Common Mistakes Show

Writing an essay in English about making mistakes can be a reflective and insightful exercise.Here are some key points to consider when crafting such an essay:1.Introduction:Start by introducing the topic and explaining why making mistakes is an important aspect of life.You might want to mention that everyone makes mistakes and that they are a natural part of the learning process.2.Personal Experience:Share a personal anecdote about a time when you made a mistake. Describe the situation,the mistake you made,and how you felt about it.This will add a personal touch to your essay and make it more relatable to readers.3.Importance of Mistakes:Discuss the importance of making mistakes.You can argue that mistakes are essential for personal growth,as they provide opportunities to learn and improve.Explain how mistakes can lead to new insights,better understanding,and the development of problemsolving skills.4.Learning from Mistakes:Elaborate on the concept of learning from mistakes.Discuss the process of reflection and analysis that follows a mistake.Explain how understanding why a mistake was made can help prevent similar errors in the future.5.Coping with Mistakes:Address the emotional aspect of making mistakes.Talk about common feelings such as guilt,embarrassment,or disappointment,and how these can be managed.Offer advice on maintaining a positive attitude and not letting mistakes define ones selfworth.6.Mistakes in Different Contexts:Explore how mistakes can occur in various contexts, such as in school,work,or personal relationships.Discuss how the impact and lessons learned from mistakes can vary depending on the situation.7.Overcoming Perfectionism:Discuss the concept of perfectionism and how it can be a barrier to growth.Explain that striving for perfection can lead to unrealistic expectations and an unhealthy fear of making mistakes.8.Case Studies or Examples:Include examples of famous people or historical figures who made significant mistakes but learned from them and achieved success.This can serve as inspiration and demonstrate that mistakes are not the end of the world.9.Conclusion:Summarize your main points and reiterate the importance of embracing mistakes as part of the learning process.Encourage readers to view mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than failures.10.Call to Action:End your essay with a call to action,urging readers to be open to making mistakes and to use them as stepping stones towards personal and professional development.Remember to use clear and concise language,provide specific examples,and maintain a logical flow throughout your essay.This will help your readers understand and appreciate the value of making mistakes in the pursuit of knowledge and selfimprovement.。

人们经常做决定,但常常会做错英语作文Errors are inevitable, but please do not repeat them.—— prefaceEveryone has a mistake, and at the same time, mistakes can also make you understand the success of your own efforts and some small details in your life. Also includes the action, language, in childhood, made mistakes, brave to admit, the adults happily said: " admit mistakes is always a good boy.”Of course, some people will not admit, that is in no adults. But sometimes rare, but heard of many, it is the first time to see. One night, we were all playing outside the community, my brother was hurt by a strange neighbor. When my brother asked her to apologize, I echoed it. She was stubborn, and finally, the girl ran away, and my brother and I had no way.Whether we hate or not, she was always the wrong choice. It is precisely because you still didn't apologize.Celebrities and heroes may also have some mistakes, if there is no wrong choice, perhaps everyone will not wake up, their own way, is it right? A wrong choice, is a road of life, at the same time, in the language can also correct you, not always face the embarrassing scenes, for a long time to speak.The same is true in action. Since mistakes have a lot of meaning, there is its truth. Wrong, there are right and wrong, both good and bad choice, just hope to understand what it means, know how great it is.Every mistake is avoided, so, go to that point, how to solve it, we have to understand the meaning of the mistake. Don't make a big mistake for a small thing, so that you will lose it, and you also don't get what you want.Do the right thing, and at the same time, understand the choice, and don't wake up when you lose it. Mistakes also have their own choice, but you really don't find it.。

II. 增加主语
2. 增加 one, you, we, they, people 等作主语 1) 从太空观察地球,可以更深入地了解地球的构造,探 明地球的资源,预测地震、洪水、飓风、火山爆发、 海啸和其他自然灾害,可以保护人们的生命和财产。 探明资源(=勘探资源) explore resources 地震、洪水、飓风、火山爆发、海啸 earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis([su'nɑ:mi]) 自然灾害 natural disasters/calamities 注:catastrophe 大灾难, 程度比 disaster/calamity 深, 如 the catastrophe of a worldwide conflict
1) 人们的看法是旅游业将有助于促进中国人民和其 他国家人民之间的相互了解和友谊,并将有利于 文化、科学、技术方面的交流。还会有助于国家 增加收入。 The development of tourism, it is believed, will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of China and other countries, and facilitate exchanges in the fields of culture, science and technology. Tourism also helps increase national revenue.

实用英语:中国人最容易犯错的30句英语口语实用英语:中国人最容易犯错的30句英语口语注意:(以下每组的第一句的句子是错误的,或者是不为Native Speaker采用的说法)1. I very like itI like it very much.2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。
The price is very suitable for me.The price is right.Note:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。
The following programme is not suitable for children在这组句子中用后面的说法会更合适。
3. 你是做什么工作的呢?What’s your job?Are you working at the moment?Note:what’s your job这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。
因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上班吗?Are you working at the moment?接下来您才问:目前您在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in?顺带说一下,回答这类问题时不妨说得具体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书。
4. 用英语怎么说?How to say?How do you say this in English?Note:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这决不是地道的英语说法。
同样的句子有:请问这个词如何拼写?How do you spell that please?请问这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?5. 明天我有事情要做。
I have something to do tomorrow?Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.用I have something to do来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。

The UK
• - Wrong: I like UK very much • - Right: I like the UK very much • -UK is short for United Kingdom, Kingdom is a noun, so it needs an article (eg: a or the) • - there is only one United Kingdom, so it must be the United Kingdom
• Chinese Style: Don’t step on the grass.
• American Style: Keep off the grass
• Chinese Style: Don’t expect me too much.
• American Style: Don’t expect too much from (of ) me.
• Chinese Style: I don’t know what did he say. • American Style: I don’t know what he said.
Almost all
• - Wrong: Almost of the people in my class are Japanese. • - Right: Almost all of the people in my class are Japanese. or : Almost everybody in my class is Jong: I'll see you next next week - Right: I'll see you the week after next

Common mistakes at IELTS Intermediate and how to avoid them 1.Are there any special times I should use the?We use thea.With countries or places where the name refers to a group of islands or states:The United States, the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates, the UKb.With superlatives: the best, the longest, the highestc.With cardinal numbers: the first, the second, the thirdd.When there is only one in the world: the environment, the internet, the sune.To refer to the only one in this particular area:the government, the police, the riverf.In the phrase: the same asWe don’t use thea.With a single country or place: America, England, Chinab.To talk about something in general. We use the plural if we are talking aboutsomething in general; we use the to identify one specific example. Compare: People with reading difficulties often have problems with numbers.The number eight is considered lucky in some countries.2.Singular or plural?If you use a plural noun, you must use a plural verb. The verb must ‘agree’ with the noun:In my country there are very few cars that use leaded petrol.I like studying during the day but my friend prefers studying at night.We use a plural noun with:a.Plural verbs: are, were, have, do ,play, etc.: There are a lot of books on the table.b.Numbers greater than one: 30 cars, 100 students.c.Many: It is annoying that so many buses drive past because they are full.d.The number of: The number of buses on our roads has increased each year.✧Note that we use a plural noun but a singular verb after the number of.We use a singular noun with:a.Singular verbs: is was, has, does, plays, etc.:There is only one bedroom in the flat.b.a/an or one: a car, one student✧Note that some nouns can look plural but are singular (news, mathematics) andsome nouns have a different form in the plural (children, men, women, people).3.Which nouns don’t have a plural form?Some nouns in English are ‘uncountable’. This means they do not have a plural form. Some common uncountable nouns are: advice, advertising, food, furniture, garbage, information, knowledge, money, shopping, time, traffic, travel.With uncountable nouns, you must use:a.The singular form: food, information, moneyb. A little/ amount of /much/some: How much money do you have?The amount of traffic on the roads is increasing each year.c. A singular verb:There was already a little furniture in the flat.If a noun is uncountable, you cannot use:a. A plural form ; a/an ; a few/ many / number of ; a number ; a plural verb ;If you want to add a number to an uncountable noun, you can use a pieces of /some/ a few pieces of:4.When do I use the present simple tense?We use the present simple make general statements about our world: The earth moves around the show a pattern or general truth: People work in order to meet their basic needsc.with adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never: People whoare too lazy to walk often use their cars instead.d.With expressions such as : nowadays, these days, today(with a general meaning):Many students today do their research via computer rather than through books.e.For verbs showing opinions or feelings, e.g. believe, think, hope: I think that weshould all do as much as we can to improve our environment.5.How do I write large numbers?When we talk about a specific large number, we do not add s to the number:200,000 = two hundred thousand.10,000,000 = ten millionThe noun that follows is always plural:There must have been at least three thousand students at the protest.We use the plural form of large numbers + of to give an approximate idea of how many:there must have been thousands of students at the protest.We can use a instead of one. One is more formal:If I won a million dollars, I would probably take a year off and travel around the world. The president promised to increase the health budget by one million dollars.✧We usually use numerals for numbers that cannot be written in one or two words: More than two million people attended last year. But: 2,001,967 people attended last year.You should write fractions in words: half a (million); alone third of a (million); three quarters of a (million); one and a quarter(million); one and three quarter(million): According to the chart, in 2004 over half a million Ukranians went to the cinema.6.There is / there areWe use there to say that something exits. We use there is with a singular subject and there are with a plural subject:There is an oak tree in my garden.There are some great movies on at the cinema.We use there is and there are to give new information. We use it is or they are to talk about something that has already been referred to. Compare:There is a present for you on the table. (the first time the present has been mentioned) Mary: What is that you’re carrying?John: It’s a present for my sister. (it = what John is carrying)We do not use the auxiliary verb do to form questions and negatives with there is and there are:Are there any clean glasses in the cupboard? There isn’t a map in the car.✧There cannot be left out: There is a pan of soup and there are some bowls in thekitchen.7.Which relative pronoun(关系代词) should I use?Relative pronouns (that, who, etc.) are used to connect two separate clauses:clause 1 relative pronoun clause 2There are several factors/ that / are important in achieving happiness.When information is essential to the sentence and cannot be left out, we use:a.That to refer to things or people: The chart that is on page 10 showsb.Who to refer to people: The number of women who were enrolled…c.What to refer to the thing that or the things that: The government should show uswhat must be done. (= the thing(s)that must be done)Note that you should only use one relative pronoun.The relative pronoun can be left out if it refers to the object of a verb, but not if it refers to the subject of a verb. Compare:The students that I teach all come from overseas countries.Students is the object of the verb teach, so the relative pronoun that can be left out: The students I teach all come from…The students who are studying EAP should see me today. Students is the subject of the verb are studying, so the relative pronoun who cannot be left out.8. How do I choose between and, but and or?We use and to join two similar ideas:Would you like some tea and biscuits? (=you can have both of them)We use but to show contrast between two different ideas:I have tea but I don’t have any coffee, I’m afraid. (I have tea = positive, I don’t have any coffee = negative)We use or to give an alternative:Would you like some tea or coffee? (= you will choose only one of them)Note: to join two enegative ideas, we use or if the subject and the verb are the same: I don’t have tea or coffee.After if/whether, we can use or not to suggest the alternative idea:We decided to go whether it was raining or not.(= whether it rained or whether it didn’t rain.)9. Auxiliary verbs (助动词)Do, be and have are called auxillary verbs. This means that they help to change the main verb.Do is used with the infinitive to make negatives or questions:I don’t agree. Do you agree?Do can be used with other question words: Why do you agree?Be is used with –ing verb forms to make the continuous tenses:I am study ing English in Cambridge.Have is used with the past participle(分词) of the verb to make the perfect tenses:I have been here for three months.The auxiliary verb must agree with the subject of the verb: Does your mother drink tea?We make questions and negatives without do if another auxiliary verb is used: Are you studying here?10. How do I use modal verbs? (情态动词)The following modal auxiliary verbs are followed by the infinitive without to: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would:When travelling, we should respect the customs of the countries we visit.Modal verbs form questions and negatives without using do:Can I help you?Will you meet me when I arrive?When we talk about obligation or necessity using have or need, we use to + infinitive: I have to finish my assignment this weekend.I need to talk to you.In questions and negatives, have to and need to behave like normal verbs and we use do:Do you have to pay extra for breakfast?They said I don’t need to bring my own sleeping bag.11. –ing or to + infinitive? (不定式)We use to + infinitive after the following verbs: ask, afford, decide, deserve, help, hope, learn, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, seem, want, would like:Summer seems to arrive later and later these days.Nowadays most people would like to have more money.Learn how is also followed by to + infinitive:I want to learn how to drive before I go to university.After some verbs, we use –ing: avoid, carry on, consider, deny, enjoy, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep, like, mind, practise, recommend, resist, suggest:I really enjoy watching movies at the cinema.Look forward to is also followed by –ing:I look forward to hearing your reply.We also use –ing after spend money and spend time:We spent a lot of money buying CDs last month. We spent $200 buying CDs last month. She spent a lot of time looking for information on the internet. She spent over three hours looking for information on the internet.✧Note that like can be followed by–ing or to +infinitive.12. Verbs after adjectives and prepositionsWith feel + adjective we use the –ing form of the verb:New students do not always feel comfortable speaking English to other people.After be + adjective, too + adjective and adjective + enough, we use to + infinitive:I was happy to see her when she arrived.The lecture was easy enough to understand.After all prepositions (about, by, from, for, in, of, without, etc.) we use the –ing form of the verb; we cannot use a clause(subject + verb):They celebrated their anniversary by organising a big party.Thank you for helping me so much with my studies.He opened the door without thinking about what would happen next.✧Note that despite, in spite of and instead of are considered to be prepositions:He did not get the job despite getting excellent grades.She went to the library instead of going straight home after school.If the following verb is negative, we use not + -ing: He got a job despite not getting good grades.13. The gerund or infinitive after allow, advise, make, suggest?Some verbs are followed by –ing if there is no object and by to +infinitive if there is a direct object –advise, allow, forbid, permit:The teacher allowed talking as long as it was in English.The teacher allowed us to talk as long as it was in English.Make is followed by the infinitive without to:My boss made me wear a horrible uniform.✧Note that the direct object must come between the verb and the infinitive:She allowed her dog to sit in the front of her car.In the passive, these verbs are followed by to + infinitive: be advised, be allowed, be forbidden, be made, be permitted:I was advised to contact my travel agent as soon as the plane landed.Mary was made to swallow a large dose of medicine by the nurse.Suggest can be followed by –ing without a direct object:John suggested going to a movie.If there is a direct object, you can use the infinitive without to, or a that clause: John suggested we go to a movie, or: John suggested that we go to a movie.14. Stop, try, forget and rememberSome verbs have a different meaning when they are followed by –ing or to + infinitive.Stop + -ing = to stop an activity. Stop + to + infinitive = to stop a previously mentioned activity in order to do something else. Compare:The boys stopped playing.The boys were playing and they stopped to watch a large truck go past.Try + -ing = to attempt to solve a problem by doing something. Try + to +infinitive = to attempt and fail to do something. Compare:I tried turning the tap but the water still poured out.I tried to turn the tap but it was too old and rusty.Forget/ remember+ -ing = thinking back to a special/ significant time in the past. Forget/remember + to + infinitive = thinking about something that must be done in the furture. Compare:I remember seeing a bull running down the High Street.I must remember to watch the news tonight.15. Prepositions after adjectives and nounsSome adjectives are always followed by a specific preposition.At. We say you are bad at, good at or surprised at something:I was surprised at the number of people who came.About and with. We say you are angry about or pleased about something but angry with or pleased with a person:I am pleased about your new job. I was really angry with John.After disappointed we use about or with; after worried we only use about:She was pretty disappointed with/ about her exam results.I am worried about John. They are worried about the test.Some nouns are always followed by a specific preposition.In. We say decrease in, drop in, fall in, increase in, rise in:There was an increase in attendance at this month’s meeting.Between. To contrast two things, we talk about the difference between them:The main difference between the American and the Canadian accent is in the vowels. Of. We say: advantage of, disadvantage of, example of, number of, percentage of, use of.The number of people in my class who smoke is incredible.16. Prepositions after verbsSome verbs must be followed by a specific preposition. Sometimes more than one preposition is possible and sometimes there is a difference in meaning depending on which preposition is used:Agree. We say you agree with a person or an idea:I totally agree with the government’s decision.But if you give your consent to something, we use agree to:Both sides in the war have agreed to the ceasefire.Apologise. We say you apologise to someone but you apologise for something: Mum made me go and apologise to our neighbours for breaking their window.Find out, know, learn, teach, think. These verbs can all be followed by about:Our teacher is trying to teach us about life in the olden days.Think can be followed by about or of to talk about opinions or future plans:What do you think about/of the new computer lab?I’m thinking about/of going back to university next year to finish my degree. Look. We use look at when we fix our eyes on something and look for when we mean searching for something:Oh look at the sunset! Isn’t it beautiful?I’ve looked for my homework everywhere. Have you seen it?17. Prepositions of time and placeWe use in with a year, month or part of the day, but on with a day or date:I came to Australia in 1998. We landed on 1st October, in the afternoon.We use at with a time and with the weekend the night:Let’s meet at the weekend. Are you free on Sunday at 8:00?We use for to talk about a length of time:I have lived in Australia for 18 years.We use in with cities, countries and places to say where something is or happened:I met my husband in London.We also use in with a book, newspaper, magazine, journal, film or TV programme to say where we read or saw something:I read some interesting new research in this month’s medical journal.We use at with school, college, university, work and home and to refer to a building: Where is dad? He’s at work.Shall we meet at the cinema?We use to with a place to show destination:Where are you going? I’m just going to the library to do some work.18. the preposition ofThe preposition of is used in some common expressions: cost of living, letter of apology/complaint, etc., period of time, quality of life, standard of living:My father is always complaining about the high cost of living nowadays.Of is also used after some nouns: government, group, importance, lack, leader, type: People often underestimate the importance of friends and family.Of is used to talk about quantities with some words: amount, number, a lot, lots, plenty:The government is hoping to persuade a large number of people to walk to work.Of is used in some prepositions: in front of, instead of:I decided to take the bus instead of the train.Also after because and as a result when they are followed by a noun or gerund:My cousin couldn’t swim with us because of his bad leg.Our football team was demoted as a result of the weather being bad.19. How do I make a verb passive?The passive is formed with the verb to be + the past participle of the verb: Nowadays, a great deal of money is spent on advertising.To make the negative, we put not between the verb to be and the past participle:We were not told that the rules had changed.The passive can also be used in the infinitive form:Children need to be taught the correct way to behave in public.After modal verbs, we use the passive infinitive without to:Some adults believe that children should be seen and not heard.You will be paid on the last Friday of each month.20. When do I use the passive?With active verbs we usually use the following order: subject + verb + object. We usethe passive when we want to put the object of the verb first: object + verb. Compare: The teacher told the students to close their books.The students were told to close their books.We use the passive:a.When we want to make the object the focus of the sentence:The books were sold for a small profit at the school.✧Note that the verb (were) agrees with the object (the books).b.When the context tells us who carried out the action:A law was introduced to help protect people in this situation.c.When it is not important who carried out the action:In the factory, the shoes are cleaned and packed into boxes ready for sale.✧Note that we can include the ‘subject’ by adding by + the person/group:A lot of waste materials could be recycled by large manufacturers.21. What is register?‘Register’ means using the right word in the right context. For formal essay writing, you must use a formal register. This means you should not use informal language. You should not use:rmal vocabulary: not kids; ok; bucks; heap. You should use a more formalequivalent instead: children; all right or acceptable; money; many or a greatdeal.2.Symbols on their own in place of words: not %; $; &; @. You should write thewords in full: percent; money; and; at. Note that % and $ should only be usedwith numerals. For smaller amounts we write $50(not 50 dollars) and 75% (not75 percent). The noun form of percent is percentage.3.Abbreviations: not m; yrs; kgs; no. You should write these words in full: million;years; kilos/kilograms; number.4.You should use capital letters only when appropriate: Nowadays people thinkthat…22. Adjectives and adverbsAdjectives are used to describe a noun: Today life is very complicated.To describe a whole idea or situation, we can use It is + adjective + that–clause or it is + adjective + to + infinitive:It is essential that you bring back all of your books before the end of term.It is important to begin studying several weeks before the exam.Adverbs can be used to describe a verb: We must act quickly. Or an adjective: This chart is significantly different.We use adverbs such as unfortunately to show how we feel about something: Unfortunately, he’s not well.✧Some adverbs are irregular, e.g. fast, hard, well: He ran as fast as he could.23. Noun or adjective?✧Note that invaluable means very valuable!✧Men and women can only be used as nouns: More men than women work here. Male and female are used as adjectives: The number of female employees is increasing each year.You should refer to either men and women or male and female. Do not use the two different terms together:24. Verb confusion 1 – courses and study1. Know is used to show that you have memorised something or that you are certain of something: I know all of the irregular verbs. Know describes a state, not an activity and we cannot use it in the continuous form.2.Learn describes an activity. We learn facts when we try to memorise them: I am learning irregular verbs for the test. We can also learn a skill: I am learning to play the piano. We cannot use learn by itself.3. Study is usually used to talk about a whole subject area rather than individual skills or facts: My daughter is studying economics at university. We can use study by itself: I am studying for the test on Friday. Note that we can say learn about but not study about: We’re learning about World War I this term.4. Take can be used in a similar way to study to refer to a subject area: I am takinga course in marketing. It is also used to refer to the individual subjects within a course: I have to take at least 3 marketing subjects to get the diploma.5. Enrol is used to say that you are listed in the official records for a course. I have just enrolled in an art course.25. Verb confusion 2 – describing charts and figuresDescribing chartsGraphs and charts can show facts:The two graphs show the number of people employed by the company in 1980 and 1990.We use indicate when we want to draw a conclusion about the figures in the charts: These figures indicate that the company is growing in size each year.We use illustrate to refer to evidence or proof of something:These figures illustrate the need for better management of our resources.We do not use demonstrate display or tell to describe a chart. Compare the following:The salesman demonstrated the machine for us.Look at the figures displayed on the screen.The girls’ work was displayed for all to see.Did I tell you about my accident?Describing figuresIf figures go up, we use increase or rise: Temperatures rose in May.If the figure go down, we use decrease or fall: The number of bats fell in 2004.If the figures stay the same, we use remain steady or show little/no change: The figures show little change since 2001.26. Verb confusion 3 – money and problemsMoney: buy or spend?We use buy to say what we bought or where we bought it: ‘I bought a new jumper last week.’ ‘Where did you buy it?’We use spend to talk about money: I spent over $250 on mobile phone calls last month.When we use spend by itself, the idea of money is understood in the sentence: We are spending more on petrol than ever before. (= we are spending more money on petrol)We are buying more petrol than ever before. (=the focus is on the petrol)Problems: avoid, fix, prevent, repair, resolve, solveWe fix or repair something that is broken:I took my watch to the jewellers to get it fixed.We solve problems:We must try to solve the unemployement problem.We resolve difficult situations and issues:What can we do to resolve this situation?We prevent problems so they do not happen (prevent from + -ing; prevent + noun/-ing):We need to do all we can to prevent this from happening.27. Noun confusion 1 – money and worka. A salary is the total amount that a professional person is paid each year:The marketing job offers opportunities to travel and an attractive salary.b. A wage is the amount of money earned each week/month for casual or manualwork:Tim got a painting job with a wage of $400 per week.c.We use money in a more general sense:Nowadays people need to earn a lot more money to be able to buy a house.d.Job refers to the type of work you do:My job is to manage the staff.Or a particular task: At home, my job is to do the ironing.e.Work can be a noun or a verb and is used in a general sense:It took a lot of work but I finished the project. My dad works in a bank.Workplace is the place where you work:It is better to train in the workplace rather than at a college.f.Knowledge refers to facts you have studied over time, and skills refer topractical ability. Compare: His knowledge of history is amazing. I have good typing skills.g.We use employment and unemployment to talk about general work trends:Unemployment figures fell this week. (Employee = a worker, employer = aboss.)28. Noun confusion 2 – advertising, travel and young peoplea. advertise is the verb and advertisement (it can be shortened to advert) is the noun. We can also use commercial to refer to TV advertisements: I saw a really funny advertisement/ commercial on TV last night. We use advertising to refer to the industry: My sister works in advertising.b. We use journey or trip to talk about getting from A to B:The journey/ trip to Australia was really long.c, Travel is a verb and an uncountable noun which refers to taking journeys in general:We travelled for hours before we saw any sign of life. Air travel is very cheap these days.d.Trip can also refer to a holiday or an excursion:I needed a break so I decided to take a trip to the coast.e.We usually use youth to refer to a stage of life:I did a lot of travelling in my youth.It is rarely used to talk about people; instead, we use young person or young people.29. When do I need to use an apostrophe?We use apostrophesa.After people or animals to show possession:Mary’s hat, the cat’s food dishWe do not use an apostrophea.With possessive pronouns, such as its, ours, theirs, yours:The caterpillar stays in its cocoon until metamorphosis is complete.b.When we add s to a singular noun to make it plural, even if we are using acommonly abbreviated word:CDs, TVsc.To show possession with things. Instead, we use of the:The leg of the chair30. common spelling errorsSome words are spelled incorrectly because they are similar to another word:a.To or too?I want to got to the park. I wanted a new computer but ended up with a printertoo.(= as well)b.There or their?Your book is there, on the table. Students must buy their books before the start of term.c.Though or through?Several students chose Russian though they had never studied a language before. The tour guide led the group through some areas of ancient rainforest.Sometimes there is confusion over British and American spellings:e.g. programme = British program = AmericanUse either British or American spellings, but do not mix the two different styles:(UK) it’s my favourtie colour.(US) it’s my favorite color.The following words are also often spelled incorrectly. Pay particular attention to those with double letters: accommodation, advertisement, always, benefit,beginning, business, commercial, country, different, environment, government, nowadays, occurred, passenger, restaurant, teacher, which.。

Common,Test,Mistakes,考试常见的错误Grace Fleming 陈延洲1. Not putting name on a test.There are times when failing to put your name on a test will result in a failing grade.Solution:Always write your name on a test before you get started!1. 试卷没写名字。
解决方法:在考试开始之前,一定要在试卷上写上你的名字!2. Leaving an answer blank.There is nothing wrong with skipping over a tough question to give yourself some extra time to think it over—just as long as you remember to go back to the question later. The danger is forgetting to go back to every question youve skipped. A blank answer is always a wrong answer!Solution:Each time you skip a question,put a check mark beside it.2. 题目空着不答。
3. Transferring answers incorrectly from scratch paper.The most frustrating mistake for students is having an answer correct on the scratch paper,but transferring it wrong to the test!Solution:Double check any work you transfer from a scratch sheet.3. 謄错草稿纸上的答案。

做到不失误英语作文How to Avoid Making Mistakes。
Mistakes are an inevitable part of life, but they can also be costly and time-consuming. Whether you're working on a project or simply trying to communicate with others, it's important to be mindful of your actions and words in order to avoid making mistakes. Here are some tips to help you stay on track and avoid common pitfalls.1. Take your time.One of the biggest causes of mistakes is rushing. When you're in a hurry, it's easy to overlook important details or skip steps that are necessary for success. Take your time and make sure you're following the correct process for whatever task you're working on. This may mean slowing down and double-checking your work, but it will ultimately save you time and frustration in the long run.2. Focus on the task at hand.Another common cause of mistakes is distraction. Ifyou're not fully focused on what you're doing, you're more likely to make errors. Try to eliminate distractions by turning off your phone, closing your email, and finding a quiet place to work. If you're working on a team project, make sure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.3. Get feedback.Sometimes, it's hard to see our own mistakes. That's why it's important to get feedback from others. Whetherit's a colleague, a mentor, or a friend, ask someone you trust to review your work and provide constructive criticism. This will help you identify areas where you can improve and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.4. Learn from your mistakes.Even the most careful and diligent people make mistakesfrom time to time. When this happens, it's important tolearn from your mistakes and use them as an opportunity for growth. Take the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can do better next time. This will help you avoid making the same mistake twice and become a more skilled and competent person.5. Stay organized.Finally, staying organized is key to avoiding mistakes. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you needto do and when you need to do it. Keep track of deadlines, appointments, and other important information in a planneror calendar. This will help you stay on top of your tasks and avoid missing important details.In conclusion, avoiding mistakes requires a combination of mindfulness, focus, feedback, learning, and organization. By following these tips, you can minimize errors andachieve success in your personal and professional life. Remember, mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, so don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up.Instead, use each mistake as an opportunity to grow and improve.。
流利说商务英语Level4 Unit2 Part3 Common Mistakes

流利说商务英语Level4 Unit2 Part3 Common MistakesHere are some mistakes people make at networking events and tips on how to avoid them.Don’t dominate the conversation.Networking is about developing mutually beneficial relationships.So don’t talk about yourself all the time.By listening, you will not only gain more information about others, but also make them feel valued.Listening to people makes them feel valued.End conversations politelyIf you end a conversation abruptly, people may think you’re rude.You can politely end a conversation by telling someone that it was nice to meet them. For example, it was great talking to you, but I really need to say hello to a few other people, talk to you soon.Don’t drink too muchMost networking events provide alcohol, but you should avoid drinking too much. It’s generally better to limit yourself to one or two drinks at the very most.Reach out to new peopleIt’s normal to feel nervous at networking events, but reach out to new people.When meeting someone new, you can appear confident with strong eye contact and a firm handshake.You should try to reach out to new people.。
Common Mistakes 英语写作常见错误

Formal essay common mistakesAll paragraphs must be 4-8 sentences, each covering a single topic. Do not include both negative and positive aspects in a single paragraph.Don't talk about yourself. Don't say "I" or "me" at all.Make your paragraph transitions more unique.Also, don't talk about the essay. Do not say things like, "This essay will demonstrate..." Instead, the main point of the essay should be obviously implied. Don't ask questions."Does violence in movies and video games always lead to real violence? No, it doesn't. Can it more easily affect the minds of the younger generation? Yes, of course."Don't begin a sentence with a conjunction.Don't end a sentence with a preposition.Don't say "However, on the other hand..."Don't say, "While reading, readers will..."Don't say, "With the development of..."Don't say, "make effort to..."Don't say "own" unless you are talking about physical property. "Discriminate" should be followed by "against" with a direct object.The word "too" (meaning extremely) is always a bad thing.Each movie and book has only one plot. Only say "plots" if you are talking about more than one movie or book. Instead, you can say "sub-plots" if there are different stories within the same story.When describing the plot of a work of fiction, use the present tense. Fornon-fiction and history, use the past tense.You should usually put adverbs before the verb, not at the end of the sentence. Adverbs should be as close as possible to the verb. Here are some bad examples:"They fall in love with each other when the girl helps the boy recieve high marks, but they cannot be together eventually due to unfortunate circumstance." "Having difficulties in learning, students can not only recieve help and guidance help and guidance efficiently from schoolmates and faculty, but also have opportunities to discuss their problems with masters critically to nurture their critical thinking.""Traditional university tends to be so conservative that students cannot broaden their horizons and accumulate experience easily.""With modern ideas rooted in their minds deeply, it is also possible for them to reject traditional school blindly."No "the" before "violence" or "nationalism" unless you are talking about a specific example."Violence in the media is a bad influence on adolescents.""The violence potrayed in war films is more realistic, and it shows the real consequences of bloodshed.""Nationalism plays an important role in developing countries.""The nationalism displayed during WWII is the best example of how it can lead to extremism."Don't use "could" or "would" unless it is in the past tense:"These elements could easily make people indulge in their imagination of those sleepless parties.""Nationalism would produce conflicts when combined with militarism and Jingoism."Do not say, "Thinking of the plot, it does not coincide with the book."Instead say, "The plot does not coincide with the book."Also don't say, "As for modern universities, considering their abundant sources and materials, we can have them as a supplement to the traditional universities." Instead say, "..."Use the word "easy" correctly:"They are easy to lose direction.""It makes them easy to fail an important exam."Formal vocabulary:nowadays = currentlyenough = sufficientgood sides = advantagesbad sides = disadvantages, shortcomingsfreaky / creepy = horrifyingweird = ridiculouswhat's more = moreoveronly = merelytoo = exceedingly。

人皆会犯错英语作文Title: Everyone Makes Mistakes。
Making mistakes is an inevitable part of the human experience. From the smallest slip-ups to major blunders, errors are an inherent aspect of life. In this essay, we will explore the nature of mistakes, their significance, and how individuals can learn and grow from them.First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge that mistakes are universal. Regardless of age, gender, or background, every person encounters moments of error in their lives. These mistakes can manifest in various forms, ranging from miscommunication to poor decision-making. However, what distinguishes individuals is not the absence of mistakes but rather how they respond to them.One significant aspect of mistakes is their role in learning and personal development. Contrary to popular belief, mistakes are not merely failures but opportunitiesfor growth. When we make a mistake, we are presented with a chance to reflect, analyze, and understand what went wrong. Through this process of introspection, we gain valuable insights that contribute to our personal and professional development.Moreover, mistakes foster resilience and adaptability. Facing and overcoming challenges is integral to building resilience, and mistakes provide valuable lessons in resilience-building. When we confront failure, we are forced to reassess our strategies, rethink our approaches, and ultimately, adapt to new circumstances. In this way, mistakes serve as catalysts for resilience, enabling individuals to navigate adversity with greater ease.Furthermore, mistakes play a crucial role in innovation and progress. History is replete with examples of groundbreaking discoveries and inventions that emerged from trial and error. From Thomas Edison's countless attempts to invent the light bulb to the iterative process behind technological advancements, mistakes have paved the way for innovation. By embracing the possibility of failure,individuals and societies can foster a culture of experimentation and creativity, driving progress forward.However, despite the inherent value of mistakes, it is essential to recognize the importance of accountability and responsibility. While making mistakes is unavoidable, how we take ownership of them is within our control. Accepting responsibility for our actions, apologizing when necessary, and taking steps to rectify our mistakes are essential components of personal integrity and ethical behavior.In addition, it is crucial to distinguish between productive mistakes and destructive behaviors. While constructive mistakes contribute to growth and learning, destructive behaviors, such as repeated negligence or intentional harm, have detrimental consequences. Therefore, individuals must exercise discernment in recognizing the difference and strive to minimize harmful behaviors while embracing the opportunities for growth presented by constructive mistakes.In conclusion, making mistakes is an inherent aspect ofthe human experience. From learning and personal development to resilience-building and innovation, mistakes play a multifaceted role in shaping our lives and society. By embracing the lessons inherent in mistakes, taking responsibility for our actions, and striving for continuous improvement, we can navigate life's challenges with resilience, integrity, and a commitment to progress.。

每个人都会犯错事迹英语作文Everyone makes mistakes in life. It is a natural part of being human. Some mistakes are small and insignificant, while others can be life-altering. Regardless of the severity ofthe mistake, it is important to acknowledge it, learn from it, and strive to do better in the future.One common mistake that many people make is procrastination. Putting off tasks until the last minute can lead to poor quality work and added stress. By procrastinating, we not only harm ourselves but also let down those who are counting on us. It is important to recognizethis behavior and make a conscious effort to break the cycleof procrastination.Another mistake that people often make is lying. Whetherit is a little white lie or a big deception, lying can damage relationships and erode trust. It is always better to behonest, even if the truth is difficult to swallow. By being truthful and transparent in our interactions with others, we can build stronger and more meaningful connections.One mistake that is particularly common in today's society is overindulging in technology. Spending too much time on our phones, computers, or other devices can lead to social isolation, decreased productivity, and even physical health issues. It is important to set boundaries and prioritize real-life interactions over virtual ones.One of the most serious mistakes that people can make is harming others either physically or emotionally. Violence, bullying, and other forms of aggression have lasting consequences and can damage both the victim and the perpetrator. It is essential to treat others with kindness and respect, even in challenging situations.In conclusion, everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to take responsibility for our actions and striveto do better in the future. By learning from our mistakes and making positive changes in our behavior, we can grow and improve as individuals. Remember, it is okay to make mistakes, as long as we are willing to learn from them and make amends.。

行动起来,消灭错别字英语作文450字Amidst the proliferation of digital communication, where written words dance across screens with lightning speed, the scourge of grammatical errors rears itsunsightly head. It is a menace that plagues our messages, tarnishing the clarity of our expression and undermining the professionalism of our communications. These linguistic faux pas, often born of haste or ignorance, detract from the intended impact of our words and cast a shadow over our credibility.The consequences of grammatical errors extend far beyond mere aesthetics. In the realm of business, they can damage our reputation and hinder our ability to convey important information accurately. Misspelled words, misplaced modifiers, and mangled syntax can create confusion, hinder comprehension, and erode trust. It is no wonder, then, that the eradication of grammatical errors has become a paramount concern in the modern age.The battle against grammatical errors requires a multi-pronged approach. Education plays a vital role in laying the foundation for grammatical proficiency. From a young age, students must be taught the fundamentals of grammar, including proper spelling, punctuation, and syntax. Regular practice and exposure to well-written materials will help to ingrain these principles in their minds and equip them with the tools they need to express themselves clearly and effectively.Technology can also be a powerful ally in the fight against grammatical errors. Spell-checking software and grammar checker can help to identify and correct common mistakes, providing writers with an additional layer of protection against embarrassing blunders. These tools, however, should not be relied upon as a substitute for careful proofreading. It is essential to remain vigilant and to take the time to thoroughly review all written communications before sending them out into the world.Moreover, we must foster a culture of accountability when it comes to grammatical errors. When we encounter themin our own writing or in the writing of others, it is our responsibility to address them politely and constructively. By providing constructive feedback, we can help to raise awareness of the importance of grammatical accuracy and encourage others to strive for excellence in their communication.In conclusion, the elimination of grammatical errors is not merely a matter of linguistic pedantry but a crucial aspect of effective communication. It requires a concerted effort that encompasses education, the judicious use of technology, and a collective commitment to accuracy. By embracing these strategies, we can empower ourselves to communicate with clarity, precision, and professionalism, leaving no room for the blight of grammatical errors to tarnish our words.。

Case study:
Case study:
错误表达:I like play basketball.
纠正表达:I like playing basketball些动词必须与动词-ing形式搭配才能构成正确的句子。例如,“like”后面必须接动词-ing形式,即“liking”,而不是原形“like”。因此,正确的表达应该是“I like playing basketball”。
Case study:
错误表达:I have a lot of frends.
纠正表达:I have a lot of friends.
错误表达:She go to school by bus.
纠正表达:She goes to school by bus.

Everyone Makes MistakesIn the intricate tapestry of life, it is an immutable truth that everyone, regardless of their status or abilities, is susceptible to making mistakes. This simple yet profound realization underpins our human experience, shaping our understanding of ourselves and others.Mistakes are an inevitable part of our journey, serving as stepping stones to wisdom and growth. They are not merely blunders or failures but rather valuable lessons in disguise. They teach us humility, resilience, and the importance of learning from our missteps.Consider the scientist who spends countless hours in the laboratory, only to discover that a crucial experiment has failed. Such a mistake may initially feel like a crushing defeat, but it is precisely these failures that lead to breakthroughs and innovations. The scientist learns from their errors, adjusts their methods, and ultimately moves closer to their goal.Similarly, in our personal lives, we all make mistakes –whether it’s a misjudgment in a relationship, a careerchoice that doesn’t pan out, or a simple oversight in our daily lives. These mistakes can be painful and embarrassing, but they also offer us opportunities for growth and self-reflection.It is important to remember that making mistakes is not a sign of weakness or incompetence. On the contrary, it isa testament to our courage and willingness to take risks.It shows that we are willing to step into the unknown, totry new things, and to learn from our experiences.Moreover, admitting our mistakes and owning up to themis a crucial aspect of personal integrity. It demonstrates honesty, humility, and a commitment to personal growth. Itis only through acknowledging our flaws and errors that we can truly move forward and become better versions of ourselves.In conclusion, everyone makes mistakes, and this is a fundamental part of being human. Instead of fearing or avoiding them, we should embrace our mistakes as valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. By learning from our missteps, we can become more resilient, more understanding, and ultimately, more successful in our lives.**每个人都会出错**在生活的纷繁复杂中,每个人无论地位如何、能力大小,都难免会犯错误。

失误是真实的自我呈现,要正视失误英语作文Mistakes are an inevitable part of our lives. We all make them, whether it's a small slip-up or a major blunder. However, the way we approach and deal with these mistakes can have a significant impact on our personal growth and development. In this essay, I will explore the idea that mistakes are the true self-presentation and why we should face them head-on.Firstly, it's important to understand that mistakes are a natural consequence of the human experience. We are not perfect beings, and we will never be. Every time we try something new or step out of our comfort zones, we run the risk of making a mistake. This is not a weakness or a flaw; it's simply a reflection of our humanity. When we embrace this idea, we can begin to see mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than something to be ashamed of or afraid of.One of the key reasons why mistakes are the true self-presentation is that they reveal our vulnerabilities and our areas for improvement. When we make a mistake, we are forced to confront our ownlimitations and shortcomings. This can be a humbling experience, but it can also be a powerful one. By acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for them, we are showing the world who we truly are – flawed, imperfect, and constantly striving to be better.Moreover, mistakes can also reveal our values and priorities. The way we respond to a mistake can say a lot about our character and our priorities. Do we blame others or make excuses? Or do we take ownership of our actions and work to find a solution? The way we handle mistakes can be a powerful reflection of our integrity, our resilience, and our commitment to personal growth.Another reason why mistakes are the true self-presentation is that they can help us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. When we make a mistake, we are forced to confront our own thought processes, our decision-making skills, and our emotional responses. By reflecting on these aspects of ourselves, we can gain valuable insights into our strengths, our weaknesses, and our patterns of behavior. This self-awareness can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development.Furthermore, facing our mistakes head-on can also help us to build trust and credibility with others. When we own up to our mistakes and take responsibility for them, we are demonstrating our integrity and our willingness to be accountable. This can help to buildstronger relationships with colleagues, friends, and loved ones, as they see that we are willing to be vulnerable and transparent.Of course, it's important to note that facing our mistakes is not always easy. It can be tempting to try to hide or downplay our mistakes, or to shift the blame onto someone else. However, this approach is ultimately counterproductive. By facing our mistakes head-on, we are taking control of our own growth and development, and showing the world that we are willing to learn and improve.In conclusion, mistakes are the true self-presentation, and we should embrace them as opportunities for growth and development. By acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for them, we can gain valuable insights into ourselves, build stronger relationships with others, and ultimately become better versions of ourselves. So let us not be afraid of our mistakes, but rather see them as the key to unlocking our true potential.。

ck40n常见报错(Ck40n common mistakes)CK40N cost estimation error handling1, raw materials: whether to maintain the standard unit price, no cost accounting (NCOST), this section, procurement type, material status, these fields are maintained correctly?2, semi-finished products and finished products, the problem is much more, in addition to the above mentioned:1) whether there is a downward expansion of BOM2), whether the process of l: L4 & B* z$|: B3 C*?3) whether to maintain job type, job price, cost center availability, etc.4) whether or not the material in the lower BOM is reported wrong5) and some logical relationsTherefore, when doing CK40N COSTING, after this step, the error message poured out a check, from raw materials to start because there may be some common materials, as a raw material prices without causing a number of semi-finished products and finished products of error, error checking this action very headache. The root of the problem is still not well connected business!E 300032271001 CK 467 no Waixiejiagong price could be determined for "X- H. J/ V6 v& `'* D2 XNo, price, could, be, determined, external, processing, O8, r&, ~6, * A, K2, E, ~ m-, W, U, forDescription: material 30003227 (process) Waixiejiagong price is not b$M/ ~ B D7 #, P9 @ u&Processing: A. check material 30003227 process route (Tcode:CA03)Check the validity of B. (process) Waixiejiagong information recording (Tcode:ME13); J1 V2 R7 t]& "~9 E8 KC. check whether the supplier tax rate is set correctly in the information record (Tcode:MEK3)O/ e (Z, V (w*, d#, H)E ML92-32037M 2201 CK 380 did not find a valid source of supply"No, valid, source, of, supply, could, be, foundExplanation: material ML92-32037M purchase price information record?Processing: A. checks the validity of purchased information records (Tcode:ME13)B. check whether the supplier tax rate is set correctly in the information record (Tcode:MEK3)C. check the material source list (Tcode:ME03), D D/ `* ~ y.There is no valid price plan for E SOH-AA 2201 CK 359 for PK110 /LV, in fiscal year 2002Here, was, no, activity, price, planning, for, PK110, /LV,, in, fiscal, year,...Explanation: the planned price is not available in the job type LV of the cost center PK110Processing: A. checks the job type of PK110, the planned price of LV (Tcode:KP26)E 2201-000319 2201 CK 240 cost component breakdown cost is zero & P; J2 J (K; Q; P4 R; UCost, component, split, costed, with, value, of, zeroNote: if the material as raw material, then no corresponding price,If the semi-finished products and finished products, then check whether there is a corresponding BOM and process routesTreatment: A. (if the material is ROH) to check the procurement of raw materials, the main information recording data, whether price plan price data (Tcode:MM03)B. (if the material is HALB/FERT) check the material whether homemade or purchased, "s'W* X8 (Tcode:MM03) \5 P8 |7 MC. (if the material for the homemade HALB/FERT) check and BOM process (Tcode:CS03/CA03) Z2 P& A8 [4 ^!: w& {D1 R)"D. check the background configuration (Tcode:OKKN) # X* p't% P, D8 BI 300003581001, CK 694, has no structure that can be defined to the internal activity LAB01 (P010011)No, structure, could, be, determined, for, internal, activity, LAB01 (P010011) / h, D0, T4, T', J, Z,}, KExplanation: the internal job LAB01 has no cost splitting structureHandling: the cost cut structure (Tcode:OKES/OKEW) must be maintained when the actual operating price needs to be revalued at the end of the monthW 2401-000140 2201, CK 310 material 2401-000140 as deletion markMaterial, 2401-000140, is, marked, for, deletionExplanation: the material 2401-000140 has already been marked offTreatment: confirm whether it is normal to use this material, such as for normal use, release the delete mark (Tcode:MM06): X+ E8 ~3 l s. L6 V9 o) _* U:]!I PSSF810201A (C) 2201 CK 229 no process route can determine the material PSSF810201A (C) B T3 b* P0 |); XNo, routing, could, be, determined, for, material, PSSF810201A (C) + I3, N+, [7, M3, N; ` `Description: material PSSF810201A (C) V8 {+ / no route; G3 J D!Handling: check to see if the material requires process route, and maintain the process route (Tcode:CA03) if necessaryE CK 239 cost element 5316002001 is not allocated to cost componentsCost element 5316002001, is, not, assigned, to, a, component, costDescription: CO cost component is not configured, or FI OBYC GBB-VBR automatic posting account not configured E D3 A #) G9 MProcessing: configuring in OBYC) M7, P7, ERun in the running cost accounting cost accounting (CK40N) when in error "not on the cost accounting object" error message can't show which department of material errors, so we must first release false informationPath: R/3 SPRO> product cost control plan with the number of structure cost estimation definition of costing variantselection, cost accounting of JY01 variant in the "miscellaneous" option which has a "error management", then you can choose the wrong way to let it show, there are three options as W warning information release;E is issued as an error message; A is issued as an end messageResolvent:In ZCOQ01, select the factory according to the factory, have the BOM or ROUTING incorrect product number, and then eliminate the mistakes when the first part makes a choiceIn doing cost calculation, if it will be wrong, a finished / semi-finished products, there is no BOM, you have to check the BOM status of this material is 1 or 2, because if it is 2, it is not activated, nor can participate in the accounting.]3。
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Web Design

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Web DesignWhen it comes to web design, there are several common mistakes that designers often make, which can have a negative impact on the overall user experience and effectiveness of a website. By being aware of these common pitfalls, you can avoid making them and ensure that your website is well-designed and user-friendly.One of the most common mistakes in web design is cluttering the page with too much information or too many elements. When a webpage is overloaded with text, images, and other content, it can overwhelm the user and make it difficult for them to navigate the site. To avoid this mistake, it is important to prioritize the most important information and use white space effectively to give the design room to breathe.Another mistake is using too many different fonts and colors on a website. While it can be tempting to experiment with different fonts and colors, using too many can make the site look unprofessional and confusing. It is best to stick to a few fonts and colors that complement each other and create a cohesive design.In addition, failing to optimize a website for mobile devices is a common mistake that can result in a poor user experience for mobile users. With more and more people accessing websites on their smartphones and tablets, it is essential to ensure that your website is responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes. This will help to improve user experience and keep visitors on your site.Another mistake to avoid is neglecting to include clear calls to action on your website. A call to action is a prompt that encourages users to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. Without clear calls to action, users may not know what steps to take next, which can result in lower conversions. Including prominent calls to action can help guide users through the website and encourage them to interact with your content.Finally, failing to test your website before launch is a common mistake that can lead to technical issues and bugs. It is important to thoroughly test your website on differentbrowsers and devices to ensure that it functions correctly and provides a seamless user experience. Testing can help identify any issues that need to be addressed before the site goes live, saving you time and frustration in the long run.In conclusion, by being aware of these common mistakes in web design and taking steps to avoid them, you can create a well-designed and user-friendly website that delivers a positive experience for visitors. By prioritizing clear communication, simplicity, and usability, you can ensure that your website effectively communicates your message and achieves your goals. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a website that stands out from the competition and engages users effectively.。
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• I very love them./I’m very missing you. • My parents and teachers all give me a encouragement. • When I after school, I’ll work on computer engineering and to be a computer engineer. • Every class we have many work.
Common Mistakes Show
Source: The recent exam on 2012.05.04
高中英语写作常见问题 • 基础知识储备量不足 • 母语思维的干扰 (Chinglish)
• 词汇问题
• 词汇贫乏,用词不当。 • Our school/study life is nervous/stressed/tired but rich. • My work is not easy but rich. • For the first time, thank you very much. • I think I’m good at all the projects unless math. • …to take more time to learn math.
• My math is not good, I need to spend much time in studying math. • My math is very bad, the other subjects are great. • My dream is studying in famous universities and studying computer, then become a computer engineer. • I’d like to become a computer engineer. So that I can get a good job to…
• 语法问题
• 句子成分不齐全或多余 • 搭配不当 • 前后关系不一致(主谓单复数形式、 前后人称、指代、时态 ) • 词性误用 • 不能正确连接分句, 正确使用连词 • 重复啰嗦
• My school life not only nervous but also rich. • In order to study better... • I spend some time doing the homework, but I am not make progress. • I’m very sad that I couldn’t do well in math.
• In conclusin, I study very hard, but we never complain about it. • It always make me feel sleepy. • My dream is going to a famous university to study computer, then become a computer engineer. • My math study was not very well. I spend more time… • The teachers kept explaining the language points in class and we take notes. • In class, we always have to finish a lot of tests and reading more books.
• My math is not good, so I need to spend much time in studying math. • I have lots of classes to have in the day. • Because we want to have a good grade, we want to make our parents happy. • All my subjects are good but except math.
• So I spend lots of time to learning math. • I dream of go to Tsinghua University. • I want to go to a good university and major computer. • I want to find a job that is related on computer after graduation. • I have confidence to study well in math. • I have to do more exercise books and exams.
• My family and teacher often tell me the importance of learning math good. • But my math is very trouble. • I have many jobs to do everyday. • My parents and teachers give some encourages. • …encourage me to work hardly.