite 橄榄铜矿olivine 橄榄石olivine basalt 橄件武岩olivinfree basalt 无橄件武岩ollenite 绿帘金红角闪片岩omphacite 绿辉石one electron bond 单电子键onkilonite 橄辉霞岩onlap 海侵超覆onofrite 硒汞矿ontogenetic 个体发生的ontogeny 个体发生学ontogeny of minerals 矿物发生学onyx 缟玛瑙oogonium 卵原细胞oolite 鲕状岩oolitic 鲕状的oolitic iron ore deposit 鲡状铁矿床oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩oolitic structure 鲡状构造ooze 软泥opacite 不透蔑opacite margin 不透眠缘opal 蛋白石opalization 蛋白石化opalize 使呈乳白状open circuit 开路open cut mining 露天采矿open cut ore mine 露天开采矿山open cut working 露天采矿open fault 张开断层open fold 敞开褶皱open hearth 平炉open pit method 露天开采法open pit quarry 露天矿场open stope method 空场回采法open stope mining 空场回采法open system 开放系统open tube analysis 开管分析open type geothermal reservoir 开放式地热储opening of mines 矿体开发operculum 鳃盖ophicalcite 蛇纹大理岩ophiolite 蛇绿岩ophiolite formation 蛇绿岩建造ophiolitic melange 蛇绿混杂岩ophite 纤闪辉绿岩ophitic texture 辉绿结构ophyolitic complex 蛇绿岩复合体opposite 对生的opposite phyllotaxis 对生叶序optic axis 光轴optic binormals 光轴副法线optic biradial 副光轴optic elasticity axes 光学弹性轴optical activity 旋光性optical angle 光轴角optical anisotropy 光学蛤异性optical anomaly 光性异常optical character 光性optical constant 光性常数optical dispersion 色散optical indicatrix 光率体optical isotropy 光学蛤同性optical orientation 光性方位optical phenomenon 光学现象optical section 光切面optical strain 光性变形optical system 光学系统optical twin 巴潍晶optically anisotropic 光学异向性的optically biaxial 双光轴的optically isotropic 光性均质的optically negative 负光性的optically positive 正光性的optically uniaxial 单光轴的optimization 最佳化oral appendage 口肢oral arm 口腕orangite 橙黄石orbicular 球状的orbicular granite 球状花岗岩orbital electron 轨道电子order 目order of crystallization 结晶顺序ordinary chernozem 普通黑土ordinary light 普通光线ordovician 奥陶纪ore 矿石ore bearing 含矿的ore bed 矿层ore bin 矿仓ore block 矿段ore bringer 运矿岩ore bunch 矿袋ore chimney 管状矿体ore column 矿柱ore complex 矿石复合ore core 矿心ore course 富矿体ore dampness 矿石湿度ore deposit 矿床ore dilution 矿石贫化ore dressing 选矿ore fines 粉矿ore formation 矿石建造ore grade 矿石品级ore hardness 矿硬ore leaching 矿石浸出ore losses 矿石损失ore mineral 金属矿物ore nest 矿巢ore pillar 矿柱ore pipe 管状矿体ore pocket 矿袋ore reserve 矿储藏量ore rock 含矿岩ore shoot 富矿体ore sort 矿石工业品级ore stock 矿储藏量oreforming element 成矿元素orford process 奥福特法organ 瀑organic acid 有机酸organic compound 有机化合物organic deposits 有机沉积organic geochemistry 有机地球化学organic matter 有机物organic matter content 有机物质含量organic pigment 有机颜料organic pollution 有机污染organic remains 有机残余物organic rock 有机岩organic sediments 有机沉积物organic silt 泥炭粘土organism 生物organogenic 有机生成的organometallic compound 有机金属化合物orictocoenosis 生物化石群落orientation 定向orientation of crystal 晶体定位oriented thin section 定向薄片orientite 锰柱石origin 起原origin of life 生命起原original dip 原生倾斜original interstice 原生空隙original order 原层序ornamental stone 装饰石ornamentation 纹饰ornithology 鸟类学orocline 造山带弯曲orogen 造山地带orogenesis 造山运动orogenetic 造山的orogenetic movements 造山运动orogenic 造山的orogenic belt 造山带orogenic cycle 造山旋回orogenic hydrothermal deposit 造山热液矿床orogenic phase 造山相orogenic zone 造山带orogeny 造山运动ort 横巷orthite 褐帘石orthoaxis 正轴orthochronology 标准地质年代学orthoclase 正长石orthoclasite 微正长岩orthoclastization 正长石化orthoconglomerate 正砾岩orthocumulate 正堆积岩orthodiadochite 磷铁华orthodiagonal axis 正轴orthodolomite 正白云石orthodome 正轴坡面orthoevolution 直向进化orthofelsite 正长霏细岩orthogenesis 直向演化orthogeosynclinal system 正地槽系orthogeosyncline 正地槽orthogneiss 正片麻岩orthogonality 正交orthographic projection 正射投影ortholimestone 正石灰石orthomagmatic deposit 正岩浆矿床orthomagmatic stage 正岩浆期orthometamorphism 正变质酌orthometamorphite 正变质岩orthomigmatite 正混合岩orthophotomap 正射投影像片组合图orthophyre 正长斑岩orthophyric 正斑状的orthopinacoid 正轴轴面orthoplatform 正地台orthoprism 正轴柱orthopyramid 正轴锥orthopyroxene 斜方辉石orthopyroxenite 斜方辉岩orthorhombic 斜方的orthorhombic system 斜方晶系orthoschist 火成片岩orthoscope 直光镜orthoselection 直向选择orthosilicate 正硅酸盐orthosite 粗粒正长岩orthostratigraphy 正交地层学orthosyenite 钾质正长岩orthotectonics 正构造ortlerite 闪斑玢岩ortstein 硬盘oryctogeology 化石地质学oryctognosy 地物学oryctology 化石学osannite 钠闪石osbornite 陨氯钛矿oscillation theory 颤动说oscillatory ripples 对称波痕oscillatory twinning 反复双晶osmiridium 铱锇矿osmium 锇osmotic equilibrium 渗透平衡osmotic force 渗透力osmotic pressure 渗透压ossicle 小骨ossification 骨化osteal 骨的ostium 小孔ostracodermi 甲胄鱼纲ostraite 磁铁尖晶辉岩otavite 菱镉矿ottrelite 粒硬绿泥石ouachitite 黑云沸煌岩outcrop 露头outer core 外核outer electron 外电子outer lip 外唇outer shell 外电子层outer shell electron 外电子outer sublittoral zone 底亚滨海带outflow 瘤outflow lake 外窿outlier 老围层outline 轮廓output voltage 输出电压outside balance reserves 表外储量outwash 冰水沉积outwash gravel 冰水砾outwash plain 冰水沉积平原oval 卵圆形的ovate 卵圆形的over load 过负荷overall output 总产量overburden 表土;复盖岩层;盖岩层overburden pressure 积土压力overcast sky 阴天overflow 泛滥overflow dam 溢劣overflow weir 溢劣overfold 倒转褶皱overground part 地上部分overhand stope 上向梯段回采工祖overland flow 表面径流overland runoff 地表径流overlap 超复overlap trap 超复圈闭overlying strata 覆层overlying strata of coal measures 煤系盖层overpressure 过压overriding plate 上冲板块oversaturated rock 过饱和岩oversize 筛上产品oversize product 筛上产品overthrust 逆掩断层overthrust block 掩冲体overthrust mass 掩冲体overthrust plane 逆掩断层面overthrust sheet 逆掩层overthrusting plate 上冲板块overturn 倒转overturned anticline 倒转背斜overturned fold 倒转褶皱overturned succession of strata 倒转层序overturning 倒转ovule 胚珠oxalate 草酸盐oxalic acid 草酸oxalite 草酸铁矿oxbow lake 牛角湖oxfordian 牛津阶oxidability 易氧化度oxidation potential 氧化势oxidation reduction cycle 氧化还原循环oxidation reduction potential 氧化还原势oxidation reduction system 氧化还原系oxidation state 氧化状态oxidation zone 氧化带oxidation zone of sulphide deposits 硫化物矿床氧化带oxide 氧化物oxidizability 易氧化度oxidize 氧化oxidized ore 氧化矿石oxidizing roasting 氧化焙烧oxydate 氧化沉积物oxygen 氧oxygen content of coal 煤中氧oxygen cycle 氧的循环oxygen demand 需氧量oxygen isotope method 氧同位素法oxygen logging 氧测井oxygen partial pressure 氧分压力oxyphile elements 亲氧元素oyamalite 稀土锆石ozocerite 地蜡ozokerite 地蜡ozonosphere 臭氧层pachnolite 霜晶石pacific geosyncline 太平洋地槽pacific suite 太平洋岩群pack ice 浮冰packing 充填paehoehoe lava 波纹熔岩pagodite 叶蜡石pahoehoe lava 波纹熔岩paigeite 硼铁矿painite 红硅硼铝钙石pair production 偶生成paired fins 偶paired metamorphic belt 双变质带pairing of electrons 生成电子对paisanite 钠闪微岗岩palaeobiology 古生物学palaeontology 古生物学palaeosedimentology 古沉积学palaeotectonics 古地质构造学palagonite 橙玄玻璃palaite 红磷锰矿palate 口盖palatine 腭骨palatinite 直辉中基性岩paleo oceanography 古海洋学paleo plate tectonics 古板块构造paleoanthropology 古人类学paleoarctic subregion 古北亚区paleoautochthon 古原地岩paleobathymetric map 古等深线图paleobiocenose 古生物群落paleobiocenosis 古生物群落paleobiochemistry 古生物化学paleobiogeographic province 古生物地理区paleobiogeography 古生物地理学paleobiology 古生物学paleobotanic province 古植物地理区paleobotany 古植物学paleocene 古新世paleochannel 古水道paleoclimate 古气候paleoclimatology 古气候学paleoecology 古生态学paleoenvironment 古环境paleogene 老第三纪paleogenetics 古遗传学paleogeographical map 古地理图paleogeography 古地理学paleogeology 古地质学paleogeomorphic trap 古地貌圈闭paleogeomorphology 古地貌学paleogeophysics 古地球物理学paleoichnology 古遗迹学paleoichtyology 古鱼类学paleoisotherm 古等温线paleolithic age 旧石票代paleomagnetism 古地磁paleometamorphism 古变质酌paleontological facies 古生物相paleontology 古生物学paleophyre 古云英斑岩paleophytic era 古植物代paleophytology 古植物学paleopole 古极paleosalinity 古盐度paleosome 古残体paleostructure 古构造paleotectonic 古构造的paleotemperature 古温度paleotropical region 古热带区paleotypal 古相的paleovolcanic 古火山的paleozoic era 古生代paleozoologic province 古动物地理区paleozoology 古动物学palermoite 柱磷锶锂矿palichnology 古遗迹学palimpsest 变余构造palingenesis 再生palingenetic granite 再生花岗岩palingenetic petrographic province 再生岩区palingenite 再生岩palinspastic map 复原地图palinspastic reconstruction 空间复原palladinite 方铂矿palladium 钯pallasite 石铁陨石pallial eye 外套眼pallial groove 套膜沟pallial line 套线palmate 掌状的palmate leaf 掌状叶palmate nerve 掌状脉palmate vein 掌状脉palmierite 硫钾钠铅矿palpon 触管paludal 沼泽的paludification 沼泽化palygorskite 坡缕石palynoflora 孢粉植物群palynology 孢粉学palynostratigraphy 孢粉地层学pampas 滂沛大草原pan geosyncline 泛地槽pan platform 泛陆台panallotriomorphic granular 全他形晶粒状的panallotriomorphoblastic 全他形变晶的pandermite 白硼钙石pangaea 泛古陆pangeosyncline hypothesis 泛地槽说panidiomorphic 全自形的panning 淘洗panning plate 淘砂盘pantellerite 碱烈pantograph 缩放仪pantometer 万测仪para amphibolite 副闪岩paraallochthon 准移置体parabola of cohesion 内聚力抛物线paracelsian 副钡长石parachronology 实际年代学parachrysotile 副纤维蛇纹石paraclase 断层裂缝paraconformity 似整合paraconglomerate 副砾岩paracoquimbite 紫铁矾paracrosis 脱色paradoxite 肉红长石paraendokinetic crystallization 副内动结晶paraffine base crude oil 石蜡基油paragenesis 共生parageosyncline 副地槽paragneiss 副片麻岩paragonite 钠云母parahopeite 磷锌矿paralaurionite 单斜水氯铅矿paraliageosyncline 滨海地槽paralic 近海的paralimestone 副灰岩parallax 视差parallel 平行的parallel banded structure 平行带状构造parallel cleavage 平行劈理parallel concentric folds 平行褶皱parallel evolution 平行进化parallel faults 平行断层parallel folding 平行褶皱parallel growth 平行共生parallel unconformity 假整合parallel vein 平行脉parallel venation 平行脉paraluminite 丝铝矾paramagnetism 顺磁性parametamorphism 副变质parameter 参数paramontroseite 次铁钒矿paramorph 同质异晶体paramorphic hemihedry 副象半面象parankerite 铁白云石paraperidotite 副橄榄岩paraplatform 准地台parapyroxenite 副辉岩paraquartzite 副石英岩pararock 副变质岩paraschist 副片岩parasedimentary breccia 副沉积角砾岩parasepiolite 多水海泡石paraserpentinite 副蛇纹岩parasilicates 副硅酸盐parasitic crater 寄生火口parasitic fold 寄生褶皱parasitic volcano 寄生火山parasitism 寄生parastratigraphy 实用地层学paratectonics 准构造paratype 副型paravauxite 磷铁铝矿parcel 小区parent element 母元素parent material 母质parent population 母体parent rock 母岩parental magma 母岩浆pargasite 韭角闪石parisite 氟碳钙铈矿parity 宇称paroxism 暴发高潮paroxysm 暴发高潮paroxysm of orogenic cycle 造山旋回粥parsonsite 斜磷铝铀矿partial anatexis 余深溶酌partial automatic 半自动的partial carbondioxide pressure 二氧化碳分压力partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数partial melting 部分熔融partial pressure of vapor 汽分压力partial valence 余价particle 颗粒particle charge 粒子电荷particle size 颗粒大小particle size analysis 粒度分析parting 裂理;夹层partition 划分partition coefficient 分配系数partition equilibrium 分配平衡parts per billion 10 亿分率parts per million 百万分率partschinite 锰铝榴石pascoite 橙钒钙石pass 山口passive remote sensing 被动式遥感pasture grass 牧草patch cord 软线pateraite 黑钼钴矿paternoite 水硼镁石pathogenic bacteria 病源细菌patina 氧化膜patrinite 针硫铋铅矿patronite 绿硫钒矿pattern 模型pattern recognition 模式识别paucilithionite 钾锂云母pawdite 云英微闪长岩pay dirt 可采矿石pay ore 可采矿石pay set 可采油层组pay zone unit 油层单元payable 宜于开采的pea structure 豌豆状结构peak 山顶peak power output 峰值输出功率peak pulse power 脉冲峰值功率peak runoff 最大径流peak voltage 峰值电压pealite 蛋白硅华pear shaped 梨形的pearceite 砷硫锑铜银矿pearly luster 珍珠光泽peastone 豆石peat 泥炭peat bog 泥炭沼泽peat formation 泥炭形成peat land 泥炭地peat soil 泥炭土peatification 泥炭化酌peaty 泥炭的peaty clay 泥炭地pebble 砾石pebble bed 卵石层pebblestone 砾石pebbly sandstone 卵石砂岩pectinate 栉状pectolite 针钠钙石pectoral fin 胸pedal ganglion 足神经节pedalfer 铁铝土pedestal 基座pedicle 肉基pediment 麓原pedion 单面pedionite 熔岩台地pediplain 山麓侵蚀平原pediplanation 山麓准平原化pedocal 钙层土pedogenesis 成土酌pedogeochemistry 土壤地球化学pedologist 土壤学家pedology 土壤学pedometer 计步器计距器pedosphere 土圈peel 皮peeling 去皮peganite 磷矾土pegmatite 伟晶岩pegmatite deposit 伟晶岩矿床pegmatite mineral 伟晶岩矿物pegmatitic 伟晶岩的pegmatitic stage 伟晶岩期pegmatoid 伟晶岩相pegmatophyre 伟斑岩pelagic clay 远海粘土pelagic deposit 深海沉积pelagic facies 远海相pelagic sediment 远海沉积物pelagite 海底锰块pele's hair 火山毛pele's tear 火山泪pelean eruption 培利型火山喷发peleeite 斑苏玄武岩pelionite 烛沥青煤pelite 泥质岩pelitic 泥质的pelitic rock 泥质岩pelitomorphic 泥岩状的pell mell structure 杂乱构造pellet 球团矿pelletizing 球团pellicular water 薄膜水pelma 茎pelmicrite 球粒微晶灰岩peltate leaf 盾形叶pen trace 记录笔迹pencatite 水滑大理岩pencil of light 锥光线pendular regime 摆方法pendulum 摆penecontemporaneous 准同期的peneplain 准平原peneplanation 准平原酌penetrability 贯穿性penetrate 穿入penetrating power 穿透能力penetration 穿透penetration rate 进尺速度penetration ratio 井的穿率penetration twin 穿插双晶penetrative structure 透入性构造penetrometer 透度计penfieldite 六方氯铅矿peninsula 半岛pennant 羽毛状pennate diatoms 羽纹纲pennates 羽纹纲pennine 叶绿泥石penninite 叶绿泥石pennite 绿水云母pennsylvanian 宾夕法尼亚系penroseite 硒铜铅镍矿pentagonal dodecahedron 五角十二面体pentagonal icositetrahedral class 五角三八面体晶族pentahydrite 五水泻盐pentlandite 镍黄铁矿peplolite 块堇青石peptization 胶熔酌peralkaline rock 过碱性岩percentage of consolidation 固结率percentage of modulation 灯度perceptible 易感的perched block 坡栖岩块perched ground water 滞水perched water table 滞水台percolate 过滤percolation 渗透percrystalline 过晶质percussion 冲击percussion boring 冲魂进percussion drill 冲唤钻机percussion drilling 冲魂井percussion drilling machine 冲唤钻机percussion drilling system 冲魂井方法percussion figure 撞晃状percussion marks 慧percussion rotary boring 冲积钻钻探percussive rotary drilling 冲积钻钻探percylite 氯铜铅矿perennial spring 常年泉perennial stream 常劣perennial yield 持久不断的量perfect crystal 理想晶体perfect geosyncline 完整式地槽perfectly mobile components 全活动组分perforation 穿孔perforator 射孔器穿孔器perhyaline 过玻璃质的peribranchial cavity 围鳃腔periclase 方镁石periclinal 穹状的periclinal structure 穹状构造pericline 围斜构造;常钠长石pericline twin 肖钠长石双晶periderm 周皮peridot 橄榄石peridotite 橄榄岩periglacial phenomena 冰缘现象perimagmatic 岩浆缘的perimorph 结壳假象period 纪period of angiosperms 被子植物时代periodic law 周期律periodic motion 周期运动periodic precipitation 周期的沉积periodic system 周期系periodic table of elements 元素周期表periodicity 周期性periostracum 角质层peripheral 周边的peripheral fault 边缘断层periproct 围肛部peristerite 蓝彩钠长石peristome 围口部peritectic 包晶peritectic crystallization 包晶结晶peritectic point 包晶点peritectoid point 包析点peritectoid reaction 包析反应perknite 辉闪岩perlite 珍珠岩perlitic 珍珠状的perlitic structure 珍珠岩结构permafrost 永冻土permafrost table 永久冻土台permalloy 坡莫合金permanent 永久的permanent deformation 永久变形permanent hardness 稳定硬度permanent load 永久负载permanent magnet 永久磁铁permanent magnetic field 永久磁场permanent magnetization 永久磁化permanent set 永久变形permanent wilting point 永久萎蔫点permanganate 高锰酸盐permeability 磁导率permeability barrier 阻渗层permeability coefficient 渗滤系数permeability tensor 渗透率张量permeable 透水的permeameter 磁导计permeance 磁导permian 二叠纪permian period 二叠纪permissible dose 容许剂量permissible error 允许误差permissible load 容许负荷permissible stress 许可应力permissible tolerance 容许剂量permittivity 介电常数permutation 置换permutite 人造沸石perovskite 钙钛矿perowskite 钙钛矿persistent fossil 持续化石perspective 透视画法perspective projection 透视投影perthite 纹长石perthitophyre 条纹长斑岩perturbation 扰动petalite 透锂长石petiole 叶柄petiolule 小叶柄petrifaction 石化petrifactology 化石学petrification 石化petro bitumen 岩石沥青petrochemical trend 岩石化学的球petrochemistry 岩石化学petrofabric analysis 岩组分析petrofabrics 岩组学petrofacies 岩相petrogenesis 岩石成因论petrogenetic element 造岩元素petrogenetic grid 成岩格子petrogenetic model 岩石成因模型petrogenic element 造岩元素petrogeochemistry 岩石地球化学petrogeometry 岩石几何学petrographer 岩石学者petrographic geomorphology 岩石地貌学petrographic microscope 岩石显微镜petrographical formation 岩层petrographical province 岩区petrography 岩石学petroleum 石油petroleum gas 石油气petroleum geology 石油地质学petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum output 采油petroleum reservoir 油贮petroliferous 含油的petroliferous basin 含油盆地petroliferous formation 含油建造petrologen 油母岩petrology 岩石学petromineralogy 岩石矿物学petromorphology 岩石形态学;构造岩石学petrophysics 岩石物理学petrophytes 石生植物petrosilex 潜晶霏细岩petrostratigraphy 岩石地层学petrotectonics 岩石构造学petrous 岩状的petzite 碲金银矿ph indicator ph 指示剂ph value ph 值phacelite 钾霞石phacolite 岩脊phacolith 岩脊phanerite 显晶岩phaneritic 粗晶的phaneritric 显晶质的phanerocryst 显斑晶phanerocrystalline 粗晶的phanerogames 显花植物phanerohyaline 显晶玻质的phanerozoic eons 显生代phantomhorizon 假想层pharmacolite 毒石pharmacosiderite 毒铁矿phase 相位phase boundary potential 界面电压phase compensator 相位补偿器phase contrast microscope 相差显微镜phase control 相位控制phase corrector 相位校正器phase determination 相位测定phase deviation 相位偏移phase diagram 相图phase difference 相位差phase discriminator 鉴相器phase displacement 相移phase equilibrium 相平衡phase inversion 倒相phase inverter 倒相器phase lag 相位滞后phase lead 相位超前phase rule 相律phase spectrum 相位谱phase splitting 分相phase swinging 相位摆动phase transition 相变phase velocity 相位速度;相速度phenacite 硅铍石phenanthroline 菲统啉phengite 多硅白云母phenocryst 斑晶phenomena of volcanism 火山现象phillipsite 钙十字石phlebite 脉成岩类phlogopite 金云母phoenicochroite 红铬铅矿pholerite 鳞高岭石pholidolite 绿硬云母phonolite 响岩phonolitic 响岩状的phosgenite 角铅矿phosphate 磷酸盐phosphatic fertilizer 磷肥phosphorescence 磷光phosphoric acid 磷酸phosphorite 磷灰岩phosphoroscope 磷光计phosphoruranylite 磷铀矿phosphorus 磷phosphosiderite 磷铁矿photic zone 透光层photo interpretation 像片判读photocathode 光电阴极photochemical reaction 光化反应photoconductive effect 内光电效应photocurrent 光电流photoelastic model 光弹性模型photoelasticity 光弹性photoelectric absorption 光电吸收photoelectric cell 光电池photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric emission 光电子放射photoelectric threshold 光电效应阈值photoelectric tube 光电管photoelectron 光电子photogenic animals 发光动物photogeology 摄影地质学photogeomorphology 航摄地貌学photogrammetry 摄影测量学photographic 摄影的photographic detection 照相探测photographic dosimeter 摄影剂量仪photographic recording 照相记录photomultiplier tube 光电倍增管photoneutron 光激中子photoreceptor 感光器受光体photostratigraphy 摄影地层学phototropism 向光性phreatic decline 地下水位下降phreatic eruption 蒸汽喷发phreatic explosion 蒸汽爆发phreatic fluctuation 地下水面波动phreatic gas 准火山瓦斯phreatic rise 地下水上升phreatic zone 潜水带phycology 藻类学phyllite 千枚岩phyllitic 千枚状的phyllodium 假叶phyllosilicate 页硅酸盐phyllosilicates 层状硅酸盐phyllotaxis 叶序phyllotaxy 叶序phylogenesis 种系发生phylogenetic classification 系统分类phylogenetic tree 系统树系谱树phylogeny 种系发生phylum 门physical analysis 物理分析physical atomic weight scale 物理原子量标度physical geography 自然地理学physical oceanography 物理海洋学physical properties 物理性质physical weathering 物理风化physiognomy 外貌physiography 地文学physiological dryness 生理干燥phytochemistry 植物化学phytoclimate 植物气候phytocoenosis 植物群落phytoecology 植物生态学phytogeography 植物地理学phytolithology 植物化石学phytoncide 植物杀菌素phytophagous 食植物的phytophagous animals 食植动物phytoplankton 浮游植物phytosociology 植物社会学picite 土磷铁矿pick 鹤嘴镐pick hand 手选pick ore 手选pickeringite 镁茂picking 手选picnometer 比重瓶picotite 铬尖晶石picric acid 苦味酸picrite 苦橄岩picrochromite 镁铬矿picrolite 硬蛇纹石picrolonic acid 苦硝酸picromerite 软钾镁矾picropharmacolite 镁毒石picture element 像素picture reproduction 图像再生picture telegraphy 传真电披piedmont 山麓piedmont alluvial plain 山前冲积平原piedmont benchland 山麓阶地piedmont glacier 山麓冰川piedmont plain 山麓冲积平原piedmontite 红帘石piedmontite schist 红帘石片岩piemontite 红帘石pienaarite 富榍霓霞正长岩piercing 刺穿piestic 压缩度测定的piezochemistry 压力化学piezoclase 挤压节理piezocrystallization 压结晶piezoelectricity 压电性piezometer 压力计piezometric 压缩度测定的piezometric head 测压水头piezometric potential 测压的势能piezometric surface 水压面piezoremanent magnetization 压剩余磁化pig iron 生铁pigeonite 易变辉石pilandite 歪长正长斑岩pilarite 铝硅孔雀石pilbarite 硅铀铅钍矿pile 堆pillar 柱pillow lava 枕状熔岩pillow like 枕状的pillow structure 枕状构造pilot balloon 测风气球pilot balloon observation 测风气球观测pilotaxitic 交织的pilotaxitic texture 交织结构pimelite 脂光蛇纹石pinacoid 双面。



202金属矿山地质灾害与防治对策分析王 楠甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局第四地质矿产勘查院,甘肃 酒泉 735000摘 要:金属矿山的开采和建设会直接影响地质环境,致使金属矿山产生地质灾害,这不仅会破坏生态环境,还会危害到人类的生命和财产安全。




关键词:金属矿山;地质;灾害中图分类号:P694 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2024)01-0202-3Analysis of Geological Hazards and Prevention Countermeasures in Metal MinesWANG NanThe Fourth Geological and Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development,Jiuquan 735000,ChinaAbstract: The mining and construction of metal mines directly impact the geological environment, leading to geological disasters in metal mines. This not only damages the ecological environment but also poses risks to human life and property. China has abundant metal mines, and with the continuous expansion of mining scale and intensity, the number of induced disaster hazards is increasing, resulting in significant pressure on the environment. The issue of geological disasters in metal mines is becoming increasingly prominent. With the continuous enhancement of spiritual civilization construction, people are becoming more aware of the importance of environmental issues. The geological disasters caused by metal mines are gradually gaining attention. Based on practice, this article will analyze the current ecological environment situation in China, elaborate on the types of geological disasters in metal mines, analyze the main factors that form disasters, and propose corresponding solutions in order to provide reference for the sustainable construction of the ecological environment and help in the management of mine disasters.Keywords: metal mines; Geology; disaster收稿日期:2023-11作者简介:王楠,女,生于1998年,汉族,甘肃张掖人,本科,水工环中级工程师,研究方向:地质工程。



地理专业词汇英语翻译(M)maar 低平火山口macedonite 方假象橄玄岩maceration 浸渍machine proof 开印样macro aggregate 大团聚体macroclimate 大气候macroclimatology 大气候学macrometeorology 大气象学macromolecule 大分子macrophage 巨噬细胞macrophyte 大型植物macroplankton 大型浮游生物macroporosity 大孔隙度macrorelief 大区地形macrotherm 高温植物maelstrom 大涡流mafite 镁铁矿物magazine 暗匣magenta contact screen 品红接触网目片maghemite 磁赤铁矿magma 岩浆magma chamber 岩浆储源magma reservoir 岩浆储源magmatic assimilation 岩浆同化酌magmatic differentiation 岩浆分异酌magmatic evolution 岩桨进化magmatic migration 岩浆迁移magmatic rock 岩浆岩magmatic segregation 岩浆分结酌magmatic water 岩浆水magmatism 岩浆酌magnesian limestone 含镁石灰岩magnesian skarn 镁质夕卡magnesioferrite 镁铁矿magnesite 菱镁矿magnesite deposit 菱镁矿床magnesium 镁magnetic action 磁酌magnetic amplifier 磁放大器magnetic anisotropy 磁力蛤异性magnetic anomaly 地磁异常magnetic attraction 磁吸引力magnetic axis 磁轴magnetic azimuth 磁方位角magnetic bearing 磁方位magnetic chart 磁力线图magnetic course 磁针方向magnetic data carrier 磁数据载体magnetic declination 磁偏角magnetic declination diagram 磁偏角略图magnetic deflection 磁致偏转magnetic deviation 磁力差magnetic domain 磁畴magnetic equator 地磁赤道magnetic field 磁场magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic leakage 磁漏magnetic meridian 磁子午线magnetic moment 磁矩magnetic needle 磁针magnetic north 磁北magnetic observatory 地磁台magnetic orientation 磁针定向magnetic permeability 导磁系数magnetic polarity 磁极性magnetic polarization 磁极化magnetic pole 磁极magnetic potential 磁位magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探magnetic recording 磁记录magnetic spin quantum number 磁自旋量子数magnetic storm 磁暴magnetic stratigraphy 古地磁地层学magnetic survey 地磁测量magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic tape drive 磁带机magnetic tape unit 磁带机magnetic theodolite 罗盘经纬仪magnetic variation 磁变magnetite 磁铁矿magnetization of rocks 岩石磁化magnetizing force 磁化力magnetograph 地磁记录仪magnetometer 磁力计magnetomotive force 磁通势magnetosphere 磁圈magnification factor 放大倍数magnifier 放大镜magnifying glass on a stand 分划放大镜magnitude of earthquake 地震强度main divide 种水岭main element 知素main fault 窒层main fold 洲皱main group element 皱元素main river 主main root 柱main stream 主main valency 舟main water table 地下水面maize 玉米major elements 知元素major profile 知剖面major quadrat 样地major semi axis 长半轴makite 无水碱芒硝malachite 孔雀石malaria plasmodium 三日疟原虫malleability 展性malnutrition 营养不足mammalia 哺乳纲mammals 哺乳纲mammatus cloud 乳房状云mammoth 猛犸象man and biosphere program 人与生物圈计划man induced climatic change 人为气候变化man made deposits 人工堆积物man made geologic hazard 人为地质灾害man made pollution 人为污染man made pollution sources 人为污染源man made screen 人工遮障man made soil 人为土壤management information system 信息管理系统manganapatite 锰磷灰石manganblende 硫锰矿mangandolomite 锰白云石manganese 锰manganese bacteria 锰细菌manganese concretion 锰结核manganese deposit 锰矿床manganese nodules 锰结核manganese pollution 锰污染manganite 水锰矿manganocalcite 锰方解石manganosite 方锰矿mangrove 红手mangrove marsh 红手沼泽mangrove soil 红手沼泽土mangrove swamp 红视泽manipulation 操作mannagrass meadow 甜茅草甸manned spacecraft 载人飞船manner 方法manometer 压力计mantle 地幔mantle of glacial drift 冰碛物覆盖mantle rock 风化层manual hill shading 手工晕渲法manual tracking digitizer 手扶跟踪数字化仪manure 肥料manured fallow 施肥休闲manuring 施肥manuscript record of a topographic survey 地形测量原图map 地图map accuracy 地图精度map analysis 地图分析map arrangement 地图配置map assemblage 地图拼贴map bibliography 地图目录map cataloguing 地图编目map characterized by form of function 合成地图map collection 地图收集map compilation 地图编制map content 地图内容map correction 地图审校map data base 地图数据库map design 地图设计map editing 地图编辑map electrostatic reproduction 地图静电复印map elements 地图要素map engraving 刻图map error 地图误差map exhibition 地图展览map extract 地图片断map face 图幅面积map features 地图要素map folding 地图折叠map for visual effect 显示特定对象图map format 图幅尺寸map inset 地图插图map interlinking 接图map interpretation 读图map into book 插图map issue 地图发行map lettering 地图注记map margin 图廓map matching guidance 地图匹配制导map measurement 地图量算map measurer 测距仪map nomenclature 地图编号map of mineral deposits 矿产图map of primitive data 原始材料图map of walkers 徒步旅游图map overlay 分色透眉map paper 地图纸map printing 地图印刷map printing colors 地图印刷颜色map production 地图生产map projection 地图投影map projection distortion 地图投影变形map projection transformation 地图投影变换map proof checking 地图审校map publishing house 地图出版社map reading 读图map reliability 地图可靠性map representing cartometric measurements 地图量测图map reproduction 地图制印map revision 地图更新map room 地图资料室map scale 地图比例尺map sections 地图片断map series 地图系列map set 接图表map sheet 地图图幅map specification 地图设计书map storage 地图保管map style 地图类型map subject 制图对象map subtitle 副图名map symbol 地图符号map title 图幅标题map title in bibliographies 目录的地图名称map trimming 地图切齐map type 地图种类map with fluorescent colouring 荧光地图maple forest 槭村林mapping agency 制图部门mapping control survey 图根测量mapping from remote sensing image 遥感图象制图mapping of landscapes 景观制图maquis 马魁群落marble 大理石marbleization 大理岩化marcasite 白铁矿march 三月mareograph 自记湖汐计margalitic soils 热带火山灰土marginal distribution 边缘分布marginal geosyncline 副地槽marginal information 图廓资料marginal joint 边缘节理marginal schistosity 边缘片理marginal sea 边缘海marginal zone 边缘带marine algae 海藻类marine bacterium 海洋细菌marine biology 海洋生物学marine charting 海图制图marine charts 海图marine climate 海洋气候marine climatology 海洋气候学marine deposit 海洋沉积marine environment 海洋环境marine erosion 海蚀marine facies 海相marine fronts 海洋锋marine geochemical prospecting 海洋地球化学探矿marine humus 海成腐殖质marine iron manganese deposit 海洋铁锰矿床marine map 海图marine marsh 海滨湿地marine meteorology 海洋气象学marine microorganism 海洋微生物marine peneplain 海蚀准平原marine pollution 海洋污染marine products 海产物marine sediment 海洋沉积marine soil 海成土marine terrace 海阶marine transport 海运marine transportation 海运maritime air mass 海洋气团maritime pine scale 海岸松干蚧maritime polar air mass 极地海洋气团mark 测标marking 标示marks of direct vegetation interpretation 植被直接判读标志markstone 标石marl 泥灰岩marly soil 泥灰质土壤marsh 湿地marsh border soil 沼泽边缘土壤marsh gas 沼气marsh peat 沼泽泥炭marshland 沼泽地marshy iron manganese deposit 沼泽铁锰矿床marshy waste land 沼泽荒地mask 蒙版masking 蒙片法masonry dam 石坝mass action law 质量酌定律mass curve 累积曲线mass flowmeter 质量量计mass growth 生长量mass movement 块体运动mass number 质量数mass selection 混合选种mass separation 质量分离mass separator 质量分离器mass spectrograph 质谱仪mass spectrographic method 质谱法mass spectrometer 质谱分析器质谱仪mass spectrometry 质谱术mass spectrum 质谱mass transfer 质量传递massif 地块massive coal 块煤massive ore deposit 块状矿床massive structure 整块结构master factor 知因素master index 铸mat 草席mathematical base of map 地图的数学基础mathematical cartography 数学制图学mathematical climate 数理气候mathematical climatology 数理气候学mathematical ecology 数理生态学mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical geography 数理地理mathematical geology 数学地质mathematical model 数学模型mathematical model of map 地图数学模式mathematical programming 数学程序设计mathematical statistics 数理统计mathematization 数学化matter of soil 土壤物质matting 打毛maturation 成熟mature forest 成熟林mature valley 壮年谷maturity 壮年期maximum 最大值maximum allowable concentration 最大容许浓度maximum depth 最大深度maximum discharge 最大量maximum error 最大误差maximum flow 最大量maximum level 最大水位maximum permissible dose 最大允许剂量maximum stage 最大水位maximum temperature 最高温度maximum thermometer 最高温度表maximum valency 最高价maximum water holding capacity 最大持水量maximum wind speed 最大风速meadow 草甸meadow chernozem 草甸黑钙土meadow cultivation 草地栽培meadow peat 草甸泥炭meadow soil 草甸土meadow steppe 草甸草原meadow swamping 草甸沼泽化meagre clay 瘦粘土meagre coal 贫煤mealy sand 粉砂mean annual precipitation 年平均降雨量mean annual temperature 年平均温度mean depth 平均水深mean deviation 平均偏差mean geodesic curvature 平均测地曲率mean high water level 平均高水位mean life 平均寿命mean line 二等分线mean monthly discharge 月平均量mean monthly water level 月平均水位mean pole 平极mean scale 平均比例尺mean sea level 平均海平面mean size 平均直径mean solar day 平均太阳日mean solar time 平均太阳时mean square deviation 均方差mean square error 均方误差mean sun 平太阳mean temperature 平均温度mean value 平均值mean value theorem 平均值定律mean velocity 平均临mean water level 平均水位mean wind velocity 平均风速meander 河曲meander belt 曲柳meander loop 型河床meandering 弯曲化measure 度量measured value 观测值measurement 测量measurement amplifier 测量放大器measurement arrangement 测量设备measurement data 测量数据measurement device 测量设备measurement of area 面积测量measurement of elevation 仰角测量measurement process 测量过程measuring equipment 测量设备measuring instrument 测量仪器measuring mark 测标measuring precision of angle 测角精度measuring tape 卷尺measuring weir 量水堰mechanical analysis 机械分析mechanical barriers 机械壁垒mechanical dispersion halos 机械分散晕mechanical enlargement 机械放大mechanical migration 机械的迁移mechanical properties 机械特性mechanical weathering 机械风化mechanism 机构mechanism of a reaction 反应机制mechanism of remote sensing 遥感机理medial moraine 中碛median 中线median massif 中间地块median plane 正中面medical cartography 医用地图学medical climatology 医疗气候学medical ecology 医学生态学medical geography 医用地理学medical meteorology 医疗气象学medical radiology 医学放射学medical statistics 医用统计学medicaments 药物medicinal plant 药用植物mediterranean climate 地中海气候mediterranean fruit fly 地中海实蝇mediterranean region 地中海区medium 介质medium grained sand 中粒砂medium grained texture 中粒结构medium level clouds 中层云medium scale maps 中比例尺地图medium silt 中粉粒medium structure 中等结构medium texture 中等质地medium volatile bituminous coal 焦煤medmontite 铜蒙脱石mega plates 大板块megaanticlinorium 大复背斜megameter 百万米meganticline 大复背斜megarelief 大地形megasyncline 大向斜megasynclinorium 大复向斜megatherm 高温植物melaconite 土黑铜矿melange 混杂堆积物melanocratic rock 暗色岩melilite basalt 黄长玄武岩melilitite 黄长岩mellite 蜜蜡石mellow soil 熟土mellowness 松软度melt water 雪水melting 融化meltwater 溶雪水membrane 薄膜membrane current 膜电流membrane potential 薄膜电位memory 记忆mendelevium 钔menilite 硅乳石meniscus 汞柱的弯液面mercator's projection 墨卡托投影merchantable ore 可采矿石mercury 汞mercury barometer 水银气压表mercury deposit 汞矿床mercury pollution 汞污染mercury rash 汞皮疹mercury thermometer 水银温度表mercury vapor survey 汞蒸汽测量mere 池沼meridian line 子午线meridian plane 子午面meridional circulation 经向环流meridional ellipse 子午椭圆meridional zone 子午带meristem 分生组织mesa 方山mesh analysis 筛析mesh size 筛网孔径mesh structure 网状结构mesitite 铁菱镁矿mesobar 中间气压mesoclimate 中尺度气候mesoclimatology 中尺度气候学mesogeosyncline 中等地槽;陆间地槽mesolithic age 中石票代mesometeorology 中尺度气象学mesopause 中层顶mesophilous forest 中温林mesophyll 叶肉mesophytes 中生植物mesopilous organisms 中温生物mesorelief 中地形mesoscale eddy 中尺度涡流mesosphere 中圈mesostasis 最后充填物mesotherm plant 中温植物mesothermal deposit 中温热液矿床mesotrophic plants 半自养植物mesotrophy 中等营养mesoxerophytes 中旱生植物mesozoic era 中生代mesozoic folding 中生代褶皱messelite 磷钙铁矿metabasite 变基性岩metabiosis 后继共生metabolic disturbance 代谢紊乱metabolism 代谢酌metabolism velocity 代谢速度metacartography 形而上制图学metacinnabarite 黑辰砂矿metacrystal 斑状变晶metadiabase 变辉绿岩metagenesis 世代交替metagneiss 变片麻岩metahalloysite 变水高岭土metalimnion 变温层metallic bond 金属键metallic cation saturation 金属阳离子饱和metallic element 金属元素metallic lustre 金属光泽metallogenic element 成矿元素metallogenic factors 成矿因子metallogenic maps 成矿图metallogenic province 成矿区metallogenic unit 成矿单位metallogeny 矿床成因论metalloid 准金属metallometric survey 金属量测量metallometry 金属量测量metamict minerals 结晶变异矿物metamorphic aureole 变质圈metamorphic belt 变质带metamorphic differentiation 变质分异metamorphic diffusion 变质扩散metamorphic facies series 变质相系metamorphic ore deposit 变质矿床metamorphic rock 变质岩metamorphic schists 变质片岩metamorphism 变质酌metamorphogenic deposits 变质矿床metamorphosis 变态metasomatic deposit 交代矿床metasomatism 交代酌metasome 交代矿物metastable state 亚稳状态metazoa 后生动物meteor 燎meteor crater 陨石坑meteoric dust 燎埃meteoric water 天落水meteorite 陨石meteorogram 气象记录图meteorograph 气象计;气象记录仪meteoroid 宇宙尘meteorological acoustics 气象声学meteorological chart 气象图meteorological element 气象要素meteorological information 气象情报meteorological insturment 气象仪器meteorological message 天气报告meteorological observation 气象观测meteorological observational tower 气球观测塔meteorological observatory 气象台meteorological optical range 气象光学距离meteorological optics 气象光学meteorological phenomenon 气象现象meteorological radar 气象雷达meteorological rocket 气象火箭meteorological satellite 气象卫星meteorological thermodynamics 气象热力学meteorological tide 气象潮meteorological visibility range 气象能见距离meteorology 气象学meteorometry 气象测定学meteorotropism 气候铅性methane bacteria 甲烷细菌method 方法method of analogue 类比法method of angle observation in all combination 全组合测角法method of areas 面积法method of cartographic representation 地图表示法method of cartographic symbols 地图符号法method of direct coordinate 直角坐标法method of direct observation 直接观测法method of direction observation in rounds 全圆测回法method of indirect observation 间接观测法method of induction 归纳法method of iteration 迭代法method of least squares 最小二乘法method of measurement 测量方法method of neutron activation 中子话化法method of polar coordinates 极坐标法method of representation by means of cartographicsymbols 地图符号法method of successive corrections 逐渐改正法methyl violet 甲基紫metrophotography 摄影测量学mica schist 云母片岩micaceous iron ore 云母铁矿micagneiss 云母片麻岩micelle 胶束micrinite 碎片体micro altimeter 微高度计micro nutrient 微量营养元素microanalysis 微量分析microanalyzer 微量分析器microanemometer 微风速器microbalance 微量天平microbarograph 自记微气压计microbe 微生物microbial oxidation 微生物氧化microbial prospecting 微生物勘探microbiological anomaly 微生物异常microbiology 微生物学microchemical analysis 微量化学分析microcinematography 显微电影术microclimate 小气候microclimate of mire 沼泽小气候microclimatology 小气候学microcline 微斜长石microcrystalline structure 微晶型结构microcrystalline texture 微晶质结构microdensitometer 侧微密度计microdensitometry 微密度测定microelement 痕量元素microenvironment 微环境microevolution 微进化microfauna 微动物区系microfissure 微裂隙microflora 微生物群落microfossils 微体化石microgeography 微观地理学microgeomorphology 微地貌学microgranite 微花岗岩microhabitat 小环境microhydrology 微水文学microlite 微晶microlithotype of coal 显微煤岩类型micromanipulation 显微操作micrometeorograph 微气象记录仪micrometeorology 微气象学micrometer 测微计micrometer microscope 测微显微镜micrometer value 测微浦划值microoceanography 微海洋学microorganism 微生物micropaleontological method 微体古生物法micropaleontology 微古生物学micropedology 微土壤学microphylly 小叶microphysiography 显微地文学microplankton 小型浮游生物microplate 微板块micropluviometer 微雨量计micropolarimeter 测微偏振计micropopulation 微生物群microporosity 微孔隙度microprocessor 微处理机microradiography 显微射线照相术microradiometer 显微辐射计microrelief 小地形microscope 显微镜microscopic analysis 显微分析microscopic theodolite 读数显微镜经纬仪microscopy 显微镜检查microsection 薄片microseismic movement 微震microseismic region 微震区microseisms 微震microskeleton 微骨架microsome 微粒体microspectrophotometry 微量分光光度测定法microsporangium 小孢子囊microspore 小孢子microstructure 微结构microtherm 低温植物microtome 切片机microtopography 微地形学;小地貌microwave altimeter 微波测高计microwave hologram radar 微波全息雷达microwave holography 微波全息microwave image 微波影像microwave radar image matching guidance 微波雷达图像匹配制导microwave radiation from sea surface 海面微波辐射microwave radiometer 微波辐射计microwave remote sensing 微波遥感microwave scattering 微波散射microwave sounding 微波测深microwave spectrometer 微波频谱仪mid gley soil 中位潜育土mid ocean ridge 大洋中背middle atmosphere 中层大气middle clouds 中云middle course 中游middle infrared 亳米波辐射图像匹配制导middle latitudes 中纬度middle mountains 中山midnight 午夜migma 混合岩浆migmatite 复片麻岩migmatite front 混合岩前缘migmatization 混合岩化migration 迁移migration contrast 迁移对照migration environment 移动某质migration length 迁移长度migration of elements 元素的迁移migratory anticyclone 移动性反气旋migratory bird 候鸟migratory cyclone 移动性气旋migratory fishes 回游鱼类mild climate 温和气候mild humus 熟腐殖质mildly alkaline soil 轻度碱性土壤mile 英里military base 军事基地military cartography 军事制图学military geography 军事地理学military geology 军事地质学military grid reference system 军事格网参考系military industrial target 军事工业目标military intelligence 军事情报military interpretation 军事判读military map 军用地图military sketch 军用略图military target 军事目标military topography 军事地形学milk ripe stage 乳熟期millibar 毫巴milligram equivalent 毫克当量millimeter wave radiation chart matching guidance 毫米波辐图像匹配制导miloschite 蓝高岭石mimetesite 砷铅矿mimetite 砷铅矿minable seam 可采煤层minamata disease 水俣病mine 矿山mine concession 矿田mine damage 矿害mine drainage pollution 矿山排水造成的污染mine plan 矿山平面图mine survey 矿山测量mine surveying instrument 矿山测量仪器mine surveyor 矿山测量员mine waste water 矿山废水mine water 矿水mine working 矿山巷道miner's hammer 矿工锤mineragenetic epoch 成矿时代mineragenetic province 成矿区mineral 矿物mineral acid soil 矿物质酸性土mineral assemblage 矿物共生mineral association 矿物聚合mineral chemistry 矿物化学mineral composition 矿物成分mineral constituents 矿物组成分mineral deposit 矿床mineral dye 矿物颜料mineral equilibrium 矿物平衡mineral facies 矿物相mineral filler 矿物填料mineral manure 矿质肥料mineral manure theory 矿物肥料说mineral matter 矿物质mineral metabolism 矿质代谢mineral nutrition 矿质营养mineral oil 矿油mineral paragenesis 矿物共生mineral parent rock 矿质母岩mineral physics 矿物物理学mineral pigments 矿物性颜料mineral reserves 矿藏mineral resources 矿物资源mineral soil 矿质土壤mineral spring 矿泉mineral water 矿泉水mineralforming element 造矿元素mineralization 成矿酌mineralized belt 矿化带mineralizing agent 矿化剂mineralizing solution 矿化溶液mineralogical phase rule 矿物相律mineralogy 矿物学minerogenetic map 成矿规律图minerogenetic prognostic map 成矿预测图miniature potential 微小电位minicomputer 小型计算机minimonitor 微型监察器minimum area 最小面积minimum detectable temperature difference 最小可探测温差minimum flow 最小量minimum information method 最小信息法minimum mining content 最小可采品位minimum temperature 最低温度minimum thermometer 最低温度表minimum workable grade 最低可采品位mining 采矿mining compass 矿山罗盘mining geodesy 矿山测量学mining geology 矿山地质学mining wastes 采矿废弃物mining wastewater 采矿废水minium 铅丹minor bed 枯水河床minor element 微量元素minor features 小地形minor joint 小节理minute folding 细褶皱miocene 中新世miogeosyncline 冒地槽miracle rice 奇迹般的稻mirage 蜃景mire 沼泽退化;软泥mire classification 沼泽分类mire distribution 沼泽分布mire drainage 沼泽排水mire indicator plant 沼泽指示植物mire landscape 沼泽景观mire microgeomorphology 沼泽微地貌mire plant 沼泽植物mire resources 沼泽资源mire runoff 沼泽径流mire science 沼泽学mire vegetation 沼泽植被mirror image 镜像mirror stereoscope 反光立体镜missourite 白榴橄辉岩mist 轻雾mistral 密史脱拉风mixed cloud 混合云mixed coniferous broad leaved forest 针阔叶混交林mixed crystal 混合晶mixed fertilizer 混合肥料mixed forest 混交林mixed forest zones 混交林带mixed pine forest with decidous tree 落叶噬混交林mixed pixel 混合象元mixed rendzina 混合黑色石厌土mixed spruce forest with limetree 椴势杉混交林mixed tide 混合潮mixing fog 混合雾mixing of soils 撒布肥土mixing ratio 混合比mixolimnion 混成层mobile belt 活动带mobile soil colloids 怜性土壤胶体mobility 移动性mobilization 活化modal analysis 实际分析modal composition 实际矿物成分mode 实际矿物成分mode of life 生活方式model 模型model deformation 模型扭曲model test 模型试验modelling of relief 地形模型moder 中度腐殖质moderate alkalinity 中等碱度moderate breeze 和风moderate rain 中雨modification 诱发变异modulation 变调modulation index 灯指数modulation transfer function 灯传递函数module 模数mofette 碳酸喷气孔mohorovicic's discontinuity 莫霍界面mohs hardness scale 莫氏硬度表mohs scale 莫氏硬度表moire 波纹moire effect 莫阿干涉效应moist adiabatic change 湿绝热变化moist air 湿空气moist district 湿润地带moist labile energy 湿不稳定能moist lability 湿不稳定moist meadow 湿草甸moist semi deciduous tropical forest 潮湿半落叶热带林moist soil 湿润土moisture 湿气moisture budget 水分平衡moisture capacity 持水量moisture content 水分含量moisture equivalent 持水当量moisture holding capacity 持水量moisture index 水分指数moisture meter 湿度计moisture percentage 湿度百分数moisture profile 水分剖面moisture retention capacity 持水量moisture tension 水分张力mol 克分子molality 克分子浓度molar concentration 克分子浓度molar fraction 克分子分数molar solution 克分子溶液molasse 磨砾层mole drainage 鼠道排水mole hill 田鼠丘mole parrag 田鼠丘molecular attraction 分子引力molecular bond 分子键molecular colloid 分子胶体molecular compound 分子化合物molecular diagram 分子模型图molecular diffusion 分子扩散molecular energy level 分子的能级molecular evolution 分子进化molecular ion 分子态离子molecular orbit 分子轨道molecular polarity 分子极性molecular polarizability 分子极化率molecular ratio 分子比率molecular solution 分子溶液molecular spectrum 分子光谱molecular structure 分子结构molecular weight 分子量molecule 分子molinia meadow 沼茅草甸mollic andosols 松软暗色土mollic epipedon 松软表层mollic gleysols 松软潜育土mollic greyzems 松软灰色森林土mollic planosols 松软粘磐土mollic solonchaks 松软盐土mollic solonetz 松软碱土mollisol 软土mollusca 软体动物mollweide's projection 摩尔魏德投影molybdenum 钼molybdenum deposit 钼矿床molybdenum polution 钼污染molybdite 钼华monadnock 残丘monazite 独居石monazite sand 独居石砂monimolimnion 永滞层monitor 监测器监视器monitor unit 监视器monitoring 监视monitoring for water pollution 水污染监测monitoring of grass diseases 牧草病害监测monocarp 一次结实植物monochromatic light 单色光monochromatic transmittance 单色透过率monoclinal valley 单斜谷monocular vision 单眼观察monocyclic landscape 单旋回地形monocyclic relief 单循环地形monocyclic river 单旋回河monoecism 雌雄同株monogenetic volcanoes 单成火山monogeosyncline 狭长地槽monolith 整段标本monomolecular film 单分子层monophagous animals 单食性动物monophotogrammetry 单象摄影测量学monosaccharide 单糖monothermite 单热石monsoon 季风monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon climate of medium latitudes 温带季风气候monsoon currents 季风洋流monsoon forest 季雨林monsoon mixed forest zones 季雨混交林带monsoon rainfall 季风降水monsoon season 季风季节montage 镶嵌montane zone 山地带monthly total precipitation 月降水量monticellite 钙镁橄榄石montmorillonite 蒙脱石montmorillonitic clay 蒙脱石粘土montmorillonitization 蒙脱石化monumented point 标尺点monzonite 二长岩moon atlas 月面图集moon cross 测月十字丝moon map 月面图moon's eclipse 月食moonstone 月长石moor 沼泽moor soil 沼地土壤moorland 泥沼地mor 酸性粗腐殖质morainal lake 冰碛湖moraine 冰碛moraine landscape 冰碛景观moraine soil 冰碛土morainic clay 冰碛粘土morainic debris 冰碛岩屑morainic deposit 冰碛沉积mordenite 丝光沸石morphallaxis 变形再生morphogenesis 形态发生morphologic province 地貌区morphological analysis 形态分析morphological map 地势图morphology 形态学morphometric maps 形态测定图morphometry 形态测定morphostructure 形态结构mortality atlas 死亡率地图集morvan 准平原面交切mosaic 镶嵌mosaic assembly 照片嵌拼图mosaic soil 镶嵌土壤mosaic structure 嵌镶构造moss 藓类moss bog 藓类沼泽moss cover 苔藓类被moss land 苔藓地moss lichen tundra 苔藓冻原moss peat 藓类泥炭mosses 苔藓植物mother liquor 母液mother rock 母岩motion 运动motivation 动机mottle 斑点mottling 斑点mould 霉菌mould fungi 霉菌mountain and valley breezes 山谷风mountain breeze 山风mountain brown forest soil 山地棕色森林土mountain chain 山脉mountain chestnut soil 山地栗钙土mountain climate 山岳气候mountain farming 山地农业mountain fog 山雾mountain forest podzolized soil 山地森林灰化土mountain forest soil 山地森林土mountain forest zone 山地森林带mountain glacier 高山冰川mountain knot 山结mountain lake 山地湖mountain landscape 山地景观mountain meadow soil 山地草甸土mountain meadow steppe soil 山地草甸草原土mountain meal 岩粉mountain meteorology 高山气象学mountain peat soil 山地泥炭土mountain range 山脉mountain river 山溪mountain soils 山地土壤mountain station 山岳气象站mountain steppe soil 山地草原土mountain stream 山区河流山溪mountain system 山系mountain torrent 山区河流mountain tundra 高山冻原mountain tundra belt 高山冻原带mountain waste 荒山mountain xerophytes 山地旱生植物mountain zone 山地带mountainous mire 山地沼泽mountains 山地movable barrage 活动坝moving 移动moving average 滑动平均moving average method 移动平均法moving dunes 怜沙丘muck soil 黑泥土muck warp soil 腐泥冲积土mud 泥mud crack 干裂mud flow 泥流mud flow deposits 泥裂积层mud fluid 泥浆mud land torrent 石洪mud lava 泥熔岩mud soil 淤泥土mud volcano 泥火山muddiness 污浊mudstone 泥板岩mudtheraphy 泥疗法mugearite 橄榄粗面岩mulberry 桑树mulch 覆盖层mulched ground 被覆盖土壤mulching 复盖mulching soil 覆盖土壤mullite 莫来石multi channel system 多通道系统multianemometer 多点测定风速仪multiband camera 多谱段摄影机;多波段照相机multiband spectral method 多带光谱法multiband survey 多谱段测量multiband system 多波段光谱系统multibeam sonar 多波束声呐multicell echo 多单体回波multichannel sea surface temperature retrieval method 多通道海面温度检睡multichronometer 通用精密记时仪multicolor printing 多色印刷multicolour image 多色影像multicolour map 多色地图multidisciplinary analysis 多学科分析multifacet rotating prism 多面旋转棱镜multimeter 万用表multimoment display 多矩显示multiple bond 重键multiple camera 多镜头摄影机multiple correlation coefficient 复相关系数multiple intrusion 重复侵入multiple printing 多版印刷multiple scattering 多次散射multiple serial camera 多镜头连续摄影机multiplex 多倍仪multiplication 生殖multiplicative halos 累乘晕multiplier 乘法器乘数multiseasons multispectral remote sensing 多季节多谱段遥感multisensor 多传感器multispectral aero photograph 多光谱航摄像片multispectral analysis 多光谱分析multispectral camera 多谱段照相机multispectral classification 多谱段分类multispectral image 多谱段影像multispectral remote sensing for forest 森林多谱段遥感multispectral scanner 多谱段扫描仪multispectral viewer 多光谱观察器multistage pump 多级泵multistage sampling 多阶抽样multivalent element 多价元素multivariant analysis 多元分析mummification 僵化mummy 木乃伊muscovite 白云母muscovite schist 白云母片岩mushroom rocks 蕈形石mutagenic factors 变异因子mutation 突变mutualism 互惠共生现象mycelium 菌丝mycetocyte 含菌细胞mycoflora 真菌区系mycology 真菌学mycorrhiza 菌根mycosis 真菌病mylonite 糜棱岩mylonite gneiss 糜棱片麻岩mylonitization 糜棱化myrmecochores 蚁布myrmecophyte 适蚁植物。



《地质灾害危险性评估技术规范》点击此处添加中国标准文献分类号DB11地点标准DB 11/ XXXXX—XXXX(征求意见稿)地质灾难危险性评估技术规范Technical Code Assessment of Geological Hazard点击此处添加与国际标准一致性程度的标识XXXX - XX - XX公布XXXX - XX - XX实施北京市质量技术监督局公布目次前言III1范畴12规范性引用文件13术语和定义14差不多规定35地质灾难的现状与推测评估56综合评估与适宜性评判217评估成果文件22附录A(规范性附录)地质灾难评估工作技术程序框图23附录B(资料性附录)北京地区地质环境条件复杂程度及项目重要性划分24附录C(资料性附录)地面沉降估算26附录D(资料性附录)活动断裂的调查28附录E(资料性附录)滑坡调查、分类及评判 29附录F(资料性附录)泥石流的调查与评判35附录G(资料性附录)不稳固斜坡的调查与评判39附录H(资料性附录)评估成果43前言本标准由范畴、规范性引用文件、术语及符号、差不多规定、地质灾难现状与推测评估、综合评估、评估报告成果文件等七章组成。

本标准的附录A为规范性附录,附录B、附录C、附录D、附录E、附录F、附录H 为资料性附录。






Risk assessment and Medicago sativa remediation of agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metal in Mercury mine area in Tongren, Guizhou Province
(1) The average concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in topsoil of Siqian are 6.64, 0.34, 39.35, 15.60, 5.40, 26.00, 27.89 and 70.03 mg/kg. According the single pollution index, Siqian soil is heavily contaminated by Hg and slightly polluted by Cd. The comprehensive pollution index varys from 1.02 to 73.68, and 79.5% of soil sampling sites are heavily contaminated. Moreover, the mean of the comprehensive potential ecological risk index is 1439, and there exists strong ecological risk with heavy metals in soil of Siqian. Hg is the most important source of the ecological risk.
1 前言
1.1 研究背景



ORIGINAL PAPERLower Carboniferous post-orogenic granites in central-eastern Sierra de Velasco,Sierras Pampeanas,Argentina:U–Pb monazite geochronology,geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopesPablo Grosse ÆFrank So¨llner ÆMiguel A.Ba ´ez ÆAlejandro J.Toselli ÆJuana N.Rossi ÆJesus la RosaReceived:1October 2007/Accepted:19December 2007/Published online:22January 2008ÓSpringer-Verlag 2008Abstract The central-eastern part of the Sierra de Velasco (Sierras Pampeanas,NW Argentina)is formed by the large Huaco (40930km)and Sanagasta (25915km)granite massifs and the small La Chinchilla stock (292km).The larger granites intrude into Ordovician metagranitoids and crosscut Devonian (?)mylonitic shear zones,whereas the small stock sharply intrudes into the Huaco granite.The two voluminous granites are biotitic-muscovitic and biotitic porphyritic syeno-to monzogranites.They contain small and rounded tonalitic and quartz-dioritic mafic micro-granular enclaves.The small stock is an equigranular,zinnwaldite-and fluorite-bearing monzogranite.The stud-ied granites are silica-rich (SiO 2[70%),potassium-rich (K 2O [4%),ferroan,alkali-calcic to slightly calk-alkalic,and moderately to weakly peraluminous (A/CNK:1.06–1.18Huaco granite, 1.01–1.09Sanagasta granite, 1.05–1.06La Chinchilla stock).They have moderate to strong enrichments in several LIL (Li,Rb,Cs)and HFS (Nb,Ta,Y,Th,U)elements,and low Sr,Ba and Eu contents.U–Pb monazite age determinations indicate Lower Carboniferous crystallization ages:350–358Ma for the Huaco granite,352.7±1.4Ma for the Sanagasta granite and 344.5±1.4Ma for the La Chinchilla stock.The larger granites have similar e Nd values between -2.1and -4.3,whereas the younger stock has higher e Nd of -0.6to -1.4,roughly comparable to the values obtained for the Carboniferous San Blas granite (-1.4to -1.7),located in the north of the sierra.The Huaco and Sanagasta granites have a mainly crustal source,but with some participation of a more primitive,possibly mantle-derived,component.The main crustal component can be attributed to Ordovician peralu-minous metagranitoids.The La Chinchilla stock derives from a more primitive source,suggesting an increase with time in the participation of the primitive component during magma genesis.The studied granites were generated during a post-orogenic period in a within-plate setting,possibly as a response to the collapse of the previous Famatinian oro-gen,extension of the crust and mantle upwelling.They are part of the group of Middle Devonian–Lower Carboniferous granites of the Sierras Pampeanas.The distribution and U–Pb ages of these granites suggests a northward arc-par-allel migration of this mainly post-orogenic magmatism with time.Keywords Carboniferous post-orogenic granites ÁU–Pb monazite geochronology ÁGeochemistry ÁSr–Nd isotopes ÁSierra de Velasco ÁSierras Pampeanas ÁArgentinaP.Grosse (&)Instituto Superior de Correlacio´n Geolo ´gica (CONICET)and Fundacio´n Miguel Lillo,Miguel Lillo 251,4000San Miguel de Tucuma´n,Argentina e-mail:pablogrosse@F.So¨llner Department fu¨r Geo-und Umweltwissenschaften,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t,Luisenstrasse 37,80333Munich,GermanyM.A.Ba´ez ÁA.J.Toselli ÁJ.N.Rossi Instituto Superior de Correlacio´n Geolo ´gica (CONICET)and Facultad de Ciencias Naturales,Universidad Nacional de Tucuma´n,Miguel Lillo 205,4000San Miguel de Tucuma´n,Argentina la RosaDepartamento de Geologı´a,Universidad de Huelva,Campus Universitario El Carmen,21071Huelva,SpainInt J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch)(2009)98:1001–1025DOI 10.1007/s00531-007-0297-5IntroductionThe Sierras Pampeanas geological province of north-western Argentina contains abundant granitoid massifs generated during the Famatinian orogenic cycle(for details see Rapela et al.2001a;Miller and So¨llner2005).Most of these Famatinian granitoids are related to the main sub-duction phase of this cycle(e.g.Pankhurst et al.2000; Rapela et al.2001a;Miller and So¨llner2005)and have Early-Middle Ordovician ages(e.g.Pankhurst et al.1998, 2000;So¨llner et al.2001;Ho¨ckenreiner et al.2003) (Fig.1a).These granitoids are distributed along two sub-parallel,NNW–SSE trending belts:a main calc-alkaline I-type belt towards the southwest,and an inner peralumi-nous and S-type belt towards the northeast(Fig.1a).Additionally,numerous younger granites of Middle Devonian to Lower Carboniferous age are also present in the Sierras Pampeanas(e.g.Brogioni1987,1993;Rapela et al.1991;Grissom et al.1998;Llambı´as et al.1998; Saavedra et al.1998;Siegesmund et al.2004;Dahlquist et al.2006)(Fig.1a).The genesis of these granites is not well constrained,and they have been alternatively con-sidered as products of a crustal reheating process during a final phase of the Famatinian cycle,(e.g.Grissom et al. 1998;Llambı´as et al.1998;Ho¨ckenreiner et al.2003; Miller and So¨llner2005)or part of a separate cycle called Achalian(e.g.Sims et al.1998;Rapela et al.2001a; Siegesmund et al.2004;Lo´pez de Luchi et al.2007).The Sierra de Velasco is located in the central region of the Sierras Pampeanas(Fig.1a)and consists almost entirely of rocks of granitoid composition,making it the largest granitic massif of this geological province.The Sierra de Velasco granitoids have generally been regarded as part of the Famatinian inner peraluminous S-type belt (e.g.Rapela et al.1990;Toselli et al.1996,2000;Pank-hurst et al.2000),with the exception of the southern portion of the sierra which seems to correspond to the main calc-alkaline I-type belt(Bellos et al.2002;Bellos2005) (Fig.1a,b).However,field studies carried out in the northern(Ba´ez et al.2002;Ba´ez and Basei2005)and central(Grosse and Sardi2005;Grosse et al.2005)parts of the sierra indicate the presence of younger undeformed granites(Fig.1b),possibly belonging to the late-Famatin-ian,or Achalian,granite group.Recent U–Pb age determinations have confirmed that the northern unde-formed granites are of Lower Carboniferous age(Ba´ez et al.2004;Dahlquist et al.2006).The central undeformed granites have yet to be dated.The goal of this study is to determine the absolute ages and the geochemistry of the undeformed granites located in the central part of the Sierra de Velasco.To this end,we have carried out U–Pb dating on monazite and whole-rock elemental and Sr–Nd isotopic geochemical analyses.The obtained data are used to place constraints on the possible magma sources and geotectonic setting of these granites, and to discuss regional implications.Geological setting:the Sierra de VelascoThe Sierra de Velasco is dominated by rocks of granitoid composition.Low grade metamorphic rocks are only present as small outcrops along the easternflank of the sierra(Fig.1b,c).These phyllites and mica schists have been correlated with the La Ce´bila Formation,located in the Sierra de Ambato(Gonza´lez Bonorino1951;Espizua and Caminos1979).Recent discovery of marine fossils in this formation constrains its age to the Lower Ordovician (Verdecchia et al.2007),in agreement with detrital zircon geochronology(Rapela et al.2007).The granitoid units of the Sierra de Velasco have been reviewed and described by Toselli et al.(2000,2005)and Ba´ez et al.(2005).Two groups can be distinguished (Fig.1b):older deformed granitoids(here referred to as metagranitoids)and younger undeformed granites.The metagranitoids are the most abundant rocks.They are weakly to strongly foliated,depending on the degree of deformation.The main variety consists of strongly pera-luminous porphyritic two-mica-,garnet-,sillimanite-and kyanite-bearing meta-monzogranites(Rossi et al.2000, 2005).Subordinate varieties include strongly peraluminous porphyritic biotite–cordierite meta-monzogranites and moderately peraluminous coarse-to medium-grained bio-tite meta-granodiorites and meta-tonalites.In the southern part of the sierra,the main lithologies are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous biotite-hornblende meta-granodior-ites and meta-tonalites(Bellos2005)(Fig.1b).Two U–Pb SHRIMP determinations indicate Lower Ordovician ages for the metagranitoids(481±3Ma,Pankhurst et al.2000; 481±2Ma,Rapela et al.2001b).All of the metagranitoids are cut by several NNW–SSE trending mylonitic shear zones(Fig.1b).No age determi-nations exist of these shear zones in the Sierra de Velasco. However,similar mylonitic shear zones in other areas of the Sierras Pampeanas have been dated,with ages varying between the Upper Ordovician and the Upper Devonian (Northrup et al.1998;Rapela et al.1998;Sims et al.1998; Lo´pez et al.2000;Ho¨ckenreiner et al.2003).The precise Sm–Nd age of402±2Ma(Ho¨ckenreiner et al.2003) obtained on syntectonically grown garnet from mylonites of the Sierra de Copacabana(Fig.1a),which can be traced directly into the Sierra de Velasco(Lo´pez and Toselli 1993;So¨llner et al.2003),can be considered the best age estimate of mylonitization in this range.The undeformed granites crop out in the northern and central-eastern parts of the sierra(Fig.1b).Toselli et al.(2006)have grouped these granites in the Aimogasta batholith.The northern San Blas and Asha granites intrude the older metagranitoids and cross-cut the mylonitic shearzones (Ba´ez et al.2002;Ba ´ez and Basei 2005).They are moderately to weakly peraluminous porphyritic two-mica monzogranites.Existing U–Pb ages are 334±5Ma(conventional U–Pb method on zircon,Ba ´ez et al.2004)and 340±3Ma (U–Pb SHRIMP on zircon,Dahlquistet al.2006)for the San Blas granite,and 344±1Ma(conventional U–Pb method on monazite,Ba´ez et al.2004)for the Asha granite.In restricted areas,the granitic rocks are unconformably overlain by continental sandstones and conglomerates of the Paganzo Group (Salfity and Gorustovich 1984),ofFig.1a General geological map of the Sierras Pampeanas of NW Argentina with the main lithologies;sierras considered in the text are named.b General geology of the Sierra deVelasco;c Geological map of the central part of the Sierra de Velasco showing the Huaco,Sanagasta and La Chinchilla granites,with locations of dated samples;Bt biotite,Ms muscovite,Crd cordierite,Mzgr monzogranite,Ton tonalite,Grd granodioriteUpper Carboniferous to Permian age,deposited during regional uplift of the Sierras Pampeanas.Unconsolidated Tertiary-recent sediments,related to Andean tectonics, locallyfill basins and formfluvial terraces and cones. The Huaco,Sanagasta and La Chinchilla granitesThe central-eastern region of the Sierra de Velasco is formed mainly by two large granitic massifs,the Huaco granite(HG)and the Sanagasta granite(SG)(Fig.1c) (Grosse and Sardi2005).These granites consist of adjacent, sub-elipsoidal bodies with dimensions of approximately 40930km for the HG and25915km for the SG. Additionally,a small stock of around292km,named La Chinchilla stock(LCS),has been recognized in the central area of the HG(Fig.1c)(Grosse et al.2005).The HG and the SG intrude into the older metagranitoids and mylonites and are not deformed.The contacts are sharp and the granites truncate both the structures of the metag-ranitoids and the mylonitic shear zones,and contain enclaves of both of these host rocks.Thesefield relation-ships indicate that the granites are younger than both the crystallization of the metagranitoids and their deformation. The contact between the HG and the SG is irregular and transitional,suggesting that the two granites have similar ages and consist of two coeval magmatic pulses.The transitional area between the two granites is of*100–200m;in Fig.1c the contact between the granites was drawn along this transitional zone.The LCS clearly intrudes into the HG and is thus younger.The contacts are sharp and straight,and aplitic dykes from the LCS com-monly cut through the HG.Both the HG and the SG are rather homogeneous por-phyritic syeno-to monzogranites.They are characterized by abundant K-feldspar megacrysts up to12cm long (generally between2and5cm)set in a medium-to coarse-grained groundmass of quartz,plagioclase,K-feldspar, micas and accessory minerals.The megacrysts are usually oriented,defining a primary magmatic foliation.The HG consists in grayish-white K-feldspar megacrysts (30–36vol.%)and a groundmass of anhedral quartz(25–39%),subhedral plagioclase laths(An10–23)(18–31%), interstitial perthitic K-feldspar(2–14%),dark brown to straw-colored biotite(4–10%)and muscovite(2–6%). Accessory minerals include apatite(up to0.5%),zircon, monazite and ilmenite,all of which are generally associ-ated with,or included in,biotite.The SG contains pink K-feldspar megacrysts(33–37%) that are occasionally mantled by plagioclase generating a Rapakivi-like texture.The groundmass consists in anhedral quartz(23–34%),subhedral plagioclase laths(An18–24) (17–33%),interstitial perthitic K-feldspar(2–17%),and dark brown to straw-colored biotite(3–10%).Muscovite is absent or very scarce(0–2%).Accessory minerals are commonly found included in biotite.Apatite is less abundant than in the HG,whereas zircon,monazite and especially the opaque minerals(both ilmenite and magne-tite)are more frequent.In addition,titanite and allanite are sometimes present.Both the HG and the SG commonly contain small and rounded mafic microgranular enclaves.These generally have ovoid shapes,elongated parallel to the magmaticflow direction.The enclaves arefine-to veryfine-grained equigranular tonalites and quartz-diorites.They contain abundant biotite(15–50%)forming small,subhedral crys-tals.Opaque minerals and acicular apatite are common. The enclaves usually contain much larger xenocrysts of quartz,feldspar or biotite,and have chilled margins,sug-gesting partial assimilation and homogenization with the enclosing granites.Pegmatites and aplites are very common in these gran-ites,specially in the HG.The larger pegmatites are zoned and belong to the rare-element class,beryl type,beryl-columbite-phosphate sub-type with a hybrid LCT-NYF affiliation(Galliski1993;Sardi2005;Sardi and Grosse 2005).The HG also contains a small outcrop of an orbic-ular granite(Quartino and Villar Fabre1962;Grosse et al. 2006b).The LCS is a medium-grained,equigranular to slightly porphyritic,monzogranite.It shows a weak textural zona-tion determined by a progressive increase in grain size towards the center of the stock,where a slight porphyritic texture is present(up to10%of K-feldspar megacrysts). Mineralogically,the LCS consists of quartz(37–42%), plagioclase(almost pure albite,An1–2)(25–33%),K-feld-spar(19–34%),discolored,very pale brown to pale red-brown biotite(4–9%),anhedral and irregularly shaped fluorite(up to1%)and small quantities of zircon,monazite, opaque minerals and very scarce apatite.Beryl is occa-sionally present as euhedral prismatic crystals.Microprobe analyses(Grosse et al.2006a)indicate that the biotites of the HG and the SG have compositions ranging from Fe-biotites to siderophyllites(according to the classification diagram of Tischendorf et al.1997)and have high Fe/(Fe+Mg)ratios(0.76–0.82),typical of evolved granites.In the discrimination diagram of Nachit et al.(1985),they plot in the calc-alkalinefield.Biotites from de LCS have very high Fe/(Fe+Mg)ratios(0.94–0.97)and are Li-rich.They classify mainly as zinnwaldites and also as protolithionites in the classification diagram of Tischendorf et al.(1997).Zircons of the HG and the SG have similar morpholo-gies.They correspond mainly to the S17–19and S22–23 types of Pupin(1980),which are characteristic of calc-alkaline series granites.On the other hand,the zirconsof the LCS are different,with morphologies mostly of the P5-type of Pupin(1980),of primitive alkaline affiliation. The San Blas granite,in the north of the sierra(Fig.1b), has the same zircon typology as the LCS.No previous U–Pb age determinations exist of the HG and the SG,while the LCS has not been previously dated by any method.K–Ar and Rb–Sr geochronological studies have been carried out on granites of the Sierra de Velasco, which in some cases correspond to the HG or SG(see compilation in Linares and Gonza´lez1990).The ages in these studies are very variable,spanning from the Ordo-vician to the Permian,probably due to the inherent problems of the methods used(low closure temperature,Ar loss,etc.).Analytical methodsU–Pb geochronologyU–Pb geochronology was carried out at the Department of Earth-and Environmental Sciences,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t,Munich,Germany.Heavy mineral concen-trates,mainly zircons and monazites,were obtained using standard crushing,magnetic separation,and heavy-liquid techniques.For each analyzed sample around50monazite crystals were handpicked.Chosen crystals were yellow, translucent,anhedral to subhedral and lacked inclusions and fractures.We chose to analyze monazites because this mineral generally does not contain inherited cores and does not suffer radiogenic Pb loss at low temperatures,both common problems in zircons(see Parrish1990for discussion).Additionally,the closing temperature of monazite,although slightly lower than that of zircon(for details see Romer and Ro¨tzler2001),is sufficiently high to maintain the system unperturbed by low-temperature post-crystallization events.The monazite fractions were cleaned with purified6N HCl,H2O and acetone,and then deposited in Teflon inserts together with a mixed205Pb–233U spike.Subsequently, samples were dissolved in autoclaves,heated at180°C,for 5days using48%HF and subsequently6N HCl.The U and Pb of the samples were separated using small50l l ion exchange columns with Dowex raisin AG198100–200 mesh.The isotopic ratios of Pb and U were determined with a thermal ionization mass spectrometer(TIMS) Finnigan MAT261/262.Pb isotopes were measured in static mode and U isotopes in dynamic mode.Standards (NBS982Pb and U500)were used for measurement con-trol.U–Pb data was treated using the PBDAT1.24(Ludwig 1994)and ISOPLOT/Ex2.49x(Ludwig2001)programs. Errors quoted are at the2r confidence level.The correc-tions for initial non-radiogenic Pb was obtained following the model of Stacey and Kramers(1975).The U decay constants proposed by the IUGS(Steiger and Ja¨ger1977) were used for the age calculations.Mass fractionation was corrected using0.13±0.06%/a.m.u.for Pb and0.05±0.04%per a.m.u for U.Together with the samples,a procedural blank was analyzed to determine the level of contamination.For Pb blank corrections a mean value of 0.2ng and an isotopic composition of208Pb/204Pb=38.14; 207Pb/204Pb=15.63;206Pb/204Pb=18.15was used.Long term measured standards gave values of:NBS982(Pb): 208Pb/206Pb=0.99474±0.00013(0.013%,2rm,n=94); U500(U):238U/235U=1.00312±0.00027(=0.027%, 2r m,n=14).Whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry Whole-rock geochemistry was determined at the universi-ties of Oviedo(major elements)and Huelva(trace elements),Spain.Major elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence(XRF)with a Phillips PW2404system using glass beads.The typical precision of this method is better than±1.5%relative.Trace elements were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) with an HP-4500system.Samples were dissolved using a mixture of HF+HNO3(8:3),a second dissolution in HNO3after evaporation andfinal dissolution in HCl.The precision and accuracy for most elements is between5and 10%relative(5–7%for Rb,Sr,Nd and Sm)and was controlled by repeated analyses of international rock stan-dards SARM-1(granite)and SARM-4(norite).Details on the method can be found in de la Rosa et al.(2001).Sr and Nd isotope geochemistrySr and Nd isotope analyses were carried out at the Department of Earth-and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t,Munich,Germany.The analyzed powders were the same as those used for major and trace element analyses.For the determination of con-centrations and for comparison with the ICP-MS data,a mixed Sm–Nd spike was added to12samples.For the remaining samples,and for all Rb–Sr calculations,the concentrations obtained by ICP-MS were used.Samples(approximately0.1g each)were dissolved on a hot plate(140°C)during36h using a mixture of5ml of HF48%+HNO3(5:1).Sr and REE were separated using ion exchange columns with Dowex AG50W raisin.Nd and Sm were then separated from the total REE fractions using smaller ion exchange columns with bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)phosphoric acid(HDEHP)and Teflon powder.Theisotopic ratios of Sr,Nd and Sm were determined with a thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS)Finnigan MAT 261/262.Standards were used for measurement control (NBS987,AMES Nd and AMES Sm).All errors used are at the 95%(2r )confidence level.Mass fraction-ation was corrected normalizing the isotopic ratios to 88Sr/86Sr =8.3752094for Sr,146Nd/144Nd =0.7219for Nd,and 148Sm/152Sm =0.4204548for Sm.CHUR con-stants used for e Nd calculation were 143Nd/144Nd =0.512638(Goldstein et al.1984)and 147Sm/144Nd =0.1967(Peucat et al.1988).One-step model ages were calculated following Goldstein et al.(1984)(with 143Nd/144Nd (DM)=0.51315and 147Sm/144Nd (DM)=0.217)and two-step model ages were calculated following Liew and Hofmann (1988)(with 143Nd/144Nd (DM)=0.513151,147Sm/144Nd (DM)=0.219and 147Sm/144Nd (CC)=0.12).During the period of analyses,the measured standards gave the following average values:NBS987(Sr):87Sr/86Sr =0.710230±0.000013(0.0018%,2r m ,n =8);AMES (Nd):143Nd/144Nd =0.512131±0.000007(0.0013%,2r m ,n =10);AMES (Sm):149Sm/147Sm =0.91262±0.00016(0.018%,2r m ,n =3).U–Pb monazite geochronologyMonazite fractions of six samples were analyzed,three of which correspond to the Sanagasta granite (SG),two to the Huaco granite (HG),and one to the La Chinchilla stock (LCS).Locations of the analyzed samples are shown in Fig.1c.Table 1shows the analytical results.In the U–Pb concordia diagram (Fig.2),two of the six analyzed samples are concordant whereas the other four are discordant,three of which plot above the concordia (phe-nomenon called ‘‘reverse discordance’’)and one below.Reverse discordance in monazite has been observed by many authors and seems to be a common phenomenon in this mineral (Parrish et al.1990,and references therein).Scha¨rer (1984)suggests that reverse discordances are owed to an excess in 206Pb due to the decay of 230Th,an inter-mediate product in the decay chain of 238U to 206Pb,incorporated in significant amounts in the crystal during crystallization of monazite,because this mineral is a carrier of Th.This might be valid for sample 7703Mo,which is slightly reverse discordant (Fig.2).However,samples 7365Mo,7381Mo and 7369Mo are strongly reverse and normally discordant,respectively (Fig.2).These samples probably suffered loss of U (7365Mo,7381Mo)and radiogenic Pb (7369Mo).The two samples of the HG are strongly reverse discor-dant,probably due to loss of U (U contents:6,135and 10,129ppm)(Fig.2).207Pb/206Pb ages of both samples are equivalent within limits of errors at 350±5andT a b l e 1U –P b m o n a z i t e d a t a o f t h e t h r e e s t u d i e d g r a n i t e s o f c e n t r a l -e a s t e r n S i e r r a d e V e l a s c oS a m p l eW e i g h t (g )U (p p m )T h (p p m )P b (p p m )206P b /204P b m e a s u r e dC a l c u l a t e d a t o m i c r a t i o sC a l c u l a t e d a g e s (i n M a )206P b /238U2r (%)207P b /235U2r(%)207P b /206P b2r (%)206P b /238U2r207P b /235U2r207P b /206P b2rH u a c o g r a n i t e7365M o0.0001521016983552159071340.068090.210.502170.250.053490.12424.60.9413.21.0349.75.37381M o 0.000138613546863146943430.113740.210.841770.240.053680.11694.41.5620.11.5357.54.9S a n a g a s t a g r a n i t e7369M o0.00011030483830554140230800.005920.210.043480.280.053300.1738. o0.000093331166434104940230.056270.210.414820.260.053470.15352.90.7352.30.9348.76.77703M o0.00015022266190997831150.056310.210.411960.330.053060.24353.20.7350.31.2331.311.0L a C h i n c h i l l a s t o c k7740M o 0.00012226816011092719720.054910.210.402970.330.053230.24344.60.7343.81.1338.610.9R a d i o g e n i c P b c o r r e c t e d f o r b l a n k a n d f o r i n i t i a l P b (f o l l o w i n g t h e m o d e l o f S t a c e y a n d K r a m e r s 1975).U c o r r e c t e d f o r b l a n k .A g e s c a l c u l a t e d u s i n g t h e P B D A T 1.24p r o g r a m (L u d w i g 1994)a n d t h e d e c a y c o n s t a n t s r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e I U G S (S t e i g e r a n d J a¨g e r 1977)358±5Ma.These ages are interpreted as the best estimatefor crystallization of the HG.Recently,So¨llner et al.(2007)have carried out LA-ICP-MS U–Pb age determinations on zircons of sample 7365of the HG,obtaining a main crystallization age of 354±4Ma,thus confirming the monazite 207Pb/206Pb ages.In addition,many of these zir-cons have non-detrital inherited cores with Ordovician ages,suggesting significant participation of Ordovician metag-ranitoids in the formation of the HG (So¨llner et al.2007).Only one of the three samples of the SG (sample 7379Mo)gives a concordant age of 352.7±1.4Ma (degree of discordance =1.5%,Fig.2).Sample 7703Mo is slightly reverse discordant at 350.3±1.2Ma (207Pb/235U age),whereas sample 7369Mo is strongly discordant at 38.0±0.1Ma (206Pb/238U age;207Pb/206Pb age =342±8Ma)(Fig.2),suggesting loss of radiogenic Pb,possibly related to the very high measured U content (30,483ppm)and the presence of dim and/or fractured crystals.All three data points,including the origin,fit a regression line with an upper intercept of 340±26Ma (MSWD =3.8).The concordant age of 352.7±1.4Ma of sample 7379Mo is interpreted as the most precise and adequate age of crystallization of the SG.Sample 7740Mo of the LCS is concordant at 344.5±1.4Ma (degree of discordance =1.2%,Fig.2),which is interpreted as dating the time of crystallization of the LCS.GeochemistryMajor and trace elementsTable 2shows 31whole-rock major and trace element chemical analyses of the studied granites;13analysescorrespond to the HG,10to the SG,4to the LCS and 4to mafic microgranular enclaves of the HG and the SG (see also Grosse et al.2007).For comparison,the average composition of the border and central facies of the San Blas granite are also shown (calculated from 13analyses of Ba´ez 2006).The HG and the SG are characterized by a high and restricted SiO 2range of 69.7–74.7%(wt%).With slightly lower average SiO 2,the SG has somewhat higher Fe 2O 3tot ,MgO,TiO 2and CaO concentrations than the HG,although both granites are poor in these oxides.They are,on the other hand,rich in alkalis (generally [8%),specially in K 2O (generally [5%).Both granites are peraluminous;the HG is mainly moderately peraluminous (Alumina Satura-tion Index,A/CNK,= 1.06–1.18),whereas the SG is weakly peraluminous (A/CNK =1.01–1.09).In major element variation diagrams (Fig.3),both granites show similar,poorly defined correlations.Fe 2O 3tot ,MgO and TiO 2decrease with increasing SiO 2suggesting fractionation of mafic phases,mainly biotite.Al 2O 3,CaO and P 2O 5also decrease,suggesting fractionation of pla-gioclase and apatite,respectively,whereas Na 2O and K 2O do not correlate well with SiO 2.The HG and the SG can be distinguished well in an A/CNK versus SiO 2diagram (Fig.4a)and in the A–B diagram of Debon and Le Fort (1983)(Fig.4b),due to the different variations in peraluminosity:it decreases with differentia-tion in the HG,while it increases with differentiation in the SG.These opposite tendencies can be explained by frac-tionation of muscovite in the HG (which will strongly decrease the peraluminosity of the remaining melt due to its high peraluminosity)and the absence of this mineral in the SG (where the increase in peraluminosity is due mainly to the fractionation of plagioclase,whose A/CNK =1).Fig.2U–Pb Concordiadiagram of monazites from the three studied granites of central-eastern Sierra de Velasco.Two samples correspond to the Huaco granite (HG:7365Mo and 7381Mo),three to theSanagasta granite (SG:7369Mo,7379Mo and 7703Mo)and one to the La Chinchilla stock (LCS:7740Mo).See text for further explanations.Plotted errorellipses and quoted errors are at the 2r confidence level。


长期冶炼活动 ,金属粉末生产 、储存和运输 ,使 得大量重金属粉尘进入到大气环境中 ,造成大气重
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第 20
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第 3 5
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y and Enviro nmental
En gi nee ri
Vol . 17 May
No . 2 0 1
3 0
重金属污染场地调查与健康风险评估 :个案研究
田素军 ,李志博
(伊尔姆环境资源管理咨询 (上海) 有限公司 ,上海 200001)
试和材料学会的方法安装了 14 个地下水监测井[1] ,
采集相应地下水样品 ;在场地上采集了 2 个灰尘样
品 。样品采集前和采样间隔应对所有取样工具进行
彻底清洗以防止交叉污染 ; 所有样品均测试了设定
的 19 种土壤金属元素 ;样品测定过程中设置空白 、
重复与标准样品 。
1. 3 风险评估方法
为了简化风险评估过程 ,对测定土壤中的 19 种 重金属筛选出潜在的关注污染物进行评估 。筛选依
Abstract : Site investigatio n and healt h risk assessment are perfo rmed for a metal2co ntaminated site. Site in2 vestigatio n show s t hat t here are high co ncent ratio ns of Cd , Cr , Co , Cu , V and Zn in surface (20 cm) and subsurface (80 cm) soil s. Furt hermore ,dust co ntaminatio n of metals is derived f ro m site activit y and f ugi2 tive dust , and in particular , t he maximum co ncent ratio ns of Cu and V are 15455 mg/ kg and 11 385 mg/ kg respectively. Due to soil V co ntaminatio n and site alkalescence co nditio n ,site gro undwater is affected by V , whereas t he co ncent ratio ns of Cd , Cr , Co , Cu and Zn are low in site gro undwater . Site healt h risk assess2 ment indicates t hat t here is no unaccep table risk for t he expo sure of Cd ,Cr ,Cu and Zn. However ,unaccept2 able no n2cancer risk might be po sed f ro m V expo sure by soil ingestio n ,inhalatio n and gro undwater drink2 ing. In additio n ,t here is unacceptable Co expo sure risk by inhalatio n dust . To p rotect site worker s’healt h and gro undwater qualit y ,so und management measures sho uld be co nducted , such as co ntaminatio n so urce co nt rol and remediatio n. Key words : heavy metal ;co ntaminatio n ; site investigatio n ; healt h risk assessment ; hazard quotient



地理专业词汇英语翻译(M)地理专业词汇英语翻译(M)地理专业词汇英语翻译(M)maar低平火山口macedonite方假象橄玄岩maceration浸渍machine proof开印样macro aggregate大团聚体macroclimate大气候macroclimatology大气候学macrometeorology大气象学macromolecule大分子macrophage巨噬细胞macrophyte大型植物macroplankton大型浮游生物macroporosity大孔隙度macrorelief大区地形macrotherm高温植物maelstrom大涡流mafite镁铁矿物magazine暗匣magenta contact screen品红接触网目片maghemite磁赤铁矿magma岩浆magma chamber岩浆储源magma reservoir岩浆储源magmatic assimilation岩浆同化酌magmatic differentiation岩浆分异酌magmatic evolution岩桨进化magmatic migration岩浆迁移magmatic rock岩浆岩magmatic segregation岩浆分结酌magmatic water岩浆水magmatism岩浆酌magnesian limestone含镁石灰岩magnesian skarn镁质夕卡magnesioferrite镁铁矿magnesite菱镁矿magnesite deposit菱镁矿床magnesium镁magnetic action磁酌magnetic amplifier磁放大器magnetic anisotropy磁力蛤异性magnetic attraction磁吸引力magnetic axis磁轴magnetic azimuth磁方位角magnetic bearing磁方位magnetic chart磁力线图magnetic course磁针方向magnetic data carrier磁数据载体magnetic declination磁偏角magnetic declination diagram磁偏角略图magnetic deflection磁致偏转magnetic deviation磁力差magnetic domain磁畴magnetic equator地磁赤道magnetic field磁场magnetic flux磁通量magnetic hysteresis磁滞magnetic leakage磁漏magnetic meridian磁子午线magnetic moment磁矩magnetic needle磁针magnetic north磁北magnetic orientation磁针定向magnetic permeability导磁系数magnetic polarity磁极性magnetic polarization磁极化magnetic pole磁极magnetic potential磁位magnetic prospecting磁法勘探magnetic recording磁记录magnetic spin quantum number磁自旋量子数magnetic storm磁暴magnetic stratigraphy古地磁地层学magnetic survey地磁测量magnetic susceptibility磁化率magnetic tape drive磁带机magnetic tape unit磁带机magnetic theodolite罗盘经纬仪magnetic variation磁变magnetite磁铁矿magnetization of rocks岩石磁化magnetizing force磁化力magnetograph地磁记录仪magnetometer磁力计magnetomotive force磁通势magnetosphere磁圈magnification factor放大倍数magnifier放大镜magnifying glass on a stand分划放大镜magnitude of earthquake地震强度main divide种水岭main element知素main fault窒层main fold洲皱main group element皱元素main river主main root柱main stream主main valency舟main water table地下水面maize玉米major elements知元素major profile知剖面major quadrat样地major semi axis长半轴makite无水碱芒硝malachite孔雀石malaria plasmodium三日疟原虫malleability展性malnutrition营养不足mammalia哺乳纲mammals哺乳纲mammatus cloud乳房状云mammoth猛犸象man and biosphere program人与生物圈计划man induced climatic change人为气候变化man made deposits人工堆积物man made geologic hazard人为地质灾害man made pollution人为污染man made pollution sources人为污染源man made screen人工遮障man made soil人为土壤management information system信息管理系统manganapatite锰磷灰石manganblende硫锰矿mangandolomite锰白云石manganese锰manganese bacteria锰细菌manganese concretion锰结核manganese deposit锰矿床manganese nodules锰结核manganese pollution锰污染manganite水锰矿manganocalcite锰方解石manganosite方锰矿mangrove红手mangrove marsh红手沼泽mangrove soil红手沼泽土mangrove swamp红视泽manipulation操作mannagrass meadow甜茅草甸manned spacecraft载人飞船manner方法manometer压力计mantle地幔mantle of glacial drift冰碛物覆盖mantle rock风化层manual hill shading手工晕渲法manual tracking digitizer手扶跟踪数字化仪manure肥料manured fallow施肥休闲manuring施肥manuscript record of a topographic survey地形测量原图map地图map accuracy地图精度map analysis地图分析map arrangement地图配置map assemblage地图拼贴map bibliography地图目录map cataloguing地图编目map characterized by form of function合成地图map collection地图收集map compilation地图编制map content地图内容map correction地图审校map data base地图数据库map design地图设计map editing地图编辑map electrostatic reproduction地图静电复印map elements地图要素map engraving刻图map error地图误差map exhibition地图展览map extract地图片断map face图幅面积map features地图要素map folding地图折叠map for visual effect显示特定对象图map format图幅尺寸map inset地图插图map interlinking接图map interpretation读图map into book插图map issue地图发行map lettering地图注记map margin图廓map matching guidance地图匹配制导map measurement地图量算map measurer测距仪map nomenclature地图编号map of mineral deposits矿产图map of primitive data原始材料图map of walkers徒步旅游图map overlay分色透眉map paper地图纸map printing地图印刷map printing colors地图印刷颜色map production地图生产map projection地图投影map projection distortion地图投影变形map projection transformation地图投影变换map proof checking地图审校map publishing house地图出版社map reading读图map reliability地图可靠性map representing cartometric measurements地图量测图map reproduction地图制印map revision地图更新map room地图资料室map scale地图比例尺map sections地图片断map series地图系列map set接图表map sheet地图图幅map specification地图设计书map storage地图保管map style地图类型map subject制图对象map subtitle副图名map symbol地图符号map title图幅标题map title in bibliographies目录的地图名称map trimming地图切齐map type地图种类map with fluorescent colouring荧光地图maple forest槭村林mapping agency制图部门mapping control survey图根测量mapping from remote sensing image遥感图象制图mapping of landscapes景观制图maquis马魁群落marble大理石marbleization大理岩化marcasite白铁矿march三月mareograph自记湖汐计margalitic soils热带火山灰土marginal distribution边缘分布marginal geosyncline副地槽marginal information图廓资料marginal joint边缘节理marginal schistosity边缘片理marginal sea边缘海marginal zone边缘带marine algae海藻类marine bacterium海洋细菌marine biology海洋生物学marine charting海图制图marine charts海图marine climate海洋气候marine climatology海洋气候学marine deposit海洋沉积marine environment海洋环境marine erosion海蚀marine facies海相marine fronts海洋锋marine geochemical prospecting海洋地球化学探矿marine humus海成腐殖质marine iron manganese deposit海洋铁锰矿床marine map海图marine marsh海滨湿地marine meteorology海洋气象学marine microorganism海洋微生物marine peneplain海蚀准平原marine pollution海洋污染marine products海产物marine sediment海洋沉积marine soil海成土marine terrace海阶marine transport海运marine transportation海运maritime air mass海洋气团maritime pine scale海岸松干蚧maritime polar air mass极地海洋气团mark测标marking标示marks of direct vegetation interpretation植被直接判读标志markstone标石marl泥灰岩marly soil泥灰质土壤marsh湿地marsh border soil沼泽边缘土壤marsh gas沼气marsh peat沼泽泥炭marshland沼泽地marshy iron manganese deposit沼泽铁锰矿床marshy waste land沼泽荒地mask蒙版masking蒙片法masonry dam石坝mass action law质量酌定律mass curve累积曲线mass flowmeter质量量计mass growth生长量mass movement块体运动mass number质量数mass selection混合选种mass separation质量分离mass separator质量分离器mass spectrograph质谱仪mass spectrographic method质谱法mass spectrometer质谱分析器质谱仪mass spectrometry质谱术mass spectrum质谱mass transfer质量传递massif地块massive coal块煤massive ore deposit块状矿床massive structure整块结构master factor知因素master index铸mat草席mathematical base of map地图的数学基础mathematical cartography数学制图学mathematical climate数理气候mathematical climatology数理气候学mathematical ecology数理生态学mathematical expectation数学期望mathematical geography数理地理mathematical geology数学地质mathematical model数学模型mathematical model of map地图数学模式mathematical programming数学程序设计mathematical statistics数理统计mathematization数学化matter of soil土壤物质matting打毛maturation成熟mature forest成熟林mature valley壮年谷maturity壮年期maximum最大值maximum allowable concentration最大容许浓度maximum depth最大深度maximum discharge最大量maximum error最大误差maximum flow最大量maximum level最大水位maximum permissible dose最大允许剂量maximum stage最大水位maximum temperature最高温度maximum thermometer最高温度表maximum valency最高价maximum water holding capacity最大持水量maximum wind speed最大风速meadow草甸meadow chernozem草甸黑钙土meadow cultivation草地栽培meadow peat草甸泥炭meadow soil草甸土meadow steppe草甸草原meadow swamping草甸沼泽化meagre clay瘦粘土meagre coal贫煤mealy sand粉砂mean annual precipitation年平均降雨量mean annual temperature年平均温度mean depth平均水深mean deviation平均偏差mean geodesic curvature平均测地曲率mean high water level平均高水位mean life平均寿命mean line二等分线mean monthly discharge月平均量mean monthly water level月平均水位mean pole平极mean scale平均比例尺mean sea level平均海平面mean size平均直径mean solar day平均太阳日mean solar time平均太阳时mean square deviation均方差mean square error均方误差mean sun平太阳mean temperature平均温度mean value平均值mean value theorem平均值定律mean velocity平均临mean water level平均水位mean wind velocity平均风速meander河曲meander belt曲柳meander loop型河床meandering弯曲化measure度量measured value观测值measurement测量measurement amplifier测量放大器measurement arrangement测量设备measurement data测量数据measurement device测量设备measurement of area面积测量measurement of elevation仰角测量measurement process测量过程measuring equipment测量设备measuring instrument测量仪器measuring mark测标measuring precision of angle测角精度measuring tape卷尺measuring weir量水堰mechanical analysis机械分析mechanical barriers机械壁垒mechanical dispersion halos机械分散晕mechanical enlargement机械放大mechanical migration机械的迁移mechanical properties机械特性mechanical weathering机械风化mechanism机构mechanism of a reaction反应机制mechanism of remote sensing遥感机理medial moraine中碛median中线median massif中间地块median plane正中面medical cartography医用地图学medical climatology医疗气候学medical ecology医学生态学medical geography医用地理学medical meteorology医疗气象学medical radiology医学放射学medical statistics医用统计学medicaments药物medicinal plant药用植物mediterranean climate地中海气候mediterranean fruit fly地中海实蝇mediterranean region地中海区medium介质medium grained sand中粒砂medium grained texture中粒结构medium level clouds中层云medium scale maps中比例尺地图medium silt中粉粒medium structure中等结构medium texture中等质地medium volatile bituminous coal焦煤medmontite铜蒙脱石mega plates大板块megaanticlinorium大复背斜megameter百万米meganticline大复背斜megarelief大地形megasyncline大向斜megasynclinorium大复向斜megatherm高温植物melaconite土黑铜矿melange混杂堆积物melanocratic rock暗色岩melilite basalt黄长玄武岩melilitite黄长岩mellite蜜蜡石mellow soil熟土mellowness松软度melt water雪水melting融化meltwater溶雪水membrane薄膜membrane current膜电流membrane potential薄膜电位memory记忆mendelevium钔menilite硅乳石meniscus汞柱的弯液面mercator's projection墨卡托投影merchantable ore可采矿石mercury汞mercury barometer水银气压表mercury deposit汞矿床mercury pollution汞污染mercury rash汞皮疹mercury thermometer水银温度表mercury vapor survey汞蒸汽测量mere池沼meridian line子午线meridian plane子午面meridional circulation经向环流meridional ellipse子午椭圆meridional zone子午带meristem分生组织mesa方山mesh analysis筛析mesh size筛网孔径mesh structure网状结构mesitite铁菱镁矿mesobar中间气压mesoclimate中尺度气候mesoclimatology中尺度气候学mesogeosyncline中等地槽;陆间地槽mesolithic age中石票代mesometeorology中尺度气象学mesopause中层顶mesophilous forest中温林mesophyll叶肉mesophytes中生植物mesopilous organisms中温生物mesorelief中地形mesoscale eddy中尺度涡流mesosphere中圈mesostasis最后充填物mesotherm plant中温植物mesothermal deposit中温热液矿床mesotrophic plants半自养植物mesotrophy中等营养mesoxerophytes中旱生植物mesozoic era中生代mesozoic folding中生代褶皱messelite磷钙铁矿metabasite变基性岩metabiosis后继共生metabolic disturbance代谢紊乱metabolism代谢酌metabolism velocity代谢速度metacartography形而上制图学metacinnabarite黑辰砂矿metacrystal斑状变晶metadiabase变辉绿岩metagenesis世代交替metagneiss变片麻岩metahalloysite变水高岭土metalimnion变温层metallic bond金属键metallic cation saturation金属阳离子饱和metallic element金属元素metallic lustre金属光泽metallogenic element成矿元素metallogenic factors成矿因子metallogenic maps成矿图metallogenic province成矿区metallogenic unit成矿单位metallogeny矿床成因论metalloid准金属metallometric survey金属量测量metallometry金属量测量metamict minerals结晶变异矿物metamorphic aureole变质圈metamorphic belt变质带metamorphic differentiation变质分异metamorphic diffusion变质扩散metamorphic facies series变质相系metamorphic ore deposit变质矿床metamorphic rock变质岩metamorphic schists变质片岩metamorphism变质酌metamorphogenic deposits变质矿床metamorphosis变态metasomatic deposit交代矿床metasomatism交代酌metasome交代矿物metastable state亚稳状态metazoa后生动物meteor燎meteor crater陨石坑meteoric dust燎埃meteoric water天落水meteorite陨石meteorogram气象记录图meteorograph气象计;气象记录仪meteoroid宇宙尘meteorological acoustics气象声学meteorological chart气象图meteorological element气象要素meteorological information气象情报meteorological insturment气象仪器meteorological message天气报告meteorological observation气象观测meteorological observational tower气球观测塔meteorological observatory气象台meteorological optical range气象光学距离meteorological optics气象光学meteorological phenomenon气象现象meteorological radar气象雷达meteorological rocket气象火箭meteorological satellite气象卫星meteorological thermodynamics气象热力学meteorological tide气象潮meteorological visibility range气象能见距离meteorology气象学meteorometry气象测定学meteorotropism气候铅性methane bacteria甲烷细菌method方法method of analogue类比法method of angle observation in all combination全组合测角法method of areas面积法method of cartographic representation地图表示法method of cartographic symbols地图符号法method of direct coordinate直角坐标法method of direct observation直接观测法method of direction observation in rounds全圆测回法method of indirect observation间接观测法method of induction归纳法method of iteration迭代法method of least squares最小二乘法method of measurement测量方法method of neutron activation中子话化法method of polar coordinates极坐标法method of representation by means of cartographic symbols地图符号法method of successive corrections逐渐改正法methyl violet甲基紫metrophotography摄影测量学mica schist云母片岩micaceous iron ore云母铁矿micagneiss云母片麻岩micelle胶束micrinite碎片体micro altimeter微高度计micro nutrient微量营养元素microanalysis微量分析microanalyzer微量分析器microanemometer微风速器microbalance微量天平microbarograph自记微气压计microbe微生物microbial oxidation微生物氧化microbial prospecting微生物勘探microbiological anomaly微生物异常microbiology微生物学microchemical analysis微量化学分析microcinematography显微电影术microclimate小气候microclimate of mire沼泽小气候microclimatology小气候学microcline微斜长石microcrystalline structure微晶型结构microcrystalline texture微晶质结构microdensitometer侧微密度计microdensitometry微密度测定microelement痕量元素microenvironment微环境microevolution微进化microfauna微动物区系microfissure微裂隙microflora微生物群落microfossils微体化石microgeography微观地理学microgeomorphology微地貌学microgranite微花岗岩microhabitat小环境microhydrology微水文学microlite微晶microlithotype of coal显微煤岩类型micromanipulation显微操作micrometeorograph微气象记录仪micrometeorology微气象学micrometer测微计micrometer microscope测微显微镜micrometer value测微浦划值microoceanography微海洋学microorganism微生物micropaleontological method微体古生物法micropaleontology微古生物学micropedology微土壤学microphylly小叶microphysiography显微地文学microplankton小型浮游生物microplate微板块micropluviometer微雨量计micropolarimeter测微偏振计micropopulation微生物群microporosity微孔隙度microprocessor微处理机microradiography显微射线照相术microradiometer显微辐射计microrelief小地形microscope显微镜microscopic analysis显微分析microscopic theodolite读数显微镜经纬仪microscopy显微镜检查microsection薄片microseismic movement微震microseismic region微震区microseisms微震microskeleton微骨架microsome微粒体microspectrophotometry微量分光光度测定法microsporangium小孢子囊microspore小孢子microstructure微结构microtherm低温植物microtome切片机microtopography微地形学;小地貌microwave altimeter微波测高计microwave hologram radar微波全息雷达microwave holography微波全息microwave image微波影像microwave radar image matching guidance微波雷达图像匹配制导microwave radiation from sea surface海面微波辐射microwave radiometer微波辐射计microwave remote sensing微波遥感microwave scattering微波散射microwave sounding微波测深microwave spectrometer微波频谱仪mid gley soil中位潜育土mid ocean ridge大洋中背middle atmosphere中层大气middle clouds中云middle course中游middle infrared亳米波辐射图像匹配制导middle latitudes中纬度middle mountains中山midnight午夜migma混合岩浆migmatite复片麻岩migmatite front混合岩前缘migmatization混合岩化migration迁移migration contrast迁移对照migration environment移动某质migration length迁移长度migration of elements元素的迁移migratory anticyclone移动性反气旋migratory bird候鸟migratory cyclone移动性气旋migratory fishes回游鱼类mild climate温和气候mild humus熟腐殖质mildly alkaline soil轻度碱性土壤mile英里military base军事基地military cartography军事制图学military geography军事地理学military geology军事地质学military grid reference system军事格网参考系military industrial target军事工业目标military intelligence军事情报military interpretation军事判读military map军用地图military sketch军用略图military target军事目标military topography军事地形学milk ripe stage乳熟期millibar毫巴milligram equivalent毫克当量millimeter wave radiation chart matching guidance毫米波辐图像匹配制导miloschite蓝高岭石mimetesite砷铅矿mimetite砷铅矿minable seam可采煤层minamata disease水俣病mine矿山mine concession矿田mine damage矿害mine drainage pollution矿山排水造成的污染mine plan矿山平面图mine survey矿山测量mine surveying instrument矿山测量仪器mine surveyor矿山测量员mine waste water矿山废水mine water矿水mine working矿山巷道miner's hammer矿工锤mineragenetic epoch成矿时代mineragenetic province成矿区mineral矿物mineral acid soil矿物质酸性土mineral assemblage矿物共生mineral association矿物聚合mineral chemistry矿物化学mineral composition矿物成分mineral constituents矿物组成分mineral deposit矿床mineral dye矿物颜料mineral equilibrium矿物平衡mineral facies矿物相mineral filler矿物填料mineral manure矿质肥料mineral manure theory矿物肥料说mineral matter矿物质mineral metabolism矿质代谢mineral nutrition矿质营养mineral oil矿油mineral paragenesis矿物共生mineral parent rock矿质母岩mineral physics矿物物理学mineral pigments矿物性颜料mineral reserves矿藏mineral resources矿物资源mineral soil矿质土壤mineral spring矿泉mineral water矿泉水mineralforming element造矿元素mineralization成矿酌mineralized belt矿化带mineralizing agent矿化剂mineralizing solution矿化溶液mineralogical phase rule矿物相律mineralogy矿物学minerogenetic map成矿规律图minerogenetic prognostic map成矿预测图miniature potential微小电位minicomputer小型计算机minimonitor微型监察器minimum area最小面积minimum detectable temperature difference最小可探测温差minimum flow最小量minimum information method最小信息法minimum mining content最小可采品位minimum temperature最低温度minimum thermometer最低温度表minimum workable grade最低可采品位mining采矿mining compass矿山罗盘mining geodesy矿山测量学mining geology矿山地质学mining wastes采矿废弃物mining wastewater采矿废水minium铅丹minor bed枯水河床minor element微量元素minor features小地形minor joint小节理minute folding细褶皱miocene中新世miogeosyncline冒地槽miracle rice奇迹般的稻mirage蜃景mire沼泽退化;软泥mire classification沼泽分类mire distribution沼泽分布mire drainage沼泽排水mire indicator plant沼泽指示植物mire landscape沼泽景观mire microgeomorphology沼泽微地貌mire plant沼泽植物mire resources沼泽资源mire runoff沼泽径流mire science沼泽学mire vegetation沼泽植被mirror image镜像mirror stereoscope反光立体镜missourite白榴橄辉岩mist轻雾mistral密史脱拉风mixed cloud混合云mixed coniferous broad leaved forest针阔叶混交林mixed crystal混合晶mixed fertilizer混合肥料mixed forest混交林mixed forest zones混交林带mixed pine forest with decidous tree落叶噬混交林mixed pixel混合象元mixed rendzina混合黑色石厌土mixed spruce forest with limetree椴势杉混交林mixed tide混合潮mixing fog混合雾mixing of soils撒布肥土mixing ratio混合比mixolimnion混成层mobile belt活动带mobile soil colloids怜性土壤胶体mobility移动性mobilization活化modal analysis实际分析modal composition实际矿物成分mode实际矿物成分mode of life生活方式model模型model deformation模型扭曲model test模型试验modelling of relief地形模型moder中度腐殖质moderate alkalinity中等碱度moderate breeze和风moderate rain中雨modification诱发变异modulation变调modulation index灯指数modulation transfer function灯传递函数module模数mofette碳酸喷气孔mohorovicic's discontinuity莫霍界面mohs hardness scale莫氏硬度表mohs scale莫氏硬度表moire波纹moire effect莫阿干涉效应moist adiabatic change湿绝热变化moist air湿空气moist district湿润地带moist labile energy湿不稳定能moist lability湿不稳定moist meadow湿草甸moist semi deciduous tropical forest潮湿半落叶热带林moist soil湿润土moisture湿气moisture budget水分平衡moisture capacity持水量moisture content水分含量moisture equivalent持水当量moisture holding capacity持水量moisture index水分指数moisture meter湿度计moisture percentage湿度百分数moisture profile水分剖面moisture retention capacity持水量moisture tension水分张力mol克分子molality克分子浓度molar concentration克分子浓度molar fraction克分子分数molar solution克分子溶液molasse磨砾层mole drainage鼠道排水mole hill田鼠丘mole parrag田鼠丘molecular attraction分子引力molecular bond分子键molecular colloid分子胶体molecular compound分子化合物molecular diagram分子模型图molecular diffusion分子扩散molecular energy level分子的能级molecular evolution分子进化molecular ion分子态离子molecular orbit分子轨道molecular polarity分子极性molecular polarizability分子极化率molecular ratio分子比率molecular solution分子溶液molecular spectrum分子光谱molecular structure分子结构molecular weight分子量molecule分子molinia meadow沼茅草甸mollic andosols松软暗色土mollic epipedon松软表层mollic gleysols松软潜育土mollic greyzems松软灰色森林土mollic planosols松软粘磐土mollic solonchaks松软盐土mollic solonetz松软碱土mollisol软土mollusca软体动物mollweide's projection摩尔魏德投影molybdenum钼molybdenum deposit钼矿床molybdenum polution钼污染molybdite钼华monadnock残丘monazite独居石monazite sand独居石砂monimolimnion永滞层monitor监测器监视器monitor unit监视器monitoring监视monitoring for water pollution水污染监测monitoring of grass diseases牧草病害监测monocarp一次结实植物monochromatic light单色光monochromatic transmittance单色透过率monoclinal valley单斜谷monocular vision单眼观察monocyclic landscape单旋回地形monocyclic relief单循环地形monocyclic river单旋回河monoecism雌雄同株monogenetic volcanoes单成火山monogeosyncline狭长地槽monolith整段标本monomolecular film单分子层monophagous animals单食性动物monophotogrammetry单象摄影测量学monosaccharide单糖monothermite单热石monsoon季风monsoon climate季风气候monsoon climate of medium latitudes温带季风气候monsoon currents季风洋流monsoon forest季雨林monsoon mixed forest zones季雨混交林带monsoon rainfall季风降水monsoon season季风季节montage镶嵌montane zone山地带monthly total precipitation月降水量monticellite钙镁橄榄石montmorillonite蒙脱石montmorillonitic clay蒙脱石粘土montmorillonitization蒙脱石化monumented point标尺点monzonite二长岩moon atlas月面图集moon cross测月十字丝moon map月面图moon's eclipse月食moonstone月长石moor沼泽moor soil沼地土壤moorland泥沼地mor酸性粗腐殖质morainal lake冰碛湖moraine冰碛moraine landscape冰碛景观moraine soil冰碛土morainic clay冰碛粘土morainic debris冰碛岩屑morainic deposit冰碛沉积mordenite丝光沸石morphallaxis变形再生morphogenesis形态发生morphologic province地貌区morphological analysis形态分析morphological map地势图morphology形态学morphometric maps形态测定图morphometry形态测定morphostructure形态结构mortality atlas死亡率地图集morvan准平原面交切mosaic镶嵌mosaic assembly照片嵌拼图mosaic soil镶嵌土壤mosaic structure嵌镶构造moss藓类moss bog藓类沼泽moss cover苔藓类被moss land苔藓地moss lichen tundra苔藓冻原moss peat藓类泥炭mosses苔藓植物mother liquor母液mother rock母岩motion运动motivation动机mottle斑点mottling斑点mould霉菌mould fungi霉菌mountain and valley breezes山谷风mountain breeze山风mountain brown forest soil山地棕色森林土mountain chain山脉mountain chestnut soil山地栗钙土mountain climate山岳气候mountain farming山地农业mountain fog山雾mountain forest podzolized soil山地森林灰化土mountain forest soil山地森林土mountain forest zone山地森林带mountain glacier高山冰川mountain knot山结mountain lake山地湖mountain landscape山地景观mountain meadow soil山地草甸土mountain meadow steppe soil山地草甸草原土mountain meal岩粉mountain meteorology高山气象学mountain peat soil山地泥炭土mountain range山脉mountain river山溪mountain soils山地土壤mountain station山岳气象站mountain steppe soil山地草原土mountain stream山区河流山溪mountain system山系mountain torrent山区河流mountain tundra高山冻原mountain tundra belt高山冻原带mountain waste荒山mountain xerophytes山地旱生植物mountain zone山地带mountainous mire山地沼泽mountains山地movable barrage活动坝moving移动moving average滑动平均moving average method移动平均法moving dunes怜沙丘muck soil黑泥土muck warp soil腐泥冲积土mud泥mud crack干裂mud flow泥流mud flow deposits泥裂积层mud fluid泥浆mud land torrent石洪mud lava泥熔岩mud soil淤泥土mud volcano泥火山muddiness污浊mudstone泥板岩mudtheraphy泥疗法mugearite橄榄粗面岩mulberry桑树mulch覆盖层mulched ground被覆盖土壤mulching复盖mulching soil覆盖土壤mullite莫来石multi channel system多通道系统。



崩塌危险性评估报告范文英文回答:Geotechnical Collapse Hazard Assessment Report.Introduction.This report presents the results of a geotechnical collapse hazard assessment conducted for the subject property located at [address]. The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the potential for collapse of the existing structure(s) on the property due to geotechnical hazards, such as landslides, sinkholes, or subsidence.Methods.The assessment included a review of available geologic data, a site reconnaissance, and subsurface exploration. The geologic data review included an examination ofpublished geologic maps and reports, as well as aerial photographs and topographic maps. The site reconnaissance involved a visual inspection of the property and its surroundings, including the existing structure(s), slopes, and drainage patterns. The subsurface exploration consisted of drilling boreholes and conducting laboratory tests on soil samples to determine their engineering properties.Findings.The following geotechnical hazards were identified during the assessment:Landslides: The property is located on a slope with a gradient of approximately [gradient]. The soil conditions on the slope are [soil conditions], which are susceptible to landslides if not properly managed.Sinkholes: The property is located in an area with a history of sinkhole activity. Sinkholes are caused by the collapse of underground cavities in limestone or other soluble bedrock.Subsidence: The property is located in an area with a history of subsidence. Subsidence is caused by the settlement of the ground surface due to the extraction of groundwater or other subsurface resources.Assessment.Based on the findings of the assessment, the following collapse hazards have been identified for the existing structure(s) on the property:Landslide hazard: The existing structure(s) are located within a zone of potential landslide activity. The risk of landslide damage to the structure(s) is [risk level].Sinkhole hazard: The existing structure(s) are located within a zone of potential sinkhole activity. The risk of sinkhole damage to the structure(s) is [risk level].Subsidence hazard: The existing structure(s) arelocated within a zone of potential subsidence activity. The risk of subsidence damage to the structure(s) is [risk level].Recommendations.Based on the assessment findings, the following recommendations are made to mitigate the collapse hazards identified for the existing structure(s) on the property:Landslide hazard: The following measures should be taken to mitigate the landslide hazard:Install a drainage system to control surface water runoff and reduce the potential for soil saturation.Construct retaining walls or other slope stabilization measures to support the slope and prevent landslides.Monitor the slope for signs of movement and take corrective action as necessary.Sinkhole hazard: The following measures should be taken to mitigate the sinkhole hazard:Fill any existing sinkholes on the property with engineered fill material.Monitor the property for signs of sinkholeactivity and take corrective action as necessary.Subsidence hazard: The following measures should be taken to mitigate the subsidence hazard:Monitor the ground surface for signs of subsidence and take corrective action as necessary.Consider grouting or other subsurfacestabilization techniques to address any potential subsidence issues.Conclusion.The geotechnical collapse hazard assessment has identified the potential for collapse hazards to the existing structure(s) on the property. The recommendations outlined in this report should be implemented to mitigate these hazards and protect the structure(s) from damage.中文回答:岩土崩塌危险性评估报告。



Open Journal of Natural Science 自然科学, 2023, 11(2), 278-287 Published Online March 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/ojns https:///10.12677/ojns.2023.112033准格尔旗铧尖地区土壤重金属地球化学特征及污染评价张 鑫1,那帅博宁2*,辛 凯1,岳喜能1,李朋元1,武 杰11中国地质调查局廊坊自然资源综合调查中心,河北 廊坊2中国地质调查局哈尔滨自然资源综合调查中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨收稿日期:2023年2月28日;录用日期:2023年3月24日;发布日期:2023年3月31日摘 要为了解准格尔旗铧尖地区土壤重金属空间分布及污染情况,采用公里网格法对研究区布设土壤样品点位,对铧尖地区As 、Hg 、Cu 、Pb 、Ni 、Cd 、Zn 七种重金属元素进行了测定分析,并运用多元统计法、富集指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法以及潜在生态风险指数法研究了研究区土壤重金属污染程度。

结果表明:研究区Pb 、Cd 元素平均含量分别为内蒙古土壤元素背景值1.83、3.02倍,显著富集;同时Pb 、Cd 元素两种元素变异系数大于1,属超强变异元素。

As 、Hg 、Cu 、Zn 属强变异元素,Ni 元素属弱变异元素;Pb 、Zn 、Cd 三种具显著相关性,Hg 与Cu 具显著相关性,推测其分别具有同源性或同期性,出现不同种元素间协同污染的概率较大;As 、Hg 、Cu 、Pb 、Cd 、Zn 六种元素污染程度均达到严重污染,只有Ni 元素为轻度污染;Cd 元素潜在生态风险指数平均值最高(89.6381),评价结果为较重危害水平;其余六种元素按潜在生态风险指数依次为Hg > As > Pb > Ni > Cu > Zn ,评价结果为轻微危害;研究区内五处中高风险区为采矿活动在地表径流作用下元素富集的结果。



科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald174技报告导读能和电性之间的关系。


关键词:地质模型 土石混合体 地应力 多尺度 地质与数值建模The Study of Analysis Method for Engineering Geological Structure Model and BasicInformation of Geological ConditionJiang Linjing(University of Science & Technology Beijing,USTB)Abstract :The planned task of this year has been basically completed by the ways of in situ investigations,experiments and researches. It mainly included:(1)The geological data of three landslides were acquired by on site investigation,the hazard distribution characteristic was analyzed and the control plan was proposed.(2)A more convenient and efficient GSI quantization table is proposed.(3)To meet the needs of different rock mechanics experiments, the related laboratory equipments were developed and the experiments were conducted, a new understanding of the rock failure mechanism and constitutive relation were got.(4)The mechanical properties,seepage and failure characteristics of earth-rock aggregate were got through the experiments.(5)Through the analysis of the rule between the underground mining area and the movement of the slope in Wulong Jiwei mountain area,the impact of the underground mining on landslide was determined.(6)The interface identification techniques and methods for geotechnical and geological formation were improved.(7)By experimental studies of the acoustic emission and microscopic contact damage characteristics when it was creeping of fractured rock, it showed the long term mechanical behavior and the precursor information of the unstable failure.(8)Three key issues of the multi-scale geological modeling were solved and applied in Huating coal field.(9)The partial least square method was applied in the calculation of in situ stress field.It was more advantaged when combining with multi-scale method;the complex boundary conditions were used to inverselycalculate the in situ stress field on the basis of the secondary development of ABAQUS software,which is more close to the actualsituation.(10)The relationship between electrical and mechanical properties in the process of the damage was studied based on Fushun east open mine,and the damage variable calculation method was established on based on detection method for elasticity modulus and resistivity , at the same time,the relationship between the mechanical and electrical properties of rock was created.For Haishiwan coal mine,the similar simulation experiments of moving damage of rock and numerical analysis were done for the stability of the slope after mining,it showed the damage and moving rule of the slope with the progress of excavation.(11)The system for the slope engineering geological information management, and the disaster analysis and early warning was improved.Key Words :Geologic model;Rock-soil aggregate;Ground stress;Multi-scale;Geological and numerical modeling阅读全文链接(需实名注册):htt p://w w w.nstr s.c n/x ian g x px?id=51706&f lag =1重大工程地质灾害的预测理论及数值分析方法研究年度报告袁明武1 孙树立1 黄克服1 刘晓宇2 陈永强1(1.北京大学;2.中科院力学所)摘 要:基本完成了SAP84-NOLM的PC版本并进行了测试,可以实现在PC上计算大约30万自由度的地质体结构。



3 Geology地质3. 1 Introduction说明Zambia comprises a number of geologically diverse terrains ranging from stable Archaean and early Proterozoic cratons to structurally complex “mobile belts” and younger cover rocks, and it is this diversity which creates the considerable exploration potential of the country. The geological complexities and multiple tectono-thermal events evident in Zambia are due, in large pan, to the country’s unique geographic location between three major cratons, the massive Kasai Craton to the west and the Zimbabwe-Kaapvaal (‘Kalahari’) and Tanzania cratons to the south and north respectively (Duane and Saggerson, l993; Unrug, 1996) (Figure 6). Inter-cratonic dislocations and the buttressing effects of these stable blocks have exerted considerable control on the geological evolution of the country. As a result, the stratigraphic record is far from complete but it is reviewed briefly below and subsequently major tectono-thermal events and structural domains are considered. Historically, and perhaps not surprisingly, most geological studies have focused on the Copperbelt, and much information from these studies has appeared in scientific journals as well as the geological reports produced by the Geological Survey Department.赞比亚是一个地质多样化国家,从稳定的太古代和早期的Proterozoic克拉通到结构复杂的“移动带”以及新近的覆盖岩都有分布,正是这种多样性使得这个国家具有相当大的开发潜力。

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Geologic Hazard Report of Golden AreaShao Jun Liu12/01/14Lab section: Friday 1-4 p.m.TA: Mr. Alvaro PuenteGolden is a small city located in Jefferson County with the latitude and longitude of 39° 45' 20" N and 105° 13' 14" W. There are four major geologic hazards in Golden area includes swelling soil, flooding, rockfall, and landslide.Swelling soil is one of the most significant geologic hazards in Colorado. Swelling soil is the expanding and contracting of soil because of the adding and removing of water in the rock formations. Swelling soils are commonly found in rock formations that contains clay. Clay is an expansive soil that will expand when water is added and shrink when water is extracted. There are three type of clay, including Kaolinite, Illite, and Sinectites. There are two types of swelling environment. The first type of swelling environment occurs when the rock formations are laid horizontally. The removal of water will create a moisture zone on the rock formation. The second type of swelling environment occurs when the rock formations are tilled at an angle. The differential moisture of rock formations creates the heaving of bedrock. This type of swelling environment is commonly found in front Range of Colorado.In Golden area, there are three rock formations that have high swelling potential. These rock formations are Benton Shale, Pierre Shale, and Denver formations. Benton Shale and Pierre Shale formations could be found along Highway 6 and highway 93. Denver formation locates on the Eastern side of Golden. For example, the bases of the Table Mountains are parts of Denver formation. Laramie, Rosten Creek and Morrison formation have moderate risk of swelling soil. Swelling soil can cause damage to the foundation if properties are built on these rock formations. The expanding and contracting of soil will destabilized the foundation and cause cracks on the buildings. Avoidance and not building properties in these areas are the most efficient way to avoid property damages. Excavating with engineer refill is one way to protect the foundation. The house foundation will not be in direct contact of the swelling bedrocks. Another method to protect the foundation is by drilling down to the non-swelling bedrocks and anchoring the foundation under the soil. Finally, maintaining a stable amount of water in the rock layers can eliminate swelling of soil.Flooding is also a potential geologic hazard in Golden area since Clear Creek flows through Golden City. Flooding occur when the discharge of water in a stream increase rapidly and causing the water surface rise above the river bank. Flooding can occur during heavy rain season or sudden break of natural dams or human dams. The damages caused by flooding depend on the discharge of water and the speed of the flood. A flash flood or flood with high speed and high discharge will cause more damages than slowly rising water. The 100-year flood plain of Clear Creek is constructed in the flood hazard map. The area covered by the 100-year flood included the low altitude areas along the side of Clear Creek.Channelizing the stream is a good option to clear the river bed and sediments. Clear Creek has been channelized once after the flood in 1965. A channelized river can hold a higher discharge than a braded stream, allowing water to flow smoothly. Building a more stable river bank and dike can prevent the overflow of flood water. Zoning is very critical in a flood plain. Emergency agencies should never be built on the flood plain since they play an important role during a flood event. Expensive buildings and equipment should not be built on a flood plain. Some of the best ways to utilize a flood plain include turning it into public parks, playgrounds, parking lots, or cultivation land. Also, the bridges and roads in flood plain area should be built strong enough to withstand in a 100-year flood.Rockfall is a potential geological hazard in Golden area. Rockfall is the sudden break of rock bodies from the edge of mountains or cliff and roll downhill with a high speed. Rockfall can cause a severe damage to the objects on the path of its trajectory because of the high kinetic energy is converted from gravitational potential energy. Buildings and roads can be severely damaged by rockfall. Building a road on a high risk rockfall area will create a danger environment for cars on the roads. There are three major rockfall hazard areas in Golden area, including both Table Mountains and Clear Creek Cannon. There are basaltic lava flows on Table Mountains. The cooling of basaltic lava created cracks within the lava bodies and rocks can be falling from the edge of the igneous rock layers. Highway 6 runs along the side of Clear Creek Cannon. The constructing of the highway and digging of the mountains create a potential rockfall hazard along the side of the road.There are several methods that can be used to eliminate the rockfall hazards. First, the use of rock nets helps stable the rocks. Rock nets are commonly found along the side of a mountain highway. Second, stabilizing the rocks by inserting rebar horizontally and vertically. Rebar or iron bar chain the surface rocks and bed rocks together. Third, create ditches along the edges of mountains to capture the falling rocks. The falling rocks will reduce speed as it drop into the ditch. Regular cleanup and maintenance of ditches are required so that the ditches remain functioning. Finally, scaling and cleaning mountains can be used to eliminate the risk of rockfall. Loose rocks can be removed by breaking it using hammers or explosives. Regular removal of loose materials is important to maintain a safe environment.Landslide is a geologic hazard that commonly occurs in mountainous areas. Landslide describes the sliding, and flowing of a region of soil and rocks downward and outward from a slope. There are two types of landslides, including circular and translational landslides. Landslide can cause severe damage such as the burring of properties, roads, and dam up rivers. The occurrence of landslide depends on the rock types and water content. If the water content is high in soil, then it creates a higher risk for landslide. Also, if the bed rocks of an area contain mostly sedimentary rocks rather than igneous rocks, it will also create a higher risk of landslide. The slope of the bedrock is a key factor affecting the risk of landslide. In general, sedimentary bedrocks become unstable when the slope is greater than 30 degree and 60 degree for igneous bedrock. Most of the rock formations in Golden area are sedimentary. The major igneous rocks in this area include Table Mountain Basalt and Idaho Springs formations.Areas around Tables Mountains and the Western side of Golden are places with high risk of landslides since areas consist of mostly sedimentary bedrocks. Landslide can occur when the bed rock become unstable. Possible mitigation methods include vegetation, creation of buffer zone, horizontal stabilization and maintaining toe. Specific vegetation and roots system is one of the effective ways to stabilize the bed rocks and decrease the water content. Creating a buffer zone on the downslope can help slowdown the flow of the landslide and decrease property damages. Horizontal stabilization can be commonly found along some highways and roads. Inserting rebar horizontally can help stabilizing a circular landslide. Finally, maintaining the toe of a potential landslide region is very important. Stabilizing the toe can stabilize the whole area since most landslides occur when their toe got weaken and unstable because of erosion.Altogether, swelling soil, flooding, rockfall, and landslide are four major geological hazards in Golden area. Avoidance is one of the most effective ways to eliminate damages from geological hazards. Also, proper zoning, scaling, and regular maintenance are some of the methods to eliminate geological hazards.Reference:"Landslide Types and Processes." Landslide Types and Processes. U.S. Geological Survey, July 2004. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. </fs/2004/3072/fs-2004-3072.html>."Landslides | Colorado Geological Survey." Landslides | Colorado Geological Survey. Colorado Geological Survey, 2012. Web. 01 Dec. 2014. </geologic-hazards/landslides/>.Geologic Map of Golden Fault. By Jeremy McCreary. Digital Image Oct 22, 2004/colorado/dakota_hogback/ (Accessed: 12/01/14)"NGMDB Product Description Page." NGMDB Product Description Page. U.S. Geological Survey, 1 Jan. 1972. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. </Prodesc/proddesc_9511.htm>。
