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1. A ____(green infrastructure) integrates nature into urban planning.
2.The __________ was a conflict between Britain and its American colonies. (美国独立战争)
3.The ______ (植物的特性) often dictate their growth patterns.
4.________ (植物保护倡导者) raise awareness.
5.Animals that eat both plants and meat are called ______.
6.The process of plants using sunlight to make food is called ______.
7.What is the name of the famous American singer known for his hit song "Jailhouse Rock"?
A. Johnny Cash
B. Elvis Presley
C. Buddy Holly
D. Chuck Berry答
案:B.Elvis Presley
8.The __________ (历史的再现) can evoke powerful emotions.
9. A solution that can conduct electricity is called an ______ solution.
10. A male deer is called a ______.
11.The weather is _____ (sunny/cloudy) today.
12. A solution that has a pH of is considered _______.
13.The flowers are _____ in the garden. (blooming)
14.What is the name of the famous musician known for his "Thriller" album?
A. Michael Jackson
B. Elvis Presley
C. Madonna
D. Prince答案: A
15.an Revolution was the first successful ________ (奴隶起义). The Hima
16.The chemical formula for sodium chloride is _______.
17.The first successful vaccine for measles was developed in ________.
18.temperate) zone experiences four distinct seasons. The ____
19. A _______ is a special type of mixture with tiny particles that never settle.
20.My teacher encourages us to _______ (动词). 她相信我们能 _______ (动词).
21.What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?
A. 50
B. 75
C. 100
D. 125答案:C.100
22.__________ is the process of combining substances to create new ones.
23.The ________ was a prominent advocate for social change.
24.I like to ______ (参与) in community projects.
25.The capital of Comoros is ________ (莫罗尼).
26.The Milky Way is our home ______.
27. A _____ (植物名称) can tell us a lot about its origin.
28.What is the freezing point of water in Celsius?
A. 0
B. 32
C. 100
D. 50答案:A
29. A zebra's stripes are unique to each ______ (个体).
30. A ____(valley) is formed by erosion over time.
31.What is the opposite of 'fast'?
A. Slow
B. Quick
C. Speedy
D. Rapid答案:A
32.The capital of Japan is _______.
33.The __________ is the capital city of Argentina. (布宜诺斯艾利斯)
34.I like to play with my _________ (电动玩具) on rainy days.
35.My _____ (外公) always tells interesting stories about his travels. 我外公总是讲述他旅行的有趣故事。
36. A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more ______.
37.My uncle is a skilled __________ (木匠).
38.Solar panels convert sunlight into ______ (electricity).
39.Which animal can fly?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Bird
D. Fish答案: C
40.The plants need sunlight and _______ (植物需要阳光和_______).
41.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), enjoys painting landscapes.
42.The __________ can provide critical insights into the health of the environment.
43.What do we call the study of the Earth's surface?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Astronomy
D. Ecology答案: A
44.I found a _______ (小蟋蟀) chirping in the grass.
45.The car is ___ fast. (going)
46.What do we call a person who studies the stars?
A. Astronomer
B. Astrologist
C. Scientist
D. Biologist答案: A. Astronomer
47.Every year, I participate in a ________ (艺术比赛) at school to showcase my creativity.
48.The __________ is a major mountain range that runs through North America. (落基山脉)
49.His favorite sport is ________.
50.My brother is my adventurous _______ who loves to discover new things.
51.I saw a _______ (小刺猬) on the path.
52.Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?
A. Banana
B. Tomato
C. Carrot
D. Grapes答案:B.Tomato
53.An __________ is a piece of land surrounded by water.
54.The tree is _______ (covered) in blossoms.
55._____ (seedling) is a young plant.
56.The firefly glows in the _______ (黑暗).
57. A ____ burrows into the ground and enjoys digging.
58.barrier reef) protects coastlines from waves. The ____
59.Which of these is a color?
A. Dog
B. Blue
C. Car
D. Table答案:B Blue
60.The stars shine _______ (在夜空中)。
61. A _____ (水果) tree takes years to mature.
62.My favorite _____ is a stuffed panda.
63.The boy likes to play ________.
64. A _____ (植物文化交流) fosters appreciation for diversity.
65.I think animals are very _______ (形容词). They bring joy and _______ (快乐) to our lives.
66.Which animal is known for its ability to change color?
A. Chameleon
B. Frog
C. Eagle
D. Shark答案: A
67.The capital of Macedonia is __________.
68.What is the name of the famous American actress known for her role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
A. Marilyn Monroe
B. Audrey Hepburn
C. Grace Kelly
D. Elizabeth Taylor 答案: B
69.My dad encourages me to be __________ (自信的) in my abilities.
70.Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?
A. Mark Twain
B. Charles Dickens
C. William Shakespeare
D. J.K. Rowling 答案: C
71.The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is __________.
72.The roots help the plant to __________ (吸收) water.
73.I can ______ (使用) technology for school projects.
74.What do we call a group of stars?
A. Galaxy
B. Universe
C. Constellation
D. Nebula答案:C
75.The __________ (历史的解析) provides clarity.
76.What do we call the study of weather?
A. Biology
B. Meteorology
C. Geography
D. Astronomy答案: B
77.My cat loves to chase after ______ (昆虫).
78. A process that separates a mixture into its components is called ______.
79.The sky is ___ (blue/black) today.
80.I like to make ______ for my family.
81.The __________ helps protect the earth from harmful solar radiation.
82.During photosynthesis, plants convert _______ into glucose. (阳光)
83.The invention of ________ changed how we live daily.
84.The frog's croak is a sign of ______ (繁殖).
85.What is the chemical symbol for water?
A. H2O
B. CO2
C. O2
D. NaCl答案: A
86.The chemical formula for lawrencium oxide is ______.
87.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me understand feelings better.
88.My cat loves to catch ______ (小虫) on the floor.
89. A _______ (小兔子) has long ears and likes to eat carrots.
90.The __________ can indicate areas of potential geological research interest.
91.We are learning about ______ (animals) in class.
92.The capital of Nauru is _______.
93.The garden has many _______ that change colors.
94.My dad is a wonderful __________ (鼓励者).
95.What is the opposite of "tall"?
A. Short
B. Wide
C. Big
D. Long答案: A
96.What do we call a scientist who studies the properties of matter?
A. Chemist
B. Physicist
C. Biologist
D. Geologist答案: A
97.The ____ is known for its ability to live in extreme conditions.
98.The chemical formula for styrene is _____.
99.He is a _____ (分析师) in a financial firm.
100.The ocean contains many unique ______ systems.。